1999-2000 BILLS TABLE OF CONTENTS Bill Number and Title Page Bill 99/00/01 Allocation to the Apostolic Campus Ministry for Spring 1999 ...........................1 Bill 99/00/02 Constitutional Amendment Extending Voting Privileges for Student Body President and Student Body Vice President to Students at KSU-Salina ..............2 Bill 99/00/03 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Composition and Appointment of the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee ...............3 Bill 99/00/04 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Membership of Senate Operations Committee ............................................................................................................4 Bill 99/00/05 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Bridge to Asia ...............................................5 Bill 99/00/06 Statutes Amendment Concerning Bridge to Asia .................................................6 Bill 99/00/07 Allocation to Campus Crusade for Christ ............................................................7 Bill 99/00/08 Allocations Guidelines .........................................................................................8 Bill 99/00/09 Increase of the University Bands Program Privilege Fee .....................................9 Bill 99/00/10 Closing of Accounts for Spring 1999 .................................................................11 Bill 99/00/11 Allocation to KSU Chapter of the Wildlife Society ...........................................13 Bill 99/00/12 Allocation to Lutheran Campus Ministry ...........................................................14 Bill 99/00/13 Allocation to KSU Association of Residence Halls ...........................................15 Bill 99/00/14 By-Laws Amendment Regarding the Responsibilities of the Academic Affairs and University Relations Standing Committee ......................................16 Bill 99/00/15 Creation of KSU Libraries Student Advisory Committee ..................................17 Bill 99/00/16 Repeal of Legislation ..........................................................................................18 Bill 99/00/17 Allocation to Hispanic American Leadership Organization ..............................19 Bill 99/00/18 Allocation to Latter Day Saints Student Association .........................................20 Bill 99/00/19 Allocation to Vietnamese Students Association .................................................21 Bill 99/00/20 Amendment to Bill 98/99/127 ............................................................................22 Bill 99/00/21 Allocation to Racial Ethnic Harmony Week ......................................................23 Bill 99/00/22 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the Fine Arts Allocations Process ...........24 Bill 99/00/23 Allocation to India Students Association ...........................................................26 Bill 99/00/24 Allocation to Individuals for Freethought ..........................................................27 Bill 99/00/25 By-Laws Amendment Regarding Joint Committee on Diversity .......................28 Bill 99/00/26 Educational Opportunity Fund Allocations ........................................................29 Bill 99/00/27 Emergency Allocation to Lafene Health Center ................................................31 Bill 99/00/28 Allocation to Project Management Institute .......................................................32 Bill 99/00/29 Statutes Amendment Regarding Informal Guidelines for the Educational Opportunity Fund ...........................................................................33 Bill 99/00/30 Allocation to Chinese Student and Scholar Association ....................................34 Bill 99/00/31 Allocation to KSU India Students Association ..................................................35 Bill 99/00/32 Emergency Allocation to University Counseling Services ................................36 Bill 99/00/33 Increase in Student Publications, Incorporated Privilege Fee .............................37 Bill 99/00/34 Allocation to American Ethnic Studies Student Association .............................39 Bill 99/00/35 Allocation to KSU Muslim Student Association ................................................40 Bill 99/00/36 Statutes Amendment Regarding the Registration of Student Organizations......41 Bill 99/00/37 By-Laws Amendment Regarding the Elections Committee ..............................42 Bill 99/00/38 Increase in KSDB-FM Privilege Fee ..................................................................43 Bill 99/00/39 Allocation to the KSU 1/4-Scale Tractor Club ...................................................45 Bill 99/00/40 Allocation to the KSU Newman Club ................................................................46 Bill 99/00/41 Allocation to Black Student Union (BSU) .........................................................47 Bill 99/00/42 Closing of Accounts ...........................................................................................48 Bill 99/00/43 Allocation to KSU Student Union for Student Activity Center Feasibility Study .................................................................................................49 Bill 99/00/44 Changes in the KSU Elections Regulations Code ..............................................50 Bill 99/00/45 Bill 99/00/46 Bill 99/00/47 Bill 99/00/48 Bill 99/00/49 Bill 99/00/50 Bill 99/00/51 Bill 99/00/52 Bill 99/00/53 Bill 99/00/54 Bill 99/00/55 Bill 99/00/56 Bill 99/00/57 Bill 99/00/58 Bill 99/00/59 Bill 99/00/60 Bill 99/00/61 Bill 99/00/62 Bill 99/00/63 Bill 99/00/64 Bill 99/00/65 Bill 99/00/66 Bill 99/00/67 Bill 99/00/68 Bill 99/00/69 Bill 99/00/70 Bill 99/00/71 Bill 99/00/72 Bill 99/00/73 Bill 99/00/74 Bill 99/00/75 Bill 99/00/76 Bill 99/00/77 Bill 99/00/78 Bill 99/00/79 Bill 99/00/80 Bill 99/00/81 Bill 99/00/82 Bill 99/00/83 Bill 99/00/84 Bill 99/00/85 Bill 99/00/86 Bill 99/00/87 Bill 99/00/88 Bill 99/00/89 Bill 99/00/90 Bill 99/00/91 Bill 99/00/92 Bill 99/00/93 Bill 99/00/94 Bill 99/00/95 Bill 99/00/96 Continuation of the Fine Arts Privilege Fee .......................................................55 Allocation to KSU African Student Union .........................................................54 Allocation to Vietnamese Student Association ..................................................55 Allocation to Chinese Student and Scholar Association ....................................56 Allocation to The Navigators .............................................................................57 Allocation to KSU Aikido Club .........................................................................58 Statutes Amendment Concerning Legal Services Advisory Board ....................59 College Council Closing of Accounts ................................................................60 Institutional Services Closing of Accounts ........................................................61 Academic Competition Team Closing of Accounts ...........................................62 Emergency Allocation to University Band and Programs .................................63 Allocation to KSU Newman Club ......................................................................64 Allocation to QSA ..............................................................................................65 Allocation to Asian American Student Union ....................................................66 Allocation to the Hispanic American Leadership Organization .........................67 Closing of NULEOA Account ...........................................................................68 Amendment of Bill 98/99/75: Closing of Accounts for Fall 1998 .....................69 Amendment of Bill 99/00/10: Closing of Accounts for Spring 1999 ................70 Allocation to the African Student Union ............................................................71 Allocation to Amnesty International ..................................................................72 Constitutional Amendment Concerning Appointments of Judicial Branch ........73 Amendments to the KSU Elections Regulations Code ......................................74 Office of Student Activities and Services Fee Amendment and Increase ..........75 Amendment to Spending Regulations on Campus Privilege Fee Accounts........78 Increase of the University Counseling Services Privilege Fee ...........................79 Allocation to the UFM Community Learning Center ........................................81 Allocation to Latter Day Saints Student Association .........................................82 Allocation to Muslim Student Association .........................................................83 Amended Allocation to KSU Queer Straight Alliance .......................................84 Allocation to Apostolic Campus Ministry ..........................................................85 Transfer of Funds from Amnesty International ..................................................86 Revisions to the Legal Services Advisory Board Charter ..................................87 Increase in the Student Health Privilege Fee ......................................................90 Allocation to Men Against Rape Society (MARS) ............................................92 Allocation to Native American Student Body ....................................................93 Allocation to Ordinary Women ..........................................................................94 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions ........................95 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions ........................96 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions ........................97 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions ........................98 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions ........................99 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions ......................100 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Judicial Code ......................................101 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Allocations Committee .............................102 Statutes Amendment Regarding Registration of Student Organizations .........103 Statutes Amendment Regarding Runoff Elections ...........................................104 Statutes Amendment Regarding SGA Funding Regulations ............................105 Privilege Fee Review Schedule ........................................................................115 Internal Audit Schedule for Fiscal Year 2001 ..................................................116 Emergency Allocation to K-State Student Union ............................................117 Athletic Privilege Fee Reduction and Amendment ..........................................118 Student Activity Privilege Fee Increase and Amendment ................................120 1999-2000 BILLS INDEX Constitutional Amendments age Bill 99/00/65 Constitutional Amendment Concerning Appointments of Judicial Branch ........73 Bill 99/00/03 Bill 99/00/02 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Composition and Appointment of the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee ...............3 Constitutional Amendment Extending Voting Privileges for Student Body President and Student Body Vice President to Students at KSU-Salina ..............2 By-Laws Amendments Bill 99/00/88 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Allocations Committee .............................102 Bill 99/00/05 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Bridge to Asia ...............................................5 Bill 99/00/81 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions ........................95 Bill 99/00/82 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions ........................96 Bill 99/00/83 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions ........................97 Bill 99/00/84 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions ........................98 Bill 99/00/85 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions ........................99 Bill 99/00/86 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions ......................100 Bill 99/00/87 By-Laws Amendment Concerning the Judicial Code ......................................101 Bill 99/00/04 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Membership of Senate Operations ...............4 Committee Bill 99/00/25 By-Laws Amendment Regarding Joint Committee on Diversity .......................28 Bill 99/00/37 By-Laws Amendment Regarding the Elections Committee ..............................42 Bill 99/00/14 By-Laws Amendment Regarding the Responsibilities of the Academic ...........16 Affairs and University Relations Standing Committee Bill 99/00/22 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the Fine Arts Allocations Process ...........24 Statutes Amendments Bill 99/00/68 Amendment to Spending Regulations on Campus Privilege Fee Accounts........78 Bill 99/00/66 Amendments to the KSU Elections Regulations Code ......................................74 Bill 99/00/44 Changes in the KSU Elections Regulations Code ..............................................50 Bill 99/00/15 Creation of KSU Libraries Student Advisory Committee ..................................17 Bill 99/00/92 Privilege Fee Review Schedule ........................................................................115 Bill 99/00/16 Repeal of Legislation ..........................................................................................18 Bill 99/00/76 Revisions to the Legal Services Advisory Board Charter ..................................87 Bill 99/00/06 Statutes Amendment Concerning Bridge to Asia .................................................6 Bill 99/00/51 Statutes Amendment Concerning Legal Services Advisory Board ....................59 Bill 99/00/29 Statutes Amendment Regarding Informal Guidelines for the Educational Opportunity Fund ...........................................................................33 Bill 99/00/89 Statutes Amendment Regarding Registration of Student Organizations .........103 Bill 99/00/90 Statutes Amendment Regarding Runoff Elections ...........................................104 Bill 99/00/91 Statutes Amendment Regarding SGA Funding Regulations ............................105 Bill 99/00/36 Statutes Amendment Regarding the Registration of Student Organizations.......41 Allocations Bill 99/00/34 Bill 99/00/64 Bill 99/00/74 Bill 99/00/5 8 Bill 99/00/41 Bill 99/00/07 Bill 99/00/30 Bill 99/00/48 Bill 99/00/17 Bill 99/00/23 Bill 99/00/24 Bill 99/00/46 Bill 99/00/50 Bill 99/00/13 Bill 99/00/11 Bill 99/00/31 Bill 99/00/40 Bill 99/00/56 Bill 99/00/18 Bill 99/00/71 Bill 99/00/12 Bill 99/00/78 Bill 99/00/35 Bill 99/00/72 Bill 99/00/79 Bill 99/00/80 Bill 99/00/28 Bill 99/00/57 Bill 99/00/21 Bill 99/00/39 Bill 99/00/63 Bill 99/00/01 Bill 99/00/59 Bill 99/00/49 Bill 99/00/70 Bill 99/00/19 Bill 99/00/47 Allocation to American Ethnic Studies Student Association .............................39 Allocation to Amnesty International ..................................................................72 Allocation to Apostolic Campus Ministry ..........................................................85 Allocation to Asian American Student Union ....................................................66 Allocation to Black Student Union (BSU) .........................................................47 Allocation to Campus Crusade for Christ ............................................................7 Allocation to Chinese Student and Scholar Association ....................................34 Allocation to Chinese Student and Scholar Association ....................................56 Allocation to Hispanic American Leadership Organization ..............................19 Allocation to India Students Association ...........................................................26 Allocation to Individuals for Freethought ..........................................................27 Allocation to KSU African Student Union .........................................................54 Allocation to KSU Aikido Club .........................................................................58 Allocation to KSU Association of Residence Halls ...........................................15 Allocation to KSU Chapter of the Wildlife Society ...........................................13 Allocation to KSU India Students Association ..................................................35 Allocation to KSU Newman Club ......................................................................46 Allocation to KSU Newman Club ......................................................................64 Allocation to Latter Day Saints Student Association .........................................20 Allocation to Latter Day Saints Student Association .........................................82 Allocation to Lutheran Campus Ministry ...........................................................14 Allocation to Men Against Rape Society (MARS) ............................................92 Allocation to Muslim Student Association .........................................................40 Allocation to Muslim Student Association .........................................................83 Allocation to Native American Student Body ....................................................93 Allocation to Ordinary Women ..........................................................................94 Allocation to Project Management Institute .......................................................32 Allocation to QSA ..............................................................................................65 Allocation to Racial Ethnic Harmony Week ......................................................23 Allocation to the KSU 1/4-Scale Tractor Club ...................................................45 Allocation to the African Student Union ............................................................71 Allocation to the Apostolic Campus Ministry for Spring 1999 ...........................1 Allocation to the Hispanic American Leadership Organization .........................67 Allocation to The Navigators .............................................................................57 Allocation to the UFM Community Learning Center ........................................81 Allocation to Vietnamese Students Association .................................................21 Allocation to Vietnamese Student Association ..................................................55 Privilege Fees Bill 99/00/95 Bill 99/00/45 Bill 99/00/33 Bill 99/00/38 Bill 99/00/77 Bill 99/00/09 Bill 99/00/69 Bill 99/00/67 Bill 99/00/96 Athletic Privilege Fee Reduction and Amendment ..........................................118 Continuation of the Fine Arts Privilege Fee .......................................................55 Increase in Student Publications, Incorporated Privilege Fee ............................37 Increase in KSDB-FM Privilege Fee ..................................................................43 Increase in the Student Health Privilege Fee ......................................................90 Increase of the University Bands Program Privilege Fee .....................................9 Increase of the University Counseling Services Privilege Fee ...........................79 Office of Student Activities and Services Fee Amendment and Increase ..........75 Student Activity Privilege Fee Increase and Amendment ................................120 Miscellaneous Funding Bills Bill 99/00/54 Academic Competition Team Closing of Accounts ...........................................62 Bill 99/00/43 Allocation to KSU Student Union for Student Activity Center Feasibility Study .................................................................................................49 Bill 99/00/08 Allocations Guidelines .........................................................................................8 Bill 99/00/73 Amended Allocation to KSU Queer Straight Alliance .......................................84 Bill 99/00/61 Amendment of Bill 98/99/75: Closing of Accounts for Fall 1998 .....................69 Bill 99/00/62 Amendment of Bill 99/00/10: Closing of Accounts for Spring 1999 ................70 Bill 99/00/20 Amendment to Bill 98/99/127 ............................................................................24 Bill 99/00/42 Closing of Accounts ...........................................................................................48 Bill 99/00/10 Closing of Accounts for Spring 1999 .................................................................11 Bill 99/00/60 Closing of NULEOA Account ...........................................................................68 Bill 99/00/52 College Council Closing of Accounts ................................................................60 Bill 99/00/26 Educational Opportunity Fund Allocations ........................................................29 Bill 99/00/94 Emergency Allocation to K-State Student Union ............................................117 Bill 99/00/27 Emergency Allocation to Lafene Health Center ................................................31 Bill 99/00/55 Emergency Allocation to University Band and Programs .................................63 Bill 99/00/32 Emergency Allocation to University Counseling Services ................................36 Bill 99/00/53 Institutional Services Closing of Accounts ........................................................61 Bill 99/00/75 Transfer of Funds from Amnesty International ..................................................86 BILL 99/00/01 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE APOSTOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Apostolic Campus Ministry, and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee, having reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1- End of Semester Event Request Promotions $140.00 Equipment $200.00 Honorarium $650.00 Recommendation $140.00 $0.00 $650.