1982-1983 BILLS TABLE OF CONTENTS Bill Number and Title Page Bill 82/83/1 Approval of 1982 Summer School Final Allocations ...........................................1 Bill 82/83/2 Funding of Ag. Judging Teams .............................................................................2 Bill 82/83/3 Allocation for IBM Electronic 175 Typewriter for SGA ......................................3 Bill 82/83/4 Impeachment of Two Student Senators-Not Introduced .......................................4 Bill 82/83/5 By-Laws Revision: Legislative .............................................................................5 Bill 82/83/6 1982-83 Tentative Allocations ..............................................................................6 Bill 82/83/7 Funding of Rugby Team ........................................................................................9 Bill 82/83/8 Funding of KSDB-FM Radio Equipment............................................................10 Bill 82/83/9 Additional Allocation for SGA Typewriter .........................................................11 Bill 82/83/10 KSU’S Membership in a National Student Lobby Organization ........................12 Bill 82/83/11 Reimbursement to Delegates for Spring 1982 ASK Legislative Assembly ........13 Bill 82/83/12 Allocation to SGA for Conference Travel ...........................................................14 Bill 82/83/13 Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions: Judicial ...................................................15 Bill 82/83/14 By-Laws Revision: Student Senate Eligibility Requirements .............................19 Bill 82/83/15 Amendment to Senate Bill 81/82/31, Basketball Ticket Sales Proposal .............20 Bill 82/83/16 By-Laws Revision: Elections Committee ...........................................................22 Bill 82/83/17 Revisions to Senate Bill 81/82/24, Campaign Expenditure Regulations ............23 Bill 82/83/18 Revisions to Senate Bill 81/82/9, SGA Elections Campaign Regulations ..........24 Bill 82/83/19 Closing of 1981-82 Accounts ..............................................................................26 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas ................................28 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU ..................28 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Assoc. of Adults Returning to School .....................28 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Black Student Union ...............................................28 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Coalition for Human Rights ....................................28 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: College Councils .....................................................28 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Consumer Relations Board ......................................28 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Crew ........................................................................28 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Debate ......................................................................28 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Early Childhood Laboratory ....................................28 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Fine Arts Council ....................................................28 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: FONE Crisis Center.................................................28 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Honorariums ............................................................28 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: International Coordinating Council .........................28 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: K-State Union ..........................................................28 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: KSDB-FM Radio .....................................................29 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Legal Services .........................................................29 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay ................29 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: MEChA ...................................................................29 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Off-Campus Student Association ............................29 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Parachute Club ........................................................29 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Phi Theta Kappa ......................................................29 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Puerto Rican Student Organization .........................29 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Recreational Services ..............................................29 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Reserves for Contingencies .....................................29 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs .............................................................................................................29 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Sexuality Education & Counseling Services ...........29 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Soccer Club .............................................................29 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Student Governing Association ...............................29 Bill 82/83/20 1982-83 Final Allocations: Student Publications ................................................29 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/21 Bill 82/83/22 Bill 82/83/23 Bill 82/83/24 Bill 82/83/25 Bill 82/83/26 Bill 82/83/27 Bill 82/83/28 Bill 82/83/29 Bill 82/83/30 Bill 82/83/31 Bill 82/83/32 Bill 82/83/33 Bill 82/83/34 Bill 82/83/35 Bill 82/83/36 Bill 82/83/37 Bill 82/83/38 1982-83 Final Allocations: Students for Handicapped Concerns .......................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: University for Man ..................................................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: University Learning Network ..................................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Withholding .............................................................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Women’s Resource Center ......................................29 Allocation to University Learning Network ........................................................30 Signatures for Commendations ...........................................................................31 Reimbursement of Stolen KU Band Member’s Hat ............................................32 ASK Legislative Assembly Delegates’ Reimbursement .....................................33 KSU Literature & Notice Regulations Public Address Systems .........................34 KSU Literature & Notice Regulations- Alpha Phi Omega Section ....................35 Parachute Club Funding ......................................................................................37 Establishment of Student Services Support Fee ..................................................38 Election Procedure Revision ...............................................................................40 Constitutional * By-Laws Revisions: Election Date ...........................................41 Constitutional Revisions: Revision to Election Process of Student Senate Officers ...............................................................................................................43 SGA Spending Regulations .................................................................................44 College Council Funding Policy .........................................................................46 1983-84 Spending Policy for College Councils ..................................................48 United Nations Council Funding .........................................................................50 By-Laws Revisions: Establishment of Social Services Standing Committee ...........................................................................................................51 Remuneration of Social Services Chairperson ....................................................53 Establishment of a Sports Club Advisory Board and Council ............................54 1982-1983 BILLS INDEX Constitutional Amendments page Bill 82/83/13 Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions: Judicial ...................................................15 Bill 82/83/31 Constitutional Revisions: Revision to Election Process of Student Senate Officers ...............................................................................................................43 By-Laws Amendments Bill 82/83/5 By-Laws Revision: Legislative .............................................................................5 Bill 82/83/14 By-Laws Revision: Student Senate Eligibility Requirements .............................19 Bill 82/83/36 By-Laws Revisions: Establishment of Social Services Standing Committee ...........................................................................................................51 Elections Bill 82/83/16 Bill 82/83/17 Bill 82/83/18 Bill 82/83/29 Bill 82/83/30 By-Laws Revision: Elections Committee ...........................................................22 Revisions to Senate Bill 81/82/24, Campaign Expenditure Regulations ............23 Revisions to Senate Bill 81/82/9, SGA Elections Campaign Regulations ..........24 Election Procedure Revision ...............................................................................40 Constitutional * By-Laws Revisions: Election Date ...........................................41 Allocations Bill 82/83/1 Bill 82/83/2 Bill 82/83/3 Bill 82/83/6 Bill 82/83/7 Bill 82/83/8 Bill 82/83/9 Bill 82/83/10 Bill 82/83/11 Bill 82/83/12 Bill 82/83/19 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Approval of 1982 Summer School Final Allocations ...........................................1 Funding of Ag. Judging Teams .............................................................................2 Allocation for IBM Electronic 175 Typewriter for SGA ......................................3 1982-83 Tentative Allocations ..............................................................................6 Funding of Rugby Team ........................................................................................9 Funding of KSDB-FM Radio Equipment............................................................10 Additional Allocation for SGA Typewriter .........................................................11 KSU’S Membership in a National Student Lobby Organization ........................12 Reimbursement to Delegates for Spring 1982 ASK Legislative Assembly ........13 Allocation to SGA for Conference Travel ...........................................................14 Closing of 1981-82 Accounts ..............................................................................26 1982-83 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas ................................28 1982-83 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU ..................28 1982-83 Final Allocations: Assoc. of Adults Returning to School .....................28 1982-83 Final Allocations: Black Student Union ...............................................28 1982-83 Final Allocations: Coalition for Human Rights ....................................28 1982-83 Final Allocations: College Councils .....................................................28 1982-83 Final Allocations: Consumer Relations Board ......................................28 1982-83 Final Allocations: Crew ........................................................................28 1982-83 Final Allocations: Debate ......................................................................28 1982-83 Final Allocations: Early Childhood Laboratory ....................................28 1982-83 Final Allocations: Fine Arts Council ....................................................28 1982-83 Final Allocations: FONE Crisis Center.................................................28 1982-83 Final Allocations: Honorariums ............................................................28 1982-83 Final Allocations: International Coordinating Council .........................28 1982-83 Final Allocations: K-State Union ..........................................................28 1982-83 Final Allocations: KSDB-FM Radio .....................................................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Legal Services .........................................................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay ................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: MEChA ...................................................................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Off-Campus Student Association ............................29 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/20 Bill 82/83/21 Bill 82/83/27 Bill 82/83/35 1982-83 Final Allocations: Parachute Club ........................................................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Phi Theta Kappa ......................................................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Puerto Rican Student Organization .........................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Recreational Services ..............................................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Reserves for Contingencies .....................................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs .............................................................................................................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Sexuality Education & Counseling Services ...........29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Soccer Club .............................................................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Student Governing Association ...............................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Student Publications ................................................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Students for Handicapped Concerns .......................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: University for Man ..................................................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: University Learning Network ..................................