BILL 75/76/1 BY: LOWERING OF STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT’S AND STUDENT SENATE CHAIRPERSON’S SALARIES Bernard Franklin WHEREAS the salaries of the Student Body President and Student Senate Chairperson are about an acceptable level in the minds of most students on campus, and WHEREAS the monies allocated to the SGA Administrative account can be trimmed to provide additional funds for student services BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The salary of the Student Body President be lowered to $200/month for 12 months. SECTION 2. The salary of the Student Senate Chairperson be lowered to $175/month for 12 months. PASSED 3/6/75 B-1 BILL 75/76/2 BY: TEACHER-CORSE EVALUATION ALLOCATION Jan Saunders and Jeff Crawford WHEREAS Teacher-Course Evaluation can be an enriched supplement to education, and WHEREAS Student Senate passed Senate Resolution 75/76/24 saying there is a need for Teacher-Course Evaluation, and WHEREAS the planned publication will provide more copies with more information with an emphasis on advertising at a smaller expense BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate appropriate to Teacher-Course Evaluation $1,056.08 for the next publication. Computer Time Printing Service (4,000 copies) Advertising Editors Service - Salary $ 70.00 761.08 150.00 75.00 SECTION 2. This allocation will be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 12/4/75 B-2 BILL 75/76/3 BY: COLLEGE COUNCIL BILL Mike Relihan BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate shall grant an initial maximum of $1.50/semester for each fulltime student and $.42/semester for each part-time student to each College Council. The yearly allocation shall be based on the previous year’s second semester enrollment. SECTION 2. A College Council may request additional funds from Student Senate for specific budget requirements if the Council can show sufficient need and case for the increased funding. SECTION 3. Guidelines for this grant shall include: A. All College Council allocations must meet SGA Spending Regulations. B. Any funded activity or organization cannot discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, religion, creed, or sex. C. Any organization or activity funded by a College Council must be predominantly beneficial to that college’s students and said organizations and activities will receive higher priority in the funding process. D. Either the Finance Committee Chairperson or a designee of the Finance Committee Chairperson must be present at each College Council’s Spring Allocation process. E. Representatives of each College Council must meet with the Coordinator of Student Activities prior to their Council’s allocation process. At such time, SGA Spending Regulations and University policies regarding the Student Activity Fee will be discussed. F. Priority of funding shall be given to organizations or activities not requesting funding for the purchase of capital outlay equipment or inventory items. G. Grants of this bill will be administered and allocated by the College Council subject to review by Student Senate. H. Failure to meet the above guidelines will cause a Council’s allocation to be voided until such time as they are met. B-3 SECTION 4. All College Council’s allocation processes will be completed by the tenth (10) full week of the Spring Semester. Each College Council’s allocation will be reviewed and approved by Student Senate during the Spring allocation process. FAILED 5/38/3 - 3/6/75 B-4 BILL 75/76/4 BY: SUMMER FUNDING OF CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD, DRUG EDUCATION CENTER, FONE, AND PREGNANCY COUNSELING Bryce Haverkamp, Steve Phillips, Bill Nichols, Sue Sandmeyer, David Garvin, Cathy Butts, Fred Peterson, Tonda Highley WHEREAS Summer Allocations Board had insufficient monies to fund the Social Services programs: Consumer Relations Board, Drug Education Center, FONE, and Pregnancy Counseling for Summer 1975, and WHEREAS the need for the programs and services that they provide does not abruptly end with the close of the spring semester, and WHEREAS in the interest of continuity in programming, planning and preparation for the fall and spring terms are essential during the summer months BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate out of Reserves for Contingencies $2,363.60 to be distributed to the respective accounts for each of the above mentioned Social Services as outlined in the following itemized budgets which reflect changes suggested by the Summer School Allocations Board. Drug Education Center Salaries 1 person at $250/mo. for 2 mos. Telephone/Printing $ 500.00 $ 40.00 $ 540.00 Consumer Relations Board Salaries $ 500.00 2 mos. at $250/month Advertising 40.00 8 ads at $5/ad Private Car 16.00 2 trips to Topeka - 180 miles/trip x $ .07/mile Office Supplies 10.00 Phone and Postage have been included in the SGA general office expense budget _______ $ 566.00 B-5 FONE Salaries 2 mos. at $250/month Advertising 10 ads at $3/ad Telephone $43.30/month for 2 months Printing $6 - xeroxing/$4 - mimeo Stationary and Office Supplies 6 rms. mimeo paper - 1 rm. ditto paper Pregnancy Counseling Salaries 2 mos. at $250/month Advertising 1 ad/week Postage for follow-up letters and materials requested Printing xeroxing Professional Supplies 100 birth control pamphlets 50 VD pamphlets other from Inst. on Sex Research Office Supplies PASSED 3/6/75 B-6 $ 500.00 30.00 86.60 10.00 21.00 _______ $ 647.60 $ 500.00 50.00 5.00 10.00 35.00 10.00 $ 610.00 BILL 75/76/5 BY: INCREASE IN INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL BUDGET FOR 1974-75 Finance Committee WHEREAS ICC has shown increased competence in their organizational structure, and WHEREAS ICC has beneficial programs forthcoming this spring which need to be funded BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate shall add a total of $1,261.08 into the ICC account for the International Coordinating Council from the Reserves for Contingencies account. SECTION 2. The following shifts be made in the ICC budget: $261.76 be removed from Professional Services $50 be removed from Postage These amounts will be used to cover other budget categories which are currently at a deficit and to help increase funds in other categories. SECTION 3. Account categories for the International Coordinating Council shall now be as follows following the budget shifts and the budget increases: SEE NEXT PAGE (6) B-7 CATEGORIES BUDGETED REMAINING IN ACCOUNT REQUESTING FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION EXPLANATION $150.00 200.00 ACTUAL SPENT TO DATE $0.00 145.00 Postage Honorarium $150.00 55.00 $100.00 630.00 100.00 $50 shifted $575 added $241.24 added Printing 100.00 241.24 -141.24 169.50 $50 added Advertising Rent of Space Rent of Equipment Sate Car Expense Travel Expense 250.00 80.00 50.00 75.00 0.00 130.50 0.00 128.00 45.50 0.00 119.50 80.00 -78.00 29.50 0.00 80.00 175.00 29.50 219.47 50.00 No change $253 added No change $219.47 added $261.76 shifted Professional Services Dues, Memberships, Subscriptions Food Stationary/Office Supplies Other: Subsistence 525.00 25.00 213.24 0.00 311.76 25.00 $0.00 700.00 $430-Arab Speaker $200-African Speaker 250.00 invitations, posters, newsletters 100.00 Collegian ads 0.00 250.00 0.00 129.47 1 student to NAFSA Conference May 11-15 – plane fare RT from Manhattan to Washington, DC 200.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 No change $78.13 added 300.00 100.00 378.13 52.02 -78.13 47.98 0.00 0.00 47.98 156.00 No change 32.50 156.00 $156 added Totals (see amt. requested under Air Travel for explanation of requested) $6.50/day X 5 days 1,855.00 1,333.63 TOTAL ADDED TO ACCOUNTS LESS AMOUNTS SHIFTED FROM ACCOUNTS TOTAL NEEDED TO BE ADDED TO ACCOUNTS 521.37 1,751.97 $ 1,572.84 311.76 $1,261.08 (Finance Committee’s Recommended Addition) B-8 BILL 75/76/6 BY: IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS Chris Badger WHEREAS the following Student Senator has absences equal to and greater than the minimum required to justify impeachment BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate bring impeachment proceedings against: Paulette Johnson - 4 absences NOT INTRODUCED (she resigned) B-9 BILL 75/76/7 BY: FUNDING OF DEBATE SQUAD TO THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Finance Committee WHEREAS the Debate Squad from Kansas State has qualified for the National Championship BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate fund the Debate Squad in the following manner: Lowest Cost Airfare plus tournament housing (35% discount) Tournament Entry Fees for one team Food - $3/person for 2 persons for 6 days Travel by state car - Manhattan to KCIA to Manhattan Misc., Cab fare at tournament) judging fee, reserve funds TOTAL SECTION 2. This money shall be taken out of Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 3/27/75 B-10 $572.00 100.00 36.00 40.00 52.00 $800.00 BILL 75/76/8 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION FOR INTERNATIONAL INTERCULTURAL CENTER Chris Badger WHEREAS Senate Bill 72/73/14, which allocated $20,000 toward the construction of the new International Intercultural Center, has expired, and WHEREAS an architect has been employed, preliminary plans have been drawn, and construction is imminent, and WHEREAS SGA has supported the construction of an International Intercultural Center since the late 1960’s BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $20,000 from Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay as a contribution toward the purchase of capital outlay equipment for a new International Intercultural Center. SECTION 2. In the event that there are any major alterations of the present architectural drawings which designate the construction of a new building, SGA reserves the right to review this allocation and to reallocate the funds specified in this bill SECTION 3. If, for any reason, the actual construction of the proposed building has not begun within 1 year (beginning of fiscal year 1976-77) this money will be returned to Student Senate. PASSED 4/10/75 B-11 BILL 75/76/9 BY: GRADUATE STUDENT SENATOR ELIGIBILITY Graduate Student Council, Ron Warhurst WHEREAS graduate students pursuing seven or more graduate credit hours have a limited amount of time for outside activities, and WHEREAS Student Senate takes a great deal of time, and WHEREAS graduate students taking less than seven graduate hours are not less worthy than those taking seven or more, and WHEREAS a student is considered to have full citizenship in the graduate student community based only upon his acceptance as a student by the Graduate School and not on his academic load BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article II, Section 202, Part B. of the KSU SGA Constitution be changed to read as follows: Student Senators: Any member of the Kansas State University SGA who is recognized as a full-time student for fee purposes by his/her respective college or school; or who is a graduate student pursuing three or more graduate credit hours; is eligible to become a Student Senator, except where that person will graduate during the spring or summer of the term of office to which elected or appointed. FAILED 4/3/75 B-12 BILL 75/76/10 BY: TEACHER-COURSE EVALUATION ALLOCATION Teacher-Course Evaluation Committee WHEREAS Teacher-Course Evaluation was appropriated $2,349.47 from Reserves for Contingencies by Student Senate on May 3, 1973, and WHEREAS an allocation has not been made since that time, and there is only $203.30 remaining in the Teacher-Course Evaluation account, and WHEREAS if the account is not replenished, Teacher-Course Evaluation at Kansas State University will die, and WHEREAS it is the opinion of the Teacher-Course Evaluation Comm. that the death of this program would be detrimental to the student body of Kansas State University BE IT ENACTED THAT: Printing Services Teaching faculty mailing labels for 2 semesters at $40/semester Computer Center – computer time Editors Services- salary Total Less Amt. in Acct. Total Requested $ 80.00 100.00 250.00 $ 430.00 -203.30 $ 226.70 SECTION 2. This allocation will be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. TABLED 4/10/75 B-13 BILL 75/76/11 BY: FUNDING OF STUDENT HANDBOOK Student Affairs Comm. and Finance Committee WHEREAS Student