BILL 78/79/1 BY: 1978 SUMMER SCHOOL FINAL ALLOCATIONS Summer Session Allocations Board (B. J. Compton) WHEREAS the Summer Session Allocations Board has reviewed the budgets of all groups requesting summer allocations BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following allocations be approved as Final Allocations for the 1978 Summer School Session: 1977 GROUP ALLOCATION K-State Union $ 22,500 Rec Services 4,500 K-State Artist Series 3,000 Student Publications 6,500 University for Man 1,851 $ 38,351 1978 REQUEST $ 25,000 4,700 3,250 4,000 2,365 $ 39,315 PASSED 3/2/78 B-1 1978 FINAL ALLOCATION $ 22,500 4,600 3,000 4,000 1,900 $ 36,000 BILL 78/79/2 BY REVISION OF SUMMER SESSION STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE ALLOCATION PROCEDURES Summer Session Allocations Board WHEREAS the present Summer Session Allocations Board was the first board to operate under Senate Bill 76/77/29, and WHEREAS a few of the procedures did not work out as expected, and WHEREAS the following revisions would improve the bill BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Senate Bill 76/77/29, entitled Summer Session Student Activity Fee Allocation Procedures, be revised as follows: Section 1, Part II, A - amend to read: A. A member of the Student Senate Finance Committee, to serve as chairperson, who shall be appointed by the Student Body President, subject to Student Senate approval. Section 1, Part II, B - amend to read: B. Four (4) students, of which two (2) have previously attended a summer session at K-State, to be appointed by the Student Body President, subject to Student Senate approval. Section 1, Part III, D - amend to read: D. The board shall finalize summer allocations be Spring Break and submit them to Student Senate for approval. Section 1, Part IV - amend to read: Budget revisions after the start of the summer session must be approved by any two (2) of the following individuals: Section 1, Part IV, add a Section D. to read: D. The Chairperson of the Summer Session Allocations Board. PASSED 3/9/78 B-2 BILL 78/79/3 BY FUNDING OF DELEGATES TO THE FIRST ANNUAL MID-WEST REGIONAL STUDENT GOVERNMENT CONFERENCE Sam Brownback & Mick Morrell WHEREAS other mid-west university student leaders will be in attendance to exchange ideas and share concerns, and WHEREAS Student Senators were informed about this conference at the March 9th meeting, and WHEREAS those candidates selected showed the most interest in attending BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Greg Musil, Pam Nicklaus, Joe Rossini, Lisa Zahn, and Mick Morrell be approved as delegates and F. J. Compton be approved as an alternate to the 1st Annual Mid-West Regional Student Government Conference to be held April 1416, 1978, at Ames, Iowa. SECTION 2. Student Senate allocate $50 for registration fee ($10/5 people) and $90 for travel (560 total miles x $.13/mile for state car and $5.50/ day for rental of state car x 3 days) * total being $140. SECTION 3. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 3/30/78 B-3 BILL 78/79/4 BY 1978-79 TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS Finance Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following 1978-79 Tentative Allocations be approved by Student Senate: AMOUNT REQUESTED Associated Students of Kansas Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU Black Student Union (BSU) College Councils FINANCE COMM. RECOMMENDATIONS $ .25 head/count TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS $ 5,897.80 ($.20 LI) $ 7,372.25 ($.25 LI) 115.00 115.00 115.00 1,975.00 1,650.00 1,650.00 42,109.56 42,109.56 ($1.50 LI/full-time student & $.42 LI/ part-time student) ($1.50 LI/full-time student & $.42 LI/part-time student) Consumer Relations Board (CRB) 4,020.00 3,320.00 3,320.00 Drug Education Center 3,726.00 3,046.00 3,151.00 Ebony Theatre Company 1,005.00 472.50 0.00 Environmental Awareness Center 600.00 0.00 0.00 Fine Arts Council 1.60 LI 47,182.40 47,182.40 $1.60 Line Item ) 5,999.50 4,784.50 4,799.50 230.00 230.00 230.00 10,080.00 10,080.00 $1.60 Line Item ) ( FONE Hispanic Student Union I.D. Cards 10,080.00 ( Infant & Child Care Center 3,600.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 International Coordinating Council 5,526.00 4,986.00 4,986.00 KSDB-FM Radio 7,762.87 7,762.87 7,762.87 357,456.00 357,456.00 K-State Union Legal Services ($12 LI/full-time student & $6 LI/ part-time student) 12,711.00 B-4 ($12 LI/full-time student & $6 LI/part-time student) 12,891.40 12,891.40 AMOUNT REQUESTED MECHA FINANCE COMM. RECOMMENDATIONS TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS 4,580.00 2,400.00 2,325.00 850.00 650.00 650.00 Pregnancy Counseling 4,183.00 3,465.50 3,465.50 Rifle Club 2,293.00 0.00 0.00 Recreational Services 2.50 LI 73,722.50 73,722.50 $2.50 Line Item ) 23,398.40 23,398.40 88,467.00 88,467.00 $3.00 Line Item ) 591.00 1,037.40 1,550.00 1,550.00 19,236.00 18,386.00 19,186.00 4,579.30 4,579.30 4,579.30 750.00 390.00 750.00 ---------- 5,250.00 5,250.00 Reserves ----------- 5,084.27 2,430.92 TOTALS 120,128.87 732,618.00 732,618.00 Native American Indian Student Body ( Student Governing Association (SGA) 23,096.40 Student Publications 3.00 LI ( Students for Handicapped Concerns (SHC) 1,410.80 Touchstone 1,800.00 Any money made off the sales of the magazine shall be returned to the Touchstone Restricted Fees Account & remain there at the end of the fiscal year, in order to make them self-sufficient. This process shall be reviewed at the 1979-80 Tentative Allocations. University for Man (UFM) University Learning Network Women’s Resource Center (WRC) Withholding Does not include line item amounts, except I.D. Cards. Does not include Withholding or Reserves. PASSED 4/20/78 - 37/1/1 B-5 BILL 78/79/5 BY FUNDING FOR FORENSICS TEAM TO NATIONALS Steve Walton WHEREAS KSU Forensics have qualified 19 individuals for competition at the National Forensics Tournament in Monmouth, New Jersey, and WHEREAS the Forensics Team placed first last month in regional competition, and WHEREAS the body expressed its support for student assistance for this type of activity in a resolution passed this February, and WHEREAS Arts & Sciences Council has no remaining funds for disposition in this school year, and WHEREAS the body has, in the past, expressed both its support for and its willingness to financially under ride the expenses of national competition for KSU students who have succeeded in qualifying for national-level competition (Senate Bill 74/75/46, Funding of Soils Judging Team to National Tournament; Senate Bill 75/76/7, Funding of Debate Squad to National Championship; Senate Bill 76/77/4, Funding of Soils Judging Team to Nationals), and WHEREAS the body has also expressed its concern that the University Administration act as a partner with Student Government in providing financial support for said academically-oriented organizations BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $881.44 to the “Speech Unlimited” (Forensics) account for use in sending 9 students to the April 21-25, National Forensics Tournament. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account and shall be broken down as follows: Travel Subsistence Lodging Entry Fees $ 560.19 87.50 90.00 143.75 SECTION 3. The aforementioned sum constitutes an appropriate proportion of the total requirement for sending these 9 students to Nationals, Senate urges the University Administration to at least match the total student contribution, and thus meet its responsibilities to this academically-oriented activity. PASSED 4/11/78 - 26/14/1 B-6 BILL 78/79/9 BY SALARY INCREASE FOR DIRECTORS OF SOCIAL SERVICES Lank Spencer & Ted Knopp WHEREAS the Social Service Directors who return for another year in the same position receive no extra compensation for experience, and WHEREAS their experience is valuable to that Social Service and the students it serves BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate add a Section II to Senate Bill 71/72/46, SGA Spending Regulations, to read as follows: An S.G.A. funded Social Service Director will be entitled to a 5% salary increase their first consecutive year in the same directorship position. SECTION 2. This will become effective beginning with Fiscal Year 1978-79. PASSED 4/20/78 B-7 BILL 78/79/7 BY NICHOLS GYM RECOMMENDATION Finance Committee WHEREAS Senate Bill 73/76/28 expires at the beginning of Fiscal Year 1978-79 since actual construction of the proposed renovation has not begun, and WHEREAS Student Government showed a great deal of interest in the recent State Legislature’s funding of $45,000 for a study on Nichols Gym, and WHEREAS Finance Committee feels significant progress has been made towards the Nichols Gym renovation BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Senate Bill 75/76/28 be extended until the beginning of Fiscal Year 1982-83. PASSED 5/4/78 - UNANIMOUSLY B-8 BILL 78/79/8 BY CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION: ENGINEERING COLLEGE COUNCIL Dave McKee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following revisions to the Engineering College Council Constitution be ratified by Student Senate: revisions are available in the SGS Office NOTE: all revisions are in Article IV. PASSED 5/4/78 B-9 BILL 78/79/9 BY CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION: ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN COLLEGE COUNCIL Richard McClanathan, Jeff Labahn, Jim Bruns, Design