Here is a complete map of the London Underground system.... seem confusing at first but as you grow accustomed to...

Here is a complete map of the London Underground system. It may
seem confusing at first but as you grow accustomed to the tube you
will realize that it is actually quite simple. Here I have provided you
with a guide to all the major tube stops in Central London and have
listed the many attractions that can be found near these stops.
Chances are you will probably fly in to London through Heathrow.
Once arriving at Heathrow you have several options as to how you
choose to get to the city center and although it may not be the
fastest way to get in to central London it is one of the cheapest.
Depending on where you are traveling to a cab could cost you up to
£100 and keep in mind that’s in pounds not dollars. If you do choose
to take the tube you can follow the signs posted throughout the
airport and it will lead you right to the underground station. You will
also need to get a ticket. It is easiest to go to one of the teller’s and
they can help you decide what kind of ticket you should get and they
will be able to figure out where you need switch at in order to get to
your desired location so be sure that you know the nearest tube
station to where you are staying if you plan to take the tube from
the airport. Once you have your ticket you will be on your way to
central London in no time.
Here lies some of London’s most famous landmarks. Once you step
outside of the Westminster Tube Station you will find yourself next
to the world famous Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. Also
near this tube station is Westminster Abbey and Westminster
Cathedral. You will also find beautiful views of river Thames and you
can also cross the river and hop on the London Eye to see even more
incredible views of the city. All of these sites are very easy to find,
just follow the signs in the tube station to know which exit to take to
get to all these amazing monuments.
Green Park is one of London’s many beautiful parks and it is where
you will find Buckingham Palace, the home of Queen Elizabeth II.
Here you can see this monumental Palace and Changing of the
Guard so be sure to check the schedule online and get their early to
get a good spot! At this tube stop you will also find the Clearance
House which is the official residence of the Prince of Wales.
Buckingham Palace is very easy to find just follow the signs in the
tube station to take the correct exit.
The Bond Street Station lets you out on one of the most famous
streets in London, Oxford Street. However this station is actually
named after nearby street and shopping area including many world
famous retailers that can be found on Bond Street and New Bond
Street. Also near this tube station you will find the Wallace
Collection, a large privately owned collection of fine art. This
collection is currently housed in the Hereford House at Manchester
Square and there is no entrance fee. The American Embassy can be
found near this tube, hopefully you will not need to go there during
your visit but it is good to know where it is just in case. There are
many cafes and restaurants in this area of the city so it is also great
place to grab a bite to eat.
Near the Baker Street Tube Station you will find Madame Tussaud’s
the world famous wax museum. Also at this station you will find the
Sherlock Holmes Museum on Baker Street in a house very similar to
the one described in Doyle’s books. Follow the signs in the tube
station to find the correct exit for these attractions.
Although there are not many attractions near the King’s Cross St.
Pancras tube it is still a very famous train station. Harry Potter fans
can pose for a picture at Platform 9 ¾. Also if you are planning any
trips to other parts in England or to Scotland this is most likely
where your train will leave from. It is a very large station so be sure
to follow the signs so you don’t get lost inside of it!
At the Russell Square tube station you will find a very quaint park
known as Russell Square which you must walk through in order to
get to the British Museum. The British Museum is a must see
attraction and has no entrance fee except to special exhibitions and
it is one of the oldest museums in the world. The British Museum
has exhibits from the last two million years of history. The interior of
the British Museum spans two and a half miles and features ninety
galleries for viewing. It is the most visited attraction in London. The
Dickens House Museum is also located near the Russell Square tube
station. The museum is located at 48 Doughty Street which was
where Charles Dickens lived from 1837. These attractions are not
right beside the tube station so be sure to follow street signs and
maps in order to find these attractions. There are plenty of signs in
the area because these are major attractions for many people who
are unfamiliar with the city.
Covent Garden tube station takes you to one of my favorite parts of
London. Here at Covent Garden you will find many one of a kind
shops and restaurants because this is one of the few parts of London
that is pedestrian friendly. It is here that you will find the Covent
Garden Piazza which houses the famous Covent Garden Market
where you can find antiques and one of a kind homemade crafts.
Near this tube station is the theatre district where many of London’s
theatres are located. There are many award winning shows being
shown at any given time in London. The Royal Opera House can be
found at the edge of the Covent Garden Piazza and there you can
see ballet performances. London’s Transport Museum is near
Covent Garden as well. There you can learn about the fascinating
story of London transport and how transport in London has changed
over time.
