BILL 81/82/1 BY: SUPPLEMENTAL ALLOCATION FOR ARTS & SCIENCES COLLEGE COUNCIL OPEN HOUSE Arts & Sciences College Council, Rod Altland WHEREAS additional funds are needed for the College of Arts & Sciences to fully participate in the All-University Open House BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate a total of $364.05 to the Arts & Sciences College Council to cover All-University Open House expenses. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. PASSED 2/26/81 B-1 BILL 81/82/2 BY: VOIDING OF FUNDING OF NEW STUDENT SENATE RETREAT John Craver, Brent Argo WHEREAS it would be unwise for Student Senate to use student fees to fund the New Student Senator’s Retreat, and WHEREAS much controversy and disapproval of this funding has already been voiced by students, and WHEREAS setting such a precedent would be contrary to our policy of fiscal responsibility, and WHEREAS the lack of funding would not compromise the learning purposes and experiences of the Retreat to be gained by the new Senators BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. No funding of the Student Senate Retreat of March 1, 1981, be made by Student Senate. FAILED 10/38/0 - 2/26/81 B-2 BILL 81/82/3 BY: BLACK STUDENT UNION ALLOCATION FOR OUTSTANDING BILLS David Lehman WHEREAS there was a change in the secretarial staff of Holtz Hall that was responsible for handling BSU. books, and WHEREAS the BSU. has discovered that it has several outstanding bills that had been previously lost, and WHEREAS these outstanding bills were brought to the attention of Michael Payne, BSU. President, by the new staff secretary at Holtz Hall and WHEREAS these outstanding bills were made by the past administration of BSU. and not this year’s administration, and WHEREAS these bills must be paid by the BSU. as soon as possible BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $78.20 to the Black Student Union to pay these outstanding bills as follows: K-State Union.. .press-on letters on 9/7/79 rent of Ballroom K on 1/18/80 projectionist fee in Forum Hall on 2/12/80 Xeroxing for Big 8 Conf. on 11/29/79 2/12/80, and 2/23/80 less amount paid twice (credit) S.G.A phone bills $ 3.98 55.00 10.00 9.55 -8.03 $ 70.50 $7.70 $ 78.20 SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. PASSED 3/5/81 B-3 BILL 81/82/4 BY: SEXUALITY EDUCATION & COUNSELING SERVICES BROCHURE ALLOCATION Chuck Banks WHEREAS Sexuality Education & Counseling Services (previously known as Pregnancy Counseling) is in the process of having their brochure printed and WHEREAS Student Senate funded $91.70 for this project last semester, and WHEREAS K-State Printing Service failed to include layout expenses for this project, and WHEREAS K-State Printing Service rates have increased this semester since the allocation last fall BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $42.00 to cover the increased costs of printing the Sexuality Education and Counseling Services brochure. SECTION 2. These funds shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. PASSED 3/5/81 B-4 BILL 81/82/5 BY: FUNDING OF U.S.S.A. CAMPUS DIRECTOR TO REGIONAL CONFERENCE Angela Scanlan WHEREAS K-State Student Governing Association is a paid member of the United States Student Association, and WHEREAS U.S.S.A. is holding a regional conference in Lincoln, Nebraska on March 13-15, 1981 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocated $15.00 for meals during the three-day Conference to be used by the U.S.S.A. Campus Director at K-State. SECTION 2. The money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. PASSED 3/5/81 B-5 BILL 81/82/6 BY: FUNDING OF FORENSICS TEAM TO NATIONALS Barb Miller, Scott Long WHEREAS the KSU Speech Unlimited Squad (Forensics) anticipates qualifying 14 individuals for competition at the National Forensics Tournament to be held in Towson, Maryland, and WHEREAS Speech Unlimited has had an .exceptionally successful year with individual students placing first 34 times, second 30 times, third 34 times, and WHEREAS the body has, in the past, expressed both its support for and its willingness to financially underwrite the expenses of national competition for KSU students who have qualified for national-level competition (Senate Bill 74/75/46, Funding of Soils Judging Team to National Tournament; Senate Bill 75/76/7, Funding of Debate Squad to National Championship; Senate Bill 76/77/4, Funding of Soils Judging Team to Nationals; Senate Bill 78/79/5, Funding of Forensics Team to Nationals), and WHEREAS the body has also expressed its concern that the University administration act as a partner with Student Government in providing financial support for said academically-oriented organizations BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate Allocate $1,976.50 to the Speech Unlimited (Forensics) account for use in sending students to the American Forensics Association National Individual Events Tournament to be held on April 10-12, 1981. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies for the following: Travel on a cooperatively chartered bus $l, 976.50. SECTION 3. The aforementioned sum constitutes an appropriate portion of the total requirement for sending students to Nationals, and Senate urges Speech Unlimited and the Speech Department to fund the remainder of the expenses for this trip, and thus meet its responsibility to this academically-oriented activity. SECTION 4. If for any reason the remaining funds needed for this trip are not raised and Speech Unlimited does not attend, the $1,975.50 will be returned to Student Senate. PASSED 3/12/81 B-6 BILL 81/82/7 BY: ORGANIZATION AND FUNDING OF STUDENT SENATE RETREATS Finance Committee, Rob Altland WHEREAS there is a need for a good working relationship between Senators in Student Senate, and WHEREAS with a good working relationship the activity of Student Senate can be more effective, and WHEREAS there has traditionally been a Student Senate Retreat in order to establish that working relationship between newly-elected Senators, and WHEREAS in the past misunderstandings have arisen concerning the policy and funding of the Student Senate Retreat BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A Retreat Coordinator be appointed by the Student Senate Chairperson no later than November 1, whose sole purpose is to coordinate the Student Senate Retreat and serve as chairperson of the Student Senate Retreat Committee. SECTION 2. One (1) Senator from each Student Senate Standing Committee be appointed by their respective committee chairperson by November 1, to serve on the Student Senate Retreat Committee. SECTION 3. A statement be placed on Student Senate Election Filing Forms stating that a mandatory Student Senate Retreat will be held and each Senator and other student participants will be expected to bear the individual costs of the Retreat. PASSED 3/26/81 B-7 BILL 81/82/8 BY: 1981 SUMMER SCHOOL FINAL ALLOCATIONS Summer School Allocations Board BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following allocations be approved as Final Summer School Allocations for 1981: Rec Services Student Publications Artist Series University for Man K-State Union AMOUNT REQUESTED $4,700.00 5,000.00 3,600.00 2,745.00 25,000.00 $ 41,045.00 PASSED 3/12/81 B-8 AMOUNT ALLOCATED $4,700.00 5,000.00 3,200.00 2,745.00 22,000.00 $ 37,645.00 BILL 81/82/9 BY: S.G.A. ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN REGULATIONS Cheri Rolph. Patty Cooper, Gary Mignano, David Sandritter WHEREAS the Elections Committee is responsible for the equitable running of S.G.A. Elections, and WHEREAS concise Elections Regulations are an important tool in the performance of that task, and WHEREAS existing regulations are not clear and concise BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following revised S.G.A. Elections Campaign Regulations: I. DEFINITION OF CANDIDATE A. A candidate shall be defined as an office-seeking individual attempting to gain student support through the use of campaign materials. II. CAMPAIGN MATERIALS A. Campaign materials shall be defined as posters, banners, use of chalk or any other election displays in support of a candidate or candidates for election. This shall exclude t-shirts and items worn or attached to clothing. B. Banners will be defined as displays suspended between two trees, held up or carried by individual(s) for public view. C. Campaign materials will not be restricted to size, except in the K-State Union. D. Campaign materials may not violate the common standards of decency. III. POSTING A. General Campus 1. All campaign materials other than banners may be posted only on hushes, trees and/or lampposts located on campus. 2. It is not permissible to: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. drive stakes in the ground use gummed stickers or announcements use glue or paste to post notices use trash cans for posting place notices in or on cars parked in campus parking lots use any type of tape use nails, staples, or thumbtacks on trees use nails on campus bulletin boards B-9 3. In accordance with state law, Senate Bill 402, the posting of political advertisements will not be permitted on telephone or telegraph poles. 4. Posters and banners must be secured on all four corners only with string or rope during the entire campaign. 5. Posters and banners which are not secured on all four corners will be removed. 6. Posters and banners must be placed so they do not obscure notices already posted. 7. No election materials may be posted on the Alpha Phi Omega (APO) bulletin boards. 8. Banners may be displayed only from trees in the following areas: a. in front of Seaton Hall b. between Holtz Hall, Denison Hall, & Eisenhower Hall c. between Farrell Library and Lafene Student Health Center. 9. The areas between trees on campus used for hanging banners are available on a first-come basis. 10. Banners hung in trees must be at least ten (10) feet above the ground with their ropes hung at least seven (7) feet above the ground. 11. No electioneering is allowed within 50 feet of the polling places on election days. B. Classroom Buildings 1. Prior to posting in any campus buildings, campaign materials must be received and stamped on the front side by the office in charge of the building. 2. There shall be no displays of campaign materials of any kind in any classroom on campus. C. K-State Union 1. Each candidate’s poster shall: a. be no smaller than 8½” x 11” and no larger than 14” x 22”. b. not be secured by use of glue, tape or other adhesive. c. have English translations on front side, if in a foreign language. 2. If candidate wish to keep their poster(s), it must be noted on the back of the poster. 3. No posters or banners will be permitted on the K-State Union building exterior or grounds without the expressed consent of the Union Governing Board. B-10 4. Each candidate will be limited to one (1) poster for display on a bulletin board provided by the K-State Union for that purpose. 5. Additional campaign materials may be displayed with use of a reserved table. 6. No tables may be set up for campaigning in the K-State Union prior to the seven (7) day limit. 