Council revised constitution is available in the SGS Office PASSED 5/4/78 B-10 BILL 78/79/10 BY MANDATORY PUBLICATION OF TENTATIVE AND FINAL ALLOCATIONS INFORMATION Tim Phares WHEREAS the students need easy access to allocations spending information, and WHEREAS the information dealing with allocations needs to be clearly defined in table form so that the students can compare the respective budgets and gain an overview of allocations spending BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate shall release, in table form, tentative and. final allocations information to the Collegian, and, concurrently, will have tentative and final allocations information printed copies available in the SGS Office. PASSED 8/31/78 - 26/11 B-11 BILL 78/79/11 BY PURCHASE OF DICTAPHONE MACHINE Finance Committee WHEREAS the present Dictaphone machine used in the SGS Office is the property of the KState Union, is old, and has not functioned properly for some time, and WHEREAS the SGS Secretary has looked into purchasing a new machine and found the Olympia Dictating/Transcribing Unit - Model DG 501, originally priced at $299.50 but can be purchased for $168.00 by SGA, to be satisfactory BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $168.00 to the Student Governing Association for the purchase of the Olympia Dictating/Transcribing Unit - Model DC 501, to be used by the entire Student Government Services Office. SECTION 2. This money will he taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 8/31/78 B-12 BILL 78/79/12 BY CLOSING OF 1977-78 ACCOUNTS Finance Committee WHEREAS SGA allocated the student activity fee for one fiscal year, and WHEREAS the groups listed in this bill had monies left in their accounts after June 30, 1978, and WHEREAS each group received notice of an appeal date and requested appeal hearings were granted BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate instruct the Comptrollers Office to decrease the following accounts by the amounts listed below and that this money be placed in the SGA Unallotted account. Arch. & Design College Council Art Dept. Fine Arts Associated Students of Kansas Band and Orchestra Black Student Union Business College Council Choral Debate and Oratory Education College Council Engineering Open House Home Ec. College Council International Coordinating Council KSDB-FM Radio Legal Services Livestock Judging MECHA Native American Indian Student Body Pregnancy Counseling Rifle Club Student Governing Association Touchstone Veterans on Campus Wildlife Society Wool Judging PASSED 9/14/78 B-13 $ 872.23 3.99 150.41 .46 683.25 539.03 23.02 .22 1,490.42 56.86 360.62 836.03 21.12 921.10 .02 35.42 249.29 2.12 1.64 75.74 57.62 138.00 .49 14.70 $6,532.80 BILL 78/79/13 BY BY-LAWS REVISION: ELECTION DATE Senate Operations Committee & Greg Musil BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article I, Section 2, Part A, Paragraph 3 of the KSU SGA By-Laws be amended from The election dates for the office of Student Senate shall be the Wednesday of the fourth (4th) full week of classes in the Spring Semester and the Wednesday of the fourth (4th) full week of classes following the final allocations in the Fall Semester. to: The election dates for the office of Student Senate shall be the Wednesday of the fourth (4th) full week of classes in the Spring Semester and no earlier than the second (2nd) full week nor later than the fourth (4th) full week following the final allocations in the Fall Semester. Article I, Section 2, Part A, Paragraph 4 of the KSU SGA By-Laws be amended from: The Student Senate shall set the date for all referendums. to: The Student Senate shall set the date of all referendums and the date for Fall Semester Student Senate elections. PASSED 9/14/78 B-14 BILL 78/79/14 BY ADDITIONAL FUNDING OF I.D. CARDS Finance Committee WHEREAS the Finance Committee decided that SGA should reimburse Admissions an Records for the repairing of the Embosser Machine, and WHEREAS the Finance Committee believes that Admissions and Records needs a new clutch for the machine to repair the old-style pouch I.D.’s BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $300 to be given to Admissions and Records for the repair of the Embosser Machine. SECTION 2. The money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 9/14/78 B-15 BILL 78/79/15 BY CONSTITUTIONAL & BY-LAWS REVISIONS: ELECTION DATE Lisa Zahn, Brian Rassette, Dave McKee, E. J. Compton, Mark Kinnaman, Greg Musil, Jay Selanders, Mary Kaye Faubion, Jeff Zillinger, Ted Knopp WHEREAS there is a need for more continuity and efficiency in Student Senate, and WHEREAS the split elections has not provided continuity and commitment in Student Senate as originally intended, and WHEREAS the voter turnout and interest for the Fall Election has been small, as compared to the Spring Election, and WHEREAS having only one election a year would save more than $300 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 504 of the SGA Constitution be amended to read: 504. A. Representation to the Student Senate shall be one (1) member for each three hundred (300) full-time students or major fraction thereof in each college and the Graduate School. B. The new Student Senate shall officially take office three (3) meetings after his/her election. C. During this two (2) week period, the new Student Senate will be assigned an outgoing Student Senator who will be responsible for orientating the new Student Senator. D. It will be the responsibility of the Senate Operations Standing Committee to organize a retreat to welcome the new Student Senators. SECTION 2. Article I, Section 2, Part A, Numbers 2 and 3 of the SGA By-Laws be combined to read: 2. The Student Senate shall be elected the Wednesday of the fourth (4th) full week of classes in the Spring Semester for a one-year term. SECTION 3. This would go into effect February 1980 with the Student Senate elected October 1978 being held over until February 1980. PASSED 9/21/78 - 34/8/0 B-16 BILL 78/79/16 BY FUNDING FOR KSU DELEGATES TO THE 5TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STUDENT LEGAL RIGHTS Brian Rassette WHEREAS the Student Governing Association of Kansas State University has gained a great amount of national recognition through the sponsorship of the 4th Annual National Conference on Student Legal Rights, and WHEREAS KSU students should support their own national conference, and WHEREAS students participating in the conference will have an opportunity to gain a great amount of educational information, and WHEREAS KSU-SGA’s name has been identified with the conference, with no financial commitment to this date BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $500 to the 5th Annual National Conference on Student Legal Rights for registration fees for 2 delegates and travel to New Orleans, La. $70 x 2 = $ 140.00 registration fee 276.00 travel 84.00 subsistence $ 500.00 SECTION 2. Personnel Selection Committee shall select the individuals who will represent KState students. SECTION 3. The students selected to participate in the conference shall submit an oral report to Student Senate the first Thursday following the conference, November 2, 1978, and to other student organizations which would be affected by issues discussed at the conference. SECTION 4. This money shall be taken from the Unallotted account. PASSED 9/28/78 B-17 BILL 78/79/17 BY FALL 1978 ELECTION DATE Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS Senate Bill 78/79/13 set guidelines for the Fall Election dates BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Wednesday, October 25, 1978, be set as the date for the Fall Student Senate Elections. PASSED 9/28/73 B-18 BILL 78/79/18 BY CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION: REFERENDUM RATIFICATION PROCEDURES Senate Operations Committee & Greg Musil WHEREAS student referendums should he important measures of student desires, and WHEREAS the present method of ratification of referendums rewards referendum opponents for failure to vote, and WHEREAS a large majority of voting students may be thwarted by non-voting opponents BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article XI, Section 1103 of the Student Governing Association Constitution which reads: A law of the KSU SGA may be passed by a referendum in which one-third (1/3) of the KSU SGA members vote and one-half (1/2) of those voting concur. be amended to read: A law of the KSU SGA may be passed by a referendum in which one-third (1/3) of the KSU SGA members vote and one-half (1/2) of those voting concur or by a referendum in which two-thirds (2/3) of those voting concur regardless of the total number of votes cast. PASSED 10/5/78 - 33/6/2 B-19 Bill 78/79/19 BY SEATING OF THE OCTOBER 1978 STUDENT SENATE Elections Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as Student Senators from their respective colleges until February 1980: Agriculture Eileen Eggleston Dee James Roger Lind John Wayne Martin Michael Terry David Exline Steve Hentges Curtis A. Krizek Patrick H. Miller Clark Ruttinger Mark W. Skinner Isaac D. Turner Craig Cole Mark Zimmerman Steve Arnoldy Marc Blanchard Steve Coble Vivian Bliss Kitty King Roger Luce Architecture & Design Arts & Sciences Business Administration Education Engineering Home Economics Graduate School SECTION 2. Be it noted that 1,444 students voted on October 25, 1978 in the K-State Union and Farrell Library. PASSED 10/26/78 