Governing Association has taken the responsibility of organizing and publishing a Student Handbook to be of use to all students, and WHEREAS the previous publication has become outdated and inoperative, and WHEREAS a Student Handbook organized in such a manner to include student organizations; student services, including SGA; and the policies and regulations of the University will be beneficial to all students BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $1,500 to be taken from Reserves for Contingencies account to be used in the organization and publication of 4,000 copies of a Student Handbook to be available for the Fall 1975 Semester. $100 will be used for the hiring of an editor, the remainder $1,400 used for the cost of publishing. PASSED 4/10/75 B-14 BILL 75/76/12 BY: APPROVAL OF COORDINATORS OF UFM STAFF Jane Kittner, Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS an opening has appeared on the UFM Staff, and WHEREAS applications were received and interviews conducted BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following people be approved as coordinators of the UFM-Staff at a salary of $105/month: Steve Ernst, Owen Wrigley SECTION 2. Employment shall be from March 17 to May 18, 1975 PASSED 4/10/75 B-15 BILL 75/76/13 BY: TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS FOR 1975-76 Finance Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: AMOUNT REQUESTED Alternatives Conference Associated Students of Kansas Black Student Union (BSU) Chimes College Councils $ 1,020.00 FINANCE COMM. RECOMMENDATIONS TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS $ 1,020.00 $ 1,020.00 .25 LI ($.20 LI) 6,760.50 ($.25 LI) 6,780.00 6,330.00 6,330.00 204.00 58.00 153.00 $ .30 LI ($1.50 LI/full-time student & $.42 LI/ part-time student) 40,882.20 ($1.50 LI/full-time student & $.42 LI/part-time student) Consumer Relations Board (CRB) 3,559.00 3,191.00 3,196.00 Drug Education Center 7,630.00 6,235.50 6,235.50 Environmental Awareness Center 1,111.40 941.15 996.32 53,710.00 40,800.00 43,560.00 FONE Walk-In Crisis Center 4,087.40 3,584.40 3,584.40 Gay Counseling 1,340.00 423.00 448.00 International Coordinating Council (ICC) 6,093.00 3,009.00 3,974.00 1.60/new student 1.60/new student 11,500.00 (1.60/new student) Infant and Child Care 2,700.00 2,250.00 2,500.00 KSDB-FM Radio 6,321.94 6,271.94 6,271.94 Long Range Reserves ----------- 0.00 0.00 MECHA 4,625.00 3,450.00 2,850.00 Pregnancy Counseling 3,802.00 3,116.00 3,116.00 2.50 LI 2.50 LI 66,805.00 ($2.50 LI) ---------- 7,000.00 7,000.00 23,038.00 21,188.00 20,988.00 Fine Arts Council ID Cards Rec Services Reserves for Contingencies Student Governing Association (SGA) B-16 AMOUNT REQUESTED Student Publications FINANCE COMM. RECOMMENDATIONS 3.00 LI 81,126.00 ($3.00 LI) 13,220.00 12,370.00 12,470.00 1,850.45 940.00 940.00 (The 25% Spending Regulation between Tentative and Final Allocations shall be Waived) 7.00 LI 7.00 LI 189,294.00 ($7.00 LI) 17,785.00 16,830.50 16,880.50 University Learning Network 4,466.00 3,896.00 4,296.00 Veterans on Campus 1,084.80 753.40 1,000.00 Withholding ---------- ----------- 2,000.00 Women’s Resource Center (WRC) 3,770.00 2,835.00 1,102.00 (none of the money is to be spent for printing of Pandora Revisited) Students’ Attorney Touchstone Union University for Man (UFM) 3.00 LI TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS PASSED 38/4/1 - 5/1/75 B-17 BILL 75/76/14 BY: REVISED COLLEGE COUNCIL BILL Mike Zehner, and in order of appearance - Craig Swann, John Ireland, Mike Zehner, Jane Kittner, Doug McClure, Bill Small, Ruth Barr, Steve Phillips, John Lauber, Bryce Haverkamp, Mark Dolliver, John Morgan, Gary Hansen, Ron Wilson, Allen Hurley, Margie Reister, John Rector BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate shall grant $1.50/semester for each full-time student and $.42/semester for each part-time student to each College Council. The yearly allocation shall be based on the previous year’s second semester enrollment. SECTION 2. A College Council may request additional funds from Student Senate for specific budget requirements if the Council can show sufficient need and cause for the increased funding. These additional funding requests will be submitted during the Tentative Allocation process. SECTION 3. Guidelines for this grant shall include: A. B. C. D. All College Council allocations must meet SGA Spending Regulations. Any funded activity or organization cannot discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, religion, creed or sex. Any organization or activity funded by a College Council should be predominantly beneficial to that college’s students and said organizations and activities will receive higher priority in the Council’s funding process. Grants of this bill will be administered and allocated by the College Council, subject to review by Finance Committee. SECTION 4. All College Council’s allocation processes will be completed by two (2) weeks prior to Student Senate Final Allocations. The Council’s allocations will then be submitted to the Student Senate Finance Committee for review and approval. If the Finance Committee discovers funding irregularities or violations of Student Senate Spending Policies, the committee may either return the Council’s budget for further consideration or submit the budget to Student Senate for their approval. SECTION 5. This bill will be brought before Student Senate following the completion of the 1976-77 allocation process for review and evaluation. SECTION 6. All College Council bill’s and amendments passed by Student Senate prior to passage of this bill will be considered null and void. FAILED 12/28/0 - 5/1/75 B-18 BILL 75/76/15 BY: APPROVAL OF CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD DIRECTOR, PREGNANCY COUNSELING DIRECTOR, AND FONE COORDINATOR Personnel Selection Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Annette Thurlow be approved as the Director of the Consumer Relations Board effective June 17, 1975 at a salary of $250/month on an 11 month basis. SECTION 2. Karen Barquest be approved as the Director of Pregnancy Counseling effective May 17, 1975 at a salary of $250/month on an 11 month basis. SECTION 3. Mike Caldwell be approved as the Coordinator of the FONE – Walk-In Crisis Center effective May 17, 1975 at a salary of $250/month on an 11 month basis. PASSED 5/1/75 B-19 BILL 75/76/16 BY: SALARY INCREASE FOR DIRECTORS OF SOCIAL SERVICES Finance Committee WHEREAS the Social Services Directors who return for another year in the same position receive no extra compensation for experience, and WHEREAS their experience is valuable to that Social Service and the students it serves BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate add a Section 11 to Senate Bill 71/72/46, SGA Spending Regulations, to read as follows: An SGA funded Social Service Director, at $250/month will be entitled to a 10% salary increase their first consecutive year in the same directorship position. SECTION 2. This will become effective beginning with Fiscal Year 1975-76. FAILED 15/23 - 5/8/75 B-20 BILL 75/76/17 BY: FUNDING OF SOCIAL SERVICES INFORMATION CARD Finance Committee WHEREAS the Social Services Council has devised an information card by request of Student Senate Finance Committee, and WHEREAS this card will be utilized for advertising all the Social Services in one unit BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The money earmarked in Reserves for Contingencies from the following accounts be removed and placed in the SGA Account: Pregnancy Counseling Consumer Relations Board University Learning Network $36.00 $70.00 $70.00 SECTION 2. This money shall pay for the printing of Social Services Information Card. PASSED 5/8/75 B-21 BILL 75/76/18 BY: APPROVAL OF KSDB-FM ENGINEER, STUDENT HANDBOOK EDITOR, AND UNIVERSITY LEARNING NETWORK ASSISTANT DIRECTOR AND STAFF PERSONNEL OF ULN Personnel Selection Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Kenneth L. Sowles be approved for the position of KSDB-FM Chief Engineer effective June 17, 1975 at a salary of $3.88/hour - 15 hours/ week. SECTION 2. Gloria Freeland be approved as Editor of the Student Handbook, to be completed by August 1, at a salary of $100. SECTION 3. Valeria Marrs be approved as Assistant Director of University Learning Network at a salary of $200/month for 11 months. SECTION 4. Karen Whiston, Nancy Hamilton, Lisa Foster, Mindy Fogelman, Nancy Henke Lawrence G. Wright, Jr. be approved as staff personnel for University Learning Network on the work-study program. SECTION 5. Paul Hart be approved for the position of Director of the Drug Education Center at a salary of $250/month on an 11 month basis. PASSED 5/8/75 B-22 BILL 75/76/19 BY: APPROVAL OF DRUG EDUCATION CENTER ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Personnel Selection Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. John Leslie be approved as Assistant Director of the Drug Education Center, effective September 1, 1975 at a salary of $220.50/month for 9 months. SECTION 2. John Leslie be compensated an additional 2 months salary for his Drug Education Center work during the months of May, June, July & August. This additional salary to be distributed throughout the fiscal year 1975-76. PASSED 8/28/75 B-23 BILL 75/76/20 BY: APPROVAL OF ASK CAMPUS DIRECTOR, WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER WORK-STUDY POSITIONS, ULN WORK-STUDY POSITION, AND SGA WORK-STUDY POSITION Personnel Selection Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Billy Studer be approved for the position of ASK Campus Director effective September 1 at a salary of $50/month for the months of September thru December, to increase to $100/month during the months of January thru May. SECTION 2. The following people be approved for work-study staff positions for the Women’s Resource Center: Elissa Levine, Roger Luce SECTION 3. Paul Chubbick be approved for the position of work-study staff positions for the University Learning Network. SECTION 4. Jayne Block be approved for the position of SGA Work-Study Secretary at a salary of $2/hour. PASSED 9/11/75 B-24 BILL 75/76/21 BY: THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FINE ARTS COUNCIL LINE ITEM The Fine Arts Council Investigative Committee WHEREAS a committee designated by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. John Chalmers, has met and researched the current Fine Arts Council, and WHEREAS the committee concluded that the financing for Fine Arts Council should be in the form of a Line Item, $1.60/student/semester, and WHEREAS this form of financing would provide Student Senate with an itemized account of Fine Arts Council expenditures along with increased student input towards this body BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The structure of the Fine Arts Council shall consist of the following voting members: the head of the Art Dept., head of the Speech Dept., head of the Music Dept., a representative from the College of Architecture and Design, head of the Auditorium, the chairperson of the Student Senate Finance Committee, two (2) Student Senators, two (2) students at large, the SGA Cabinet Director of Minority Affairs, who shall serve as chairperson. The students will be selected by the Student Senate Chairperson. SECTION 2. The Fine Arts Council allocation process shall precede the Tentative Allocations of Student Senate. The Fine Arts organizations requesting money from the Council will submit their budgets by February 1 to the Council. The Council will determine its allocation process and have it completed by March 1, to be submitted to the SGA Finance Committee. SECTION 3. The Fine Arts Council will be held responsible for an open audit of their books throughout the entire fiscal year. SECTION 4. Each organization will be held to the budget that is approved by the Fine Arts Council and to each category within the overall budget. SECTION 5. The Fine Arts Council will follow the guidelines of Finance Committee concerning its allocation process. SECTION 6. A $1.60/full-time student/semester line item for the Fine Arts Council will become effective for fiscal year 1976-77. This line item will be subject to review after both the 1976-77 and 1977-78 fiscal years. After this time, the Fine Arts Council line item will be reviewed every two (2) years. PASSED 