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Withholding .............................................................29 1982-83 Final Allocations: Women’s Resource Center ......................................29 Allocation to University Learning Network ........................................................30 Parachute Club Funding ......................................................................................37 United Nations Council Funding .........................................................................50 Miscellaneous Bill 82/83/4 Bill 82/83/15 Bill 82/83/22 Bill 82/83/23 Bill 82/83/24 Bill 82/83/25 Bill 82/83/26 Bill 82/83/28 Bill 82/83/32 Bill 82/83/33 Bill 82/83/34 Bill 82/83/37 Bill 82/83/38 Impeachment of Two Student Senators-Not Introduced .......................................4 Amendment to Senate Bill 81/82/31, Basketball Ticket Sales Proposal .............20 Signatures for Commendations ...........................................................................31 Reimbursement of Stolen KU Band Member’s Hat ............................................32 ASK Legislative Assembly Delegates’ Reimbursement .....................................33 KSU Literature & Notice Regulations Public Address Systems .........................34 KSU Literature & Notice Regulations- Alpha Phi Omega Section ....................35 Establishment of Student Services Support Fee ..................................................38 SGA Spending Regulations .................................................................................44 College Council Funding Policy .........................................................................46 1983-84 Spending Policy for College Councils ..................................................48 Remuneration of Social Services Chairperson ....................................................53 Establishment of a Sports Club Advisory Board and Council ............................54 BILL 82/83/1 BY: APPROVAL OF 1982 SUMMER SCHOOL FINAL ALLOCATIONS the Summer School Allocations Board, David Lile, Chairperson WHEREAS the Summer School Allocations Board has reviewed the budgets of all groups requesting summer allocations BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following allocations be approved as Final Allocations for the 1982 Summer School Session: ORGANIZATION ALLOCATED ’81 ALLOCATED ’82 FINAL ALLOCATION K-State Union $22,000 Student Publications 5,000 Rec Services 4,700 University for Man 2,745 Summer School Artist Series 3,200 K-State Players 0.00 Total $37,645 $25,000 5,000 4,700 2,470 3,875 3,310 $44,355 PASSED 3/11/82 B-1 $23,335 5,000 4,700 2,470 3,875 2,620 $42,000 BILL 82/83/2 BY: FUNDING OF AG. JUDGING TEAMS Dave Anderson, Dee James, Dr. Larry Erpelding, Dr. Mike Dikeman, Dr. Bill Able WHEREAS judging teams (Crops, Dairy Cattle, Dairy Products, Horse, Livestock, Meats, Poultry, Soils, Wool, Flower, Flower Arranging) are open to all students at KState, and WHEREAS K-State judging teams are of a service, both as training to K-State students and as great publicity for the University as a whole, and WHEREAS K-State judging teams consistently place well in regional and national competition, and WHEREAS funds have been required from departmental budgets and outside sources for transportation and coaching expenses, and WHEREAS Ag. Council Finance Committee received requests for $8,739 to cover food and lodging at the SGA allotted amount by well justified sources, and WHEREAS even though College Councils are not responsible for funding competitive activities that arc open to all K-State students, the College of Agriculture feels obligated to provide as much funding for judging team as our budget allows, and WHEREAS departmental clubs outside the College of Agriculture received some funding through their respective councils, and WHEREAS the Ag. College Council can fund only 50.6% of the judging teams’ requests, leaving no money for any college clubs and only limited funding for council activities including open house and Ag. Awards Assembly, and WHEREAS judging teams’ members must cover $16,823.75 in costs with their own money BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $4,342.08 to Ag. Council to cover the 49.4% of lodging and food requests that were not covered with Ag. Council’s allocation. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. SECTION 3. These monies will not be removed from the Ag. Council budget at the end of the fiscal year, but shall remain to be used explicitly for the funding of the Ag. judging teams in the 1982-83 Fiscal Year. FAILED 24/32 ON 4/1/82 B-2 BILL 82/83/3 BY: ALLOCATION FOR IBM ELECTRONIC 175 TYPEWRITER FOR SGA Michelle Hoferer, Jenny Johnston, Bill Rogenmoser, Geri Greene WHEREAS SGA presently has two typewriters, a Selectric II and Electronic 60, and WHEREAS the Selectric II was installed on January 24, 1971, at a cost of $530, and WHEREAS the Electronic 60 was install on October 22, 1979, at a cost of $1,155, and WHEREAS the Selectric II will be used as a trade-in on the Electronic 175, with a trade-in value of $280, and the Electronic 60 will be kept as a second typewriter in the SGS Office, and WHEREAS the trade-in value of the Electronic 60 is only $500, and WHEREAS the Electronic 175 has a much larger memory capacity as compared to the Electronic 60 (15,500 characters as compared to 738), and WHEREAS the Electronic 175 has the capability of revising a letter that has been placed in the memory and the Electronic 60 does not have this feature, and WHEREAS the Electronic 175 will provide a long-term storage feature, and WHEREAS the Electronic 175 will be a great time-saving factor (with the Electronic 60 a medium size letter must be placed in the typewriter approximately three times in order to get the letter typed completely), and WHEREAS the Electronic 60’s memory capacity is much too small for the projects produced out of the SGS Office BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $1,436 to the Student Governing Association account for the explicit purpose of purchasing an IBM Electronic 175 typewriter. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Long Range Reserve for Capital Outlay account. PASSED 4/15/82 B-3 BILL 82/83/4 BY: IMPEACHMENT OF TWO STUDENT SENATORS Geri Greene NOT INTRODUCED B-4 BILL 82/83/5 BY: BY-LAWS REVISION: LEGISLATIVE State & Community Affairs Committee WHEREAS Student Senate’s State & Community Affairs Standing Committee is to promote student views and concerns within state and local government, and WHEREAS the Associated Students of Kansas is an organization designed to represent students in the governmental decision-making process, and WHEREAS the By-Laws to the Constitution of the KSU SGA charge the State & Community Affairs Standing Committee to work in cooperation with the A.S.K. to promote student concerns within the Regents’ system BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following amendment to the KSU SGA By-Laws to the Constitution Article IV. Legislative SECTION 6. Student Senate shall be Organized into Standing Committees Subsection H. State & Community Affairs Committee Add a Point 4 to read: 4. The Associated Students of Kansas Campus Director at Kansas State University shall be instated as an ex-officio member of Student Senate’s State & Community Affairs Standing Committee. PASSED 4/8/82 B-5 BILL 82/83/6 BY: 1982-83 TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS Finance Committee ALLOCATED 1981-82 Associated Students of Kansas $14,638.40 (.40 FTE) Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU *We will fund ½ of the registration for the 3 L.A.’s with the money to come from the Reserves for Contingencies account when the amount if known. REQUESTED 1982-83 TENTATIVE 1982-83 .40 FTE (14,688) .40 FTE (14,688) 355.00 480.00 350.00 Black Student Union (BSU) 2,246.84 2,172.13 1,345.09 Coalition for Human Rights 0.00 435.00 211.00 College Councils *Agriculture Architecture & Design Arts & Sciences Business Administration Education Engineering Graduate School Home Economics Veterinary Medicine 45,696.24 46,502.88 46,502.88* ($1.50 LI/full-time student & $.42 LI/part-time student) 5,821.92 2,695.44 12,693.96 6,630.60 2,545.00 7,731.84 4,209.12 2,947.80 1,227.00 Consumer Relations Board (CRB) 3,462.60 4,267.76 3,815.76 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 Debate 6,600.00 7,260.00 7,260.00 Early Childhood Laboratory 3,928.50 4,175.00 4,175.00 0.00 150.50 125.50 Crew Fenix Fine Arts Council 53,024.70 2.55 LI 2.00 LI* *Theses funds shall be reallocated by the ($1.70 LI) Council, giving priority to Arch. Fine Arts, Arts Exhibitions, Dance, McCain & Ebony Theatre. This reallocation of funds will be submitted to the SGA Finance Committee in the Fall for final approval. (79,903) (65,068 10,935.12 10,765.16 10,555.16 3,600.00 6,650.00 4,900.00* FONE Honorariums *Coalition for Human Rights International Coordinating Council Black Student Union Puerto Rican Student Union MEChA Phi Theta Kappa $500 1,500 1,400 500 1,000 0.00 B-6 International Coordinating Council (ICC) *It is recommended that ICC look into charging a nominal fee or asking for a free-will donation for participants who do not pay an activity fee. K-State Union ALLOCATED 1981-82 REQUESTED 1982-83 2,865.21* 4,070.46 TENTATIVE 1982-83 3,235.49 394,800.00 $12 LI/full-time & $6 LI/part-time ($12 LI/full-time ($390,408) student & $6 LI/ part-time student) KSDB-FM Radio 11,179.69 11,323.83 11,323.83 Legal Services 16,505.25 21,180.04 19,025.00 1,075.57 0.00 0.00 MEChA 542.20 638.50 491.00 Off-Campus Student Association 389.00 1,210.00 616.00 Parachute Club 505.00 603.50 0.00 0.00 846.50 0.00 656.35 784.28 594.00 Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay Phi Theta Kappa Puerto Rican Student Organization Recreational Services 80,541.00 $2.50 LI/full-time & $.75 LI/part-time ($2.50 LI/ full-time ($81,335) student & .75 LI/part time student) Reserves for Contingencies Reserves for Maintenance of Standing Programs Sexuality Education & Counseling Services Soccer Club Student Governing Association (SGA) *The Social Services Director’s position shall be evaluated by the Coordinator of Student Activities, Finance Committee Chair, Student Body President, & Personnel Selections Committee Chair to decide if it is a worthwhile position & shall report back at final allocations. Student Publications 6,913.86 0.00 2,652.22 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,603.00 3,818.00 3,753.08 0.00 410.00 0.00 32,862.95 34,684.63 33,871.88* 96,991.00 $3 LI/full-time & $1 LI/part-time ($3 LI/full-time ($97,602.00) student $1 LI/parttime student) B-7 ALLOCATED 1981-82 REQUESTED 1982-83 4,069.35 2,456.20 328.00 16,415.00 14,770.00 14,270.00 University Learning Network 5,905.85 9,398.95-A 9,002.95 - B 6,607.45 Withholding 6,250.00 6,250.00 6,362.66 591.75 567.10 100.00 $837,149.43 $862,306.50 $831,572.00 Students for Handicapped Concerns (SHC) University for Man (UFM) Women’s Resource Center (WRC) TOTALS PASSED 4/29/82 B-8 TENTATIVE 1982-83 BILL 82/83/7 BY: FUNDING OF RUGBY TEAM Paul Attwater, Scott Long, Kimberly Gracy WHEREAS the KSU Rugby Football Club (KSURFC) reached the final eight of the national collegiate championships, and WHEREAS KSURFC won the Heart of American Union Championship, and WHEREAS KSURFC is now scheduled to play the Western Section winners of the Western Division, and WHEREAS the winner of this game will be the Western Region Champions, and WHEREAS the cost of food, lodging, and travel has been estimated at $1,300 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate fund the KSU Rugby Football Club $520, $300 for meals and $220 for lodging SECTION 2. This money will be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. FAILED 4/29/82 B-9 BILL 82/83/8 BY: FUNDING OF KSDB-FM RADIO EQUIPMENT Cindy Doud, Lori Price WHEREAS KSDB-FM is an all-university service, and WHEREAS KSDB-FM turned back into SGA $2,278.84 from their 1980-8l allocation, and WHEREAS $1,935.55 for the purchase of an FM modulation monitor was taken out of the 1981-82 allocation due to an oversight and through changes in office administration, and WHEREAS the money is needed to cover operating expenses for the rest of 1981-82 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $1,935.55 to cover the cost of equipment for KSDB-FM Radio. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies. PASSED 4/29/82 B-10 BILL 82/83/9 BY: ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION FOR SGA TYPEWRITER Michelle Hoferer, Jenny Johnston WHEREAS Student Senate allocated $1,466 on April 15, 1982 for the purchase of an IBM Electronic 175 typewriter, and WHEREAS further research into the purchase of a typewriter has been completed, and WHEREAS it is the feeling of the office staff that an Olivetti ET 231 typewriter would better serve the needs of the SGS Office with more capabilities than the IBM Electronic 175, and WHEREAS the Olivetti ET 231 has the capabilities of being expanded in future years to save more time than the IBM Electronic 175 could BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate an additional $987 to purchase an Olivetti ET 231 typewriter. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Capital Outlay. PASSED 4/29/82 B-11 BILL 82/83/10 BY: KSU’S MEMBERSHIP IN A NATIONAL STUDENT LOBBY ORGANIZATION John Kohler, David Sandritter, Bill Rogenmoser, Scott Long, David Lehman, Kipp Exline, Randall Hubert, Dave Anderson, Kent Jaecke, Lori Leu WHEREAS Student Senate, in Senate Resolution 82/83/14, charged the Legislative Affairs Director, the A.S.K. Board Member, and the A.S.K. Campus Director with researching national student lobby organizations and making a report to Student Senate and that research is now completed and WHEREAS the ad hoc committee believes that now, more than ever, students need information on national issues, professional representation in Washington, D.C. and coordinated lobbying efforts, and WHEREAS the ad hoc committee is of the mind that the needs of KSU students would best be served by membership in a national student organization which restricts its lobbying agenda to higher educational issues, refrains from “social” issues, and avoids alignment with any particular ideology, and WHEREAS of the national student organizations researched, only one met the above criterion satisfactorily, and WHEREAS the national student organization is the Associated Students for Higher Education (ASHE) BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. By a majority vote of Student Senate, KSU’s Student Governing Association establish membership in the Associated Students for Higher Education (ASHE). SECTION 2. To this end, Student Senate allocate $99 for a 6-month trial membership in ASHE, with the monies to be taken from Reserves for Contingencies for the 1981-82 Fiscal Year. PASSED 4/29/82 B-12 BILL 82/83/11 BY: REIMBURSEMENT TO DELEGATES FOR SPRING 1982 A.S.K. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY John Kohler, David Sandritter, Heather Woodson WHEREAS the Associated Students of Kansas held its Spring Legislative Assembly on April 23 & 24, 1982, and WHEREAS the registration fee/delegate was $6, and WHEREAS at the time of registration each delegate paid in full the required $6 fee, and WHEREAS it has been the policy of Student Senate to fund one-half of the registration fee/delegate, which in this case would be $3 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate the sum of $27 to reimburse nine Legislative Assembly delegates for one-half of their $6 registration fee. PASSED 4/29/82 B-13 BILL 82/83/12 BY: ALLOCATION TO SGA FOR CONFERENCE TRAVEL Bill Rogenmoser WHEREAS Bill Rogenmoser has been asked to participate in the 4th Annual National Leadership Conference on Student and University Governance, and WHEREAS the Conference will be held in St. Louis, MO, October 14-17, 1982, and WHEREAS Bill does not have to pay a registration fee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate the Student Governing Association the following monies for Bill Rogenmoser, KSU Student Body President, to attend the above named Conference October 15-17, 1982: Plan fare from Joplin to St. Louis, MO. Lodging & Subsistence $10.50/day x 3 days $ 130.00 31.50 $ 161.50 SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies and a report shall be given to Student Senate by Mr. Rogenmoser. PASSED 10/7/82 B-14 BILL 82/83/13 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL & BY:-LAWS REVISIONS: JUDICIAL Bill Rogenmoser, Harry Justvig, Steve Larkin, Kurt May WHEREAS one of the responsibilities of the Judicial Council is to recommend changes in jurisdiction, procedures, court organizations, and WHEREAS it is often necessary to change or modify certain procedures to keep the SGA judicial system an active system that is fair to all, and WHEREAS the Judicial Council has made an evaluation of the SGA Judicial Branch and are presenting the following additions and amendments to the SGA Constitution and By-Laws to that Constitution BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following additions and amendments to the KSU SGA Constitution: A. Article VI - Amend Section 602, part A-1-a to read: 1. Student Tribunal a. Five (5) student members to be appointed by Student Body President and approved by a majority vote of Student Senate. The five (5) student positions shall include: one (I) off-campus student not affiliated with an organized living group, one (1) IFC/Pan-Hellenic Council student, one (1) KSUARH student, one (1) at-large student, one (1) additional student-atlarge to be appointed as Chancellor by the Student Body President. B. Article VI - Amend Section 602, parts A-4-e and A-4-f to read: 4. Judicial Council e. One (1) student living off campus not affiliated with an organized living group appointed by the Student Body President, with the approval of Student Senate. f. One (1) student-at-large appointed by the Student Body President, with the approval of Student Senate. C. Article VI - Amend Section 602, part D, to read: D. No person may serve on more than one (1) judicial board at a given time, with the exception of the KSUARH Judicial Council, nor may a person who has recently moved to a board sit in judgment on a case which he/she has previously heard as a member of another board. B-15 SECTION 2. Student Senate approve the following additions and amendments to the KSU ByLaws to the SGA Constitution: A. Article V - Amend Section 1-A to read: A. To be responsible for assigning all cases to the appropriate board. B. Article V - Amend Section 1-A to read: A. 1. Referring appropriate cases to available counseling services. 