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $790.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Apostolic Campus Ministry. SECTION 3. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE ON A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 57-0-0 ON 4/15/99 B-1 BILL 99/00/02 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT EXTENDING VOTING PRIVILEGES FOR STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT AND STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT TO STUDENTS AT KSU-SALINA Jake Worcester, Mary Bosco, Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert, Tracey Mann, Andy Mackim, Bill Muir, and Phil Anderson SUMMARY: Two years ago, a clarifying amendment to the KSU SGA Constitution disenfranchised the students at KSU-Salina from voting for the KSU SGA Student Body President and Student Body Vice President. Although the Student Body President of KSU-Salina became a constitutionally-mandated member of the KSU SGA Student Body President’s Cabinet, students at KSU-Salina currently have no voice in electing the persons who are the direct representatives of the combined student body of Kansas State University before the University President, the State Board of Regents and other bodies. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1: Article II, Section 201 of the KSU SGA Constitution is hereby amended to read: 201. Any person enrolled in at least one credit hour of class work at the main campus of Kansas State University shall be a member of the KSU SGA and shall have full voting privileges to which each member is hereby entitled. Any person enrolled in at least one credit hour of class work at KSU-Salina College of Technology shall be entitled to vote for KSU SGA Student Body President and Student Body Vice President at any election. SECTION 2: This legislation shall take effect when ratified by six of nine college councils. SECTION 3: A copy of this bill be sent to Dean of the College of Technology Dennis Kuhiman THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE ON A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 51-2-0 ON 4/29/99 B-2 BILL 99/00/03 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONCERNING THE COMPOSITION AND APPOINTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL NOMINEE INTERVIEW COMMITTEE Judicial Council and Amie Kershner WHEREAS The Judicial Branch currently has very little input into the selection of their own branch’s leader; and WHEREAS The proposed system does not affect the system of checks and balances because it still allows for each branch’s input and requires Student Senate’s approval; and WHEREAS More input from the Judicial Branch in the selection of its leader would be beneficial for the Judicial Branch as a whole; and WHEREAS A committee with representation from all three branches who has conducted interviews with the candidates for Attorney General can make a more informed appointment than the Student Body President who did not interview the candidates, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article 6, Section 601. E. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. Article 6, Section 601. E. of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution is hereby created to read as: E. Selection and Appointment of Judicial Branch Members 1. The Attorney General Nominee Interview and Selection Committee shall be composed of the Student Body President and Student Body Vice President (or a member of the executive branch appointed by such officer); two Student Senators appointed by the present Chairperson of Student Senate; two members of the Judicial Branch appointed by the Judicial Council; and the present Chairperson of Student Senate, who shall vote only to break a tie. The Chairperson of Student Senate shall be the chair of the committee. All appointments to the committee shall be subject to approval by Student Senate at its first Student Senate meeting. The SGA Primary Judicial Advisor shall be an ex-officio, nonvoting member of the Committee. A quorum of the Committee shall be one voting member from each branch and the present Chairperson of Student Senate. The committee shall interview candidates for Attorney General for the following academic year, subject to approval by Student Senate. Unless otherwise provided, the SGA Attorney General, in consultation with the Student Body President, shall appoint members to Judicial Boards. The Attorney General, in consultation with the Dean of Student Life or designee, shall determine which Judicial Boards shall be authorized to hear each case. 2. SECTION 2. This bill shall take effect upon ratification by six of nine college councils. AUTHORSHIP OF THIS BILL WAS PULLED 4/29/99 B-3 BILL 99/00/04 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING MEMBERSHIP OF SENATE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Senate Operations and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the memberships of the Allocations, Privilege Fee, and Senate Operations Committees are outlined in the KSU SGA By-Laws; and WHEREAS the Allocations and Privilege Fee Committees both have three student-at-large members, while the Senate Operations Committee has only two, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 9, H, 1 of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: d. Two Three students-at-large, appointed by the chairperson of the committee in consultation with the Chairperson of Student Senate and present Senate Operations Chairperson, who shall have voting privileges on the committee. e. Four Three Student Senate Interns, appointed by the Intern Coordinator in consultation with the present Senate Operations Chairperson, who shall have voting privileges on the committee. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE ON A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 45-5-0 ON 4/29/99 B-4 BILL 99/00/05 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING BRIDGE TO ASIA Jake Worcester, Sarah Geiger and Crystal Campbell WHEREAS Bridge to Asia is a valuable program to the Kansas State University Student Governing Association; and WHEREAS the Mission of the program does not coincide with the duties of the Academic Affairs and University Relations Committee as outlined in the By-Laws; and WHEREAS the program would be better coordinated through the Student Affairs and Social Services Committee, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Sections 9. I. 4. and 9. I. 5. are hereby repealed. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 52-0-0 ON 9/2/99 B-5 BILL 99/00/06 BY: STATUTES AMENDMENT CONCERNING BRIDGE TO ASIA Jake Worcester, Sarah Geiger and Crystal Campbell WHEREAS Bridge to Asia is a valuable program to the Kansas State University Student Governing Association; and WHEREAS the mission of the program does not coincide with the duties of the Academic Affairs and University Relations Committee as outlined in the By-Laws; and WHEREAS the program would be better coordinated through the Student Affairs and Social Services Committee, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Chapter 108 of the KSU SGA Statutes be amended as follows: 108-01 Responsibilities of Student Affairs and Social Services Committee 108-0101 Bridge to Asia 108-0 102 1. Monitor Bridge to Asia 108-0 103 2. Work in conjunction with the Kansas State University Student Union Bookstore to ensure the funding and shipment of the books collected for Bridge to Asia. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE ON BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 52-0-0 ON 9/2/99 B-6 BILL 99/00/07 BY: ALLOCATION TO CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Campus Crusade for Christ; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - A debate on the existence of God between two speakers. HONORARIUM PROMOTIONS S&E Request $2,000.00 $300.00 $800.00 Recommendation $1,500.00 $200.00 $800.00 Project 2 - Scholarships for Denver Christmas Conference TRAVEL $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Project 3 - Nationally known Christian speaker for campus-wide event. HONORARIUM PROMOTIONS EQUIPMENT $1,000.00 $100.00 $50.00 $800.00 $100.00 $50.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $2,500.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project 2 is allocated $1,000.00 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Project 3 is allocated $950.00 for the activities described. SECTION 4. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Campus Crusade for Christ. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 51-0-0 ON 9/23/99 B-7 BILL 99/00/08 BY: ALLOCATIONS GUIDELINES Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee is annually required to submit to student Senate amounts which the Allocations Committee will use as guidelines in the determination of allocations to student organizations; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has determined that this purpose is best served by suggesting a standard range of values to account for the wide and varied differences between the projects for which funds are requested, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following allocations guidelines are hereby established: Promotions: Honoraria: Rent of Space and Equipment: Films: Travel: $100.00 -$250.00 $500.00 - $2,000.00 $500.00 - $1,000.00 $250.00 - $750.00 At any rate not to exceed the maximum allowable rates for travel as established by the State of Kansas. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 49-0-0 ON 9/23/99 B-8 BILL 99/00/09 INCREASE OF THE UNIVERSITY BANDS PROGRAM PRIVILEGE FEE BY: Privilege Fee Committee WHEREAS the University Band Programs adds in Kredibly Spirited mUsic to the experience of student life; and WHEREAS The University Band Programs requested a 10% increase from $102,138 to $112,351.80; and WHEREAS The University Band Programs and the Privilege Fee Committee satisfied the requirements set forth in Senate Resolution 99/00/16. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU SGA Statues 2 1-01 are hereby amended to read: UNIVERSITY BAND PROGRAMS BUDGET AGREEMENT This agreement made this _________day of October 1999, between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE), and University Band Programs (DEPARTMENT). 1. The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget of $112,351.80 (BUDGET) shall be funded for the following fiscal years: July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001 and July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 and July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003. The BUDGET will be reviewed prior to fiscal year 2003-2004. 2. This agreement supercedes any previous agreement made by Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas State University Student Governing Association with the University Band Programs regarding funding of budget and use of such funding. 3. Any breach of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas State University Student Senate and such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or any other instance. 4. Within 60 days of the end of each fiscal year, the Director of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of the BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Senate body. 5. No construction or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section 1105) 6. This agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the State of Kansas. 7. By signing this agreement, the representative of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her part to execute this document on behalf of such party that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. B-9 8. Bill 99/00/09 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement by: the Privilege Fee Chair, the director of University Band Programs, the Student Senate Chair, the Vice President for Institutional Advancement; and the Student Body President. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 53-0-0 ON 9/30/99 B-10 BILL 99/00/10 BY: CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has been required, on a semesterly basis, to close the accounts of student organizations which have not spent funds allocated to them in accordance with the Funding Statutes; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee found the following organizations have unspent funds which are subject to this provision; and WHEREAS underlining has no specific meaning other than assisting in reading the amounts for each organization; and WHEREAS an “*” indicates an organization which spent none of its allocated funds, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The amounts following shall revert from the individual accounts of the respective student organizations into the Reserves for Contingencies Account: African Student Union* Aikido Club Amnesty International Apostolic Campus Ministries Asian-American Student Association BGLS* Black Student Union Chi Alpha Chinese Student Association Congolese Student Association Environmental Professionals* Habitat for Humanity* Hispanic American Leadership Organization India Student Association* International Club International Coordinating Council Intervarsity Christian Challenge* KSU Association of Residence Halls Latter Day Saints Lutheran Campus Ministries* Muslim Student Association National Organization of Women* Native American Student Body (continued) B-11 $3,044.34 $178.79 $357.50 $46.90 $1,672.68 $1,300.00 $1,536.55 $75.00 $400.00 $75.00 $1,410.00 $75.00 $1,595.70 $2,386.49 $868.92 $1,264.95 $325.00 $30.60 $325.00 $1,914.00 $1,936.40 $75.00 $162.35 NULEOA Project Management* Saint Francis Ecclesiastic Fellowship Students for Life* Young Democrats Total: THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 51-0-1 ON 9/30/99 B-12 $40.27 $212.00 $120.00 $1,380.90 $150.00 $22,959.34 BILL 99/00/11 BY: ALLOCATION TO KSU CHAPTER OF THE WILDLIFE SOCIETY Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the KSU Chapter of Wildlife Society, and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Newsletters of each of their meetings for the currently enrolled members Promotions Request $240.00 Recommendation $240.00 Project 2 - Wildlife Society National Conference in Austin. Texas Travel $1,800.00 $1,100.00 Project 3 - Two-drawer lockable filing cabinet Other $200.00 $50.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $240.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project 2 is allocated $1,100.00 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Project 3 is allocated $50.00 for the activities described. SECTION 4. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU Chapter of the Wildlife Society. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 52-0-0 ON 9/30/99 B-13 BILL 99/00/12 BY: ALLOCATION TO LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRY Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Lutheran Campus Ministry; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by theAllocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Speaker - Rt. Reverend Steven Charleston Request Honorarium $2,025.00 Space & Equipment $550.00 $150.00 Promotions Film $40.00 Recommendation $1,500.00 $250.00 $150.00 $40.00 Project 2 - Chicago National Lutheran Student Movement Gathering Van Rental Lodging Subsistence Registration $450.00 $1,000.00 $400.00 $500.00 $360.00 $1,000.00 $400.00 $0.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $1,940.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project 2 is allocated $1,760.00 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Lutheran Campus Ministry. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 50-2-0 ON 9/30/99 B-14 BILL 99/00/13 BY: ALLOCATION TO KSU ASSOCIATION OF RESIDENCE HALLS Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the KSU Association of Residence Halls; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Individualism, Sex, and Religion Recommendation $500.00 $40.00 $0.00 Request Promotions $500.00 Space & Equipment $40.00 Other $150.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $540.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU Association of Residence Halls. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 52-0-0 ON 9/30/99 B-15 BILL 99/00/14 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT REGARDING THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS AND UNIVERSITY RELATIONS STANDING COMMITTEE Academic Affairs and University Relations Committee WHEREAS the current By-Laws contain responsibilities that are inadequate and inapplicable; and WHEREAS well-defined boundaries are essential for an efficient and successful committee, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 9.1. of the KSU SGA By-Laws are hereby amended to read as follows: I. Academic Affairs and University Relations Standing Committee shall be responsible for all academic issues on campus and the maintenance of good relations between KSU Kansas State University faculty and the SGA Student Governing Association. The Committee shall: 1. Compile and maintain general academic information and facts concerning each college and school within the University and the University as a whole. This information should be made available to the student body and all other interested parties. Initiate any programs, activities or projects it may deem necessary for the general academic welfare and benefit of the Kansas State University student body. 2. Provide information to students who have questions concerning academic grievances. Bridge the information gap between students and the Kansas State University academic infrastructure. 3. Initiate any programs, activities, or projects it may deem necessary for the general academic welfare and benefit of the student body. Strive to maintain the high quality of education in the Kansas State university classrooms. 