9/18/75 B-25 BILL 75/76/22 BY: APPROVAL OF KSDB-FM WORK-STUDY SECRETARY Personnel Selection Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Jo Ellen E. Hull be approved for the position of KSDB-FM Work-Study Secretary. PASSED 9/18/75 B-26 BILL 75/76/23 BY: FINAL ALLOCATIONS FOR 1975-76 Finance Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following allocations be approved as Final Allocations for fiscal year 197576: AMOUNT REQUESTED 1975-76 Alternative Conf. Associated Students of Kansas $1,020.00 TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS 1975-76 $ 1,020.00 + 200.00 res. .30 LI 6,760.50 ( Black Student Union FINANCE COMM. RECOMMENDATION 1975-76 FINAL ALLOCATIONS $ 1,020.00 + 200.00 res. 7,214.25 (2) based on $.25 Line Item FINAL ALLOCATIONS 1975-76 $ 1,020.00 7,214.25 (2) ) 6,780.00 6,330.00 6,330.00 6,330.00 Chimes 204.00 153.00 153.00 0.00 College Councils 1.50 LI 40,882.28 40,882.28 40,882.28 ($ 1.50/full-time student and $ .42/part-time student LI) Consumer Relations Board 3,559.00 3,196.00 3,266.00 (1) 3,266.00 (1) Drug Education Center 7,630.00 6,235.50 6,235.50 6,235.50 Environmental Awareness Center 1,111.40 996.32 3,874.32 3,874.32 53,710.00 43,560.0 43,560.00 43,560.00 FONE/Walk-In Crisis Center 4,086.40 3,584.00 3,584.40 3,584.40 Gay Counseling 1,340.00 448.00 648.00 648.00 International Coordinating Council (ICC) 6,093.00 3,974.00 3,974.00 3,974.00 11,500.00 11,500.00 $ 1.60/new student Fine Arts Council I.D. Cards 1.60/new student ( 11,500.00 ) Infant & Child Care 2,700.00 2,500.00 2,725.00 2,725.00 KSDB-FM 6,321.94 6,271.94 6,532.58 6,532.58 Long Range Reserves ---------- 0.00 0.00 0.00 MECHA 4,625.00 2,850.00 2,850.00 2,850.00 Pregnancy Counseling 3,802.00 3,166.00 3,202.00 (1) 3,202.00 (1) B-27 AMOUNT REQUESTED 1975-76 Rec. Services Reserves for Contingencies Student Governing Association Student Publications TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS 1975-76 FINANCE COMM. RECOMMENDATION 1975-76 FINAL ALLOCATIONS 2.50 LI $ 66,805.00 ( $ 72,142.50 (2) $ 2.50 Line Item $ 72,142.40 (2) ) ----------- 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 23,038.00 20,988.00 22,838.00 (1) 22,838.00 (1) 81,126.00 86,571.00 $ 3.00 Line Item 86,571.00 ) 12,470.00 12,470.00 12,470.00 3.00 LI ( Students’ Attorney Touchstone Union FINAL ALLOCATIONS 1975-76 13,220.00 1,850.45 940.00 940.00 940.00 (The 25% Spending Regulation between tentative and final allocations shall be waived) 7.00 LI 189,294.00 ( 201,999.00 (2) $ 7.00 Line Item 201,999.00 (2) ) 17,785.00 16,880.50 17,839.50 17,839.50 University Learning Network 4,466.00 4,296.00 4,366.00 (1) 4,366.00 (1) Veterans on Campus 1,084.80 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 ------------ 2,000.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 University for Man Withholdings Women’s Resource Center 3,770.00 1,102.00 1,102.00 1,102.00 (none of this money shall be used for printing of Pandora Revisited) (1) includes those monies placed in reserves but not previously totaled. (2) line item estimate per full-time students LI= Line Item PASSED 37/5/0 - 9/25/75 B-28 BILL 75/76/24 BY: CLOSING OF 1974-75 ACCOUNTS Amy Button, Finance Comm. Chairperson WHEREAS S.G.A. allocates the student activity fee for one fiscal year, and WHEREAS the groups listed in this bill had monies left in their accounts after June 30, 1975, and WHEREAS each groups received notice of an appeal date and requested appeal hearings were granted BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate instruct the Comptroller’s Office to decrease the following accounts by the amounts listed below and that this money be placed into the SGA Unallotted Account. Ag Science Day Architecture & Design Council Arts & Sciences Honors Black Student Union Business Council Chimes Crops & Soils Judging Team Dairy Cattle & Produce Judging Education Council Engineering Open House Engineering Council Flower Judging FONE Graduate Student Association Home Ec. Council Music Trip Fund Psi Chi KSDB-FM Radio Student Governing Association Teacher-Course Evaluation Touchstone UFM ULN Veterans on Campus Wool Judging Team Legal Services MECHA Vet Med College Council Pregnancy Counseling Consumer Relations Board Environmental Awareness Center TOTAL $ .25 63.34 67.00 2,827.09 1,256.64 4.64 27.75 .59 1,040.77 6.07 .47 22.00 328.74 1,110.86 131.37 .77 19.00 24.31 864.85 52.85 340.50 724.68 101.84 730.34 41.80 1,241.67 176.36 .38 35.34 99.12 44.94 $11,386.33 B-29 SECTION 2. The following groups shall retain the amounts listed below for the remainder of the 1975-76 fiscal year: Black Student Union $ Livestock Judging Team Meats Judging Team Minorities Research Center Consumer Relations Board Drug Education Center TOTAL 170.50 100.00 116.00 590.34 277.24 158.00 $ 1,412.08 PASSED 9/25/75 B-30 BILL 75/76/25 BY: APPROVAL OF SGA OFFICE DESIGN PLANS Keith Tucker WHEREAS there has been much concern over the wasted space in the SGA Office, and WHEREAS outside organizations have requested occupancy of this space, and WHEREAS plans have been completed concerning alterations of the present floor plan which yields space designated for outside organizations BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The office design plan, as presented, shall be imp1emented immediately. Bids for the project will be accepted by October 10, 1975 with a committee making their recommendations to Student Senate by October 23, 1975. This committee will consist of Student Body President, Student Senate Chairperson, Finance Committee Chairperson, Senate Operations Chairperson, and the Coordinator of Student Activities. SECTION 2. All SGA-funded groups providing social services, excluding SGA standing committees and cabinet members, wanting space in the SGA Office shall submit a proposal to the Senate Operations Chairperson. This proposal shall include an explanation for the need for this space and a definite spacial plan showing minimum area needed. This proposal shall be available to Student Senate upon request and during approval procedures. SECTION 3. Senate Operations Committee shall re-evaluate spacial arrangements of the SGA Office upon Student Senator’s requests or at times it deems necessary. Its findings shall be submitted to Student Senate for approval, at least one week in advance. All groups housed in the SGA Office shall have one week notification of alterations prior to Student Senate action on the changes. PASSED 10/2/75 B-31 BILL 75/76/26 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Elections Committee WHEREAS the revised By-Laws to the SGA Constitution explicitly states that “The polls shall be open from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm on the day or days of the election.”, and WHEREAS this does not allow a sufficient amount of time for the desired turnout of voters BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate amend Article II, Section 1, D, 3 to read “6:30 am” instead of the 4:30 pm as the closing time for the election polls. PASSED 10/2/75 B-32 BILL 75/76/27 BY: BY-LAW AMENDMENTS, JUDICIAL SYSTEM Steve Koenig (Constitutional Revision Comm.) WHEREAS the Constitution and By-Laws Committee, in conjunction with Judicial Council, has reviewed the SGA By-Laws BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article VI, Section 2, E. be changed to read: Student Review Board hears cases or complaints involving off-campus students over university matters and may also hear cases of cross-jurisdiction or cases for which jurisdiction is not otherwise set forth in this section. NOTE: (the underlined is the new part proposed to be added) SECTION 2. Article VI, Section 4, B. be changed to read: The chairperson of the body will set the date of the hearing, exclusive of weekends and vacations, as soon as possible following the Judicial Council’s decision designating jurisdiction, allowing the defendant a minimum of two (2) class days to prepare a defense. NOTE: (the underlined replaces at least five class days) SECTION 3. Article VI, Section 5, G. (1) be changed to read: Failure of a defendant to appear will not delay hearing proceedings. Failure to appear or testify at the hearing will not be used as grounds for assessing guilt. NOTE: (the underlined replaces student) SECTION 4. Article VI, Section 7, B. be changed to read: Written appeals must be filed with the Judicial Council by 5 pm of the next class day after the day the decision has been rendered and the defendant has been notified in writing of said decision. NOTE: (the present section reads: Appeals must be filed with the Judicial Council within one (1) week ((seven (7) calendar academic days)) after the decision has been rendered and the defendant has been notified of said decision) PASSED 10/9/75 B-33 BILL 75/76/28 BY: NICHOLS GYM RENOVATION FUND Bryce Haverkamp, Jane Kittner, Jeff Pierce, Andy Hartman, Mike Rice, Kent Foerster, Scott Averill, Cindy Helferstay WHEREAS it has been shown that there is student support for the renovation of Nichols Gymnasium with over 4,200 students signing a recent petition to that effect, and WHEREAS President Acker has yet to make a decision on a fund-raising drive for the Nichols Gymnasium renovation, and WHEREAS Student Senate passage of this bill will show student support for the Nichols Gymnasium renovation BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate a total of $10,000 from the Unallotted Account as a contribution toward the expenditures associated with the art gallery section of the Nichols Gymnasium renovation. SECTION 2. In the event that there are any major alterations of the present architectural drawings which designate the construction of the renovation, SGA reserves the right to review this allocation and to request the return of any unspent portions of this allocation. SECTION 3. This money will remain earmarked in the respective SGA reserve accounts for the Nichols Gymnasium renovation until such time as construction actually starts. At that time, Student Senators will review construction plans and take the necessary action to transfer this money into the appropriate university account. SECTION 4. If, for any reason, the actual construction of the proposed renovation has not started by the beginning of Fiscal Year 1978-79 or in the event that President Acker decided against a fund-raising drive, this money will be returned to Student Senate. PASSED 10/9/75 B-34 BILL 75/76/29 BY: IMPEACHMENT OF STUDENT SENATORS Chris Badger WHEREAS the following two Senators have absences greater than the minimum required to justify impeachment BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate bring impeachment proceedings against: Gurprit Chhatwal - Grad. - 5 absences - 4/24/75, 5/1/75, 8/28/75, 9/11/75, 10/2/75 Randy Webb - Arch. - 9 absences – 2/13/75, 3/27/75, 5/8/75, 9/4/75, 9/11/75, 9/25/75, 10/2/75, 10/9/75, 10/16/75. FAILED Gurprit - 10/23/75 PASSED Randy - 10/23/75 B-35 BILL 75/76/30-A BY: FUNDING OF BLUE KEY Finance Committee WHEREAS the responsibility of Homecoming has been given to Blue Key upon request of the university, and WHEREAS Homecoming is an event that has the potential to benefit the entire student body and therefore BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $250.00 from the Unallotted Account of SGA. SECTION 2. The $250.00 will be expended solely for partial financing of the Homecoming Street Dance, October 16, 1975. PASSED 10/9/75 B-36 BILL 75/76/30-B BY: APPROVAL OF ALL-UNIVERSITY OPEN HOUSE DATE FOR 1976 Bernard Franklin and Emilie Smith WHEREAS Student Senate has not yet approved the All-University Open House Date BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. April 9 and 10, 1976 be declared the date for All-University Open House for 1976. PASSED 10/16/75 B-37 BILL 75/76/31 BY: IMPEACHMENT OF RUTH BARR Mark Dolliver, Jeff Crawford, Jane Kittner WHEREAS there is question as to whether or not Ruth Barr represents the K-State students, and/or if it is her responsibility as an officer of SGA to do so, and WHEREAS there is question as to whether not representing the student interest constitutes malfeasance, and WHEREAS there is question as to whether or not Ruth Barr has a conflict of interest between her role as student representative to the Intercollegiate Athletic Council, residing in the Athletic Dorm, and that of her spouse, as director