Context for learning / curriculum area(s): Physical Activity and Health Approaches to learning e.g. active learning, outdoor learning, cooperative/collaborative learning, ICT, peer education, creativity...Collaborative Learning, Physical Activity Level/Sector: Fourth Experiences and Outcomes (being contributed to): I have investigated factors which can influence participation in physical activity and food choices and the impact of activity on population health in the Scottish and wider contexts. I can use this information to discuss policies and inform my own health choices. HWB 4-28a Learning Intentions: What do you want them to learn? Which part/s of the E/Os? -To investigate factors which might influence participation in activities and food choices. -To develop an understanding of the effects physical activity and healthy eating can have on your health. Success Criteria: How will you know/what are you looking for? Activities/Experiences: -FACTORS THAT MIGHT INFLUENCE MIGHT INFLUENCE PARTICIPATION IN PARTICIPATION IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND FOOD CHOICES ARE IDENTIFIED AND DISCUSSED (LEARNERS CAN LIST A NUMBER OF FACTORS) - LEARNERS DISCUSS AND COMPARE THEIR LEVELS OF ACTIVITY AND HOW IT AFFECTS THEIR HEALTH. - LEARNERS CAN COMPARE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HEALTHY AND UNHEALTHY FOODS. - LEARNERS CAN UNDERSTAND AND JUSTIFY THE BENEFITS OF A HEALTHY DIET. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND FOOD CHOICES -IN GROUPS, LOOK AT FACTORS THAT AND IDENTIFY WAYS TO OVERCOME THIS. -IDENTIFY THE EFFECTS PHYSICAL Knowledge/Skills/Capabilities /Attributes being developed: -Awareness of self and others -Ability to work independently and as part of a team -Understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle Meeting Learners Needs: IMPACT Challenge: Challenge learners to explore physical activity and healthy eating in more detail. ACTIVITY AND HEALTHY EATING CAN HAVE ON YOUR HEALTH. - EACH PUPIL fills IN AN ACTIVITY DIARY OVER 1 WEEK, LOOKING AT HOW MUCH ACTIVITY THEY DO EACH DAY AND WHAT FRUIT AND VEGETABLES THEY EAT. -QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION AT THE END WITH PUPILS RESPONDING USING TRAFFIC LIGHT SYSTEM. -LEARNER LED ACTIVITY SESSIONS. Assessment Approaches + Evidence of Learning: Comes from what learners say/write/make/do in response to their learning/activities? -Peer assessment - using traffic light system and evaluation box . -Self assessment of activity diary. -Teacher observation and questioning throughout activities to make judgements about how much and how well learners are learning. Partnerships: Active Schools planning and delivering in partnership with class teacher. Context for learning / curriculum area(s): Physical Education and Home Economics Approaches to learning e.g. active learning, outdoor learning, cooperative/collaborative learning, ICT, peer education, creativity... Collaborative Learning, ICT Level/Sector: Fourth Experiences and Outcomes (being contributed to): I have investigated factors which can influence participation in physical activity and food choices and the impact of activity on population health in the Scottish and wider contexts. I can use this information to discuss policies and inform my own health choices. HWB 4-28a Learning Intentions: What do you want them to learn? Which part/s of the E/Os? To investigate the impact of activity or lack of activity on population health in Scotland. Success Criteria: How will you know/what are you looking for? -RESEARCH AND COMPARE / Activities/Experiences: -IN GROUPS CARRY OUT RESEARCH AND RECORD FINDINGS. CONTRAST THE EFFECTS LEVELS OF ACTIVITY HAS ON POPULATION HEALTH IN SCOTLAND -PRESENT FINDINGS TO CLASS AND FROM THIS, COMPARE FINDINGS WITH OTHER GROUPS. -COLLATE INFORMATION ON THESE EFFECTS; CREATE A PRESENTATION USING PAPER OR POWER POINT. -USE ICT SKILLS. Assessment Approaches + Evidence of Learning: Comes from what learners say/write/make/do in response to their learning/activities? -Peer assessment of findings: using traffic light system and evaluation box -Teacher observation and questioning throughout activities to make judgements about how much and how well learners are learning. Knowledge/Skills/Capabilities /Attributes being developed: Researching and selecting appropriate information from the internet. Comparing and evaluating information. Working in groups. Meeting Learners Needs: IMPACT Challenge: Challenge pupils to question their own lifestyle choices. Breadth: Look at a range of topics relating to activity and the effects it has. Application: Learners look at how this information affects their own choices. Partnerships: IDL: Physical Education and Home Economics Context for learning / curriculum area(s): Physical Education and Home Economics Approaches to learning e.g. active learning, outdoor learning, cooperative/collaborative learning, ICT, peer education, creativity... Research, Physical Activity Level/Sector: Fourth Experiences and Outcomes (being contributed to): I have investigated factors which can influence participation in physical activity and food choices and the impact of activity on population health in the Scottish and wider contexts. I can use this information to discuss policies and inform my own health choices. . HWB 4-28a Learning Intentions: What do you want them to learn? Which part/s of the E/Os? Evaluate and discuss policies on population health in Scotland. To develop understanding of the impact of health choices Success Criteria: How will you know/what are you looking for? -ANALYSE PREVIOUS RESEARCH ON ONE POLICY AND DISCUSS AN ISSUE ARISING FROM THIS. -GIVE A DETAILED EXPLANATION OF HEALTH ISSUES IN SCOTLAND. -ANALYSE THE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON OUR HEALTH. Activities/Experiences: -Highlight and discuss policies identified from previous lesson. -INFORM AND PASS ON KNOWLEDGE TO OTHERS. -PARTICIPATION IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. -GROUP WORK Assessment Approaches + Evidence of Learning: Comes from what learners say/write/make/do in response to their learning/activities? Peer assessment of analysis of discussion using traffic light system and evaluation box Self assessment of Activity Diary. Teacher observation and questioning throughout activities to make judgements about how much and how well learners are learning. Knowledge/Skills/Capabilities /Attributes being developed: -Research -Literacy -Analysis -Policies relating to Health in Scotland -Processing information to facilitate your own healthy lifestyle choices. -Deepened understanding of types of activities will make a difference to our health. Meeting Learners Needs: IMPACT Challenge: Challenging learners to make new lifestyle choices Application: Developing exercise and eating habits that will hopefully stay with the pupils throughout their lives. Understand the relationship between activity and health. Review activity diary in 6 weeks and see if any improvements have been made. Partnerships: IDL: Physical Education and Home Economics