4. Provide an avenue of communication between the faculty and the Kansas State University student body. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 52-0-0 ON 9/30/99 B-16 BILL 99/00/15 BY: CREATION OF KSU LIBRARIES STUDENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert, Emily Emerson, Dustin Petrik, Jake Worcester and Travis Lenkner WHEREAS the KSU Libraries add a great deal to the advancement of student academic success; and WHEREAS it is beneficial for students and the KSU Libraries to share information and discuss library-service priorities; and WHEREAS library services could be improved by the creation of a student advisory committee, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU SGA Statutes be amended by adding a new section 07-08 as follows: 07-08 KSU Libraries Student Advisory Committee 07-0801 The name of this committee shall be the KSU Libraries Student Advisory Committee. 07-0802 The KSU Libraries Student Advisory Committee shall meet no less than twice a semester. The committee shall annually write and present a report to the Student Body President, for the benefit of the entire Student Governing Association, that includes an assessment of the library’s current needs, listed in student-priority order; a description of short- and long-term changes to library services that the library is currently planning; and recommendations for the use of any student tuition dollars that are earmarked for the library. The report shall be annually submitted to the Student Body President no later than March1. 07-0803 The committee shall be consist of the following members: 1. Chief of Staff who shall chair the committee; 2. Academic Affairs and University Relations Committee Chair; 3. One Student Senator appointed by the Student Senate Chair; 4. One cabinet member appointed by the Student Body President; 5. One at-large member appointed by the Student Body President; 6. One at-large member who is a graduate student appointed by the Student Body President; 7. Dean of the KSU Libraries; 8. Two other faculty or administration representatives appointed by the Dean of the KSU Libraries. 07-804 All student members shall have voting rights. The committee chair shall vote only in the case of a tie. Faculty and administration members shall not vote. Members may not have the right to assign proxies. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 49-0-0 ON 10/7/99 B-17 BILL 99/00/16 BY: REPEAL OF LEGISLATION Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS it is necessary to update the KSU SGA Statutes to ensure that no conflicting legislation, out-of-date legislation, or unenforceable legislation is maintained within the current statutes, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following sections of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Statutes are hereby repealed: A. B. C. D. Academic Affairs Additions: 01-0501 through 01-0503 Athletic Ticket Sales Committee: 07-0605 through 07-0606 Annual Registration Fee for Campus Organization: 44-020 1 through 44-0202 Off Campus Housing Rights: 49-0201 through 49-0204 SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon passage. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 48-0-1 ON 10/7/99 B-18 BILL 99/00/17 BY: ALLOCATION TO HISPANIC AMERICAN LEADERSHIP ORGANIZATION Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Hispanic American Leadership Organization; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Conference in Chicago, Illinois Travel Request $2,000.00 Recommendation $2,000.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $2,000.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Hispanic American Leadership Organization. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 50-0-0 ON 9/30/99 B-19 BILL 99/00/18 BY: ALLOCATION TO LATTER DAY SAINTS STUDENT ASSOCIATION Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Latter Day Saints Student Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Speaker on the importance of family. Promotions Honorarium Recommendation $75.00 $690.00 Request $75.00 $690.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $765.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Latter Day Saints Student Association. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 48-0-1 ON 9/30/99 B-20 BILL 99/00/19 BY: ALLOCATION TO VIETNAMESE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Vietnamese Students Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Full Moon Festival Promotions: Equipment: Recommendation $ 5.00 $250.00 Request $100.00 $250.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $255.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Vietnamese Students Association. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 49-0-0 ON 10/14/99 B-21 BILL 99/00/20 AMENDMENT TO BILL 98/99/127 BY: Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee is making a continuing effort to reasonably fund student organizations while ensuring that funds are not allocated for purposes which will likely not be completed, resulting in returns to the reserve account; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has thoroughly reviewed the college council budget request of the Business Administration College Council; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has determined that the Business Administration College Council should receive funds in addition to the previous allocation to the council which substantially cut the council’s annual budget; and WHEREAS a special representative to the Business Administration College Council has been assigned to provide advice, information, and oversight to the completion of activities for which funds were requested by the council on behalf of its organizations, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Bill 98/99/127 is hereby amended to read as follows: Funds are allocated to each of the college councils for Fiscal Year 2000 as follows: Agriculture: Architecture Planning and Design: Arts & Sciences: Business administration: Education: Engineering: Human Ecology: Graduate School: Veterinary Medicine: $6,200 $3,250 $16,000 $13,322.10 $6,500 $8,800 $5,000 $7,500 $1,750 Total Allocations: $68,322.10 THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 51-0-0 ON 10/7/99 B-22 BILL 99/00/21 BY: ALLOCATION TO RACIAL ETHNIC HARMONY WEEK Allocations Committee WHEREAS in past years an account was established under the purview of the Allocations Committee specially endowed for the purpose of financing Racial Ethnic Harmony Week; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed the performance of this account and determined the proceeds available for the current fiscal year, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Racial Ethnic Harmony Week is hereby allocated $1,101.09 from the above specified account. SECTION 2. These funds shall be taken from the SGA Racial Ethnic Harmony Week Foundation Account and transferred into the Racial Ethnic Harmony Week Account established by the Multicultural Affairs Office. SECTION 3. Unspent funds from this allocation shall revert back to the SGA Racial Ethnic Harmony Week Foundation Account for reallocation in future years. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 49-0-0 ON 10/14/99 B-23 BILL 99/00/22 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT RESTRUCTURING THE FINE ARTS ALLOCATIONS PROCESS Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert, Emily Emerson, Jake Worcester, Mary Bosco, Canton Getz, and Privilege Fee Committee WHEREAS restructuring the allocation of the Fine Arts Fee will streamline the allocation process; and WHEREAS restructuring this process does not effect the dollar amounts allocated to departments or fine arts organizations; instead the changes simply redistribute the responsibility for the allocation of funds; and WHEREAS this will allow for the continued growth and effectiveness of fine arts programming on campus, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A new Article V, Section 9. F. 4. of the KSU SGA By-Laws be created as follows: 4. Allocation of the Fine Arts Fee. The Fine Arts Fee, which is collected as part of the tuition and fees paid by students, is allocated by the Student Senate based on recommendations from Allocations Committee and according to the Fine Arts Fee Funding Statutes and is subject to the approval of the President of the University. a. Allocations to fine arts student organizations i. Allocations Committee shall begin the fine arts student organizations allocation process by submitting informal guidelines for the allocation of funds to Student Senate for majority approval. Also, Allocations Committee may introduce bills to make changes in the Fine Arts Fee Funding Statutes; exceptions may be made by a 2/3 vote. ii. Allocations Committee shall conduct hearings with fine arts student organizations requesting funds from Student Senate. iii. On the basis of hearings and review of budget requests, Allocations Committee shall make recommendations for funding of fine arts student organizations to Student Senate. b. Special Allocations. Allocations Committee shall make recommendations regarding proposed special allocations. In the case of a group or organization not being registered, Allocations Committee shall not make a recommendation until it has been registered. c. d. Allocation of funds by Student Senate shall be made public as soon as conveniently possible. The University Controller’s Office shall credit the groups and/or organizations with the amount of money allocated by the Student Senate and pay the bills against the funds in accordance with university and SGA regulations. B-24 e. f g. h. The Coordinator of Student Activities, in consultation with the SGA Treasurer, shall approve expenditures of the respective allocations that have been approved by Student Senate and college councils. The SGA Treasurer shall conduct random audits of fine arts student organizations as he or she sees fit, in consultation with Allocations Committee. At the end of the fiscal year, any unspent monies shall revert back to the Fine Arts Reserves Account, outlined below. A Fine Arts Reserves Account shall be available for special allocations by Student Senate, and its balance shall be carried over from year to year. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take effect upon the start of the 2000-200 1 SGA term. AUTHORSHIP OF THIS BILL WAS PULLED 11/18/99 B-25 BILL 99/00/23 BY: ALLOCATION TO INDIA STUDENTS ASSOCIATION Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the India Students Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Dhandrya Ras Festival Promotions Rent of Equipment Recommendation $250.00 $250.00 Request $250.00 $250.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $500.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the India Students Association. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 50-0-0 ON 10/21/99 B-26 BILL 99/00/24 BY: ALLOCATION TO INDIVIDUALS FOR FREETHOUGHT Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Individuals for Freethought; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Debate on the existence of God. Other Request $1,300.00 Recommendation $560.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $560.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Individuals for Freethought. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 50-0-0 ON 10/21/99 B-27 BILL 99/00/25 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT REGARDING JOINT COMMITTEE ON DIVERSITY Mary Bosco and Jake Worcester WHEREAS it is appropriate to involve multicultural representation in dealing with the duties of the Joint Committee on Diversity; and WHEREAS the responsibilities of this committee contain issues and projects involving all multicultural and non-traditional students on this campus; and WHEREAS their voice and opinions are important to the process, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V., Section 14. Of the KSU SGA By Laws be amended to read as follows: A. B. Shall be composed of the following members: 1. The Diversity Chairperson who shall be the Student Senate Vice Chair, and who shall vote only to break a tie. 2. One (1) Student Senator appointed by the Student Senate Chair 3. One (1) Student Senate Intern appointed by the by the Senate Intern Coordinator 4. One (1) cabinet member appointed by the Student Body President 5. One (1) judicial branch member appointed by the Attorney General 6. One (1) student-at-large, selected by the other members of the Joint Committee Three (3) students-at-large, from various multicultural student organizations, appointed by the Student Body President. 7. One (1) student-at-large, representing sexual diversity, appointed by the Student Body President. 8. One non-traditional student-at-large appointed by the Student Body President. 9. One (1) international student-at-large appointed by the Student Body President. 10. The Office of Student Activities and Services and Services Coordinator or a designee thereof, acting as an ex officio, non-voting member. A quorum of the committee shall be three (3) six (6) members, not including the Diversity Chairperson. Meetings of the Joint Committee shall be called by the Diversity Chairperson. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 49-0-0 ON 10/21/99 B-28 BILL 99/00/26 EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY FUND ALLOCATIONS BY: Educational Opportunity Fund Committee WHEREAS the Educational Opportunity Fund Committee has deliberated over the 28Educational Opportunity Fund proposals; and WHEREAS all groups were provided ample opportunity to request Educational Opportunity Funds; and WHEREAS all groups will have a chance to respond to the Educational Opportunity Fund recommendations; and WHEREAS the following groups have met all the formal and informal guidelines established by the Kansas Board of Regents and the Kansas State University Student Governing Association, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following organizations will receive funding from the Fiscal Year 2001 Educational Opportunity Fund budget: Title of Proposal Allocated FY2000 Requested FY2001 1. Minority Student Mentoring Program Academic Assistance Center $7,000 $14,990 $7,500 2. University-Wide Tutorial Service Academic Assistance Center $57,275 $57,275 $57,275 3. Graduate Assistant Position Adult Student Services $7,000 $8,100 $7,500 4. Need Based Scholarship for Full-Time and Part-Time Adult Nontraditional Students Adult Student Services $4,000 $5,000 $ 5. Minority Student Scholarships College of Architecture, Planning, and Design $2,500 $9,000 $2,500 (5@$500) 6. Graduate Student Scholarships College of Architecture, Planning, and Design $0 $3,000 $0 7. Non-Traditional Student Scholarship College of Architecture, Planning, and Design $1,000 $4,000 $1,000 (2@$500) 8. KSU Child Development Center Childship Funding KSU Child Development Center $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 9. Community service Program - “Learning by Serving” K-State Community Service Program $10,422 $14,300 $10,422 10. Provide Scholarships to Students with Learning Disabilities Disabled Student Services $1,500 $2,000 $2,000 11. Provide Scholarships to Students with Physical Disabilities Disabled Student Services $1,000 $2,000 $2,000 12. Provide Services to Students with Learning Disabilities Disabled Student Services $7,000 $7,000 $7,500 13. Provide Services to Students with Physical Disabilities Disabled Student Services $6,550 $6,550 $7,500 14. Office of Diversity and Dual Career Development Undergraduate Student Assistant Office of Diversity and Dual Career Development $6,750 $6,750 $6,750 15. Graduate Student - Foreign Student Office/International Student Center Foreign Student Office/Dean of Student Life $7,000 $8,100 $7,500 B-29 Allocated FY2001 4,000 16. ICC International Educational Opportunity Scholarships International Coordinating Council (ICC) $2,000 $4,000 17. Student Scholarships/Tutorial Program Minority Engineering Program $3,000 $55,000 $8,600 18. Multicultural Student Organizations Graduate Assistant Multicultural Student Organization Office $7,000 $7,000 $7,500 19. Graduate Assistant Position Office of Student Life $7,000 $7,000 $7,500 20. Graduate Assistantship in Student Development Student Personnel Graduate Training Program $14,000 $26,844 $7,500 21. Salaries for Students in Campus Student Services Programs KSU Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math and Science $8,326 $15,711 $8,326 22. Veterinary Student Peer Tutors College of Veterinary Medicine Dean ‘s Office $900 $1,200 $1,200 23. Development of a Peer Violence Prevention Education Program at KSU KSU Women ‘s Center $0 $7,000 $0 24. Minority Student Scholarships College of Agriculture $0 $5,000 $0 25. Grants: Minority Summer Institute College of Agriculture $0 $2,500 $0 26. Study Abroad Scholarships Office of International Programs $0 $2,000 $0 27. International Student Recruitment Office of International Programs $0 $10,000 $0 28. Preparation for Under-represented Students taking the GRE McNair Scholars Program $0 $7,140 ________ $226,223 _______ $363,460 Total $2,000 (4@$500) $7,500 _______ $238,573 SECTION 2. These funds shall be transferred from the EOF Reserve Account to each project’s respective account. SECTION 3. At the end of Fiscal Year 2001, any unspent funds shall revert back to the EOF Reserve Account. SECTION 4. Upon passage of this legislation, a copy of this bill shall be sent to President Wefald and to the Board of Regents for approval. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 49-0 ON 10/21/99 B-30 BILL 99/00/27 BY: EMERGENCY ALLOCATION TO LAFENE HEALTH CENTER Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY This bill makes a one-time allocation of $55,426.83 to Lafene Health Center and University Counseling Services. This money is being used for the upgrading their computer systems to be Year 2000 compliant. WHEREAS Lafene Health Center and University Counseling Services have requested emergency funding from the Privilege Fee Committee; and WHEREAS Senate Bill 97/98/3 5 permits special allocations from the Privilege Fee Reserves Account for emergency purposes. BE IN ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A special allocation of $55,426.83 be made to Lafene Health Center and University Counseling Services. SECTION 2. The funds be transferred from the Privilege Fee Reserves Account (FRS #480414) to the Lafene Health Center (FRS #4-10105). SECTION 3. The Director of Lafene Health Center and University Counseling Services shall provide within one year of the passage of this legislation a detailed reporting of the expenditures made with this emergency funding. SECTION 4. Any funds not expended for Year 2000 compliance shall revert back to the Privilege Reserve Account prior to the end of Fiscal Year 2000. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 50-0-0 ON 11/18/99 B-31 BILL 99/00/28 BY: ALLOCATION TO PROJECT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Project Management Institute, and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Project Management Institute and the Council of Logistics Management monthly professional meetings in Kansas City Travel Expenses Request $840.00 Recommendation $840.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $840.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Project Management Institute. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 48-0-0 ON 10/28/99 B-32 BILL 99/00/29 BY: STATUTES AMENDMENT REGARDING INFORMAL GUIDELINES FOR THE EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY FUND Educational Opportunity Fund Committee WHEREAS the KSU SGA Statutes should be accurate and reflect the current procedures followed by the Kansas State University Student Governing Association; and WHEREAS the current Informal Guidelines for the Educational Opportunity Fund are out-ofdate and should be updated, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statutes 12-0201 through 12-0205 are hereby repealed. SECTION 2. The following be adopted as the new Informal Guidelines for the Educational Opportunity Fund: 12-02 Informal Guidelines for the Educational Opportunity Fund 12-020 1 The Educational Opportunity Fund Committee shall operate within the formal guidelines established each year by the Kansas Board of Regents. 