Sunday 7:00 ‐ TBD Opening Team Meeting President's Conference Room ‐ Holiday Inn Monday 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 ‐ 8:00 8:00 ‐ TBD Team Meeting with President and President Designees ‐ Orientation and Introduction 201 Anderson Hall Team Meeting with Provost & Sr. VP ‐ Orientation and Introduction 201 Anderson Hall Team Meeting with Chief Financial Officer ‐ Orientation and Introduction 201 Anderson Hall CIO & IT Athletics VP C&M 201 Anderson Hall Bramlage Coliseum 154 Dole Hall K‐State 2025 Plan 108 Anderson Hall Team Lunch Sr V Provost Higgs/BRI 116 Anderson 1001 Pat Roberts Government Relations 110 Anderson Hall Resource Room ‐ 501 Hale Library (Hemisphere Room) Foundation HLC Executive Committee Alumni Assn VP Research Academic Personnel Student Senate Heywood Boardroom ‐ 6th Fl 201 Anderson Hall Button Family Conf Rm ‐ 2nd Fl 105 Anderson Hall 204 Anderson Hall Konza Room ‐ KSSU VP Student Life Library Faculty Senate Leadership Dean Ag/Ext Community 122 Anderson Hall 503 Hale Library 201 Anderson Hall 137 Waters Hall Chamber of Commerce HR Deans Assessment Dir Ag Exp C 107 Edwards Hall 201 Anderson Hall Konza Room ‐ KSSU 137 Waters Team Meeting ‐ Resource Room ‐ 501 Hale Library (Hemisphere Room) Resource Room ‐ 501 Hale Library (Hemisphere Room) President 110 Anderson Team Dinner with Regents Harry's Restaurant (Shuttle will pick team members up in hotel lobby at 6:15) Team Meeting President's Conference Room ‐ Holiday Inn Tuesday 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 ‐ 8:00 8:00 ‐ TBD Dept Heads Grad School 212 KSSU 102 Fairchild Hall Gr Students Open Forum Stu Life Dirs Big XII Room ‐ KSSU 201 Anderson Hall Team Time Resource Room ‐ 501 Hale Library (Hemisphere Room) Salina Olathe 202C College Center K‐ 22201 W. Innovation State Salina Drive K‐State Olathe CEO/Dean & Staff Facilities Diversity 212 KSSU DCE President 231 College Court 110 Anderson Int'l Pgms Class Sen 111 Anderson 304 Fairchild Hall 212 KSSU Gen Couns Stevens Board Room Faculty/Staff Open Forum CEO/Dean Affirm Act Team Time Resource Room ‐ 501 Hale Library (Hemisphere Room) College Center Conference Rm Board Room Return to Manhattan 201 Dykstra Hall UG Research 201 Anderson Hall Return to Manhattan Int'l Stud Open Forum Online Pgms 104 Int'l Student Center 213 KSSU Team Lunch Team Lunch Resource Room ‐ 501 Hale Library (Hemisphere Room) Resource Room ‐ 501 Hale Library CECD CAPP Military Women 203 KSSU 212 KSSU 201 Anderson 213 KSSU First Yr Retn ITAC/OME Stud Found Gen Ed Konza Room ‐ KSSU 503 Hale Library 212 KSSU 213 KSSU Team Time Resource Room ‐ 501 Hale Library (Hemisphere Room) Team Lunch 214 Anderson Team Time Resource Rm 501 Hale Library Team Lunch Master Plan 201 Dykstra Hall Student Open Forum Little Theatre ‐ KSSU Union Pgmg Faculty & Staff Open Forum 209 KSSU Town Hall: Leadership Studies Team Time Resource Room ‐ 501 Hale Library Team Time 501 Hale Lib President 110 Anderson Team Dinner and work time Resource Room ‐ 501 Hale Library (Hemisphere Room) Team Meeting President's Conference Room ‐ Holiday Inn Wednesday 8:00 President 110 Anderson 8:30 ‐ TBD Meet with President and Designees ‐ Oral Report 201 Anderson Hall Abbreviations Acad Pers = Director of the Office of Academic Personnel Susan Valdovinos & staff Affirm Act = Affirmative Action Interim Director Roberta Maldonado‐Franzen & staff Alumni Assn = Alumni Association President Amy Renz & staff Button Family Conference Center ‐ 2nd Floor, Administration Office Assessment = Director of Assessment Fred Burrack + member of University Assessment Facilitators group CAPP = Committee on Policies and Procedures CECD = David Procter, director of the Center for Engagement and Community Development & staff CIO/IT = Chief Information Officer Ken Stafford & his IT directors Class Sen = members of Classified Senate Community = Assistant to the President Jackie Hartman will