1983-1984 BILLS TABLE OF CONTENTS Bill Number and Title Page Bill 83/84/1 Establishment of a Student Senate Position of the International Coordinating Council ............................................................................................1 Bill 83/84/2 Approval of 1983 Summer School Allocations.....................................................2 Bill 83/84/3 Nichols Gym Fund ................................................................................................3 Bill 83/84/4 Senator Identification Buttons ...............................................................................4 Bill 83/84/5 Funding of Portable Choral Risers ........................................................................5 Bill 83/84/6 Funding of National Agri-Marketing Association to National Competition and Convention ................................................................................6 Bill 83/84/7 Constitutional Revision: Student Body President’s Cabinet .................................7 Bill 83/84/8 Funding of the National Society of Architectural Engineers National Conference ............................................................................................................8 Bill 83/84/9 1983-84 Tentative Allocations ..............................................................................9 Bill 83/84/10 Allocation to Folklife Festival .............................................................................11 Bill 83/84/11 1983-84 Student Health Insurance Plan ..............................................................12 Bill 83/84/12 University Activities Board Constitution and By-Laws Revisions .....................13 Bill 83/84/13 Revisions to KSU Literature & Notice Regulations............................................14 Bill 83/84/14 Closing of 1982-83 Accounts ..............................................................................15 Bill 83/84/15 Supplementary Allocation to Fine Arts Council .................................................16 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas ................................17 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU ..................17 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Black Student Union ...............................................17 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: College Councils .....................................................17 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Consumer Relations Board ......................................17 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Debate ......................................................................17 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Early Childhood Laboratory ....................................17 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Fine Arts Council ....................................................17 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Honorariums ............................................................17 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: International Coordinating Council .........................17 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: K-State Union ..........................................................17 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: KSDB-FM Radio .....................................................17 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Legal Services .........................................................18 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay ................18 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: MEChA ...................................................................18 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Off-Campus Student Association ............................18 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Puerto Rican Student Organization .........................18 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Recreational Services ..............................................18 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs .............................................................................................................18 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Sports Club Council ................................................18 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Student Governing Association ...............................18 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Student Publications ................................................18 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Students for Handicapped Concerns .......................18 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: University for Man ..................................................18 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: University Student Resource Center .......................18 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Withholding .............................................................18 Bill 83/84/16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Women’s Resource Center ......................................18 Bill 83/84/17 Funding to 14th Annual Leadership Conference ..................................................19 Bill 83/84/18 Funding of Agricultural Judging Teams ..............................................................20 Bill 83/84/19 Funding on Touchstone Magazine ......................................................................21 Bill 83/84/20 Senate Aide Program ...........................................................................................22 Bill 83/84/21 Bill 83/84/22 Bill 83/84/23 Bill 83/84/24 Bill 83/84/25 Bill 83/84/26 Bill 83/84/27 Bill 83/84/28 Bill 83/84/29 Bill 83/84/30 Bill 83/84/31 Student Senators’ Communication Responsibility ..............................................23 Funding of American institute of Architects to National Student Convention ..........................................................................................................24 Establishment of Nichols Hall Art Committee ....................................................25 SGA Spending Regulations .................................................................................26 1984-85 Spending Policy for Councils................................................................29 Council Funding Policy .......................................................................................31 Repeal of Senate Bill 83/84/4, Senator Identification Buttons............................33 Arts & Sciences Constitutional Revisions ...........................................................34 SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions .........................................................35 SGA Special Allocation for Scholarship Recipient Letters ................................38 Five Year Review for Major Line Items .............................................................39 1983-1984 BILLS INDEX Constitutional Amendments page Bill 83/84/7 Constitutional Revision: Student Body President’s Cabinet .................................7 Bill 83/84/12 University Activities Board Constitution and By-Laws Revisions .....................13 Bill 83/84/28 Arts & Sciences Constitutional Revisions ...........................................................34 Bill 83/84/29 SGA Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions .........................................................35 By-Laws Amendments Elections Statutes Amendments Allocations Bill 83/84/2 Bill 83/84/5 Bill 83/84/6 Bill 83/84/8 Bill 83/84/9 Bill 83/84/10 Bill 83/84/14 Bill 83/84/15 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Approval of 1983 Summer School Allocations.....................................................2 Funding of Portable Choral Risers ........................................................................5 Funding of National Agri-Marketing Association to National Competition and Convention ................................................................................6 Funding of the National Society of Architectural Engineers National Conference ............................................................................................................8 1983-84 Tentative Allocations ..............................................................................9 Allocation to Folklife Festival .............................................................................11 Closing of 1982-83 Accounts ..............................................................................15 Supplementary Allocation to Fine Arts Council .................................................16 1983-84 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas ................................17 1983-84 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU ..................17 1983-84 Final Allocations: Black Student Union ...............................................17 1983-84 Final Allocations: College Councils .....................................................17 1983-84 Final Allocations: Consumer Relations Board ......................................17 1983-84 Final Allocations: Debate ......................................................................17 1983-84 Final Allocations: Early Childhood Laboratory ....................................17 1983-84 Final Allocations: Fine Arts Council ....................................................17 1983-84 Final Allocations: Honorariums ............................................................17 1983-84 Final Allocations: International Coordinating Council .........................17 1983-84 Final Allocations: K-State Union ..........................................................17 1983-84 Final Allocations: KSDB-FM Radio .....................................................17 1983-84 Final Allocations: Legal Services .........................................................18 1983-84 Final Allocations: Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay ................18 1983-84 Final Allocations: MEChA ...................................................................18 1983-84 Final Allocations: Off-Campus Student Association ............................18 1983-84 Final Allocations: Puerto Rican Student Organization .........................18 1983-84 Final Allocations: Recreational Services ..............................................18 1983-84 Final Allocations: Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs .............................................................................................................18 1983-84 Final Allocations: Sports Club Council ................................................18 1983-84 Final Allocations: Student Governing Association ...............................18 1983-84 Final Allocations: Student Publications ................................................18 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/16 Bill 83/84/17 Bill 83/84/18 Bill 83/84/19 Bill 83/84/22 1983-84 Final Allocations: Students for Handicapped Concerns .......................18 1983-84 Final Allocations: University for Man ..................................................18 1983-84 Final Allocations: University Student Resource Center .......................18 1983-84 Final Allocations: Withholding .............................................................18 1983-84 Final Allocations: Women’s Resource Center ......................................18 Funding to 14th Annual Leadership Conference ..................................................19 Funding of Agricultural Judging Teams ..............................................................20 Funding on Touchstone Magazine ......................................................................21 Funding of American institute of Architects to National Student Convention ..........................................................................................................24 Special Allocations Bill 83/84/30 SGA Special Allocation for Scholarship Recipient Letters ................................38 Privilege Fees Bill 83/84/3 Nichols Gym Fund ................................................................................................3 Bill 83/84/31 Five Year Review for Major Line Items .............................................................39 Funding Regulations and Guidelines Bill 83/84/13 Revisions to KSU Literature & Notice Regulations............................................14 Bill 83/84/24 SGA Spending Regulations .................................................................................26 Bill 83/84/25 1984-85 Spending Policy for Councils................................................................29 Bill 83/84/26 Council Funding Policy .......................................................................................31 Miscellaneous Bill 83/84/1 Establishment of a Student Senate Position of the International Coordinating Council ............................................................................................1 Bill 83/84/4 Senator Identification Buttons ...............................................................................4 Bill 83/84/11 1983-84 Student Health Insurance Plan ..............................................................12 Bill 83/84/20 Senate Aide Program ...........................................................................................22 Bill 83/84/21 Student Senators’ Communication Responsibility ..............................................23 Bill 83/84/23 Establishment of Nichols Hall Art Committee ....................................................25 Bill 83/84/27 Repeal of Senate Bill 83/84/4, Senator Identification Buttons............................33 BILL 83/84/1 ESTABLISHMENT OF A STUDENT SENATE POSITION ON THE INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL SPONSOR: Jerry Katlin WHEREAS the International Coordinating Council is a viable organization at Kansas State University, and WHEREAS the I.C.C. represents over 800 international students from approximately 70 countries, and WHEREAS the I.C.C. is set up similar to college and school councils and requests funds from the student activity fee, and WHEREAS the majority of college and school councils have