of the Athletic Dorm, and WHEREAS the situation has been heavily covered by the media, and may be a challenge to her credibility, and WHEREAS it is imperative, that should she not be guilty her name be cleared by an impartial jury, and WHEREAS a bill of impeachment, if passed, does not more than to start proceedings for a trial before Tribunal, and in no way should be considered as a verdict by the Senate BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Ruth Barr is here by impeached and shall be presented to Tribunal for trial and upon conviction by Tribunal shall be removed from office as a student representative to the Intercollegiate Athletic Council. FAILED 17/22/1 - 10/23/75 B-38 BILL 75/76/32 BY: ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS CENTER, INC. AND KSU’S RECYCLING PROGRAM Kent Foerster, Jeff Pierce, Bryce Haverkamp, and others WHEREAS the Environmental Awareness Center is in the process of becoming a non-profit corporation and registered student organization: E.A.C., Inc., and WHEREAS E.A.C., Inc. will establish a university-wide white bond paper recycling program to be implemented in stages, therefore BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. All money generated from the White Bond Recycling Program shall be placed into E.A.C.’s SGA Restricted Fee Account. SECTION 2. All costs for the program, including salaries, transportation, handling and advertising, shall come directly from the money generated by the program. SECTION 3. E.A.C., Inc. shall repay any advances for the White Bond Program made by SGA when E.A.C., Inc. becomes totally self-sufficient. SECTION 4. After all expenses, any funds remaining from the E.A.C., Inc. Recycling Program will be allocated by E.A.C., Inc. with Student Senate approval to improve the campus environment, expand environment consciousness, and provide ways to involve students in the actual process of environmental action and campus involvement. SECTION 5. A University Recycling Advisory Council shall be established. Members of this council shall include: the head of Physical Plant, the director of the Computing Center, the Vice Presidents for Student and Business Affairs of their representatives, a representative of Faculty Senate, the Student Body President, the SGA Director of Energy and Environment, the Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator of E.A.C., Inc., a Student Senate representative and one student-atlarge. PASSED 10/23/75 B-39 BILL 75/76/33 BY: VALIDATING OF PRESENT ID CARD Steve Phillips, Tom Dill, Mary Moser, Finance Committee WHEREAS the Union and recreational facilities and library services are being used on abused by non-current fee paying students, and WHEREAS the support of these facilities come from student fees, and WHEREAS the carrying of the student fee card is an inconvenience BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The library shall be directed to implement the procedure of validating our current ID cards by use of a pressure sensitized label. SECTION 2. The cost incurred in validating the ID cards shall come from the Student ID Card account. SECTION 3. The ID shall be validated each semester during registration. SECTION 4. The validation label shall state the semester and year. SECTION 5. Validation of I.D.’s will start with the 1976 Spring Semester. PASSED 10/23/75 B-40 BILL 75/76/34 BY: AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 74/75/13, MODIFICATION OF THE ID CARD ACCOUNT AND SYSTEM Steve Phillips, Tom Dill, Mary Moser WHEREAS monthly financial reports are unnecessary because the remaining balance is not known until the end of the fiscal year, and WHEREAS the main expenditures to the ID Card account are incurred in the Fall Semester BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Senate Bill 75/76/13, Modification of the ID Card Account and System, Section 2, to be amended to read: ID Card account financial information will be provided to the SGA Financial Advisor at the end of the Fall Semester and at the end of the fiscal year. PASSED 10/23/75 B-41 BILL 75/76/35 BY: FUNDING OF CREW DEBT Finance Committee WHEREAS a debt has been incurred by the 1974-75 Crew Team, and WHEREAS in dealing with past SGA budgets, Senate has helped such groups with their debts BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate place $454 in a Crew account to cover the debt from the Syracuse trip. SECTION 2. The $454 shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 10/30/75 B-42 BILL 75/76/36 BY: SEATING OF FALL 1975 STUDENT SENATORS, EXCLUDING THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Elections Committee WHEREAS the Election judges have certified the election results with the exception of the College of Agriculture, and WHEREAS the College of Agriculture needs four Senators for effective representation according to the SGA Constitution and By-Laws BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following people be approved for the following offices: Architecture Senator Larry Jordan Business Administration Senators Guy Seiler Mark Dolliver Arts & Sciences Senators Terry Matlack Phil Palma Pat McFadden Bryce Haverkamp Martha Frederick Curtis Doss Craig Swann Education Senator Cindy Thomas Engineering Senators Craig Rundle Clay Jones Home Economics Senators Brenda Funk Carol Engel Graduate School Senator Christian Loschcke SECTION 2. Elections Committee of Student Senate will conduct a second election solely for the purpose of electing four Senate Senators to the College of Agriculture. This election shall take place on Wednesday, October 29, 1975, in the lobby of Waters Hall from the hours of 8:00 am until 4:00 pm. SECTION 3. Scott Averill, Chairperson of the Elections Committee, says he is sorry for what he did. PASSED 10/23/75 B-43 BILL 75/76/37 BY: REVISION OF SGA BY-LAWS: POSTING REGULATIONS Steve Koenig WHEREAS Student Senate feels that the present Section 9, Article V of the SGA By-Laws is inappropriate BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 9 of the By-Laws to the SGA Constitution be deleted. SECTION 2. All references to Article V, Section 10 be changed to Article V, Section 9. PASSED 11/6/75 B-44 BILL 75/76/38 BY: FUNDING OF TOUCHSTONE Amy Button, by request WHEREAS there is an abundance of quality material that cannot be printed unless a second issue of Touchstone is published, and WHEREAS there appears to be a demand for a second issue BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following amounts be allocated to the Touchstone account: $ 840 printing $ 100 advertising SECTION 2. The $940 shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account to be placed in the 1975-76 Touchstone account. SECTION 3. All monies generated from the sale of Touchstone shall be returned to SGA. PASSED 10/30/75 B-45 BILL 75/76/39 BY: AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 74/75/37, GUIDELINES FOR FUNDING OF COMPETITIVE SPORTS Mark Dolliver, Keith Tucker WHEREAS it is the feeling of some Senators that the $454 bill incurred by Crew is the responsibility of SGA, and WHEREAS with Senate Bill 74/75/37, we are bound to not fund Collegiate Athletics, and it has been out policy not to consider them, and WHEREAS passage of this amendment would in no way force us to actually cover the debt incurred by Crew BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Senate Bill 74/75/37, Section 1, be amended to read: A maximum of $19,854 be established for funding of non-revenue, non-Big 8 sports for the 1974-75 fiscal year. PASSED 10/30/75 B-46 BILL 75/76/40 BY: FUNDING OF DEBATE & ORATORY Craig Swann, Guy Seiler WHEREAS the KSU Debate Squad has quadrupled in size over the past 2 years while its budget has been decreased, and WHEREAS the KSU Debate Squad has been gaining national recognition for their successful competition on the national, as well as regional level, and WHEREAS the Arts & Sciences College Council does not have the financial capability to adequately fund the Debate & Oratory account, and WHEREAS the Debate & Oratory needs substantially more funds immediately to continue to provide KSU with viable and competitive Debate Squad BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate Debate & Oratory in the following manner: Subsistence Fees Travel Less presently in account TOTAL REQUEST $ 1,037.00 1,505.00 1,765.00 $ 4,307.00 -1.48 $ 4,305.52 PASSED 10/30/75 B-47 BILL 75/76/41 BY: APPROVAL OF FALL 1975-76 AGRICULTURE STUDENT SENATORS Elections Committee WHEREAS the special election which was held solely for the College of Agriculture on Wednesday, October 29, 1975, was run without a “hitch”, and WHEREAS there were four Agriculture Senators successfully and rightfully elected, and WHEREAS the Constitution and By-Laws state explicitly that we must have effective representation relative to the size of the college, and WHEREAS the Elections Committee was going to abdicate in the event that this election was not validated by the election judges BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following people be approved for the following offices: Agriculture Student Senators Ray Flickner Richard Suellentrop Kent Bearnes Max Knopp PASSED 10/30/75 B-48 BILL 75/76/42 BY: CONTINUATION OF SGA NOTARY PUBLIC SERVICE Student Affairs Committee WHEREAS since October 31, 1975 we no longer have a Notary Public, and WHEREAS there is a great need for a Notary Public on campus, and WHEREAS it is not in the job description of the SGA Secretary to be a Notary Public BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $40.00 to cover the cost of the application, commission, seal, and bond for a Notary Public for Jayne Block, SGA Work-Study Secretary. SECTION 2. Student Senate allocate $175.00 for the hiring of a second work-study person to supplement the hours of the present work-study secretary to aid in clerical work and offer further Notary Public Service. SECTION 3. $40.00 also be allocated to cover the cost of the application, commission, seal, and bond of the aforementioned work-study person. SECTION 4. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. PASSED 12/11/75 B-49 BILL 75/76/43 BY: REVISION OF UAB BY-LAWS TO THE CONSTITUTION: DEFINITIONS OF STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS, REGISTRATION OF FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES, AND VENDOR’S PERMIT Steve Koenig WHEREAS the University Activities Board (UAB) needs control of fund-raising projects and groups engaged in vending activities, and WHEREAS the Union Governing Board has requested a clearer definition of the types of student organizations BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following amendments be made to the By-Laws to the University Activities Board Constitution: NOTE: Amendments are to Article V copies of the amendments are in Proposed Legislation PASSED 11/6/75 B-50 BILL 75/76/44 BY: APPROVAL OF WORK-STUDY ASSISTANT TO THE STUDENTS’ ATTORNEY Jane Kittner BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Robert Weems be approved for the position of work-study assistant to the Students’ Attorney, effective November 7, 1975. SECTION 2. SGA’s contribution to the work-study salary for Fall Semester 1975 shall not exceed $25.00. PASSED 11/6/75 B-51 BILL 75/76/45 BY: MAINTENANCE OF STUDENT NOTICE BOARDS Steve Koenig, Jim Hamilton WHEREAS the present system of fines to regulate posting of notices on campus has proved unwieldly and difficult to enforce, and WHEREAS the members of Alpha Phi Omega have agreed to police the board if some source of revenue can be found for maintenance of the facilities, and WHEREAS the notice boards serve all students BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate assigns all control of posting on campus to Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity, but maintains the financial responsibility for the maintenance of student notice boards. PASSED 11/6/75 B-52 BILL 75/76/46 BY: APPROVAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS CENTER DIRECTOR’S POSITION Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS extensive interviews were conducted, and WHEREAS the interviewing committee believes that this person is best qualified for the position BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Carol Beardmore be approved for the position of Environmental Awareness Center Director at