Cost Sharing Summary Contracts & Grants Accounting Cost Sharing Types The Cost Sharing Is If… Reportable Mandatory Committed Required by sponsor Award/proposal terms and conditions specifically require cost sharing or agreed to between the institution and the sponsor when accepting a sponsored agreement. There is a sponsor statutory requirement for cost sharing related to the award. Quantified and documented in award or proposal budget, justification, or narrative (including scope of work). Yes Auditable Allowable Must be monitored and documented. Voluntary Committed Effort (or other costs) not required by the sponsor, but quantified and offered by institution in the sponsor budget or narrative with no corresponding funding requested or awarded. There are no sponsor terms and conditions or sponsor statutory obligations related to cost sharing, but effort/other cost are quantified and documented in award or proposal budget, justification, or narrative (including scope of work). Yes Auditable Must be monitored and documented. Voluntary Uncommitted Effort (or other costs) not required by the sponsor, but offered by institution without measurement and with no corresponding funding requested or awarded. Effort as needed or support as required. After the award has been accepted, effort (or other costs) provided above what was requested or awarded. 1/27/2015 There are no sponsor terms and conditions or statutory obligations related to cost sharing and effort/other costs are not quantified and documented in the award or proposal budget or narrative (including scope of work). Cost sharing that is voluntary committed becomes voluntary uncommitted if sponsor exempts the institution from the cost sharing requirements in the award notice. No This effort is excluded from the effort reporting requirements. Other cost does not require documentation either. Page 1 of 1