7. No tables used for campaigning will be permitted on election days. D. Residence Halls 1. Residence halls have their own posting regulations set by the Association of Residence Halls (ARH). IV. TIME LIMITS A. Posting of campaign materials, other than banners, may begin even (7) calendar days prior to the day of the General Election at 5:00 p.m. B. Banners may be displayed no sooner than three (3) calendar days prior to the day of the General Election at 5:00 p.m. C. All campaign materials of Senatorial and Board of Student Publications candidates must be removed by 8:00 p.m. on election day prior to the release of election results. D. Candidates for Student Body President must remove their campaign materials by midnight the day following the election. E. In case of a Run-Off Election, campaign materials for Student Body President candidates may remain posted for the entire week between the General and Run-Off Elections. V. VIOLATIONS A. Violations of campus election posting regulations may be cause for removal of said candidate’s name from the ballot and for invalidation of the candidate’s election. B Penalties for violations of S.G.A. Elections Campaign Regulations will be at the discretion of the Elections Committee. C. Decisions of the Elections Committee may be appealed to Student Tribunal. D. Elections Committee will be held responsible for candidate’s compliance with these regulations. PASSED 4/2/81 B-11 BILL 81/82/10 BY: UNITED STATES STUDENT ASSOCIATION LOBBYING CONFERENCE DELEGATE FUNDING Angela Scanlan. Doug Dodds, Mark Skinner, Steve Linenberger, Mike Anderson, Dave Lehman WHEREAS K-State has joined the United States Student Association, and WHEREAS to benefit from our membership in the organization we must participate in its activities, and WHEREAS U.S.S.A. will be holding a national lobbying conference in Washington, D.C. April 10-14, 1981 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. $410.00 be allocated by Student Senate to send two (2) delegates to the National Lobbying Conference in Washington, D.C. April 10-14, 198l sponsored by the United States Student Association. SECTION 2. This money will be taken from Reserves for Contingencies and shall be broken down in the following categories: $180 Private Car Travel 180 Registration 50 Food for Human Consumption SECTION 3. All other expenses, including lodging, shall be incurred by the delegates. SECTION 4. The delegates for the conference shall be selected by the Student Body President and the Student Senate Chairperson. SECTION 5. Upon the delegates’ return from the conference they shall prepare a written report for presentation to Student Senate, and it will be available in the Student Government Services Offices. PASSED 3/26/81 B-12 BILL 81/82/11 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN FOR 1981-82 AND 1982-83 Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee WHEREAS the current student health insurance policy at K-State expires August 25, 1981, and WHEREAS specifications for the insurance policy were bid on by four carriers, and WHEREAS Occidental Life of California returned the lowest bid BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Occidental Life of California as under-writers for the student health insurance plan for Kansas State University for 1981-82 and 198283 school years. SECTION 2. The bid accepted will be as follows: PLAN student student & spouse student, spouse & children student & children ANNUAL RATE $ 141.75 277.50 440.50 300.50 PASSED 4/2/81 B-13 BILL 81/82/12 BY: SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING FOR OPEN HOUSE PROGRAM Rich McKittrick. Randy Tosh WHEREAS The Manhattan Chamber of Commerce and the KSU Alumni Association have collectively provided $1,040 for the social and physical enhancement of the AllUniversity Open House for 1981, and WHEREAS Mortar Board developed an extensive program including visual attractions, public relations, and academic program supports, and WHEREAS $400 was spent on a well-justified minority recruitment program developed by minority groups, and WHEREAS Mortar Board has slightly exceeded the original amount provided for use by both groups, and WHEREAS their budget has been well-justified and conservatively constructed, and WHEREAS their program provided opportunities and enrichment for all students and members of the University community, and WHEREAS Mortar Board will pay for half of the over-expenditure BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate half of the total following monies to supplement and complete the budget for this portion of the All-University Open House for 1981. This amount being $105.75. Posters Collegian ads Postage & Telephone Bulletin Boards $ 110.00 64.00 30.00 7.50 $ 211.50 ½ $ 55.00 ½ 32.00 ½ 15.00 ½ 3.75 ½ $105.75 SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. WITHDRAWN B-14 BILL 81/82/13 BY: 1981-82 TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS Finance Committee ALLOCATED 1980-81 Associated Students of Kansas $ 8,402.25 (..25 FTE) Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS 1981-82 REQUESTED 1981-82 $ .40 FTE ($13,443.60) $ .30 FTE ($10,082.70) 150.00 434.00 329.50 Black Student Union (BSU) 1,578.14 3,483.98 2,049.84 Coalition for Human Rights 0.00 792.32 0.00 42,898.44-LI 3,764.17 * 46,662.61 45,696.24** 45,696.24** College Councils *Agriculture Architecture & Design Arts & Sciences Graduate School Home Economics **Agriculture Architecture & Design Arts & Sciences Business Administration Education Engineering Graduate School Home Economics Veterinary Medicine 1,950.12 300.00 364.05 950.00 200.00 ($1.50 LI-full-time students & $.42 LI/part-time students) 6,191.64 2,890.32 12,207.12 6,348.60 2,257.32 7,081.20 4,254.60 3,247.44 1,218.00 Consumer Relations Board (CRB) 3,618.00 3,499.60 3,462.60 Debate 6,000.00 6,600.00 6,600.00 Fine Arts Council *Special allocation for salaries for students to Band, Choral, K-State Players 51,810.90 LI 1.70 LI 1,438.98 * 53,249.88 FONE Honorariums *This money shall be open to all groups Requesting funding during the allocation Process specifically for Honorariums and Shall be allocated by Finance Committee Infant & Child Care Center B-15 1.70 LI ($51,810.90) 8,588.50 10,655.00 10,575.00 4,000.00 * 3,800.00 * 3,000.00 * 3,028.00 3,928.50 3,928.50 International Coordinating Council (ICC) *It is recommended that ICC look into charging a nominal fee or asking for a free-will donation for participants who do not pay an activity fee. KSDB-FM Radio K-State Union TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS 1981-82 ALLOCATED 1980-81 REQUESTED 1981-82 2,275.00 2,748.93 * 2,730.21 * 19,929.29 10,179.69 9,979.69 385,980.00 $12 LI/full-time & $6 LI/part-time ($12 LI/full-time ($385,980.00) student & $6 LI/ part-time student) Legal Services 15,172.11 16,369.60 16,157.00 Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay Reserves ------------ --------------- 1,075.57 0.00 3,250.00 2,945.00 MEChA 674.00 578.00 542.20 Off-Campus Student Association 450.00 425.00 389.00 Parachute Club 0.00 727.30 0.00 Phi Theta Kappa 0.00 785.20 0.00 291.00 722.57 610.57 McCain Auditorium Puerto Rican Student Organization Recreational Services *Special allocation for wall padding & furniture for New Rec Complex 78,724.50 LI $2.50 LI/full-time & $.75 LI/part-time 6,018.44 * ($78,724.50) 84,742.94 ($2.50 LI/ full-time student & .75 LI/ part-time student) Reserves for Contingencies 12,611.46 ----------- 6,913.86 Reserves for Maintenance of Standing Programs (new account) ------------ ----------- 10,000.00 3,713.70 3,660.00 3,603.00 29,590.08 31,659.20 31,769.20 Sexuality Education & Counseling Services Student Governing Association (SGA) Student Publications 91,431.00 ($3.00 LI) Students for Handicapped Concerns (SHC) *The Vice President for Student Affairs will do everything in his power to persuade the University to assume full financial responsibility for the Automotive Driver I’s salary for the 1982-83 Fiscal Year. 4,664.00 B-16 $3 LI/full-time & $1 LI/part-time (94,807.00) 4,117.35 * 4,069.35 * University for Man (UFM) University Learning Network Women’s Resource Center (WRC) Withholding REQUESTED 1981-82 15,650.00 16,695.00 16,415.00 5,460.25 5,908.85 5,717.85 845.00 662.00 591.75 6,250.00 6,250.00 6,250.00 $ 808,391.33 $ 816,806.03 TOTALS PASSED 4/23/81 B-17 TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS 1981-82 ALLOCATED 1980-81 BILL 81/82/14 BY: PARENTAL FUNDING OF GREEKS THROUGH KANS-A-N LINE Rick Mercer, Dave Anderson, Mark Skinner, Scott Long, Ed Kerley, Kelly Presta, Geri Greene WHEREAS Greeks are over represented in Senate, and WHEREAS they cannot address themselves efficiently to the issues on the Campus due to time spent calling home for money, and WHEREAS most Greeks do not live at home (not to be confused with certain off-campus exStudent Senators named Rob), and WHEREAS Greek Student government personnel must remain In constant contact with their financial resources concerning tuition increases, etc., and WHEREAS What’s money anyway?” BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Exclusive rights to the Kans-a-n Line be given to all student government personnel living in Greek-sponsored living groups for the purpose of calling home for money. NOT INTRODUCED B-18 BILL 81/82/15 BY: APPROPRIATION TO STUDENTS” ATTORNEY Scott Long WHEREAS the National Legal Aid and Defenders Association is hosting a conference on July 14-17, 1981, for the Student Legal Services Section of the Association to be held in Pingree Park, Colorado, and WHEREAS this would be an excellent opportunity for persons in the student legal services field to exchange ideas, discuss problems, and interact with one another, and WHEREAS some of the workshops include landlord/tenant law, consumer law, preventive law, immigration, bankruptcy, handling conflict of interest, negotiation and negotiation techniques, and campus hearings BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate the Students’ Attorney $299 to attend the NLADA Student Legal Services Section Conference on July 14-17, 1981, in Pingree Park, Colorado. Early Registration Travel Food Lodging $ 75.00 166.50 30.00 27.50 SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. PASSED 4/30/81 B-19 BILL 81/82/16 BY: VOIDING OF SENATE BILL 78/79/27, NEW ARENA REFERENDUM Angela Scanlan, Doug Dodds, Mark Skinner, Senate Exec. WHEREAS the present referendum stipulates 17,000 seats which added at least two (2) million dollars to the cost of a coliseum, and WHEREAS the present referendum limits student commitment to $2.5 million BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate void entirely Senate Bill 78/79/27 New Arena Referendum. PASSED 4/30/81 B-20 BILL 81/82/17 BY: CLOSING OF 1980-81 ACCOUNTS Finance Committee WHEREAS SGA allocates the student activity fee for one fiscal year, and WHEREAS the groups listed in this bill had monies left in their accounts after June 30, 1981, and WHEREAS each group received notice of an appeal date and requested appeal hearings were granted BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate instruct the Comptroller’s Office to decrease the following accounts by the amounts listed below and that this money be placed in the SGA Unallotted Account: Agriculture College Council Associated Students of Kansas at KSU Architecture & Design College Council Arts & Sciences College Council Black Student Union Business Administration College Council Consumer Relations Board Education College Council Engineering College Council Engineering Open House FONE Graduate Student Council Home Economics College Council Honorarium Infant & Child Care Center International Coordinating Council KSDB-FM Radio Legal Services MECHA Native American Indian Student Body Off-Campus Student Association Puerto Rican Student Organization Sexuality Education & Counseling Services Students for Handicapped Concerns Touchstone Vet. Med. College Council Women’s Resource Center B-21 $ 556.53 10.95 1,055.71 1,274.08 199.10 3,024.46 223.98 474.20 .57 .08 519.74 1,259.62 452.18 1,431.04 3.41 603.01 2,278.84 900.16 117.31 105.01 52.76 45.78 28.44 44.68 97.10 .14 1.26 $ 14,759.14 SECTION 2. The following groups shall retain the amount listed below for the remainder of the 1981-82 Fiscal Year: Agriculture College Council Legal Services Black Student Union KSDB FM Radio International Coordinating Council PASSED 9/24/81 B-22 $ 154.38 153.00 150.00 1,200.00 146.00 $ 1,803.38 BILL 81/82/18 BY: 1981-82 FINAL ALLOCATIONS Finance Committee REQUESTED 1981-82 Associated Students of Kansas $ .30 FTE TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS 1981-82 FINAL ALLOCATIONS 1981-82 $10,978.80 ($.30 FTE) $7,319.20 ($.40 FTE) * *for 1 semester. 