B-20 BILL 78/79/20 BY 1978-79 FINAL ALLOCATIONS Finance Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following allocations be approved as Final Allocations for the 1978-79 Fiscal Year: TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS REQUESTED Associated Students of Kansas $ .25 head/count $ 7,372.25 ( Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU Black Student Union (BSU) College Councils Agriculture Arch. & Design Arts & Sciences Business Admin. Education Engineering Graduate School Home Economics Vet. Med. $.25 Line Item $7,031.75 ) 115.00 115.00 115.00 1,975.00 1,650.00 2,150.00 42,109.56 42,109.56 ($1.50 LI/full-time student & $.42 LI/ part-time student) $ 6,542.52 2,765.40 11,095.56 5,151.72 2,331.72 5,124.96 4,246.20 3,651.48 1,200.00 FINAL ALLOCATIONS ($1.50 LI/full-time student & $.42 LI/part-time student) +996.10 Total College Councils +1,068.86 +3,537.18 45,646.74 +32.50 +1,439.72 Consumer Relations Board (CRB) 4,020.00 3,320.00 3,320.00 Drug Education Center 3,726.00 3,151.00 3,872.72 Ebony Theatre Company 1,005.00 0.00 0.00 Environmental Awareness Center 600.00 0.00 0.00 Fine Arts Council 1.60 LI 47,182.40 45,003.20 $1.60 Line Item ) -----------------------+111.19 Total Fine Arts Council 45,114.39 ( + Dance FONE Hispanic Student Union I.D. Cards 5,999.50 4,799.50 4,824.50 230.00 230.00 230.00 10,080.00 10,080.00 $1.60 New Student ) 2,700.00 2,700.00 10,080.00 ( Infant & Child Care Center 3,600.00 B-21 TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS REQUESTED FINAL ALLOCATIONS International Coordinating Council 5,526.00 4,986.00 4,986.00 KSDB-FM Radio 7,762.87 7,762.87 7,995.60 357,456.00 357,168.00 K-State Union ($12 LI/full-time student & $6 LI/ part-time student) Legal Services ($12 LI/full-time student & $6 LI/part-time student) 12,711.00 12,891.40 12,891.40 4,580.00 2,325.00 2,325.00 850.00 650.00 650.00 Pregnancy Counseling 4,183.00 3,465.50 3,465.50 Rifle Club 2,293.00 0.00 0.00 73,722.50 70,317.50 $2.50 Line Item ) 23,398.40 23,543.05 88,467.00 84,381.00 $3.00 Line Item ) 1,037.40 1,037.40 Touchstone 1,800.00 Any money made off the sales of the magazine shall be returned to the Touchstone Restricted Fees Account & remain there at the end of the fiscal year, in order to make them self-sufficient. This process shall be reviewed at the 1979-80 Tentative Allocations. 1,550.00* 1,550.00* University for Man (UFM) 19,236.00 19,186.00 19,186.00 4,579.30 4,579.30 4,629.20 0.00 0.00 80.00 ---------- 5,250.00 5,250.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 ----------120,128.87 2,430.92 732,618.00 2,430.92 727,721.67* MECHA Native American Indian Student Body Recreational Services 2.50 LI ( Student Governing Association (SGA) Student Publications 23,096.40 3.00 LI ( Students for Handicapped Concerns (SHC) University Learning Network Veterans on Campus Withholding Women’s Resource Center (WRC) Reserves TOTALS 1,410.80 * $ 3,214.64 is from the 1977-78 Fiscal Year PASSED 9/28/78 - UNANIMOUSLY B-22 BILL 78/79/21 BY CONSTITUTIONAL REVISIONS: CABINET POSITIONS Sam Brownback & Randy Tosh SECTION 1. Article IV, Section 408 of the SGA Constitution be amended from: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Attorney General Public Relations Director College Council Coordinator International Affairs Director Campus Director of ASK (approved by ASK Exec. Dir.) Union Governing Board Director (not appointed, hut elected by U B) Any other administrative assistants determined necessary and proper for the general operation of SGA. to: A. B. C. D. E. F G. H. Same Same Same Same Same Same State & Community Affairs Director Same as G. above PASSED 10/5/78 - 32/2/8 B-23 BILL 78/79/22 BY FUNDING OF REGISTRATION FEE FOR SPURS REGIONAL CONVENTION Pam Nicklaus, Mac Thompson, Kitty King WHEREAS Spurs was voted Most Active Chapter in the Nation, and WHEREAS Spurs will be representing K-State at the Regional Convention to be held October 14 at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana, where 7 other universities will be in attendance BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $120 to Spurs for the registration fees for attending the Spurs Regional Convention at Butler University, on October 14. $15 x 8 = $120 - registration fee for 8 people The total cost of the convention is $380. SECTION 2. The money will be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. FAILED 10/5/78 B-24 BILL 78/79/23 BY ARTS & SCIENCES COLLEGE COUNCIL CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION Dana Foster WHEREAS Arts & Sciences Council recognizes the economics and political efficiency of holding annual elections, and WHEREAS the increasing involvement of Arts & Sciences Council in the affairs of the College of Arts & Sciences creates a need for a larger Council membership, and WHEREAS it is deemed important to the viability of the Council that leadership roles within the Council should be regularly accessible to new members BE IT ENACTED THAT: the amendments are available in the 10/19 minutes PASSED 10/19/78 B-25 BILL 78/79/24 BY PARTIAL FUNDING OF BAND FOR HOMECOMING “STREET DANCE” Helen Burtis & Sam Brownback WHEREAS Homecoming is an all-university activity, and WHEREAS any event sponsored by Homecoming is open to the entire University, and WHEREAS the “street dance”, organized by Blue Key as a Homecoming activity, is provided for the entertainment of the entire University BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $150 from the Reserves for Contingencies account to Blue Key to be used as partial payment for the band, Black Frost, playing Friday, October 20, 1978 at the Homecoming Street Dance. NOTE: the total cost of the band if $450. KSUARH will provide $200 and Blue Key has allocated $100 for the band. PASSED 10/12/78 – UNANIMOUSLY B-26 BILL 78/79/25 BY APPROVAL OF ASSOCIATED STUDENT OF KANSAS (ASK) CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION Mark Werner & Sam Brownback WHEREAS certain changes in the Constitution of the Associated Students of Kansas have been proposed by the ASK Board of Directors, and WHEREAS the Kansas State University Student Senate has previously voted to approve the provisional membership of the University of Kansas in ASK BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate shall approve the Constitution of the Associated Students of Kansas. the revised Constitution is available in the SGS Office PASSED 11/9/78 B-27 BILL 78/79/26 COLLEGE COUNCIL FUNDING Ag. College Council Pres., Arts & Sciences College Council Pres., Education College Council Pres., Home Ec. College Council Pres., Vet. Med. College Council Pres., Graduate Student Assoc. Pres., Sam Brownback, Doug Cook, Patrick Miller, Greg Musil, Pam Nicklaus, Roger Seymour, Alan Sobba, Nancy VanMeter. Contents of the bill are available in the SGS Office FAILED 11/30/78 B-28 BILL 78/79/27 BY: REFERENDUM ON THE NEW ARENA AT KSU Brian Rassette, Rich Macha, Dana Foster, Jay Selanders, Allen Roberts, Sam Brownback WHEREAS Ahearn Fieldhouse is used by the Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation and by the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and by Recreational Services, and WHEREAS it is used 136 hours/week and open 20 hours/day (6:00 a.m. until 2:00 a.m. the following day) and WHEREAS from July, 1976, to June, 1977, there were 146 special events in 96 special event days, and WHEREAS maintenance takes place between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., creating virtually no times for repairs, and WHEREAS the Press Box facilities are totally inadequate, and WHEREAS it was opened in the Spring of 1950 with student enrollment of 5,000, and WHEREAS ticket demand from students exceed seating space, and WHEREAS Ahearn Fieldhouse is the most over-used facility of its type in the nation, and WHEREAS the facility does not meet average concert standards, thus inhibiting ticket sales and scheduling of various performers, and WHEREAS our facility is not comparable to other facilities in the Big 8 Conference, and WHEREAS building a new facility would free Ahearn Fieldhouse of the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, thus creating more office space and classroom time for H.P.E.R. and more time for Ahearn Fieldhouse maintenance BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate authorize the holding of a referendum on the following question to be held in conjunction with the Spring 1979 SGA General Election. The following shall be adopted as responsibilities of the Student Governing Association of Kansas State University. Student Governing Association shall request the Kansas State University President and the University Long Range Planning Committee, in conjunction with the Intercollegiate Athletic Council, to implement the necessary B-29 requirements to construct and operate an indoor basketball, concert, and allpurpose arena. This building is to meet program requirements, in this order of priority: 1) men’s and women’s basketball, 2) concerts, and 3) other general University needs such as all-university lectures, convocations, commencements, and Intercollegiate Athletic offices. The Student Governing Association shall be involved in the planning and utilization decisions of this facility at every level. This building is to be partially funded in the following manner: 1. A $ 5.75/semester/full-time student and a $4.50/semester/part-time student increase in the present student activity fee to begin in the Fall of 1981. Summer school students shall be assessed $1/credit hour/summer school student starting the Summer of 1982. As soon as the Football Stadium Bonds are retired (approximately Fall of 1985) the current assessment of $4.25/semester/full-time student and the $.50/semester/part-time student will apply toward payments on a new arena, totaling $10.00/semester/full-time student and $5.00/semester/part-time student. The total student contribution will not exceed $2.5 million which shall be utilized only toward the retirement of a maximum of 30-year construction bonds for a new arena. These monies are not to be used for operating expenses. Upon retirement of these bonds, this assessment will be terminated. 