1998-1999 BILLS TABLE OF CONTENTS Bill Number and Title Page Bill 98/99/01 By-Laws Amendment Creating a Summer Treasurer ..........................................1 Bill 98/99/02 Amendment to Bill 97/98/1 55: Closing of Accounts .........................................2 Bill 98/99/03 Course Information Program Funding .................................................................3 Bill 98/99/04 By-Laws Amendment Repealing Required Office Hours ...................................4 Bill 98/99/05 Adoption of SGA Funding Statutes .....................................................................5 Bill 98/99/06 Creation of the Student Senate Special Committee to Study Services Provided to Student Organizations ....................................................................15 Bill 98/99/07 Closing of Accounts for Spring 1998 ................................................................16 Bill 98/99/08 Special Allocation to the Native American Student Body for Fall 1998 ...........17 Bill 98/99/09 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Parking Citation Appeals Process ........18 Bill 98/99/10 1998-1999 Informal Funding Guidelines ..........................................................19 Bill 98/99/11 Allocation to the Saint Francis Canterbury Episcopal Student Fellowship for Spring 1999 ...............................................................................20 Bill 98/99/12 Creation of the SGA Special Committee to Research Safe-Ride ......................21 Bill 98/99/13 Allocation to the Black Student Union for Spring 1999 ....................................22 Bill 98/99/14 Allocation to the Native American Student Body for Spring 1999 ...................23 Bill 98/99/15 Allocation to the KSU Students for the Right to Life for Spring 1999 .............24 Bill 98/99/16 Special Allocation to the KSU Students for the Right to Life for Spring 1999 ..................................................................................................25 Bill 98/99/17 Allocation to the Individuals for Freethought for Spring 1999 .........................26 Bill 98/99/18 Closing of Accounts for College Councils and Academic Competition Teams for 1998 .................................................................................................. 27 Bill 98/99/19 Allocation for Racial Ethnic Harmony Week ....................................................28 Bill 98/99/20 Office of Student Activities and Services Fee Increase .....................................29 Bill 98/99/21 Allocation to the KSU Association of Residence Halls for Spring 1999 ..........32 Bill 98/99/22 Repeal of Statutes Relating to the Summer Allocations Process .......................33 Bill 98/99/23 Student Activity Fee Continuance .....................................................................34 Bill 98/99/24 Allocation to the KSU Project Management Institute Student Chapter for Spring 1999 ..................................................................................................36 Bill 98/99/25 Allocation to Chi Alpha for Fall 1998 ...............................................................37 Bill 98/99/26 Allocation to the Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Society for Spring 1999 .............38 Bill 98/99/27 Allocation to the National United Law Enforcement Officers of America for Spring 1999 ...................................................................................39 Bill 98/99/28 Allocation to the KSU American Civil Liberties Union for Spring 1999 .........40 Bill 98/99/29 Special Allocation to the Black Student Union for Spring 1998........................41 Bill 98/99/30 Special Allocation to the Hispanic American Leadership Organization for Fall 1998 .......................................................................................................42 Bill 98/99/31 Allocation to the Muslim Student Association for Spring 1998 ........................43 Bill 98/99/32 Special Allocation to the Latter-Day Saint Student Association for Spring 1999 ........................................................................................................44 Bill 98/99/33 Allocation to the Latter-Day Saint Student Association for Spring 1999 .........45 Bill 98/99/34 By-Laws Amendment Repealing Committee Rules and Recordkeeping ..........46 Bill 98/99/35 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Format and Wording Changes ...................47 Bill 98/99/36 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Election Code and Replacement of Senators .........................................................................................................49 Bill 98/99/37 Constitutional Amendment Concerning Duties of the Senate Chair .................50 Bill 98/99/38 Constitutional Amendment Concerning Duties of the Senate Vice Chair .........51 Bill 98/99/39 Bill 98/99/40 Bill 98/99/41 Bill 98/99/42 Bill 98/99/43 Bill 98/99/44 Bill 98/99/45 Bill 98/99/46 Bill 98/99/47 Bill 98/99/48 Bill 98/99/49 Bill 98/99/50 Bill 98/99/51 Bill 98/99/52 Bill 98/99/53 Bill 98/99/54 Bill 98/99/55 Bill 98/99/56 Bill 98/99/57 Bill 98/99/58 Bill 98/99/59 Bill 98/99/60 Bill 98/99/61 Bill 98/99/62 Bill 98/99/63 Bill 98/99/64 Bill 98/99/65 Bill 98/99/66 Bill 98/99/67 Bill 98/99/68 Bill 98/99/69 Bill 98/99/70 Bill 98/99/71 Bill 98/99/72 Bill 98/99/73 Bill 98/99/74 Bill 98/99/75 Bill 98/99/76 Bill 98/99/77 Bill 98/99/78 Bill 98/99/79 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Duties of the Student Senate Secretary ......52 By-Laws Amendment Pertaining to the Joint Committee on Officers’ Compensation ....................................................................................................53 By-Laws Amendment Repealing Nomination Approval Procedure .................54 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Structure of Senate Executive Committee ..........................................................................................................55 By-Laws Amendment Repealing Senate Operations Personnel Responsibilities ..................................................................................................57 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Submission of Legislation .........................59 Special Allocation to the Young Democrats for Spring 1999 ...........................60 Allocation to the Hispanic American Leadership Organization for Spring 1999 ........................................................................................................61 Closing of Accounts for Institutional Services ..................................................62 Allocation of FY 2000 Educational Opportunity Fund .....................................63 Special Allocation to the Blue Key Senior Honor Society for Fall 1998 ..........66 Allocation to the Golden Key National Honor Society for Spring 1999 ...........67 Allocation to the Young Democrats for Spring 1999 ........................................68 Special Allocation to the India Student Association for Fall 1998 ....................69 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Allocation Process .....................................70 Amendment to the Elections Regulations Code Concerning Elections Spending ............................................................................................................71 K-State Student Union Operations Fee Continuance ........................................73 K-State Student Union Repair and Replacement Fee Continuance ...................75 Allocation to the International Coordinating Council for Spring 1999 .............77 Allocation to the Asian American Student Union for Spring 1999 ...................78 Allocation to the Chinese Student and Scholar Association for Spring 1999 ...79 Special Allocation to the Asian American Student Union for Fall 1998 ...........80 Special Allocation to the Asian American Student Union for Fall 1998 ...........81 Allocation to KSU Aikido for Spring 1999 .......................................................82 Special Allocation to KSU Aikido for Spring 1999 ...........................................84 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the SASS and Communications Committees ............................................................................85 Special Allocation to Newman Club for Spring 1999 .......................................86 Special Allocation to the Paw Power Pulling Team for Spring 1999 ................87 Creation of the Task Force on Independent Living ...........................................88 Constitutional Amendments Concerning Student Senate Voting ......................89 Election Statute Amendment Concerning Campaign Expense Reports ............ 91 Amendment to the Election Regulations Code Concerning Elections Spending ............................................................................................92 Amendment to the Election Regulations Code Concerning Elections Timeline .............................................................................................94 Special Allocation to the Blue Key Senior Leadership Honorary for Spring 1999 ........................................................................................................95 KSDB Privilege Fee Increase ............................................................................96 Emergency Allocation to KSDB ........................................................................98 Closing of Accounts for Fall 1998 .....................................................................99 Constitutional Amendment Regarding the University Activities Board .........101 By-Laws Amendment to Create the Campus Activities Board .......................102 By-Laws Amendment Adding the Joint Committee on Diversity ...................103 Allocation to UFM Community Learning Center for FY 2000 .......................105 Bill 98/99/80 Bill 98/99/81 Bill 98/99/82 Bill 98/99/83 Bill 98/99/84 Bill 98/99/85 Bill 98/99/86 Bill 98/99/87 Bill 98/99/88 Bill 98/99/89 Bill 98/99/90 Bill 98/99/91 Bill 98/99/92 Bill 98/99/93 Bill 98/99/94 Bill 98/99/95 Bill 98/99/96 Bill 98/99/97 Bill 98/99/98 Bill 98/99/99 Bill 98/99/100 Bill 98/99/101 Bill 98/99/102 Bill 98/99/103 Bill 98/99/104 Bill 98/99/105 Bill 98/99/106 Bill 98/99/107 Bill 98/99/108 Bill 98/99/109 Bill 98/99/110 Bill 98/99/111 Bill 98/99/112 Bill 98/99/113 Bill 98/99/114 Bill 98/99/115 Bill 98/99/116 Emergency Allocation to K-State Student Union ............................................106 Allocation to the Hispanic American Leadership Organization for Spring 1999 ................................................................................................107 Special Allocation to the KSU Project Management Institute for Spring 1999 ......................................................................................................108 Allocation to the Vietnamese Student Association for Spring 1999 ...............109 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Matters ........................................110 By-Laws Amendment Detailing the Executive Council for the Judicial Branch ................................................................................................115 Constitutional Amendment Creating the Executive Council for the Judicial Branch ................................................................................................116 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards .................................................117 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards .................................................118 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards .................................................119 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards..................................................120 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards ...............................................................121 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Starting Dates of the Term of Parking Citation Appeals Board Members ........................................124 By-Laws Amendment Clarifying Range of Sanctions ....................................125 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Composition and Appointment of the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee .................................126 Internal Audit Schedule for Fiscal Year 2000 .................................................127 Recreational Services Fee Continuance ...........................................................128 Recreational Services Repair and Replacement Fee Continuance ..................130 By-Laws Amendment Creating a Permanent Cabinet Position for Technology ......................................................................................................132 Special Allocation to the African Student Union for Spring 1999 ..................133 Allocation to the African Student Union for Fall 1999 ...................................134 Allocation to the K-State ACLU for Fall 1999 ................................................135 Allocation to Academic Competition Teams for Fiscal Year 2000 .................136 Special Allocation to the Apostolic Campus Ministry for Spring 1999 ..........137 Special Allocation to the Asian American Student Union for Fall 1999 .........138 Allocation to the International Coordinating Council for Fall 1999 ...............139 Allocation to the Native American Student Body for Fall 1999 .....................140 Allocation to the Paraguayan Student Association for Fall 1999 ....................141 Special Allocation to the Men Against Rape Society for Spring 1999 ...........142 Allocation to the KSU Women’s Center for Fiscal Year 2000 .......................143 Special Allocation to Golden Key National Honor Society for Fall 1999 ......144 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Resolution of a Complaint .................145 Allocation to Amnesty International for Fall 1999 ..........................................146 Allocation to Muslim Student Association for Fall 1999 ................................147 Allocation to Individuals for Freethought for Fall 1999 ..................................148 Special Allocation to Muslim Student Association for Spring 1999 ...............149 Allocation to National United Law Enforcement Officers of America for Fall 1999 .....................................................................................................150 Bill 98/99/117 Allocation to Hispanic American Leadership Organization for Fall 1999 ......151 Bill 98/99/118 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Privilege Fee Committee Responsibilities.................................................................................................152 Bill 98/99/119 Privilege Fee Review Schedule .......................................................................153 Bill 98/99/120 Creation of the Career and Employment Services Privilege Fee .....................154 Bill 98/99/121 Creation of the SGA Special Committee on Implementation of Safe Ride .....156 Bill 98/99/122 Allocation to KSU Aikido for Fall 1999 .........................................................157 Bill 98/99/123 Special Allocation to KSU Aikido for Fall 1999 .............................................158 Bill 98/99/124 Allocation to Black Student Union for Fall 1999 ............................................159 Bill 98/99/125 Special Allocation to the Circle K Club for Fall 1999 ....................................160 Bill 98/99/126 Allocation to Wildcat Walk Escort Program for Fiscal Year 2000 .................161 Bill 98/99/127 Adoption of College Council Allocations for Fiscal Year 2000 ....................162 Bill 98/99/128 Enactment of Revisions to the Funding Statutes .............................................163 Bill 98/99/129 Privilege Fee Definition....................................................................................174 Bill 98/99/130 Creation of the SGA Special Committee to Research Privilege Fee Levels ....175 Bill 98/99/131 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Attorney General Interview and Selection Committee..................................................................176 Bill 98/99/132 Amendments to Funding Regulations Concerning Registered Organizations .178 Bill 98/99/133 Amendments Concerning the Registration of Organizations ...........................180 Bill 98/99/134 Special Allocation to Anime and Manga Society for Fall 1999 .......................182 1998-1999 BILLS INDEX Constitutional Amendments Bill 98/99/37 Constitutional Amendment Concerning Duties of the Senate Chair ..................50 Bill 98/99/38 Constitutional Amendment Concerning Duties of the Senate Vice Chair..........51 Bill 98/99/68 Constitutional Amendments Concerning Student Senate Voting ......................89 Bill 98/99/76 Constitutional Amendment Regarding the University Activities Board .........101 Bill 98/99/86 Constitutional Amendment Creating the Executive Council for the Judicial Branch ................................................................................................106 Bill 98/99/87 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards ...............................................................117 Bill 98/99/88 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards ................................................................118 Bill 98/99/89 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards ................................................................119 Bill 98/99/90 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards ................................................................120 Bill 98/99/92 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Starting Dates of the Term of Parking Citation Appeals Board Members .........................................124 Bill 98/99/131 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Attorney General Interview and Selection Committee..................................................................176 By-Laws Amendments Bill 98/99/01 By-Laws Amendment Creating a Summer Treasurer...........................................1 Bill 98/99/04 By-Laws Amendment Repealing Required Office Hours ....................................4 Bill 98/99/09 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Parking Citation Appeals Process.........18 Bill 98/99/34 By-Laws Amendment Repealing Committee Rules and Recordkeeping...........46 Bill 98/99/35 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Format and Wording Changes ....................47 Bill 98/99/36 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Election Code and Replacement of Senators ..........................................................................................................49 Bill 98/99/39 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Duties of the Student Senate Secretary.......52 Bill 98/99/40 By-Laws Amendment Pertaining to the Joint Committee on Officers’ Compensation .....................................................................................................53 Bill 98/99/41 By-Laws Amendment Repealing Nomination Approval Procedure ..................54 Bill 98/99/42 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Structure of Senate Executive Committee...........................................................................................................55 Bill 98/99/43 By-Laws Amendment Repealing Senate Operations Personnel Responsibilities...................................................................................................57 Bill 98/99/44 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Submission of Legislation ..........................59 Bill 98/99/53 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Allocation Process ......................................70 Bill 98/99/64 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the SASS and Communications Committees .........................................................................................................85 Bill 98/99/77 By-Laws Amendment to Create the Campus Activities Board ........................102 Bill 98/99/78 By-Laws Amendment Adding the Joint Committee on Diversity....................103 Bill 98/99/84 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Matters.........................................110 Bill 98/99/85 By-Laws Amendment Detailing the Executive Council for the Judicial Branch .................................................................................................115 Bill 98/99/91 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards .......................................................................121 Bill 98/99/93 By-Laws Amendment Clarifying Range of Sanctions .....................................125 Bill 98/99/94 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Composition and Appointment of the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee..................................126 Bill 98/99/98 By-Laws Amendment Creating a Permanent Cabinet Position for Technology .......................................................................................................132 Bill 98/99/111 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Resolution of a Complaint ..................145 Bill 98/99/118 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Privilege Fee Committee Responsibilities.................................................................................................152 Statutes Amendments Bill 98/99/05 Adoption of SGA Funding Statutes ......................................................................5 Bill 98/99/10 1998-1999 Informal Funding Guidelines ...........................................................19 Bill 98/99/22 Repeal of Statutes Relating to the Summer Allocations Process........................33 Bill 98/99/54 Amendment to the Elections Regulations Code Concerning Elections Spending .............................................................................................71 Bill 98/99/69 Election Statute Amendment Concerning Campaign Expense Reports .............91 Bill 98/99/70 Amendment to the Election Regulations Code Concerning Elections Spending .............................................................................................92 Bill 98/99/71 Amendment to the Election Regulations Code Concerning Elections Timeline ..............................................................................................................94 Bill 98/99/128 Enactment of Revisions to the Funding Statutes ..............................................163 Bill 98/99/129 Privilege Fee Definition....................................................................................174 Bill 98/99/132 Amendments to Funding Regulations Concerning Registered Organizations ....................................................................................................178 Bill 98/99/133 Amendments Concerning the Registration of Organizations ...........................180 Allocations Bill 98/99/11 Bill 98/99/13 Bill 98/99/14 Bill 98/99/15 Bill 98/99/17 Bill 98/99/19 Bill 98/99/21 Bill 98/99/24 Bill 98/99/25 Bill 98/99/26 Bill 98/99/27 Bill 98/99/28 Bill 98/99/31 Bill 98/99/33 Bill 98/99/46 Bill 98/99/50 Bill 98/99/51 Bill 98/99/57 Bill 98/99/58 Bill 98/99/59 Allocation to the Saint Francis Canterbury Episcopal Student Fellowship for Spring 1999 ................................................................................20 Allocation to the Black Student Union for Spring 1999.....................................22 Allocation to the Native American Student Body for Spring 1999....................23 Allocation to the KSU Students for the Right to Life for Spring 1999 ..............24 Allocation to the Individuals for Freethought for Spring 1999 ..........................26 Allocation for Racial Ethnic Harmony Week.....................................................28 Allocation to the KSU Association of Residence Halls for Spring 1999 ...........32 Allocation to the KSU Project Management Institute Student Chapter for Spring1999 ...................................................................................................36 Allocation to Chi Alpha for Fall 1998 ................................................................37 Allocation to the Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Society for Spring 1999 ..............38 Allocation to the National United Law Enforcement Officers of America for Spring 1999 ....................................................................................39 Allocation to the KSU American Civil Liberties Union for Spring 1999 ..........40 Allocation to the Muslim Student Association for Spring 1998.........................43 Allocation to the Latter-Day Saint Student Association for Spring 1999 ..........45 Allocation to the Hispanic American Leadership Organization for Spring 1999.........................................................................................................61 Allocation to the Golden Key National Honor Society for Spring 1999............67 Allocation to the Young Democrats for Spring 1999 .........................................68 Allocation to the International Coordinating Council for Spring 1999 ..............77 Allocation to the Asian American Student Union for Spring 1999....................78 Allocation to the Chinese Student and Scholar Association for Spring 1999 ....79 Bill 98/99/62 Bill 98/99/79 Bill 98/99/81 Bill 98/99/83 Bill 98/99/100 Bill 98/99/101 Bill 98/99/102 Bill 98/99/105 Bill 98/99/106 Bill 98/99/107 Bill 98/99/109 Bill 98/99/112 Bill 98/99/113 Bill 98/99/114 Bill 98/99/116 Bill 98/99/117 Bill 98/99/122 Bill 98/99/124 Bill 98/99/126 Bill 98/99/127 Allocation to KSU Aikido for Spring 1999 ........................................................82 Allocation to UFM Community Learning Center for FY 2000........................105 Allocation to the Hispanic American Leadership Organization for Spring 1999.......................................................................................................107 Allocation to the Vietnamese Student Association for Spring 1999 ................109 Allocation to the African Student Union for Fall 1999 ....................................134 Allocation to the K-State ACLU for Fall 1999.................................................135 Allocation to Academic Competition Teams for Fiscal Year 2000..................136 Allocation to the International Coordinating Council for Fall 1999 ................139 Allocation to the Native American Student Body for Fall 1999 ......................140 Allocation to the Paraguayan Student Association for Fall 1999.....................141 Allocation to the KSU Women’s Center for Fiscal Year 2000 ........................143 Allocation to Amnesty International for Fall 1999...........................................146 Allocation to Muslim Student Association for Fall 1999 .................................147 Allocation to Individuals for Freethought for Fall 1999...................................148 Allocation to National United Law Enforcement Officers of America for Fall 1999......................................................................................................150 Allocation to Hispanic American Leadership Organization for Fall 1999.......151 Allocation to KSU Aikido for Fall 1999 ..........................................................157 Allocation to Black Student Union for Fal 1999 ..............................................159 Allocation to Wildcat Walk Escort Program for Fiscal Year 2000 ..................161 Adoption of College Council Allocations for Fiscal Year 2000 ......................162 Special Allocations Bill 98/99/08 Special Allocation to the Native American Student Body for Fall 1998............17 Bill 98/99/16 Special Allocation to the KSU Students for the Right to Life for Spring 1999.........................................................................................................25 Bill 98/99/29 Special Allocation to the Black Student Union for Spring 1998........................41 Bill 98/99/30 Special Allocation to the Hispanic American Leadership Organization for Fall 1998........................................................................................................42 Bill 98/99/32 Special Allocation to the Latter-Day Saint Student Association for Spring 1999.........................................................................................................44 Bill 98/99/45 Special Allocation to the Young Democrats for Spring 1999 ............................60 Bill 98/99/49 Special Allocation to the Blue Key Senior Honor Society for Fall 1998 ...........66 Bill 98/99/60 Special Allocation to the Asian American Student Union for Fall 1998............80 Bill 98/99/61 Special Allocation to the Asian American Student Union for Fall 1998............81 Bill 98/99/63 Special Allocation to KSU Aikido for Spring 1999 ...........................................84 Bill 98/99/65 Special Allocation to Newman Club for Spring 1999 ........................................86 Bill 98/99/66 Special Allocation to the Paw Power Pulling Team for Spring 1999.................87 Bill 98/99/72 Special Allocation to the Blue Key Senior Leadership Honorary for Spring 1999.........................................................................................................95 Bill 98/99/82 Special Allocation to the KSU Project Management Institute for Spring 1999.......................................................................................................108 Bill 98/99/99 Special Allocation to the African Student Union for Spring 1999 ...................133 Bill 98/99/103 Special Allocation to the Apostolic Campus Ministry for Spring 1999 ...........137 Bill 98/99/104 Special Allocation to the Asian American Student Union for Fall 1999..........138 Bill 98/99/108 Special Allocation to the Men Against Rape Society for Spring 1999 ............142 Bill 98/99/110 Special Allocation to Golden Key National Honor Society for Fall 1999 .......144 Bill 98/99/115 Special Allocation to Muslim Student Association for Spring 1999................149 Bill 98/99/123 Special Allocation to KSU Aikido for Fall 1999..............................................158 Bill 98/99/125 Special Allocation to the Circle K Club for Fall 1999 .....................................160 Bill 98/99/134 Special Allocation to Anime and Manga Society for Fall 1999 .......................182 Privilege Fees Bill 98/99/03 Bill 98/99/20 Bill 98/99/23 Bill 98/99/55 Bill 98/99/56 Bill 98/99/73 Bill 98/99/74 Bill 98/99/80 Bill 98/99/96 Bill 98/99/97 Bill 98/99/120 Course Information Program Funding..................................................................3 Office of Student Activities and Services Fee Increase......................................29 Student Activity Fee Continuance ......................................................................34 K-State Student Union Operations Fee Continuance .........................................73 K-State Student Union Repair and Replacement Fee Continuance....................75 KSDB Privilege Fee Increase .............................................................................96 Emergency Allocation to KSDB.........................................................................98 Emergency Allocation to K-State Student Union.............................................106 Recreational Services Fee Continuance............................................................128 Recreational Services Repair and Replacement Fee Continuance ...................130 Creation of the Career and Employment Services Privilege Fee......................154 Special Committees Bill 98/99/06 Creation of the Student Senate Special Committee to Study Services Provided to Student Organizations .....................................................................15 Bill 98/99/12 Creation of the SGA Special Committee to Research Safe-Ride .......................21 Bill 98/99/67 Creation of the Task Force on Independent Living ............................................88 Bill 98/99/121 Creation of the SGA Special Committee on Implementation of Safe Ride......156 Bill 98/99/130 Creation of the SGA Special Committee to Research Privilege Fee Levels ....175 Miscellaneous Funding Bills Bill 98/99/02 Amendment to Bill 97/98/155: Closing of Accounts ...........................................2 Bill 98/99/07 Closing of Accounts for Spring 1998 .................................................................16 Bill 98/99/18 Closing of Accounts for College Councils and Academic Competition Teams for 1998 ...................................................................................................27 Bill 98/99/47 Closing of Accounts for Institutional Services ...................................................62 Bill 98/99/48 Allocation of FY 2000 Educational Opportunity Fund ......................................63 Bill 98/99/75 Closing of Accounts for Fall 1998....................................................................199 Bill 98/99/95 Internal Audit Schedule for Fiscal Year 2000 ..................................................127 Bill 98/99/119 Privilege Fee Review Schedule ........................................................................153 BILL 98/99/01 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CREATING A SUMMER TREASURER Gabe Eckert, Jake Worcester and Canton Getz WHEREAS if the SGA Treasurer is unable to reside in Manhattan during the summer, there is currently no provision for an individual to carry out his or her duties; and WHEREAS it is vital to the success and well-being of the Student Governing Association to have a student responsible for approving financial transactions during the summer; and WHEREAS this by-laws amendment would resolve and improve the current situation, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A new Article V Section 8 C of the KSU SGA By-Laws be created as follows: C. The Student Senate Chair, in consultation with the SGA Treasurer and Vice Chair, shall have the authority to appoint a Summer Treasurer. The Summer Treasurer shall have authority to carry out functions designated by the SGA Treasurer. The term of office shall last from the first day after spring finals to the first Monday before fall classes begin. SECTION 2. The existing Article V Section 8 C is hereby renumbered as D. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 30, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 52-1 [two-thirds selected-and-qua fl/led vote required for passage] 1 BILL 98/99/02 BY: AMENDMENT TO BILL 97/98/155: CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS Canton Getz, Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the Allocations Committee is required to close all accounts for organizations’ projects tat have either been encumbered once already or have had a portion of the funds spent from the project; and WHEREAS after the passage of Bill 97/98/15 5, some additional expenditure requests were still pending approval of the SGA Treasurer; and WHEREAS these expenditure requests have since been approved, altering the balances reverted back to the SGA Reserves for Contingencies Account, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Bill 97/98/155 be amended such that the following amounts replace those originally specified for each of the respective groups named: ORGANIZATION Indian Student Association International Club International Coordinating Council Total: AMOUNT $0.00 $897.70 $286.60 $6,161.13 SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 30, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 54-0 2 BILL 98/99/03 BY: COURSE INFORMATION PROGRAM FUNDING Privilege Fee Committee WHEREAS Senate Bill 97/98/108 provided Fiscal Year 1999 funding for the Course Information Program through the Office of Student Activities and Services budget; and WHEREAS a mis-communication with the Vice President for Administration and Finance’s office occurred and the CIP funding was not included in the OSAS budget; and WHEREAS this error was detected too late to make internal adjustments to the Privilege Fee distribution process through the Kansas State University Controller’s Office; and WHEREAS Course Information Program needs its allocation of $14,810 for Fiscal Year 1999 to continue; and WHEREAS Senate Bill 97/98/25 allows special allocations from the Privilege Fee Adjustment account for unforeseen circumstances, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. $14,810 be transferred from the Privilege Fee Adjustment Account (FRS #480415) to the Office of Student Activities and Services Account (FRS #4-80419) to fund Course Information Program for Fiscal Year 1999. SECTION 2. A copy of this Bill be sent to the Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON AUGUST 27, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 50-0 3 BILL 98/99/04 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT REPEALING REQUIRED OFFICE HOURS Mary Bosco, Robin Cates, Carrie Cook, Kelly Dickson, Gabe Eckert, Carlton Getz, Bill Harlan, Arnie Kershner, Jason Lacey, Andy Mackim, Tracey Mann, Jeff Meder, Josh Rengstorf, Phil Stein, Rhett Trujillo and Jake Worcester WHEREAS office hours were originally designed to assist the staff of the Office of Student Activities and Services with day-to-day operations; and WHEREAS during the past several years, the time senators and interns invest in office hours has not been consistently productive; and WHEREAS eliminating office hours as a requirement for student senators and interns would not reduce the quality or efficiency of the Office of Student Activities and Services; and WHEREAS Article V Section 4 A requires that each student senator, standing committee chairperson and Student Senate intern serve one office hour per week, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V. Section 4.A. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. Article V, Section 4.B. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby renumbered as Section 4.A. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 3, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 [two-thirds selected and qualified vote required for passage] 4 BILL 98/99/05 BY: ADOPTION OF SGA FUNDING STATUTES Allocations Committee WHEREAS the current funding regulations for student groups dealing with the Student Activity Fee are complicated and difficult to understand; and WHEREAS simple changes and revisions to the Funding Statutes may be made to simplify and clarify the funding process; and WHEREAS changes may also be made to better manage student funds and better assist student groups while simplifying the accounting required to maintain and manage the student group accounts; and WHEREAS the proposed changes to the Funding Statutes are designed to resolve many of the complaints associated with the current funding statutes, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Sections 13-0102 through 13-0103 of the KSU SGA Statutes, known as the Funding Regulations, are hereby repealed. SECTION 2. The following be adopted as the new funding regulations: 13-0102 General A. Definitions D. For the purpose of the Funding Statutes, the following definitions shall apply: a) Academic Competition Team. An Academic Competition Team shall be an organization designated by the Allocations Committee as having a vested interest in attending competitions at which such teams represent the University and its colleges to further the academic and educational status of the University as a whole. b) Campus Wide Organization. A Campus Wide Organization shall be any organization registered with the University Activities Board and recognized as not being associated with any specific college. c) College Council. A College Council shall be the governing body of a college of the University, such definition to include the Graduate School as a college for this definition. d) College Council Organization. A College Council Organization shall be any organization registered with the University Activities Board whose organizational focus shall be academic or professional in nature and may be associated with a specific academic college. e) Fine Arts Organization. A Fine Arts Organization shall be any organization registered with the University Activities Board which is associated with a college or department of the University which actively promotes the arts. e) Institutional Service. An Institutional Service shall be any organization so designated by the Allocations Committee. B. Universal Requirements 5 1. a) b) c) In order to request funds from the Student Activity Fee in any semesterly period, an organization must fulfill each of the following requirements: The organization must be a student group currently registered with the University Activities Board, or an Institutional Service; The organization must have sent a representative to one of the funding workshops held by the Treasurer in the semester for which the funding requests are to be made. The organization must submit to the SGA Treasurer a statement of the fundraising activities of the organization over the past year, including the specific events and the amounts raised. This statement must be submitted with the organization’s funding requests on the Fund Raising Report Form available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. 13-0103 Campus Wide Organizations A. General Criteria 1. Open Projects. All projects sponsored by Campus Wide Organizations with student fee funds must show an educational benefit to the students of the University, must be open to all students of the University, and must be free to all students of the University. Such projects must also be held on the University campus or within the Manhattan community. 2. Differentiation of Projects. Each project for which funding is to be requested must be distinct and independent, and must be related to the goals of the organization itself. 3. Fund Raising. All groups should make a reasonable effort to raise funds, either through dues or other events. While not a requirement for funding, the Allocations Committee may reject funding for any requested materials which would commonly be paid for by fund raising at its discretion. B. Request Process 1. Requests. Requests for funding of projects from the Student Activity Fee may be made by Campus Wide Organizations fulfilling the requirements of 13-0102 through the completion and submission of a funding request form, available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. A separate funding request form must be submitted for each project the organization wishes to hold, up to a maximum of three projects in any semester. 2. The funding request form shall be completed in accordance with the form’s instructions. Funds requested for a project must be divided into separate categories, outlined below. Each category must have a detailed description of the items the funds requested for that category are to be used for and an estimate of cost for each item. a) Promotions. Promotions shall include any expense related to advertisement of an activity, such as newspaper advertisements, radio advertisements, leaflets or posters, and other such materials. b) Honoraria. Honoraria shall include any funds requested by an organization in order to bring a speaker or performed to a planned project or event. c) Rent of Space. Rent of space shall include any expenses related to renting rooms or other areas for performances, meetings, and other such events. d) Rent of Equipment. Rent of equipment shall include any costs related to rental of tables and chairs, movie projectors, or other necessary materials for a project. 6 d) 3. C. Films. Films shall include any expense for the rental of movies, documentaries, recorded theatrical shows, or other such events. e) Other. This category shall include any expenses for items that do not reasonably fit in the above categories, such as supplies. Funding for “other” expenses shall be determined independent of the other categories and shall be subject to the limitations on funding, below. Funding request forms must be completed and submitted to the Allocations Committee in the Office of Student Activities and Services not later than the fourth Friday after the beginning of semesterly classes for each semester. Limitations 1. Services, Where Acquired. Funds allocated by the Allocations Committee must be spent on services offered on the University campus whenever these services are available. 2. Honorarium. All recipients of an honorarium are required to complete a standard performance contract prior to payment. Groups must submit an honorarium data information sheet with performance contract at least six weeks before the event to receive payment. 3. Spending Restrictions. Student funds allocated by the Allocations Committee may not be spent on any of the following items: a) Food. Food may not be purchased with student funds unless such materials are to be used in an educational experiment. Prior approval from the Treasurer should be gained before an expenditure for this exception is made. b) Social Events. Student funds may not be spent on any materials pertaining to social functions, parties, or banquets, and may not be spent for any materials in any project where such an event is part thereof. c) Personal Materials. Student funds may not be spent on any personal materials, such as plaques, gifts, awards, flowers, name tags, engravings for specific individuals, photographs, or clothing. d) Wages. Student funds may not be spent on wages or compensation of any kind, with the exception of honoraria. D. Reserve Accounts 1. Holding of Funds. Campus Wide Organizations who have been allocated student funds for a project that was not held in the semester in which it was originally intended to be held may retain such funds through the semester following the semester in which the project was originally intended to be held. Funds allocated for any project not held after two semesters shall be returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account. 13-0104 College Councils and College Council Organizations A. General Criteria 1. Open Projects. All projects sponsored by College Councils or College Council Organizations must show an educational benefit to the students of the individual college, must be open to all students of the University, and must be free to all students of the University. 2. Differentiation of Projects. Each project for which funding is to be requested must be distinct and independent, and must be related to the goals of the organization itself. 7 3. Fund Raising. All groups should make a reasonable effort to raise funds, either through dues or other events. While not a requirement for funding, the Allocations Committee may reject funding for any requested materials which would commonly be paid for by fund raising at its discretion. B. Powers of the College Councils 1. Allocation of Funds. Each college council shall be responsible for the processing of funding requests for any organization classified as a College Council Organization. Such funding requests shall be considered and funds allocated in any equitable manner as determined by the individual college councils. Such allocations must be consistent with the Funding Statute regulations which apply to funding of the College Councils, following. 2. Special Allocations. Special allocations may be made by the College Councils, at their discretion and in any equitable manner which they so choose, to any College Council Organization submitting a request for special allocations to the College Council. Such allocations, however, must adhere to the requirements and restrictions provided in the Funding Statute in respect to special allocations, 130106. C. Request Process 1. Requests. Requests for funding of projects from the Student Activity Fee may be made by College Councils and College Council Organizations fulfilling the requirements of 13-0102 through the completion and submission of a funding request form, available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. College Council Organizations must submit funding request forms to the College Council. The College Council must submit an omnibus funding request to the Allocations Committee in the Office of Student Activities and Services. 2. The College Council funding request form must be completed in accordance with the form’s instructions. Funds requested must be divided into those funds requested by each individual College Council Organization, and each individual organization request must be divided in accordance with the categories listed below. a) Promotions. Promotions shall include any expense related to the advertisement of an activity, such as newspaper advertisements, radio advertisements, leaflets or posters, and other such materials. b) Honoraria. Honoraria shall include any funds requested by an organization in order to bring a speaker or performed to a planned project or event. c) Rent of Space. Rent of space shall include any expenses related to renting rooms or other areas for performances, meetings, and other such events. d) Rent of Equipment. Rent of equipment shall include any costs related to rental of tables and chairs, movie projectors, or other necessary materials for a project. d) Films. Films shall include any expense for the rental of movies, documentaries, recorded theatrical shows, or other such events. e) Other. This category shall include any expenses for items that do not reasonably fit in the above categories, such as supplies. Funding for “other” expenses shall be determined independent of the other categories and shall be subject to the limitations on funding, below. 8 f) 3. Open House. This category shall represent a College Council’s request for funds related to open house activities and funds in this category may only be requested by the College Council itself. Budget requests forms for College Councils must be completed and submitted to the Allocations Committee in the Office of Student Activities and Services not later than the last Friday of April for the following fiscal year. C. Limitations 1. Services, Where Acquired. Funds allocated by the Allocations Committee must be spent on services offered on the University campus whenever these services are available. 2. Honorarium. All recipients of an honorarium are required to complete a standard performance contract prior to payment. Groups must submit an honorarium data information sheet with performance contract at least six weeks before the event to receive payment. 3. Spending Restrictions. Student funds allocated by the Allocations Committee may not be spent on any of the following items: a) Food. Food may not be purchased with student funds except unless such materials are to be used in an educational experiment. Prior approval from the Treasurer should be gained before an expenditure for this exception is made. b) Social Events. Student funds may not be spent on any materials pertaining to social functions, parties, or banquets, and may not be spent for any materials in any project where such an event is part thereof. c) Personal Materials. Student funds may not be spent on any personal materials, such as plaques, gifts, awards, flowers, name tags, engravings for specific individuals, photographs, or clothing. d) Wages. Student funds may not be spent on wages or compensation of any kind, with the exception of honoraria. e) Open House Restrictions. The Treasurer of the Student Governing Association shall have the authority to compile a list of materials that may not be purchased with student funds for open house activities. Such a list will be available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. D. Reserve Accounts 1. College Council Organizations. College Council Organizations which have been allocated student funds by the College Council for a project that was not held in the semester in which it was originally intended to be held may retain such funds through the semester following the semester in which the project was originally intended to be held. Funds allocated for any project not held after two semesters shall be returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account. 2. College Councils. College Councils which have been allocated funds and have not spent or allocated to College Council Organizations the entire allocations received at the beginning of each fiscal year, may retain in a reserve account funds equal to the greater of one thousand dollars (S 1,000.00) or twenty percent (20%) of the fiscal year’s College Council budget. Funds over this amount will be returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account. 13-0105 Institutional Services A. General Criteria 9 1. 2. 3. Registration. Institutional Services requesting funds from the Student Activity Fee must have been registered as an Institutional Service for not less than one (1) year prior to such a funding request being made. Demonstration of Necessity. Institutional Services which request funds for the categories of promotions or travel must submit a statement demonstrating the need for such expenditures to maintain the services they provide. Fund Raising. All groups should make a reasonable effort to raise funds, either through dues or other events. While not a requirement for funding, the Allocations Committee may reject funding for any requested materials which would commonly be paid for by fund raising at its discretion. B. Request Process 1. Requests. Requests for funding of projects from the Student Activity Fee may be made by Campus Wide Organizations fulfilling the requirements of 13-0102 through the completion and submission of a funding request form, available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. A separate funding request form must be submitted for each project the organization wishes to hold, up to a maximum of three projects in any semester. 2. The funding request form must be completed in accordance with the form’s instructions. Funds requested for a project must be divided into separate categories, outlined below. Each category must have a detailed description of the items the funds requested for that category are to be used for and an estimate of cost for each item. a) Promotions. Promotions shall include any expense related to the advertisement of an activity, such as newspaper advertisements, radio advertisements, leaflets or posters, and other such materials. b) Honoraria. Honoraria shall include any funds requested by an organization in order to bring a speaker or performed to a planned project or event. c) Rent of Space. Rent of space shall include any expenses related to renting rooms or other areas for performances, meetings, and other such events. d) Rent of Equipment. Rent of equipment shall include any costs related to rental of tables and chairs, movie projectors, or other necessary materials for a project. e) Films. Films shall include any expense for the rental of movies, documentaries, recorded theatrical shows, or other such events. f) Payroll. Payroll shall include expenses related to the staffing of services provided by the Institutional Service. g) Other. This category shall include any expenses for items that do not reasonably fit in the above categories, such as supplies. Funding for “other” expenses shall be determined independent of the other categories and shall be subject to the limitations on funding, below. 3. Funding requests forms must be completed and submitted to the Allocations Committee in the Office of Student Activities and Services not later than the fourth Friday after the beginning of semesterly classes for each semester. C. Limitations 1. Services, Where Acquired. Funds must be spent on services offered on the University campus whenever these services are available. 2. Honorarium. All recipients of an honorarium are required to complete a standard performance contract prior to payment. Groups must submit an honorarium data 10 3. E. information sheet with performance contract at least six weeks before the event to receive payment. Spending Restrictions. Student funds may not be spent on any of the following items: a) Food. Food may not be purchased with student funds except unless such materials are to be used in an educational experiment. Prior approval from the Treasurer should be gained before an expenditure for this exception is made. b) Social Events. Student funds may not be spent on any materials pertaining to social functions, parties, or banquets, and may not be spent for any materials in any project where such an event is part thereof. c) Personal Materials. Student funds may not be spent on any personal materials, such as plaques, gifts, awards, flowers, name tags, engravings for specific individuals, photographs, or clothing. d) Payroll. Individuals to by paid wages by an Institutional Service must be included on the payroll of the Institutional Service. Individuals must be members of a university department to be included on the payroll of an Institutional Service. Unspent Funds 1. Unspent Funds Returned. All unspent funds allocated to an Institutional Service shall be returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account. 13-0106 Special Allocations A. Definitions 1. Special Allocation. Special Allocation shall be defined as any allocation related to travel or capital expenditures that is intended as a single, non recurring, event. 2. Travel. Travel shall be defined as a request for funds to pay expenses related to travel, lodging, and food. 3. Capital Expenditures. Capital Expenditures shall be defined as any request for funds related to the purchase of non-consumable goods that can be considered inventory items and have a useful life of more than one year. B. Request Requirements 1. Travel. Any request for travel must include a statement of the purpose of the project, a statement concerning the educational value of the project to the university or an academic department, as well as detailed information as to the methods of travel, lodging, and other expenses. Travel shall be funded at the rate applicable to reimbursement for expenditures made by individuals traveling for the State of Kansas. 2. Capital Expenditures. Any request for funds to purchase capital goods must be accompanied by a statement of the educational value of the purchase to the University or an academic department, a cost benefit analysis for the purchase indicating that beneficial nature of the goods, a statement of the need for the purchase, and a justified estimate of the cost of the goods at the lowest possible price for a reasonable degree of quality. 3. Submission of Requests. Requests for special allocations must be submitted to the SGA Treasurer at least four weeks prior to the planned date of the travel or the purchase of capital goods. 11 13-0107 Allocations A. Determination, General Method 1. How Allocated Amount Determined. The Allocations Committee shall determine the amount of funding to be received by each requesting group for each requested project based on the estimates of necessary expenditures provided by the organization, the Allocation Committee’s review and confirmation of the estimates made, the amount allocated to the same or similar projects in the past, and an organization’s past fund raising activities. B. Process 1. After a request form is delivered to the Allocations Committee, the Committee will initially consider the requested allocation. Each group of projects submitted by any one organization will be assigned to a member of the Allocations Committee. This committee member will be responsible for confirming cost estimates and retrieving any additional information the committee deems necessary for making a funding recommendation. 2. The committee member will present the findings to the Allocations Committee at the meeting following the one at which the project request was assigned. Based on the information provided, the Committee shall determine a reasonable level of funding for each category of the project and vote to approve this recommended allocation to the Student Senate. After a recommended allocation is made, the Allocations Committee must them determine whether or not the project application qualifies for the Early Request Credit or the Complete Information Credit. a) The Early Request Credit shall apply to any project funding request submitted to the Allocations Committee at least one week prior to the latest deadline for submission of project funding requests. Projects which meet this criteria shall receive an additional five percent (5%) over the Allocation Committee’s recommended funding level. b) The Complete Information Credit shall apply to any funding request submitted to the Allocations Committee that includes complete information, such information to include names for all speakers, location of events, location of rent of space, promotions to be held, films to be shown, equipment to be rented, and accurate estimates of each cost. Such information must be submitted in full with the original project funding request in order to qualify for the Complete Information Credit. Projects which meet this criteria shall receive an additional five percent (5%) over the Allocation Committee’s recommended funding level. 3. Allocations Bills submitted to the Student Senate shall include the categories of funding, the requested funding amounts, the recommended funding amounts, and any credits which the Allocations Committee determines is applicable to a specific project represented by the Bill. 4. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, funds for a project shall be available to the organization sponsoring such project. C. Expenditure of Funds 1. Lump Sum Funding. In accordance with the lump sum funding of an organization’s project, the organization may spend the funds allocated for a project in any manner in which the organization sees fit, provided that such 12 expenditures fall within the permissible expenditures as outlined in the Funding Statutes. a) Overruns. An organization may spend funds on materials in any category that exceeds the recommended amount for that category as determined by the Allocations Committee, provided that the total amount spent on a project does not exceed the total amount allocated for the project by the Student Senate. b) Limitation. An organization which intends to exceed the recommended amount for any category by more than twenty-five percent (25%) must submit an Overrun Request Form to the SGA Treasurer for the approval of such excess expenditures along with a detailed reason for the excess and the manner in which the excess funds were gained through a nonexpenditure in another category. Such forms are available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. No funds may be transferred from the recommended amount for honoraria. 13-0108 Administrative A. Workshops 1. Funding Workshops. The SGA Treasurer and the Coordinator of Student Activities, or designee, shall conduct no fewer than four funding workshops at the beginning of every semester. Funding workshops shall be held during the second week of September and the first week of February for funding requests to be submitted in the fall and spring semesters, respectively. The time and place of these workshops will be at the discretion of the SGA Treasurer, and prior notice of the time and place of each workshop must be made two weeks before such workshops will be held. B. Organization Designations 1. For the purpose of the Funding Statutes, the Allocations Committee shall have the authority to determine the classification of any organization with respect to the outlines of the Funding Statutes in consultation with the University Activities Board. 2. The Allocations Committee shall have the authority to determine and designate Institutional Services subject to the approval of Student Senate. C. Funding Sources 1. Respective Fee Allocation. Funding requests under the Funding Statutes may only be allocated from the respective funding percentage of the fee. 2. Student Activity Fee, Only Source. Funding requests under the Funding Statutes may only receive funding from the Student Activity Fee. D. Financial Records 1. Maintenance. Each organization shall be required to maintain reasonable financial records detailing all income and expenditures by the organization. 2. Inspection. An organization’s financial records must be made available to the Allocations Committee at the written request of the SGA Treasurer. E. Violations 1. Consequences. The SGA Treasurer, with the approval of the Allocations Committee, may place a hold on funding for any project or projects associated 13 with an organization if such organization deviates from University policy or the Funding Statutes in administering Student Activity Fee Funds. Serious violations, as determined by the Allocations Committee, shall be referred to the Student Senate, which shall have the authority to revoke funding provided to such an organization. Each organization shall be responsible for the proper handling of all Student Fee Funds. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 40-3 14 BILL 98/99/06 BY: CREATION OF THE STUDENT SENATE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STUDY SERVICES PROVIDED TO STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Gabe Eckert, Wendy Wenzel and Jake Worcester WHEREAS one of the primary roles of the Student Governing Association is to provide services and support to student organizations; and WHEREAS the University Activities Board was created to register student organizations and provide them with services; and WHEREAS Student Senate should constantly seek to improve the services it provides to students, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate creates the Student Senate Special Committee to Study Services Provided to Student Organizations with the following purpose: 2. Examine the current and future role of the University Activities Board. 3. Examine the relationship between the University Activities Board, Student Governing Association and the Office of Student Activities and Services. Survey all Big XII universities and other peer institutions to see how they 4. register campus organizations. 5. Examine how the University Activities Board benefits K-State students. SECTION 2. The committee shall consist of five voting members, who are student senators, including one senator who is a representative of the University Activities Board; a committee chair, who is a student senator and shall vote only in the case of a tie; and the Office of Student Activities and Services graduate assistant, who shall serve in an ex-officio, non-voting capacity. All appointments shall be made by the Student Senate Chair, in consultation with the Student Senate Vice Chair. SECTION 3. The committee shall submit its final report with recommendations to the Student Senate Chair by February 1, 1999 for the benefit of the entire Student Senate. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 17, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 51-0 15 BILL 98/99/07 BY: CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS FOR SPRING 1998 Allocations Committee WHEREAS on a semesterly basis, accounts of student organizations which have not completed funded projects within the last two semesters or who have funds remaining from projects where the entire allocation is not spent are closed and the respective funds are transferred to the Reserves for Contingencies Account; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, upon report from the SGA Accountant, has determined that the following groups have the following account balances remaining subject to reversion to the Reserves for Contingencies Account, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following amounts are hereby returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account: India Student Association Thai Student Association KSU AIKIDO Club Students for Disability Awareness International Club African Student Union National United Law Enforcement Officers Association Amnesty International Apostolic Campus Ministries International Student Friendship Bangladesh Student Association Project Management Institute Latter Day Saints Student Association Chinese Student Association Lutheran Campus Ministries Asia-American Student Association Bi-Sexual, Gay and Lesbian Society Black Student Union Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship International Coordinating Council Hispanic American Leadership Organization Native American Student Body Environmental Professionals Students for the Right to Life Students for Peace and Justice $292.44 $181.50 $215.00 $7.00 $37.45 $2,461.20 $662.77 $1,360.70 $112.50 $186.00 $1,225.50 $375.00 $580.30 $206.25 $399.00 $868.00 $1,064.88 $1,184.60 $205.80 $2,866.29 $726.32 $344.78 $1,401.00 $58.00 $750.50 TOTAL: $17,772.78 SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 50-0 16 BILL 98/99/08 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE NATIVE AMERICAN STUDENT BODY OF FALL 1998 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Native American Student Body; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Speaker Jerry Shaw - Indian Awareness Week Request Recommendation $100.00 $100.00 Promotions $500.00 $500.00 Honorarium Rent of Space $200.00 $200.00 Rent of Equipment $200.00 $200.00 Project II - Benefit Pow Wow $100.00 Promotions Honorarium $1,500.00 Rent of Space $250.00 Rent of Equipment $250.00 $100.00 $1,500.00 $250.00 $250.00 Project III - Racial Ethnic Harmony Week - Traditional Dancers Honorarium $500.00 $500.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $1,000.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project II is allocated $2,100.00 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Project III is allocated $500.00 for the activities described. SECTION 4. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Native American Student Body. SECTION 5. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 50-0 17 BILL 98/99/09 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING THE PARKING CITATION APPEALS PROCESS Senate Operations Committee and Kelly Dickson WHEREAS the number of parking citation appeals is large; and WHEREAS the large number of appeals can cause backlogs in the system; and WHEREAS the current system will work more effectively if the number of appeals is lessened, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article 6 Section 12 C of the KSU SGA By-laws is hereby amended by adding a new number 3 that reads: 3. All requests for appeal will be given to a designee of the Attorney General, who shall be appointed in consultation with the Director of Parking Services and subject to the approval of Student Senate. The designee will separate all appeals into two categories. The first category shall be known as first degree appeals. First degree appeals are appeals that the designee determines do not justify proceeding as outlined in the following subsections. First degree appeals will be given to the SGA Attorney General or designee for review to ensure that bias was not a cause for the denial of an appeal. If the Attorney General or designee determines a bias was involved, they shall proceed as outlined in the following subsections. The second category shall be known as second degree appeals. Second degree appeals are ones the designee determines do justify proceeding as outlined in the following subsections. SECTION 2. Existing Subsection 3 be renumbered as Subsection 4. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 50-0 [two-thirds selected and qualified vote required for passage] 18 BILL 98/99/10 BY: 1998-1999 INFORMAL FUNDING GUIDELINES Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Student Senate has deemed it reasonable and necessary for the Allocations Committee to determine a set of standard guidelines for funding of student groups whereby Student Senate has a yardstick with which to judge recommended allocations to student groups; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has determined that the previous method of setting rigid standards and arbitrary amounts for each of the funding categories is contradictory to the greater benefit of the students at large and their respective organizations; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee requires a degree of flexibility in providing funds to student groups, based on the individual needs of each group and the specific requirements of each requested project; and WHEREAS in view of these concerns, and having discussed and agreed upon reasonable funding levels for each of the funding categories, the Allocations Committee recommends to the Student Senate the following ranges of funding for each of the funding categories, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 14-0 102 be amended to read: Category Promotions Honoraria Rent of Space Rent of Equipment Films Range $1 00.00-$200.00 $500.00-$ 1,500.00 $250.00-$500.00 $250.00-S500.00 $250.00-$750.00 SECTION 2. KSU SGA Statutes 14-0103 through 14-0105 are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 50-0 19 BILL 98/99/11 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE SAINT FRANCIS CANTERBURY EPISCOPAL STUDENT FELLOWSHIP FOR FALL 1998 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Saint Francis Canterbury Episcopal Student Fellowship; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Dr. Constance Neely (United Nations) and Brother Robert Hughes (Franciscan) - Annual Creation and Creativity Conference Promotions Honorarium Supplies Request $200.00 $1,000.00 $200.00 Recommendation $200.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 WHEREAS having considered the extent of the information provided to the Allocations Committee with the original budget request and the delivery of the request to the Allocations Committee one week prior to the deadline, the Allocations Committee has determined that the organization is entitled to the full benefit of the credits offered to student organizations of 10%, or a total credit of $120.00, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $1,320.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, an account for the Saint Francis Canterbury Episcopal Student Fellowship shall be established and these funds transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account into such account. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 12, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 20 BILL 98/99/12 BY: CREATION OF THE SGA SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO RESEARCH SAFE-RIDE Gabe Eckert, Jake Worcester, Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Jason Lacey, Becky Guthrie and Robin Cates WHEREAS during the past few years, there has been discussion regarding the creation of a safe-ride program; and WHEREAS research needs to be done before a decision can be made regarding the feasibility and need for a safe-ride program; and WHEREAS the SGA Special Committee to Research Safe-Ride would address that topic, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Governing Association creates the SGA Special Committee to Research Safe-Ride with the following purpose: 6. 7. 8. Assess the student body’s need for a safe-ride program. Survey all Big XII universities and other peer institutions to see if they have similar programs. Study similar programs at other universities to see how they are structured. SECTION 2. The committee shall consist of the following members: 1. 2. C. D. 5. Two student senators appointed by the Student Senate Chair. One cabinet member appointed by the Student Body President. Two at-large members jointly appointed by the Student Senate Chair and Student Body President. The committee chair, who shall vote only in the case of a tie, jointly appointed by the Student Senate Chair and Student Body President. The Office of Student Activities and Services graduate assistant, who shall serve in an advisory, non-voting capacity. SECTION 3. The special committee shall submit its final report to the Student Senate Chair and Student Body President by February 17, 1999 for the benefit of the entire Student Governing Association. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 8, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 46-0 21 BILL 98/99/13 ALLOCATION TO THE BLACK STUDENT UNION FOR SPRING 1999 BY: Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Black Student Union; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Black History Month Request $187.00 Promotions $1,000.00 Honorarium Rent of Space $500.00 Rent of Equipment $500.00 Recommendation $187.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $500.00 Project II - Ujima Celebration $75.00 Promotions Honorarium $650.00 Rent of Space $308.00 Rent of Equipment $250.00 $75.00 $650.00 $308.00 $250.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project us allocated $2,187.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project II is allocated $1,283.00 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Black Student Union. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 8, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 46-0 22 BILL 98/99/14 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE NATIVE AMERICAN STUDENT BODY FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Native American Student Body; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Spring Heritage Month Powwow Request Promotions $ 75 Honorarium $2350 Rent of Equipment $ 425 Recommendation $ 75 $2350 $ 425 Project II - Randy Miller Sr. - Heritage Month Keynote Speaker Promotions $ 75 $ 75 $ 500 $ 500 Honorarium Project III - Louise Harrison - Visiting Artist Heritage Month Promotions $ 75 $ 75 Honorarium $ 500 $ 500 $ 50 $ 50 Rent of Equipment Rent of Space $100 $100 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $2850 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project II is allocated $575 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Project III is allocated $725 for the activities described. SECTION 4. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Native American Student Body. SECTION 5. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 8, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 46-0 23 BILL 98/99/15 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE KSU STUDENTS FOR THE RIGHT TO LIFE FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the KSU Students for the Right to Life; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Guest Speaker - Life Awareness Week Request $48.00 Promotions $650.00 Honorarium Recommendation $48.00 $650.00 WHEREAS having considered the extent of the information provided to the Allocations Committee with the original budget request, the Allocations Committee has determined that the organization is entitled to the complete information credit offered to student organizations of 5% per project, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $733.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU Student for the Right to Life. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 8, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 45-1 24 BILL 98/99/16 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE KSU STUDENTS FOR THE RIGHT TO LIFE FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the KSU Students for the Right to Life; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - March for Life Convention Request $350.40 Travel $200.00 Lodging Food $100.00 Recommendation $350.40 $200.00 $100.00 WHEREAS having considered the extent of the information provided to the Allocations Committee with the original budget request, the Allocations Committee has determined that the organization is entitled to the complete information credit offered to student organizations of 5% per project, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $682.90 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU Students for the Right to Life. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 8, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 45-1 25 BILL 98/99/17 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE INDIVIDUALS FOR FREETHOUGHT FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Individuals for Freethought; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Film - The Last Temptation of Christ Request Promotions $12.50 Honorarium $250.00 Recommendation $12.50 $250.00 Project II - Religious Debate Promotions $28.00 $200.00 Honorarium $28.00 $200.00 Project III - Member Recruitment Promotions $25.00 $0.00 WHEREAS having considered the extent of the information provided to the Allocations Committee with the original budget request, the Allocations Committee has determined that the organization is entitled to the complete information credit offered to student organizations of 5% per project, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $275.75 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project II is allocated $239.50 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Project III is allocated $0.00 for the activities described. SECTION 4. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Individuals for Freethought. SECTION 5. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 15, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 35-14 26 BILL 98/99/18 BY: CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS FOR COLLEGE COUNCILS AND ACADEMIC COMPETITION TEAMS FOR 1998 Allocations Committee WHEREAS on an annual basis, accounts of college councils and academic competition teams which have not fully allocated and spent their fiscal year’s allocations are closed and the respective funds are returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account and the Academic Competition Teams Reserves Account; and WHEREAS several college councils, having retained the maximum amount that is allowed according to SGA regulations in their respective reserve accounts, have balances which must revert to the Reserves for Contingencies Account, and WHEREAS several academic competition teams have funds remaining from the fiscal year that must revert back to the Academic Competition Teams Reserves Account; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, upon report from the SGA Accountant, has determined that the following college councils and academic competition teams have the following account balances remaining subject to reversion to the respective accounts, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following amounts are hereby returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account: College of Agriculture Council College of Arts & Sciences Council College of Business Administration Council College of Education Council College of Engineering Council $2,197.10 $6,960.36 $5,345.70 $1,271.65 $1,893.43 TOTAL: $17,668.24 SECTION 2. The following amounts are hereby returned to the Academic Competition Teams Reserves Account: Agricultural Competition Teams Council Business Case Competition Team $1,551.36 $592.25 TOTAL: $2,143.61 SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 1, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 48-0 27 BILL 98/99/19 BY: ALLOCATION FOR RACIAL ETHNIC HARMONY WEEK Allocations Committee WHEREAS Racial Ethnic Harmony Week is scheduled for October 4 through October 8, 1998; and WHEREAS past legislation of the Student Senate established within the Foundation Accounts a special endowment for Racial Ethnic Harmony Week, the annual interest on which was to be applied towards expenses related to events for the week, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Racial Ethnic Harmony Week is allocated $1,810.75 for related activities. SECTION 2. These funds shall be taken from the SGA Racial Ethnic Harmony Week Foundation Account and transferred into the Racial Ethnic Harmony Week Account established by the Multicultural Affairs Office. SECTION 3. Unspent funds from this allocation shall revert back to the SGA Racial Ethnic Harmony Week Foundation Account for reallocation in future years. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 1, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 49-0 28 BILL 98/99/20 BY: OFFICE OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES FEE INCREASE Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY: Increases the OSAS budget by $4,226 or about 2.1% per year over the Fiscal Year 1999 budget and allocates for three more fiscal years. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 26-08 is hereby amended to read: OFFICE OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES BUDGET AGREEMENT This agreement made this ________________ day of October, 1998, between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE) and Kansas State University Office of Student Activities and Services (DEPARTMENT). 9. The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget of $205,259 (BUDGET) shall be funded for the following fiscal years: July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000; July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001; and July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002. The BUDGET will be reviewed prior to year 2002-2003. 10. The DEPARTMENT shall allocate the funds from each year’s portion of the BUDGET as follows: OSAS General Operating: $194,032 Consumer & Tenant Affairs: $100 Executive Branch: $500 Legal Services: $2,875 Legislative Branch: $5,622 Course Information: $1,280 Judicial Branch: $850 11. Internal Auditing Services. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association will provide, through the Office of Student Activities and Services Privilege Fee the amount of $18,000 annually to obtain auditing services from the Kansas State University Internal Audit Office. This amount will be set at the level of $18,000 per year for five years beginning with FY 1999 through FY 2004, at which time the amount and services will be reevaluated by the Privilege Fee Committee and Student Governing Association to determine if the service should continue or be eliminated. The Kansas State University Internal Audit Office will dedicate approximately 1,000 hours per year to conducting audits on the specified Privilege Fee receiving agencies for that year. A Privilege Fee Agency will be defined as any agency that directly receives funding from any campus privilege fee. The audits will be set on a standard routine schedule and determined by the Privilege Fee Committee in conjunction with the Vice President of Administration and Finance and the Director of the Office of Internal Audit. The order of audits will be determined prior to the beginning of the next fiscal year. The Kansas State University Office of Internal Audit will utilize the same practices and processes to audit Privilege Fee Agencies as it would for any other university department or organization. These audits will assess the soundness, adequacy and application of accounting, financial, and other operating controls; determine adherence to Federal, State, University 29 laws and regulations and applicable sections of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association constitution, by-laws and statutes; assess compliance with applicable law, regulations and generally accepted accounting principles; ascertain whether program results are consistent with established objectives; ascertain the adequacy of controls for safeguarding University and Student Governing Association assets and funds from losses of all kinds; and assist in the improvement of University operations by making constructive suggestions and recommendations. In accordance with university policy, the Internal Audit Office shall submit a working draft to the Privilege Fee agency. The agency will have an opportunity to respond to any recommendations of the Internal Audit. In accordance with university procedure, upon completion of the report it will be made available to the Kansas Board of Regents, the appropriate university officials, the Privilege Fee Committee and the Kansas State University Student Governing Association. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association will provide, through the Office of Student Activities and Services Privilege Budget, a total of $14,810 per year to fund the various components of the Course Information Program which are: a graduate assistant; student workers; surveys and processing data; the publication of the data; office space; office supplies. The amount will be set forth at $14,810 per year beginning in FY 1999. The Course Information Program shall operate as follows: Long term planning, including survey revisions, shall be completed by the Course Information Program Committee; the graduate assistant shall oversee the daily operation of the program including the coordination of student volunteers, the compilation of data, and publication of that data. The Provost’s Office and the Office of Educational Advancement shall serve in an advisory capacity to the graduate assistant. At the end of Spring 1999, the Joint Course Information Program Committee shall submit a proposal for continuation of the Course Information Program to both the Faculty Senate and the Student Senate of Kansas State University. 12. This agreement supersedes any previous agreement made by Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas State University Student Governing Association with the Kansas State University Office of Student Activities and Services regarding funding of budgets and use of such funding. 13. Any breach of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas State University Student Senate and such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any of its rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or in any other instance. Within 60 days of the end of each fiscal year, the Director of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Senate body. 14. 15. No construction of or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section 1105). 16. This agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the state of Kansas. 30 17. By signing this agreement, the representatives of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her party to execute this document on behalf of such party and that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. 18. Bill 98/99/20 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement by the Privilege Fee Chair; the Coordinator of Student Activities and Services; the Student Senate Chair; the Vice President for Institutional Advancement; the Vice President for Administration and Finance; the Chair of the Course Information Program Board of Directors; and the Student Body President. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 8, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-3 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 31 BILL 98/99/21 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE KSU ASSOCIATION OF RESIDENCE HALLS FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the KSU Association of Residence Halls; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS having considered the extent of the information provided to the Allocations Committee with the original budget request, the Allocations Committee has determined that the organization is entitled to the complete information credit offered to student organizations of 5% per project. WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - No-Frills Conference Request Rent of Space $400 5% Credit Recommendation $400 $20 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $420 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU Association of Residence Halls. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 15, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 51-0 32 BILL 98/99/22 BY: REPEAL OF STATUTES RELATING TO THE SUMMER ALLOCATIONS PROCEDURE Allocations Committee WHEREAS statutes passed by the Student Senate in 1976 and amended in 1978 concerning the establishment of a summer Allocations Committee and allocation of Student Activity Fee funds over the summer months are no longer a working part of the Allocations Process; and WHEREAS these provisions have been superceded with subsequent legislation without their repeal, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Sections 14-0201 through 14-0203 and 14-0301 through 14-0305 of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Statutes are hereby repealed. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 15, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 51-0 33 BILL 98/99/23 BY: STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE CONTINUANCE Privilege Fee Committee WHEREAS student activities add a great deal to the experience of student life; and WHEREAS the Student Activity Fee provides many benefits to students and student groups; and WHEREAS the SGA Treasurer and the Privilege Fee Committee have satisfied the requirements set forth in Senate Resolution 98/99/22. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Chapter 27 of the KSU SGA Statutes is hereby amended by the addition of a new Section 9 to read: STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE BUDGET AGREEMENT This agreement made this ______ day of October, 1998, between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE) and the Kansas State University Student Activities (DEPARTMENT). 1. The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget of $163,500 (BUDGET) shall be funded for the fiscal years: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000; July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001; and July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002. The BUDGET will be reviewed prior to academic year 2002-2003. B. The annual DEPARTMENT BUDGET shall be allocated as follows: Campus Organizations: $49,113.00 College Councils: $56,013.00 Academic Competition: $28,861.00 Institutional Services: $29,513.00 3. This agreement supercedes any previous agreement made by Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas State University Student Governing Association with the Kansas State Student Activities regarding funding of budgets and use of such funding. 9. Any breach of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas State University Student Senate and such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any of its rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or in any other instance. 10. Within 60 days of the end of the fiscal year, the Director of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Senate Body. 11. No construction of or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the 34 student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section 1105) g. The agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the state of Kansas. h. By signing this agreement, the representatives of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her party to execute this document on behalf of such party and that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. i. Bill 98/99/23 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement by: the Privilege Fee Committee Chair; the SGA Treasurer; the Student Senate Chair; the Student Body President; the Coordinator of Student Activities and Services; and the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. SECTION 2. Sections 1 through 8 of Chapter 27 of the KSU SGA Statutes are hereby repealed. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 15, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 52-0 35 BILL 98/99/24 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE KSU PROJECT MANAGEMENT STUDENT CHAPTER FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the KSU Project Management Student Chapter; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Guest Speaker Promotions Honorarium Request $75.00 $650.00 Recommendation $75.00 $650.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $725.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU Project Management Student Chapter. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 22, 1998 A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 51-0 36 BILL 98/99/25 BY: ALLOCATION TO CHI ALPHA FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of Chi Alpha; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Speaker Promotions Honorarium Request $75.00 $650.00 Recommendation $75.00 $650.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $725.00 for the activity described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of Chi Alpha. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 22, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 51-0 37 BILL 98/99/26 ALLOCATION TO THE BISEXUAL, GAY AND LESBIAN SOCIETY FOR SPRING 1999 BY: Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Society; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS having considered the extent of the information provided to the Allocations Committee with the original budget request, the Allocations Committee has determined that the organization is entitled to the complete information credit offered to student organizations of 5% per project; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Workshop/Conference - When a Kid is Gay film Request Recommendation Promotions $75.00 $75.00 $74.00 $74.00 Material Film $19.95 $19.95 Complete Information Credit ---$ 8.50 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $177.45 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Society. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 22, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 43-6 38 BILL 98/99/27 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE NATIONAL UNITED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS OF AMERICA FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the National United Law Enforcement Officers of America; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Career Fair Promotions Rent of Space Request $425.00 $175.00 Recommendation $407.50 $175.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $582.50 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the National United Law Enforcement Officers of America. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 22, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 49-2 39 BILL 98/99/28 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE KSU AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES ORGANIZATION FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the KSU American Civil Liberties Organization; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Guest Speaker Honorarium Request $500 Recommendation $500 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $500 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU American Civil Liberties Organization. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 22, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 50-1 40 BILL 98/99/29 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE BLACK STUDENT UNION FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations request of the Black Student Union; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Travel - Twenty-Second Annual Big Twelve Conference on Black Student Government in Boulder, Colorado Travel Request $1,675.00 Recommendation $1,675.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $1,675.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Black Student Union. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 29, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 48-0 41 BILL 98/99/30 SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE HISPANIC AMERICAN LEADERSHIP ORGANIZATION FOR FALL 1998 BY: Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Hispanic American Leadership Organization; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Travel - United States Hispanic Leadership Conference in Chicago, Illinois Travel Request $700 Recommendation $700 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $700 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Hispanic American Leadership Conference. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 29, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 48-0 42 BILL 98/99/31 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE MUSLIM STUDENT ALLOCATION FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Muslim Student Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Ibrahim Al Mosa - Ramadan: Benefits of Fasting Request Recommendation $100 $100 Promotions $1000 $750 Honorarium Rent of Space $200 $0 Rent of Equipment $250 $50 Project II - Ghasssan Talib-Eids Al Adha: Festival of Sacrifice $100 $100 Promotions Honorarium $1000 $750 Rent of Space $200 $0 Rent of Equipment $250 $50 Project III - Yovnus Habibi-Quran of Modem Science Promotions $100 $100 $1000 $750 Honorarium Rent of Space $200 $0 Rent of Equipment $250 $50 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $900 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project II is allocated $900 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Project III is allocated $900 for the activities described. SECTION 4. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Muslim Student Association. SECTION 5. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 29, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-1 43 BILL 98/99/32 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE LATTER-DAY SAINTS STUDENT ASSOCIATION FOR FALL 1998 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Latter-Day Saints Student Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Speaker/Musician: Christine Belan Request $75.00 Promotions $650.00 Honorarium Rent of Equipment $250.00 Recommendation $75.00 $650.00 $250.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $975.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Latter-Day Saints Student Association. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 29, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-1 44 BILL 98/99/33 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE LATTER-DAY SAINTS STUDENT ASSOCIATION FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Latter-Day Saints Student Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Speaker: John Bytheway – “Facing Life With Humor” Request $75.00 Promotions $650.00 Honorarium Rent of Space $250.00 Recommendation $75.00 $650.00 $250.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $975.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Latter-Day Saints Student Association. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 29, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-1 45 BILL 98/99/34 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT REPEALING COMMITTEE RULES AND RECORDKEEPING Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS the By-Laws currently outline a procedure for committees to keep records of their rules and procedures; and WHEREAS this process has not been followed for many years and is deemed unnecessary as committees should follow the rules of the entire Student Senate; and WHEREAS removing unused sections and correcting errors in our current By-Laws will make them easier to use, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article III, Section 2 of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby repealed. Section. 2. Chairpersons of Student Senate standing committees shall be required to keep records of their rules and procedures which shall be filed with Senate Operations Standing Committee. SECTION 2. Article III, Section 3 of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby renumbered as Section 2 SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 29, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 49-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 46 BILL 98/99/35 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING FORMAT AND WORDING CHANGES Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS the By-Laws currently contain unusual formats, badly worded sentences, and unnecessary phrases; and WHEREAS removing unused sections and correcting errors in our current By-laws will make them easier to use, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article IV, Section 3.A. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: A. The Chief of Staff, whose duties shall include but are not limited to the following: SECTION 2. Article IV, Section 3.B. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: B. The Public Relations Director, who shall : foster public relations and enhance the distribution of information for the Executive branch. 1. Foster public relation: 2. Enhance the distribution of information for the Executive branch. SECTION 3. Article IV, Section 4.B. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: B. In the event of the resignation, removal from office or the permanently unable inability of the Student Body President to discharge their his or her duties as the Student Body President, the Student Body Vice President shall succeed to the office of Student Body President. SECTION 4. Article V, Section 3.C. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: C. Duties of the Student Senate Secretary shall include but are not limited to the following: SECTION 5. Article V, Section 3.D. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: D. Duties of the office of Parliamentarian of Student Senate shall include but are not limited to the following: SECTION 6. Article V, Section 3.D.l. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: 1. Serve as interpreter of rules at Student Senate meetings, when requested by the Chair using Roberts Rules of Order, newly revised Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised. SECTION 7. Article V, Section 6.B. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: 47 B. In the event of the resignation, removal from office or the permanently unable inability of the Chairperson of Student Senate to discharge their his or her duties as Chairperson of Student Senate, the Vice Chairperson of Student Senate shall succeed to the office of Chairperson. Student Senate shall elect a new Vice Chairperson at the second meeting thereafter. SECTION 8. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 29, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 49-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 48 BILL 98/99/36 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING ELECTIONS CODE AND REPLACEMENT OF SENATORS Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS the By-Laws currently contain faulty references and badly worded procedures; and WHEREAS removing unused sections and correcting errors in our current By-Laws will make them easier to use, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article IV, Section 4.C.1. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: 1. In the event of the Chairperson of Student Senate serving as Interim Student Body President, the Student Senate shall appoint an Emergency Election Committee as outlined in Article V, Section 10 of the By-Laws the Elections Regulations Code; unless there are less than 45 class days before the next election in which case the Chairperson of Student Senate will serve as the Student Body President for the remainder of the term. SECTION 2. Article V, Section 5.A. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: A. In the event that a vacancy occurs in Student Senate, a replacement Student Senator that meets all eligibility requirements defined in Article II, Section 202.B. of the KSU SGA Constitution, shall be determined by means of the following. SECTION 3. Article V, Section 5.A.2.a. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: a. If the vacancy occurs later than one month after the general election, a replacement Student Senator shall be appointed by the council of the college or school left without representation. The council shall suitably advertise the vacancy to all members of its respective college or school before a replacement is appointed. SECTION 4. Article V, Section 5.C. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: C. Any Student Senator who drops class hours below the amount specified in Article II, Section 202.B. of the KSU SGA Constitution or any Student Senator whose cumulative grade point average drops below the requirement specified in Article II, Section 202.B. of the KSU SGA Constitution, will automatically be considered for impeachment by Student Senate, unless properly excused by the Chairperson of Student Senate. SECTION 5. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 29, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 49-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 49 BILL 98/99/37 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONCERNING DUTIES OF THE SENATE CHAIR Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS the duties of the Student Senate Chair do not include informing the Senate Operations Committee when Senators were in violation of attendance policies; and WHEREAS this should be outlined as one of the duties and powers of the Student Senate Chair; and WHEREAS removing unused sections and correcting errors in our current Constitution will make it easier to use, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 506 of the KSU SGA Constitution is hereby amended by adding a letter O. which reads: O. Inform the Senate Operations Committee when Senators and Interns are in violation of the attendance requirement. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon ratification by six of nine college councils. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 29, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 49-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 50 BILL 98/99/38 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONCERNING DUTIES OF THE VICE CHAIR Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS the section of the Constitution outlining the duties of the Vice Chair is formatted differently than all other sections; and WHEREAS removing unused sections and correcting errors in our current Constitution will make it easier to use, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 508 of the KSU SGA Constitution is hereby amended to read: 508. Duties and Powers of the Vice Chair of Student Senate shall include but are not limited to: SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon ratification by six of nine college councils. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 29, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 49-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 51 BILL 98/99/39 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING DUTIES OF THE STUDENT SENATE SECRETARY Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS the By-Laws currently outline several duties for the Student Senate Secretary which are out of date or are being performed by someone else; and WHEREAS removing unused sections and correcting errors in our current By-Laws will make them easier to use, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 3.C.4. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: 4. Record the attendance of Senators and Interns at all meetings and office hours. SECTION 2. Article V, Section 3.C.5. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby repealed: 5. Inform the Chairperson of Senate Operations Committee when Senators and Interns are in violation of the attendance requirements. SECTION 3. Section 1. shall take effect upon passage. Section 2 shall take effect upon ratification of the amendment to Article V, Section 506.0 of the SGA Constitution. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 29, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 49-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 52 BILL 98/99/40 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENTS PERTAINING TO THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON OFFICERS’ COMPENSATION Joint Committee on Officers’ Compensation and Senate Operations Committee SUMMARY: The following amendments would allow a later, yet more compact, schedule of deadlines pertaining to the Joint Committee on Officers’ Compensation; and would provide that the JCOC only meet once every three years (in conjunction with the OSAS Budget review), unless authorized by Resolution of the Student Senate. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 12.C. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is amended to read as follows: 3. Annually, Every third year in conjunction with the budget review of the Office of Student Activities and Services, the Joint Committee shall meet, study and examine the salaries of student officers of the KSU SGA. They shall survey other student governments throughout the region and nation. The Student Senate, by resolution adopted by a majority of total Student Senate selected and qualified, may authorize and direct the Joint Committee to meet during other years. SECTION 2. Article V, Section 12.D. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is amended to read as follows: 4. Before October 1st - 15th of each year, the Joint Committee shall make a report and recommendations to Student Senate concerning the salaries of student officers of the KSU SGA. Such recommendations shall become final and effective, unless by November 1st – 15th Student Senate shall pass, by majority vote, a bill disapproving the entire set of salary recommendations and enumerating the reasons therefore. If such a bill is passed, the Joint Committee shall have the opportunity to revise and amend their recommendations and resubmit before November 15th December 1st . Such resubmitted recommendations shall become final and effective, unless by December 15th the Student Senate shall pass, by majority vote, a bill disapproving the entire set of salary recommendations. If a bill of disapproval is not passed before December 15th , such recommendations shall become effective for the next officers of the KSU SGA and the appropriate committees and Student Senate shall provide for such funds in their allocations bill. SECTION 3. Section 1 shall take effect upon passage. Section 2 shall take effect on January 1, 1999. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 29, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 49-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 53 BILL 98/99/41 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT REPEALING NOMINATION APPROVAL PROCEDURE Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS the By-Laws currently outline a procedure by which the Student Affairs and Social Services Standing Committee would approve certain nominations; and WHEREAS this process has not been followed for many years and is deemed unnecessary; and WHEREAS removing unused sections and correcting errors in our current By-Laws will make them easier to use, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 8.C. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby repealed. C. Nominations made by KSU SGA officials, in the absence of any other specific guidelines detailing the selection procedure, shall be approved by the Student Affairs & Social Services Standing Committee. SECTION 2. Article V, Section 9.J.5. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby repealed. 5. Approve all nominations made by KSU SGA officials, in the absence of any other specific guidelines detailing the selection procedure. SECTION 3. All remaining subsections shall be renumbered accordingly. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 5, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 54 BILL 98/99/42 BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING THE STRUCTURE OF SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE BY: Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS the By-Laws provision for the Senate Executive Committee is not clear and concise; and WHEREAS the current membership of the committee has changed from what the By-Laws outline; and WHEREAS removing unused sections and correcting errors in our current By-laws will make them easier to use, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 9.A. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: A. Student Senate shall have an Executive Committee composed of the Student Body President, Student Body Vice President, Chairperson of Student Senate who shall act as chairperson, Vice Chairperson of Student Senate, Student Senate representative to Faculty Senate, Parliamentarian, SGA Treasurer/Chairperson of Allocations Standing Committee, Chairperson of Privilege Fee Standing Committee, Chairperson of Academic Affairs & University Relations Standing Committee, Chairperson of Student Affairs & Social Services Committee, Chairperson of Senate Operations Standing Committee, Chairperson of Governmental Relations Standing Committee, Chairperson of Communications Standing Committee and the Student Senate Intern Coordinator. The Student Senate Executive Committee shall have the power to assign topics of problems to one of the seven standing committees outlined in this Section. A. Student Senate shall have an Executive Committee that shall have the power to assign topics or problems to one of the other standing committees. 3. Student Senate Executive Committee shall consist of ten voting members, the Chairperson of Student Senate who shall vote only to break a tie, and six ex-offieio or non-voting members. A quorum of the committee shall be six voting members, not including the Chairperson of Student Senate. 4. Membership a. The Chairperson of Student Senate who shall chair the committee. b. The voting members shall be the Vice Chairperson of Student Senate, SGA Treasurer, Chairperson of Privilege Fee Standing Committee, Chairperson of Senate Operations Standing Committee, Chairperson of Academic Affairs & University Relations Standing Committee, Chairperson of Student Affairs & Social Services Standing Committee, Chairperson of Governmental Relations Standing 55 Committee, Chairperson of Communications Standing Committee, Student Senate representative to Faculty Senate, and the Student Senate Intern Coordinator. c. The non-voting or ex-officio members shall be the Student Body President, Student Body Vice President, SGA Attorney General, the Student Body President’s Chief of Staff, Student Senate Parliamentarian, and Student Senate Secretary. SECTION 2. This bill shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 5, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 56 BILL 98/99/43 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT REPEALING SENATE OPERATIONS PERSONNEL RESPONSIBILITIES Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS the By-Laws currently outline a procedure by which the Senate Operations Committee would be involved in the interview process for positions funded by Student Senate; and WHEREAS this process has not been followed for many years and we currently have no positions funded directly by Student Senate; and WHEREAS removing unused sections and correcting errors in our current By-Laws will make them easier to use, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 9.H.2. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby repealed. 2. Senate Operations Committee shall have the following personnel responsibilities: a. Senate Operations Committee members shall be involved in the interview process for all openings of positions funded by Student Senate. The committee members shall be involved when a vacancy is reported and will havoc the following responsibilities: i Consider applicants for appointment. ii. Notify Student Senate, in vatt1, of the qualifications, along with an appearance to questions before Student Senate. Approval of the committee’s selection shall be by a simple majority vote of Student Senate. b. Senate Operations Committee shall consider complaints against KSU SGA personnel appointed by the committee and remove such personnel if necessary. Upon complaint against some person selected by the committee, Senate Operations Committee shall meet to consider the charges made against that person in consultation with supervisors of those positions. The committee shall consider testimony of the complainant and the person charged. The committee shall have the power of removal, and if such power is exercised, Student Senate will be notified. The committee’s decision in such matters may be appealed to Student Senate which may overrule the committee's decision by a majority vote. SECTION 2. Article V, Section 9.H. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: H. Senate Operations Standing Committee Shall have the responsibilities of overseeing KSU SGA Elections (as prescribed in Article I), personnel selection, Student Senate Legislation, initiation of impeachment consideration and newSenator orientation. SECTION 3. All remaining subsections shall be renumbered accordingly. 57 SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 5, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 58 BILL 98/99/44 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING SUBMISSION OF LEGISLATION Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS the By-Laws currently state that legislation must be submitted four days prior to the regular Senate meeting; and WHEREAS the current process followed by Senate Operations Committee allows legislation to be submitted up to three days prior to the regular meeting; and WHEREAS removing unused sections and correcting errors in our current By-Laws will make them easier to use, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 9.H.3.a. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: a. All legislation must be submitted to Senate Operations Committee no later than four three calendar days prior to the regular meeting so called by the Chairperson of Student Senate or Student Body President. SECTION 2. This bill shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 5, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 59 BILL 98/99/45 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE YOUNG DEMOCRATS FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Young Democrats; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Washington Days - February 19 - 20, 1999 Request Recommendation $300 $150 Travel BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $150 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Young Democrats. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 5, 1988 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 28-20 60 BILL 98/99/46 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE HISPANIC AMERICAN LEADERSHIP ORGANIZATION FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Hispanic American Leadership Organization; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Guest Speaker - Luis Cordova on 2/28/99 Request Recommendation $75 $75 Promotions $650 $650 Honorarium Rent of Space $500 $225 Rent of Equipment $250 $0 Project II - Speaker and film for Cinco de Mayo $75 Promotions Honorarium $1000 Rent of Space $500 Rent of Equipment $250 Film $800 $75 $1000 $225 $150 $800 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $950 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project II is allocated $2250 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Hispanic American Leadership Organization. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 5, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 48-1 61 BILL 98/99/47 BY: CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS FOR INSTITUTIONAL SERVICES Allocations Committee WHEREAS on an annual basis, accounts of Institutional Services which have not completely expended their allocated funds for the previous fiscal year are closed and the respective funds are returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, upon report from the SGA Accountant, has determined that the following groups have the following account balances remaining subject to reversion to the Reserves for Contingencies Account, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following amounts are hereby returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account: $358.95 $173.40 $7.35 $87.20 Fone Crisis Center Disabled Student Services University For Man Women’s Resource Center TOTAL: $626.90 SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 29, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 45-0 62 BILL 98/99/48 BY: ALLOCATION OF FY 2000 EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY FUND Educational Opportunity Fund Committee WHEREAS the Educational Opportunity Fund Committee has deliberated over the 29 Educational Opportunity Fund proposals; and WHEREAS all groups were provided ample opportunity to request Educational Opportunity Funds; and WHEREAS all groups will have a chance to respond to the Educational Opportunity Fund recommendations; and WHEREAS the following groups have met all the formal and informal guidelines established by the Kansas Board of Regents and the Kansas State University Student Governing Association, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following organizations will receive funding from the Fiscal Year 2000 Educational Opportunity Fund budget: Title of Proposal Allocated FY 1999 Requested FY 2000 1. Minority Student Mentoring Program Academic Assistance Center $6,750 $14,990 $7,000 2. University-Wide Tutorial Service Academic Assistance Center $57,275 $57,275 $57,275 3. Graduate Assistant Position Adult Student Services $6,550 $8,100 $7,000 4. Need Based Scholarship for Full-Time and Part-Time Adult Nontraditional Students Adult Student Services $4,000 $5,000 $4,000 5. Tilford Group - Intercultural Competency and Curriculum Development American Ethnic Studies $0 $7,100 $0 6. Vision Quest: Community Diversity Outreach Program American Ethnic Studies $0 $8,712 $0 7. Academic Scholarships and Fellowships for Graduate Students Apparel, Textiles, and Interior Design $0 $20,000 $0 8. Minority Student Scholarships College of Architecture, Planning and Design $0 $9,000 $2,500 (5@$500) 9. Graduate Student Scholarships College of Architecture, Planning and Design $0 $3,000 $0 10. Non-Traditional Student Scholarship College of Architecture, Planning and Design $0 $4,000 $1,000 (2@$500) 11. KSU Child Development Center Childship Funding KSU Child Development Center $65,000 $65,000 63 Allocated FY 2000 $65,000 12. Community Service Program - “Learning by Serving” K-State Community Service Program $10,422 $14,300 $10,422 13. Provide Scholarships to Students with Learning Disabilities Disabled Student Services $1,000 $2,000 $1,500 14. Provide Scholarships to Students with Physical Disabilities Disabled Student Services $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 15. Provide Services to Students with Learning Disabilities Disabled Student Services $6,550 $6,550 $7,000 16. Provide Services to Students with Physical Disabilities Disabled Student Services $6,550 $6,550 $7,000 17. Office of Diversity and Dual Career Development Undergraduate Student Assistant Office of Diversity and Dual Career Development $6,750 $6,750 $6,750 18. Graduate Student - Foreign Student Off./ lntemat’l Student Center Foreign Student Office/Dean of Student Life $6,550 $8,100 $7,000 19. ICC International Educational Opportunity Scholarships International Coordinating Council (ICC) $2,000 $5,000 $2,000 20. International Educational Opportunity Scholarships Office of International Programs $0 $2,000 $0 21. International Student Recruitment Support Office of International Programs $0 $10,400 $0 22. MEP Scholarship Funds Minority Engineering Program $0 $30,000 $3,000 (6@$500) 23. Multicultural Student Organizations Graduate Assistant Multicultural Student Organization Office $0 $6,750 24. The Joey Lee Garman Undergraduate Scholarship Racial/Ethnic Harmony Week Planning Committee $0 $500 25. Graduate Assistant Position Office of Student Life $0 $8,100 26. Graduate Assistantship in Student Development Student Personnel Graduate Training Program $19,650 $26,844 $14,000 (2@$7000) 27. Salaries for Students in Campus Student Services Programs KSU Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math and Science $8,326 $15,150 $8,326 28. Veterinary Student Peer Tutors College of Veterinary Medicine Dean’s Office $900 $1,200 29. Development of a Peer Violence Prevention Education Program at KSU KSU Women’s Center $0 $14,813 Total Total to be allocated $209,273 $368,544 $7,000 $500 $7,000 $900 $0 $227,173 $227,173 SECTION 2. These funds shall be transferred from the EOF Reserve Account to each project’s respective account. SECTION 3. At the end of Fiscal Year 1999, any unspent funds shall revert back to the EOF Reserve Account. 64 SECTION 4. Upon passage of this legislation, a copy of this bill shall be sent to the University President and to the Board of Regents for approval. SECTION 5. This bill shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 5, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 49-0 65 BILL 98/99/49 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE BLUE KEY SENIOR HONOR SOCIETY FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Blue Key Senior Honor Society; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Speaker - Bernard Franklin Request $750 Honorarium Recommendation $750 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $750 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Blue Key Senior Honor Society. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 12, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 66 BILL 98/99/50 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE GOLDEN KEY NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Golden Key National Honor Society; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Central Regional Conference 1999 Request Promotions $100 $600 Honorarium Rent of Space $250 Rent of Equipment $200 Other: Printing $250 Recommendation $100 $600 $250 $200 $250 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $1400 for the activities described. SECTION 4. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Golden Key National Honor Society. SECTION 5. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 12, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 67 BILL 98/99/51 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE YOUNG DEMOCRATS FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Young Democrats; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Speaker on Current Events - February 22, 1999 Request Recommendation Promotions $75 $75 $600 $600 Honorarium Project II - Speaker on Current Events - April 12, 1999 Promotions $75 Honorarium $600 $75 $600 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $675 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project II is allocated 675 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Young Democrats. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 12, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 32-15 68 BILL 98/99/52 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE INDIA STUDENTS ASSOCIATION FOR FALL 1998 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the India Students Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Cultural Awareness (Folk Dancers) - November 15, 1998 Promotions Rent of Space Rent of Equipment Request $50 $300 $300 Recommendation $50 $150 $300 Project II - Cultural Awareness (Dance Troop) - November 1998 Promotions $50 $50 Honorarium $750 $750 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $500 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project II is allocated $800 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the India Students Association. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 12, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 69 BILL 98/99/53 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING ALLOCATION PROCESSES Senate Operations Committee, Jake Worcester and Travis Lenkner WHEREAS the By-Laws currently state that allocations to student organizations must be submitted as a single omnibus allocation bill; and WHEREAS the current process followed by Allocations Committee makes recommendations on an individual basis; and WHEREAS removing unused sections and correcting errors in our current By-Laws will make them easier to use, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V. Section 9.F.3.a.iii. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: iii. On the basis of hearings and review of budget requests, Allocations Committee shall make recommendations for funding of institutional services and student organizations to Student Senate. Recommendations shall be in the form of an omnibus allocations bill. SECTION 2. This bill shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 12, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qua1ed vote required for passage] 70 BILL 98/99/54 BY: AMENDMENT TO THE ELECTIONS REGULATIONS CODE CONCERNING ELECTIONS SPENDING Nick Mueting and Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS during the past several years questions have been raised concerning the amount and methods of expending articles of clothing; and WHEREAS the current method used to expend articles of clothing leaves room for a variety of interpretations and values; and WHEREAS reflecting the true value of all monies expended will allow Student Senate to keep a more accurate account of candidates’ activities; and WHEREAS allowing particular methods for the promotion of candidates not to be expended is not constant with the definition of a campaign expense, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 41-1402.a. is hereby amended to read: a. Definition. The term “campaign expense” shall mean the retail value of any obligations incurred, the retail value of any goods or services donated, and any actual funds expended to promote or oppose the election of any individual to office, excluding articles of clothing. This definition shall include the value of any discounts not available to the general public and the retail value of any services donated. This definition shall not include any fines assessed under this Code. SECTION 2. KSU SGA Statute 41-1402.d.1. is hereby amended to read: 1. The amount the Student Body President and Student Body Vice President each presidential ticket may spend in the General Election is limited to $815.00 $2000. 