Leister Square tube station is located in the chic area of London
known as Soho. This area of London is home to many theatres and
cinemas, the most famous being the Odeon at Leicester Square
which is where many European movie premieres are held. The
nightlife in this area of London has a lot to offer. There is a wide
variety of restaurants to choose from or for those who prefer music
and dancing there are many clubs. For those wanting to catch a
famous play or the latest movie there are plenty of shows and
cinemas in this area of town. Chinatown is near Leicester Square and
there you can find many cute shops and restaurants with authentic
Chinese food. There is always something to do in this part of the city
because it is the heart of the nightlife in London.
At the Piccadilly Circus tube station you will find the extravagant
neon signs similar to that found in Times Square in New York City.
Piccadilly is also a part of Soho and this area of town is known to
have many famous stores and restaurants. The statue of Eros can be
found right outside of the tube exits. This part of the city is known as
the “hub of London” because it the junction of five major streets. It
is the most visited part of London and the theatre district continues
on through this part of town so there are many plays being shown at
theatres nearby. From here you can walk along The Mall and take a
look at some of the beautiful architecture London has to offer and it
will lead you to right to Trafalgar Square.
The Hyde Park Corner tube station will let you out at one of the
most well-known parks in London. It was London’s very first park
and it was given to the city of London from King James I early in the
seventeenth century. One of the first things you will see as you step
out of the tube station is the Wellington Arch. When the arch was
first built it was intended to be the entrance to central London from
the west. There is also a river and an artificial lake known as the
Serpentine where you can boat. Also there is an old horse racing
track called “Rotten Row” where many horses are still rode for
pleasure to this day. The original Hard Rock Café can also be found
near this stop. It was here in London that the chain of restaurants
began their world famous collection of music memorabilia.
One of the most famous parts of the London the Knightsbridge tube
station takes you to one of the world’s most famous shopping hubs.
Here you will find one of the world’s largest and most famous
department stores, Harrods. Although Harrods has changed a lot
since its opening in 1849 it is still considered to be a national
institution and continues to offer the public very high quality goods.
Near Harrods is another very famous department store exclusive to
London which is known as Harvey Nichols. This famous department
store actually got its start in 1813 it is a privately owned entity. Like
Harrods Harvey Nichols has changed a lot over the years and it was
one of the late Dianna, Princess of Wales favorite places to shop. It is
frequented by many other famous and affluent people and offers its
customers very high quality merchandise as well.
The South Kensington tube station is connected to an underground
tunnel which leads you to three incredible museums that all offer
free admission. The first is the Victoria and Albert museum which is
a fine art museum with over 4 million exhibits. The Natural History
museum is also in this area and it features a collection that dates
back to the middle of the eighteenth century. The Science museum
is the third and final museum that the tunnel leads to and it features
over five floors of exhibits covering many different areas in the field
of science. Just follow the signs to the tunnel when you get to this
station and you will find the museums very easily.
As you step outside of the Sloane Square tube station you will find
yourself at Sloane Square, a small square with hard landscaping that
was named after the previous owner of the land, Sir Hans Sloane.
Also nearby this tube station lays another charming park known as
the Battersea Park. Built in 1858 for the lower class to hopefully curb
the criminal element that was happening in London at the time this
park offers amazing views of Chelsea from the bank of the Thames
River. The Saatchi Gallery can also be found in this area of London
and this art gallery features an ever-changing display of works by
young contemporary artists. Also nearby you will find the National
Army Museum where you can learn about the history of the British
Army from the 15th century to the present day.
Although there are not many major attractions near the Victoria
tube station it is also a very important rail hub that is important to
know about. This station offers the Gatwick Express train so if you
happen to come in to the city or plan on taking any travels outside
of the United Kingdom through the Gatwick airport this train will
take you to that airport rather quickly. Also near this station is the
Victoria Coach Station. Coach tours taking you around the areas
outside of London are an excellent way to see the English
countryside and many of those tours will commence at this coach
station. Just follow the signs and they will lead you right to the
stations in which you need.
Only a short distance from the St. James Park Tube Station you will
find one of the most beautiful parks in London that is known as St.
James Park. It is here were you can see spectacular views of
Buckingham Palace especially when crossing the bridge over the lake
in this park. Right next to this park is the one of the oldest palaces in
London, St. James Palace. No sovereign has lived in the palace for
over two centuries but it remains as one of their official residences.