a salary of $250/month, effective January 1, 1976. PASSED 11/13/75 B-53 BILL 75/76/47 BY: STUDENT SENATE VACANCIES Steve Koenig, Steve Phillips, Craig Rundle WHEREAS THE SGA Constitution, Section 503, states: “Representatives to the Student Senate shall be one (1) member for each three hundred (300) full-time students or major fraction thereof in each college and the Graduate School; one-half elected in the Spring and one-half elected in the Fall as indicated by the By-Laws, and WHEREAS a misinterpretation of the Constitution has resulted in the elimination of five (5) valid Student Senate positions, and WHEREAS the SGA By-Laws to the Constitution provide for filling vacant seats; Section 2, Article V, Part B: “When a vacancy occurs for any other reason, a new member will be appointed by the college or school council of the college or school left without representation. The college will make known the vacancy to all members of its respective college before a replacement is chosen BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following College Councils shall be notified of existing vacancies and shall make an appointment to fill this vacancy according to the provisions outlined in their Constitutions. COLLEGE Business Administration Education Engineering Graduate School Home Economics VACANCIES 1 1 1 1 1 SECTION 2. These are in addition to existing vacancies in the College of Architecture and Graduate School. SECTION 3. The term of these appointments shall expire at the time of the Spring 1976 Election. PASSED 11/13/75 B-54 BILL 75/76/48 BY: FUNDING OF BLOODMOBILE ADVERTISING Finance Committee WHEREAS the Bloodmobile benefits the entire University, and WHEREAS the Bloodmobile is a University-wide program with the advertising carried out by Spurs BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate the amount of $27.00 to Spurs to be used for advertising the Bloodmobile Drive this month. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 11/13/75 B-55 BILL 75/76/49 BY: FUNDING OF SGA RONEO-VICKERS MIMEOGRAPH MACHINE Finance Committee WHEREAS this is a definite need to replace the present SGA mimeograph machine, and WHEREAS due to the increased workload in the SGA Office of the mimeograph machine, and WHEREAS all the Roneo-Vickers Mimeograph Machines have a 1-year warranty and appeared to be the best machine for SGA’s purposes BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $1,000.00 to purchase a Roneo-Vickers, Model 865, Mimeograph Machine. SECTION 2. The $1,000.00 shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account to be placed in the SGA account. PASSED 11/20/75 B-56 BILL 75/76/50 BY: REVISION OF ENGINEERING COLLEGE COUNCIL CONSTITUTION Constitution and By-Laws Committee WHEREAS the College of Engineering has found it necessary to revise its Constitution and By-Laws, and WHEREAS Engineering Council has followed the procedures for revision outlined in its Constitution, and WHEREAS the Constitution is not in conflict with the SGA Constitution and By-Laws BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate ratify the November 1975 revisions of the Engineering College Council Constitution and By-Laws. copies of the revisions are in Proposed Legislation PASSED 12/4/75 B-57 BILL 75/76/51 BY: ELECTION CAMPAIGNING RESTRICTIONS Scott Averill WHEREAS the Fall Senate Elections of 1975 might be indicative of an increased number of people interested in candidacy in following Elections, and WHEREAS many students attending school here at K-State are on a limited financial budget, and WHEREAS many of these students who are on a limited financial budget might be interested in running for Student Senate and other positions but are inhibited from doing so because they cannot match the amount of money spent by other candidates, and WHEREAS a large sum of money spent on a campaign can have a positive effect on a candidate’s campaign, and WHEREAS there are many opportunities on this campus for the interested candidate to meet the voters on a personal basis, and WHEREAS there is absolutely no need for SGA Elections to typify government elections at the local, state and federal level BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. All uses of chalk be prohibited. SECTION 2. All uses of posters be prohibited. (Posters being inclusive of flyers, individual sheets of paper, lawn signs, etc.) (The term “all uses” means no posting in living groups, buildings on campus, etc.) SECTION 3. All candidates for Student Senate and Student Publications be prohibited from spending more than $20.00 on all newspaper advertising. SECTION 4. All candidates for Student Body President be prohibited from spending more than $75.00 on all newspaper advertising. SECTION 5. Elections Committee will be solely responsible for monitoring total money spent by all candidates on all newspaper advertising during days of candidacy. SECTION 6. This bill shall be reviewed during the second Senate meeting following Spring Elections of 1976 at which time it shall be decided whether these restrictions should apply to future elections. FAILED 12/11/75 B-58 BILL 75/76/52 BY: APPROVAL OF DRUG EDUCATION CENTER DIRECTOR’S POSITION Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS a vacancy has occurred in the position of Drug Education Center Director, and WHEREAS the interviewing committee believes that this person is the best qualified for the position BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. John Leslie be approved for the position of Drug Education Center Director, effective January 5, 1976. SECTION 2. The salary will be $299.50 per month through May 1976 to compensate for work during the Summer of 1975. SECTION 3. After May 1976, the salary will be reduced to $250 per month. PASSED 12/11/75 B-59 BILL 75/76/53 BY: SENATE APPROVAL OF EDUCATION COUNCIL CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Bill Swift, Cindy Thomas, Carl Kirkpatrick WHEREAS Education Council has recently amended its Constitution, and WHEREAS Student Senate’s approval if needed for these amendments BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve amendments as made by the Education Council to read as follows: Amend Article I, Part 1 by striking the underlined part: All persons enrolled in the College of Education and those sophomores enrolled in the College of Arts & Sciences whose application to enroll in the College of Education has been approved, shall annually elect a representative body of students known as the Education Council. Amend Article I, Part 1-A-2 by adding the underlined part: The above officers shall be elected by the Council at the second meeting of the fall semester in a manner of their choosing. Amend Article I, Part 4-A by replacing the underlined with twelve (12): There shall be eleven (11) elected members on the Education Council including the officers. Amend Article I, Part 4-A by adding the following: 1. Members will be allowed three unexcused absences per semester. 2. After two unexcused absences, a phone call will be placed by the vice president to the council member, notifying him of his absences. 3. After three absences, a letter of termination of office will be sent to the council member. 4. The council member may appeal to council within one week after receiving the letter, in order that he be reinstated. B-60 Amend Article I, Part 4-B by replacing the underlined with twelve (12): In addition to the eleven (11) voting members, there shall be the following exofficio members: Amend Article I, Part 5 by deleting Part B completely and up-noting all subsequent Parts. Part B. reads as follows: Must have completed two semesters in residence at this institution by the end of the semester in which the election is held. PASSED 1/29/76 B-61 BILL 75/76/54 BY: FUNDING OF LIVESTOCK JUDGING TEAM Finance Committee WHEREAS the KSU Livestock Judging Team has gained national recognition and attention to KSU for their successful competition on the national and regional levels, and WHEREAS the Senior Livestock Judging Team has won the two major livestock judging contests in both 1974 and 1975 which has only been accomplished by one other university in history, and WHEREAS the Livestock Judging Team’s membership is open to all students at the University, and WHEREAS Ag. Council does not have the financial capacity to offer additional financial assistance, and WHEREAS the Livestock Judging Team needs more funds to help partially offset the costs incurred for the judging program to continue to provide KSU with a competitive Livestock Judging Team BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $1,135 to the 1975-76 Livestock Judging Team for food, lodging and transportation. SECTION 2. This money shall come from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 12/11/75 B-62 BILL 75/76/55 BY: APPROVAL OF DRUG EDUCATION CENTER’S ASSISTANT DIRECTOR POSITION Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS interviews were conducted, and WHEREAS the interviewing committee believes this person is best qualified for the position BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Jeff Morris be approved for the position of Assistant Director of the Drug Education Center, effective January 5, 1976 at a salary of $220.50/month. PASSED 12/11/75 B-63 BILL 75/76/56 BY: ESTABLISHMENT OF A RECREATIONAL SERVICES REFERENDUM ON THE FEBRUARY 18, 1976 STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTIONS Task Force to Investigate Athletics and Recreational Services WHEREAS the Task Force has met and conducted extensive research into the area of Recreational Services and Intercollegiate Athletics, and WHEREAS the Task Force has recommended a “no” recommendation concerning funding of non-revenue producing sports, and WHEREAS the Task Force has concluded that there is a need for improved recreational facilities on the K-State Campus, and WHEREAS the Task Force felt that a fee increase for Recreational Services should come from the student body BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate authorize the holding of a referendum on the following question to be held on February 18, 1976, in conjunction with the SGA Elections: The following shall become an obligation of the Student Governing Association: YES______ NO______ Recreational Services Council, of which the majority membership will always be comprised of students, will implement the necessary requirements to construct and operate an indoor recreation complex. This building is for recreational purposes only and is not to be used for intercollegiate athletics or academic classes. This building is to include: multipurpose areas (basketball, volleyball, badminton, and tennis); 4-wall handball and racquetball courts; dance area; combative area; weight and exercise area; equipment checkout area; recreational services offices; and other recreation activity areas to be operational in approximately 1979. This building is to be funded in the following manner: 1. A $6 (per full-time student per semester) fee to begin the Fall of 1976 to help defray the planning and architectural costs of the building. 2. An additional $6 (per full-time student per semester) fee to begin the Fall of 1977 for a total of $12 per full-time student per semester to be paid towards the retirement of 30 years bonds for the construction of this building. B-64 3. At the beginning of the semester in which this building will be opened, an additional $3 (per full-time student per semester) fee will be assessed towards operational costs making the total $15 per full-time student per semester for the remaining period of indebtedness. 4. Part-time regular semester and summer school students will be assessed 1/2 the current fee for the semester of enrollment. 