2. Referring cases to the Dean of Students Office in those situations in which all parties concerned prefer a private hearing and a private decision. 3. Dismiss those cases which do not warrant a hearing. C. Article V - Amend 1-B to read: B. To receive records of the court’s decision from each of the local living units, from the Clerk of the Student Review Board, and from the Clerk of Student Tribunal. The Judicial Council chairperson shall notify the proper persons of the court’s decision and execute all board and court decisions. D. Article V - Delete Section 1-G and up-note Sections H and I. E. Article V - Amend Section 1-H to read: H. To advise the students and boards of their rights and responsibilities in disputes and identify resources if such guidance is requested F. Article V - Amend Section 1-I to read: 1. (stays the same) 2. To insure that a student’s disciplinary case records and files have been destroyed four (4) years after resolution of the case. G. 3. All disciplinary records in process will be kept under lock and key in the SGS Office, and all completed disciplinary case records will be kept under lock and key in the Dean of Students Office. The only keys to the Council files will be retained by the Council Chairperson and the Dean of Students. Access to the Council files may be gained by requesting written permission from the Council. Article V - Amend Section 2 to read: Section 2. Assignments of cases shall be as follows: H. Article V - Add parts 1 & 2 to Section 2-B: B-16 1. The Student Tribunal shall be the only student judicial board with the authority to request removal of a student from the University. Such request will be forwarded to the Dean of Students Office for appropriate action. Other judicial boards may recommend to Tribunal that such action be taken, if such action is deemed necessary. 2. The Student Tribunal has the authority to change or modify the decision of another judicial board as it sees fit. I. Article V - Amend Section 4-B to read: B. The chairperson of the body will set the date of the hearing, exclusive of weekends and vacations, as soon as possible following receipt of request for hearing, allowing the defendant a minimum of two (2) class days to prepare a defense. J. Article V - Amend Section 4-C to read: C. The defendant and the plaintiff will be notified, in writing, by the Clerk of the Court as to the date of the hearing, allowing a minimum of two (2) class days for preparation. K. Article V - Amend Section 5-A to read: A. The student must be informed, in writing, of the reasons for the proposed disciplinary proceedings with sufficient particularity to prepare for the hearing. The notice shall include: L. Article V - Amend Section 5-M to read: M. The student shall have the absolute right to appeal to Tribunal a board’s decision based on violation of due process, procedural error, harshness of sanction, or a decision felt to be reached in an unjust manner. M. Article V - Amend Section 6-A-11 to read: 11. If the defendant is found guilty, the judicial body will determine the sanction to be applied and notify both the defendant and the plaintiff, in writing, within 24 hours of the decision. Appeal procedure must be outlined at this time. N. Article V - Amend Section 7-A to read: A. In cases which are being appealed, a written statement will be submitted to the Chairperson of the Judicial Council by the person or body making the appeal. The statement shall include: O. Article V - Add a Section 8 to read: A. The procedures for an appeal hearing shall be as follows: B-17 1. Reading of statement of the grounds for appeal by the Chancellor of Tribunal. 2. Presentation of evidence by appellant, to include witnesses, supporting documentation, as necessary. 3. Questioning of appellant by the Tribunal. 4. Questioning of the judicial board whose decision is being appealed, or it representative, by the Tribunal. 5. Discussion or remarks by appellant. 6. Discussion or remarks by the board whose decision is being appealed. 7. Statement by the Chancellor of Tribunal of procedure for notification of Tribunal’s decision. B. Tribunal shall deliberate in closed session. C. Notification of the Tribunal’s decision shall be made, in writing, within 24 hours of reaching said decision to the appellant, the judicial board whose decision is being appealed, and the Judicial Council. Explanation of further appeal process will be explained at this time. PASSED 9/9/82 B-18 BILL 82/82/14 BY: BY:-LAWS REVISION: STUDENT SENATE ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS a Student Senate candidate must be a full-time student to run for office, and WHEREAS it is possible to either drop hours following election or take fewer hours than fulltime classification in the semester following election, and WHEREAS Senate Operations Standing Committee feels it is important for Student Senators to maintain the qualifications that were placed on the candidates at the time of the election BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU SGA By-Laws to the Constitution be amended by adding the following Part D to Article IV, Section 2: D. Any member who drops class hours below the amount considered for fulltime classification will automatically be considered for impeachment by the Student Senate, unless properly excused by the Chairperson of Student Senate. PASSED 9/9/82 B-19 BILL 82/83/15 BY: AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 81/82/31, BASKETBALL TICKET SALES PROPOSAL Geri Greene, Jerry Katlin WHEREAS a number of people reviewed Senate Bill 81/82/31, and WHEREAS the intent of the bill is not reflected accurately BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Senate Bill 81/82/31 be amended to read as follows: A. Amend SECTION 1 to read: A Basketball Ticket Sales Committee be established. A maximum of 10 members (including two (2) Student Senators elected by the Student Senate Chairperson) will be selected by the Chairperson of Student Senate via an application and interview process, at least one (1) month before basketball tickets are scheduled to go on sale. The Chairperson of Student Senate will also designate a chairperson of the Committee. All original Committee members will be approved by Student Senate. B. Amend SECTION 2 to read: The Committee will be charged with the responsibility of organizing and running the individual reserved and non-reserved basketball ticket lines. The Committee shall also have authority over line-ups for individual games. Their primary duty will be to ensure smooth and well-organized ticket lines, following the guidelines established in this bill. C. Amend SECTION 4 to read: The official list, designating position in line, will begin at the discretion of the Committee. D. Add this sentence to SECTION 6: Roll call intervals after 4:30 p.m. shall be left up to the discretion of the Committee and approved by the Student Senate Chairperson. E. Amend SECTION 7 to read: One (1) person will be allowed to represent up to five (5) others during weekdays until 5:00 p.m. Friday, and then it will be up to the Committee. F. Amend SECTION 9 to read: B-20 The Student Senate will have the authority to enforce and/or change any policy as they deem appropriate. The Committee shall remain in charge of lines, as long as they stay within the aforementioned guidelines, state and Campus regulations, and conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. G. Add a SECTION 10 to read: Members of the Committee may be removed by the Student Senate Chairperson, and replacements must be approved by the Student Senate Executive Committee or Student Senate, if possible. H. Make present SECTION 10 read SECTION 12. PASSED 9/9/82 B-21 BILL 82/83/16 BY: BY-LAWS REVISION: ELECTIONS COMMITTEE Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS the Elections Committee met last spring and recommended the following change in the By-Laws to the KSU SGA Constitution, and WHEREAS the Senate Operations Standing Committee has approved this revision BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate amend Article I, Section 1, Part A-5 of the By-Laws to the KSU SGA Constitution be changing the membership of the Elections Committee from “five (5)” members to “seven (7)” members. PASSED 9/23/82 B-22 BILL 82/83/17 BY: REVISIONS TO SENATE BILL 81/82/24, CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE REGULATIONS Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS the Elections Committee met last spring and recommended the following change in Senate Bill 81/82/24, Campaign Expenditure Regulations, and WHEREAS the Senate Operations Standing Committee has approved this revision BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate amend Section 3, Part A, of Senate Bill 81/82/24, Campus Expenditure Regulations, by adding parts 1 and 2 to read: 1. Write-in candidates shall be responsible for all reports required after the declaration of their campaign which will be determined by the Elections Committee. 2. The report(s) shall be signed by the candidate seeking office. PASSED 9/23/82 B-23 BILL 82/83/18 BY: REVISIONS TO SENATE BILL 81/82/9, SGA ELECTIONS CAMPAIGN REGULATIONS Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS the Elections Committee met last spring and recommended the following changes in Senate Bill 81/82/9, SGA Elections Campaign Regulations, and WHEREAS the Senate Operations Standing Committee has approved these revisions BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate amend Senate Bill 81/82/9, SGA Elections Campaign Regulations as follows: I. DEFINITION OF CANDIDATE A. A candidate shall be defined as an office-seeking individual attempting to gain student support with or without the use of campaign materials. III. POSTING E. Off-Campus 1. All off-campus posting must comply with the City of Manhattan regulations. 2 Greek and scholarship houses are referred to as off-campus. F. Rallies (on campus) 1. Banners and campaign materials supporting the candidate arc allowed within the room of the rally prior to the posting limitations as outlined in Sections A and B of Article IV, Time Limits. IV. TIME LIMITS A. Posting of campaign materials on campus, other than banners, may begin seven (7) calendar days prior to the day of the General Election at 500 p.m. B. Banners may be displayed on campus no sooner than three (3) calendar days prior to the day of the General Election at 5:00 p.m. VI. CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES A. A written budget of all campaign expenses of money and materials that the candidate has spent shall be submitted for record to the Elections Committee. B. The expenditure reports shall be supervised by the Elections Committee. B-24 C. Campaign expenditure reports are required to be turned into the Elections Committee prior to the election. 1. Student Body President candidates are required to submit four (4) campaign expenditure reports. 2. Student Senate and Board of Student Publications candidates are required to submit one (1) campaign expenditure report. D. Write-in candidates shall be responsible for all reports required after the declaration of their campaign which will be determined by the Elections Committee. E. Violations of the election expenditure limitations, both monetary and deadlines, will result in the disqualification of the candidate responsible. PASSED 9/23/82 B-25 BILL 82/83/19 BY: CLOSING OF 1981-82 ACCOUNTS Finance Committee WHEREAS SGA allocates the student activity fee for one fiscal year, and WHEREAS the groups listed in this bill had monies left in their accounts after June 30, 1982, and WHEREAS each group received notice of an appeal date and requested appeal hearings were granted BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate instruct the Controller’s Office to decrease the following accounts by the amounts listed below and that this money be placed in the SGA Unallotted Account: Art Dept. Fine Arts Associated Students of Kansas at KSU Arts & Sciences College Council Black Student Union Business Admin. College Council Choral-Opera Consumer Relations Board Debate and Oratory Education College Council Engineering College Council Engineering Open House FONE Graduate Student Association Honorariums Infant & Child Care International Coordinating Council K-State Players KSDB-FM Radio Legal Services MEChA Minority Cultural Programs Music Trip Fund Pregnancy Counseling Puerto Rican Student Organization Student Governing Association Students for- Handicapped Concern Veterinary Medicine College Council Wildlife Society B-26 3.89 45.43 1,770.53 217.22 530.21 8.48 68.78 .26 1.10 6.24 15.43 284.73 1,251.94 1,006.00 142.62 348.73 386.42 1.79 263.85 13.21 26.50 2.98 2.10 15.22 1,549.10 122.44 5.28 .87 SECTION 2. The following groups shall retain the amount listed below for the remainder of the 1982-83 Fiscal Year: Architecture & Design College Council Home Economics College Council Legal Services Off-Campus Student Association PASSED 9/23/82 B-27 40.61 48.15 187.25 22.51 BILL 82/83/20 BY: 1982-83 FINAL ALLOCATIONS Finance Committee REQUESTING Associated Students of Kansas $.40 FTE TENTATIVE ALLOCATION FINAL ALLOCATION $.40 FTE $13,951.70 ($1.40 FTE) Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU 480.00 350.00* 350.00** *We will fund ½ of the registration fee for the 3 L.A.’s. This money shall be taken from Reserves for Contingencies when the amount is known. Assoc. of Adults Returning to School 150.50 125.50 125.50 Black Student Union (BSU) 2,172.13 1,345.09 1,345.09 Coalition for Human Rights 435.00 211.00 211.00 College Councils 46,502.88 46,502.88 46,502.88** ($1.50 LI/full-time student & $.42 LI/part-time student) *Agriculture 5,821.92 +2,175.00=7,996.92 +3,675.00 Architecture & Design 2,695.44 50,177.88 Arts & Sciences 12,693.96+ 1,500.00=14,193.96 Business Administration 6,630.60 Education 2,545.20 Engineering 7,731.84 Graduate School 4,209.12 Home Economics 2,947.80 Veterinary Medicine 1,227.00 Consumer Relations Board (CRB) 4,267.76 3,815.76 3,815.76 Crew 2,500.00 0.00 833.00 Debate 7,260.00 7,260.00 7,260.00 Early Childhood Laboratory 4,175.00 4,175.00 4,175.00 Fine Arts Council $2.55 LI $2.00 LI* 61,878.00 ($2.00 LI) *These funds shall be reallocated by Fine Arts Council, by giving priority to Arch. Fine Arts, Art Exhibition, Dance, McCain & Ebony Theatre. This reallocation of funds will be submitted to the SGA Finance Committee in the Fall for final approval. FONE Crisis Center 10,765.16 10,555.16 10,555.16 Honorariums *Coalition for Human Rights 500.00 International Coordinating Council 1,500.00 Black Student Union 1,400.00 Puerto Rican Student Organization 500.00 MEChA 1,000.00 Phi Theta Kappa 0.00 6,650.00 4,900.00 4,900.00* International Coordinating Council (ICC) 4,070.46 3,235.49 3,235.49 K-State Union 391,650.00 ($12 LI/full-time student & $6 LI/part-time student) B-28 REQUESTING TENTATIVE ALLOCATION FINAL ALLOCATION KSDB-FM Radio 11,323.83 11,323.83 11,323.83 Legal Services 21,180.04 19,025.00 19,025.00 ---------- 0.00 0.00 638.50 491.00 491.00 1,210.00 616.00 616.00 Parachute Club 603.50 0.00 0.00 Phi Theta Kappa 846.50 0.00 0.00 Puerto Rican Student Organization 784.28 594.00 594.00 Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay MEChA Off-Campus Student Association Recreational Services 79,895.25 ($2.50 LI/full-time student & $.75 LI/part-time student) Reserves for Contingencies ----------- 2,652.22 716.62 Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs ---------- 0.00 0.00 Sexuality Education & Counseling Services 3,818.08 3,753.08 3,753.08 410.00 0.00 0.00 34,684.63 33,871.88 33,016.88 Soccer Club Student Governing Association (SGA) Student Publications 96,214.00 ($3 LI/full-time student & $1 LI/part-time student) Students for Handicapped Concerns (SHC) 2,456.20 