1988 BILLS TABLE OF CONTENTS Bill Number and Title Page Bill 88/1 1988 Student Senate Standing Rules.....................................................................1 Bill 88/2 Revised Council Funding Policy ...........................................................................2 Bill 88/3 SGA Special Allocation: Copy Machine...............................................................4 Bill 88/4 Closing of Reserves for Nichols Gym Account ....................................................5 Bill 88/5 Return of Shuttle Service Loan .............................................................................6 Bill 88/6 SGA Special Allocation: Mailing to Kansas High School Seniors.......................7 Bill 88/7 SGA Special Allocation: Washington, DC Trip....................................................8 Bill 88/8 Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee By-Laws, Rules and Regulations Revisions...........................................................................................9 Bill 88/9 Consumer Relations Board Special Allocation: ACCI Conference ....................11 Bill 88/10 EDGE Center Establishment ...............................................................................12 Bill 88/11 Establishment of a Student Fee for The KSU Child Care Cooperative ..............13 Bill 88/12 Fine Arts Council Budget Review Recommendation/Student Services Fee Increase ........................................................................................................14 Bill 88/13 Recreational Services Budget Review Recommendation ...................................15 Bill 88/14 Seaside Field Research & Design Charrette........................................................16 Bill 88/15 Increase of Student Services Fee.........................................................................17 Bill 88/16 Business Administration College Council Constitutional Revisions ..................18 Bill 88/17 Speech Unlimited Special Allocation..................................................................20 Bill 88/18 Amendment to Senate Bill 87/29, Increase in SGA Elections Polling Places ..................................................................................................................21 Bill 88/19 Amendment to Senate Bill 87/32, Athletic Ticket Sales Task Force ..................22 Bill 88/20 1988-89 Tentative Allocations ............................................................................23 Bill 88/21 Business Administration College Council Constitutional Revisions ..................25 Bill 88/22 Funding of the KSU Child Care Cooperative......................................................27 Bill 88/23 Revision of SGA Constitution: Judicial and Student Rights...............................28 Bill 88/24 Revision of SGA By-Laws: Judicial Code..........................................................32 Bill 88/25 Revision of Student Conduct Code .....................................................................33 Bill 88/26 Athletic Ticket Sales Policy ................................................................................36 Bill 88/27 Special Allocation to Oz Magazine .....................................................................39 Bill 88/28 Special Allocation to Rodeo Club .......................................................................40 Bill 88/29 1988-89 Student Health Insurance ......................................................................41 Bill 88/30 SGA By-Laws Revision: Elections Committee ..................................................42 Bill 88/31 Campaign Regulations Revision & Campaign Expenditure Regulations Revisions.............................................................................................................43 Bill 88/32 Investigation of Investment of Student Funds.....................................................44 Bill 88/33 Campaign Regulations Revision .........................................................................45 Bill 88/34 KSU Vietnam Veterans Memorial Special Allocation to Arnold Air Society.................................................................................................................46 Bill 88/35 No Legislation for this number............................................................................47 Bill 88/36 Educational Opportunity Fund Allocation Procedures........................................48 Bill 88/37 Revision of Senate Bill 87/34, Attendance Policy ..............................................49 Bill 88/38 Amendment to Senate Bill 88/1, 1988 Student Senate Standing Rules ..............50 Bill 88/39 Impeachment of Adam Ruskin............................................................................51 Bill 88/40 Impeachment of Rattan Nath...............................................................................52 Bill 88/41 Reapportionment of Student Senate ....................................................................53 Bill 88/42 University Activities Board Constitution & By-Laws Revisions........................54 Bill 88/43 Education College Council Constitutional Revisions .........................................55 Bill 88/44 Impeachment Justification...................................................................................57 Bill 88/45 Impeachment of 21 Student Senators ..................................................................58 Bill 88/46 Bill 88/47 Bill 88/48 Bill 88/49 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/51 Bill 88/52 Bill 88/53 Bill 88/54 Bill 88/55 Bill 88/56 Bill 88/57 Bill 88/58 Bill 88/59 Bill 88/60 Impeachment of 2 Student Senators ....................................................................59 Impeachment of 8 Student Senators ....................................................................60 Impeachment of Amy Vath .................................................................................61 Special Allocation for “Handbook for UAB Registered Organizations”............62 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Amnesty International .........................................63 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas............................63 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU ..............63 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Association of Adults Returning to School.........63 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Black Student Union ...........................................63 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Coalition of Human Rights..................................63 1988-1989 Final Allocations: College Councils .................................................63 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Consumer Relations Board..................................63 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Fine Arts Council ................................................63 1988-1989 Final Allocations: FONE Crisis Center.............................................63 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Honorariums........................................................63 1988-1989 Final Allocations: International Coordinating Council.....................63 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Legal Services .....................................................63 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay............63 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Mexican American Council of Students ............64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Puerto Rican Student Organization .....................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Reserves for Contingencies .................................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs ..............................................................................................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Sports Clubs ........................................................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Student Governing Association...........................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Students Against Driving Drunk .........................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Students for Handicapped Concerns ...................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: University for Man ..............................................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: U-Learn ...............................................................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Withholding.........................................................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Women’s Resource Center..................................64 SGA By-Laws Revisions: Interpretation of SGA Constitution, By-Laws & Legislation ......................................................................................................65 Special Allocation to K-State Crew for a New Shell ..........................................66 Extension for the Investment Ad Hoc Committee ..............................................67 SGA Constitutional Revisions.............................................................................68 SGA By-Laws Revisions.....................................................................................69 SGA By-Laws Revisions.....................................................................................70 Re-Evaluation of the KSU Child Care Cooperative’s Childships.......................71 Extension of the Ad Hoc Investment Committee................................................72 Revised Athletic Ticket Sales Policy ..................................................................73 Educational Opportunity Fund Allocation for 1990-Fiscal Year ........................76 1988 BILLS INDEX Constitutional Amendments page Bill 88/16 Business Administration College Council Constitutional Revisions ..................18 Bill 88/21 Business Administration College Council Constitutional Revisions ..................25 Bill 88/23 Revision of SGA Constitution: Judicial and Student Rights...............................28 Bill 88/42 University Activities Board Constitution & By-Laws Revisions........................54 Bill 88/43 Education College Council Constitutional Revisions .........................................55 Bill 88/54 SGA Constitutional Revisions.............................................................................68 By-Laws Amendments Bill 88/8 Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee By-Laws, Rules and Regulations Revisions...........................................................................................9 Bill 88/24 Revision of SGA By-Laws: Judicial Code..........................................................32 Bill 88/30 SGA By-Laws Revision: Elections Committee ..................................................42 Bill 88/51 SGA By-Laws Revisions: Interpretation of SGA Constitution, By-Laws & Legislation ......................................................................................................65 Bill 88/55 SGA By-Laws Revisions.....................................................................................69 Bill 88/56 SGA By-Laws Revisions.....................................................................................70 Elections Bill 88/18 Amendment to Senate Bill 87/29, Increase in SGA Elections Polling Places ..................................................................................................................21 Statutes Amendments Bill 99/00/02 Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name .............................2 Allocations Bill 88/4 Closing of Reserves for Nichols Gym Account ....................................................5 Bill 88/5 Return of Shuttle Service Loan .............................................................................6 Bill 88/14 Seaside Field Research & Design Charrette........................................................16 Bill 88/20 1988-89 Tentative Allocations ............................................................................23 Bill 88/22 Funding of the KSU Child Care Cooperative......................................................27 Bill 88/36 Educational Opportunity Fund Allocation Procedures........................................48 Bill 88/50 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Amnesty International .........................................63 Bill 88/50 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas............................63 Bill 88/50 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU ..............63 Bill 88/50 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Association of Adults Returning to School.........63 Bill 88/50 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Black Student Union ...........................................63 Bill 88/50 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Coalition of Human Rights..................................63 Bill 88/50 1988-1989 Final Allocations: College Councils .................................................63 Bill 88/50 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Consumer Relations Board..................................63 Bill 88/50 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Fine Arts Council ................................................63 Bill 88/50 1988-1989 Final Allocations: FONE Crisis Center.............................................63 Bill 88/50 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Honorariums........................................................63 Bill 88/50 1988-1989 Final Allocations: International Coordinating Council.....................63 Bill 88/50 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Legal Services .....................................................63 Bill 88/50 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay............63 Bill 88/50 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Mexican American Council of Students ............64 Bill 88/50 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Puerto Rican Student Organization .....................64 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/50 Bill 88/60 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Reserves for Contingencies .................................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs ..............................................................................................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Sports Clubs ........................................................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Student Governing Association...........................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Students Against Driving Drunk .........................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Students for Handicapped Concerns ...................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: University for Man ..............................................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: U-Learn ...............................................................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Withholding.........................................................64 1988-1989 Final Allocations: Women’s Resource Center..................................64 Educational Opportunity Fund Allocation for 1990-Fiscal Year ........................76 Special Allocations Bill 88/3 SGA Special Allocation: Copy Machine...............................................................4 Bill 88/6 SGA Special Allocation: Mailing to Kansas High School Seniors.......................7 Bill 88/7 SGA Special Allocation: Washington, DC Trip....................................................8 Bill 88/9 Consumer Relations Board Special Allocation: ACCI Conference ....................11 Bill 88/17 Speech Unlimited Special Allocation..................................................................20 Bill 88/27 Special Allocation to Oz Magazine .....................................................................39 Bill 88/28 Special Allocation to Rodeo Club .......................................................................40 Bill 88/34 KSU Vietnam Veterans Memorial Special Allocation to Arnold Air Society.................................................................................................................46 Bill 88/49 Special Allocation for “Handbook for UAB Registered Organizations”............62 Bill 88/52 Special Allocation to K-State Crew for a New Shell ..........................................66 Privilege Fees Bill 88/11 Establishment of a Student Fee for The KSU Child Care Cooperative ..............13 Bill 88/12 Fine Arts Council Budget Review Recommendation/Student Services Fee Increase ........................................................................................................14 Bill 88/13 Recreational Services Budget Review Recommendation ...................................15 Bill 88/15 Increase of Student Services Fee.........................................................................17 Bill 88/19 Amendment to Senate Bill 87/32, Athletic Ticket Sales Task Force ..................22 Funding Regulations and Guidelines Bill 88/2 Revised Council Funding Policy ...........................................................................2 Bill 88/26 Athletic Ticket Sales Policy ................................................................................36 Bill 88/31 Campaign Regulations Revision & Campaign Expenditure Regulations Revisions.............................................................................................................43 Bill 88/33 Campaign Regulations Revision .........................................................................45 Bill 88/59 Revised Athletic Ticket Sales Policy ..................................................................73 Miscellaneous Bill 88/1 Bill 88/10 Bill 88/25 Bill 88/29 Bill 88/32 1988 Student Senate Standing Rules.....................................................................1 EDGE Center Establishment ...............................................................................12 Revision of Student Conduct Code .....................................................................33 1988-89 Student Health Insurance ......................................................................41 Investigation of Investment of Student Funds.....................................................44 Bill 88/35 Bill 88/37 Bill 88/38 Bill 88/39 Bill 88/40 Bill 88/41 Bill 88/44 Bill 88/45 Bill 88/46 Bill 88/47 Bill 88/48 Bill 88/53 Bill 88/57 Bill 88/58 No Legislation for this number............................................................................47 Revision of Senate Bill 87/34, Attendance Policy ..............................................49 Amendment to Senate Bill 88/1, 1988 Student Senate Standing Rules ..............50 Impeachment of Adam Ruskin............................................................................51 Impeachment of Rattan Nath...............................................................................52 Reapportionment of Student Senate ....................................................................53 Impeachment Justification...................................................................................57 Impeachment of 21 Student Senators ..................................................................58 Impeachment of 2 Student Senators ....................................................................59 Impeachment of 8 Student Senators ....................................................................60 Impeachment of Amy Vath .................................................................................61 Extension for the Investment Ad Hoc Committee ..............................................67 Re-Evaluation of the KSU Child Care Cooperative’s Childships.......................71 Extension of the Ad Hoc Investment Committee................................................72 BILL 88/1 BY: 1988 STUDENT SENATE STANDING RULES Doug Folk and Greg Weisenborn BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following be approved as the 1989 Student Senate Standing Rules: 1. Senate shall have separation of questions and debate during its meetings. The question period is designated to provide time for senators to ask questions on motions or amendments. The debate period is designated for senators to voice their opinions on motions or amendments. Point of information, in question form, may be raised at any time during the debate period. 2. Open period is for any non-senator who would like the privilege of speaking before Student Senate. Any Senator or non-senator may ask questions directed at open period speakers. 3. Friendly amendments may be made to legislation only during the question period, not during debate. 4. The Senate Chair will vote only in the case of a tie. 5. First readings of legislation shall be followed by a question period. During second readings of legislation, senators shall have both a question and debate period. 6. During non-review years, Student Senate cannot amend a line item. 7. The objection to consideration motion must be voiced before the debate period. The person raising the motion may give a brief explanation for the reason for the objection. 8. The standing committee chairperson, Parliamentarian, Student Body President, Cabinet members, A.S.K. Campus Director(s), Senate Interns, Associate Dean of Student Life, Coordinator of Student Activities and Services and Secretary shall have speaking privileges in Student Senate. 9. Finance Committee members shall have speaking privileges during the tentative and final allocation process. 10. If no objection to call the question are raised, Student Senate shall have an immediate vote of the motion on the floor. 11. A motion to reconsider a vote may be made no later than the second (2nd) meeting of Student Senate after the vote was taken. PASSED 1/21/88 B-1 BILL 88/2 BY: REVISED COUNCIL FUNDING POLICY Mark Burns WHEREAS: Senate Bill 87/35 changed the yearly allocation to college councils from the second semester’s enrollment to the fall semester’s enrollment, and WHEREAS: councils do not have liaisons, except the International Coordinating Council, and WHEREAS: typographical errors need to be corrected to make the policy read clearer BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following as the Council Funding Policy: 1. A “council” shall be defined as a governing body which presides over two or more related organizations wishing to maintain their own autonomy. 2. Student Senate shall grant $1.50/semester/full-time student and $.42/semester/part-time student to each college council. The yearly allocation shall be based on the previous year’s fall semester’s enrollment. Fine Arts Council shall receive $2/semester/full-time student. Student Senate shall grant non-line item allocations to other councils. 3. Guidelines for these allocations shall include: A. Meeting SGA spending regulations. B Any funded activity cannot discriminate membership on the basis of race, nationality, religion, creed or sex. C Activity must be predominantly beneficial to that college’s students’ or groups’ interests in contrast to benefiting the entire university. 4. Misuse of funds shall be reported by the SGA Financial Adviser or any student in that college/organization and forwarded to the Student Senate Finance Committee for appropriate action. 5. During the annual allocation process, all individuals or groups requesting an allocation from student activity fee money from a council will submit a fully itemized budget directly to the council when requested. 6. The councils will process the budgets in accordance with their individual allocation procedure. After this process is complete, the councils will present their finalized budgets to the Student Senate Finance Committee. The finalized budgets will include an itemized breakdown to each group funded. 7. Student Senate Finance Committee’s approval shall be required for the enactment of any council allocation of student activity fee money. Finance Committee will review the budgets to determine whether the expenditures are in accordance with SGA and university policy. Upon approval of Finance Committee the allocation will be considered complete. If all or part of a budget is not approved, Finance Committee will schedule a meeting with the council in question and give a full explanation of their rationale for non-approval. At this time budgets may be revised and resubmitted. Finance Committee, in consultation with councils, may grant exceptions and approve expenditures which are prohibited under the B-2 annual Council Spending Policy, if these expenditures are deemed to be in the best interest of the students of the respective college or group. 8. Councils may submit (in writing) requests for additional funding, pending justification and need, to the Student Senate Finance Committee as an amendment to the council’s line item or budget and shall be considered by Student Senate during final allocations. 9. All funds not allocated by any college council shall be placed in a fund earmarked for that college council. Any unspent funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year shall be returned to the Reserves for Contingencies account. 10. Special allocation requests will be considered at any time throughout the fiscal year and must be reviewed by the Student Senate Finance Committee. Guidelines will be in accordance with that described in Sections 5, 6 and 7 above. 11. Any decisions made by the Student Senate Finance Committee may be overturned by a simple majority of the assembled body of Student Senate. PASSED 12/3/88 B-3 BILL 88/3 BY: SGA SPECIAL ALLOCATION: COPY MACHINE Jenny Johnston, Sally Routson, Charlene Nichols, Jason Miles, John McIntyre WHEREAS: the Student Government Services Office has been in need of a copy machine for quite sometime, and WHEREAS: the closest copy machine available is located on the 3rd floor of the K-State Union, and WHEREAS: time spent making copies in the Union Copy Center could be better spent in the SGS Office being productive, and WHEREAS: many reproductions made by both the Students’ Attorney and the Judicial Adviser are of a confidential nature, and WHEREAS: the mimeograph machine presently being used in the SGS Office is becoming obsolete, stencils are getting harder to locate and more expensive, and repair of the machine could be quite expensive and very inconvenient, and WHEREAS: the mimeograph machine will continue to be used for large reproductions such as applications, class schedules, etc. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Governing Association be allocated $705 to cover the cost of renting a copy machine for the remainder of the 1987-88 Fiscal Year. ($94 rental for 5 months, $68 for toner, $107 for developer and $60 for key counter & receptacle). SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 1/28/88 B-4 BILL 88/4 BY: CLOSING OF RESERVES FOR NICHOLS GYM ACCOUNT Finance Committee WHEREAS: the 1975 Student Senate established a $10,000 account as a contribution towards an art gallery included in the architectural plans for the renovation of Nichols Gymnasium, and WHEREAS: Senate Bill 83/84/23 established the Nichols Hall Art Committee to commission an artist to do a piece of art for the Nichols Hall lobby, and WHEREAS: $384.12 remains in the Reserves for Nichols Gym account after all expenses have been paid BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. $384.12 be transferred from the Reserves for Nichols Gym account to the Reserves for Contingencies account, and the Reserves for Nichols Gym account be closed. PASSED 2/4/88 B-5 BILL 88/5 BY: RETURN OF SHUTTLE SERVICE LOAN Finance Committee WHEREAS: in 1984 a $1/day user fee was established by Student Senate to fund an extra car and driver for students with temporary physical limitations, and WHEREAS: $200 of SGA monies was used as a loan to establish the Shuttle Service account, and WHEREAS: $692 has accumulated in the Shuttle Service account in addition to the $200 loan BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. $200 be transferred from the Shuttle Service account to the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 2/4/88 B-6 BILL 88/6 BY: SGA SPECIAL ALLOCATION: MAILING TO KANSAS HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS Communications Standing Committee WHEREAS: the Communications Standing Committee is mandated to encourage the enrollment of Kansas high school students at K-State, and WHEREAS: in 1987 SGA sent letters to approximately 4,000 potential K-Staters who expressed an interest in student government on their ACT profiles, and WHEREAS: the Office of Institutional Advancement has agreed to pay for mailing labels and postage for a mailing this year, and WHEREAS: the increased enrollment at K-State and the number of freshmen involved in SGA would indicate that this program is of merit BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Governing Association be allocated $215.05 to cover the cost of printing 4,000 letters and envelopes to be mailed to Kansas high school seniors who expressed an interest in student government on their ACT profiles. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 2/4/88 B-7 BILL 88/7 BY: SGA SPECIAL ALLOCATION: WASHINGTON, DC TRIP Troy Lubbers & Doug Folk WHEREAS: the KSU SGA is a member of the Associated Students of Kansas (ASK), which is in turn a former member of the National Student Roundtable (NSR), and WHEREAS: the NSR is in heavy financial debt, a debt in which the KSU SGA, through its ASK affiliation, could be held in partial account for, and WHEREAS: the NSR is having a national conference in Washington, DC the weekend of March 19, 1988 that will be attended by students and NSR board members from Minnesota, Florida and Texas, and WHEREAS: the conference will provide an excellent opportunity for representatives of the KSU SGA to discuss in depth the problems of NSR with the current board of directors and with other student leaders who have similar concerns, and WHEREAS: the President’s ‘89 Fiscal Year budget is very unfavorable to students due to funding cuts in Federal Student Financial Assistance, and WHEREAS: the Guaranteed Student Loan program is under much scrutiny and. faces possible revision due to increased default rates, and WHEREAS: the KSU student body needs to be fully represented as the student leaders of Kansas meet with our national representatives to voice students’ concerns BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Governing Association be allocated $754 to send Student Body President Tray Lubbers and Student Senate Chair Doug Folk to Washington, DC March 18-23, 1988 to represent the KSU student body in voicing students’ concerns with the National Student Roundtable, the funding cuts in Federal Student Financial Assistance and the problems with the Guaranteed Student Loan Program. (Plane fare.-$132x2=$264; Lodging-$29/night x 5 nights x 2 = $290; Food & Travel-$20/day x 5 days x 2 = $200) SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 2/11/88 B-8 BILL 88/8 BY: LAFENE STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE BY-LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS REVISIONS Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee & Charlene Nichols WHEREAS: some structural changes in the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee are necessary due to recommendations from the Task Force on Counseling and Student Health, and WHEREAS: Student Senate must approve changes in the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee’s By-Laws, Rules and Regulations BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following revisions to the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee’s Rules and Regulations: Article II, Section 1-add a Part F to read: To review annually the budgets of Lafene Student Health Center and the Counseling Center. Article IV - amend Section 1 to read: The Student Health Advisory Committee shall consist of eight (8) members. Article IV, Section 1-amend Part a. to read: Four (4) students… Article IV, Section 1-amend Part e. to read: The four (4) students at large will fill the following positions with their accompanying responsibilities: Committee Chairperson Responsibilities: * to organize and conduct meetings * to organize information and coordination between the other members * to be a liaison between the Chair, administrator and faculty Public Information Coordinator Responsibilities: * taking notes and distributing minutes * distributing information to different groups on the committee’s activities * giving information on groups for feedback to Lafene Student Health Center * coordinate with the Lafene Public Relations Committee Service Delivery Coordinator Responsibilities: * give updates on current projects in the Center * assist in review of client/student complaints * update committee on changes in Lafene personnel B-9 Statistical and Financial Coordinator Responsibilities: * update changes in the Center’s financial position * be aware and obtain information on client flow, usage, census counts and other relevant statistics * obtain information on insurance coverage, current claims and their effects on future costs, and numbers enrolled Article IV, Section 1-add a Part f. to read: The Chairperson shall have the power to assign other tasks as needed. Article V, Section 1-amend Part a. to read: …on a yearly basis, and to recommend to Student Senate necessary changes in this fee. Article VI - amend Section 1 to read: The liaison senator and four (4) student members...as vacancies arise. The committee chairperson shall make known the specific positions that will be vacated. Each.... Article VI - amend Section 2 to read: …of the student health services. A member’s responsibilities should correlate with the position to which he or she is appointed. Only those.... SECTION 2. Student Senate approve the following revisions to the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee By-Laws: Article I - amend Section 5 to read: Quorum shall consist of four (4) voting members,… Article I - add a Section 6 to read: These Rules, Regulations and By-Laws shall be reviewed annually. PASSED 2/17/88 B-10 BILL 88/9 BY: CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD SPECIAL ALLOCATION: ACCI CONFERENCE Finance Committee WHEREAS: the American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI) Conference is going to be held in Chicago, Illinois on April 6-9, 1988, and WHEREAS: valuable information is relayed at this conference and would contribute a great deal to the KSU Consumer Relations Board, and WHEREAS: funds have been allocated in the past for this trip but were not requested by the previous director of the Consumer Relations Board for this fiscal year BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Consumer Relations Board be allocated $95.50 to attend the ACCI Conference in Chicago, Illinois on April 6-9, 1988. (air fare - $59; lodging$16.50; food - $20) SECTION 2. This money be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 3/3/88 B-11 BILL 88/10 BY: EDGE CENTER ESTABLISHMENT Senate Executive Committee & Blue Key Senior Honorary WHEREAS: members of the Blue Key Senior Honorary have approached the Student Governing Association with a proposal to establish a resource center in the SGS Office Conference Room #2, and WHEREAS: the SGS Office Conference Room #2 is presently unused, and WHEREAS: establishing the EDGE Center in the SGS Office would offer the entire university community leadership development opportunities which are not available anywhere else at KSU, and WHEREAS: the EDGE Resource Center would also increase the visibility of SGA activities and allow Blue Key to further realize its function as a service honorary BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Blue Key Senior Honorary be allowed to establish the EDGE (Environment for Development, Growth & Excellence) Center in the SGS Office Conference Room #2. SECTION 2. The purpose of the EDGE Center shall be to provide students and organizations with resources which would allow them to develop leadership and success skills and an environment in which these skills can be developed. SECTION 3. A sign titled “The EDGE Center” shall be posted outside the SGS Office Conference Room #2. SECTION 4. A member of the Blue Key Senior Honorary formally report once a year to the Senate Executive Committee during one of their February meetings on the state of the EDGE Center’s activities over the previous year and prospects for the upcoming year. SECTION 5. The Blue Key Senior Honorary receive no formal claim on the permanent use of the SGS Office Conference Room #2, and if the operation of the EDGE Center is terminated, this claim was and will remain with the KSU Student Governing Association. SECTION 6. The Blue Key Senior Honorary have the right to terminate the EDGE Center if it is determined the Center’s resources are not effective in encouraging leadership and success skill development, or if it is determined that these resources are being misused or could be more effectively utilized in another location. SECTION 7. The Blue Key Senior Honorary have full financial responsibility for the operation of the Center. SECTION 8. The Blue Key Senior Honorary be self-sufficient with the exception of the checkout process. If the check-out process becomes too burdensome for SGA personnel, Blue Key will assume all responsibility for the check-out process also. PASSED 3/3/88 B-12 BILL 88/11 BY: ESTABLISHMENT OF A STUDENT FEE FOR THE KSU CHILD CARE COOPERATIVE Student Affairs & Social Services Standing Committee WHEREAS: child care is a necessity for many students, faculty and staff, and WHEREAS: having child care on campus is a strong factor in attracting and retaining students, faculty and staff, and WHEREAS: the KSU Child Care Cooperative provides high quality child care and wishes to attract and retain college trained professional personnel, and WHEREAS: the KSU Child Care Cooperative provides care to low-income students at a rate lower than its costs, and WHEREAS: the KSU Child Care Cooperative provides employment opportunities for approximately 50 K-State students BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A $1/semester/full-time student fee, a $.50/semester/part-time student fee and a $.10/credit hour fee up to 6 credit hours for the summer session be established to aid in the funding of the KSU Child Care Cooperative. SECTION 2. This money be allocated for childships for children of K-State students, and any money not used for childships go toward student salaries for the KSU Child Care Cooperative. SECTION 3. The KSU Child Care Cooperative be reviewed annually by Student Senate and be required to submit an annual budget to Student Senate. SECTION 4. The chairperson of the Student Affairs & Social Services Standing Committee be an ex-officio member of the KSU Child Care Cooperative Board of Directors. SECTION 5. Release of this funding to the KSU Child Care Cooperative be dependent upon the KSU administration supplying a fund to the KSU Child Care Cooperative to match or exceed the monies collected as provided for in Section 1. SECTION 6. If at anytime the university does not match the monies collected from students the fee be cancelled, and the monies remaining from the fee be deposited in the Reserves for Contingencies account. FAILED 22/26/1 on 3/3/88 B-13 BILL 88/12 BY: FINE ARTS COUNCIL BUDGET REVIEW RECOMMENDATION/STUDENT SERVICES FEE INCREASE Finance Committee, Laurian Cuffy, Melissa Blumel, Monty McClain WHEREAS: Senate Bill 68/14/8 established the Fine Arts Council’s line item of $1.40/fulltime student, which was increased by Senate Bill 75/76/21 to $1.60, to $1.70 by Senate Bill 80/81/18, to $2 by Senate Bill 82/83/20, and to $2.30 in 1985-86 to cover the consolidation of the academic year and summer school allocation processes, and WHEREAS: the Fine Arts Council’s budget is reviewed every two years by Finance Committee and Student Senate, and WHEREAS: the Fine Arts Council funds the following organizations: Art Fine Arts, Architecture & Design Fine Arts, Dance Fine Arts, Ebony Theatre, McCain Auditorium, Minority Cultural Programs, Choral/Opera, Band/Orchestra, K-State Players, Summer Artists Series and Summer Repertory Theatre, and WHEREAS: there is a legitimate need for an increase in the Fine Arts Council’s budget, and WHEREAS: the Fine Arts Council makes it possible for all students to participate in activities which enhance education culturally, and WHEREAS: it is felt that the Fine Arts Council increases the visibility of KSU, and WHEREAS: not only full-time students, but also part-time students and summer school students can benefit from fine arts BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Fine Arts Council’s line item, allocated from the student activity fee, be increased from $2.30 to $2.40/full-time student, from $0 to $.75/part-time student and from $0 to $.l0/credit hour up to 6 credit hours for summer school. SECTION 2. The Student Services Fee be increased from $7.75 to $8/full-time student, from $4.45 to $4.50/part-time student, and that the summer school fee of $.75/credit hour up to 6 credit hours remain the same to accommodate the Fine Arts Council increased allocation. PASSED 41/5/0 on 3/10/88 B-14 BILL 88/13 BY: RECREATIONAL SERVICES BUDGET REVIEW RECOMMENDATION Finance Committee, Lisa Rephlo, Sally Meadows WHEREAS: Senate Bill 68/14/6 established the Recreational Services’ line item of $1/fulltime student, which was increased to $1.25 by Senate Bill 71/72/33, to $1.60 by Senate Bill 72/73/18, to $1.80 by Senate Bill 73/74/25, to $2.50 by Senate Bill 74/75/14, and the part-time student fee was increased from $0 to $1.25 by Senate Bill 79/80/22 and decreased to $.75 by Senate Bill 80/81/18, and WHEREAS: the Rec Services’ line item has not been increased in 14 years, and WHEREAS: the Rec Services’ budget is reviewed every three years by Finance Committee and Student Senate, and WHEREAS: Rec Services has shown legitimate need for an increase in their line item, and WHEREAS: the Chester E. Peters Rec Complex and its services are accessible to all currently enrolled students BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Recreation Services’ line item, allocated from the student activity fee, be increased from $2.50 to $3/full-time student, from $.75 to $1.50/part-time student and the summer school fee remain $.25/credit hour up to 6 credit hours. PASSED 45/1/0 to 3/10/88 B-15 BILL 88/14 BY: SEASIDE FIELD RESEARCH & DESIGN CHARRETTE Doug Heller, Chris Kern, Mary Lane WHEREAS: the KSU advanced architectural design studio taught by Professor Coates has been invited to submit design proposals for two passive solar buildings (a residence and a bed & breakfast inn) to be built at the new town of Seaside, Florida, and WHEREAS: Seaside is an internationally recognized frequently published experiment in urban design and architecture, and WHEREAS: the K-State design proposals, if judged to be of high enough quality, could actually be built at Seaside by K-State students, and WHEREAS: the Seaside Field Research and Design Charrette trip will be conducted March 1119, 1988, and WHEREAS: the field trip provides an essential opportunity to study the site and community first hand, to present design studies already completed, and to work directly with the Seaside developer/client on revised design proposals, and WHEREAS: the Meadowcreek Project, a similar project in which two model passive solar buildings were designed and built by K-State students, in Fox, Arkansas, has gained international recognition for the College of Architecture & Design and the university, and WHEREAS: the Seaside Project could result in international media coverage, as well as future opportunities for K-State students to do similar projects at Seaside and elsewhere BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Seaside Field Research and Design Charrette team be allocated $378.90 for a site visit on March 11-19, 1988, for ground transportation. SECTION 2. This money be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. WITHDRAWN 3/10/88 B-16 BILL 88/15 BY: INCREASE OF STUDENT SERVICES FEE Finance Committee WHEREAS: the Student Services Fee is currently $8/full-time student, $4.50/ part-time student and $.75/credit hour up to 6 credit hours for summer school students, and WHEREAS: the Student Services portion of the student activity fee has not been increased since 1980, and WHEREAS: salaries paid by Student Senate are underfunded which could keep the most qualified students from applying for these positions, and many of the services are requesting salary increases and will continue to request an increase until the money begins to compensate the time spent, and WHEREAS: one group is requesting funding for the first time this year, and another has not requested and received funding since 1985, and WHEREAS: enrollment is expected to stabilize BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Services Fee be increased from $8 to $8.60/full-time student and remain constant at $4.50/part-time student and at $.75/credit hour up to 6 credit hours for summer school students. FAILED 5/40/1 on 3/10/88 B-17 BILL 88/16 BY: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COLLEGE COUNCIL CONSTITUTIONAL REVISIONS Scott Darger WHEREAS: the current method of selection of members to the College of Business Administration College Council doesn’t represent the diversity of students in the College of Business Administration, and WHEREAS: representation on the Council could better reflect the aforementioned diversity, and WHEREAS: a committee was formed by the Council to investigate a better method of representation, and WHEREAS: the following proposal was brought before and approved by the Council BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following revisions be made in the Business Administration College Council’s Constitution: Article 2, Section 1, be amended to read: ...students to fill ten of the fifteen membership spots on the body known as Business Administration Council. The remaining five positions will be filled by appointment in accordance with Article 3, Section 2. These fifteen students shall be collectively known as Business Administration Council. Article 2, Section 4, be amended to read: A …consist of ten elected members, five members, the student senators... B. . . .elected or appointed to Business... …election or go through the application process. The title of Article 3 be amended to read: Nomination, Elections and Appointments. Article 3 be amended by adding the following section: SECTION 2. Appointments A. Any person meeting the qualifications set forth in Article 2, Section 5, shall have the right to apply for membership on a form produced by the Business Council in the following manner: 1. Check out application form from designated place. 