The Guards museum is located in this part of the city and it is here
that you can see in the morning the Guards entering formation
outside the Museum in preparation for their march up to
Buckingham Palace for the changing of the Guard and you can also
learn about the history of their guard regiments.
Near the Embankment tube station you will find Embankment pier
where you can use your oyster card to hop on a Thames clipper and
see the city from an entirely different view on the water. Also at this
tube stop you will find the Hayward Gallery. This gallery offers four
main sections that features art from some of the most famous
artists of all time. The Hungerford Bridge is near this station as well
and incredible views of the city can be seen from either side of this
When you exit the Temple tube station be sure to follow the signs
leading you to the Somerset House and if you are there during the
winter months be sure to take part in the free ice skating rink that is
offered at this incredible venue. Somerset House was built on the
site of the Palace of the Dukes of Somerset in the late eighteenth
century by William Chambers. It offers galleries and exhibitions of
art in its many rooms and is used for special events throughout the
year. Parts of the historic King’s College are also in this area of the
city. It is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in
As you step outside of the Monument tube station you will find
yourself at the foot of the monument that was built after the Great
Fire of London that began in 1666. It was built only a mere 200 feet
from where the fire began. Visitors can climb the 311 steps to the
top of this monument to see spectacular views of the city. Also near
the Monument tube station is one of London’s oldest public parks
although when it was opened in 1606 it was not open to the public.
It is known as the Finsbury Circus garden and it attracts hundreds of
workers during the noon hour as a popular place for them to relax
and enjoy their lunches.
At the Tower Hill tube station you will find one of the oldest
landmarks in London, The Tower of London. This famous structure
dates back to the year 1078 and has undergone many changes from
then until the present day. When the tower was still inhabited it was
used both as a palace and as a prison. The crown jewels are on
display at the tower as well as many other historic artifacts from
those who lived in the tower. Just up the river from the Tower of
London is the famous Tower Bridge. You can see excellent views of
the bridge from some parts of the tower and vice versa. This historic
part of London is a must see for all first-time visitors.
Near the Barbican tube station you will find the museum of London
which tells the story of London’s history from the seventeenth
century to the present day and the admission to the museum is free.
Also near the tube station is the Barbican Centre which was built in
an area of the city that was flattened during the blitz. It features an
art gallery that offers many exhibitions from around the world. The
Barbican Centre also features a theatre that has become a top
location for international theatre.
Nearby the Bank tube station you will find the historic Royal
Exchange which could very easily be mistaken for an important
historically significant attraction but it is in fact a designer shopping
center. However, in previous years the building was used as the
stock exchange but due to significant damage after two of London’s
fires it was renovated and is now one of the finer shopping centers
for London’s wealthy. The Bank of England museum is also in this
area of the city. The museum documents the history of the Bank of
England since its formation in 1694. The displays include historical
banknotes, coins, and even Roman gold bars. There is also a
collection of weapons including pikes and muskets which were used
previously to defend the bank from being robbed.
At the St. Paul’s tube station you will find none other than the
famous St. Paul’s cathedral. This cathedral was designed by Sir
Christopher Wren and it was built in 1675 to replace the previous
cathedral that was located there that was destroyed by the Great
Fire. St. Paul’s cathedral is one of the largest cathedrals in Europe. I
do encourage everyone to see this splendid historic monument and
if you climb the hundreds of stairs to the top you can see many
spectacular views of the city from above. The millennium bridge can
take you to the other side of the Thames to see the Tate modern an
art museum focusing on modern art and you will also find
Shakespeare’s globe theatre. By crossing the bridge you will see
many unique views of city.
Near the Tottenham Court Road station you will find yourself near
the theatre district of London once again. You will also find yourself
near the Cartoon museum which features comics dating back to the
eighteenth century to the present day. There are many restaurants
and cafes that can be found in this area that serve many different
kinds of cuisines like Greek or Japanese so be sure to try some of the
restaurants in this area. This area of town also has a vibrant nightlife
and is great area to go for a night out on the town. There are also
quite a few shops in this area of town mostly specializing in
consumer electronics so if you are in need of those sorts of goods
this would be the place to find your electronics.
The Oxford Street station will take you to one of the most well
known streets in London, Oxford Street. It offers a wide variety of
fashion retailers and many well-known department stores including
Selfridges. It is a bustling center for all bargain shoppers so beware
because it gets quite crowded on the weekends and during the
holidays. Also intersecting Oxford Street at Oxford Circus is Regent
Street that offers finer, higher end retailers and does not seem to
get nearly as crowded as Oxford Street does. If you are looking to do
some shopping in London, this is the place to go.