328.00 1,822.00 14,770.00 14,270.00 14,270.00 University Learning Network 9,398.95 6,607.45 6,607.45 Withholding 6,250.00 6,362.66 6,362.66 567.10 100.00 100.00 University for Man (UFM) Women’s Resource Center (WRC) TOTALS $829,271.35 PASSED 10/7/82 B-29 BILL 82/83/21 BY: ALLOCATION TO UNIVERSITY LEARNING NETWORK Esther Hagen WHEREAS a bulletin board fell on U.L.N.’s microfiche machine so that it no longer works, and WHEREAS the microfiche is essential to the operation of U.L.N., and WHEREAS the machine is 12 years old and failing rapidly, and WHEREAS the costs of repair were investigated, and it came to a minimum of at least $150, and WHEREAS bids were taken for a new machine and $230 was the lowest price with a 90-day warranty for the all-metal microfiche BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $230 from the Long Range for Capital Outlay account to purchase a new microfiche machine for U.L.N. PASSED 10/28/82 B-30 BILL 82/83/22 BY: SIGNATURES FOR COMMENDATIONS Bob Mross WHEREAS the present process for commendations does not give adequate recognition, and WHEREAS Student Senate tends to pass commendations with little consideration, and WHEREAS a commendation from Student Senate should convey a more personal recognition BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senators in attendance will sign a SGA. letterhead sheet circulated around immediately following the passing of all commendations. SECTION 2. This sheet of signatures will be enclosed with a letter signed by the Student Body President and the Student Senate Chairperson. FAILED 10/28/82 B-31 BILL 82/83/23 BY: REIMBURSEMENT OF STOLEN K.U. BAND MEMBER’S HAT Bob Mross WHEREAS during the KSU vs. KU football game held October 23, a University of Kansas band member’s hat was stolen by a Kansas State University fan, and WHEREAS this action reflects a poor image on Kansas State University, and WHEREAS reimbursement would help to re-establish good public relations with the University of Kansas and help to re-establish Kansas State University’s tarnished reputation BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate reimburse the University of Kansas Marching band $10 for the hat stolen at the October 23, football game held in Manhattan, Kansas. SECTION 2. This $10 shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. SECTION 3. The Student body President and the Student Senate Chairperson send a letter of apology to the University of Kansas student body. FAILED 10/28/82 B-32 BILL 82/83/24 BY: A.S.K. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DELEGATES’ REIMBURSEMENT John Kohler WHEREAS the Associated Students of Kansas Fall Legislative Assembly is to be held November 19 and 20, in Hays, Kansas, and WHEREAS the members of the delegation will be representing Kansas State University BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate reimburse a maximum of 20 voting delegates, the A.S.K. State Board member, the A.S.K. Campus Director, and the Legislative Assembly Chairperson for food and lodging in the amount of $10.50/person for one day, a maximum of $241.50. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the reserves for Contingencies account SECTION 3. If the Legislative Assembly adjourns after 9:00 p.m. they will be funded for Saturday night, $5.50/person. PASSED 11/11/82 B-33 BILL 82/83/25 BY: KSU LITERATURE & NOTICE REGULATIONSPUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS Geri Greene WHEREAS there are currently no regulations governing the use of stationary public address systems, and WHEREAS there is a need to monitor the sound level so as not to disturb classes and homeowners in the area BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following changes be made in the KSU Literature & Notice Regulations, General Campus Regulations, Section VII: VII. Public Address System - Stationary and/or Portable. A. Public address systems shall be used as follows: 1. Permission to use any time must be obtained a minimum of 24 hours in advance from the Vice President for University Facilities. 2. Generally, use of public address systems will be limited to between class periods, after class hours (dependent upon evening class schedules in adjacent buildings), and on Saturday no later than midnight. Approved use will be restricted to the Union island location. 3. Portable/mobile public address systems may be approved as outlined above, and approval covers use only on Campus streets. 4. Non-University groups or individuals requesting to use the island area and use of a public address system shall use Division of University Facilities public address equipment and pay in advance for this service. 5. University groups or individuals requesting approval to use public address equipment are encouraged to use Division of University Facilities equipment and will be billed for service in accordance with regular billing procedures. (If approval is given to use other than Division of University Facilities equipment, the sound level flay be monitored by Division of University Facilities Special Events Coordinator. B. Exception to these regulations will be handled on an individual one-tine basis. PASSED 11/18/82 B-34 BILL 82/83/26 BY: KSU LITERATURE & NOTICE REGULATIONSALPHA PHI OMEGA SECTION Heather Woodson WHEREAS the current Alpha Phi Omega (APO) posting regulations only provide for shortterm advertising on events on Campus, and WHEREAS there is a need for University organizations which offer long-term services to the community to be able to post continuously BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following changes be made in the KSU Literature & Notice Regulations. Alpha Phi Omega section: I. Eligibility. Add a Section C to read: University Activities Board registered Campus organizations or University departments offering long-term services to the community may petition Alpha Phi Omega for a long-term posting permit. II. Standards. Add a Section H. to read: All long-term notices must be weather-resistant and must pertain to a continuing Campus service. III. Size. Add a Section B to read Long-term posters must be no larger than 8” x 11” IV. Locations. Amend Section A, 1: a. Ackert Hall* b. Anderson Hall (north & south)** h. Waters Hall (east & west)** **Limited to a total of three (3) long-term posters. ** Limited to one (1) long-term poster on either of the two (2) boards. B-35 Make present Section B read Section C. Add a new Section B to read: Unless otherwise designated, bulletin boards are limited to one (1) long-term poster per approved long-term organization. V. Time Limits. Add a Section C to read All long-term notices may be posted for no longer than one (1) semester. VI. Restrictions Amend Section A, 4 Use nails or staples to post notices. PASSED 11/18/32 B-36 BILL 82/83/27 BY: PARACHUTE CLUB FUNDING Lori Siemens, Mark Young, Mark Gunn Kathy Houts WHEREAS in early September a club member wearing club gear experienced a premature deployment of his pilot chute which damaged the tail of the Cessna N9266X airplane which was used, and WHEREAS the plane was repaired by a certified A&P mechanic of Topeka, Kansas, at a cost of $576.81, and WHEREAS no negligence was found in either the actions of the jumpmaster, jumper or club, and WHEREAS the $576.81 bill and the lack of funding from SGA has placed the KSU Parachute Club over $1,100 in the hole over the same period last year and has effectively brought to a halt all planned expansion and acquisition of new equipment BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $576.81 to the KSU Parachute Club to pay the repair bill for the airplane damage which was incurred in early September. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. FAILED 25/27/2 ON 11/11/82 B-37 BILL 82/83/28 BY: ESTABLISHMENT OF STUDENT SERVICES SUPPORT FEE Student Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS student support services are primarily located in Holton Hall, and WHEREAS the Student Services Support Fee Task Force, consisting of seven (7) student leaders and one (1) administrator, was charged with determining whether a fee increase is justified for adaptation of Holton Hall, and WHEREAS the task force conducted extensive research, and WHEREAS the interior of Holton Hall is inadequate because it fails to meet relevant safety codes, is inefficiently designed and aesthetically substandard, and WHEREAS students would benefit from improvements made in Holton Hall, and WHEREAS the services currently located in Holton Hall are valuable to students at K-State, and WHEREAS student services have the potential to be of greater value if the facility in which they are houses is improved, and WHEREAS improved flexibility in meeting student needs and an improved atmosphere are factors strongly in favor of adaptation, and WHEREAS neither private nor state funding is available for a project of this nature, and WHEREAS this lack of private and state funding will, in all likelihood, continue for some time, and WHEREAS if significant improvements are to be made a student fee increase is the only realistic funding alternative, and WHEREAS it is vital that students have control over the allocation of this fee, and WHEREAS Student Senators have toured Holton Hall and made visitations to living groups to inform and receive input from students BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A $3/semester/full-time student fee, a $1/semester/part-time student fee, and a $.25/credit hour fee (up to the first 6 credit hours) for the summer session be implemented beginning in the Fall Semester of 1983. SECTION 2. The fee will be indefinite and the single priority for us of this money will be the adaptation of Holton Hall. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of Student Senate will be required to, at anytime, implement, eliminate, or re-allocate the fee. B-38 SECTION 3. The allocation of the fee will be recommended by the Student Services Support Allocation Board, comprised of the Student Body President, Student Senate Chairperson, Coordinator of Finances, a Student Senator, the Vice President for Student Affairs, Director of the Center for Student Development, and a Student Affairs staff member. The allocation board will be chaired by the Student Senate Chairperson. SECTION 4. The Student Services Support Allocation Board will give a yearly progress report to Student Senate. The Student Senate will have final approval of the allocation progress report and may amend it if desired. SECTION 5. The progress report shall consist of the up-date on improvements made, a spending plan for the following fiscal year, and a report on the impact of the adaptation. SECTION 6. The progress report for the following fiscal year shall be presented to Student Senate no later than two weeks prior to Spring Break. SECTION 7. Any change in the function of Holton Hall as a Student Services building must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Student Senate. SECTION 8. After the completion of the adaptation of Holton Hall, as determined by Student Senate, .a Holton Hall Advisory Board will be formed, comprised of a majority of students and chaired by a student. The advisory board will be charged with monitoring policies of Student Senate and matters concerning further changes in Holton Hall. Selection of the students on the advisory board will be in the same manner as other student government committees. PASSED 41/16/1 ON 11/18/82 B-39 BILL 82/83/29 BY: ELECTION PROCEDURE REVISION Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS a centralized building for each college would give easier access to the voting booths, and WHEREAS easier access leads to increased voter turnout, and WHEREAS there would be less ballots to confuse the voter and control over ballot versions would be easier, and WHEREAS each college could provide a computer print-out of each student enrolled, and WHEREAS this print-out would eliminate the need of a fee card, as only the KSU I.D. card would need to be presented for identification, and WHEREAS the print-out would serve as the registration list and the name would be crossed off as the student voted BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The S.G.A. Elections polling places shall be as follows: A. The particular polling place for each college shall be left to the discretion of each College Council. There will be one place chosen by each Council and approved by the S.G.A. Elections Committee immediately following the selection of Elections Committee members. B. In the event that a College Council does not choose a polling place, the S.G.A. Elections Committee will designate that particular college’s polling place. SECTION 2. The S.G.A. Elections polls shall be supervised by the S.G.A. Elections Committee. PASSED 37/13 ON 12/2/82 B-40 BILL 82/83/30 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL & BY-LAWS REVISIONS: ELECTION DATE Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS it would be advantageous for the Student Body President’s term of office to correlate with the state legislature, and WHEREAS it would be beneficial to have more time as Senators prior to tentative allocations, and WHEREAS the term of the Finance Committee Chair would correspond with the proposed term, and WHEREAS November allows for a natural feeling of elections, and this should aid in increasing voter turnout, and WHEREAS students running for office could alter class loads based on the outcome of the elections to schedule in the time element of the office, and WHEREAS this would allow for the term of Student Senate to fit into the semester system without splitting the Spring Semester, and WHEREAS Student Senate leaders would have Christmas Break to prepare and concentrate on the goals of the term without interfering with class work BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following revisions be made in the SGA By-Laws to the Constitution: A. Article I, Section 2, Part A, Sub-Section 1 The election date for the office of Student Body President and Board of Student Publications shall be the second (2nd) Wednesday of November, following the first (1st) Tuesday of November for a one-year term. B. Article I, Section 2, Part A, Sub-Section 2 The Student Senate all be elected the second (2) Wednesday of November after the first (1st) Tuesday of November for a one-year term. C. Article I, Section 1, Part A, Sub-Section 3 …The Chairperson of the Elections Committee shall be appointed no later than May 1,.. D. Article I, Section 1, Part A, Sub-Section 5 D. The Elections Committee shall be comprised a chairperson and seven (7) other members chosen no later than September 15, by a committee consisting… B-41 SECTION 2. The following revisions be made in the SGA Constitution: A. Article V, Section 504, Part B The new Student Senate shall officially take office at the second (2nd) scheduled meeting following elections. B. Article V, Section 504, Part C During the period between elections and installations, each new Student Senator shall be assigned an outgoing Student Senator who will be responsible for orienting the new Student Senator. C. Article V, Section 504, Part D It will be the responsibility of the Senate Operations Standing Committee to organize a retreat to welcome the new Student Senators prior to election of the Student Senate Chairperson. SECTION 3. The first (1st) year will be a short-term, beginning in February and ending in December. FAILED 32/20/3 ON 12/2/82 B-42 BILL 82/83/31 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL REVISIONS: REVISION TO ELECTION PROCESS OF STUDENT SENATE OFFICERS Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS it would be beneficial for the officers of Student Senate to be elected prior to a long break to allow for more preparation time, and WHEREAS more time could be devoted to this preparation without interfering with class work, and WHEREAS nominations beginning at the retreat would allow longer to familiarize Student Senators with the candidates BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following revisions be made in the SGA Constitution: A. Article V, Section 506, Part A Chairperson of Student Senate, who shall be elected by the Student Senate members in the second (2nd) meeting of the newly formed (Spring) Student Senate for a term of one (1) year. He/she shall be sworn in and assume the duties of Chairperson the second (2nd) meeting of the new Student Senate. B. Article