5. Upon retirement of the bonds, the future of student fee assessment will be determined by the Student Senate. PASSED 41/3/0 - 1/29/76 B-65 BILL 75/76/57 BY: STUDENT HEALTH FEE INCREASE Bernard Franklin WHEREAS the operating budget of the Lafene Student Health Center and University Hospital will operate at a deficit beginning approximately mid-May 1977, and WHEREAS the inflationary spiral in the health care industry has risen at a rate of over 16 percent per year since the 1969 implementation of a $7 health fee increase from $18 to the present $25 per semester, and WHEREAS no funds can come from State monies as specified by the Board of Regents policy, and WHEREAS to offset deficit spending, the services and programs as known today would be severely altered, providing less service, complicating greatly the already existent problem of professional recruiting program, and WHEREAS the Student Health Services Advisory Committee has evaluated many alternatives and proposed a plan which would guarantee financial solvency, as best as can be projected, for the next four years BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the Student Health Services Advisory Committee’s recommendation to increase the Student Health Fee $15.00 per semester over the next three academic years. This increase shall be in increments as follows: $ 7 increase - academic year 1976-77 $ 5 increase - academic year 1977-78 $ 3 increase - academic year 1978-79 SECTION 2. This increase shall begin Fall 1976 with the approval of the Board of Regents. PASSED 38/9/0 - 1/22/76 B-66 BILL 75/76/58 BY: APPROVAL OF TEACHER-COURSE EVALUATION EDITOR Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS interviews have been conducted, and WHEREAS the interviewing committee believes that this person is best qualified for the position BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Kathy Kindscher be approved for the position of Teacher-Course Evaluation student-editor at a salary of $75.00. PASSED 1/29/76 B-67 BILL 75/76/59 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGE Mark Dolliver WHEREAS it is virtually impossible for the Student Body President to spend the time required to fulfill the obligations of the office, and WHEREAS it is required that the Student Body President represent and protect the rights and interests of the student body BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article II, Section 202, Part A of the SGA Constitution be amended to read: A. Student Body President: Any member of the Kansas State University SGA who is recognized as either a part-time or full-time student for fee purposes by his/her respective college or school, is eligible to be a candidate for Student Body President. DIED IN COMMITTEE B-68 BILL 75/76/60 BY: INCREASE IN ALTERNATIVES CONFERENCE ALLOCATION Finance Committee WHEREAS the Alternatives Conference has researched all immediate sources of funding, and WHEREAS the speaker that will be obtained with an increase in funds will benefit the Alternatives Conference and also the University BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate an additional $300.00 to the Alternatives Conference account to be used for an honorarium. SECTION 2. This $300.00 will be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. PASSED 2/5/76 B-69 BILL 75/76/61 BY: DETERMINATION OF THE OFFICIAL REFERENDUM COUNT Elections Committee WHEREAS the SGA Constitution stated in Article 2, Section 201: Any person recognized by his or her respective college or school for the purposes as a student at Kansas State University shall be a member of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association hereafter called the SGA with the privilege of voting, and WHEREAS Article II, Section 1103 of the SGA Constitution states: A law of Kansas State University SGA may be passed by a referendum in which one-third (1/3) of the KSU SGA members vote and one-half (1/2) of those voting concur, and WHEREAS a considerably growing number of students are enrolled in the Dept. of Continuing Education and were not assessed a student activity fee or assessed for Stadium and Union Bonds and WHEREAS being the majority of Continuing Education students do not live on campus and have no access to voting tables, and WHEREAS official enrollment figures are not released from the Board of Regents until February 20 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Only full-time and part-time students who have paid a student activity fee by Tuesday, February 17, 1976 be recognized as members of SGA with the privilege of voting in the February 18, 1976 Referendum Election. SECTION 2. The Student Senate Constitutional Review Committee review the Continuing Education student status and recommend any necessary SGA Constitutional changes to the Student Senate. PASSED 2/12/76 B-70 BILL 75/76/62 BY: APPROVAL OF SGA WORK-STUDY SECRETARY/NOTARY PUBLIC Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS previous legislation established the position of work-study secretary/Notary Public, and WHEREAS interviews have been conducted, and WHEREAS the interviewing committee believes this person is best qualified for the position BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Dianne E. Redman be approved for the position of SGA Work-Study/Secretary Notary Public effective February 23, 1976. PASSED 2/19/76 B-71 BILL 75/76/63 BY: SEATING OF STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT, BOARD OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, AND SPRING 1976 STUDENT SENATE Elections Committee WHEREAS the Election judges have certified the Election results, and WHEREAS the student body have a majority of its votes for the following people BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following people be approved for the following offices: Student Body President Chris Badger Board of Student Publications Debbie Gehlbach Bryce Haverkamp Maggie Lee Agriculture Student Senators Sam Brownback Bill Graves John Blick Architecture Student Senators Bill Shay Ezell Blanchard Arts & Sciences Student Senators Cathy McCosh Skip Boyd Ted Knopp Karen Ingram John Bosch Sandra Walters Scott Cummins Jim Hamilton Business Administration Student Senators Julie Hampl Steve Zeigler Sharon Emig Education Student Senators Marty Minturn Bill Swift Engineering Student Senators Deb Miller Rex Meyer Chuck Basham Karla Engel Mary Hornung Jeanne Arnoldy Home Ec. Student Senators Veterinary Medicine Student Senators Dan Walker PASSED 2/19/76 B-72 RESOLUTION 75/76/1 BY: APPROVAL OF TRIBUNAL MEMBER Bernard Franklin BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Deb Haifleigh be approved as a member of Student Tribunal. PASSED 2/20/75 R-1 RESOLUTION 75/76/2 BY: APPROVAL OF 1975-76 CABINET APPOINTMENTS Bernard Franklin WHEREAS interviews have been conducted for Cabinet positions, and WHEREAS Cabinet appointments need Student Senate approval, and WHEREAS the Student Body President has chosen the following people to fill these positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following people to the specified positions: Maggie Vargas Bill Nichols Susie Edgerley Sue Sandmeyer Kent Foerster Sam Mathis Gary Alguien Terry Lober Mark Edelman Dick Works Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Public Relations Director Social Services Director Environment & Energy Director Co-Director of Minority Affairs Co-Director of Minority Affairs Attorney General KSU Rep. on the ASK Bd. of Dir. Campus Director of ASK PASSED 2/27/75 R-2 RESOLUTION 75/76/3 BY: APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL 1975-76 CABINET APPOINTMENTS Bernard Franklin BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following persons be approved for the specified positions by Student Senate: Ed Schiappa John Campbell College Council Coordinator Chancellor of Tribunal PASSED 3/20/75 & 3/6/75 R-3 RESOLUTION 75/76/4 BY: APPROVAL OF MEMBERSHIP OF TRIBUNAL Bernard Franklin BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following people be approved by Student Senate for membership of Student Tribunal: Carol Hillebrandt, Steve Devine, Deb Haifleigh, Judy Roth PASSED 3/6/75 R-4 RESOLUTION 75/76/5 BY: APPROVAL OF DIRECTOR OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Bernard Franklin BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following person for the Director of International Affairs: Robert E. Hall PASSED 3/6/75 R-5 RESOLUTION 75/76/6 BY: REVISION OF ARTS & SCIENCES COLLEGE COUNCIL CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS Bryce Haverkamp & Randy Rathbun WHEREAS there are many changes that need to be made in the Arts & Sciences College Council Constitution and By-Laws to bring it into compliance with recent changes made in the SGA Constitution, and WHEREAS the revisions have been approved by the Arts & Sciences College Council, and WHEREAS it will take a majority vote of the total membership of the Student Senate to ratify these revisions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following changes by reviewed and ratified by Student Senate. THESE CHANGES ARE AVAILABLE IN PROPOSED LEGISLATION PASSED 3/27/75 R-6 RESOLUTION 75/76/7 BY: APPROVAL OF TRAFFIC APPEALS BOARD DIRECTOR Bernard Franklin BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following person be approved as Director of the Traffic Appeals Board: Carl Batt PASSED 3/27/75 R-7 RESOLUTION 75/76/8 BY: OVER THERE AT THE COLLEGIAN Bernard Franklin, Mark Edelman, Matt Smith, Chris Badger, Mike Relihan, Cathy Butts, Bryce Haverkamp, and more WHEREAS it is not often we get the impetus or the opportunity to say something complimentary about those reporter-types who reside across the street from the SGA Office in the Collegian office, and WHEREAS in Collegian reporting there is a lot of difficult work, a minimum amount of thanks, and a high degree of vulnerability to public harangue, and WHEREAS we are not callous to progress and achievement, and WHEREAS names such as David Chartrans, Colleen Smith, Rusty Harris, Ben Herrington, Karla Carney, Kristin Clark, Mary Flanigan, Brenda Huntsinger, and more are added cause for us to praise the efforts undertaken by the Collegian in SGA reporting BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate hereby formally recognize the fact that there is good being accomplished “over there” (as we at the SGA say). We may complain about these people from time to time, but we would be far worse-off without them. PASSED 3/20/75 R-8 RESOLUTION 75/76/9 BY: APPROVAL OF TRAFFIC APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Bernard Franklin BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following people to the Traffic Appeals Board: James Eichman, Joe Bruno, Martha (Marty) Minturn, Ann Benson PASSED 3/27/75 R-9 RESOLUTION 75/76/10 BY: APPROVAL OF UNION GOVERNING BOARD MEMBERS Bernard Franklin BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following people be approved as members of the Union Governing Board: Don Mantague, Stan Watt, Curtis Doss, Steve Hoffman, Chris Egan – non-voting member PASSED 4/3/75 R-10 RESOLUTION 75/76/11 BY: CREDIT FOR STUDENT SENATORS Chuck Miller WHEREAS Student Senators are elected by students of their particular college, fully accepting the responsibility of representing student needs, and WHEREAS it is inconsistent for the Student Senators to be offered 2 hours of graded or nongraded credit for accepting such responsibilities BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. No credit or grade be offered to Student Senators. SECTION 2. Section 1 become effective beginning Fall Semester 1975. FAILED 4/3/75 R-11 RESOLUTION 75/76/12 BY: SUPPORT FOR PROPOSED PE REQUIREMENT CHANGE Academic Affairs Committee WHEREAS the Dept. of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (hereinafter H.P.E.R) has proposed curricular changes involving the all-university physical education requirement, and WHEREAS these changes were proposed after considerable self-study by H.P.E.R and input from students who have participated in the current physical education program, and WHEREAS the proposed requirement change is beneficial to the student body, and WHEREAS Student Senate has supported such change in the past BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate support the PE Requirement Change proposed by H.P.E.R which is to be considered for approval by the Faculty of Arts & Sciences and by Faculty Senate. The Proposal - 1. That the all-university physical education requirement be changed from: concepts, one semester for 00 credit and lifetime sport one semester for 00 credit to: concepts in physical education, one semester for 01 credit PASSED 4/10/75 R-12 RESOLUTION 75/76/13 BY: NON-IMMIGRANT FOREIGN STUDENT EMPLOYMENT Bob Hall, Director of International Affairs to the Student Body President WHEREAS a large number of foreign students on the Kansas State University Campus and other campuses across the country