As you step outside of the Marble Arch tube station you will find
yourself on the far end of the many retailers that can be found on
Oxford Street and you will find yourself back at part of Hyde Park. It
is here that you will find the Marble Arch which once stood as a
ceremonial entrance to Buckingham Palace. In 1851 the arch was
moved from its original location when the east range of the palace
was completed which closed off the courtyard. The arch is now
located near speakers corner in Hyde Park. Speaker’s Corner is an
area in Hyde Park where open-air public speaking, discussion, and
debate is allowed but in this area they are not immune from the law
so the police can still intervene on such speeches if they are found
to be unlawful.
The Lancaster Gate tube station will take you to yet another part of
Hyde Park and you will find yourself directly north of Kensington
Gardens. Lancaster Gate consists of two long terraces of homes that
feature a wide gap between them that opens up to a square that
once contained a church but due to poor upkeep it had to be torn
down and now a building known as the Spire House stands in its
place. This tends to be a very quiet part of town because it is a very
posh residential area so if you are looking for a quiet part of town to
simply take a light stroll or sit and read a book or eat lunch this is the
place to go and get away from all the hustle and bustle of Central
When you step outside of Notting Hill Gate station you will find
yourself on a road known as Notting Hill Gate because there is in
fact no actual gate but it is the road that marks the boundary of
royal borough of Kensington and Chelsea. The road was once a toll
road which is where the name was derived from. In this quaint
borough you will find many excellent restaurants and cafes to eat in
and you will also find yourself near Portobello Market which is one
of the most well known markets in town where you can find food,
clothing, and antiques.
The Holland Park tube station leads you to one of my absolute
favorite parts in London. On the short walk to the park you will find
yourself surrounded by stunning Victorian architecture. Upon
entering the park it feels very much like you are no longer in one of
Europe’s largest cities. Wooded pathways lead you around the park
and be sure to follow the signs to the Kyoto Gardens where you will
find peacocks surrounding this beautiful waterfall and pond that is
filled with fish. It is a very peaceful place to go and get away from
the city without actually having to leave the city. Much fewer people
know about this park and it is in a much quieter part of London so
there are fewer distractions than in many of the other parks. In this
park you will also find a large chess set and a café if you would like
to enjoy a meal at this very beautiful and peaceful park. This is a true
hidden gem that I encourage you to go and spend an afternoon
exploring it.
The Bayswater tube station takes you to one of the most diverse
areas within Central London. Here you will find a very diverse set of
restaurants and it is an excellent area of town to do souvenir
shopping. Just down the road from the tube station you will find
Whiteley’s the first department store to open in London. The
building still stands today but it is now a mall featuring several
different retailers and eateries. It features beautiful architecture
mostly carved from marble. This shopping center also features a
cinema and a bowling alley for its customers. There is a high
concentration of hotels in this area so if you are looking for a place
to stay this is an excellent part of town to stay in because there are
many amenities right at your fingertips.
At the High Street Kensington tube station exit you will find yourself
near Kensington Palace which is also known as the Enchanted
Palace. Many members of the royal family have lived in this palace
and after her divorce it was the official residence of Diana, Princess
of Wales until her death in 1997. It has now been announced that
once renovations are completed in the year 2013 it will become the
official residence of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. The palace
sits at the edge of Hyde Park and is surrounded by many stunning
gardens known as the Kensington gardens. The gardens feature of
bronze statue of Peter Pan and a memorial playground and walkway
named after the late Diana, Princess of Wales.
The Camden Town tube station takes you to a very unique part of
the city known for its markets and nightlife. A large population of
those that live in or around Camden town are those of younger
generations because the area is strongly associated with alternative
culture. The markets are the fourth most visited attraction in London
and they offer a wide variety of consumer goods for people to
purchase. This area of London is also known for its music venues.
Many up and coming performers come to the Camden Town venues
to be discovered and to gain popularity. Camden town offers many
unique retail stores, clubs, and pubs that can only be found in this
part of London. This part of London has truly thrived in recent years
and has gone under many renovations to fix this area of town up
making it a more attractive place to live and visit.