V, Section 506, Part D Vice Chairperson of Student Senate, who shall be elected by Student Senate members at the second (2) meeting of the new Student Senate for a term of one (1) year. SECTION 2. The nominations shall be made. A. in written form - declaration given to the presiding Student Senate Chairperson between the election and the second (2nd) meeting. B. by taking nominations from the floor of the Student Senate at the second (2nd) meeting. SECTION 3. The first year will be a short-term, beginning in February and ending in December. NOT INTRODUCED BECAUSE SENATE BILL 82/83/30 FAILED B-43 BILL 82/83/32 BY: S.G.A. SPENDING REGULATIONS Finance Committee TRAVEL If your organization wishes to request funds for travel, the following guidelines must be kept in wind. SUBSISTENCE: SGA will fund a maximum of $5.00 for meals per day and $5.50 per day for lodging. The total of $10.50 will be per student per day. Regardless of the length, nature or distance, $10.50 per day is all SGA will be obligated. For any reimbursement, individuals must travel overnight and must present all receipts. TRANSPORTATION: SGA will pay $.15 a mile for travel by private car. The state rate will be allowed for travel with state vehicles. All travel, both in-state and out-of-state, must be specifically allocated in the organizational budget. For out-of-state travel, a travel request must be submitted to the Vice President for Business Affairs at least four (4) weeks prior to the trip. INSURANCE: All groups and university departments receiving funding from the student activity fee are required by Senate Bill 79/80/16 to purchase the $2 per day per vehicle insurance for state vehicles to insure them against liability for vehicle damage above normal wear and tear due to driver negligence. Official travel for sponsored groups should be by state vehicle, if one is available for such travel. Any student, faculty member or employee operating a private car or other private vehicle, including boats, airplanes, motorcycles, or other type of motor vehicle, on official business must have in force liability insurance for personal injury with coverage of at least $100,000 per person and $300,000 per accident. Tourist air fare will be paid for out-of-state travel if the total cost is less than the state car rate cost over the same distance. All groups, excluding line items and College Councils, going on trips of conferences in which all or part of the expenses are being paid for by SGA will submit to Finance Committee a summary before and after the trip. A written summary must be submitted before any expense voucher will be approved by the Financial Advisor. All summaries must be submitted within one week of their return in order that any similar event be considered for the next year. SUPPLIES All supplies, if available, must be purchased on campus. The first place to check is with the KSU Office Supplies Store and University Facilities. If in doubt, ask!!! B-44 PAYROLL All individuals who you wish to have placed on the payroll must have a department. No one can be paid a wage for anything unless they are paid from the payroll. FOOD SGA will not pay for the cost of food and/or beverages - exceptions being travel and expenditures approved by Student Senate. PRINTING All printing must be done by the K-State Printing Service. This is a state law. No personal names will be permitted on stationery. HONORARIUM Speakers or resource people may be paid from the student activity fee restricted fee account. The process is somewhat detailed. Before you commit your organization, contact the SGS Office for procedures. INVENTORY The organization shall be held responsible for all equipment purchased with student activity fee monies. SGA requires that, along with the group’s budget request, there be a separate inventory listing turned in. This will include all equipment and supplies that are over $50 with a life expectancy of more than one year. INVOICES Payment cannot be made without appropriate invoices. BUDGET SWITCHING The Finance Committee Chairperson will approve budget switches which involve $100 or less. Anything over $100 will be considered for approval by the Finance Committee. RENT OF SPACE No off-campus rent of space will be paid for if there are similar campus facilities available. FUND-RAISING Any organization which receives funding from SGA and uses any portion of those monies for fund-raising purposes must return the amount used to the budget category it was removed from. Any profit is to be considered private funds which are not accountable to SGA. Any fund- raising project using $25 or more of SGA allocated funds must be reviewed by Finance Committee for approval. Any organization funded by a College Council must have the fund-raising project approved by the Council. These steps must be followed: A. A University Activities Board Vendor’s Permit must be attained by any organization wishing to have a fund-raiser. B. The organization must also file an audit after the fund-raiser. No bills will be paid until this audit is received. Profit is defined as net income minus net expense. All expenditures for all funding-raising events must be documented. PASSED 1/20/83 B-45 BILL 82/83/33 BY: COLLEGE COUNCIL FUNDING POLICY Finance Committee 1. Student Senate grant $1.50/semester/full-time student and $.45/ semester/parttime student to each College Council. The yearly allocation shall be based on the previous year’s second semester’s enrollment. 2. Guidelines for this grant shall include: A. Meet SGA spending regulations. B. Any funded activity cannot discriminate membership on the basis of race, nationality, religion, creed or sex. C. Activity must be predominantly beneficial to that college’s students in contrast to benefiting the whole University. 3. Misuse of funds shall be reported by the Financial Advisor or any student in that college and forwarded to the Finance Committee for appropriate action. 4. All individuals or groups requesting an allocation from student activity fee money from a College Council will submit a fully itemized budget directly to the College Council when requested. 5. The Councils will process the budgets in accordance with their individual allocation procedure. After this process is complete, the Councils will present their finalized budgets to Finance Committee. The finalized budgets will include an itemized breakdown of each group funded. A. Upon review by Finance Committee and approval by Student Senate, College Councils may request additional funding, pending justification/need. B. Such requests shall be submitted, in writing, to Student Senate and the SGA Finance Committee as an amendment to said College Council’s line item budget and shall be considered by Student Senate during final allocations. 6. Finance Committee’s approval shall be required for the enactment of any College Council allocation of student activity fee money. Finance Committee will review the budgets to determine whether the expenditures are in accordance with SGA and University policy. Upon approval of Finance Committee, the allocation will be considered complete. If all or part of a budget was not approved, Finance Committee will schedule a meeting with the Council in question and give a full explanation of their rationale for nonapproval. At this time budgets may be revised and resubmitted. Finance Committee, in consultation with College Councils, may grant exceptions and approve expenditures which are prohibited under the annual College Council Funding Policy, if these expenditures are deemed to be in the best interest of the students of the respective college. B-46 7. All funds not allocated by any College Council shall be placed in a fund earmarked for that College Council. Any unspent funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year shall be returned to the Unallotted Account. Supplemental allocation requests which may occur at any time throughout the fiscal year, as well as any budget switches of more than $100, must also be approved by Finance Committee. Guidelines will be in accordance with that described in Section 5 and 6 above. 8. The liaisons assigned to each of the College Councils will be informed and tutored by Finance Committee in financial matters and situations directly and indirectly affecting College Councils. The purpose will be to increase communication, knowledge, and responsibility in the spending of student activity fee money. 9. Any decision made by Finance Committee may be appealed by a simple majority of the assembled body of Student Senate. PASSED 1/20/83 B-47 BILL 82/83/34 BY: 1983-84 SPENDING POLICY FOR COLLEGE COUNCILS Finance Committee WHEREAS Senate Bill 76/77/57, College Council Funding, calls for the appointment of an ad hoc committee to formulate a policy of spending that the nine (9) College Councils would have to adhere to when allocating or spending monies. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following policy be used by the College Councils when spending monies: A. When any monies are to be allocated for travel to a conference or convention, public notification should be posted within the college or in the Collegian (campus bulletin, classified ad, etc.) no less than two (2) weeks for in-state travel and six (6) weeks for out-of-state travel before said conference or convention. B. No monies may be spent on the purchase and/or the personalizing of gifts, plaques or awards. C. No monies may be spent on telephone equipment. Money may be spent on telephone calls only if they pertain to organization business. D. Any item or service that can be purchased on Campus must be purchased on Campus. E. No monies way be spent on parties or social functions. F. No monies may be spent on capital improvements or equipment purchases (improvements to any buildings or land, office equipment, appliances, etc.). G. No monies may be spent on clothing. H. College Councils way make budget switches within the Council, if the amount is less than $100, with written notification to the SGA Financial Advisor. Any budget switches over $100 must have Finance Committee’s approval. I. No monies may be spent on food or drink. J. No monies may be spent on decorations or table arrangements. K. No monies way be spent on flowers. L. No monies way be spent on Royal Purple pictures, except for College Councils. B-48 SECTION 2. Finance Committee will review the budgets to determine whether the expenditures are in accordance with SGA and University policy. Upon approval of Finance Committee, the allocation will be considered complete. If all or part of a budget was not approved, Finance Committee will schedule a meeting with the Council in question and give a full explanation of their rationale for non-approval. At this time, budgets may be reviewed and resubmitted. Finance Committee, in consultation with College Councils, way grant exceptions and approve expenditures which are prohibited under these policies, if they are in the best interest of the students in the respective college. PASSED 1/20/83 B-49 BILL 82/33/35 BY: UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FUNDING Finance Committee WHEREAS the United Nations Council is a University Activities Board registered group, and WHEREAS the United Nations Council has exhausted other sources of funding, and WHEREAS the United Nations Council feels it will provide undergraduate experience in international affairs BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate the United Nations Council $159.88 to send two delegates to the Model United Nations Conference in Lincoln, Nebraska on February 8-12, 1983. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account PASSED l/27/83 B-50 BILL 82/83/36 BY: BY-LAWS REVISION: ESTABLISHMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES STANDING COMMITTEE Kent Barnow WHEREAS Student Senate has allocated $2,565 for the salary of the Social Services Director for the 1982-83 Fiscal Year, and WHEREAS the social services at K-State provide valuable services to KSU students, and WHEREAS the present position of the Social Services Director lacks stability and consistency, and WHEREAS the establishment of a Social Services Standing Committee would improve the effectiveness of the social services, and WHEREAS the establishment of a Social Services Standing Committee would provide consistency and stability to the maintenance of the social services BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The position of Social Services Director, as it presently exists, be eliminated. SECTION 2. Article IV, Section 6 of the By-Laws to the KSU SGA Constitution be amended to add an eighth standing committee to be known as the Social Services Standing Committee: Part A. Strike “and” before “Chairperson of Communications Standing Committee” and add after “Chairperson of the Communications Standing Committee” and Chairperson of Social Services Standing Committee. Part A. Strike “seven (7) standing committee chairpersons” and insert eight (8) standing committee chairpersons. Add a Part J. to read: J. Social Services Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance of any and all student social services. 1. Membership of the committee shall be a chairperson, appointed by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of Student Senate, three (3) Student Senators, and two (2) students-at-large. All positions must be approved by Student Senate. 2. The committee’s functions shall be: a. To act as liaison between SGA, University administrators, and the social services. B-51 b. To give periodic reports to Student Senate concerning the activities, programs, and actions of the social services. c. To conduct periodic evaluations of each social service program and its effectiveness. d. To generate an annual social service progress report to Student Senate. e. To coordinate regular Social Services Council meetings, consisting of the directors of each social service and the Social Services Standing Committee. f. To plan and implement any necessary training for newly selected directors of social services in areas of administrative procedures, finances, volunteer training and supervision, and program planning and implementation. 