2nd semester funding will be contingent on changes in ASK’s structure. Once changes are made, the Student Senate will vote on whether to remain a member of ASK. This vote will be taken by the last meeting of this body. Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU 434.00 329.50 329.50 Black Student Union (BSU) 3,483.98 2,049.84 2,246.84 Coalition for Human Rights 792.32 0.00 0.00 College Councils Agriculture Architecture & Design Arts & Sciences Business Administration Education Engineering Graduate School Home Economics Veterinary Medicine 45,696.24 45,696.24 45,696.24 ($1.50 LI-full-time students & $.42 LI/part-time students) 6,191.64 2,890.32 12,207.12 6,348.60 2,257.32 7,081.20 4,254.60 3,247.44 1,218.00 Consumer Relations Board (CRB) 3,499.60 3,462.60 3,462.60 Debate 6,600.00 6,600.00 6,600.00 1.70 LI 53,024.70 53,024.70 Fine Arts Council ($1.70 LI) FONE 10,655.00 10,575.00 10,875.12 Honorariums (This money shall be open to all groups requesting funding during the allocation process specifically for Honorariums and allocated by Finance Committee) 3,800.00 3,000.00 3,600.00 Infant & Child Care Center 3,928.50 3,928.50 3,928.50 B-23 REQUESTED 1981-82 International Coordinating Council (ICC) (It is recommended that ICC look into charging a nominal fee or asking for a free-will donation for participants who do not pay an activity fee.) KSDB-FM Radio K-State Union TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS 1981-82 FINAL ALLOCATIONS 1981-82 2,748.93 2,730.21 2,865.21 10,125.01 9,979.69 9,979.69 394,800.00 394,800.00 ($12 LI/full-time student & $6 LI/ part-time student) Legal Services 16,369.60 16,157.00 16,505.25 --------------- 1,075.57 1,075.57 3,250.00 2,945.00 2,945.00 MEChA 565.00 542.20 542.20 Off-Campus Student Association 425.00 389.00 389.00 Parachute Club 727.30 0.00 505.00 Phi Theta Kappa 785.20 0.00 0.00 Puerto Rican Student Organization 748.57 610.57 656.35 Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay Reserves McCain Auditorium Recreational Services 80,541.00 80,541.00 ($2.50 LI/ full-time student & .75 LI/ part-time student) Reserves for Contingencies ----------- 6,913.86 6,913.86 Reserves for Maintenance of Standing Programs ----------- 10,000.00 10,000.00 Sexuality Education 3,660.00 3,603.00 3,603.00 31,659.20 31,769.20 32,827.95 Student Governing Association (SGA) Student Publications 96,991.00 96,991.00 ($3 LI/full-time & $1 LI/part-time student) Students for Handicapped Concerns (SHC) *The Vice President for Student Affairs will do everything in his power to persuade the University to assume full financial responsibility for 1982-83 Fiscal Year. 5,391.30 **We will pay our portion of the driver’s salary this year, but in the future years we will consider it the responsibility of the University. B-24 4,069.35 * 4,069.35 ** REQUESTED 1981-82 University for Man (UFM) TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS 1981-82 FINAL ALLOCATIONS 1981-82 16,695.00 16,415.00 16,415.00 University Learning Network 5,905.85 5,717.85 5,905.85 Women’s Resource Center (WRC) 1,337.60 591.75 591.75 Withholding 6,250.00 6,250.00 6,250.00 $ 831,736.43 $ 831,454.73 TOTALS PASSED 10/8/81 B-25 BILL 81/82/19 BY: RESCENSION OF SENATE BILL 74/75/37, GUIDELINES FOR FUNDING OF COMPETITIVE SPORTS Paul Attwater WHEREAS Student Senate passed Senate Bill 74/75/37 during a period of conflict between Senate and the Athletic Council, and WHEREAS the bill was passed in order to apply pressure on the Athletic Department to fund minor sports, and WHEREAS the bill was passed in order to aid minor sports clubs in their attempt to gain funds, and WHEREAS the bill was not passed with the intention of discontinuing minor sports, and WHEREAS the conflict between the Athletic Department and Student Senate no longer exists, and WHEREAS Student Senate needs to establish a consistent funding policy for level 2 and level 3 (according to Article VII, Section 1 of the By-Laws of the Intercollegiate Athletic Council) sports BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate Bill 74/75/37, Guidelines for Funding of Competitive Sports, be rescended from the Kansas State University Student Senate legislation. SECTION 2. A temporary committee be formed to establish S.G.A. spending guidelines for level 2 and level 3 sports. SECTION 3. A committee chairperson be appointed by the Student Senate Chairperson. SECTION 4. The committee (excluding the Intercollegiate Athletic Council and the Recreational Services Council representatives) will be selected from applicants by the committee chairperson and the Student Senate Chairperson. SECTION 5. The committee will consist of representatives from: 1 1 1 2 2 1 Intercollegiate Athletic Council Recreational Services Council Student Senate Finance Committee Student Senate general student body representative from each of the sports clubs recognized by the University Activities Board – non-voting members. B-26 SECTION 6. The committee must have spending guidelines turned into the Student Senate Chairperson by November 12, 1981, for discussion on November 19, 1981. PASSED 10/15/81 B-27 BILL 81/82/20 BY: ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR ASK’s LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLIES Steve Oehme, Chris Anderson, Kevin Chase WHEREAS the A.S.K. Fall Legislative Assembly is to be held in Topeka, Kansas on November 13 and 14, 1981, and WHEREAS to benefit from our membership in the organization we must participate in its activities, and WHEREAS registration costs have increased $1/delegate, and WHEREAS student government is now funding $2.75 for each of the 19 delegates for each of the 2 Legislative Assemblies, and WHEREAS K-State enrollment has increased allowing the University to increase its delegates from 19 to 20 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate an additional $19 to cover the increase in registration fees. SECTION 2. Student Senate allocate an additional $6.50 to cover the added cost of the additional delegate. SECTION 3. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. PASSED 11/5/81 B-28 BILL 81/82/21 BY: STUDENT FUNDING OF A NEW COLISEUM Angela Scanlan, Doug Dodds, Mark Skinner, Geri Greene, Dave Lehman. Scot Stubenhofer, Beth Butler, Scott Long, Joe Neumann, Julie Martin, David Sandritter, Kyle Exline, Randy Reinhardt WHEREAS Student Senate has developed a workable and realistic proposal regarding the coliseum which is acceptable to the administration, Athletic Department, and the KSU Foundation, and WHEREAS Student Senate conducted an extensive visitation program, held open forums, and set up tables in the K-State Union in an effort to obtain student input on the proposal, and WHEREAS Student Senate asked Dr. Don Hoyt of Educational Resources to conduct a statistical survey regarding the coliseum issue, a survey which accurately would reflect the opinion of the student body of Kansas State University to within +/4.4%, and WHEREAS significant student support for the proposal has been demonstrated both by the survey and the visitation program resulting in the clear and accurate reflection of student body sentiments toward all aspects of the proposal, and WHEREAS a referendum was held on the coliseum issue in 1979 asking for a student commitment of $2.5 million and was passed by a 3-1 margin, and WHEREAS during the past months an open dialogue has been held on all relevant issues pertaining to the coliseum, and WHEREAS Student Senators have been elected to represent the best interest of the university as leaders of the student community BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A $9.75/semester/full-time student and a $4.50/semester/part-time student increase in the present activity fee begin the Fall of 1982. Summer school students shall be assessed $1/credit hour starting the Summer of 1983 (not to exceed $6/summer school student). This fee shall be increased to $16.50/semester/fulltime student and $7.50/semester/part-time student the Fall of 1983. As soon as the Football Stadium bonds are retired (approximately the Fall of 1985) the current assessment of $4.25/semester/full-time student and the $.50/semester/part-time student will apply towards payment of the new coliseum, totaling $20.75/semester/full-time student and $8/semester/part-time student. As soon as the Union Annex II bonds are retired (approximately the Fall of 1990) the current assessment of $10.25/semester/full-time student and $6.50/semester/part-time student will apply towards payment of the new coliseum, totaling $31/semester/full-time student and $14.50/ semester/part-time student. These fees shall be used to service the proposed $5.5 million bond issue, the proceeds of which will be used to help finance the construction of the new coliseum. B-29 SECTION 2. If the coliseum project is terminated, all monies collected shall be applied towards payment of other student debt as determined by Student Senate and assessment will be terminated. SECTION 3. Upon retirement of these bonds the assessment for the coliseum will be terminated. SECTION 4. The following statements shall be read and approved by the President of the University before any collection of student fees takes place. It is not our intent in this section to bind the university to unrealistic nor counterproductive actions. It is our intent to set up a general framework of guidelines under which students can have reasonable assurances. A. Regarding facility design: That students are involved at all levels of designing the facility and that student. ideas are solicited. B. Regarding