meet the increasing costs of their education through employment during summer vacations, and WHEREAS these problems have been compounded by a ruling of the Immigration and Naturalization Service which discontinued authorization to Foreign Student Advisors to issue work permits for needy foreign students during summer vacations BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Student Senate, which represents the entire student body on Campus, wish to express concern over the hardship imposed upon foreign students by the discontinuance of authorization to educational institutions to issue work permits to foreign students for summer employment. SECTION 2. The Student Senate also support a bill (H.R. 1787) submitted by Congressman George E. Brown on January 23, 1975, to permit non-immigrant foreign students to be employed during any regularly scheduled school vacation or any school term during which such Students are not enrolled. SECTION 3. Copies of this resolution, in the form of a letter, shall be sent to Kansas Congresswoman Martha Keys, with copies to U.S. Congressman Peter Rodino, Brown, Tom Railsback, Keith Sebelius, Joe Skubitz, Larry Winn, Garner Shriver, U.S. Senators Pearson and Dole, and Commissioner L. F. Chapman, Jr. PASSED 5/1/75 R-13 RESOLUTION 75/76/14 BY: APPROVAL OF JUDICIAL COUNCIL AND STUDENT REVIEW BOARD MEMBERS Bernard Franklin and Terry Lober, Attorney General WHEREAS SGA Constitution regards that members of the Student Judicial System will be selected with the advice and consent of Student Senate BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following appointments to Judicial Council: Debby Miller Mark Healy Mary Jo Prochaska Andy Hartman Off Campus IFC/Pan-Hellenic KSUARH Student Senate SECTION 2. Student Senate approve the following appointments to Student Review Board: Denise Carpenter, Douglas Franklin, Steven Hoffman, Deborah Stadel, Larry Stevens PASSED 5/1/75 & 5/8/75 R-14 RESOLUTION 75/76/15 BY: REVISION OF UAB CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS University Activities Board (UAB) BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The attached Constitution and By-Laws of the University Activities Board be revised to read as stated: COPIES OF THIS IS AVAILABLE IN THE PROPOSED LEGISLATION PASSED 5/8/75 R-15 RESOLUTION 75/76/16 BY: APPROVAL OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETIC COUNCIL (I.A.C) STUDENT MEMBERS Bernard Franklin BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following people as student members on the Intercollegiate Athletic Council: Voting Members Ruth Barr - Recreational Services – Junior John Lewis - Accounting – Junior Kerry Patrick - Political Science - Economics - Junior Non-Voting Members - Debra D. Boehman - Women’s PE & Coaching – Freshman Doug Weber - Political Science - Psychology - Freshman Alternate Tim Strathman - Physical Education - Junior PASSED 5/1/75 R-16 RESOLUTION 75/76/17 BY: APPROVAL OF UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD CHAIRPERSON AND MEMBERS Bernard Franklin BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following people in the following positions on the University Activities Board: Jack Weaver Joan King Freddie Adkins Chairperson Member Member PASSED 5/8/75 R-17 RESOLUTION 75/76/18 BY: APPROVAL OF CONCERTS AND CAMPUS ENTERTAINMENT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Bernard Franklin, Chris Badger WHEREAS the Consultative Committee has approved the following proposal on concerts and campus entertainment, and WHEREAS it is evident that a committee needs to be established to solve the scheduling conflicts of campus entertainment BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following policies and procedures applying to entertainment activities being sponsored by Kansas State University. (For the purpose of this proposal, entertainment activities are those functions engaging professional entertainers and charging admission.): 1. Entertainment activities to be conducted on the Kansas State University Campus or property other than those entertainment activities sponsored or cosponsored by the Union Program Council or McCain Auditorium must receive approval for KSU sponsorship prior to being scheduled or announced. 2. Approval for KSU sponsorship will be the responsibility of the Vice President for University Development or his designee, who will be approved by Faculty Senate and Student Senate. 3. A Presidential Professional Entertainment Committee shall be appointed with the Vice President for University Development or his designee serving as chairperson. This committee shall have the capacity to review and approve the scheduling of concerts and other entertainment activities. Recommended committee membership: Vice President for University Development or designee; a student representative from the University Activities Board; a representative from McCain Auditorium; the Director of the K-State Union or his designee; and two additional student members to be designated by the Student Body President. 4. The availability on a scheduling basis of physical facilities such as the Field House, Weber Arena, McCain Auditorium, etc. should be determined through the appropriate administrative group. 5. Groups denied permission to hold entertainment events may appeal their case directly to the President. R-18 6. All contractual and financial arrangements associated with paid lecturers, entertainers, or others who provide cultural or entertainment activities must follow standard University business procedures. Contracts are to be signed by the supplier, Department Head and Dean or other appropriate administrators and submitted to the Comptroller’s Office, Purchasing Section for approval before either party obligates itself in any manner. The fund and KSU account numbers are to be shown by the Department Head’s signature. FAILED 10/2/75 R-19 RESOLUTION 75/76/19 BY: HOUSING OF ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS CENTER AND WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER IN THE SGA OFFICE AREA Meg Keeley, Kent Foerster, Sue Sandmeyer, Mark Dolliver, Jim Hamilton, Jeff Pierce, Jane Kittner BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Environmental Awareness Center and the Women’s Resource Center would move to the Student Governing Association Offices contingent upon Student Senate approval of an office design plan that would provide adequate space for all people working in the SGA Offices. FAILED 9/11/75 R-20 RESOLUTION 75/76/20 BY: SAVE NICHOLS GYM DAY Kent Foerster WHEREAS the renovation of Nichols Gym has been studied and declared feasible, and WHEREAS the plans for the art gallery, shops and classrooms have been completed, and WHEREAS there has been great support for the saving and renovation of Nichols Gym in the past, and WHEREAS the President’s support and help in this project is very important for the final action, and WHEREAS the new President of Kansas State University should be encouraged to take this action BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. There will be a petition drive the week of September 22-26, 1975 to show support for Nichols Gym. SECTION 2. Monday, September 29, 1975 be declared as SAVE NICHOLS GYM DAY with a possible rally and presentation of the petitions to President Acker. SECTION 3. The petitions will read: “WE, the undersigned, support the saving of Nichols Gym and encourage President Acker to take the necessary steps in the financing of its renovation. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 9/18/75 R-21 RESOLUTION 75/76/21 BY: APPROVAL OF 1975-76 COLLEGE COUNCIL COORDINATOR Bernard Franklin BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Emilie Smith, Smitty, be approved as the 1975-76 College Council Coordinator to replace Ed Schiappa who resigned. PASSED 9/18/75 R-22 RESOLUTION 75/76/22 BY: LOCATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS CENTER AND WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER IN THE SGA’S DESIGNATED ADDITIONAL SPACE Keith Tucker, Kent Foerster, Sue Sandmeyer, Meg Keeley WHEREAS an office design plan has been formulated to renovate the SGA Office and submitted to Student Senate for approval, and WHEREAS additional space is available for SGA funded groups, and WHEREAS any SGA funded group that wants to be considered for occupying that space will submit, for approval, space plans based on their specific needs, and WHEREAS the Environmental Awareness Center and the Women’s Resource Center have presented their requests for space, which is an integral part of their immediate plans BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Environmental Awareness Center and the Women’s Resource Center will have first priority for occupancy of the aforementioned space. PASSED 9/25/75 R-23 RESOLUTION 75/76/23 BY: RESTRUCTURING OF THE GRADUATION HONORS SYSTEM Most of the members of the SGA Academic Affairs Committee WHEREAS the graduation honors system was first established with the upper 10% of the graduating class receiving honors (with the upper 7% receiving cum laude, the upper 3% receiving magna cum laude, and anyone obtaining a 3.950 GPA receiving summa cum laude), and WHEREAS that system was changed to a total GPA system (3.300 cum laude, 3,700 magna cum laude, and 3.950 summa cum laude) for “administrative ease”, and WHEREAS in 1974, 26% of the graduating class received one of the honors classification, and WHEREAS such “honors” designations appear only on the graduate’s diploma and the commencement program, and not on the transcript, and WHEREAS the hot designation system has swelled to such an extent that the “honor” has become questionable BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate recommend to the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee that the granting of graduation honors or awards be abandoned. FAILED 10/2/75 R-24 RESOLUTION 75/76/24 BY: OUTLINE OF GOALS FOR A TEACHER-COURSE EVALUATION Academic Affairs Committee WHEREAS there is great difficulty in obtaining accurate information concerning the opinion of the courses taught at a university of this size, and WHEREAS such information is very helpful during students’ course selection r future semesters BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate recognize the need for a University-wide evaluation of courses and instructors. SECTION 2. Student Senate charges the Academic Affairs Committee of Student Senate with the planning and publication of an evaluation of courses and the instructors that teach them at Kansas State University. SECTION 3. The goals of the evaluation shall be: a. total participation by both students and faculty b. to include information for publication that will be the most helpful for students in course selection c. to present the information in a visually attractive manner to promote student use of the results d. wide distribution of the results of the evaluation to students e. lowest possible cost for students, which includes: i. keeping SGA expenditures at a minimum ii. free distribution of the evaluations. PASSED 10/9/75 R-25 RESOLUTION 75/76/25 BY: STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT AS AN EX-OFFICIO MEMBER OF THE INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETIC COUNCIL Student Affairs Committee of Student Senate WHEREAS it is the responsibility of the Student Body President to represent and protect the rights and interests of the student body, and WHEREAS there is serious question as to the amount of student input into the Intercollegiate Athletic Council BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Body President or the President’s approved designee serve as one of the two ex-officio members of the Intercollegiate Athletic Council, effective February 1, 1976. PASSED 10/9/75 R-26 RESOLUTION 75/76/26 BY: RELOCATION OF ARBORETUM SITE Bill Small and the Student Affairs Committee WHEREAS the International Intercultural Center has been located in the present Arboretum site, and WHEREAS enrollment in curriculums presently using the Arboretum site has increased significantly, and WHEREAS at this time there has been some study into the relocation of these plants BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate urge the Long Range Planning Committee to find a definite location for these plants prior to