Document 12981355

Chapter Three: General Institution
AP 3550
The District is committed to providing its employees and students with a drug free workplace
and campus environment emphasizing prevention and intervention through education.
Cabrillo’s comprehensive approach to addressing substance abuse emphasizes:
 Taking effective steps to create and maintain a drug-free workplace and educational
environment for students, faculty and staff.
 Providing prevention, education and counseling services along with referrals to off-campus
treatment facilities as appropriate.
 Encouraging individuals who are experiencing problems associated with alcohol and other
drugs or chemical dependency to seek assessment, counseling and/or treatment voluntarily
with the understanding that this assistance is confidential and will not be used against them.
 Implementing district sanctions for the manufacture, distribution, use or possession of
illegal drugs or the unlawful use or possession of alcohol which may include prosecution
under applicable state and federal laws. Such sanctions may include educational
intervention, mandated counseling or rehabilitation, community service, suspension,
expulsion, termination of employment, and/or barring from further work for Cabrillo.
Prohibition of Drugs
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of alcohol or any
controlled substance is prohibited on District property, during District-sponsored field trips, (at
all hours of the day or night, including weekends and holidays while the students are under the
supervision of the College – see AP 5500, Student Rights and Responsibilities, Section IV C –
Prohibited Conduct, item number 18), activities or workshops, and in any facility or vehicle
operated by the District.
Violation of this prohibition will result in appropriate action up to and including termination of
employment, suspension, expulsion, and referral for prosecution, or, as permitted by law, may
require satisfactory participation in an alcohol or drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program.
As a condition of employment, employees must notify the District within five days of any
conviction for violating a criminal drug statute while in the workplace. The District is required
to inform any agencies that require this drug-free policy within ten days after receiving notice of
a workplace drug conviction.
Action Taken When a Student Has Violated the Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
As an academic community, Cabrillo exercises certain disciplinary and discretionary powers and
is charged with protecting the educational environment by establishing and enforcing standards
of conduct that students and student groups are expected to follow. These standards contain
sanctions related to the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs and are available for review in
the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. Students are expected to respect these
AP 3550 Drug-Free Campus
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Chapter Three: General Institution
standards, the authority of the college, faculty and staff, and each other. Students who violate
this regulation will be referred to substance abuse counseling and may be suspended or expelled.
Student organizations are expected to follow the standard of conduct as is any individual student.
If a determination that a violation of the alcohol and other drug policy has occurred, by either an
individual or a student group, sanctions will be administered. Such sanctions may include
revocation of recognition as a student organization, denial of use of college facilities, suspension
or expulsion from the college.
Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989;
20 U.S. Code Section 1145g;
34 Code of Federal Regulations 86.1 et seq.;
Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988;
41 U.S. Code Section 702
Adopted: 3/19/14
AP 3550 Drug-Free Campus
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