facility use: That students have voting powers in proportion to our level of contribution as to total costs, in the committee which determines facility use, and recognizing that intercollegiate athletics will always receive first priority, Other items to be considered priorities in both design and use are concerts, Landon Lectures, Convocations, and commencements. C. Regarding further increases in student fees: That every effort will be made to avoid situations which would dictate future increases in student fees for the coliseum. D. Regarding the other university funding units: That each funding unit meets, to the best of their ability, the funding level they have indicated to be both necessary and realistic for the coliseum proposal - KSU Foundation, $6 million; Athletic Department, $2 million. E. Regarding the legislative request: That the university seek, with all deliberate speed, a commitment from the State Legislature towards the project given the success of the other funding units while remaining sensitive to the academic mission of the university. PASSED 42/7 - 11/19/81 B-30 BILL 81/82/22 BY: FUNDING OF LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR FONE CRISIS CENTER PAID STAFF POSITIONS Lee Tomlin, Steve Oehme WHEREAS the FONE Advisory Board has been concerned about the danger of the lack of liability insurance when the staff is called upon to perform the functions within their job descriptions, and WHEREAS specifically the coordinator, assistant coordinator, and faculty advisor are asked to intervene in cases requiring face-to-face contact with clients, and WHEREAS this places them in a position of legal jeopardy with respect to client and FONE volunteer safety, and WHEREAS consequently the University in general and SGA in particular may be held liable BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate the sum of $60 ($30/policy) for the purpose of obtaining liability insurance for the FONE’s coordinator and assistant coordinator. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. PASSED 12/3/81 B-31 BILL 81/82/23 REFERENDUM ON A NEW COLISEUM BY: Scott Long NOTE: A copy of this bill is available in the Minutes Notebook. Because Senate Bill 81/82/21 was approved, there was not need to consider this bill. Had 81/82/22. been defeated, this bill would have been introduced. NOT INTRODUCED B-32 BILL 81/82/24 BY: CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE REGULATIONS Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS concern has developed for the expenditure levels in recent Student Body President campaigns, and WHEREAS this concern is primarily in the interest of monetary barriers to declaring candidacy in student elections, and WHEREAS it is Senate Operations Standing Committee’s constitutional duty to oversee “fair and equitable elections” BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Campaign expenditure shall constitute the following: A. Any expense of money or use of materials that is directed by the candidate’s campaign for purposes of a candidate’s promotion in an election. Any material used but not purchased will be evaluated at fair market value. B. The Collegian will only accept advertisements on behalf of the candidate that are first approved by either the candidate or the campaign treasurer. Upon acceptance, the advertisement will be a campaign expenditure. SECTION 2. Expenditure limits shall be defined as the following: A. The amount any candidate for Student Body President may spend in an election will be equal to the incidental expense paid by full-time in-state students during an academic year, the academic year being defined as Fall and Spring Semesters. B. The amount any candidate for Student Senate or the Board of Student Publications may spend in an election will be equal to one-tenth (1/10) the incidental fee paid by full-time in-state students for one academic year. SECTION 3. Campaign expenditure reports A. A campaign expenditure report will consist of details on all expenditures made by the candidate up to the date of the report. The report will include receipts as proof of purchase and a fair market value price for those materials used in the campaign but not purchased directly by the candidate’s campaign. The report will also include an up-dated budget of expenditures for the remainder of the campaign. B. Four (4) campaign expenditure reports shall be submitted by Student Body President candidates to the Elections Committee. B-33 1. The first campaign expenditure report shall be due by 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday that is two (2) weeks prior to the election. 2. The second campaign expenditure report shall be due by 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday that is one (1) week prior to the election. 3. The third campaign expenditure report shall be due by 5:00 p.m. on the Monday that is two (2) days prior to the election. 4. The final campaign expenditure report shall be submitted by the time the election polls close on election day. This report shall contain an up-date of any other expenses incurred since the last report and a final draft of all campaign expenditures made during the campaign. C. One (1) expenditure report shall be submitted by Student Senate and Board of Student Publications candidates to the Elections Committee. 1. The campaign expenditure report shall be due on the day before the election at 5:00 pm. and shall consist of a complete report of all expenditures for the campaign. D. These reports shall be kept on file in the S.G.S. Office and made available to the public for one (1) full academic year. SECTION 4. Run-Off s A. Run-off s will be run with one-fourth (¼) the amount of money available for the general election. B. A preliminary run-off campaign expenditure report shall be due by 5:00 p.m. on the Monday that is two (2) days before the run-off election and shall include estimated expenditures for the remainder of the campaign. C. A second run-off campaign expenditure report shall be due by 8:00 a.m. on the Thursday after the run-off election and shall consist of a complete report of all expenditures for the remainder of the campaign. SECTION 5. Violations of election regulations and election expenditure limitations may result in the disqualification of the candidate responsible. A. Instance of first hearing concerning violations will rest with the Elections Committee. B. Contested decisions of the Elections Committee will be decided upon by Tribunal. PASSED 12/3/81 B-34 BILL 81/82/25 BY: SPENDING POLICY FOR COLLEGE COUNCILS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1982-83 Finance Committee WHEREAS Senate Bill 76/77/57, College Council Funding, called for the appointment of an ad hoc committee to formulate a policy of spending that the nine (9) College Councils would have to adhere to when allocating or spending monies. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following policy be used by the College Councils when spending monies: A. When any monies are to be allocated for travel to a conference or convention, public notification should be posed within the college or in the Collegian (campus bulletin, classified ad, etc.) no less than two (2) weeks for in-state travel and six (6) weeks for out-of-state travel before said conference or convention. B. No monies may be spent on the purchase and/or the personalizing of gifts, plaques, or awards. C. No monies may be spent on telephone equipment. Money may be spent on telephone calls only if it pertains to organization business. D. Any item or service that can be purchased on Campus must be purchased on Campus. E. No monies may be spent on parties or social functions. F. No monies may be spent on capital improvements or equipment purchases (improvements to any buildings or land, office equipment, appliances, etc.). G. No monies may be spent on clothing. H. College Councils may make budget switches within the Council, if the amount is less than $50 with written notification to the SGA Financial Advisor. Any budget switches over $50 must have Finance Committee’s approval. I. No monies may be spent on food or drink. J. No monies may be spent on decorations or table arrangements. K. No monies may be spent on flowers. L. No monies may be spent on Royal Purple pictures, except for College Councils. B-35 SECTION 2. Finance Committee will review the budgets to determine whether the expenditures are in accordance with SGA and University policy. Upon approval of Finance Committee, the allocation will be considered complete. If all or part of a budget was not approved, Finance Committee will schedule a meeting with the Council in question and give a full explanation of their rationale for non-approval. At this time, budgets may be reviewed and resubmitted. Finance Committee, in consultation with College Councils, may grant exceptions and approve expenditures which are prohibited under these policies, if they are in the best interest of the students of the respective college. PASSED 1/21/82 B-36 BILL 81/82/26 BY: SPORTS CLUB COUNCIL ESTABLISHMENT Paul Attwater, Committee to Establish S.G.A. Funding Guidelines for Sports Clubs WHEREAS sports clubs at K-State are now, and have been in the past, respected representatives of this University, and WHEREAS sports clubs by way of past budget requests have demonstrated a need for financial assistance, and WHEREAS Student Senate has acknowledged this need through financial assistance granted to the Sport Parachute Club during 1981 final allocations, and WHEREAS it is the responsibility of the Student Senate to allocate funds fairly, while striving to meet students’ needs, and WHEREAS in order to be consistent, Student Senate needs to establish means through which sports clubs may receive future allocations BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $.20 FTE to sports clubs out of the current $25.25 student activity fee, based upon the enrollment at the 20th day of classes during the Spring Semester. SECTION 2. A. The Student Senate establish a body to oversee the allocation of funds to sports clubs known as the Sports Club Council. B. The Sports Club Council shall consist of the following members: 2 1 2 2 Student Senators appointed by the Student Senate Chairperson Finance Committee member appointed by the Student Senate Chairperson students-at-large appointed by the Student Senate Chairperson Rec Services Council members appointed by the Rec Services Council C. An Assistant Director of Recreational Services shall also serve on the Council in an ex-officio status. D. A chairperson will be selected from among the voting members of the Council at the first meeting of each year. The chairperson shall retain voting privileges. SECTION 3. A sports club shall be defined for all practical purposes as the following B-37 Any student group registered by the University Activities Board, not sponsored by the University, and organized for the purpose of furthering interest and participation in advanced levels of instruction or competition in sports activities. SECTION 4. A. Funding rules and regulations will be submitted annually by the Sports