2. If by the Spring of 1981, as determined by a majority vote of Student Senate, no substantial progress toward funding the construction of an arena has been made by other potential contributors (alumni, State of Kansas, private contributors, City of Manhattan, Riley County, etc.), this referendum shall be considered null and void. Therefore, no student funds will be collected for this project. If it is determined substantial progress has taken place toward the funding of an arena, then Section 1 will take effect in the Fall of 1981. 3. The Student Governing Association will advocate the construction of a 17,000 or more seat basketball/multi-purpose arena to be located in the General Sports Complex area. 4. The officers of the Student Governing Association will vigorously petition the Kansas State University Administration and other potential contributors for the additional resources needed to build and operate the aforementioned facility. PASSED 32/5/1 - 12/7/78 PASSED THE STUDENT BODY ON 2/14/49 3-1 B-30 BILL 78/79/28 BY: STUDENT PUBLICATIONS FUNDING Sam Brownback, Deb Williams WHEREAS the student members of the Board of Directors of Student Publications, Inc. are elected by the student body of Kansas State University to act with faculty representatives as publishers of The K-State Collegian and the Royal Purple, and WHEREAS the Board of Directors of Student Publications, Inc. has revised their By-Laws to raise the number of directors to seven (7) by raising the number of student members elected by the student body from three (3) to four (4), and WHEREAS the Board of Student Publications audits annually the finances of the organizations under their jurisdiction BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Publications line item set by student referendum be automatically allocated to the Board of Student Publications for yearly review and allocation by that body. SECTION 2. If Student Senate wishes information about the use of funds generated by the Student Publications line item, they (Student Senate) shall request the student members of the Board of Student Publications to report to them concerning their budgetary and accountability procedures. SECTION 3. Student Senate constitutionally retains the right to raise or lower line items. DIED IN SENATE OPERATIONS STANDING COMMITTEE B-31 BILL 78/79/29 BY: ADDITIONAL FUNDING OF THE STUDENTS FOR HANDICAPPED CONCERNS E. J. Compton, Donna Core, Greg Musil, Nancy VanMeter WHEREAS Student Senate has shown support of renting a car for use by handicapped students for 30 days during bad weather by providing funding during 1978-79 allocations, and WHEREAS the car rental fee has been increased from $9/day to $12.50/day since allocations, and WHEREAS the University will continue the service over the 30-day limit or until March 9, 1979, if Student Senate will provide the necessary funds to cover increased car rental for the 30 days previously planned on, and WHEREAS if Student Senate does not provide the additional funds, the program will be cut severely BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $105 to the already allocated $420 for State Car - making the total read $1,142.40 - with this money being taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 11/30/78 B-32 BILL 78/79/30 BY: SPENDING POLICY FOR COLLEGE COUNCILS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1979-80 Ad hoc Committee on College Councils Spending Policy WHEREAS Senate Bill 76/77/57, College Council Funding, called for the appointment of an ad hoc committee to formulate a policy on spending that the nine (9) College Councils would have to adhere to when allocating or spending monies. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following policy by used by the College Councils when spending monies: A. When any monies are to be allocated for travel to a conference or convention, public notification should be posted within the college and in the Collegian (campus bulletin, classified ads, etc.) no less than two (2) weeks for in-state travel and six (6) weeks for out-of-state travel before said conference or convention, with exceptions to be considered by Finance Committee. B. No monies may be spent on gifts. C. No monies may be spent on telephone equipment. Money may be spent on telephone calls only if it pertains to organization business. D. Any item or service that can be purchased on Campus must be purchased on Campus. E. Finance Committee must approve any monies spent on capital improvements or equipment purchases (improvements to any building or land, office equipment, appliances, etc.). F. Monies spent on parties or social functions are here by prohibited. G. No monies may be spent on clothing without approval of Finance Committee. H. College Councils may make budget switches within the Council if the amount is less than $50 with written notification to the SGA Financial Advisor. Any budget switches over $50 must have Finance Committee’s approval. I. No monies may be spent on food. J. All newly elected presidents and treasurers of all College Councils immediately upon taking office are strongly encouraged to make arrangements and meet with the SGA Financial Advisor. K. It is the responsibility of all newly elected College Council officers to inform the SGA Financial Advisor of their election. PASSED 2/1/79 B-33 BILL 78/79/31 BY: SALARY FOR FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Mick Morrell WHEREAS the position of Finance Committee Chairperson is very time consuming as compared to the other standing committee chair positions, and WHEREAS few individuals can devote up to forty hours of work a week without being paid BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Finance Committee Chairperson be paid a salary of $75/month for the months of March and April. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 23/8 - 2/1/79 B-34 BILL 78/79/23 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee WHEREAS the student health insurance policy at Kansas State University came up for rebidding this year for the years 1979-80 and 1980-81, and WHEREAS specifications for the insurance policy were included, and WHEREAS Blue Cross-Blue Shield of Kansas returned the lowest bid BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Blue Cross-Blue Shield as underwriters of the student health insurance plan for Kansas State University for the 1979-80 and 1980-81 school years. Student only Student and Spouse Student, Spouse, & Dependent Children Student and Dependent Children Maternity Rider PASSED 2/8/79 B-35 $ 123.60 250.92 406.80 273.00 319.92 BILL 78/79/33 BY: ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR DICTAPHONE MACHINE Mick Morrell WHEREAS a new Dictaphone machine would be a great asset to the functioning and performance of the entire S.G.S. Office, and WHEREAS Student Senate passed a bill on September 28, 1978, allocating $168 for the purchase of a new Dictaphone machine for the S.G.S. Office to be used by the entire office, and WHEREAS the quoted price of $168 was greatly under the correct price of the original Dictaphone machine BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate an additional $300, to bring the total to $468, for the purchase of a Lanier Edisette II Dictating/Transcribing Unit. SECTION 2. The monies shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 2/15/79 B-36 BILL 78/79/34 BY: SEATING OF 1979-80 STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT, BOARD OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, AND STUDENT SENATORS Elections Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved for the respective positions: Student Body President Board of Student Publications Agriculture Student Senators Architecture & Design Student Senators Arts & Sciences Student Senators Business Student Senator Engineering Student Senators Graduate School Student Senator Home Economics Student Senators Veterinary Medicine Student Senator Greg Musil Cindy Friesen John Dodderidge Roger Seymour Angela Scanlan Mark Mugler Chuck Banks Winton Smith Duane Hafley Lori Bergen David Foster Marc McCabe Rick Husselman Jim Duke Steve Garinger Jim Brewer ------------------Richard Shearer Sue Willson Sharon Davenport Jerry Biwer SECTION 2. Because of a tie for the third position in the College of Engineering, the Engineering College Council will make the selection between Mark Bergmeier and Jeff Wilbur PASSED 2/15/79 B-37 RESOLUTION 78/79/1 BY: THANKS TO NBC/TVS & PETITION SUPPORTING FAIR PLAY AND GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP Terry Matlack, Cindy Thomas, Sam Brownback, Skip Boyd WHEREAS we, the students of Kansas State University, wish to thank NBC and TVS television networks for their