Student Senate representation, and I.C.C. presently has no Student Senate representation, and WHEREAS the I.C.C. has requested Student Senate representation, and WHEREAS both Student Senate and the I.C.C. would benefit from the relationship BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Senate Chairperson, in conjunction with the I.C.C., appoint one Student Senator to serve as a member of the International Coordinating Council. SECTION 2. This Student Senator shall also serve as liaison to I.C.C. SECTION 3. The position be held for one year, coinciding with the term of Student Senate. PASSED 3/3/83 B-1 BILL 83/84/2 APPROVAL OF 1983 SUMMER SCHOOL ALLOCATIONS SPONSOR: Mary Lynn Manning WHEREAS the Summer School Allocations Board has reviewed the budgets of all groups requesting summer allocations BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following allocations be approved as final allocations for the 1983 Summer School Session: ALLOCATED 1982 K-State Union $23,335 Student Publications 5,000 Rec Services 4,700 University for Man 2,470 Summer Artist Series 3,875 K-State Players 2,620 KSDB-FM Radio 0.00 $42,000 REQUESTED 1983 $25,000 6,500 4,700 2,470 4,250 5,230 1,477.24 $49,627.24 PASSED 3/10/83 B-2 ALLOCATED 1983 $22,982 5,500 4,700 2,470 4,175 4,620 1,093 $45,540 BILL 83/84/3 NICHOLS GYM FUND SPONSORS: William Sullivan, Catherine Sayler, Eric Hummell, Nark Terril WHEREAS Nichols Gymnasium, built in 1911, is both an historically and artistically significant building on our campus, and WHEREAS Student Senate Bill 75/76/28 allocated a total of $10,000 toward the Nichols Gymnasium renovation, and WHEREAS Student Senate Bill 78/79/7, which extended Bill 75/76/28, expires during this fiscal year, and WHEREAS Student Senate passage of this bill will show continued student support for the Nichols Gymnasium renovation BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate extend the original bill 75/76/28 to the beginning of the 1984-25 Fiscal Year. PASSED 3/10/83 B-3 BILL 83/84/4 SENATOR IDENTIFICATION BUTTONS SPONSOR: John Kohler WHEREAS Student Senators are elected to represent the popular will of their constituents, and WHEREAS for the popular will of the student body to be represented; interaction between Student Senate and student constituents is requisite, and WHEREAS common knowledge hold that most students are not familiar with the identity of their elected representatives, and WHEREAS to break the legacy of virtual anonymity of Student Senators, steps must be taken to make Student Senators more visible BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senators shall be required to wear, in a visible place on their persons, a button searing the word “Senator” while on campus on days of Student Senate meetings. SECTION 2. Student Senate’s Communication Standing Committee shall be directed to design a button suitable for such above delineated purpose, with the approval of the Student Senate Executive Committee. SECTION 3. Each Student Senator shall be required to contribute an amount equal to the cost of producing said button. SECTION 4. The chairperson of the Communications Standing Committee shall collect contributions specified in Section 3, and shall be responsible for the procurement and distribution of “Senator” buttons. SECTION 5. Failure on the part of a Student Senator to wear his button in appropriate fashion shall be deemed non-feasance and shall be counted as an unexcused late on the Senator’s attendance record. SECTION 3. It shall be the responsibility of the Student Senate Executive Committee to enforce this act and report violations of its provisions to the Student Senate Chairperson. PASSED 49/9/1/1 ON 3/24/83 B-4 BILL 83/84/5 FUNDING OF PORTABLE CHORAL RISERS SPONSORS: Gary Wesche, Ken Heinz WHEREAS the choral risers in McCain Auditorium are 15 years old and are getting beyond the point of repair, and WHEREAS groups including United Black Voices, Union Program Council, Mortar Board Honorary, participants in University Sing, and McCain Auditorium, as well as the choral groups on campus use the risers, and WHEREAS the risers presented used were purchased from insurance money generated from the Nichol Gymnasium fire BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate one-half of the cost of portable risers, not to exceed $1,658. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Capital Outlay account. PASSED 3/24/83 B-5 BILL 83/84/6 FUNDING OF NATIONAL AGRI-MARKETING ASSOCIATION TO NATIONAL COMPETITION AND CONVENTION SPONSOR: Tim Ohlde WHEREAS the National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) is open to all K-State students and currently has members from colleges other than Agriculture, and WHEREAS KSU NAMA is a service organization providing both practical and educational experiences to K-State students and great publicity for the university as a whole, and WHEREAS KSU NAMA is a co-sponsor of the Ag Careers Fair which attracts more than 1,500 students each year from all colleges on campus and therefore benefits the entire university community, and WHEREAS KSU NAMA has attended National NAMA conventions for three years and is involved in the national student marketing competition for the first year, and WHEREAS the nine students who have developed the marketing project have devoted 2,000 hours of their time and have sought advice from university personnel and nonuniversity professionals, and WHEREAS KSU NAMA will compete with 19 other colleges and universities from all over the United States at the national contest, and WHEREAS the nine marketing project students have gained a theoretical and practical knowledge of product development, market analysis, advertising, marketing development, and evaluation, and WHEREAS the national competition allows for the only real completion of this project, and WHEREAS the national student marketing competition is a learning experience which is otherwise offered only in the agri-marketing industry, and WHEREAS the members must cover $2,998.25 in cost with their own money, after raising approximately $1,040.00 through their efforts, and WHEREAS similar KSU groups in national competition have been funded directly through SGA BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $518.70 to cover the cost of participation in the National Agri-Marketing Competition in Washington, D.C. on April 4-7, 1983, at the level of SGA subsistence rates for lodging, food and transportation. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account, PASSED 3/31/83 B-6 BILL 83/84/7 CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION: STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT’S CABINET SPONSORS: Jerry Katlin, John Kohler WHEREAS currently the Associated Students of Kansas Campus Director is considered a member of the Student Body President’s Cabinet, and WHEREAS the Campus Director is an employee of ASK, and WHEREAS the Campus Director is hired by the Executive Director of ASK in consultation with the Student Body President, and WHEREAS the Campus Director is responsible to the Executive Director of ASK and can be dismissed from office only by action of the Executive Director or the ASK Board of Directors, and WHEREAS the term of the Campus Director is not concurrent with the term of the Student Body President, and WHEREAS the role of the Campus Director is primarily to carry out directives of ASK and to provide information about ASK and legislative issues, and WHEREAS the ASK State Board of Directors’ members serve at the will and pleasure of the Student Body President, and WHEREAS the role of the State Board Member is to serve as an extension of the Student Body President in formulating the ASK policies, producing the ASK budget, and overseeing activities of the ASK state staff as well as the hiring and dismissing of staff members, and WHEREAS Article IV, Section 407, subsection H of the KSU SGA Constitution specifies that Cabinet members shall be appointed by the Student Body President, responsible to him/her for execution of their duties, and subject to removal from office by him/her, and WHEREAS the above provisions are not consistent with the position of ASK Campus Director but are in complete agreement with the position of the ASK State Board Member, and WHEREAS all KSU SGA Constitutional revisions must be ratified by six of the nine College Councils BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate amend Article IV, Section 408, subsection E of the KSU SGA Constitution to read: Associated Students of Kansas State Board of Directors member. PASSED 4/7/83 B-7 BILL 83/84/8 FUNDING OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERS NATIONAL CONFERENCE SPONSORS: Chris Haffner, Wayne Maxwell WHEREAS the KSU Chapter of the National Society of Architectural Engineers is hosting this year’s national conference on August 12-14, 1983, and WHEREAS NSAE is a young organization which is trying to establish an identity among student engineering societies, while developing further into a professional society that will provide a forum for idea exchange, new developments, and student assistance programs for architectural engineers nationwide, and WHEREAS Engineering Council has tight budget constraints and has never in the past been able to fund any conferences or departmental societies, and WHEREAS each university attending is paying a $25 registration fee in addition to transportation costs, and KSU students are opening their doors to lodge conference delegates at their own expense, and WHEREAS this conference rotates between member colleges, thereby making this funding a one-time request, and WHEREAS the University of Kansas did a fine job in hosting the first national conference last year, and NSAE members here at KSU want to do likewise BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $152.45 to Engineering College Council for the National Society of Architectural Engineers to partially cover the cost of their national conference to be held at Kansas State University on August 12-14, 1983. SECTION 2. The money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. FAILED 4/14/83 B-8 BILL 83/84/9 1983-84 TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS SPONSOR: Finance Committee ALLOCATED 1982-83 Associated Students of Kansas $13,951.70 ($.40 FTE) Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU Black Student Union (BSU) College Councils REQUESTED 1983-84 TENTATIVE ALLOCATION 1983-84 $.40 FTE $.40 FTE ($13,500, est.) 350.00 450.00 431.00* 1,345.09 2,039.88 1,033.24 46,502.88 44,406.60 44,406.60 ($1.50 LI/full-time student & $.42 LI/part-time student) Consumer Relations Board (CRB) 3,815.76 3,978.18 3,641.92 Debate 7,260.00 6,800.00 6,599.70 Early Childhood Laboratory 4,175.00 4,175.00 0.00 Fine Arts Council 61,878.00 2.00 LI ($2.00 LI) FONE Crisis Center $2.00 LI ($59,000, est.) 10,555.16 11,377.91 9,531.35 Honorariums 4,900.00 6,100.00 4,300.00 International Coordinating Council (ICC) 3,235.49 5,988.37 3,283.73 K-State Union 391,650.00 ($12 & $6 LI) $12 LI/full-time & $6 LI/part-time ($370,848, est.) KSDB-FM Radio 11,323.83 14,974.19 12,663.35 Legal Services 19,025.00 20,735.00 18,880.00** 0.00 ------------ 789.29 MEChA 491.00 1,011.90 648.50 Off-Campus Student Association 616.00 927.00 557.50 Puerto Rican Student Organization 594.00 831.00 306.22 Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay Recreational Services 79,895.25 $2.50 LI/full-time & $.75 LI/part-time ($2.50 LI & $.75 LI) ($77,260, est.) Reserves for Contingencies Sports Club Council Student Governing Association (SGA) 716.62 ------------ 811.29 0.00 3,000.00 2,707.50 33,291.88 30,456.00 ALLOCATED 1982-83 B-9 REQUESTED 1983-84 30,161.60 TENTATIVE ALLOCATION 1983-84 Student Publications 96,215.00 ($3 & $1 LI) Students for Handicapped Concerns (SHC) 1,822.00 2,075.20 1,090.53*** 14,270.00 12,770.00 12,770.00**** 10,360.53# 10,728.65 9,548.48 6,362.66 6,500.00 6,500.00 100.00 475.20 475.20 $829,271.35 810,183.86 780,338.00 University for Man (UFM) University Student Resource Center Withholding Women’s Resource Center (WRC) TOTALS * ** *** **** # $3 LI/full-time & $1 LI/part-time ($92,712, est.) Plus ½ registration fee for Legislative Professional Services - The amount will be taken from Reserves for Contingencies if the need arises A task force shall be established by the Student Senate Chair to research possible funding alternatives for the service for temporarily handicapped students, and a report shall be made to Student Senate before the 1984-85 tentative allocations. Represents a 10% cut back of the 1982-83 budget. This 10% is figured from the 1980-81 base year of $15,034.00 Sexuality Education & Counseling Services = $3,753.08 University Learning Network =$6,607.45 PASSED 4/28/83 B-10 BILL 83/84/10 ALLOCATION TO FOLKLIFE FESTIVAL SPONSOR: Mark Terril WHEREAS the Folklife Festival is an educational event sponsored by KSU, and WHEREAS the Folklife Festival is a statewide forum for recognition of the state’s ethnic and cultural diversity, and WHEREAS the goals of the Festival are to recognize and honor the tradition-bearers in Kansas, document their skills, and educate and entertain Festival goers, and WHEREAS students at KSU should be aware of and understand the heritage and traditions of Kansas, and WHEREAS students at KSU should preserve and encourage traditions in their own lives and communities, and WHEREAS the Folklife Festival provides an opportunity for students to learn about and become excited about the traditions and heritage of Kansas BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $1,230 to the Division of Continuing Education at KSU for the Folklife Festival. SECTION 2. In exchange for partial funding from the student activity fee, KSU students will be admitted to the Folklife Festival at half- price. FAILED 4/21/83 B-11 BILL 83/84/11 1983-84 STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN SPONSOR: Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee WHEREAS the current student health insurance policy underwritten by Transamerica Occidental Life expires August 23, 1983, and WHEREAS the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee submitted specifications for bid, and WHEREAS the Advisory Committee has evaluated and investigated the bids submitted, and WHEREAS the Advisory Committee has, by consensus, determined the proposal submitted by Transamerica Occidental Life best fits the needs of the entire student body BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate adopt the Transamerica Occidental Life policy for the 1983-84 academic year. SECTION 2. The annual rates will be as follows: student only student/spouse student/spouse/children student/children $ 337.00 660.00 1,046.00 714.00 PASSED 4/21/83 B-12 BILL 83/84/12 UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS REVISIONS SPONSOR: University Activities Board WHEREAS considerable research has been completed in revising the University Activities Board Constitution and By-Laws, and WHEREAS Student Senate’s approval is needed for such revisions BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following revisions to the University Activities Board Constitution and ByLaws be ratified. (these revisions are available in the book of minutes) PASSED 5/3/83 B-13 BILL 83/84/13 REVISIONS TO KSU LITERATURE & NOTICE REGULATIONS SPONSOR: Sally Routson BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following revisions to the KSU Literature and Notice Regulations: General Campus Regulations - Eligibility, I-B, be revised to read: Registered campus organizations may distribute literature on campus or in any campus building (with the approval of the authority of that building). General Campus Regulations - Eligibility, I-C, be revised to read: A non-registered group or individual may distribute literature only on the island between Seaton Hall and the K-State Union, in the quadrangle north of Farrell Library, or in the quadrangle east of Calvin Hall. General Campus Regulations - Standards, II-8: Present Section B. be deleted (These notices must not contain obscene materials.) and the following section inserted: B Posted notices and literature distributed must conform to the following: 1. Advertising shall tell the truth and shall reveal significant facts, the concealment of which would mislead the public. 