Club Council to the SGA Finance Committee with Student Senate making the final approval. B. The Sports Club Council will be established on a probationary period of three (3) years, during which time the Council shall come under annual review for progress and fiscal responsibility. Upon the third (3rd) year, Student Senate shall decide whether or not to grant the Council full line item status. C. Sports clubs must obtain approval for special allocations only by submitting their request through the Sports Club Council, following normal allocation channels. D. Tentative allocation budgets must receive annual approval by the SGA Finance Committee. E. All budget requests by sports clubs shall be submitted to the Assistant Director of Recreational Services serving on the Council. F. The time table and format for the allocation process shall run the same as College Councils. SECTION 5. A. The Council shall be formed by March 12, 1982. B. The Council shall then establish guidelines to facilitate the allocation of the fee and present the guidelines to Finance Committee by April 23, 1982. D. The $.20 FTE shall be taken from the Unallotted Account and a special account shall be established in which the money would be withheld until Spring 1983 Tentative Allocations. If the guidelines fail, the money will revert back to the Unallotted Account. FAILED 12/25 - 2/4/82 B-38 BILL 81/82/27 BY: A.S.K. FUNDING FOR THE SPRING SEMESTER 1982 State & Community Affairs Committee WHEREAS during final allocations Student Senate voted to fund A.S.K. at $.40 FTE for one semester with second semester funding contingent upon changes being made in the structure of A.S.K., and WHEREAS structural changes have been made in A.S.K. to insure that students are being represented in a responsible manner, and WHEREAS these changes have already resulted in a more effective organization with greater respect and credibility, and WHEREAS the decision concerning funding of A.S.K. for this semester must be made on or before the last meeting of the body BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate fund the Associated Students of Kansas for the Spring Semester 1982 at $.40 FTE. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the S.G.A. Unallotted Account. PASSED 2/4/82 B-39 BILL 81/82/28 BY: FUNDING OF SOCIAL SERVICES BROCHURE Esther Hagen WHEREAS no brochure exists for SGA funded Social Services, and we see a need for increased publicity, and WHEREAS xeroxing 400 brochures can be done for $35 as opposed to over $100 for typeset printing BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $35 to cover the cost of having 400 Social Services brochures printed. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 2/11/82 B-40 BILL 81/82/29 BY: MEChA HONORARIUM REQUEST Steve Oehme, Paul Attwater, Mary Martin WHEREAS MEChA will hold a Festival Hispano Americano April 12-16, 1982, and WHEREAS Charles Erickson, a distinguished authority on Mass Communications and Journalism and the treatment of minorities in U. S. establishment press, has been invited to act as a key speaker in the Festival, and WHEREAS former MEChA President Teresa Guillen told members of MEChA that she would have to request honorariums at a separate time and from a separate account and did not make allocations in the MEChA budget for guest speakers of such high caliber, and BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $700 for the purpose of obtaining the participation of Charles Erickson during the Festival Hispano Americano. SECTION 2. This money shall be broken down in the following manner: Transportation Lodging Food Panel discussion Lectures $424 56 25 45 150 SECTION 3. This $700 shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 2/18/82 B-41 BILL 81/82/30 BY: CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD ACCI CONFERENCE ALLOCATION Lori Price WHEREAS the American Council on Consumer Interest (ACCI) is hosting a conference on April 22-24, 1982, in Columbus, Ohio, and WHEREAS this conference will be very beneficial to Consumer Relations Board members in that they will have the opportunity to talk with national consumer leaders, hear discussions on pending issues, and relate to other students BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate the Consumer Relations Board $363 for the director, Pam Kohman, and three board members to attend the ACCI Conference on April 2224, 1982, in Columbus, Ohio. SECTION 2. This money shall be broken down in the following manner: mileage ½ trip expense, $.l5/mile x 780 miles lodging 3 nights @ $5.50/night x 4 food 4 days meals @ $5/day x 4 registration fee $25/person x 4 $117 66 80 100 SECTION 3. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. SECTION 4. If one of the delegates is unable to attend the conference, that portion of the money will be returned to S.G.A. PASSED 2/18/82 B-42 BILL 81/82/31 BY: BASKETBALL TICKET SALES PROPOSAL John Gilliam, Basketball Ticket Sales Policy Committee WHEREAS problems have arisen with the basketball ticket sales policy, and WHEREAS a new policy needs to be enacted regarding basketball ticket sales BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A Basketball Ticket Sales Committee be established. Members will be selected by the Chairperson of Student Senate, via an application and interview process, at least one month before basketball tickets are scheduled to go on sale. The Chairperson of Student Senate will also designate a chairperson of the Committee. SECTION 2. The Committee will be charged with the responsibility of organizing and running the individual reserved and non-reserved basketball ticket lines. Their primary duty will be to ensure a smooth and well organized ticket line, following the guidelines established in this bill. SECTION 3. The Committee shall work closely with the K-State Ticket Sales Manager. SECTION 4. The official list, designating position in line, will begin at the discretion of the Basketball Ticket Sales Policy Committee. SECTION 5. The Basketball Ticket Sales Committee will be responsible for: A. the official sign-up book, B. distribution of the official numbers, and C. displaying a banner to identify the location of check-in point. SECTION 6. Between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday, there will be no roll calls although between the hours students can still sign-up for a position in line. SECTION 7. One (1) person will be allowed to represent up to five (5) others during weekdays until 5:00 p.m. Friday, and then it will be up to the individuals running the line. SECTION 8. Regardless of the size of the group, each individual must sign-up for his/her individual place in line when acquiring their position number. SECTION 9. The Committee will have, along with Student Senate, the authority to enforce or change any policy as they deem appropriate. The group running the line is in charge of lines as long as they stay within the Committee’s guidelines and state and campus regulations. B-43 SECTION 10. This bill will go into effect upon approval by the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Intercollegiate Athletic Council. SECTION 11. If inclement weather becomes a problem, the Basketball Ticket Sales Committee has the power to disband the line until further notice. PASSED 2/18/82 B-44 1981-1982 RESOLUTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Resolution Number and Title Page Res 81/82/1 Approval of SGA Newsletter Editor & Photographer ...........................................1 Res 81/82/2 Commendation to the K-State Union ....................................................................2 Res 81/82/3 Approval of USSA Campus Director at K-State ...................................................3 Res 81/82/4 Student Usage of Ahearn Fieldhouse ....................................................................4 Res 81/82/5 Condemning of Atlanta Slayings...........................................................................5 Res 81/82/6 Approval of Standing Committee Chairpersons....................................................6 Res 81/82/7 Commendation to the KSU Men’s Basketball Team and Coach Jack Hartman.................................................................................................................7 Res 81/82/8 Commendation to the K-State Cheerleaders .........................................................8 Res 81/82/9 Approval of 1981-82 Cabinet ................................................................................9 Res 81/82/10 Commendation to Dr. Louis Pigno ......................................................................10 Res 81/82/11 Commendation to Dr. Larry Erpelding, UAB-Advisor of the Year ....................11 Res 81/82/12 Continued Student Commitment to a New Coliseum at K-State ........................12 Res 81/82/13 Approval of Judicial Boards’ Student Members and Union Governing Board’s Student Members, Voting and Non Voting...........................................13 Res 81/82/14 Congratulations to Jean Riggs .............................................................................14 Res 81/82/15 Approval of University Learning Network Staff Members ................................15 Res 81/82/16 Approval of Women’s Resource Center Work-Study Position ...........................16 Res 81/82/17 Approval of ASK Board of Directors Member from KSU .................................17 Res 81/82/18A Approval of Social Services Director ..................................................................18 Res 81/82/18B Consideration of Membership in USSA ..............................................................19 Res 81/82/19 Approval of ASK Legislative Assembly Delegates ............................................20 Res 81/82/20 Dead Week and Finals Week Recommendations ................................................21 Res 81/82/21 Commendation to the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee .................22 Res 81/82/22 Commendation to the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee .................23 Res 81/82/23 Approval of SGA, Elections Committee Chairperson ........................................24 Res 81/82/24 Approval of Coordinator of Finances ..................................................................25 Res 81/82/25 Commendation to Bob Bruce and Don Hoyt ......................................................26 Res 81/82/26 Consideration of 1981 ASK Priority/Support Issues...........................................27 Res 81/82/27 Approval of 1982 Elections Committee ..............................................................28 Res 81/82/28 K-State Lobbying Alternatives for 1982-83 ........................................................29 Res 81/82/29 Lighting on Campus ............................................................................................30 Res 81/82/30 Parking Fee Increase............................................................................................31 Res 81/82/31 Approval of SGA Work-Study Secretary ............................................................32 Res 81/82/32 Approval of ASK Legislative Assembly