past and future coverage of KSU basketball, and WHEREAS we whole-heartedly support fair play and good sportsmanship in all activities, and WHEREAS we, the students, are committed toward the accomplishment of these two goals BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The NBC and TVS television networks be informed of these goals that K-State students have. SECTION 2. A petition be available for students to sign in the SGS Office supporting this resolution. DIED ON THE TABLE R-1 RESOLUTION 78/79/2 BY: APPROVAL OF FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Mick Morrell BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Emily J. Compton as Finance Committee Chairperson. PASSED 3/9/78 R-2 RESOLUTION 78/79/3 BY: APPOINTMENT OF STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Mick Morrell WHEREAS interviews were conducted by the Student Senate Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and past Committee Chairpersons BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals for the respective Chairpersonships to the Student Senate Standing Committees: Senate Operations Communications Student Affairs Academic Affairs State & Community Affairs Personnel Selection Finance Ted Knopp Mary Kaye Faubion Joe Rossini Dave McKee Brian Rassette Jay Selanders E. J. Compton PASSED 3/23/78 - UNANIMOUSLY R-3 RESOLUTION 78/79/4 BY: APPROVAL OF CABINET MEMBERS Sam Brownback WHEREAS applications for Cabinet positions were submitted by numerous interested individuals and interviews were conducted by the Student Body President and associated persons BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals for the respective Cabinet positions on the Student Body President’s Cabinet: Administrative Assistants Special Assistant Attorney General College Council Coordinator State & Legislative Affairs Director Community Relations Director International Affairs Director Public Relations Director Special Projects Director Minority Affairs Director Women’s Affairs Director Operations Manager Off-Campus & Married Students Director PASSED 3/30/78 R-4 Lisa Baumgarten Rex Matlack Ron Wilson Max Wietharn Doug Cook Randy Tosh Kevin Burnett Martha Winkler Theresa Montgomery Allen Roberts Anita Cobbins Diana Greenough Elaine Hefty Kirk Johnson RESOLUTION 78/79/5 BY: SUPPORT OF COUNCIL OF PRESIDENT’S PROPOSAL: OPERATIONAL FUNDING OF STUDENT UNIONS BY THE STATE State & Community Affairs Comm. and Sam Brownback WHEREAS the student union is used extensively for academic use and by the administration, and WHEREAS the student union is used extensively for conferences, workshops, and dinners, of both academic and non-academic nature, and by the community, and WHEREAS the university uses no state funds to pay utilities or direct costs of the student union, and WHEREAS the university does not pay the union a rental fee for the use of the meeting facilities for regular university activities, and WHEREAS the student union is now funded entirely by the students of Kansas State University and its operation, and WHEREAS the students of Kansas State University should not be forced to solely shoulder the responsibility of rising utilities costs when the union is of great benefit to the community, faculty and administration BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The student body of Kansas State University strongly endorse funding from the university to subsidize the cost of university and academic use of the Union. SECTION 2. The Student Body President take this resolution to the Board of Regents and University President. PASSED 4/13/78 R-5 RESOLUTION 78/79/6 BY: APPROVAL OF UNION GOVERNING BOARD MEMBERS Greg Mayer and Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS four student seats on the Union Governing Board were open, due to expiration of terms, and WHEREAS the interviewing committee consisting of UGB-members, a member of Personnel Selection Committee, and a Student Senate Liaison held interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 4 and 5, for the four vacancies BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following people as voting members of the Union Governing Board: Diane Lederer - Gene Atkinson - Fred Kern. SECTION 2. Student Senate approve the following individual as a non-voting member of the Union Governing Board: Don Foster. PASSED 4/13/78 R-6 RESOLUTION 78/79/7 BY: APPROVAL OF ASSISTANT STUDENT COORDINATOR OF UNIVERSITY OF MAN Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS the Assistant Student Coordinator for University for Man is leaving after fulfilling her agreement with UFM, and WHEREAS a new Student Coordinator needs to be hired, and WHEREAS an extensive interviewing process was followed for the filling of the position for Assistant Student Coordinator, and WHEREAS the interviewing panel has decided that Tom Hollinberger is the most qualified person that applied for the position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Tom Hollinberger be hired for the position of Assistant Student Coordinator of University for Man. PASSED 4/27/78 R-7 RESOLUTION 78/79/8 BY: APPROVAL OF UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD CHAIRPERSON AND STUDENT-AT-LARGE MEMBERS Paul Wilson and Rex Matlack WHEREAS the present chairperson of UAB has resigned due to graduation, and WHEREAS the members of UAB selected the existing vice-chairperson as the new chairperson, and WHEREAS the committee selects the 4 student-at-large members BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals for the 4 student-at- large positions on the University Activities Board: Art Chartrand, chairperson Steve Tyler, hold-over member Dean Andrew R. Scott Hoisington PASSED 5/4/78 R-8 RESOLUTION 78/79/9 BY: APPROVAL OF ACTING STUDENT SENATE CHAIRPERSON Mick Morrell WHEREAS Hank Spencer was elected by the Student Senate as vice-chairperson to fulfill the duties of chairperson in the event that the chairperson is unable to, and WHEREAS Mick Morrell, current chairperson, will be unable to be at Kansas State during the months of June and July BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Hank Spencer shall be named “acting chairperson” and that said individual shall receive the full Student Senate Chairperson salary for the months of June and July, 1978. PASSED 5/4/78 R-9 RESOLUTION 78/79/10 BY: APPROVAL OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETIC COUNCIL MEMBERS Sam Brownback, Rex Matlack, Personnel Selection Committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as voting members of the Intercollegiate Athletic Council: Bill Oswald, Craig McVey, Ted Knopp SECTION 2. The following individuals be approved as alternate members of the Intercollegiate Athletic Council: Roger Page, Gwendolyn Macon FAILED 5/4/78 - 12/27/1 R-10 RESOLUTION 78/79/11 BY: APPROVAL OF JUDICIAL BOARD MEMBERS Sam Brownback, Rex Matlack, Personnel Selection Committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individual be approved as the off-campus representative on the Judicial Council: Jeff Culley SECTION 2. The following individuals be approved as student members of the Traffic Appeals Board: Steve Salter - chairperson, Crystal Chubb, Brad Staffen, Gary Mitchell, Bruce Kuehnle. SECTION 3. The following individuals be approved as student members of the Student Tribunal: John Brettell, chancellor; Skip Boyd; Becky Browne; Jim Howard; Sam Winter. SECTION 4. The following individuals be approved as student members of the Student Review Board: Mary Pruitt - chairperson, Jeff Morris, Deb Barker, Steve Tyler, Mike Wangeman. PASSED 5/4/78 R-11 RESOLUTION 78/79/12 BY: APPOINTMENT TO STUDENT TRIBUNAL Max Wietharn WHEREAS a Tribunal position was vacated by a member who accepted a position in Washington last December, and WHEREAS the new Tribunal members do not take office until June 1, 1978 BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Jim Howard to fill the vacancy on Tribunal. PASSED 5/4/78 R-12 RESOLUTION 78/79/13 BY: REEVALUATION OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETIC COUNCIL Ted Knopp, Student Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS considerable confusion and dissatisfaction exists within the I.A.C. and within the University as to the activities, authority, and responsibilities of the I.A.C., and WHEREAS this confusion and dissatisfaction precludes constructive and effective administration of intercollegiate athletics at Kansas State University BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate urges the President of the University to review and evaluate the performance of the I.A.C. and to institute any structural or organizational changes which would make that body more effective. SECTION 2. Student Senate requests the President of the University to outline the areas of involvement of the I.A.C. and the authority and responsibilities of the I.A.C. in these areas. SECTION 3. Student Senate stresses the importance of full-balanced student involvement in the final structure of I.A.C. PASSED 5/4/78 R-13 RESOLUTION 78/79/14 BY: ROYAL PURPLE DISTRIBUTION CLEAN-UP Doug Cook and Jay Selanders a copy is available in the S.G.S. Office NEVER INTRODUCED R-14 RESOLUTION 78/79/15 BY: APPROVAL OF CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD DIRECTOR Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS these job qualifications were established: 1. One year of work on Consumer Relations Board 2. Senior classification or graduate student