Senior Survey Kansas State University University Totals I. Descriptive Information Number Sent Responses Number n = 1414 II. Evaluation of Undergraduate Programs: Type of Breadth Development of Academic Skills A. Writing B. Computer Lit. C. Quant. Skills D. Crit. Thinking E. Problem Solving F. Independence Percent 661 46.7% Outcomes Number % of 2 High Scores * 460 546 457 531 549 506 69.6% 82.6% 69.1% 80.3% 83.1% 76.6% 579 87.6% 308 307 297 206 232 353 46.6% 46.4% 44.9% 31.2% 35.1% 53.4% 510 569 77.2% 86.1% 576 598 330 87.1% 90.5% 50.0% Gaining Educational Breadth A. General B. Science: (Nature of) (New Developments) (Consequences) C. Humanities (Enjoy Lit) D. Fine Arts: (Apprec. Art etc.) E. Social Science: (Aware Cult. Diff.) F. Personal/Social Development: 1. Personal Values 2. Self-understanding 3. Interpersonal Development: (Understanding others) (Team Member) 4. Health: (Health, fitness) * This represents the percent of individuals making positive responses. Senior Survey Kansas State University University Totals III. Evaluation of Undergraduate Programs: Characteristics of Major Field Number % of 2 High Scores * A. Students 1. Competitive 2. Career oriented 3. Supportive 4. Interested in broad range of ideas 5. Serious about studies 6. Academic honesty 362 584 570 391 519 528 54.8% 88.4% 86.2% 59.2% 78.5% 79.9% B. Faculty 1. Accessible 2. Knowledgeable 3. Good teachers 4. Interested in students 5. Listen to students 6. Relations with students 499 569 493 523 450 359 75.5% 86.1% 74.6% 79.1% 68.1% 54.3% 342 400 432 51.7% 60.5% 65.4% 384 504 361 58.1% 76.2% 54.6% 495 547 74.9% 82.8% E. Characteristics of Advising 1. Good advising/major 344 52.0% KSU Environment 1. Develop academic scholarly quality 2. Develop esthetic creative quality 3. Develop critical analytical quality 4. Develop occupational competence 5. Practical value of courses 348 104 286 238 214 52.6% 15.7% 43.3% 36.0% 32.4% C. Department Support 1. Assist in placement 2. Encourage personal acquaintance with fa 3. Encourage participation in professional interest groups 4. Encourage attendance at seminars/colloq 5. Encourage familiarity with modern equip 6. Encourage participation in research pro D. Environment 1. Mutual respect: 2. Stimulating * Students and professor This represents the percent of individuals making positive responses.