3. The chairperson shall aid the Personnel Selections Committee in the interviewing and hiring of social service personnel. PASSED 2/17/83 B-52 BILL 82/83/37 BY: REMUNERATION OF SOCIAL SERVICES CHAIRPERSON Kent Barnow: WHEREAS a Social Services Standing Committee has been established, and WHEREAS the Chairperson of the Social Services Standing Committee shall play an important role in the maintenance of the social services at K-State, and WHEREAS the position of Chairperson of Social Services Standing Committee requires a significant time commitment, and WHEREAS it is important to attract a qualified and able individual to assume the position of Chairperson of Social Services Standing Committee, and WHEREAS $860.94 remains in the S.G.A. account for the salary of the Director of Social Services for the 1982-83 Fiscal Year BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The individual appointed as the Chairperson of Social Services Standing Committee receive $75/month through May of 1983, with the money coming from the $860.94 remaining in the S.G.A. budget for the salary of the Social Services Director. FAILED 2/17/83 B-53 BILL 82/83/38 BY: ESTABLISHMENT OF A SPORTS CLUB ADVISORY BOARD AND COUNCIL Paul Attwater WHEREAS with the rescession of Senate Bill 74/75/37, entitled “Guidelines for Funding of Competitive Sports”, there are no guidelines for the funding of sports clubs, and WHEREAS sports clubs, by way of past budget requests, have demonstrated a need for financial assistance, and WHEREAS sports clubs at K-State are now, and have been in the past, respected representatives of this University, and WHEREAS it is the responsibility of Student Senate to allocate funds fairly, while striving to meet students’ needs, and WHEREAS in order to be consistent Student Senate needs to establish means through which sports clubs may receive allocations BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A sports club shall be defined for all practical purposes as “a student group registered by the University Activities Board, not sponsored by the Athletic Department, and organized for the purpose of furthering interest and participation in advanced levels of instruction or competition in sports activities”. SECTION 2. The Student Senate establish a Sports Clubs Advisory Board. A. The Board shall consist of one representative from each sports club. B. The Chairperson of the board shall be selected from among the members at the first meeting of the Spring Semester. The chairperson shall retain voting privileges on the board. C. The Board shall review all sports clubs’ budget requests before they are submitted to the Sports Club Council. SECTION 3. The initial Sports Club Advisory Board shall be comprised of the sports clubs which requested funds from the student activity fee in the past three (3) fiscal years. SECTION 4. The Student Senate establish a body to review the budget requests submitted by the Sports Club Advisory Board and prepare a request to be submitted to Student Senate by such body known as the Sports Club Council. A. The Council shall consist of two (2) Student Senators appointed by the Student Senate Chairperson, one (1) Student Senate Finance Standing Committee member appointed by the Student Senate Chairperson, two (2) B-54 students-at-large appointed by the Student Senate Chairperson, the Sports Club Advisory Board Chairperson, and an Assistant Director of Recreational Services who shall be an ex-officio member. B. The Chairperson of the Council shall be selected from among the members at the first meeting of the Spring Semester. The chairperson shall retain voting privileges on the Council. C. The Council must approve all new sports clubs before they may gain membership on the Council. To be approved the new club must meet the definition outlined in Section 1. above. D. Any club wishing to appeal the decision of the Council shall submit their appeal to the Student Senate Chairperson, to be presented to Student Senate in the form of legislation. SECTION 5. Until a council funding policy is established, the Sports Club Council shall fall under the established College Council policies and guidelines. SECTION 6. Funding rules and regulations shall be submitted annually by the Sports Club Council to the Student Senate Finance Standing Committee with Student Senate having final approval. SECTION 7. The Sports Club Council will be established on a probationary period of three (3) years, during which time the Council shall come under annual review, for progress and fiscal responsibility. PASSED 2/10/83 B-55 1982-1983 RESOLUTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Resolution Number and Title Page Res 82/83/1 Acceptance of ASK Campus Director ...................................................................1 Res 82/83/2 Approval of FONE Crisis Center Assistant Coordinator ......................................2 Res 82/83/3 Approval of Finance Committee Members for Student Senate.............................3 Res 82/83/4 Approval of Student Senate Standing Committee Chairpersons ...........................4 Res 82/83/5 Approval of Student Senate Standing Committee Appointments .........................5 Res 82/83/6 Commendation to KSU Basketball Coach Jack Hartman .....................................7 Res 82/83/7 Commendation to KSU Men’s Basketball Team and Coach Jack Hartman.................................................................................................................8 Res 82/83/8 Commendation to the KSU Women’s Basketball Team and Coach Lynn Hickey ...................................................................................................................9 Res 82/83/9 Commendation to the KSU Cheerleaders, Willie the Wildcat & The Pep Band ....................................................................................................................10 Res 82/83/10 Approval of Judicial Boards Student Members & the SGA Attorney General ................................................................................................................11 Res 82/83/11 Commendation to the All- University Open House Committee .........................12 Res 82/83/12 Approval of Union Governing Board Members ..................................................13 Res 82/83/13 Commendation to Kathy Lungren Student’s Attorney ........................................14 Res 82/83/14 Determination of Need for Membership in a National Student Organization........................................................................................................15 Res 82/83/15 Approval of Finance Committee At-Large Member ...........................................16 Res 82/83/16 Approval of ASK Legislative Assembly Delegates ............................................17 Res 82/83/17 Approval of Cabinet ............................................................................................18 Res 82/83/18 ULN Assistant Coordinator .................................................................................19 Res 82/83/19 Endorsement of ASK Legislative Assembly Resolutions ...................................20 Res 82/83/20 Commendation to Dr. Earl Nolting .....................................................................21 Res 82/83/21 Commendation to the K-State Union and Recreational Services ........................22 Res 82/83/22 Approval of Sexuality Education & Counseling Services Director ....................23 Res 82/83/23 Commendation to University Personnel ..............................................................24 Res 82/83/24 Approval of the Basketball Ticket Sales Committee ..........................................25 Res 82/83/25 Approval of University Activities Board Chairperson ........................................26 Res 82/83/26 Academic Calendar .............................................................................................27 Res 82/83/27 Support of IAC Banner Regulations....................................................................28 Res 82/83/28 Approval of Judicial System Members ...............................................................29 Res 82/83/29 K-State Student Senate’s Stand on Special Fees .................................................30 Res 82/83/30 Approval of 1983 SGA Elections Committee .....................................................31 Res 82/83/31 Approval of 1983 Coordinator of Finances .........................................................32 Res 82/83/32 Commendation to the Basketball Ticket Sales Committee .................................33 Res 82/83/33 Bicycle Traffic Recommendation........................................................................34 Res 82/83/34 Approval of Student Senate Representative to the ASK Committee on Budget and Dues .................................................................................................35 Res 82/83/35 Approval of ASK Fall Legislative Assembly Delegates .....................................36 Res 82/83/36 Approval of Social Services Director ..................................................................37 Res 82/83/37 Commendation to the K-State Union and Recreational Services ........................38 Res 82/83/38 Summer School Allocations Board Members Approval .....................................39 Res 82/83/39 Commendation to the KSU Cheerleaders, Yell Leaders and Coach ...................40 Res 82/83/40 Student Senate’s Stand on the Legal Age for Possession and Consumption of Cereal Malt Beverages .............................................................41 Res 82/83/41 Support of Concepts of PE as a Common Degree Requirement .........................42 Res 82/83/42 Res 82/83/43 Commendation to Home Economics “Designing Future Strategies” Committee ...........................................................................................................43 Approval of 1983-84 Student Body President, Board of Student Publications, and Student Senate, Excluding Education Student Senators and 5 Graduate Student Senators ........................................................................44 1982-1983 RESOLUTIONS INDEX Approval of Appointments Page Res 82/83/1 Acceptance of ASK Campus Director ...................................................................1 Res 82/83/2 Approval of FONE Crisis Center Assistant Coordinator ......................................2 Res 82/83/3 Approval of Finance Committee Members for Student Senate.............................3 Res 82/83/4 Approval of Student Senate Standing Committee Chairpersons ...........................4 Res 82/83/5 Approval of Student Senate Standing Committee Appointments .........................5 Res 82/83/10 Approval of Judicial Boards Student Members & the SGA Attorney General ................................................................................................................11 Res 82/83/12 Approval of Union Governing Board Members ..................................................13 Res 82/83/15 Approval of Finance Committee At-Large Member ...........................................16 Res 82/83/16 Approval of ASK Legislative Assembly Delegates ............................................17 Res 82/83/17 Approval of Cabinet ............................................................................................18 Res 82/83/18 ULN Assistant Coordinator .................................................................................19 Res 82/83/22 Approval of Sexuality Education & Counseling Services Director ....................23 Res 82/83/24 Approval of the Basketball Ticket Sales Committee ..........................................25 Res 82/83/25 Approval of University Activities Board Chairperson ........................................26 Res 82/83/28 Approval of Judicial System Members ...............................................................29 Res 82/83/30 Approval of 1983 SGA Elections Committee .....................................................31 Res 82/83/31 Approval of 1983 Coordinator of Finances .........................................................32 Res 82/83/34 Approval of Student Senate Representative to the ASK Committee on Budget and Dues .................................................................................................35 Res 82/83/35 Approval of ASK Fall Legislative Assembly Delegates .....................................36 Res 82/83/36 Approval of Social Services Director ..................................................................37 Res 82/83/38 Summer School Allocations Board Members Approval .....................................39 Res 82/83/43 Approval of 1983-84 Student Body President, Board of Student Publications, and Student Senate, Excluding Education Student Senators and 5 Graduate Student Senators ........................................................................44 Commendations Res 82/83/6 Commendation to KSU Basketball Coach Jack Hartman .....................................7 Res 82/83/7 Commendation to KSU Men’s Basketball Team and Coach Jack Hartman.................................................................................................................8 Res 82/83/8 Commendation to the KSU Women’s Basketball Team and Coach Lynn Hickey ...................................................................................................................9 Res 82/83/9 Commendation to the KSU Cheerleaders, Willie the Wildcat & The Pep Band ....................................................................................................................10 Res 82/83/11 Commendation to the All- University Open House Committee .........................12 Res 82/83/13 Commendation to Kathy Lungren Student’s Attorney........................................14 Res 82/83/19 Endorsement of ASK Legislative Assembly Resolutions ...................................20 Res 82/83/21 Commendation to the K-State Union and Recreational Services ........................22 Res 82/83/23 Commendation to University Personnel ..............................................................24 Res 82/83/32 Commendation to the Basketball Ticket Sales Committee .................................33 Res 82/83/37 Commendation to the K-State Union and Recreational Services ........................38 Res 82/83/39 Commendation to the KSU Cheerleaders, Yell Leaders and Coach ...................40 Res 82/83/42 Commendation to Home Economics “Designing Future Strategies” Committee ...........................................................................................................43 Resolution Regarding University Actions Res 82/83/26 Academic Calendar .............................................................................................27 Res 82/83/27 Res 82/83/29 Res 82/83/41 Support of IAC Banner Regulations....................................................................28 K-State Student Senate’s Stand on Special Fees .................................................30 Support of Concepts of PE as a Common Degree Requirement .........................42 Miscellaneous Res 82/83/14 Determination of Need for Membership in a National Student Organization........................................................................................................15 Res 82/83/19 Endorsement of ASK Legislative Assembly Resolutions ...................................20 Res 82/83/33 Bicycle Traffic Recommendation........................................................................34 Res 82/83/40 Student Senate’s Stand on the Legal Age for Possession and Consumption of Cereal Malt Beverages .............................................................41 RESOLUTION 82/83/1 BY: ACCEPTANCE OF A.S.K. CAMPUS DIRECTOR Bill Rogenmoser, Geri Greene WHEREAS the Associated Students of Kansas (A.S.K.) held interviews for K-State’s Campus Director, and WHEREAS the following individual was found to be the most qualified for the available position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate recognize the appointment of C. John Kohler as K-State’s A.S.K. Campus Director for 1982-83. PASSED 3/4/82 R-1 RESOLUTION 82/83/2 BY: APPROVAL OF FONE CRISIS CENTER ASSISTANT COORDINATOR Julie Martin WHEREAS the following qualifications were met: 1. 2. 3. 