in Family Economics, and WHEREAS extensive interviews were conducted by Deb Haifleigh, Robert Flashman, Jay Selanders and Mark Zimmerman, and WHEREAS the interviewing committee believes that this person is best qualified for the position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Melanie Stockdell be approved to assume the responsibilities for the position of Consumer Relations Board Director, effective September 1, 1978, at a salary of $250/month. PASSED 5/10/78 R-15 RESOLUTION 78/79/16 BY: APPROVAL OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETIC COUNCIL STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES Sam Brownback, Ron Wilson, Allison Luthi, Jay Selanders WHEREAS applications for Intercollegiate Athletic Council (I.A.C.) student membership was re-opened, and WHEREAS due process was followed in selecting three student representatives and two student appointees, officio and ex-officio respectively, have been chosen BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved as the official voting members of the Intercollegiate Athletic Council: Debbie Blakley, Craig McVey, Bill Oswald SECTION 2. The following students be approved as the ex-officio non-voting members of the Intercollegiate Athletic Council: Roger Page, Gwendolyn Macon PASSED 5/10/78 - 27/6 R-16 RESOLUTION 78/79/16-A BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Hick Morrell WHEREAS a vacancy has occurred with the resignation of Joe Rossini as chairperson of the Student Affairs Standing Committee, and WHEREAS interviews were held by Joe Rossini, Louis Reed and Mick Morrell BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Mark Kinnaman be approved as the Chairperson of the Student Affairs Standing Committee. PASSED 9/7/78 R-17 RESOLUTION 78/79/17 BY: APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE ON UNIVERSITY PLANNING (COUP) STUDENT MEMBERS Mick Morrell WHEREAS Student Senate Resolution 76/77/13 has set forth guidelines for the composition of the President’s Committee on University Planning, and WHEREAS three (3) student-at-large members are required for the committee, and WHEREAS all positions were vacated, and WHEREAS personal interviews were held by Mick Morrell BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved for two-year terms ending May 31, 1980: Robert Fleming, Dee James. SECTION 2. The following individual be approved for a one-year term ending May 31, 1979: Curtis Krizek. PASSED 9/7/78 - 22/7 R-18 RESOLUTION 78/79/18 BY: APPROVAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS DIRECTOR Sam Brownback WHEREAS a vacancy was created due to the resignation of Martha Winkler as International Affairs Director on the Student Body President’s Cabinet, and WHEREAS the SGA Constitution requires such a position to be filled, and WHEREAS nominations were submitted by the International Center students and staff, after which interviews were conducted BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Fred Sorrells be approved as the International Affairs Director on the Student Body President’s Cabinet. PASSED 9/14/78 R-19 RESOLUTION 78/79/19 BY: WORLD HUNGER AWARENESS WEEK Sam Brownback WHEREAS the students and faculty of Kansas State University share with citizens throughout the nation, concern for the victims of hunger in the world, both here and abroad, and WHEREAS the problems of world hunger need to be addressed by each and everyone of us, and WHEREAS our Campus community possesses extraordinary resources for creating a greater understanding of the problems of world hunger and means to work for its resolution BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The period Monday, September 18, 1978, to Sunday, September 24, 1978, be declared WORLD HUNGER WEEK in and for Kansas State University, and all members of the K-State community to give full support and to participate in the activities planned for that week, particularly the conference, “Food for the Hungry World: Progress and Problems”, being held at Kansas State University on September 23, 1978, and the Crop Walk to be held on September 24, 1978. PASSED 9/14/78 - UNANIMOUSLY R-20 RESOLUTION 78/79/20 BY: APPROVAL OF SGA WORK-STUDY SECRETARY Sam Brownback WHEREAS several interviews were conducted by Pat Bosco, Nyles Davis Sam Brownback, Melanie Stockdell and Jenny Johnston for the work-study secretary for the SGS Office BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Lynette Bradrick be approved as the SGS Work-Study Secretary to begin work September 7, 1978. PASSED 9/7/78 R-21 RESOLUTION 78/79/21 BY: APPROVAL OF UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD CHAIRPERSON Sam Brownback WHEREAS the University Activities Board (UAB) is in need of a chairperson, due to the resignation of Art Chartrand, and WHEREAS the UAB has met and made their selection BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Bob Christianson as the chairperson of the University Activities Board. PASSED 9/21/78 R-22 RESOLUTION 78/79/22 BY: APPROVAL OF SENATE OPERATIONS STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Mick Morrell WHEREAS a new Senate Operations Committee Chairperson needs to be appointed, due to the resignation of Ted Knopp BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Lisa Zahn be approved as the Senate Operations Standing Committee Chairperson. PASSED 9/14/78 R-23 RESOLUTION 78/79/23 BY: ESTABLISHMENT AND SEATING OF THE OFFCAMPUS COMMISSION Sam Brownback WHEREAS students who live off-campus compose a majority of the student population at KSU, and WHEREAS these students have many needs and concerns which, in the current structure of SGA, are not effectively communicated, and WHEREAS this dilemma merits in-depth study and proposals to alleviate this problem BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Off-Campus Commission be created to investigate the problems and concerns of the off-campus students. The Commission shall use every resource available to them in this endeavor. SECTION 2. The Commission shall be composed of the following individuals: E.J. Compton, chairperson, Don Babb, Bill Hiles, Kirk Johnson, Barb Ballard, Sandy Brennan, Leo Matzeder, Bill Ogg. SECTION 3. The Commission shall submit a report and recommendations for action to Student Senate and the Student Body President on or before November 1, 1978. PASSED 9/21/78 R-24 RESOLUTION 78/79/24 BY: APPROVAL OF ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS (ASK) CAMPUS DIRECTOR Sam Brownback WHEREAS there is a vacancy in the position of ASK Campus Director, and WHEREAS applications were received and interviews were conducted by Hannes Zacharias, ASK Executive Director, and Sam Brownback for the position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Mark Werner be approved by Student Senate for the position of Associated Students of Kansas (ASK) Campus Director, effective immediately. PASSED 9/28/78 R-25 RESOLUTION 78/79/25 BY: UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS JOINING ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS (ASK) Sam Brownback WHEREAS the students at the University of Kansas have benefited from the Associated Students of Kansas (ASK) without any financial obligations, and WHEREAS the student body of K.U. desires admittance into ASK on a 10-month trial basis, and WHEREAS the Associated Students of Kansas would become an even more effective lobbying agent for students of higher education if K.U. becomes a member BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The student body of the University of Kansas be admitted into the Associated Students of Kansas with full membership privileges for a 10-month trial period at a cost of $2,500 to them. It is understood that the K.U student body is of the intent of becoming full due-paying members of ASK in future years. Budget restraints keep them from doing so this year. PASSED 9/28/78 - 35/0 R-26 RESOLUTION 78/79/26 BY: APPROVAL OF ELECTIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Lisa Zahn and Mick Morrell WHEREAS applications were accepted for the position of Fall Elections Committee Chairperson BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Lori Bergen be approved as Elections Committee Chairperson for the Fall Student Senate Elections. PASSED 10/5/78 R-27 RESOLUTION 78/79/27 BY: APPROVAL OF ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF THE DRUG EDUCATION CENTER Personnel Selection WHEREAS interviews were held for the Assistant Director of the Drug Education Center by Dave Neuhaus, Dr. Bob Sinnett, and Jeff Zillinger BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kristin Larson be approved as the Assistant Director of the Drug Education Center for the first month of each semester. PASSED 10/12/78 - UNANIMOUSLY R-28 RESOLUTION 78/79/28 BY: ESTABLISHMENT OF TRANSFER STUDENT TASK FORCE Sam Brownback and Mick Morrell WHEREAS there has been a dramatic increase in the number of transfer students coming to KSU, and WHEREAS many of these students have experienced problems in transferring hours to KSU, in becoming acquainted with the Campus, in enrollment, and in the area of social interaction. All of which leads to an ill-feeling about K-State on the part of many transfer students who graduate here BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. A student task force be created to investigate the problems experienced by transfer students. SECTION 2. This task force will report its findings and