Delegates ............................................33 Res 81/82/33 Approval of Finance Committee At-Large Members .........................................34 Res 81/82/34 Approval of FONE Coordinator ..........................................................................35 Res 81/82/35 Approval of 1982-83 Student Body President, Student Senate and Board of Student Publications .......................................................................................36 1981-1982 RESOLUTIONS INDEX Approval of Appointments Page Res 81/82/1 Approval of SGA Newsletter Editor & Photographer ...........................................1 Res 81/82/3 Approval of USSA Campus Director at K-State ...................................................3 Res 81/82/6 Approval of Standing Committee Chairpersons....................................................6 Res 81/82/9 Approval of 1981-82 Cabinet ................................................................................9 Res 81/82/13 Approval of Judicial Boards’ Student Members and Union Governing Board’s Student Members, Voting and Non Voting ...........................................13 Res 81/82/15 Approval of University Learning Network Staff Members ................................15 Res 81/82/16 Approval of Women’s Resource Center Work-Study Position ...........................16 Res 81/82/17 Approval of ASK Board of Directors Member from KSU .................................17 Res 81/82/18A Approval of Social Services Director ..................................................................18 Res 81/82/19 Approval of ASK Legislative Assembly Delegates ............................................20 Res 81/82/23 Approval of SGA, Elections Committee Chairperson ........................................24 Res 81/82/24 Approval of Coordinator of Finances ..................................................................25 Res 81/82/27 Approval of 1982 Elections Committee ..............................................................28 Res 81/82/31 Approval of SGA Work-Study Secretary ............................................................32 Res 81/82/32 Approval of ASK Legislative Assembly Delegates ............................................33 Res 81/82/33 Approval of Finance Committee At-Large Members .........................................34 Res 81/82/34 Approval of FONE Coordinator ..........................................................................35 Res 81/82/35 Approval of 1982-83 Student Body President, Student Senate and Board of Student Publications .......................................................................................36 Commendations Res 81/82/2 Commendation to the K-State Union ....................................................................2 Res 81/82/7 Commendation to the KSU Men’s Basketball Team and Coach Jack Hartman.................................................................................................................7 Res 81/82/8 Commendation to the K-State Cheerleaders .........................................................8 Res 81/82/10 Commendation to Dr. Louis Pigno ......................................................................10 Res 81/82/11 Commendation to Dr. Larry Erpelding, UAB-Advisor of the Year ....................11 Res 81/82/21 Commendation to the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee .................22 Res 81/82/22 Commendation to the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee .................23 Res 81/82/25 Commendation to Bob Bruce and Don Hoyt ......................................................26 Resolution Regarding University Actions Res 81/82/20 Dead Week and Finals Week Recommendations ................................................21 Res 81/82/29 Lighting on Campus ............................................................................................30 Res 81/82/30 Parking Fee Increase............................................................................................31 Miscellaneous Res 81/82/4 Res 81/82/5 Res 81/82/12 Res 81/82/14 Res 81/82/18B Res 81/82/26 Res 81/82/28 Student Usage of Ahearn Fieldhouse ....................................................................4 Condemning of Atlanta Slayings...........................................................................5 Continued Student Commitment to a New Coliseum at K-State ........................12 Congratulations to Jean Riggs .............................................................................14 Consideration of Membership in USSA ..............................................................19 Consideration of 1981 ASK Priority/Support Issues...........................................27 K-State Lobbying Alternatives for 1982-83 ........................................................29 RESOLUTION 81/82/1 BY: APPROVAL OF SGA NEWSLETTER EDITOR & PHOTOGRAPHER David Lehman WHEREAS: interviews were held by the Student Senate Communications Committee Chairperson for these two positions, and WHEREAS: six (6) well-qualified people applied for these positions and were interviewed, and WHEREAS: the following people were selected to serve as SGA Newsletter Editor and S.G.S. Photographer BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals for the respective positions for the year 1981-82: SGA Newsletter Editor SGA Photographer Brenda Bauer Stacey Blaker PASSED 3/5/81 R-1 RESOLUTION 81/82/2 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE K-STATE UNION Doug Dodds, Angela Scanlan WHEREAS: the K-State Union has been dedicated to meeting the needs of students for over 25 years, and WHEREAS: the K-State Union provides both valuable services as well as an atmosphere conducive to fellowship BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Walt Smith and the K-State Union staff be commended for excellence in service to students at Kansas State University. PASSED 3/5/81 R-2 RESOLUTION 81/82/3 BY: APPROVAL OF U.S.S.A. CAMPUS DIRECTOR AT K-STATE Angela Scanlan WHEREAS: K-State is presently a member of the United States Student Associations and WHEREAS: K-State needs someone to coordinate the activities of the U.S.S.A. and K-State student body BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Mike Anderson be approved as the U.S.S.A. Campus Director at K-State. PASSED 3/5/81 R-3 RESOLUTION 81/82/4 BY: STUDENT USAGE OF AHEARN FIELDHOUSE Rick Mercer WHEREAS: students do not wish to take time away from faculty, but merely want full utilization of the Ahearn facility, and WHEREAS: students understand faculty concerns about student usage of Ahearn Fieldhouse during the noon hour, and WHEREAS: lack of participants and an abundance of space is often the result of an exclusive faculty noon hour program, and WHEREAS: students have shown a commitment towards recreation and recreation facilities for the entire University and have displayed a need for use of Ahearn Fieldhouse over the noon hour BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Ahearn Fieldhouse not be designated exclusively for faculty use over the noon hour, rather that the priority system of faculty first be continued and improved in consultation with Student Senate. NOT INTRODUCED R-4 RESOLUTION 81/82/5 BY: CONDEMNING OF ATLANTA SLAYINGS Cedric Patton WHEREAS: the K-State Student Senate is the official governing body of students at Kansas State University, and WHEREAS: there has been in the past 19 months 21 senseless killings of black children in Atlanta, Georgia, and WHEREAS: other colleges and universities, public and private groups across the nation have shown concern on this matter BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Senate go on record as condemning the senseless killings of children in Atlanta, Georgia. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 3/12/81 R-5 RESOLUTION 81/82/6 BY: APPROVAL OF STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Doug Dodds, Geri Greene WHEREAS: a number of qualified people applied for these positions, and WHEREAS: interviews were held by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of Student Senate BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as chairpersons of the respective Standing Committee of Student Senate: Academic Affairs Communications Finance Personnel Selections Senate Operations State & Community Affairs Student Affairs Joe Neumann Scott Long LewAnn Schneider Mark Bergmeier David Sandritter David Lehman Scott Stubenhofer PASSED 3/26/81 R-6 RESOLUTION 81/82/7 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE KSU MEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM AND COACH JACK HARTMAN Dave Anderson, Kelly Presta, Randy Reinhardt WHEREAS: the Kansas State University Men’s Basketball Team made an excellent national showing in the NCAA Basketball Playoffs, and WHEREAS: Rolando Blackman and Ed Nealy were chosen for the Western Regional Tournament Team, and WHEREAS: K-State overturned the second ranked team, Oregon State, and WHEREAS: the K-State Men’s Basketball Team represented our University majestically in both victory and defeat, and WHEREAS: Rolando Blackman and Tim Jankovich were on the cover of Sports Illustrated on March 23, 1981 BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend the KSU Men’s Basketball Team and Coach Jack Hartman for a job well done. PASSED 3/26/81 R-7 RESOLUTION 81/82/8 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE K-STATE CHEERLEADERS Doug Dodds, Kelly Presta WHEREAS: the K-State Cheerleaders have done an outstanding job in promoting enthusiasm and spirit at K-State athletic events, and WHEREAS: the K-State Cheerleaders have been recognized by their peers as one of the six (6) top squads in the country, and WHEREAS the K-State Cheerleaders will represent our University in national competition in Miami, Florida BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate wishes the K-State Cheerleaders the best of luck in the national competition in Miami, Florida and congratulates them on their accomplishments to date. PASSED 3/26/81 R-8 RESOLUTION 81/82/9 BY: APPROVAL OF 1981-82 CABINET Angela Scanlan BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following appointments to the Student Body President’s Cabinet for 1981-82: Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Attorney General College Council Coordinator International Affairs Director Minority Affairs Director Graphics Director Public Relations Director Special Assistant State & Legislative Affairs Director Student Legislative Network Campus Director Social Services Director Special Assistant for Mass Transit Projects Union Governing Board President PASSED 4/2/81 R-9 Julie Fletcher Tim Matlack Becky Lundquist Karen Baucus Gene Russell Phil Rendon Les Dixon Dan Chase Tim Murry Kurt Wilbur Mark Skinner Jennifer Sisney Jan Pelletier Gerdom Ken Laudan Rich McKittrick RESOLUTION 81/82/10 BY: COMMENDATION TO DR. LOUIS PIGNO Paul Attwater, Scot Stubenhofer WHEREAS: Dr. Louis Pigno has held the respect and admiration of both students and faculty throughout his past 12 years at Kansas State University, and WHEREAS: he has made distinguished scholarly