2. Advertising shall avoid the use of exaggerated or un-provable claims. It is the responsibility of the advertisers to provide proof of claims made upon request. 3. Advertising shall be free of statements, illustrations or implications which are libelous or obscene. 4. Advertising shall offer only merchandise or services which are available for purchase at the advertised price. 5. Advertising of guarantees and warranties shall be explicit, including the nature and extent of the guarantee or warranty and the identity and responsibilities of the guarantor or warrantor. 6. Advertising containing testimonials shall be limited to those of competent witnesses who are reflecting a real and honest choice. PASSED 9/1/83 B-14 BILL 83/84/14 CLOSING OF 1982-83 ACCOUNTS SPONSOR: Finance Committee WHEREAS the allocation of the student activity fee is for a period of one fiscal year, and WHEREAS the 1982-83 Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1983, and WHEREAS the groups listed in this bill had monies left in their accounts at the end of the fiscal year, and WHEREAS each group was notified, appeals were accepted and hearings held BE IT ENACTED THAT SECTION 1. Student Senate instruct the Comptroller’s Office to shift the following accounts’ balances from their respective accounts to the SGA Unallotted Account: Association of Adults Returning to School Agriculture College Council Architecture & Design College Council Black Student Union Consumer Relations Board Debate & Oratory Education College Council Flower Judging FONE Graduate Student Association Honorariums Home Economics College Council International Coordinating Council KSDB-FM Radio Legal Services MEChA Minority Cultural Programs Minority Resource Center Poultry Judging Team Puerto Rican Student Organization Student Governing Association Veterinary Medicine College Council Women’s Resource Center $.02 .46 11.48 163.03 235.94 219.30 439.25 .48 955.82 866.86 1,632.50 3.01 106.44 1,192.30 400.23 7.79 1.86 175.10 .01 58.13 357.73 16.91 9.87 SECTION 2. The following groups be allowed to retain the amount listed below for the remainder of the 1983-84 Fiscal Year: Arts & Sciences College Council Coalition for Human Rights Choral -Opera Early Childhood Laboratory Honorariums - Coalition for Human Rights KSDB-FM Radio Legal Services Students for Handicapped Concerns Veterinary Medicine College Council PASSED 9/22/83 B-15 $1,646.93 132.99 267.11 839.35 300.00 1,235.00 348.65 872.88 50.14 BILL 83/84/15 SUPPLEMENTARY ALLOCATION TO FINE ARTS COUNCIL SPONSOR: Finance Committee WHEREAS the Art Department is a member of the Fine Arts Council, and WHEREAS the Fine Arts Council has allocated all its monies and keeps on contingency account, and WHEREAS the Art Department is bringing in a Czechoslovakian prints exhibit from the Smithsonian Institute, and WHEREAS this exhibit has an estimated value of $250,000, and WHEREAS it is necessary to have a person for security purposes at the exhibit during the hours the gallery is open, and WHEREAS the exhibit will be open for 170 hours, and WHEREAS Arnold Air Society and Angel Flight have volunteers to donate 17 hours BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $179.39 to the Fine Arts Council for the purpose of hiring a work-study student to serve as a security person during the Smithsonian Institute Czechoslovakian exhibit. $102.51 work-study salary 7,688.00 CWSP administrative expenses SECTION 2. This money shall he taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 9/29/83 B-16 BILL 83/84/16 1983-84 FINAL ALLOCATIONS SPONSOR: Finance Committee REQUESTED Associated Students of Kansas $.40 FTE Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU Black Student Union (BSU) College Councils Agriculture Architecture & Design Arts & Sciences Business Administration Education Engineering Graduate School Home Economics Veterinary Medicine TENTATIVE ALLOCATION 1983-84 $.40 FTE ($13,500, est.) FINAL ALLOCATION 1983-84 $13,220.00 ($.40 FTE) 450.00 431.00 431.00 2,039.88 1,033.24 1,033.24 44,406.60 44,406.60 44,406.60 ($1.50 LI/full-time student & $.42 LI/part-time student) 5,209.20 2,523.96 11,728.68 6,704.88 2,581.92 7,574.16 4,175.88 2,679.36 1,228.56 Consumer Relations Board (CRB) 3,978.18 3,641.92 3,641.92 Debate 6,800.00 6,599.70 6,599.70 Early Childhood Laboratory 4,175.00 0.00 888.00 Fine Arts Council $2.00 LI $2.00 LI 59,648.00 ($59,000, est.) ($2.00 LI) 11,377.91 9,531.35 9,531.35 Honorariums Black Student Union 1,000.00 International Coordinating Council 1,800.00 MEChA 1,000.00 Puerto Rican Student Organization 500.00 6,100.00 4,300.00 4,300.00 International Coordinating Council (ICC) 5,988.37 3,283.73 3,653.23 FONE Crisis Center K-State Union $12 LI & $6 LI KSDB-FM Radio 14,974.19 B-17 $12 LI & $6 LI ($370,548, est) 379,266.00 ($12 LI/fulltime & $6 LI/ part-time student) 12,663.35 12,663.35 (with $2,416 coming from Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay) TENTATIVE ALLOCATION 1983-84 FINAL ALLOCATION 1983-84 18,880.00 (with $2,000 coming from Reserves for Maintenance of Standing Programs) 18,400.00 (with $1,520 coming from Reserves for Maintenance of Standing Programs) REQUESTED Legal Services 20,735.00 Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay ---------- 789.29 5,869.69 MEChA 1,011.90 648.50 648.50 Off-Campus Student Association 927.00 557.50 640.00 Puerto Rican Student Organization 831.00 306.22 306.22 Recreational Services $2.50 & $.75 LI $2.50 & $.75 LI ($77,260, est.) Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs ---------- Sports Club Council 3,000.00 2,707.50 2,707.50 30,456.00 30,161.60 30,241.00 Student Governing Association (SGA) Student Publications $3 LI & $1 LI 811.29 77,232.25 ($2.50 LI/ full-time & $.75 LI/ part-time student) $3 LI & $1 LI ($92,712, est.) Students for Handicapped Concerns (SHC) 2,504.76 93,035.00 $3 LI/full-time & $1 LI/part-time student) 2,075.20 1,090.53 1,090.53 University for Man (UFM) 12,770.00 *represents a 10% cutback of the 1982-83 budget. This 10% is figured from the 1980-81 base year of $15,034.00 12,770.00* 12,770.00* 10,728.65 9,845.48 9,845.48 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 475.20 475.20 475.20 $810,183.86 780,338.00 797,612.52 University Student Resource Center Withholding (estimated) Women’s Resource Center (WRC) TOTALS PASSED 10/13/83 B-18 BILL 83/84/17 FUNDING TO 14th ANNUAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE SPONSOR: Jerry Katlin WHEREAS the Center for the Study of the Presidency is sponsoring the 14th Annual Leadership Conference, and WHEREAS in the past the conference has been held in Washington, D.C., inhibiting travel, and WHEREAS the conference is being held in Denver, Colorado, which is a reasonable traveling distance from Manhattan, and WHEREAS this year’s topic is “Congress and the Presidency: Considerations on Separation of Powers’, and the conference will host 600 delegates from across the country to exchange ideas on student government, and WHEREAS past student body presidents have attended the conference and funding has been from SGA. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $248 to the Student Governing Association in order that Jerry T. Katlin, 1983-84 Student Body President at Kansas State University, may attend the 14th Annual Leadership Conference in Denver, Colorado, October 2330, 1983, as K-State’s delegate. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies Account, and a report shall be given to Student Senate by Mr. Katlin upon his return from the conference. PASSED 10/20/83 B-19 BILL 83/84/18 FUNDING OF AGRICULTURAL JUDGING TEAMS SPONSORS: Fred Heersche, Kent Jaecke, Tim Ohlde, Chuck Voelker, Keith Westervelt, Ron Wineinger, Kirk Zoellner WHEREAS judging teams (crops, dairy cattle, dairy products, horse, meats, livestock, poultry, soils, wool and flower) are open to all students at K-State, and WHEREAS KSU judging teams consistently place well in regional and national competition, and WHEREAS funds have been and are currently being requested and received from departmental budgets, outside sources and certain industries for transportation and coaching expenses, and WHEREAS the Agriculture College Council Finance Committee received requests of $7,948 to cover food and lodging expenses of agricultural judging teams, and WHEREAS Agriculture College Council Finance Committee allotted $3,899.20 of SGA funds to judging teams, approximately 49% of the total requests, and WHEREAS Agriculture College Council funds no money for any college clubs and only limited funding for council activities, including Open House and Ag. Awards Assembly, as a result of the 49% funding of agricultural judging teams, and WHEREAS even though college councils are not responsible for funding competitive activities that are open to all K-State students, Agriculture College Council feels obligated to provide as much funding for judging teams as its budget allows, and WHEREAS judging teams promote skills in decision-making and oral communication, and WHEREAS agriculture judging teams promote K-State and attract industry, as well as future undergraduate and graduate students to K-State, and WHEREAS judging team members must cover $16,910.81 in costs with their own money BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $3,879.73 to Agriculture College Council to cover the remainder of the judging teams’ lodging and food expenses requested, as based upon SGA rates that are not covered with Agriculture College Council allocations. SECTION 2. Student Senate recommends in the future any amounts requested for judging teams for the expected on-going program in excess of those allocated by Agriculture College Council be brought up as a separate budget item during the budget process. SECTION 3. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 31/25/1 ON 11/3/83 B-20 BILL 83/84/19 FUNDING OF TOUCHSTONE MAGAZINE SPONSOR: Finance Committee WHEREAS Touchstone is a KSU literary magazine, and WHEREAS this magazine is student based, and WHEREAS at least one-third of the magazine will be reserved for KSU student entries, and WHEREAS this is a one-time allocation and Finance Committee has mandated that next year Touchstone go through the Fine Arts Council for funding, and WHEREAS this magazine will be distributed free of charge if funding is received, and WHEREAS this magazine will be put in accessible places to accommodate as many students as possible, and WHEREAS Touchstone will become defunct if funding is not appropriated BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $750 to Touchstone for the purpose of printing their magazine. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 11/3/83 B-21 BILL 83/84/20 SENATE AIDE PROGRAM SPONSORS: Steve Line and the Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS the Senate Aide Program has been an important influence and integral part of Student Senate for many years, and WHEREAS the Senate Aide Program allows non-senators to become involved with and learn the procedures of the KSU Student Governing Association, and WHEREAS senate aides have provided assistance to senators in the research of issues, student opinion, and other governing activities in which senators may need assistance, and WHEREAS continuity and consistency needs to be established from one senate term to the next BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Senate Aide Program shall consist of a Senate Aide Committee, consisting of no more than 20 members. This committee shall serve as a pool from which senators and committee chairs can draw assistance. SECTION 2. The Senate Operations Standing Committee Chairperson shall appoint a Senate Operations Standing Committee member to serve as Senate Aide Coordinator. SECTION 3. A five-member panel shall be responsible for interviewing and selecting the Senate Aide Committee. The interview committee shall consist of: Student Senate Chairperson Student Senate Vice Chairperson Senate Operations Standing Committee Chairperson Personnel Selections Standing Committee Chairperson Senate Aide Coordinator SECTION 4. Senate aides shall receive no class credit. SECTION 5. This legislation will go into effect at the beginning of the 1984-85 Student Senate term. PASSED 11/10/83 B-22 BILL 83/84/21 STUDENT SENATORS’ COMMUNICATION RESPONSIBILITY SPONSORS: Mark Jones, Tina Rather WHEREAS Student Senate needs to encourage more student input, and WHEREAS students need to be made aware of the decisions that affect them, and WHEREAS Student Senators are elected by the student body to represent them, and WHEREAS it is the Student Senator’s responsibility as an elected representative to best represent the student body, and WHEREAS the Student Senate, in order to be truly representative, must communicate with the students directly, and WHEREAS experimental visitations have been made this semester, and WHEREAS both groups and senators felt the visitations were productive and beneficial BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Each Student Senator shall be required to visit at least two student groups per semester during the year in which they are elected or appointed. A. A student group shall be defined as any University Activities Board registered organization and/or any organized living group, other than ones which they are currently members of. B. At least one visitation shall be made by the mid-point of the fall semester and the 10th week of the spring semester. C. Student Senators shall be required to turn in a brief summary of the visitation to the Communications Standing Committee. D. Any Student Senator who does not comply with the stated responsibilities shall be given an unexcused absence for each missed visitation within the given time constraints. E. All visitations must be approved by the Communications Standing Committee Chairperson prior to making the said visitation. F. This legislation shall be reviewed by the Communications Standing Committee during November of 1984 for consideration as a by-law amendment. FAILED 14/42/0 ON 11/17/83 B-23 BILL 83/84/22 FUNDING OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS TO NATIONAL STUDENT CONVENTION SPONSORS: Keith Mehner, Mark Jones WHEREAS the Association of Student Chapters of the American Institute of Architects is open to all KSU students and currently has 240 members, and WHEREAS the ASC-AIA of K-State is one of the largest chapters in the country, providing educational experiences to students and great publicity for the university as a whole, and WHEREAS the ASC-AIA sponsors lecturers, local design competitions (charrettes), provides opportunity for national design competitions, and hosts student presentations, and WHEREAS the ASC-AIA has had good representation at previous conventions and will have excellent representation at this year’s convention, and WHEREAS the ASC-AIA is up for bids in hosting next year’s convention, and WHEREAS the members must cover $3,010.25 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $440.50 to help defray the cost of participation in the National ASC-AIA Convention, entitled “Forum ‘83”, in Atlanta, Georgia from November 22-26, 1983, at the level of SGA subsistence rates for lodging, food and transportation. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 11/17/83 B-24 BILL 83/84/23 ESTABLISHMENT OF NICHOLS HALL ART COMMITTEE SPONSORS: Jerry Katlin, Lori Leu WHEREAS in 1975 Student Senate established a $10,000 account as a contribution towards an art gallery included in the architectural plans for the renovation of Nichols Gymnasium, and WHEREAS Senate Bill 75/76/28 states, “in the event that there are any major alterations of the present architectural drawings… SGA reserves the right to review this allocation”, and WHEREAS there presently are no plans for an art gallery in the renovation of Nichols, and WHEREAS students need to determine the best utilization of the account, keeping in mind the original intent of the bill, and WHEREAS state funding for Nichols has been approved by the Kansas Legislature and construction has begun on the building BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate establish a committee to solicit information and bids and to select the artwork to be placed in the lobby of Nichols Hall. Accompanying the artwork shall be a plaque commemorating the student involvement in preserving Nichols, SECTION 2. The committee shall be comprised of the 1983-84 Student Body President as nonvoting chairperson, the 1983-84 Student Senate Chairperson, the University Art Curator, two students in art- related fields, two non-art students, and one Student Senator. The 1984-85 Student Body President and Student Senate Chairperson shall serve as ex-officio members. SECTION 3. The student positions shall be chosen by the Student Body President, Student Senate Chairperson and the Personnel Selections Standing Committee Chairperson. SECTION 4. The persons selected shall remain on the committee until the completion of the committee’s work or until a member leaves the university. SECTION 5. The final recommendation shall be channeled through Finance Committee and submitted to Student Senate for final approval. PASSED 12/1/83 B-25 BILL 83/84/24 SGA SPENDING REGULATIONS SPONSOR: Finance Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following SGA Spending Regulations be approved. TRAVEL If your organization wishes to request funds for travel, the following guidelines must be kept in mind. SUBSISTENCE: SGA will fund a maximum of $5.00/day for meals and $5.50/day for lodging. The total of $10.50 will be per student per day. Regardless of the length, nature or distance, $10.50 per day is all SGA will be obligated. For any reimbursement, individuals must travel overnight and must present all receipts. TRANSPORTATION: SGA will pay $.l5 a mile for travel by private car, The state rate will be allowed for travel with state vehicles. All travel, both in-state and out-of-state, must be specifically allocated in the organizational budget. For out-of-state travel, a travel request must be submitted to the Vice President for Business Affairs at least four (4) weeks prior to the trip. INSURANCE: All groups and university departments receiving funding from the student activity fee are required by Senate Bill 79/80/16 to purchase the $2/day/vehicle insurance for state vehicles to insure them against liability for vehicle damage above normal wear and tear due to driver negligence. Official travel for sponsored groups should be by state vehicle, if one is available for such travel. Any student, faculty member or employee operating a private car or other private vehicle, including boats, airplanes, motorcycles or other type of motor vehicle, on official business must have in force liability insurance for personal injury with coverage of at least $100,000/person and $300,000/accident. Tourist air fare will be paid for out-of-state travel if the total cost is less than the state car rate cost over the same distance. All groups, excluding line items and college councils, going on trips or conferences in which all or part of the expenses are being paid for by SGA will submit to Finance Committee a summary before and after the trip. A written summary must be submitted before any expense voucher will be approved by the Financial Advisor. All summaries must be submitted within one week of their return in order that any similar event be considered for the next year. B-26 SUPPLIES All supplies, if available and comparatively priced, must be purchased on campus. The first place to check is with the KSU Office Supplies Store and University Facilities. If in doubt, ask!!! Exceptions must be approved by Finance Committee. PAYROLL All individuals who you wish to have placed on the payroll must have a department. No one can be paid a wage for anything unless they are paid from the payroll. FOOD SGA will not pay for the cost of food and/or beverages - exceptions being travel and expenditures approved by Student Senate. PRINTING All printing must be done by the K-State Printing Service. This is a state law. No personal names will be permitted on stationery. PARTIES, SOCIAL FUNCTIONS, BANQUETS No monies may be spent on parties, social functions or banquets, including decorations and/or table arrangements. GIFTS, PLAQUES, AWARDS, FLOWERS No monies may be spent on the purchase and/or the personalizing of gifts, plaques, awards or flowers. CLOTHING No monies may be spent on clothing. Exceptions must be approved by Finance Committee. HONORARIUM Speakers or resource people may be paid from the student activity fee restricted fee account. The process is somewhat detailed. Before you commit your organization, contact the SGS Office for procedures. INVENTORY The organization shall be held responsible for all equipment purchased with student activity fee monies, SGA requires that along with the group’s budget request, there be a separate inventory listing turned in. This will include all equipment and supplies that are over $50 or have a life expectancy of more than one year. B-27 INVOICES Payment cannot be made without appropriate invoices. BUDGET SWITCHING The Coordinator of Finances will approve budget switches which involve $100 or less. Anything over $100 will be considered for approval by the Finance Committee. RENT OF SPACE No off-campus rent of space will be paid if there are similar campus facilities available. FUND-RAISING Any organization which receives funding from SGA and uses any portion of those monies for fund-raising purposes must return the amount used to the budget category it was removed from. Any profit is to be considered private funds which are not accountable to SGA. Any fund-raising project using $25 or more of SGA allocated funds must he reviewed by Finance Committee for approval. Any organization funded by a college council must have the fund-raising project approved by the council. These steps must be followed: A. A University Activities Board Vendor’s Permit must be attained by any organization wishing to have a fund-raiser B. The organization must also file an audit after the fund-raiser. No bills will be paid until this audit is received. Profit is defined as net income minus net expense. All expenditures for all fund-raising events must be documented. PASSED 12/1/83 B-28 BILL 33/84/25 1984-85 SPENDING POLICY FOR COUNCILS SPONSOR: Finance Committee WHEREAS Senate Bill 76/77/57, College Council Funding, called for the appointment of an ad hoc committee to formulate a policy of spending that the nine (9) college councils would have to adhere to when allocating or spending monies, and WHEREAS there is a growing need for a general council spending policy BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following policy be used by the councils when spending monies: A. When any monies are to be allocated for travel to a conference or convention, public notification should be posted within the college or in the Kansas State Collegian (campus bulletin, classified ad, etc.) no less than two (2) weeks for in-state travel and six (6) weeks for out-of- state travel before the conference or convention. B. No monies may be spent on the purchase and/or the personalizing of gifts, plaques, awards or flowers. C. No monies may be spent on telephone equipment. Money may be spent on telephone calls only if they pertain to organization business. D. Any item or service that can be purchased on campus must be purchased on campus, if available and comparatively priced. E. No monies may be spent on parties, social functions or banquets, including decorations and/or table arrangements. F. No monies may be spent on capital improvements or equipment purchases (improvements to any buildings or land, office equipment, appliances, etc.). G. No monies may be spent on clothing. H. College councils may make budget switches within the council, if the amount is less than $100 with written notification to the SGA Financial Advisor, Any budget switches over $100 must have Finance Committee’s approval. I. No monies may be spent on food or drink. J. No monies may be spent on Royal Purple pictures, except for college councils. SECTION 2. Finance Committee will review the budgets to determine whether the expenditures are in accordance with SGA and university policy. Upon approval of Finance Committee, the allocation will be considered complete. If all or part of a budget was not approved, Finance Committee will schedule a meeting with the council in question and give a full explanation of their rationale for non-approval. At this time, budgets may be reviewed and re-submitted. Finance Committee, in consultation with councils, may grant exceptions and approve expenditures which B-29 are prohibited under these policies, if they are in the best interest of the students in the respective college or group. PASSED 12/1/83 B-30 BILL 83/84/26 COUNCIL FUNDING POLICY SPONSOR: Finance Committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following Council Funding Policy. 1. A “council shall be defined as a governing body which presides over two or more related organizations wishing to maintain their own autonomy. 2. Student Senate shall grant $1.50/semester/full-time student and $.42/ semester/part-time student to each college council. The yearly allocation shall be based on the previous year’s second semester’s enrollment. Fine Arts Council shall receive $2/semester/full-time student. Student Senate shall grant non-line item allocations to other councils. 3. Guidelines for these allocations shall include: A. Meet SGA spending regulations. B. Any funded activity cannot discriminate membership on the basis of race, nationality, religion, creed or sex. C. Activity must be predominantly beneficial to that college’s student’s or group’s interest in contrast to benefiting the whole university. 4. Misuse of funds shall be reported by the Financial Advisor or any student in that college and forwarded to the Finance Committee for appropriate action. 5. During the annual allocation process, all individuals or groups requesting an allocation from student activity fee money from a council will submit a fully itemized budget directly to the council when requested 6. The councils will process the budgets in accordance with their individual allocation procedure. After this process is complete, the councils will present their finalized budgets to Finance Committee. The finalized budgets will include an itemized breakdown of each group funded. 