recommendations for change to Student Senate and the Student Body President on or before November 30, 1978, these findings and recommendations will then be given to the New Student Transition Committee and funneled into all other appropriate channels. SECTION 3. The Task Force will be composed of the following individuals: Pam Nicklaus, Chairperson, Linda Maxwell, Tim Ahrens, Deb Nicklaus, Deb Dougherty, John Taylor, Gary Edwards. NOTE: A copy of the final report is available in the S.G.S. Office. PASSED 10/12/78 - UNANIMOUSLY R-29 RESOLUTION 78/79/29 BY: APPROVAL OF ELECTIONS COMMITTEE MEMBERS M,ick Morrell WHEREAS the SGA By-Laws state that Elections Committee will be chosen by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of Student Senate, and WHEREAS this Committee opening was advertised in the Collegian, and WHEREAS interviews were held by Greg Musil, Lori Bergen and Mick Morrell BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Annette Conners, Mike Mies, Jayne Blinn, Dave Chrisjohn and Greg Musil be approved as Elections Committee members. PASSED 10/5/78 R-30 RESOLUTION 78/79/30 BY: POLLING BOOTH LOCATIONS Richard Stumpf, Lisa Zahn, Scott Pfizenmaier, Dick McClanathan, Dave McKee, Mark Kannaman, Tim Phares, Roger Seymour, Jeff Labahn BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. A mobile polling booth shall be set up in the Veterinary Medicine College for a period not to exceed 2 hours at a time and a place designated by the Dean of Veterinary Medicine College. It shall be the responsibility of the Elections Committee to contact the Dean at least two weeks before the Election and arrange for a booth to be set up. PASSED 10/5/78 R-31 RESOLUTION 78/79/31 BY: APPROVAL OF SOCIAL SERVICES DIRECTOR Sam Brownback WHEREAS the Social Services, as a group, have always had an overall coordinator and director which they elected from within their own rank, and WHEREAS this job has grown to such a size that one of the individual Social Service Directors cannot handle both the coordinator job and their own social service assignment, and WHEREAS applications were sought and an interview conducted to fill the position of Social Service Director BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Paul Hart be approved as the Social Services Director of the Student Body President’s Cabinet. PASSED 10/19/78 R-32 RESOLUTION 78/79/32 BY: APPROVAL OF KSU DELEGATES TO THE 5TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STUDENT LEGAL RIGHTS Personnel Selection WHEREAS funds were allocated to send two delegates to the 5th Annual National Conference on Student Legal Rights in New Orleans, Louisiana, and WHEREAS applications were received and interviews were held by the Personnel Selection Committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Diana Greenough and Roger Luce be approved as the KSU delegates to the 5th Annual National Conference on Student Legal Rights. PASSED 10/19/78 R-33 RESOLUTION 78/79/33 BY: A DECLARATION OF CELEBRATION Mick Morrell, Kevin Kneisley, Greg Musil WHEREAS Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse has supplied entertainment to the world for 50 years, and WHEREAS Walt Disney said about his entertainment world, i.e., Disneyland, Disneyworld “it could not have been conceived if it wasn’t for one mouse”, and WHEREAS any feature length animation would not have been possible if Mickey Mouse was not drawn up, and WHEREAS the Walt Disney Production empire developed from a solitary little mouse named Mortimer, and WHEREAS Mickey Mouse has become a legend in the past 50 years, and WHEREAS Mickey Mouse was an integral part of the childhood of most K-State students BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Tuesday, October 17th, be declared “Mickey Mouse Day” on the Kansas State University Campus. PASSED 10/12/78 R-34 RESOLUTION 78/79/34 BY: ESTABLISHMENT OF LIBRARY TASK FORCE Sam Brownback WHEREAS students have registered many complaints about the loss of study space being consumed by books in the basement of the library, and WHEREAS many students have expressed a great need for the library to be open for more hours during the week, and WHEREAS other students have complained about the lack of quality books on certain topics BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. A five (5) - members student task force be created to investigate the student problems with the library and to recommend action to alleviate the concerns previously mentioned in this resolution. SECTION 2. This task force will work in close cooperation with Dean Rausch, head of Farrell Library. SECTION 3. The task force shall consist of two (2) Student Senators to be appointed by the Student Senate Chairperson and three (3) at-large students appointed by the Student Body President. The chairperson of the task force shall be appointed in cooperation by both the Student Senate Chairperson and the Student Body President. SECTION 4. The committee shall conclude its investigation and recommendations for action to the Student Senate no later than March 15, 1979. PASSED 10/26/78 R-35 RESOLUTION 78/79/35 BY: ESTABLISHMENT OF A STUDENT RECRUITMENT TASK FORCE Mick Morrell WHEREAS the enrollment at Kansas State University has begun its predicted decline, and WHEREAS this decline means a decrease in total fees student government has to allocate, and WHEREAS the Student Senate has felt a responsibility to help slow this decline in enrollment and even help increase enrollment BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate establish a task force to study possibilities of student input towards recruitment beyond what now exists. SECTION 2. This task force shall be composed of the following individuals: Mick Morrell, chairperson, Deb Collins, Camillia Pace, Lori Bergen, Dana Foster, Jay Selanders PASSED 10/26/78 R-36 RESOLUTION 78/79/36 BY: ESTABLISHING OF HEARINGS ON THE PROBLEMS OF ADVISING Sam Brownback, Mick Morrell See contents in the S.G.S. Office NOT INTRODUCED R-37 RESOLUTION 78/79/37 BY: NOTIFICATION OF BASKETBALL TICKET SALES CHANGE Richard McClanathan BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate strongly recommend to the Athletic Department, the Intercollegiate Athletic Council, and the Student Basketball Ticket Sales Committee that the sale of basketball tickets be postponed one week, allowing the students to be informed of the change in the published ticket sales system and that the method of lottery include individual student tickets as well as group tickets. FAILED 6/26 - 10/26/78 R-38 RESOLUTION 78/79/38 BY: APPOINTMENT OF STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Mick Morrell WHEREAS a vacancy has occurred by the resignation of Mark Kinnaman, and WHEREAS Bill Manning has been very involved on this committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Bill Manning be approved as chairperson of the Student Affairs Committee. PASSED 11/2/78 R-39 RESOLUTION 78/79/39 BY: FACULTY SALARY INCREASE San Brownback WHEREAS to keep high quality faculty at Kansas State University we must keep their salaries in line with the cost of living increases and in competition with salaries at similar institutions of higher learning, and WHEREAS current contracts for faculty members do not provide for cost of living increases BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Senate go on record as supporting the KSU faculty’s request for wage increases at least commensurate to increases in cost of living. PASSED 11/9/78 R-40 RESOLUTION 78/79/40 BY: ESTABLISHMENT OF HEARINGS ON BASKETBALL TICKET SALES Roger Seymour WHEREAS this year’s basketball ticket sales policy was less than effective, and WHEREAS there is widespread disillusionment with the present policy, and WHEREAS there is a need for a change in the basketball ticket sales policy, and WHEREAS students input is needed for the change in the policy BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. A panel, composed of one (1) Student Senator to serve as chairperson and four (4) other students (1 Greek representative, 1 residence hall representative and 2 offcampus representatives) chosen by the Student Body President and the Student Senate Chairperson, be set up to hear ideas and grievances on the basketball ticket sales from the student body. SECTION 2. The panel will, upon completion of the hearing, report it findings to Student Senate. SECTION 3. This panel will also report any appropriate comments, grievances, or ideas to the Intercollegiate Athletic Council (I.A.C) and the proper Athletic Department official(s). SECTION 4. This panel will complete its hearings no later than December 15, 1978 PASSED 11/2/78 R-41 RESOLUTION 78/79/41 BY: APPROVAL OF KSU’S ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS BOARD MEMBERS Mark Werner, Sam Brownback WHEREAS the former board member recently resigned from the position, and WHEREAS Donald Fortin is the most qualified applicant to fill the position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Donald Fortin as KSU’s Associated Students of Kansas Board member. PASSED 11/30/78 R-42 RESOLUTION 78/79/42 BY: APPROVAL OF AD HOC COMMITTEE ON COLLEGE COUNCIL SPENDING Mick Morrell WHEREAS Senate Bill 76/77/57 calls for an ad hoc committee to establish a policy regarding the expenditure of student monies by College Councils BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Nancy VanMeter be approved as Chairperson of the Ad hoc Committee