4. a working knowledge of the FONE knowledge of community social activities ability to schedule on-call personnel and volunteer shifts ability to coordinate substance-abuse-related programs and activities, and WHEREAS extensive interviews were held, and WHEREAS this person best meets the preceding qualifications BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Jose Luis Rivera be approved as the Assistant Coordinator of the FONE Crisis Center. PASSED 3/4/82 R-2 RESOLUTION 82/83/3 BY: APPROVAL OF FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS FROM STUDENT SENATE Esther Hagen WHEREAS applications were taken and interviews were held, and WHEREAS the most qualified people were chosen BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following Student Senators as members of the Student Senate Finance Committee: Lisa Grigsby Kent Barnow Jeff Gates Mary Lynn Manning. PASSED 3/4/82 R-3 RESOLUTION 82/83/4 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Geri Greene, Jerry Katlin WHEREAS the openings for Student Senate Standing Committee Chairpersons positions were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS there were a number of qualified applicants and WHEREAS interviews were held for these positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as chairpersons of the respective Student Senate Standing Committees: Academic Affairs Communications Personnel Selections Senate Operations State & Community Affairs Student Affairs Stuart Jorgensen Heather Woodson Jeff Dillon Lori Price Scott Long Paul Attwater PASSED 3/11/82 R-4 RESOLUTION 82/83/5 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Geri Greene, Jerry Katlin WHEREAS openings for Student Senate Standing Committee positions were sufficiency advertised, and WHEREAS Student Senator preferences were of utmost consideration in selecting Student Senators for these committees, and WHEREAS interviews were held for the at-large positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following persons be approved as committee members for the respective Student Senate Standing Committees: Academic Affairs Communications Personnel Selections Senate Operations Stuart Jorgensen, Chair Gary Wesche Time Balfour Jo Sheets Kathy Houts Catherine Sayler Alan Leard Heather Woodson, Chair Kristie Miller Bob Mross Cindy Doud Denise Manke Jerry Katlin Kent Jaecke Scott Sage Jeff Dillon, Chair Kerry O’Neal Lisa Otke Brian Preston Jody Fruehauf Kurt May Lori Price, Chair Gene Russell Joe Slaven Lori Siemens Kurt McAfee Phil Grosdidier Andrew Tsen R-5 Tammy Edwards Brent Tracy Ann Sack Andy Wimsatt Dan Gittemeier Nancy Wingert James Seymour Kimberly Gracy Rick Sailors Jeff Collins Karen Ramm Dana Hawkins Pam Greene Lisa Hutchins Stephanie Mowry Alan Schwertferger Bryce Johnson Jana Fields Carolyn Teeter Kerry Ebbert Frank Gunn Steve Line State & Community Affairs Scott Long, Chair David Mueller Ed Kerley Kevin Barnes Lori Leu Medge Owen Paula Miller Student Affairs Paul Attwater, Chair Tom Lavery Wayne Maxwell Paul Lawrence Kim Hefley LuAnn Reese Greg Harms Mark Bogina PASSED 4/1/82 R-6 Mark Gunn Randall Hubert Michelle Hoferer Max Martin Mike Disberger Kathy Simpson Kipp Exline Dave Anderson Christine Hoferer Mike Beck Brain Dellett Kathy Todd RESOLUTION 82/83/6 BY: COMMENDATION TO KSU BASKETBALL COACH JACK HARTMAN Kent Barnow WHEREAS in 1982 Jack Hartman-coached basketball team, earned the distinction of being one of the best 16 teams in the nation, and WHEREAS in 1981 the Jack Hartman-coached basketball team earned the distinction of being one of the top teams in the nation, and WHEREAS Jack Hartman is considered to be one of the top coaches in the nation, and WHEREAS Jack Hartman was honored as the 1981 National Co-Coach of the Year, and WHEREAS Jack Hartman’s accolades and his continued excellence in the field of coaching focus a very favorable national spotlight on Kansas State University and WHEREAS Jack Hartman is a tremendous asset to K-State basketball as well as the entire KState community BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The students of Kansas State University recognize and commend Jack Hartman for his outstanding service to Kansas State University. PASSED 3/25/82 R-7 RESOLUTION 82/83/7 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE KSU MEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM AND COACH JACK HARTMAN Dave Anderson, Michelle Hoferer, Heather Woodson, Kent Barnow WHEREAS the Kansas State University’s men’s basketball team made an excellent showing in the NCAA basketball playoffs, and WHEREAS the K-State’s men’s basketball team placed second in the Big Eight Conference, and WHEREAS Tyrone Adams, Tim Jankovich, Ed Nealy, Randy Reed, Greg Prudhoe, and Chris Rorabaugh have finished their final outstanding season, and WHEREAS Ed Nealy became K-State’s all-time leading rebounder BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The students of Kansas State University recognize and commend the efforts 198182 K-State men’s basketball team. PASSED 3/25/82 R-8 RESOLUTION 82/83/8 BY: COMMENDATION OF THE KSU WOMEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM AND COACH LYNN HICKEY Jeff Dillon, Jeff Gates WHEREAS the Kansas State University’s women’s basketball team compiled a record of 26-6 during the 1981-82 season, and WHEREAS the women’s basketball team made an excellent national showing in the NCAA basketball playoffs, and WHEREAS the women’s basketball team represented Kansas State University on the national level BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Coach Lynn Hickey and her staff be commended for an outstanding job of coaching and sportsmanship during the 1981-82 season. SECTION 2. The five seniors on the team (Tammy Romstad, Jeanne Daniels, Jean Roise, Shelly Hughes and Dee Weinreis) be commended on a fine season and a very outstanding college basketball career at Kansas State University. PASSED 3/25/82 R-9 RESOLUTION 82/83/9 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE KSU CHEERLEADERS, WILLIE THE WILDCAT & THE PEP BAND Jeff Dillon, Jeff Gates WHEREAS the Kansas State University cheerleaders, Willie the Wildcat, and the pep band have done an outstanding job in promoting enthusiasm and spirit at KSU athletic events, and WHEREAS the cheerleaders, Willie the Wildcat and the pep band followed the basketball team to the regional and Midwest finals BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Senate commend the cheerleaders, Willie the Wildcat, and the pep band for an outstanding job of promoting KSU spirit. PASSED 3/25/82 R-10 RESOLUTION 82/83/10 BY: APPROVAL OF JUDICIAL BOARDS STUDENT MEMBERS & THE SGA ATTORNEY GENERAL Bill Rogenmoser SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as student members on the respective judicial boards: Judicial Council Nikki Lynn Hope Tribunal Michael Irvin, chancellor Donna Case Dean Rossi Steve Brown Michael Turner Student Review Board Debbie Bradford, chair Alan D. Gleue June Waltz James Johnson Jill Hummels Traffic Appeals Board Thomas J. McAndrews, chair William F. Hatchcock Kyle Tipton Diane Griffith Rita Mulford SECTION 2. Stephen P. Larkin he approved as the SGA Attorney General. PASSED 4/1/82 R-11 RESOLUTION 82/83/11 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE ALL-UNIVERSITY OPEN HOUSE COMMITTEE Jeff Dillon, Lori Price WHEREAS KSU held its annual open house on March 26 & 27, 1982, and WHEREAS over 20,000 people attended the event, and WHEREAS it is an excellent opportunity for prospective students and their parents to be introduced to KSU, and WHEREAS Pat Bosco and the All-University Open House Committee have done an excellent job in the planning, promotion and carry-out of the event BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend Pat Bosco and the All-University Open House Committee for an outstanding All-University Open House on March 26 & 27. 1982. PASSED 4/l/82 R-12 RESOLUTION 82/83/12 BY: APPROVAL OF UNION GOVERNING BOARD MEMBERS Geri Greene, Richard McKittrick WHEREAS our four (4) student seats on the Union Governing board were open due to the expiration of terms, and WHEREAS the interviewing committee held interviews for these four (4) vacancies and found the following individuals to be best qualified BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following people as voting members of the Union Governing board Walt Bradbury Jeff Ramsey James Stilwell SECTION 2. Student Senate approve Dennis Tucker as a non-voting one-year member of the Union Governing Board. PASSED 4/8/82 R-13 RESOLUTION 82/83/13 BY: COMMENDATION TO KATHY LUNGREN STUDENT’ ATTORNEY John Kohler, Lori Price, Scott Long, Michelle Hoferer WHEREAS Kathy Lungren has recently been awarded the highly respected Young Careerists Award from the Manhattan Business and Professional Women’s Club and WHEREAS the Young Career Woman Program is the organization’s way of honoring successful young women on a local, district and state level, and WHEREAS Kathy will be competing on a district level on April 15 in Emporia, Kansas BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The students of Kansas State University recognize and commend the valiant efforts of our own Students’ Attorney, Kathy Lungren. PASSED 4/8/82 R-14 RESOLUTION 82/83/14 BY: DETERMINATION OF NEED FOR MEMBERSHIP IN A NATIONAL STUDENT ORGANIZATION John Kohler, Bill Rogenmoser, David Sandritter WHEREAS important decisions are now, as well as in the months to come, being made at the national level, and WHEREAS at present Kansas State University is not a member of a national student organization, and WHEREAS in order for the A.S.K. Campus Director and the A.S.K. State Board Member to be effective spokesmen of the will of the Kansas State University student body, it is requisite that Student Senate determine the needs of Kansas State University students as they relate to this area, and WHEREAS the A.S.K. is currently taking under consideration its membership in a national student organization BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate charge the Associated Students of Kansas (A.S.K.) State board Member and Campus Director and the Legislative Affairs Director on the Student body President’s Cabinet with the task of researching national lobbying alternatives for KSU and making a report of their findings to Student Senate. PASSED 4/8/82 R-15 RESOLUTION 82/83/15 BY: APPROVAL OF FINANCE COMMITTEE AT-LARGE MEMBER Esther Hagen WHEREAS there are four (4) student at-large positions on the SGA Finance Committee, and WHEREAS Mike Irvin has resigned since becoming Chancellor of Tribunal, and WHEREAS Mark Terril was chosen to be the alternate BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Mark Terril as an at-large member of the SGA Finance Committee. PASSED 4/15/82 R-16 RESOLUTION 82/83/16 BY: APPROVAL OF A.S.K. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DELEGATES John Kohler, Bill Rogenmoser, Dave Anderson, David Sandritter WHEREAS there is an A.S.K. Legislative Assembly in Lawrence, KS on April 23 & 24, 1982, and WHEREAS Kansas State University is allotted 20 delegates, and WHEREAS there are many other activities going on this weekend which has led to numerous schedule conflicts for potential delegates, the result of which has been a less than allotted number of delegates, and WHEREAS those choosing the Assembly delegates believe those chosen to be most representative of the KSU student body as a whole, and WHEREAS each delegate has been chosen according to the procedures outlined in the A.S.K. Legislative Assembly Delegate Selection Policy, 80-81-44 BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as delegates to the 1982 A.S.K. Spring Legislative Assembly: Kipp Exline Brad Chilcoat Kathy Houts Lori Leu Charlie Knight Tony Flickenger Bill Rogenmoser Layne Wasinger Carol Gilbert Pam Greene Dana Hawkins Scott Smith PASSED 4/22/82 R-17 Lisa Grigsby Kevin Barnes Cynthia Fornelli Kevin McElgunn Jeffrey Mick RESOLUTION 82/83/17 BY: APPROVAL OF CABINET Bill Rogenmoser WHEREAS appointments for Cabinet positions must be approved by Student Senate, and WHEREAS Cabinet positions were advertised in the Collegian and interviews conducted by the student body president, and WHEREAS the student body president has selected the following persons for Cabinet positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals for the respective Cabinet positions for the 1982-83 school year: Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant & Associate Attorney General Minority Affairs Director International Affairs Director Public Relations Director Special Projects Director College Council Coordinator Legislative Affairs Director Bill Kassebaum Harry Justvig Vincent Bly Curt Musil Mark Cunningham Larry DeBarthe Dave Lile John Kohler PASSED 4/29/82 R-18 RESOLUTION 82/83/18 BY: U.L.N. ASSISTANT COORDINATOR Personnel Selection Committee WHEREAS the University Learning Network (U.L.N.) is funded by Student Senate, and WHEREAS the U.L.N. Assistant Coordinator’s position opened up, and WHEREAS interviews for the position were held BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Lori Fairburn be approved as Assistant Coordinator of the University Learning Network. PASSED 4/29/82 R-19 RESOLUTION 82/83/19 BY: ENDORSEMENT OF A.S.K. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS John Kohler WHEREAS for a resolution to be considered by a Legislative Assembly of the Associated Students of Kansas (A.S.K.), said resolution must satisfy one of the following criterion: 1) be introduced by a member of the A.S.K. Board of Directors, 2) be introduced by a member of the A.S.K. state staff, 3) be accompanied by a petition from the institution of origin bearing signatures of at least 1/10 of that institution’s student enrollment, 4) a motion allowing for consideration of said resolution must receive a 2/3 majority vote of the Legislative Assembly, or 5) it must pass the Student Senate of the institution of origin, and WHEREAS there is a Fall Legislative Assembly scheduled for September 10 and 11, 1982 BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate vote to endorse the following resolutions: A. Be it resolved that a majority vote of the Legislative Assembly that A.S.K. support increasing the state scholarship program. B. Be it resolved by a majority vote of the Legislative Assembly that A.S.K. support maintenance of the minimum wage for students. C. Be it resolved by a majority vote of the Legislative Assembly that A.S.K. evaluate the growth and propriety of special academic and other required fees. PASSED 9/2/82 R-20 RESOLUTION 82/83/20 BY: COMMENDATION TO DR. EARL NOLTING Geri Greene, Bill Rogenmoser WHEREAS the American College Personnel Association (ACPA) is a division of the American Personnel and Guidance Association (APGA), and WHEREAS APGA is the largest national organization of student affairs professionals, and WHEREAS Dr. Earl Nolting, Dean of Students, has been elected as a senator to the APGA Board of Directors BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend and congratulate Dr. Earl Nolting on his recent election as senator to the APGA. PASSED 9/2/82 R-21 RESOLUTION 82/83/21 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE K-STATE UNION AND RECREATIONAL SERVICES Geri Greene WHEREAS a 4.3% University-wide budget cut was mandated by Governor John Carlin, and WHEREAS funding for student identification cards was deleted from the University’s budget, and WHEREAS the University services, as well as students, need student identification cards for efficient operation of such services used by students, and WHEREAS the Registrar agreed to keep the identification card center open one hour per day and to pay for any new student cards not processed during summer orientation, and WHEREAS funding was needed to pay five students to validate student identification cards at registration, and WHEREAS the K-State Union volunteered to pay for four students to validate cards, and WHEREAS Recreational Services volunteered to pay for one student to validate cards BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate heartily thank the K-State Union and Recreational Services for their ongoing support of students and their constant desire to make Kansas State University a better place for all students. SECTION 2. Student Senate express their appreciation to the K-State Union and Recreational Services for their financial support which made it possible for students to have identification cards this semester. PASSED 9/2/82 R-22 RESOLUTION 82/83/22 BY: APPROVAL OF SEXUALITY EDUCATION & COUNSELING SERVICES DIRECTOR Personnel Selections Standing Committee WHEREAS the position of Sexuality Education & Counseling Services Director became vacant in the spring, and WHEREAS the Chairperson of the Personnel Selections Standing Committee and staff people from the Center for Student Development conducted interviews this past summer, and WHEREAS the individual listed below was best qualified for the position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Susan Farber be approved as the Sexuality Education & Counseling Services Director. PASSED 9/9/82 R-23 RESOLUTION 82/83/23 BY: COMMENDATION TO UNIVERSITY PERSONNEL Jerry Katlin, Geri Greene WHEREAS United State of America President Ronald Reagan accepted an invitation to address the Kansas State University community during the 53rd Landon Lecture Series in honor of Governor Alf Landon’s 95th birthday anniversary, and WHEREAS a great amount of preparation was needed to prepare the Campus for such a distinguished guest, and WHEREAS University personnel spent much time and effort to prepare for and meet governmental security regulations, and WHEREAS the Lecture ran smoothly and gained K-State national recognition BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend all University personnel involved in the 53rd Landon Lecture Series for their outstanding work before, during and after President Ronald Reagan’s visit to Kansas State University. PASSED 9/16/82 R-24 RESOLUTION 82/83/24 BY: APPROVAL OF THE BASKETBALL TICKET SALES COMMITTEE Jerry Katlin, Kurt McAfee, Kipp Exline, Greg Harms, Geri Greene WHEREAS at-large positions on the 1982-83 Basketball Ticket Sales Committee were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS extensive interviews were held BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following at-large members be approved as members of the Basketball Ticket Sales Committee: Mike Beck Michelle Hoferer Jeff Woods Linda Consigli Robin Luthi Jerry Howard, chair Phillip Daniel Lance Melber SECTION 2. The following Student Senators be approved as members of the Basketball Ticket Sales Committee: Kipp Exline Kurt McAfee PASSED 9/23/82 R-25 RESOLUTION 82/83/25 BY: APPROVAL OF UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD CHAIRPERSON Sally