convene local business and community leaders in Manhattan DCE = Dean of Division of Continuing Education Sue Maes & staff, who facilitate distance education programs Dean Ag/Ext = College of Agriculture Interim Dean and Director of K‐State Research & Extension Gary Pierzinski & staff Deans = Council of Deans (nine academic colleges minus Dean of Agriculture) Dept Heads = open meeting with department heads Dir Ag Exp = Director of the Agricultural Experiment Stations Ernie Minton & others via conference call Diversity = Associate Provost Myra Gordon, members of the President's Commission on Multicultural Affairs, and College Diversity Point people Fac Sen Lead = Faculty Senate Leadership group Facilities = Director of Facilities and staff Faculty = open meeting with faculty and unclassified staff First Yr Retn = Directors of our K‐State First program, as well as others involved in the University Retention Committee Foundation = Kansas State University Foundation (vice presidents, President Fred Cholick will be on medical leave) Gen Couns = General Counsel Office (Cheryl Strecker, Pete Paukstelis, & Lindsay Chapman) Gen Ed = members of our K‐State 8 Faculty and College Councils, who direct our new general education program, the K‐State 8 Gov Rel = Director of Government Relations Sue Peterson Gr Students = open meeting for graduate students Grad School = Dean of the Graduate School Carol Shanklin and her staff Higgs/BRI = Dr. Stephen Higgs, director of the Biosecurity Research Institute (BRI) Inform Andrea Lo of who will be attending meeting to gain access past security HR = Associate Vice President & Director of Human Resources Gary Leitnaker & other HR staff members Call prior to arrival; Gary will meet team in lobby. Int'l Pgms = Office of International Programs, Interim Associat Provost Marcelo Sabates & staff Int'l Stud = open meeting with International Students Carl Anderson ‐ 2‐5330 Recommends sending email to all international students via their listserv. ITAC/OME = Information Technology Assistance Center and the Office of Mediated Education staff KS2025 Plan = Special Asst to Provost Lynn Carlin & Jan Middendorf, Director of the Office of Educational Innovation & Effectiveness, who have facilitated much of Strategic Planning efforts in past two years. Library = Dean of Libraries Lori Goetsch & staff Master Plan = members of the Master Planning task force and committee Military = directors of programs assisting military (Ft. Riley, Ft. Leavenworth, campus) Olathe (Oh‐LAY‐thuh) = meeting with CEO Dan Richardson and his staff at K‐State Olathe location near Kansas City Online Pgms = program directors for our programs that are fully online (undergrad and graduate) Salina = meeting with Dean & CEO Dennis Kuhlman and his staff on K‐State Salina campus + meeting with faculty at Salina Self Stud Gp = HLC Self Study Executive team Sr V Provost = Senior Vice Provost Ruth Dyer who works with Provost on Board of Regents and policy issues Stu Life Dir = Directors within the office of Student Life, including Registrar, Admissions, Financial Aid, New Student Services, etc. Abbreviations (cont.) Stud Found = leadership of our Student Foundation, who have directed the successful K‐State Proud campaign and others Stud Senate = members of the leadership team from Student Senate Students = open meeting with students on campus UG Research = meeting with group of directors & faculty who facilitate programs involved with undergraduate research Union Pgmg = member of our Union Programming Council, who facilitate and devise extra‐curricular activities for students on campus VP C & M = Vice President of Communications and Marketing Jeff Morris + staff VP Research = Vice President for Research Ron Trewyn & staff VP Stu Life = Vice President of Student Life Pat Bosco Women = meeting with leadership of Women of K‐State and the President's Commission on the Status of Women