7. Finance Committees approval shall be required for the enactment of any council allocation or student activity fee money. Finance Committee will review the budgets to determine whether the expenditures are in accordance with SGA and university policy. Upon approval of Finance Committee, the allocation will be considered complete. If all or part of a budget was not approved, Finance Committee will schedule a meeting with the council in question and give a full explanation of their rationale for non-approval. At this time budgets may be revised and resubmitted. Finance Committee, in consultation with councils, may grant exceptions and approve expenditures which are prohibited under the annual Council Spending Policy, if these B-31 expenditures are deemed to be in the best interest of the students of the respective college or group. 8. Councils may submit (in writing) requests for additional funding, pending justification/need, to the Student Senate Finance Committee as an amendment to the council’s line item or budget and shall be considered by Student Senate during final allocations. 9. All funds not allocated by any college council shall be placed in a fund earmarked for that college council. Any unspent funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year shall be returned to the Unallotted Account 10. Special allocation requests will be considered at any time throughout the fiscal year and must be approved by Finance Committee. Guidelines will be in accordance with that described in Sections 5, 6 & 7 above. 11. The liaisons assigned to each of the councils will be informed and tutored by Finance Committee in financial matters and situations directly and indirectly affecting councils. The purpose will be to increase communication, knowledge and responsibility in the spending of student activity fee money. 12. Any decision made by Finance Committee may be appealed by a simple majority of the assembled body of Student Senate. PASSED 12/1/83 B-32 BILL 83/84/27 REPEAL OF SENATE BILL 83/34/4, SENATOR IDENTIFICATION BUTTONS SPONSORS: Kay Deever, Brian O’Neill, Diane Johnson WHEREAS Senate Bill 83/84/4, Senator Identification Buttons, was passed March 24, 1983, and WHEREAS it was enacted to encourage increased communication and interaction with the student body, and WHEREAS the original “whereas” clauses of Senate Bill 83/84/4 are still valid, and WHEREAS these clauses can still be dealt with, but in a more efficient and effective manner, and WHEREAS the Senator Identification Button has not promoted intercommunication with students, and in some cases, has discouraged such interaction BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Senate Bill 83/84/4 be repealed. FAILED 22/33/1 ON 1/26/84 B-33 BILL 83/84/28 ARTS & SCIENCES CONSTITUTIONAL REVISIONS SPONSOR: Brett Lambert BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following revisions be made to the Arts & Sciences Constitution: Article 1, Section 2-B - Change “College” to “Association”. Article 3, Section 4 - Change “consist of” to “be” and replace “chairperson” with “president”. Delete Section C. Article 4, Section 3-A - Change “on the third Wednesday of September; the full Council shall be elected at this time” to “one week after the SGA General Election”. Article 4, Section 3-B - Add a new Section B and down note remaining sections. New Section B shall read: Polling places shall be the same as the polling places for Arts and Sciences students in the SGA elections. Article 5, Section 2 - Delete. PASSED 1/26/84 B-34 BILL 83/84/29 SGA CONSTITUTIONAL & BY-LAWS REVISIONS SPONSORS: Jerry Katlin, Lori Leu, Mike Turner BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following revisions be made to the SGA Constitution: 403. A. Delete “Spring”. 407. E. Add to the end “, if the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of Student Senate are not available”. 409. Change “appear” to “be recognized”. Delete “administrative officer or” twice. 502. A. Change “committee” to “committees”. 503. 8. Delete “ to be selected by Faculty Senate” and insert “; one selected by the Council on Student Affairs and one appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs. These appointments shall be approved by Student Senate”. 505. C. Delete “newly elected”. 506. C. Add after “Chairperson of Student Senate”, “in consultation with the Vice Chairperson of Student Senate” and change “will” to “must”. C. Change “directors” to “chairpersons”. 602. A. Add a new clause 3. to read: KSUARH Judicial Board shall be comprised of one (1) representative from each residence hall. Down note present clauses 3. thru 5. 602. C. Delete “and all other boards established by Student Senate”. Delete “high” and insert “elected”. Add at the end “except where specifically outlined in the SGA Constitution and By-Laws”. 602. D. Change “Council” to “Board”. SECTION 2. The following revisions be made to the By-Laws to the SGA Constitution: Article I B-35 SECTION 2.A. Combine part 1 & 2 and change 3 to 2, which makes Section 1 read as follows: The election date for the office of Student Body President, Student Senate, and Board of Student Publications shall be the Wednesday of the fourth (4th) full week of classes in the Spring Semester for a one-year term. Article II SECTION 2. Change “directors” to “chairpersons”. Article IV SECTION 2. D. Delete “considered for full-time classification” and insert “specified in Article II, Section 202, Part B. of the KSU SGA Constitution”. SECTION 3. B. Add “He/she shall also be responsible for assigning student senators to groups requesting funds during the allocation process.” SECTION 6. B. Add at the end “and faculty members”. SECTION 6. C. 2. Amend as follows: a. the Coordinator of Finances, to be appointed by the Chairperson of Student Senate, in consultation with the Vice Chairperson of Student Senate; the Chairperson of Personnel Selections Committee; and the present Coordinator of Finances and ratified by the Student Senate; b. four (4) members of Student Senate, to be appointed by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of Student Senate and the present Coordinator of Finances; c. four (4) students-at-large, to be appointed by the Student Body President, in consultation with the Chairperson of Student Senate and the present Coordinator of Finances; d. one (1) faculty member to be selected by the Student Senate Chairperson in consultation with the President of Faculty Senate and the Vice President for Student Affairs; and e. the Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her representative. SECTION 6. C. 4. b. Replace “recognized by” with “registered with”. g. Replace “SGA Financial Advisor’s Office” with “Coordinator of Student Activities”. SECTION 6. E. 2. Delete sub-parts a, b, c & d. SECTION 6. G. 1. In the first sentence, change “at” to “of”. B-36 SECTION 6. I. Delete parts 6 & 7. SECTION 9. A. Amend to read: Register any campus organization, with the exception of social fraternities and sororities, departmental programs and university governmental bodies. Article V SECTION 1. B. Delete “notify the proper persons of the court’s decision and” from the last sentence. SECTION 1. I. Add a part I. to read: To serve the role of plaintiff in those cases against university property or policy in which o other plaintiff exists. SECTION 2. B. Add a new part B. to read: KSUARH Judicial Board’s function shall be to hear cases involving hall residents where jurisdiction between specific halls may be in question. Present clause B. becomes C. B. 3. Add a clause 3. to present B. to read: The Student Tribunal has the right to refuse to hear an appeal. Present clause C. becomes D. Present clause D. becomes E. In present clause D., change “Traffic & Security” to “KSU Police Department”. Present clause E. becomes F. SECTION 5. 3. Add at the end “But counsel will not be allowed to present the case for the defendant.” PASSED 2/9/84 B-37 BILL 83/34/30 SGA SPECIAL ALLOCATION FOR SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT LETTERS SPONSOR: Jerry Katlin WHEREAS student recruitment is becoming an increasing concern among students, and WHEREAS emphasis has been placed on attracting academically outstanding high school students to Kansas State University, and WHEREAS the University is presently communicating with Putnam, Foundation and University scholarship recipients, and WHEREAS the Office of Financial Assistance has asked the Student Governing Association to play a vital role in this process by sending letters to recipients concerning student activities at K-State BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $75.00 to the Student Governing Association to cover the costs incurred in mailing letters to 250 scholarship recipients. PASSED 2/16/84 B-38 BILL 83/84/31 FIVE YEAR REVIEW FOR MAJOR LINE ITEMS SPONSORS: Jerry Katlin, Finance Committee WHEREAS Senate Bills 74/75/14 and 74/75/11 established three-year reviews for Recreational Services and the K-State Union, respectively, and WHEREAS Student Publications is also on a three-year review by Student Senate, and WHEREAS these departments are on the five-year review cycle of the University in which the service is extensively reviewed, and WHEREAS the directors of these services have requested a similar five-year extensive review by Student Senate, and WHEREAS these services’ budgets are presented reviewed and approved each year through a governing body with student representatives, and WHEREAS the budgets will continue to be submitted annually to Finance Committee for review BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The K-State Union, Recreational Services and Student Publications line items will be extensively reviewed every five years. SECTION 2. Student Publications shall be reviewed prior to the 1985-86 Fiscal Year, Recreational Services prior to the 1981-88 Fiscal Year, and the K-State Union prior to the 1989-90 Fiscal Year. Following, each shall be extensively reviewed every five yeas. SECTION 3. In the event of extenuating circumstances, either the service or Student Senate may call for a full program review including fiscal operations. FAILED 25/26/1 - 2/16/84 B-39 1983-1984 RESOLUTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Resolution Number and Title Page Res 83/84/1 Commendation to Geri Greene & Bill Rogenmoser .............................................1 Res 83/84/2 Approval of Three Graduate Student Senators ......................................................2 Res 83/84/3 Approval of 1983-84 Education Student Senators ................................................3 Res 83/84/4 Approval of Finance Committee ...........................................................................4 Res 83/84/5 Approval of Consumer Relations Board Director .................................................5 Res 83/84/6 Approval of Student Senate Standing Committees Chairperson ...........................6 Res 83/84/7 Opposition to a Separate Classification for Tuition Purposes for International Students ...........................................................................................7 Res 83/84/8 Approval of Student Senate Standing Committee .................................................8 Res 83/84/9 Approval of Student Senate Members of Judicial Boards and the SGA Attorney General .................................................................................................10 Res 83/84/10 Approval of Sports Club Council Members ........................................................11 Res 83/84/11 Support of the Solomon Amendment ..................................................................12 Res 83/84/12 Commendation to the All University Open House Committee ...........................13 Res 83/84/13 Approval of Assistant Coordinator of FONE ......................................................14 Res 83/84/14 Approval of ASK Legislative Assembly Delegates ............................................15 Res 83/84/15 Approval of Student Body President’s Cabinet...................................................16 Res 83/84/16 Commendation to Dr. Ruth Hoeflin, Dean of the College of Home Economics ...........................................................................................................17 Res 83/84/17 Acceptance of ASK Campus Director .................................................................18 Res 83/84/18 Approval of Union Governing Board Members ..................................................19 Res 83/84/19 Approval of FONE Assistant Coordinator, U-Learn Associate Coordinator, and Students’ Attorney ..................................................................20 Res 83/84/20 Commendation to George Dent Wilcoxon ..........................................................21 Res 83/84/21 Approval of State & Community Affairs Standing Committee Chair ................22 Res 83/84/22 Approval of Women’s Resource Center’s Work-Study Staff Person .................23 Res 83/84/23 Endorsement of the KSU Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment .......................24 Res 83/84/24 Support of Smith House ......................................................................................25 Res 83/84/25 Approval of ASK Legislative Assembly Delegates ............................................26 Res 83/84/26 Alcohol & Drug Awareness Week ......................................................................27 Res 83/84/27 Approval of Basketball Ticket Sales Committee ................................................28 Res 83/84/28 Approval of Coordinator of Finance ...................................................................29 Res 83/84/29 Approval of 1984 Elections Committee ..............................................................30 Res 83/84/30 Rape Awareness Month Endorsement.................................................................31 Res 83/84/31 Approval of ASK Legislative Assembly Delegates ............................................32 Res 83/84/32 Recognition of Jordan Utsey ...............................................................................33 Res 83/84/33 Sponsorship of Reception for Student Senate Candidates ..................................34 Res 83/84/34 Commendation to Ron Wineinger, National FFA President ...............................35 Res 83/84/35 Approval of 1984 Summer School Allocations Board ........................................36 Res 83/84/36 Approval of Nichols Hall Art Committee ...........................................................37 Res 83/84/37 Support of Elimination of Tentative Grade Policy as a Means of Solving the Dead Day Controversy ..................................................................................38 Res 83/84/38 Lengthening of Library Hours .............................................................................39 