achievements in the field of Harmonic Analysis at Kansas State University, and WHEREAS: he and colleagues have proved the Littlewood Conjecture, a problem baffling mathematicians for over 30 years, and WHEREAS: this accomplishment has brought recognition to Kansas State University from mathematicians throughout the world BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend Dr. Louis Pigno for his outstanding contribution to his field and to the reputation of Kansas State University. PASSED 4/2/81 R-10 RESOLUTION 81/82/11 BY: COMMENDATION TO DR. LARRY ERPELDING, UAB ADVISOR OF THE YEAR Angela Scanlan, David Lehman, Michelle Hoferer WHEREAS: the University Activities Board (UAB) has initiated a new program this year of selecting a registered campus organization “Advisor-of-the Year”, and WHEREAS: fifteen (15) excellent advisors were nominated for the aware this year, and WHEREAS: after careful consideration, the UAB selected Dr. Larry Erpelding Agriculture College Council Advisor, to receive the First Annual Student Organization Advisor-of-the-Year Award BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate highly commend Dr. Larry Erpelding on his outstanding achievements and excellent service to students and for receiving the UAB. Advisor-of-the-Year Award. PASSED 4/23/81 R-11 RESOLUTION 81/82/12 BY: CONTINUED STUDENT COMMITMENT TO A NEW COLISEUM AT K-STATE Angela Scanlan, Doug Dodds, Mark Skinner, Senate Exec. WHEREAS: Student Senate has made the decision not to enact Senate Bill 78/79/27 Referendum on a New Arena at KSU, as a result of added information, and WHEREAS: Student Senate needs time to seek student opinion and to do added research on alternative levels of student commitment, and WHEREAS: this additional time will not postpone the building of a coliseum, and WHEREAS: with the great influx of commitments and information from the administration a decision on this date would be premature without time and adequate student input on which to base a decision BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association reaffirms its commitment to a new coliseum at K-State and wishes to seek additional student input to determine the appropriate level of a financial commitment. SECTION 2. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association will attempt to provide all the necessary information to enable a decision during the Fall of 1981. PASSED 33/13/3 ON 4/30/81 R-12 RESOLUTION 81/82/13 BY: APPROVAL OF JUDICIAL BOARDS’ STUDENT MEMBERS AND UNION GOVERNING BOARD’S STUDENT MEMBERS, VOTING AND NON-VOTING Angela Scanlan BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as student members on the respective judicial boards: Judicial Council Kurt May Teresa Jenkins Tribunal Gary Hornbaker, Chancellor Bryan Megee Carol Laughlin Steven Smiley Layton Smith Student Review Board Steven Brown, Chairperson Leslie Phelps Scot Nicholson Ronald Peine Terry Schroff SECTION 2. The following individuals be approved as voting and non-voting student members of the Union Governing Board: Voting Marshall Brown Mark Groves Allecia Remington Mike Turner Non-Voting Jerry Karlin PASSED 4/30/81 R-13 RESOLUTION 81/82/14 BY: CONGRATULATIONS TO JEAN RIGGS Scott Long, Beth Butler WHEREAS: Jean Riggs, Director of K-State Food Service Personnel, attended the annual meeting of the National Association of College & University Food Services in Salt Lake City, Utah, and WHEREAS: she was presented the Theodore W. Minah Distinguished Service Award, the highest honor given by NACUFS, and WHEREAS: this award recognizes outstanding contributions to the food service industry PASSED 9/3/81 R-14 RESOLUTION 81/82/15 BY: APPROVAL OF UNIVERSITY LEARNING NETWORK STAFF MEMBERS Julie Martin WHEREAS: four (4) vacancies have occurred in the U.L.N. work-study staff, and WHEREAS: applications were taken and interviews were held for the positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved to assume the duties of the University Learning Network work-study staff: Amy Reiter Patricia Warrick Phil Irwin Mary Williams PASSED 9/10/81 R-15 RESOLUTION 81/82/16 BY: APPROVAL OF WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER WORK-STUDY POSITION Julie Martin WHEREAS: there was a work-study opening in the Women’s Resource Center, and WHEREAS: applications were taken and interviews held BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Mary Stevenson be approved as the work-study individual in the Women’s Resource Center. PASSED 9/17/81 R-16 RESOLUTION 81/82/17 BY: APPROVAL OF A.S.K. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEMBER FROM KSU Angela Scanlan, Jim Foster WHEREAS: there was an opening on the Student Body President’s Cabinet in the position of A.S.K. Board of Directors Member from KSU, and WHEREAS: applications were taken and interviews held BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Jerry Karlin be approved as the A.S.K. Board of Directors Member from Kansas State University. PASSED 9/24/81 R-17 RESOLUTION 81/82/18-A BY: APPROVAL OF SOCIAL SERVICES DIRECTOR Julie Martin WHEREAS: the previous Social Services Director resigned, and WHEREAS: applications were taken and interviews held BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Marjorie Mermis Horton be approved as the new Social Services Director. PASSED 10/15/81 R-18 RESOLUTION 81/82/18-B BY: CONSIDERATION OF MEMBERSHIP IN U.S.S.A. David Lehman, Dave Sandritter, Angela Scanlan, Doug Dodds WHEREAS: Kansas State University is currently a member of the United States Student Association on a nine-month trial basis, and WHEREAS: our trial membership expires December 5, 1981, and Student Senate should make a decision regarding future membership in U.S.S.A., and WHEREAS: as a national student lobby, U.S.S.A. has demonstrated a lack of effectiveness, as well as a lack of credibility, and WHEREAS: U.S.S.A. is not representative of K-State students’ views on matters of public policy BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association notify the United States Student Association that we, as an organization, do not wish to become a full member of U.S.S.A. after the expiration of our trial membership on December 5, 1981. PASSED 10/29/81 R-19 RESOLUTION 81/82/19 BY: APPROVAL OF A.S.K. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DELEGATES Steve Oehme Jim Foster WHEREAS: there is an A.S.K. Legislative Assembly in Topeka, Kansas on November 13 and 14, 1981, and WHEREAS: Kansas State University is allotted 20 delegates, and WHEREAS: each delegate has been chosen according to the procedure outlined in the A.S.K. Legislative Assembly Delegate Selection Policy, 80/81/44 BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as delegates to the Fall 1981 A.S.K. Legislative Assembly: Steve Tessendorf Scot Stubenhofer David Sandritter Bob Perkins Beth Butler Esther Hagen Mike Gibson Ken Christie Lori Leu Julie Anderson Paul Attwater Darren Underwood Angela Scanlan Sid Thomas Jeff Gates Carla Ott Rick Mercer John Kohler Doug Dodds Tim Spears SECTION 2. Student Senate approve the following individuals as alternates in case any of the above named delegates are unable to attend: Jim Foster Jerry Karlin Mark Skinner Julie Martin Steve Oehme Gary Mignano Steve Phillips Bobbi Jo Riederer PASSED 11/5/81 R-20 Dean Rossi David Lehman Mike Anderson Jim Spring Kay Deever Scott Long Kelly Howard RESOLUTION 81/82/20 BY: DEAD WEEK AND FINAL WEEK RECOMMENDATIONS Student Senate Academic Affairs Standing Committee WHEREAS: the Student Senate Academic Affairs Standing Committee has researched the policies of Dead Week and Final Week, and WHEREAS: we have found a great deal of misunderstandings toward these periods, and WHEREAS: the Student Senate Academic Affairs Standing Committee would like to clarify the policies, and WHEREAS: the Registrar’s Office (Don Foster) has already approved the following BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following recommendations which the Student Senate Academic Affairs Standing Committee would like to see made: FOR THE CATALOG: DEAD WEEK The week before the final examination period (known as dead week) is set aside as a period of curtailed social activity. Examinations covering only the latter portion of course work may be given during regularly scheduled class periods of dead week or during examination week at the times specified by the University Assignment and Scheduling Committee. Comprehensive examinations for laboratory or similar courses may be scheduled during a regular class period in the week immediately preceding the final examinations period. FOR THE LINE SCHEDULE: VI. Students scheduled to take more than two final examinations on any given day may see their instructors, and then department heads or Deans to resolve conflicts to relieve heavy examination loads. VII. Students scheduled to take two or more special exams at the same time should take the one occurring first in the list at the scheduled time and arrange through the instructor, department head, or Dean to take the others at other times. PASSED 11/5/81 R-21 RESOLUTION 81/82/21 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Beth Butler, Steve Oehme WHEREAS: Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee has evaluated student attendance during initial class sessions, and WHEREAS: Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee has recommended the following changes in the attendance policy: “An instructor may drop a student from a course after the first week of classes if the student has neither attended any of the scheduled class meetings nor notified the instructor of his/her intent to take the course. For purposes of this procedure enrollment in and payment of fees for a course does not constitute sufficient notification of intent to take a course.”, and WHEREAS: the changes would help decrease administrative problems and WHEREAS: the changes would increase scholastic responsibility BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend and support the policy changes proposed by the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee regarding attendance. PASSED 11/12/81 R-22 RESOLUTION 81/82/22 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Beth Butler, Steve Oehme WHEREAS: Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee has examined the policies regarding the Drop Period and WP/WF procedures, and WHEREAS: Student Senate encourages an academic atmosphere, and WHEREAS: the present policies were found to be inadequate, and WHEREAS: Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee has recommended the following changes to Faculty Senate: “The last day for dropping a course without a W being recorded is at the end of the 25th day of classes. Courses may not be dropped after the 10th week of classes.” BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend and support the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee proposals regarding the Drop Period and WP/WF procedures. FAILED 11/12/81 R-23 RESOLUTION 81/82/23 BY: APPROVAL OF SGA, ELECTIONS COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Cheri Rolph David Sandritter WHEREAS: the SGA By-Laws to the