Best Student Project Travel Award Application
Student Name (Print):___________________________ Department:__________________
Faculty Sponsor Name (Print):_____________________ Department:__________________
For student:
□ I waive my right to review the letter of support written by my faculty sponsor
□ I do not waive my right to review the letter of support written by my faculty sponsor
Student Name (Signature):________________________
For faculty member:
□ I will travel with the student
□ I will not travel with the student, ___________________ has agreed to travel with the student
Faculty Name (Signature):________________________
Name of Conference:__________________________________________________________
Please select one:
□ The student will make an oral presentation
□ The student will give a poster presentation
□ We don’t know yet whether it will be a poster or an oral presentation, because that is determined after the abstract is submitted
Remember the rest of the application:
□ Presentation/Poster Abstract
□ Student Resume
□ Letter of support from faculty sponsor (sealed in envelope)