00. In the event of a run-off election, such candidates may spend an additional $180.00. SECTION 3. KSU SGA Statute 41-1402.b. is hereby repealed. b. Articles of Clothing. Articles of clothing bought by the candidate shall he reported as an expenses. Articles of clothing bought by supporters arc not required to be reported. The screen and the application charge for articles of clothing will considered a campaign expense. SECTION 4. KSU SGA Statute 41-1402.c. is hereby amended to read: c. Contributions Limited. Contributions to any candidate may only be accepted if the contribution is being received from a qualified student of Kansas State University (as determined under the Code through 41-0301 (b)), from a faculty member of Kansas State University, or from a relative, and limits shall be set by the Student Senate in accordance with the Code and shall be as follows: 71 1. Each presidential ticket may not receive more than $50. 00 from any one person. 2. Candidates for Student Body President or Student Body Vice President may not contribute more than $500 each to their campaign. Coalitions may only receive contributions from their members. SECTION 5. KSU SGA Statute 41-1502.a. is hereby amended to read: a. Expense and Contribution Reports. All candidates and write-in candidates who have run an active campaign shall be required to submit to the Office of Student Activities and Services an expense report no later than 4:00 P.M. on the Friday immediately prior to the General Election. A report must be filed even if no expenses were incurred. The Elections Committee shall be responsible for the provision of standardized expense and contribution report forms. An individual expense and contribution report must be submitted by a candidate for each office the student is a candidate for. In the event of a run-off election, additional expense and contribution reports must be filed by the respective candidates for expenses pertaining to the run-off election no later than the Friday immediately before the run-off election at the same time and place as described above. b. Content. Expense and contributions reports shall itemize all campaign expenses, including contributions to a coalition, if any, and the fair market value of each item listed as determined wither by receipt, proof of purchase, or when unavailable, according to those criteria and requirements of 41-1402(a) and 41- 1402(d). The contribution section of the report shall itemize each amount contributed to the campaign, the name of the donor, and the relationship of that donor to the campaign according to the criteria in 411402(c). c. Verification. The Elections Committee shall review the expense and contribution reports in order to check for accuracy and completeness. The Elections Committee has the authority to make final judgments on cost of items where evidence of cost is absent. SECTION 6. All remaining subsections of 41-1402 shall be renumbered accordingly. SECTION 7. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON DECEMBER 3, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 39-7 [two-thirds selected and qua fl/led vote required for passage] VETOED BY THE STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT ON DECEMBER 15, 1998 VETO SUSTAINED ON JANUARY 28, 1999 WITH NO MOTION TO OVERRIDE 72 BILL 98/99/55 BY: K-STATE STUDENT UNION OPERATIONS FEE CONTINUANCE Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY: This bill provides a continuance in privilege fee funding for the K-State Union’s Operations budget. WHEREAS the K-State Student Union adds a great deal to the experience of student life; and WHEREAS the K-State Student Union provides many benefits to students; and WHEREAS the Director of the K-State Student Union and the Privilege Fee Committee have satisfied the requirements set forth in Senate Resolution 98/99/22, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 15-1001 is hereby amended to read: K-STATE STUDENT UNION OPERATIONS FEE BUDGET AGREEMENT This agreement made this ________ day of November, 1998, between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE), and Kansas State University Student Union (DEPARTMENT). 1. The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget of $1,123,963 (BUDGET) shall be funded for the following fiscal years: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 and July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001. The BUDGET will be reviewed prior to academic year 2001-2002. 2. This agreement supercedes any previous agreement made by Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas State University Student Governing Association with Kansas State Union regarding funding of budgets and use of such funding. 3. Any breach of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas State University Student Senate and such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any of its rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or in any other instance. 4. Within 60 days of the end of the fiscal year, the Director of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Senate Body. 5. No construction of or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section 1105) 73 6. The agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the state of Kansas. 7. By signing this agreement, the representatives of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her party to execute this document on behalf of such party and that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. 8. Bill 98/99/55 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement by: the Privilege Fee Committee Chair; the Student Senate Chair; the Student Body President; the Union Governing Board President; the Union Director; and the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 19, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 51-0 74 BILL 98/99/56 BY: K-STATE STUDENT UNION REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FEE CONTINUANCE Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY: This bill provides a continuance in privilege fee funding for the K-State Union’s Repair and Replacement budget. WHEREAS the K-State Student Union adds a great deal to the experience of student life; and WHEREAS the K-State Student Union provides many benefits to students; and WHEREAS the Director of the K-State Student Union and the Privilege Fee Committee have satisfied the requirements set forth in Senate Resolution 98/99/22, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 25-1101 is hereby amended to read: K-STATE STUDENT UNION REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT FEE BUDGET AGREEMENT This agreement made this ________ day of November, 1998, between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE), and Kansas State University Student Union (DEPARTMENT). 1. The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget of $105,466 (BUDGET) shall be funded for the following fiscal years: July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 and July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001. The BUDGET will be reviewed prior to academic year 2001-2002. 2. This agreement supercedes any previous agreement made by Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas State University Student Governing Association with Kansas State Union regarding funding of budgets and use of such funding. 3. Any breach of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas State University Student Senate and such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any of its rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or in any other instance. 4. Within 60 days of the end of the fiscal year, the Director of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Senate Body. 5. No construction of or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section 1105) 75 6. The agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the state of Kansas. 7. By signing this agreement, the representatives of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her party to execute this document on behalf of such party and that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. 8. Bill 98/99/56 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement by: the Privilege Fee Committee Chair; the Student Senate Chair; the Student Body President; the Union Governing Board President; the Union Director; and the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 19, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 51-0 76 BILL 98/99/57 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the International Coordinating Council; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I — International Week Request Promotions $500 $1,300 Honorarium Rent of Space $800 Films $1,750 Recommendation $200 $1,300 $800 $1,500 Project II — International Film Festival $75 Promotions Rent of Equipment $200 Films $1,750 $75 $200 $1,500 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $3,800 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project II is allocated $1,775 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the International Coordinating Council. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 19, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-1 77 BILL 98/99/58 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE ASIAN AMERICAN STUDENT UNION FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Asian American Student Union; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I — Asian American Awareness Month — Speakers-Asian American writers, reporters, poets, or actors-Asian American Cultural Awareness Request Recommendation Promotions $450.00 $450.00 Honorarium $1,500.00 $1,500.00 (No more than $1,000.00 to be spent on any one speaker.) Rent of Space $400.00 $400.00 $250.00 $250.00 Rent of Equipment Films $500 $500 Food $200.00 $0.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $3,100.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Asian American Student Union. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 19, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 48-0 78 BILL 98/99/59 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE CHINESE STUDENT AND SCHOLAR ASSOCIATION FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Chinese Student and Scholar Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I — Spring Festival Student Activity Request $100 Promotions Honorarium $150 $350 Rent of Space Rent of Equipment $150 Films $100 Recommendation $100 $150 $350 $150 $100 Project II — Yuan-Xiao Festival Student Activity $150 Rent of Space Rent of Equipment $150 Films $100 $150 $150 $100 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $850.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project II is allocated $400 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Chinese Student and Scholar Association. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 19, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 48-0 79 BILL 98/99/60 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE ASIAN AMERICAN STUDENT UNION FOR FALL 1998 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Asian American Student Union; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Asian American Awareness Month - Speakers-Asian American writers, reporters, poets, or actors-Asian American Cultural Awareness Request Recommendation $450.00 $450.00 Promotions Honorarium $1,500.00 $1,500.00 (No more than $1000.00 to be spent on any one speaker.) Rent of Space $400.00 $400.00 Rent of Equipment $250.00 $250.00 $500.00 $500.00 Films Food $200.00 $0.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $3,100.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account into the Asian American Student Union account. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. BILL WITHDRAWN BY SPONSOR 80 BILL 98/99/61 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE ASIAN AMERICAN STUDENT UNION FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Asian American Student Union; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I — Midwest Asian American Student Union Conference in Ohio Request Recommendation Travel $750.00 $750.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $750.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Asian American Student Union. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 19, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 46-1 81 BILL 98/99/62 BY: ALLOCATION TO KSU AIKIDO FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of KSU Aikido; and WHEREAS the Allocations met with KSU Aikido to ask clarification questions; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Guest Demonstrator Yoshimitsu Yamada - The How and Why of Aikido Movements Request Recommendation Honorarium $1500 $1000 Air Fare $300 $0 $225 $0 Hotel Room Rent of Space $300 $300 Rent of Equipment $250 $50 Films $40 $40 Promotions $150 $60 Project I Total $2765 $1450 Project II - Aikido Seminar Leader Peter Bernath - The Importance of Ukemi in Aikido Request Recommendation Honorarium $1000 $1000 $280 $0 Air Fare Hotel Room $225 $0 Rent of Space $300 $300 Rent of Equipment $250 $125 Films $40 $40 Promotions $100 $65 Project II Total $2195 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $1450 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project II is allocated $1530 for the activities described. 82 $1530 SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President. these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of KSU Aikido. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON DECEMBER 3, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 83 BILL 98/99/63 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO KSU AIKIDO FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of KSU Aikido; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Aikido Training in Boulder, Colorado Request $450 Van Rental Hotel Rooms $1,250 Subsistence $700 Registration $250 Total $2650 Recommendation $270 $510 $210 $150 $1140 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $1 140 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of KSU Aikido. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON DECEMBER 3, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 84 BILL 98/99/64 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT RESTRUCTURING THE SASS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEES Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS the Student Affairs and Social Services and Communications Committees have duties that are easily integrated; and WHEREAS the two committees have similar goals and objectives that could be easily integrated; and WHEREAS the combining of standing committees in the past has proven to be successful; and WHEREAS the combining of the Student Affairs and Social Services and Communications Standing Committees would allow for more efficient use of Student Senators’ time and abilities, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V Section 9.J. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: J. Student Affairs and Public Relations Standing Committee shall be responsible for all matters of the student body that relate to student rights, student services, student representation, parking services and campus safety, University policies and University facilities as well as for the public relations of Student Senate. SECTION 2. Article V Section 9.L. of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect at the beginning of the 1999-2000 Student Senate year. FAILED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 31-15 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 85 BILL 98/99/65 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE NEWMAN CLUB FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Newman Club; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I — Spring Break Alternatives Request Travel $1,682.92 $1,515.00 Lodging Subsistence $1,120.00 Recommendation $601.04 $540.00 $240.00 Total $1,381.04 $4,317.92 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $1,381.04 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Newman Club. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON DECEMBER 3, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 86 BILL 98/99/66 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE PAW POWER PULLING TEAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Paw Power Pulling Team; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by this Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Travel Request $1,500 Recommendation $1,500 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $1,500 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Academic Competition Teams to the respective account of the Paw Power Pulling Team. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON DECEMBER 3, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 46-0 87 BILL 98/99/67 BY: TASK FORCE FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Jason Lacey, Laura Buller and Jake Worcester WHEREAS Kansas State University is a diverse environment full of different living situations; and WHEREAS organized living at Kansas State University has been well represented; and WHEREAS students who reside in independent living situations have been historically underrepresented; and WHEREAS issues facing students in independent living situations may be overlooked, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Task Force on Independent Living be created. SECTION 2. The Task Force be charged with the following: A. Determine what the issues facing students in independent living are, and what actions should be taken to resolve such issues. B. How can students in independent living be represented best? C. Evaluate how students in independent living situations can become more involved. SECTION 3. The Task Force shall be composed of the following: A. Two persons residing in non-organized living situations appointed by the Student Body President. B. Two persons residing in non-organized living situations appointed by the Attorney General. C. Two persons residing in non-organized living situations appointed by the Student Senate Chair. D. The Student Body President’s Off-Campus Housing Director. E. Two persons residing in organized living situations appointed by the Student Body President’s Off-Campus Housing Director. SECTION 4. A copy of this bill be sent to Vice President for Institutional Advancement Bob Krause; Dean of Student Life Dr. Pat Bosco; and Associate Dean of Student Life Dr. Carla Jones. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 88 BILL 98/99/68 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONCERNING STUDENT SENATE VOTING Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS several of the current votes required in the SGA constitution are not consistent with the rest of the constitution; and WHEREAS these provisions could possibly be too restrictive on Student Senate, BE IT ENACTED THAT; SECTION 1. Article V, Section 510 E. of the KSU SGA Constitution is hereby amended to read: E. Overrule a veto of the Student Body President by a two-thirds majority vote of the total membership of Student Senate selected and qualified. SECTION 2. Article X, Section 1106 of the KSU SGA Constitution is hereby amended to read: 1106. Restrictions on Initiative and Referendum. No measure adopted by the voters under the initiative or referendum provisions above may be repealed or amended within a period of one year unless by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the Student Senate selected and qualified. No measure rejected by the voters under the initiative or referendum provisions above may be passed by the Student Senate within a period of one year unless by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the Student Senate selected and qualified. SECTION 3. Article IV, Section 406 C. of the KSU SGA Constitution is hereby amended to read: C. Approve or veto Student Senate legislation. The power to veto shall extend to all bills and resolutions passed by student senate except those bills and resolutions dealing with purely internal affairs of Student Senate (approvals of appointments, resolutions of impeachment, standing rules, and resolutions expressing the opinion of only the Student Senate). Within eight days after passage, every bill or resolution requiring the approval of the Student Body President shall be signed by the Chairperson of Student Senate and presented to the Student Body President. If the Student Body President approves the bill or resolution, the President shall sign it. If the Student Body President does not approve the bill or resolution, the President shall return it, with a statement of objections, to the Chairperson of Student Senate, who shall cause the veto message to be read at the next meeting of Student Senate. Whenever a veto message is so read, the Student Senate shall have eight days to reconsider the legislation and such action shall be deemed final. If two-thirds of the total membership of Student Senate selected and qualified shall vote to pass the legislation, it shall take effect, not withstanding the Student Body President’s veto. If no written veto is transmitted to the Chairperson of Student Senate within eight days after presentation to the Student Body President, the legislation shall take effect as if the President had approved it. 89 SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect when ratified by six of nine college councils and with the beginning of the 1999-2000 Student Senate term. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 4,1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 [three-fourths selected-and-qua fl/led vote required for passage] 90 BILL 98/99/69 BY: ELECTIONS STATUTES AMENDMENT CONCERNING CAMPAIGN EXPENSE REPORTS Jake Worcester, Tracey Mann and Andy Mackim WHEREAS complete disclosure of Kansas State Student Governing Association elections campaign expenses would lead to a more informed student body; and WHEREAS the Kansas Open Records Act requires that all material be open to the public, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Chapter 41 of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Statutes is hereby amended to add a new section 41-1501 d. to read as follows: 41-1501 d. All campaign expense reports must be submitted by the Elections Committee to all persons requesting and the Collegian by 1:00p.m. on the Sunday prior to the general election. In the event of a run-off election, expense reports for the run-off election must be submitted by the Elections Committee to all persons requesting and the Collegian by 1:00p.m. on the Sunday prior to the run-off election. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON JANUARY 28, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 45-0 91 BILL 98/99/70 BY: AMENDMENT TO THE ELECTIONS REGULATIONS CODE CONCERNING ELECTIONS SPENDING Joshua Rengstorf, Nick Mueting, Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Joe Ashley, Jake Worcester, Bill Muir, Joey Bahr, J. David Hendricks, Craig Meinhardt and Dustin Petrik WHEREAS during the past several years questions have been raised concerning the amount and methods of expending articles of clothing; and WHEREAS the current method used to expend articles of clothing leaves room for a variety of interpretations and values; and WHEREAS reflecting the true value of all monies expended will allow Student Senate to keep a more accurate account of candidates’ activities; and WHEREAS allowing particular methods for the promotion of candidates not to be expended is not consistent with the definition of a campaign expense; and WHEREAS the goal of the KSU SGA is to make candidates accountable for their actions, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 41-1402 a. is hereby amended to read: a. Definition. The term “campaign expense” shall mean the total retail value of any obligations incurred, the retail value of any goods or services donated, and any actual funds expended to promote of oppose the election of any individual to office, excluding articles of clothing. This definition shall include the value of any discounts not available to the general public and the retail value of any services donated. This definition shall not include any fines assessed under this Code. SECTION 2. KSU SGA Statute 41-1402 d.1. is hereby amended to read: 1. The amount the Student Body President and Student Body Vice President each presidential ticket may spend in the General Election is limited to $815.00 $3000.00. In the event of a run-off election, such candidates may spend an additional $180.00. SECTION 3. KSU SGA Statute 41-1402 b. is hereby repealed. b. Article of Clothing. Article of clothing bought by the candidate shall be reported as an expense. Article of clothing bought by supporters are not required to be reported. The screen and the application charge for article of clothing will be considered a campaign expense. SECTION 4. KSU SGA Statute 4 1-1402 c. is hereby amended to read: c. Contributions Limited. Contributions to any candidate may only be accepted if the contribution is being received from a qualified student of Kansas State 92 University (as determined under the Code through 41-0301 (b)), from a faculty member of Kansas State University, or from a relative, and limits shall be set by the Student Senate in accordance with the Code and shall be as follows 1. Each presidential ticket may not receive more than $15.00 from any person. 2. Each presidential ticket may not contribute more than $815 to the general election campaign and $180 to the run-off election. Coalitions may only receive contributions from their members. SECTION 5. KSU SGA Statute 4 1-1502 a. is hereby amended to read: a. Expense and Contribution Reports. All candidates and write-in candidates who have run an active campaign shall be required to submit to the Office of Student Activities and Services an expense report no later than 4:00 P.M. on the Friday immediately prior to the General Election. A report must be filed even if no expenses were incurred. The Elections Committee shall be responsible for the provision of standardized expense and contribution report forms. An individual expense and contribution report must be submitted by a candidate for each office the student is a candidate for. In the event of a run-off election, additional expense and contribution reports must be filed by the respective candidates for expenses pertaining to the run-off election no later than the Friday immediately before the run-off election at the same time and place as described above. b. Content. Expense and contributions reports shall itemize all campaign expenses, including contributions to a coalition, if any, and the fair market value of each item listed as determined whether by receipt, proof of purchase, or when unavailable, according to those criteria and requirements of 41-1402 (a) and 4 11402 (d). The contribution section of the report shall itemize each amount contributed to the campaign, the name of the donor, and the relationship of that donor to the campaign according to the criteria in 41-1402 (c). c. Verification. The Elections Committee shall review the expense and contribution reports in order to check for accuracy and completeness. The Elections Committee shall randomly audit expenses and at least five contributions to each presidential ticket. The Elections Committee has the authority to make final judgments on cost of items where evidence of cost is absent. SECTION 6. All remaining subsections of 41-1402 shall be renumbered accordingly. SECTION 7. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON JANUARY 28, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 39-5 93 BILL 98/99/71 BY: AMENDMENT TO THE ELECTIONS REGULATIONS CODE CONCERNING ELECTIONS TIMELINE Joshua Rengstorf and Joe Ashley WHEREAS the number of candidates filing for office has decreased in recent years; and WHEREAS moving the filing deadline closer to the elections might encourage more candidates to run for office; and WHEREAS increasing involvement in student government elections is a goal we should strive for, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 4 1-0601 b. is hereby amended to read: b. Declaration of candidacy. Any person seeking to run as a candidate for the offices of Student Body President, Student Body Vice President, Student Senator, Board of Student Publications, Union Governing Board, and the Fine Arts Council shall file a declaration of candidacy with the professional staff of the Office of Student Activities and Services three (3) two (2) weeks prior to the General Election. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON JANUARY 28, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-1 94 BILL 98/99/72 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE BLUE KEY SENIOR LEADERSHIP HONORARY FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Blue Key Senior Leadership Honorary; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I — High School Leadership Conference, February 10, 1999 Request Recommendation Honorarium $674.00 $674.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $674.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Blue Key Senior Leadership Honorary. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 43-0 95 BILL 98/99/73 BY: KSDB PRIVILEGE FEE INCREASE Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY: This bill increases the KSDB privilege fee from $35,056 per year to $42,676 per year. The budget increase is for the sole purpose of increasing the salary of the KSDB Station Manager. The bill allocates this budget for the next fiscal year only, not three years, as in most cases. This will allow the committee to review the operations of KSDB next year to evaluate the effectiveness of new management and internal control. WHEREAS KSDB adds a great deal to the experience of student life; and WHEREAS the Kansas State University student body and the community have seen many benefits from KSDB; and WHEREAS KSDB management and the Privilege Fee Committee have satisfied the requirements set forth in Senate Resolution 9 8/99/22, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 26-0301 is hereby amended to read: KSDB BUDGET AGREEMENT This agreement made this ____ day of , 1999 between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE), and the Kansas State University KSDB Radio Station (DEPARTMENT). 1. The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget of $42,676 (BUDGET) shall be funded for the following fiscal year: July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000. The BUDGET will be reviewed prior to year 2000-2001. The $7,620 increase in the DEPARTMENT BUDGET shall be used to increase the salary of the KSDB Station Manager, while $35,056 shall be used for Station operations. 2. This agreement supercedes any previous agreement made by Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas State University Student Governing Association with the Kansas State KSDB Radio Station regarding funding of budgets and use of such funding. 3. Any breach of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas State University Student Senate ad such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any of its rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or in any other instance. Within 60 days of the end of the fiscal year, the Director of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Student Body. 4. 96 5. No construction of or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section1105) 6. The agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the state of Kansas. 7. By signing this agreement, the representatives of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her party to execute this document on behalf of such party and that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. 8. Bill 98/99/73 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement by the Privilege Fee Committee Chair; the Student Senate Chair; the Student Body President; the KSDB Director; the Chair of the KSDB Advisory Board; and the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 26, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 40-3 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 97 BILL 98/99/74 BY: EMERGENCY ALLOCATION TO KSDB Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY: This bill makes a one-time allocation of $29,825 to KSDB. The Station’s Student Fee Account is currently overdrawn due to overspending during fiscal year 1998. This special allocation will pay off that deficit. WHEREAS KSDB has requested emergency funding from the Privilege Fee Committee; and WHEREAS Senate bill 97/98/25 permits special allocations from the Privilege Fee Reserves Account for emergency purposes. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A special allocation of $29,825 be made to KSDB. SECTION 2: The funds be transferred from the Privilege Fee Reserves Account (FRS #4- 804 14) to the KSDB Student Fee Account (FRS #4-80432). SECTION 3: The Director of the Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications shall provide within one year of the passage of this legislation a detailed reporting of the expenditures made with this emergency funding. SECTION 4: This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 26, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 30-14 98 BILL 98/99/75 BY: CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS FOR FALL 1998 Allocations Committee WHEREAS on a semesterly basis, accounts of student organizations which have not completed funded projects within the last two semesters or who have funds remaining from projects where the entire allocation is not spent are closed and the respective funds are returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, upon report from the SGA Accountant, has determined that the following groups have the following account balances remaining subject to reversion to the Reserves for Contingencies Account, and WHEREAS underlines are provided solely for ease of reference while organizations marked with an “*” indicate groups that did not spend any portion of their total allocations, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following amounts are hereby returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account: India Student Association Habitat for Humanity KSU AIKIDO Club Vietnamese International Club Alpha Phi Omega American Civil Liberties Union National United Law Enforcement Officers Association Apostolic Campus Ministries National Organization of Women Congolese Student Union Muslim Student Association GAMMA International Coordinating Council Hispanic American Leadership Organization Native American Student Body Environmental Professionals Students for the Right to Life Students for Peace and Justice Young Democrats Project Management Institute Latter Day Saints Student Association Study Abroad Club Lutheran Campus Ministries Zeta Phi Beta Malaysian Student Association College Republicans Bi-Sexual, Gay and Lesbian Society Black Student Union 99 $ 1,300.00* $975.00* $460.00 $1,105.00* $50.00 $750.00* $212.45 $16.35 $370.70 $725 .00* $425.00 $525.86 $2,543.90 $710.80 $1,473.90 $1,410.20 * $7 10.00* $1,450.00* $520.00* $27.08 $725.00 $150.00* $3.74 $750.00* $550.00* $75.00* $325.00 $375.46 Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship $2.25 TOTAL: $18,717.69 SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 26, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 40-0 100 BILL 98/99/76 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT REGARDING THE UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS the Student Senate Special Committee to Study Services Provided to Student Organizations recommended a new procedure for the registration of student organizations at Kansas State University; and WHEREAS the following constitutional amendments are necessary to facilitate the implementation of the new procedure, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 502 A. of the KSU SGA Constitution is hereby amended to read: A. All meetings of Student Senate, Student Senate committees (standing or special) and college councils and the University Activities Board (UAB) shall be open. The only exception shall be when a successful motion has been adopted to proceed into executive session. SECTION 2. Article XII, Sections 1201 J.-M. of the KSU SGA Constitution are hereby amended to read: J. The right of any organization to enjoy registration in all cases, provided they comply with the regulation for registration as stipulated in the ByLaws to the University Activities Board (UAB) by Student Senate. K. The right of UAB registered organizations to participate freely in offcampus activities, subject only to procedural regulations. L. The rights of students and UAB registered organizations to use campus facilities subject to such regulations as are required for scheduling meeting times and places. M. The right of students and UAB registered organizations to invite and hear speakers of their choice on subjects of their choice. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect when ratified by six of nine college councils. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 26, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 41-0 [three-fourths selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 101 BILL 98/99/77 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT TO CREATE THE CAMPUS ACTIVITIES BOARD Senate Operations Committee, Nick Mueting and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the Student Senate Special Committee to Study Services Provided to Student Organizations recommended a new procedure for the registration of student organizations at Kansas State University, and WHEREAS the following By-Laws amendment will create the new board to oversee the new procedures, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 11 of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Section 11. The Campus Activities Board, acting as a committee of Student Senate, shall: Be compromised of the Vice Chair of Student Senate, acting as the chair of the committee and voting only in the case of a tie, the Student Body Vice President, the Allocation Committee Chair, the Senate Operations Committee Chair, the Fine Arts Council Chair, and the Sports Club Governing Council Chair. The Coordinator of the Office of Student Activities and Services, or designee, who shall act as the Activities Director, shall be a non-voting ex-officio member. Oversee the activities of the Activities Director and the Office of Student Activities and Services regarding the registration of organizations. Have the authority to reverse or amend the decisions of the Activities Director and the Allocations Committee regarding the registration and classification of organizations. Recommend changes regarding the registration of, funding of, or services provided to registered organizations. Be required to meet twice a semester. The Campus Activities Board Chair, upon the request of the Student Senate Chair or the Activities Director, may call a special meeting to review any problems or complaints brought forth. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 45-1 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 102 BILL 98/99/78 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT ADDING A JOINT COMMITTEE ON DIVERSITY Santhi Gandu, Teanikia Britton, Aisha Henry, Jason Lacey, Andy Mackim and Tracey Mann WHEREAS: the Kansas State University Student Governing Association traditionally has not taken an active role in helping to make Kansas State University a culturally aware institution; and WHEREAS: the existence of a standing committee whose charge it is to focus on issues facing multicultural student organizations would help make SGA more aware, and thus more able to serve all students at Kansas State University, and WHEREAS: the formation of a Joint Committee is the best way to ensure year-to-year awareness of such issues, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended by adding a new section 14. 14. Joint Committee on Diversity Shall be composed of the following members: A. 1. The Diversity Chairperson who shall be the Student Senate Vice Chair, and who shall vote only to break a tie. 2. One (1) Student Senator appointed by the Student Senate Chair 3. One (1) Student Senate Intern appointed by the Senate Intern Coordinator 4. One (1) cabinet member appointed by the Student Body President 5. One (1) judicial branch member appointed by the Attorney General 6. One (1) student-at-large, selected by the other members of the Joint Committee 7. The Office of Student Activities and Services Coordinator or a designee thereof acting as an ex officio, non-voting member. B. A quorum of the committee shall be three (3) members, not including the Diversity Chairperson. C. The Diversity Standing Committee shall have the following responsibilities: 1. Organize, coordinate, and facilitate a roundtable consisting of the President (or designee) of every multicultural group on a regular basis. 2. Serve as a link between the Student Governing Association and multicultural groups. 3. Help multicultural groups promote their respective organizations and activities campus-wide. 4. Designate one committee member to serve on the Racial Ethnic Harmony Week Planning Committee. 5. Plan and organize Student Governing Association Diversity Training Sessions. 103 6. Be responsible for informing members of multicultural groups about SGA and encouraging their involvement. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect at the start of the 1999-2000 Student Senate term. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 26, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 41-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 104 BILL 98/9979 BY: ALLOCATION TO UFM COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTER FOR FY 2000 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the UFM Community Learning Center; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Promotions Honoraria Salaries Request $1,400.00 $1,500.00 $11,500.00 Recommendation $1,400.00 $1,500.00 $11,500.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. UFM Community Learning Center is allocated $14,400 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the UFM Community Learning Center. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 26, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 41-0 105 BILL 98/99/80 BY: EMERGENCY ALLOCATION TO K-STATE STUDENT UNION Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY: This bill makes a one-time allocation of $60,696 to the Union for purposes of upgrading their computer systems to be Year 2000 compliant. WHEREAS the K-State Student Union has requested emergency funding from the Privilege Fee Committee; and WHEREAS Senate bill 97/98/25 permits special allocations from the Privilege Fee Reserves Account for emergency purposes. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A special allocation of $60,696 be made to K-State Student Union. SECTION 2. The funds be transferred from the Privilege Fee Reserves Account (FRS #480414) to the Union Operations Student Fee Account (FRS #9-91506). SECTION 3: The Director of the Kansas State Student Union shall provide within one year of the passage of this legislation a detailed reporting of the expenditures made with this emergency funding. SECTION 4: Funds not expended for Year 2000 related expenses shall revert back to the Campus Privilege Fee Reserves Account at the end of fiscal year 1999. SECTION 5: This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 26, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 37-4 106 BILL 98/99/81 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE HISPANIC AMERICAN LEADERSHIP ORGANIZATION FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations request of the Hispanic American Leadership Organization; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Cesar Chavez Events Request Honorarium $1,000 Recommendation $1,000 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $1,000 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Hispanic American Leadership Organization. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 43-0 107 BILL 98/99/82 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE KSU PROJECT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the KSU Project Management Institute; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Travel - Leadership conference in Washington, D.C. Request Recommendation $212.00 $212.00 Travel BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $212.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU Project Management Institute. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 43-0 108 BILL 98/99/83 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE VIETNAMESE STUDENT ASSOCIATION FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Vietnamese Student Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Full Moon Festival-February 27, 1999 Request $37.20 Promotions $500 Honorarium Rent of Space $0 Rent of Equipment $30 Recommendation $37.20 $500 $0 $0 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $537.20 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Vietnamese Student Association. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 43-0 109 BILL 98/99/84 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING JUDICIAL MATTERS Judicial Council and Arnie Kershner WHEREAS the current method of operation is not what is outlined in the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws; and WHEREAS it is self-defeating to have the By-Laws if they are not correct; and WHEREAS it is more efficient to have the correct procedures clearly delineated in the ByLaws, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1: Article VI, Section 1. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to add a new section C to read as follows. All remaining sub-sections shall be renumbered accordingly. C. “Certified” is defined as a form of document delivery where signatures are obtained from a party involved in the complaint to or a residence hall community assistant on duty at the front desk where the party resides. SECTION 2: Article VI, Section 1. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to add a new section R to read as follows. All remaining sub-sections shall be renumbered accordingly. R. “Prior violation” refers to any instance where a respondent in a complaint hearing has been found in violation by a University judicial body, faculty or staff for nonacademic conduct prior to the date of the hearing. SECTION 3: Article VI, Section 1. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to add a new Section 5 to read as follows. All remaining sub-sections shall be renumbered accordingly. S. “Range of Sanctions” is defined as a written warning to recommendation to the University President for removal from the University. SECTION 4: Article VI, Section 3.A.7 of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows: 7. Failure to comply with directions of University officials, faculty, staff or law enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties or failure to identify oneself to these persons when requested to do so. SECTION 5: Article VI, Section 5.G. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows: G. Duties of SGA ‘s Judicial Advisors 110 SECTION 6: Article VI, Section 5.G.1. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. The Coordinator of the Student Activities shall serve a SGA Judicial Advisor. The Dean of Student Life or designee shall serve as the SGA Primary Judicial Advisor. SECTION 7: Article VI, Section 5.G.2. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows: 2. The SGA Primary Judicial Advisor shall directly advise the Attorney General, Judicial Council, Student Tribunal, Student Review Board and Ad Hoc Boards Committees and Parking Citation Appeals Board in the disposition of complaints and conduct of hearings. SECTION 8: Article VI, Section 5.G.4. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws be renumbered as sub-Section 3 and is hereby amended to read as follows. 3. The SGA Primary Judicial Advisor shall direct SGA in the review and revision of the judicial code in five year cycles. SECTION 9: Article VI, Section 5.G.5. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws shall be renumbered as sub-Section 4 and is hereby amended to read as follows. 4. The SGA Primary Judicial Advisor shall advise the Attorney General in the development and delivery of judicial training, programs, handbooks and related materials. SECTION 10: Article VI, Section 5.G.6. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws shall be renumbered as sub-Section 5 and is hereby amended to read as follows. 5. The SGA Primary Judicial Advisor shall serve as the designee of the Dean when necessary. SECTION 11: Article VI, Section 5.G.3. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to add a new section 6 and to read as follows. All remaining sub-sections shall be renumbered accordingly. 6. The Director of Parking Services or designee shall serve as the advisor to Parking Citation Appeals Board in the disposition of complaints and conduct of hearings. SECTION 12: Article VI, Section 5.G. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to add a new section 7 and to read as follows. All remaining sub-sections shall be renumbered accordingly. 111 7. The Director of Housing and Dining Services or designees shall serve as the advisor(s) to Chief Justices in the disposition of complaints and conduct of hearings of complaints that originate in the residence halls or Jardine. SECTION 13: Article VI, Section 6.A.l. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. 1. A student may request a meeting with the Dean or designee to address any alleged violation of the Conduct Code. Both parties must agree to the mediation of a dispute. SECTION 14: Article VI, Section 6.B.2. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. 1. A complainant or respondent may request a meeting with the Dean or designee to address any alleged violation of the Conduct Code. All parties, including the Dean or designee, must agree to an administrative hearing. If an agreement is not met, the complaint must be referred to the Attorney General for disposition. SECTION 15: Article VI, Section 6.B.4. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. 4. After being fairly and fully informed of the facts from the parties, the Dean of Student Life or designee shall issue finding of fact and impose sanctions, if any. The decision of the Dean or designee may be appealed to the University President. SECTION 16: Article VI, Section 6.B.5. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. The decision will be reached by the Dean or designee, documented and copied for each party. The decision shall include: a. b. c. Resolution made. Disposition of alleged allegation(s). Right to appeal to the University President. SECTION 17: Article VI, Section 6.C.1.a. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. a. Educational Conferences may must be held before and/or after a written complaint has been filed with Housing and Dining Services Judicial Board or Attorney General and shall be conducted by the Residence Life Coordinator or designee as to clarify the complaint, address procedures, course of actions and to resolve any questions the complainant, respondent or judicial officer may have. Educational conferences are not judicial hearings, only apart of the judicial procedures and sanctions can not be given at this point. 112 SECTION 18:Article VI, Section 6.C.1.b. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. b. All complaints filed in the residence halls or Jardine will result in an Educational Conference which may shall include the appropriate Residence Life Coordinator or Assistant Residence Life Coordinator or designee, member of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards, the complainant and/or respondent. Educational Conferences must be held with both complainant and/or respondent although they may be met with separately. SECTION 19: Article VI, Section 6.C. 1 .b. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to add a new section iii. to read as follows. iii. If resolution of the complaint occurs at the Educational Conference a letter specifying the details and stipulations of the resolution must be submitted to the Attorney General within three class days. The letter must be signed by the complainant, respondent, judicial officer present at the Educational Conference and the Residence Life Coordinator or designee. SECTION 20: Article VI, Section 7.A. 1 .c. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. c. SGA judicial boards hearing a complaint shall be attended by at least twothirds of its membership. If a sufficient number of members are not present in the case of any board, the hearing will be postponed for a time not to exceed 10 class days. The Attorney General may assemble an Ad Hoc Judicial Board if a quorum cannot be achieved. SECTION 21: Article VI, Section 7.A.1. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to add a new section b to read as follows. All following subsections should be renumbered accordingly. b. Any respondent(s) or complainant(s) who plans to have an attorney serve as their advisor, must noti,i5’ the Chair of the hearing board no later than 48 hours prior to the hearing so that all parties, including the university, may also have counsel present. Failure to notify the hearing board within the appropriate time frame may result in having the individual find an alternative advisor that is not a lawyer and/or may serve as cause for immediate postponement of hearing at the discretion of the Chair. SECTION 22: Article VI, Section 8.A.7. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. 7. The Dean or designee may impose a University or residence hall/Jardine suspension prior to the hearing before a judicial body. SECTION 23: Article VI, Section 8.A.1 1. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. 113 11. The following sanctions may be imposed upon University Activities Board (UAB) registered organizations. SECTION 24: Article VI, Section 10.A. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. A. Records of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Board, Ad Hoc Boards, Student Tribunal and Student Review Board proceedings, and records of proceedings brought pursuant to impeachment hearing and interpretations of KSU SGA Constitution, By-Laws, and legislation will be maintained by the primary judicial advisor. SECTION 25: This legislation shall take effect at the beginning of the 1999-2000 academic year. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qua fl/led vote required for passage] 114 BILL 98/99/85 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT DETAILING THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL FOR THE JUDICIAL BRANCH Judicial Council and Arnie Kershner WHEREAS a forum of communication between the judicial boards is needed; and WHEREAS currently there are no provisions for this kind of forum; and WHEREAS regular meetings of this forum would improve the judicial system by allowing for communication and exchange of ideas, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1: Article VI, Section 5.H. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to add a new section H to read as follows: H. Duties of the Executive Council 1. Act as a forum for communication between Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards, Student Tribunal, Student Review Board, Judicial Council, Attorney General and the primary judicial advisor. 2. The Council shall be required to meet at least three times each semester to discuss current issues within the individual boards and overall concerns of the judicial branch, not including training. SECTION 2: This bill shall take effect at the beginning of the 1999-2000 academic year. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 115 BILL 98/99/86 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CREATING THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL FOR THE JUDICIAL BRANCH Judicial Council and Arnie Kershner WHEREAS a forum of communication between the judicial boards is needed; and WHEREAS currently there are no provisions for this kind of forum; and WHEREAS regular meetings of this forum would improve the judicial system by allowing for communication and exchange of ideas, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1: Article VI, Section 604. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution is hereby amended to add a new section 604 to read as follows. The remaining section will be renumbered accordingly. 604. Composition of Executive Council A. Executive Council shall be composed of the Attorney General, who serves as chair, the SGA Primary Judicial Advisor, and the following officers: 1. Chancellor of Student Tribunal. 2. Chair of Student Review Board. 3. All Chief Justices from Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards. SECTION 2: This bill shall take effect upon ratification of six of nine college councils. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qua fl/led vote required for passage] 116 BILL 98/99/87 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONCERNING THE STRUCTURE OF THE HOUSING AND DINING SERVICES JUDICIAL BOARDS Judicial Council and Arnie Kershner WHEREAS the current Constitution is vague on the structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards by listing it as the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Board; and WHEREAS there are multiple boards that make up the structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards; and WHEREAS changing the name in the Constitution will be consistent with what is stated in the individual residence hall constitutions, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1: Article VI, Section 601.C.3 of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows. 3. Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards. SECTION 2: Article VI, Section 602.D. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows. D. The Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards. SECTION 3: Article VI, Section 602.D.1. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows. 1. The Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards shall consist of: SECTION 4: Article VI, Section 602.D.3. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows. 3. A hearing panel shall be assembled by the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards and consist of: SECTION 5: Article VI, Section 602.G. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows. G. Membership of all judicial boards, shall be subject to the approval of Student Senate, with the exception of Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards who shall be subject to approval of Judicial Council. SECTION 6: This legislation shall take effect upon ratification by six of the nine college councils. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 [three-fourths selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 117 BILL 98/99/88 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONCERNING THE STRUCTURE OF THE HOUSING AND DINING SERVICES JUDICIAL BOARDS Judicial Council and Arnie Kershner WHEREAS it is beneficial for students who live in the residence halls that are involved in the judicial process to have their peers from their own hall deciding a complaint; and WHEREAS currently the Constitution does not insure this benefit for students, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1: Article VI. Section 602.D.3.a. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows. a. A Chief Justice and a minimum off our and a maximum of six Associate Justices. The majority of the board members present for a hearing must come from the hail, or Strong Complex, in which the complaint originated. Exceptions must be approved by the Attorney General before the hearing begins. SECTION 2: Article VI, Section 602.D.3.b. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution is hereby repealed. SECTION 3: Article VI, Section 602.D.3.c. and d. are re-lettered as b. and c. SECTION 4: This legislation shall take effect upon ratification by six of the nine college councils. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 [three-fourths selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 118 BILL 98/99/89 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONCERNING THE STRUCTURE OF THE HOUSING AND DINING SERVICES JUDICIAL BOARDS Judicial Council and Arnie Kershner WHEREAS Boyd, Putnam and Van Zile make up the Strong Complex; and WHEREAS they often do not have enough justices to support three judicial boards; and WHEREAS Boyd, Putnam and Van Zile expressed an interest in combining the three individual hail boards into one Strong Complex board, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1: Article VI, Section 602.D.1.a. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows. a. Chief Justices selected among students in good academic standing living in the residence halls or Jardine by a process outlined in Constitutions from Jardine and each residence hail or Strong Complex specified in the By-Laws. SECTION 2: Article VI, Section 602.D.2. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows. 2. Associate Justices from each hall, Strong Complex or and Jardine who are selected from among students in good academic standing living within the residence halls or Jardine according to the Jardine and Hall Constitutions. SECTION 3: This legislation shall take effect upon ratification by six of the nine college councils. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 [three-fourths selected-and-qua fl/led vote required for passage] 119 BILL 98/99/90 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONCERNING THE STRUCTURE OF THE HOUSING AND DINING SERVICES JUDICIAL BOARDS Judicial Council and Arnie Kershner WHEREAS the elimination of the Chancellor of Housing and Dining position will increase efficiency in the residence hail judicial system by reducing the number of people who must see a complaint before a hearing date can be set; and WHEREAS communication between SGA and the residence hail judicial boards would be increased by the elimination of the chancellor position, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1: Article VI, Section 602.D.1.b. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution is hereby repealed. SECTION 2: This legislation shall take effect upon ratification by six of the nine college councils. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 [three-fourths selected-and-qua fl/led vote required for passage] 120 BILL 98/99/91 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING THE STRUCTURE OF HOUSING AND DINING JUDICIAL BOARDS Judicial Council and Arnie Kershner WHEREAS the current method of operation is not what is outlined in the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws; and WHEREAS it is self-defeating to have the By-Laws if they are not correct; and WHEREAS it is more efficient to have the correct procedures clearly delineated in the ByLaws, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1: Article VI, Section 1 .K. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. K. “Jardine” is a housing unit under Housing and Dining Services and is included in the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards. SECTION 2: Article VI, Section 1. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to add a new section W to read as follows. All remaining sub-sections shall be renumbered accordingly. W. “Strong Complex” is defined as the area containing Boyd, Putnam and Van Zile residence halls. These three halls will be considered one for judicial proceedings. SECTION 3: Article VI, Section 5.C.3. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. 3. Hear appeals of decisions from the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards, Ad Hoc Boards, SGA Elections Committee, and Student Review Board, with the authority to change or modify the decisions of such judicial boards. SECTION 4: Article VI, Section 5.D. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. D. Duties of Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards SECTION 5: Article VI, Section 5.G.3. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. 3. The primary advisor shall maintain records of Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards, Student Tribunal, Ad Hoc Boards and Student Review Board hearings. 121 SECTION 6: Article VI, Section 5.G.4. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to add a new Section 4 and to read as follows. All remaining sub-sections shall be renumbered accordingly. 4. The Director of Housing or designees shall advise Chief Justices in the case of Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards. SECTION 7: Article VI, Section 6.C.1.b. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. a. Educational Conferences may be held before and/or after a written complaint has been filed with Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards or Attorney General and shall be conducted as to clarify the complaint, address procedures, course of actions and to resolve any questions the complainant, respondent or judicial officer may have. SECTION 8: Article VI, Section 6.C.l.b. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. b. All complaints filed in the residence halls or Jardine will result in an Educational Conference which may include the appropriate Residence Life Coordinator or Assistant Residence Life Coordinator or designee, member of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards, the complainant and/or respondent. SECTION 9: Article VI, Section 7.A.1.b. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. b. For Housing and Dining Services hearing panels, restricted to a minimum of four and a maximum of six Associate Justices, the Chief Justice who shall chair the hearings, the complainant(s), the respondent(s), any witnesses called by the preceding parties, an advisor who may be an attorney but does not have speaking privileges, and a Residence Life Coordinator or Assistant Residence Life Coordinator or designee who shall serve as an advisor. The majority of the panel’s membership must come from the hail or Strong complex in which the complaint originated. Exceptions to this must be approved by the Attorney General before starting the hearing. SECTION 10: Article VI, Section l0.A. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. A. Records of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards, Ad Hoc Boards, Student Tribunal and Student Review Board proceedings, and records of proceedings brought pursuant to impeachment hearing and interpretations of KSU SGA Constitution, By-Laws, and legislation will be maintained by the Judicial Advisor. SECTION 11: Article VI, Section 13.B. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows. 122 B. The Judicial Code and overall functioning of the judicial system, shall be reviewed each academic year ending in a five or a zero under the direction of the Dean of Student Life’s SGA Primary Judicial Advisor or designee 1. It is recommended that this person create an ad hoc board consisting of the following individuals for this task: a. The past Attorney General, if possible. b. The past Chancellor of Housing and Dining Judicial Boards, if possible. A past Chief Justice from the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards. c. The past Chancellor of Student Tribunal, if possible. d. The Attorney General. e. The Chancellor of Student Tribunal. f. The Chancellor of Housing and Dining Judicial Boards. A Chief Justice from the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards chosen by the Chief Justices. g. The Student Senate Chair, or designee. h. The President of the Association of Residence Halls, or designee. i. The Director of Housing and Dining Services or designee. j. The SGA Primary Judicial Advisor. SECTION 12: This legislation shall take effect at the beginning ofthel999-2000 school year. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 123 BILL 98/99/92 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONCERNING THE STARTING DATES OF THE TERM OF PARKING CITATION APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Judicial Council and Arnie Kershner WHEREAS the current system of Attorney General selection does not allow enough time for the proper selection and training of Parking Citation Appeals Board members; and WHEREAS one additional week would allow for more thorough training of the board members, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1: Article VI, Section 602.F. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution is hereby amended to read as follows: F. Parking Citation Appeals Boards shall be composed of eleven members, six being students, three being faculty, two being classified staff. The chair of the board shall be a joint appointment made by the Attorney General, the Student Body President, and the Vice President of Administration and Finance. The chair can be any member of the board. Terms for all members shall begin the Friday before spring finals week and conclude the Thursday before spring finals week of the following year. The six student members shall be appointed from the following groups. SECTION 2: This legislation shall take effect upon ratification by six of the nine college councils. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 [three-fourths selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 124 BILL 98/99/93 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CLARIFYING RANGE OF SANCTIONS Judicial Council and Arnie Kerhsner WHEREAS the current method of operation is not what is outlined in the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws; and WHEREAS it is self-defeating to have the By-Laws if they are not correct; and WHEREAS it is more efficient to have the correct procedures clearly delineated in the ByLaws, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1: Article VI, Section 7.A.12.d.i. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws are hereby amended to read as follows. i. Inform the respondent of the range of possible sanctions and allow the respondent to present evidence of: SECTION 2: This bill shall take effect at the beginning of the 1999-2000 academic year. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 125 BILL 98/99/94 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING THE COMPOSITION AND APPOINTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL NOMINEE INTERVIEW COMMITTEE Judicial Council, Robin Cates, Andy Macklin, Tracey Mann and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the necessary time frames in the appointment of the SGA Attorney General do not currently allow time for the appointment of certain judicial officers before May 1st to begin their term; and WHEREAS the proposed system does not affect the system of checks and balances; and WHEREAS the proposed system would allow more time for the training of the new Attorney General which will benefit the judicial system, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1: Article V, Section 8.B. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws are hereby amended to read as follows: B. Nominees for the Attorney General position shall be interviewed by an Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee, which shall be appointed no later than the second Student Senate meeting following the election of the Chairperson of Student Senate. which shall be composed of five Student Senators as voting members, two present members of the Judicial Branch appointed by the present Attorney General as non-voting members and the present Attorney General. The Student Senators shall be appointed by the Chairperson of Student Senate, subject to approval by the Student Senate approval at its first Student Senate meeting. The present Attorney General shall be Chairperson of the Committee and shall vote only to break a tie. The primary SGA Judicial Advisor shall be an ex-officio, nonvoting member of the committee. A quorum of the committee shall be three voting members, not including the present Attorney General. SECTION 2: This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 126 BILL 98/99/95 BY: INTERNAL AUDIT SCHEDULE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000 Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY: This bill outlines the internal auditing schedule for fiscal year 2000. The schedule represents those audits which were scheduled for fiscal year 1999 and not finished and several additional audits already planned for fiscal year 2000. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following shall be the schedule and priority of Privilege Fee agencies to be audited during July 1, 1999 and June 30, 2000: 1. University Counseling Services 2. Fine Arts Council, Student Activities, Office of Student Activities & Services, Educational Opportunity Fund 3. KSU Marching Bands 4. Intercollegiate Athletics 5. K-State Student Union Operations 6. K-State Student Union Repair & Replacement 7. Union Program Council SECTION 2: Upon completion of each audit, a copy of the final audit report shall be provided to the Privilege Fee Committee Chair. SECTION 3: A copy of this bill shall be sent to the Director of Internal Audit, the Vice President for Administration and Finance, the Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance, the Vice President for Institutional Advancement, and the directors of the agencies listed in Section 1. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 43-0 127 BILL 98/99/96 BY: RECREATIONAL SERVICES FEE CONTINUANCE Privilege Fee Committee WHEREAS Recreational Services adds a great deal to the experience of student life; and WHEREAS Recreational Services provides many benefits to students; and WHEREAS the Director of Recreational Services and the Privilege Fee Committee have satisfied the requirements set forth in Senate Resolution 98/99/22, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 28-04 is hereby amended to read: RECREATIONAL SERVICES BUDGET AGREEMENT This agreement made this _____ day of , 1999, between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE), and Kansas State University Recreational Services (DEPARTMENT). 1. The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget of $350,996 (BUDGET) shall be funded for the following fiscal years: July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000; July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001; and July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002. The BUDGET will be reviewed prior to year 2002-2003. 2. This agreement supercedes any previous agreement made by Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas State University Student Governing Association with Kansas State Recreational Services regarding funding of budgets and use of such funding. 3. Any breach of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas State University Student Senate and such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any of its rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or in any other instance. 4. Within 60 days of the end of the fiscal year, the Director of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Senate Body. 5. No construction of or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section 1105) The agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the state of Kansas. 6. 7. By signing this agreement, the representatives of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her party to execute this document 128 on behalf of such party and that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. 8. Bill 98/99/96 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement by the Privilege Fee Committee Chair; the Student Senate Chair; the Student Body President; the Recreational Services Council Chair; the Recreational Services Director; and the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 42-1 129 BILL 98/99/97 BY: RECREATIONAL SERVICES REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT RESERVE FEE CONTINUANCE Privilege Fee Committee WHEREAS Recreational Services adds a great deal to the experience of student life; and WHEREAS Recreational Services provides many benefits to students; and WHEREAS the Director of Recreational Services and the Privilege Fee Committee have satisfied the requirements set forth in Senate Resolution 98/99/22, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 28-05 is hereby amended to read: RECREATIONAL SERVICES REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT RESERVE BUDGET AGREEMENT This agreement made this _____ day of , 1999, between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE), and Kansas State University Recreational Services (DEPARTMENT). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget of $9,609 (BUDGET) shall be funded for the following fiscal years: July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000; July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001; and July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002. The BUDGET will be reviewed prior to year 2002-2003. This agreement supercedes any previous agreement made by Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas State University Student Governing Association with Kansas State Recreational Services regarding funding of budgets and use of such funding. Any breach of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas State University Student Senate and such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any of its rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or in any other instance. Within 60 days of the end of the fiscal year, the Director of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Senate Body. No construction of or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section 1105) The agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the state of Kansas. By signing this agreement, the representatives of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her party to execute this document on behalf of such party and that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. 130 8. Bill 98/99/97 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement by the Privilege Fee Committee Chair; the Student Senate Chair; the Student Body President; the Recreational Services Council Chair; the Recreational Services Director; and the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 4, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 42-1 131 BILL 98/99/98 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CREATING A PERMANENT CABINET POSITION FOR TECHNOLOGY Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Jason Lacey and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the Kansas State University Student Governing Association has become more technologically dependent over the last years; and WHEREAS the Kansas State University Student Governing Association will continue to become more technologically dependent in the future; and WHEREAS it is necessary that there be a permanent position to oversee the functioning of Student Government’s technological operations, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article IV, Section 3. H of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby re-lettered. H. I. Such other appointed officers as determined by the Student Body President. SECTION 2. H. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Technology Coordinator, who shall: Oversee the operation of the SGA web site. Oversee the operation of the Wildcat Book Exchange. Concern themselves with the security of any online operations of SGA. Serve on university committees focusing on technology. Concern themselves with technology as it applies to SGA. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 11, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 132 BILL 98/99/99 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE AFRICAN STUDENT UNION FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the African Student Union; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Films on South Africa Request $180.00 Promotions $1000.00 Film Recommendation $180.00 $500.00 Project II - Guest Speaker Promotions Honorarium Film $100.00 $2100.00 $600.00 $100.00 $2100.00 $600.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $680.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project II is allocated $2800.00 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the African Student Union. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 11, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 133 BILL 98/99/100 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE AFRICAN STUDENT UNION FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the African Student Union; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - African Night - Guest Speaker, the Ambassador of Mozambique Request Recommendation $711.70 $694.00 Promotions $2100.00 $2100.00 Honorarium Rent of Space $452.00 $452.00 Films $1200.00 $600.00 Other (Contingent) $396.37 $0 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $2846 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the African Student Union. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 11, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 134 BILL 98/99/101 BY: ALLOCATION TO K-STATE ACLU FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the ACLU; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I- Speaker for Student Rights Request $70.00 Promotions $500.00 Honorarium Recommendation $70.00 $500.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I. is allocated $570.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the K-State ACLU. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 11, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 135 BILL 98/99/102 BY: ALLOCATION TO ACADEMIC COMPETITION FISCAL YEAR 2000 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Paw Power Pulling Team, Speech Unlimited, and Agriculture Competition teams; and WHEREAS the Paw Power Pulling Team, Speech Unlimited, and Agriculture Competition teams are registered with the University Activities Board as Academic Competition Teams; and WHEREAS the funds requested by these groups and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee for Fiscal Year 2000 are as follows: Paw Power Pulling Team Request $2,500 Recommendation $2,500 Speech Unlimited $10,000 Agriculture Competition Teams $20,000 $10,000 $20,000 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Paw Power Pulling Team is allocated $2,500 for the activities described for Fiscal Year 2000. SECTION 2. Speech Unlimited is allocated $10,000 for the activities described for Fiscal Year 2000. SECTION 3. The Agriculture Competition teams are allocated $20,000 for the activities described for Fiscal Year 2000. SECTION 4. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Academic Competition Teams to the respective accounts of the Paw Power Pulling Team, Speech Unlimited, and the Agriculture Competition teams. SECTION 5. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 18, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 42-0 136 BILL 98/99/103 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE APOSTOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Apostolic Campus Ministry, and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1- End of Semester Event Request $140.00 Promotions Equipment $200.00 Honorarium $650.00 Recommendation $140.00 $0.00 $650.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $790.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2 Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Apostolic Campus Ministry. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. BILL WITHDRAWN BY SPONSOR 137 BILL 98/99/104 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE ASIAN AMERICAN STUDENT UNION FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Asian American Student Union, and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests form this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1- Fall Conference Travel Request $800.00 Recommendation $800.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $800.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Asian American Student Union. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. BILL WITHDRAWN BY SPONSOR 138 BILL 98/99/105 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the International Coordinating Council, and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests form this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1-International Olympics Request $75.00 Promotions $300.00 Rent of Space Recommendation $75.00 $300.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $375.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the International Coordinating Council. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 11, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 139 BILL 98/99/106 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE NATIVE AMERICAN STUDENT BODY FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Native American Student Body, and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests form this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1- Awareness Week—Keynote Speaker Request $500.00 Honorarium $ 75.00 Promotions Recommendation $325.00 $ 50.00 Project 2- Awareness Week Fall Benefit Pow Wow Request Honorariums $1750.00 $ 100.00 Promotions Rent of Equipment $ 250.00 Rent of Space $ 250.00 Recommendation $1650.00 $ 100.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Project 3- Dance Presentation during Racial/Ethnic Harmony Week Request Recommendation Honorarium $1000.00 $1000.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 Promotion Rent of Space $ 250.00 $ 50.00 Rent of Equipment $ 250.00 $ 150.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $375.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project 2 is allocated $2,150.00 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Project 3 is allocated $1,300.00 for the activities described. SECTION 4. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Native American Student Body. SECTION 5. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 11, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 140 BILL 98/99/107 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE PARAGUAYAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Paraguayan Student Association, and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Cultural Awareness Event Request $100.00 Promotions $600.00 Rent of Space Honorarium $600.00 Rent of Equipment $150.00 Recommendation $100.00 $600.00 $600.00 $150.00 Project 2 - Film on ITAIPU Dam Request $75.00 Promotions Film $500.00 Rent of Equipment $100.00 Recommendation $75.00 $500.00 $100.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $1,450.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project 2 is allocated $675.00 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Paraguayan Student Association. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 11, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 43-0 141 BILL 98/99/108 ALLOCATION TO THE MEN AGAINST RAPE SOCIETY FOR SPRING 1999 BY: Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Men Against Rape Society; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - “Take Back the Pride”, Rally Request $1,000.00 Honorarium $ 150.00 Rent of Equipment Promotions $ 550.00 Recommendation $ 500.00 $ 150.00 $ 200.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $850.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Men Against Rape Society. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 11, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 42-1 142 BILL 98/99/109 BY: ALLOCATION TO KSU WOMEN’S CENTER FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the KSU Women’s Center; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Salaries Promotions Honoraria Request $3,000.00 $ 500.00 $1,900.00 Recommendation $3,000.00 $ 500.00 $1,900.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU Women’s Center is allocated $5,400.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU Women’s Center. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 11, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 43-1 143 BILL 98/99/110 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO GOLDEN KEY NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Golden Key National Honorary; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Travel Registration 10% Bonus Request $4,500.00 $5,500.00 $0 Recommendation $3,510.00 $4,284.00 $ 866.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU Women’s Center is allocated $8,660.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Golden Key National Honor Society. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 11, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 43-0 144 BILL 98/99/111 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING THE RESOLUTION OF A COMPLAINT Judicial Council and Arnie Kershner WHEREAS the current method of operation is not what is outlined in the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws; and WHEREAS it is self-defeating to have the By-Laws if they are not correct; and WHEREAS it is more efficient to have the correct procedures clearly delineated in the ByLaws, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article VI, Section 6 of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws are hereby amended to add a new section A. to read as follows. All remaining sections should be renumbered accordingly. A. A complaint may be dropped at any time by the complainant. If the complainant wishes to drop the complaint they must notify in writing the Attorney General or Residence Life Coordinator and the presiding Chief Justice in the case of residence hall complaints. SECTION 2. Article VI, Section 6.C.1.b. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association By-Laws are hereby amended to read as follows. ii. A resolution of the complaint, as specified in Section 6. Of the KSU SGA ByLaws, may occur at the Educational Conference. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 11, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 45-0 [two-thirds selected and qua fl/led vote required for passage] 145 BILL 98/99/112 BY: ALLOCATION TO AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of Amnesty International; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Film Festival Promotions Films Rent of Equipment Request $150.00 $150.00 $100.00 Recommendation $100.00 $150.00 $100.00 Project 2 - Speaker Promotions Honoraria $150.00 $600.00 $100.00 $600.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $350.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project 2 is allocated $700.00 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of Amnesty International. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 18, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 41-1 146 BILL 98/99/113 BY: ALLOCATION TO MUSLIM STUDENT ASSOCIATION FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Muslim Student Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Speaker - Global Humanity Problems Request $200 Promotions Honoraria $750 Recommendation $100 $750 Project 2 - Speaker - “Islam-the Responsibilities of Leaders to their Citizens” Request Recommendation Promotions $200 $100 Honorarium $700 $700 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $850 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project 2 is allocated $800 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Muslim Student Association. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 18, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 42-0 147 BILL 98/99/114 BY: ALLOCATION TO INDIVIDUALS FOR FREETHOUGHT FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Individuals for Freethought; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Film: Inherit the Wind Request Promotions $12.50 Film $250.00 Recommendation $12.50 $250.00 Project 2 - Religious Debate - Dan Barker Request Promotions $28.00 Honorarium $200.00 Recommendation $28.00 $200.00 Project 3 - Lecture Promotions Honorarium Request $20.00 $200.00 Recommendation $20.00 $200.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $262.50 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project 2 is allocated $228.00 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Project 3 is allocated $220.00 for the activities described. SECTION 4. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Individuals for Freethought. SECTION 5. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 18, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 40-2 148 BILL 98/99/115 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE MUSLIM STUDENT ASSOCIATION FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Muslim Student Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Open House Promotions Honorarium Rent of Space Request $800.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 Recommendation $250.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $1,350.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Muslim Student Association. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 18, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 42-0 149 BILL 98/99/116 BY: ALLOCATION TO NATIONAL UNITED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS OF AMERICA FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the National United Law Enforcement Officers of America; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Speaker - Options in Sociology Request $75 Promotions Honoraria $600 Rent of Space $200 Rent of Equipment $100 Recommendation $75 $600 $200 $100 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $975 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies account to the respective account of the National United Law Enforcement Officers of America. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 18, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 42-0 150 BILL 98/99/117 BY: ALLOCATION TO HISPANIC AMERICAN LEADERSHIP ORGANIZATION FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Hispanic American Leadership Organization; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Dia de los Muertos Request Promotions $75 $800 Films Honoraria $650 Rent of Space $500 Rent of Equipment $250 Recommendation $75 $800 $650 $500 $250 Project 2 - Speaker - Tony Diaz-excerpts from the “Aztec Love God” Request Recommendation $75 $75 Promotions Honorarium $650 $650 Rent of Space $500 $500 Rent of Equipment $250 $250 Project 3 - Hispanic Heritage Month - Victor Merales - Diversity in Universities Request Recommendation $75 $75 Promotions Films $800 $800 Honorarium $1000 $1000 Rent of Space $500 $500 Rent of Equipment $250 $250 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $2275 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project 2 is allocated $1475 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Project 3 is allocated $2625 for the activities described. SECTION 4. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies account to the respective account of the Hispanic American Leadership Organization. SECTION 5. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 18, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 42-0 151 BILL 98/99/118 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING PRIVILEGE FEE COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY: This bill updates the By-Laws to reflect the responsibilities of the Privilege Fee Committee in regards to recommendations on match funding programs. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 9, G.3 of the KSU SGA By-Laws be amended to add a new section d. to read as follows: d. Funding Partnerships. In the case where the State of Kansas and the KSU students engage in a funding partnership such as a matching grant, Privilege Fee Committee shall be responsible annually to review how the funds are being spent and the effectiveness of those expense on improving student life. Privilege Fee Committee shall then submit a report to the appropriate university official concerning spending recommendations for the next fiscal year. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 18, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 41-0 [two-thirds selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 152 BILL 98/99/119 BY: PRIVILEGE FEE REVIEW SCHEDULE Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY: This bill sets the review schedule of student privilege fees for the next three academic years. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU SGA Statute 15-0501 be amended to read as follows: Fees to be reviewed during the 1999-2000 Academic Year Student Health University Counseling Services Fine Arts Council KSU Marching Bands Student Publications Operations/Equipment KSDB Fees to be reviewed during the 2000-200 1 Academic Year K-State Student Union Operations K-State Student Union Repair & Replacement Union Program Council Intercollegiate Athletic Council Bramlage Repair & Replacement Fees to be reviewed during the 2001-2002 Academic Year Office of Student Activities & Services Student Activity Fee Recreational Services Recreational Services Repair & Replacement SECTION 2: A copy of this bill shall be sent to the Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance, the Director of Internal Auditing, and the Directors of each of the privilege fee agencies mentioned in Section 1. SECTION 3: This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 18, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 41-0 153 BILL 98/99/120 BY: CREATION OF CAREER & EMPLOYMENT SERVICES PRIVILEGE FEE Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY: This bill will create a new privilege fee for CES. WHEREAS Career & Employment Services provides students services; and WHEREAS the Kansas State University student body has seen many benefits from Career & Employment Services, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 37-0101 is hereby created to read: CAREER & EMPLOYMENT SERVICES BUDGET AGREEMENT This agreement made this _____ day of March, 1999, between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE), and the Kansas State University Career & Employment Services (DEPARTMENT). 1. The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget of $40,000 (BUDGET) shall be funded for the following fiscal years: July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000; July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001; and July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002. The BUDGET will be reviewed prior to year 2002-2003. Funding is contingent upon the establishment of a student governing/advisory board which shall assist the DEPARTMENT in policy and budgetary issues. Such board shall be formed by the start of the 1999-2000 academic year. Career & Employment Services will continue to charge a $10 registration fee. 2. This agreement supercedes any previous agreement made by Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas State University Student Governing Association with the Kansas State Career & Employment Services regarding funding of budgets and use of such funding. 3. Any breach of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas State University Student Senate and such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any of its rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or in any other instance. 4. Within 60 days of the end of the fiscal year, the Director of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Senate Body. No construction of or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section 1105) 5. 154 6. The agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the state of Kansas. 7. By signing this agreement, the representatives of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her party to execute this document on behalf of such party and that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. 8. Bill 98/99/120 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement BY: the Privilege Fee Committee Chair; the Student Senate Chair; the Student Body President; the Career & Employment Services Director; and the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. BILL WITHDRAWN BY SPONSOR 155 BILL 98/99/121 BY: CREATION OF THE SGA SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON IMPLEMENTATION OF SAFERIDE Apryl Mathes, Joey Bahr, Becky Guthrie, Carrie Bellerive, Kari Gorrell and Miranda Hoffman WHEREAS the SGA Special Committee to Research SafeRide has compiled and submitted a report to Kansas State University Student Governing Association; and WHEREAS there has been an overwhelming positive response to the implementation of a SafeRide program; and WHEREAS there were over 500 Driving Under the Influence arrests made by the Riley County Police Department in the calendar year of 1998; and WHEREAS 55% of the 303 respondents to the survey administered by the SGA Special Committee to Research SafeRide said they had driven an automobile in the past year after consuming alcohol; and WHEREAS 89% of the 303 respondents to the survey administered by the SGA Special Committee to Research SafeRide said they believe a SafeRide program would make our community safer; and WHEREAS there is a need to continue process of exploring the feasibility and need for SafeRide, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The 1999-2000 Kansas State University Student Governing Association creates the SGA Special Committee on Implementation of SafeRide with the following purpose: 1. Assess what would be needed to implement SafeRide at Kansas State University. 2. Explore all funding options for SafeRide. 3. Make a recommendation to Kansas State University Student Governing Association concerning what course of action should be taken. SECTION 2. The committee shall consist of the following members: A. Two Student Senators appointed by the Student Senate Chair. B. One cabinet member appointed by the Student Body President. C. Two at-large members jointly appointed by the Student Senate Chair and Student Body President. D. The committee chair, who shall vote only in the case of a tie, jointly appointed by the Student Senate Chair and the Student Body President. SECTION 3. The special committee shall submit its final report and recommendations to the Student Senate Chair and Student Body President by February 11, 2000 for the benefit of the entire Kansas State University Student Governing Association. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. FAILED STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 17-26 156 BILL 98/99/122 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE KSU AIKIDO FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the KSU Aikido; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I — Guest Speaker: Dr. Clyde Takeguchi Request Promotions $150 Honorarium $1825 Rent of Space $300 $250 Rent of Equipment Films $40 Recommendation $60 $1000 $300 $50 $40 Total $1450 $2765 Project II — Seminar Leader: Richard Wagener Promotions $150 Honorarium $1525 Rent of Space $300 Rent of Equipment $250 $40 Film $60 $1000 $300 $50 $40 Total $1450 $2265 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $1450 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project II is allocated $1450 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU Aikido. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 157 BILL 98/99/123 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE KSU AIKIDO FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the KSU Aikido; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I — Aikido Training in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Request Recommendation $1400 $850 Air Fare Hotel Rooms $1000 $400 Subsistence $400 $120 Van Rental $500 $300 Registration $480 $300 Total $3780 $1970 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $1970 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU Aikido. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 158 BILL 98/99/124 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE BLACK STUDENT UNION FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Black Student Union; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Guest Speaker - Retention Request $75.00 Promotions Honorarium $650.00 Rent of Equipment $500.00 Rent of Space $250.00 Recommendation $75.00 $650.00 $100.00 $100.00 Project II - Guest Speaker - Kwanzaa Promotions $75.00 Honorarium $850.00 Rent of Space $500.00 $75.00 $650.00 $100.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $925.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project II is allocated $825.00 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Black Student Union. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 159 BILL 98/99/125 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE CIRCLE K CLUB FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Circle K Club; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Conference - Houston, TX Request $1180.00 Travel Registration $575.00 Miscellaneous $50.00 Recommendation $1180.00 $575.00 $0.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $1755.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Circle K Club. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 44-0 160 BILL 98/99/126 BY: ALLOCATION TO WILDCAT WALK ESCORT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Wildcat Walk Escort Program; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Budget for 1999-2000 School Year Request $500.00 Printing/Copying/Advertising Phone/Fax $550.00 Salaries $3400.00 Other $650.00 Recommendation $3000.00 $378.00 $2520.00 $650.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $6,548.00 for the activities described for Fiscal Year 2000. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Wildcat Walk Escort Program. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 43-4 161 BILL 98/99/127 BY: ADOPTION OF COLLEGE COUNCIL ALLOCATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed the funding of each of the college councils at Kansas State University; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has determined college council recommendations based on each college council’s past spending history; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has invested a great deal of time in determining allocations that are representative of the relative financial requirements of each college, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Funds are allocated to each of the college councils for Fiscal Year 2000 as follows: Agriculture: Architecture Planning and Design Arts & Sciences: Business Administration: Education: Engineering: Human Ecology: Graduate School: Veterinary Medicine: $6,200 $3,250 $16,000 $4,300 $6,500 $8,800 $5,000 $6,500 $1,750 Total Allocations: $58,300 SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds, in the amounts indicated above, shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective accounts of each college council. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 162 BILL 98/99/128 BY: ENACTMENT OF REVISIONS TO THE FUNDING STATUTE Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee submitted at the beginning of the current Student Senate term certain revisions to the funding statutes which were subsequently passed by the Student Senate; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has had a full year to apply the revised funding statutes to the allocations process, identify areas of conflict, and evaluate several key problems with the process in general; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee and the SGA Treasurer have collected information, suggestions, and complaints from student groups concerning the past and present allocations process and funding statutes; and WHEREAS substantial consideration has been made on how to simplify the funding statutes, make the process of requesting funds and holding projects less ominous, and improving the overall perception of student organizations of the allocations process; and WHEREAS based on the Allocations Committee’s detailed review of many of the problems facing student groups in receiving funding, understanding regulations, and conforming with the requirements of the regulations, the Allocations Committee suggests the following revision of the funding statutes to bring them in line with an effective allocations process, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following changes be approved to the funding statutes: FUNDING STATUTE Student Governing Association Kansas State University 13-0102 General A. Definitions E. For the purpose of the Funding Statutes, the following definitions shall apply: a) Academic Competition Team. An Academic Competition Team shall be an organization designated by the Allocations Committee as having a vested interest in attending competitions at which such teams represent the University and its colleges to further the academic and educational status of the University as a whole. b) Campus Wide Organization. A Campus Wide Organization shall be any organization registered with the Union Activities Board and recognized as not being associated with any specific college. 163 c) d) c) e) College Council. A College Council shall be the governing body of a college of the University, such definition to include the Graduate School as a college for this definition. College Council Organization. A College Council Organization shall be any organization registered with the Union Activities Board whose organizational focus shall be academic or professional in nature and may be associated with a specific academic college. Fine Arts Organization. A Fine Arts Organization shall be any organization which may be associated with a college or department of the University which actively promotes the arts. Institutional Service. An Institutional Service shall be any organization so designated by the Allocations Committee. B. Universal Requirements 1. 2. 3. In order to request funds from the Student Activity Fee in any semesterly period, an organization must fulfill each of the following requirements: a) The organization must be a student group currently registered with the Union Activities Board, or an Institutional Service; b) The organization must have sent a representative to one both of the funding workshops held by the Treasurer in the semester for which the funding requests are to be made annually. c) The organization must submit to the SGA Treasurer a statement of the fundraising activities of the organization over the past year, including the specific events and the amounts raised. This statement must be submitted with the organization’s funding requests on the Fund Raising Report form available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. Differentiation of Projects. In the case that an organization is submitting multiple requests, each project for which funding is to be requested must be distinct and independent, and must be related to the goals of the organization itself Fund Raising. All groups should make a reasonable effort to raise funds, either through dues or other events. While not a requirement for funding, the Allocations Committee may reject funding for any requested materials which would commonly be paid for by fund raising at its discretion. 13-0 103 Campus Wide Organizations A. General Criteria 1. Open Projects. All projects sponsored by Campus Wide Organizations with student fee funds must show an educational benefit to the students of the University, must be open to all students of the University, and must be free to all students of the University. Such projects must also be held on the University campus or within the Manhattan community. Differentiation of Projects. Each project for which funding is to be requested must 2. be distinct and independent, and must be related to the goals of the organization itself. 3. Fund Raising. All groups should make a reasonable effort to raise funds, either through dues or other events. While not a requirement for funding, the Allocations Committee may reject funding for any requested materials which would commonly be paid for by fund raising at its discretion. 164 B. C. Request Process 1. Requests. Requests for funding of projects from the Student Activity Fee may be made by Campus Wide Organizations fulfilling the requirements of 13-0 102 through the completion and submission of a funding request form, available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. A separate funding request form must be submitted for each project the organization wishes to hold, up to a maximum of three five projects in any semester annually. Funds requested in any semester must be for projects to be held in the following semester. 2. The funding request form must be completed in accordance with the form’s instructions. Funds requested for a project must be divided into separate categories, outlined below. Each category must have a detailed description of the items the funds requested for that category are to be used for and an estimate of cost for each item. a) Promotions. Promotions shall include any expense related to advertisement of an activity, such as newspaper advertisements, radio advertisements, leaflets or posters, and other such materials. b) Honoraria. Honoraria shall include any funds requested by an organization in order to bring a speaker or performed to a planned project or event. c) Rent of Space and Equipment. Rent of space and equipment shall include any expenses related to renting rooms or other areas for performances, meetings, and other such events, as well as any costs related to rental of tables and chairs, movie projectors, or other necessary materials for a project. d) Rent of Equipment. Rent of equipment shall include any costs related to rental of tables and chairs, movie projectors, or other necessary materials for a project. d) Films. Films shall include any expense for the rental of movies, documentaries, recorded theatrical shows, or other such events. e) Other. This category shall include any expenses for items that do not reasonably fit in the above categories, such as supplies. Funding for “other” expenses shall be determined independent of the other categories and shall be subject to the limitations on funding, below. 3. Funding request forms for the following fiscal year must be completed and submitted to the Allocations Committee in the Office of Student Activities and Services not later than the fourth third Friday after the beginning of semesterly classes for each semester of November. Funding requests for the current year will be considered on a rolling basis, but must be submitted six weeks prior to the date of the project. Limitations 1. Services, Where Acquired. Funds allocated by the Allocations Committee must be spent on services offered on the University campus whenever these services are available. 2. Honorarium. All recipients of an honorarium are required to complete a standard performance contract prior to payment. Groups must submit an honorarium data information sheet with performance contract at least six weeks before the event to receive payment. 3. Spending Restrictions. Student funds allocated by the Allocations Committee may not be spent on any of the following items: a) Food. Food may not be purchased with student funds unless such materials are to be used in an educational experiment. Prior approval from the 165 b) c) d) Treasurer should be gained before an expenditure for this exception is made. Social Events. Student funds may not be spent on any materials pertaining to social functions, parties, or banquets, and may not be spent for any materials in any project where such an event is part thereof Personal Materials. Student funds may not be spent on any personal materials, such as plaques, gifts, awards, flowers, name tags, engravings for specific individuals, photographs, or clothing. Wages. Student funds may not be spent on wages or compensation of any kind, with the exception of honoraria. D. Reserve Accounts 1. Holding of Funds. Campus Wide Organizations who have been allocated student funds for a project that was not held in the semester in which it was originally intended to be held may retain such funds through the semester following the semester in which the project was originally intended to be held. Funds allocated for any project not held after two semesters shall be returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account. D. Unspent Funds 1. Unspent Funds Returned All unspent funds allocated to an Institutional Service shall be returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account 13-0104 College Councils and College Council Organizations A. General Criteria 1. Open Projects. All projects sponsored by College Councils or College Council Organizations must show an educational benefit to the students of the individual college, must be open to all students of the University, and must be free to all students of the University. 2. Differentiation of Projects. Each project for which funding is to be requested must be distinct and independent, and must be related to the goals of the organization itself. 3. Fund Raising. All groups should make a reasonable effort to raise funds, either through dues or other events. While not a requirement for funding, the Allocations Committee may reject funding for any requested materials which would commonly be paid for by fund raising at its discretion. B. Duties Powers of the College Councils 1. Allocation of Funds. Each college council shall be responsible for the processing of funding requests for any organization classified as a College Council Organization. Such funding requests shall be considered and funds allocated in any equitable manner as determined by the individual college councils. Such allocations must be consistent with the Funding Statute regulations which apply to funding of the College Councils, following. 2. Special Allocations. Special allocations may be made by the College Councils, at their discretion and in any equitable manner which they so choose, to any College Council Organization submitting a request for special allocations to the College Council. Such allocations, however, must adhere to the requirements and restrictions provided in the Funding Statute in respect to special allocations, 130106. 166 C. Request Process 1. Requests. Requests for funding of projects from the Student Activity Fee may be made by College Councils and College Council Organizations fulfilling the requirements of 13-0102 through the completion and submission of a funding request form, available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. College Council Organizations must submit funding request forms for the following fiscal year to the Allocations Committee in the Office of Student Activities and Services not later than the second Friday in February. the College Council. The College Council must submit an omnibus funding request to the Allocations Committee in the Office of Student Activities and Services. 2. The College Council funding request form must be completed in accordance with the form’s instructions. Funds requested must be divided into those funds requested by each individual College Council Organization, and each individual organization request must be divided in accordance with the categories listed below. a) Promotions. Promotions shall include any expense related to the advertisement of an activity, such as newspaper advertisements, radio advertisements, leaflets or posters, and other such materials. b) Honoraria. Honoraria shall include any funds requested by an organization in order to bring a speaker or performed to a planned project or event. c) Rent of Space and Equipment. Rent of space and equipment shall include any expenses related to renting rooms or other areas for performances, meetings, and other such events as well as any costs related to rental of tables and chairs, movie projectors, or other necessary materials for a project. d) Rent of Equipment. Rent of equipment shall include any costs related to rental of tables and chairs, movie projectors, or other necessary materials for a project. d) Films. Films shall include any expense for the rental of movies, documentaries, recorded theatrical shows, or other such events. e) Other. This category shall include any expenses for items that do not reasonably fit in the above categories, such as supplies. Funding for “other” expenses shall be determined independent of the other categories and shall be subject to the limitations on funding, below. f) Open House. This category shall represent a College Council’s request for funds related to open house activities, and funds in this category may only be requested by the College Council itself. 3. Budget requests forms for College Councils must be completed and submitted to the Allocations Committee in the Office of Student Activities and Services not later than the last Friday of April for the following fiscal year. 3. The Allocations Committee shall deliver to each college council the requests of that College Council’s organizations with a College Council budget request form by the fourth Friday of February. 4. Budget requests forms for College Councils, including the individual budget request forms of each organization, must be completed and submitted to the Allocations Committee in the Office of Student Activities and Services not later than the first last Friday of April for the following fiscal year. C. Limitations 167 1. D. Services, Where Acquired. Funds allocated by the Allocations Committee must be spent on services offered on the University campus whenever these services are available. 2. Honorarium. All recipients of an honorarium are required to complete a standard performance contract prior to payment. Groups must submit an honorarium data information sheet with performance contract at least six weeks before the event to receive payment. 3. Spending Restrictions. Student funds allocated by the Allocations Committee may not be spent on any of the following items: a) Food. Food may not be purchased with student funds except unless such materials are to be used in an educational experiment. Prior approval from the Treasurer should be gained before an expenditure for this exception is made. b) Social Events. Student funds may not be spent on any materials pertaining to social functions, parties, or banquets, and may not be spent for any materials in any project where such an event is part thereof. c) Personal Materials. Student funds may not be spent on any personal materials, such as plaques, gifts, awards, flowers, name tags, engravings for specific individuals, photographs, or clothing. d) Wages. Student funds may not be spent on wages or compensation of any kind, with the exception of honoraria. e) Open House Restrictions. The Treasurer of the Student Governing Association shall have the authority to compile a list of materials that may not be purchased with student funds for open house activities. Such a list will be available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. Reserve Accounts 1. College Councils. College Councils which have been allocated funds and have not spent or allocated to College Council Organizations the entire allocations received at the beginning of each fiscal year, may retain in a reserve account funds equal to the greater of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or twenty percent (20%) of the fiscal year’s College Council budget. Funds over this amount will be returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account at the end of each fiscal year. 13-0105 I Institutional Services A. General Criteria 1. Registration. Institutional Services requesting funds from the Student Activity Fee must have been registered as an Institutional Service for not less than one (1) year prior to such a funding request being made. 2. Demonstration of Necessity. Institutional Services which request funds for the categories of promotions or travel must submit a statement demonstrating the need for such expenditures to maintain the services they provide. 3. Fund Raising. All groups should make a reasonable effort to raise funds, either through dues or other events. While not a requirement for funding, the Allocations Committee may reject funding for any requested materials which would commonly be paid for by fund raising at its discretion. B. Request Process 1. Requests. Requests for funding of projects from the Student Activity Fee may be made by Campus Wide Organizations fulfilling the requirements of 13-0102 through the completion and submission of a funding request form, available in the 168 2. 3. C. Office of Student Activities and Services. A separate funding request form must be submitted for each project the organization wishes to hold, up to a maximum of three projects in any semester. The funding request form must be completed in accordance with the form’s instructions. Funds requested for a project must be divided into separate categories, outlined below. Each category must have a detailed description of the items the funds requested for that category are to be used for and an estimate of cost for each item. a) Promotions. Promotions shall include any expense related to the advertisement of an activity, such as newspaper advertisements, radio advertisements, leaflets or posters, and other such materials. b) Honoraria. Honoraria shall include any funds requested by an organization in order to bring a speaker or performed to a planned project or event. c) Rent of Space and Equipment. Rent of space and equipment shall include any expenses related to renting rooms or other areas for performances, meetings, and other such events, as well as any costs related to rental of tables and chairs, movie projectors, or other necessary materials for a project. d) Rent of Equipment. Rent of equipment shall include any costs related to rental of tables and chairs, movie projectors, or other necessary materials for a project. d) Films. Films shall include any expense for the rental of movies, documentaries, recorded theatrical shows, or other such events. Payroll. Payroll shall include expenses related to the staffing of services e) provided by the Institutional Service. f) Other. This category shall include any expenses for items that do not reasonably fit in the above categories, such as supplies. Funding for “other” expenses shall be determined independent of the other categories and shall be subject to the limitations on funding, below. Funding requests forms must be completed and submitted to the Allocations Committee in the Office of Student Activities and Services not later than the fourth Friday of February after the beginning of semesterly classes for each semester. Limitations 1. Services, Where Acquired. Funds allocated by the Allocations Committee must be spent on services offered on the University campus whenever these services are available. 2. Honorarium. All recipients of an honorarium are required to complete a standard performance contract prior to payment. Groups must submit an honorarium data information sheet with performance contract at least six weeks before the event to receive payment. 3. Spending Restrictions. Student funds allocated by the Allocations Committee may not be spent on any of the following items: a) Food. Food may not be purchased with student funds except unless such materials are to be used in an educational experiment. Prior approval from the Treasurer should be gained before an expenditure for this exception is made. 169 b) c) d) E. Social Events. Student funds may not be spent on any materials pertaining to social functions, parties, or banquets, and may not be spent for any materials in any project where such an event is part thereof. Personal Materials. Student funds may not be spent on any personal materials, such as plaques, gifts, awards, flowers, name tags, engravings for specific individuals, photographs, or clothing. Payroll. Individuals to by paid wages by an Institutional Service must be included on the payroll of the Institutional Service. Individuals must be members of a university department to be included on the payroll of an Institutional Service. Unspent Funds 1. Unspent Funds Returned. All unspent funds allocated to an Institutional Service shall be returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account. 13-0106 Special Allocations A. Definitions 1. Special Allocation. Special Allocation shall be defined as any allocation related to travel or capital expenditures that is intended as a single, non recurring, event. 2. Travel. Travel shall be defined as a request for funds to pay expenses related to travel, lodging, and food. 3. Capital Expenditures. Capital Expenditures shall be defined as any request for funds related to the purchase of non-consumable goods that can be considered inventory items and have a useful life of more than one year. B. Request Requirements 1. Travel. Any request for travel must include a statement of the purpose of the project, a statement concerning the educational value of the project to the university or an academic department, as well as detailed information as to the expenses, methods of travel, lodging, and other expenses. Travel shall be funded at the rate applicable to reimbursement for expenditures made by individuals traveling for the State of Kansas. 2. Capital Expenditures. Any request for funds to purchase capital goods must be accompanied by a statement of the educational value of the purchase to the University or an academic department, a cost benefit analysis for the purchase indicating that beneficial nature of the goods, a statement of the need for the purchase, and a justified estimate of the cost of the goods at the lowest possible price for a reasonable degree of quality. 3. Submission of Requests. Requests for special allocations must be submitted to the SGA Treasurer at least four weeks prior to the planned date of the travel or the purchase of capital goods. 13-0107 Allocations A. Determination, General Method 1. The Allocations Committee shall develop suggested funding ranges for each category in 13-0107 (A) (2), below; informal guidelines, present them in bill form to Student Senate; and have them approved not later than the third Student Senate meeting of the fall semester. prior to the beginning of the allocations process for each semester. 170 2. The Allocations categories shall be: Committee shall develop such informal guidelines in the following categories: a. Promotions b. Rent of Space and Equipment c. Rent of Equipment c. Films d. Honoraria e. Travel B. Process 1. After a request form is delivered to the Allocations Committee, the Committee will initially consider the requested allocation. Each group of projects submitted by any one organization will be assigned to a member of the Allocations Committee. This committee member will be responsible for confirming cost estimates and retrieving any additional information the committee deems necessary for making a funding recommendation. 2. The committee member will present the findings to the Allocations Committee at the meeting following the one at which the project request was assigned. Based on the information provided, the Committee shall determine a reasonable level of funding for each category of the project and vote to approve this recommended allocation to the Student Senate. After a recommended allocation is made, the Allocations Committee must them determine whether or not the project application qualifies for the Early Request Credit or the Complete Information Credit. a) The Advance Early Request Credit shall apply to any organization‘s project funding request submitted to the Allocations Committee for the following fiscal year by the stated deadline, at least one week prior to the latest deadline for submission of project funding requests. Projects which meet this criteria shall receive an additional five percent (5%) over the Allocation Committee’s recommended funding level. b) The Complete Information Credit shall apply to any funding request submitted to the Allocations Committee that includes complete information, such information to include names for all speakers, location of events, location of rent of space, promotions to be held, films to be shown, equipment to be rented, and accurate estimates of each cost. Such information must be submitted in full with the original project funding request in order to qualify for the Complete Information Credit. Projects which meet this criteria shall receive an additional five percent (5%) over the Allocation Committee’s recommended funding level. 3. Allocations bills submitted to the Student Senate shall include the categories of funding, the requested funding amounts, the recommended funding amounts, and any credits which the Allocations Committee determines is applicable to a specific project represented by the bill. 4. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, funds for a project shall be available to the organization sponsoring such project. C. Expenditure of Funds 1. Lump Sum Funding. In accordance with the lump sum funding of an organization’s project, the organization may spend the funds allocated for a project in any manner in which the organization sees fit, provided that such 171 expenditures fall within the permissible expenditures as outlined in the Funding Statutes. a) Overruns. An organization may spend funds on materials in any category that exceeds the recommended amount for that category as determined by the Allocations Committee, provided that the total amount spent on a project does not exceed the total amount allocated for the project by the Student Senate. b) Limitation. Any recommended amount for an honorarium or travel must be spent only on an honorarium or travel, respectively. An organization which intends to exceed the recommended amount for any category by more than twenty-five percent (25%) must submit an Overrun Request Form to the SGA Treasurer for the approval of such excess expenditures along with a detailed reason for the excess and the manner in which the excess funds were gained through a non-expenditure in another category. Such forms arc available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. No funds may be transferred from the recommended amount for honoraria. 13-0108 Administrative A. Workshops 1. Funding Workshops. The SGA Treasurer and the Coordinator of Student Activities, or designee, shall conduct no fewer than two four funding workshops annually, at the beginning of every semester. Funding workshops shall be held during the second week of September and the second week of November. and the first week of February for funding requests to be submitted in the fall and spring semesters, respectively. The time and place of these workshops will be at the discretion of the SGA Treasurer, and prior notice of the time and place of each workshop must be made two weeks before such workshops will be held. B. Organization Designations 1. For the purpose of the Funding Statutes, the Allocations Committee shall have the authority to determine the classification of any organization with respect to the outlines of the Funding Statutes. in consultation with the University Activities Board. 2. The Allocations Committee shall have the authority to determine and designate Institutional Services subject to the approval of Student Senate. C. Funding Sources 1. Respective Fee Allocation. Funding requests under the Funding Statutes may only be allocated from the respective funding percentage of the fee. 2. Student Activity Fee, Only Source. Funding requests under the Funding Statutes may only receive funding from the Student Activity Fee. D. Financial Records 1. Maintenance. Each organization shall be required to maintain reasonable financial records detailing all income and expenditures by the organization. 2. Inspection. An organization’s financial records must be made available to the Allocations Committee at the written request of the SGA Treasurer. E. Violations 172 1. Consequences. The SGA Treasurer, with the consent of the Allocations Committee, may place a hold on funding for any project or projects associated with an organization is such organization deviates from University policy or the Funding Statutes in administering Student Activity Fee Funds. Serious violations, as determined by the Allocations Committee, shall be referred to the Student Senate, which shall have the authority to revoke funding provided to such an organization. Each organization shall be responsible for the proper handling of all Student Fee Funds. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 47-0 173 BILL 98/99/129 BY: PRIVILEGE FEE DEFINITION Nick Mueting, Josh Rengstorf, David Hendricks, Jake Worcester, Ryan Walker, Joey Bahr and Dustin Petrik WHEREAS in the past the Privilege Fee Committee has lacked direction concerning what constitutes a privilege; and WHEREAS a proper definition would insure accurate funding of Campus Privilege Fees; and WHEREAS student privilege fees are an important part of the university experience, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A new KSU SGA Statute 15-01 is hereby created to read as follows: 15-0 101 Definition of Campus Privilege Fees 15-0102 A Campus Privilege Fee is a fee created by students to provide non- academic student services not normally expected of a institution of higher learning, it is a fee created to provide benefit for a substantial portion of the student population, and enhance the university experience in a cost-effective manner. SECTION 2. All other sections of Chapter 15 are hereby renumbered. SECTION 3. This legislation will take effect upon passage. BILL WITHDRAWN BY SPONSORS 174 BILL 98/99/130 CREATION OF THE SGA SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO RESEARCH PRIVILEGE FEE LEVELS BY: David Hendricks, Nick Mueting and Dustin Petrik WHEREAS providing a good mix of benefits vs. costs is important to students; and WHEREAS having privilege fees that are roughly the same amount to are other peer institutions is important for recruitment and retention of students; and WHEREAS research in this issue is complex and time-consuming, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The SGA Special Committee to Research Privilege Fee Levels, with the following purposes, is hereby created: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Survey all Big XII universities and any other peer institutions they see fit to assess their current fee schedules, amounts, and the services that students receive for those fees. Assess the effectiveness of the current Privilege Fee structure at Kansas State University. Recommend a definition of privilege fees. Research the renaming of the committee. Make a report and recommendations to Kansas State University Student Governing Association concerning what, if any, courses of action should be taken. SECTION 2. The Special Committee shall consist of the following members: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Two Student Senators appointed by the Student Senate Chair. One Cabinet member appointed by the Student Body President. Two at-large members jointly appointed by the Student Senate Chair and the Student Body President. The Special Committee Chair, who shall vote only in the case of a tie, jointly appointed by the Student Senate Chair and the Student Body President. The Coordinator of the Office of Student Activities and Services or designee, who shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting advisor. SECTION 3. The Special Committee shall submit its final report and recommendations to the Student Senate Chair and Student Body President by October 28, 1999 for the benefit of the entire Kansas State University Student Governing Association. From and after April, 2000, this legislation is hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 24-2 1 175 BILL 98/99/131 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONCERNING THE COMPOSITION AND APPOINTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL NOMINEE INTERVIEW COMMITTEE Judicial Council, Arnie Kershner and Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS the Judicial Branch currently has very little input into the selection of the head of the Judicial Branch; and WHEREAS the proposed system does not affect the system of checks and balances because it still allows for each branch’s input and requires the approval of Student Senate; and WHEREAS more input from the Judicial Branch in the selection of it’s leader would be beneficial for the student judicial branch as a whole; and WHEREAS a committee with representation from all three branches that conducts interviews with the candidates for Attorney General can make a more informed appointment than the Student Body President, who did not interview all the candidates, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1: Article 601, Section E. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution is hereby repealed and amended to read as: 5. Selection and Appointment of Judicial Branch Members 1. 2. The Attorney General Interview and selection Committee shall be composed of the Student Body President and Student Body Vice President (or a member of the executive branch appointed by such officer); two Student Senators appointed by the present Chairperson of Student Senate; two members of the judicial branch appointed by the Judicial Council; and the present chairperson of Student Senate, who shall vote only to break a tie. The Chairperson of Student Senate shall be the chair of the committee. All appointments to the committee shall be subject to approval by Student Senate at its first Student Senate meeting. The SGA Primary Judicial Advisor shall be an ex officio, non-voting member of the Committee. A quorum of the Committee shall be one voting member from each branch and the present Chairperson of Student Senate. The committee shall interview candidates for Attorney General for the following academic year, subject to approval by Student Senate. The SGA Attorney General shall be appointed by The Student Body President. The appointment shall be subject to the approval of Student Senate. Unless otherwise provided, the SGA Attorney General, in consultation with the Student Body President, shall appoint members to judicial boards. The Attorney General, in consultation with the Dean of Student Life or designee, shall determine which judicial boards shall be authorized to hear each case. 176 SECTION 2: This bill shall take effect upon ratification of six of nine college councils. FAILED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 28-16 [three-fourths selected-and-qualified vote required for passage] 177 BILL 98/99/132 BY: AMENDMENTS TO FUNDING REGULATIONS CONCERNING REGISTERED ORGANIZATIONS Dustin Petrik, Josh Rengstorf, Nick Mueting and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the Student Senate Special Committee to Study Services Provided to Student Organizations recommended a new procedure for the registration of student organizations at Kansas State University; and WHEREAS the following amendments to the KSU SGA Funding Statutes would simplify the classification and funding of registered student organizations, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 13-0102 A.1.b is hereby amended to read: Campus Wide Organization. A Campus Wide Organization shall be any b. registered organization registered with the Union Activities Board recognized as not being associated with any specific college. SECTION 2. KSU SGA Statute 13-0102 A.1.d is hereby amended to read: d. College Council Organization. A College Council Organization shall be any registered organization registered with the Union Activities Board whose organized focus shall be academic or professional in nature and may be associated with a specific academic college. SECTION 3. KSU SGA Statute 13-0102 A.1. is hereby amended to add: f Student. A student shall be any KSU student enrolled in a minimum of one (1) hour. SECTION 4. KSU SGA Statute 13-0102 A.1. is hereby amended to add: g. University Person. A University Person shall be any KSU faculty or staff who does not meet the requirements of 13-0102 A. 1.f SECTION 5. KSU SGA Statute 13-0102 A. 1. is hereby amended to add: h. Community Person. A Community Person shall be any individual who does not meet the requirements of 13-0102 A. 1.1 or 13-0102 A. 1.g. SECTION 6. KSU SGA Statute 13-0102 A. 1. is hereby amended to add: i. Student Organization. A Student Organization shall be any registered organization whose membership is limited to students and university persons and in which students comprise no less than 80% of the total membership. The officers of the organization must all be students. SECTION 7. KSU SGA Statute 13-0102 A. 1. is hereby amended to add: j. University/Community Organizations. A University/Community Organization shall be any registered organization that does not meet the requirements of 12-0102 A.1.i. SECTION 8. KSU SGA Statute 13-0102 B.1.a. is hereby amended to read: 178 a. The organization must be a Student Organization student group currently registered by the Office of Student Activities and Services with the Union Activities Board, or an Institutional Service. University/Community Organizations shall not be eligible to apply for or receive Student Activity Fee funds. SECTION 9. KSU SGA Statute 13-0102 B. 1. is hereby amended to add: f The organization must be registered for six months previous to requesting Student Activity Fee funds. SECTION 10. KSU SGA Statute 13-0102 B.1. is hereby amended to add: The organization may not receive funds for six months after being placed g. on probation by the Activities Director. SECTION 11. KSU SGA Statute 13-0102 B.1. is hereby amended to add: Student Activity Fee funds shall not be allocated to projects for the h. purposes of promoting or opposing a particular political candidate, political or social issue, or religion. SECTION 12. KSU SGA Statute 13-0108 B.1. is hereby amended to read: 1. For the purpose of the funding Statutes, The Allocations Committee shall have the authority to determine classification of any organization with respect to the outlines of the Funding Statutes classify all registered organizations as either a Student Organization or a University/Community Organization. SECTION 13. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 45-1 179 BILL 98/99/133 BY: AMENDMENTS CONCERNING THE REGISTRATION OF ORGANIZATIONS Dustin Petrik, Josh Rengstorf, Nick Mueting and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the Student Senate Special Committee to Study Services Provided to Student Organizations recommended a new procedure for the registration of student organizations at Kansas State University; and WHEREAS the following amendments to the KSU SGA Statutes would simplify the registration of organizations, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statutes 07-0401 through 07-0555 are hereby repealed. SECTION 2. KSU SGA Statute 07-04 is hereby added, which reads: 07-0401 Article I. Registration of Organizations A. Eligibility 1. 2. B. To be eligible for registration, an organization must have: a. a minimum often (10) members b. at least 50% of the members must be students c. a common academic, cultural, religious, professional, social, political, or service-oriented interest d. a Constitution or Statement of Purpose e. a faculty or staff advisor An organization may not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, religious faith, national origin, physical ability, or sexual orientation. (The prohibition of discrimination in membership on the basis of sex does not apply to social fraternities and sororities which are exempt from taxation under Section 501-a of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, the active membership of which consists primarily of students in attendance at institution of higher education.) Registration Organizations requesting registration shall submit a completed registration 1. form and a $5.00 registration fee to the Office of Student Activities and Service. 2. Previously registered organizations must also have a current copy of their Constitution or Statement of Purpose on file in the Office of Student Activities and Services. New organizations shall be recognized for sixty (60) days from the time that registration is requested to submit a Constitution or Statement of Purpose with the office. 3. The Coordinator of the Office of Student Activities and Services or designee, who shall serve as the Activities Director, shall check forms for completeness and compliance with University rules and regulations. 180 4. 5. 6. 7. The Activities Director shall have the authority to register, deny registration, require additional information, or require corrective actions be taken by organizations requesting registration. A copy of the registration form shall be provided to the Allocations Committee for classification of registered organizations. All registered organizations shall be required to renew registration annually. Registered organizations shall submit a completed registration form and a $5.00 registration fee to the Office of Student Activities and Services at the beginning of each academic year prior to September 30th• Failure to register by the required date will result in a registration penalty of an additional $5.00, probation, or revocation of registration. Registered organizations shall submit an up-to-date roster of all members to the Office of Student Activities and Services at the end of the first semester of the academic year. 07-0402 Article II. Probation and Revocation of Registration A. Probation 1. 2. B. Registered organizations found in violation of SGA or University rules and regulations shall be placed on probation by the Activities Director for a period of six months. Registered organizations placed on probation shall take all actions necessary to correct the violation. If the violation has not been corrected at the end of the six month probation period, the registration of the organization shall be revoked. Revocation of Registration 1. Registered organizations found in serious violation of SGA or University rules and regulations shall have their registration revoked. The Activities Director, or the Office of Student Life shall be responsible for determining when a serious violation has occurred. 2. Organizations whose registration has been revoked may not request registration for a period of six months. 07-0403 Article III. Services Provided to Registered Organizations A. B. C. D. Registered organizations shall be provided a mailbox, all relevant information, and all required forms by the Office of Student Activities and Services. Registered organizations shall be provided meeting space and the opportunity to reserve rooms for special events by the Division of Facilities or the Kansas State Student Union. Registered organizations shall be provided the opportunity to request fund-raising and vendors permits from the Division of Facilities or the Kansas State Student Union. Registered organizations shall be provided the opportunity to request Student Activity Fee funds subject to the KSU SGA Funding Statutes. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 45-1 181 BILL 98/99/134 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO ANIME AND MANGA SOCIETY FOR FALL 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Anime and Manga Society; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project I - Collection of Anime Films Request $472.02 Films Recommendation $472.02 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project I is allocated $472.02 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Anime and Manga Society. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. PASSED STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 41-3 182 1998-1999 RESOLUTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Resolution Number and Title Pane Res 98/99/01 Approval of New Student Senators .....................................................................1 Res 98/99/02 Approval of New Student Senator .......................................................................2 Res 98/99/03 Approval of Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee ..........................3 Res 98/99/04 Approval of University Activities Board Chairman ............................................4 Res 98/99/05 Standing Rules Amendments ...............................................................................5 Res 98/99/06 Commendation to Jeffrey D. Dougan and Dr. Mitchell D. Strauss .....................7 Res 98/99/07 Approval of Standing Committee Chairs .............................................................9 Res 98/99/08 Approval of Student Senate Secretary and Parliamentarian ..............................10 Res 98/99/09 Approval of New Student Senator .....................................................................11 Res 98/99/10 Approval of Attorney General ...........................................................................12 Res 98/99/11 Approval of Student Body President’s Cabinet .................................................13 Res 98/99/12 Student Recommendation Regarding Graduate Student Employee Health Insurance ................................................................................................14 Res 98/99/13 Approval of Summer Treasurer .........................................................................15 Res 98/99/14 Approval of New Senator ..................................................................................16 Res 98/99/15 Commendation to S. Kaleem Quadri, B.V.Sc., M.S., PhD. ..............................17 Res 98/99/16 Standing Rules Amendment Eliminating Office Hours ....................................19 Res 98/99/17 Approval of Governmental Relations Chair ......................................................20 Res 98/99/18 Approval of Educational Opportunity Fund Committee Appointments ............21 Res 98/99/19 Approval of 1998-1999 Student Government Goals .........................................22 Res 98/99/20 City-University Projects Fund Committee Appointments .................................23 Res 98/99/21 Support for the Creation of a Recreation-Complex-Only Parking Permit .........25 Res 98/99/22 1998-99 Budget Resolution ...............................................................................26 Res 98/99/23 Approval of Judicial Board Members ................................................................27 Res 98/99/24 Approval of New Senator ..................................................................................28 Res 98/99/25 Support for Street Improvements on North Manhattan Avenue ........................29 Res 98/99/26 Approval of Honor Council Appointments .......................................................30 Res 98/99/27 Standing Rules Amendment Adding Required Service Hour ...........................32 Res 98/99/28 Approval of Student Senate Interns ...................................................................33 Res 98/99/29 Approval of Changes to the Arts and Sciences College Council Constitution ..........................................................................................34 Res 98/99/30 Approval of New Senator ..................................................................................35 Res 98/99/31 Approval of Campus Leadership Institute Council Appointments ....................36 Res 98/99/32 Approval of New Senator ..................................................................................37 Res 98/99/33 Approval of Cabinet Member ............................................................................38 Res 98/99/34 Approval of Appointments to the SGA Special Committee to Research Safe-Ride ............................................................................................39 Res 98/99/35 Commendation to the Collegian and Royal Purple Staffs .................................40 Res 98/99/36 Commendation to Jack Flouer ...........................................................................41 Res 98/99/37 Commendation to Judith Zivanovic ...................................................................42 Res 98/99/38 Support for Library Funding ..............................................................................43 Res 98/99/39 Approval of New Student Senator .....................................................................44 Res 98/99/40 Approval of Elections Committee Chair ...........................................................45 Res 98/99/41 Academic Advising Baseline Initiative .............................................................46 Res 98/99/42 Support for Change in Enrollment Procedures ..................................................47 Res 98/99/43 Commendation to Russell Fortmeyer ................................................................48 Res 98/99/44 Approval of New Student Senators ...................................................................49 Res 98/99/45 Res 98/99/46 Res 98/99/47 Res 98/99/48 Res 98/99/49 Res 98/99/50 Res 98/99/51 Res 98/99/52 Res 98/99/53 Res 98/99/54 Res 98/99/55 Res 98/99/56 Res 98/99/57 Res 98/99/58 Res 98/99/59 Res 98/99/60 Res 98/99/61 Res 98/99/62 Res 98/99/63 Res 98/99/64 Res 98/99/65 Approval of New Student Senators ...................................................................50 Approval of Elections Committee .....................................................................51 Support for Increases in State Financial Aid Programs .....................................52 Support for Kansas State University Faculty Salary Increase ...........................53 Approval of New Student Senator .....................................................................54 Support for State Funding of KSU Libraries .....................................................55 Commendation to the K-State Livestock Judging Team ...................................56 Commendation to Veryl Switzer .......................................................................57 Residence Hall Meal Schedule Change .............................................................59 Approval of Appointments to Faculty Senate Calendar Committee .................60 Approval of Appointments to the Task Force on Independent Living ..............61 Recommendation to the Faculty Senate Calendar Committee ..........................62 Approval of 1999 SGA Elections Results .........................................................63 Approval of Honor Council Appointments .......................................................66 Approval of Undergraduate Honor Council Constitution and By-Laws ...........68 Commendation to Mike Farres ..........................................................................74 Commendation to the Attorney General ............................................................75 Commendation to Student Body President and Vice President .........................76 Commendation to Student Senate Chair and Student Senate Vice Chair ..........77 Commendation to Student Senate Standing Committee Chairs and Other Members of the Executive Committee ..............................................................78 Commendation to 1998-1999 Student Senate and Student Senate Interns ........80 1998-1999 RESOLUTIONS INDEX Approval of Appointments Pane Res 98/99/01 Approval of New Student Senators .....................................................................1 Res 98/99/02 Approval of New Student Senator .......................................................................2 Res 98/99/03 Approval of Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee ..........................3 Res 98/99/04 Approval of University Activities Board Chairman ............................................4 Res 98/99/07 Approval of Standing Committee Chairs .............................................................9 Res 98/99/08 Approval of Student Senate Secretary and Parliamentarian ..............................10 Res 98/99/09 Approval of New Student Senator .....................................................................11 Res 98/99/10 Approval of Attorney General ...........................................................................12 Res 98/99/11 Approval of Student Body President’s Cabinet .................................................13 Res 98/99/13 Approval of Summer Treasurer .........................................................................15 Res 98/99/14 Approval of New Senator ..................................................................................16 Res 98/99/17 Approval of Governmental Relations Chair ......................................................20 Res 98/99/18 Approval of Educational Opportunity Fund Committee Appointments ............21 Res 98/99/20 City-University Projects Fund Committee Appointments .................................23 Res 98/99/23 Approval of Judicial Board Members ................................................................27 Res 98/99/24 Approval of New Senator ..................................................................................38 Res 98/99/26 Approval of Honor Council Appointments .......................................................30 Res 98/99/28 Approval of Student Senate Interns ...................................................................33 Res 98/99/30 Approval of New Senator ..................................................................................35 Res 98/99/31 Approval of Campus Leadership Institute Council Appointments ....................36 Res 98/99/32 Approval of New Senator ..................................................................................37 Res 98/99/33 Approval of Cabinet Member ............................................................................38 Res 98/99/34 Approval of Appointments to te SGA Special Committee to Research Safe-Ride ...........................................................................................................39 Res 98/99/39 Approval of New Student Senator .....................................................................44 Res 98/99/40 Approval of Elections Committee Chair ...........................................................45 Res 98/99/44 Approval of New Student Senators ...................................................................49 Res 98/99/45 Approval of New Student Senators ...................................................................50 Res 98/99/46 Approval of Elections Committee .....................................................................51 Res 98/99/49 Approval of New Student Senator .....................................................................54 Res 98/99/54 Approval of Appointments to Faculty Senate Calendar Committee .................60 Res 98/99/55 Approval of Appointments to the Task Force on Independent Living ..............61 Res 98/99/58 Approval of Honor Council Appointments .......................................................66 Approval of Regulations and Guidelines Res 98/99/29 Approval of Changes to the Arts and Sciences College Council Constitution .......34 Res 98/99/59 Approval of Undergraduate Honor Council Constitution and By-Laws ................68 Commendations Res 98/99/06 Commendation to Jeffrey D. Dougan and Dr. Mitchell D. Strauss .....................7 Res 98/99/15 Commendation to S. Kaleem Quadri, B.V.Sc., M.S., PhD. ..............................17 Res 98/99/35 Commendation to the Collegian and Royal Purple Staffs .................................40 Res 98/99/36 Commendation to Jack Flouer ...........................................................................41 Res 98/99/37 Commendation to Judith Zivanovic ...................................................................42 Res 98/99/43 Commendation to Russell Fortmeyer ................................................................48 Res 98/99/51 Commendation to the K-State Livestock Judging Team ...................................56 Res 98/99/52 Commendation to Veryl Switzer .......................................................................57 Res 98/99/60 Res 98/99/61 Res 98/99/62 Res 98/99/63 Res 98/99/64 Commendation to Mike Farres ..........................................................................74 Commendation to the Attorney General ............................................................75 Commendation to Student Body President and Vice President .........................76 Commendation to Student Senate Chair and Student Senate Vice Chair ..........77 Commendation to Student Senate Standing Committee Chairs and Other Members of the Executive Committee ..............................................................78 Res 98/99/65 Commendation to 1998-1999 Student Senate and Student Senate Interns ........80 Resolutions Regarding City Government Res 98/99/25 Support for Street Improvements on North Manhattan Avenue ........................29 Resolutions Regarding State Education Funding Res 98/99/38 Support for Library Funding ..............................................................................43 Res 98/99/47 Support for Increases in State Financial Aid Programs .....................................52 Res 98/99/48 Support for Kansas State University Faculty Salary Increase ...........................53 Res 98/99/50 Support for State Funding of KSU Libraries .....................................................55 Standing Rules Amendments Res 98/99/05 Standing Rules Amendments ...............................................................................5 Res 98/99/16 Standing Rules Amendment Eliminating Office Hours ....................................19 Res 98/99/27 Standing Rules Amendment Adding Required Service Hour ...........................32 Miscellaneous Res 98/99/12 Student Recommendation Regarding Graduate Student Employee Health Insurance ................................................................................................14 Res 98/99/19 Approval of 1998-1999 Student Government Goals .........................................22 Res 98/99/21 Support for the Creation of a Recreation-Complex-Only Parking Permit .........25 Res 98/99/22 1998-99 Budget Resolution ................................................................................26 Res 98/99/41 Academic Advising Baseline Initiative .............................................................46 Res 98/99/42 Support for Change in Enrollment Procedures ..................................................47 Res 98/99/53 Residence Hall Meal Schedule Change ..............................................................59 Res 98/99/56 Recommendation to the Faculty Senate Calendar Committee ..........................62 Res 98/99/57 Approval of 1999 SGA Elections Results .........................................................63 RESOLUTION 98/99/01 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATORS Jeff Dougan WHEREAS there are vacancies of Student Senator seats for the College of Business and the College of Veterinary Medicine; and WHEREAS Teanikia Britton received the next highest vote total among non-elected Business Senatorial Candidates; and WHEREAS Suzanne Feuerborn received the next highest vote total among non-elected Veterinary Medicine Senatorial Candidates, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves Teanikia Britton as a Student Senator from the College of Business. SECTION 2. Student Senate approves Suzanne Feuerbom as a Student Senator from the College of Veterinary Medicine. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 9, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 1 RESOLUTION 98/99/02 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATOR Gabe Eckert WHEREAS there is a vacancy of a Student Senator seat for the College of Agriculture; and WHEREAS Larry Rowland received the next highest vote total among non-elected Agriculture Senatorial Candidates, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves Larry Rowland as a Student Senator from the College of Agriculture. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 9, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 2 RESOLUTION 98/99/03 BY: APPROVAL OF ATTORNEY GENERAL NOMINEE INTERVIEW COMMITTEE GabeEckert WHEREAS the KSU SGA By-laws Article 5 Section 8 provides for the creation of an Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee; and WHEREAS the Student Senate Chair is required to appoint five student senators to the committee, which is subject to the approval of Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following student senators be approved as members of the 1998 Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee: Crystal Campbell Robin Cates Elizabeth Gregory David Hendricks Bill Muir PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 16, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 3 RESOLUTION 98/99/04 BY: APPROVAL OF UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD CHAIRMAN Gabe Eckert, Jake Worcester and University Activities Board WHEREAS the University Activities Board is a committee within the Kansas State University Student Governing Association; and WHEREAS the University Activities Board By-Laws provides for the board to elect a chair; and WHEREAS Student Senate must approve the University Activities Board chair, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves T.J. Schreiner as the University Activities Board Chairman for the 1998-1999 term. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 16, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 4 RESOLUTION 98/99/05 BY: STANDING RULES AMENDMENTS Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS it has become customary to begin each Student Senate term with amendments to the Standing Rules; and WHEREAS Student Senate will benefit from these proposed changes, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. A new Section 42-1302 be created to read as follows: 42-1302. Pledge of Allegiance A. The Pledge of Allegiance shall immediately follow the calling to order of each Student Senate meeting. SECTION 2. The current Section 42-1302 be renumbered 42-1303 and subsection C be amended as follows: C. Each regular meeting of Student Senate meeting shall end with an open period, during which any individual with speaking privileges may address Student Senate on any issue. Each speaker shall be limited to we three minutes. Student Senate may allow a speaker to continue for an additional two minutes by majority vote. SECTION 3. The current Section 42-1303 be renumbered 42-1304 and subsection A be amended as follows: A. Committee reports and directors’ reports shall be limited to not more than five minutes for each report, unless the person giving the committee report yields to anothcr pcrson on thc committcc or thc dircctor yiclds to another person. In such case, the person yielded to will be allowed a time limit of five minutes. Student Senate may allow either person to continue beyond five minutes by majority vote. Following each committee report will be a question period for those with speaking privileges that will last no longer than five minutes, unless extended by majority vote. SECTION 4. The current Section 42-1304 be renumbered 42-1305 and subsection D be amended as follows: D. Individuals with speaking privileges, having been recognized by the senate chair, may speak and/or yield time to one individual without speaking privileges to ask questions or speak during debate. The floor and any remaining time is relinquished to the person yielding after the individual without speaking privileges has concluded his/her questions or debate, if time has not expired for the person yielding such time. Yielding time to debate shall be recognized as a single debate period for the individual yielding time. SECTION 5. The current Section 42-1305 be renumbered 42-1306 and subsection A be amended as follows: 5 A. A quorum of the Student Senate shall be required for legislation to be considered. In the absence of a quorum, those senators present may take those steps necessary to obtain a quorum and/or penalize those not present. If no quorum can be obtained after appropriate measures, a roll call shall be in order taken before the meeting is adjourned. SECTION 6. The current Section 42-1305 be renumbered 42-1306 and amended by adding a new subsection 3 as follows: 3. All committee recommendations, including vote totals, shall be printed next to the corresponding legislation on Student Senate agendas. SECTION 7. Current sections 42-1306 through 42-13 12 be renumbered as 42-1307 through 42-13 13. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 23,1998 BY VOICE VOTE 6 RESOLUTION 98/99/06 BY: COMMENDATION TO JEFFREY D. DOUGAN AND DR. MITCHELL D. STRAUSS Student Body President Tracey Mann, Student Body Vice President Andy Mackim, Chief of Staff Jason Lacey, Student Senate Chairman Gabe Eckert, Student Senate Vice Chairman Jake Worcester, Attorney General Kelly Dickson, Student Senators: Dan Allen, Phil Anderson, Jonathan Atkins, Chris Avila, Joey Bahr, Kristin Bloss, Mary Bosco, Todd Brady, Teanikia Britton, Crystal Campbell, Robin Cates, Chris Crowder, Andy Curtis, Barbara Dethioff, Dustin Durbin, Suzzie Feuerborn, Alan Geist, Amber Georg, Elizabeth Gregory, Rebekah Guthrie, David Hendricks, Trey Hock, Buck Johnson, Jason Keeler, Amie Kershner, Les Kuhlman, Jeremy Lutz, Apryl Mathes, Kris Meiergerd, John Moberg, Sarah Morris, Nick Mueting, William Muir, Justin Nichols, Dustin Parsons, Jenny Perkins, Kim Peschka, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jessica Raile, Scott Reed, Dan Reihie, Josh Rengstorf, J.R. Robel, Larry Rowland, Joey Schneider, T.J. Schreiner, Jason Shearer, Ian Sinnett, Melanie Smith, Phil Stein, Cody Sudmeier, Danedri Thompson, Brian Weta and Wendy Wenzel WHEREAS the University provost created a task force on academic honesty in the fall of 1994 to address and examine the issue of reducing cheating at Kansas State University; and WHEREAS the task force recommended that Kansas State University implement an honor system; and WHEREAS the Kansas State University Student Governing Association sanctioned the implementation of the Honor System in Bill 96/97/76; and WHEREAS the Kansas State University Faculty Senate established an ad-hoc committee to address faculty concerns regarding the Honor System and revise it as necessary; and WHEREAS the Kansas State University Student Governing Association further sanctioned revisions in the proposed Honor System in Bill 96/97/98; and WHEREAS two of the driving forces behind the passage and implementation of the Honor System have been Jeffrey D. Dougan, who was Student Senate Academic Affairs and University Relations chair and Student Senate chair during his tenure, and Dr. Mitchell D. Strauss, who first presented the concept to Student Senate in 1994; and WHEREAS without the guidance, nurturing, hard work and constant support of Jeffrey D. Dougan and Dr. Mitchell D. Strauss, final passage of the Honor System could not have been accomplished, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association commends Jeffrey D. Dougan and Dr. Mitchell D. Strauss and expresses thanks and gratitude for their outstanding service regarding the Honor System. 7 SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be given to Jeffrey D. Dougan, Dr. Mitchell Strauss, University President Jon Wefald, University Provost Jim Coffman and Faculty Senate President Jim Legg upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 16, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 8 RESOLUTION 98/99/07 BY: APPROVAL OF STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS it is necessary to appoint and ratify the chairs of Student Senate standing committees; and WHEREAS the positions of Student Senate standing committee chairs were adequately advertised in the Collegian; and WHEREAS applications and interviews were made available to all students who showed interest in the KSU Student Governing Association, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved for their respective offices for the 19981999 term: Academic Affairs & University Relations Committee Rhett Trujillo Allocations Committee Carlton Getz Communications Committee Mary Bosco Governmental Relations Committee Lisa Dethioff Privilege Fee Committee Jeff Meder Senate Operations Committee Joshua Rengstorf Student Affairs & Social Services Committee Robin Cates PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 23, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 9 RESOLUTION 98/99/08 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT SENATE SECRETARY AND PARLIAMENTARIAN Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS it is necessary to appoint and ratify both the Student Senate Secretary and Student Senate Parliamentarian; and WHEREAS the positions were adequately advertised in the Collegian; and WHEREAS applications and interviews were made available to all students who showed interest in the KSU Student Governing Association, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved for their respective offices for the 19981999 term: Student Senate Secretary Carrie Cook Student Senate Parliamentarian Bill Harlan PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 23, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 10 RESOLUTION 98/99/09 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW SENATOR Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS there is a vacancy of a Student Senator seat for the College of Arts and Sciences because of two candidates receiving the same number of votes for the eighteenth seat; and WHEREAS Jerry Moore was tied in receiving the eighteenth highest vote total among Arts and Sciences Senatorial Candidates; and WHEREAS the Arts and Sciences Council voted to approve Jerry Moore as a Student Senator, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves Jerry Moore as a Student Senator for the College of Arts and Sciences for the 1998-99 Student Senate term. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 30, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 11 RESOLUTION 98/99/10 BY: APPROVAL OF ATTORNEY GENERAL Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Bryan Wagner, Gabe Eckert and Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee WHEREAS the Attorney General is the head of the Judicial Branch of the KSU SGA; and WHEREAS the position of Attorney General was sufficiently advertised; and WHEREAS the KSU SGA By-Laws provide that the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee be composed of the current Attorney General and five Student Senators appointed by the Student Senate Chair and approved by the Student Senate; and WHEREAS the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee was appointed by the Student Senate Chair and approved by Resolution 98/99/03 on April 16, 1998; and WHEREAS the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee met and recommended individuals to the Student Body President for appointment as Attorney General; and WHEREAS the Student Body President and the Student Body Vice President then interviewed the two candidates ranked highest by the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee; and WHEREAS the following individual is appointed Attorney General by the Student Body President, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kelly Dickson be approved as the Attorney General for the 1998-1999 term of office. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 30, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 12 RESOLUTION 98/99/11 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT’ S CABINET Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim and Gabe Eckert WHEREAS the positions on the Student Body President’s Cabinet were sufficiently advertised; and WHEREAS the following individuals proved to be best qualified for their respective positions, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following people be approved as members of the 1998-199 Student Body President’s Cabinet: Chief of Staff Special Assistant to the President College Council Coordinator Public Relations Director Governmental Affairs Director Residence Hall Coordinator Environmental Awareness Intercollegiate Athletic Liaison Multicultural Affairs Director International Affairs Director Off-Campus Housing Coordinator Parking and Campus Safety Director Special Coordinator for Advising Special Coordinator for Book Swap Executive Lobby Team Jason Lacey Tara Jo Mann Bob Zender James Theres Brad Montgomery Joseph Ashley Director Stacy Meredith Susan Steele Leo Prieto Santhi Gandu Laura Buller Chris Bainter Cara Redhair Wesley Blue Brandon Konda Mellissa Vopat Jenny Hutchins Jimi Pauls PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 30, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 13 RESOLUTION 98/99/12 BY: STUDENT RECOMMENDATION REGARDING GRADUATE EMPLOYEE HEALTH INSURANCE Dan Riehie, Jonathan Atkins and Trey Hock WHEREAS Student Governing Association currently serves as the legitimate voice for undergraduate and graduate students; and WHEREAS undergraduates make up a majority of the student population at Kansas State University and should have a say in their quality of education; and WHEREAS affordable health care and insurance is vital to the continued health of the university community; and WHEREAS graduate teaching assistants and graduate research assistants provide a significant contribution to the university community as employees; and WHEREAS collective student bargaining rights are the right of any employee if they so wish; and WHEREAS graduate student recruitment will continue to decline unless incentives are provided to graduate employees; and WHEREAS graduate student recruitment is necessary to insure the quality of teaching assistants and research assistants that is necessary for high-quality undergraduate education; and WHEREAS an insurance option with a percentage paid by the graduate student employee without a proportional raise in graduate student stipends would be a financial burden to said students; and WHEREAS graduate student employee appointments with Kansas State University exclude graduate students from acquiring additional employment positions and so additional income and employer-paid insurance, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kansas State University Student Governing Association, as the recognized voice for graduate and undergraduate students, recommends the Kansas Legislature pass no bill that will abolish the employee status and hence collective bargaining rights earned by graduate student employees. SECTION 2. Kansas State University should offer no insurance plan with a percentage of the total costs paid by the graduate student employee without an equal amount raise in graduate student employee stipends. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 30, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 42-9 14 RESOLUTION 98/99/13 BY: APPROVAL OF SUMMER TREASURER Gabe Eckert, Jake Worcester and Canton Getz WHEREAS Bill 98/99/01 created the position of Summer Treasurer; and WHEREAS all current student senators were given the opportunity to express interest in the position; and WHEREAS the Student Senate Chair in consultation with the Student Senate Vice Chair and current SGA Treasurer considered all senators expressing interest equally; and WHEREAS the candidate below has a financial background and experience being employed at the University Controller’s Office, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves Jeff Meder as the 1998 Summer Treasurer. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 30, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 15 RESOLUTION 98/99/14 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATOR Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS there is a vacancy in the office of Student Senator for the College of Arts and Sciences; and WHEREAS Kelly Furnas received the next highest vote total of non-elected Arts and Sciences senatorial candidates, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kelly Furnas be approved as a Student Senator for the College of Arts and Sciences. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON AUGUST 27, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 16 RESOLUTION 98/99/15 BY: COMMENDATION TO S. KALEEM QUADRI, B.V.SC., M.S., PH.D. Student Body President Tracey Mann, Student Body Vice President Andy Mackim, Chief of Staff Jason Lacey, Student Senate Chairman Gabe Eckert, Student Senate Vice Chairman Jake Worcester, Attorney General Kelly Dickson, Student Senators: Dan Allen, Phil Anderson, Jonathan Atkins, Chris Avila, Joey Bahr, Kristin Bloss, Mary Bosco, Todd Brady, Teanikia Britton, Crystal Campbell, Robin Cates, Chris Crowder, Andy Curtis, Barbara Dethioff, Dustin Durbin, Suzzie Feuerborn, Kelly Furnas, Alan Geist, Amber Georg, Elizabeth Gregory, .Rebekah Guthrie, David Hendricks, Trey Hock, Buck Johnson, Jason Keeler, Arnie Kershner, Les Kuhiman, Jeremy Lutz, Apryl Mathes, Kris Meiergerd, John Moberg, Sarah Morris, Nick Mueting, William Muir, Justin Nichols, Dustin Parsons, Jenny Perkins, Kim Peschka, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jessica Raile, Scott Reed, Dan Reihle, Josh Rengstorf, J.R. Robel, Larry Rowland, Joey Schneider, T.J. Schreiner, Jason Shearer, Ian Sinnett, Melanie Smith, Phil Stein, Cody Sudmeier, Danedri Thompson, Brian Weta and Wendy Wenzel WHEREAS Dr. S. Kaleem Quadri received his B.V.Sc. From Osmania University, India in 1960, M.S. in reproductive physiology from Kansas State University in 1966, M.S. in immunology in 1970 and Ph.D. in neuroendocrinology in 1973, both from Michigan State University; and WHEREAS Dr. Quadri was research associate at the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center from 1973 to 1975; and WHEREAS Dr. Quadri was an assistant scientist at the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center from 1976 to 1977; and WHEREAS Dr. Quadri accepted a position as assistant professor of physiology at the University of Oregon Health Sciences Center in Portland, Oregon from 1975 until 1977; and WHEREAS Dr. Quadri returned to Kansas State University as an associate professor in the Department of Anatomy and Physiology in the College of Veterinary Medicine in 1977; and WHEREAS Dr. Quadri received full professorship in the Department of Anatomy and Physiology in 1988 at Kansas State University; and WHEREAS Dr. Quadri was an outstanding teacher of endocrinology and reproductive physiology in the Veterinary Physiology II, AP 740-747 course; and WHEREAS Dr. Quadri created and taught the AP Advanced Neuroendocrinology course; and WHEREAS Dr. Quadri’s professional societies included the Endocrine Society, the Society for Neuroscience, the International Brain Research Organization, the International Society of Neuroendocrinology, the American Physiological Society, the Gerontological Society of America, the Society for the Study of Reproduction, the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, and Sigma Xi; and 17 WHEREAS Dr. Quadri was a pioneer and leader in research advancements in neuroendocrinology, being known worldwide as extremely knowledgeable in this field; and WHEREAS Dr. Quadri was a very well published researcher; and WHEREAS Dr. Quadri was well liked by everyone, especially students who felt he was one of the most outstanding teachers they have ever had; and WHEREAS Dr. Quadri was a teacher who did not just give students facts, but made them think and use their minds to get to the answers. This prepared them to be the best they could be in the veterinary profession; and WHEREAS Dr. Quadri died March 11, 1998 of a heart attack in his home; and WHEREAS Dr. Quadri will always be remembered by students as a caring teacher and friend who wanted them to excel by learning and thinking for themselves. He will be remembered by colleagues as a skilled researcher who dedicated his life to making advancements in neuroendocrinology, and by everyone as a caring and witty man who always made you feel comfortable in his presence, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association hereby commends Dr. S. Kaleem Quadri for his dedication and service to Kansas State University, the College of Veterinary Medicine, to the profession of veterinary medicine, to his colleagues, and all the students he taught and guided in their education SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be delivered to Mrs. Quadri. SECTION 3. A copy of this resolution be sent to the President of Kansas State University, the Provost of Kansas State University, the Office of the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University, and to all department heads in the College of Veterinary Medicine. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON AUGUST 27, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 18 RESOLUTION 98/99/16 BY: STANDING RULES AMENDMENT ELIMINATED REQUIRED OFFICE HOURS Mary Bosco, Robin Cates, Carrie Cook, Kelly Dickson, Gabe Eckert, Carlton Getz, Bill Harlan, Arnie Kershner, Jason Lacey, Andy Mackim, Tracey Mann, Jeff Meder, Josh Rengstorf, Phil Stein, Rhett Trujillo, Jake Worcester and Gayle Spencer WHEREAS office hours were originally designed to assist the staff of the Office of Student Activities and Services with day-to-day operations; and WHEREAS during the past several years, the time senators and interns invest in office hours has not been consistently productive; and WHEREAS eliminating office hours as a requirement for student senators and interns would not reduce the quality or efficiency of the Office of Student Activities and Services, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Section 42-13 11 c. of the Student Senate Standing Rules is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. Existing subsections be renumbered accordingly. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 3, 1998 BY VOICE VOTE 19 RESOLUTION 98/99/17 BY: APPROVAL OF GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS CHAIR Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the previous Governmental Relations Chair has resigned; and WHEREAS applications and interviews were made available to all students that showed interest in the position of Governmental Relations Chair; and WHEREAS it is necessary for Student Senate to approve the appointments of Student Senate standing committee chairs, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves Elizabeth Gregory as the Governmental Relations Chair for the 1998-99 term. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 3, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 20 RESOLUTION 98/99/18 BY: APPROVAL OF EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY FUND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the following students have applied for and have been appointed as student atlarge members on the Educational Opportunity Fund Committee for the 19981999 academic year, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves the following individuals to serve on the Educational Opportunity Fund Committee as at-large members: 1. Justin Nichols 2. Patty Duncan 3. Sam Halabi 4. Angie Kistner PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 21 RESOLUTION 98/99/19 BY: APPROVAL OF 1998-1999 STUDENT GOVERNMENT GOALS Executive Committee WHEREAS the Kansas State University Student Governing Association has not set yearly goals by receiving input from every member of every branch of Student Government in the past; and WHEREAS the setting of goals is vital as they help to give Student Government direction for the year; and WHEREAS these goals should be in the form of a Resolution and voted upon so that the entire student body is able to know what their Student Government is doing; and WHEREAS the passage of these goals only gives direction for what to consider and does not bind Student Government to any specific action in the future, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The goals of the 1998-1999 Student Governing Association be established as, but not limited to, the following: A. Research additional library funding B. Creation of fall break C. Advancements in academic advising D. Creation of an online book exchange program E. Creation of a recreation-complex-only parking permit F. Improvements to pedestrian safety on North Manhattan Avenue G. Increase community service on campus H. Research into the creation of a safe-ride program I. Increase voter and candidate turnout J. Crosswalk safety in and around campus K. Anderson Avenue safety L. Creation of a SGA hotline M. Improve the parking appeals citation process N. Increase communication between SGA and student body PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 3, 1998 BY VOICE VOTE 22 RESOLUTION 98/99/20 BY: CITY-UNIVERSITY PROJECTS FUND STUDENT PRIORITY LIST Governmental Relations Committee WHEREAS the 1993-94 Student Governing Association supported the annexation of the university into the city of Manhattan; and WHEREAS Student Governing Association is responsible for the allocation of students’ monies; and WHEREAS the monies derived from the City-University Projects Fund are raised from sales taxes collected by the city from university sales; and WHEREAS President Jon Wefald has requested that Student Government Association submit priority list of projects for the City-University Projects Fund; and WHEREAS the priority list submitted by Student Governing Association represents the cumulative voice of the student body; and WHEREAS the list should include projects that would be of the greatest benefit to the students of Kansas State University; and WHEREAS in the past, the student priority list has been closely reviewed and strongly recommended by President Wefald to the City of Manhattan; and WHEREAS Governmental Relations Committee has reviewed the available options and determined the following projects will be of the most benefit to the student body during the next five years. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Funding for all programs, such as University Gardens, bicycle infrastructure improvements, campus lighting and safety, and Anderson Avenue reconstruction be continued. SECTION 2. The following items be considered to be the formal priorities of the Kansas State University Student Body and the Kansas State University Student Governing Association: A. A pedestrian-traffic stop light and a pedestrian crosswalk be placed at Thurston and North Manhattan Avenue and be prioritized as the most important project for the calendar year 2000. B. Issues related to campus safety should be continued and include the following specific proposals: A. Placement of additional street lighting surrounding Jardine Terrace. B. Increased pedestrian lighting at entrances and sidewalks near Weber Hall. 23 C. Increased pedestrian lighting along North Manhattan Avenue, Claflin Avenue, along the sidewalk east of Dickens Hall and north of Bluemont Hall, and along sidewalk that is between the Natatorium and Memorial Stadium. C. Additional beautification projects for the Kansas State University campus and the Manhattan community to include the placement of additional benches, replacement of trees, and the construction of fountains, and continued extensions of the limestone wall around the main campus. D. The placement of a sidewalk along Sunset Avenue between Claflin Road and Platt Street. SECTION 3. A copy of this resolution be sent to President Jon Wefald and members of the Manhattan City Commission. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 BY VOICE VOTE 24 RESOLUTION 98/99/21 BY: SUPPORT FOR THE CREATION OF A RECREATION-COMPLEX-ONLY PARKING PERMIT Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Jason Lacey and Jake Worcester WHEREAS many students at Kansas State University live close to campus and walk to class; and WHEREAS these students do not need to buy a parking permit to park on campus; and WHEREAS many of these students use the Recreation Complex during the evening hours so that they do not have to buy a parking permit; and WHEREAS many students would purchase a Recreation-Complex-Only Parking Permit for half the cost of a campus-wide permit; and WHEREAS this permit would have a two hour time limit to prevent abuse of this service; and WHEREAS numerous students would use the Recreation Complex during the day, helping to alleviate overcrowding during the evening; and WHEREAS this Recreation-Complex-Only Parking Permit would have no affect on students who buy a campus-wide permit, as they would still be able to park at the Recreation Complex during the day; and WHEREAS the northwest half of log Cl was built with funds from both the Recreation Complex and Parking Services; and WHEREAS this lot could easily be designated the Recreation-Complex-Only lot, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association supports the creation of a Recreation-Complex-Only Parking Permit to be offered at one half the price of a campus-wide permit ($30 per year in FY 1999). A. A limit of two hours per visit be set so that the Recreation-Complex-Only Parking Permit is not abused. B. The northwest half of parking lot C1 be designated the Recreation-ComplexOnly Parking Permit Lot to help Parking Services to monitor the time limit. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be sent to Vice President of Administration and Finance Dr. Tom Rawson, Director of Public Safety Dr. John Lambert, Director of Parking Services Darwin Abbott, and the members of the Parking Council. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 45-7 25 RESOLUTION 98/99/22 BY: 1998-1999 BUDGET RESOLUTION Privilege Fee Committee WHEREAS the Student Governing Association will review privilege fees this year; and WHEREAS these fees are Student Activity, Office of Student Activities and Services, Recreational Services Operations, Recreational Services Repair and Replacement, KSDB 92, Union Operations, and Union Repair and Replacement; and WHEREAS the Kansas Board of Regents has raised tuition to account for inflation and enhance classroom technology; and WHEREAS it is vital that the Student Governing Association help ensure access to higher education for all current and future students, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 15-0203 is hereby amended to read: The Privilege Fee Committee requests reports from the following: SGA Treasurer, Coordinator of Student Activities and Services, Recreational Services Director, KSDB Director, and Student Union Director. SECTION 2. KSU SGA Statute 15-0204 is hereby amended to read: This report shall include: (1) a justification of its fee and the benefits to the student body, (2) the request and justification for the level of its fee beginning in academic year 1999-2000, (3) alternative methods of increasing revenue, which would maintain current services and cover a possible 5% reduction in the privilege fee, and (4) any additional information requested by the Privilege Fee Committee. SECTION 3. KSU SGA Statute 15-0205 is hereby amended to read: These reports shall address a three-tiered funding strategy. Tier 1 is a 5% funding increase, and should delineate additional services or service enhancements that would be provided for this increased funding level. Tier 2 is a continuance of funding, and should specify its effects on current operations and services offered. Tier 3 is a 5% funding reduction, and should delineate impacts on current services and operations. SECTION 4. A copy of this resolution be sent to individuals mentioned in Section 1; Bob Krause, vice president for institutional advancement; Tom Rawson, vice president for administration and finance; and Tom Schellhardt, associate vice president for administration and finance. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 17, 1998 BY VOICE VOTE 26 RESOLUTION 98/99/23 BY: APPROVAL OF JUDICIAL BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Dickson, Andy Mackim and Gabe Eckert WHEREAS the positions for judicial board positions were sufficiently advertised; and WHEREAS it is necessary for Student Senate to approve the appointments of judicial board members; and WHEREAS the selection process was conducted in accordance with the KSU SGA Constitution, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves the following individuals as judicial board members for the 1998-99 term: Judicial Council (1300) Matt Marron Lucas Loughmiiier Amie Kershner Pat Sall Bryan Wagner Student Tribunal (1350) Nathan Arnold Sam Halabi-Chancelior Jimmy Hodges Student Review Board (1400) Brett Ausbrooks Chris Collins Lisa Slagle DeAnna Williams-Chair Brian London Parking Citation Appeals Board (8042) Calvin Reed Kristen Krug Mike Kelley Michelle Fisher Christian Cory Eric Ney PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 27 RESOLUTION 98/99/24 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATOR Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS there is a vacancy in the office of Student Senator for the College of Business; and WHEREAS Danielle McDowell received the next highest vote total of non-elected candidates from the College of Business, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves Danielle McDowell as a student senator for the College of Business. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 28 RESOLUTION 98/99/25 BY: SUPPORT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON NORTH MANHATTAN AVENUE Governmental Relations Committee, Tracey Mann, Andy Macklin and Jason Lacey WHEREAS many Kansas State University students live and or park east of campus and walk or bicycle to class; and WHEREAS these students cross North Manhattan Avenue on a regular basis; and WHEREAS pedestrians and bicyclists have four lanes of traffic to try to cross; and WHEREAS automobiles stopping for pedestrians and bicyclists in the outside lane prevent other automobiles in the middle lane from seeing the pedestrian and bicyclist potentially resulting in collisions; and WHEREAS North Manhattan could be converted to three lanes, leaving the outside lanes for through traffic and an inside left-turn-only lane; and WHEREAS this would increase student safety; and WHEREAS the conversion from four lanes to three lanes would leave an extra lane for bicycle paths next to the curbs on both sides of North Manhattan Avenue; and WHEREAS this project could be completed in a short period of time at low cost to the City of Manhattan, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing supports the three-laning of North Manhattan Avenue from Anderson Avenue to Claflin Road to improve pedestrian, bicycle and automobile safety. SECTION 2. A copy of this Resolution be sent to President Jon Wefald, Vice President for Administration and Finance Tom Rawson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement Bob Krause, City Manager Gary Greer, Assistant City Manager Ron Fehr, Public Works Director Jerry Petty, Mayor Steve Hall, and members of the Manhattan City Commission. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 29 RESOLUTION 98/99/26 BY: APPROVAL OF HONOR COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Jason Lacey and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the positions for the Honor Council were sufficiently advertised; and WHEREAS it is necessary for Student Senate to approve the appointments to the Honor Council; and WHEREAS the Honor Council is being established to regulate and enforce the Honor Code; and WHEREAS the members need to be selected for one year and two year terms to stagger the future selection process; and WHEREAS the selection process was conducted in accordance with the KSU SGA Constitution, BE IT RESOLVED THAT SECTION 1. Student Senate approves the following individuals as members of the Honor Council: College of Agriculture Andy Holzworth (expires March 15, 2000) Cory Epler (expires March 15, 1999) College of Architecture Andrea Bryant (expires March 15, 2000) Matt Killingsworth (expires March 15, 1999) College of Arts & Sciences Jonathan Kurche (expires March 15, 2000) Travis Lenkner (expires March 15, 1999) Michael Reashler (expires March 15, 1999) College of Business Lea Stueve (expires March 15, 2000) Kori Dunaway (expires March 15, 1999) College of Education Sarah Hafner (expires March 15, 2000) Jennifer Stein (expires March 15, 1999) College of Engineering Luke Lucas (expires March 15, 2000) Travis Poland (expires March 15, 1999) College of Human Ecology Amelia Goff (expires March 15, 2000) Jessica Raile (expires March 15, 1999) 30 SECTION 2. A copy of this Resolution be sent to Provost Coffman, Dr. Pat Bosco, Dr. Mitchell Strauss, and Mark Tomb. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 31 RESOLUTION 98/99/27 BY: STANDING RULES AMENDMENT ADDING REQUIRED SERVICE HOUR Communications Committee WHEREAS office hours have been recently repealed and therefore senators have been eliminated of that obligation; and WHEREAS one of our responsibilities is to keep our constituents informed, be assessable, and give them a voice; and WHEREAS the Communications Committee has suggested as a way to market Student Senate and to fulfill our purpose we as senators should be required to serve an hour bimonthly at a booth in the Union. Each senator would serve one hour from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. on a Tuesday or Wednesday during a designated week, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Section 42-13 11 of the Student Senate Standing Rules is hereby amended by adding subsection c. which reads: C. Each undergraduate Student Senator and Student Senate Intern shall be required to serve one service hour twice a semester in the SGA booth in the Student Union. Each hour missed shall constitute one unexcused Senate absence. SECTION 2. Existing subsections be renumbered accordingly. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 25-22 32 RESOLUTION 98/99/28 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT SENATE INTERNS Amie Kershner, Jake Worcester, Josh Rengstorf WHEREAS The position of Student Senate Intern was sufficiently advertised; and WHEREAS Seventy-five applications for Student Senate Intern positions were received; and WHEREAS The selection process was conducted in accordance with the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution and By-laws BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following persons be approved as Student Senate Interns for the 1998-1999 Student Senate Term: Bobby Allison-Gallimore Kyle Brownback Lucas Bud Ashley Dibbern Sarah Geiger Erica Guries Aisha Henry Julie Karrar Elijah Keever Josh Martin Naomi McHugh Craig Meinhardt Amy Metzinger Aubrie Ohide Danielle Peterson Joe Pacey Melissa Rausch Jared Rose Jill Szynskie Andrew Schone Ryan Walker PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 33 RESOLUTION 98/99/29 BY: APPROVAL OF CHANGES TO THE ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE COUNCIL CONSTITUTION Dustin Petrik WHEREAS the Arts & Sciences College Council has approved the following changes to its constitution; and WHEREAS these changes are subject to ratification by Student Senate, in accordance to Article VII, Section 705 of the KSU SGA Constitution, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves the following amendments to the College of Arts and Sciences College Council Constitution (all reference numbers refer to the KSU SGA Statutes). The KSU SGA Statutes be amended to read: 06-0308 Article 3, Section 2e. To handle any legislative and executive duties not reserved by the SGA Constitution and By-Laws for Student Senate and Student Body President. 06-0309 Article 3, SECTION 3. The membership of the Arts and Sciences Council shall be limitcd to 1 12 students. A quorum ofArts and Sciences Council shall be a majority of those members selected and qualified 06-03 10 Article 3, SECTION 4. Arts and Sciences Council officers shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers shall be elected by the Council on an annual basis within two meetings of after the election, or any time that an officer’s position becomes vacant. All officers shall be elected from the membership of the Arts and Sciences Council. 06-0316 Article 4, SECTION 1. Any member of the Arts and Sciences Association carrying enrolled in at least seven hours in thc Collcgc of Arts and Scicnccs is shall be eligible for membership in the Arts and Sciences Council. Arts and Sciences Council members must have their primary major in the College of Arts and Sciences and either be pursuing an Arts and Sciences curriculum which leads to a degree or an Arts and Sciences program of study. 06-03 27 Article 5, Section 4 is hereby repealed. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 1, 1998 BY VOICE VOTE 34 RESOLUTION 98/99/30 BY: APPROVAL OF A NEW SENATOR Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS There is a vacancy for the office of Student Senator for the College of Education; and WHEREAS Casey Veatch received the next highest vote total of non-elected College of Education senatorial candidates, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Casey Veatch be approved as a Student Senator for the College of Education. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 1, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 35 RESOLUTION 98/99/3 1 APPROVAL OF CAMPUS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS BY: Tracey Mann, Andy Macklin, Jason Lacey and Jake Worcester WHEREAS it is necessary for Student Senate to approve the appointments to the Campus Leadership Institute Council; and WHEREAS the Campus Leadership Institute Council is being established to coordinate the development of the Kansas State University Leadership Institute; and WHEREAS three members need to be selected as student representatives; and WHEREAS the selection process was conducted in accordance with the KSU SGA Constitution, BE IT RESOLVED THAT SECTION 1. Student Senate approves the follow individuals as members of the Campus Leadership Institute Council: Jason Heinrich Kimberly Peschka Leo Prieto SECTION 2. A copy of this Resolution be sent to Dr. Pat Bosco, Dr. Susan Scott and Susan Peterson. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 8, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 36 RESOLUTION 98/99/32 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW SENATOR Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS there is currently a vacancy of a Student Senator seat for the College of Arts and Sciences; and WHEREAS Travis Lenkner received the next-highest vote total among non-elected College of Arts and Sciences Senatorial Candidates, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Travis Lenkner be approved as a Student Senator from the College of Arts and Sciences. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 29, 1998 BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT 37 RESOLUTION 98/99/33 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW CABINET MEMBER Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Jason Lacey and Gabe Eckert WHEREAS Senate Bill 98/99/12 created the SGA Special Committee to Research Safe-Ride; and WHEREAS one representative to the committee shall be a cabinet member appointed by the Student Body President; and WHEREAS no such cabinet position currently exists, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individual be approved as a cabinet member for the 1998-99 term: Special Assistant for Safe-Ride Carrie Bellerive PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 29, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 38 RESOLUTION 98/99/34 BY: APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE SGA SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO RESEARCH SAFE-RIDE Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Jason Lacey, Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS Senate Bill 98/99/12 created the SGA Special Committee to Research Safe-Ride; and WHEREAS several of the appointments are subject to approval by Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals are approved as members of the SGA Special Committee to Research Safe-Ride: Apryl Mathes, Safe-Ride Committee Chair Joey Bahr, Student Senator Becky Guthrie, Student Senator Carrie Bellerive, Cabinet Member Mandy Hoffman, At-large Member Kari Gorrell, At-large Member Sarah Dillingham, OSAS Graduate Assistant PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON OCTOBER 29, 1998 BY A VOICE VOTE 39 RESOLUTION 98/99/35 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE COLLEGIAN AND ROYAL PURPLE STAFFS Student Body President Tracey Mann, Student Body Vice President Andy Mackim, Chief of Staff Jason Lacey, Student Senate Chairman Gabe Eckert, Student Senate Vice Chairman Jake Worcester, Attorney General Kelly Dickson, Student Senators: Dan Allen, Phil Anderson, Jonathan Atkins, Chris Avila, Joey Bahr, Kristin Bloss, Mary Bosco, Todd Brady, Teanikia Britton, Crystal Campbell, Robin Cates, Chris Crowder, Andy Curtis, Barbara Dethioff, Dustin Durbin, Suzzie Feuerborn, Kelly Furnas, Alan Geist, Amber Georg, Elizabeth Gregory, Rebekah Guthrie, David Hendricks, Trey Hock, Buck Johnson, Jason Keeler, Amie Kershner, Les Kuhiman, Travis Lenkner, Jeremy Lutz, Apryl Mathes, Danielle McDowell, Kris Meiergerd, John Moberg, Sarah Morris, Nick Mueting, William Muir, Justin Nichols, Dustin Parsons, Jenny Perkins, Kim Peschka, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jessica Raile, Scott Reed, Dan Reihle, Josh Rengstorf, J.R. Robe!, Larry Rowland, Joey Schneider, T.J. Schreiner, Jason Shearer, Ian Sinnett, Melanie Smith, Phil Stein, Cody Sudmeier, Danedri Thompson, Casey Veatch, Brian Weta and Wendy Wenzel, Interns: Bobby Allison-Gallimore, Kyle Brownback, Lucas Buchl, Ahley Dibbern, Sharah Geiger, Erica Guries, Aisha Henry, Julie Karrar, Elijiah Keever, Naomi McHugh, Craig Meinhardt, Amy Metzinger, Aubrie Ohide, Danielle Peterson, Joe Pacey, Melissa Rausch, Jared Rose, Jill Szynskie, Andrew Schone and Ryan Walker WHEREAS the Collegian and Royal Purple yearbook were honored with the Pacemaker awards from the Associated Collegiate Press, ranking them among the top university publications in the nation; and WHEREAS the Pacemaker, considered the Pulitzer Prize of collegiate journalism, was awarded to five college newspapers and three yearbooks nationwide; and WHEREAS this year’s awards marked the third time in the 1990s that K-State’s newspaper and yearbook have won the award in the same year; and WHEREAS K-State was the only university to be honored in both categories; and WHEREAS both publications also were honored in the 1998 Best of Show competition, making K-State the only school whose publications were honored in both contests; and WHEREAS the Royal Purple ‘s 1998 edition placed first in the competition, and the Collegian‘s Oct. 26 edition earned fourth place, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association commends the staffs of the Collegian and Royal Purple for their commitment of time and service to KSU and congratulates them on winning the Pacemaker awards. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be sent to each member of last year’s Royal Purple and Collegian staffs upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 12, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 40 RESOLUTION 98/99/36 BY: COMMENDATION TO JACK FLOUER Fine Arts Council Chair Ted Conrad, Fine Arts Council Vice Chair Wendy Strevey-Tien, Student Body President Tracey Mann, Student Body Vice President Andy Mackim, Chief of Staff Jason Lacey, Student Senate Chairman Gabe Eckert, Student Senate Vice Chairman Jake Worcester, Attorney General Kelly Dickson, Student Senators: Dan Allen, Phil Anderson, Jonathan Atkins, Chris Avila, Joey Bahr, Kristin Bloss, Mary Bosco, Todd Brady, Teanikia Britton, Crystal Campbell, Robin Cates, Chris Crowder, Andy Curtis, Barbara Dethloff, Dustin Durbin, Suzzie Feuerborn, Kelly Furnas, Alan Geist, Amber Georg, Elizabeth Gregory, Rebekah Guthrie, David Hendricks, Trey Hock, Buck Johnson, Jason Keeler, Amie Kershner, Les Kuhiman, Travis Lenkner, Jeremy Lutz, Apryl Mathes, Danielle McDowell, Kris Meiergerd, John Moberg, Sarah Morris, Nick Mueting, William Muir, Justin Nichols, Dustin Parsons, Jenny Perkins, Kim Peschka, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jessica Raile, Scott Reed, Dan Reihie, Josh Rengstorf, J.R. Robel, Larry Rowland, Joey Schneider, T.J. Schreiner, Jason Shearer, Ian Sinnett, Melanie Smith, Phil Stein, Cody Sudmeier, Danedri Thompson, Casey Veatch, Brian Weta and Wendy Wenzel, Interns: Bobby Allison-Gallimore, Kyle Brownback, Lucas Buchl, Ahley Dibbern, Sharah Geiger, Erica Guries, Aisha Henry, Julie Karrar, Elijiah Keever, Naomi McHugh, Craig Meinhardt, Amy Metzinger, Aubrie Ohide, Danielle Peterson, Joe Pacey, Melissa Rausch, Jared Rose, Jill Szynskie, Andrew Schone and Ryan Walker WHEREAS Jack Flouer has recently retired from his long held position of Music Department Chair; and WHEREAS Jack Flouer has served as an advocate of the Arts for all Kansas State University students; and WHEREAS Jack Flouer has been a role model for all in his tireless support of Fine Art Activities at Kansas State University; and WHEREAS Jack Flouer has been an invaluable resource as well as a compassionate friend to members of the Fine Arts Council for many years, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association and Kansas State University Fine Arts Council commends Jack Flour for his commendation of time and service to KSU and wishes him congratulations on his retirement. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be sent to Jack Flouer upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 12, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 41 RESOLUTION 98/99/37 BY: COMMENDATION TO JUDITH ZIVANOVIC Fine Arts Council Chair Ted Conrad, Fine Arts Council Vice Chair Wendy Strevey-Tien, Student Body President Tracey Mann, Student Body Vice President Andy Mackim, Chief of Staff Jason Lacey, Student Senate Chairman Gabe Eckert, Student Senate Vice Chairman Jake Worcester, Attorney General Kelly Dickson, Student Senators: Dan Allen, Phil Anderson, Jonathan Atkins, Chris Avila, Joey Bahr, Kristin Bloss, Mary Bosco, Todd Brady, Teanikia Britton, Crystal Campbell, Robin Cates, Chris Crowder, Andy Curtis, Barbara Dethloff, Dustin Durbin, Suzzie Feuerborn, Kelly Furnas, Alan Geist, Amber Georg, Elizabeth Gregory, Rebekah Guthrie, David Hendricks, Trey Hock, Buck Johnson, Jason Keeler, Arnie Kershner, Les Kuhiman, Travis Lenkner, Jeremy Lutz, Apryl Mathes, Danielle McDowell, Kris Meiergerd, John Moberg, Sarah Morris, Nick Mueting, William Muir, Justin Nichols, Dustin Parsons, Jenny Perkins, Kim Peschka, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jessica Raile, Scott Reed, Dan Reihle, Josh Rengstorf, J.R. Robel, Larry Rowland, Joey Schneider, T.J. Schreiner, Jason Shearer, Ian Sinnett, Melanie Smith, Phil Stein, Cody Sudmeier, Danedri Thompson, Casey Veatch, Brian Weta and Wendy Wenzel, Interns: Bobby Allison-Gailimore, Kyle Brownback, Lucas Buchl, Ahiey Dibbern, Sharah Geiger, Erica Guries, Aisha Henry, Julie Karrar, Elijah Keever, Naomi McHugh, Craig Meinhardt, Amy Metzinger, Aubrie Ohide, Danielle Peterson, Joe Pacey, Melissa Rausch, Jared Rose, Jill Szynskie, Andrew Schone and Ryan Walker WHEREAS Judith Zivanovic has recently retired from her long held position of Assistant Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences; and WHEREAS Judith Zivanovic has served as an advocate of the Arts for all Kansas State University students; and WHEREAS Judith Zivanovic has been a role model for all in her tireless support of Fine Art Activities at Kansas State University; and WHEREAS Judith Zivanovic has been an invaluable resource as well as a compassionate friend to members of the Fine Arts Council for many years, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association and Kansas State University Fine Arts Council commends Judith Zivanovic for her commitment of time and service to KSU and wishes her congratulations on her retirement. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be sent to Judith Zivanovic upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 12, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 42 RESOLUTION 98/99/38 BY: SUPPORT FOR LIBRARY FUNDING Governmental Relations Committee and Tracey Mann WHEREAS Hale Library is currently being forced to cut scholarly periodical and journal subscriptions; and WHEREAS this is caused by a hyperinflation rate averaging 13.8 percent since 1986 for research libraries nationally; and WHEREAS last year’s one half percent increase in OOE funding for the library started the process of correcting this; and WHEREAS without future commitments to Hale Library, it will no longer be able to address student needs; and WHEREAS the Board of Regents is asking for a 1% increase in OOE funding that will be designated specifically for the library, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association supports the 1% increase in OOE funding. SECTION 2. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association requests the support of Governor Bill Graves for Hale Library and asks him to include a 1% increase in OOE specifically for the library in his budget. SECTION 3. A copy of this resolution be sent to Governor Bill Graves, President Jon Wefald, Vice President of Administration and Finance Tom Rawson, and Assistant to the President Sue Peterson. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 19, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 43 RESOLUTION 98/99/39 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATOR Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS there is a vacancy of a Student Senator seat for the Graduate School; and WHEREAS Sarah Botkin has been appointed by the Graduate School to fill the vacancy, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves Sarah Botkin as a Graduate School Student Senator. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 19, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 44 RESOLUTION 98/99/40 BY: APPROVAL OF ELECTIONS COMMITTEE CHAIR Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Jason Lacey, Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester SUMMARY The Elections Committee Chair is jointly appointed by the Student Body President and the Student Senate Chair. The appointment is subject to approval by Student Senate. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves Joe Ashley as Elections Committee Chair for the 19981999 SGA term. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 19, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 45 RESOLUTION 98/99/41 BY: ACADEMIC ADVISING BASELINE INITIATIVE Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Jason Lacey, Rhett Trujillo and Brian Wetta WHEREAS academic advising should be a cooperative, beneficial relationship between students and academic advisers; and WHEREAS academic advisors should expect students to come prepared and open-minded to meetings; and WHEREAS academic advisors should expect students to make adequate effort at communicating and being an informed advisee; and WHEREAS students should schedule meetings sufficiently ahead of time and attend such scheduled meetings with punctuality; and WHEREAS an academic advisor should never be expected to have an answer to the phrase, “I do not know what I want to do with my life” or any derivative thereof, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. If a student meets the aforementioned qualifications, the following items can be expected as a baseline for quality academic advising: C. Direction to students on curricular decisions (including knowledge of alternative curriculum paths) D. Assistance in achieving long term educational goals E. An uninterrupted time of undivided attention F. Accessibility G. Knowledge about the work force, relevant university policies (including General Education requirements and enrollment policies), and campus opportunities. SECTION 2. The following are examples of actions that should be taken to achieve an academic baseline. A. The creation of a central administrative position to oversee University- wide academic advising. B. The implementation of a semesterly assessment system for academic advising and academic advisors. C. Creation of an Advising Enhancement Task Force comprised of faculty, students, and administrators to define the University-wide academic advising baseline. SECTION 3. A copy of this resolution be sent to President Jon Wefald; Provost Jim Coffman; Dean of Student Life Dr. Pat Bosco; Director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning Dr. Victoria Clegg; and the Chairman of the KSU Strategic Planning Committee Dean of Architecture, Planning and Design Dr. Dennis Law. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 19, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 46 RESOLUTION 98/99/42 BY: SUPPORT TO CHANGE ENROLLMENT PROCESS Crystal Campbell, Cory Powell and Kim Peschka WHEREAS prior to the Fall of 1998, students were allowed to enroll on the basis of credit hours earned; and WHEREAS currently students are assigned enrollment appointments based first on their classification and then on alphabetical order; and WHEREAS students with fewer hours within a class may be given priority over students with more credit hours; and WHEREAS this system poses an inconvenience for students needing to enroll in already closed class required for their degrees; and WHEREAS the KATS system has been an efficient and effective improvement in the enrollment process, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association supports the continuation of the KATS system and a return in the order of enrollment so that students will be assigned an enrollment date based solely on the number of credit hours they have completed, with those students who have completed the most credit hours enrolling first. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be sent to President Jon Wefald, Provost Jim Coffman, Registrar Don Foster, and Dean of Student Life Pat Bosco. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON NOVEMBER 19, 1998 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 47 RESOLUTION 98/99/43 BY: COMMENDATION TO RUSSELL FORTMEYER Kelly Furnas WHEREAS through his reporting and column writing, Russell Fortmeyer as been informing and entertaining the student body of Kansas State University for five years; and WHEREAS Russell Fortmeyer has been commended by the College of Architecture, Planning and Design for his commitment to fair and accurate coverage of that subject; and WHEREAS Russell Fortmeyer has been commended by Student Publications Inc. as the Collegian ‘s Outstanding Reporter of the Year for two consecutive years; and WHEREAS Russell Fortmeyer has not only practiced fair reporting during his tenure at the Collegian, but has also tried to instill that practice into others; and WHEREAS Russell Fortmeyer is among the most respected reporters ever to work for the Collegian; and WHEREAS with his graduation this writer, Russell Fortmeyer, will leave a permanent void in the Collegian ‘s reporting corps, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Russell Fortmeyer be commended by the Kansas State University Student Governing Association for his tireless dedication to the Collegian and to Kansas State University. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be given to Russell Fortmeyer upon passage. FAILED BY STUDENT SENATE ON DECEMBER 3, 1998 WITH A ROLL-CALL VOTE OF 15-28 48 RESOLUTION 98/99/44 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATORS Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS there are vacancies for the office of Student Senator for the Graduate School; and WHEREAS Brina Govindarajan and Helene Marcoux have been approved by the Graduate Student Council to serve as Student Senators, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Brinda Govindarajan be approved as a Student Senator for the Graduate School for the 1998-99 Student Senate term. SECTION 2. Helene Marcoux be approved as a Student Senator for the Graduate School for the 1998-99 Student Senate term. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON JANUARY 21, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 49 RESOLUTION 98/99/45 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATORS Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS there are vacancies for the office of Student Senator; and WHEREAS Irene Nephew has been approved by the Graduate Student Council to serve as a Student Senator; and WHEREAS Eric Beikmann has been approved by Education Council to serve as a Student Senator; and WHEREAS Julie Karrer received the next-highest vote total among non-elected Arts and Sciences Senatorial Candidates, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Irene Nephew be approved as a Student Senator for the Graduate School for the 1998-99 Student Senate term. SECTION 2. Eric Beikmann be approved as a Student Senator for the College of Education for the 1998-99 Student Senate term. SECTION 3. Julie Karrer be approved as a Student Senator for the College of Arts and Sciences for the 1998-99 Student Senate term. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON JANUARY 28, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 50 RESOLUTION 98/99/46 BY: APPROVAL OF ELECTIONS COMMITTEE Joe Ashley, Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS he following individuals have been appointed to the Elections Committee and need to be approved by Student Senate BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as members of the Elections Committee for the 1998-99 Student Senate term: Mindy Catlin Lisa Dethloff Tanya Draper Paul English Adam LaGree Liz Neufeld Lindsey Roy Cory Teubner Jay Witt PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 11, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 51 RESOLUTION 98/99/47 BY: SUPPORT OF INCREASES IN STATE FINANCIAL AID PROGRAMS Governmental Relations Committee WHEREAS increasing higher education costs inhibit the potential success of college-bound students; and WHEREAS financial aid disbursements have not kept pace with the increases in higher education costs; and WHEREAS the number of Kansas undergraduates receiving need-based financial aid is less than half the national average, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association encourages the Kansas Legislature to support a $1 million increase to the Comprehensive Grant Program. SECTION 2. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association encourages the Kansas Legislature to support a $1 million increase to the State of Kansas Scholarship Program. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 11, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 52 RESOLUTION 98/99/48 BY: SUPPORT FOR KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY SALARY INCREASE Governmental Relations Committee WHEREAS quality education is essential for Kansas students to compete with students worldwide; and WHEREAS quality faculty is essential for administering this education; and WHEREAS Kansas State University faculty salaries rank 1 2th in the Big 12; and WHEREAS Kansas State University faculty salaries rank 42’’ of 50 land-grant universities; and WHEREAS numerous Kansas State University faculty positions have been vacated or declined in favor for positions at higher paying institutions, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association supports the Kansas Board of Regents 7% increase in faculty salary funding. SECTION 2. Upon passage, a copy of this resolution be sent to members of the Kansas Board of Regents. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 11, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 53 RESOLUTION 98/99/49 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATOR Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS there is a vacancy for the office of Student Senator in the College of Arts and Sciences; and WHEREAS Michael Rottinghaus received the next-highest vote total among non-elected Arts and Sciences Senatorial Candidates, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Michael Rottinghaus be approved as a Student Senator for the College of Arts and Sciences for the 1998-99 Student Senate term. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 11, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 54 RESOLUTION 98/99/50 BY: SUPPORT FOR STATE MATCHING FUNDING FOR KSU LIBRARIES Privilege Fee Committee and Government Relations Committee SUMMARY: This resolution shows SGA support for increased library funding by means of state-student matching grant. Student support of this resolution will help University administration in securing additional financial support from the State. WHEREAS current library acquisition funding made available by the university and the State is insufficient to provide for the maintenance of resources at the current levels, or the purchase of periodicals, journals, other research materials, and general use publications; and WHEREAS the annual increases in publication costs associated with the purchase of periodicals, journals, other research materials, and general use publications has exceeded the current financial capabilities of Kansas State University; and WHEREAS an increase in tuition could be earmarked for KSU Libraries; and WHEREAS the Kansas State University Student Governing Association understands the funding needs of KSU Libraries and is committed to assisting them; and WHEREAS the Kansas State University Student Governing Association believes privilege fees are not the best funding source for KSU Libraries; and WHEREAS a state-student matching grant would generate more funding for the library than a privilege fee alone would, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association supports exploring a state-student matching grant for the specific purpose of funding the K.S.U. Libraries. SECTION 2. Continuation of the state-student matching grant program should be contingent upon continued library funding from the Foundation, Library Endowments, and Sponsored Research Overhead. SECTION 3. A copy of this resolution be presented to University President Jon Wefald, University Provost James Coffman, Dean of Libraries Brice Hobrock, Vice President for Administration and Finance Tom Rawson, Vice President for Institutional Advancement Robert Krause, Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance Tom Schellhardt, and Faculty Senate President Talat Rahman. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 26, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 55 RESOLUTION 98/99/51 BY: COMMENDATION TO KSU LIVESTOCK JUDGING TEAM Student Body President Tracey Mann, Student Body Vice President Andy Mackim, Chief of Staff Jason Lacey, Student Senate Chairman Gabe Eckert, Student Senate Vice Chairman Jake Worcester, Attorney General Kelly Dickson, Student Senators: Phil Anderson, Joey Bahr, Eric Beikrnann, Kristin Bloss, Mary Bosco, Sarah Botkin, Todd Brady, Teanikia Britton, Crystal Campbell, Robin Cates, Chris Crowder, Andy Curtis, Dustin Durbin, Suzzie Feuerborn, Alan Geist, Amber Georg, Brinda Govindarajan, Elizabeth Gregory, Rebekah Guthrie, David Hendricks, Buck Johnson, Julie Karrer, Arnie Kershner, Les Kuhiman, Jeremy Lutz, Irene Nephew, Helene Marcoux, Apryl Mathes, Danielle McDowell, Kris Meiergerd, John Moberg, Sarah Morris, Nick Mueting, William Muir, Justin Nichols, Jenny Perkins, Kim Peschka, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jessica Raile, Scott Reed, Josh Rengstorf, Michael Rottinghaus, Larry Rowland, Joey Schneider, T.J. Schreiner, Jason Shearer, Phil Stein, Cody Sudrneier, Danedri Thompson, Brian Weta and Wendy Wenzel, Interns: Bobby Allison-Gallimore, Kyle Brownback, Lucas Buchl, Ahiey Dibbern, Sharah Geiger, Erica Guries, Aisha Henry, Julie Karrar, Elijiah Keever, Naomi McHugh, Craig Meinhardt, Amy Metzinger, Aubrie Ohlde, Danielle Peterson, Joe Pacey, Melissa Rausch, Jared Rose, Jill Szynskie, Andrew Schone and Ryan Walker WHEREAS The Kansas State University Livestock Judging Team was named the 1998 National Champions; and WHEREAS This national title is the fifth consecutive title for the KSU Livestock Judging Team; and WHEREAS The members of the KSU Livestock Judging Team have devoted countless hours of hard work and have been a model of achievement while training for their competitions; and WHEREAS The KSU Livestock Judging Team has brought honor and recognition to Kansas State University, the College of Agriculture, and all Kansas State University students and alumni, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University student Governing Association commends and congratulates the Kansas State University Livestock Judging Team on its fifth consecutive national title. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be sent to Livestock Judging Coach Scott Schaake, all the members of the KSU Livestock Judging Team, President Jon Wefald, Dean of the College of Agriculture Marc Johnson, and Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture Larry Erpelding upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 18,1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 56 RESOLUTION 98/99/52 BY: COMMENDATION TO VERYL SWITZER Student Body President Tracey Mann, Student Body Vice President Andy Mackim, Chief of Staff Jason Lacey, Student Senate Chairman Gabe Eckert, Student Senate Vice Chairman Jake Worcester, Attorney General Kelly Dickson, Student Senators: Phil Anderson, Joey Bahr, Eric Beikmann, Kristin Bloss, Mary Bosco, Sarah Botkin, Todd Brady, Teanikia Britton, Crystal Campbell, Robin Cates, Chris Crowder, Andy Curtis, Dustin Durbin, Suzzie Feuerborn, Alan Geist, Amber Georg, Brinda Govindarajan, Elizabeth Gregory, Rebekah Guthrie, David Hendricks, Buck Johnson, Julie Karrer, Amie Kershner, Les Kuhlman, Jeremy Lutz, Irene Nephew, Helene Marcoux, Apryl Mathes, Danielle McDowell, Kris Meiergerd, John Moberg, Sarah Morris, Nick Mueting, William Muir, Justin Nichols, Jenny Perkins, Kim Peschka, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jessica Raile, Scott Reed, Josh Rengstorf, Michael Rottinghaus, Larry Rowland, Joey Schneider, T.J. Schreiner, Jason Shearer, Phil Stein, Cody Sudmeier, Danedri Thompson, Brian Weta and Wendy Wenzel, Interns: Bobby Allison-Gallimore, Kyle Brownback, Lucas Buchi, Ahley Dibbem, Sharah Geiger, Erica Guries, Aisha Henry, Julie Karrar, Elijiah Keever, Naomi McHugh, Craig Meinhardt, Amy Metzinger, Aubrie Ohlde, Danielle Peterson, Joe Pacey, Melissa Rausch, Jared Rose, Jill Szynskie, Andrew Schone and Ryan Walker WHEREAS Veryl Switzer has served Kansas State University for over 30 years as an administrator in many different capacities; and WHEREAS Prior to his service as an administrator, Veryl Switzer was an All-American football player for the KSU football team; and WHEREAS Veryl Switzer was a charter member of the K-State Sports Hall of Fame; and WHEREAS Veryl Switzer will retire later this year from his position as Associate Athletic Director; and WHEREAS Very! Switzer will continue to be involved at KSU through the “First Tee” program for minorities and underprivileged youth; and WHEREAS Veiyl Switzer has encouraged and convinced many KSU athletes to return to KState to complete their degrees; and WHEREAS Veryl Switzer is known as a wonderful person who has touched many lives at Kansas State and in the community; and WHEREAS The week of February 15-20 has been dedicated to honoring Veryl Switzer, starting with Monday, February 15 being proclaimed “Veryl Switzer Day” on campus, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association commends Veryl Switzer for his outstanding years of service to KSU and wishes him the best of luck in his retirement. 57 SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be sent to Veryl Switzer, President Jon Wefald, Vice President for Institutional Advancement Bob Krause, and Athletic Director Max Urick upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 58 RESOLUTION 98/99/53 BY: RESIDENCE HALL MEAL SCHEDULE CHANGE Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Jason Lacey, Jake Worcester WHEREAS: the Kansas State University Student Governing Association is always trying to improve the quality of life at Kansas State University, and WHEREAS: K-State students living in residence halls might benefit from a change in their weekend meal schedule, and WHEREAS: currently, meals are served in the dining centers of residence halls on Saturday night, but not on Sunday night, and WHEREAS: many students would rather eat out on Saturday night, and WHEREAS: students who leave for the weekend would benefit by having a Sunday night meal and not a Saturday night meal, and WHEREAS: many student employees of the KSU Dining Services would rather have Saturday night off than Sunday night, and WHEREAS: any action taken by the Association of Residence Halls on behalf of this issue would be supported by Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association requests that the 1999-2000 Association of Residence Halls investigates the possibility of having meals in the dining centers on Sunday nights rather than Saturday nights. Furthermore, KSU SGA requests that this proposed change be considered this semester so that a possible change could occur by Fall Semester 1999. SECTION 2. A copy of this legislation be sent to Dean of Student Life, Dr. Pat Bosco; Director of Housing and Dining, Chuck Werring; and Associate Director of Housing and Dining, John Pence upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 11, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 59 RESOLUTION 98/99/54 BY: APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS TO FACULTY SENATE CALENDAR COMMITTEE Tracey Man, Andy Mackim, Jason Lacey and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the Faculty Senate Calendar Committee was recently formed to handle any issues raised relating to the Kansas State University academic calendar; and this committee is made up of two students, two faculty members, and chaired by the Registrar, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves the following individuals to serve on the Faculty Senate Calendar Committee until May 31, 1999: Jason Lacey Tracey Mann PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 11, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 60 RESOLUTION 98/99/55 BY: APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE TASK FORCE ON INDEPENDENT LIVING Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Jason Lacey, Laura Buller, Gabe Eckert, Jake Worcester WHEREAS Bill 98/99/67 established the Task Force on Independent Living on February 4, 1999; and WHEREAS Bill 98/99/67 required two appointments from the Student Body President, two appointments from the Student Chair, and two appointments from the Attorney General, all of whom shall reside in non-organized living situations; and WHEREAS The Task Force on Independent Living shall also include the Student Body President’s Off-Campus Housing Director; and WHEREAS Bill 98/99/67 required two appointments by the Student Body President’s OffCampus Housing Director who currently reside in organized living situations, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be appointed to the Task Force on Independent Living by the Student Body President: Sara Budden Sara Botkin SECTION 2. The following individuals be appointed to the Task Force on Independent Living by the Student Body President’s Off-Campus Housing Director: Katharine Teply Theresa Gentry SECTION 3. The following individuals be appointed to the Task Force on Independent Living by the Attorney General: Mary Renee Smith Amie Kershner SECTION 4. The following individuals be appointed to the Task Force on Independent Living by the Student Senate Chair: Lisa Dethloff Theodore Byrne Peetz SECTION 5. A copy of this resolution be sent to Vice President for Institutional Advancement Bob Krause; Dean of Student Life Dr. Pat Bosco; Associate Dean of Student Life Dr. Carla Jones. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 11, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 61 RESOLUTION 98/99/56 BY: REQUEST TO THE FACULTY SENATE CALENDAR COMMITTEE TO CONSIDER SCHEDULING A FALL BREAK Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Jason Lacey, Audrey Umphenour, Brian Wetta, Sarah Geiger WHEREAS The Faculty Senate Calendar Committee was established to develop and monitor the Kansas State University academic calendar; and WHEREAS Any proposed change to the Kansas State University academic calender should first be considered by the Faculty Senate Calendar Committee to determine its feasibility; and WHEREAS The period between Labor Day break and Thanksgiving break is more than 11 weeks without a break; and WHEREAS The students at Kansas State University are in class for 76 days during the fall semester and the Kansas Board of Regents only requires them to be in class for 75 days; and WHEREAS More supporting information has been found and different methods of implementing the break have been discussed; and WHEREAS There are a number of universities in the state implementing breaks during the fall semester, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association requests the Faculty Senate Calendar Committee to consider the possibility of scheduling a break in October. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be sent to President Wefald, Provost Coffman, Faculty Senate Chairperson Rahman, and Registrar Foster, Chairman of the KSU Calendar Committee, upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 18, 1999 BY VOICE VOTE 62 RESOLUTION 98/99/57 BY: APPROVAL OF 1999 SGA ELECTIONS RESULTS Senate Operations Committee and Elections Committee WHEREAS the Student Governing Association General Election on March 8, 9 and 10, 1999 and the Run-Off Election on March 15, 1999, were both run in fair and equitable maimer by the rules set forth in the KSU SGA By-Laws, Statutes and 1999 Election Campaign Regulations; and WHEREAS Student Senate has the authority to approve elections results, BE IT RESOLVED: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves the results of the 1999 SGA Elections and the election of the following: STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT and STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT Jason Heinrich and Gabe Eckert UNION GOVERNING BOARD (One-Year Term)(2 positions) Rebekah Thornton Shawna Saathoff UNION GOVERNING BOARD (Two-Year Term)(3 positions) Jeremy D. Lutz Craig Meinhardt Vicki Gray BOARD OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS (One-Year Term)(3 position) Jeremy Claeys Michael Rael Jake Worcester BOARD OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS (Two-Year Term)(1 position) Ken Wells FINE ARTS COUNCIL (One-Year Term)(2 positions) Layne M. Stafford Amy Dix FINE ARTS COUNCIL (Two-Year Term)(3 Positions) Ted Conrad Vicki Gray Ken Wells COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE STUDENT SENATORS (6 positions) Jake Worcester John Donley Steve Hall Leslie Small Amy Metzinger Lance Stafford 63 COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING & DESIGN STUDENT SENATORS (2 positions) Lindsey Gardner Lacy Brittingham COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES STUDENT SENATORS (18 Positions) Mary Bosco Kyle Brownback Tara Hull Kimberly A. Peschka Stacy Meredith Amie Kershner Jonas Stewart Jill Szynskie Kari Gorrell Jennifer Lucke Erica Courtright Jared Rose Sam Sackett Sarah Nixon Josh Brueggemann Aubrie Ohide Julie Karrer Naomi McHugh COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINSTRATION STUDENT SENATORS (8 positions) Erica Guries Kami Hawks Ted Conrad Lisa Morris Jeremy D. Lutz Danny Cooper Lucas Bud Nicole Meyer COLLEGE OF EDUCATION STUDENT SENATORS (5 positions) Jaleen Brady Joey Kramer Ryan Hoskinson Kevin N. Oehme Nick Krier COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING STUDENT SENATORS (8 positions) Crystal Campbell Cory Lafferty Samira Hasan Joe Pacey Katie Ellefson Brandon M. Oberling John Welch 64 Cory Powell COLLEGE OF HUMAN ECOLOGY STUDENT SENATORS (4 positions) Courtney Dunbar Jessica Raile Carrie Reinert Ryan Walker COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE STUDENT SENATOR (1 position) Ken Dean GRADUATE SCHOOL STUDENT SENATORS (8 positions) Sarah Botkin John W. Lahman Anita Teague Peter Erschen Dean Draper Jayson Lusk Christian Freeberg Tie Vote: Drew Brown, Scott Daniel, Neil Hull or Ken Wells SECTION 1. Vacancies in office shall be filled by the person receiving the next highest number of votes. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 UNANIMOUS CONSENT 65 RESOLUTION 98/99/58 BY: APPROVAL OF HONOR COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Jason Lacey and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the positions for the Honor Council were sufficiently advertised; and WHEREAS it is necessary for Student Senate to approve the appointments to the Honor Council; and WHEREAS Honor Council members’ terms have expired; and WHEREAS vacancies need to be filled on the Honor Council; and WHEREAS the members need to be selected for one year and two year terms to stagger the selection process; and WHEREAS every college has two student representatives on the council except the College of Arts and Sciences, which has three; and WHEREAS the Student Governing Association at KSU Salina has not yet supplied members to represent their college on the Honor Council; and WHEREAS these positions are to be appointed by the Student Body President; and WHEREAS the selection process was conducted in accordance with the KSU SGA Constitution, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves the following individuals as members of the Honor Council for the specified term: College of Agriculture Holly Young May 15, 2000 Paul Seger May 15, 2001 College of Architecture, Planning and Design Andrea Bryant May 15, 2000 Matt Killingsworth May 15, 2001 College of Arts and Sciences Jonathan Kurche May 15, 2000 Travis Lenkner May 15, 2001 Michael Beachier May 15, 2001 College of Business Administration Heather Osborne May 15, 2000 Kori Dunaway May 15, 2001 College of Education Sarah Hafner May 15, 2000 Jennifer Stein May 15, 2001 66 College of Engineering Travis Poland May 15, 2000 Joseph Cross May 15, 2001 College of Human Ecology Lea Stueve May 15, 2000 Jessica Raile May 15, 2001 College of Technology Zach Griggs May 15, 2000 Kevin Giefer May 15, 2001 SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be sent to Provost James Coffman, Dr. Pat Bosco, Honor Council Director Phil Anderson, Graduate Assistants Mark Tomb and Helene Marcoux. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON MARCH 18, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 67 RESOLUTION 98/99/59 BY: APPROVAL OF UNDERGRADUATE HONOR SYSTEM CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Jason Lacey and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the Kansas State University Student Governing Association approved the creation of an Honor Council to create an Undergraduate Honor System Constitution and By-Laws; and WHEREAS the Honor Council has presented the proposed Undergraduate Honor System Constitution and By-Laws to Student Senate and answered questions regarding it; and WHEREAS the proposed Undergraduate Honor System Constitution and By-Laws should be approved by the Kansas State University Student Governing Association to make them official, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following Undergraduate Honor System Constitution and By-Laws be approved by the Kansas State University Student Governing Association: Kansas State University Undergraduate Honor System Constitution Approved by the Kansas State University Honor Council February 22, 1999 We, the Students and Faculty of Kansas State University, in order to conduct our academic endeavors under high standards of individual responsibility, thereby promoting personal honor and integrity, set forth this Constitution of the Honor System. ARTICLE I. ROLE/PURPOSE 1. The Honor System is intended to contribute to an environment at Kansas State University that fosters academic honesty and integrity. 2. All members of the academic community, both students and faculty, are urged to report violations of the Honor Pledge. 3. The Honor Pledge Statement: On all assignments, examinations, or other course work undertaken by undergraduate students, the following pledge is implied, whether or not it is stated: “On my honor, as a student, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work.” 4. The KSU Honor System specifies how alleged violations of the Honor Pledge are adjudicated by the Honor Council. 5. The Honor Council employs the Faculty Senate definitions for academic dishonesty in interpreting and applying this Honor System. 6. Grading disputes and non-academic, behavior-related issues are handled elsewhere by existing KSU systems. 7. Breaches of faculty honesty and integrity are covered by existing University polices that are published in the Faculty Handbook. ARTICLE II. SELECTION OF HONOR COUNCIL MEMBERS 1. The Honor Council includes faculty and undergraduate students from each of the following colleges: Agriculture, Architecture Planning and Design, Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Human Ecology, Technology and Aviation. Each 68 college is represented by two students and two faculty members, with the exception of the College of Arts and Sciences, which is represented by three students and three faculty members. 2. Student Members: A. Undergraduate students apply for membership to the Student Body President by 5:00 p.m. of the second Friday in February. B. Student nominees must have completed two semesters at Kansas State University, be in good academic standing and be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours. C. Diversity may be a consideration in appointing members. D. The Student Body President nominates student members from each of the previously mentioned colleges. E. All nominations are subject to approval by Student Senate. F. The Student Body President forwards the names of nominees to the Provost, who ensures eligibility. Nominees will be affirmed by the Provost by the first Friday in March. 3. Faculty Members: A. Faculty apply for membership to their respective dean by 5:00 p.m. of the second Friday in February. B. Dean’s nominations are forwarded to the Provost and President of the Faculty Senate who, by the first Friday in March, jointly appoint members from each college. C. Diversity may be a consideration in appointing members. D. All appointments are subject to approval by Faculty Senate. ARTICLE III. DUTIES OF HONOR COUNCIL MEMBERS 1. Attend scheduled meetings of the Honor Council 2. Communicate and promote the Honor System to the Kansas State University community. 3. Advise students and faculty who report violations of the Honor Pledge. 4. Serve as neutral investigators of alleged Honor Pledge violations. 5. Serve as panel members during hearings of alleged Honor Pledge violations. 6. If elected, serve as Chair or Vice-Chair of the Honor Council. ARTICLE IV. HONOR COUNCIL TERM OF OFFICE 1. Members’ terms are two years, except for initial appointments, which are divided equally between one-year and two-year terms. 2. Members’ terms begin at the end of the spring semester and end at the conclusion of the spring semester of the final year of their appointment. 3. No member of the Honor Council may serve two consecutive full terms. 4. Members participate in a training process developed by the Director of the Honor System. 5. If members resign or are removed from office, replacement appointments are made by the respective entity for the remaining portions of their terms. ARTICLE V. REMOVAL FROM HONOR COUNCIL 1. Members are subject to removal from office pursuant to the procedures and grounds for removal in the By-Laws. ARTICLE VI. OFFICERS OF THE HONOR COUNCIL 1. Chair A. The Chair is chosen annually from the membership of the Honor Council by majority vote. B. The Chair presides at meetings of the Honor Council and serves in a parliamentary role. C. The Chair, with the assistance of the Honor Council, annually evaluates the performance of the Honor System Director and forwards the evaluation and a recommendation to the Provost. 69 D. If the Honor System Director has a conflict of interest in an alleged violation, the Honor Council Chair serves in the role of Honor System Director for that case. 2. Vice-Chair A. The Vice Chair is chosen annually from the membership of the Honor Council by majority vote. B. The Vice Chair performs the duties of the Chair when the Chair is unable to do so. 3. Director A. The Director of the Honor System is appointed by the Provost to oversee the Honor Council. B. Director’s Responsibilities: 1. Communicate and promote the Honor System to the Kansas State University community. 2. Receive alleged violations of the Honor System 3. Determine whether alleged violations should proceed to a Hearing Panel. 4. Select investigators, panels for hearings and appeals, and panel chairs. 5. Provide the equipment and technical assistance for recording hearings. 6. Record findings of the hearing and appeals panels. 7. Maintain the records of all Honor Council proceedings. 8. Review Honor System policies and report annually to the Provost, Faculty Senate and Student Senate. 9. Serve as an ex-officio member of the Honor Council. 10. Develop and conduct a training program for members of the Honor Council. ARTICLE VII. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS OF THE HONOR COUNCIL 1. The Provost and the Dean of Student Life, or their respective representatives, may serve an advisory role at Honor Council meetings. 2. The Director of the Honor System and staff members of the Honor Council have speaking rights during Honor Council meetings. ARTICLE VIII. STUDENT RIGHTS 1. Students’ rights are enumerated under Article XII of the KSU Student Governing Association Constitution. ARTICLE IX. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS 1. Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by any member of the faculty or undergraduate student at Kansas State University. 2. All amendments must be approved by a 3/4 vote of the Honor Council selected and qualified. 3. All amendments are subject to approval by Faculty Senate and Student Senate. ARTICLE X. BY-LAW REVISIONS 1. By-Law revisions must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the total Honor Council selected and qualified. Kansas State University Undergraduate Honor System By-Laws ARTICLE I. RESPONSIBILITIES 1. To administer the Kansas State University Undergraduate Honor System. ARTICLE II. INVESTIGATION 70 1. When an Honor Pledge violation has been reported, the Honor System Director determines whether the process should proceed. If the process is not to proceed, the Director informs the Honor Council and the Reporter of that determination. 2. If the case is to proceed, two members of the Honor Council are appointed by the Director to serve as Case Investigators if the Reporter of an alleged violation is not a faculty member. 3. After discussion with the Case Investigators, the Reporter of an alleged violation decides whether to proceed with the charge. If the Reporter chooses to proceed, the Case Investigators notify the Director of the Reporter’s decision as well as their own recommendation as to whether a Hearing Panel should be appointed. If the Reporter chooses not to proceed, the Director informs the Honor Council of that decision. 4. If the case is to continue, the Director notifies, or attempts to notify, the Alleged Violator within five class days (ten days if classes are not in session). The Director appoints one member of the Honor Council to serve as an Advisor to the Alleged Violator. The Advisor assists the Alleged Violator to understand the Hearing Panel procedure but does not discuss the merits of the case. 5. The Director authorizes the Case Investigator to interview the Alleged Violator and any witnesses, regarding the allegation. 6. Following the interview with the Alleged Violator, the Case Investigator recommends to the Director whether to proceed to an honor hearing. 7. The Director determines whether to dismiss the case or proceed with an honor hearing conducted by a Hearing Panel. The Director informs the Honor Council, the Alleged Violator and the Reporter of the decision. ARTICLE III. HEARING PANELS 1. Membership A. The Honor System Director appoints the Hearing Panel and Chair from the membership of the Honor Council. B. Each panel has six members: five voting members and one non-voting chair. C. The Honor System Director appoints the Chair of each panel, alternately choosing between a faculty member and a student member of the Honor Council. D. Voting membership of Hearing Panels consists of three students and two faculty. 2. Procedures for Hearing Panels A. If a violation of the Honor System has been officially alleged, the case is considered by a Hearing Panel. B. Formal rules of evidence are not applied in Hearing Panels. C. The Hearing Panel chair accepts for consideration all evidence that reasonable persons would accept as having probative value during Hearing Panel proceedings. 3. Conducting Hearing Panels A. Hearing Panels are normally convened within ten class days of informing the Alleged Violator. B. Those notified of the date, time and place of the hearing are the Alleged Violator, the Reporter, the Case Investigators and witnesses. C. Students who are accused of a breach of the Honor Pledge and who elect to present a defense are required to defend themselves. D. Right of counsel is limited to an advisory capacity. E. Failure by the Alleged Violator to appear before the Hearing Panel neither halts nor interrupts the proceedings. F. Character witnesses and references are not permitted. G. The Hearing Panel Chair conducts the hearing according to established procedure. H. Majority vote determines whether the Hearing Panel finds that a breach of the Honor Pledge has occurred. 71 I. Situations requiring a Hearing Panel during the summer and intersessions may be tabled by the Director until the beginning of the subsequent fall or spring semester. 4. Reporting of Hearing Panel Decisions A. Hearings are recorded and kept as part of the permanent record. B. All records are confidential and subject to the provisions of the Family Rights and Privacy Act. C. Records are made available to authorized parties upon the determination of the Director of the Honor System. ARTICLE IV. SANCTIONS 1. If a Hearing Panel determines that a violation of the Honor Pledge occurred, it recommends an appropriate sanction that is imposed by the respective Dean(s). If a Hearing Panel determines that no breach of academic honesty occurred, the Hearing Panel Chair reports that outcome to the Director who informs the Alleged Violator and the Honor Council. 2. If a faculty member discovers a violation of the Honor Pledge, the faculty member may impose a sanction without proceeding through the Honor System procedure. Faculty members are urged to report violations of the Honor Pledge to the Director who maintains a permanent record of violations. An accused student may choose to appeal the sanction by notifying the Honor System Director. Faculty members must inform sanctioned students of their right to appeal through the Appeal Panel process. 3. Normally a violation of the Honor Pledge will result in the violator receiving an XF for the course. The XF grade designation is changed to an F on the student’s transcript after successfully completing an ethics and integrity program, designed by the Director of the Honor System in conjunction with the Provost and approved by the Honor Council. 4. The Hearing Panel may deviate from the XF grade sanction and consider any of the following: A. Receive a failing grade for the test or other academic work. B. Suspension from the University. C. Expulsion from the University. D. Other appropriate sanction. ARTICLE V. APPEALS 1. Appeals are to be based on substantial new evidence or sufficient grounds for good cause. 2. Appeals based on substantial new evidence must be presented within one year from the date of an Honor Panel decision. 3. Appeals based on either good cause or infringement on the rights of the accused student because of procedural irregularities must be made within 15 days to the Director of the Honor System. 4. Faculty members directly involved in the case may appeal the decision of the Hearing Panel within 15 days of the decision. 5. The Director appoints a separate six-member Appeal Panel to consider the appeal. After deliberation, the Appeal Panel reports their findings and recommendation to the Director who forwards the Appeal Panel’s decision to the Honor Council. If the appeal is granted by the Appeal Panel, the Director appoints Case Investigators prior to appointing a new Hearing Panel. ARTICLE VI. ANNUAL REVIEW 1. The Honor Council annually reviews its procedures prior to the conclusion of the spring semester. 2. The results of the review are presented to Student Senate, Faculty Senate and the Provost by the beginning of the fall semester. 3. The Honor Council annually reviews the performance of the Director of the Honor System and forwards its evaluation and recommendation to the Provost prior to the conclusion of the spring semester. 72 ARTICLE VII. REMOVAL FROM HONOR COUNCIL 1. The Honor Council may remove any member on grounds of malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office by two-thirds vote of the membership selected and qualified. 2. The Honor Council may recommend that the Provost remove the Director of the Honor System on the grounds of malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office by two-thirds vote of the membership selected and qualified. ARTICLE VIII. CONFLICT OF INTEREST 1. Members of the Honor Council will immediately notify the Director of the Honor System of any conflicts of interest. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 73 RESOLUTION 98/99/60 BY: COMMENDATION TO MIKE FARRES Student Body President Tracey Mann, Student Body Vice President Andy Mackim, Chief of Staff Jason Lacey, Student Senate Chairman Gabe Eckert, Student Senate Vice Chairman Jake Worcester, Attorney General Kelly Dickson, Student Senators: Phil Anderson, Joey Bahr, Eric Beikmann, Kristin Bloss, Mary Bosco, Sarah Botkin, Todd Brady, Teanikia Britton, Crystal Campbell, Robin Cates, Chris Crowder, Andy Curtis, Dustin Durbin, Suzzie Feuerborn, Alan Geist, Amber Georg, Brinda Govindarajan, Elizabeth Gregory, Rebekah Guthrie, David Hendricks, Buck Johnson, Julie Karrer, Arnie Kershner, Les Kuhlman, Jeremy Lutz, Irene Nephew, Helene Marcoux, Apryl Mathes, Danielle McDowell, Kris Meiergerd, John Moberg, Sarah Morris, Nick Mueting, William Muir, Justin Nichols, Jenny Perkins, Kim Peschka, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jessica Raile, Scott Reed, Josh Rengstorf, Michael Rottinghaus, Larry Rowland, Joey Schneider, T.J. Schreiner, Jason Shearer, Phil Stein, Cody Sudmeier, Danedri Thompson, Brian Weta and Wendy Wenzel, Interns: Bobby Allison-Gallimore, Kyle Brownback, Lucas Buchl, Ahley Dibbern, Sharah Geiger, Erica Guries, Aisha Henry, Julie Karrar, Elijiah Keever, Naomi McHugh, Craig Meinhardt, Amy Metzinger, Aubrie Ohide, Danielle Peterson, Joe Pacey, Melissa Rausch, Jared Rose, Jill Szynskie, Andrew Schone and Ryan Walker WHEREAS Mike Farres has served under six SGA presidents; and WHEREAS thanks to Mike Farres, the Office of Student Activities and Services is magically spotless and well vacuumed every weekday morning; and WHEREAS Mike Farres has become a favorite of late night workers in the office because of his positive and caring attitude towards student leaders; and WHEREAS Mike Farres often engages in after hours talks about current student issues; and WHEREAS Mike Farres works hard to take care of the cleanliness of the Office of Student Activities and Services diligently without complaints, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association commends and congratulates Mike Farres for his hard work and outstanding services to the Office of Student Activities and Services. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution shall be given to Mike Farres, K-State Student Union Director Bernard PiUs, and Mike Farres’ direct supervisor upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 74 RESOLUTION 98/99/61 BY: COMMENDATION TO ATTORNEY GENERAL Student Body President Tracey Mann, Student Body Vice President Andy Mackim, Chief of Staff Jason Lacey, Student Senate Chairman Gabe Eckert, Student Senate Vice Chairman Jake Worcester, Student Senators: Phil Anderson, Joey Bahr, Eric Beikrnann, Kristin Bloss, Mary Bosco, Sarah Botkin, Todd Brady, Teanikia Britton, Crystal Campbell, Robin Cates, Chris Crowder, Andy Curtis, Dustin Durbin, Suzzie Feuerborn, Alan Geist, Amber Georg, Brinda Govindarajan, Elizabeth Gregory, Rebekah Guthrie, David Hendricks, Buck Johnson, Julie Karrer, Arnie Kershner, Les Kuhlman, Jeremy Lutz, Irene Nephew, Helene Marcoux, Apryl Mathes, Danielle McDowell, Kris Meiergerd, John Moberg, Sarah Morris, Nick Mueting, William Muir, Justin Nichols, Jenny Perkins, Kim Peschka, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jessica Raile, Scott Reed, Josh Rengstorf, Michael Rottinghaus, Larry Rowland, Joey Schneider, T.J. Schreiner, Jason Shearer, Phil Stein, Cody Sudmeier, Danedri Thompson, Brian Weta and Wendy Wenzel, Interns: Bobby Allison-Gallimore, Kyle Brownback, Lucas Buchl, Ahley Dibbern, Sharah Geiger, Erica Guries, Aisha Henry, Julie Karrar, Elijiah Keever, Naomi McHugh, Craig Meinhardt, Amy Metzinger, Aubrie Ohlde, Danielle Peterson, Joe Pacey, Melissa Rausch, Jared Rose, Jill Szynskie, Andrew Schone and Ryan Walker WHEREAS the Attorney General is the non-partisan head of the Judicial Branch of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association--a position of trust and responsibility over a multi-faceted and broad-based group of boards, council and judicial officers; and WHEREAS Kelly L. Dickson served as SGA Attorney General during the 1998-1999 term; and WHEREAS Kelly Dickson has served with distinction and devotion and as a role model for all student leaders during her term in office; and WHEREAS the Student Body of Kansas State University has benefitted from the selfless devotion of Kelly Dickson to her office, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association commends Kelly L. Dickson for her commitment of time and service to Kansas State University, and expresses its thanks and gratitude for her outstanding leadership and performance as SGA Attorney General. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be given to Kelly L. Dickson and her parents upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 75 RESOLUTION 98/99/62 BY: COMMENDATION TO STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT AND STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT Chief of Staff Jason Lacey, Student Senate Chairman Gabe Eckert, Student Senate Vice Chairman Jake Worcester, Attorney General Kelly Dickson, Student Senators: Phil Anderson, Joey Bahr, Eric Beikmann, Kristin Bloss, Mary Bosco, Sarah Botkin, Todd Brady, Teanikia Britton, Crystal Campbell, Robin Cates, Chris Crowder, Andy Curtis, Dustin Durbin, Suzzie Feuerborn, Alan Geist, Amber Georg, Brinda Govindarajan, Elizabeth Gregory, Rebekah Guthrie, David Hendricks, Buck Johnson, Julie Karrer, Arnie Kershner, Les Kuhlman, Jeremy Lutz, Irene Nephew, Helene Marcoux, Apryl Mathes, Danielle McDowell, Kris Meiergerd, John Moberg, Sarah Morris, Nick Mueting, William Muir, Justin Nichols, Jenny Perkins, Kim Peschka, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jessica Raile, Scott Reed, Josh Rengstorf, Michael Rottinghaus, Larry Rowland, Joey Schneider, T.J. Schreiner, Jason Shearer, Phil Stein, Cody Sudmeier, Danedri Thompson, Brian Weta and Wendy Wenzel, Interns: Bobby Allison-Gallimore, Kyle Brownback, Lucas Buchi, Ahley Dibbern, Sharah Geiger, Erica Guries, Aisha Henry, Julie Karrar, Elijiah Keever, Naomi McHugh, Craig Meinhardt, Amy Metzinger, Aubrie Ohlde, Danielle Peterson, Joe Pacey, Melissa Rausch, Jared Rose, Jill Szynskie, Andrew Schone and Ryan Walker WHEREAS Tracey R. Mann and Andrew R. Mackim were elected Student Body President and Student Body Vice President on March 18, 1998 and sworn in on April 2, 1998; and WHEREAS Tracey Mann and Andy Macklin have continually worked for the enhancement of Kansas State University, its students, faculty and staff, and WHEREAS Tracey Mann and Andy Macklin have selflessly devoted time and energy to their offices during their term of office; and WHEREAS Tracey Mann and Andy Mackim have superbly represented the Kansas State University Student Governing Association before the President of the University, the State Board of Regents and the Kansas Legislature; and WHEREAS Tracey Mann and Andy Macklin have actively worked for student issues; and WHEREAS Tracey Mann and Andy Macklin have been effective and responsible student leaders, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kansas State University Student Governing Association commends Student Body President Tracey R. Mann and Student Body Vice President Andrew R. Macklin for their commitment of time and service to Kansas State University, and expresses its thanks and gratitude for their outstanding leadership and performance in office. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be given to Tracey Mann and Andy Macklin and their parents upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 76 RESOLUTION 98/99/63 BY: COMMENDATION TO STUDENT SENATE CHAIR AND STUDENT SENATE VICE CHAIR Student Body President Tracey Mann, Student Body Vice President Andy Mackim, Chief of Staff Jason Lacey, Attorney General Kelly Dickson, Student Senators: Phil Anderson, Joey Bahr, Eric Beikmann, Kristin Bioss, Mary Bosco, Sarah Botkin, Todd Brady, Teanikia Britton, Crystal Campbell, Robin Cates, Chris Crowder, Andy Curtis, Dustin Durbin, Suzzie Feuerborn, Alan Geist, Amber Georg, Brinda Govindarajan, Elizabeth Gregory, Rebekah Guthrie, David Hendricks, Buck Johnson, Julie Karrer, Amie Kershner, Les Kuhiman, Jeremy Lutz, Irene Nephew, Helene Marcoux, Apryl Mathes, Danielle McDowell, Kris Meiergerd, John Moberg, Sarah Morris, Nick Mueting, William Muir, Justin Nichols, Jenny Perkins, Kim Peschka, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jessica Raile, Scott Reed, Josh Rengstorf, Michael Rottinghaus, Larry Rowland, Joey Schneider, T.J. Schreiner, Jason Shearer, Phil Stein, Cody Sudmeier, Danedri Thompson, Brian Weta and Wendy Wenzei, Interns: Bobby Allison-Gallimore, Kyle Brownback, Lucas Buchi, Ahiey Dibbern, Sharah Geiger, Erica Guries, Aisha Henry, Julie Karrar, Elijiah Keever, Naomi McHugh, Craig Meinhardt, Amy Metzinger, Aubrie Ohlde, Danielie Peterson, Joe Pacey, Melissa Rausch, Jared Rose, Jill Szynskie, Andrew Schone and Ryan Walker WHEREAS Gabriel P. Eckert and Jake D. Worcester have served the 1998-1999 Student Senate with distinction as Student Senate Chair and Student Senate Vice Chair, respectively; and WHEREAS Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester have been and are continuing to be involved in numerous aspects of student government; and WHEREAS Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester have devoted long hours of care and concern for the students of Kansas State University; and WHEREAS Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester have been trusted friends and comrades of all members of Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association commends Student Senate Chair Gabriel P. Eckert and Student Senate Vice Chair Jake D. Worcester for their commitment of time and service to Kansas State University, and expresses its thanks and gratitude for their outstanding leadership and performance in office. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be given to Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester and their parents upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 77 RESOLUTION 98/99/64 BY: COMMENDATION TO STUDENT SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS AND OTHER MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Student Body President Tracey Mann, Student Body Vice President Andy Mackim, Chief of Staff Jason Lacey, Student Senate Chairman Gabe Eckert, Student Senate Vice Chairman Jake Worcester, Attorney General Kelly Dickson, Student Senators: Phil Anderson, Joey Bahr, Eric Beikmann, Kristin Bloss, Mary Bosco, Sarah Botkin, Todd Brady, Teanikia Britton, Crystal Campbell, Robin Cates, Chris Crowder, Andy Curtis, Dustin Durbin, Suzzie Feuerborn, Alan Geist, Amber Georg, Brinda Govindarajan, Elizabeth Gregory, Rebekah Guthrie, David Hendricks, Buck Johnson, Julie Karrer, Amie Kershner, Les Kuhlman, Jeremy Lutz, Irene Nephew, Helene Marcoux, Apryl Mathes, Danielle McDowell, Kris Meiergerd, John Moberg, Sarah Morris, Nick Mueting, William Muir, Justin Nichols, Jenny Perkins, Kim Peschka, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jessica Raile, Scott Reed, Josh Rengstorf, Michael Rottinghaus, Larry Rowland, Joey Schneider, T.J. Schreiner, Jason Shearer, Phil Stein, Cody Sudmeier, Danedri Thompson, Brian Weta and Wendy Wenzel, Interns: Bobby Allison-Gallimore, Kyle Brownback, Lucas Buchl, Ahley Dibbem, Sharah Geiger, Erica Guries, Aisha Henry, Julie Karrar, Eiijiah Keever, Naomi McHugh, Craig Meinhardt, Amy Metzinger, Aubrie Ohlde, Danielle Peterson, Joe Pacey, Melissa Rausch, Jared Rose, Jill Szynskie, Andrew Schone and Ryan Walker WHEREAS the Constitution and By-Laws of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association specify that Student Senate shall be organized into Standing Committees; and WHEREAS The Constitution and By-Laws provide for the selection of a Student Senate Intern Coordinator, a Student Senate Representative to Faculty Senate, a Student Senate Parliamentarian and a Student Senate Secretary; and WHEREAS the Allocations Standing Committee, the Privilege Fee Standing Committee, the Senate Operations Standing Committee, the Academic Affairs and University Relations Standing Committee, the Student Affairs and Social Services Standing Committee, the Government Relations Standing Committee and the Communications Standing Committee are specified in the KSU SGA By-Laws as the seven Standing Committees of Student Senate; and WHEREAS these members of the Student Senate Executive Committee have provided leadership, guidance and direction to the respective Standing Committee and the Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following members of the Student Senate Executive Committee of the Kansas State University Student Senate are hereby commended and congratulated for their service and dedication to the Kansas State University Student Governing Association: Carlton A. Getz Jeffrey D. Meder Joshua S. Rengstorf Allocations Standing Committee Privilege Fee Standing Committee Senate Operations Standing Committee 78 Rhett D. Trujillo Robin L. Cates Elizabeth Y. Gregory Mary C. Bosco Amie L. Kershner Brian J. Wetta William L. Harlan Carrie M. Cook Academic Affairs & University Relations Standing Committee Student Affairs and Social Services Standing Committee Governmental Relations Standing Committee Communications Standing Committee Student Senate Intern Coordinator Student Senate Representative to Faculty Senate Student Senate Parliamentarian Student Senate Secretary SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be given to each Student Senate Executive Committee member upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 79 RESOLUTION 98/99/65 BY: COMMENDATION TO 1998-1999 STUDENT SENATE AND STUDENT SENATE INTERNS Bill Muir, Phil Anderson, Tracey Mann and Andy Macklin WHEREAS the 1998-1999 Student Senate was elected on March 11, 1998, was sworn into office on April 2, 1998, and will adjourn sine die on April 1, 1999; and WHEREAS 134 Bills and 65 Resolutions were considered by the 1998-1999 Student Senate, with 125 Bills passed into law (93% enactment rate, with one veto sustained) and 64 Resolutions adopted (98% adoption rate); and WHEREAS the 1998-1999 Student Senate and Student Senate Interns labored for over 70 hours during its 29 meetings in the 7 school months of existence for the benefit of the Kansas State University Student Body (an average of more than 10 hours per month and of 2.4 hours per meeting); and WHEREAS the service of the elected Student Senators and Student Senate Interns has been exemplary, benefitting both students and the University; and WHEREAS the Faculty Representatives to Student Senate and the Student Body President and Student Body Vice President have valued and treasured their time with the members of the 1998-1999 Student Senate and Student Senate Interns, and feel that appropriate recognition of their service is in order and necessary, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association commends and congratulates the 1998-1999 Student Senate and Student Senate Interns and expresses its thanks and gratitude for their outstanding perfonnance in office. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be given to each member of the 1998-1999 Student Senate and Student Senate Intern upon passage. PASSED BY STUDENT SENATE ON APRIL 1, 1999 WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT 80 1998-1999 Student Senate Minutes Date Page August 27, 1998 ...............................................................................................................................1 September 3, 1998 ...........................................................................................................................3 September 10, 1998 .........................................................................................................................6 September 17, 1998 .........................................................................................................................9 September 24, 1998 .......................................................................................................................12 October 1, 1998..............................................................................................................................15 October 8, 1998..............................................................................................................................18 October 15, 1998............................................................................................................................21 October 22, 1998............................................................................................................................24 November 19, 1998........................................................................................................................27 December 3, 1998 ..........................................................................................................................31 January 21, 1999 ............................................................................................................................34 January 28, 1999 ............................................................................................................................36 February 4, 1999 ............................................................................................................................39 February 11, 1999 ..........................................................................................................................41 February 18, 1999 ..........................................................................................................................43 February 25, 1999 ..........................................................................................................................45 March 4, 1999 ................................................................................................................................49 March 11, 1999 ..............................................................................................................................54 March 18, 1999 ..............................................................................................................................58 April 1, 1999 ..................................................................................................................................62 April 2, 1999 ..................................................................................................................................67 April 8, 1999 ..................................................................................................................................68 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM August 27, 1998 7:00 P.M. The meeting was preceded by a social gathering and ice cream provided by Dr. Bosco. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chairman Eckert. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 50 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES All previous minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Dr. Bosco spoke about recognition K-State has received and answered questions. President Mann introduced Zach Griggs, KSU Salina’s Student Body President, who spoke about what is going on at the Salina campus. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Eckert announced that the locator list was being passed around. He also introduced Jaime Harter, the collegian reporter. Moore resigned as she took a position with MCC. Detloff resigned and Hayhurst resigned. Chairman Eckert announced the openings for committees and the switch of the location mailboxes and the switch of computers from Mac to IBM. He also reminded everyone about the necessity of 24 hours notice if you are going to be absent. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Bosco announced that we need to get name tags and answered questions. She also announced the SGA Hotline. Chairman Muir talked about the JCOC meeting which will be two weeks from today. Chairman Getz announced the changes to the funding statutes. Chairman Trujillo announced that his committee will meet right after senate. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Vice President Macklin announced what he and President Mann have been working on this summer, including the book-swap, the course information program, speaking at the residence halls, and the appointment process. He then answered questions. Intern Coordinator Kershner announced that intern applications are due this week and that she needs help putting up flyers in the residence halls. She then answered questions. President Mann spoke about some of the issues that will be coming up soon, including approval of SGA’s goals, first readings for the recreation complex parking permit, 1 a bill about safety on North Manhattan street, and the introduction of the SGA hotline. Vice Chairman Worcester talked about the agenda for the retreat this Saturday. He also talked about how he, along with Chairman Eckert would like for everyone to enjoy their year of service in SGA. Spencer welcomed everyone back and introduced Sarah, our new graduate assistant. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 98/99/14 Approval of New Senator Chairman Eckert read the resolution. Res 98/99/14 passed by unanimous consent. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 98/99/15 Commendation to S. Kaleem Quadri, B. V.Sc., MS., PHd. Senator Feuerborn read the resolution and answered questions. Res 98/99/15 passed by unanimous consent. Res 98/99/16 Standing Rules Amendment Eliminating Office Hours Vice Chairman Worcester read the resolution and answered questions. Res 98/99/16 was held for referral. Bill 98/99/03 Course Information Program Fund Chairman Meder read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/03 passed by a role call vote 50-0-0. OPEN PERIOD Vice Chairman Worcester talked about the purpose of assigned seats tonight. President Mann talked about his trip to Isreal. Chairman Meder talked about the auditing of Lafene Health Center. Chairwoman Cates read her weekly list. Chairman Getz announced that his committee will meet shortly after senate. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 98/99/16 was referred to Senate Operations committee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS Senator Muir announced intentions to revise Article V, Section IVA of the by-laws. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:30. 2 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM September 3, 1998 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chairman Eckert. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 45 senators. OPEN PERIOD Dr. Beth Unger, Vice Provost for Academic Services and Technology, spoke about security of the computers on campus and answered questions. Harvard Townsend, Interim Director of CNS, also spoke about computers and answered questions. Bernard Pitts, Union Director, spoke about the upcoming events in the renovation of the KSU Student Union. Zach Griggs, KSU Salina’s Student Body President, spoke about the Salina campus. ANNOUNCEMENTS Proxies: Petrik for Schneider Worcester for Mathes Gregory for Moberg Rengstorf for Perkins COMMITTEE REPORTS Vice Chairwoman Detloff spoke about Privilege Fee meetings. Chairwoman Bosco spoke about Communications Committee’s next meeting. Chairman Rengstorf spoke and offered the help of the Senate Operations Committee to senators who want to draft legislation. Chairman Muir talked about the next meeting of the Joint Committee on Officers’ Compensation. Chairman Getz spoke about the Allocations Committee and the proposed finding regulations. Senator Gregory spoke about Governmental Relations committee. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS President Mann spoke about the Student Advisory Committee he is on with other Student Body Presidents. Vice Chairman Worcester passed out handbooks and thanked everyone for attending the retreat. Attorney General Dickson spoke about Judicial Board Training. Chairman Schreiner spoke about the University Activities Board’s new handbooks. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 98/99/17 Approval of Governmental Relations Chair 3 Chairman Eckert read the resolution. Res 98/99/17 passed by unanimous consent. Res 98/9 9/18 Approval of Educational Opportunity Fund Committee Appointments Vice President Macklin read the resolution. Res 98/99/18 passed by unanimous consent. FINAL ACTION Res 98/99/16 Standing Rules Amendment Eliminating Office Hours Positive: Worcester Negative: None Res 98/9916 passed by voice vote. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 98/99/19 Approval of 1998-99 Student Government Goals President Mann read the resolution and answered questions. *The resolution was moved special orders. Res 98/99/19 passed by voice vote. Res 98/99/20 City- University Projects Fund Student Priority List Senator Allen read the resolution. Res 98/99/20 was held for referral. Res 98/99/21 Support for the Creation of a Recreation-Complex-Only Parking Permit President Mann read the resolution and answered questions. Res 98/99/21 was held for referral. Res 98/99/22 1998-99 Budget Resolution Vice Chairwoman Dethloff read the resolution and answered questions. Res 98/99/22 was held for referral. Bill 98/99/04 By-laws Amendment Repealing Required Office Hours Vice Chairman Worcester read the bill. *The bill was moved special orders. Bill 98/99/04 passed on a roll-call vote of 47-0-0. Bill 98/99/05 Adoption of SGA Funding Statutes Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/05 was held for referral. OPEN PERIOD There were no speakers for Open Period. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 98/99/20 was referred to Governmental Relations Committee. Res 98/99/21 was referred to Student Affairs and Social Services Committee. Res 98/99/22 was referred to Privilege Fee Committee. Bill 98/99/05 was referred to Allocations Committee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS 4 There were no announcements. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. 5 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM September 10, 1998 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chairman Eckert. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 51 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Jade Murphy, chair for student health advisory committee, introduced her committee. Darwin Abbott, director of Parking Services, spoke about the recreation-complex-only parking permit. Carla Jones spoke about the Office of Student Life. Max Urich, director of Athletic Department, spoke about the improvements of athletic ticket sales. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Eckert reminded everyone that the draft legislation disk is not to leave the office, and he also announced the changes on the agenda. Graduate Assistant Dillingham reminded everyone to get their name tags. Senator Stein spoke about the Silver Key homless sleepout. Senator Muir volunteered to pay for the rest of the name tags. Proxies: Bloss for Raile Peschka for Furnas Schreiner for Wenzel Sinnet for Smith COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Cates announced that the Rec. Parking permit passed in her committee 4-1 in favor. Chairwoman Bosco spoke about the SGA hotline. Senator Muir announced his next meeting for Joint Committee on Officer Compensation will be next Thursday in the OSAS. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Attorney General Dickson yielded time to Deanna Williams and John Danos for them to introduce themselves. Intern Coordinator Kershner spoke about intern applications.. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS 6 Res 98/9 9/24 Approval of a New Senator Chairman Eckert read the resolution. Res 98/99/24 passed by unanimous consent. Res 98/99/23 Approval of Judicial Board Members Attorney General Dickson read the resolution and answered questions. *Senator Avila moved unanimous consent. There were no objections. Res 98/99/23 passed by unanimous consent. * Vice Chairman Worcester moved to reconsider Res 98/99/18: Motion to reconsider passed. Res 98/99/18 Approval of Educational Opportunity Fund Committee Appointments Vice President Macklin answered questions. Amendment A by Vice President Macklin and Vice Chairman Worcester The amendment would strike Sam Halabi and add Ben Hemmen. Positive: Macklin Amendment A passed by voice vote. Res 98/99/18 passed by a voice vote. FINAL ACTION Res 98/99/20 City- University Projects Fund Student Priority List Senator Allen addressed changes and questions. Positive: Allen Res 98/99/20 passed by a voice vote. Res 98/9 9/2 1 Support for the Creation of a Recreation-Complex-Only Parking Permit Chief of Staff Lacey addressed changes and questions. Positive: Lacey, Cates Res 98/99/2 1 passed by a roll-call vote of 45-7-1. Bill 9 8/99/05 Adoption of SGA Funding Statutes Chairman Getz addressed changes and questions. Positive: Getz Negative: Avila Amendment A by Senator Peschka and Chairman Getz: Sections being amended: Section 13-0107, C, #1, b Change from: by more than ten percent (10%) must submit... Change to: by more than twenty-five (25%) must submit. Also add at the end No funds may be transferred from the recommended amount for honoraria. Positive: Peschka, Getz Negtive: Rengstorf Amendment A passed by voice vote. Amendment B by Chairman Rengstorf, Senator Hendricks, Senator Petrik: Sections being amended 13-0107 A, 1 Change from: strike this section and change to: 1. The Allocations Committee shall develop informal guidelines, present them in bill form to Student Senate, and have them approved prior to the beginning of each semester allocations process. 7 2. Student Senate shall adhere to the Informal Guidelines as appended to the SGA Funding Regulations for the following categories: a. Promotions b. Rent of Space c. Rent of Equipment d. Films e. Honoraria f. Travel Positive: Rengstorf, Worcester, Hendricks, Cates Negative: Peschka, Getz, Detloff, Bahr Amendment B passed by a roll-call vote of 43-18-0. Amendment C by Senator Avila: Eliminate 13-O1OLA General Definition Eliminate 13-0108B and renumber accordingly. Change to: 13-01 OL General A, Definition For the purpose of the funding statutes, UAB categorical definitions shall apply in all cases. Positive: Avila Negative: Muir Amendment failed by a voice vote. Bill 98/99/05 Passed by a voice-vote of 40-3-5. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Bill 98/99/06 Creation of the Student Senate Special Committee to Study Services Provided to Student Organizations Vice Chair Worcester read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/06 held for referral. OPEN PERIOD Senator Avila announced that he was resigning as a student senator. Senator Schreiner spoke about the University Activities Board. Senator Muir asked for a round of applause for Senator Avila. Chairwoman Cates read her weekly list. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Bill 98/99/06 was referred to Senate Operations Committee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m. 8 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM September 17, 1998 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance was led by Chairman Eckert. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 49 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Steve Hall, mayor of Manhattan, introduced Ron Fahr, assistant city manager of Manhattan, who spoke about some of the current city projects. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairwoman Cates announced the trip to Jim’s Chicken. Graduate Assistant Dillingham needs five dollars for name tags. Senator Muir spoke about the Joint Committee on Officer Compensation. Chairwoman Bosco announced that the homeless sleep out will be next Thursday. Proxies for the evening: Lutz for Mueting Sherrer for Campbell Johnson for Powell Smith for Sinnett COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Bosco announced that the SGA Hotline is ready and rolling. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Attorney General Dickson spoke about Judicial Training. Vice President Macklin spoke about the Course Information Program. President Mann welcomed the interns and introduced Wes Blu. He also announced that the next Parking Council meeting will be on October 15. Intern Coordinator Kershner announced the mentor program and is looking for volunteers. She also announced that the Intern Retreat will be on October 4, from 1:00-4:00. President Mann announced that the Community Service Week will be September 28 through October 3. FINAL ACTION Res 98/99/22 1998-99 Budget Resolution Senator Dethloff read the resolution. Positive: Dethloff 9 Res 98/99/22 Passed by a voice vote. Bill 98/99/06 Creation of the Student Senate Special Committee to Study Services Provided to Student Organizations Vice Chairman Worcester read the bill and answered questions. Positive: Worcester, Schreiner Bill 98/99/06 Passed by a vote of 51-0-1. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 98/99/25 Support for Street Improvements on North Manhattan Avenue President Mann read the resolution and answered questions. The resolution was held for referral. Bill 98/99/10 1998-99 Informal Funding Guidelines Chairman Getz read the resolution and answered questions. The resolution was held for referral. Res 98/99/27 Standing Rules Amendment Adding Required Booth Hour Chairwoman Bosco read the resolution and answered questions. The resolution was held for referral. Bill 98/99/07 Closing ofAccounts for Spring 1998 Senator Peschka read the bill and answered questions. The resolution was held for referral. Bill 98/99/08 Special Allocation to the Native American Student Body for Fall 1998 Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions. The resolution was held for referral. Bill 98/99/09 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Parking Citation Appeals Process Attorney General Dickson read the bill and answered questions. The resolution was held for referral. OPEN PERIOD Vice President Macklin asked Senate to be more polite to the quest speakers in the future. Vice Chairman Worcester thanked Intern Coordinator Kershner for her hard work and congratulated the new interns. Chairwoman Bosco announced that visitations are due in October. She will have a signup list by next meeting. Senator Schreiner spoke about visiting new and different groups instead of the same ones. Intern Coordinator Kershner reminded the interns that the next Privilege Fee Committee meeting is this Sunday in the OSAS. She also thanked everyone who helped her during the intern search. Chairwoman Cates welcomed the interns and read her list. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 98/99/25 Referred to Governmental Relations Committee Res 98/99/26 Referred to Allocations Committee Bill 98/99/07 Referred to Allocations Committee Bill 98/99/08 Referred to Allocations Committee 10 Bill 98/99/09 Referred to the Senate Operations Committee. Res 98/99/27 Jointly referred to Communications and Senate Operations committees. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 11 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM September 24, 1998 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the body in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 49 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Last week’s minutes will be approved next week. OPEN PERIOD Director Abbot, director of Parking Services, answered questions about the parking citations appeals process. ANNOUNCEMENTS Proxies: Mueting for Lutz Mathes for Worcester Anyone interested in serving on the committee to study student services see Chairman Eckert. COMMITTEE REPORTS Each Committee Chair stood introducing themselves and informing the new interns of their meetings. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Attorney General Dixon said she will have small training manuals about the judicial branch available. See her if you want one. Intern Coordinator Kershner said the intern retreat will be on October 4 from 1-5 p.m. She would like Executive Committee members to arrive at 2 p.m. All other SGA members can arrive between 3:30-4:30. All senators who signed up to be mentors should plan to attend the retreat. Vice President Macklin spoke about Educational Opportunity Fund and being respectful football fans. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 98/99/26 Approval Honor Council Appointments Vice President Macklin read the resolution. Macklin answered question Positive: Macklin Negative: none Resolution 98/99/26 was approved by unanimous consent. 12 Res 98/99/28 Approval of Student Senate Interns Intern Coordinator Kershner read the resolution and answered questions. Resolution 98/99/28 was approved by unanimous consent. *Chajrman Eckert swore in the new Student Senate interns. FINAL ACTION Res 98/9 9/2 5 Support for Street Improvements on North Manhattan Avenue Chairwoman Gregory addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Gregory Negative: none Res 98/99/25 passed on by a unanimous consent. Res 98/99/2 7 Standing Rules Amendment Adding Required Booth Hour Chairwoman Bosco addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Bosco, Cates, Kershner, Moris, Mathes Negative: Gregory, Peschka, Smith, Bahr Res 98/99/27 passed on a vote of 25-22 Bill 98/99/0 7 Closing of Accounts for Spring 1998 Senator Peschka addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Peschka Bill 98/99/07 Passed on a roll-call vote of 50-0 Bill 98/99/08 Special Allocation to the Native American Student Body for Fall 1998 Chairman Getz addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Getz Bill 98/99/08 passed on a roll-call vote of 51-0 Bill 98/99/09 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Parking Citation Appeals Process Attorney General Dixon addressed questions and answered questions. Bill 98/99/09 passed on a roll-call vote of 51-0 Bill 98/99/10 1998-99 Informal Funding Guidelines Chairman Getz addressed questions and answered questions. Positive: Getz Bill 98/99/10 passed on a roll-call vote of 51-0 INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 98/9 9/2 9 Approval of Changes to the Arts and Sciences College Council Constitution Senator Petrik read the resolution and answered questions Res 98/99/29 was held for referral. Bill 98/99/11 Allocation to the Saint Francis Canterbury Episcopal Student Fellowship for Fall 1998 This bill was automatically referred to the Allocations Committee because the group was not registered with the University Activities Board. The bill has not been formally introduced to the Student Senate. OPEN PERIOD 13 Vice President Macklin spoke about the death of a K-State student. A 30-second moment of silence was observed by the Senate. Graduate Assistant Dillingham reminded senators to pay Senator Muir for their name tags. Chairwoman Bosco spoke about doing visitations. Coordinator Spencer announced the Office of Student Activities and Services would be open during the weekend. Intern Coordinator Kershner reminded the interns they need to do visitations also. Chairwoman Cates asked the Flint Hills Job Corp representatives, who were visiting, to introduce themselves. She also read her weekly list. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 98/99/29 was referred to Senate Operations Committee. Bill 98/99/11 was automatically referred to Allocations Committee, as described above. *Note Bill 98/99/11 has not been formally introduced to Student Senate. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m. 14 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM October 1, 1998 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eckert called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 43 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Patricia Marsh, Course Information Program Advisor, spoke about the course information program. Matt Krepps, Collegian Editor, asked the body to inform him about possible Collegian story ideas. ANNOUNCEMENTS Proxies for the evening: Anderson for Muir Moberg for Rowland Feuerborn for Nichols Smith for Sinnett Mathes for Bosco Mueting for Allen COMMITTEE REPORTS Coordinator Spencer spoke about the Joint Committee on Officer Compensation. Chairman Petrik wants his committee to meet directly after the meeting. Chairwoman Gregory announced that the Governmental Relations committee is planning a voter registration drive. Chairwoman Cates announced the next Student Affairs and Social Services meeting. Chairman Meder spoke about the new schedule for the Privilege Fee committee. Chairman Trujillo announced the next Academic Affairs meeting. Chairman Getz reported the success of the last Allocations Committee meeting. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Vice President Macklin spoke about the educational opportunity fund and the course information program. President Mann introduced the visitors from the University of Kansas Student Senate who spoke about their student senate body. University of Kansas Student Body President, Kevin Yoder spoke about some of the programs KU’s Student Senate is working on. He also answered questions. President Mann gave an update about his cabinet. 15 Coordinator Spencer spoke about the Office of Student Activities and Services. Intern Coordinator Kershner announced that the Intern Retreat will be this Sunday in the Big Twelve Room. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 98/99/30 Approval of a New Senator Chairman Eckert read the resolution. Res 98/99/30 Passed by unanimous consent. FINAL ACTION Res 98/99/29 Approval of Changes to the Arts and Sciences College Council Constitution Senator Petrik addressed changes. Positive: Petrik Res 98/99/29 passed by a voice vote. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Bill 98/99/12 Creation of the SGA Special Committee to Research Safe-Ride Senator Guthrie read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/13 Allocation to the Black Student Union for Spring 1999 Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/14 Allocation to the Native American Student Body for Spring 1999 Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/15 Allocation to the KSU Students for the Right to Life for Spring 1999 Senator Durbin read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/16 Special Allocation to the KSU Students for the Right to Life for Spring 1999 Senator Durbin read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/17 Allocation to the Individuals for Freethought for Spring 1999 Senator Furnas read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/18 Closing ofAccounts for College Councils and Academic Competition Teams for 1998 Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions. * Senator Bahr moved the bill special orders. Positive: Getz Bill 98/99/18 Passed by a roll call vote of 48-0-0. Bill 98/99/19 Allocation for Racial Ethnic Harmony Week Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions. Gregory moved the bill special orders. Positive: Getz, Anderson Bill 98/99/19 Passed by a roll call vote of 49-0-0. Bill 98/99/20 Office of Student Activities and Services Fee Increase Senator Dethloff read the bill and answered questions. 16 OPEN PERIOD Vice President Macklin announced that he and other members of the body are invited to Java for discussion. Senator Petrik made his announcement again. Intern Coordinator Kershner volunteers for a retirement community and invited people who could help. Senator Reed spoke about the movement of bike racks. Chairman Eckert announced that all Engineering senators need to get their picture taken. Senator Bahr announced that Monday, from 7:00-8:00, a democratic candidate will be here in the union. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Bill 98/99/12 Creation of the SGA Special Committee to Research Safe-Ride Bill 98/99/12 Referred to Senate Operations Committee. Bill 98/99/13 Allocation to the Black Student Union for Spring 1999 Bill 98/99/13 Referred to Allocations Committee. Bill 98/99/14 Allocation to the Native American Student Body for Spring 1999 Bill 98/99/14 Referred to Allocations Committee. Bill 98/99/15 Allocation to the KSU Students for the Right to Life for Spring 1999 Bill 98/99/15 Referred to Allocations Committee. Bill 98/99/16 Special Allocation to the KSU Students for the Right to Life for Spring 1999 Bill 98/99/16 Referred to Allocations Committee. Bill 98/99/17 Allocation to the Individuals for Freethought for Spring 1999 Bill 98/99/17 Referred to Allocations Committee. Bill 98/99/20 Office of Student Activities and Services Fee Increase Bill 98/99/20 Referred to Privilege Fee Committee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. BILLS HELD INALLOCA TIONS COMMITTEE Bill 98/99/11 Allocation to the Saint Francis Canterbury Episcopal Student Fellowship for Fall 1998 *Note this bill has not been formally introduced to Student Senate. 17 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM October 8, 1998 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Eckert at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 41 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Last week’s minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Kim Trusedell, a student in Senator Anderson’s class, spoke about child care. She handed out a survey for a project she was working on. Bob Krause, Vice President of Institutional Advancement, spoke about services available through his office. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senator Sudmeier passed out surveys on testing policies for the Academic Affairs and University Relations Committee. Chairman Eckert announced the Big 12 Leadership Conference was going to be on November 6- 8 at Oklahoma University. He also announced Senate needs a representative for the Wildcat Walk Escort program and Fine Arts Council. Proxies for the evening: Bloss for Raile Sudmeier for Perkins Mueting for Lutz Wenzel for Schreiner COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Gregory announced voter registration will be next week from 10:00-4:00. Chairwoman Cates spoke about SASS and then yielded the floor to Senator Morris who spoke about Community Service events coordinated by the committee. Chairwoman Cates also yielded time to Senator Coleman who spoke about upcoming projects. Senator Petrik spoke about the Student Services Special Committee. Chairwoman Bosco will re-post a visitation sign up sheet. She will also be passing out a sign up sheet for service hours. Chairman Getz invited everyone to Allocations meetings. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS President Mann spoke about the childcare survey, a meeting for student body presidents meeting, and intellectual property rights. Intern Coordinator Kershner thanked all those who attended the Intern Retreat. 18 Coordinator Spencer spoke about the OSAS fee increase. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 98/99/31 Approval of Campus Leadership Institute Council Appointments President Mann read the resolution and answered questions. * Chairwoman Gregory moved unanimous consent. Res 98/99/3 1 Passed by unanimous consent. FINAL ACTION Bill 98/99/12 Creation of the SGA Special Committee to Research Safe-Ride Senator Guthrie read the bill and answered questions. Positive: Guthrie Bill 98/99/12 Passed by a roll-call vote of 46-0-0. Bill 98/99/13 Allocation to the Black Student Union for Spring 1999 Senator Getz read the bill and answered questions. Positive: Getz Bill 98/99/13 Passed by a roll-call vote of 46-0-1. Bill 98/9 9/1 4 Allocation to the Native American Student Body for Spring 1999 Senator Getz read the bill and answered questions. Positive: Getz Bill 98/99/14 Passed by a roll-call vote of 46-0-1. Bill 98/99/1 5 Allocation to the KSU Students for the Right to Lfe for Spring 1999 Senator Durbin read the bill and answered questions. Positive: Durbin Bill 98/99/15 Passed by a roll-call vote of 45-1-1. Bill 98/99/16 SpecialAllocation to the KSU Students for the Right to L[e for Spring 1999 Senator Durbin read the resolution and answered questions. Positive: Durbin Bill 98/99/16 Passed by a roll-call vote of 45-1-1. Bill 98/99/17 Allocation to the Individuals for Freethought for Spring 1999 Positive: Furnas *Chairman Rengstorf moved to refer the bill to Allocations Committee. Bill 98/99/17 Referred to Allocations Committee by voice vote. Bill 98/99/20 Office of Student Activities and Services Fee Increase Senator Shearer read the resolution and answered questions. Positive: Shearer, Walker Bill 98/99/20 Passed by a roll-call vote of 43-3-0 Amendment A submitted by Senator Anderson. The amendment changes Consumer and Tenant Affairs from $100 to $3,100. Positive: Anderson Amendment A failed by a vote of 18-25. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Bill 98/99/2] Allocation to the KSU Association of Residence Halls for Spring 1999 19 Senator Campbell read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/2 2 Repeal of Statutes Relating to the Summer Allocations Procedure Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/23 Student Activity Fee Continuance Senator Mueting read the bill and answered questions. OPEN PERIOD Chairwoman Cates read her weekly list. Coordinator Spencer thanked the body for the fee increase and congratulated those who are finalists for K-State ambassadors. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Bill 98/99/21 Allocation to the KSU Association of Residence Halls for Spring 1999 Bill 98/99/2 1 Referred to the Allocations Committee. Bill 98/99/22 Repeal of Statutes Relating to the Summer Allocations Procedure Bill 98/99/22 Referred to Senate Operations Committee. Bill 98/99/23 Student Activity Fee Continuance Bill 98/99/23 Referred to Privilege Fee Committee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS Senator Muir — By-laws, Article V, Section 12, C and D. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:25p.m. BILLS HELD INALLOCA TIONS COMMITTEE Bill 98/99/11 Allocation to the Saint Francis Canterbury Episcopal Student Fellowship for Fall 1998 *Note this bill has not been formally introduced to Student Senate. 20 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM October 15, 1998 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7.00p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the Senate in the Pledge. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 45 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Ryan Laudermilk from the Homecoming Committee passed around the sign up for Student Ambassadors booth. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Eckert announced that Senate will still start at 7:00 p.m. next week because there will be no conflict with Homecoming events. Chairman Getz announced that there is a scam about getting money for stuffing envelopes. He also spoke about University Publications. Proxies: Moberg for Gregory Cates for Morris Schreiner for Thompson Wenzel for Durbin Peschka for Campbell COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Cates announced the next meeting for SASS. Chairman Rengstorf spoke about his committee. Vice Chairman Brady announced the next meeting for Governmental Relations Committee. Chairman Getz spoke about Allocations Committee. Chairwoman Bosco announced that she was passing around the sign up sheet for visitations. She also announced that her committee’s meeting time has changed. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Intern Coordinator Kershner announced that those who signed up to be a mentor, need to contact her to get the name of her interns. UAB Chairman Schreiner announced that Individuals for Freethought is now registered as a student group. He also reported about the Gay Awareness Meeting. Vice President Macklin spoke about the Memorial for Matthew Shepard, the student in Wyoming who was beaten to death last week. 21 President Mann spoke about Fall Break, Enrollment Changes, a Multi-cultural Student Organization Roundtable, the meeting of Student Body Presidents from Universities and Community Colleges in Kansas, and the passage of the Rec Only Parking Permit. FINAL ACTION Bill 98/99/17 Allocation to the Individuals for Freethought for Spring 1999 Senator Furnas addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Furnas, Schreiner, Peschka, Bahr Negative: Petrik, Dethloff Bill 98/99/17 Passed by a roll-call vote of 35-14-2. SPECIAL OPEN PERIOD Student Body President from Ft. Hays University spoke. FINAL ACTION CONTINUTED Bill 98/99/21 Allocation to the KSU Association of Residence Halls for Spring 1999 Senator Peschka addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Peschka Bill 98/99/21 Passed by a roll-call vote of 51-0-0. Bill 98/99/22 Repeal of Statutes Relating to the Summer Allocations Procedure Chairman Getz addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Getz Bill 98/99/22 Passed by a roll-call vote of 5 1-0-0. Bill 98/99/23 Student Activity Fee Continuance Senator Mueting addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Mueting Bill 98/99/23 Passed by a roll-call vote of 51-0-0. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Bill 98/99/24 Allocation to the KSU Project Management Student Chapter for Spring 1999 Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/25 Allocation to Chi Alpha for Fall 1998 Senator Peschka read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/26 Allocation to the Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Society for Spring 1999 Senator Furnas read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/27 Allocation to the National United Law Enforcement Officers of America for Spring 1999 Senator Bahr read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/28 Allocation to the KSU American Civil Liberties Organization for Spring 1999 Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions. OPEN PERIOD None 22 REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Bill 98/99/24 Allocation to the KSU Project Management Student Chapter for Spring 1999 Bill 98/99/24 Referred to Allocations Committee Bill 98/99/25 Allocation to Chi Alpha for Fall 1998 Bill 98/99/25 Referred to Allocations Committee Bill 98/99/26 Allocation to the Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Society for Spring 1999 Bill 98/99/26 Referred to Allocations Committee Bill 98/99/27 Allocation to the National United Law Enforcement Officers ofAmerica for Spring 1999 Bill 98/99/27 Referred to Allocations Committee Bill 98/99/28 Allocation to the KSU American Civil Liberties Organization for Spring 1999 Bill 98/99/28 Referred to Allocations Committee ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS Article III, Section 2 Article IV, Section 3,4 Article V, Section 3,5,6 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:20p.m. BILLS HELD INALLOCA TIONS COMMITTEE Bill 98/99/11 Allocation to the Saint Francis Canterbury Episcopal Student Fellowship for Fall 1998 *Note this bill has not been formally introduced to Student Senate. Bill 98/99/17 Allocation to the Individuals for Freethought for Spring 1999 23 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM October 22, 1998 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eckert called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert lead the Senate in the Pledge. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 43 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from last week will be approved next week. OPEN PERIOD Sonyanata Hardy, from Senator Anderson’s class, spoke about faculty salaries. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senator Wetta introduced someone from Senator Anderson’s speaking class. Proxies: Worcester for Mathes Peschka for Furnas Rengstorf for Dethloff Mueting for Allen Cates for Bosco Kershner for Britton COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Cates referred the floor to Senator Morris who spoke about some upcoming community service products. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Attorney General Dickson spoke about the mock-hearings that are coming up. Vice President Macklin spoke about the enrollment process. Senator Peschka announced the next Allocations Committee meeting. Intern Coordinator announced that she has the scripts for the mock trial and reminded everyone who volunteered to be a mentor, needs to come find out who their interns are. FINAL ACTION Bill 98/99/24 Allocation to the KSU Project Management Student Chapter for Spring 1999 Senator Peschka addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Peschka Bill 98/99/24 Passed by a roll-call vote of 5 1-0-0. Bill 98/99/25 Allocation to Chi Alpha for Fall 1998 Senator Peschka addressed changes and answered questions. 24 Bill 98/99/26 Allocation to the Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Society for Spring 1999 Senator Peschka addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Peschka Bill 98/99/26 Passed by a roll-call vote of 43-6-2. Bill 98/9 9/2 7 Allocation to the National United Law Enforcement Officers of America for Spring 1999 Senator Bahr addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Bahr Bill 98/99/27 Passed by a roll-call vote of 49-2-0. Bill 98/99/28 Allocation to the KSU American Civil Liberties Organization for Spring 1999 Senator Peschka addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Peschka Bill 98/99/28 Passed by a roll-call vote of 50-1-0. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Bill 98/99/29 Special Allocation to the Black Student Union for Spring 1998 Senator Peschka addressed questions. Bill 98/99/30 Special Allocation to the Hispanic American Leadership Organization for Fall 1998 Senator Peschka addressed questions. Bill 98/99/31 Allocation to the Muslim Student Association for Spring 1998 Senator Peschka addressed questions. Bill 98/99/32 Special Allocation to the Latter-Day Saint Student Association for Fall 1998 Senator Peschka addressed questions. Bill 98/9 9/33 Allocation to the Latter-Day Saint Student Association for Spring 1999 Senator Peschka addressed questions. Bill 98/99/34 By-Laws Amendment Repealing Committee Rules and Recordkeeping Intern Gallimore read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/35 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Format and Wording Changes Intern Keever read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/9 9/36 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Elections Code and Replacement of Senators Senator Petrik read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/9 9/37 Constitutional Amendment Concerning Duties of the Senate Chair Senator Rowland read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/9 9/38 Constitutional Amendment Concerning Duties of the Senate Vice Chair Senator Johnson read the bill and answered questions. Bill 9 8/99/3 9 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Duties of the Student Senate Secretary 25 Senator Smith read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/40 By-Laws Amendments Pertaining to the Joint Committee on Officers Compensation Senator Muir read the bill and answered questions. OPEN PERIOD Chairwoman Cates spoke about K-State Ambassadors. Vice Chairman Worcester congratulated Senator Muir on his position in Senate for the sixth year. Vice President Macklin spoke about the responsibilities of the Senate body. Senator Peschka spoke about a case in Wisconsin that may relate to some of the events in this body. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Bill 98/99/29 Special Allocation to the Black Student Union for Spring 1998 Bill 98/99/29 Referred to Allocations Committee. Bill 98/99/30 Special Allocation to the Hispanic American Leadership Organization for Fall 1998 Bill 98/99/30 Referred to Allocations Committee. Bill 98/99/31 Allocation to the Muslim Student Association for Spring 1998 Bill 98/99/31 Referred to Allocations Committee. Bill 98/99/32 Special Allocation to the Latter-Day Saint Student Association Jór Fall 1998 Bill 98/99/32 Referred to Allocations Committee. Bill 98/99/33 Allocation to the Latter-Day Saint Student Association for Spring 1999 Bill 98/99/33 Referred to Allocations Committee. Bill 9 8/99/3 4 By-Laws Amendment Repealing Committee Rules and Recordkeeping Bill 98/99/34 Referred to Senate Operations Committee. Bill 98/99/3 5 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Format and Wording Changes Bill 98/99/35 Referred to Senate Operations Committee. Bill 98/99/3 6 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Elections Code and Replacement of Bill 98/99/37 Constitutional Amendment Concerning Duties of the Senate Chair Bill 98/99/37 Referred to Senate Operations Committee. Bill 98/9 9/3 8 Constitutional Amendment Concerning Duties of the Senate Vice Chair Bill 98/99/3 8 Referred to Senate Operations Committee. Bill 98/9 9/3 9 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Duties of the Student Senate Secretary Bill 98/99/39 Referred to Senate Operations Committee. Bill 98/99/40 By-Laws Amendments Pertaining to the Joint Committee on Officers’ Compensation Bill 98/99/40 Referred to Senate Operations Committee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. BILLS HELD INALLOCA TIONS COMMITTEE Bill 98/99/11 Allocation to the Saint Francis Canterbury Episcopal Student Fellowship for Fall 1998 *Note this bill has not been formal ly introduced to Student Senate. 26 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM November 19, 1998 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the Senate in the pledge. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 43 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes will be approved next week. OPEN PERIOD Courtney Herman and Casey Zogelman spoke about Saferide. Paul English, MARS representative, spoke about the Men Against Rape Society. Andrea Claycamp spoke about campus lighting. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senator Muir spoke about the City/University Committee and their work towards lighting and campus safety. Proxies for the evening: Petrik for Schneider Raile for Lenkner Schreiner for Wenzel Moberg for Gregory Kershner for Robel COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Cates announced that SASS was going to meet after the meeting. She passed the floor to Senator Morris who spoke about the two community service projects that are currently going on. Chairman Petrik spoke about organization registration with UAB and the UAB relationship with Senate. He announced that they will meet in the OSAS office at 1:30, in two weeks. Chairwoman Bosco announced that pictures will be taken before the December 3rd meeting. Also, December 8th and 9th will be the last day for service hours. Chairman Getz announced that the next Allocations meeting will be next week in Marlatt. Chairman Trujillo announced that Academic Affairs will meet the first week in December. Chairman Meder thanked Bernard Pitts and Jack Toman for their help. Chairman Rengstorf announced that the next Operations committee meeting will be week after Thanksgiving. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS 27 President Mann spoke about the Restructering of Higher Education in Kansas. He also spoke about advising, library funding, and faculty salaries. Intern Coordinator Kershner spoke about the trip to the Big 12 Student Government Conference. Cabinet Member Ashley spoke about the Midwest Affiliate of University Residents Conference. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 98/99/3 9 Approval of New Senator Chairman Eckert read the resolution and answered questions. * Senator Schreiner moved unanimous consent. There were no objections. Res 98/99/39 Passed by unanimous consent. Res 98/99/40 Approval of Elections Committee Chair President Mann read the resolution and answered questions. *Vice Chairman Worcester moved unanimous consent. There were no objections. Res 98/99/40 Passed by unanimous consent. GENERAL ORDERS Election of Faculty Senate Representative. Senator Lutz nominated Senator Mueting Chairwoman Bosco nominated Senator Wetta Chairwoman Cates nominated Intern Guries The candidates spoke in the following order: Wetta, Guries, Mueting. Senator Wetta was elected and was sworn in by Chairman Eckert. FINAL ACTION P 6-0 Res 98/9 9/3 8 Support for Library Funding Vice Chairman Worcester addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Worcester *Senator Pescka moved unanimous consent. There were no objections. Res 98/99/38 Passed by unanimous consent. P 8-1 Bill 98/99/54 Amendment to the Elections Regulations Code Concerning Elections Spending Senator Mueting addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Mueting, Getz, Worcester, Rengstorf Negative: Smith, Kershner, Ashley, Reed, Crowder, Peschka * Senator Anderson moved to send this bill back to committee. Positive: Anderson, Peschka Negative: Muir, Negative Motion to refer back to committee failed. Amendment A submitted by Senators Bahr, Petrik Nichols, Rengstorff, Mueting The amendment changes the amount in line 36 from $3,000 to $1,200. Positive: Bahr, Smith, Petrik Negative: Worcester, Ashley, Keever Amendment A failed by a vote of 12-32. Amendment B submitted by Senator Muir The amendment would change the amount in line 36 from $3,000 to $2,000. Positive: Muir, Nichols 28 Negative: Cates, Getz Amendment B Passed by a vote of 22-18. Bill 98/99/54 Failed on a voice vote of 20-27-1. * Senator Mueting moved to reconsider. Bill 98/99/54 is referred to Senate Operations Committee. P 7-0 Bill 98/99/55 K-State Student Union Operations Fee Continuance Intern Walker addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Walker Bill 98/99/55 Passed by a voice vote of 51-0. P 7-0 Bill 98/99/56 K-State Student Union Repair and Replacement Fee Continuance Senator Mueting addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Mueting Bill 98/99/56 Passed by a voice vote of 51-0. P 7-0 Bill 98/99/57 Allocation to the International Coordinating Councilfor Spring 1999 Senator Peschka addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Peschka Bill 98/99/57 Passed by a voice vote of 47-1. P 7-0 Bill 98/99/58 Allocation to the Asian American Student Union for Spring 1999 Senator Campbell addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Campbell Bill 98/99/58 Passed by a voice vote of 48-0. P 7-0 Bill 98/99/59 Allocation to the Chinese Student and Scholar Association for Spring 1999 Senator Bahr addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Bahr Bill 98/99/59 Passed by a voice vote of 48-0. NP 6-1 Bill 98/99/60 Special Allocation to the Asian American Student Union for Fall 1998 Senator Campbell addressed changes and answered questions. * Senator Muir moved to refer. Bill 98/99/60 Referred to Allocations Committee. P 7-0 Bill 98/99/61 Special Allocation to the Asian American Student Union for Spring 1999 Senator Campbell addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Campbell Bill 98/99/60 Passed by a voice vote of 46-1. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 98/9 9/41 Academic Advising Baseline Initiative Vice President Macklin read the resolution and answered questions. Res 98/99/42 Support of Change in Enrollment Procedures Senator Campbell read the resolution and answered questions. * Senator Petrik moved Res 98/99/42 special orders. * Senator moved unanimous consent. Bill 98/99/62 Allocation to KSUAikido For Spring 1999 29 Intern Guries read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/63 Special Allocation to KSUAikido for Spring 1999 Intern Guries read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/64 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the SASS and Communications Committees Chairman Rengstorf read the bill and answered questions. OPEN PERIOD Reed announced this would be his final year in Student Senate Ashley invited student senate to discuss with him concerns about elections Muir discussed the concern of the domain name Cates expressed concerns of her committee Peschka wished everyone a happy holidays McHugh gave the intern report for the week Kershner thanked the interns for their great job Rengstorf announced the Senate Ops meeting Muir encouraged election participation Senator Shreiner discussed previous bills and thanked Bloss for his new toy Senator Morris discussed Bernard Franklin’s presentation VP Macklin encouraged objective viewpoints and thanked IC Kershner for her great job. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 98/99/41 Academic Advising Baseline Initiative Res 98/99/41 Referred to Academic Affairs and University Relations Committees Res 98/99/42 Support of Change in Enrollment Procedures Res 98/99/42 Referred to Academic Affairs and University Relations Committees Bill 98/99/62 Allocation to KSUAikido For Spring 1999 Bill 98/99/62 Referred to Allocations Committee. Bill 98/99/63 Special Allocation to KSU Aikido for Spring 1999 Bill 98/99/63 Referred to Allocations Committee. Bill 98/99/64 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the SASS and Communications Committees Bill 98/99/64 Referred to Senate Operations Committee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:21 30 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM December 3, 1998 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the Senate in the Pledge. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered 40 by senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes will be approved next semester. OPEN PERIOD Ben Hemen passed out a survey for the “Best Colleges” book. Leo Preato spoke about Mandatory Rental Inspections. Mike Le Cant, Junior in Finance, spoke about a busing system for K-State. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Eckert introduced the new Collegian Reporter, Tim Richardson. Chairwoman Cates announced that the money jar is going around again this week and we are short of our goal. Proxies for the evening: Petrik for Schneider Schreiner for Wenzel Cates for Morris COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Gregory announced that Governmental Relations Committee will be meeting tonight after the meeting. Chairman Getz spoke about Student Publications and bills coming up tonight. Chairwoman Bosco announced that she is passing around a sign up sheet for service hours going around. Chairman Trujillo spoke about Res 98/99/41. Chairman Ashley spoke about the elections committee. He is looking for more members. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS President Mann spoke about the Goals of the Student Governing Association, Academic Advising, Diversity Committee bill that will come up next semester, and the elections spending bill. FINAL ACTION ____ Res 98/99/41 Academic Advising Baseline Initiative Chairman Trujillo addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Trujillo Res 98/99/41 Passed by a voice vote. 31 P 11-0 Bill 98/99/5 4 Amendment to the Elections Regulations Code Concerning Elections Spending Chairman Rengstorf addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Rengstorf, Rengstorf, Gregory, Muir, Mueting Negative: Getz Amendment A Submitted by Worcester The amendment would change the amount in Section 2, Line 36 from $2,000 to $3,000. Positive: Worcester, Keever, Allison-Gallimore, Rengstorf Negative: Smith, Trujillo, Kershner, Bahr, Crowder, Lenkner Amendment A Failed on a roll call vote of 9-38. Bill 98/99/54 Passed on a roll call vote of 39-7. ____ Bill 98/99/62 Allocation to KSUAikido for Spring 1999 Senator Durbin addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Durbin Bill 98/99/62 Passed by a roll call vote of 47-0. ____ Bill 98/99/63 Special Allocation to KSUAikido for Spring 1999 Senator Durbin addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Durbin Bill 98/99/63 Passed by a roll call vote of 47-0. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 98/99/43 Commendation to Russell Fortmeyer Senator Furnas read the resolution and answered questions. *Moved special orders. Senator Peschka moved unanimous consent. There were objections. Positive: Furnas, Peschka, Cates Negative: Smith, Reed Res 98/99/43 Failed on a roll call vote of 15-28-2. Bill 98/99/65 Special Allocation to the Newman Club for Spring 1999 Senator Durbin read the resolution and answered questions. * Senator Furnas moved special orders. There were no objections. Positive: Furnas, Mueting Bill 98/99/65 Passed on a roll call vote of 46-0. Bill 98/99/66 Allocation to the Paw Power Pulling Team for Spring Chairman Getz read the resolution and answered questions. *Senator Peschka moved special orders. There were no objections. Positive: Getz Bill 98/99/66 Passed by a roll call vote of 45-0-1. OPEN PERIOD Senator Lenkner announced that he was going to have to resign as Senator to accept a position with the Collegian. Intern Geiger spoke about the resolution that failed earlier this evening. Senator Muir spoke about the resolution of commendation, also. 32 Senator Smith announced that she also was resigning, along with Sinnett, due to their trip next semester. Chairwoman Cates wished everyone luck next semester and referred to the earlier resolution. Senator Peschka announced that Tuesday, December 8th, in the Nichols Hall Theater, there will be a free speech. Coordinator Spencer wish everyone a Happy Holidays and hopes that everyone is safe. Senator Petrik commended Chairman Bosco and the Communications Committee for their hard work. Intern McCugh announced that she was enjoying being a Senate Intern. Chairman Eckert announced that it was Senator Mueting’s 21st birthday. He also announced that the next meeting will be the second week of classes. Intern Keever spoke about the earlier resolution. Chairwoman Gregory announced that those who do not show up for the GR Committee will be counted as absent. Intern Coordinator Kershner spoke about being proud to be a part of this body. Senator Bahr spoke about the earlier resolution. Chairwoman Cates announced that she, along with others in the room, have a paper due early in the morning. Intern Allison-Gallimore spoke about the reputation of this body. Intern Henry spoke about the earlier resolution. Chairman Getz encouraged everyone to get an IRA. He will be looking for those without one next semester. Chairwoman Cates announced that they will be shopping for the families we are donating to during finals week. If you are interested in helping, e-mail her soon. Vice Chairman Worcester spoke about being encouraged by the progress of this body. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION None ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. BILLS HELD IN OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Bill 98/99/64 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the SASS and Communications Committees 33 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM January 21, 1998 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eckert called the meeting to order at 7:00. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Eckert led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL 40 senators answered roll call. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes will be approved at the next meeting. SPECIAL PRESENTATION none OPEN PERIOD Coordinator Spencer announced that KSU SGA was chosen as the outstanding Student Government of the Year! Chad Conley spoke for A&S Ambassadors interview sign-ups. ANNOUNCEMENTS Kate Pierson was introduced as the new senate reporter. Kelly Miller was introduced as the new City/Gov Editor. New Senators were introduced. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chair Ashley announced election information. Chair Gregory announced new meeting times and about state education day. Chair Petrik announced Senate Ops meeting times and about the Special Committee. Chair Meder announced Privilege Fee meeting times. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS President Mann reported on academic advising, library funding and faculty salaries. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 9 8/9 9/44 Approval of New Student Senators Chairman Eckert read the resolution and answered questions. Res 98/99/44 passed by unanimous consent. FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE VETO OF BILL 98/99/54 President Mann passed out his veto letter and talked about his rationale for vetoing the bill. OPEN PERIOD Chair Cates and Senator Morris announced the end of their reign in student government. 34 Chair Bosco reported on service hours and visitations. Senator Muir updated us on projects under the City/University Project Fund and talked about recruiting candidates for elections. Senator Meuting talked about funding regulations. Intern Coordinator Kershner talked about helping with the first annual Academic Major Fair. Vice Chair Worcester talked about Senator Reed gave his opinion on apathy. Chair Gregory expressed interest in City/University Projects Fund. Chair Ashley asked that elections changes are made soon. Chair Bosco reported on the Communications Committee’s involvement in elections. Chair Getz talked about spending regulations. Chair Cates got new shoes! ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS ADJOURNMENT BILLS HELD INALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE Bill 98/99/60 Special Allocation to the Asian American Student Union for Fall 1998 Bill died in committee BILLS HELD IN SENATE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Bill 98/99/64 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the SASS and Communications Committees 35 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM January 28, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the Senate in the pledge. ROLL CALL Roll was called by Parliamentarian Harlan APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted OPEN PERIOD None ANNOUNCEMENTS Proxies: Durbin for Shreiner COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Cates asked for the schedules of her committee members Chairman Rengstorf announced Senate Ops will be meeting on Tuesday night Chairwoman Gregory announced state education day. All senators and interns welcome to attend but must attend training period to be able to attend. Chairman Meder asked to meet with committee members to set a new meeting time. Chairwoman Bosco announced the visitation periods and asked for people to sign up for their visitation hours. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Vice-President Macklin discussed the progress made with the new ideas for ticket sales next fall. The ideas presented by SGA have been adopted for next fall. President Mann encouraged the attendance of State Education Day. He also discussed Bill 98/99/70. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 98/99/45 Approval of New Student Senators Chairman Eckert read the resolution and answered questions. * Chairwoman Gregory moved unanimous consent. There were no objections Res 98/99/45 passed by unanimous consent. Res 98/99/46 Approval of Elections Committee Chairman Eckert read the resolution and answered questions. *Vice Chairman Worcester moved unanimous consent. There were no objections Res 98/99/46 passed by unanimous consent. 36 INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Bill 98/99/6 7 Creation of the Task Force for Independent Living Chief of Staff Lacey read the resolution and answered questions. Bill 98/99/68 Constitutional Amendment Concerning Student Senate Voting Senator Petrik read the resolution and answered questions. Bill 98/99/69 Elections Statute Amendment Concerning Campaign Expense Reports ViceChairman Worcester read the resolution and answered questions. * Chairman Rengstorf moved Bill 98/99/69 special orders. * Senator Muir moved to hold Bill 98/99/69 for a bulk roll call vote. Motion Passed Res 98/99/69 Passed. Bill 98/99/70 Amendment to the Elections Regulations Code Concerning Elections Spending Chairman Rengstorf read the resolution and answered questions. * Senator Petrik moved Bill 98/99/70 special orders. Positive: Petrik, Bahr, Worcester, Mueting Negative: Peshka * Special Orders Passed Debate: Positive: Rengstorf, Worcester, Petrik, Cates, Rengstorf Negative: Crowder, Reed *Bill 98/99/70 was held for a bulk roll call vote. Res 98/99/70 Passed. Bill 98/99/71 Amendment to the Elections Regulations Code Concerning Elections Timeline. Chairman Rengstorf read the resolution and answered questions. *Senator Petrik moved Bill 98/99/7 1 special orders. Special Orders passed. Debate: Positive: Rengstorf OPEN PERIOD Vice President Macklin discussed ticket sales were pending on logistics of being ready in time. Chairwoman Cates reminded everyone of five weeks until elections encouraging people to get more people voting in elections and running for Senate. Chairwoman Bosco announced ideas for presentations to encourage voting and recruiting candidates for elections. Reminded two visitations needed to be done by spring break. Intern Coordinator Kershner asked for help getting pictures of people for recongnition. Chairman Ashley announced efforts on behalf of his committee for encouraging participation in the upcoming elections. Senator Bahr discussed issues concerning the funding for the library. Happy Birthday was sung to Senator Britton. Chairwoman Gregory encouraged attendance to her meeting Chairman Rengstorf thanked everyone for work on Bill 98/99/70. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BYLAWS REVISIONS ADJOURNMENT 37 The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 BILLS HELD IN SENATE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Bill 98/99/64 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the SASS and Communications Committees 38 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM February 4, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the Senate body in the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL There were 43 senators present for the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes will be approved next week. OPEN PERIOD Ryan Crowell and Robben Roesler were here to encourage attendance and support for Women’s Basketball. ANNOUNCEMENTS Proxies: Perkins for Shearer Sudmeir for Wetta Kershner for Geist Meiergerd for Rowland Durbin for Schreiner Chaiman Eckert asked to meet with exec committee following the meeting COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Getz announced his meeting at 7:00 pm at Java on Sunday night Chairwoman Gregory discussed plans for writing legislators and the upcoming state education day. Chairman Meder announced the Priv Fee meeting at 6:30 on Suday in the OSAS office. Chairman Petrik and his special committee made a presentation of their report Chairwoman Bosco passed the signup for service hours and asked for help with elections presentations. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Vice-President Macklin introduced visitors from Sauna Campus. He also discussed details of the course information program. Attorney General Dickson reminded us of the upcoming revisions that she will be presenting to Senate. Intern Coordinator Kershner discussed the interns project of open house. Intern McHugh then presented the ideas that the intern group have developed. FINAL ACTION Bill 98/99/67 Creation of the Task Force on Independent Living 39 Vice President Macklin addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Macklin Senator Petrik moved to hold vote for bulk roll call. Bill 98/99/67 was held for bulk roll call vote Bill 98/99/67 passed by a roll-call vote of 47-0-0. Bill 98/99/68 Constitutional Amendment Concerning Student Senate Voting Senator Petrik addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Petrik Bill 98/99/68 passed by a roll-call vote of 47-0-0. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 98/99/47 Support of Increases in State Financial Aid Programs Senator Brady read the bill and answered questions. Res 98/99/47 held for referral. Res 98/99/48 Support for Kansas State University Faculty Salary Increase Michelle Eckland read the bill and answered questions. Res 98/99/48 held for referral. OPEN PERIOD Chairwoman Cates reminded everyone to encourage others to run for elections. Chairwoman Bosco announced the date of the upcoming banquet. Chairwoman Gregory reminded of the posting of the list for letters to legislators. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 98/99/47 to Government Relations Committee Res 98/99/48 to Government Relations Committee ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. BILLS HELD INALLOCA TIONS COMMITTEE Bill 98/99/64 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the SASS and Communications Committees 40 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM February 11, 1999 7:00P.M. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eckert called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the body in the pledge of allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the last meeting were approved as posted OPEN PERIOD Members of the black student union discussed the funding bill for KSDB 91.9. Another speaker addressed the issue of the KSDB 91.9 Bill. ANNOUNCEMENTS Proxies: Kuhiman for Cates Marcoux for Nephew COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Gregory discussed transportation for State Education day on Tuesday or the option of meeting to in Topeka at 7:30. Chairman Rengstorf announced that the Senate Operations Meeting was changed to 6:00 p.m. on Monday. Chairwoman Bosco announced the visitation requirements and talked about election presentations and service hours. Senator Peschka announced an allocations meeting tonight at 9:00. Chairman Meder announced the votes of his meeting on Sunday and invited questions about upcoming privilege fee bills. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS RES 98/99/49 Approval of a new Student Senator Chairman Eckert read the resolution and answered questions * Chairwoman Gregory moved unanimous consent. There were no objections. \ Res 98/99/49 passed by unanimous consent. FINAL ACTION Res 98/99/47 Support of Increases in State Financial Aid Programs Chairwoman Gregory addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Gregory *ViceChair Worcester moved unanimous consent. There were no objections Res 98/99/47 passed by unanimous consent. Res 98/99/48 Support for Faculty Salary Increase Chairwoman Gregory addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Gregory 41 * Vice-Chair Worcester moved unanimous consent. There were no objections Res 98/99/48 passed by unanimous consent. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 98/99/50 Support for State Funding for KSU Libraries Chairman Meder read the bill and answered questions. Res 98/99/50 held for referral. Res 98/99/51 Commendation to the K-State Livestock Judging Team Vice-Chair Worcester read the bill and answered questions. Res 98/99/51 held for referral. Bill 98/99/72 Special Allocation to The Blue Key Senior Leadership Honorary for Spring 1999 Intern Guries read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/72 held for referral. Bill 98/99/73 KSDB Privilege Fee Increase Senator Mueting read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/73 held for referral. Bill 98/99/74 Emergency Allocation to KSDB Chairman Meder read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/74 held for referral. OPEN PERIOD President Mann discussed State Education Day, letter writing lobby, and livestock judging team. Trujillo discussed helping out by holding KSDB bills. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 98/99/50 Referred to Privilege Fee Committee Res 98/99/51 Referred to Senate Operations Bill 98/99/72 Referred to Allocations Committee Bill 98/99/73 Referred to Privilege Fee Committee Bill 98/99/74 Referred to Privilege Fee Committee ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS Senator Petrik announced Constitutional revisions of 502A and 1201 J-M; and Bylaws Revision of Article V Section 1 1A-D ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:30p.m. BILLS HELD IN SENATE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Bill 98/99/64 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the SASS and Communications Committees 42 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM February 18, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eckert called the meeting to order at 7:00. Before the Pledge of Allegiance, there was a reception to recognize SGA for winning the national SGA of the year award. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairmen Eckert lead the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 40 senators APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD The Collegian challenged SGA to a basketball game. ANNOUNCEMENTS Proxies: Kershner for Karrer Morris for Bosco Powell for Johnson Nephew for Marcoux COMMITTEE REPORTS Senator Peschka reported the allocations meeting at 7pm on Sunday. Chairwoman Gregory reported on state education day and announced committee meeting is Tuesday at 6:30. Chairwoman Mathes reported on the Safe Ride Committee. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Vice-chair Worcester commended OSAS Coordinator Gayle Spensor on receiving our award. Gayle Spensor encouraged everyone to get more people to run for Senate. Attorney General Kelly Dickson reported on the judicail By-Laws revisions. Intern Naomi McCugh reported on Open House plans. Intern Coordinator Kershner commended the interns. Vice President Andy Macklin introduced Patricia Marsh to report on the Course Information Program. FINAL ACTION Res 98/99/51 Commendation to the K-State Livestock Judging Team Vice-Chair Worceter addressed changes and answered questions Resolution 98/99/51 Passed by unanimous consent 43 Bill 98/99/72 Special Allocation to the Blue Key Senior Leadership Honorary for Spring 1999 Senator Peschka addressed changes and answered questions. Bill 98/99/72 Passed on a roll call vote of 43-0-0 INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 9 8/9 9/52 Commendation to Veryl Switzer Vice Chairman Worcester read and answered questions. *Vice Chairman Worcester moved to special orders, motion passed. Resolution 98/99/52 was adopted by unanimous consent Bill 98/99/75 Closing ofAccounts for Fall 1998 Senator Peschka read and answered questions. Bill 98/99/80 Emergency Allocation to Union Senator George read and answered questions. Bill 98/99/76 Constitutional Amendment Regarding the University Activities Board Senator Petrik read and answered questions. Bill 98/99/77 By-Laws Amendment to Create the Activities Board Senator Petrik read and answered questions. Bill 98/99/78 By-Laws Amendment Adding Diversity Standing Committee Vice-President Macklin read and answered questions. Bill 98/99/79 Allocation to University for Man for FY 2000 Senator Peschka read and answered questions. OPEN PERIOD Gayle Spensor asked for everyone to remember to not wear campaign material in the office. Intern Coordinator Kershner encouraged everyone to help the interns. Senator Muir thanked the Collegian for covering the upcoming elections. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BYLAWS REVISIONS All Constitution and BY-Laws sections pertaining to the Judicial Branch. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. BILLS HELD IN SENATE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Bill 98/99/64 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the SASS and Communications Committees BILLS HELD IN PRIVILEGE FEE COMMITTEE Res 98/99/50 Support for State Funding for KSU Libraries Bill 98/99/73 KSDB Privilege Fee Increase Bill 98/99/74 Emergency Allocation to KSDB 44 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM February 25, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eckert called the meeting to order at 7:00. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairmen Eckert lead the Senate in the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 40 senators APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Travis Lenkner officially challenged SGA to a basketball game. Dr. Unger spoke on the computer viruses on campus. ANNOUNCEMENTS Proxies: Meiergerd for Rowland Mueting for Lutz Kuhiman for Wetta Johnson for Powell Peschka for Perkin COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Getts reported on the closing of accounts bill Chairwoman Gregory encouraged all to sign up for cats in the capital and support education day Chairman Meder reported on legislation that would be introduced by the Privilege Fees Committee Chairwoman Bosco Announced the banquet Chairman Trujillo allowed Senator Raile to report on the Academic Affairs subcommittee and talked about legislation within committee DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Attorney General Dickson reported on applications available for SGA positions President Mann discussed legislation that would be coming up, honor code, faculty salaries, elections, and library Intern Coordinator Kershner reported that help was needed with remaking the intern brochure and Open House FINAL ACTION Res 98/99/50 Support for State Funding for KSU Libraries Vice Chairman Worcester addresses changes, answered questions 45 Pos: Worcester, Meuting Neg: Trujillo Resolution 98/99/50 was adopted by unanimous consent Bill 98/99/73 KSDB Privilege Fee Increase Senator Mueting addressed changes and answered questions Pos: Mueting, Gregory Neg: Amendment A Debate Pos: Trujillo, Cates Neg: Barr, Mueting Amendment A Failed on a Hand Vote of 16-19 Amendment B Debate Pos: Johnson, Kershner, Gregory Neg: Hendricks, Walker, Worcester Amendment B on a failed on a Hand Vote of 11-26 Amendment C Debate Pos: Rengstorf Neg.: Amendment C Adopted on a Hand Vote of 26-10 Bill 98/99/73 Passed on a roll call vote of 40-3 Bill 98/99/74 Emergency Allocation to KSDB Senator Mueting addressed changes and answered questions Pos: Mueting, Anderson(Simon), Muir Neg: Crowder, Campbell Bill 98/99/74 passed on a roll call vote of 30-14-0 Bill 98/99/75 Closing ofAccounts for fall 1998 Chairman Getz addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Getz Bill 98/99/75 passed on a roll call vote of 40-0-0 Bill 98/99/76 Constitutional Amendment Regarding the University Activities Board Senator Petrik addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Petrik Bill 98/99/76 passed on a roll call vote of 41-0-0 Bill 98/99/78 By-Laws Amendment Adding Diversity Standing Committee President Mann addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Mann, Bill 98/99/78 passed on a roll call vote of 41-0-0 Bill 98/99/79 Allocation to University for Man for FY 2000 Senator Peschka addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Peschka Bill 98/99/79 passed on a roll call vote of 4 1-0-0 Bill 98/9 9/8 0 Emergency Allocation to Union Senator Georg addressed changes and answered questions 46 Pos: Georg, Reed, Hendricks Amendment A by Hendricks, Mueting and Rengstorf: The amendment would change $60,696 to $47,034. Pos: Hendricks, Mueting, Rengstorf Neg: Macklin, Meder(Nicole Johnson & Bernard Pitts) Amendment A failed on a voice vote. Bill 98/99/80 passed on a roll call vote of 37-4. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Bill 98/99/81 Allocation to the Hispanic American Leadership Organization for Spring 1999 Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/82 Special Allocation to the KSU Project Management Institute for Spring 1999 Senator Durbin read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/83 Special Allocation to the Vietnamese Student Association for Spring 1999 Senator Cambell read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/84 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Members Attorney General Dickson read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/85 By-Laws Amendment Detailing the Executive Council go the Judicial Branch Attorney General Dickson read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/87 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards Attorney General Dickson read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/88 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards Attorney General Dickson read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/89 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Board Attorney General Dickson read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/90 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards Attorney General Dickson read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/91 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Starting dates of the term of Parking Citation Appeals Board Members Attorney General Dickson read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/92 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the starting dates of the term of Parking Citation Appeal Board Members Attorney General Dickson read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/93 By-Laws Amendment Clar/ying Range of Sanctions Attorney General Dickson read the bill and answered questions. 47 Bill 98/99/94 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Composition and Appointment of the Attorney general Nominee Interview Committee Attorney General Dickson read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/95 Internal Audit Schedule for Fiscal Year 2000 Ted Conrad read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/96 Recreational Services Fee Continuance Intern Meinhardt read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/97 Recreational Services Repair and Replacement Fee Continuance Senator Hendricks read and answered questions. OPEN PERIOD Chairwoman Cates read THE LIST. Intern Pacey spoke about KSDB funding. Senator Reed spoke about anger. Senator Morris spoke about congratulated the interns on “sticking it out”. Vice Chair Worcester Babr Ashley thanked Fiance AG Dickson thanked everyone for attention Senator Crowder discussed business from the meeting REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BYLAWS REVISIONS ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. BILLS HELD IN SENATE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Bill 98/99/64 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the SASS and Communications Committees Bill 98-99-77 By-Laws Amendment to Create the Activities Board 48 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM March 4, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eckert called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the body in the pledge of allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the last meeting were approved as posted OPEN PERIOD Nick Lander, President of ARH, spoke about the process of receiving input on bills affecting the Residence Halls. Brian Glick spoke about the bills related to the Judicial Branch ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairwoman Cates spoke about her going away party. Proxies: Moberg for Gregory COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Bosco announced that those attending the banquet need to RSVP. Chairwoman Mathes put copies of the Saferide Report in boxes. Chairman Meder spoke about the Privilege Fees passing out of committee. Chairman Getz spoke about the number of allocation requests. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Vice President Macklin spoke about the library funding and the meeting with Regents. There was also a meeting for CIP with the interns. He also wished good luck to thise running for offices this year. Attorney General Dickson announced that AG applications are due by March 15. FINAL ACTION Bill 98/99/81 Allocation to Hispanic American Leadership Organization for Spring 1999 Chairman Getz addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Getz Bill 98/99/81 passed 43-0 Bill 98/99/82 Allocation to the KSU Project Management Inst it ute for Spring 1999 Senator Durbin addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Durbin Bill 98/99/82 passed 43-0 Bill 98/99/83 Allocation to the Vietnamese Student Association for Spring 1999 Senator Campbell addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Campbell 49 Bill 98/99/83 passed 43-0 Bill 98/99/84 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Jucicial Matters Intern Coordinator Kershner addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Kershner Bill 98/99/84 passed 44-0 Bill 98/99/85 By-Laws Amendment Detailing the Executive Council for the Judicial Branch Intern Coordinator Kershner addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Kershner Bill 98/99/85 passed 44-0 Bill 98/99/8 6 Constitutional Amendment Creating the Executive Council for the Judicial Branch Intern Coordinator Kershner addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Kershner Bill 98/99/86 passed 44-0 Bill 98/99/8 7 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards Intern Coordinator Kershner addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Kershner Bill 98/99/87 passed 44-0 Bill 9 8/9 9/88 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards Intern Coordinator Kershner addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Kershner Bill 98/99/88 passed 44-0 Bill 98/9 9/8 9 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards Intern Coordinator Kershner addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Kershner Bill 98/99/89 passed 44-0 Bill 98/99/90 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards Attorney General Dickson addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Dickson Bill 98/99/90 passed 44-0 Bill 98/99/9] By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Structure of the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Boards Intern Coordinator Kershner addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Kershner Bill 98/99/91 passed 44-0 Bill 98/99/92 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Starting Dates of the Term of Parking Citation Appeals Board Members Intern Coordinator Kershner addressed changes and answered questions. 50 Positive: Kershner Bill 98/99/92 passed 44-0 Bill 98/99/93 By-Laws Amendment Clarfying Range of Sanctions Intern Coordinator Kersbner addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Kershner Bill 98/99/93 passed 44-0 Bill 98/99/94 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Composition and Appointment of the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee Attorney General Dickson addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Dickson, Cates Bill 98/99/94 passed 44-0 Bill 98/99/95 Internal Audit Schedule for Fiscal Year 2000 Senator Hendricks addressed changes and answered questions Postitive: Hendricks Bill 98/99/95 passed 43-0 Bill 98/99/96 Recreational Services Fee Continuance Senator Meuting addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Meuting Bill 98/99/96 passed 42-1 Bill 98/99/97 Recreational Services Repair and Replacement Fee Continuance Senator Meuting addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Meuting Bill 98/99/97 passed 42-1 INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 98/9 9/5 3 Residence Hall Meal Schedule Change Vice President Macklin read the bill and answered questions Res 98/99/53 held for referral Bill 98/99/98 By-Laws Amendment Creating a Permanent Cabinet Position for Technology Vice President Macklin read the bill and answered questions Bill 98/99/98 held for referral Bill 98/99/99 Allocation to the African Student Union for Spring 1999 Senator Durbin summarized and answered questions Bill 98/99/99 held for referral Bill 98/99/100 Allocation to the African Student Union for Fall 1999 Senator Durbin summarized and answered questions Bill 98/99/100 held for referral Bill 98/99/101 Allocation to the K-State ACLUfor Fall 1999 Chairman Getz summarized and answered questions Bill 98/99/101 held for referral 51 Bill 98/99/102 Allocation to the Paw Power Pulling Team for Fiscal Year 2000 Chairman Getz summarized and answered questions Bill 98/99/102 held for referral Bill 98/99/103 SpecialAllocation to the Apostolic Campus Ministry for Spring 1999 Senator Bahr summarized and answered questions Bill 98/99/103 held for referral Bill 98/99/104 Special Allocation to the Asian American Student Union for Fall 1999 Senator Bahr summarized and answered questions Bill 98/99/104 held for referral Bill 98/9 9/1 05 Allocation to the International Coordinating Councilfor Fall 1999 Chairman Getz summarized and answered questions Bill 98/99/105 held for referral Bill 98/99/106 Allocation to the Native American Student Body for Fall 1999 Senator Bahr summarized and answered questions Bill 98/99/106 held for referral Bill 98/99/107 Allocation to the Paraguayan Student Association for Fall 1999 Senator Bahr summarized and answered questions Bill 98/99/107 held for referral Bill 98/99/108 Allocation to the Men Against Rape Society for Spring 1999 Senator Bahr summarized and answered questions Bill 98/99/108 held for referral Bill 98/99/1 09 Allocation to KSU Women’s Center for Fall 1999 Senator Peschka summarized and answered questions Bill 98/99/109 held for referral Bill 98/99/110 SpecialAllocation to Golden Key National Honor Society for Fall 1999 Senator Peschka summarized and answered questions Bill 98/99/110 held for referral Bill 98/99/111 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Resolution of a Complaint Attorney General Dickson read and answered questions Bill 98/99/111 held for referral OPEN PERIOD Chairman Eckert talked about efficiency and decorum. Chairwoman Cates talked again about the “End of Term Gala”. Senator Peschka talked about her 21st birthday. Chairman Getz spoke about the Golden Key allocations. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 98/99/53 Referred to Senate Operations Bill 98/99/98 Referred to Senate Operations Bill 98/99/99 Referred to Allocations 52 Bill 98/99/100 Referred to Allocations Bill 98/99/101 Referred to Allocations Bill 98/99/102 Referred to Allocations Bill 98/99/103 Referred to Allocations Bill 98/99/104 Referred to Allocations Bill 98/99/105 Referred to Allocations Bill 98/99/106 Referred to Allocations Bill 98/99/107 Referred to Allocations Bill 98/99/108 Referred to Allocations Bill 98/99/109 Referred to Allocations Bill 98/99/110 Referred to Allocations Bill 98/99/111 Referred to Senate Operations ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:30p.m. BILLS HELD IN SENATE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Bill 98/99/64 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the SASS and Communications Committees Bill 98/99/77 By-Laws Amendment to Create the Activities Board 53 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM March 11, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eckert called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the body in the pledge of allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes will be approved next week OPEN PERIOD Career and Employment Services gave a presentation related to their request for a privilege fee. Chief of Staff Lacey led a presentation on the Honor Council. ANNOUNCEMENTS Proxies: Anderson for Muir Meuting for Lutz Chairman Eckert announced the time-line for the rest of the term. COMMITTEE REPORTS Senator Peschka reported on the Allocations process. Chairwoman Bosco reported on the banquet date: April 1. Chairman Ashley reported on elections and had the coin-toss for ballot positions. Elections results are on the web at: www-personal.ksu.edukpaulie/sga. Chairwoman Cates reported on SASS Committee’s last committee meeting. Chairwoman Gregory reported on Cats in the Capitol. Chairman Rengstorf asked Senate Ops to meet after the meeting. Chairwoman Mathes reported on the SafeRide Committee proposal. Chairman Meder gave some input on the Privilege Fee Committee actions Sunday. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Coodinator Spencer reported on the chairs. Intern Coordinator Kershner asked that those who could stay after the meeting for the intern video. President Mann reported on his meetings with Regents for library funding. The decision on tuition will happen April 14-15. He also spoke about the new Faculty Calendar Committee. Faculty Senate Representative Wetta spoke about the Faculty Senate Task Force on advising. Attorney General Dickson spoke about judicial positions available. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 98/99/5 4 Approval ofAppointments to Faculty Senate Calendar Committee Vice President Macklin read and answered questions 54 Vice Chairman Worcester moved unanimous consent. Res 98/99/54 passed by unanimous consent Res 98/99/55 Approval of Appointments to the Task Force on Independent Living Vice President Macklin read and answered questions Vice Chairman Worcester moved unanimous consent Res 98/99/55 passed by unanimous consent FINAL ACTION Res 98/99/53 Residence Hall Meal Schedule Change President Mann answered questions Positive: Mann Chairwoman Gregory moved unanimous consent Res 98/99/53 passed by unanimous consent Bill 98/99/98 By-Laws Amendment Creating a Permanent Cabinet Position for Technology Vice President Macklin addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Macklin Bill 98/99/98 passed 44-0 Bill 98/99/99 Allocation to the African Student Union for Spring 1999 Senator Durbin addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Durbin Bill 98/99/99 passed Bill 98/99/100 Allocation to the African Student Union for Fall 1999 Senator Durbin addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Durbin Bill 98/99/100 passed Bill 98/99/101 Allocation to the K-State ACLU for Fall 1999 Chairman Getz addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Getz Bill 98/99/101 passed Bill 98/99/102 Allocation to the Paw Power Pulling Team for Fiscal Year 2000 Chairman Getz addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Getz Bill 98/99/102 passed Bill 98/99/106 Allocation to the Native American Student Body for Fall 1999 Senator Bahr addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Bahr Bill 98/99/106 passed Bill 98/99/107 Allocation to the Paraguayan Student Association for Fall 1999 Senator Bahr addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Bahr Bill 98/99/107 passed 55 Bill 98/99/108 Allocation to the Men Against Rape Society for Spring 1999 Senator Bahr addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Babr Amendment A: Senator Petrik read and answered questions Positive: Petrik Negative: Peschka, Bahr Amendment A failed on a voice vote Bill 98/99/108 passed Bill 98/99/109 Allocation to KSU Women’s Center for Fall 1999 Senator Peschka addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Peschka Bill 98/99/109 passed Bill 98/99/110 SpecialAllocation to Golden Key National Honor Society for Fall 1999 Senator Peschka addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Peschka Bill 98/99/110 passed 43-0-2 Bill 98/99/111 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Resolution of a Complaint Attorney General Dickson addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Dickson Bill 98/99/111 passed 44-0 INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 9 8/9 9/5 6 Recommendation to the Faculty Senate Calendar Committee President Mann read and answered questions Res 98/99/56 held for referral Bill 98/99/112 Allocation to Amnesty International for Fall 1999 Senator Peschka answered questions Bill 98/99/112 held for referral Bill 98/99/113 Allocation to Muslim Student Association for Fall 1999 Senator Bahr answered questions Bill 98/99/113 held for referral Bill 98/99/114 Allocation to Individuals for Freethought for Fall 1999 Chairman Getz answered questions Bill 98/99/114 held for referral Bill 98/99/115 Allocation to Muslim Student Association for Spring 1999 Senator Bahr answered questions Bill 98/99/115 held for referral Bill 98/99/116 Allocation to National United Law Enforcement Officers ofAmerica for Fall 1999 Senator Bahr answered questions Bill 98/99/116 held for referral Bill 98/99/117 Allocation to Hispanic American Leadership Organization for Fall 1999 56 Senator Bahr answered questions Bill 98/99/117 held for referral Bill 98/99/118 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Privilege Fee Committee Responsibilities Chairman Meder read and answered questions Bill 98/99/118 held for referral Bill 98/99/119 Privilege Fee Review Schedule Intern Walker read and answered questions Bill 98/99/119 held for referral Bill 98/99/120 Creation of the Career and Employment Services Privilege Fee Chairman Meder read and answered questions Bill 98/99/120 held for referral Bill 98/99/121 Creation of the SGA Special Committee on Implementation of SafeRide Senator Bahr read and answered questions Bill 98/99/121 held for referral OPEN PERIOD Senator Peschka announced that applications were being accepted for leadership ambassadors. Senator Marcoux spoke about attending a conference on integrity in Virginia about the Honor Code System. Chairwoman Cates thanked Gayle Spencer for taking the chair concerns to the Union. SASS will have a meeting Thursday at 6:00. Chairman Getz addressed concerns with the allocations process. Intern McHugh asked everyone to stay for the intern video. Chairwoman Gregory spoke on the subject of ethics. Senator Reed has election results. Chairwoman Bosco announced that ballots for SGA awards are in our boxes. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS Intern Coordinator Kershner announced: Art. VI, Sect. 601.E of the Constitution Art. V, Sect. 8.B. of the By-Laws ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:30p.m. BILLS HELD IN SENATE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Bill 98/99/64 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the SASS and Communications Committees Bill 98/99/77 By-Laws Amendment to Create the Activities Board BILLS HELD IN ALLOCATIONS CO)JJ1ITTEE Bill 98/99/102 Allocation to the Paw Power Pulling Team for Fiscal Year 2000 Bill 98/99/103 Special Allocation to the Apostolic Campus Ministry for Spring 1999 57 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM March 18, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eckert called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the body in the pledge of allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes will be approved next week OPEN PERIOD Representatives from Wildcat Walk spoke to us about their program. ANNOUNCEMENTS Proxies: Petrik for Perkins Worcester for Govindaraj an Mueting for Georg Moberg for Gregory Rowland for Fuerbom Marcoux for Botkin Chairman Eckert announced the time line for the coming few weeks. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Bosco reported discussed voting for SGA awards Chairman Rengstorf asked Senate Ops to meet after the meeting to set their final meeting. Chairman Meder gave some input on the Privilege Fee Committee actions Sunday. Chairman Getz announced meeting on March 30. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS President Mann reported on meetings with Regents for library funding. The decision on tuition will happen April 14-15. He also asked about the process to of enforcing a 100 dollar fine rather than dropping classes for failure to pay tuition. V-Chair Worcester introduced the collegian staff working with us tonight APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 98/99/58 Approval of Honor Council Appointments Chief of Staff Lacey read and answered questions Vice Chairman Worcester moved unanimous consent. Res 98/99/58 passed by unanimous consent FINAL ACTION P 9-0 Res 98/99/56 Recommendation to the Faculty Senate Calendar Committee President Mann addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Mann Res 98/99/56 passed on a voice vote 58 P 7-0 Bill 98/99/112 Allocation to Amnesty International for Fall 1999 Senator Peschka addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Peschka Senator Petrik moved to hold 112-1 02 for bulk roll vote, passed. Held for bulk Bill 98/99/112 passed on a roll call vote of 41-1-0 P 7-0 Bill 98/99/113 Allocation to Muslim Student Association for Fall 1999 Senator Bahr addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Bahr Bill held for bulk roll call vote Bill 98/99/113 passed on a roll call vote of 42-0-0 P 7-0 Bill 98/99/114 Allocation to Individuals for Freethought for Fall 1999 Senator Bahr addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Bahr Bill held for bulk roll call vote Bill 98/99/114 passed on a roll call vote of 40-0-0 P 7-0 Bill 98/99/115 Allocation to Muslim Student Association for Spring 1999 Chairman Getz addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Getz Bill held for bulk roll call vote Bill 98/99/115 passed on a roll call vote of 42-0-0 P 7-0 Bill 98/99/116 Allocation to National United Law Enforcement Officers of America for Fall 1999 Senator Bahr addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Bahr Bill held for bulk roll call vote Bill 98/99/116 passed on a roll call vote of 42-0-0 P 7-0 Bill 98/99/117 Allocation to Hispanic American Leadership Organization for Fall 1999 Senator Bahr addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Bahr Bill held for bulk roll call vote Bill 98/99/117 passed on a roll call vote of 42-0-0 ____ Bill 98/99/102 Allocation to Academic Competition for Fiscal Year 2000 Chairman Getz addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Getz Bill held for bulk roll call vote Bill 98/99/102 passed on a roll call vote of 42-0-0 P 9-0 Bill 98/99/118 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Privilege Fee Committee Responsibilities Senator Mueting addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Mueting Bill 98/99/118 passed on a roll call vote of 41-0-0. 59 P9-0 Bill 98/99/119 Privilege Fee Review Schedule At-Large member Conrad addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Conrad Bill 98/99/119 passed on a roll call vote of 41-0-0. P9-0 Bill 98/99/64 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the SASS and Communications Committees Chairman Rengstorf addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Rengstorf, Worcester, Petrik, Bahr, Muir, Peschka, Bahr, Bosco, Keever Negative: Kuhlman, Reed, McHugh, Kuhlman, Raile, Crowder, Reed Bill 98/99/64 passed failed on a roll call vote of 30-12-0 Muir moved to reconsider, motion passed. Muir moved to refer to Senate Operations Committee, Motion Passed. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 98/99/57 Approval of 1999 SGA Elections Results Chairman Ashley read the bill and answered questions Res 98/99/57 was held for referral Res 98/99/59 Approval of Undergraduate Honor System Constitution and By-Laws President Mann summarized the bill and answered questions Res 98/99/59 was held for referral Bill 98/99/122 Allocation to the KSU Aikido for Fall 1999 Senator Peschka summarized the bill and answered questions Bill 98/99/122 was held for referral Bill 98/99/123 Special Allocation to the KSU Aikido For Fall 1999 Senator Peschka summarized the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/123 was held for referral Bill 98/99/124 Allocation to the Black Student Union for Fall 1999 Senator Durbin summarized the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/124 was held for referral Bill 98/99/125 Special Allocation to the Circle K Club for Fall 1999 Senator Durbin summarized the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/125 was held for referral Bill 98/99/126 Allocation to Wildcat Walk Escort Program for Fiscal Year 2000 Intern Guries read the bill and answered questions Bill 98/99/126 was held for referral Bill 98/99/127 Adoption of College Council Allocations for Fiscal Year 2000 Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions Bill 98/99/127 was held for referral Bill 98/99/128 Enactment of Revisions to the Funding Statute Chairman Getz summarized the bill and answered questions 60 Bill 98/99/128 was held for referral Bill 98/99/129 Privilege Fee Definition Senator Mueting read the bill and answered questions Bill 98/99/129 was held for referral Bill 98/99/130 Creation of the SGA Special Committee to Research Privilege Fee Levels Senator Hendricks read the bill and answered questions Bill 98/99/130 was held for referral Bill 98/99/131 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Composition and Appointment of the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee Attorney General Dickson read the bill and answered questions. Bill 98/99/131 was held for referral Bill 98/99/132 Amendments to Funding Regulations Concerning Registered Organizations Senator Petrik read the bill and answered questions Bill 98/99/132 was held for referral Bill 98/99/133 Amendments Concerning the Registration of Organizations Senator Petrik read the bill and answered questions Bill 98/99/133 was held for referral OPEN PERIOD Chairwoman Bosco reminded everyone to turn in surveys for awards Senate Operations meet after Senate REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 98/99/57 is referred to Senate Operations Committee Res 98/99/59 is referred to Senate Operations Committee Bill 98/99/122 is referred to Allocations Committee Bill 98/99/123 is referred to Allocations Committee Bill 98/99/124 is referred to Allocations Committee Bill 98/99/125 is referred to Allocations Committee Bill 98/99/126 is referred to Allocations Committee Bill 98/99/127 is referred to Allocations Committee Bill 98/99/128 is referred to Senate Operations and Allocations Committees Bill 98/99/129 is referred to Senate Operations Committee Bill 98/99/130 is referred to Senate Operations Committee Bill 98/99/131 is referred to Senate Operations Committee Bill 98/99/132 is referred to Senate Operations Committee Bill 98/99/133 is referred to Senate Operations Committee Bill 98/99/64 is referred to Senate Operations Committee ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS ADJOURNMENT Senate was adjourned at 10:05 P.M. 61 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM April 1, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eckert called the meeting to order at 7:22 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the body in the pledge of allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Coach Shocke thanked the senate for the recent allocation to the competition teams. ANNOUNCEMENTS GA Dillingham asked for volunteers to help with the upcoming March of Dimes. COMMITTEE REPORTS Cates apoligized for missing her meeting last week. Bosco asked that her committee stand and be recognized for the great job on the banquet. Meder gave a review of Priv Fee Committee’s year. AT-large member Conrad displayed the new web page and other important material. Rengstorf thanked his committee for their hard work during the year. Gregory also thanked her committee for their productive year. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Attorney General Dickson reminded everyone of AG interviews coming up on Sunday and thanked ops for their help IC Kershner encouraged everyone to help out with Open house coming up President Mann gave a review of the goals that were established for Student Governing Association and congratulated the group for doing a great job of their goals. He also thanked Tara-Jo and Chief of Staff Lacey for their work. VP Macklin also thanked Chief of Staff Lacey and congratulated President Mann on an outstanding year FINAL ACTION Res 98/99/57 Approval of 1999 SGA Elections Results Chairman Ashley addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Ashley Res 98/99/57 passed on a motion of unanimous consent by V-chair Worcester. Res 98/99/59 Approval of Undergraduate Honor System Constitution and By-Laws President Mann addressed changes and aswered questions. Positive : Mann Res 98/99/59 passed on a motion of unanimous consent by IC Kershner Bill 98/99/122 Allocation to the KSU Aikido for Fall 1999 62 Chairman Getz addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Getz Bill 98/99/122 was held for a bulk roll call vote Bill 98/99/122 passed on a roll call vote of 44-0 Bill 98/99/123 Special Allocation to the KSU Aikido for Fall 1999 Chairman Getz addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Getz Bill 98/99/123 was held for a bulk roll call vote Bill 98/99/123 passed on a roll call vote of 44-0 Bill 98/99/124 Allocation to the Black Student Union for Fall 1999 Senator Durbin addressed changes and answred questions Postive: Durbin Bill 98/99/124 was held for a bulk roll call vote Bill 98/99/124 passed on a roll call vote of 44-0 Bill 98/99/125 Special Allocation to the Circle K Club for Fall 1999 Senator Durbin addressed changes and anserered questions Positive: Durbin Bill 98/99/125 was held for a bulk roll call vote Bill 98/99/125 passed on a roll call vote of 44-0 Bill 98/99/126 Allocation to Wildcat Walk Escort Program for Fiscal Year 2000 Intern Guries addressed changes and answered questions Postive: Guries Amendment A by Durbin Guries, LeCount, Yeung. Rottinghaus, Gregory The amendment would change the following amounts: Phone/Fax, 378 to 0; Salaries, 3000 to 2200; total 7028 to 5850 Positive: Durbin, LeCount, Guries, Mueting, Mann, Durbin Negative Johnson(Getz), Johnson(Anderson), Keever, Reed Amendment A failed on a voice vote Amendment B by Bahr, Peschka, Mueting, Lutz, Cambell The amendement would change Salries from $3000 to $2520 and the total from $7028 to $6548 Positive: Bahr Amendment B passed on a vote of 22-15 Bill 98/99/126 passed on a roll call vote of 43-3-1 Senator Moberg moved to reconsider. Motion failed Bill 98/99/127 Adoption of College Council Allocations for Fiscal Year 2000 Chairman Getz addressed changes and answered questions. Postive: Getz Bill 98/99/127 was held for a bulk roll call vote Bill 98/99/127 passed on a roll call vote of 47-0-0 Bill 98/99/128 Enactment of Revisions to the Funding Statute Chairman Getz addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Getz 63 Bill 98/99/128 was held for a bulk roll call vote Bill 98/99/128 passed on a roll call vote of 47-0-0 Bill 98/99/121 Creation of the SGA Special Committee on Implementation of SafeRide Senator Bahr addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Bahr, Guthrie Negative: Rengstorf, Peschka The previous question was called. Motion passed Senator Crowder moved to lay on table. Motion passed. Bill 98/99/121 failed on a roll call vote of 17-26-1 Bill 98/99/130 Creation of the SGA Special Committee to Research Privilege Fee Levels Senator Hendricks addressed changes and answereed questions. Positive: Hendricks Negative: Peschka Bill 98/99/130 passed on a roll call vote of 24-21-2 Bill 98/99/131 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Composition and Appointment of the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee Attorney General Dickson addressed changes and answered questions Positive: Dickson, Cates, Kershner, Negative: Worcester, Rengstorf, Petrik Senator Petrik called the question. Motion Passed Bill 98/99/131 failed on a roll call vote of 28-16-3 Bill 98/99/77 By-Laws Amendment Creating the Activities Board Senator Petrik addressed changes and answered questions. Positieve: Petrik Bill 98/99/77 passed on a roll call vote of 45-1-0 Bill 98/99/132 Amendments to Funding Regulations Concerning Registered Organizations Senator Petrik addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Petrik Bill 98/99/132 was held for a bulk roll call vote Bill 98/99/132 passed on a roll call vote of 45-1-0 Bill 98/99/133 Amendments Concerning the Registration of Organizations Senator Petrik addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Petrik Bill 98/99/133 was held for a bulk roll call vote Bill 98/99/133 passed on a roll call vote of 45-1-0 Bill 98/99/64 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the SASS and Communications Committees Chairman Rengstorf addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Rengstorf, Cates, Muir, Worcester Negative: Anderson, Crowder, Reed Bill 98/99/64 failed on a roll call vote of 31-15-0 64 INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Bill 98/99/134 Allocation to Anime and Manga Society for Fall 1999 Senator Peschka read the bill and answered questions Senator Peschka moved to move the bill special orders. Motion passed. Positive: Peschka Bill 98/99/134 Res 98/99/60 Commendation to AG Dickson Senator Cambell moved special Senator Peschka moved unanimous consent Res 98/99/61 Commendation to the Attorney General Senator Muir Peschka moved special orders. Motion passed Bosco moved the resolution pass by unanimous consent Res 98/99/61 passed unanimous consent Res 98/99/62 Commendation to Student Body President and Student Body Vice President Chairman Eckert read the bill and answered question Mueting moved special orders. Motion passed Kershnermoved the resolution pass by unanimous consent Res 98/99/62 passed by unanimous consent Res 98/99/63 Commendation to Student Senate Chair and Student Senate Vice Chair Pres Mann Vpres Macklin read the bill and answered question. Johnson moved special orders. Motion passed Meiergerd moved the resolution pass by unanimous consent Res 98/99/63 passed by unanimous consent Res 98/99/64 Commendation to Student Senate Standing Committee Chairs and Other Members of the Executive Committee Muir read the bill and answered question. Peschka moved special orders. Motion passed Johnson moved the resolution pass by unanimous consent Res 98/99/64 passed by unanimous consent Res 98/99/65 Commendation to 1998-1999 Student Senate and Student Senate Interns Muir Read the bill and answered question. Cates moved special orders. Motion passed Mueting moved the resolution pass by unanimous consent Res 98/99/65 passed by unanimous consent Res 98/99/66 Commendation Peschka moved special orders. Motion passed Kershner moved the resolution pass by unanimous consent Res 98/99/66 passed by unanimous consent OPEN PERIOD Chairwoman Cates Senator Morris 65 Intern McCugh Chief of Staff Lacey Chairman Ashley Intern Coordinator Kershner Chairwoman Gregory Attorney General Dickson Senator Petrik Senator Muir Senator Bahr Senator Reed Senator Morris Senator Mueting Chairman Getz Chairwoman Cates Senator Crowder Intern Coordinator Kershner Chairman Eckert President Mann ADJOURNMENT SINE DIE The 1998-99 Student Senate adjourned sine die at 12:12 a.m. on April 2, 1999 ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE Bill 98/99/103 Committee Pulled Authorship SENATE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Bill 98/99/129 Authors Pulled Authorship 66 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM April 2, 1999 12:24 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eckert called the 1999-2000 Senate to order at 12:24 a.m. on April 2, 1999. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the body in the pledge of allegiance. OPEN PERIOD Chairman Ashley addressed the new Student Senate DIRECTORS AG Dickson invited questions concerning the judicial branch VC chair Worcester announced that applications are available for comm. Chair and cabinet Swearing in of new Student Senators Chairman Eckert swore in the new Student Senators Swearing in of new Student Body President Chairman Eckert swore in Jason Heinrich, the new Student Body President. 67 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM April 8, 1999 7:45 p.m. CALL TO ORDER. Chairman Eckert called the meeting to order at 7:48 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the body in the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL There were 54 senators present. OPEN PERIOD Curt Frasier, Amy Button Renz, Brad Sidener, and Karen Shafer, were present and discussed the progress of the Alumni center. FSR Wetta spoke concerning his position! Editor Lenkner spoke on behalf of the collegian. ANNOUNCEMENTS Proxies: Meredith for Stewart Metzinger for Small Lutz for Stafford Chairman Eckert discussed random papers floating around the room. Reminded senators attending training to return evaluations. COMMITTEE REPORTS Senator Raile reported on Bridges to Asia. Chairwoman Bosco reminded senators of a year end social next Tuesday. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Attorney General Dixon discussed the recommendation of the committee to select the new Attorney General. President Heinrich announced cabinet applications due on next Friday. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 98/99/03 Approval of Attorney General President Heinrich read the bill and answered questions. VC Worcester moved unanimous consent, Motion passed Amie Kershner was sworn in by Attorney General Dickson GENERAL ORDERS ELECTION OF STUDENT SENATE CHAIR Jake Worcester and Carlton Getz were nominated the previous week The candidates were given 5 minutes to speak and answer questions. Debate Worcester: Meredith, Brownback, Lutz, Brueggermann, McHugh 68 Getz: Guries, Cambell, Pacey Jake Worcester was elected as Student Senate Chair Chairman Eckert swore in Chairman Worcester. Vice President Eckert was then sworn in as Student Body Vice President by Andy Macklin A five minute recess was then taken. NOMINATIONS FOR STUDENT SENATE VICE CHAIR Senator Bosco and Senator Peschka were nominated for V-chair ELECTION OF STUDENT SENATE VICE CHAIR The candidates were given 5 minutes to speak and answer questions. Debate Bosco: Kershner, Hail, Szynskie, Pacey Peschka: Conrad, Getz, Keaver (Powell), McCugh, Mary Bosco was elected as Student Senate Vice Chair Chairman Worcester swore in Vice Chairwoman Bosco. NOMINATION FOR STUDENT SENATE FACULTY SENATE REPRESENTATIVE Jeremy Lutz was nominated for Student Senate Faculty Senate Representative. ELECTION OF STUDENT SENATE FACULTY SENATE REPRESENTATIVE Jeremy Lutz was elected as Student Senate Faculty Senate Representative by unanimous consent. Chairman Worcester swore in Faculty Senate Representative Lutz. NOMINATIONS FOR STUDENT SENATE INTERN COORDINATOR Senator Mdllush was nominated for Intern Coordinator ELECTION OF STUDENT SENATE INTERN COORDINATOR Naomi McHugh was elected as Student Senate Intern Coordinator by unaimous consent. Chairman Worcester swore in Intern Coordinator McHugh. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/02 Commendation to Jennyfer Owensby Treasurer Getz read the resolution and answered questions. Res 99/00/02 was moved special orders. Res 99/00/02 was adopted by unanimous consent ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS Attorney General Dickson announced Article 601, Section E. of the Constitution Senator Muir announced Article II, Section 201 of the Constitution OPEN PERIOD Intern Coordinator McCugh discussed plans for the upcoming intern program. Coordinator Spencer reminded the body of applications available. Senator Stewart discussed actions by the City of Manhattan on property inspection. Senator Hoskinson gave views on the upcoming year. 69 Senator Raile congratulated the interest shown by new senators during the first open period. Senator Szynskie spoke about the upcoming year. Faculty Senate Representative Lutz discussed ideas for Faculty Senate Chairman Worcester announced applications will be due April 15, and that training will be held next week at 7:00 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 7:45 p.m. He also spoke about the upcoming year and the responsibility and challenges that will be faced. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. 70