Constitution specifies that the Elections Committee Chairperson must be selected by a committee comprised of the Student Body President, the Chairperson of Student Senate, the Chairperson of Senate Operations Standing Committee, and the outgoing Elections Committee Chairperson if available, and WHEREAS: the selection committee chose the best applicant for the position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Gayla Backman be approved as SGA Elections Committee Chairperson. PASSED 12/3/81 R-24 RESOLUTION 81/82/24 BY: APPROVAL OF COORDINATOR OF FINANCES Doug Dodds WHEREAS: the position of Coordinator of Finances was sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS: several qualified individuals applied and were interviewed BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Esther Hagen be approved as the Coordinator of Finances. PASSED 12/3/81 R-25 RESOLUTION 81/82/25 BY: COMMENDATION TO BOB BRUCE AND DON HOYT Scot Stubenhofer, Dave Lehman Scott Long, Beth Butler, Doug Dodds WHEREAS: Student Senate asked Dr. Don Hoyt of Educational Resources to conduct a random survey to gather the opinions of students regarding the coliseum proposal, and WHEREAS: Bob Bruce of University Relations prepared an information packet to aid in informing students of the coliseum proposal, and WHEREAS: many of the expenses were covered by these two individual’s. departments, and WHEREAS: Student Senate is extremely grateful to these gentlemen and their staff for the help BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend and thank Dr. Don Hoyt and Mr. Bob Bruce for their assistance in informing students and obtaining their opinions. PASSED 12/3/81 R-26 RESOLUTION 81/82/26 BY: CONSIDERATION OF 1981 ASK PRIORITY/SUPPORT ISSUES State & Community Affairs Committee WHEREAS: the 1981 Fall Legislative Assembly of the Associated Students of Kansas (ASK) was held November 14, and WHEREAS: the Assembly passed the following items as priority and support issues, and WHEREAS: the Assembly delegates are not fully elected representatives of the students of Kansas State University, and WHEREAS: consideration of these items by the KSU Student Senate would clarify K-State’s position on each of these issues BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kansas State University Student Senate accept the following as ASK’s priority issues: 1. 2. 3. 4. 13% increase in faculty salaries. 10% increase in Other Operating Expenses (OOE). Enrollment adjustments as established by the Kansas Legislature. 100% fee waivers for graduate assistantships SECTION 2. Kansas State University Student Senate accept the following as ASK’s support issues: 1. Support legislation to allow cities to pass landlord-tenant self-help ordinances. 2. Support legislation for rental reimbursement for non-student use of student unions. 3. Reaffirm its commitment to Affirmative Action Guidelines. 4. Support and encourage efforts to establish sexual harassment guidelines at each college campus. PASSED 12/3/81 R-27 RESOLUTION 81/82/27 BY: APPROVAL OF 1982 ELECTIONS COMMITTEE Gayla Backman WHEREAS: the Elections Committee Chairperson has screened and chosen the following persons, and WHEREAS: the SGA By-Laws to the Constitution states an Elections Committee shall consist of five (5) members and the committee chairperson, and WHEREAS: the SGA By-Laws to the Constitution requires Student Senate’s approval of the Elections Committee members BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as the members of the 1982 Elections Committee: Karen Ramm Andy Wimsatt DeeAnn Berger Laura Butler PASSED 1/21/81 R-28 Diane Murphy RESOLUTION 81/82/28 BY: K-STATE LOBBYING ALTERNATIVES FOR 1982-83 Esther Hagen WHEREAS: in the past year many questions have been raised about the effectiveness of the Associated Students of Kansas and whether or not we are receiving significant returns by being a member of this organizations and WHEREAS: some form of organized lobbying with the state legislature is vital to the interest of K-State students, and WHEREAS: this year $14,000 was spent on the Associated Students of Kansas and it is essential that these monies be utilized to their fullest potential BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The State and Community Affairs Standing Committee of Student Senate and the Legislative Affairs Director on the Student Body President’s Cabinet look into the effectiveness of the Associated Students of Kansas and other possible lobbying alternatives for K-State with the state legislature and present a written report to the Student Senate. SECTION 2. This report is to be presented on April 1, 1982, to the Student Senate. Before tentative allocations begin, Student Senate will need to declare its intentions concerning the future of funding of the Associated Students of Kansas and any other lobbying groups. PASSED 2/4/82 R-29 RESOLUTION 81/82/29 BY: LIGHTING ON CAMPUS Scot Stubenhofer, Scott Long WHEREAS: many individuals do not feel safe walking on campus at night, and WHEREAS: there are many night classes which require students to walk on campus at night, and WHEREAS: a number of assaults have been reported on campus, and WHEREAS: there is a lack of proper lighting on campus at night, and WHEREAS: there is not sufficient parking near many buildings on campus in which night classes are held BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate urge the university to actively pursue a strong effort to increase the lighting on campus. SECTION 2. Student Senate will charge the Student Affairs Standing Committee with researching and determining where, specifically, the lighting problem exists on campus to assist the university in solving this problem. PASSED 2/4/82 R-30 RESOLUTION 81/82/30 BY: PARKING FEE INCREASE Scot Stubenhofer, Scott Long, Geri Greene WHEREAS: a 150% increase in parking fees is a substantial assessment for students and faculty to absorb, and WHEREAS: several parking lots, which didn’t need to be repaved were repaved last summer, and WHEREAS: students should not be expected to pay a 150% increase if there is not a sufficient number of parking spaces to meet the demands for them, and WHEREAS: students have absorbed a 22% increase in tuition this year, and WHEREAS: Student Senate would hope that allowing freshmen students to purchase parking permits would be intended for only those freshmen students who commute a distance greater than that which is within a reasonable walking distance to campus BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate does not believe a 150% increase in parking fees is justified. SECTION 2. The University Administration should look into other means of gaining revenue for operation of the parking division of Security and Traffic. SECTION 3. Student Senate believes that only those freshmen who live beyond a reasonable walking distance should be allowed to purchase parking permits. PASSED 28/5/2 ON 2/4/82 R-31 RESOLUTION 81/82/31 BY: APPROVAL OF SGA WORK-STUDY SECRETARY Julie Martin WHEREAS: the SGA Work-Study position became vacant over Christmas Break, and WHEREAS: members of the Personnel Selections Committee and several SGS Office staff were present when interviews were performed, and WHEREAS: interviewers feel that the individual listed below was best suited for the position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Jana Linenberger as the SGA Work-Study Secretary. PASSED 1/28/82 R-32 RESOLUTION 81/82/32 BY: APPROVAL OF A.S.K. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DELEGATES Jim Foster, David Lehman, Steve Oehme WHEREAS: there is an A.S.K. Legislative Assembly in Topeka, Kansas on February 12 and 13, 1982, and WHEREAS: KSU is allotted 20 delegates, and WHEREAS: each delegate has been chosen according to the procedures outlined in the A.S.K. Legislative Assembly Delegate Selection Policy, 80-81-44 BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as delegates to the Spring 1982 A.S.K. Legislative Assembly: Beth Butler David Sandritter Julie Anderson Scott Long Cynthia Fornelli Sonia Overholsen Kevin McElguinn Margaret Lutes John Kohler Esther Hagen Scot Stubenhofer Julie Bunck Steve Oehme Darren Underwood Brad Chilcoat PASSED 2/4/82 R-33 Laura Butler Lori Leu Dave Anderson Jeff Gates Heather Woodson RESOLUTION 81/82/33 BY: APPROVAL OF FINANCE COMMITTEE AT-LARGE MEMBERS Esther Hagen WHEREAS: there were 14 applications received and interviews were held to select the best qualified people for the at-large positions on the Finance Committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals to fill the at-large positions on the Finance Committee: John Hawley Mike Lutz PASSED 2/18/82 R-34 Mike Irvin Mat Ricks RESOLUTION 81/82/34 BY: APPROVAL OF FONE COORDINATOR Julie Martin WHEREAS: the following qualifications were met: 1. experience with paraprofessional crisis center, 2. knowledge of resource indexing, 3. t he ability to coordinate peer training and in-service training of volunteers, and 4. the ability to perform coordinating and administrative duties of the FONE Crisis Center, and WHEREAS: this person best meets the preceding qualifications BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Katie Andre be approved as the Coordinator of the FONE Crisis Center. PASSED 2/18/82 R-35 RESOLUTION 81/82/35 BY: APPROVAL OF 1982-83 STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT, STUDENT SENATE AND BOARD OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Elections Committee WHEREAS: the General Election and Run-Off Election were run in a fair and equitable manner by the rules set out in the SGA Constitution BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate accept and approve the results of the 1982-83 SGA Elections as shown below: Student Body President Bill Rogenmoser Board of Student Publications Sherry Schmitt James Seymour Ward Wurm Cari Cavassa Agriculture Student Senators Dave Anderson Jeff Dillon Kent Jaecke Kevin Barnes Dave Mueller Randall Hubert Ed Kerley Architecture & Design Student Senators Kristie Miller Lisa Otke Jody Fruehauf Arts & Sciences Student Senators Kimberly Gracy Carolyn Teeter Heather Woodson Kent Barnow Cindy Doud Lisa Grigsby Brian Preston Lori Leu Medge Owen Kurt May Kurt McAfee Kerry O’Neal Stuart Jorgensen Mary Lynn Manning Tom Lavery Kipp Exline Jeff Gates Lori Price Lori Siemens Business Administration Student Senators R-36 Mark Gunn Jo Sheets Jana Fields Paula Miller Jerry Katlin Education Student Senators Kathy Houts Gary Wesche Tim Balfour Engineering Student Senators Michelle Hoferer Gene Russell Paul Lawrence Greg Harms James Seymour Wayne Maxwell Bob Mross Joe Slaven Phil Grosdidier Graduate School Student Senators Kimoanh Nguyen Steven Tessendorf Arvind Narain Dan Crosswell Martin Kennedy Alan Leard Lori Thomas Prabhaker Reddy Home Economics Student Senators Kim Hefley Denise Manke Tammy Edwards LuAnn Reese Veterinary Medicine Student Senator Catherine Sayler SECTION 2. The total number of votes cast in the General Election held February 10, was 2,994 and the total number of votes cast in the Run-Off for Student Body President on February 17, was 2,070. PASSED 2/18/82 R-37