PLANNING A PRACTICAL FOOD ACTIVITY FOR PRIMARY CHILDREN POINTS TO CONSIDER 1. Choose a suitable recipe for the age and stage of your pupils. Use accurate pre-tested recipes. Consider the time available. Decide on the number of children who can cook at any one time in a group, depending on age/stage. You may need to consider additional help e.g parents, older primary/secondary pupils. Allow plenty of time for clearing and re-setting for the next group, this may take longer than you anticipate. 2. It is good practice to inform parents and carers about the type of equipment and foodstuffs that the children will be using & tasting. Check for food allergies and intolerances. Where appropriate, try to adapt recipes in order to ensure that all children have the opportunity to participate.(Sample letter available) 3. Who can help me? Where possible, contact parent helpers or organise classroom assistant support, senior pupils. 4. Where will the activity take place? The corner of the classroom, an open area or the school dining hall are all suitable. Tables should be cleaned with an anti bacterial spray and covered with a wipe clean surface/tablecloth. Ensure you have a bin for food waste, aprons for children to wear that fit and cloths for cleaning. Think carefully about light, ventilation and potential hygiene/safety hazards when choosing a location. 5. Encourage children to taste/eat what they have made. Choose an appropriate time for the activity e.g before morning break or lunch. Consider equipment required for eating in class. Are you going to serve water? Is food going to be frozen for use at a later date? 6. If prepared food is to be taken home, consider suitable containers or wrapping materials, safe storage including refrigeration and reheating instructions if appropriate. Include a copy of the recipe for parents/carers if possible. 7. Complete a risk assessment for each food activity. Refer to attached Sample Risk Assessment for guidance. 8. Please ensure that you allow time to shop for the ingredients (including some spares, just in case) and have adequate budget to complete the activity! 9. Advance preparation – carefully work out the arrangement for the work area, the equipment required, preparation of ingredients and the portioning of food. Only get out what you need; to avoid confusion over ingredients and equipment. 10. Evaluation & Reflection– it is good practice to carry out an evaluation at the end of the activity. Seek children’s views and look at ways to improve the activity next time. Do your own reflection on the activity and note points that arose that you could perhaps address for next time around. Don’t leave this task for too long or else valuable points may be forgotten. COOKING ACTIVITY PLANNING SHEET PRIMARY STAGE ______________ CLASS/ GROUP NAME NAME/S OF ADULT/S SUPERVISING DATE OF ACTIVITY TIME RECIPE +REFERENCE C OF E LINK (e.g HWB 1-012b) LEARNING INTENTIONS/SUCCESS CRITERIA FOOD TO BE CONSUMED IN CLASS/FROZEN/TAKEN HOME CONSENT FORMS RETURNED FOOD ALLERGIES/ INTOLERENCES CHECKED RISK ASSESSMENT COMPLETED FOOD ORDER COMPLETED Outlining the Actual Food Activity Name of Recipe/Activity Advance Preparation of ingredients Equipment Set Out Skills to be taught Knowledge to be reinforced SAMPLE RISK ASSESSMENT HAZARD CUTS FROM KNIVES WHO COULD BE HARMED RISK LEVEL PRECAUTIONS AND CONTROL MEASURES CHECK BY TICKING SAMPLE RISK ASSESSMENT FOR SOUP MAKING HAZARD WHO COULD BE HARMED RISK LEVEL CUTS FROM KNIVES CHILDREN/ADULT MEDIUM FOOD CONTAMINATION ADULT/CHILDREN/VISITORS LOW TO MEDIUM PRECAUTIONS AND CONTROL MEASURES KNIVES STORED SAFELY UNTIL START OF LESSON APPROPRIATE SIZE OF KNIFE USED. CORRECT INSTRUCTIONS ON SAFE KNIFE-BRIDGE AND CLAW. KNIFE ON CHIOPPING BOARD WHEN NOT IN USE. COLLECT AND COUNT KNIVES AT END OF LESSON WORK AREA CLEANED WITH ANTIBACTERIAL SPRAY AND DISPOSABLE CLOTH. EQUIPMENT CLEAN. SEPARATE HAND WASHING FACILITY – ANTIBACTERIAL HANDWASH/ PAPER TOWELS. APRONS TO BE WORN IN FOOD PREPARATION AREA ONLY. HAIR TIED BACK/JEWLLERY & NAIL POLISH REMOVED/ SLEEVES ROLLED UP. CUTS/SORES COVERED WITH BLUE PLASTER. VEGETABLES PRE WASHED CHECK BY TICKING TRIPPING CHILDREN/ADULTS MEDIUM REACTIONS TO FOOD CHILDREN/ADULTS/VISITORS MEDIUM TO HIGH DANGER FROM HEAT/ FIRE/ ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES CHILDREN/ STAFF LOW TO MEDIUM BURNS ADULTS/CHILDREN LOW TO MEDIUM CUT FROM BLENDER ADULT MEDIUM CHILDREN TO BE SEATED DURING ACTIVITY. HOB PLACED IN A SAFE PLACE WITH NO TRAILING FLEX NOTIFICATION OF FOOD ALLERGIES/ INTOLERENCES. CONSENT FORMS RETURNED. FIRST AIDER AVAILABLE. NO FLAMMABLE MATERIALS NEAR HOB. HOB TO BE OPERATED BY ADULT ONLY CHILDREN REMINDED OF FIRE DRILL PROCEDURE USE OF INDUCTION HOB. PAN HANDLES TO BE TURNED INWARDS. ADULT ALWAYS IN ATTENDANCE. ADULT TO STIR/CARRY HOT SIOUP. CHILDREN TO BE KEPT WELL AWAY FROM HOB. SOUP TO BE SERVED WARM NOT HOT/CHECKED BY ADULT. OPERATED BY ADULT OR UNDER CLOSE SUPERVISION. WASH SEPERATELY AND SAFELY SAMPLE FOOD ORDER DATE REQUIRED – TEACHER FRUIT & VEG DAIRY FROZEN MEAT/FISH FIRST AID KIT SCRUNCHIES NAIL POLISH REMOVER & PADS OVEN GLOVES PLASTIC BASINS/ APRONS GROCERIES/DRY STORES CLEANING MATERIALS/ CONTAINERS WASHING UP LIQUID ANTI BAC. HAND WASH ANTI BAC. SPRAY DISPOSABLE CLOTHS SCOURING PAD DISHTOWELS PAPER TOWELS BIN BAGS CLING FILM