on College Council Spending. SECTION 2. The following individuals be approved as members of the Ad hoc Committee on College Council Spending: Patrick Miller, John Martin, Doug Cook PASSED 11/30/78 R-43 RESOLUTION 78/79/43 BY: SUPPORT OF FUNDING OF FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES Sam Brownback WHEREAS student salaries are a substantial form of student financial aid, much of which is funneled back into the university, and WHEREAS student employees play a vital role in the operation of university campuses, and WHEREAS the federal minimum wage will be $3.10 as of January, 1980, at which time the students will be receiving a substantially lower wage, and WHEREAS increased costs of higher education, i.e. tuition and fee increases, make it essential student employees receive a comparable increase in salary BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate go on record as actively supporting legislation calling for the funding of the federal minimum wage for students employed at all of the state universities, without a reduction in allocated hours. FAILED 12/7/78 R-44 RESOLUTION 78/79/44 BY: APPROVAL OF ELECTIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Mick Morrell, Lisa Zahn WHEREAS Elections will be held February 14, 1978, and WHEREAS the Elections Committee should be chaired by someone who has had experience with Elections, and WHEREAS Annette Conners has demonstrated an ability to help run a smooth Election as evidenced by the Fall Elections Committee of which she was a member BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Annette Conners be approved as Elections Committee Chairperson for the February 1979 Elections. PASSED 29/3 - 12/7/78 R-45 RESOLUTION 78/79/45 BY: APPROVAL OF ELECTIONS COMMITTEE MEMBERS Annette Conners, Mick Morrell WHEREAS applications were opened fall semester for Elections Committee members, and WHEREAS applications were again opened this spring because there weren’t enough applications in the fall, and WHEREAS the By-Laws call for five (5) members to be on this committee, and WHEREAS timing and quality were both considered in this selection process BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Tomi Starrett, Jo Moody, Robin Marrs, Paul Winterman, and Mike Grier be approved as Elections Committee members. PASSED 2/1/79 R-46 RESOLUTION 78/79/46 BY: APPROVAL OF FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Mick Morrell WHEREAS this position was opened due to the resignation of E. J. Compton, and WHEREAS the Student Senate Chairperson has chosen the following individual to fill this position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Patrick Miller be approved as Finance Committee Chairperson. PASSED 2/1/79 R-47 RESOLUTION 78/79/47 BY: APPROVAL OF UNIVERSITY LEARNING NETWORK (ULN) ASSISTANT COORDINATOR Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS the current Assistant Coordinator for U.L.N. is leaving the service, and WHEREAS applications were taken and interviews were held for the position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Robert Elliott be hired for the position of Assistant Coordinator of the University Learning Network (ULN). PASSED 2/1/79 R-48 RESOLUTION 78/79/48 BY: APPROVAL OF SUMMER SESSION ALLOCATIONS BOARD MEMBERS Sam Brownback WHEREAS Senate Bills 76/77/29 and 78/79/2 establish requirements for Summer Session Allocations Board, and WHEREAS this group shall recommend to Student Senate allocations for this summer session BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Bob Rinne be approved as Summer Session Allocations Board Chairperson. SECTION 2. Mark Cockran, E. J. Compton, Mark Jorns and Carol Sobba be approved as Summer Session Allocations Board members. PASSED 2/8/79 R-49 RESOLUTION 78/79/49 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT LEGISLATIVE NETWORK (S.L.N.) ISSUES FOR 1979 KANSAS LEGISLATIVE SESSION Randy Tosh, Sam Brownback WHEREAS the S.L.N. is an official group under the direction of the Student Body President, and WHEREAS they have the responsibility of deciding upon several issues of student concern to present to state legislators BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following issues become matters of priority with the S.L.N. in their communication efforts this session with the state legislators: 1. Additional funding of a new arena at KSU. 2. Additional monies within the K-State budget to be used for capital improvements such as the Library, Seaton Court, and Willard Hall. 3. Continued financial support of a new coal-fired energy plant. 4. Support of Formula Funding and the benefits it will give to KSU as well as other Regents’ institutions. PASSED 2/15/79 R-50 RESOLUTION 78/79/50 BY: IMPLEMENTATION OF LIBRARY TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS Steve Peters, Jeff Reh, Jim Griffin, Dana Foster, Greg, Musil WHEREAS student concerns about the KSU library system have increased in recent years, and WHEREAS a student Library Task Force was organized in the Fall of 1978 to evaluate the library system, and WHEREAS the task force also found significant general student dissatisfaction in the areas of hours, study space, volume availability, staff availability, and general library satisfaction BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate and the Student Body President take whatever measures necessary to implement the recommendations contained in the Report and Recommendations on the Kansas State University Library System. NOTE: A copy of the report and recommendations are available in the SGS Office. PASSED 2/15/79 R-51 RESOLUTION 78/79/51 BY: BASKETBALL TICKET SALES POLICY Rich Macha WHEREAS the 1978-79 Basketball Ticket Sales Policy was less than effective, and WHEREAS there is widespread disapproval of that policy, and WHEREAS student input and data has been collected, and WHEREAS the Basketball Ticket Sales Task Force, made up of one residence hail resident, One Greek, two off-campus students, and chaired by one Student Senator, has proposed an efficient policy with positive changes BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate endorse the following Basketball Ticket Sales Policy and submit it for final approval by the Athletic Department: I. There will be three types of basketball tickets: 1) Group Reserved, 2) Individual Reserved, and 3) Non-reserved. II. One ticket will be sold per fee card with the exception of buying for a nonstudent spouse, then two may be purchased with one fee card. A married student with a student spouse may buy (two tickets but a fee card for both student and student spouse is required. III. The total allotted tickets for the reserve section will be divided into 80% for Group Reserved and 20% for the Individual Reserved. IV. Tickets for the Group Reserved will be applied for on two specific days (set by the Athletic Department), in which a lottery system will be in effect. 1. Students will be able to go to the ticket window in Ahearn Fieldhouse where they can fill out an application for no more than 20 tickets and leave the respective fee cards with the person at the ticket window. 2. While students are applying for Group Reserved tickets, they will also be asked to draw a number which will be placed on their envelope at that time. This number will be this group’s number for lottery purposes. 3. At the end of the two-day period, the ticket window will be closed for Group Reserved ticket applications and the Athletic Department will proceed in distributing tickets, starting with the lowest numbered application and moving to higher numbers until the entire 80% of the reserved tickets are allotted. R-52 Tickets for Individual Reserved and Group Reserved will be allocated on 50-50 preference basis, until Individual Reserved are sold. 4. After all the Group Reserve tickets have been allocated, the Athletic Department will then notify the Collegian of the highest numbered application which received tickets; therefore, students with a higher number than the one published in the Collegian will know they didn’t receive tickets and students with this number or lower know that they will receive a reserve basketball ticket. 5. The Student Governing Association should also be notified of the highest number. In the case that the Collegian does not publish this number, it will be up to the SGA to sufficiently notify the student body of the highest lottery number. V. At least one week later, on Saturday, the Athletic Department will then place for sale the Individual Reserve and Non-reserved tickets. 1. The Individual Reserved tickets will be sold at the north ticket window of Ahearn Fieldhouse starting at 8:00 a.m. that Saturday. 2. Non-reserved tickets will be sold at the east ticket window of the Football Stadium starting at 8:00 a.m. that Saturday morning, also. 3. Camping will be permitted for Non-reserved tickets. 4. Any type of “roll call” or line system will be the responsibility of the students who are camping for the Non-reserved tickets. VI. The dates of the ticket sales and this policy will be published in the Collegian as an advertisement, in the event that the Collegian does not take it upon itself to publish this policy and the sales dates as a news event. 1. If the Athletic Department will not fund the advertisement, the Student Senate shall allocate specific funding for this advertisement if there is not enough in the general SGA advertising budget. PASSED 2/8/79 R-53