The Angel tube station takes you to another unique area of London
that is still considered to be in Central London but is not nearly as
busy of an area of the city. It is known for the Chapel Market where
you can find many fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, and breads. Upper
Street is a popular destination for those traveling to Angel because it
offers many of the same retailers found on the high streets and
Oxford Street but without the crowds of people. There are several
independently owned stores that can be found on Upper Street
giving it even more unique qualities to attract potential customers. If
you wander down Camden Passage you will find a variety of one-ofa-kind antique shops. The streets are also filled with trendy pubs and
restaurants making it a common destination for those wanting a
more quiet evening out on the town.
The Regent’s Park tube station will take you right in to the heart of
another well-known London Park known as Regent’s Park. This park
has a lot to offer its visitors including a boating lake, several trails to
walk or jog along, tennis courts, and several children’s play areas. At
the edge of this park you will also find the ZSL London Zoo. The
London Zoo has over 12,000 different animals for visitors to see and
they are constantly adding new installments for the public to see. It
is open year round except for Christmas Day. Across the Street from
the zoo there is a continuation of the park that leads you up to a hill
known as Primrose Hill. It is one of the highest points in London and
on a clear day from this hill you can see spectacular views of the city
skyline. Major attractions including the London Eye and many other
sky scrapers can be seen from this hill.
Once you arrive at the Charing Cross tube station you should be sure
to follow the signs leading you to the exit near Trafalgar Square. It is
here that you will find yourself at another one of London’s most
famous landmarks. The square was built to honor Lord Nelson
following his defeat in a battle with Napoleon’s army. It features a
171 foot column with a statue of Lord Nelson at the top. Four
fountains surround this square as well. At the edge of the square
you will find the National Gallery which includes an ever-growing
collection of fine art and the gallery offers free admission to the
public. Very close to the National Gallery is the National Portrait
Gallery featuring hundreds of portraits of many famous figures.
Admission to the National Portrait Gallery is free as well.
London Bridge tube station is one of the few stations that can be
found on the south side of the Thames River. Here you will find
yourself near the location of the original London Bridge however the
bridge that now stands in its place is not the original London Bridge.
You will find yourself near many popular attractions including the
Southwark Cathedral, the HMS Belfast, the Fashion and Textile
Museum, the Design Museum, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, the
Tate Modern, City Hall, the Britain at War Experience, the London
Dungeon, and the Borough Market. Street signs in this area clearly
mark how to get from place to place depending on which sites you
would like to see. It is a very interesting side of town and offers
many different sites for visitors to see.
At the Lambeth North Tube Station you will find yourself near a
couple of very famous museums. The first is known as the Imperial
War Museum that gives its viewers a fascinating insight to warfare in
the twentieth century. Viewers are given the opportunity to see
what the day to day life was like during World War II through
simulations. The museum houses a very strong and emotional
exhibit that is a constant reminder of the futility of warfare. The
Imperial War museum has no entrance fees. The second museum in
this area of London is the Florence Nightingale Museum. Here you
can learn about her life, her many efforts to improve the health
standards, and the accomplishments she made during her lifetime.
Lambeth Palace is another popular attraction in this part of London
and it has been the home of the Archbishop of Canterbury since
1200AD. The Palace is not open to the public but the gardens
surrounding the Palace are open year round.
North Greenwich is one of the newest tube stations in London and
was constructed due to the Millennium Dome that was completed at
the beginning of the new millennium. Although this venue was not
received as well as they had hoped it is now known as the 02 and will
be one of the many sites used for the 2012 Olympics that will be
hosted in London. Here you will also find Greenwich pier which is
another location where you can hop on a Thames Clipper to see
different views of the city from on the water. The Royal Observatory,
Greenwich is located near this tube stop and this is the home of
Greenwich Mean Time as well as the World’s Prime Meridian. In
1955 the Caesium beam clock located at Greenwich became the
World’s most accurate and preferred timepiece. The observatory is
open to the public and offers free admission except for planetarium
shows. The Old Royal Naval College which is also known as the
Greenwich hospital is another great example of the architecture
designed by Sir Christopher Wren and can be seen at this tube stop.
As you can see there are many fascinating sites to see in London. I
have been to London three times in my life and I still haven’t even
seen everything the city has to offer yet. This guide that I have
provided you with is mainly about the London Underground which is
also known as the tube. It is one of the most popular and fastest
modes of public transportation in the city. However because you
spend most or all of the journey underground you do not see as
much of the city as you would by travelling above ground. So I
encourage you to go on walking tours of the city or if you prefer not
to walk your oyster card is good on all the busses throughout
London. Barclay’s also sponsored a campaign known as Cycle Here
where you can rent a bike from locations all around London to cycle
around and return it to any of the Cycle Here locations.