Routson, Bill Rogenmoser BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Jim Stilwell be approved as the 1982-83 University Activities Board (UAB) Chairperson. PASSED 9/23/82 R-26 RESOLUTION 82/83/26 BY: ACADEMIC CALENDAR Academic Affairs Standing Committee WHEREAS the students, as well as the administration, of KSU recognize the importance of the reduction of operational costs of the University, and WHEREAS energy costs are a large part of operational expenses, and WHEREAS the students oppose the placement of final examinations after Christmas, the elimination of the Monday holidays of Labor Day and Easter, the reduction of Thanksgiving and Spring Breaks, and the shortening of the Summer School term, and WHEREAS the students need at least four (4) days vacation time before Christmas Day, and WHEREAS the students feel that, given the inherent limitations in reorganizing the academic calendar, the most viable options are embodied in the following resolution BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate favors a four (4)-day school week, ending Thursday for the Summer School term. SECTION 2. Student Senate favors starting the Fall Semester as late as possible, while allowing at least four (4) days after fall finals before December 25. In the event that December 20, falls on Monday, we favor finals ending the preceding Saturday. SECTION 3. Student Senate favors the concentration of Winter and Spring Intersession classes in energy efficient buildings. SECTION 4. Student Senate favors beginning the Spring Semester, as usual, in the second full week of January. PASSED 9/23/82 R-27 RESOLUTION 82/83/27 BY: SUPPORT OF I.A.C. BANNER REGULATIONS Geri Greene WHEREAS the Intercollegiate Athletic Council (I.A.C) has requested that there be no banners in the stands of the football stadium, and WHEREAS the fighting K-State Wildcats football team is playing the University of Kansas on October 23, and WHEREAS this game is being nationally televised, and WHEREAS banners in the stands block the view of other students and football fans, and WHEREAS Student Senate has a responsibility to promote responsible student conduct BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate support I.A.C.s decision to request no banners in the football stadium stands. SECTION 2. Student Senate discourage any banners in the stands. PASSED 10/21/82 R-28 RESOLUTION 82/83/28 BY: APPROVAL OF JUDICIAL SYSTEM MEMBERS Bill Rogenmoser WHEREAS no opening exists on the Student Tribunal and Judicial Council, and WHEREAS both openings are for representatives from Jardine Terrace, and WHEREAS the judicial revisions to the KSU SGA Constitution and By-Laws were approved by the Student Senate and the College Councils, and WHEREAS these openings are now classified as at-large positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals to serve in the SGA judicial system until the next Student Body President appoints new members: Rob Beck, Judicial Council Kurt Yowell, Student Tribunal PASSED 10/28/82 R-29 RESOLUTION 82/83/29 BY: K-STATE STUDENT SENATE’S STAND ON SPECIAL FEES Student Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS a Regents’ sub-committee has been formed to study the subject of special fees, and WHEREAS the committee is charged with reviewing current and proposed student fees for consumable supplies and special services, and WHEREAS KSU submitted a substantial lab fee proposal at the June 1982 meeting of the Kansas Board of Regents, and WHEREAS this laboratory fee proposal has been a topic of concern and discussion among University administration, faculty and students, and WHEREAS the State of Kansas faces serious financial constraints, and WHEREAS KSU absorbed a 4.3% budget reduction in July of 1982, and WHEREAS this 4.3% budget reduction exacerbated the University’s problem of deficient OOE funds, and WHEREAS students at KSU are prepared for the possibility that the current laboratory fee proposal may be implemented with the stipulation that the revenue from this fee increase is targeted to improve laboratory courses and is calculated in the fee-cost ratio, and WHEREAS the Student Senate Executive Committee has thoroughly researched and debated the issue BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate opposes any fee increase for the Spring of 1983 significantly different from the current KSU laboratory fee proposal. SECTION 2. KSU’s Student Body President Bill Rogenmoser present this resolution to the Board of Regents’ Ad hoc Committee on Student Fees. PASSED 10/28/82 R-30 RESOLUTION 82/83/30 BY: APPROVAL OF 1983 SGA ELECTIONS COMMITTEE Lori Price, Jerry Katlin, Bill Rogenmoser, Geri Greene WHEREAS applications for SGA Elections Committee Chair and Elections Committee members were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS a committee composed of the Student Body President, Chairperson of Student Senate, Vice President of Student Senate and Chairperson of Senate Operations Standing Committee has screened and chosen the following persons for the positions listed -in the first WHEREAS clause, and WHEREAS the KSU SGA By-Laws to the Constitution states an Elections Committee shall consist of seven (7) members and the committee chairperson, and WHEREAS the KSU SGA By-Laws to the Constitution requires Student Senate’s approval of the Elections Committee members BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Diane Murphy be approved as the 1983 SGA Elections Committee Chairperson. SECTION 2. The following individuals be approved as the members of the 1983 SGA Elections Committee: Stacy Klotzbach Chad Messenger David Connor Bob Mross Mike Johnson Brad Hamill Jennifer McAtee PASSED 11/4/82 R-31 RESOLUTION 82/83/31 BY: APPROVAL OF 1983 COORDINATOR OF FINANCES Geri Greene, Jerry Katlin, Esther Hagen WHEREAS the position of Coordinator of Finances was sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS several qualified individuals applied, and WHEREAS the Student Senate Chairperson, Student Senate Vice Chairperson, and 1982 Coordinator of Finances interviewed all the candidates and selected the following individual BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Mark Terril be approved as the 1983 Coordinator of Finances. PASSED 11/4/82 R-32 RESOLUTION 82/83/32 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE BASKETBALL TICKET SALES COMMITTEE Geri Greene WHEREAS many problems have arisen in the past with basketball ticket sales, and WHEREAS this was the first year that the Basketball Ticket Sales Committee took charge of the basketball ticket lines, and WHEREAS the Committee was successful in running the lines in a respectable, responsible and orderly fashion BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend the 1982 Basketball Ticket Sales Committee for their fine work in organizing the lines for basketball ticket sales. PASSED 11/4/82 R-33 RESOLUTION 82/83/33 BY: BICYCLE TRAFFIC RECOMMENDATION John Kohler, Michelle Hoferer, Kurt McAfee WHEREAS many students’ principal mode of transportation is the bicycle, and WHEREAS the elimination of a southbound bicycle lane on Mid Campus Drive is a hardship to those students commuting by bicycle, and WHEREAS this University already suffers from a chronic motor vehicle parking problem, and WHEREAS disincentives for bicycle users will only serve to aggravate the current vehicle parking problem BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate inform the Traffic and Parking Council of its concern about the elimination of the southbound bicycle lane on Mid Campus Drive and urge the Council to adopt a plan which will allow both northbound and southbound bicycle traffic on Mid-Campus Drive. PASSED 11/11/82 R-34 RESOLUTION 82/83/34 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT SENATE REPRESENTATIVE TO THE A.S.K. COMMITTEE ON BUDGET AND DUES Bill Rogenmoser WHEREAS one (1) Student Senator from each of the Regents’ institutions’ student government shall be appointed to serve on the Associated Students of Kansas (ASK) Committee on Budget and Dues, and WHEREAS interested Student Senators were asked to talk to the Student Body President about serving on this committee by Tuesday, November 16, and WHEREAS the Senator listed below expressed a desire to serve in this capacity, and WHEREAS the committee’s first meeting is in Hays, Kansas, on Friday, November 19 BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Lisa Grigsby as the Student Senate representative from Kansas State University to the A.S.K. Committee on Budget and Dues. PASSED 11/18/82 R-35 RESOLUTION 82/83/35 BY: APPROVAL OF A.S.K. FALL LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DELEGATES John Kohler WHEREAS the 1982 Associated Students of Kansas’ Fall Legislative Assembly is to be held November 19 and 20, in Hays, Kansas, and WHEREAS the KSU student government is allotted a maximum of twenty (20) voting delegates to said L.A., and WHEREAS the selection process was stringent and in accordance with A.S.K. policy 84-32-6, and WHEREAS the KSU Student Senate voted to partially reimburse said delegates for expenses incurred as a result of participation in this L.A. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as A.S.K. Fall Legislative Assembly delegates: Charlie Knight Jeff Mick Lance Butler Laura Butler Scott Long Marjorie Little Steve Bellis Jill Sandritter Rick Greer Kathy Houts Kipp Exline Lisa Grigsby Lori Siemens Dana Hawkins Brad Chilcoat Tracy Turner Louis Wood Shelia Vierthaler Lori Leu Cindy Fornelli SECTION 2. Student Senate approve the following individuals as A.S.K. Fall Legislative Assembly alternate delegates: Jed Barnes Ed Kerley Esther Hagen Kurt McAfee PASSED 11/18/82 R-36 RESOLUTION 82/83/36 BY: APPROVAL OF SOCIAL SERVICES DIRECTOR Jeff Dillon WHEREAS the position of Social Services Director has been an important established position for many years and a part of the Executive Cabinet, and WHEREAS the Student Senate has concurred in placing special emphasis on this position by allocating funds for a salaried director, and WHEREAS the position was advertised, interviews were held, and the selection was made of a highly qualified and experienced applicant BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. David Verschelden be approved as the Director of Social Services for the Executive Cabinet. PASSED 11/18/82 R-37 RESOLUTION 82/83/37 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE K-STATE UNION AND RECREATIONAL SERVICES Geri Greene WHEREAS funding for validation of student identification cards was deleted from the Registrar’s 1982-83 budget because of the University-Wide 4.3% budget reduction, and WHEREAS the K-State Union and Recreational Services paid for students to validate identification cards during fall and spring registration, and WHEREAS both the K-State Union and Recreational Services provided valuable input on the I.D. Review Committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate sincerely thank the K-State Union and Recreational Services for providing validation of student identification cards and for their continued support of K-State students. PASSED 1/20/83 R-38 RESOLUTION 82/83/38 BY: SUMMER SCHOOL ALLOCATIONS BOARD MEMBERS APPROVAL Bill Rogenmoser, Mark Terril WHEREAS the five (5) positions on the Summer School Allocations Board were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS it is necessary for the Student Senate to approve the Board members, and WHEREAS the following people were the most highly qualified of those that applied BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as members of the Summer School Allocations Board: Mary Lynn Manning, chair Michael Splichal Daniel Johnson Brian Hawdke Kathleen Dudney PASSED 1/27/83 R-39 RESOLUTION 82/83/39 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE KSU CHEERLEADERS, YELL LEADERS AND COACH Denise Manke, Lori Leu, Kent Barnow WHEREAS the KSU cheerleaders and yell leaders submitted a tape and were selected from our region to compete in the national cheerleading championships in Hawaii and WHEREAS the squad was selected to perform in the final competition during the halftime activities of the Hula Bowl, and WHEREAS their fine performance and second place finish focused the national spotlight on Kansas State University BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The student body of Kansas State University extend congratulations to the cheerleaders, yell leaders and their coach for an outstanding performance and their dedication to Kansas State University. PASSED 1/27/83 R-40 RESOLUTION 82/83/40 BY: STUDENT SENATE’S STAND ON THE LEGAL AGE FOR POSSESSION AND CONSUMPTION OF CEREAL MALT BEVERAGES Jeff Dillon, Phil Grosdidier, etc. (a copy of this resolution is available in 1982-83 minutes notebook) NOT INTRODUCED R-41 RESOLUTION 82/83/41 BY: SUPPORT OF CONCEPTS OF P.E. AS A COMMON DEGREE REQUIREMENT Jo Sheets, Mark Terril, Paul Attwater, Lori Price, Geri Greene WHEREAS the objective of the educational program at KSU is to develop individuals capable of applying enlightened judgment in their professional, personal and social lives, and WHEREAS in a random survey taken in the Fall of 1982 of approximately 1,500 students, Concepts of P.E. was rated on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high) and received a score of 3.9, and WHEREAS Concepts of P.E. is only ½ semester long, yet it leaves a beneficial impact on the students, both intellectually and behaviorally, and WHEREAS a person who enjoys both mental and physical health can more readily experience life to its fullest BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate affirm their support for the continuation of Concepts of Physical Education toward the common degree requirements at Kansas State University. PASSED 2/3/83 R-42 RESOLUTION 82/83/42 BY: COMMENDATION TO HOME ECONOMICS “DESIGNING FUTURE STRATEGIES” COMMITTEE Kim Hefley, Tammy Edwards WHEREAS the “Designing Future Strategies” Committee was formed in January 1982 to evaluate areas for improvement in the College of Home Economics, and WHEREAS they sought input from students, faculty and alumni on concerns such as professional image, curriculum and research methods, and WHEREAS the “Designing Future Strategies” Committee has compiled a list of objectives from the recommendations they received and will use them as a foundation for continued progress in the college BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate recognize the “Designing Future Strategies” Committee for their unique and highly commendable effort to promote high standards in the College of Home Economics. PASSED 2/3/83 R-43 RESOLUTION 82/83/43 BY: APPROVAL OF 1983-84 STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT, BOARD OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, AND STUDENT SENATE, EXCLUDING EDUCATION STUDENT SENATORS AND 5 GRADUATE STUDENT SENATORS Elections Committee WHEREAS the General Election and Run-Off Election were run in a fair and equitable manner by the rules set out in the SGA Constitution BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate accept and approve the results of the 1983-84 SGA Elections as shown below: Student Body President Jerry Katlin Board of Student Publications Tracy Allen Larry Boyd John Kohler Jean Nicholson Agriculture Student Senators Bryan “Buff” Bauer Fred Heersche Kent “Jake” Jaecke Tim Ohlde Chuck Voelker Ron Wineinger Kirk Zoellner Architecture & Design Student Senators Mark Jones Doug Mann Keith Mehner Arts & Sciences Student Senators Bob Becker Larry Boyd Cathy Carlson Shawn Devlin Jim Divine Ken Heinz Randall Hildebrand John Kohler Lori Leu Mary Lynn Manning Kendra Ponte Kirk Porteous Tina Rather Lawrence Tsen Tracy Turner R-44 Heather Woodson Business Admin. Student Senators Stephanie Dunshee Bryan Frey Jeff Gates Frank Gunn Mark Gunn Sue Humphrey Steve Line Stephanie Stanberry Engineering Student Senators Chris Athanasious Joe Cahill Paul Cater Chris Haffner Eric Hummell Diane Johnson Teri Lukens Scott Sage Lori Wetz Jim Wolf Home Economics Student Senators Lynn Grunwald Reem Mutwalli Corrine Nelson Veterinary Medicine Student Senators Catherine Sayler Graduate Student Senators Ken Langlieb Robert G. Ohmes William Sullivan SECTION 2. A total of 3,541 votes were cast in the general election on February 9, 1983 and 2,316 votes were cast in the run-off for student body president held February 16, 1983 between Jerry Katlin and Mike Gibson. PASSED 2/17/83 R-45