Res 83/84/39 Approval of 1984-85 Student Body President, Board of Student Publications and Student Senate .........................................................................40 Res 83/84/40 Commendation for Lori Leu and Jerry Katlin .....................................................42 Res 83/84/41 Commendation to Rick Forsyth...........................................................................43 1983-1984 RESOLUTIONS INDEX Approval of Appointments Page Res 83/84/2 Approval of Three Graduate Student Senators ......................................................2 Res 83/84/3 Approval of 1983-84 Education Student Senators ................................................3 Res 83/84/4 Approval of Finance Committee ...........................................................................4 Res 83/84/5 Approval of Consumer Relations Board Director .................................................5 Res 83/84/6 Approval of Student Senate Standing Committees Chairperson ...........................6 Res 83/84/8 Approval of Student Senate Standing Committee .................................................8 Res 83/84/9 Approval of Student Senate Members of Judicial Boards and the SGA Attorney General .................................................................................................10 Res 83/84/10 Approval of Sports Club Council Members ........................................................11 Res 83/84/13 Approval of Assistant Coordinator of FONE ......................................................14 Res 83/84/14 Approval of ASK Legislative Assembly Delegates ............................................15 Res 83/84/15 Approval of Student Body President’s Cabinet...................................................16 Res 83/84/17 Acceptance of ASK Campus Director .................................................................18 Res 83/84/18 Approval of Union Governing Board Members ..................................................19 Res 83/84/19 Approval of FONE Assistant Coordinator, U-Learn Associate Coordinator, and Students’ Attorney ..................................................................20 Res 83/84/21 Approval of State & Community Affairs Standing Committee Chair ................22 Res 83/84/22 Approval of Women’s Resource Center’s Work-Study Staff Person .................23 Res 83/84/25 Approval of ASK Legislative Assembly Delegates ............................................26 Res 83/84/27 Approval of Basketball Ticket Sales Committee ................................................28 Res 83/84/28 Approval of Coordinator of Finance ...................................................................29 Res 83/84/29 Approval of 1984 Elections Committee ..............................................................30 Res 83/84/31 Approval of ASK Legislative Assembly Delegates ............................................32 Res 83/84/35 Approval of 1984 Summer School Allocations Board ........................................36 Res 83/84/36 Approval of Nichols Hall Art Committee ...........................................................37 Res 83/84/39 Approval of 1984-85 Student Body President, Board of Student Publications and Student Senate .........................................................................40 Commendations Res 83/84/1 Commendation to Geri Greene & Bill Rogenmoser .............................................1 Res 83/84/12 Commendation to the All University Open House Committee ...........................13 Res 83/84/16 Commendation to Dr. Ruth Hoeflin, Dean of the College of Home Economics ...........................................................................................................17 Res 83/84/20 Commendation to George Dent Wilcoxon ..........................................................21 Res 83/84/34 Commendation to Ron Wineinger, National FFA President ...............................35 Res 83/84/40 Commendation for Lori Leu and Jerry Katlin .....................................................42 Res 83/84/41 Commendation to Rick Forsyth...........................................................................43 Resolutions Regarding State Government Res 83/84/11 Support of the Solomon Amendment ..................................................................12 Resolution Regarding University Actions Res 83/84/7 Opposition to a Separate Classification for Tuition Purposes for International Students ...........................................................................................7 Res 83/84/23 Endorsement of the KSU Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment .......................24 Res 83/84/37 Support of Elimination of Tentative Grade Policy as a Means of Solving the Dead Day Controversy ..................................................................................38 Res 83/84/38 Lengthening of Library Hours .............................................................................39 Miscellaneous Res 83/84/24 Res 83/84/26 Res 83/84/30 Res 83/84/32 Res 83/84/33 Support of Smith House ......................................................................................25 Alcohol & Drug Awareness Week ......................................................................27 Rape Awareness Month Endorsement.................................................................31 Recognition of Jordan Utsey ...............................................................................33 Sponsorship of Reception for Student Senate Candidates ..................................34 RESOLUTION 83/84/1 COMMENDATION TO GERI GREENE & BILL ROGENMOSER SPONSORS: Lori Price, Mark Terril WHEREAS under the leadership of Geri Greene and Bill Rogenmoser, 1982-83 Student Senate Chair and Student Body President respectively, Kansas State University was directed with a resounding success in 1982-83, and WHEREAS both of these positions require an exorbitant amount of time and dedication with little remuneration, and WHEREAS Geri Greene has displayed her continuous concerns, abilities and energy to effectively better the students of Kansas State University and the University itself, and WHEREAS Bill Rogenmoser has done an excellent job in communicating the students’ needs and desires to the Student Senate, administration, Board of Regents, Kansas legislature and even the President of the United States, Ronald Reagan BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate graciously express their gratitude for efforts and accomplishments made by Geri Greene and Bill Rogenmoser. SECTION 2. Student Senate grant Geri and Bill a round of applause. PASSED 2/24/83 R-1 RESOLUTION 83/34/2 APPROVAL OF THREE GRADUATE STUDENT SENATORS SPONSORS: Geri Greene, Jerry Katlin WHEREAS eight position were up for election from the Graduate School in the SGA General Election held February 9, 1983, and WHEREAS only three of these positions were filled in the General Election, and WHEREAS it is the responsibility of the Graduate Student Council to fill the remaining five positions, and WHEREAS to date only three of the remaining five positions have been filled by the Graduate Student Council BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following three graduate students be approved as Graduate Student Senators for 1983-84: Raul Guevara Brian O’Neill PASSED 2/24/83 R-2 Bryan Miller RESOLUTION 83/84/3 APPROVAL OF 1983-84 EDUCATION STUDENT SENATORS SPONSORS: Geri Greene, Jerry Katlin WHEREAS Sheila Vierthaler was the only Education student to file for the office of Education Student Senate in the General Election held February 9, 1983, and WHEREAS she received the most votes cast, and WHEREAS the election of the write-in candidates for Education Student Senators was re-run on Monday, February 28, 1983, due to complaints filed with the SGA Elections Committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as. Education Student Senators: Melanie Berbohm Kay Deever PASSED 3/3/83 R-3 Sheila Vierthaler. RESOLUTION 83/84/4 APPROVAL OF FINANCE COMMITTEE SPONSOR: Mark Terril WHEREAS the four at-large positions and the Student Senators’ positions on the Finance Standing Committee were well advertised, and WHEREAS a large number of applications were received, and WHEREAS interviews were held, and WHEREAS the most qualified individuals were selected, and WHEREAS SGA guidelines were followed during the selection process BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following four individuals be approved as at-large members of the Finance Committee: Steve Bellis Linda Plumer Mike Johnson Cindy Leighton SECTION 2. The following Student Senators be approved as members of the Finance Committee: Stephanie Dunshee Stephanie Stanberry Mark Jones PASSED 3/10/83 R-4 Kirk Porteous, RESOLUTION 83/84/5 APPROVAL OF CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD DIRECTOR SPONSOR: Jerry Katlin WHEREAS an opening will occur in the position of Director of the Consumer Relations Board in May of 1983, and WHEREAS the opening was sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted, and WHEREAS the individual named below was best qualified for the position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Kim Hefley as the Director of the Consumer Relations Board beginning May, 1983. PASSED 3/10/83 R-5 RESOLUTION 83/84/6 APPROVAL OF STUDENT SENATE STANDING COMMITTEES CHAIRPERSON SPONSORS: Lori Leu, Heather Woodson WHEREAS the openings for Student Senate Standing Committees’ Chairpersons positions were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS there were a number of qualified applicants and WHEREAS interviews were conducted to fill these positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as Student Senate Standing Committees Chairpersons: Academic Affairs Communications Personnel Selections Senate Operations Social Services State & Community Affairs Student Affairs Kent Barnow Tina Rather Diane Murphy Steve Line Lora Wetz Jeff Neal Mark Gunn PASSED 3/24/83 R-6 RESOLUTION 83/84/7 OPPOSITION TO A SEPARATE CLASSIFICATION FOR TUITION PURPOSES FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS SPONSORS: Chris Athanasius, John Kohler, Frank Gunn, Reem Mutwalli, Heather Woodson, Jerry Katlin WHEREAS State Representative George Dean, D-Wichita, introduced a bill to the Ways and Means Committee of the Kansas Legislature that proposed a separate classification for foreign students which will result in an increase in the tuition fees paid by those students, and WHEREAS there are over 800 international students currently enrolled at K-State, and WHEREAS two-thirds of the international students are graduate students that facilitate the academic purpose of the University, offering valuable services in the area of research, instruction and community services, and WHEREAS those students are the best representatives of over 70 countries and a variety of cultures, making K-State a unique place for cultural interaction, and WHEREAS any separate classification is not only discriminatory towards international students, but will also drastically reduce the number of international students at K-State with a subsequent decrease of the functions that those students perform here at K-State BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The K-State Student Senate hereby express opposition towards any effort to create a separate tuition fee classification for international students. SECTION 2. The K-State Student Senate recommend that effort should be made to maintain Kansas institutions of higher education as attractive places for international students to study. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 3/24/83 R-7 RESOLUTION 83/34/8 APPROVAL OF STUDENT SENATE STANDING COMMITTEES SPONSORS: Lori Leu, Heather Woodson WHEREAS openings for Student Senate Standing Committee positions were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS Student Senators preferences were considered in appointing Student Senators to committees, and WHEREAS interviews were held for the at-large positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following persons be approved as committee members for the respective Student Senate Standing Committees: Academic Affairs Kent Barnow, Chair Tracy Turner Randall Hildebrand Teri Lukens Kirk Zoellner Doug Mann Drew Cleland Cath Sayler Corrine Nelson Lauri Diehl Kim Wiesmann Pele Ann Lammers Dawn Hayward Jessie English Communications Tina Rather, Chair Larry Boyd Cathy Carlson Kendra Ponte Chris Athanasius Keith Mehner Sue Humphrey Sheila Vierthaler John Keith Gerald Salts Lori Temme Lynn Bender Kristie Miller Personnel Selections Diane Murphy, Chair Bryan Brauer Heather Woodson Nancy Malir Chuck Voelker Bob Becker Stuart Leighty Senate Operations Steve Line, Chair Eric Hummell Bryan Miller John Kohler Shawn Devlin Kay Deever Melanie Berbohm Jana Fields Butch Lacey Lori Siemens Doug Spangler Social Services Lori Wetz, chair Lynn Grunewald Jim Wolf Fred Heersche Cheryl Shell Kathleen Barker R-8 State & Community Affairs Jeff Neal, chair Jim Divine Jeff Gates Paul Carter Tim Ohlde Lawrence Tsen Bryan Frey Frank Gunn Kevin Hampl Maribeth Gottschalk Kill Exline Student Affairs Mark Gunn, Chair Ken Heinz Joseph Cahill Scott Sage Reem Mutwalli Ron Wineinger Mary Lynn Manning Kent Jaecke Chris Haffner Thad Blondfield John Button Marilyn Griebel Mike Kramer Steve Reed Dave Severson PASSED 3/31/83 R-9 RESOLUTION 83/84/9 APPROVAL OF STUDENT MEMBERS ON JUDICIAL BOARDS AND THE SGA ATTORNEY GENERAL SPONSOR: Jerry Katlin WHEREAS the openings on judicial boards and the attorney general position vacancy were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS a number of qualified students submitted applications, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted by the student body president, attorney general, chancellor of Tribunal and chairperson of the Student Review Board, and WHEREAS the following individuals were best qualified for the positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following members be approved as student members on the respective judicial boards: Judicial Council Judy Harper Rita Mulford Student Review Board Diane Griffith, chair Kent Haverkamp Max Martin Sandy Rathbun Paul Scott Traffic Appeals Board David Shurtleff, chair Mark Bogina Sue Hubbard Julie Johnson Bruce Ladd Tribunal Kurt Yowell, chancellor Carolyn Berkley Regina Hausfeld Jill