the beginning of construction of the International Intercultural Center. PASSED 10/9/75 R-27 RESOLUTION 75/76/27 BY: APPROVAL OF CABINET MEMBERS Bernard Franklin BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following two people be declared as Administrative Assistants on the Student Body President’s Cabinet: Mike Waters, Gay Linvill PASSED 10/16/75 R-28 RESOLUTION 75/76/28 BY: APPROVAL OF ASK LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DELEGATE ? WHEREAS Kansas State University is a full member of the Associated Students of Kansas, and WHEREAS the Legislative Assembly of the Associated Students of Kansas is composed of one representative for each one thousand students funded from each member institution, and WHEREAS this assembly shall meet once during the Fall Semester and one during the Spring Semester to represent and express the views of member students in the legislative process at the local, state, and national levels, and WHEREAS the Kansas State University Campus Director accepted applications for the fourteen seats allocated to K-State after proper publication of such openings BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students represent KSU as Delegates to the Legislative Assembly of the Associated Students of Kansas: Cathy Haversfield, Melanie Nossaman, Cindy Littleton, Neisha Bennett, Amy Button, Tom Erickson, Dab Haifleigh, Deb Harrison, Paula Jacques, Mark Kenney, Rodney Nickell, Craig Robinson, Rod Taylor, Greg Willis Steve Adams – Alternate, Jane Faubion - Alternate PASSED 10/16/75 R-29 RESOLUTION 75/76/ BY: PUBLIC CENSURE OF JOHN LEWIS AND KERRY PATRICK Bryce Haverkamp WHEREAS Student Senate disapproves of student members on University committees accepting special favors because of membership on those committees, and WHEREAS two student members of the Intercollegiate Athletic Council have asked for and accepted 10 reserved seat tickets to basketball games without going through the normal channels to get them, and WHEREAS Student Senate does not want a repeat of this sordid incident BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. John Lewis and Kerry Patrick, student members of the Intercollegiate Athletic Council, be publicly censured for their request for and acceptance of 10 reserves seat basketball tickets. SECTION 2. Student Senate does not want any special favors asked for or accepted by any student on any University committee. SECTION 3. A copy of this legislation shall be sent to John Lewis and Kerry Patrick. FAILED 8/31/2 - 11/6/75 R-30 RESOLUTION 75/76/30 BY: ESTABLISHMENT OF RECREATIONAL SERVICES AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS TASK FORCE Bernard Franklin, Amy Button, Chris Badger WHEREAS Recreational Services, which includes free-time recreation, intramurals, and sports clubs, and Intercollegiate Athletics, which includes men’s and women’s revenue and non-revenue producing sports, has seen tremendous growth in the past few years, despite an inflationary economy, and WHEREAS there is a tremendous demand for recreational facilities and a likewise demand for a well-rounded athletic program at this University, and WHEREAS the demand for Recreational Services and Intercollegiate Athletics does not appear to be decreasing in the very near future BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. An S.G.A. committee at-large be formed to take immediate steps to investigate financial support to Recreational Services and Intercollegiate Athletics at Kansas State University. SECTION 2. In coming to a decision, the committee shall consult with representatives from Recreational Services and Intercollegiate Athletics. SECTION 3. The committee shall consist of the Finance Committee Chairperson, Amy Button, who shall be the chairperson of the committee; Mike Waters, Administrative Assistant to the Student Body President, concerned with recreation and athletics; and three (3) students who shall be selected by the Finance Committee Chairperson, the Administrative Assistant, the Student Body President, and the Student Senate Chairperson. SECTION 4. The committee shall submit a proposal to Student Senate for its consideration by January 22, 1976. SECTION 5. The final proposal, passed by Student Senate, shall be given to the Elections Committee to be voted on as a referendum in the February 1976 PresidentialSenatorial Election. PASSED 11/6/75 R-31 RESOLUTION 75/76/31 BY: APPROVAL OF TRAFFIC APPEALS BOARD CHAIRPERSON Bernard Franklin, Mike Waters WHEREAS Carl Batt has resigned as the Chairperson of the Traffic Appeals Board BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Ann Benson be approved as the Chairperson of the Traffic Appeals Board. PASSED 11/20/75 R-32 RESOLUTION 75/76/32 BY: DEADWEEK POLICY Academic Affairs Committee WHEREAS there has been great concern about formulating a definite Deadweek Policy, and WHEREAS Deadweek has historically been a student-generated policy, and WHEREAS a definite policy is needed to clarify the situation for students, faculty, and administrators BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Deadweek shall be defined as the week before final week in which special academic policies apply. SECTION 2. No scheduled classroom tests shall be administered during Deadweek. SECTION 3. This policy shall not inhibit, in any way, the option of individual students and faculty members to work out alternate examination periods which are beneficial to both parties. SECTION 4. Final examinations, which are scheduled classroom tests, are defined as examinations which display any two of these qualities: a. contains a question or questions directly pertaining to information prior to any earlier test b. is weighted more heavily than other tests in the course c. is chronologically the last test in the course. PASSED 11/20/75 R-33 RESOLUTION 75/76/33 BY: APPROVAL OF TRAFFIC APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Bernard Franklin, Mike Waters WHEREAS Carl Batt’s resignation as Chairperson of the Traffic Appeals Board and Ann Benson’s appointment to the position of Chairperson has created a vacancy on the Traffic Appeals Board BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Mary Winter be approved as a member of the Traffic Appeals Board. PASSED 11/20/75 R-34 RESOLUTION 75/76/34 BY: APPROVAL OF ASK LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DELEGATES Bill Studer WHEREAS there are two vacancies on the Legislative Assembly of the Associated Students of Kansas BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following people be approved as K-State Delegates to the ASK Legislative Assembly: Terry Matlack, Phil Palma PASSED 1/22/76 R-35 RESOLUTION 75/76/35 BY: STUDENT SENATE ENDORSEMENT OF HB 2717 Bill Studer, Mark Edelman WHEREAS the Kansas House Committee on Elections has pre-filed legislation which, if passed, would allow for voter registration by mail. The bill, HB 2717, would allow an individual to request an application in person, in writing or by telephone, complete the application and return or mail it to the county election official. Upon receipt of a complete and correct application for registration, the county election officer would register the applicant, if entitled to registration, and send by nonforwardable first class mail a certificate of registration to the applicant at the address shown on the application, and WHEREAS 65 percent of 468 students randomly surveyed during the 1975 fall registration at Kansas State University supported voter registration by mail as opposed to 19.7 percent against, and WHEREAS many students find it hard to register in their home districts while attending college BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association go on record as supporting the passage of HB 2717, and instruct the Student Body President and Student Senate Chairperson to correspond these beliefs to the appropriate legislative committees. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY - 1/29/76 R-36 RESOLUTION 75/76/36 BY: PROPOSAL FOR A UNIVERSITY TRAFFIC AND PARKING COMMITTEE Student Affairs Committee WHEREAS the Traffic and Parking Committee is presently under the jurisdiction of Faculty Senate and is not a University Committee, and WHEREAS matters considered by the Traffic and Parking Committee are of significance university-wide, and WHEREAS Faculty Senate has requested student input on the following proposal BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate support and encourage implementation of the following proposal: 1. Abolishment of Traffic and Parking Committee 2005. 2. Creation of an 8000 committee responsible to the President, on the use of space and the development of overall policy regarding traffic and parking. This committee is charged with the formulation of all rules and regulations for faculty, staff, and students; including fees, payment and amount of fines, assigning general and reserved space, and the general enforcement of policy relating to traffic and parking, including consideration of all pedestrian, bicycle, and motor vehicle circulation. The membership is to be composed of 3 faculty members, all chosen by the Faculty Senate; and 3 classified staff members, all to be chosen by the President; plus 3 students chosen by Student Senate. The Chief of Campus Patrol shall serve on the committee as a nonvoting advisory member. 3. Members of the new committee shall be appointed for terms of two years on the committee, and these appointments shall be staggered in the following manner: In the first year of the three faculty members, one shall be appointed for a term of one year; of the three students, one shall be appointed for a term of one year. All others shall serve two year terms. At the end of the first year, all succeeding terms shall be for two years. 4. The new committee shall be designated University Traffic and Parking Committee, and shall receive its assigned number through the President’s Office. (Throughout this statement, “President’s Office” is taken to mean the President or his authority appropriately delegated to the Vice President for University Development.) R-37 5. The committee shall be a policy making body, charged with the formulation of rules and regulations as specified in No. 2 above. It shall have complete freedom in the formulation of these rules and regulations, and shall pass its recommendation to the President’s Office without review or approval by any other intervening party. 6. Specifically, the committee shall have the responsibility for determining criteria for the allocation of reserved stalls and other special stalls, designation of restricted parking areas, and the like. Matters pertaining to physical development such as lighting, paving, choice of sites, expenditures of money and so on, shall be the responsibility of the Long Range Planning Committee, although the new committee shall determine the priority among lots and their improvements. 7. All actions of the new committee such as requests for signs or lane and stall markers, requests for printing of rules and regulations, acquisition of stickers, enforcement by the Patrol, and all similar matters related to the committee’s delegated authority shall be honored and executed as present. 8. It is to be understood that on matters on major policy changes or fee changes, the Faculty Senate shall be consulted on those matters affecting faculty and staff, and the Student Senate shall be consulted on those matters affecting students. The committee shall also take positive action to assure that various interested groups among students, faculty and staff have an opportunity to provide whatever input they may have on such matters. 9. The Campus Patrol shall remain subject to existing authority in all matters of enforcing these rules and regulations. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY - 2/5/76 R-38 RESOLUTION 75/76/37 BY: STUDENT SENATE OPINION OF COLLEGIAN POLL Jim Hamilton WHEREAS this opinion poll is in poor taste, and WHEREAS this opinion poll may hurt voter turn-out in the upcoming election and referendum BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate does not think it would be in the best interest of the upcoming Elections that this opinion poll be printed by the Collegian. (The questions asked in the Poll are found in Proposed Legislation) FAILED 2/12/76 R-39