Context for learning / curriculum area(s): Gymnastics Approaches to learning: Cooperative Learning, Pairs and trios. recognise whenchingandassessment/approaches/activelearning/index.asp Level/Sector: Early Experiences and Outcomes (being contributed to): I am aware of my own and others’ needs and feelings especially when taking turns and sharing resources. I recognise the need to follow rules. HWB 0-23a I am developing my movement skills through practice and energetic play. HWB 0-22a Learning Intentions: What do you want them to learn? Which part/s of the E/Os? We are learning to develop our own sequence( including jumps, balances and rolls) and perform it We are learn to control our body when travelling and when still. We are learning to listen We are learning to recognise when to follow instructions We are learning to take turns and share equipment We are learning to be an observer Success Criteria: How will you know/what are you looking for? Performer: Learners participate fully Learners always try their best Learners never give up Observer: Learners listen at appropriate times Learners follow instructions Learners wait their turn at appropriate times and share equipment Learners watch their partner Learners count the moves their partner completes Learners ask for help Learners use quiet voices and say kind things Activities/Experiences: Finding and using space Make body tense, relaxed, stretched, curled Rolling in different ways Balance in different ways showing different shapes Travel and climbing in different ways Make different body shapes Travel on floor Link 2 or more skills together and repeat them Perform jumps safely showing different shapes and rotations Learners handling equipment safely (DO) Establish groups: name them (DO) Performers and Observers role part of group work (SAY) Knowledge/Skills/Capabilities /Attributes being developed: Through performing and observation of movement they are developing thinking skills of Remembering- show and tell about sequence Understanding –explaining parts of sequence Applying-demonstrating sequence Able to work in pairs/trios –observing peer sequence Literacy skills of listening and talking Confident Individuals-relate to others and manage themselves Effective Contributors-resilience/work in pairs Responsible Citizens-respect for others Successful Learners-use literacy and numeracy skills Meeting Learners Needs: SUPPORT Differentiated resources – list of movement skills IMPACT Learners set personal targets Assessment Approaches + Evidence of Learning: Comes from what learners say/write/make/do in response to their learning/activities? Do/Make: Class teacher observation of sequence, video footage Say: Learners can highlight their and their partner’s strengths and areas for improvement about their performance and understand the roles that they undertake. Cooperative learning – adopting roles Partnerships: Port Glasgow High School and Newark Primary School