Hummells Tom McAndrews SECTION 2. Michael Turner be approved as the SGA Attorney General. PASSED 3/31/83 R-10 RESOLUTION 83/84/10 APPROVAL OF SPORTS CLUB COUNCIL MEMBERS SPONSOR: Mark Terril WHEREAS the Sports Club Council was created thru an act of Student Senate, and WHEREAS there were a number of good applicants, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted, and WHEREAS the best qualified people were chosen BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Bill Roy and Mike Dougan be approved as at-large members of the Sports Club Council. SECTION 2. Bob Ohmes and Bryan Brauer be approved as Student Senators on the Sports Club Council. PASSED 3/31/83 R-11 RESOLUTION 83/84/11 SUPPORT OF THE SOLOMON AMENDMENT SPONSOR: John Kohler WHEREAS in July of this year Congress voted into law PL-252 which denies all federal financial assistance under Title IV to the Higher Education Act to students who refuse to comply with the Selective Service Act, and WHEREAS the Associated Students of Kansas has asked that its member student governments take a position on this issue so as to provide A.S.K. with a better idea of how its constituents feel BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Senate support the requirement embodied in the Solomon amendment to PL-252 that compliance with the Selective Service Act be a prerequisite for students to receive federal financial assistance. SECTION 2. The Kansas State University Student Senate oppose Department of Education rules and regulations which require financial aid applicants to prove compliance with the Selective Service Act. PASSED 29/28/1 ON 4/14/83 VETOED BY STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT: 4/13/83, NOON R-12 RESOLUTION 83/84/12 COMMENDATION TO THE ALL-UNIVERSITY OPEN HOUSE COMMITTEE SPONSORS: Stephanie Dunshee, Stephanie Stanberry, Sue Humphrey, Mark Gunn, Jeff Gates, Frank Gunn, Bryan Frey, Steve Line WHEREAS Kansas State University held its annual open house on March 25, and 26, 1983, and WHEREAS over 25,000 people attended the event, and WHEREAS open house is an excellent opportunity for prospective students and their parents to be introduced to K-State, and WHEREAS open house continues to make a significant impact on prospective students, and WHEREAS Pat Bosco, Coordinator of the All-University Open House Committee, along with his committee members, did an excellent job in planning and promoting open house BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend Pat Bosco and the All-University Open House Committee for an outstanding All-University Open House on March 25 and 26, 1983. PASSED 4/7/83 R-13 RESOLUTION 83/84/13 APPROVAL OF ASSISTANT COORDINATOR OF FONE SPONSORS: Diane Murphy, Lora Wetz WHEREAS the opening for the FONE Assistant Coordinator’s position was sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS there were a number of qualified applicants, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted to fill this position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Marilyn Rudolph be approved as the Assistant Coordinator of the FONE. PASSED 4/7/83 R-14 RESOLUTION 83/84/14 APPROVAL OF A.S.K. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DELEGATES SPONSORS: John Kohler, Jerry Katlin, Kipp Exline WHEREAS the Associated Students of Kansas (ASK) is holding a Legislative Assembly April 15 & 16, 1983, at Pittsburg State University, and WHEREAS delegate selection was in accordance with ASK Delegate Selection Policy, 25004, and WHEREAS the following individuals have met the stringent requirements requisite for a delegate position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as Spring A.S.K. Legislative Assembly delegates: Lisa Grigsby Corrine Nelson Brad Chilcoat Mark Terril Jane Hartley Tracy Turner Mark Jones Kevin Barnes Sonia Overholser Brett Lambert PASSED 4/14/83 R-15 Louis Wood Greg Pestinger Charlie Knight Stacy Klotzbach Kipp Exline RESOLUTION 83/84/15 APPROVAL OF STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT’S CABINET SPONSOR: Jerry Katlin WHEREAS the expiration of the previous Student Body President’s term resulted in concurrent vacancies in Cabinet positions, and WHEREAS the positions were sufficiently advertised in the Collegian with interviews conducted by the Student Body President, and WHEREAS the following individuals exemplify the characteristics needed to successfully fulfill the advisory role of their respective positions on the Cabinet BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as members of the 1983-84 Student Body President’s Cabinet: Minority Affairs Director International Affairs Director Public Relations Director College Council Coordinator A.S.K. Board Member Special Projects Director Attorney General Eddie Rodrigues Kevin Swiercinsky Julie Martin John Crowl Kipp Exline Ken Mercer Mike Turner PASSED 4/14/83 R-16 RESOLUTION 83/84/16 COMMENDATION TO DR. RUTH HOEFLIN, DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF HOME ECONOMICS SPONSORS: Corrine Nelson, Lynn Grunewald, Reem Mutwalli WHEREAS Dr. Ruth Hoeflin will complete 25 years of leadership and service to Kansas State University in June, 1983, and WHEREAS Dr. Ruth Hoeflin is largely responsible for the restructuring the College of Home Economics has undergone in the recent past, and WHEREAS her colleagues and students recognize and appreciate the contributions of Dr. Ruth Hoeflin BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The students of Kansas State University recognize and commend Dr. Ruth Hoeflin for her outstanding service to Kansas State University. PASSED 4/21/83 R-17 RESOLUTION 83/84/17 ACCEPTANCE OF A.S.K. CAMPUS DIRECTOR SPONSOR: Jerry Katlin WHEREAS the Associated Students of Kansas (ASK) held interviews for K-State’s Campus Director, and WHEREAS the following individual was found to be the most qualified for the available position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate recognize the appointment of Brett Lambert as K-State’s A.S.K. Campus Director. PASSED 5/3/83 R-18 RESOLUTION 83/84/18 APPROVAL OF UNION GOVERNING BOARD MEMBERS SPONSORS: Lori Leu, Bruce Hazeltine WHEREAS six (6) student seats on the Union Governing Board are open due to the expiration of terms, and WHEREAS the interviewing committee held interviews for the positions and found the following individuals to be most qualified BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following •students as members of the Union Governing Board: 2-year voting members: Dave Severson Barry Shotts Brian Dellett Craig Wallace Clark Atkinson 1-year non-voting member: Jerry Marr PASSED 2/28/83 R-19 RESOLUTION 83/84/19 APPROVAL OF FONE ASSISTANT COORDINATOR, U-LEARN ASSOCIATE COORDINATOR, AND STUDENTS’ ATTORNEY SPONSOR: Personnel Selections Standing Committee WHEREAS FONE, U-LearN and Legal Services are funded by student government, and WHEREAS the positions of Assistant Coordinator of the FONE, Associate Coordinator of ULearN, and the Students’ Attorney became vacant, and WHEREAS interviews for the positions were held, and WHEREAS the persons listed below were best qualified for the positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Jody Hackerott be approved as the Assistant Coordinator of the FONE. SECTION 2. Laurie :McCauley be approved as the Associate Coordinator of U-LearN. SECTION 3. Dianne K. Urban be approved as the Students’ Attorney. PASSED 8/25/83 R-20 RESOLUTION 83/84/20 COMMENDATION TO GEORGE DENT WILCOXON SPONSORS: Lori Leu, Jerry Katlin WHEREAS Student Senate appreciates the valuable input provided by faculty representatives, and WHEREAS serving on Student Senate is a sizeable time commitment for faculty representatives, and WHEREAS Dr. George Dent Wilcoxon has actively participated in the Student Senate and on Finance Committee for 23 years BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend Dr. George Dent Wilcoxon for his patience, hard work, valuable input and enthusiastic support of student government at Kansas State University. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ON 8/25/83 R-21 RESOLUTION 83/84/21 APPROVAL OF STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIR SPONSOR: Lori Leu WHEREAS the position of chairperson of the State & Community Affairs Standing Committee was open, and WHEREAS committee members were given the opportunity to provide input BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Dana Hawkins as chairperson of the State & Community Affairs Standing Committee. PASSED 9/1/83 R-22 RESOLUTION 83/84/22 APPROVAL OF WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER’S WORK-STUDY STAFF PERSON SPONSORS: Heather Woodson, Chuck Voelker WHEREAS Student Senate appropriated $375.20 for a work-study position for the Women’s Resource Center, and WHEREAS several applications were received for the position, and WHEREAS six applicants were interviewed BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Sharon Snodgrass as the work-study staff person for the Women’s Resource Center. PASSED 9/8/83 R-23 RESOLUTION 83/84/23 ENDORSEMENT OF THE KSU POLICY PROHIBITING SEXUAL HARASSMENT SPONSOR: Lori Leu WHEREAS a committee of faculty, staff and student members, male and female, developed a policy prohibiting sexual harassment which details the types of conduct included and the course necessary to resolve a complaint, and WHEREAS President Duane Acker accepted the policy, and WHEREAS a committee was subsequently formed to develop an educational program to make everyone associated with the university aware of the policy, and WHEREAS it is important that student leaders are aware of and back a policy of this type BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate endorse and appreciate the policy prohibiting sexual harassment at Kansas State University. (the policy is available for review in the book of minutes) PASSED 9/15/83 R-24 RESOLUTION 83/84/24 SUPPORT OF SMITH HOUSE SPONSORS: Mark Terril, Kent Jaecke, Ron Wineinger, Mark Gunn, Kirk Porteous, Sheila Vierthaler, Frank Gunn, the Student Affairs Standing Committee WHEREAS the Maitland E. Smith Memorial Scholarship House was founded in 1958 when Dr. L. Irene Putnam donated funds to the Endowment Association (now the KSU Foundation) solely for the purpose of establishing a scholarship house, and WHEREAS in 1977 Smith was converted from a scholarship house to a cooperative house, and WHEREAS Smith Cooperative House was closed during the Summer of 1983, despite a contractual agreement between the KSU Foundation and the KSU Department of Housing stating that the Housing Department would continue to operate the house through the 1987-88 school year, and WHEREAS this type of housing is an important part of the university atmosphere, and WHEREAS KSU already has a definite lack of this type of housing, and WHEREAS students are KSU’s most important resource, and WHEREAS this type of housing can help to provide economically disadvantaged students with more affordable access to a college education BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU students and specifically Student Senate strongly support the effort of Smith’s residents and alumni to re-open Smith Cooperative House SECTION 2. Should the reopening of Smith Cooperative house prove to be absolutely impossible, Student Senate support the transfer (sale or lease) of the structure and property to the Smith House residents and/or alumni. PASSED 51/0/2 ON 9/22/83 R-25 RESOLUTION 83/84/25 APPROVAL OF A.S.K. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DELEGATES SPONSOR: Brett Lambert WHEREAS Brett Lambert is the Campus Director in charge of the Associated Students of Kansas at KSU, and WHEREAS Brett is responsible for filling seats at the A.S.K. Legislative Assembly, and WHEREAS said appointments are to be approved by Student Senate BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as the KSU delegates to the A.S.K. Legislative Assembly to be held September 24 & 25, 1983 at Wichita State University: Mark Jones Mark Terril Pam Wells Greg Pestinger Jill Lair Ann Root Dave Severson Scott Rauth Jane Miles Tracy Turner Sonia Overholser Jane Herde Mark Heimer Bill Charlton Peggy McNaughton Virginia Vopata Thad Blondfield Dana Hawkins PASSED 9/22/83 R-26 RESOLUTION 83/84/26 ALCOHOL & DRUG AWARENESS WEEK SPONSOR: Brett Lambert WHEREAS alcohol and other drug abuse is the third largest social health problem affecting a significant portion of the people of our community, our youth and our families, and WHEREAS there are a wide range of community concerns linked to alcohol and drug abuse, and WHEREAS an estimated 774,000 Kansans are directly affected by alcohol- related problems, and WHEREAS there is an urgent need to educate and confront all citizens on the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs, and WHEREAS the need is imperative for Kansas communities to develop and maintain comprehensive and effective prevention, education, intervention, and treatment services, and WHEREAS there is a need to promote the awareness of positive alternatives to alcohol and drug abuse BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate proclaim October 9-16, 1083, as KSU Alcohol and Drug Awareness Week, with the theme being “Campus Concerns, Campus Solutions”. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ON 9/29/83 R-27 RESOLUTION 83/84/27 APPROVAL OF BASKETBALL TICKET SALES COMMITTEE SPONSOR: Lori Leu WHEREAS at-large positions for the 1983-84 Basketball Ticket Sales Committee were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS there were many enthusiastic applications, and WHEREAS interviews were held BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following at-large members be approved as members of the Basketball Ticket Sales Committee: Linda Consigli, Chair Jeff Heit Grant Wuellner David Sandritter Paul Scott Kevin Pew John Martin Stephanie Miller SECTION 2. The following Student Senators be approved as members of the Basketball Ticket Sales Committee: Kent Jaecke Diane Johnson. PASSED 10/6/83 R-28 RESOLUTION 83/84/28 APPROVAL OF COORDINATOR OF FINANCES SPONSORS: Lori Leu, Heather Woodson, Mark Terril WHEREAS the position of Coordinator of Finances was sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS several qualified individuals applied, and WHEREAS the Student Senate Chairperson, Student Senate Vice Chairperson and present Coordinator of Finances interviewed all the candidates BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kirk Porteous be approved as the new Coordinator of Finances. PASSED 11/3/83 R-29 RESOLUTION 83/84/29 APPROVAL OF 1984 ELECTIONS COMMITTEE SPONSORS: Lori Leu, Jerry Katlin, Steve Line, Diane Murphy WHEREAS positions for the 1984 Elections Committee were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS the quality of applicants was outstanding, and WHEREAS interviews were held and selections made after much deliberation BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as the 1984 Elections Committee: Julie Martin, Chair Eric Kintigh Mary Lynn Manning Dan Schierling Doug Chamblin Jeff Lyster Lynn Pennington Jim Wolf PASSED 11/3/83 R-30 RESOLUTION 83/84/30 RAPE AWARENESS MONTH ENDORSEMENT SPONSOR: Student Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS rape is recognized as one of the most devastating crimes today, and WHEREAS any individual on campus and in the community is a potential victim, and WHEREAS rape is of particular concern in a university community with the large amount of mobility required at night, and WHEREAS the Riley County Commission has declared November as Rape Awareness Month BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate endorse November as Rape Awareness Month to educate the students and citizens in the hopes of preventing future problems. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ON 11/3/83 R-31 RESOLUTION 83/84/31 APPROVAL OF ASK LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DELEGATES SPONSOR: Brett Lambert BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as KSU delegates to the A.S.K. Legislative Assembly to be held November 5 & 6, 1983, at Emporia State University: Brett Lambert Kipp Exline Tracy Turner Mark Jones Brad Werth Gary Beachner Greg Pestinger Dana Hawkins Kacy Clark Dave Severson Mark Terril Sonia Overholser Kirk Porteous Pam Wells Thad Blondefield Charles Knight Jane Herde Matt McMillen PASSED 11/3/83 R-32 RESOLUTION 83/84/32 RECOGNITION OF JORDAN UTSEY SPONSORS: Melanie Berbohm, Sheila Vierthaler, Kay Deever WHEREAS Jordan Utsey has been a part of Kansas State University for 15 years, starting in 1969 as Associate Professor of Reading, Director of the College of Education Office of Program Development and as a Professor in the Office of Extended Services in 1982. He became Associate Dean in 1974 and Dean in 1976, and WHEREAS KSU is the largest teaching/training institute in Kansas and Dean Utsey has maintained leadership growth within the College of Education for over eight years and has maintained that leadership quality on the undergraduate as well as graduate level programs, and WHEREAS Dean Utsey strongly showed the need for and successfully supported the desire for relocation of the College of Education into a new building site which is now, Bluemont Hall and can be commended toward a steady increase in graduate level enrollment, and WHEREAS Dean Utsey has announced his retirement as Dean of the College of Education at Kansas State University BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate recognize Dean Jordan Utsey for his leadership and pride to serve Kansas State University successfully. PASSED 11/17/83 R-33 RESOLUTION 83/84/33 SPONSORSHIP OF RECEPTION FOR STUDENT SENATE CANDIDATES SPONSORS: Tracy Turner, the Student Affairs Standing Committee WHEREAS the current campaign process lacks adequate channels of communication between Student Senate candidates and their constituents, and WHEREAS typically, very little opportunity exists for any discussion of the issues coming before Student Senate, and WHEREAS a reception for Student Senate candidates would provide an opportunity for students to meet the candidates informally on a one-on-one basis and discuss issues of concern, and WHEREAS the Student Affairs Standing Committee has agreed to coordinate each college’s reception, and WHEREAS each college council has agreed to publicize their college’s reception either through advertisements in the Kansas State Collegian or other appropriate means of promotion BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. A reception for Student Senate candidates be established on an individual college basis with the format, time and location of each reception being left to the discretion of each individual college council. SECTION 2. Overall coordination and oversight of the candidate’s reception will be through the Student Affairs Standing Committee. PASSED 12/1/83 R-34 RESOLUTION 83/84/34 COMMENDATION TO RON WINEINGER, NATIONAL FFA PRESIDENT SPONSORS: Lori Leu, Jerry Katlin WHEREAS the Future Farmers of America is a national organization in vocational agriculture with the primary aim of developing leadership, citizenship and cooperation, and WHEREAS there are 500,000 members, and WHEREAS holding a national office is the highest leadership position available, with responsibilities ranging throughout the United States and internationally, and WHEREAS the National FFA Convention was held November 10-12, 1983, in Kansas City, with national officer candidate interviews from November 8-11, and WHEREAS there wore 30 national officer candidates for six positions, and WHEREAS Ron Wineinger was elected the national president BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend Ron Wineinger for his dedication, commitment and sincerity which enabled him to be elected as national president of the Future Farmers of America. SECTION 2. Student Senate thank Ron for his hard work as a Student Senator from the College of Agriculture and wish him the best of luck in the year ahead. PASSED 11/17/83 R-35 RESOLUTION 83/84/35 APPROVAL OF 1984 SUMMER SCHOOL ALLOCATIONS BOARD SPONSORS: Jerry Katlin, Mike Johnson WHEREAS positions for the 1984 Summer School Allocations Board were advertised in the Kansas State Collegian, and WHEREAS applications were received and interviews were held BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as student members of the 1984 Summer School Allocations Board: Glen Sears Tracy Fraser Brad Razook Jerry DeVault SECTION 2. Student Senate approve Mike Johnson as the 1984 Summer School Allocations Board Chair. PASSED 1/26/84 R-36 RESOLUTION 83/84/36 APPROVAL OF NICHOLS HALL ART COMMITTEE SPONSORS: Jerry Katlin, Lori Leu, Diane Murphy WHEREAS Senate Bill 83/84/23 established the Nichols Hall Art Committee in order to facilitate the expenditure of the Nichols Gymnasium Account, established by Student Senate in 1975, and WHEREAS the positions were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS 25 applications were received and all applicants were interviewed, and WHEREAS the quality of students interviewed was outstanding, which made the selection difficult BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as members of the Nichols Hall Art Committee: Melissa Helffrich Vicki Kandt Bill Sullivan (student senator). Jeff Setzer Lindsay Smith PASSED 1/26/84 R-37 RESOLUTION 83/84/37 SUPPORT OF ELIMINATION OF TENTATIVE GRADE POLICY AS A MEANS OF SOLVING THE DEAD DAY CONTROVERSY SPONSOR: Academic Affairs Standing Committee WHEREAS students have expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of a dead day policy, and WHEREAS presently in the Spring Semester dead week ends on a Thursday and final exams begin on Friday, and WHEREAS this policy does not permit adequate time for final exam preparation, and WHEREAS shortening of the academic semester to accommodate a dead day(s) is not a viable alternative, and WHEREAS beginning the Spring Semester earlier to accommodate a dead day(s) is not a viable alternative, and WHEREAS elimination of the tentative grade policy would permit a two-day preparation period between dead week and final exams BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate support the elimination of the Tentative Grade Policy: ELIMINATION OF TENTATIVE GRADE POLICY The impetus for this proposal came from students’ desire to have a period between dead week and final week without classes and exams. In order to achieve this objective, without lengthening the semester or eliminating instruction periods, the tentative grade policy must be revised. In a sense, this proposal is an indirect way of achieving a workable solution to the dead day controversy. If the statements above appear confusing, perhaps a bit of history and background information would clear the fog. Approximately five years ago students on the University Commencement Committee were concerned and thought it was unfair that diplomas were not presented at the graduation ceremonies, but rather mailed to the student two to three weeks following the ceremonies. Thus, in an effort to satisfy this apparent student concern the tentative grade policy was formulated. This new policy allowed students to receive diplomas at the graduation ceremonies. The status quo (with the tentative grade policy) requires that the Spring Semester end on a Wednesday so that diplomas can be prepared and records can be checked. Consequently, final week must begin on the preceding Friday. The present system allows no time between dead week and final week for students and faculty to prepare for final exams. If the tentative grade policy were eliminated, final week could be scheduled Monday through Friday, with a weekend separating dead week and final week. This change would give students and faculty an additional two days (weekend) to prepare for final exams without shortening the academic semester. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ON 2/2/84 R-38 RESOLUTION 83/84/38 LENGTHENING OF LIBRARY HOURS SPONSORS: Lori Leu, Jerry Katlin WHEREAS the state budget cuts of Fiscal Year 1983 resulted in the reduction of open library hours, and WHEREAS this reduction has created student concern over the lack of late night study areas and reduced accessibility to research materials, and WHEREAS President Acker has committed a minimum of $200,000 to be allocated to the library in Fiscal Year 1985, and WHEREAS increasing library hours has been a recent topic of discussion in both the President’s Administrative Council and Budget Planning Group, and WHEREAS Dean Brice Hobrock is presently evaluating possible alternatives BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate encourage and endorse efforts by the administration to lengthen the hours the library is available as a place of study and research. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 2/9/84 R-39 RESOLUTION 83/84/39 APPROVAL OF 1984-85 STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT, BOARD OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS AND STUDENT SENATE SPONSOR: Elections Committee WHEREAS The General Election on February 8, 1984, and the Run-Off Election on February 15, 1984, were run in a fair and equitable manner by the rules set out in the SGA Constitution BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate accept and approve the results of the 1984-85 SGA Elections as shown below: STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT Ken Heinz BOARD OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Larry Boyd Kipp Exline Steve Onken Jeff Taylor AGRICULTURE STUDENT SENATORS Kelli Anderson Mark Jirak Tim Luginsland Bruce Ney Mark Stenstrom Keith Westervelt ARCH. & DESIGN STUDENT SENATORS Doug Mann Kelly Miller C. V. Salts ARTS & SCIENCES STUDENT SENATORS Hark Charlton Scott Coppenbarger Sherri Hager Shelly Henderson Steve Lawrence Andy Martin Matt McMillen Linda Meldrum Michael Morgan Greg Pestinger Kendra Ponte Kirk Porteous Sandi Schmidt Lawrence Tsen BUSINESS ADMIN. STUDENT SENATORS Theresa Burgess R-40 Steve Cashman Monte Griffin Drew Hertel Larry Hinkel Krista Lindgren Lori Rock Sally Traeger EDUCATION STUDENT SENATORS Melanie Berbohm Kay Deever Greg Krotz ENGINEERING STUDENT SENATORS Barrett Bromich Diane Chamblin Mark Galyardt Roger Garfoot Hisham Hawari Steve Hummel Dan Knight Bryan Miller Jim Rinner GRADUATE STUDENT SENATORS Sheng San Cheng Ali Nikaeen Brian O’Neill William Sullivan HOME ECONOMICS STUDENT SENATORS Kerry Jones Becky Marshall Jeanine Mealy Catherine Sayler VET. WED. STUDENT SENATOR SECTION 2. A total of 3,423 ballots ere cast in the General Election (for a university enrollment of 18,192 students, this is a voter turnout of 18.8%). A total of 2,450 ballots were cast in the Run-Off Election between student body presidential candidates Ken Heinz and Tracy Turner. The voter turnout for the Run-Off Election was 13.43%. PASSED 2/16/84 R-41 RESOLUTION 83/84/40 COMMENDATION FOR LORI LEU AND JERRY KATLIN SPONSORS: Kirk Porteous, Mark Jones WHEREAS under the leadership of Jerry Katlin, 1983-84 Student Body President, and Lori Leu, 1983-84 Student Senate Chairperson, the Student Governing Association of Kansas State University was guided responsibly and effectively, and WHEREAS both of these positions require a great deal of dedication, and WHEREAS Jerry Katlin has done an excellent job communicating the students’ needs and concerns to the administration, Kansas Board of Regents, Kansas Legislature and various other concerned bodies, and WHEREAS Lori Leu has displayed her continuous concerns through sincere and effective leadership for the betterment of Kansas State University BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate graciously express their undying gratitude for the efforts and accomplishments made by Jerry Katlin and Lori Leu. PASSED 2/23/84 R-42 RESOLUTION 83/84/41 COMMENDATION TO RICK FORSYTH SPONSOR: Mark Jones WHEREAS the enrollment in the College of Architecture and Design dropped considerably this year, and WHEREAS the College has had a growing concern for its enrollment figures, and WHEREAS the importance of the dedication and time spent in improving our recruitment programs is vital to the university in its efforts to stabilize our enrollment and funding levels, and WHEREAS Rick Forsyth, Assistant Dean of the College of Architecture and Design, has directed the implementation of an active ambassador program in the College, and WHEREAS he has received many letters of compliments from prospective students around the state for the impressive presentations BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend Rick Forsyth and the College of Architecture and Design for their efforts in improving our overall ambassador program. FAILED 2/23/84 R-43 There is currently no copy of the 1983-84 Minutes available in the OSAS Office. As of 4/25/2011