2. Complete each section of the application. 3. Return application to a designated place by a specified date and sign up for an interview time. B. The interviews shall take place no later than the second to the last Friday in April. B-18 C. The interviewing panel shall consist of those members of the election committee and the faculty advisor of the Business Administration Council who will be a non-voting member. D. The interviewing panel shall nominate a slate equal to the number of members sought with heavy emphasis on selecting a representative body of students and additional weight on campus involvement. E. The Business Administration Council must then approve their choice of candidates by a two—third majority vote. All person(s) selected shall be eligible under all sections pertaining to qualifications. POSTPONED INDEFINITELY 3/24/88 B-19 BILL 88/17 BY: SPEECH UNLIMITED SPECIAL ALLOCATION Finance Committee WHEREAS: the Speech Unlimited Forensics Team wishes to represent KSU at the National Speech Tournament April 8-11 at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois, and WHEREAS: the Speech Unlimited Team has successfully represented KSU at 13 intercollegiate tournaments this year winning 187 individual awards, and WHEREAS: over the last 10 years Speech Unlimited at KSU has consistently been rank in the top 25 college speech teams in the nation, and WHEREAS: KSU is the defending national champion in dramatic interpretation, and WHEREAS: 8 students have qualified for the national tournament, and WHEREAS: other means of funding has been sought, and WHEREAS: funding is being asked for lodging and tournament fees only BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. $468 be allocated to send the KSU Speech Unlimited Team to the National Speech Tournament at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois on April 8-11. (8 students x 3 nights @ $5.50/night and 8 students x $42 tournament fee/student) SECTION 2. If less than 8 members attend the tournament, the appropriate amount of money be returned to student government. SECTION 3. This money be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 3/24/88 B-20 BILL 88/18 BY: AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 87/29, INCREASE IN SGA ELECTIONS POLLING PLACES Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS: Senate Bill 87/29 increased the number of polling places for SGA elections from one to four, and WHEREAS: the conduct of SGA elections is a gargantuan task, and WHEREAS: a vote of the entire student body may take place at a time when no SGA Elections Committee is in office, and WHEREAS: flexibility in polling procedures is needed BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Senate Bill 87/29, Increase in SGA Elections Polling Places, be amended by adding a new Section 4 and down noting the remaining sections. 4. If Student Senate passes legislation calling for a special vote of the entire student body, the legislation may provide for fewer polling places than those listed in Section 2 above. PASSED 3/24/88 B-21 BILL 88/19 BY: AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 87/32, ATHLETIC TICKET SALES TASK FORCE Doug Folk & Dave Whetstone WHEREAS: Senate Bill 87/32 established the Athletic Ticket Sales Task Force whose mandate included examining ticket sales policies at KSU and other universities, developing a ticket sales policy, making a final report to Student Senate no later than March 24, 1988, and introducing a proposal at that time, and WHEREAS: the task force first convened at a date later than originally envisioned, and WHEREAS: it is no longer reasonable to expect the proper research to be completed and a thorough proposal submitted by March 24th BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Senate Bill 87/32, Athletic Ticket Sales Task Force, be amended as follows: Add a new sub-section D in Section 1 and down note the remaining sections: D. Make a report to Student Senate of all research and alternatives explored to that point on March 24, 1988. Amend sub-section D (now E) in Section 1 to read: E. Make a final report to Student Senate, including a written record of all research and alternatives explored, no later than April 21, 1988. PASSED 3/10/88 B-22 BILL 88/20 BY: 1988-89 TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS Finance Committee ALLOCATED 1987-88 Association of Adults Returning to Schools (AARTS) Amnesty International Associated Students of Kansas TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS 1988-89 156.30 519.67 267.95 0.00 434.22 275.91 19,147.80 19,072.20 19,072.20 (………………………. $.60 head count……………….) Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU Black Student Union (BSU) Coalition for Human Rights (CHR) College Councils Ag 4,017.24 Arch. & Design 2,641.68 Arts & Sciences 11,299.68 Business Admin 7,357.92 Education 3,212.76 Engineering 7,287.24 Graduate 4,696.56 Human Ecology 2,906.16 Veterinary Medicine 1,161 .00 Consumer Relations Board Fine Arts Council 1,632.60 1,632.60 1,527.70 828.40 3,225.10 799.85 409.30 457.10 253.40 39,957.84 44,580.24 44,580.24 3,864.90 3,900.50 3,727.30 64,492.00 71,937.95 71,937.95 $2.40/full-time, $.75/part-time, $.10/summer) 11,838.86 12,612.76 12,087.06 ( FONE Crisis Center Honorariums AARTS BSU CHR ICC MACS UFM WRC REQUESTED 1988-89 100.00 1,000.00 550.00 2,000.00 600.00 500.00 200.00 International Coordinating Council (ICC) 4,196.50 B-23 4,486.55 4,265.28 TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS 1988-89 ALLOCATED 1987-88 REQUESTED 1988-89 25,023.87 28,173.00 26,061.00 183.95 456.20 225.00 0.00 227.50 120.75 10,852.21 0.00 (86.95) 4,023.89 11,743.57 876.80 33,117.18 35,153.00 33,293.00 Students Against Driving Drunk 207.30 1,156.67 276.80 Students for Handicapped Concerns 399.30 541.00 423.20 University for Man (UFM) 13,133.13 13,169.25 12,270.50 U-LearN 12,934.39 25,884.76 12,280.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 748.00 838.16 801.56 260,097.72 294,752.00 258,286.50 Legal Services Mexican American Council of Students (MACS) Puerto Rican Student Organization Reserves for Contingencies Sports Club Council Rugby Parachute Women’s Soccer Men’s Soccer Sailing Rodeo Gymnastics 93.20 133.20 122.20 139.60 112.20 183.20 93.20 Student Governing Association Withholding (estimate) Women’s Resource Center (WRC) Totals PASSED 4/14/88 B-24 BILL 88/21 BY: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COLLEGE COUNCIL CONSTITUTIONAL REVISIONS Scott Darger WHEREAS: the current method of selection of members to the College of Business Administration College Council doesn’t represent the diversity of students in the College of Business Administration, and WHEREAS: representation on the Council could better reflect the aforementioned diversity, and WHEREAS: a committee was formed by the Council to investigate a better method of representation, and WHEREAS: the following proposal was brought before and approved by the Council BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following revisions be made in the Business Administration College Council’s Constitution: Article 2, Section 1, be amended to read: ...students to fill ten of the fifteen membership spots on the body known as Business Administration Council. The remaining five positions will be filled by appointment in accordance with Article 3, Section 2. These fifteen students shall be collectively known as Business Administration Council. Article 2, Section 4, be amended to read: A. …consist of ten elected members, five appointed members, the student senators... B. …elected or appointed to Business election or go through the application process. The title of Article 3 be amended to read: Nomination, Elections and Appointments. Article 3 be amended by adding the following section: SECTION 2. Appointments A. Any person meeting the qualifications set forth in Article 2, Section 5, shall have the right to apply for membership on a form produced by the Business Administration Council in the following manner: 1. Check out application form from designated place. 2. Complete each section of the application. 3. Return application to a designated place by a specified date and sign up for an interview time. B. The interviews shall take place no later than the second to the last Friday in April. B-25 C. The interviewing panel shall consist of those members of the election committee and the faculty advisor of the Business Administration Council who will be a non-voting member. D. The interviewing panel shall nominate a slate equal to the number of members sought with heavy emphasis on selecting a representative body of students and additional weight on campus involvement. E. The Business Administration Council must then approve their choice of candidates by a two—thirds majority vote. All person(s) selected shall be eligible under all sections pertaining to qualifications. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ON 3/31/88 B-26 BILL 88/22 BY: FUNDING OF THE KSU CHILD CARE COOPERATIVE Troy Lubbers & Justin Sanders WHEREAS: lack of funding by the administration has forced the KSU Child Care Cooperative to discontinue acceptance of children subsidized by the Social Rehabilitation Services, and WHEREAS: the cost of care of the Child Care Cooperative is significantly higher than projected in March, therefore making it less accessible for many students, and WHEREAS: some classes at KSU benefit from the use of this facility for field experience in their endeavors to fulfill degree requirements, and WHEREAS: Student Senate invested $86,182 for the renovation of the KSU Child Care Cooperative in 1985, and WHEREAS: the composition of the student body is steadily changing toward a non— traditional population, and WHEREAS: the Kansas Board of Regents has endorsed a plan establishing an Educational Opportunity Fund which will bring approximately $200,000 per year to K-State for student financial aid, and WHEREAS: under the current plan the Student Senate shall have the power to allocate the EOF. money, and WHEREAS: the EOF. can be a source of funds for childships beginning with Fiscal Year 1990 (July 1989), and WHEREAS: the interest on the Endowment Account at the KSU Foundation is currently $60,000, and WHEREAS: a one-time allocation for childships in Fiscal Year 1989 (July 1988) falls under the guidelines established for the endowment in 1986 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Child Care Cooperative be allocated $32,000 in Fiscal Year 1989 for childships for children of KSU students. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the interest generated by the SGA Endowment Account at the KSU Foundation. SECTION 3. Student Senate strongly urge that a similar amount be allocated for childships in future years from the Educational Opportunity Fund monies. PASSED 29/15/2 ON 4/28/88 B-27 BILL 88/23 BY: REVISION OF SGA CONSTITUTION: JUDICIAL AND STUDENT RIGHTS Justin Sanders & Judicial Council WHEREAS: a committee of students, faculty and staff met frequently for nine months to revise the Judicial Code of the KSU SGA Constitution and By-Laws, and WHEREAS: Section VI (Judicial) and Section XII (Student Rights) of the KSU SGA Constitution were rewritten with minor content changes BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Section VI, Judicial, of the KSU SGA Constitution be revised as follows: 601. A. All judicial power of the KSU SGA shall be vested in the SGA judicial system, composed of the following boards or committees: 1. Judicial Council, 2. Student Tribunal, 3. Judicial Council of the KSU Association of Residence Halls (KSUARH), 4. Judicial boards of on-campus living groups, 5. Student Review Board, 6. Parking Citation Appeals Board, and 7. Ad hoc boards appointed when members of standing boards are unavailable. B. This judicial power shall include the exclusive disposition of: 1. 2. 3. 4. non-academic university disciplinary complaints against students, violations of the KSU SGA Constitution, interferences on students’ rights and freedoms, and appeals of KSU Police Department parking citations. 602. A. Members of the boards or committees listed in Section 601-A shall serve one-year terms and membership shall be as described below. 1. Judicial Council shall be composed of a representative of the Dean of Student Life, the SGA Attorney General (who shall serve as chairperson), and five (5) students as follows: a. one (1) student appointed by the President of KSU Association of Residence Hall (KSUARH), b. one (1) student appointed by the Presidents of Interfraternity/Pan-Hellenic Councils, c. one (1) student unaffiliated with an organized living group or off-campus living group appointed by the Student Body President, B-28 d. one (1) Student Senator appointed jointly by the Chairperson of Student Senate and the Chairperson of Senate Operations Standing Committee, and e. one (1) student-at-large appointed by the Student Body President. Such student appointments shall be subject to approval by Student Senate. 2. Student Tribunal shall be composed of two (2) faculty members appointed by Faculty Senate and five (5) students appointed by the Student Body President as follows: a. one (1) off-campus student unaffiliated with an organized living group, b. one (1) student from a fraternity or sorority which is a member of the Interfraternity Council/Pan-Hellenic Council, c. one (1) student from the KSU Association of Residence Halls (KSUARH), and d. two (2) students-at-large, one being designated as Chancellor. Such student appointments shall be subject to approval by Student Senate. 3. Judicial Council of the KSU Association of Residence Halls (KSUARH) shall be composed of one (1) representative from each residence hall. 4. Each on-campus living group shall determine the membership of its judicial board. 5. Student Review Board shall be composed of one (1) faculty member selected by Faculty Senate and five (5) students appointed by the Student Body President, one being designated as chairperson as follows: a. one (1) off-campus student unaffiliated with an organized living group, b. one (1) student from a fraternity or sorority which is a member of the Interfraternity Council/Pan-Hellenic Council, c. one (1) student from the KSU Association of Residence Halls (KSUARH), and d. two (2) students-at-large. Such student appointments shall be subject to approval by Student Senate. 6. Parking Citation Appeals Board shall be composed of seven (7) students appointed by the Student Body President and approved by Student Senate. One (1) shall be designated as chairperson by the Student Body President. B. During periods when judicial board members are unavailable, the Dean of Student Life, after consultation with the SGA Attorney General or if B-29 the Attorney General is unavailable, with the Student Body President, shall appoint an ad hoc committee, as the need arises, to hear nonacademic disciplinary complaints. Such ad hoc committees shall be composed of two (2) students and one (1) faculty-staff member preferably with prior judicial experience. C. No member of the boards or committees described in subsections A and B of this section shall hold elected office in either the executive or legislative branch of the SGA unless specifically permitted in the SGA Constitution and By-Laws, nor may any member serve on more than one such board or committee at any given time. No one may sit in judgment on a case which he/she has previously heard as a member of another board. 603. Members of boards or committees described in Section 602, subsections A and B, may be impeached by Student Senate for misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total membership of Student Senate and shall be removed from office upon conviction by Student Tribunal. SECTION 2. Section XII, Student Rights, of the KSU SGA Constitution be revised as follows: 1201. The following rights are guaranteed to students: A. The right of those employed by the university to join or form unions and enter into collective bargaining; B. The right to petition for changes in curriculums or faculty; C. The right to a fundamentally fair process, including a fair hearing, in all disciplinary matters and to be judged in part or entirely by students, with right of appeal; D. The right to free and timely access to statements of policy which affect students; the university, therefore, should publish policies affecting students; E. The right to freedom from unreasonable and unauthorized search, seizure and detention; F. The right to be tried and/or punished no more than once for the same offense, except in cases of violations of university rules; G. The right to exercise full rights as a citizen in forming and participating in campus, local, national or international organizations for intellectual, religious, social, political, economic or cultural purposes and to publish and/or disseminate individual views and those of organizations on or off campus; H. The right to conduct research freely and to publish, discuss and exchange any findings or recommendations, whether individually or in association with local, national or international groups; I. The right to organize and join organizations in their common interests; J. The right of any organization to enjoy registration in all cases, provided they comply with the regulation for registration as stipulated in the By-Laws to the University Activities Board (UAB) Constitution; B-30 K. The right of UAB registered organizations to participate freely in offcampus activities, subject only to procedural regulations; L. The right of students and UAB registered organization to use campus facilities subject to such regulations as are required for scheduling meeting times and places; M. The right of students and UAB registered organizations to invite and hear speakers of their choice on subjects of their choice; and N. The right to establish print and disseminate publications free of any censorship or other pressures designed to control editorial policy, with the selection and removal of editorial staffs reserved solely to the organizations sponsoring those publications. (In cases, however, where a publication enjoys a monopoly of university facilities and finances, the registering authority may properly insist on adequate safeguards in the constitution of the publication to insure that the requirements for membership be limited to interest, activity and journalistic ability. The staff of the publication shall administer those safeguards, but in any case where a person considers he/she has been unjustly removed from or unjustly prevented from joining the staff, such person may present a complaint to their board of local jurisdiction.) 1202. The enumeration of certain rights herein shall not be construed as to nullify or limit any other rights possessed by students. SECTION 3. The above amendments be submitted to the college councils for ratification as provided for in Article X, Section 1001-A of the KSU SGA Constitution and Article II of the By-Laws to the KSU SGA Constitution. PASSED 4/28/88 B-31 BILL 88/24 BY: REVISION OF SGA BY-LAWS: JUDICIAL CODE Justin Sanders & Judicial Council WHEREAS: a committee of students, faculty and staff met frequently for nine months to revise the Judicial Code of the KSU SGA Constitution and By-Laws, and WHEREAS: the committee strove for a judicial code which could be clear and understandable yet detailed enough to enable students to conduct fair proceedings with little or no supervision, and WHEREAS: a special attempt was made to avoid language common to criminal proceedings since disciplinary proceedings are not criminal BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article VI, Judicial Code, of the KSU SGA By-Laws be revised as follows: (a copy of this is available in the 1988 minutes) PASSED 4/28/88 B-32 BILL 88/25 BY: REVISION OF STUDENT CONDUCT CODE Justin Sanders & Judicial Council WHEREAS: Article V, Section 511-H of the KSU SGA Constitution states “The Student Senate shall have the power to define and establish the Honor and Conduct Code of KSU SGA, setting further acceptable standard principles of citizenship.”, and WHEREAS: the current Honor and Conduct Code is unconstitutionally vague, and WHEREAS: a committee of students, faculty and staff included the revision of the Honor and Conduct Code in their nine—month review of the KSU SGA Judicial Code, and WHEREAS: the proposed Student Conduct Code is specific enough to be enforceable yet broad enough to cover wrongful acts BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the revised Student Conduct Code as follows: Rationale The primary purpose of discipline in is to protect the campus community. purpose, reasonable efforts will a] personal and social development of held accountable for violations of the university setting Consistent with that so be made to foster the those students who are this conduct code. Interpretation of Regulations Disciplinary regulations are set forth in writing in order to give students general notice of prohibited conduct. The regulations should be read broadly and are not designed to define misconduct in exhaustive terms. Definitions 1. The term “group” means a number of persons who are associate with each other and who have not complied with university requirements for registration as an organization, but shall not include Greek organizations which are part of the Interfraternity Council and the Pan-Hellenic Council structure. 2. The term “organization” means a number of persons who have complied with university requirements for registration, but shall not include members of the Interfraternity Council and the Pan-Hellenic Council. 3. The term “university” means Kansas State University. 4. The term “reckless” means conduct which one should reasonable expected to know would create a substantial risk of harm to persons or property, or which would otherwise be likely to result in interference with normal university or university sponsored activities. 5. The term “university premises” means building or grounds owned, leased, operated, controlled or supervised by the university. 6. The term “weapon” means any object or substance designed to inflict a wound, cause injury, or incapacitate, including but not limited to, all B-33 7. 8. firearms, pellet guns, switchblade S knives, and knives with blades five or more inches in length. The term “university sponsored activity” means any activity on or off campus which is initiated, aided, authorized or supervised by the university. The term “hazing” means coercing, demanding or encouraging a member or prospective member of an organization or group to participate, as a condition of membership in any organization or group under the auspices of the university, in any activity which a. may be reasonably foreseen to cause discomfort, pain, fright, humiliation or injury; or b. violates any law regarding hazing. Prohibited Conduct The following misconduct is subject to disciplinary action: 1. Intentionally or recklessly causing physical harm to any person on university premises or at university sponsored activities, or intentionally or recklessly causing reasonable apprehension or fear of such harm. 2. Unauthorized use, possession or storage of any weapon on university premises or at university sponsored activities. 3. Intentionally initiating or causing to be initiated any false report, warning or threat of fire, explosion or other emergency on university premises or at university sponsored activities. 4. Intentionally or recklessly interfering with university or university sponsored activities, including, but not limited to, studying, teaching, research, university administration, or fire, police or emergency services. 5. Knowingly violating the terms of any disciplinary sanction imposed in accordance with this code. 6. Unauthorized distribution, use or possession of a controlled substance as described in Chapter 65, Article 41 of Kansas Statutes Annotated, including but not limited to marijuana, cocaine and heroin, on university premises or at university sponsored activities. 7. Violation of the university’s published alcohol and cereal malt beverage policy. 8. Intentionally or recklessly misusing or damaging fire safety equipment on university premises or at university sponsored activities. 9. Forgery, unauthorized alteration, or unauthorized use of any university document or instrument of identification. 10. intentionally and substantially interfering with the freedom or expression of others on university premises or at university sponsored activities. 11. Theft of property or of services on university premises or at university sponsored activities; knowing possession of stolen property on university premises or at university sponsored activities. 12. Intentionally or recklessly destroying or damaging the property of others on university premises or at university sponsored activities. 13. Unauthorized presence in or use of university premises, facilities or property. 14. Negligently, recklessly or intentionally participating in the hazing of another. (Consent by the person hazed shall be no defense to hazing.) B-34 15. Intentionally or recklessly engaging in conduct which clearly and directly impairs, interferes with, or obstructs the mission, processes and functions of the university. 16. Telephone harassment, which shall include a) making calls containing lewd or obscene remarks, b) making calls intended to harass whether or not conversation ensues, c) making the telephone ring repeatedly with intent to harass, and d) making repeated calls in which conversation ensues solely to harass. Attempts to commit acts prohibited by this code shall be considered violations to the same extent as completed acts. Sanctions Sanctions may be imposed for prohibited conduct pursuant to the Student Governing Association Constitution and By-Laws. PASSED 4/28/88 B-35 BILL 88/26 BY: ATHLETIC TICKET SALES POLICY Athletic Ticket Sales Task Force WHEREAS: the basketball ticket sales policies of the recent past have been less than effective, and WHEREAS: the Athletic Ticket Sales Task Force (ATSTF) was created to develop a plan for athletic ticket sales that would be more effective, and WHEREAS: the ATSTF is made up of four representatives from the residence halls, three offcampus representatives and four Greek representatives, with three members belonging to ICAT, and WHEREAS: the ATSTF has researched the issue of athletic ticket sales extensive by consulting other universities, KSU administrators, Coliseum Director Charlie Thomas, athletic department personnel, Men’s Basketball Coach Lon Kruger and ICAT representatives, and WHEREAS: the ATSTF held a forum for the general student body to see the plan and ask questions, and WHEREAS: the ATSTF feels that it has developed a workable plan that is as fair as possible to all students, and WHEREAS: the ATSTF feels it would be best for it to monitor the process of student athletic ticket sales for the 1988-89 school year BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the original seating plan for Bramlage Coliseum as it has been divided by the Athletic Ticket Sales Task Force and the following recommended policy (see addendum): A. The campout and sale of student season basketball tickets continue to be held on the east side of Ahearn Fieldhouse. B. Student season basketball tickets will be sold on October 14 (the morning before the first basketball practice). 1. In the event that October 14 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the date of sale shall be moved to the Friday immediately before the 14th of October. 2. If the date of sale would fall on a Friday before a home football game, the date shall be moved to the Thursday immediately before that Friday. 3. If the date is changed for any reason, the date of sale must be announced thirty (30) days prior to sale. C. Tickets for the ICAT group shall be sold at least one day in advance of the student season ticket sales so that extra tickets in the ICAT section may be B-36 purchased by other students. ICAT will determine their method of sales for the ICAT seats. D. Each individual may purchase up to twenty (20) tickets (one per valid fee card or spouse). E. Each position in the campout line must have a tent or other designated area that is marked with their group name, and each position may have up to five (5) individuals. (For example, a group that wanted to purchase two hundred (200) tickets would have to have two (2) positions in the campout with two (2) designated areas and five (5) campers in each position.) SECTION 2. Student Senate approve the following football ticket sales policy: A. B. C. D. All seats shall be reserved. ICAT members shall have top priority on seats. Each student may purchase up to seventy (70) tickets with one i.d. card. Group representatives with a current i.d. card may purchase all tickets and select location of seats. E. The Athletic Department shall determine the date of sale. SECTION 3. The Athletic Ticket Sales Task Force be reappointed as the 1988-89 Athletic Ticket Sales Committee so that it may continue to monitor the athletic ticket sales process during the next year. (Those members who do not wish to be reappointed shall be replaced by the selection committee outlined in Section 3 of Senate Bill 87/32. SECTION 4. Beginning in the Spring of 1989, the Athletic Ticket Sales Committee shall be appointed for the next school year prior to April 1. A. The Committee shall be selected by the Student Body President Student Senate Chair and Personnel Selections Coordinator. B. The Committee shall consist of nine (9) members. C. The selection committee shall also designate a chairperson of the Committee. D. The most important factor for selecting the student members of the Committee shall be living group representation. E. The Committee shall be charged with the responsibility of organizing and administrating the football and basketball ticket sales policy. F. The Committee shall work closely with the Athletic Ticket Sales Manager. G. The Committee shall also be responsible for: 1. the official sign-up of the line, 2. displaying a banner to identify the location of the check-in point, and 3. publicizing the policy and date of sale as set forth in this bill. H. The Committee shall assign two (2) members to each twelve (12)—hour period (12 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 12 p.m. to 12 a.m.) and those members shall conduct a roll call of the line at their discretion. There shall be no minimum or maximum number of roll calls. B-37 I. If inclement weather becomes a problem, the Committee has the power to disband the line until further notice. The line shall reconvene in the same order as it was when disbanded. SECTION 5. Student Senate pass along the following recommendations to the Athletic Department regarding the seating location in Bramlage Coliseum and athletic ticket sales. A. With faculty approval, the faculty section be moved to the corresponding location at the north end of the east side of the coliseum to better facilitate departure following a basketball game. The displaced sections be moved to the corresponding location at the south end of the east side. B. The policy whereby a married student can purchase one ticket for a nonstudent spouse be continued. C. In recognition of the students contribution to the building of Bramlage Coliseum, a minimum of six thousand (6,000) student season tickets be offered each year, and the present student seating location be maintained, if not improved. D. Student football and basketball tickets continue to be sold separately. E. ICAT memberships be obtained by September 15 to qualify for priority seating in the ICAT section. SECTION 6. All previous legislation pertaining to athletic ticket sales and the committee that administered that policy be null and void, with the exception of Senate Bill 87/32. PASSED 4/28/88 B-38 BILL 88/27 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO OZ MAGAZINE Mary Lane, Chris Kern, Doug Heller WHEREAS: the journal of the KSU College of Architecture & Design has been recognized as one of the best of its kind in the nation, and WHEREAS: Oz has always depended upon the voluntary financial support of its student staff and the design community, and WHEREAS: over the past two years three magazines, the most being that of Cornell University, have been forced out of publication due to financial considerations BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate loan $5,500 to Oz Magazine ($3,500 for current publishing debts and $2,000 for Volume II set up costs). SECTION 2. This money be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. SECTION 3. This loan be repaid in annual payments of at least $785 each. SECTION 4. The money be returned to the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 4/28/88 B-39 BILL 88/28 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO RODEO CLUB Greg Weisenborn, & Chris Kern WHEREAS: the K-State Rodeo Club is a visible organization which fosters the image of Kansas State University, and WHEREAS: the National Miss Collegiate Rodeo Competition, which is in conjunction with the Collegiate Rodeo Nationals, offers an opportunity for the KSU Rodeo Club to represent Kansas State University at a national level, and WHEREAS: a member of the KSU Rodeo Club qualified to compete in the National Miss Collegiate Rodeo Competition, and WHEREAS: the recognition of winning the competition would allow her to travel to other universities as an ambassador from Kansas State, and WHEREAS: this could be beneficial in the recruitment of students who have interests in rodeo BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $408.20 ($33 for 6 nights of lodging, $35 for 7 days of food and $340.20 for travel) to the Rodeo Club for the exclusive use of traveling to the Collegiate Rodeo Nationals in Bozeman, Montana. SECTION 2. This money be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 4/28/88 B-40 BILL 88/29 BY: 1988-89 STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee WHEREAS: the current student health insurance policy underwritten by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Kansas will expire August 27, 1988, and WHEREAS: the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee evaluated the current effectiveness of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield policy, and WHEREAS: the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee was given several different options by Blue Cross/Blue Shield from which they chose the best policy for the KSU student health insurance program BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate adopt the Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Kansas health insurance policy for the 1988-89 academic year. SECTION 2. The annual rates be as follows: student student/spouse student/child(ren) student/spouse/child(ren) $ 450.12 $1,051.32 $1,019.40 $1,469.52 PASSED 4/28/88 B-41 BILL 88/30 BY: SGA BY-LAWS REVISION: ELECTIONS COMMITTEE Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS: Senate Bill 88/18 increased the number of polling places from two (2) to four (4) for the SGA elections, and WHEREAS: this increase necessitates an increase of Elections Committee personnel in order to insure the efficiency of the elections, and WHEREAS: the report filed by the 1988 Elections Committee recommended several revisions to eliminate future problems in election procedures, and WHEREAS: the Elections Committee chair and the Coordinator of Student A concluded that a five (5)-member increase would be a sufficient increase in Elections Committee personnel BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following revision be made in Article I (Procedures for Referendums and Election of SGA Officials), Section l-A-5: In addition to the chairperson, Elections Committee shall be composed of twelve (12) other members chosen by a committee consisting of the Student Body President, Chairperson of Student Senate, Chairperson of Senate Operations Standing Committee and Chairperson of Elections Committee. These positions shall be by application to the Chairperson of Student Senate and subject to approval by Student Senate. (the underlined presently reads “seven (7)”) PASSED 9/1/88 B-42 BILL 88/31 BY: CAMPAIGN REGULATIONS REVISION & CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE REGULATIONS REVISIONS Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS: past problems with SGA election procedures have necessitated evaluation of election regulations, and WHEREAS: the report filed by the 1988 SGA Elections Committee recommended several revisions to eliminate future problems in election procedures, and WHEREAS: the chairperson of the 1989 SGA Elections Committee and the Coordinator of Student Activities spent considerable time evaluating these recommendation BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following revision be made to the Campaign Expenditure Regulations: Add to the end of 3-C: In case of emergency expenditures after the report has been submitted, an amended expenditure report must be submitted by the Monday prior to the election at 5:00 p.m. SECTION 2. The following be approved as the revised Campaign Regulations: (these are available in the 1988 minutes) PASSED 9/8/88 B-43 BILL 88/32 BY: INVESTIGATION OF INVESTMENT OF STUDENT FUNDS Rattan Nath, Scott Miller, Sally Howard-Clayton, Dan Acheson-Brown WHEREAS: the KSU Student Senate supports an ethical investment policy which is commensurate with and supportive of human rights and freedoms, and WHEREAS: currently there are student monies invested in the Common Funds which invests in companies doing business in the Republic of South Africa, and WHEREAS: the South African government violates human rights and freedoms, and WHEREAS: those companies doing business in the Republic of South Africa support the South African government through taxes BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. An ad hoc committee be established by 7 October 1988 to research the investment of student monies associated with companies doing business in the Republic of South Africa. SECTION 2. The ad hoc committee present a written report (which may include recommended legislation) to the Student Senate by 10 November 1988. SECTION 3. The ad hoc committee be comprised of five members (at least one student senator). SECTION 4. The ad hoc committee and the chairperson be selected by a three-member panel consisting of the Student Body President, Chairperson of Student Senate and the Coordinator of Personnel Selections. PASSED 42/0 ON 9/22/88 B-44 BILL 88/33 BY: CAMPAIGN REGULATIONS REVISION Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS: agreement was reached with University Physical Facilities to provide additional banner locations only for SGA elections BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Section 4-A (Banners) of the KSU Campaign Regulations be revised as follows: A. Banners may be displayed only between trees in the following areas: 1. southeast of Seaton Hall, 2. directly west of Holtz Hall, 3. directly south of the clock (north of Holtz Hall), 4. between Farrell Library and Lafene Student Health Center, and 5. directly east of the Burt Hall entrance. PASSED 9/15/88 B-45 BILL 88/34 BY: KSU VIETNAM VETERANS MEMORIAL SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO ARNOLD AIR SOCIETY Finance Committee & Justin Sanders WHEREAS: the Vietnam conflict ended April 30, 1975, and WHEREAS: 38 KSU students and alumni died in the Vietnam conflict, and WHEREAS: memorials exist for those K-Staters who died in World War I (Memorial Stadium) and World War II and Korean War (All Faiths Chapel), and WHEREAS: the only memorial on campus honoring K-Staters who died in Vietnam is a plaque in the K-State Union dedicated in 1969, and WHEREAS: the Arnold Air Society has developed a plan and has raised approximately $11,000 to build a fitting memorial to KSU students and alumni killed in Vietnam BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $7,051 to the Arnold Air Society to be used for completing the KSU Vietnam Veterans Memorial. SECTION 2. This money be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. SECTION 3. Student Senate strongly urge future Senates to fund maintenance costs which may arise due to vandalism or deterioration of the KSU Vietnam Veterans Memorial. PASSED 10/18/88 B-46 BILL 88/35 No Legislation for this number B-47 BILL 88/36 BY: EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY FUND ALLOCATION PROCEDURES Justin Sanders & Tray Lubbers WHEREAS: the Kansas Board of Regents on 19 May 1988 established an Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF), and WHEREAS: the KSU Student Governing Association is charged with the allocation of the EOF at Kansas State, and WHEREAS: the proper allocation of the EOF requires that a well defined procedure and timetable be followed BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The student members of the EOF Committee consist of one Student Senator and three at-large students to be selected by an interview panel consisting of the Student Body President, Student Senate Chair and the Coordinator of Personnel Selections. The interview panel shall advertise for applicants for the at-large positions and submit their selections to Student Senate for approval by April 1st of each year. SECTION 2. Proposals for allocation of the EOF be solicited by the Committee from April to the end of the second week (3rd Friday) the fall semester. To encourage a diversity of proposals, the Committee shall “J solicit proposals in several ways such as advertisement, direct invitation, etc. SECTION 3. In its report to Student Senate, the Committee include an evaluation of the effectiveness of the previous year allocations. SECTION 4. The Committee make its recommendation to Student Senate no later than October 15th of each year. SECTION 5. This bill take effect 1 January 1989. PASSED 10/6/88 B-48 BILL 88/37 BY: REVISION OF SENATE BILL 87/34, ATTENDANCE POLICY Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS: Senate Bill 86/87/21 established an attendance policy for office hours, and WHEREAS: this policy was in direct conflict with Article V, Section 2, Part E of the By-Laws to the KSU SGA Constitution, and WHEREAS: Senate Bill 87/34 established an attendance policy for group visitations, and WHEREAS: it is desirable to place all regulations regarding attendance in the standing rules BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Each Student Senator and standing committee chair hold one office hour per week during spring and fall semesters, with the exception of senators from the College of Veterinary Medicine. The Student Senate Chair shall organize the aforementioned office hours and have the power to excuse absences The attendance policy for office hours shall be provided for in the Student Senate Standing Rules. SECTION 2. Section 3 of Senate Bill 87/34 be amended to read: The attendance policy for group visitations shall be provided for in the Student Senate Standing Rules. FAILED 10/27/88 B-49 BILL 88/38 BY: AMENDMENT TO SENATE BILL 88/1, 1988 STUDENT SENATE STANDING RULES Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS: visitations and office hours have been added to the requirements of Student Senators, and WHEREAS: these additional requirements have created contradictions between legislation, bylaws, and Senate Chairs’ attendance policies BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Section 1 of Senate Bill 88/1 be amended by adding a Section 12 to read: 12. Any Student Senator who misses three (3) meetings during one (1) term of office shall automatically be considered for impeachment by Student Senate, unless properly excused by the Senate Chair. a. Three (3) unexcused lates (or leaving early) shall constitute one (1) unexcused absence. b. Two (2) unexcused absences from Student Senate office hours shall constitute one (I) unexcused absence. REFERRED TO SENATE OPERATIONS STANDING COMMITTEE 10/27/88 B-50 BILL 88/39 BY: IMPEACHMENT OF ADAM RUSKIN Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS: Article V, Section 2, Part E of the By-Laws to the KSU SGA Constitution states that ‘Any Student Senator who misses three (3) meetings during one (1) term of office will automatically be considered for impeachment by Student Senate, unless properly excused by Student Senate.”, and WHEREAS: Article 5, Section 511, Part B of the KSU SGA Constitution states that Student Senate has the power to “Impeach any officer of the student body and/or Student Senate on grounds of malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office, by the concurrence of two—thirds (2/3) of the total membership of Student Senate and then present the case to Student Tribunal for trial.”, and WHEREAS: Adam Ruskin has eight (8) unexcused absences to date this term BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Tribunal conduct impeachment proceedings against Adam Ruskin on the grounds of nonfeasance. FAILED 5/32/6 on 10/13/88 B-51 BILL 88/40 BY: IMPEACHMENT OF RATTAN NATH Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS: Article V, Section 2, Part E of the By-Laws to the KSU SGA Constitution states that “Any Student Senator who misses three (3) meetings during one (1) term of office will automatically be considered for impeachment by Student Senate, unless properly excused by Student Senate.”, and WHEREAS: Article 5, Section 511, Part B of the KSU SGA Constitution states that Student Senate has the power to “Impeach any officer of the student body and/or Student Senate on grounds of malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office, by the concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) of the total membership of Student Senate and then present the case to Student Tribunal for trial.”, and WHEREAS: Rattan Nath has two (2) unexcused absences and seven (7) unexcused lates (equating to 2 1/3 unexcused absences), totaling 4 1/3 unexcused absences to date this term BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Tribunal conduct impeachment proceedings against Rattan Nath on the grounds of nonfeasance. FAILED 13/27/4 on 10/13/88 B-52 BILL 88/41 BY: REAPPORTIONMENT OF STUDENT SENATE Justin Sanders WHEREAS: Article V, Section 504-A of the KSU SGA Constitution provides that Student Senate have “one (1) member for each three hundred (300) full—time and one (1) member for each six hundred (600) part-time students or major fraction thereof in each college or school,” and WHEREAS: 20th-day enrollment figures are now available and indicate the need to reapportion Student Senate BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senators for the 1989 Student Senate be apportioned among the colleges and schools as follows: Agriculture (1,314 f/t & 63 p/t) Architecture & Design (971 f/t & 32 p/t) Arts & Sciences (3,889 f/t & 562 p/t) Business Administration (2,574 f/t & 259p/t) Education (1,199 f/t & 130 p/t) Engineering (2,441 f/t & 149 p/t) Graduate School (1,200 f/t & 1,303 p/t) Human Ecology (1,067 f/t & 67 p/t) Veterinary Medicine (373 f/t & 1 p/t) PASSED 10/18/88 B-53 4 3 14 9 4 8 6 4 1 BILL 88/42 BY: UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS REVISIONS Sally Meadows & Sally Routson WHEREAS: the UAB Constitution & By-Laws were last revised in October of 1984, and WHEREAS: a sub-committee of UAB was appointed to review the Constitution and By-Laws and make recommendations on any changes, and WHEREAS: the changes were approved by the UAB at their October 5 meeting BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the revised University Activities Board Constitution & By-Laws. (a copy is available in the 1988 minutes) PASSED 10/18/88 B-54 BILL 88/43 BY: EDUCATION COLLEGE COUNCIL CONSTITUTIONAL REVISIONS Monica Connet & Melissa Blumel WHEREAS: the Education College Council has revised their Constitution, and WHEREAS: the Council has voted and accepted the revised Constitution BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following revisions be made to the Education College Council Constitution: ARTICLE II. MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1. be amended by adding the underlined: Non-voting members shall be the Student Senate Representatives for the College of Education, one Student Representative from each professional education club recognized by the College of Education, THE CHALKBOARD Assistant Editor and two Faculty Advisors. ARTICLE III. ELECTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS SECTION 8. be amended by adding the underlined: In the event of a vacancy, THE CHALKBOARD Editor Selection Committee shall select a replacement by first offering the position to THE CHALKBOARD Assistant Editor, and if accepted, a new assistant will be selected through the provisions outlined in ARTICLE III., Section 8-A. If the Assistant Editor does not accept, a new Editor will be selected from applications filed at the beginning of the term, soliciting new applications if deemed necessary, or utilizing other measures at the Selection Committee discretion. Add a Section 8-A to read: An assistant to THE CHALKBOARD Editor shall be selected each year by THE CHALKBOARD Editor Selection Committee, including the newly appointed CHALKBOARD Editor, immediately after an Editor has been selected. The proper title for this position shall be THE CHALKBOARD Assistant Editor. Selection shall be made from the pool of annually completed applications for THE CHALKBOARD Editor. The Selection Committee’s choice shall be approved by the Elected/Voting Education Council members. In the event of a vacancy, a new Assistant Editor may be selected by the same guidelines as that of a vacancy for Editor. ARTICLE IV. DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS Add a Section 6-A to read: B-55 The Assistant Editor of THE CHALKBOARD shall be at the disposal of the Editor to assist in any possible way. However, the Assistant Editor will not be held accountable for any of the Editor’s responsibilities. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ON 10/18/88 B-56 BILL 88/44 BY: IMPEACHMENT JUSTIFICATION Rattan Nath, Joni Hays, Brenda Halinski WHEREAS: Article V, Section 2-E of the By-Laws to the KSU SGA\ Constitution states that “Any Student Senator that misses three (3) meetings during one (1) term of office will automatically be considered for impeachment by Student Senate, unless properly excused by the Chairperson of Student Senate.”, and WHEREAS: Article V. Section 511-B of the KSU SGA. Constitution states that Student Senate has the “sole power to impeach any officer of the student body and/or Student Senate on the grounds of malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance in office, by the concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) of the total membership of Student Senate and then present the case to Student Tribunal for trial.”, and WHEREAS: the purpose of the KSU SGA shall be the establishment and maintenance of student government, and the enactment and enforcement of the just laws BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following people have at least three (3) unexcused absences: Carolyn Cawley Monica Connet Mitch Bruning Scott Darger Laura Ewy Filza Hassan Doug Heller Mary Lane Laurie Lawson Monty McClain Jason Miles William Mock Lauren O’Connor Cindy Riemann Grant Shellenberger Amy Vath NOT CONSIDERED 10/18/88 B-57 BILL 88/45 BY: IMPEACHMENT OF 21 STUDENT SENATORS Mary J Lampe, Brenda Halinski & Joni Hays WHEREAS: Article V, Section 2-E of the By-Laws to the KSU SGA Constitution states that “Any Student Senator that misses three (3) meetings during one (1) term of office will automatically be considered for impeachment by Student Senate, unless properly excused by the Chairperson of Student Senate.”, and WHEREAS: Article V, Section 511-B of the KSU SGA Constitution states that Student Senate has the “sole power to impeach any officer of the student body and/or Student Senate on the grounds of malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance in office, by the concurrence of two—thirds (2/3) of the total membership of Student Senate and then present the case to Student Tribunal for trial.”, and WHEREAS: Senate Bill 87/34 established procedures for carrying out visitations at two (2) per semester, and states that failure to comply with the visitation requirements will count as one (1) unexcused absence for each visitation not conducted, and WHEREAS: the 1988 Student Senate Attendance Policy and Parliamentary Procedures distributed to Student Senators at the beginning of their term states that “Three (3) unexcused lates (or leaving early) will constitute one (1) unexcused absence.”, and WHEREAS: the 1988 Student Senate Attendance Policy and Parliamentary Procedures states that “Two (2) unexcused absences from Student Senate office hours will constitute one (1) unexcused absence.”, and WHEREAS: the following Student Senators have, with the visitation policy, at least three (3) unexcused absences BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following Student Senators be impeached on the grounds of nonfeasance: Wendy Albrecht Mitch Bruning Carolyn Cawley Monica Connet Scott Darger Laura Ewy Fern Grant Filza Hassan Doug Heller Todd Johnson Mary Lane Laurie Lawson Kristy Line John McIntyre Jason Miles William Mock Lauren O’Connor Lisa Rephlo Cindy Riemann Mike Valentine Dave Whetstone FAILED 10/18/88 B-58 BILL 88/46 BY: IMPEACHMENT OF 2 STUDENT SENATORS Mary J Lampe, Brenda Halinski, Joni Hays & Rattan Nath WHEREAS: Article V, Section 2-E of the By-Laws to the KSU SGA Constitution states that “Any Student Senator that misses three (3) meetings during one (1) term of office will automatically be considered for impeachment by Student Senate, unless properly excused by the Chairperson of Student Senate.”, and WHEREAS: Article V, Section 511-B of the KSU SGA Constitution states that Student Senate has the “sole power to impeach any officer of the student body and/or Student Senate on the grounds of malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance in office, by the concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) of the total membership of Student Senate and then present the case to Student Tribunal for trial.”, and WHEREAS: the 1988 Student Senate Attendance Policy and Parliamentary Procedures states that “Two (2) unexcused absences from Student Senate office hours will constitute one (1) unexcused absence.”, and WHEREAS: the aforementioned policy also states that “Three (3) unexcused lates (or leaving early) will constitute one (1) unexcused absence.”, and WHEREAS: the following Student Senators have at least three (3) unexcused absences BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following Student Senators be impeached on the grounds of nonfeasance: Joe Karlin & Monty McClain FAILED 10/18/88 B-59 BILL 88/47 BY: IMPEACHMENT OF 8 STUDENT SENATE INTERNS Brenda Halinski, Joni Hays, Mary Jo Lampe & Rattan Nath WHEREAS: Student Senate Interns are bound by the same attendance policy as standing committee chairpersons, and WHEREAS: Article V. Section 8 of the By-Laws to the KSU SGA Constitution states that “any ex-officio member of Student Senate who misses three (3) meetings will automatically be considered for impeachment by Student Senate...”, and WHEREAS: the following Student Senate Interns have at least three (3) unexcused absences from Student Senate BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following Student Senate Interns be impeached on the grounds of nonfeasance: Ira Bolden Doug Holle Julie Wakeman Jane Costello Jill Maltby Jacinda Zimmerman NOT CONSIDERED 10/18/88 B-60 Chris Forrer David Mitchell BILL 88/48 BY: IMPEACHMENT OF AMY VATH Mary Jo Lampe, Brenda Halinski, Joni Hays & Rattan Nath WHEREAS: standing committee chairpersons who are non-voting, ex-officio members of Student Senate are subject to removal from office of chairperson by the voting members of Student Senate for malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance, and WHEREAS: Article V, Section 8 of the By-Laws to the KSU SGA Constitution states that “Any ex-officio member of Student Senate, defined in this section, who misses three (3) meetings will automatically be considered for impeachment by Student Senate...”, and WHEREAS: Amy Vath has six (6) unexcused absences BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Amy Vath, chairperson of the Academic Affairs & University Relations Standing Committee, be impeached on the grounds of nonfeasance. FAILED 1/33/4 on 10/18/88 B-61 BILL 88/49 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION FOR “HANDBOOK FOR UAB REGISTERED ORGANIZATIONS” Finance Committee WHEREAS: the University Activities Board (UAB) is an SGA committee, and WHEREAS: the first UAB handbook was distributed in the Fall of 1982 and was funded by the K-State Union, and WHEREAS: only updated pages to the handbook have been distributed annually since 1982, and WHEREAS: many organizations may have misplaced or not kept their handbooks current, and WHEREAS: the handbook was updated and put on the computer this past summer, and WHEREAS: there are currently 330 registered organizations BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $700 to cover the cost of printing 400 copies of the 60page “Handbook for UAB Registered Organizations” to be distributed to all 198889 UAB registered organizations. SECTION 2. This money be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 10/27/88 B-62 BILL 88/50 BY: 1988-1989 FINAL ALLOCATIONS Finance Committee REQUESTED Amnesty International Associated Students of Kansas Association of Adults Returning to School (AARTS) Black Student Union (BSU) Coalition for Human Rights (CHR) College Councils FINAL ALLOCATION $ 434.22 275.91 275.91 19,072.20 19,072.20 20,373.00 ( Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS $.60 headcount ) 1,632.60 1,527.70 1,527.70 519.67 267.95 267.95 3,225.10 799.85 799.85 457.10 253.40 253.40 44,580.24 44,580.24 44,580.24 ( $1.50 line item/full-time & $.42 line item/part-time student) Agriculture Architecture & Design Arts & Sciences Business Administration Education Engineering Graduate Human Ecology Veterinary Medicine 4,017.24 2,641.68 11,299.68 7,357.92 3,212.76 7,287.24 4,696.56 2,906.16 1,161.00 Consumer Relations Board (CRB) Fine Arts Council 3,900.50 3,727.30 3,727.30 71,937.95 71,937.95 77,318.60 ( $2.40 line item/full-time & $.75 ;line item/part-time & $.10/credit hour for summer school) FONE Crisis Center Honorariums AARTS BSU CHR ICC MACS UFM WRC 12,612.76 12,087.06 12,087.06 6,550.00 4,950.00 4,950.00 4,486.55 4,265.28 4,265.28 28,173.00 26,061.00 26,061.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 1,000.00 550.00 2,000.00 600.00 500.00 200.00 International Coordinating Council (ICC) Legal Services Long Range Reserves for Capitol Outlay B-63 REQUESTED TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS FINAL ALLOCATION Mexican American Council of Students (MACS) 456.20 225.00 225.00 Puerto Rican Student Organization 227.50 120.75 120.75 Reserves for Contingencies 0.00 (86.95) 8,584.64 Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs 0.00 0.00 0.00 93.20 133.20 122.20 139.60 112.20 183.20 93.20 876.80 93.20 133.20 122.20 139.60 112.20 183.20 93.20 876.80 35,153.00 33,293.00 33,575.10 1,156.67 276.80 276.80 541.00 423.20 423.20 University for Man (UFM) 13,169.25 12,270.50 12,670.50 U-LearN 25,884.76 12,280.00 12,445.20 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 838.16 801.56 820.31 $ 294,752.00 258,286.50 274,505.59 Sports Club Council (SCC) Rugby Parachute Women’s Soccer Men’s Soccer Sailing Rodeo Gymnastics TOTAL 957.20 2,309.00 1,057.80 1,910.80 1,799.77 3,587.00 122.00 11,743.57 Student Governing Association (SGA) Students Against Driving Drunk Students for Handicapped Concerns (SHC) Withholding (estimate) Women’s Resource Center (WRC) TOTALS PASSED 10/27/88 B-64 BILL 88/51 BY: SGA BY-LAWS REVISIONS: INTERPRETATION OF SGA CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS & LEGISLATION Justin Sanders & Rattan Nath WHEREAS: Student Tribunal has the duty of interpreting the SGA Constitution, and WHEREAS: there are no guidelines for interpreting the Constitution, By-Laws or legislation, and WHEREAS: such guidelines are necessary to provide a clear understanding of the process of interpretation BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article VI (Judicial), Section 2 (Duties of Student Tribunal), Subsection A, of the By-Laws to the KSU SGA Constitution be amended to read: interpret the KSU SGA Constitution, By-Laws and legislation, upon written request by the Student Body President or Chairperson of Student Senate or by presentation of a petition signed by 50 members of the KSU SGA. The interpretation should be (in the order of priority): 1. 2. 3. 4. based primarily on the common understanding of the words and phrases, logically consistent with the remainder of the document, consistent with prior interpretations, and in the best interest of the members of the KSU SGA; PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ON 11/3/88 B-65 BILL 88/52 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO K-STATE CREW FOR A NEW SHELL Finance Committee WHEREAS: the K-State Crew currently has approximately 90 members, and WHEREAS: the K-State Crew has established a tradition of providing positive national recognition to Kansas State University, and WHEREAS: the shell that the K-State Crew is currently using is old, and WHEREAS: the shell was purchased used after having been used by both the U.S. Olympic team and the University of Wisconsin, and WHEREAS: the shell is beginning to lose its usefulness as a racing shell, and WHEREAS: the cost of a new shell is approximately $12,000, and WHEREAS: the down payment on a new shell is $3,000 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $3,000 to the K-State Crew only after they have raised the remaining $9,500 for a new shell. SECTION 2. This money be taken from the Foundation’s Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 11/10/88 B-66 BILL 88/53 BY: EXTENSION FOR THE INVESTMENT AD HOC COMMITTEE Rattan Nath WHEREAS: the Investment Ad hoc Committee must submit its report by 10 November 1988, as specified in Senate Bill 88/32, and WHEREAS: the chairperson of the committee needs more time to perform the assigned task, and WHEREAS: due to tardiness in selection of the committee, its already short term was further shortened BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Investment Ad hoc Committee be required to submit its report by 17 November 1988, rather than 10 November 1988 as specified in Senate Bill 88/32. PASSED 11/3/88 B-67 BILL 88/54 BY: SGA CONSTITUTIONAL REVISIONS Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS: general consensus demanded significant revisions in the KSU SGA Constitution, and WHEREAS: previous revisions had created extensive discrepancies and inconsistencies throughout the document, and WHEREAS: Senate Operations Standing Committee consulted with a number of SGA sources throughout the revision process, and WHEREAS: the following revisions have been recommended by the committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the attached revised KSU SGA Constitution. SECTION 2. These revisions be submitted to the college councils for ratification. (a copy is available in the 1988 minutes) PASSED 36/1/1 ON 11/17/88 B-68 BILL 88/55 BY: SGA BY-LAWS REVISIONS Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS: general consensus demanded significant revisions in the SGA By-Laws, and WHEREAS: previous revisions had created extensive discrepancies and inconsistencies throughout the document, and WHEREAS: Senate Operations Standing Committee consulted with a number of SGA sources throughout the revision process, and WHEREAS: the following revisions have been recommended by the committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article IV, Section 3 be added to the SGA By-Laws and the present sections down noted: Nominees for the positions of Chief of Staff and Attorney General shall be interviewed by a Cabinet Nominee Interview Committee, outlined in Article V, Section 7-B of these By-Laws. SECTION 2. The above amendment shall not take effect until the Constitutional amendments in Senate Bill 88/54 have been ratified by the college councils. WITHDRAWN BY SPONSOR 11/17/88 B-69 BILL 88/56 BY: SGA BY-LAWS REVISIONS Senate Operations Standing Committee & Rattan Nath WHEREAS: general concerns demanded significant revisions in the SGA By-Laws, and WHEREAS: previous revisions had created extensive discrepancies and inconsistencies throughout the document, and WHEREAS: Senate Operations Standing Committee consulted with a number of SGA sources throughout the revision process, and WHEREAS: the following revisions have been recommended by the committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the attached revised By-Laws to the KSU SGA Constitution (excluding Article VI, Judicial). (a copy is available in the 1988 minutes) PASSED 11/17/88 B-70 BILL 88/57 BY: RE-EVALUATION OF THE KSU CHILD CARE COOPERATIVE’S CHILDSHIPS Brenda Halinski & Todd Johnson WHEREAS: the KSU Child Care Cooperative is funding four children in the infant room with over 20% of the allocated funds, and WHEREAS: there are 10 children (5 toddlers and 5 pre-school) who could be funded with the funds that are being used in the infant unit BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. As the infants being funded move up into toddler care, childships for infants be cancelled and monies be spread out more efficiently NOT CONSIDERED 11/17/88 B-71 BILL 88/58 BY: EXTENSION OF THE AD HOC INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Ad hoc Investment Committee WHEREAS: the Ad hoc Investment Committee must submit its report by 17 November 1988, as specified in Senate Bill 88/53, and WHEREAS: the Committee needs more time to perform the assigned task BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Ad hoc Investment Committee make its final report to Student Senate no later than 2 February 1989. PASSED 11/17/88 B-72 BILL 88/59 BY: REVISED ATHLETIC TICKET SALES POLICY Athletic Ticket Sales Committee WHEREAS: the Athletic Ticket Sales Committee is charged with proposing changes in the Athletic Ticket Sales Policy, and WHEREAS: the 1988 basketball ticket sales campout presented problems with the length of the campout potentially being 33 days, and WHEREAS: the Athletic Ticket Sales Committee was forced to resolve the problem, and WHEREAS: the Athletic Ticket Sales Committee did resolve the problem with reasonable success BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the revised Athletic Ticket Sales Policy: A. The campout and sale of student season basketball tickets continue to be held on the east side of Ahearn Fieldhouse. B. The official campout shall begin on a date prior to October 14th, to be arbitrarily determined by the Athletic Department and the Chairperson of the Athletic Ticket Sales Committee, and shall be signified by the raising of a purple flag (below the Kansas flag) on the Anderson Hall flag pole. C. Student season basketball tickets will be sold on October 14 (the morning before the first basketball practice). 1. In the event that October 14 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the date of sale shall be moved to the Friday immediately before the 14th of October. 2. If the date of sale falls on a Friday before a home football game, the date of sale shall be moved to the Thursday immediately before that Friday. 3. If the date of sale is changed for any reason, the date must be announced 30 days prior to sale. D. Tickets for the ICAT group shall be sold at least one day in advance of the student season ticket sale so that extra tickets in the ICAT section may be purchased by other students. ICAT will determine their method of sales for the ICAT seats. E. Each individual may purchase up to 20 tickets - one per valid fee card or spouse. F. Before a group may assume a position in line, the following conditions must be met: 1. a tent must be fully erected, 2. an identifying sign must be attached to the tent and visible, and 3. a person must be present for each block of 20 tickets to be purchased. (see Section 3, Part I.) G. Each position in the campout line must have a tent that is marked with their group name, and each position may have up to five (5) individuals. (For example, a group that wanted to purchase 200 tickets would have to have two B-73 (2) positions in the campout with two (2) designated areas and five (5) campers in each position.) H. Groups camping out 24 hours or less will not be required to have a tent. SECTION 2. Student Senate approve the following football ticket sales policy: A. B. C. D. All seats shall be reserved. ICAT members shall have top priority on seats. Each student may purchase up to 70 tickets with one (1) i.d. card. Group representatives with a current i.d. card may purchase all tickets and select location of seats. E. The Athletic Department shall determine the date of sale. SECTION 3. Beginning in the Spring of 1989, the Athletic Ticket Sales Committee shall be appointed for the next school year prior to April 1. A. The Committee shall be selected by the Student Body President Student Senate Chair , Personnel Selections Coordinator and Athletic Ticket Sales Committee Chair. B. The Committee shall consist of nine (9) student members. C. The selection committee shall designate a chairperson of the Committee from the nine (9) members. D. The most important factor for selecting the members of the Committee shall be living group representation. E. The Committee shall be charged with the responsibility of organizing and administrating the football and basketball ticket sales policies. F. The Committee shall work closely with the Athletic Ticket Sales Manager. G. The Committee shall work closely with the Athletic Director and inform him/her of the Committee’s opinion for a desired length of campout. The Committee shall not request nor be informed of the beginning date of the campout. H. The Committee shall also be responsible for: 1. the official sign-up of the line, 2. displaying a banner to identify the location of the check-in point, and 3. publicizing the policy and date of sale as set forth in this bill. I. Not fewer than three (3) Committee members shall be present for not less than six (6) hours after the purple flag has been raised to make sure the line is formed in a fair and equitable manner. J. The Committee shall assign two (2) members to each 12-hour period (12 AM to 12 PM and 12 PM to 12 AM) and those members shall conduct a roll call of the line at their discretion. There shall be no minimum or maximum number of roll calls. K. If inclement weather becomes a problem, the Committee has the power to disband the line until further notice. The line shall reconvene in the same order as it was when disbanded. SECTION 4. Student Senate pass along the following recommendations to the Athletic Department regarding the seating location in Bramlage Coliseum and athletic ticket sales: B-74 A. The policy whereby a married student can purchase one (1) ticket for a nonstudent spouse be continued. B. In recognition of the students’ contribution to the building of Bramlage Coliseum, a minimum of 6,000 student season tickets be offered each year, and the present student seating location be maintained, if not improved. C. Student football and basketball tickets continue to be sold separately. D. ICAT memberships be obtained by September 15 to qualify for priority seating in the ICAT section. SECTION 5. Student Senate pass along the following recommendation to the Athletic Ticket Sales Committee in regards to the process by which the Committee may follow to fulfill its responsibilities A. In order to maintain that the Committee not know of the starting date of campout in advance: 1. Schedule all Committee members for time blocks (2-6 hours) prior to the date of sale. 2. The first week scheduled should be at least three (3) weeks prior to the date of sale and then schedule one (1) week at a time until the date of sale. 3. Members scheduled at the time the purple flag is raised be notified by the Committee chairperson at the time of the flag raising and they be immediately present at Ahearn Fieldhouse for assimilation of the line. SECTION 6. All previous legislation pertaining to athletic ticket sales and the committee that administered that policy be null and void. PASSED 11/17/88 B-75 BILL 88/60 BY: EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY FUND ALLOCATION FOR 1990 FISCAL YEAR Educational Opportunity Fund Committee WHEREAS: the Kansas Board of Regents established an Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) on May 19, 1988, and WHEREAS: the KSU Student Governing Association is charged with the allocation of the EOF at Kansas State, and WHEREAS: the EOF Committee solicited proposals, conducted a review process and made its recommendations for the allocation of the EOF BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The 1990 F Educational Opportunity Fund be allocated in the following manner: College of Arts & Sciences 5 incoming freshmen scholarships @ $500 National Society of Black Engineers 4 scholarships @ $500 Dept. of Adult & Occupational Education 3 graduate scholarships @ $1,000 3 undergraduate scholarships @ $500 Educational & Personal Development Services for Physically Limited 2 scholarships @ $500 Educational & Personal Development Services for Learning Disabled 2 scholarships @ $500 College of Business Undergraduate Studies 6 undergraduate scholarships @ $500 FENIX Adult Student Program 12 undergraduate scholarships @ $500 Graduate Studies College of Business graduate scholarships @ $1,000 Gamma Theta Upsilon - Geography Dept 4 undergraduate scholarships @ $500 Dept. of Speech - College of Arts & Sciences 4 undergraduate scholarships @ $500 Dept. of Horticulture 4 undergraduate scholarships @ $500 Graduate Student Council 25 per diems @ $150 for $3,750 6 graduate scholarships @ $1,000 for $6,000 conference grant for $250 Dept. of Modern Languages 4 undergraduate scholarships @ $500 B-76 $2,500 2,000 4,500 1,000 1,000 3,000 6,000 2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $10,000 $2,000 Academic Assistance Center University-wide tutorial service: salaries French, German & Spanish Clubs . 3 undergraduate scholarships @ $300 Student Financial Assistance establish an emergency fund program Educational & Personal Development Services for Learning Disabled 2 peer counselors @ 10 hrs. per week .5 graduate assistantship @ $6,000 College of Education 3 .5 graduate assistantships @ $6,000 Educational & Personal Development Services for Physically Limited student drivers @ $3.75/hr. for 100 hrs. Educational & Personal Development Services for Physically Limited hydro aquatics class KSU Childcare Cooperative childships Alcohol & Other Drug Education Services wellness/prevention program Lafene Health Center AIDS education program 2 part-time students @ 10 hrs./wk. @ $3.75/hr. Foreign Student Office .5 graduate assistant @ $6,000 U-LearN 3 peer assistants @ $3.75/hr., 10 hrs./wk. for 9 months KSU Community Service Program community service student salaries McCain Auditorium .4 graduate assistant KSU Center for Aging .3 graduate assistant TOTAL $25,000 $900 $10,000 $7,280 $18,000 $375 $320 $51,093.50 $10,000 $3,000 $6,000 $4,050 $15,000 $4,800 $3,600 $199,418.50 SECTION 2. Disbursement of all monies for scholarships shall be coordinated by the General Scholarship Committee. Each organization allocated scholarship monies shall make the award by April 15, 1989. Scholarships not awarded by April 15th will become part of the General Scholarship Fund. PASSED 11/15/88 B-77 1988 RESOLUTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Resolution Number and Title Page Res 88/1 Student Senate Standing Committee Chairpersons ...............................................1 Res 88/2 Cabinet Selection Committee ................................................................................2 Res 88/3 1988 Finance Standing Committee .......................................................................3 Res 88/4 Student Body President’s Cabinet .........................................................................4 Res 88/5 Senate Interns ........................................................................................................5 Res 88/6 Judicial Appointments ...........................................................................................6 Res 88/7 Associated Students of Kansas KSU Campus Director ........................................7 Res 88/8 Personnel Selections Coordinator..........................................................................8 Res 88/9 FONE Crisis Center Assistant Coordinator...........................................................9 Res 88/10 Admission of Kansas Technical Institute Into the Associated Students of Kansas .................................................................................................................10 Res 88/11 Additional Traffic Appeals Board Members .......................................................11 Res 88/12 Commendation to the K-State Cheerleading Squad............................................12 Res 88/13 Commendation to Mitch Holthus, “Voice of the Wildcats”................................13 Res 88/14 Commendation to Coach Lon Kruger and the K-State Men’s Basketball Team ...................................................................................................................14 Res 88/15 Commendation to the University of Kansas’ Men’s Basketball Team ...............15 Res 88/16 Commendation to Truman Scholars....................................................................16 Res 88/17 Commendation to the 1987-88 Debate Team......................................................17 Res 88/18 Support of Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee’s University Convocation and Landon Lecture Proposal........................................................18 Res 88/19 Support of Extension of Finals Week Proposal...................................................19 Res 88/20 Commendation to Dan Owens, Fulbright Scholar ..............................................20 Res 88/21 Commendation to Francesca Royster, Mellow Fellow .......................................21 Res 88/22 Commendation of the University of Kansas Student Senate...............................22 Res 88/23 Commendation to the KSU Chapter of the National Agri-Marketing Association..........................................................................................................23 Res 88/24 FONE Crisis Center Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator..............................24 Res 88/25 SGA Work-Study Position ..................................................................................25 Res 88/26 1988 Basketball Ticket Sales Policy Revisions...................................................26 Res 88/27 1988 Educational Opportunity Fund Committee ................................................27 Res 88/28 1989 SGA Elections Committee .........................................................................28 Res 88/29 Investment Ad Hoc Committee ...........................................................................29 Res 88/30 Parking Citation Appeals Board..........................................................................30 Res 88/31 Educational Opportunity Fund Committee Appointment ...................................31 Res 88/32 Environmental Awareness...................................................................................32 Res 88/33 Athletic Fee Considerations ................................................................................33 Res 88/34 U-Learn Positions................................................................................................34 Res 88/35 Coordinator of Finances ......................................................................................35 Res 88/36 Commendation to Charles Thomas and the Bramlage Coliseum Staff ...............36 Res 88/37 1989 SGA Elections Results ...............................................................................37 Res 88/38 Commendation to Doug Falk, Student Senate Chairman, and Troy Lubbers, Student Body President........................................................................38 1988 RESOLUTIONS INDEX Approval of Appointments Page Res 88/1 Student Senate Standing Committee Chairpersons ...............................................1 Res 88/2 Cabinet Selection Committee ................................................................................2 Res 88/3 1988 Finance Standing Committee .......................................................................3 Res 88/4 Student Body President’s Cabinet .........................................................................4 Res 88/5 Senate Interns ........................................................................................................5 Res 88/6 Judicial Appointments ...........................................................................................6 Res 88/7 Associated Students of Kansas KSU Campus Director ........................................7 Res 88/8 Personnel Selections Coordinator..........................................................................8 Res 88/9 FONE Crisis Center Assistant Coordinator...........................................................9 Res 88/11 Additional Traffic Appeals Board Members .......................................................11 Res 88/24 FONE Crisis Center Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator..............................24 Res 88/25 SGA Work-Study Position ..................................................................................25 Res 88/27 1988 Educational Opportunity Fund Committee ................................................27 Res 88/28 1989 SGA Elections Committee .........................................................................28 Res 88/29 Investment Ad Hoc Committee ...........................................................................29 Res 88/30 Parking Citation Appeals Board..........................................................................30 Res 88/31 Educational Opportunity Fund Committee Appointment ...................................31 Res 88/34 U-Learn Positions................................................................................................34 Res 88/35 Coordinator of Finances ......................................................................................35 Approval of Regulations and Guidelines Res 88/26 1988 Basketball Ticket Sales Policy Revisions...................................................26 Commendations Res 88/12 Commendation to the K-State Cheerleading Squad............................................12 Res 88/13 Commendation to Mitch Holthus, “Voice of the Wildcats”................................13 Res 88/14 Commendation to Coach Lon Kruger and the K-State Men’s Basketball Team ...................................................................................................................14 Res 88/15 Commendation to the University of Kansas’ Men’s Basketball Team ...............15 Res 88/16 Commendation to Truman Scholars....................................................................16 Res 88/17 Commendation to the 1987-88 Debate Team......................................................17 Res 88/20 Commendation to Dan Owens, Fulbright Scholar ..............................................20 Res 88/21 Commendation to Francesca Royster, Mellow Fellow .......................................21 Res 88/22 Commendation of the University of Kansas Student Senate...............................22 Res 88/23 Commendation to the KSU Chapter of the National Agri-Marketing Association..........................................................................................................23 Res 88/36 Commendation to Charles Thomas and the Bramlage Coliseum Staff ...............36 Res 88/38 Commendation to Doug Falk, Student Senate Chairman, and Troy Lubbers, Student Body President........................................................................38 Resolutions Regarding State Government Resolution Regarding Local Government Resolution Regarding University Actions Res 88/18 Res 88/19 Res 88/32 Res 88/33 Support of Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee’s University Convocation and Landon Lecture Proposal........................................................18 Support of Extension of Finals Week Proposal...................................................19 Environmental Awareness...................................................................................32 Athletic Fee Considerations ................................................................................33 Miscellaneous Res 88/10 Admission of Kansas Technical Institute Into the Associated Students of Kansas .................................................................................................................10 Res 88/37 1989 SGA Elections Results ...............................................................................37 RESOLUTION 88/1 BY: STUDENT SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Doug Folk & Greg Weisenborn WHEREAS several qualified individuals applied for the positions of Student Senate standing committee chairpersons, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of Student Senate BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as Student Senate standing committee chairpersons: Academic Affairs & University Relations Communications Legislative Affairs Senate Operations Student Affairs & Social Services PASSED 1/21/88 R-1 Amy Vath Charlene Nichols Jason Miles Mary Jo Lampe John McIntyre RESOLUTION 88/2 BY: CABINET SELECTION COMMITTEE Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS the KSU SGA Constitution requires that all nominees for Cabinet positions be approved by Student Senate, and WHEREAS the By-Laws to the KSU SGA Constitution requires that nominees for the positions of Chief of Staff and Attorney General be interviewed by a Cabinet Selection Committee, consisting of five (5) Student Senators with one designated as chairperson, and WHEREAS several Student Senators expressed a desire to serve on this committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following Student Senators be approved as members of the Cabinet Selection Committee: Justin Sanders, chairperson Scott Darger Mary Jo Lampe Jenny Reschke Mike Valentine PASSED 1/21/88 R-2 RESOLUTION 88/3 BY: 1988 FINANCE STANDING COMMITTEE Mark Burns WHEREAS several qualified individuals applied for positions on the Student Senate Finance Standing Committee, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted by the Student Senate Chairperson and Coordinator of Finances BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved as members of the 1988 Student Senate Finance Standing Committee: At-Large Members Mike Berry Debbie Brandt Lisa Downing Mark Wentzel Student Senators Stu Duncan Lauren O’Connor Cindy Riemann Mike Valentine Senate Interns Jill Maltby Craig Uhrich PASSED 1/21/88 R-3 RESOLUTION 88/4 BY: STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT’S CABINET Troy Lubbers WHEREAS the positions on the Student Body President’s Cabinet were sufficient advertised, and WHEREAS a number of qualified students submitted applications, and WHEREAS the following individuals proved to be best qualified for their respective positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following students as members of the Student Body President’s Cabinet: Chief of Staff Executive Advisor Executive Assistant Executive Assistant Attorney General Public Relations Director State & Community Affairs Director College Council Coordinator Special Projects Director Minority Affairs Director International Affairs Director PASSED 1/28/88 R-4 Becky Griebat Charles Kneaves Evan Statman Bret Kolman Keith Petracek Jill Conger Doug Oetinger Tom Hemmer Doug Burton Laurian Cuffy Gonzalo Gallegos RESOLUTION 88/5 BY: SENATE INTERNS Mary Jo Lampe, Greg Weisenborn & Michael Taedman WHEREAS Senate Intern positions were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS a number of qualified students applied for the positions, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted by the Senate Operations Standing Committee Chair, Senate Intern Coordinator and Student Senate Vice Chair BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved as the 1988 Student Senate Interns: Ira Bolden Jane Costello Tiffany Engelkemier Chris Forrer Doug Holle Suzanne Klinker Anita Krug Jill Maltby David Mitchell Craig Uhrich Julie Wakeman Jacinda Zimmerman PASSED 1/28/88 R-5 RESOLUTION 88/6 BY: JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS Troy Lubbers WHEREAS the positions open on the various judicial boards were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS a number of qualified students submitted applications, and WHEREAS the following students were found to be best qualified for the positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved as 1988 members of the respective judicial boards: Tribunal John D. Llewelyn, Chancellor –at-large Joel C. Marquardt, at-large Cheryl Trentman, off-campus W. Kirk Johnson, IFC/PHC Rob Dieringer, ARH Judicial Council Wm. Nathan Wright, at-large Beth Galbreath, off-campus Stephanie Kelly, appointed by IFC/PHC Cindy Ellis, appointed by ARH Student Review Board Randall J. Orscheln, chair Liesa Gittemeier John R. Cassida Bradley Barth Don Baker Traffic Appeals Board Lloyd W. Johnson, chair Rick Siebert Chris Sesler Ronald S. Laird Stephen M. Karpowich PASSED 2/4/88 R-6 RESOLUTION 88/7 BY: ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS KSU CAMPUS DIRECTOR Troy Lubbers WHEREAS the position of A.S.K. Campus Director was sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS a number of qualified students submitted applications, and WHEREAS the following individual was found to be best qualified for the position BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Scott King be approved as the Associated Students of Kansas KSU Campus Director. PASSED 2/4/88 R-7 RESOLUTION 88/8 BY: PERSONNEL SELECTIONS COORDINATOR Mary Jo Lampe & Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS the Senate Operations Standing Committee selects a member of the Committee each term to serve as Personnel Selections Coordinator, and WHEREAS three members of the Committee were considered for the position, and WHEREAS the individual named below was found to be the most qualified BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Ira Bolden be approved as the Personnel Selections Coordinator. PASSED 2/4/88 R-8 RESOLUTION 88/9 BY: FONE CRISIS CENTER ASSISTANT COORDINATOR Charlene Nichols & Doug Folk WHEREAS the position of Assistant Coordinator of the FONE Crisis Center became vacant, and WHEREAS this position was sufficiently advertised and interviews were held BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Gary Phillips be approved as the FONE Crisis Center Assistant Coordinator. PASSED 2/17/88 R-9 RESOLUTION 88/10 BY: ADMISSION OF KANSAS TECHNICAL INSTITUTE INTO THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS Scott King & Charlene Nichols WHEREAS the Student Government Association of Kansas Technical Institute has requested membership in the Associated Students of Kansas, in accordance with the ByLaws of A.S.K., and WHEREAS the above request has been approved by the A.S.K. Board of Directors and has been submitted to A.S.K. member institutions for ratification, and WHEREAS approval of new memberships in A.S.K. requires the ratification of two-thirds of the A.S.K. member institutions, and WHEREAS Kansas Technical Institute would benefit from affiliation with current A.S.K. member institutions through a greater voice in the student agenda-process, the assistance of A.S.K. staff and office resources, and the unified influence of over 70,000 state university students, and WHEREAS Kansas Technical Institute is the only Regents’ institution with a campus-wide student government association that is not a member of A.S.K., and WHEREAS current A.S.K. member institutions would benefit from the addition of a student body of over 500, located in a major Kansas community (Salina) with an important legislative delegation not currently represented by an A.S.K. member BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Student Senate ratify the application of the Student Government Association of Kansas Technical Institute for membership in the Associated Students of Kansas. PASSED 2/25/88 R-10 RESOLUTION 88/11 BY: ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Troy Lubbers WHEREAS Senate Bill 87/25, a bill which amended Article VI, Section 602-A-6 (Traffic Appeals Board) of the KSU SGA Constitution, was duly ratified by the college councils, and WHEREAS the KSU SGA Constitution now calls for the Traffic Appeals Board to consist of seven (7) student members rather than five (5), and WHEREAS only five (5) student members were appointed in Senate Resolution 88/6, and WHEREAS the positions open on the Traffic Appeals Board were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS a number of qualified students submitted applications, and WHEREAS the following students were best qualified for the positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved as members of the Traffic Appeals Board: John Lightcap & Julie Horigan. PASSED 2/25/88 R-11 RESOLUTION 88/12 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE K-STATE CHEERLEADING SQUAD Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS the K-State cheerleading squad has been an integral part of the outstanding reputation achieved by K-State’s fans, and WHEREAS the cheerleading squad was one of only 20 squads chosen to compete in the Cheerleading National Championship in San Diego, California in January, and WHEREAS K-State was the only Big 8 Conference squad to be chosen for the competition, and WHEREAS the members of the cheerleading squad have served as excellent representatives of K-State and its students throughout the year BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend and congratulate the 1987-88 K-State cheerleading squad on their success this year and for their outstanding service and dedication to the university and the student body. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ON 3/31/88 R-12 RESOLUTION 88/13 BY: COMMENDATION TO MITCH HOLTHUS, “VOICE OF THE WILDCATS” Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS Mitch Holthus has been the “Voice of the Wildcats” on the Kansas State Basketball Network for the last five years, and WHEREAS during this time K-State basketball fans throughout the region have enjoyed his colorful play-by-play descriptions of the games, and WHEREAS Mitch was named Kansas Sportscaster of the Year for 1987, and WHEREAS Mitch’s broadcasts and participation play an integral role in the support of the basketball program at K-State and the image it projects BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate congratulate Mitch Holthus for his recognition as Kansas Sportscaster of the Year and commend him for his outstanding contribution to Kansas State University and its athletic programs. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ON 3/31/88 R-13 RESOLUTION 88/14 BY: COMMENDATION TO COACH LON KRUGER AND THE K-STATE MEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS Lon Kruger and his Wildcats have compiled a 45 and 20 record in two seasons at K-State, and earned NCAA tournament berths both years, and WHEREAS this season the Wildcats have compiled a 25 and 9 record, tying the record for most wins in a season at K-State, and WHEREAS K-State placed second in both the Big 8 Conference regular season and the postseason tournament, and WHEREAS the K-State men’s basketball schedule was ranked as one of the most difficult in the nation, and WHEREAS Coach Kruger and several members of the team earned individual distinctions for their performance in both the regular season and the NCAA tournament, and WHEREAS the team defeated LaSalle, DePaul and third-ranked Purdue en route to the championship game of the Midwest Regional and a spot in the “elite eight” of the tournament, and WHEREAS Coach Kruger and the members of the team have consistently served as exemplary ambassadors for K-State and the student body BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend and congratulate Coach Lon Kruger and the members of the 1987-88 men’s basketball team for their outstanding success this season PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ON 3/31/88 R-14 RESOLUTION 88/15 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS’ MEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM Jason Miles, Mark Burns, Jenny Johnston WHEREAS the 1987-88 University of Kansas’ men’s basketball team finished their season as the NCAA Division I national champions, and WHEREAS the University of Kansas’ men’s basketball team is the first Big 8 Conference team to win the national championship since 1952, and WHEREAS the University of Kansas’ men’s basketball team has brought well deserved national recognition to the Big 8 Conference and the state of Kansas, and WHEREAS the University of Kansas’ men’s basketball team accomplished this feat after being unranked in the final national polls BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Student Senate, on behalf of the Kansas State University student body, commend the University of Kansas’ men’s basketball team and their coaching staff on their NCAA Division I national championship. PASSED 4/7/88 R-15 RESOLUTION 88/16 BY: COMMENDATION TO TRUMAN SCHOLARS Senate Executive Committee, Jeff Wing & Kent Bradley WHEREAS the Truman Scholarship is one of the most prestigious undergraduate scholarships in the nation, and WHEREAS only one student is selected from each state, with 50 at-large students selected after the initial 50, and WHEREAS K-State has had 13 Truman Scholars in the last eight years, unmatched by any public university in the United States BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend both Mary Hale and Sharon Patnode for receiving Truman Scholarships. PASSED 4/14/88 R-16 RESOLUTION 88/17 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE 1987-88 DEBATE TEAM Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS the Cross-Examination Debate Team distributes monthly rankings of collegiate debate teams, and WHEREAS the K-State Debate Team was placed fifth in the final rankings of the 1987-88 season, and WHEREAS K-State sent four teams to the national tournament in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and WHEREAS all four teams placed in the top half of the tournament; three placed in the top third; and one placed in the top 15 percent, and WHEREAS the teams’ outstanding season and high ranking reflect well on the students and faculty of Kansas State University BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend the 1987-88 Debate Team on their excellent showing in the national tournament and fifth-place national ranking in the final rankings of the season. PASSED 4/14/88 R-17 RESOLUTION 88/18 BY: SUPPORT OF FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE’S UNIVERSITY CONVOCATION AND LANDON LECTURE PROPOSAL Todd Johnson & Academic Affairs Standing Committee WHEREAS Kansas State University recognizes the importance of recruiting high quality speakers as a supplement to classroom education, and WHEREAS some instructors do not let students make up examinations without penalty when they wish to attend a University Convocation or Landon Lecture, and WHEREAS the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee and the Student Senate Academic Affairs Standing Committee have developed a proposal that would alleviate much of this problem, and WHEREAS the addition to the Faculty Senate Handbook would read “Students are encouraged to attend Landon Lectures and University Convocations. In cases where examinations conflict with these events which have been scheduled prior to the beginning of the semester, instructors will allow students to make up examinations without penalty, provided the student makes arrangements with the instructor at least two working days before the scheduled event.” BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate support the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs proposal that will be on Faculty Senate’s May meeting agenda. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ON 4/21/88 R-18 RESOLUTION 88/19 BY: SUPPORT OF EXTENSION OF FINALS WEEK PROPOSAL Todd Johnson, Mary Jo Lampe, Academic Affairs Standing Committee WHEREAS Kansas State University currently allocates a final examination schedule of five days with seven examination periods per day, plus dead day, and WHEREAS this intense schedule creates study limitations for students and makes grading an arduous task for faculty, and WHEREAS other universities (e.g. University of Kansas) have successfully implemented an extended final examination schedule that is a full ten days long, and WHEREAS the Student Senate Academic Affair Committee has developed a proposal that would alleviate many of the problems that now occur because of the intense final examination period BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate support the deletion of the last Tuesday/Thursday class day and the last Monday/Wednesday/Friday class day to extend the finals period by two days. SECTION 2. Student Senate support the scheduling of four examination periods per day, with a total of twenty-eight examination periods, plus one per evening for night classes. SECTION 3. Student Senate support the scheduling of final examinations for a full two hours, with at least a one-half hour break between each. SECTION 4. Student Senate support maintaining the dead day before the first day of final examinations. PASSED 40/4 on 4/21/88 R-19 RESOLUTION 88/20 BY: COMMENDATION TO DAN OWENS, FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR Charlene Nichols WHEREAS Dan Owens has been awarded the Fulbright Scholarship for study in Germany, and WHEREAS 18 K-State students have received Fulbright’s in the past 10 years, and WHEREAS only 179 applicants were chosen from a field of 534, and WHEREAS Dan Owens has shown excellence in academics and student leadership throughout his undergraduate career BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend and congratulate Dan Owens on his receipt of the Fulbright Scholarship. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ON 4/21/88 R-20 RESOLUTION 88/21 BY: COMMENDATION TO FRANCESCA ROYSTER, MELLON FELLOW Rattan Nath WHEREAS the Mellon Fellowship is one of the most prestigious graduate fellowships in the nation, and WHEREAS K-State encourages and takes pride in its outstanding students, and WHEREAS this fellowship is among the few that allows its recipients to study at any U.S. university BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend Francesca Royster for receiving the Mellon Fellowship. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ON 4/21/88 R-21 RESOLUTION 88/22 BY: CONDEMNATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS STUDENT SENATE An irate bunch of Student Senators, including, but not limited to, Jason Miles, Lisa Rephlo, Mary Jo Lampe & Doug Folk WHEREAS it has become a tradition to schedule an annual basketball game between the KState and University of Kansas Student Senates, and WHEREAS two years ago a large number of K-State student government personnel traveled to Lawrence upon invitation by the K.U. Student Body President, and WHEREAS these K-State round ballers were greeted by a locked and deserted Allen Fieldhouse, and WHEREAS upon being called, the K.U. Student Body President said, “I guess we forgot,” then proceeded to round up a bunch of his fraternity brothers for a game at the Rec center, and WHEREAS this year’s K.U. Student Body President agreed to such a game in Manhattan not once, but twice, then subsequently neglected to appear without any prior notification, and WHEREAS the K.U. Student Senators are furthering their school’s stereotype by these actions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Student Senate condemn the K.U. Student Senate for its blatant disregard of its commitments and for its total lack of consideration in blowing off the scheduled basketball games this year. SECTION 2. Student Senate encourage use of the term “Snob Hill” when referring to the University of Kansas. SECTION 3. This resolution shall be repealed upon receipt of the two kegs of beer owed to KState by K.U. and an accompanying formal apology from the “Snob Hill” Student Senators. PASSED 28/16/0 on 4/21/88 R-22 RESOLUTION 88/23 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE KSU CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL AGRI-MARKETING ASSOCIATION Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS for the first time since 1983 the Kansas State University chapter of the National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) brought home the top prize from the National Agri-Marketing competition, and WHEREAS 25 student chapters from across the nation competed in the contest, and WHEREAS the members of the team did a great amount of research in order to develop a firstrate marketing plan for a soybean herbicide, and WHEREAS this marketing plan won first prize in that division, and WHEREAS the chapter received honorable mention in recognition for their outstanding achievements in the 1987-88 school year, one of only seven to receive this honor, and WHEREAS Kansas State University recognizes and encourages outstanding performances by its academic competitors BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend and congratulate the K-State chapter of the National Agri-Marketing Association for its outstanding accomplishments. PASSED 4/28/88 R-23 RESOLUTION 88/24 BY: FONE CRISIS CENTER COORDINATOR AND ASSISTANT COORDINATOR Laurie Lawson WHEREAS the following qualifications were met: 1) a working knowledge of the FONE; 2) knowledge of community social service activities; 3) ability to schedule on-call personnel and volunteer shifts; and 4) ability to coordinate substance abuserelated programs and activities, and WHEREAS interviews were held, and WHEREAS the following people best meet the above qualifications BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Mary Kipp be approved as the Coordinator of the FONE Crisis Center. SECTION 2. Kristi Hull be approved as the Assistant Coordinator of the FONE Crisis Center. PASSED 8/25/88 R-24 RESOLUTION 88/25 BY: SGA WORK-STUDY POSITION Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS the SGA work-study office assistant position became vacant recently because the former assistant, Jason Miles, is no longer eligible for work assistance, and WHEREAS the individual below is knowledgeable of the SGA and the SGS Office in general BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Brenda Halinski as the SGA work-study office assistant, effective Tuesday, September 6. PASSED 9/8/88 R-25 RESOLUTION 88/26 BY: 1988 BASKETBALL TICKET SALES POLICY REVISION Athletic Ticket Sales Committee WHEREAS this years campout for student season basketball tickets began earlier than expected, and WHEREAS this early start threatens to endanger the academic success of the students involved, and WHEREAS many administrators, faculty members and students have expressed displeasure with the current situation BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following guidelines established by the Athletic Ticket Sales Committee: 1. At some point in the near future, the first phase of the campout will officially be ended. 2. At that time, all groups presently in line will have their names recorded in the order they arrived at the site. 3. Then, at an arbitrarily determined future date, a purple flag will be raised on the Anderson Hall flagpole, signaling the opening of the second phase of the campout. 4. When the flag goes up, those groups previously listed will have until 9 PM that day to reclaim their places in line. The groups need not arrive in the order they did initially to reclaim their original place. They need only be back on the campsite by the designated 9 PM cutoff. 5. Meanwhile, any group that did not have a place in line during phase one will be added to the list in the order of their arrival at the site as phase two begins. Any groups on the initial list not reclaiming their place in line will be dropped from the list, and those groups still on the list, and new groups added to the list during phase two, will be moved up accordingly. SECTION 2. Student Senate charge the Athletic Ticket Sales Committee with the establishment of additional guidelines concerning campouts so as to eliminate similar problems in the future. PASSED 9/15/88 R-26 RESOLUTION 88/27 BY: 1988 EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY FUND COMMITTEE Troy Lubbers WHEREAS the Kansas Board of Regents on 19 May 1988 established an Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF), and WHEREAS the EOF guidelines stipulate that the EOF Committee should be composed of “four students representing diverse campus constituencies, selected in a manner determined by the Student Governing Association”, and WHEREAS the four students selected were deemed to be of outstanding quality in all aspects, and WHEREAS the four students represent, as the guidelines set forth, “diverse campus constituencies” BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved as members of the EOF Committee. Sharon Patnode Doug Folk Derick Walker Becky Griebat PASSED 9/27/88 R-27 RESOLUTION 88/28 BY: 1989 SGA ELECTIONS COMMITTEE Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS the positions on the 1989 SGA Elections Committee were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS qualified individuals applied for the positions, and WHEREAS the Elections Committee Chair was selected by the Student Senate Chair, Senate Operations Standing Committee Chair and Coordinator of Personnel Selections in April, and WHEREAS the Coordinator of Personnel Selections and the 1989 Elections Committee Chair interviewed the committee applicants BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Eva Chatterjee be approved as the 1989 Elections Committee Chair. SECTION 2. The following students be approved as members of the 1989 SGA Elections Committee: Mike Kadel Lisa Downing Kim Jackson Wade Whitmer David Eye Cheri Springer Craig Corsini Chad Brightbill Brad McMillan Tammi Jones Brad Amstein Sandy Skelton PASSED 10/6/88 R-28 RESOLUTION 88/29 BY: INVESTMENT AD HOC COMMITTEE Troy Lubbers, Ira Bolden, Doug Folk & Todd Johnson WHEREAS Senate Bill 88/32 required the establishment of a committee to research the investment of student monies associated with companies doing business in South Africa, and WHEREAS positions for this committee were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS several applications were received, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted by the Student Body President, Student Senate Chair and Coordinator of Personnel Selections BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as members of the Investment Ad hoc Committee: Michel Cavigelli Bernie Giefer Paige Nichols Sally Howard-Clayton Scott Miller SECTION 2. Michel Cavigelli be designated as chairperson of the Investment Ad hoc Committee. PASSED 10/18/88 R-29 RESOLUTION 88/30 BY: PARKING CITATION APPEALS BOARD Troy Lubbers & Justin Sanders WHEREAS Julie Horigan and Chris Sesler have resigned from the Parking Citation Appeals Board, and WHEREAS the KSU SGA Constitution requires the Parking Citation Appeals Board to have seven (7) members, and WHEREAS the positions have previously been advertised for and applications taken, and WHEREAS the following two people meet the required criteria for serving on the Parking Citation Appeals Board BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kim Gensch and Jeff Bernhardt be approved as at-large members of the Parking Citation Appeals Board. PASSED 10/27/88 R-30 RESOLUTION 88/31 BY: EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY FUND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT Troy Lubbers & Justin Sanders WHEREAS Doug Folk has resigned, due to time Constraints, as an Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) Committee member, and WHEREAS the EOF guidelines require four at-large students “representing diverse campus constituencies”, and WHEREAS applications were taken for the open position on the committee, and WHEREAS all applicants for the position were interviewed and evaluated BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Joni Hays be appointed to the EOF Committee. PASSED 10/27/88 R-31 RESOLUTION 88/32 BY: ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Bernie Giefer, Laura Ewy, Chris Kern, Stu Duncan WHEREAS the condition of the environment in which we live is of concern to many people, and WHEREAS there are often viable alternatives to the use of non-biodegradable synthetic materials, and WHEREAS the K-State Union utilizes styrofoam and other plastics as part of its service, and WHEREAS fee paying students provide a high level of financial support to the K-State Union BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate urge the K-State Union management to seriously evaluate alternatives to the use of styrofoam, plastics and other non-biodegradable materials which are consumed as a result of its operation, then take action as deemed appropriate. SECTION 2. Issues of marginal convenience should be considered secondary to the resultant environmental impact from the particular product and/or service evaluated. SECTION 3. Student Senate request the K-State Union management to acknowledge this resolution by reporting to Student Senate, in a timely manner, action it has taken in regard to this issue. PASSED 11/10/88 R-32 RESOLUTION 88/33 ATHLETIC FEE CONSIDERATIONS BY: Mark Burns & Bernie Giefer WHEREAS the issue of an athletic fee was raised, and WHEREAS time availability precluded presentation of an athletic fee proposal to the student body in a manner deemed appropriate for development of all pertinent issues in its regard, and WHEREAS considerable effort has been expended on researching the issue, resulting in a well developed body of information on the topic BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The 1988 Student Senate urge the 1989 Student Senate to move quickly to resolve the issue of an athletic fee. SECTION 2. The 1989 Student Senate may wish to address the following issues which remain unresolved by the 1988 Student Senate: a. a straight (simple) athletic fee, b. earmarking some of an athletic fee for campus sports clubs, c. freezes mandated on various athletic ticket prices, d. free admission to non-revenue sporting events held on campus, e. free student season football tickets to all fee paying students, and f. exclusion of all Graduate and Veterinary Medicine students from paying an athletic fee. PASSED 11/10/88 R-33 RESOLUTION 88/34 BY: U-LEARN POSITIONS Ira Bolden & Joni Hays WHEREAS the positions of co-coordinators and co-director of U-LearN became vacant, and WHEREAS the above positions were advertised in the Kansas State Collegian, Manhattan Mercury and announcements were sent to departments, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted primarily by Joni Hays with assistance from Lisa Rephlo, Student Senator, and Student Senate Chair Doug Folk during the summer of 1988, and WHEREAS the individuals listed below were found to be the most qualified BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Amy Newton and Judy Starr be approved as co-coordinators of U-Learn. SECTION 2. Paul Porter be approved as co-director of U-LearN. PASSED 11/17/88 R-34 RESOLUTION 88/35 BY: COORDINATOR OF FINANCES Doug Folk, Mark Burns & Greg Weisenborn WHEREAS the position of Coordinator of Finances was sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS several highly qualified individuals applied for the position, and WHEREAS the applicants were interviewed by the Student Senate Chairperson, Student Senate Vice Chairperson and present Coordinator of Finances BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Lauren O’Connor be approved as the 1989 Coordinator of Finances. PASSED 11/17/88 R-35 RESOLUTION 88/36 BY: COMMENDATION TO CHARLES THOMAS AND THE BRAMLAGE COLISEUM STAFF Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS Charles Thomas has served as director of Bramlage Coliseum since 1987, and WHEREAS since the opening of the building on October 1, 1988, Charles and his staff have provided K-State students with a wide variety of well-known performers, and WHEREAS the coliseum staff worked extremely hard to ensure this outstanding debut for Bramlage Coliseum, and WHEREAS by successfully bringing these acts to K-State, Charles and his staff have ensured that the coliseum can and will fulfill its charge as a multi-purpose facility. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Senate commend Charles Thomas and the Bramlage Coliseum staff for their exceptional efforts. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ON 11/17/88 R-36 RESOLUTION 88/37 BY: 1989 SGA ELECTIONS RESULTS 1989 SGA Elections Committee WHEREAS the SGA General Election on November 1 & 2, 1988 and the Student Body President Run-Off Election on November 9th were run in a fair and equitable manner by the rules set out in the KSU SGA Constitution, and WHEREAS 2,543 ballots were cast in the General Election and 2,102 in the Run-Off Election between Laurian Cuffy and John McIntyre, and WHEREAS polling places were located in the K-State Union, Cardwell Hall, Derby Food Center and the Veterinary Medicine Complex BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate acknowledge the results of the 1989 SGA Elections as shown below: Student Body President Laurian Cuffy Board of Student Publications Gregg Hinthorn Ajit Maan Jenny Reschke Brian Smith Agriculture Student Todd Heitschmidt Todd Johnson Anne Krauss Kyle Vanover Architecture & Design Robb Karlin Mary Lane Christy Scharrer Arts & Sciences Anne Banning Wendi Coffman Johnny Gaffney Arts & Sciences Kristen Good Jenny Heiniger Doug Holle Darin Hopkins Brent Jones Kim Jones Anita Krug Kim Linin Travis Stumpff Stacy Sweazy Anja Teasley Kirk Schuler Business Administration Barry Beck Scott Bieker Chris Dunitz Chris Forrer Lindsey Knox Eric Long Kip Pammenter Jill Rathbun Shane Walker Graduate School Scott Kelly Ajit Maan Rattan Nath Michael Steinle (2 vacancies) Education Jenny Barenberg Monica Connet Stephanie Haub Engineering Carrie Davies Kurt Forge Todd Giefer Matt Higgins Susan Howard David McIntyre Michaelane Muhlenbruch Craig Uhrich Human Ecology Jodi McGatlin Elisha Perry Lee Slaten Tracy Gough Veterinary Medicine (1 vacancy) SECTION 2. Student Senate request that Elections Committee include in its final report a quantitative estimate of the number of repeat voters, if any, in the general election. PASSED 11/17/88 R-37 RESOLUTION 88/38 BY: COMMENDATION TO DOUG FOLK, STUDENT SENATE CHAIRMAN, AND TROY LUBBERS, STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT 1988 Student Senate WHEREAS Doug Folk, more commonly known as “dad”, has proven to be an outstanding father figure to his Senate “kids”, and WHEREAS Troy Lubbers, more commonly known as the “goober”, has consistently consulted with his constituents in such prestigious meeting places as Kite’s, as well as other similar establishments, and WHEREAS both individuals met the challenge of their respective offices with enthusiasm, integrity and a responsibility to the students of Kansas State University BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Troy Lubbers, Student Body President, and Doug Folk, Student Senate Chairman, be commended and thanked for their outstanding performances in their respective offices. PASSED 11/17/88 R-38 1988 Student Senate Minutes Date Page November 19, 1987 ..........................................................................................................................1 December 3, 1987 ............................................................................................................................3 January 21, 1988 ..............................................................................................................................5 January 28, 1988 ..............................................................................................................................7 February 4, 1988 ............................................................................................................................10 February 11, 1988 ..........................................................................................................................12 February 17, 1988 ..........................................................................................................................14 February 25, 1988 ..........................................................................................................................16 March 3, 1988 ................................................................................................................................18 March 10, 1988 ..............................................................................................................................21 March 24, 1988 ..............................................................................................................................24 March 29, 1988 ..............................................................................................................................27 March 31, 1988 ..............................................................................................................................29 April 5, 1988 ..................................................................................................................................33 April 7, 1988 ..................................................................................................................................36 April 12, 1988 ................................................................................................................................40 April 14, 1988 ................................................................................................................................44 April 21, 1988 ................................................................................................................................47 April 28, 1988 ................................................................................................................................50 August 25, 1988 .............................................................................................................................53 September 1, 1988 .........................................................................................................................55 September 8, 1988 .........................................................................................................................57 September 15, 1988 .......................................................................................................................60 September 22, 1988 .......................................................................................................................63 September 27, 1988 .......................................................................................................................66 October 6, 1988 ..............................................................................................................................68 October 13, 1988 ............................................................................................................................71 October 18, 1988 ............................................................................................................................74 October 27, 1988 ............................................................................................................................78 November 3, 1988 ..........................................................................................................................81 November 10, 1988 ........................................................................................................................84 November 15, 1988 ........................................................................................................................88 November 17, 1988 ........................................................................................................................90 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM NOVEMBER 19, 1987 8:50 PM - 9:30 PM The first meeting of the 1988 Student Senate was called to order by Chair Michelle Benoit with 45 senators present. Cindy Riemann, Adam Ruskin, Greg Weisenborn & Louis Wyrick were absent. VACANCIES: Graduate Student Senator, Faculty Representative SWEARING IN The 1988 Student Senate was sworn into office by Keith Petracek, the Chancellor of Student Tribunal. Keith also swore in Troy Lubbers as the 1988 Student Body President. ELECTION OF STUDENT SENATE CHAIR Nominees: Doug Folk. Pat Muir & Jeff Wing declined their nominations. Stu Duncan moved that nominations cease and that we elect Doug Folk unanimously. Passed. Questions were asked, debate was entered into and an immediate vote was taken. Doug Folk was elected as the 1988 Student Senate Chair by a unanimous vote. Doug was sworn into office by Keith Petracek. ELECTION OF STUDENT SENATE VICE CHAIR Nominees: Greg Weisenborn. Charlene Nichols moved that nominations cease. Passed. No questions were asked, debate was entered into and an immediate vote was taken. Greg Weisenborn was elected as the 1988 Student Senate Vice Chair by a unanimous vote. ELECTION OF FACULTY SENATE REPRESENTATIVE Stu Duncan nominated Todd Johnson. Laurie Lawson nominated Cindy Riemann. Charlene Nichols moved that nominations cease. Passed. Todd Johnson spoke, but there were no questions asked. Laurie Lawson spoke on behalf of Cindy Riemann who was not present. Chris Kern moved to postpone the election until December 3rd, when Cindy will be present. Passed. ANNOUNCEMENTS/INFORMAL DISCUSSION Doug Folk stated that December 3rd is the deadline for submitting the following: * top three preferences for office hours * top three preferences for standing committees * your university committee preference * standing committee chair applications * class schedule sheet M-1 Doug also stated that he needs to know by December 3rd if you are interested in serving on the “Cabinet Interview Selection Committee.” This committee will interview the Student Body President’s appointees for Attorney General and Chief of Staff, and then make a recommendation on approval to Student Senate. Mike Wootton announced a party at 1817 Hunting Friday beginning at 3:00. Jason Miles’ band, YYZ, is playing at Blue River Pub this weekend. Scott Darger moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-2 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM DECEMBER 3, 1987 7:00 PM - 9:20 PM CALL TO ORDER Chair Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 38 senators present. Giefer, Karlin & Kramer were excused. Blumel, Gardner, Hassan & Meadows were excused late. Darger, Lawson, Ruskin &. Wyrick were absent. OPEN PERIOD Dr. Robert Tout, Director of Lafene Student Health Center, informed the body that inpatient services will be closed permanently beginning in December. Those patients having to be in bed long than 24 hours will have to be transported elsewhere. Twenty-four hour or shorter patients will still be able to stay at Lafene. Lafene will be remodeled. The Center will be going back to regular hours (8:00-11:30 & 1:00-4:30) and will not be open over the noon hour. The Counseling Center will be moving to Lafene from Holton Hall. Shelly Fischer spoke regarding relocating the site of the Vietnam Memorial. She is proposing that it be erected north of McCain Auditorium and west of Danforth Chapel. The present site will not be seen by passersby and the location is not very attractive. This sight is north of Nichols Hall and east of Calvin Hall. APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 19, 1987 MINUTES Both sets were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - He wished Troy Lubbers a Happy 21st Birthday. Julie Wise resigned her position as a Human Ecology Senator. She got an internship with Disney World. Bernie Giefer is the new Graduate Senator. January 19th is a MANDATORY lobby day in Topeka. (The 18th is Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday and there is no school.) if you cannot attend, you are required to get a replacement. Will leave from the Union at 9:00 a.m. and return at 5:00 p.m. The Off-Campus Association will meet Thursday at 10 a.m. in the SGS Office. He went over the 1988 Student Senate Attendance Policy & Parliamentary Procedures. NEW POLICY ON PROPOSED LEGISLATION: All legislation will be routed through a standing committee before it hits the Senate floor. Legislation should be put in Doug’s basket by 5 p.m. on Mondays. If a note is not attached saying it needs to go before Senate that week, it will be sent directly to a standing committee. After the standing committee, the legislation will go to the Senate Operations Standing Committee and then to Student Senate. This will make the process one week longer than in past years. M-3 Legislation will be posted on the large bulletin board located at the front of the SGS Office Tuesday mornings, along with a brief information sheet written by the sponsor(s) of the legislation explaining why it is being proposed, etc. CHECK YOUR MAILBOXES at least twice a week, especially on Thursday afternoons. COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE - Mark Burns went over the responsibilities and duties of Finance Committee members. COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols announced that SGA will have a table at registration and that we need people to work it. Sign-up! DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Troy Lubbers-announced that the Policy Council met and went over their priorities last weekend. He encouraged Senators to attend Lobby Day. FIRST READINGS Greg Weisenborn moved Senate Bill 88/1, 1988 Student Senate Standing Rules. Questions were asked. Lauren O’Connor moved Senate Bill 88/2, Council Funding Policy Revisions. Questions were asked; and Justin Sanders moved the bill special orders, which passed. There was no debate, so an immediate vote was taken. ELECTION OF FACULTY SENATE REPRESENTATIVE Nominees: Todd Johnson & Cindy Riemann. Cindy declined the nomination. There was no debate. Monty McClain moved to accept Todd Johnson as Faculty Senate Representative by unanimous acclamation, and there was no objection. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Greg Weisenborn announced that CAPSA is at Kites tonight. Doug Heller announced that UPC is having “pictures with Santa” Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week in the Union Courtyard. The cost is $1. Filza Hassan announced David Oswalt’s engagement to Janet Berry. Mary Jo Lampe moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-4 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM JANUARY 21, 1988 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM CALL TO ORDER Chair Doug Folk called the first meeting of the spring semester to order with 45 senators present. Hays was excused late. Heller & Miles were absent. Nath was excused. VACANCIES: 1 faculty & 1 from Human Ecology OPEN PERIOD Tom Schellhardt, Assistant Vice President for Administration & Finance, spoke regarding various aspects of the KSU budget. Two students spoke regarding the KSU Child Care Cooperative. DECEMBER 3, 1987 MINUTES John McIntyre corrected page 3 by changing Election of Student Senate Vice Chair to Election of Faculty Senate Representative. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - Still need senators to serve on the Holton Hall Council, the Committee on Religion and the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee. President Wefald needs input on the proposed Gender Policy. Time does not permit it on the Senate floor, but it will be discussed in Exec. The Counseling & Student Health Task Force report is out. The kick-off meeting for the Off-Campus Association is next Tuesday, January 26th, at 8:30 p.m. in the Union Little Theatre. The new Graduate senators are Bernie Giefer and Rattan Nath. He welcomed the newly appointed interns, who introduced themselves. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in Union 205. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the SGS Office. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Will meet Monday at 7 p.m. in Union FINANCE - Mark Burns - Will meet Sunday at 5:45 p.m. in the SGS Office. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Will meet Monday at 7 p.m. in the SGS Office. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Jennifer Leeds - She was pleased with how Lobby Day went on Tuesday. If you drove, sign the sheet by the mailboxes in the mailboxes in the SGS Office to get reimbursed. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - He stated that we did everything we set out to do on Tuesday at Lobby Day. He asked for and received feedback on improving Lobby Day. M-5 Next Thursday the new A.S.K. personnel and Cabinet members will be announced. The Coalition on Education will be unveiled tomorrow. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Greg Weisenborn moved Resolution 88/1, Student Senate Standing Committee Chairpersons. There were no questions or debate, so an immediate vote was taken. Greg Weisenborn moved Senate Resolution 88/2, Cabinet Selection Committee. There were no questions or debate, so an immediate vote was taken. Greg Weisenborn moved Senate Resolution 88/3, 1988 Finance Committee. Questions were asked, but there was no debate so an immediate vote was taken. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 88/3, SGA Special Allocation: Copy Machine John McIntyre read the bill, and questions were asked. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/1, Student Senate Standing Rules Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Justin Sanders moved to amend #8 to read: Standing committee chairpersons, Parliamentarian, Student Body President, Cabinet members, A.S.K. Campus Director(s), Associate Dean of Student Life, Coordinator of Student Activities and Secretary shall have speaking privileges in Student Senate. There was no questions or debate, so an immediate vote was taken. The amendment passed. Mike Valentine moved to amend #9 by deleting, “during the tentative and final allocation process” Questions were asked, debate was entered into and a vote was taken. The amendment failed. Justin Sanders moved to amend #8 by adding “Senate interns” after “A.S.K. Campus Director(s)” There were no questions, but debate was entered into and an immediate vote was taken. The amendment passed. There was no further debate on the bill, so an immediate vote was taken. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Doug Folk went over the office hours procedures. Mary Jo Lampe announced that the Senate interns will meet at 6:30 p.m. next Thursday outside the Big 8 Room to elect a Coordinator. The Basketball fans’ situation was discussed. Troy Lubbers stated that Lerone Bennett, the executive editor of Ebony Magazine and today’s Convocation speaker, was an excellent speaker. Greg Weisenborn gave the “bar report”. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston Secretary I M-6 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM JANUARY 28, 1988 7:00 PM - 9:20 PM CALL TO ORDER Chair Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 45 senators present. Akin was excused. Ruskin was absent. Nichols & Reams were excused late. OPEN PERIOD Kent Bradley updated the Senate on the decisions of the Art Museum Steering Committee. The Art Museum will be located on the East Stadium sight. Since there are no funds at this time, it is a long, way down the road. The towers are the War I Memorials, and they will be saved. The university has received 2 statues. The university’s art collection will be displayed in Farrell Library. Eirene Tatham spoke about the funding of the Sports Club Council by Student Senate. She would like to have Finance Committee and Student Senate look into the feasibility of funding the Council by Rec Services since they are up for review this year. Jeff VanderLaan spoke regarding two Spring Break trips he is helping sponsor. JANUARY 21, 1988 MINUTES Approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Keith Petracek, Chancellor of Student Tribunal, swore in Cindy Riemann, Greg Weisenborn, Bernie Giefer and Rattan Nath as Student Senators. Adam Ruskin still needs to be sworn in; however, he was not present at this meeting. Doug Folk announced that he still needs students to serve on the Housing Council and Committee on Religion. The 1987 Student Senate Bound Legislation is available in the SGS Office. Applications are due Friday, Feb. 5, for the Athletic Ticket Sales Task Force. The tentative allocations schedule for the Big 8 Room is: Tuesday, March 29th – 6 pm Thursday, March 31st - 6 pm Tuesday, April 5th - 6 pm Thursday, April 7th - 6 pm Tuesday, April 12th - 6 pm Thursday, April 14th - 6 pm Senate Executive went over the proposed Gender Policy. We will not have a meeting on Thursday, February 18th, because of the KSU vs. KU home basketball game. That meeting has been changed to Wednesday, February 17th, at 8 pm. This year we will have the “newspaper clipping of the week” rather than “word of the week” or “whatever of the week”. COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE- Mark Burns - Will meet Monday at 6:15 p.m. at Kites. M-7 The line item groups up for review will make their 30 minute presentations on February 11 & l7 to Student Senate REC SERVICES COUNCIL - Lisa Rephlo - The Council does not want the sports clubs, but they do want a lot of money to build another gym. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Will meet after the meeting tonight to find a meeting time. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY - Amy Vath - Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in Union 203. This is the committee’s permanent meeting time. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Will meet Monday at 7 p.m. in Union 205. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in the SGS Office. COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in Union 205. This is the committee’s permanent meeting place. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - Need the evaluation sheets in from Lobby Day immediately. FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Todd Johnson - Looking into cutting some class days so that we have more finals days, like KU. If passed, it could take effect this fall. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers -. Met with Basketball Coach Lon Kruger about the fan situation. We feel he should take the first step in asking the fans to “behave” themselves, and he feels this is something student government should initiate. STUDENT SENATE VICE CHAIR - Greg Weisenborn - Still need your liaison preferences. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Justin Sanders moved Senate Resolution 88/4, Student Body President’s Cabinet Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. The Cabinet Nominee Interview Committee interviewed Becky and Keith and recommends their confirmation. Came to an immediate vote. Mary Jo Lampe moved Senate Resolution 88/5, Senate Interns There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Following debate, an immediate vote was taken. FIRST READINGS Lauren O’Connor moved Senate Bill 83/4, Closing of Reserves for Nichols Gym Account There were no questions. Lauren O’Connor moved Bill 88/5, Return of Shuttle Service Loan. Questions were asked. Charlene Nichols moved Bill 88/6, SGA Special Allocation: Mailing to Kansas High School Seniors. Questions were asked. M-8 NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/3, SGA Special Allocation.: Copy Machine Questions were asked, debate was entered into and Stu Duncan called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Charlene Nichols stated that there will be a “picture board” in the Student Senate Office. Bring in a stupid picture of yourself & put it on the board. She also announced that Doug Washington is in charge of the “SGA Question of the Day” on KSDBFM Radio. Sally Meadows announced that applications are available in Justin Hall for the Human Ecology Student Senate vacancy and are due February 3rd. AFTER A FEEBLE ATTACK BY MARY JO LAMPE, SCOTT DARGER SLAMMED HER MAKING HER LOOK VERY FOOLISH. (They both needed dates for the weekend.) Greg Weisenborn gave the “bar report”. Scott Darger moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-9 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 4, 1988 7:00 PM - 10:50 PM CALL TO ORDER Chair Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 40 senators present. Bruning, Gardner, Gleissner & O’Connor were excused late. Davis & Oswalt were excused. Karlin, Mock & Ruskin were late. OPEN PERIOD Charlie Thomas, Director of the Fred Bramlage Coliseum, gave an update on the coliseum construction and its operation. APPROVAL OF JANUARY 28, 1988 MINUTES Justin Sanders - Under Informal Discussion “ATTACH” should read “ATTACK”. Mark Burns - Under the Finance Committee report the second statement should read: The line item groups up for review this year will make their 30-minute presentations on February 11 and 17 to Student Senate. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - He thanked Doug Heller for making the new name plates. The Off Campus Association will meet February 9th at 8 p.m. in Ackert 120. Need a student senator to serve on the Aggieville Task Force to replace Brett Bromich. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Met Monday. Working on SGA sweatshirts and buttons. Will meet next Monday at 9 p.m. in Union 205. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Met Monday. Will meet next Monday at 7 p.m. in Stateroom #3. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles -. Looking into the stamp that would go on checks to show merchants how much of their business is from K-State students. Will meet a week from Monday at 9 p.m. in the SGS Office. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Put the finals week situation on hold. Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in Union 203. FINANCE - Mark Burns - Will meet Monday at 6:15 p.m. in the SGS Office. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - We visited the KSU Child Care Cooperative this week. Will meet Sunday at 8 p.m. in Union 205. DIRECTORS REPORTS MINORITY AFFAIRS - Laurian Cuffy - The Big 8 Conference on Black Student Government will be held here at KSU February 18-21, 1988. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - Will begin another letter drive Monday, and will complete it by Thursday. FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Todd Johnson - They are wanting to delay implementation of the final week proposal until 1989. Faculty Senate will meet next Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in the Union Big 8 Room. VICE-CHAIR - Greg Weisenborn - Liaison assignments have been completed. M-10 Sally Routson and Mark Burns gave an overview of the allocation process. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Justin Sanders moved Resolution 88/6, Judicial Appointments Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Justin Sanders noted that the Traffic Appeals Board needs 7 members, not 5 It was suggested that the other 2 members be added at a later date in a separate resolution. Because there was no further debate, an immediate vote was taken. Mike Valentine moved Resolution 88/7, Associated Students of Kansas KSU Campus Director. Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and an immediate vote was taken. Mary Jo Lampe moved Resolution 88/8, Personnel Selections Coordinator. Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and an immediate vote was taken. FIRST READINGS Carolyn Cawley moved Bill 88/7, SGA Special Allocation: Washington, DC Trip. Questions were asked. NEW BUSINESS Bill 88/4, Closing of Reserves for Nichols Gym Account There were no further questions and no debate, so an immediate vote was taken. Bill 88/5, Return of Shuttle Service Loan There were no further questions and no debate, so an immediate vote was taken. Bill 88/6, SGA Special Allocation: Mailing to Kansas High School Seniors Questions continued, and debate was entered into. Mike Wootton moved to add a Section 3 to read: A report detailing how many of the seniors involved in the mailing enroll next fall at KSU will be prepared and presented by the Senate Intern Committee. Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and Mark Reams called the question. Mike’s motion which failed. Joni Hays moved to add a Section 3 to read: Consistent with the retention mission of the university, a student government follow-up contact will be made to those high school seniors who actually attend KSU encouraging their involvement in student government and their progress at KSU. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Jon McClure’s motion to send the bill to the Communications Standing Committee failed. Jon McClure called the question on Joni’s motion which failed. Debate continued on the original bill, and Joe Karlin called the question on the bill. INFORMAL DISCUSSION There was a lot of discussion on Senate Bill 88/6 (, above). Greg Weisenborn gave the “bar report”. Justin Sanders motion to adjourn passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-11 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 11, 1988 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM CALL TO ORDER Chair Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 46 senators present. Akin, Bruning & Lawson were excused late. Lane was absent. FINE ARTS COUNCIL LINE ITEM 30-MINUTE PRESENTATION Laurian Cuffy, Minority Affairs Director on the Cabinet & Fine Arts, Council Chair, went over the purpose of the Council, the purpose of each group under the Council, and the budgets for 1986-87 & 1987-88. The Council is requesting a line item increase: from $2.30 to $2.50/full-time student and from $0 to $1.2S/part-time student. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 4, 1988 MINUTES Approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - He introduced Lisa Gast, the new Human Ecology Student Senator. Next Thursday, February 18th, the Big 8 Conference on Black Student Government begins here at K-State. The Principal/Counselor/Student Conference will be held next Wednesday, February 17th here at KSU. REMEMBER, there will be no Senate next Thursday. It has been moved up to Wednesday beginning at 8:00. Still need a senator to serve on the Student Relations Board (also known as the Aggieville Task Force) to replace Brett Bromich. He and Troy Lubbers met with representatives of the Sports Club Council, KSU Child Care Cooperative and Athletic Department because they all need more funds. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in Union 205. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Doug Heller was elected by the committee as Senate intern Coordinator. Will meet Monday at 7 p.m. in Stateroom #3 in the K-State Union. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Will meet Sunday at 8 p.m. in Union 205. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in the SGS Office. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in Union 203. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - A.S.K. appointees are as follows: COMMUNICATION DIRECTOR - Jack Taylor LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH DIRECTOR - Mindy Dutton MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR - Karen Mosier M-12 MINORITY AFFAIRS DIRECTOR - Laurian Cuffy - Student Senators, as well as other KSU students, need to attend the Big 8 Conference on Black Student Government which will be held February 18-21 here at K-State. Schedules are available in the SGS Office. STUDENT SENATE VICE CHAIR - Greg Weisenborn - Liaisons should get a hold of their groups to assist them during the allocation process. Liaisons must attend the groups’ Finance Committee hearings so they have a better understanding of the groups. Holton Hall Council will meet Sunday, February 28th, at 7 p.m. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - All the constitutional revisions passed by the 1987 Student Senate were ratified by the college councils. FIRST READINGS Charlene Nichols moved Bill 88/8, Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee By-Laws, Rules & Regulations Revisions. Questions were asked. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/7, SGA Special Allocation: Washington, DC Trip There were further questions and debate was entered into. Justin Sanders moved to decrease $754 to $377 and to send only Troy Lubbers not Doug Folk. Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and Brenda Halinski called the question on Justin’s motion which failed. Stu Duncan moved to decrease $754 to $369 and to reduce the food & lodging amounts to SGA spending regulations. Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and Doug Washington called the question on Stu’s motion which failed. Debate continued on the original bill. Rattan Nath moved to table the bill until next week. This motion failed. Joe Karlin called the question on the original bill. INFORMAL DISCUSSION There was lots of general announcements and discussion. Adam Ruskin told some of the concerns the students in the College of Veterinary Medicine are having. Mark Burns announced that Finance Committee will meet Sunday and Monday at 6:15 p.m. Liaisons are expected to attend Finance Committee hearings with their groups. Charlene Nichols was the emcee for “Doug Folk, This is Your Life.” HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DOUG. Chris Kern’s motion to adjourn passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-13 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 17, 1988 8:00 PM - 9:15 PM CALL TO ORDER Parliamentarian Justin Sanders called the meeting to order with 40 senators present. Hays & Weisenborn were excused late. Giefer, Karlin & Rephlo were late. Duncan, Halinski & Line were excused. Hassan & Ruskin were absent. Parliamentarian Sanders called the meeting to order because both Chair Doug Folk and Vice Chair Greg Weisenborn were in a test. RECREATIONAL SERVICES 30-MINUTE LINE ITEM PRESENTATION Director Raydon Robel made the presentation, which included a slide show. He stated that 26% of their budget comes from the student activity fee. They have not had an increase in 14 years. However, they are requesting an increase for 1988-89. FEBRUARY 11, 1988 MINUTES The first line under NEW BUSINESS should read: Greg Weisenborn conducted all the business under this section. ANNOUNCEMENTS Justin Sanders - Jim Akin recently received the Distinguished Service Award of the Association for School, College & University Staffing. Blue Key will be awarding scholarships based on leadership for the next school year. information will be posted on the front bulletin board in the SGS Office. Doug Folk received a letter from President Wefald about students’ position on the proposed Gender Policy. He will be contacting us for further input. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - SGA sweatshirt and button designs have been finalized. SGA will have a table at Open House. Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in Union 205. FINANCE - Mark Burn (side) - Began hearings Sunday and Monday and will meet again Sunday at 6:15. Liaisons, please do some research and be well informed at the hearings. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Still working on the check stickers. Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in the SGS Office. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Starting to work on mainly cleaning up the SGA Constitution and By-Laws. Will meet Monday at 7 p.m. in Stateroom #3 in the Union. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Will meet Monday at 7 p.m. in the SGS Office. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Will not meet this week. DIRECTORS REPORTS M-14 ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - He and Troy Lubbers went to Wichita this past weekend. ASK may have a state-wide structure change. April 5 is a state-wide Lobby Day. Legislative Affairs Committee members are required to attend. Other student interested in attending should let him know. The letter drive is not going very week!! He wants it completed by Friday. FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Todd Johnson - Met Tuesday afternoon. Looking into the Retake Policy, and looking into putting something in the Faculty Handbook about exams during Landon Lectures. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Charlene Nichols moved Senate Resolution 88/9, FONE Crisis Center Assistant Coordinator. Questions were asked of Gary and Charlene, there was no debate & an immediate vote was taken. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/8, Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee By-Laws, Rules and Regulations Revisions There were no further questions or debate, so an immediate vote was taken. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Lots of general discussion. Charlene Nichols contacted the KU SGA about a basketball game between our two SGAs. They are looking into it. They still owe us 2 kegs for past games. Party at Mike Wootton’s house at 1817 Hunting beginning at 2 p.m. on Saturday. DOUG FOLK TOOK OVER THE CHAIR. Scott Darger misses Stu Duncan tonight!!!!!! Chris Kerns give Charlene Nichols “flowers” for Valentines Day. Sally Routson announced that the Bloodmobile will be here next Monday thru Thursday. Charlene Nichols announced that she is on the Open House Media Committee. Greg Weisenborn gave the “bar report.” The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-15 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 25, 1988 7:00 PM - 10:30 PM CALL TO ORDER Chair Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 37 senators present. Connet & Nath were absent. Bruning, Gardner, Gleissner & Meadows were excused late. Davis, Giefer, Karlin, McIntyre & Wootton were excused. Grant & O’Connor were late. OPEN PERIOD Laurie McCauley announced that tomorrow the Educational Supportive Services program is sponsoring a balloon launch in celebration of the 3rd annual National Trio Day at 10 a.m. in front of Holton Hall. Supporters will then march to the K-State Union where messages of support for Educational Opportunity Programs will be collected and forwarded to legislators. A brief “Speak Out” for continued support of Educational Opportunity Programs will precede the balloon launch. A number of people spoke regarding the KSU Child Care Cooperative. The presentation and questions last exactly 2 hours. Enrollment by Parent Status: Full-time 126 Part-time 36 Faculty/Staff 99 Married to Student/Faculty/Staff 107 While the maximum/licensed capacity is 223 full-time children, there are currently 200 children enrolled in the Coop. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 17, 1988 MINUTES Change the date on the minutes from 18th to 17th. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - The Athletic Ticket Sales Task Force has been formed, and Dave Whetstone is the chair. Get visitation sheets into Doug. The Mini-Grant Program, funded by the Community Service Program, will allow KSU students to address community service projects of interest and concern to them. Mini-Grant will be available on a quarterly funding cycle with the 1st cycle ending 4/1/88. A maximum of 6 $500 grants will be awarded in the 1st funding cycle. Call 532-6900 or stop by Eisenhower 113 for more information. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in Union 205. SGA will be having a softball team. Sign-up if interested. We also need suggestions for a team name. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Going over SGA Constitutional & By-Laws revisions. Will meet Monday at 6:30 p.m. at Kites. FINANCE - Mark Burns - Will meet Sunday, Monday & Tuesday at 6:15 p.m. in the SGS Office. M-16 LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in the SGS Office. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - Diane Muir - Will meet Monday at 7 p.m. in the SGS Office. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in Union 203. ATHLETIC TICKET SALES TASK FORCE - Dave Whetstone - Held their 1st meeting last night. In the process of doing a lot of research. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - Mailed 43 letters to legislators on Tuesday and have more to mail. VICE CHAIR - Greg Weisenborn - Liaisons, get a hold of your groups!!! STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - He and Doug are serving on a parking task force. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Greg Weisenborn moved Resolution 88/11, Additional Traffic Appeals Board Members. There were questions, but no debate, so an immediate vote was taken. FIRST READINGS Stu Duncan moved Bill 88/9, Consumer Relations board Special Allocation: ACCI Conference. Questions were asked. Justin Sanders moved Senate Bill 88/10, Edge Center Establishment. Dan Owens, a member of Blue Key, read the bill, and Pat Bosco, a Blue Key faculty adviser, was present. Private funds were donated for such a center. Questions were asked of Dan. Diane Muir moved Senate Bill 88/11, Establishment of a Student Fee for the KSU Child Care Cooperative. Questions were asked. The fee would generate approximately $32,000/year. Charlene Nichols moved Senate Resolution 88/10, Admission of Kansas Technical Institute into the Associated Students of Kansas. Scott King, ASK Campus Director, read the resolution, and questions were asked. Justin Sanders moved the resolution special orders. Passed. Debate was entered into, after which an immediate vote was taken. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Doug Folk urged Senators to do research on the Child Care Cooperative before next week. Greg Weisenborn gave the “bar report.” Scott Darger’s motion to adjourn passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-17 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 3, 1988 7:00 PM - 2:00 AM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 45 senators present. Riemann was excused. Gleissner, Grant, Oswalt & Ruskin were excused late. 5-MINUTE PRESENTAT1ONS Students for Handicapped Concerns - Michael Nolting, President Association of Adults Returning to School - Charles Johnson, Secretary Mexican American Council of Students - Judy Wolf, President Legal Services - Dianne K. Urban, Students’ Attorney FONE - Gary Phillips, Assistant Coordinator U-LearN - Debbie Paap Amnesty International - Debbie Paap, President Coalition for Human Rights - Fran Royster, President Students Against Driving Drunk - Candy Davis, Vice President Consumer Relations Board - Beth Galbreath, Director Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU - Scott King, Campus Director Student Governing Association - Troy Lubbers, Student Body President OPEN PERIOD An individual spoke regarding the funding of the KSU Child Care Cooperative. Gary Coates, an Architecture professor, spoke regarding a special allocation for the College of Architecture & Design. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 25, 1988 MINUTES Approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - Friday, March 4th, at 4:30 p.m. is the deadline for applying for one of the Blue Key scholarships. The letter to Kansas high school seniors went to press today. There will be a Lou Douglas lecture in Union Forum Hall on March 8th. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE EXECUTIVE - Doug Folk - Discussed Vice President Miller’s request for $54,000 for a campus identification entrance sign. COMMUNICATION - Charlene Nichols - “Question of the Day” on KSDB-FM will begin after Spring Break. The design is complete for the SGA sweatshirts. They will be purple screen on grey sweatshirts and will cost $13. Checks should be made out to “Jenny Johnston”. Will meet on Monday - same time, same place. KSU STUDENT GOVERNMENT vs. KU STUDENT GOVERNMENT BASKETBALL WILL BE HELD MARCH 27th IN AHEARN FIELDHOUSE. FINANCE - Mark Burns - Will begin balancing the budget on Sunday. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Still working on SGA Constitutional & ByLaws Revisions. Will meet Monday at 7 p.m. in Stateroom #3. M-18 ATHLETIC TICKET SALES TASK FORCE - Dave Whetstone - Met yesterday morning with Athletic Director Larry Travis. Will meet Sunday at 8 p.m. in Union 205. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY - Amy Vath - Will meet Monday at 9:15 p.m. at Kites. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in the Union Concourse area. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Lafene Student Health Center wants an increase. Will meet Monday at 7 p.m. in Union 205. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - Will get travel checks to people by next week. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - Received a financial report from the National Student Roundtable. HOLTON HALL - Greg Weisenborn & Susan Scott - Gave updates. Will meet Thursday, March 24, at 7 a.m. in Stateroom #1. MINORITY AFFAIRS - Laurian Cuffy - Thanked SGA on behalf of the Black Student Union for their support of the Big 8 Conference on Black Student Governments. Joni Hays requested an SGA Treasurer’s report. None available. FIRST READINGS Melissa Blumel moved Bill 88/12, Fine Arts Council Budget Review Recommendation/Student Services Fee Increase. There were no questions. Lisa Rephlo moved Senate Bill 88/13, Recreational Services Budget Review Recommendation. Questions were asked of Raydon Robel, Rec Services Director. Mary Lane moved to suspend the rules to place Senate Bill 88/14. Seaside Field Research & Design Charrette, on the agenda. Passed. Doug Heller moved Senate Bill 88/l4, Seaside Field Research & Design Charrette Questions were asked of Gary Coates, professor in Architecture. Finance Committee rejected a bill for $1,530.80 because they were against funding a “field trip” Lauren O’Connor moved to suspend the rules to place Senate Bill 88/15, Increase of Student Services Fee, on the agenda. Passed. Lauren O’Connor moved Senate Bill 88/15, Increase of Student Services Fee. Questions were asked. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/9, Consumer Relations Board Special Allocation: ACCI Conference There were further questions, but no debate. An immediate vote was taken. Senate Bill 88/10, EDGE Center Establishment There were further questions, and debate was entered into. M-19 Joni Hays moved to amend Section 7 by deleting “The EDGE Center be fully self-sufficient, and” Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and Joni Hays called the question on her motion which passed. Greg Weisenborn moved to add a Section 8 to read: The Blue Key Senior Honorary be self-sufficient with the exception of the check-out process. If the check-out process becomes too burdensome for SGA personnel, Blue Key will assume all responsibility for the check-out process also. There were no questions, debate was entered into, and the motion passed. An immediate vote was taken on the bill, as amended. Senate Bill 88/11, Establishment of a Student Fee for the KSU Child Care Cooperative Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Greg Weisenborn moved to limit debate to 2 6-minute speeches per speaker per motion. Passed. After many questions and much debate, Greg Weisenborn called the question on the bill as friendly amended. Bernie Giefer requested a roll call vote. Roll Call Vote Yes – Albrecht, Darger, Duncan, Gardner, Halinski, Hassan, Hays, Heller, Kern, Lampe, Lane, Lawson, Line, McIntyre, Muir, Nath, Nicho1s, Riemann, Ruskin, Sanders, Weisenborn, Gast Abstain - Reams Absent - Akin INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. The motion to adjourn to Country Kitchen passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-20 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 10, 1988 7:00 PM - 11:35 PM CALL TO ORDER Chair Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 43 senators present. Davis was excused late. Mock was absent. Darger, Duncan & Washington were late. Akin & Shellenberger were excused. 5-MINUTE PRESENTATIONS University for Man - Eunice Dorst, Community Development Coordinator International Coordinating Council - Yemi Ogunrinola, President Black Student Union - no representative present Women’s Resource Center - Katherine Parker, Acting Director Puerto Rican Student Organization - Maria Soler, President Sports Club Council - Matt Queen, Chairman APPROVAL OF MARCH 3, 1988 MINUTES Approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - The Cats play at 6:10 tomorrow night. When you leave the building after 10:30 you must use the stairs across from the Big 8 Room. Also, no one is to enter the building after 10:30 (the doors are locked). All classes after 1:30 on March 25th will be cancelled due to the All-University Open House. John McIntyre has received the Colbertson Award in Engineering. Mark Reams is vice-president of ARH. Dave Whetstone & Randall Davis are in Chimes. March 27 - The KSU Student Government vs. the KU Student Government basketball game will be held in the afternoon in Ahearn Fieldhouse. March 27 - 2 p.m. - Our 1st softball game. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Will meet Monday, March 21st, at 9 p.m. in Union 205. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Will meet Wednesday, March 23rd, at 9 p.m. in the Big 8 Room of the Union. Mark Tallman from the ASK state staff will be in attendance. FINANCE - Mark Burns - The budget is balanced and will be published on March 21st. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Will meet Monday, March 21st, at 9 p.m. in Union 203. ATHLETIC TICKET SALES TASK FORCE - Dave Whetstone - Will meet Wednesday, March 23rd, at 9:30 p.m. in the SGS Office. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Will meet Monday, March 21st, at 7 p.m. in Stateroom #3 in the Union. DIRECTORS REPORTS M-21 ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - Important Dates: March 23 - Briefing for March 28th Lobby Day - 9 p.m. - Big 8 Room in Union March 28 - K-State Lobby Day in Topeka April 5 - Statewide Lobby Day in Topeka April 8 & 9 - Board & Policy Council meetings SENATE EXECUTIVE - Greg Weisenborn - Will meet Monday, March 21st, at 8 p.m. at Last Chance. FACULTY SENATE - Todd Johnson - Met and heard a spiel on the Margin of Excellence. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT – Troy Lubbers - The state student body presidents met last Wednesday and worked on a financial aid plan for next year. FIRST READINGS Scott Darger moved Senate Bill 88/16, Business Administration College Council Constitutional Revisions. Questions were asked. Lauren O’Connor moved Senate Bill 88/17, Speech Unlimited Special Allocation. Questions were asked. Justin Sanders moved Senate Bill 88/18, Amendment to Senate Bill 87/29, Increase in SGA Elections Polling Place. Questions were asked. Dave Whetstone moved Senate Bill 88/19, Amendment to Senate bill 87/32, Athletic Ticket Sales Task Force. Questions were asked. Dave Whetstone moved the bill special orders, and his motion passed. There was no debate, and an immediate vote was taken. NEW BUSINESS Bill 88/12, Fine Arts Council Budget Review Recommendation/Student Services Fee increase Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and an immediate vote was taken. Bernie Giefer requested a roll call vote. NO - Giefer ABSENT - Akin Halinski Darger McClure Mock McIntyre Shellenberger Miles Bill 88/13, Recreational Services Budget Review Recommendation Further questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Justin Sanders moved to add a Section 2 to read: The Recreational Services include the Sports Club Council in its programming budget. Questions were asked on Justin’s amendment. Mark Reams objected to consideration of Justin’s amendment. Passed. Sally Meadows called the question on the bill, and Bernie Giefer requested a roll call vote. NO - Halinski ABSENT – Akin M-22 Darger Mock Shellenberger Bill 88/14, Seaside Field Research & Design Charrette, was withdrawn. (A copy of this bill is available in the SGS Office upon request.) Bill 88/15, Increase of Student Services Fee Further questions were asked, and debate was entered into. During debate, Doug Folk turned the chair over to Greg Weisenborn, Student Senate Vice Chair. Chris Kern called the question, and Bernie Giefer requested a roll call vote. YES - Albrecht ABSENT - Akin ABSTAIN - Whetstone Karlin Darger O’Connor Mock Valentine Shellenberger Wootton INFORMAL DISCUSSION Doug Folk took the chair back. Bernie Giefer wanted to change his vote on Senate Bill 88/13, but the body voted the motion down. Doug Folk spoke regarding the Manhattan Mercury’s article on the FONE Crisis Center. He also announced that Student Affairs & Social Services Committee will be looking into Rec Services funding Sports Club Council. Melissa Blumel’s motion to adjourn passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-23 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 24, 1988 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM CALL TO ORDER Chair Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 44 senators present. O’Connor was absent. Duncan, McClain & Nath were excused. Karlin & Gast were late. 5-MINUTE PRESENTATIONS A representative of Black Student Union was not present again this week. APPROVAL OF MARCH 10, 1988 MINUTES Approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - The maximum work study award for the summer session will be determined by the number of applicants, the availability of funds and the student’s financial need. If a student completed a minimum of seven credit hours during the preceding spring semester, that student may be considered for a summer College Work Study award even though that student may not be enrolled during the summer session. You may recall that last summer all students were required to be enrolled in a minimum of three summer credit hours. A student on Summer Work Study can work a maximum of thirty hours per week while enrolled in four or more resident semester credit hours and a maximum of forty hours while enrolled in less than four credit hours and during break periods. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. at Last Chance. Need people to help with SGA’s open house table from 9-3 on Saturday. Also, the SGS Office will be open for tours. Sunday - 2 p.m. - softball game Sunday - 11 a.m. - KSU SGA vs. KU SGA basketball game in Ahearn Fieldhouse LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Met last night and Mark Tallman from the state ASK Office was present. Monday is K-State Lobby Day in Topeka. Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in the SGS Office. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. at Last Chance. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Still going over SGA Constitutional & ByLaws revisions. Will meet Monday at 7 p.m. at Last Chance. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Will meet Sunday at 8 p.m. at Last Chance. FINANCE - Mike Valentine - Will meet Monday at 6:15 p.m. in the SGS Office. Look for Mark Burns at the game on Friday. ATHLETIC TICKET SALES TASK FORCE - Dave Whetstone gave a progress report. The task force started out doing research on the program here at K-State. Have contacted 26 schools around the national regarding their programs. Visited with Athletic Director Larry Travis on what the Athletic Department wants, visited M-24 with Basketball Coach Lon Kruger before spring break on what he would like to see, and will meet with Vice President Krause tomorrow. Mainly working on the basketball ticket policies; so far we don’t see a problem with football tickets. Looking at ICAT because we feel it has lost its initial purpose. Open Forum Noon - March 31st - Union Courtyard. Will meet Sunday at 7 p.m. in the SGS Office and Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. in the SGS Office. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - Those going to K-State Lobby Day on Monday should meet in the SGS Office at 8:30 a.m. April 5th is the statewide Lobby Day. Will put up a sign-up sheet in the SGS Office. Will have a brief information session later next week. Margin of Excellence passed the House of Representatives and the Ways & Means Committee. Will be before the Senate next week. FACULTY SENATE - Todd Johnson - He just received the proposed education goals of KSU graduates. Working slowly on the final exam period. Looking at the Retake Policy. Will be working on the conflict between lectures and classes. HOLTON HALL COUNCIL - Greg Weisenborn - Met at 7 a.m. today in the Union. Holton Hall has an asbestos problem which will cut into the budget. Holton Hall users will probably be moved into Willard Hall. Construction should begin July 1st. SEXUAL AWARENESS TASK FORCE - Greg Weisenborn - Will meet tomorrow. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - He went over the Washington, DC trip itinerary. The group discussed the historical background to find out why it failed and then discussed how to solve the problem. The past director seems to be at fault. NSR owes money to the University of San Francisco for a conference. He ended up buying a computer with the registration fees rather than paying off the University of San Francisco and took the computer with him when he left. The group decided to sit back and let the University of San Francisco come after their money. The NSR office has been shut down so as to incur no further debts. FIRST READINGS Bill 88/20, 1988-89 Tentative Allocations, was moved. Sally Routson went over the last page of the bill, and questions were asked. NEW BUSINESS Bill 88/16, Business Administration College Council Constitutional Revisions Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Todd Johnson moved to add “and the faculty advisor of the Business Council” at the end of Section 2-C. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Lisa Rephlo moved to amend the amendment by adding “who will be a nonvoting member” at the end of Todd’s motion. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Sally Meadows called the question on Lisa’s motion which passed. Todd’s amendment as amended was debated. Chris Kern called the question on Todd’s amendment which passed. M-25 Doug Folk ruled the amendment out of order because of Article VII, Section 705 of our Constitution which states that Student Senate shall ratify (not amend) constitutions of college councils. Greg Weisenborn objected to the decision of the chair. Debate was entered into, and Mike Valentine called the question. Doug’s decision was upheld. Lisa Rephlo moved to postpone the bill indefinitely. Juli Kramer called the question on Lisa’s motion which passed. A copy of the bill is available in the SGS Office. Bill 88/17, Speech Unlimited Special Allocation There were further questions, and debate was entered into. Melissa Blumel called the question. Bill 88/18, Amendment to Bill 87/29, Increase In SGA Elections Polling Places Further questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Chris Kern called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION LOTS OF GENERAL! Doug Folk announced that because of open house on Friday, Student Senators do not need to conduct their office hours after 1:30. Greg Weisenborn gave the “bar report.” Melissa Blumel’s motion to adjourn passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-26 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 29, 1988 6:00 PM - 9:40 PM CALL TO ORDER Chair Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 37 senators present. McClure was absent. Darger, Karlin, Line, Shellenberger & Valentine were late. Giefer, Nath & Weisenborn were excused late. Blumel, Hassan, Heller & Ruskin were excused. NEW BUSINESS Bill 88/20, 1988-89 Tentative Allocations Charlene Nichols moved to divide the question by group with the Honorarium being discussed with the group. There were no questions or debate, and an immediate vote was taken. The motion passed. Greg Weisenborn moved to limit debate to 2 4-minute speeches per person per motion. Questions were asked, there was no debate and an immediate vote was taken. The motion passed. ALLOCATIONS CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD Craig Uhrich gave Finance Committee’s rationale for the recommendation. Beth Galbreath, C.R.B. Director, represented the group. Allocated 1987-88: $3,864.90 Requested 1988-89 $3,900.50 Finance Committee’s Recommendation $3,727.30 Questions were asked, debate was entered into and an immediate vote was taken on Finance Committee’s recommendation. The $3,727.30 passed. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS Mark Burns, Coordinator of Finances, introduced Chris Graves, state ASK representative. Allocated 1987-88 $19,147.80 ($.60 head count) Requested 1988-89 $19,072.20 ($.60 head count) Finance Committee’s Recommendation $19,072.20 ($.60 head count) Questions were asked, debate was entered into and an immediate vote was taken on Finance Committee’s recommendation. The $19,072.20 ($.60 head count) passed. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS @ KSU Lisa Downing gave Finance Committee’s rationale for the recommendation. Scott King, A.S.K. Campus Director, represented the group. Allocated 1987-88 $1,632.60 Requested 1988-89 $1,632.60 Finance Committee’s Recommendation $1,527.70 Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Bernie Giefer moved to decrease Advertising from $164.70 to $54.90, cutting the 6 voter registration ads and leaving in 1 ad for membership drive and 1 ad for an unforeseen event. M-27 Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Jason Miles moved to amend Bernie’s amendment by increasing $54.90 to $219.60, which is what ASK originally requested. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Jason called the question on his amendment to Bernie’s amendment, which failed. Debate continued on Bernie’s amendment. Dave Whetstone moved to amend Bernie’s amendment by increasing $54.90 to $146.40. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Joni Hays called the question on Dave’s amendment to Bernie’s amendment, which passed. Debate continued. Chris Kern called the question on an Advertising budget of $146.40, which failed. Bernie Giefer moved to decrease $164.70 to $109.80. Mark Reams objected to consideration of Bernie’s motion. This motion passed. Debate continued on the entire ASK budget, as recommended by Finance Committee. Jason Miles called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation of $1,527.70 which passed. STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION Mark Wentzel gave Finance Committee’s rationale for the recommendation. Troy Lubbers, Sally Routson & Jenny Johnston represented SGA. Allocated 1987-88 $33,117.18 Requested 1988-89 $35,153.00 Finance Committee’s Recommendation $33,293.00 Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Todd Johnson moved to add an * behind the recommendation for Telephone, Printing, Maintenance, Office Supplies & Rent of Equipment and add at the end * also used by ASK @ KSU, CRB & Legal Services. Questions were asked, debate was entered into, & Todd called the question on his motion, which passed. Bernie Giefer moved to increase the Student Body President’s Salary from $3,600 to $3,780 (from $300 to $315/mo.) and the Student Senate Chair’s Salary from $2,700 to $2,835 (from $225 to $236.25/mo.). Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Jason Miles moved to postpone until Thursday evening. The motion passed. Jason Miles moved to recess until 6:00 p.m. Thursday. The motion passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-28 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 31, 1988 6:00 PM - 1:50 AM CALL TO ORDER Chair Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 33 senators present. Akin, Heller & Karlin were excused. Davis, Gardner, Gleissner, Hays, Meadows, O’Connor, Ruskin, Shellenberger & Valentine were excused late. Giefer, Johnson & Nath were late. Bruning & Ewy were absent. APPROVAL OF MARCH 24 & 29, 1988 MINUTES Approved as distributed. COMMITTEE REPORTS ATHLETIC TICKET SALES TASK FORCE - Dave Whetstone - Met last night. Had the forum at noon today. Will meet Sunday at 8 p.m. in the SGS Office. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - April 5th is the statewide Lobby Day in Topeka. Check the calendar in the SGS Office for the next committee meeting. COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Thanked those who helped SGA get ready for open house. Will meet Monday at 8 p.m. in the SGS Office. Sally Meadows - There was no softball game last Sunday, and will have no game this Sunday because of Easter. We did not have the basketball game with K.U. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Elections Committee applications are due next Friday. Will not meet next Monday. FINANCE - Mark Burns - Will meet Sunday at 8 p.m. in the SGS Office. Will look at the special request from OZ magazine. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Will not meet next week. SEXUAL ASSAULT TASK FORCE - Greg Weisenborn - Looking at the Violence Policy proposal. Students are attempting to come up with a counter-proposal. If interested in looking at this, get a copy from any Executive member. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Becky Griebat - Looking into having a basketball rally in Ahearn Fieldhouse to present the commendations. April 13 & 14 - SGA Open House. John Fairman, Assistant Vice President for University Relations, has challenged SGA to a slow pitch softball game with the administration. He thinks students are out of shape and cannot handle the administration. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Becky Griebat - There will be an information session on April 4th for the April 5th statewide Lobby Day. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - interns can leave the Tuesday meetings at 8 p.m., but must stay until 9 p.m. on Thursdays. Please date your notes about being absent from meetings. M-29 The Union Program Council issues Ideas Committee is having their major event for 1987-88 - “VREMYA-Director from the USSR”, featuring Dr. George Feifer, on April 12th. There will be an open house from 2-5 p.m. in the Union Ballroom, and Dr. Feifer’s lecture, “Love, Vodka, Laughter, Tears: A Look at Soviet Life Under the Surface”, will be at 8 p.m. in the Forum Hall. FIRST READINGS Scott Darger moved Senate Bill 88/21, Business Administration College Council Constitutional Revisions There were no questions. Scott Darger moved the bill special orders. Passed. There was no debate, so an immediate vote was taken. Greg Weisenborn moved Senate Resolution 88/12, Commendation to the K-State Cheerleading Squad. There were no questions. Charlene Nichols moved the resolution special orders. Passed. There was no debate, so an immediate vote was taken. Greg Weisenborn moved Senate Resolution, Commendation to Mitch Holthus, “Voice of the Wildcats”. Questions were asked. Jason Miles moved the resolution special orders. Passed. Debate was entered into, and an immediate vote was taken. Greg Weisenborn moved Senate Resolution 88/14, Commendation to Coach Lon Kruger and the K-State Men’s Basketball Team. Questions were asked. Mike Wootton moved the resolution special orders. Passed. Debate was entered into. Mark Reams moved that we accept this resolution by unanimous acclamation, and there was no objection. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/20, 1988-89 Tentative Allocations STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION (continued from March 29th) Debate continued on Bernie’s motion to increase the Student Body President’s Salary from $3,600 to $3,780 (from $300 to $315/mo.) and the Student Senate Chair’s Salary from $2,700 to $2,835 (from $225 to $236.25/mo.). Chris Kern moved to amend the amendment to increase the Student Body President’s Salary from $3,600 to $3,775 ($300/5 mos. & $325/7 mos.) and the Student Senate Chair’s Salary from $2,700 to $2,875 ($225/5 mos. & $250/7 mos.). Questions were asked, debate was entered into & Fern Grant called the question on Chris’ amendment to Bernie’s amendment which passed. Debate continued on Bernie’s amendment as amended. Chris Kern called the question on the Student Body President’s & Student Senate Chair’s Salaries which failed. M-30 Brenda Halinski moved to increase the Student Senate Chair’s Salary from $2,700 to $3,000 ($225 to $250/mo.). Chris Kern objected to consideration of Brenda’s motion. The motion passed. Doug Washington called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation of $33,293.00. The motion passed. U.F.M. Mike Berry gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Richard Friesen & Eunice Dorst represented U.F.M. Allocated 1987-88 $13,133.13 Requested 1988-89 $13,169.25 Finance Committee’s Recommendation $12,270.50 Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Bill Mock moved to increase Telephone from $168.75 to $360. Questions were asked, debate was entered into and Doug Washington called the question on Bill’s motion which failed. Debate continued, and an immediate vote was taken on Finance Committee’s recommendation which passed. FONE CRISIS CENTER Mike Valentine gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Linda Ekdahal-Crabb & Gary Phillips represented FONE. Allocated 1987-88 $11,838.86 Requested 1988-89 $12,612.76 Finance Committee’s Recommendation $11,855.06 Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Laurie Lawson moved to increase Advertising from $292.80 to $384. Questions were asked, debate was entered into and Lisa Rephlo called the question on Laurie’s motion which failed. Laurie Lawson moved to increase the Assistant Coordinator’s Salary from $2,552 ($232/11 mos.) to $2,784 ($232/12 mos.). Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. John McIntyre moved to amend Laurie’s amendment to decrease $2,784 ($232/12 mos.) to $2,556 ($213/12 mos.). Questions were asked, debate was entered into and an immediate vote was taken. The motion failed. Debate continued on Laurie’s amendment. Rattan Nath moved to amend Laurie’s amendment by decreasing the Coordinator’s Salary from $4,020 ($335/12 mos.) to $3,708 ($309/12 mos.) and the Assistant Coordinator’s Salary from $2,784 ($232/12 mos.) to $2,781 ($231.75/l2 mos.). Jason Miles objected to consideration of Rattan’s motion. The motion failed. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into and Laurie Lawson called the question on Rattan’s motion which failed. Mary Lane called the question on Laurie’s motion which passed 24/21/2. (Brenda Halinski requested a roll call vote. Those voting NO were: Akin, Blumel, Cawley, Darger, Gardner, Giefer, Gleissner, Grant, Hassan, Johnson, McClure, McIntyre, Nath, O’Connor, Oswalt, Reams, Reschke, Riemann, Sanders, M-31 Valentine & Wootton; those ABSTAINING were: Kern & Meadows; those ABSENT were: Bruning, Ewy & Karlin. Came to an immediate vote on a tentative allocation of $12,087.06 which passed. U-LEARN Stu Duncan gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Representing the group were: Debbie Paap, Mark Davis, Joni Hays, Michelle Benoit, Fred Newton & Susan Scott. Allocated 1987-88 $12,934.39 Requested 1988-89 $25,884.76 Finance Committee’s Recommendation $12,280.00 Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Monica Connet moved to decrease the Assistant Director’s Salary from $8,034 to $1,020 and increase the Director’s Salary from $0 to $16,500 ($1,372/12 mos.). Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Dave Whetstone’s motion to postpone until Tuesday failed. John McIntyre called the question on Monica’s amendment. The motion failed. Joni Hays moved to increase Rent of Equipment from $0 to $575 for Kansas Careers. Questions were asked. Justin Sanders moved to postpone until Tuesday evening. The motion passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION GENERAL. Lauren O’Connor’s motion to recess until Tuesday at 6 p.m. passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-32 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 5, 1988 6:00 PM - 10:50 PM CALL TO ORDER Chair Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 37 senators present. Akin was excused. Blumel, Darger, Giefer, Halinski, Lawson, Muir, Reams, Ruskin & Shellenberger were excused late. Bruning & McIntyre were late. McClure was absent. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/20, 1988-89 Tentative Allocations U-LEARN (continued) Questions continued on Joni Hays’ motion to increase Rent of Equipment from $0 to $575 for Kansas Careers. Debate was entered into. Mary Jo Lampe called the question on Joni’s motion. Failed. Chris Kern moved to decrease Professional Supplies from $128.55 to $70.75. Questions were asked, debate was entered into and an immediate vote was taken. The motion failed. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation of $12,280. The motion passed. ASSOCIATION OF ADULTS RETURNING TO SCHOOL (AARTS) Mike Berry gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Charles Johnson represented the group. Allocated 1987-88 $156.30 Requested 1988-89 $519.67 Finance Committee’s Recommendation $267.95 Questions were asked, debate was entered into and an immediate vote was taken on Finance Committee’s recommendation. The motion passed. LEGAL SERVICES Lauren O’Connor gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Dianne Urban represented Legal Services. Allocated 1987-88 $25,023.87 Requested 1988-89 $28,173.00 Finance Committee’s Recommendation $26,061.00 Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Filza Hassan moved to increase the Salary from 24,828 to 26,940. Questions were asked. Justin Sanders moved that we move into executive session for debate. This motion passed. Mike Wootton moved to amend Filza’s amendment by decreasing the $24,828 to $23,640. Questions were asked. Juli Kramer called the question on Mike’s amendment to Filza’s amendment, which meant we moved out of executive session. The question failed. M-33 The question was called on Filza’s amendment. The question failed. Filza Hassan moved to increase the Salary from $24,828 to $25,500. Todd Johnson objected to consideration of Filza’s motion. Todd’s objection failed. Questions were asked on Filza’s motion. Greg Weisenborn moved that we move back into executive session for debate. This motion passed. After we moved out of executive session an immediate vote was taken on Filza’s amendment, which failed by a vote of 21/26/1. Rattan Nath requested a roll call vote. YES – Albrecht, Connet, Darger, Giefer, Gleissner, Grant, Halinski, Hassan, kern, Lane, Line, McIntyre, Mock, Muir, Nath, Reams, Reschke, Ruskin, Weisenborn, Whetstone, Gast NO – Akin, Blumel, Cawley, Davis, Duncan, Ewy, Gardner, Hays, Johnson, Heller, Karlin, Kramer, Lampe, Lawson, Meadows, McClain, Nichols, O’Connor, Oswalt, Rephlo, Riemann, Sanders, Shellenberger, Valentine, Washington, Wootton ABSTAIN – Miles ABSENT – Bruning, McClure Randall Davis called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. This motion passed. Bernie Giefer moved that any individual not enjoying speaking privileges may have time yielded to them only twice on consideration of a particular motion. Questions were asked, debate was entered into and an immediate vote was taken. The motion failed. MEXICAN AMERICAN COUNCIL OF STUDENTS (MACS) Cindy Riemann gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Judy Wolf represented the group, along with 4 others. Allocated 1987-88 $183.95 Requested 1988-89 $456.20 Finance Committee’s Recommendation $225.00 Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and an immediate vote was taken on Finance Committee’s recommendation. The motion passed. STUDENTS AGAINST DRIVING DRUNK (SADD) Lauren O’Connor gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Cindy Riemann represented the group. Allocated 1987-88 $207.30 Requested 1988-89 $1,156.67 Finance Committee’s Recommendation $276.80 Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and Doug Washington called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Doug’s motion passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION GENERAL. Justin Sanders recited a poem entitled “Foolish Questions.” M-34 Doug Washington announced that “SGA Question of the Day” will be taped Thursday at 2:30. If interested in helping with this, meet in the SGS Office before going to KSDB-FM in McCain Auditorium. Dave Whetstone’s motion to recess passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-35 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 7, 1988 6:00 PM - 10:40 PM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 42 senators present. Ewy & Nath were late. Akin, Kramer, Lampe, McClure & Ruskin were excused. Oswalt was excused late. APPROVAL OF MARCH 31 & APRIL 5, 1988 MINUTES Approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - There will be a Traffic & Parking Regulations Public Hearing on Friday, April 15th, at 3 p.m. in the K-State Union Big 8 Room. Changes are being proposed in the regulations and the cost of permits will be increasing. SGA will sponsor Wildcat Appreciation Day on April 21st. It will be held at 12:30 p.m. on the Union Plaza (island between Seaton Hall & the K-State Union). Next week is International Week. President Wefald will speak to Student Senate next Tuesday at the beginning of the meeting. Thursdays are almost impossible for him. The Board of Regents meeting will take place on the K-State campus next Wednesday and Thursday. The presidents and student body presidents of the Regents’ institutions will be here also. K-State is the producer of two Truman Scholars Sharon Patnode & Mary Hale. KU also had two. He is glad for Kansas because Kansas is only guaranteed one scholar. K-State’s basketball team finished the season ranked 8th in the USA Today & CNN poll. Cindy Riemann was recently initiated into Spurs. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - KSDB’s “SGA Question of the Day’ was taped today. Will begin conducting group visitations. Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in Union 205. We will play the KU Student Government in basketball on April 17th at 11 a.m. Sally Meadows - Our softball team will play Sunday at 1 p.m. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Will meet Sunday at 7 p.m. at Last Chance. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Will meet Wednesday in Union 209. The time will be posted on the bulletin board in the SGS Office. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS- Amy Vath - Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. at Expresso Royale. FINANCE - Mark Burns - Will meet Sunday at 6:15 p.m. in the SGS Office to go over the OZ request for a special allocation. SENATE OPERATIONS - Laurie Lawson - Check the bulletin board in the SGS Office for next week’s meeting. DIRECTORS REPORTS M-36 FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Todd Johnson - Two proposals went through the committee unanimously - exams scheduled during University Convocations & Landon Lectures and final examinations schedule. INTERNS - Tiffany Engelkemier - They are investigating the possible renovation of Van Zile Hall. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/20, 1988-89 Tentative Allocations WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER Debbie Brandt gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Katherine Parker represented the group. Allocated 1987-88 $748.00 Requested 1988-89 $838.16 Finance Committee’s Recommendation 1988-89 $801.56 Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Brenda Halinski moved to increase Advertising from $146.40 to $183. Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and an immediate vote was taken on Brenda’s motion. The motion failed. An immediate vote was taken on Finance Committee’s recommendation, which passed. STUDENTS FOR HANDICAPPED CONCERNS Mark Wentzel gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Gretchen Holden & Michael Nolting represented the group. Allocated 1987-88 $399.30 Requested 1988-89 $541.00 Finance Committee’s Recommendation 1988-89 $423.20 Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Wendy Albrecht moved to increase Advertising from $244 to $305. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Todd Johnson moved to amend Wendy’s amendment by decreasing $305 to $183. Questions were asked. Mark Reams objected to consideration. His motion failed, and Todd’s motion was considered. Debate was entered into. Cindy Riemann called the question on Todd’s amendment to Wendy’s amendment. The motion failed. Debate continued on Wendy’s amendment. Mitch Bruning called the question on Wendy’s amendment. The motion failed. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation, which passed. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Jill Maltby gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Debbie Paap represented the group. Allocated 1987-88 $0 Requested 1988-89 $434.22 Finance Committee’s Recommendation 1988-89 $275.9l Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Bernie Giefer moved to decrease the total allocation from $275.91 to $0. M-37 Greg Weisenborn objected to consideration of Bernie’s motion. His motion passed, and Bernie’s motion was not considered. Debate continued. Mark Reams called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation, which passed. PUERTO RICAN STUDENT ORGANIZATION Mark Burns gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Maria Soler represented the group. Allocated 1987-88 $0 Requested 1988-89 $227.50 Finance Committee’s Recommendation 1988-89 $120.75 Questions were asked, debate was entered, and an immediate vote was taken on Finance Committee’s recommendation which passed. COALITION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Lisa Downing gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Fran Royster represented the group. Allocated 1987-88 $409.30 Requested 1988-89 $457.10 Finance Committee’s Recommendation 1988-89 $253.40 Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Bernie Giefer moved to decrease the total allocation from $253.40 to $0. Greg Weisenborn objected to consideration of Bernie’s motion. Bernie withdrew his motion. Debate continued, and an immediate vote was taken on Finance Committee’s recommendation, which passed. Jason Miles moved to add Senate Resolution 88/15, Commendation to the University of Kansas’ Men’s Basketball Team, to the agenda. His motion passed. Jason Miles moved Senate Resolution 88/15, Commendation to the University of Kansas’ Men’s Basketball Team. Questions were asked. Mike Wootton objected to consideration of the resolution. The motion failed, and we did consider the resolution. Jason Miles moved the resolution special orders. His motion passed. Debate was entered into. Stu Duncan moved to amend the resolution by adding the following WHEREAS clauses: WHEREAS Larry Brown incredibly out whined all other coaches in the NCAA tournament, including Billy Tubbs, and WHEREAS KU played superior ‘pressure’ defense, which consisted mainly of holding, pushing and bumping, and WHEREAS with a bona fide All-American (Danny Manning) more than generous amounts of the above defensive strategies were allowed by the officials, and WHEREAS KU had more losses than any other tournament champion, and Stu withdrew his motion. Scott Darger called the question on the resolution. M-38 INFORMAL DISCUSSION GENERAL! Bill Mock announced that the Sig Ep Fite Nite will be held Sunday, Monday & Tuesday in Weber Arena. Sally Meadows told two KU jokes. Doug Washington also told a KU joke. Doug Folk stated that NO HOMEWORK WILL BE DONE IN STUDENT SENATE MEETINGS. If he sees anyone doing homework, he will ask that individual to leave the meeting. He read the following articles from the March 21, 1988 National On-Campus Report: TOSSING DEAD CHICKENS, CUPS OF ICE, and other debris onto a college basketball court during a game could now cost the home team a couple of points. Hoping to control increasingly unruly fans at athletic events, the NCAA says it’s giving referees the power to award visiting teams two free throws and possession of the ball if the home team’s fans deliberately delay a game by throwing things on the court. “A HORRIBLE JOKE.” That’s what one U. of Georgia student has called the school’s fledgling student government. Resurrected last spring after a nine- year absence, the organization attracts little student interest. A student newspaper editor worries that “it’s only a matter of time before someone will run ... on a platform of ‘If you elect me, I’ll abolish it.’” After all, that’s what happened in 1979. No matter what anyone thinks, KU’s national championship will hurt K-State. Having KState ranked 8th in the nation is great, but it will be overlooked. Grant Shellenberger’s motion to recess until next Tuesday at 6 p.m. passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-39 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 12, 1988 6:00 PM - 1:10 AM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 36 senators present. Akin, Darger, McClure & McIntyre were excused. Giefer, Riemann & Weisenborn were excused late. Kramer, Nath, Reams, Rephlo, Valentine, Washington & Whetstone were late. Troy Lubbers announced that the Board of Regents will be meeting here at K-State Wednesday and Thursday. Let Troy know if you have any concerns you would like to have brought to their attention. President Jon Wefald thanked the Senate on the fine job they are doing. Senate does a first rate job funding all the groups that it does, and he has heard no complaints. He has never seen a greater student body that we have here at KSU. He is happy that we have turned the declining enrollment around and is happy with the type of students we attract. Changing Times magazine lists KSU as one of the top 42 (out of 2200) colleges in America. KSU has had 32 Rhodes Scholars; 5 in the last 10 years, putting KSU in the top 10% of the colleges in the U.S. KSU has had 102 Truman scholars. We have 2 again this year, making a total of 13 since 1979. KSU has had 18 Fulbright Scholars in the last 20 years. Let’s get thousands of students out for the rally for the basketball team on the 21st of April. The Margin of Excellence is moving along well. All in all we have had a good year at K-State. His son, who is a senior at Manhattan High, will be attending K-State next year. We are the smallest school in the Big 8 Conference - smallest budget, smallest library, etc. KSU has a $5.5 million athletic budget. He & Bob Krause, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, answered questions. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/20, 1988-89 Tentative Allocation INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL Debbie Brandt gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Donna Davis & Yemi Ogunrinola represented ICC. Allocated 1987-88 $4,196.50 Requested 1988-89 $4,486.55 Finance Committee’s Recommendation 1988-89 $4,265.28 Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and an immediate vote was taken on Finance Committee’s recommendation which passed. COLLEGE COUNCILS Mark Burns explained the allocation based on $1.50/full-time student per semester and $.42/part-time student per semester. 1987-88 $39,957.84 1988-89 $44,580.24 Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and an immediate vote was taken on the 1988-69 tentative allocation which passed. M-40 BLACK STUDENT UNION Mark Burns gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Dean Pearson & Cynthia Brown represented BSU. Allocated 1987-88 $828.40 Requested 1988-89 $3,225.10 Finance Committee’s Recommendation 1988-89 $776.45 Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and an immediate vote was taken on Finance Committee’s recommendation which passed. SPORTS CLUB COUNCIL Stu Duncan gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Matt Queen was spokesman for the Council, with the following clubs having representatives present: Rodeo, Parachute, Sailing, Men’s & Women’s Soccer, and Rugby. Requested 88-89 F.C.’s Recommendation Allocated 87-88 Council 23.90 0.00 0.00 Rugby 509.40 957.20 93.20 Parachute 1,135.39 2,309.00 133.20 Women’s Soccer 519.40 1,057.80 122.20 Men’s Soccer 529.40 1,910.80 139.60 Sailing 123.20 1,799.77 112.20 Rodeo 1,183.20 3,587.00 183.20 122.00 93.20 Gymnastics 0.00 4,023.89 11,743.57 876.80 Questions were asked. Bernie Giefer moved to divide the question by club. The motion passed. COUNCIL There was no debate, and an immediate vote was taken on a $0 allocation which passed. RUGBY Debate was entered into. Chris Kern moved to increase Professional Services from $0 to $315 and Equipment from $0 to $165.20, making the total allocation read $573.40. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Dave Whetstone moved to amendment Chris’ amendment by decreasing Professional Services from $315 to $0 and Equipment from $165.20 to $50. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Laurie Lawson moved to suspend the rules to reconsider the motion to divide the question by club. Her motion failed. Debate continued on Dave’s motion. Greg Weisenborn called the question on Dave’s amendment to Chris’ amendment, which failed. Debate continued on Chris’ amendment. Greg Weisenborn moved to amend Chris’ amendment by decreasing Equipment from $165 to $83 and Professional Services from $315 to $158. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Laurie Lawson called the question on Greg’s amendment to Chris’ amendment. Her motion failed. M-41 Debate continued on Chris’ amendment. Todd Johnson called the question on Chris’ amendment, which failed. Debate continued on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Chris Kern called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation for Rugby of $93.20, which passed. Greg Weisenborn called the question on all pending motions on the floor. Doug Folk ruled Greg’s motion out of order. Greg withdrew his motion. Greg Weisenborn moved to overrule the decision of the chair on Laurie’s motion to suspend the rules to reconsider the vote to divide Sports Club Council by club. Chris Kern called the question on Greg’s motion, which failed. We moved on to Parachute Club. PARACHUTE Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. David Oswalt called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation of $133.20, which passed. WOMEN’S SOCCER Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Chris Kern called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation of $122.20, which passed. MEN’S SOCCER Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Chris Kern moved to increase Equipment from $0 to $50. Greg Weisenborn objected to consideration of Chris’ amendment, which passed. Chris’ motion was not considered. Chris Kern called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation of $139.60, which passed. SAILING Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Mike Valentine called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation of $112.20, which passed. RODEO Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Chris Kern moved to increase Professional Services from $0 to $975, Equipment from $0 to $120 and Rent of Space from $0 to $400, making the total allocation read $1,678. Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and Todd Johnson called the question. This motion failed. Chris Kern called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation of $183.20, which passed. GYMNASTICS Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. M-42 Chris Kern called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation of $93.20, which passed. FINE ARTS COUNCIL Allocated 1987-88 $64,492.00 Finance Committee’s Recommendation 1988-89 $71,937.95 These monies were and are based on $2.40/full-time student, $.75/part-time student and $.10/credit hour for summer school. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Mike Valentine called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation, which passed. HONORARIUMS These tentative allocations were Passed when we passed the organization’s budget. Allocated 1987-88 Association of Adults Returning to School………………………. 100.00 Black Student Union……… 1,000.00 Coalition for Human Rights……………………….. 550.00 International Coordinating Council…………………… 2,000.00 Mexican Am. Council of Students………………….. 600.00 UFM………………………… 500.00 Women’s Resource Center………………………. 200.00 4,950.00 Requested 1988-89 Finance Committee Recommendation Tentative Allocation 100.00 2,000.00 100.00 1,000.00 100.00 1,000.00 750.00 550.00 550.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 600.00 500.00 600.00 500.00 200.00 6,550.00 200.00 4,950.00 200.00 4,950.00 INFORMAL DISCUSSION GENERAL! (Jenny got (mad) and stormed out for a smoke.) Softball Schedule: Make-up game – 5:30, Saturday Sunday’s game is at 2:00 The basketball game with the KU student government is Sunday at 11:00. Doug Folk stated that this thing with Sports Club Council is a mess. Something has got to be done. The EDGE Center is now open. It is really a nice room. DON’T GO IN THERE JUST TO LOUNGE. The motion to recess until 6:00 Thursday passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-43 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 14, 1988 6:00 PM - 10:15 PM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 39 senators present. Duncan, Hays, McIntyre, Valentine & Wootton were excused late. Karlin, Lampe, Meadows, Nath, Reschke & Gast were late. APPROVAL OF APRIL 7 & APRIL 12, 1988 MINUTES Approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - WILDCAT APPRECIATION DAY, April 21st (Thursday) at 12:30 p.m. in the Union Plaza (between Seaton Hall & the Union). K-STATE DAY AT WORLDS OF FUN, April 24th. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITS, tomorrow in the Union Courtyard. INTERNATIONAL POTLUCK DINNER, Saturday at 6:30 p.m. in the international Student Center. BASKETBALL GAME (KSU SGA vs. KU SGA), Sunday at 11 a.m. in Ahearn Fieldhouse. He thanked everyone who helped out with the Regents while they were on campus yesterday and today. He and Troy Lubbers are going to start making our library an issue with the Regents. Doug Washington - SOFTBALL GAMES: Saturday at 5:30 p.m. - Make-up game. Sunday at 2 p.m. - Regular game COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Will be working on the Wildcat Appreciation Day. Will meet Monday at 9 p.m. in the SGS Office. FINANCE - Mark Burns - Will meet Sunday at 8:30 p.m. in the SGS Office to make a final decision on the OZ magazine special request. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Will not meet this week. ATHLETIC TICKET SALES TASK FORCE - Dave Whetstone - Met last night. Will have a bill up next week for first reading. LAFENE STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Cindy Riemann - Met Wednesday and are looking at health insurance policies. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES - Monica Connet - We are educating people on AIDS through presentations. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - The Conference Committee has been set. Would like senators to write a quick letter to a member of the Conference Committee stating that we support full funding of the Margin of Excellence. Put completed letters on his desk by Tuesday morning. SEXUAL ASSAULT TASK FORCE - Greg Weisenborn - He received the 5th draft proposal on the policy. He only had 2 days to come up with a counter proposal from students because they will meet tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. in Union 203. FACULTY SENATE - Todd Johnson - Met Tuesday and discussed seating in Bramlage Coliseum and policies that affect them. M-44 STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - The ASK Policy Council met last week in Hays. Worked on drafting a new constitution and heard end of year personnel reviews. The Regents were impressed on how well we were organized yesterday and today. We discussed the following areas with them: student financial assistance/fee cost/ratio, the library and assessment. Our library is last in the Big 8 in every aspect. MINORITY AFFAIRS - Laurian Cuffy - United Black Voices will perform on Sunday, April 17th, from 7:30-9:00 p.m. in Union Forum Hall. The cost is $2.50 for students & senior citizens and $5 for the general public. INTERNS - Ira Bolden - Met Monday. Compiled the data we have accumulated on Van Zile Hall. Should have an article in the Collegian next Wednesday and will conduct a survey Thursday or Friday. FIRST READINGS Justin Sanders moved Senate Resolution 88/16, Commendation to Truman Scholars. There were no questions. Doug Washington moved the resolution special orders. The motion passed. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Justin Sanders moved Senate Resolution 88/17, Commendation to the 1987-88 Debate Team. Questions were asked. Dave Whetstone moved the resolution special orders, which passed. There was no debate, so an immediate vote was taken. Todd Johnson moved Senate Resolution 88/18, Support of Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee’s University Convocation and Landon Lecture Proposal. Questions were asked. Todd Johnson moved Senate Resolution 88/19, Support of Extension of Finals Week Proposal. Questions were asked. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/20, 1988-89 Tentative Allocations Bernie Giefer moved to reconsider the tentative allocation of Amnesty International. Mark Reams objected to consideration of Bernie’s motion. Mark’s motion failed, and we considered Bernie’s motion. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Doug Washington called the question on Bernie’s motion, which passed. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Scott Darger called the question on a tentative allocation of $275.91, which passed by a vote of 37/10/3. Chris Kern requested a roll call vote. Those voting NO were: Bruning, Darger, Giefer, Kern, Lawson, McClure, Miles, Mock, Oswalt & Whetstone. Those Abstaining from voting were: Akin, Halinski & Kramer. M-45 An immediate vote was taken on Senate Bill 88/20, 1988-89 Tentative Allocations, which passed. A copy of the bill is located at the end of these minutes. INFORMAL DISCUSSION GENERAL! Mark Burns thanked Finance Committee for the great job they did. Susan Scott thanked Mark Burns for doing a great job also. Mary Jo Lampe announced that Senate Operations Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. next Monday in the SGS Office. John McIntyre stated that Jason did a great job today with the Regents’ transportation coordination. John McIntyre announced that Mike Valentine has been named “Outstanding Sophomore in Industrial Engineering.” Julie Kramer thanked everyone for their support. Charlene Nichols announced that the sweatshirts should be in Monday. Greg Weisenborn gave the bar report. Grant Shellenberger’s motion to adjourn passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-46 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 21, 1988 7:00 PM – MIDNIGHT CALL TO ORDER Chairman Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 38 senators present. Heller was excused. Cawley was absent. Halinski, Riemann & Ruskin was excused late. Gardner, Gleissner, Mock, Nath, Rephlo, Reschke & Sanders were late. OPEN PERIOD Laurian Cuffy & Kent Means spoke to the issue of the lack of minority involvement in student government. We, Student Senate/student government, need to be thinking about how to resolve this problem. APPROVAL OF APRIL 14, 1988 MINUTES Monica Connet corrected the Communicable Disease Committee report at the bottom of the first page by changing ‘aides’ to ‘AIDS’. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - We received a memo from Vice President George Miller requesting that the phone be answered as follows: “Student Government. This is Doug. May I help you.” The Public Speaking II class will present a public forum on 6 topics at Noon next Thursday in Nichols Hall Theatre. Sunday is ‘K-State Day at Worlds of Fun’. Next week is the last meeting of the semester. He thanked everyone who helped with ‘Wildcat Appreciation Day’. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Will not meet again this semester. Sally Meadows announced that the SGA softball team is lost. They are saying we had two forfeits. Sally Routson announced that she will be in jail at the mall Friday afternoon from 3-4 p.m. for the Arthritis Foundation. She needs money to bail her out of jail. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Will finish up the SGA Constitutional & By-Laws revisions at the next meeting scheduled for 6 p.m. on Monday at Last Chance. FINANCE - Mark Burns - Met Sunday and turned down the Oz special allocation request. The Committee will not meet again this semester. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Will meet Sunday at 7 p.m. in the office. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS- Amy Vath - Will meet Monday at 7 p.m. at Last Chance for burgers & fries. ATHLETIC TICKET SALES TASK FORCE - Dave Whetstone - He went over the task force’s report. A copy is available in the SGS Office for review. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - Need a quick letter to your representative by 5 p.m. next Tuesday that you are in full support of the joint committee’s recommendation on the Margin of Excellence. He and Troy Lubbers M-47 will deliver the letters next Wednesday to Topeka. A Voter Registration Task Force will be set up. The Policy Council will meet in Topeka on May 18. HOLTON HALL COUNCIL - Greg Weisenborn - Met today. It will cost $7,000 to remove the asbestos. Bids are due back May 23. If bids come in ok we will not meet until August. SEXUAL ASSAULT TASK FORCE - Greg Weisenborn - Made lots of strides towards compromising with the administration. The policy-making sub-committee will meet at 1 p.m. next Monday. LIAISONS - John McIntyre - Will meet tomorrow at 11 a.m. to discuss the Van Zile Hall issue. FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Todd Johnson - The finals week issue will be delayed until September. When attendance is taken in class, it is considered an exam. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - He has a report on the feasibility of renovating Van Zile Hall. He, Doug Folk & Amy Vath met with Brice Hobrock on how to get the library a higher priority. The Bramlage Usage Advisory Committee, which he chairs, met for the first time this week. FIRST READINGS Mary Lane moved to add a bill entitled “Special Allocation to Oz Magazine” to the agenda after Senate Bill 88/22. Mike Valentine explained why Finance Committee did not recommend this funding. After debate, a vote was taken on Mary’s motion which passed. Charlene Nichols moved Senate Resolution 88/20, Commendation to Dan Owens, Fulbright Scholar. Doug Washington’s motion to move the resolution special orders passed. There were no questions and no debate. Joni Hays moved that we accept this resolution by unanimous acclamation. There were no objections. Charlene Nichols moved Senate Resolution 88/21, Commendation to Francesca Royster, Mellon Fellow. Doug Washington’s motion to move the resolution special orders passed. There were no questions and no debate. Doug Washington moved that we accept this resolution by unanimous acclamation. There were no objections. Dave Whetstone objected to consideration of Senate Resolution 88/27, Special Allocation to Oz Magazine. The motion failed after a lengthy debate period, and we considered the resolution. Mary Lane moved Senate Resolution 88/27, Special Allocation to Oz Magazine. Questions were asked. Representing the Child Care Coop were Tom Frith, Nancy Bolson and Esther Gray. Pat Bosco represented the administration. Dave Whetstone moved Senate Bill 88/26, Athletic Ticket Sales Policy. Questions were asked of Dave and other Task Force member present. M-48 Justin Sanders moved Senate Bill 88/23, Revision of SGA Constitution: Judicial and Student Rights. Questions were asked. Justin friendly amended the bill by adding a Section 3 to read: The above amendment be submitted to the college councils for ratification as provided for in Article X, Section 1001-A of the KSU SGA Constitution and Article II of the ByLaws to the KSU SGA Constitution. Justin Sanders moved Senate Bill 88/24, Revision of SGA By-Laws: Judicial Code. There were no questions. Justin Sanders moved Senate Bill 88/25, Revision of Student Conduct Code. Questions were asked. Jason Miles moved Senate Resolution 88/22, Condemnation of the University of Kansas Student Senate. Diane Muir’s motion to move the resolution special orders passed. Chris Kern objected to consideration of the resolution. His motion failed, and we considered the resolution. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. John McIntyre called the question, and Chris Kern requested a roll call vote. Those voting AGAINST the resolution were: Blumel, Bruning, Connet, Duncan, Ewy, Giefer, Grant, Halinski, Hays, Kern, Kramer, McClain, O’Connor, Oswalt, Riemann and Ruskin. The following people were ABSENT: Akin, Cawley, Gardner, Gleissner, Mock and Reschke. NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 88/18, Support of Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee’s University Convocation and Landon Lecture Proposal. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Todd Johnson moved that we accept this resolution by unanimous acclamation. There were no objections. Senate Resolution 88/19, Support of Extension of Finals Week Proposal. There were no further questions. Todd Johnson moved that we accept this resolution by unanimous acclamation. There were objections. Debate was entered into. Juli Kramer (and Fern) called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Chris Kern stated that he really didn’t like K.U., but he felt we should show some class. They downgrade themselves on their own, without our help. Remember Mike Wootton’s party tomorrow afternoon. Greg Weisenborn gave the ‘bar report’. Bernie Giefer came in 77th out of 7,000 running in the Boston Marathon. Stu Duncan’s motion to adjourn passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-49 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 28, 1988 7:00 PM - 3:40 AM CALL TO ORDER Chair Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 34 senators present. Akin was excused. McClain was absent. Bruning, Duncan, Gardner, Gleissner, O’Connor & Ruskin were excused late. Darger, Hassan, Lawson, Line, McIntyre, Rephlo, Valentine & Washington were late. OPEN PERIOD Mary Hale stated that the Student Conduct Code needed further work. Sally Howard Clayton spoke regarding the funding of the KSU Child Care Cooperative. APPROVAL OF APRIL 21, 1988 MINUTES Approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - Senators will not have office hours next week. The KSU Police Department will have an auction of lost and found articles tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. at the south end of the football field at 17th & Anderson. Senators should clean out their mailboxes after finals. The office needs your summer address before you leave school. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Miry Jo Lampe - Had the last meeting of the semester Monday. COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols – Sweatshirts should be in Monday. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Amy Vath - Had the last meeting of the semester Monday. DIRECTORS REPORTS SEXUAL ASSAULT TASK FORCE - Greg Weisenborn - Met today. The policy subcommittee will meet tomorrow at 3:30. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - He and Scott King went to Topeka yesterday and met with legislators regarding the Margin of Excellence. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - Thanked everyone who wrote letters and went to Lobby Day. He & Troy got a lot of good feedback yesterday in Topeka. FIRST READINGS Greg Weisenborn moved to add Senate Bill 88/28, Special Allocation to Rodeo Club, to the agenda immediately. The motion passed. Greg Weisenborn moved Senate Bill 88/28, Special Allocation to Rodeo Club. Questions were asked. Greg’s motion to move the bill special orders passed. Debate was entered into, and Randall Davis called the question on the bill. M-50 Cindy Riemann moved to add Senate Bill 88/29, 1988-89 Student Health Insurance, to the agenda immediately. The motion passed. Cindy Riemann moved Senate Bill 88/29, 1988-89 Student Health Insurance. Questions were asked. The bill was moved special orders, and debate was entered into. Jason Miles moved to add a Section 3 to read: Effective with the 1989-90 student health insurance policy, unless an agreement fixing premiums for more than one year is reached with the company, bids will be taken each year before awarding a contract. Questions were asked, debate was entered into & Mike Valentine called the question on Jason’s motion. The motion failed. Debate continued, and an immediate vote was taken on the original bill. Senate Resolution 88/23, Commendation to the KSU Chapter of the National Agri -Marketing Association, was moved. Questions were asked. Charlene Nichols’ motion to move the bill special orders passed. There was no debate. Bernie Giefer moved that we pass the resolution by unanimous acclamation, and there were no objections. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/23, Revision of SG4 Constitution: Judicial & Student Rights Questions were asked, debate was entered into and an immediate vote was taken. Senate Bill 88/24, Revision of SGA By-Laws: Judicial Code Questions were asked, debate was entered into and an immediate vote was taken. Senate Bill 88/25, Revision of Student Conduct Code Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Rattan Nath moved to amend Section 1, Definitions, by adding a #9 to read: The term “substantially” means making very difficult to impossible the normal course of presentation. Questions were asked, debate was entered into and an immediate vote taken. Rattan’s motion failed. Bernie Giefer moved to amend Section 1, Prohibited Conduct, by adding “substantially” after “recklessly” and delete the “or” between “intentionally” and “recklessly”. There were no questions, debate was entered into and the question was called. Bernie’s motion failed. Debate continued, and an immediate vote was taken. Senate Bill 88/26, Athletic Ticket Sales Policy Greg Weisenborn took over the chair. Questions were asked, debate was entered into and Dave Whetstone called question on the bill and friendly amended. Doug Folk took back over the chair. M-51 Senate Bill 88/22, Establishment of a Student Fee for the KSU Child Care Cooperative. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Justin Sanders moved to substitute his & Troy Lubbers’ bill for the original bill. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Doug Washington moved to delete Sections 1 and 2, delete the 4th and 5th WHEREAS clauses and delete “similar” in Section 3, which would become Section 1. Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and Brenda Halinski called the question. Doug’s motion failed. Todd Johnson moved to amend Section 1 to read “$32,000 be allocated to childship for financially needed students.” and a new Section 2 to read “The money be allocated under a special committee set up by SGA and under the direction of the Office of Student Financial Assistance and SGA.” and down note the Sections 2 and 3. Questions were asked. Lauren O’Connor objected to consideration to Todd’s motion. After a vote, we did consider Todd’s motion. Todd Johnson called the question on the substitute bill, which passed. Debate continued on Senate Bill 88/22, as amended. Jason Miles called the question on Senate Bill 88/22, and a roll call vote was requested. Those voting NO were Bruning, Giefer, Grant, Johnson, Karlin, Mock, Oswalt, Rephlo, Reschke, Ruskin, Valentine, Washington, Weisenborn, Whetstone, & Wootton. Those ABSTAINING were Kern, & Reams. Those ABSENT were Darger, Hassan, Lane & McClain. Senate Bill 88/27, Special Allocation to Oz Magazine Questions were asked. The bill was friendly amended by deleting the last WHEREAS clause; in Section 1 change “allocate” to “loan”; in Section 2 delete “shall” and change “Student Endowment” to “Reserves for Contingencies”; and add Section 3 and 4. Debate was entered into. Bernie Giefer moved to make the bill read as it did originally. Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and Todd Johnson called the question. Bernie’s motion failed. Bernie Giefer called the question on the bill as friendly amended. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Don’t forget J.D.’s party at 2501 Hobbs Dive. David Oswalt is getting married May 21. Craig Uhrich urged everyone to call 1-800-453-3800 to get Oliver North pardoned. Lisa Rephlo will be 21 on May 13. (Look our Aggieville!) Bernie Giefer will be enrolling at KU next fall. (Boooooo!) Mike Valentine’s motion to adjourn until next semester passed unanimously at 3:40 a.m. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-52 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM AUGUST 25, 1988 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM CALL TO ORDER The first meeting of the fall semester was called to order by Chairman Doug Folk with 44 senators present. Duncan was excused late. Akin, Halinski and Nath were absent. We have three vacancies this semester: Agriculture, Arts & Sciences, Faculty. OPEN PERIOD Kelly Freitag, Miss College Rodeo from Kansas State University - Kelly told the body what kind of activities she has been involved in since she won the title (with the help of Student Senate’s funding), and she also spoke about the funding of the KSU Rodeo Club by the university. Charlie Thomas, Coliseum Director, and Jim Muller, Assistant Director The coliseum is almost complete. Must be completed in 35 days. October 15 - George Strait concert October 21 - Basketball (Mavericks & Spurs) Jim Muller comes to KSU from Kemper Arena in Kansas City. APRIL 28, 1988 MINUTES Approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - Get your class schedules in to Jenny (on the forms provided). Need 4 preferred office hour times from each senator. There is an error in the final exam schedule in the line schedule. However, it is correct in the “Programmer”. The gala for the coliseum is a black tie affair and is set for September 30. Doug Washington is not coming back to school this semester. He is selling used cars in Olathe. Randall Davis is not coming back to school either. He is selling sausage. Enrollment is up by 1400 this semester. Susan Scott - Veryl Switzer has been assigned to the Intercollegiate Athletic Dept. as Associate Athletic Director, and will also serve as Assistant Vice President for Minority Affairs. NOTE - SGA will host a reception for past & present members on October 1st in the VIP Room in the coliseum. Leadership development is David Ramsey’s major responsibility. David spoke on his duties. Susan and David are located in room 1 in Anderson Hall. COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE - Mark Burns - Will meet Sunday at 8:30 p.m. in the SGS Office. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Will be working on a leadership workshop for high school seniors. Will also be working on a discount for students in the community. Will meet Monday at 9:00 p.m. in the SGS Office. COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Sunday is the Activities Carnival from 58:00 p.m. We have sweatshirts! KAPSA at her place after Senate tonight. Will meet Monday at Last Chance at 7:00 p.m. M-53 SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Will meet Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the SGS Office. Need to get on the constitution and By-laws, and will be talking about elections. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Will meet Tuesday at 9:30 p.m. at Last Chance. Will be working on: evaluation of services, health insurance, funding of sports clubs. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Will meet Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at Last Chance. Will be working on the library issue and teacher evaluation. ATHLETIC TICKET SALES - Dave Whetstone - Spoke with Athletic Director Steve Miller and Athletic Ticket Sales Manager Carol Adolph. They have agreed to go along with what Student Senate has decided. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - Have new business cards this semester. Will be holding 2 voter registration drives this semester. September 9 & 10 will be the large Legislative Assembly at Emporia State University. K-State will have 17 delegates. FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Todd Johnson - Met Tuesday. Don Hoyt’s office has been doing a lot of research with student/faculty ratio. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - He and Doug have a lot of meetings this week on the issues Doug brought out in his letter to you. Sharon Brown, who works in the Union Bookstore, has started a petition encouraging theatres in Manhattan to show “The Last Temptation of Christ” movie. MINORITY AFFAIRS - Laurian Cuffy - Asked for a show of hands of those interested in helping with minority involvement in SGA. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Laurie Lawson moved Senate Resolution 88/24, FONE Crisis Center Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. An immediate vote was taken. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Party at Mike Wootton’s on Saturday at 2:00 p.m. Lots of general. Mike Valentine’s motion to adjourn passed. Jenny Johnston Secretary I M-54 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 1, 1988 7:00 PM - 8:20 PM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 40 senators present. Akin and Nath were late. Darger, Kern and Sanders were excused. Cawley, Connet and Ruskin were absent. AUGUST 25, 1988 MINUTES Approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - He read from a letter he received from the KSU Child Care Cooperative. There are 178 currently enrollment, with 62 on childships. September 7 – AIDS: An Update for College Campuses - Presented by Richard Keeling, M.D., post doctoral fellow in Psychiatry at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer institute, and Jeffrey Martin, Ph.D. chair of the Am. College Health Association Task Force on AIDS.10:00-11:30 at Lafene Health Center for Lafene medical staff consultations 2:00-3:30 in Union Big 8 Room for University Counseling Services staff, Communicable Diseases Committee and interested others 4:00-5:30 in Union Big 8 Room for Housing staff and Institutional Advancement Division members He went over what senators are assigned to what interns. According to Bill Arck, the Viet Nam Memorial is moving along, and the group will probably be coming to senate soon for funding. The location of the memorial has been moved to the east side of Danforth Chapel. He went over the office hours schedule. They will begin next Tuesday. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - She modeled the new SGA sweatshirts. Will meet Tuesday at 9 p.m. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Will meet Monday at 7 p.m. in the SGS Office. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Will meet Sunday, the 11th, at 9 p.m. at Vista. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Will meet Tuesday at 9 p.m. in the SGS Office. FINANCE - Mark Burns - Will meet Sunday, the 11th, at 9 p.m. in the SGS Office to look at the Viet Nam Memorial request. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Expresso Cafe. ATHLETIC TICKET SALES - Dave Whetstone - Will meet Tuesday at 10 p.m. in the SGS Office. DIRECTORS REPORTS M-55 ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - He passed around a sign-up sheet for delegates for the September 9 & 10 Legislative Assembly to be held at Emporia State University. It will be over by Noon on Saturday. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - A week from tomorrow, he, Doug and number of students will meet with Kansas Board of Regents Executive Director Stan Koplik and Chairman Richard Dodderidge. He went over some of the things that will go on at the ASK Legislative Assembly. The coliseum is doing a lot of student hiring. Keep an eye on the EOF (Educational Opportunity Fund) deal this semester. A committee will be appointed in the near future, and it will meet in September and October to hear requests for funding from groups. Senators will receive the guidelines the committee will follow. Jason Miles - He asked those interested in valet parking at the coliseum gala to sign-up. Will begin parking at 6 p.m. on the 30th of September, and will be done by around 10:30. FIRST READINGS Mary Jo Lampe moved Senate Bill 88/30, SGA By-Laws Revision: Elections Committee. Questions were asked. Charlene Nichols’ motion to move the bill special orders passed. There was no debate, and an immediate vote was taken. Mary Jo Lampe moved Senate Bill 88/31, Campaign Regulations Revisions and Campaign Expenditure Regulations Revisions. Questions were asked, and several friendly amendments were made. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Lauren O’Connor - ICAT is sponsoring a send-off for the football team tomorrow at the airport at Noon. Greg Weisenborn gave the ‘bar report.’ Lauren O’Connor’s motion to adjourn passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-56 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 8, 1988 7:00 PM - 10:45 PM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 40 senators present. Blumel & Valentine were excused. Duncan was excused late. Halinski, Karlin & Nath were late. Miles & Shellenberger were absent. OPEN PERIOD Randolph Pohlman, Dean of the College of Business Administration, spoke on leadership. Charlie Thomas, Bramlage Coliseum Director, announced that Beach Boys tickets ($13 ea.) go on sale next Tuesday. SEPTEMBER 1, 1988 MINUTES Brenda Halinski corrected the ASK report on page 2 - The L.A. will be over at Noon on Saturday, not Sunday. Monica Connet corrected Doug’s announcement on page 1 - Aids should read AIDS. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - He read a letter thanking Student Senate for funding the Child Care Cooperative. He read a letter of resignation from Jim Akin, faculty rep. on Senate. He introduced the new Ag. Senator, Andrea Krug. He read a letter sent to organizations on campus organizations using the Town Center to entertain or provide a service to the general public. He urged senators to attend their standing committee meetings. Jenny still needs some class schedules: CONNET HAYS LINE REAMS COMMITTEE REPORTS ATHLETIC TICKET SALES - Dave Whetsone - Vice President Robert Krause changed the seating plan for basketball and moved the faculty section over closer to the center of the court. The students will not sit back and take this. Will be meeting with Vice President Krause, Steve Miller, Athletic Director, and others to try and get the situation resolved. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Will meet Monday at 7 p.m. in the SGS Office. COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - She has sign-up sheets for visitations. Need help on obtaining contact people for few of the groups. “SGA Week” is the week of October 10. Will meet Thursday at 6 p.m. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Will meet Sunday at 9 p.m. at Vista. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Will meet Sunday at 7 p.m. at Egees. M-57 FINANCE - Mark Burns - Will meet Sunday at 9 p.m. in the SGS Office. LAFENE STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY - Cindy Riemann - Looking at budget review, a fee increase, Dr. Tout’s replacement due to his resignation and insurance. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - The Legislative Assembly is this weekend at Emporia State. Still have room for 7 more delegates. Will leave about Noon tomorrow and be back by 1:30 on Saturday. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Committee members must go or be counted unexcused. Excuses should be given to Doug Folk if you cannot go. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - Met with Vice President Bob Krause, Pat Bosco, Sally Routson and Doug Folk this week (a set, bi-weekly meeting) and looked at Lafene Student Health Center, student health insurance and operation of the EOF. Will meet tomorrow with the members of the Board of Regents. HOLTON HALL COUNCIL - Greg Weisenborn - Will meet Wednesday at 7 a.m. in Stateroom #2. FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Todd Johnson - (sorry Todd, I was visiting with Troy Lubbers and missed your report) John Llewelyn, Chancellor of Tribunal, swore in Andrea Krug as a College of Agriculture Student Senator. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Mary Jo Lampe moved Senate Resolution 88/25, SGA Work-Study Position. Questions were asked, but there was no debate so an immediate vote was taken. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/31, Campaign Regulations Revisions& Campaign Expenditure Regulations Questions were asked. Section 2, 5-D was friendly amended from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Debate was entered into. Todd Johnson moved to amend Section 2 by striking 5-D; by changing 5-E to read: With the exception of run-off candidate for Student Body President, all candidates must remove their posted campaign materials by 9:00 p.m. the day following the general election; and by adding a new 7-E and down noting present 7-E to 7-F: A refundable deposit of $10 must be submitted to the SGS Secretary before posting of any campaign materials. i. The $10 deposit does not count as a campaign expenditure. ii. Deposits from those who do not remove their posted campaign materials by the deadline will be forfeited to the SGA. iii. Deposits for those who do not remove campaign materials on time will be available from the SGS Secretary during business hours beginning at Noon on the day following the deadline. Questions were asked on Todd’s motion. Scott Darger moved to postpone Senate Bill 88/31 for 1 week to investigate Todd’s motion. Greg Weisenborn called the question on Scott’s motion after debate. The motion failed. Questions continued. M-58 Brenda Halinski objected to consideration of Todd’s motion. After a vote, the motion was not considered. Chris Kern moved to amend Section 2, 5-D to read: All posted campaign materials of Senate and Student Body President candidates must be removed by 9:00 p.m. on the day following the final general election day. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Chris moved to amend his amendment to make 5-D read: All posted campaign materials of Senate and Student Body President candidates must be removed by 9:00 p.m. on the final general election day. Questions were asked, debate was entered into and an immediate vote was taken. The motion passed. The question was called on Chris’ amendment as amended, which failed. Chris Kern called the question on Senate Bill 88/31, as friendly amended. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Lots of general. Lisa Rephlo announced a party at her house Saturday, 1129 Claflin. SGA Reception - October 1st - 4 p.m. - Bramlage Coliseum VIP Room - for past and present SGA members. Lauren O’Connor announced a pep rally Friday at 7 p.m. in Triangle Park. ICAT is having a membership party Sunday at 7 p.m. at Kites. Doug Folk is trying to get all the college deans to Senate to speak this semester. Dean Rathbone is coming next week. He is very disappointed in the low season football ticket sales. If students don’t buy tickets they have no right to complain about the team. How can students expect the team to do well when they have no student support and hear people talking about them. Lisa Gast gave the bar report. Laurie Lawson’s motion to adjourn passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-59 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 15, 1988 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 41 senators present. Albrecht, Darger & Riemann were excused late. McClure, Ruskin & Shellenberger were absent. Johnson & Meadows were excused. OPEN PERIOD Donald Rathbone, Dean of the College of Engineering, spoke on academics and leadership. Sally Howard-Clayton spoke to some changes she would like to see in Senate Bill 88/32. The way the bill has been reworded by Senate Operations Standing Committee is not the way the sponsors intended it to read. Scott Miller spoke to the problem he sees in the rewording of Senate Bill 88/32. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1988 MINUTES John McIntyre corrected the minutes by changing the Student Affairs & Social Services Committee report on page 2 - it met at Vista not the SGS Office. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - He introduced the new Arts & Sciences Senator, Brad Barth. (John Llewelyn, Chancellor of Tribunal, swore Brad into office.) He read a letter from the KSU Student Foundation. They are recruiting new members. An orientation meeting will be held September 25th at 8 PM in Union 213. All students are welcome to attend. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board in the SGS Office. The Thursday, September 29th, meeting has been moved to Tuesday, September 27th. COMMITTEE REPORTS ATHLETIC TICKET SALES - Dave Whetstone - Obviously some students at KSU do not have a concept of time, so we had to do something about it. Senate Resolution 88/26 is the result. WATCH FOR THE PURPLE FLAG! SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Will meet Monday at 7 PM in Union 202. Will meet in room 202 for the next 2 weeks. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Still working on the high school leadership conference, to be held November 12th. Will meet Tuesday at 9 PM in Union 204. HOLTON HALL COUNCIL - Greg Weisenborn - Met for 2 minutes Wednesday morning. Mr. Garvin and Vice President Miller did not show up. FINANCE - Mark Burns - Will meet Sunday at 9 PM in the SGS Office. Will discuss the athletic fee and the Viet Nam War Memorial special allocation. COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Will have buttons to go along with our sweatshirts. Week of October 10 - “SGA Week”. October 13 - “SGA Gala” in the SGS Office. October 6 - “Bring-a-Friend-to-Senate” night. September 27 “Student Body President for A Day”. She went over the “visitation laws.” M-60 LAFENE STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Cindy Riemann - Will meet Wednesday at 6 PM at Lafene. The Blue Cross/Blue Shield agent, Dave McKee, will be present. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Filza Hassan - Will meet Sunday at 7 PM in the Union. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - He thanked those who went to the L.A. this past weekend. He also thanked the Collegian for a great article covering the L.A. PARLIAMENTARIAN - Justin Sanders – “informal Discussion” is a part of Student Senate meetings. Therefore, if you leave during this period you will be counted as leaving early. FIRST READINGS Rattan Nath moved Senate Bill 88/32, Investigation of Divestiture of Student Funds. The following friendly amendments were made: add Sally Howard-Clayton as a sponsor in the second WHEREAS clause delete “directly” and add “in the common fund which invests” after “invested”. in the third WHEREAS clause delete ‘there is great controversy concerning’, ‘‘s” on “government’s” and “actions toward” and insert “violates”. add at the end of Section 1 “The presentation of which will occur by November 10, 1988.” Questions were asked. Mike Wootton’s motion to add Senate Resolution 88/26 to the agenda passed. Mike moved Senate Resolution 88/26, 1988 Basketball Ticket Sales Policy Revision. Questions were asked. Dave Whetstone’s motion to move the resolution special orders passed. There was no debate, so an immediate vote was taken. Justin Sanders’ motion to add Senate Bill 88/33 to the agenda passed. Mary Jo Lampe moved Senate Bill 88/33, Campaign Regulations Revision. Questions were asked. Mary Jo Lampe’s motion to move the bill special orders passed. There was no debate, so an immediate vote was taken. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - He went over what happened at the Board of Regents meeting today. Met with Regent Dodderidge last Friday. It was an awesome meeting. He will wear “Scott King” cut-offs and muscle shirt next week. No more suits. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Doug Folk - Today is Joni Hays’ and Wendy Albrecht’s birthdays. (The group sang Happy Birthday.) M-61 December graduation has been moved from Saturday to Sunday. President Wefald is hosting an ice cream social for leaders on Wednesday, September 28th, from 4:30 to 6:30. General. Brenda Halinski’s motion to adjourn failed. Jason Miles announced the coliseum is looking for workers on weekends. Mike Valentine’s motion to adjourn passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-62 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 22, 1988 7:00 PM - 10:15 PM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 35 senators present. Blumel, Grant, Karlin, Kern & Kramer were excused late. Ewy, Mcintyre, O’Connor, Oswalt & Shellenberger were late. Line was excused. McClure, Reams & Ruskin were absent. OPEN PERIOD Sally Howard-Clayton spoke to the way Troy Lubbers chose the E.O.F. Committee; meaning he did not place an ad, accept applications and have interviews. Perhaps this is not the best committee there could be, she stated. Scott Miller spoke regarding Senate Bill 88/32, Investigation of Divestiture of Student Funds, and their visit with Les Longberg at the KSU Foundation regarding these funds. SEPTEMBER 15, 1988 MINUTES Justin Sanders stated that on page 2 it should be noted that he friendly amended Senate Resolution 88/26 by deleting “informal” before “guidelines” in Section I. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - The meeting next Tuesday will be held in Denison 220 rather than the Little Theatre. Enrollment figures: last fall = 18,049. This fall = 19,301 + 1,252. Remember the Ice Cream Social at 4:30 next Wednesday at President Wefald’s home. There will be an open house for students at the Bramlage Coliseum next Monday evening at 6:30. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Will meet Sunday at 8:30 at Kites. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - He will be posting something in the SGS Office regarding the valet parking deal. Both males and females are asked to wear white shirts and dark pants/skirts. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Will meet Monday at 7:00 in the Union. Have a vacancy on Elections Committee. The Committee will meet Tuesday at 4:30 in the SGS Office. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES - Monica Connet - There will be an AIDS presentation at Frick Auditorium in the north Vet. Med. bldg. from 7:30-9:00 p.m. next Tuesday. HOLTON HALL COUNCIL - Greg Weisenborn - Will meet next Thursday at 7 AM. LAFENE STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY - Cindy Riemann - She gave some figures from KU’s health insurance. Budgets presented by Mike Lynch and Dr. Tout showed a fee increase is needed. Will meet Wednesday at 6 PM at the health center. SENATE EXECUTIVE - Doug Folk - Will meet Monday at 9 PM in the SGS Office. M-63 FINANCE - Doug Folk for Mark Burns - Will meet Sunday at 8 PM in the SGS Office. Will consider closing of accounts and at 9 PM the Athletic Dept. will be present to discuss the athletic fee. Dave Whetstone moved to recess from 7:55 till 9:10 to go to Forum Hall at hear Dale VanAtta, an investigative report (Washington, DC ‘watch dog’). Dave’s motion failed. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - Spoke with Wanda Coder, Riley County, County Clerk, regarding voter registration which will be held October 4 & 5 from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM in Cardwell Hall and Farrell Library. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - Saturday he will be participating in a Regents’ system workshop at Wichita State. The Traffic, Parking & Police Operations Committee meeting has been cancelled again for this week. A study was done regarding hand rails at the coliseum, and it was pretty negative. Members of the Governor’s staff, the ASK staff and a couple of student body presidents met today regarding Margin of Excellence. The KU SGA has agreed to host another basketball game, and they will furnish everything. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/32, Investigation of Divestiture of Student Funds Rattan Nath friendly amended the bill by adding Dan Acheson-Brown as a sponsor, by striking “are” and the “ing” on “supporting”, and by striking Section I (The Senate Operations Standing Committee be charged with the investigation and formulation of a feasible plan for the divestiture of student monies associated with companies doing business in the Republic of South Africa, the presentation of which will occur by November 10, 1988 and adding the new Sections 1 thru 5. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Mary Jo Lampe moved to delete the last sentence of Section 5 (Special consideration shall be given to knowledge of the situation and investigative skills in view of the short time period for the committee.). Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Although he is in favor of withdrawing our monies out of South Africa, Dave Whetstone moved to postpone the bill indefinitely. His motion failed. Lisa Rephlo called the question on Mary Jo’s motion. It passed. Greg Weisenborn moved to delete the last sentence of Section 3 (Experience and knowledge shall be taken into consideration for selecting the members.). There were no questions, and debate was entered into. Greg called the question on his motion. His motion passed. Dave Whetstone moved to change “Divestiture” to “Investment” in the title, in Section 1 delete “and formulate a feasible plan for” and change “divestiture” to “investment, in Section 4 delete “and the chairperson of the ad hoc committee, who shall be selected as described in Section 5” and change “four” to “three”. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Brenda Halinski called the question on Dave’s motion. It passed. Scott Darger moved to add after “written report” in Section 2 (which may include recommended legislation). There were no questions and no debate. Scott called the question on his motion. It passed. M-64 Scott Darger called the question on the bill as amended and friendly amended. Rattan Nath requested a roll call vote. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Bernie Giefer spoke regarding the athletic fee. He proposes $12.50/student/semester with 80% going to the Athletic Dept. and 20% going to sports clubs. The Athletic Dept. is proposing $15/student/semester. Bounce his proposal off your friends. John McIntyre announced that Student Affairs & Social Services Committee will meet Sunday at 7 PM at Vista. Monica Connet moved to adjourn. Her motion passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-65 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY DENISON HALL 220 SEPTEMBER 27, 1988 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 23 senators present. Heller, McClure, Reams & Ruskin were absent. Grant, Halinski, Karlin, Lane, Lawson, Muir & Riemann were excused. Bruning, Duncan, Hassan, Johnson, Kramer, Mock, Nath, Nichols, Oswalt, Rephlo, Shellenberger, Weisenborn, Whetstone, Cast & Krug were excused late. SEPTEMBER 22, 1988 MINUTES Approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - Student Senate will meet Tuesday, October 18, and not on Thursday, the 20th, due to the Def Leppard Concert. EDUCOM Computing Consultants will be in Union 206 at 4 PM tomorrow to discuss computing at K-State. There will be an informational meeting on October 6, at 4 PM in Union 212 on “Europe 89-90 Student Exchange Scholarships.” Proxies: O’Connor for Grant McClain for Bruning Hays for Halinski Lampe for Riemann Oswalt for Rephlo COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - “Student Body President for a Day”, Ann Ridge, told what she had done today with Troy. Will meet Thursday at 7:30 in the SGS Office. Next week is “Bring A Friend to Senate” night. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Gary Musselman approved the high school leadership workshop on November 12th. Will meet Tuesday at 9 PM, with the place being designated later. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Will meet Sunday at 9 PM at Egees. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Will meet Monday at 9 PM in the SGS Office. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Will meet Monday at 7 PM in Union 202 or 206. FINANCE - Mark Burns - Will meet Sunday at 9 PM in the SGS Office. Been talking to the Athletic Dept. about the athletic fee. Final allocations bill will be up next week. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - Chris Graves from ASK called today and the Council of Chief Academic Officers has proposed a $10/credit hour fee to be assessed to Engineering students to be used for equipment. Next the proposal M-66 goes to the Council of Presidents and then to the Board of Regents. The next Board of Regents meeting is October 13. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - There will be a press conference Thursday at 10 AM to discuss ASK policies. The ASK staff will be here at 2:30 on Thursday to discuss the community services program, and in the ASK Office at 3:30. “Voter Registration Drives” will be held October 4 & 5 from 9 AM to 2:30 PM in Cardwell Hall and Farrell Library. FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Todd Johnson - They are proposing a Dead Day during Summer School. He will probably have legislative up next week on this. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Chris Kern moved Senate Resolution 88/27, 1988 EOF Committee. Questions were asked, debate was entered into and an immediate vote was taken. FIRST READINGS Justin Sanders moved Senate Bill 88/34, Viet Nam War Memorial Special Allocation to Arnold Air Society. Bill Arck represented the Arnold Air Society. Questions were asked of Mark Burns. Lauren O’Connor moved Senate Bill 88/35, closing of 1987-88 Accounts. Anne Butler represented Minority Cultural Programs. Questions were asked of Mark Burns. Arts & Sciences & Business Administration wants to use their money for display signs, and Minority Cultural Programs will use their money to present the play “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom.” Justin Sanders moved Senate Bill 88/36, EOF Allocation Procedures. Questions were asked. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Brad Barth’s motion to adjourn passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-67 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 6, 1988 7:00 PM – MIDNIGHT CALL TO ORDER Chairman Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 42 senators present. Albrecht, Nichols & Riemann were excused late. Darger & Ruskin were late. Dunn was excused. Susan Scott was unexcused late because she was attending a banquet. OPEN PERIOD Skyler Harper, the Project Architect for Holton Hall, showed slides of the renovation. Sharon Patnode, Student Coordinator of the Community Service Program, spoke about what the program entails. Applications are available in Eisenhower 14A. David Ramsey stated that he, Susan Scott and Sally Routson are teaching a class entitled “Advanced Seminar in Leadership Development”, EDAF 511, Section C, Reference #27180. The course is designed for upper level undergraduate students who wish to investigate theories regarding leadership, as well as enhance their own development of leadership qualities. Emphasis will be placed on ethics, social justice and creative leadership. A study of past and present leaders and their impact will also be conducted. The class differs from EDAF 211 which is aimed at the freshman/sophomore level with the goal being on the development of leadership skills at an introductory level. The class meets from 2:30-3:20 on Tuesdays & Thursdays, is 2 hours of credit and is limited to 18 students. An all campus leadership workshop series (open to all students) on Tuesdays from 4-5 PM is as follows; October 11, Union 206 - “Conducting an Effective Meeting (Why am I so alone in my struggle to have my own way)”. October 25, Bluemont 122 - “Listening and Communicating Effectively (Please don’t believe everything you hear about me, regardless of how true it may be)”. November 8, Union 206 “Effective Committee Work and Delegation (I could do great things, if I weren’t so busy doing little things)”. November 29, Union 206 - “Time and Stress Management (Try to Relax and Enjoy the Crisis)”. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - Jon McClure and Mark Reams have resigned. Scott Kelly is the new Graduate Senator replacing Jon McClure. REMEMBER, there is no Senate on the 20th; we will meet the 18th in the Big 8 Room. Rod Stewart has cancelled his concert due to illness. (Jason Miles explained further.) You have a memo in your mailboxes regarding your attendance. Proxies: Reschke for Albrecht Sanders for Duncan McIntyre for Nichols Lampe for Riemann COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Will meet Monday at 6:30 PM in Union 202. M-68 FINANCE - Mark Burns - Will meet Sunday at 8 PM in the SGS Officer to hear from Parachute Club and Steve Miller & will also meet Monday at 6:30 PM in the SGS Office to discuss the athletic fee. COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - “SGA Week” is next week. SGA will have a table in the Union Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Thursday is “SGA Day” and Mary Gleissner is in charge of this. Thursday at 6 PM in the Big 8 Room is a “How to Get Involved in SGA Workshop”. Sally Meadows is in charge of buttons. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Will meet Monday 9:30 PM in the Union Stateroom. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Will meet Tuesday at 9 PM. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Will meet Sunday, the 16th, at 7 PM at Kites. PARENT PROGRAMMING - Doug Heller - Would like SGA to man an information booth on Parents Day from 9 PM-Noon in the Union. HOLTON HALL COUNCIL - Greg Weisenborn - Renovation is ahead of schedule and within budget. Should be completed by March and the users will probably move in, in May. Will meet Friday, the 21st, at 7 AM in Stateroom #1. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - Thanked Mortar Board for helping with the voter registration drive on Tuesday. Registered 143 people. The Policy Council will meet October 14th & 15th in Topeka. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - Will have a resolution next Thursday on the investigation committee. Met with Graduate Council yesterday. EOF Committee will meet tomorrow. The Coliseum Gala and Beach Boys Concert went well. Looking into the possibility of hand rails in the coliseum. Has been doing visitations. The Student Advisory Committee to the Kansas Board of Regents will meet a week from tomorrow. Will look at the engineering fee that was brought up last week. Jim Coffman of COCOA, Doug Folk and Troy will meet next Tuesday about the engineering fee. “The Battle of the Student Governments” (basketball game) will be held November 6 (Sunday) on the Lawrence campus in Allen Fieldhouse. “Midnight Madness” is a week from Friday. Justin Sanders moved to add a new Senate Bill 88/39 to the agenda. This motion passed 33-7 Brenda Halinski moved to add a bill to the agenda entitled “Impeachment Justification”. This motion failed 9-37. Brenda requested a roll call vote and those voting to add the bill to the agenda were Duncan by proxy. Halinski, Hays, Kern, Kramer, Nath, Rephlo, Ruskin & Wootton. Wendy Albrecht was absent. Kelly had not been sworn in and therefore could not vote. Scott Darger moved to add a bill to the agenda that would release Brenda Halinski of her duties as SGA work-study secretary. Rattan Nath objected to consideration. A vote was taken and the motion was not considered. John Liewelyn, Chancellor of Tribunal, swore in Scott Kelly. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Mary Jo Lampe moved Senate Resolution 88/28, 1989 Elections Committee. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. An immediate vote was taken. M-69 FIRST READINGS Justin Sanders moved Senate Bill 88/37, Revision of Senate Bills 86/87/21 & 87/34, Attendance Policies. Questions were asked. Justin Sanders moved Senate Bill 88/38, Amendment to Senate Bill 88/1, 1988 Student Senate Standing Rules. Questions were asked. Justin Sanders moved Senate Bill 88/39, Impeachment of Adam Ruskin. Questions were asked. Adam stated he was late or absent due to attending clinics and not knowing when would be done. He said it was next to impossible to give 24-hour notice. Rattan Nath objected to consideration of the bill. After a vote, the bill will be considered. Justin Sanders moved Senate Bill 88/40, Impeachment of Rattan Nath. Questions were asked. Rattan Nath objected to consideration of the bill. After a vote, the bill will be considered. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/34, Viet Nam War Memorial Special Allocation to Arnold Air Society. Cathy Barnes and John Taglieri represented Arnold Air Society. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Chris Kern moved to increase $5,416 to $7,051. Questions were asked Todd Johnson moved to postpone the bill until October 18th. The motion passed. Senate Bill 88/35, Closing of 1987-88 Accounts. Mark Burns friendly amended the bill by changing $931.25 to $189.05 for Graduate Student Council in Section 1, and add Graduate Student Council & $742.20 to Section 2. Questions were asked, but there was no debate so an immediate vote was taken. Senate Bill 88/36 Educational Opportunity Fund Allocation Procedures. Questions were asked, but there was no debate so an immediate vote was taken. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Sally Meadows congratulated Mike Valentine on being selected as KSU Ambassador. Diane Muir suggested that rather than one “Student Body President for a Day” student, we should select 2 students and have one hang with the Student Body President and the other with an administrator. Doug Folk congratulated Dave Whetstone and Jenny Reschke for being KSU Ambassador candidates. Monica Connet moved to adjourn. Her motion passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-70 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 13, 1988 7:00 PM - 1:30 AM CALL TO ORDER Chairman “Crip” Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 36 senators present. Blumel, Kern, Valentine, Weisenborn & Wootton were late. Bruning & Mock were excused. Duncan, Ewy, Gardner & O’Connor were excused late. Ruskin was absent. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 6, 1988 MINUTES Doug Folk - The approval of the September 27, 1988 minutes was omitted from page 1. Sally Meadows - Under First Readings on page 3, under Senate Bill 88/39, delete “they would” where it states “Adam was late. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - Tribunal ruled that the Election Committee Chair need only be nominated by May 1st of each year; “appointed” means nominate and does not mean approve. They further ruled that Senate does have the power to impeach. They found Senate Bill 87/34 valid, but Senate Bill 86/87/21 was ruled invalid. Proxies: Grant for Mock & Sanders for Duncan. COMMITTEE REPORTS BASKETBALL TICKET SALES - Dave Whetstone - Will meet Monday. COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Thanked everyone who helped with ‘SGA Week.” Will meet Monday at 9 PM in Union 202. LAFENE STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY - Cindy Riemann - Martin Grennan resigned as chair, and Doug Oetinger replaced him for the remainder of the term. She went over a lot of different figures and comparisons with other Big 8 schools. FINANCE - Mark Burns - Came up with the athletic fee referendum bill. Will meet Sunday at 8 PM in the SGS Office. Lauren O’Connor moved to add a bill entitled “Athletic Fee Referendum” to the agenda. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Steve Miller, athletic director, explained why he does not agree with Bernie Giefer’s bill. Mary Jo Lampe called the question on Lauren’s motion. It failed by a vote of 13-30. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John Mcintyre - Will meet Sunday at 7 PM at Kites. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Will meet October 23 at 10 PM in the Union Stateroom. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Will meet Monday at 6:30 PM in Union 202. This will be the regular meeting time. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Will send out the leadership workshop stuff tomorrow. Will meet Monday at 9 PM at Last Chance. DIRECTORS REPORTS M-71 ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - The Policy Council meeting is tomorrow. Will leave for Topeka at 5:30 AM. The Board meeting will be held Saturday morning. PARLIAMENTARIAN - Justin Sanders - He went over a few points. FIRST READINGS Justin Sanders moved Senate Bill 88/41, Reapportionment of Student Senate. Questions were asked. Sally Meadows moved Senate Bill 88/42, University Activities Board Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions. Questions were asked. Sally Routson explained the significant changes. The bill was friendly amended by striking part F of Section 102-2. Melissa Blumel moved Senate Bill 88/43, Education College Council Constitutional Revisions. There were no questions. Brenda Halinski moved Senate Bill 88/44, Impeachment Justification. Friendly amendments: delete 3rd and 4th WHEREAS clauses and insert WHEREAS Senate Bill 87/34 established procedures for carrying out visitations at two (2) per semester, and states that failure to comply with the requirements will count as unexcused absences for each visitation not conducted, and WHEREAS standing committee chairpersons who are not voting members of Student Senate shall be non-voting, ex-officio members of Student Senate. They will be subject to removal from office of chairperson by the voting members of Student Senate for malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance. Any ex-officio member of Student Senate, defined in this Section, who misses three (3) meetings will automatically be considered for impeachment by Student Senate...”, and; change “four (4)” to “three (3)” in Section 1; and delete Albrecht, Giefer, Grant, Karlin, Line, McIntyre, Nath, Rephlo, Ruskin, Whetstone, Burns and Bush and insert Mitch Bruning, Filza Hassan, Laurie Lawson, Bill Mock and Cindy Riemann. Bernie Giefer objected to consider of the bill. A vote was taken and the bill was not considered by a vote of 10/27/3. Rattan Nath moved to add a bill entitled “Revision of GA By-Laws: Appointments” to the agenda. Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and an immediate vote was taken on Rattan’s motion. It failed by a vote of 5/35/3. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/37, Revision of Senate Bills 86/87/21 and 87/34, Attendance Policies Questions were asked. The bill was friendly amended as follows: 1st WHEREAS clause - change “establishes” to “established”; 2nd WHEREAS clause - change “is” to “was”; Section 1 - Delete “Section 4 of Senate Bill 86/87/21 be amended to read:” and insert “Each Student Senator and standing committee chairperson hold one (1) office-hour per week during spring and fall semesters, with the exception of M-72 senators from the College of Veterinary Medicine. The Student Senate Chair shall organize the aforementioned office hours and have the power to excuse absences. The attendance policy for office hours shall be provided for in the Student Senate Standing Rules.” Rattan Nath objected to consideration of the bill. A vote was taken, and the bill was considered. Rattan moved to postpone the bill until October 27th. There were no questions, but debate was entered into and a vote was taken. Rattan’s motion passed. Senate Bill 88/38, Amendment to Senate Bill 88/1, 1988 Student Senate Standing Rules Dave Whetstone moved to postpone until October 27th. There were no questions and no debate, so an immediate vote was taken. The motion passed. Cindy Riemann moved to consider Senate Bill 88/40 before Senate Bill 88/39. Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and an immediate vote was taken. The motion passed. Senate Bill 88/40, Impeachment of Rattan Nath Questions were asked. Mike Wootton moved that we move into executive session. The motion failed. Brenda Halinski objected to consideration of the bill. After a vote of 26/11, the bill was considered. Debate was entered into. Mary Jo Lampe moved to postpone the bill indefinitely. The motion failed. Joe Karlin called the question; and Rattan requested a roll call vote. THOSE VOTING IN FAVOR: Connet, Darger, Giefer, Karlin, Kern, Kramer, Lampe, Miles, Muir, Oswalt, Rephlo, Valentine, Krug THOSE ABSTAINING FROM VOTING: Duncan, Halinski, Shellenberger, Weisenborn THOSE ABSENT: Bruning, Gardner, O’Connor, Ruskin Senate Bill 88/39, Impeachment of Adam Ruskin Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Mike Valentine called the question; and Joni Hays requested a roll call vote. THOSE VOTING IN FAVOR: Connet, Giefer, Kern, Whetstone, Krug THOSE ABSTAINING FROM VOTING: Duncan, Halinski, Heller, McClain, Muir, Weisenborn THOSE ABSENT: Bruning, Gardner, O’Connor, Ruskin, Wootton INFORMAL DISCUSSION Troy Lubbers - Will have an investigation committee by Tuesday. Dave Whetstone - There are 72 tents at the camp-out for basketball tickets. (Grant’s in the front row of ICAT.) Charlene Nichols is the chair of the Bloodmobile this year. It is October 25-28. Dave Ramsey - His October 11th workshop was cancelled. Don’t forget the workshop on October 18th from 4:00-5:00 PM. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-73 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 18, 1988 7:00 PM - 1:00 AM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 31 senators present. Gardner & Gleissner were absent. Grant, Hassan, Lane & Valentine were excused. Connet, Halinski, Kern, Kramer, Mock, Nath, O’Connor, Rephlo, Riemann & Gast were excused late. OCTOBER 13, 1988 MINUTES Justin Sanders - Under ANNOUNCEMENTS, Tribunal ruled Senate Bill 87/34 valid not invalid and Senate Bill 86/87/21 invalid not valid. OPEN PERIOD Sally Howard-Clayton spoke to a number of things she thinks Senate is doing wrong. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - Def Leppard will perform in Bramlage Coliseum Thursday evening at 7:30. The Board of Regents will meet Thursday at Pittsburg State University. The Dallas Mavericks & Rolando Blackman take on the San Antonio Spurs at Bramlage Coliseum Friday evening at 7:30. K-State & Nebraska play football here Saturday afternoon at 1:30. Kurt Bush has resigned as the SGA Treasurer. Grant Shellenberger has resigned as an Arts & Sciences Senator. Proxies: Weisenborn for Valentine, Oswalt for Rephlo, Hays for Nath, Gleissner for O’Connor, Heller for Lane, Blumel for Grant, Lampe for Riemann, Reschke for Hassan COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Will meet Monday at 6:30 PM in Union 202. Will discuss some major revisions to the SGA Constitution & By-Laws and orientation of newly elected senators. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Will meet Monday at 10 PM in the Union Stateroom. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Will meet Tuesday at 9 PM in the Union. Need senators to help during the leadership workshop on November 12. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Will meet Sunday, October 30, at 7 PM at Amigos. LAFENE STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY - Cindy Riemann - Will meet tomorrow. COMMUNICATIONS - ?- Will meet Monday at 9 PM in Union 204. Will do living group visitations next week. During office hours senators will be calling people to remind them to vote November 1 & 2. HOLTON HALL - Greg Weisenborn - Will meet Friday at 7 AM in Union Stateroom #1. FINANCE - Mark Burns - Will meet Sunday at 8 PM in the SGS Office. Will make a decision on the band uniforms; are looking into other options. DIRECTORS REPORTS M-74 STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - Housing Council met last week to discuss the renovation of Van Zile Hall. The Board of Regents will meet Thursday at Pittsburg State University at 9 AM. Will discuss the engineering fee, although it is not on the agenda. No Board action will be taken Thursday, but will be considered at the November meeting. Troy will represent the Student Advisory Committee in speaking before the Board. FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Todd Johnson - He presented a proposal regarding summer school and it was defeated. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Todd Johnson moved Senate Resolution 88/29, Investment Ad hoc Committee. Questions were asked. Nine people applied. There was no debate, so an immediate vote was taken. FIRST READINGS Mary Jo Lampe moved Senate Bill 88/45, Impeachment of 21 Student Senators. Bernie Giefer objected to consideration. Doug Folk ruled the motion out of order because the By-Laws to the SGA Constitution states “Any member who misses three (3) meetings during one (1) term of office will automatically be considered for impeachment by Student Senate...’ Questions were asked. Justin Sanders’ motion to move the bill special orders passed. Monica Connet moved to overrule the decision of the chair. Doug ruled this motion out of order also. Debate was entered into. Greg Weisenborn’s motion that the bill be divided by individual passed by a vote of 25/15/3. A vote was taken on each individual, and the bill failed. Dave Whetstone moved to consider Senate Bill 88/34, Vietnam War Memorial Special Allocation to Arnold Air Society, at this time. The motion passed. Chris Kern’s motion to increase from $5,416 to $7,051 is now on the floor, and debate continued. Chris Kern moved to amend his amendment to change $5,416 to $6,184. There were no questions, but debate was entered into. An immediate vote was taken, and Chris’ amendment to his amendment failed. Debate continued on Chris’ original amendment. Scott Kelly called the question on Chris’ original amendment, which passed by a vote of 25/17/1. Greg Weisenborn moved to add a Section 3 to read: Student Senate strongly urges future Senates to fund maintenance costs which may arise due to vandalism or deterioration of the Vietnam War Memorial. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Dave Whetstone called the question on Greg’s motion, which passed. Justin Sanders moved to amend the title, Section 1 and Section 3 by changing “Vietnam War Memorial” to “KSU Vietnam Veterans Memorial”. There were no questions and no debate, so an immediate vote was taken on Justin’s motion which passed. M-75 Rattan Nath moved to add a Section 4 to read: This memorial should include the Vietnamese and wounded KSU students as well as to emphasize the desirability of peace in the world. Jason Miles objected to consideration of Rattan’s motion. After a vote of 14-21-6, the motion was considered. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Stu Duncan called the question on Rattan’s motion, which failed. Rattan Nath called the question on the bill, as amended. Mary Jo Lampe moved Senate Bill 88/46, Impeachment of 3 Student Senators. Friendly amendments: Title - change 3 to 2, add Rattan Nath as a sponsor, and strike Grant Shellenberger in Section 1. Questions were asked. Justin Sanders motion to move the bill special orders passed. Debate was entered into. Greg Weisenborn’s motion to the divide the bill by individual passed. A vote was taken on each individual, and the bill failed. Mary Jo Lampe moved Senate Bill 88/47, Impeachment of 8 Student Senate interns. Friendly amendment: add Rattan Nath as a sponsor. Bernie Giefer objected to consideration. After a vote, the bill was not considered. Mary Jo Lampe moved Senate Bill 88/48, impeachment of Amy Vath. Friendly amendment: add Rattan Nath as a sponsor. Questions were asked. Justin Sanders’ motion to move the bill special orders passed. Debate was entered into, and an immediate vote was taken. Lauren O’Connor moved Senate Bill 88/49, Special Allocation for “Handbook for UAB Registered Organizations Questions were asked of Sally Routson. Lauren O’Connor moved Senate Bill 88/50, 1988-89 Final Allocations. Mark Burns read Finance Committee’s recommended changes. Sally Routson explained the 5% work-study salary increase. Questions were asked. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/41, Reapportionment of Student Senate Questions were asked, there was no debate, and an immediate vote was taken. Senate Bill 88/42, University Activities Board Constitution & By-Laws Revisions There were no further questions and no debate so an immediate vote was taken. Senate Bill 88/43, Education College Council Constitutional Revisions Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Todd Johnson moved that we pass the bill by unanimous acclamation. There were no objections. M-76 INFORMAL DISCUSSION Dave Whetstone will be handing out a questionnaire regarding trivial facts about your senate term. Please return them to him. Scott Darger went to get his basketball ticket, and they were sold out. He would love a ticket! Sally Meadows congratulated Lisa Rephlo for being nominated as vice-president of Rec Services Council. Wendy Albrecht introduced Jill Rathbun, a candidate for Student Senate. Greg Weisenborn gave the bar report. Monty McClain commented on the impeachment proceedings and clarified his absences. Diane Muir said Randall Davis was in town and said to tell everyone “hi”. Mary Jo Lampe asked that any amendments to the SGA Constitution and By-Laws be presented to the Senate Operations Standing Committee in the very near future. ALSO, we need poll workers for the November 1 & 2 SGA Elections. Need ideas for orientation of newly-elected senators, too. Charlene Nichols announced that Lon Kruger is the honorary chairman of the Bloodmobile this year. ALSO, we need ‘dirt’ on senators for the last meeting of our term. Scott Kelly spoke about the statue in front of Anderson Hall. John McIntyre announced that the Men’s Glee Club will perform Friday night with the Nebraska Men’s Glee Club. Doug Folk stated that the last meeting of the 1988 Student Senate will be November 17th. Laurie Lawson’s motion to adjourn passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I and Mary Jo Lampe M-77 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 27, 1988 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 39 senators present. Duncan, Miles, Riemann & Ruskin were excused. Heller & Nath were excused late. Johnson was late. Karlin & Whetstone were absent. OPEN PERIOD Dan Acheson-Brown spoke about the medical care of a friend from South Africa who cut his hand with a saw on October 1st between 2:30 & 3:00. The KSU Police Department would not respond. Their policy needs to be investigated and possibly changed. OCTOBER 18, 1988 MINUTES John Mcintyre corrected his report under Informal Discussion regarding the Men’s Glee Club. They performed on Friday not Saturday. Monica Connet was excused late not late. Justin Sanders’ motion to add Senate Resolutions 88/30 and 88/31 to the agenda under APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS passed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - Parents Day is this weekend. K-State vs. OSU at 1:30. Senate pictures for the Royal Purple will be taken Thursday, November 3, in Fairchild 202. Dress up! Interns are at 6:30, and Senate and Executive are at 8: 30. He & Troy Lubbers attended the 4th of 5 meetings on the traffic & parking study. Alternatives were gone over. They each have a copy of the report from the consultants. “Managing Your Company With Tom Peters” will come to KSU via satellite on November 1st from 10 AM to 2 PM in room 406A of the Veterinary Medicine Teaching Bldg. The cost is $25 for KSU students, $50/individual and $40 per individual for companies sending 5 or more. The K-State Players will be painting Halloween faces on the 1st floor of the Union Saturday from 4:00-8:00 and Monday from 5:00 - 8:00. The cost ranges from 50 to $8. Received a letter from Arnold Air Society thanking Senate for the allocation for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Proxies: Sanders for Duncan, Lawson for Miles, Lampe for Riemann COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Dianne Urban is writing a letter to the guy about getting our money back from the sweatshirts we ordered. Will not meet next week. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Melissa Blumel - Will meet Tuesday at 9:30 PM. Need help during the high school leadership workshop on November 12. Twelve committee members cannot do this alone. FINANCE - Mark Burns - Will meet Sunday at 3 PM at Mark’s apartment. Refreshments will be provided. M-78 STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY - Doug Oetinger - Will be to Student Senate next week asking for a fee increase (3-year plan) ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Will meet Thursday at 6:30 PM in the Big 8 Room. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Orientation for newly-elected senators will be November 13 from 1-5 PM. Applications for Coordinator of Finances (replacing Mark Burns) are due Friday, November 4, at 5 PM. Will meet Monday at 6:30 PM in Union 202. Will also meet Tuesday at 6 PM at Amigos to do the SGA Constitution & By-Laws only. STUDENT AFFAIRS SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Will meet Sunday at 5:30 PM at Amigos. ENGINEERING COLLEGE COUNCIL - Mike Valentine - Ira Bolden was selected as the new Engineering Student Senator. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - Senate Bill 88/23, the SGA constitutional revisions passed last semester, passed the college councils unanimously. Board of Regents met last week and it went well. The problem of the engineering fee is still there, it will officially be on the Regents’ agenda in November. The fee is no longer a possibility, but they will investigate the problem that caused the fee idea to arise. EOF Committee will meet tomorrow at 3:15 PM. The “forum” for SGA candidates on Wednesday went real well. J. D. Llewelyn, Chancellor of Tribunal, swore in Ira Bolden as Engineering Senator. STUDENTS HELPING ENHANCE LIBRARY FUNDING (SHELF) - Todd Johnson The group needs volunteer help. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Justin Sanders moved Senate Resolution 88/30, Parking Citation Appeals Board Appointments. Questions were asked, there was no debate and an immediate vote was taken. Justin Sanders moved Senate Resolution 88/31, Educational Opportunity Fund Committee Appointment. Questions were asked, there was no debate and an immediate vote was taken. Three people applied for the position. FIRST READINGS Rattan Nath moved Senate Bill 88/51, SGA By-Laws Revisions: Interpretation of SGA Constitution, By-Laws & Legislation Questions were asked. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/37, Revision of Senate Bill 87/34, Attendance Policy Debate continued, and an immediate vote was taken. Senate Bill 88/38, Amendment to Senate Bill 88/1, 1988 Student Senate Standing Rules Debate was entered into. Mary Jo Lampe moved to delete the last WHEREAS clause and 12-b in Section 1. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. M-79 Rattan Nath’s motion to refer the bill to the Senate Operations Standing Committee passed. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/49, Special Allocation for “Handbook for UAB Registered Organizations” Questions were asked, debate was entered into and Todd Johnson c1led the question Senate Bill 88/50, 1988-89 Final Allocations Questions were asked, there was no debate and an immediate vote was taken. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Mike Wootton announced that the KSU vs. KU SGA basketball game is a week from Sunday from 1-3 PM in Allen Fieldhouse. Loser buys! Todd Johnson announced that “the pumpkins will be your boxes on Monday. Charlene Nichols stated that the bloodmobile is 56 units behind goal. Brad Barth finally found a friend to “bring to Senate”, Johnny Gaffney, who is running for Arts & Sciences senator. Doug Folk announced that we will probably have a Tuesday meeting to consider the EOF legislation. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-80 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM NOVEMBER 3, 1988 7:00 PM - 12:45 AM CALL TO ORDER Chairman Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 33 senators present. Albrecht, Blumel, Darger, Duncan, McIntyre, Valentine & Wootton were excused late, Muir & Rephlo were excused. Mock, Nath, O’Connor & Ruskin were late. Barth was absent. OPEN PERIOD Tom Jones, a Student Body President candidate, spoke regarding t-shirts not being included as a campaign expenditure. He felt they should be included. OCTOBER 27, 1988 MINUTES Approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - A special meeting of Student Senate to consider the Educational Opportunity Fund allocations will be held November 15, Tuesday, at 6 PM. The room will be announced next week. Newly elected Student Senators are strongly encouraged to attend Student Senate meetings before they are actually sworn in on November 17. KSU SGA vs. KU SGA basketball game will be held Sunday from 1-3 PM. You need to enter the southwest doors of Allen Fieldhouse. Proxies: O’Connor for Blumel, Sanders for Duncan, Reschke for Albrecht, Oswalt for Rephlo, Mcintyre for Muir Coordinator of Finances applications are due tomorrow at 5 PM. He congratulated the two Student Body President candidates who made it to the run-off: John Mcintyre and Laurian Cuffy. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Will meet Monday at 5:30 PM in the SGS Office. SGA Constitution & By-Laws revisions will be introduced next week. STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY - Cindy Riemann - The 1989 Student Senate will be given a proposal a fee increase (3-year plan). Right now students pay $60. The increased fees would be $70, $75 & $80. Will meet Wednesday at 6 PM at Lafene. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Will meet Sunday at 8 PM and Tuesday at 9 PM in the Union. Have 120+ coming to the workshop on the 12th. Will start calling schools tomorrow. COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Will meet Monday at 9 PM at Rock-a-belly. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John Mcintyre - Will meet Sunday at 7 PM at Amigos. Still going over Lafene fee increase. Social Services Week is next week. All social services are being evaluated, as are the salaries of the directors. DIRECTORS REPORTS M-81 ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - Policy Council will meet next Friday and Saturday. If interested in attending, leave your name with him in the SGS Office. FACULTY SENATE - Todd Johnson - Looking for two faculty senators to serve on Student Senate. Looking at developing a general college. HOLTON HALL - Greg Weisenborn - Everything is on schedule and under budget. SEXUAL ASSAULT - Greg Weisenborn - Will meet Tuesday at 2:30 PM in the Union. MARLATT PARK - Greg Weisenborn - $40,000 has been accumulated. Want to keep motorized vehicles out of the park; want it prairie land. FIRST READINGS Stu Duncan moved Senate Bill 88/52, Special Allocation to K-State Crew for Down payment on New Shell. Questions were asked of Eric Custer, Crew President. He gave the presentation that they presented to Finance Committee. They have raised $3,500 already. The original request was for $6,000; Finance Committee is recommending $3,000. Friendly amendments: change “scull” to “shell” change “Minnesota” to “Wisconsin” add “Foundation’s” before “Reserves for Contingencies”. RECESSED FROM 8:20 UNTIL 9:00 FOR ROYAL PURPLE PICTURES. Mary Jo Lampe announced that Orientation for the newly elected senators will be Sunday, November 13th, in the Big 8 Room from 1-5 PM. More details and a schedule will be out next week. Newly elected senators will be sworn in November 17th,-but they are expected to attend all meetings from now on. Rattan Nath moved Senate Bill 88/53, Extension for the investment Ad hoc Committee. Questions were asked. Todd Johnson’s motion to move the bill special orders passed. Debate was entered into. Bernie Giefer moved to change “2 February 1988” to “17 November 1988” so that it would be before the 1988 Student Senate. There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Justin Sanders moved to amend Bernie’s amendment by changing “17 November 1988” to “1 December 1988”. Questions were asked, debate was entered into and Monica Connet called the question. Justin’s motion failed. Debate continued on Bernie’s motion. Chris Kern called the question on Bernie’s motion. The motion passed 23/21/0. The original bill, as amended, was debated. Brenda Halinski moved to change Section 1 to read: The Investment Ad hoc Committee be required to submit a preliminary report on 17 November 1988 and submit a final report by 2 February 1989, rather than 10 November 1988, as specified in Senate Bill 88/32. Jason Miles objected to consideration. After a vote, Brenda’s motion was not considered. Rattan Nath moved to change Section 1 to read: The Investment Ad hoc Committee be required to submit a preliminary report on 17 November 1988 and submit a final report by 3 February 1989, rather than 10 November 1988, as specified in Senate Bill 88/32. Consideration was objected to. After a vote, the amendment was considered. M-82 Jason Miles rose to a point of order as to whether Rattan’s motion was out of order. Doug Folk deferred his decision to the body. Debate was entered into. A roll call vote was requested (17/23/4, with 4 absent). The motion was not considered. The result of the roll call vote is available in the SGS Office. Rattan Nath called the question on the bill as amended. Bernie Giefer moved Senate Resolution 88/32, Environmental Awareness. Questions were asked. Brenda Halinski objected to consideration. After a vote the resolution was considered. Bernie Giefer moved Senate Resolution 88/33, Athletic Fee Considerations. Questions were asked. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/51, SGA By-Laws Revision: interpretation of SGA Constitution, By-Laws & Legislation. There were no questions and no debate. Jason Miles moved to accept this bill by unanimous acclamation. There were no objections. INFORMAL DISCUSSION John McIntyre announced that Student Affairs & Social Services Committee will meet Monday at 3:30 PM. Ira Bolden publicly congratulated John McIntyre for Laurian Cuffy. Doug Folk announced that Rattan Nath resigned tonight. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-83 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM NOVEMBER 10, 1988 7:00 PM – 1:00 AM Chairman Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 41 senators present. Darger, Gleissner Grant were excused. Gast was excused late. Karlin & Ruskin were absent. OPEN PERIOD Rattan Nath spoke regarding the loop holes in the election process, supervision of the Elections Committee and the reason he resigned last week. NOVEMBER 3, 1988 MINUTES Justin Sanders corrected the Student Health Advisory Committee report on page 1. In the 3rd sentence, change “increases” to “increased fees”. Brenda Halinski corrected the Student Health Advisory Committee report on page 1. In the 2nd sentence, change $65 to $60. Brad Barth corrected the attendance report. Those listed first “were excused late”. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - Proxies: Blumel for Grant & Gardner for Gleissner. There will be a special Educational Opportunity Fund meeting Tuesday, November 15, at 6 PM in Leasure 13. Nominees for Student Senate Chair, Student Senate Vice Chair and Faculty Senate Rep. will be taken and voted on at the November 17th meeting. However, in Informal Discussion, he would ask those who plan on running to make an announcement. The Viet Nam Veterans Memorial site will be dedicated Friday at 1:30. COMMITTEE REPORTS LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - Need all the help we can get at the High School Leadership Workshop on Saturday. 230 high school students will be attending from 19 high schools. ATHLETIC TICKET SALES - Dave Whetstone - Will have a bill up next Thursday. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Will meet Monday at 6:30 PM at Kites. Senate Orientation will be Sunday from 1100-5:00 in the Big 8 Room. Lunch will be served at Noon. The cost is $6. AD HOC INVESTMENT - Michel Cavigelli - Disappointed in the bill passed by Senate last week. Will be asking for another extension next week. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Will meet Sunday at 10 PM at Expresso Royale. COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - Will meet Monday at Kites. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John Mcintyre - Will meet Sunday at 9 PM at fast Chance. He thanked those who help him out with his candidacy for Student Body President. He will not be contesting the race. SEXUAL ASSAULT TASK FORCE - Greg Weisenborn - Going over the adjudication process. M-84 STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY - Doug Oetinger - It was decided that the best time for the fee increase to come up would be in January. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - Policy Council will meet Friday from 6:30 - 11:00 PM. Will leave from the SGS Office at 5 PM. Newly elected Senators, there will be a mandatory Lobby Day in Topeka in January. FACULTY SENATE - Todd Johnson - The position of Vice Provost for Research & Dean of the Graduate School has not yet been approved by the Board of Regents, but is being considered by the university. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - The Chamber of Commerce Special Housing Committee met Monday and recommended that the City Commission ease up on restrictions around K-State so that more housing can be constructed, and that Van Zile Hall be renovated. Report is available in his office for review. He went over the 5 areas the Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) requests were broken into. Will have one copy of each proposal in the office for Senators to review. There will be a questions & answer session on Monday at 6 PM in the Union Little Theatre. A bill will be ready for Tuesday’s meeting. Will have around $200,000 to allocate. DO YOUR RESEARCH! FIRST READINGS Todd Johnson moved to place a bill immediately on the agenda entitled “Reevaluation of the KSU Child Care Cooperative’s Childships”. The motion passed. Todd Johnson moved Senate Bill 88/57, Reevaluation of the KSU Child Care Cooperative s Childships. Questions were asked. Mary Jo Lampe moved Senate Bill 88/54, SGA Constitutional Revisions Mary Jo made the following friendly amendments: 1st WHEREAS clause change “concensus” to “consensus”. Add a Section 2 to read: These amendments be submitted to the college councils for ratification. Section 504-F - “appoint” is duplicated. Section 505-A - delete the 1st “only” in the second line. Questions were asked. Mary Jo Lampe moved Senate Bill 88/55, SGA By-Laws Revisions. Mary Jo made the following friendly amendments: 1st WHEREAS clause change “concensus” to “consensus”. Delete the last WHEREAS clause. Add a Section 2 to read: The above amendment shall not take effect until the Constitutional amendment in Senate Bill 88/54 have been ratified by the college councils. Questions were asked. Mary Jo Lampe moved Senate Bill 88/56, SGA By-Laws Revisions. Questions were asked. NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 88/32, Environmental Awareness M-85 Bernie Giefer friendly amended the 2nd WHEREAS clause to read: WHEREAS there are often viable alternatives to the use of non-biodegradable synthetic materials, and the last WHEREAS clause o read: WHEREAS fee paying students provide a high level of financial support to the K-State Union Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Monica Connet’s motion to postpone the bill indefinitely failed. Justin Sanders moved to amend Section 3 to read: Student Senate request the KState Union to acknowledge this resolution. Questions were asked, debate was entered into and the question was called. Justin’s motion passed. Dave Whetstone called the question on the resolution as amended. Senate Resolution 88/33, Athletic Fee Considerations There were no further questions, debate was entered into, and Dave Whetstone called the question. Senate Bill 88/52, Special Allocation to K-State Crew for Down payment on New Shell Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Greg Weisenborn moved to give Crew $1,000 and give $2,000 to the current sports clubs to be divided equally for equipment. Lauren O’Connor objected to consideration of Greg’s motion. After a vote, the motion was not considered. Brenda Halinski moved to delete “for the down payment of a shell’ in Section 1 and insert “only after they have raised the remaining $9,500 for a new shell”. Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and Lisa Gast called the question on Brenda’s motion, which passed. Melissa Blumel called the question on the bill, as amended. INFORMAL DISCUSSION John Mcintyre congratulated Laurian Cuffy for being elected the new Student Body President. He is not going to contest the election. He and Laurian met this afternoon for 2 hours. We have a dynamic year coming up under the leadership of Laurian Cuffy. Laurian Cuffy tips his hat to Mary Jo Lampe and Ira Bolden for running an excellent campaign for he and John. He received 7 threats on his life on his answering machine last night after he went home from the victory party. The campus has got to unite for the best interest of the student body. Communication has got to exist. We have a lot of work to do, and we have to reach out to the student body. We will lead this student body in the next 12 months. We must get rid of the racial undertones. Mary Jo Lampe, John McIntyre’s campaign manager, spoke. Ira Bolden, Laurian Cuffy’s campaign manager, spoke. Dave Ramsey, Graduate Assistant in the Dean of Student Life Office, stated that Jon and Laurian turned a lose-lose situation into a win-win situation today. He commended everyone who was at the meeting today and the Student Senate as student leaders. Mary Jo Lampe stated that we lost the basketball game against KU by 2 points - 50-48, and read the following resolution: M-86 TITLE: Condemnation to KSU Senate SPONSORED BY: Mary Jo Lampe, John McIntyre, Laurie Lawson, Todd Johnson, Charlene Nichols, Greg Weisenborn, Doug (the gimpin’ guard) Folk WHEREAS the KU Senate finally fulfilled their obligations and promoted spirit within the schools by challenging the KSU Senate to a inter-Senate basketball game, and WHEREAS there was an overwhelming response on the part of the KSU Senate when this challenge was first presented, and WHEREAS at lease 15 people signed up to play and 20 others to cheer, and WHEREAS only 10 individuals showed up to play or cheer, one of which is half disabled (Doug Folk), and WHEREAS the KSU Senate won the game after trailing behind the whole game by a last minute shot and only because they had over 30 people and no one had to play the whole game, and WHEREAS because of this loss, the KSU Senate has to pay for the party ball, and WHEREAS the senators that played are pretty darn cranky about this BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Section 1. The KSU Senate be condemned for lack of responsibility, commitment and for not fulfilling their promises. Section 2. Those senators who signed up to be there and didn’t show up and those senators who were in Lawrence Saturday night and didn’t stay for or attend the game be encouraged to pitch in to help pay for the party ball. Informal nominations: Senate Chair: Scott Kelly nominated Todd Johnson Jason Miles nominated Mary Jo Lampe Monica Connet Nominated Greg Weisenborn Faculty Senate Rep. David Oswalt nominated Kyle Vanover The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-87 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY SPECIAL EOF MEETING LEASURE HALL, ROOM 13 NOVEMBER 15, 1988 6:00 PM - 12:30 AM Chairman Doug Folk called the meeting to order with 26 senators present. Blumel, Grant, Kramer, Mock, Valentine & Gast were excused. Bruning Ewy, Gardner, Giefer, Lampe, Lawson, Rephlo, Riemann & Weisenborn were excused late. Halinski, McClain & O’Connor were late. Lane, Ruskin & Kelly were absent. Doug Folk announced that the KAPSA Party after the 1988 Student Senate adjourns Thursday evening will be at Lisa Rephlo’s place at 1129 Claflin. Proxies: Lampe for Lawson, McClain or Bruning, Sanders for Rephlo, Heller for Riemann, Kern for Giefer, Cawley for Grant, O’Connor for Blumel, Meadows for Kramer, Weisenborn for Valentine, Grant for Gast Joni Hays moved Senate Bill 88/60, Educational Opportunity Fund Allocation for 1990 Fiscal Year. EOF Committee members present were Chairman Troy Lubbers, Larry Viterna, Joni Hays and Sharon Patnode. There were no questions. Justin Sanders’ motion to move the bill special orders passed. Debate was entered into. Justin Sanders moved to limit debate to 2 speeches/person/motion for 3 minutes each. The motion passed. Joni Hays moved to modify the bill by unanimous consent, and there were no objections. Under #39, Lafene Health Center, change $2,680 to $3,000, which is $3.75 per hour. This makes the total read $199,418.50. Troy stated that the total generated was $200,900. Fifty-five proposals were received totaling $640,000. Ira Bolden moved to change #35, KSU Child Care Cooperative by making the group read “Child Care” and change the total from $51,093.50 to $32,000. Questions were asked. Representatives of the Cooperative were present to answer questions. Debate was entered into. Brenda Halinski moved to amend Ira’s amendment from $32,000 to $47,800 ($37,000 to the KSU Child Care Cooperative for toddlers and up, and $10,800 for child care outside of the Coop for 12 childships at $100/month). Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Chris Kern called the question on Brenda’s amendment, which passed. Debate continued on Ira’s amendment as amended. Brenda Halinski moved to add to the $10,800, “to be allocated through the Student Financial Assistance Office at KSU. Child care must be at a licensed or registered day care facility”. Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and an immediate vote was taken. The motion passed. M-88 After more debate on Ira’s amendment as amended an immediate vote was taken. The motion failed. Brad Barth moved to amend #35, KSIJ Child Care Cooperative by making the group read “Student Financial Assistance Office”, change the description to read “for creating scholarships used for childcare by students with children. Amount being based on need”, and changing the total to read $50,000. There were questions and debate. Brenda moved to amend Brad’s amendment by changing $50,000 to $36,405.50 and excluding funding infant care at the KSU child Care Cooperative. Scott Darger objected to consideration. After a vote, the motion was not considered. Chris Kern called the question on Brad’s motion, which failed. Lauren O’Connor moved to amend #2, National Society of Black Engineers by changing the group to “General Minority Scholarship Fund” with preference given to minority Engineering students. Questions were asked. Lauren’s motion was friendly amended by changing “Minority” to “Black”. Debate was entered into. The question was called on Lauren’s motion, which failed. Chris Kern moved to amend #13, Graduate Student Council by deleting the “.5 graduate assistant for $6,000” and changing the total to $4,000. There were no questions, debate was entered into and Stu Duncan called the question. Chris’ motion passed. Todd Johnson moved to add a line #53, Agriculture Competition Teams, $7,461.50, to partially fund “A” teams only, no funding for alternates or expenses associated with workouts. Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and an immediate vote was taken. Todd Johnson’s motion failed. Scott King wore a silly hat at 12:10 AM. Everyone was still awake. Justin Sanders moved to amend #13, Graduate Student Council by adding 5 graduate scholarships @ $1,000 for $5,000, making the total read $9,000. Questions were asked. Bernie Giefer friendly amended the amendment by changing 5 to 6, and $9,000 to $10,000. Debate was entered into. An immediate vote was taken on Justin’s motion, which passed. Chris Kern called THE BIG QUESTION on the bill, as amended. Greg Weisenborn moved that we accept the bill by unanimous acclamation. Chris Kern objected, so a vote was taken. The bill passed. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I And numerous others M-89 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM NOVEMBER 17, 1988 7:00 PM - 12:30 AM The last meeting of the 1988 Student Senate was called to order by Chairman Doug Folk with 35 senators present. Heller was excused. Riemann was excused late. Ewy, Gleissner, Grant, Hays, Karlin, Mock & O’Connor were late. Oswalt, Ruskin & Gast were absent. The November 10th and 15th minutes were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Doug Folk - Name tags for the 1989 Student Senate will be ready next week. Mary Lane is working on them. “Student Senate’s Most Outstanding Member” plaque was found in the back closet. He asked that senators write down their choice and give it to him. KAPSA is at Lisa Rephlo’s place after adjournment of the 1988 Student Senate. He went over the fall exam schedule corrections: CORRECT ERROR W-2:05 T-2:05 W Wed., Dec. 14 2:30 2:30 1-8:05 W-8:05 Wed., Dec. 14 8:30 8:30 T-9:05 W-9:05 Thurs., Dec. 15 9:30 9:30 He thanked Jason Miles and those who helped with the high school leadership workshop last Saturday. Proxies: Ewy for Barth & Lane for Heller COMMITTEE REPORTS STATE & LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Jason Miles - The high school leadership workshop went off real well. It will be an annual things from now on. Will meet Nov. 29th at 9 PM at Last Chance. SENATE OPERATIONS - Mary Jo Lampe - Met and went over the Constitution & ByLaws again. COMMUNICATIONS - Charlene Nichols - A party pic person will show up at the KAPSA party tonight. STUDENT AFFAIRS & SOCIAL SERVICES - John McIntyre - Met for the last time at Last Chance. AD HOC INVESTMENT - Michel Cavigelli - Asking for an extension tonight. He gave an interim report. ATHLETIC TICKET SALES - Dave Whetstone - Thanked the committee for their hard work and for putting up with his un-organization. FINANCE - Mark Burns - Thanked the committee for the hard hours they put in. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & UNIVERSITY RELATIONS - Amy Vath - Thanked her committee. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT - Justin Sanders - Looking at the problem with W. Stadium parking lot. M-90 KSU CHILD CARE COOPERATIVE - John McIntyre & Todd Johnson - No new information. Not seriously in debt; just meeting it. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Scott King - Had Policy Council and Board meeting last weekend. Came to grips with the Washburn issue. Changes in the ASK Constitution will be coming before the 1989 Student Senate. HOLTON HALL - Greg Weisenborn - Will meet December 1st. SEXUAL ASSAULT TASK FORCE - Greg Weisenborn - Will be looking into the open meetings law. Will meet the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Todd Johnson - Finals week extension bill will be up December 6th. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Troy Lubbers - The Engineering fee jumped out of committee and is up for action next week at the Board of Regents meeting. We will have a football coach next year. Thanked the Cabinet for doing a heck of a job this year. SENATE EXECUTIVE - Doug Folk - Will meet Monday at 8 PM at Bushwackers. * * * * * * EVERYONE THANKED SCOTT DARGER * * * * * * APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Ira Bolden moved Senate Resolution 88/34, U-LearN Positions. Questions were asked. Joni Hays friendly amended the 1st WHEREAS clause and Section 1 by deleting “of Undergraduate Activities”. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Greg Weisenborn moved Senate Resolution 88/35, Coordinator of Finances. Questions were asked. Bernie Giefer objected to consideration of the resolution because he felt this is something the 1989 Student Senate should approve. After a vote, the resolution was considered. Debate was entered into, and Scott Darger called the question. John McIntyre moved to add a bill to the agenda at the end of FIRST READINGS entitled “Commendation to Doug Folk, Student Senate Chair & Troy Lubbers, Student Body President”. The motion passed by unanimous acclamation. FIRST READINGS Bernie Giefer moved Senate Bill 88/58, Extension of Ad hoc Investment Committee. Questions were asked. Julie Kramer’s motion to move the bill special orders passed. Debate was entered into, and an immediate vote was taken. Dave Whetstone moved Senate Bill 88/59, Revised Athletic Ticket Sales Policy. John McIntyre’s motion to move the bill special orders passed. Questions were asked, debate was entered into and an immediate vote was taken. M-91 Jason Miles moved Resolution 88/36, Commendation to Charles Thomas and the Bramlage Coliseum Staff. Questions were asked. Monica Connet moved the resolution special orders. Her motion passed. There was no debate. Jason Miles moved that we accept the resolution by were no objections Justin Sanders moved Senate Resolution 88/37, 1989 SGA Elections Results. Questions were asked. Lisa Rephlo’s motion to move the resolution special orders passed. Brad Barth moved to accept the resolution by unanimous acclamation. There was an objection. Debate was entered into. Justin Sanders moved to add a Section 2 to read: Student Senate request that Elections Committee include in its final report a quantitative estimate of the number of repeat voters, if any, in the general election. Questions were asked, debate was entered into, and an immediate vote was taken on Justin’s motion, which passed. Dave Whetstone moved that we accept the resolution by unanimous acclamation. There was an objection. Juli Kramer called the question on the resolution, as amended. John McIntyre moved Senate Resolution 88/38, Commendation to Doug Folk, Student Senate Chairman, and Troy Lubbers, Student Body President. Mike Wootton’s motion to move the resolution special orders passed. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Jason Miles moved that the resolution be accepted by unanimous acclamation. There were no objections. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 88/57, Reevaluation of the KSU Child Care Cooperative’s Childships Jason Miles moved that debate be limited to 2-3 minute speeches/person/motion. The motion passed. Questions were asked. Bernie Giefer objected to consideration of the bill. After a vote, the bill was not considered. (a copy of the bill is available in the SGS Office) Senate Bill 88/54, SGA Constitutional Revisions Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Bernie Giefer moved to amend Section 407-C by changing “three (3)” to “five (5)” and “signing” to “veto”. Questions were asked, debate was entered into and the question was called. The motion passed 16/14/2. Justin Sanders moved to amend Section 502-A by inserting “in the consideration of personnel matters and” after “The only exception shall be”. Questions were asked, debate was entered into and the question was called. The motion failed. Jason Miles moved to amend Section 505-B by inserting “outgoing” in front of “Chairperson of Student Senate”, “Vice Chairperson of Student Senate”, M-92 “Coordinator of Personnel Selections”, and “Student Senate”; and change “present Coordinator of Finances” to “outgoing Coordinator of Finances”. Questions were asked, debate was entered into and the question was called. The motion passed. Chris Kern called the question on the bill, as amended. Senate Bill 88/55, SGA By-Laws Revisions The bill was withdrawn by the sponsors because of friendly amendments. (copies available in the SGS Office) Senate Bill 88/56, SGA By-Laws Revisions Bernie Giefer moved to amend Article V, Section 5, Part 1 from “If the vacancy occurs within (one) 1 month following the general election, the candidate in that college with the next largest number of votes in the general election shall be appointed.” to “The vacancy shall be offered to unsuccessful candidates for the vacated seat, starting with the unsuccessful candidate who received the highest vote total and proceeding down the list.”; by inserting a new Part 2 and making present Parts 2 & 3 read a & b (When the vacated seat cannot be filled with an unsuccessful candidate, as prescribed, the appropriate college council shall appoint the replacement.). Questions were asked, debate was entered into and an immediate vote was taken. The motion passed. Chris Kern called the question on the bill, as amended. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Charlene Nichols, Sally Meadows & Doug Folk handed out “the” awards. Doug Folk announced that “Student Senate’s Most Outstanding Member” is Justin Sanders. Bernie Giefer spoke on the divestiture of student funds. Troy Lubbers spoke regarding the past year. It’s been a pleasure to work with Student Senate this year. Thanks, especially to Doug. We had an exceptional year. To Laurian, I wish you the best. Cindy Riemann & Rattan Nath spoke on the S. African issue. Doug Folk thanked everyone for making his year in SGA a great one. Troy Lubbers’ motion to adjourn the final meeting of the 1988 Student Senate passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-93