12-0201 Preference shall be given to applications using the following criteria: A. Continue existing programs B. Programs that have definite, predictable outcomes C. Programs that affect large numbers of students D. Programs that have no other sources of funding 12-0202 Scholarships are funded at $500 each. 12-0203 Graduate Positions are funded at $7500 each. 12-0204 Wages are calculated at $5.25 per hour. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 50-0-0 ON 10/28/99 B-33 BILL 99/00/30 BY: ALLOCATION TO CHINESE STUDENT AND SCHOLAR ASSOCIATION Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations request of the Chinese Student and Scholar Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Telephone and Address Directory Promotions Recommendation $310.00 Request $400.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $310.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Chinese Student and Scholar Association. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 51-0-0 ON 11/4/99 B-34 BILL 99/00/31 BY: ALLOCATION TO KSU INDIA STUDENTS ASSOCIATION Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the India Students Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Fall Festival-dances, skits, and exhibitions to expose students and the community to Indian culture Recommendation $250.00 $750.00 Request Promotions $250.00 Space & Equipment $750.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $1000.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU India Students Association. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 51-0-0 ON 11/4/99 B-35 BILL 99/00/32 BY: EMERGENCY ALLOCATION TO UNIVERSITY COUNSELING SERVICES Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY This bill makes a one-time allocation of $3,176.00 to University Counseling Services. This money is being used for the upgrading their computer system to be Year 2000 compliant. WHEREAS University Counseling Services has requested emergency funding from the Privilege Fee Committee; and WHEREAS Senate Bill 97/98/3 5 permits special allocations from the Privilege Fee Reserves Account for emergency purposes, BE IN ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A special allocation of $3,176.00 be made to University Counseling Services. SECTION 2. The funds be transferred from the Privilege Fee Reserves Account (FRS #480414) to the University Counseling Services Account (FRS #XXXXX). SECTION 3. The Director of University Counseling Services shall provide within one year of the passage of this legislation a detailed reporting of the expenditures made with this emergency funding. SECTION 4. Any funds not expended for Year 2000 compliance shall revert back to the Privilege Reserve Account prior to the end of Fiscal Year 2000. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 51-0-0 ON 11/4/99 B-36 BILL 99/00/33 BY: INCREASE IN STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, INCORPORATED PRIVILEGE FEE Privilege Fee Committee WHEREAS Student Publications adds to the experience of student life; and WHEREAS the Kansas State student body, and the community have seen many benefits from the current Student Publications, Inc. Fee; and WHEREAS Student Publications requested a 5.88% increase in the operations budget from $255,000 to $269,994.00 and a 4.76% decrease in the equipment budget from $63,000 to $60,001.20; and WHEREAS the board of Directors of Student Publication Inc. and the Privilege Fee committee have satisfied the requirements set forth in Senate Resolution 99/00/16, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statues 30-01 are hereby amended to read: THE STUDENT PUBLICATIONS INC. BUDGET AGREEMENT 30-0101 This agreement made this ninth day of November, 1999, between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE), and Board of Directors of Student Publications Inc. (DEPARTMENT). 30-0102 The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget of $269,994.00 for general operations and $60,001.20 for equipment for a total of $329,995.20 (BUDGET) shall be funded for the following fiscal years: July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001 and July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 and July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003. The BUDGET shall be reviewed prior to fiscal year 2003-2004. 30-0 103 The following items shall be considered contractual items: A. No student fee funds can be used for the purchase of food or for social functions. B. No student fee funds can be used for the creation or printing of publications which fall outside the mission of the Student Publications Inc. to serve the entire campus or its primary publications (e.g. the Royal Purple, K-State Collegian, and the University Campus Directory.) C. No student fee funds shall be expended without authorization from the Finance Committee of the Board of Directors of Student Publications Inc. D. Shall be in compliance with KSU SGA statues Section 36-0401. 30-0 104 This agreement supersedes any previous agreement made by the Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas Sate University Student Governing Association with the Board of Directors of Student Publications Inc. regarding funding of budgets and use of such funding. B-37 30-0 105 Any breech of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas Sate University Student Senate and such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or any other instance. 30-0106 Within 60 days of the end of the fiscal year, the Chair of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Senate body. 30-0107 No construction or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with Privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section 1105) 30-0 108 This agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the State of Kansas. 30-0109 By signing this agreement, the representatives of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her party to execute this document on behalf of such party and that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. 30-110 Bill 99/00/33 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement by: the Privilege Fee Chair; the Chair of the Board of Directors Student Publications Inc.; the Finance Chair of the Board of Directors of Student Publications Inc.; the Student Senate Chair; the Vice President for Institutional Advancement; and the Student Body President. If this agreement is not signed by all parties by April 15, 2000, the funds collected from this privilege fee shall automatically be deposited in the Campus Privilege Fee Adjustment Account. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 50-0-0 ON 11/4/99 B-38 BILL 99/00/34 BY: ALLOCATION TO AMERICAN ETHNIC STUDIES STUDENT ASSOCIATION Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the American Ethnic Studies Student Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - A lecture for the KSU student body, faculty, and staff on diversity in the workforce Honorarium Promotions Rent of Space Request $1150.00 $ 250.00 $ 100.00 Recommendation $850.00 $150.00 $ 35.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $1,035.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the American Ethnic Studies Student Association. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 50-0-0 ON 11/18/99 B-39 BILL 99/00/35 BY: ALLOCATION TO KSU MUSLIM STUDENT ASSOCIATION Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the KSU Muslim Student Association, and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Guest speaker to discuss global problems and Islamic solutions on December 3, 1999 Promotions Honorarium Project 2 - Promotions Honorarium Recommendation $100.00 $750.00 Request $0.00 $900.00 Guest speaker to discuss setting a higher standard and resolving issues within society on December 4, 1999 Request $0.00 $1000.00 Recommendation $100.00 $750.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $850.00 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project 2 is allocated $850.00 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU Muslim Student Association. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 49-1-0 ON 11/18/99 B-40 BILL 99/00/36 BY: STATUTES AMENDMENT REGARDING THE REGISTRATION OF STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Campus Activities Board WHEREAS the Campus Activities Board has been given the duty to oversee the activities of the Office of Student Activities and Services regarding the registration of student organizations; and WHEREAS the following changes have been proposed to improve the registration process, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 07-0401, Article I, B, 6 is hereby amended to read: 6. All registered organizations shall be required to renew registration annually. Registered organizations shall submit a completed registration form and a $5.00 registration fee to the Office of Student Activities and Services at the beginning of each academic year prior to September 30th 24th• Failure to register by the required date will may result in loss of services provided to registered organizations a registration penalty of an additional $5.00, probation, or revocation of registration. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 50-0-0 ON 11/18/99 B-41 BILL 99/00/37 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT REGARDING THE ELECTIONS COMMITTEE Travis Morgan and Dustin Petrik WHEREAS scheduling of a meeting time is difficult for a large committee; and WHEREAS the Elections Committee must sometimes meet on short notice; WHEREAS reducing the size of the committee would make the elections process more efficient, while still allowing the committee to adequately fulfill its duties; and WHEREAS the wording of the by-laws would still allow for a greater number of members, if necessary; BE IT ENACTED THAT: Article I, Section 1, A., 4 of the KSU SGA By-Laws is hereby amended to read: 3. The Elections Committee shall be composed of not less than five nine members not including the Chairperson of Elections Committee. They shall be jointly appointed by the Student Body President, the Chairperson of Student Senate, and the Chairperson of Elections Committee. These positions shall be by application to the Chairperson of Student Senate and subject to the approval of Student Senate by December 1. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 50-0-0 ON 11/18/99 B-42 BILL 99/00/38 INCREASE IN KSDB-FM PRIVILEGE FEE BY: Privilege Fee Committee WHEREAS KSDB adds a great deal to the experience of student life; and WHEREAS KSDB requested a 7.4% increase from $42,676.00 to $45,869.00; this represents an increase for equipment of $2,500.00 and station manager salary of $693.00; and WHEREAS KSDB and the Privilege Fee Committee have satisfied the requirements set forth in Senate Resolution 99/00/16. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU SGA Statue 24-030 1 are hereby amended to read: KSDB BUDGET AGREEMENT This agreement made this 8th day of December 1999, between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE), and A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communication (DEPARTMENT). The money shall be used for KSDB Radio Station. 1. The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget of $45,869.00 (BUDGET) shall be funded for the following years: July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001 and July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 and July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003. The BUDGET will be reviewed prior to year 2004. 2. This agreement supercedes any previous agreement made by Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas State University Student Governing Association with the KSDB regarding funding of budget and use of such funding. 3. Any breach of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas State University Student Senate and such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or any other instance. 4. Within 60 days of the end of each fiscal year, the Director of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of the BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Senate body. 5. No construction or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section 1105) 6. This agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the State of Kansas. 7. By signing this agreement, the representative of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her part to execute this document on behalf of such party that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. B-43 8. Bill 99/00/38 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement by: the Privilege Fee Chair; the Director of A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communication; the Chair of the KSDB Advisory Board; the Student Senate Chair; the Vice President for Institutional Advancement; and the Student Body President. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 48-0-0 ON 12/2/99 B-44 BILL 99/00/39 ALLOCATION TO THE KSU 1/4-SCALE TRACTOR CLUB BY: Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations request of the KSU 1/4-Scale Tractor Team; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this academic competition team, the academic competition team’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this academic competition team; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this academic competition team and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Trailer The purchase of a larger trailer to transport both 1/4-scale tractors to competitions. Recommendation $5,000 Request $5,000 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $5,000 for the activities described SECTION 2. Upon passage by Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU 1/4-Scale Tractor Team. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 47-0-0 ON 12/2/99 B-45 BILL 99/00/40 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE KSU NEWMAN CLUB Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations request of the KSU Newman Club; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this academic competition team, the academic competition team’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this academic competition team; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Travel Trip to Washington, DC, over spring break to work with the homeless. Recommendation $1,375 Request $3,049 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $1,375 for the activities described SECTION 2. Upon passage by Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU Newman Club. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 47-0-0 ON 12/2/99 B-46 BILL 99/00/41 BY: ALLOCATION TO BLACK STUDENT UNION (BSU) Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Black Student Union; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Black History Month Activities Promotions Honorarium Rent of Space Films Recommendation $ 200 $6,500 $ 750 $ 900 Request $ 200 $6,500 $ 750 $ 900 Project 2 - Big 12 Conference on Black Student Government Registration Travel Request $1,200 $3,000 Recommendation $0 $2,700 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $8,350 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project 2 is allocated $2,700 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Black Student Union. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 46-0-3 ON 1/27/00 B-47 BILL 99/00/42 CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS BY: Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has been required, on a semesterly basis, to close the accounts of student organization which have not spent funds allocated to them in accordance with the Funding Statutes; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee found the following organizations have additional funds, unused, which are subject to this provision; and WHEREAS underlining has no specific meaning other than assisting in reading the amounts for each organization; and WHEREAS an “*” indicates an organization which spent none of its allocated funds, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The amounts following shall revert from the individual accounts of the respective student organizations into the Reserves for Contingencies Account: American Civil Liberties Union* Black Student Union* Chinese Student and Scholars Association Individuals for Freethought International Coordinating Council Men Against Rape Society* Project Management Institute Queer Straight Alliance Students for Life* Vietnamese Student Association Young Democrats* $500.00 $1,283.00 $400.00 $239.50 $1,775.00 $850.00 $292.04 $177.45 $733.00 $37.20 $1,350.00 Total: THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 47-0-0 ON 1/27/00 B-48 $7,637.19 BILL 99/00/43 BY: ALLOCATION TO KSU STUDENT UNION FOR STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTER FEASIBILITY STUDY Jake Worcester, Gabe Eckert, Jason Heinrich, and Canton Getz WHEREAS the Special Committee to Study Student Activities has requested that the KSU Student Union conduct a feasibility study on a proposed Student Activity Center; and WHEREAS this project meets the requirements for allocation from the KSU SGA Foundation Student Projects Endowment Account; and WHEREAS this project will provide direction for the Student Activity Center concept; and WHEREAS funding for the feasibility study is being shared between the KSU Student Union and KSU SGA; and WHEREAS a Student Activity Center could provide long-term benefit to the KSU Student Body, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Student Union is allocated $6358.35 to conduct a feasibility study of the proposed Student Activity Center as requested by the Special Committee on Student Activities. SECTION 2. Upon passage by Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, the funds shall be transferred from the KSU SGA Foundation Student Projects Endowment Account (#C076025) to the respective account of the KSU Student Union. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 47-0-0 ON 1/27/00 B-49 BILL 99/00/44 BY: CHANGES IN THE KSU ELECTIONS REGULATIONS CODE Travis Morgan and Dustin Petrik WHEREAS several changes must be made to the Elections Regulations Code to comply with with the implementation of electronic voting; and WHEREAS other changes to the Elections Regulations Code are necessary to eliminate confusion, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 41-0120b is hereby amended to read: b. Location. Polling places will be placed on the Ground Floor of the KState Student Union. Derby Dining Center. Main Floor. Kramer Dining Center. Main Entrance. Polling may also take place in University Computing Labs or on any personal computer using a KA TS ID and PIN number. SECTION 2. KSU SGA Statute 41-0120c is hereby amended to read: Times of Operation. Polling stations at the K-State Student Union shall c. remain open for not less than eight hours per day for each day of the elections on a continual basis. Polling stations at Derby Dining Center and Kramer Dining Center shall remain open for one full dining periods per day, on a continual basis, per day of the election. Beyond these regulations, the Elections Committee Chair shall have the discretion to maintain polling places beyond these time requirements. SECTION 3. KSU SGA Statute 41-0120d is hereby repealed. Following Statutes shall be renumbered accordingly. SECTION 4. KSU SGA Statute 41-0123a is hereby amended to read: a. Inspection. A copy of each ballot shall be made available to the public for inspection not less than nine school days prior to the opening of the polls. Each candidate shall verify the accuracy of the ballots not later than seven school days prior to the opening of the polls. There shall be no inspection requirement for ballots used in printed for a run-off election. SECTION 5. KSU SGA Statute 41-0123b is hereby repealed and replaced with the following: b. Availability of Ballots. Ballots shall be made available as specified in the contract with the elections vendor. SECTION 6. KSU SGA Statute 41-0125a is hereby amended to read: a. Voting shall be by secret ballot. To receive a ballot, the voter must use his/her KATS ID and PIN number present a form of photo identification. The voter shall be responsible for submitting depositing the completed ballot into the ballot boxes available to the elections vendor. B-50 SECTION 7. KSU SGA Statute 41-0127a is hereby amended to read: a. Method. Votes for all offices shall be counted electronically by the elections vendor by the Data Processing Center. Write-in candidates shall also be counted by the elections vendor, by hand, following. SECTION 8. KSU SGA Statute 41-0132j is hereby amended to read: h. Mass Distribution. Distribution of campaign materials to individuals must be made by an individual. Campaign activities that distribute materials through any form of contact beyond personal interaction is prohibited. Mass distribution shall include, but is not limited to, canvassing of parking areas, leaving campaign material unattended or in piles, electronic mail distributions violating university policy on junk e-mail, mailings, and indiscriminate scattering of materials. E-mails containing campaign language may be sent only to persons known by the sender. SECTION 9. KSU SGA Statute 41-0134a is hereby amended to read: a. Distance Requirement. No person may actively campaign inside of the Student Union or University Computing Labs or within twenty (20) feet of the doors of the Student Union or University Computing Labs. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 46-0-0 ON 1/27/00 B-51 BILL 99/00/45 BY: CONTINUATION OF THE FINE ARTS PRIVILEGE FEE Privilege Fee Committee WHEREAS the Fine Arts Fee adds to the experience of student life; and WHEREAS the Kansas State University student body, and the Manhattan community have seen many benefits from the current Fine Art Privilege Fee; and WHEREAS the Fine Arts Council requested a continuance of their budget, which is currently at $308,841.00; and WHEREAS the Fine Arts Council and the Privilege Fee Committee have satisfied the requirements set forth in Senate Resolution 99/00/16. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Statute 23-070 1 is hereby amended to read: FINE ARTS BUDGET AGREEMENT This agreement made this 315t day of January 2000, between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE), and Kansas State University Fine Arts Council (DEPARTMENT). 1. The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget of $308,841.00 (BUDGET) shall be funded for the following years: July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001 and July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002 and July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003. The BUDGET will be reviewed prior to fiscal year 2004. 2. A. All Changes in the Fine Arts Council By-Laws and Funding Regulations shall be subject to the approval of Student Senate B. All Fine Arts Council Privilege Fees must be spent by Fine Arts Council (4-90 accounts). Department cannot transfer these funds from these accounts to other departments’ 4-90 accounts or non 4-90 accounts. C. Student Fine Arts groups that are eligible for Fine Arts Council funding are those groups whose primary function is the arts. 2. The DEPARTMENT shall allocate the funds from each year’s portion of the BUDGET as follows: College of Arch., Planning & Design $18,840 McCain Auditorium $94,141 Art Department $31,380 $5,725 Diversity and Dual Career Ebony Theater $5,907 $56,188 Music Department English Department $11,874 International Student Center $1,908 Student Organizations $12,000 $70,878 Speech, Communication, Theater and Dance Department B-52 At the conclusion of each fiscal year all department unencumbered funds remaining over 15% of the original yearly allocation shall revert back to the Privilege Fee Reserve Account. 4. This agreement supercedes any previous agreement made by Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas State University Student Governing Association with Fine Arts regarding funding of budget and use of such funding. 5. Any breach of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas State University Student Senate and such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or any other instance. 6. Within 60 days of the end of each fiscal year, the Director of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of the BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Senate body. 7. No construction or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section 1105) 8. This agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the State of Kansas. 9. By signing this agreement, the representative of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her part to execute this document on behalf of such party that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. 10. Bill 99/00/45 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement by: the Privilege Fee Chair; the Chair of the Fine Arts Council; the Coordinator of the Office of Student Activities and Services; the Student Senate Chair; the Vice President for Institutional Advancement; the Student Body President; and directors/chairs/department heads of agencies outlined in section 3. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 46-0-0 ON 1/27/00 B-53 BILL 99/00/46 BY: ALLOCATION TO KSU AFRICAN STUDENT UNION Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the KSU African Student Union; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Showing of Movie—Shaka Zulu Promotions Film Recommendation $59.21 $18.99 Request $59.21 $18.99 Project 2 - Attending the National Summit on Africa in Washington, D.C. Travel Food Request $1,740 $ 120 Recommendation $1,740 $0 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $78.20 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project 2 is allocated $1,740 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU African Student Union. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 48-0-0 ON 2/3/00 B-54 BILL 99/00/47 BY: ALLOCATION TO VIETNAMESE STUDENT ASSOCIATION Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Vietnamese Student Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Vietnamese Cultural Evening consisting of speech, cultural dance, and informative skits Honorarium Promotions Rent of Equipment Recommendation $750 $100 $200 Request $750 $100 $200 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $1,050 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Vietnamese Student Association. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 48-0-0 ON 2/3/00 B-55 BILL 99/00/48 BY: ALLOCATION TO CHINESE STUDENT AND SCHOLAR ASSOCIATION Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Chinese Student and Scholar Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Seminar on Traditional Chinese New Years elebration and Life in America Rent of Space Rent of Equipment Films Honorarium Recommendation $400 $100 $100 $250 Request $400 $100 $100 $250 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $850 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Chinese Student and Scholar Association. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 48-0-0 ON 2/3/00 B-56 BILL 99/00/49 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE NAVIGATORS Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of The Navigators; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Campus Wide Christian Lecture Honorarium Promotions Request $787.75 $ 0.00 Recommendation $787.75 $ 45.00 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $832.75 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of The Navigators. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 48-0-0 ON 2/3/00 B-57 BILL 99/00/50 BY: ALLOCATION TO KSU AIKIDO CLUB Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the KSU Aikido Club; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Instructional Seminar with Yoshimitsu Yamada Request Recommendation Honorarium $2000 $2000 Rent of Space $600 $200 $250 $250 Rent of Equipment Rent of Film $40 $40 Promotions $60 $60 Project 2 - Instructional Seminar with Paul Chang Request Recommendation Honorarium $1000 $1000 Rent of Space $250 $250 Rent of Equipment $250 $250 Rent of Film $40 $40 $60 $60 Promotions Project 3 - Intensive Training Seminar in Boulder, Colorado Request Recommendation Registration $800 $400 Rent of Van $555 $555 Lodging $990 $495 Subsistence $1248 $0 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $2550 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project 2 is allocated $1600 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Project 3 is allocated $1450 for the activities described. SECTION 4. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU Aikido Club. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 45-0-0 ON 1/27/00 B-58 BILL 99/00/51 BY: STATUTES AMENDMENT CONCERNING LEGAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD Student Affairs and Social Services Committee SUMMARY: This bill will amend the current Legal Services Advisory Board Charter to more accurately reflect the current duties of Legal Services Advisory Board. WHEREAS the current charter of the Legal Services Advisory Board outlines budgeting duties for the committee which no longer exist; and WHEREAS the current charter requires Legal Services Advisory Board to meet monthly whether or not any business exists, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Section 07-0504 of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Statutes are amended to read as follows: a. Have a regularly scheduled monthly meeting each semester. The Chair may call additional meetings upon his/her discretion. SECTION 2. Sub-sections (c) and (g) of Section 07-0504 of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Statutes are hereby repealed and the remaining sub-sections of Section 07-0504 are re-lettered accordingly. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 48-0-0 ON 2/3/00 B-59 BILL 99/00/52 BY: COLLEGE COUNCIL CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has been required, on an annual basis, to close the accounts of college councils which have not spent funds allocated to them in accordance with the Funding Statutes; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee found the following college councils have additional funds, unused, which are subject to this provision; and WHEREAS the percentage represents the ratio of returns to the college council’s total annual allocation for fiscal year 1999; and WHEREAS the college councils of Agriculture; Architecture, Planning, and Design; and Veterinary Medicine did not return any portion of their fiscal year 1999 allocations, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The amounts following shall revert from the individual accounts of the respective college councils into the Reserves for Contingencies Account: Arts & Sciences Business Administration Education Engineering Graduate School Human Ecology (57.1%) (33.2%) (33.6%) (51.3%) (14.2%) (4.8%) $11,507.01 $ 3,069.62 $ 2,002.90 $ 4,740.53 $ 1,089.79 $ 228.39 Total: $22,638.24 THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 48-0-0 ON 2/3/00 B-60 BILL 99/00/53 BY: INSTITUTIONAL SERVICES CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has been required, on an annual basis, to close the accounts of institutional services which have not spent funds allocated to them in accordance with the Funding Statutes; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee found the following institutional services have additional funds, unused, which are subject to this provision; and WHEREAS the percentage represents the ratio of returns to the college council’s total annual allocation for fiscal year 1999; and WHEREAS the Fone Crisis Center and University for Mankind did not return any portion of their fiscal year 1999 allocations, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The amounts following shall revert from the individual accounts of the respective institutional services into the Reserves for Contingencies Account: Women’s Resource Center Wildcat Walk Escort Program (0.6%) (8.2%) $ 16.40 $572.85 Total: $589.25 THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 48-0-0 ON 2/3/00 B-61 BILL 99/00/54 BY: ACADEMIC COMPETITION TEAM CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has been required, on an annual basis, to close the accounts of academic competition teams which have not spent funds allocated to them in accordance with the Funding Statutes; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee found the following academic competition teams have additional funds, unused, which are subject to this provision; and WHEREAS the percentage represents the ratio of returns to the college council’s total annual allocation for fiscal year 1999; and WHEREAS the Speech Unlimited Competition Team did not return any portion of its fiscal year 1999 allocations, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The amounts following shall revert from the individual accounts of the respective academic competition teams into the Reserves for Contingencies Account: Agriculture Competition Team Business Case Competition Team Paw Power Pulling Team (4.2%) (100%) (60.5%) $ 765.37 $1,590.00 $ 907.50 Total: $3,262.87 THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 48-0-0 ON 2/3/00 B-62 BILL 99/00/55 BY: EMERGENCY ALLOCATION TO UNIVERSITY BAND AND PROGRAMS Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY This bill makes a one time allocation of $2,770.50 to University Band and Programs. This money is being used for five conductor podiums for the Marching Band. WHEREAS University Bands and Programs have requested emergency funding from the Privilege Fee Committee; and WHEREAS Senate Bill 97/98/3 5 permits special allocation from Privilege Fee Reserves Account for emergency purposes. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A special allocation f $2,770.50 be made to University Band and Programs. SECTION 2. The funds be transferred from the Privilege Fee Reserves Account (FRS #480414) to the University Band and Programs Account (FRS #XXXXXX). SECTION 3. The Director of University Band and Programs shall provide within one year of the passage of this legislation a detailed reporting of the expenditure made with this emergency funding. SECTION 4. Any funds not expended for five conductor podiums shall revert back to the Privilege Reserve Account prior to the end of fiscal year 2000. AUTHORSHIP OF THIS BILL WAS PULLED 2/10/00 B-63 BILL 99/00/56 BY: ALLOCATION TO KSU NEWMAN CLUB Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the KSU Newman Club; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Trip to Salinas, California, over spring break to work with migrant farm workers. Travel Request $1,605 Recommendation $1,375 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $1,375 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU Newman Club. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 46-0-0 ON 2/10/00 B-64 BILL 99/00/57 BY: ALLOCATION TO QSA Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Queer and Straight Alliance; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - National Conference in Minnesota. Travel Request $1,800 Recommendation $1,435 Project 2 - Barney Frank, Congressman from the State of Massachusetts Speaker Travel Expense Request $ 700 Recommendation $ 700 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project us allocated $1,435 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project 2 is allocated $700 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Queer and Straight Alliance. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 45-0-3 ON 2/10/00 B-65 BILL 99/00/58 BY: ALLOCATION TO ASIAN AMERICAN STUDENT UNION Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Asian American Student Union; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Asian Heritage Month. Promotions Honorarium Rent of Space Films Recommendation $125 $1,500 $525 $400 Request $450 $1,500 $650 $500 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $2,550 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Asian American Student Union. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE ON A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 47-0-0 ON 2/17/00 B-66 BILL 99/00/59 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE HISPANIC AMERICAN LEADERSHIP ORGANIZATION Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Hispanic American Leadership Organization; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Youth Empowerment Recommendation $85 $1,500 $350 $375 Request Promotions $85 Honorarium $2,000 Space & Equipment $800 $400 Films BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $2,310 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of The Hispanic American Leadership Organization. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 47-0-0 ON 2/10/00 B-67 BILL 99/00/60 BY: CLOSING OF NULEOA ACCOUNT Allocations Committee WHEREAS between the current and past fiscal years the National Union of Law Enforcement Officers of America converted from a campus-wide organization to a college council organization; and WHEREAS due to time differences between the conversion dates this organization received funding both as a college council organization as well as a campus-wide organization; and WHEREAS to rectify this discrepancy, one of the organization’s accounts must be closed, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The campus wide organization account of the National Union of Law Enforcement Officers of America shall be closed and funds of $975 presently in the account shall revert to the Reserves for Contingencies Account. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, this account shall be closed. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE ON A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 47-0-0 ON 2/17/00 B-68 BILL 99/00/61 BY: AMENDMENT OF BILL 98/99/75: CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS FOR FALL 1998 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has been required, on a semesterly basis, to close the accounts of student organizations which have not spent funds allocated to them in accordance with the Funding Statutes; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee found the following organizations have unspent funds which are subject to this provision, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following amendments to Bill 98/99/75 are made: International Coordinating Council Native American Student Body Environmental Professionals Project Management Institute $3,444.62 $1,486.00 $1,390.20 $ 22.28 THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE ON A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 47-0-0 ON 2/17/00 B-69 $2,543.90 $1,473.90 $1,410.20 $27.08 BILL 99/00/62 BY: AMENDMENT OF BILL 99/00/10: CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS FOR SPRING 1999 Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has been required, on a semesterly basis, to close the accounts of student organizations which have not spent funds allocated to them in accordance with the Funding Statutes; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee found the following organizations have unspent funds which are subject to this provision, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following amendments to Bill 99/00/10 are made: Congolese Student Association Hispanic American Leadership Organization $ 725.00 $595.70 THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 47-0-0 ON 2/17/00 B-70 $75.00 $1,595.70 BILL 99/00/63 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE AFRICAN STUDENT UNION Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the African Student Union; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - The National Summit on Africa. Travel Recommendation $ 200 Request $ 400 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $200 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the African Student Union. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE ON A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 37-0-0 ON 2/24/00 B-71 BILL 99/00/64 BY: ALLOCATION TO AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Amnesty International; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Paulden Gyatso, Tibetan monk, to speak on human rights issues Honorarium Promotions Recommendation $1000 $ 100 Request $1000 $ 100 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $1100 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of Amnesty International. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE ON A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 37-0-0 ON 2/24/00 B-72 BILL 99/00/65 BY: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONCERNING APPOINTMENTS OF JUDICIAL BRANCH Amie Kershner and Judicial Council WHEREAS the administrator of the judicial branch should have control over appointment of members of each judicial board; and WHEREAS the Attorney General has a vested interest in the success of each of the judicial boards; and WHEREAS the Attorney General is appointed by the Student Body President and subject to the approval of the Student Senate; and WHEREAS all judicial appointments are subject to the approval of Student Senate, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article VI, Section 602, C of the KSU SGA Constitution is hereby amended to read the following: B. Student Tribunal shall be composed of two faculty members appointed by Faculty Senate and five students appointed by the Student Body President in consultation with the Attorney General Attorney General in consultation with the Student Body President, as follows: SECTION 2. Article VI, Section 602, E of the KSU SGA Constitution is hereby amended to read the following: C. Student Review Board shall be composed of one faculty member appointed by Faculty Senate and five students appointed by the Student Body President in consultation with the Attorney General Attorney General in consultation with the Student Body President, as follows: SECTION 3. This legislation shall take affect upon being approved by three-fourths majority vote of the total Student Senate selected and qualified, signed by the Student Body President, and ratified by six of the nine college councils. THIS BILL FAILED STUDENT SENATE ON A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 22-23-3 ON 3/17/00 B-73 BILL 99/00/66 BY: AMENDMENTS TO THE KSU ELECTIONS REGULATIONS CODE Dustin Petrik and Elections Committee WHEREAS the elections vendor will be unable to process or count write-in votes; and WHEREAS write-in votes must be counted manually; and WHEREAS the appropriate safeguards must be in place to prevent fraud or other activities that would compromise the integrity of the election, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 41-0125a is hereby amended to read: a. Voting shall be by secret ballot. To receive a ballot, the voter must use his/her KATS ID and PIN number. The voter shall be responsible for submitting the completed ballot to the elections vendor. In the case of write-in votes, the voter shall submit the completed ballot to the Office of Student Activities and Services. SECTION 2. KSU SGA Statute 41-01 27a is hereby amended to read: a. Method. Votes for all offices shall be counted electronically by the elections vendor. Write-in candidates shall also be counted manually by the elections vendor Elections Committee, under the supervision of the Coordinator of the Office of Student Activities and Services. Votes shall not be tabulated until the completion of the elections. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE ON A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 38-0-0 ON 2/24/00 B-74 BILL 99/00/67 BY: OFFICE OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES FEE AMENDMENT AND INCREASE Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY Increases the OSAS budget by $8,500 for fiscal years 2001 and 2002. WHEREAS the Office of Student Activities and Services requested their fee be pulled out of cycle; and WHEREAS a new full time Leadership Development staff member will be added to the Office of Student Activities and Services staff, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 25-01 is hereby amended to read: OFFICE OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES BUDGET AGREEMENT This agreement made this 3’ day of March, 2000, between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE), and Kansas State University Office of Student Activities and Services (DEPARTMENT). 1. The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget of $213,759 (BUDGET) shall be funded for the following fiscal years: July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001; and July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002. The BUDGET will be reviewed prior to year 2002-2003. 2. The DEPARTMENT shall allocate the funds from each year’s portion of the BUDGET as follows: OSAS General Operating: $202,532 Executive Branch: $500 Legislative Branch: $5,622 Judicial Branch: $850 3. Consumer & Tenant Affairs: Legal Services: Course Information: $100 $2875 $1280 Internal Auditing Services. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association will provide, through the Office of Student Activities and Services Privilege Fee the amount of $18,000 annually to obtain auditing services from the Kansas State University Internal Audit Office. This amount will be set at the level of $18,000 per year for five years beginning with FY 1999 through FY 2004, at which time the amount and services will be reevaluated by the Privilege Fee Committee and Student Governing Association to determine if the service should continue or be eliminated. The Kansas State University Internal Audit Office will dedicate approximately 1,000 hours per year to conducting audits on the specified Privilege Fee receiving agencies for that year. A Privilege Fee Agency will be defined as any agency that directly receives funding from any campus privilege fee. The audits will be set on a standard routine schedule and determined by the Privilege Fee Committee in conjunction with the Vice President of Administration and Finance and the Director of the Office of Internal Audit. The order of audits will be determined prior to the beginning of the next fiscal year. B-75 The Kansas State University Office of Internal Audit will utilize the same practices and processes to audit Privilege Fee Agencies as it would for any other university department or organization. These audits will assess the soundness, adequacy and application of accounting, financial, and other operating controls; determine adherence to Federal, State, University and Kansas State University Student Governing Association policies and procedures; assess compliance with applicable law, regulations and generally accepted accounting principles; ascertain whether program results are consistent with established objectives; ascertain the adequacy of controls for safeguarding University and Student Governing Association assets and funds from losses of all kinds; and assist in the improvement of University operations by making constructive suggestions and recommendations. In accordance with university policy, the Internal Audit Office shall submit a working draft to the Privilege Fee agency. The agency will have an opportunity to respond to any recommendations of the Internal Audit. In accordance with university procedure, upon completion of the report it will be made available to the Kansas Board of Regents, the appropriate university officials, the Privilege Fee Committee and the Kansas State University Student Governing Association. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association will provide, through the Office of Student Activities and Services Privilege Budget, a total of $14,810 per year to fund the various components of the Course Information Program which are: a graduate assistant; student workers; surveys and processing data; the publication of the data; office space; office supplies. The amount will be set forth at $14,810 per year beginning in FY 1999. The Course Information Program shall operate as follows: Long term planning, including survey revisions, shall be completed by the Course Information Program Committee; the graduate assistant shall oversee the daily operation of the program including the coordination of student volunteers, the compilation of data, and publication of that data. The Provost’s Office and the Office of Educational Advancement shall serve in an advisory capacity to the graduate assistant. At the end of Spring 1999, the Joint Course Information Program Committee shall submit a proposal for continuation of the Course Information Program to both the Faculty Senate and the Student Senate of Kansas State University. 4. This agreement supersedes any previous agreement made by Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas State University Student Governing Association with the Kansas State University Office of Student Activities and Services regarding funding of budgets and use of such funding. 5. Any breach of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas State University Student senate and such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any of its rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or in any other instance. 6. Within 60 days of the end of each fiscal year, the Director of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Senate body. B-76 7. No construction of or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section 1105). 8. This agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the state of Kansas. 9. By signing this agreement, the representatives of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her party to execute this document on behalf of such party and that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. 10. Bill 99/00/66 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement by; the Privilege Fee Chair; the Coordinator of Student Activities and Services; the Student Senate Chair; the Vice President for Institutional Advancement; the Vice President for Administration and Finance; the Chair of the Course Information Program Board of Directors; and the Student Body President. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 45-0-0 ON 3/2/00 B-77 BILL 99/00/68 BY: AMENDMENT TO SPENDING REGULATIONS ON CAMPUS PRIVILEGE FEE ACCOUNTS Privilege Fee Committee WHEREAS the Campus Privilege Fee Reserve and Adjustment accounts structure was established during the 1997-1998 Student Senate Term; and WHEREAS the current definition and guidelines pertaining to emergency expenditures are unclear; and WHEREAS further explanatory measures are necessary to enhance the interpretations of emergency expense criteria, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. All funds in the Campus Privilege Fee Reserve and Adjustment accounts shall be transferred to the Debt Reduction and Emergency Allocation Account SECTION 2. KSU SGA Statute 15-0101 is amended to read as follows: 15-0101. The following be adopted as the spending regulation for the Campus Privilege Fee Debt Reduction and Emergency Allocation Account: A. Withdraws from the Campus Privilege Fee Debt Reduction and Emergency Allocation Account shall only be made for payments towards outstanding debt on student bonds, for one-time emergency funding allocations, and for allocations to privilege fee agencies due to a financial shortfall due to an enrollment decrease. B. Definition: An emergency allocation shall be a one time allocation given when all the following criteria are met: 1) the privilege fee agency has exhausted all other means of outside funding; and 2) the privilege fee agency has reduced expenditures and cannot further reduce expenditures; and 3) the emergency situation has severely hampered the current operations of the privilege fee agency. C. The Debt Reduction and Emergency Allocation Account shall maintain a 5.0% base level of the total Campus Privilege Fee base budget. The only reason the 5.0% can be allocated is in the case of a financial shortfall due to an enrollment decrease. D. Withdraws from the Campus Privilege Fee Debt Reduction and Emergency Allocation Account shall only be made by a two-thirds vote of Student Senate selected and qualified. SECTION 3. Existing KSU SGA Statutes 15-0102 through 15-0104 are hereby repealed. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 49-0-0 ON 3/9/00 B-78 BILL 99/00/69 BY: INCREASE OF THE UNIVERSITY COUNSELING SERVICES PRIVILEGE FEE Privilege Fee Committee WHEREAS University Counseling Services Fee provides necessary services to the students of Kansas State University; and WHEREAS students have seen many benefits of having University Counseling Services; and WHEREAS University Counseling Services and the Privilege Fee Committee have satisfied the requirements set forth in Senate Resolution 99/00/16, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU SGA Statute 24-0301 are hereby amended to read: UNIVERSITY COUNSELING SERVICES BUDGET AGREEMENT This agreement made this 13th of March 2000, between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE), and University Counseling Services (DEPARTMENT). 1. The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget (BUDGET) for Fiscal Year 2001 shall be $482,138.00. The DEPARTMENT BUDGET for Fiscal Year 2002 shall be $497,384.00. The DEPARTMENT BUDGET for Fiscal Year 2003 shall be $513,611.00. The BUDGET will be reviewed prior to year 2004. 2. Each of the budgets stated above reflect a 3.3 5% salary increase for each Fiscal Year. The 3.35% increase for salaries has been determined from a comprehensive review of historical averages of salaries and assumes that salary increases will continue over the next three years at approximately 3.3 5%. 3. The DEPARTMENT shall immediately notify the Privilege Fee Committee of any BUDGET shortfalls caused by unexpected deviations from the above stated percentage. The DEPARTMENT shall coordinate with the Privilege Fee Committee to expeditiously obtain a funding solution for the unanticipated salary increases. In order to obtain a funding solution, the Privilege Fee Committee may elect to review and adjust the DEPARTMENT BUDGET in order to alleviate these unanticipated shortfalls. 4. This agreement supercedes any previous agreement made by Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas State University Student Governing Association with the University Counseling Services regarding funding of budget and use of such funding. 5. Any breach of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas State University Student Senate and such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or any other instance. B-79 6. Within 60 days of the end of each fiscal year, the Director of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of the BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Senate body. 7. No construction or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section 1105) 8. This agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the State of Kansas. 9. By signing this agreement, the representative of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her part to execute this document on behalf of such party that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. 10. Bill 99/00/69 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement by: the Privilege Fee Chair; the Director of University Counseling; the Student Senate Chair; the Vice President for Institutional Advancement; and the Student Body President. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 49-0-0 ON 3/9/00 B-80 BILL 99/00/70 BY: ALLOCATION TO THE UFM COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTER Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the UFM Community Learning Center; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2001 Honorarium Printing/Copies Salaries Films Recommendation $ 2000 $ 800 $11,500 $ 400 Request $ 2000 $ 800 $11,500 $ 400 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $14,700 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the UFM Community Learning Center. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/16/00 B-81 BILL 99/00/71 BY: ALLOCATION TO LATTER DAY SAINTS STUDENT ASSOCIATION Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Latter Day Saints Student Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Guest Lecturer Honorarium Promotions Rent of Space Recommendation $2000 $ 200 $ 300 Request $2000 $ 200 $ 300 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $2500 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Latter Day Saints Student Association. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE ON A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/16/00 B-82 BILL 99/00/72 BY: ALLOCATION TO MUSLIM STUDENT ASSOCIATION Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Muslim Student Association; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Islamic Workshop, two main speakers Honorarium Advertising Recommendation $1600 $ 200 Request $2000 $ 550 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $1800 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Muslim Student Association. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE ON A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/16/00 B-83 BILL 99/00/73 BY: AMENDED ALLOCATION TO KSU QUEER STRAIGHT ALLIANCE Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the KSU Queer Straight Alliance; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Barney Frank — US Congressman Travel Expenses Recommendation $700 Request $700 Project 2 - National Conference in Minnesota Request Recommendation Travel $1435 $0 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $700 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project 2 is allocated $0 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the KSU Queer Straight Alliance. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE ON A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/16/00 B-84 BILL 99/00/74 BY: ALLOCATION TO APOSTOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Apostolic Campus Ministry; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Guest Lecturer Honorarium Promotions Recommendation $750 $150 Request $1000 $ 200 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $900 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Apostolic Campus Ministry. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE ON A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/16/00 B-85 BILL 99/00/75 BY: TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Allocations Committee WHEREAS between the current and past fiscal years Amnesty International was allocated $700 for a project that did not occur; and WHEREAS funds in the amount of $700 shall be transferred from the account of Amnesty International to the Reserves for Contingencies Account, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. he funds allocated in Bill 98/99/112 in the amount of $700 shall be reverted to the serves for Contingencies Account. SECTION 2. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be reverted to the Reserves for Contingencies Account. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/16/00 B-86 BILL 99/00/76 BY: REVISIONS TO THE LEGAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD CHARTER Crystal Campbell and Gabe Eckert WHEREAS the current Legal Services Advisory Board charter is ambiguous; and WHEREAS the charter should be clarified for the benefit of the Board, students and the attorney, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Section 07-0501 through Section 07-0505 of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Statutes be amended as follows: 07-05 Legal Services Advisory Board The following legislation be adopted as the legitimate charter for the Legal Services Advisory Board; granting powers, rights, and responsibilities contained herein. This charter shall be adopted and may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of Student Senate. 07-050 1 Article I. Purpose The function of Legal Services Advisory Board (hereafter called the Board)is to set governing policies for services offered and to review such services and Attorney(s). 07-0504 The Board shall: a. Oversee the operation and implementation of Legal Services in all policy matters. b. Review the annual report and client surveys provided by the attorney(s) and assess the needs of students and Legal Services and act accordingly. c. Evaluate the Legal Services’ Attorney(s) before the end of the second semester following guidelines created by and unanimously approved by the Board. Evaluation meetings shall be closed to those other than voting Board members, and the Chair and the Coordinator of Student Activities. Evaluations shall be formal with written documentation and shall be submitted to the Coordinator of Student Activities to be considered in salary determinations. Upon receipt of the Board’s evaluation, the Coordinator of Student Activities may conduct additional evaluations of the Attorney(s) as needed. The evaluations shall be confined to legal services rendered; client relationships; the Attorney(s)’ professionalism, attitude and work ethic; and customer service. 07-0502 d. Have the power, upon a simple majority vote of Student Senate approving, to: 1. Recommend the appointment or termination of the Attorney(s)-and to the Coordinator of Student Activities; and B-87 2. Approve modifications of existing programs. The Coordinator of Student Activities shall have final authority in the appointment or termination of the Attorney(s). f. Have the power to recommend the termination of employment of an Attorney(s). Approve modifications to existing Legal Services programs and request the establishment of new Legal Services programs. g.Have a meeting each semester. The Chair may call additional meetings upon hi s/her discretion. 07-05802 a. b. c. Article II. Membership The Board shall consist of five voting members and the Chair, and shall be composed as follows: One tenured faculty member not serving in an administrative capacityto serve a three-year term. The faculty member shall be recommended by the Faculty Senate President and approved by Student Senate. An at-large attorney, to serve a two-year term, licensed to practice law in Kansas, who: 1. has had experience in private practice, Legal Services Corporation or a service providing legal services to students 2. does not have and is unlikely to develop a conflict with Legal Services 3. The Attorney shall be recommended jointly by the Personnel Selection Coordinator, the Student Senate Chair and Student Body President and be approved by Student Senate. Four students to serve one-year terms: All shall be recommended be the Personnel Selection Coordinator, Student Senate Chair and Student Body President and approved by Student Senate to serve one-year terms. Student members shall consist of the following: 1. One Student Senator 2. One graduate student 3. The Chair or Student Affairs and Social Services standing committee or an appointed representative from that committee. 4. One at-large undergraduate student. 1. One Student Senator, appointed by the Student SenateChair. 2. The Chair of the Student Senate Student Affairs and Social Services Committee or an appointed representative from the committee, appointed by the Student Senate Chair. 3. One graduate student, appointed by the Student Body President and approved by Student Senate. 4. One undergraduate student, appointed by the Student Body President and approved by Student Senate. d. The Legal Services’ Attorney shall be non-voting, ex-officio member of the Board. e. Board membership shall be approved by Student Senate not later than October 1. f Opposing or having opposed in any dispute any client of Legal Services shall disqualify any person from Board membership. It is the responsibility of the recommending and appointing parties to ensure that Board members meet this qualification. Any person B-88 g. 07-0503 actually appointed to the Board shall resign if he/she is opposing or has opposed in any dispute any client of Legal Services. A student member, chosen by the student members of the Board, shall serve as chair. The Chair shall not vote except in the case of a tie. The faculty member shall serve as Vice Chair. A student member, chosen by the student members Board, shall serve as vice chair. Article III. Role of Legal Service’s Attorney The Legal Services Attorney(s): a. Shall present to the Board an annual report in October including in which shall be a description of Legal Services; statistics regarding the number of cases in various categories; description of educational talks given; description of services to Student Governing Association and student groups; description of continuing legal education; Attorney resume(s); list(s) of professional memberships of Attorney(s). Survey described in Article 1 shall be designed, administered, evaluated and interpreted by the Board and the Coordinator of Student Activities with the Attorney in such a manner that the information accurately reflects the extent to which students’ needs are being met. b. Shall have the right to address the Allocations Committee and Student Senate regarding salary. b. Must comply with all legislation regarding Legal Services for Students and Legal Services’ Attorney(s). c. Must act upon the recommendations and requests of the Board on all matters. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 43-0-0 ON 3/16/00 B-89 BILL 99/00/77 BY: INCREASE IN THE STUDENT HEALTH PRIVILEGE FEE Privilege Fee Committee WHEREAS the Student Health Privilege Fee provides necessary services to students of Kansas State University; and WHEREAS students have seen many benefits of their Student Health Privilege Fee and Student Health Center; and WHEREAS the Student Health Advisory Committee and the Privilege Committee satisfied the requirements set forth in Senate Resolution 99/00/16, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU SGA Statutes 29-0101 through 29-0110 are hereby amended to read: LAFENE HEALTH CENTER BUDGET AGREEMENT This agreement made this 4 day of April 2000, between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE), and Kansas State University Lafene Health Center (DEPARTMENT). 1. The DEPARTMENT shall receive a one-time allocation of $174,473.00 specifically for the establishment of the proper reserve account level from the Campus Privilege Fee Debt Reduction and Emergency Allocations Account at the start of Fiscal Year 2001. This one-time allocation will result in the DEPARTMENT reserve account equaling 10% of the current Privilege Fee budget of $2,607,659.00. The 10% reserve account level reflects the support of the Vice President of Institutional Advancement. 2. The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget (BUDGET) for Fiscal Year 2001 shall be $3,014,661.00. An additional allocation of $40,701 shall be given specifically to maintain a 10% reserve account level for Fiscal Year 2001. 3. The annual DEPARTMENT BUDGET for Fiscal Year 2002 shall be $3,106,828.00. An additional allocation of $9,217.00 shall be given specifically to maintain a 10% reserve account level for Fiscal Year 2002. 4. The annual DEPARTMENT BUDGET for Fiscal Year 2003 shall be $3,222,217.00. An additional allocation of $11,539.00 shall be given specifically to maintain a 10% reserve account level for Fiscal Year 2003. 5. The DEPARTMENT BUDGET shall be reviewed prior to Fiscal Year 2004. 6. The Fiscal Year 2001 budget above reflects a 3.2% increase in total expenses. The Fiscal Year 2002 budget above reflects a 3.2% increase in total expenses. The Fiscal Year 2003 budget above reflects a 3.6% increase in total expenses. The higher percentage of total expenses in Fiscal Year 2003 is due to various costs associated with equipment replacement and repair that are expected to occur starting Fiscal Year 2003. B-90 7. This agreement supercedes any previous agreement made by Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas State University Student Governing Association with the University Counseling Services regarding funding of budget and use of such funding. 8. Any breach of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas State University Student Senate and such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or any other instance. 9. Within 60 days of the end of each fiscal year, the Director of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of the BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Senate body. 10. No construction or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section 1105) 11. This agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the State of Kansas. 12. By signing this agreement, the representative of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her part to execute this document on behalf of such party that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. 13. Bill 99/00/77 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement by: the Privilege Fee Chair; the Director of Lafene Student Health Center; the Student Senate Chair; the Assistant Vice President for Institutional Advancement; the Vice President for Institutional Advancement and the Student Body President. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 38-10 ON 3/16/00 THIS BILL WAS ENACTED WITHOUT THE STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT’S SIGNATURE B-91 BILL 99/00/78 BY: ALLOCATION TO MEN AGAINST RAPE SOCIETY (MARS) Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Men Against Rape Society; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Take Back the Pride Rally Honorarium Promotions Recommendation $130 $350 Request $130 $350 Project 2 - MARS Poster Project Promotions $2000 $1000 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $480 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Project 2 is allocated $1000 for the activities described. SECTION 3. Upon passage by Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the American Ethnic Studies Student Association. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/30/00 B-92 BILL 99/00/79 BY: ALLOCATION TO NATIVE AMERICAN STUDENT BODY Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has received and reviewed the allocations requests of the Native American Student Body; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Dance Exhibition Honorarium Promotions Rent of Space Request $1000 $ 100 $ 100 Recommendation $1000 $ 100 $ 100 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $1,200 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of the Native American Student Body. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/30/00 B-93 BILL 99/00/80 BY: ALLOCATION TO ORDINARY WOMEN Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has received and reviewed the allocations requests of Ordinary Women; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has reviewed past requests from this organization, the organization’s spending trends, and the past funding of projects submitted by this group; and WHEREAS the funds requested by this group and the funding recommendations made by the Allocations Committee are as follows: Project 1 - Take Back the Night March Promotions Rent of Space Request $550 $500 Recommendation $350 $500 BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Project 1 is allocated $850 for the activities described. SECTION 2. Upon passage by Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, these funds shall be transferred from the Reserves for Contingencies Account to the respective account of Ordinary Women. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/30/00 B-94 BILL 99/00/81 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING JUDICIAL BRANCH DEFINITIONS Amie Kershner and Judicial Council WHEREAS there are circumstances in which prescribed sanctions are not imposed; and WHEREAS the university should have the ability to mandate that these sanctions are completed, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article VI, Section 11 .B.4 is amended to read: 4. Students who graduate or leave the university and fail to comply shall: a. Be notified in writing that a hold will be placed on academic records until sanctions are completed. b. A hold will be placed on academic records until sanctions are completed. b. The Dean, in consultation with the Attorney General will may approve new or comparable sanctions should existing ones not be feasible while classes are not in session or the student is not enrolled. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE ON A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/30/00 B-95 BILL 99/00/82 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING JUDICIAL BRANCH DEFINITIONS Amie Kershner and Judicial Council WHEREAS what persons are eligible to file an appeal with the president should be clarified; and WHEREAS both the complaintent and the respondent should be eligible to file for an appeal, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article VI, Section 9.P. shall be amended to read: Written appeal requests of appellate board decisions must be filed by the P. complaintant or respondent with the University President by 5.00p.m. within three class days following the written notification of the appellate board’s decision. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/30/00 B-96 BILL 99/00/83 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING JUDICIAL BRANCH DEFINITIONS Amie Kershner and Judicial Council WHEREAS the Chancellor of Housing and Dining position no longer exists, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article VI, Section B. 1 .b. is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. All other sub-sections be renumbered accordingly. AUTHORSHIP OF THIS BILL WAS PULLED 3/30/00 B-97 BILL 99/00/84 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING JUDICIAL BRANCH DEFINITIONS Amie Kershner and Judicial Council WHEREAS there are many changes that would make the judicial code easier to understand; and WHEREAS adding clarification will eliminate future confusion, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article VI, Section 5.C.3 is amended to read: 3. Hear appeals of decisions from the Housing and Dining Services Judicial Board, ad hoc boards, SGA Elections Committee, and Student Review Board with the authority to change modify or overturn the decisions of such boards. SECTION 2. Article VI, Section 5.C.4 is amended to read: 4. Hear in the first instance disciplinary cases involving special circumstances or situations for which jurisdiction is not otherwise described. These cases shall be assigned by the attorney general or designee upon consultation with the Dean of Student Life or designee. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/30/00 B-98 BILL 99/00/85 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING JUDICIAL BRANCH DEFINITIONS Amie Kershner and Judicial Council WHEREAS there is no provision for this occurrence; and WHEREAS the absence of this clarification leaves the judicial code in question, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article VI, Section 7.A.8 is amended to read: 8. Written or oral statements of persons not present at the hearing shall not be present at the hearing shall not be admissible, except under extraordinary circumstances when the reliability of the statements can be demonstrated and as permitted by the Dean of Student Life or designee. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/30/00 B-99 BILL 99/00/86 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING JUDICIAL BRANCH DEFINITIONS Amie Kershner and Judicial Council WHEREAS there is no current clarification for who a complaint shall be delivered to; and WHEREAS the absence of this clarification leaves the judicial code in question, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article VI, Section 6.D.2.d is amended to read: d. Receipt of complaint must be certified in writing to the Attorney General. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/30/00 B-100 BILL 99/00/87 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING THE JUDICIAL CODE Amie Kershner and Judicial Council WHEREAS there are many changes that would make the judicial code easier to understand; and WHEREAS adding clarification will eliminate future confusion, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article VI, Section A.8 be amended to read: 8. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys, or other devices that provide access to any University premises or services. SECTION 2. Article VI, Section A. 12 be amended to read: 12. Unauthorized distribution, use or possession of controlled substances (as described in Chapter 65, Article 41 of Kansas Statutes Annotated) on University premises or at University sponsored activities. SECTION 3. Article VI, Section A. 13 be amended to read: 13. Unlawful use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages or violation of the University’s Alcoholic Alcohol and Cereal Malt Beverage Policy. SECTION 4. Article VI, Section A. 19 be revised to read: 19. Any violation of the stated “KSU Information Technology Usage Policies.” (source) SECTION 5. Article VI, Section A.22 be created to read: 22. Any illegal or unauthorized taking, selling, or distribution of class notes. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/30/00 B-101 BILL 99/00/88 BY: BY-LAWS AMENDMENT CONCERNING ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE Allocations Committee WHEREAS the allocations process has shifted over time; and WHEREAS the by-laws concerning the Allocations Committee have not reflected these changes; and WHEREAS some sections of the by-laws are now contained in the Funding Statutes; and WHEREAS certain other provisions are out of date and require amendment, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article V, Section 9.F.2.b of the KSU SGA By-laws be amended to read: b. Five Student Senators, appointed by the Chairperson of Student Senate and present with the recommendation of the SGA Treasurer. Of these members, the Chairperson of Student Senate shall appoint, with the recommendation of the SGA Treasurer, a Vice Chairperson of the Allocations Committee who shall also serve as Assistant Treasurer. The Assistant Treasurer shall have the authority to carry out functions designated by the SGA Treasurer. The term of office of the Assistant Treasurer shall be from the first academic day of the fall semester to the last academic day of the spring semester. SECTION 2. Article V, Section 9.F.2.c of the KSU SGA By-laws be amended to read: c. Three students-at-large, appointed by the SGA Treasurer in consultation with the Chairperson of Student Senate and present SCA Treasurer, who shall have voting privileges on the committee. SECTION 3. Article V, Section 9.F.3.a and F.3.b of the KSU SGA By-laws shall be repealed and all subsequent sections be relettered accordingly. SECTION 4. Article V, Section 9.F.3.d of the KSU SGA By-laws be amended to read: d. The University Controller’s Office SGA Budget Office shall credit the groups and/or organizations allocated funds with the amount of money allocated by Student Senate and pay the organization’s bills against the funds in accordance with university and SGA regulations and the SGA Funding Statutes. SECTION 5. Article V, Section 9.F.3.g of the KSU SGA By-laws shall be repealed and allsubsequent sections be renumbered accordingly. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/30/00 B-102 BILL 99/00/89 BY: STATUTES AMENDMENT REGARDING REGISTRATION OF STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Campus Activities Board WHEREAS several registered student organizations owe money to the University or university agencies; and WHEREAS there is currently no way to collect these debts; and WHEREAS the only way to encourage student organizations to pay their debts is to deny registration and all services provided to registered organizations; BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 07-0401 A.3. is hereby created to read: 3. An organization shall not be eligible for annual registration if it has any outstanding debts to the University or university agencies. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/30/00 B-103 BILL 99/00/90 BY: STATUTES AMENDMENT REGARDING RUNOFF ELECTIONS Dustin Petrik and Travis Morgan WHEREAS president runoff elections are currently held the Monday immediately following the general elections; and WHEREAS this leaves little time for additional campaigning and publicity; and WHEREAS voter turnout for runoff elections is lower than for the general election; and WHEREAS voter turnout might be increased if there was an extra day to campaign and to publicize the presidential runoff election; BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 41-0109a is hereby amended to read: a. Dates. The General Election shall be held on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday two (2) weeks prior to Spring Break for the purpose of electing officers of the Student Governing Association and the College Councils. If required, a run-off election shall be held on the Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of the week immediately prior to Spring Break. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take affect beginning with the 2001 SGA Elections. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/30/00 B-104 BILL 99/00/91 BY: STATUTES AMENDMENT REGARDING SGA FUNDING REGULATIONS Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has recently completed its review of the KSU SGA Funding Statutes; and WHEREAS over the last year, the Allocations Committee has gained experience with those sections of the regulations which work well and those which do not; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee is dedicated both to the responsible and effective management of the Student Activity Fee as well as to simplifying the process by which student organizations request funds; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has recommends the following changes to the SGA Funding Statutes; BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statutes 13-0101 through 13-0108 are hereby amended as follows: 13-0 1 Student Activity Fee Funding Regulations 13-0101 FUNDING STATUTE Student Governing Association Kansas State University 13-0102 General A. Definitions 1. For the purpose of the Funding Statutes, the following definitions shall apply: a) Academic Competition Team. An Academic Competition Team shall be a registered organization designated by the Allocations Committee as having a vested interest in attending competitions at which such teams represent the University and its colleges to further the academic and educational status of the University as a whole. c) Campus Wide Organization. A Campus Wide Organization shall be any registered student organization recognized as not being associated with a any specific college. e) College Council. A College Council shall be the governing body of a college of the University, such definition to include the Graduate School as a college for this definition. f) College Council Organization. A College Council Organization shall be any registered organization whose organizational focus shall be academic or professional in nature and may be associated with a specific academic college. g) Institutional Service. An Institutional Service shall be any organization so designated by the Allocations Committee. h) Student. A student shall be any KSU student enrolled in a minimum of one (1) hour. b) University Person. A University Person shall be any KSU faculty or staff who does not meet the requirements of 13-1002 A.1.f. B-105 e) Community Person. A Community Person shall be any individual who does not meet the requirements of 13-0102 A.1.f. or 13-0102 A.1.g. i) b) Student Organization. A Student Organization shall be any registered organization whose membership is limited to students and university persons and in which students comprise no less than 80% of the total membership. The officers of the organization must all be primary officers are students. j) d) University/Community Organizations. A University/Community Organization shall be any campus wide organization of which less than 80% of the membership are students registered organization that does not meet the requirements of 13-0102 A.l.i. B. Universal Requirements 1. In order to request funds from the Student Activity Fee in any semesterly period, an organization must fulfill each of the following requirements: a) The organization must be a Student Organization currently registered with by the Office of Student Activities and Services or an Institutional Service. University/Community Organizations shall not be eligible to apply for or receive Student Activity Fee funds. b) The organization must have sent a representative to both of the funding workshops held by the Treasurer annually. c) The organization must submit to the SGA Treasurer a statement of the fundraising activities of the organization over the past year, including the specific events and the amounts raised. This statement must be submitted with the organization’s funding requests on the Fund Raising Report form available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. d) The organization must be registered for six months previous to requesting Student Activity Fee funds. e) d) The organization may not receive funds while on for six months after being placed on probation, as designated by the Activities Director. f) e) Student Activity Fee funds shall not be allocated to projects for the purposes of promoting or opposing a particular political candidate, political or social issue, or religion. 2. Differentiation of Projects. In the case that an organization is submitting multiple requests, each project for which funding is to be requested must be distinct and independent, and must be related to the goals of the organization itself. 3. Fund Raising. All groups should make a reasonable effort to raise funds, either through dues or other events. While not a requirement for funding, the Allocations Committee may reject funding for any requested materials which would commonly be paid for by fund raising at its discretion. 13-0103 Campus Wide Organizations A. General Criteria 1. Open Projects. All projects sponsored by Campus Wide Organizations with student fee funds must show an educational benefit to the students of the University, must be open to all students of the University, and must be free to all students of the University. Such projects must also be held on the University campus or within the Manhattan community except when the organization will be traveling. B. Request Process B-106 1. Requests. Requests for funding of projects from the Student Activity Fee may be made by Campus Wide Organizations fulfilling the requirements of 13-0 102 through the completion and submission of a funding request form, available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. A separate funding request form must be submitted for each project the organization wishes to hold, up to a maximum of five projects annually. The funding request form must be completed in accordance with the form’s 2. instructions. Funds requested for a project must be divided into separate categories, outlined below. Each category must have a detailed description of the items the funds requested for that category are to be used for and an estimate of cost for each item. a) Promotions. Promotions shall include any expense related to advertisement of an activity, such as newspaper advertisements, radio advertisements, leaflets or posters, and other such materials. b) Honoraria. Honoraria shall include any funds requested by an organization in order to bring a speaker or performed to a planned project or event. c) Rent of Space and Equipment. Rent of space and equipment shall include any expenses related to renting rooms or other areas for performances, meetings, and other such events, as well as any costs related to rental of tables and chairs, movie projectors, or other necessary materials for a project. d) Films. Films shall include any expense for the rental of movies, documentaries, recorded theatrical shows, or other such events. e) Other. This category shall include any expenses for items that do not reasonably fit in the above categories, such as supplies. Funding for “other” expenses shall be determined independent of the other categories and shall be subject to the limitations on funding, below. 3. Funding request forms for the following fiscal year must be completed and submitted to the Allocations Committee in the Office of Student Activities and Services not later than the third Friday of November. Funding requests for the current year will be considered on a rolling basis, but must be submitted six weeks prior to either the date of the project or the end of the academic semester, whichever is earlier. C. Limitations 1. Services, Where Acquired. Funds allocated by the Allocations Committee must be spent on services offered on the University campus whenever these services are available. 2. Honorarium. All recipients of an honorarium are required to complete a standard performance contract prior to payment. Groups must submit an honorarium data information sheet with performance contract at least six weeks before the event to receive payment. 3. Spending Restrictions. Student funds allocated by the Allocations Committee may not be spent on any of the following items: a) Food. Food may not be purchased with student funds unless such materials are to be used in an educational experiment. Prior approval from the Treasurer should be gained before an expenditure for this exception is made. b) Social Events. Student funds may not be spent on any materials pertaining to social functions, parties, or banquets, and may not be spent for any materials in any project where such an event is part thereof B-107 except when the Allocations Committee finds a substantial educational benefit. c) Personal Materials. Student funds may not be spent on any personal materials, such as plaques, gifts, awards, flowers, name tags, engravings for specific individuals, photographs, or clothing. d) Wages. Student funds may not be spent on wages or compensation of any kind, with the exception of honoraria, projectionists, and security officers. D. Unspent Funds 1. Unspent Funds Returned. All unspent funds allocated to an Institutional Service a campus wide organization shall be returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account no later than October 30 of the following fiscal year. 13-0104 College Councils and College Council Organizations A. General Criteria 1. Open Projects. All projects sponsored by College Councils or College Council Organizations must show an educational benefit to the students ofthe individual college, must be open to all students of the University, and must be free to all students of the University. B. Duties of the College Councils Allocation of Funds. Each college council shall be responsible for the 1. processing of funding requests for any organization classified as a College Council Organization. Such funding requests shall be considered and funds allocated in any equitable manner as determined by the individual college councils. Such allocations must be consistent with the Funding Statutes regulations which apply to funding of the College Councils, following. 2. Special Allocations. Special allocations may be made by the College Councils, at their discretion and in any equitable manner which they so choose, to any College Council Organization submitting a request for special allocations to the College Council. Such allocations, however, must adhere to the requirements and restrictions provided in the Funding Statute in respect to special allocations, 13-0 106. 3. College Council shall be responsible for managing the funds of College Council Organizations, ensuring funds allocated to College Council Organizations are effectively spent for their intended purposes, and approving all budget shifts for College Council Organizations. C. Request Process 1. Requests. Requests for funding of projects from the Student Activity Fee may be made by College Councils and College Council Organizations fulfilling the requirements of 13-0 102 through the completion and submission of a funding request form, available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. College Council Organizations must submit funding request forms for the following fiscal year to the Allocations Committee in the Office of Student Activities and Services not later than the second Friday in last academic day of February. 2. The College Council funding request form must be completed in accordance with the form’s instructions. Funds requested must be divided into those funds requested by each individual College Council Organization, and each individual organization request must be divided in accordance with the categories listed below. B-108 a) Promotions. Promotions shall include any expense related to the advertisement of an activity, such as newspaper advertisements, radio advertisements, leaflets or posters, and other such materials. b) Honoraria. Honoraria shall include any funds requested by an organization in order to bring a speaker or performed to a planned project or event. c) Rent of Space and Equipment. Rent of space and equipment shall include any expenses related to renting rooms or other areas for performances, meetings, and other such events as well as any costs related to rental of tables and chairs, movie projectors, or other necessary materials for a project. d) Films. Films shall include any expense for the rental of movies, documentaries, recorded theatrical shows, or other such events. e) Other. This category shall include any expenses for items that do not reasonably fit in the above categories, such as supplies. Funding for “other” expenses shall be determined independent of the other categories and shall be subject to the limitations on funding, below. f) Open House. This category shall represent a College Council’s request for funds related to open house activities. 4. 3. The Allocations Committee shall deliver to each college council the requests of that College Council’s organizations with a College Council budget request form by the fourth second Friday of February March. 5.4. Budget requests forms for College Councils for the following fiscal year, including the individual budget request forms of each organization, must be completed and submitted to the Allocations Committee in the Office of Student Activities and Services not later than the first second Friday of April for the following fiscal year. C. Limitations 1. Services, Where Acquired. Funds allocated by the Allocations Committee must be spent on services offered on the University campus whenever these services are available. 2. Honorarium. All recipients of an honorarium are required to complete a standard performance contract prior to payment. Groups must submit an honorarium data information sheet with performance contract at least six weeks before the event to receive payment. 3. Spending Restrictions. Student funds allocated by the Allocations Committee may not be spent on any of the following items: a) Food. Food may not be purchased with student funds except unless such materials are to be used in an educational experiment. Prior approval from the Treasurer should be gained before an expenditure for this exception is made. b) Social Events. Student funds may not be spent on any materials pertaining to social functions, parties, or banquets, and may not be spentfor any materials in any project where such an event is part thereof, except where the Allocations Committee finds a substantial educational benefit. c) Personal Materials. Student funds may not be spent on any personal materials, such as plaques, gifts, awards, flowers, name tags, engravings for specific individuals, photographs, or clothing. B-109 d) Wages. Student funds may not be spent on wages or compensation of any kind, with the exception of honoraria, projectionists, or security officers. e) Open House Restrictions. The Treasurer of the Student Governing Association shall have the authority to compile a list of materials that may not be purchased with student funds for open house activities. Such a list will be available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. D. Reserve Accounts 1. College Councils. College Councils which have been allocated funds and have not spent or allocated to College Council Organizations the entire allocations received at the beginning of each fiscal year, may retain in a reserve account funds equal to the greater of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or twenty ten percent (20% 10%) of the fiscal years College Council budget. Funds over this amount will be returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account at the end of each fiscal year. 13-0105 Institutional Services A. General Criteria 1. Registration. Institutional Services requesting funds from the Student Activity Fee must have been registered as an Institutional Service for not less than one (1) year prior to such a funding request being made. B. Request Process 1. Requests. Requests for funding of projects from the Student Activity Fee may be made by Campus Wide Organizations Institutional Services fulfilling the requirements of 13-0102 through the completion and submission of an annual budget a funding request form, available in the Office of Student Activities and Services. A separate funding request form must be submitted for each project the organization wishes to hold, up to a maximum of three projects in any semester. 2. The funding request form must be completed in accordance with the form’s instructions. Funds requested for a project must be divided into separate categories, outlined below. Each category must have a detailed description of the items the funds requested for that category are to be used for and an estimate of cost for each item. a) Promotions. Promotions shall include any expense related to the advertisement of an activity, such as newspaper advertisements, radio advertisements, leaflets or posters, and other such materials. b) Honoraria. Honoraria shall include any funds requested by an organization in order to bring a speaker or performed to a planned project or event. c) Rent of Space and Equipment. Rent of space and equipment shall include any expenses related to renting rooms or other areas for performances, meetings, and other such events, as well as any costs related to rental of tables and chairs, movie projectors, or other necessary materials for a project. d) Films. Films shall include any expense for the rental of movies, documentaries, recorded theatrical shows, or other such events. e) Payroll. Payroll shall include expenses related to the staffing of services provided by the Institutional Service. B-110 3. f) Other. This category shall include any expenses for items that do not reasonably fit in the above categories, such as supplies. Funding for “other” expenses shall be determined independent of the other categories and shall be subject to the limitations on funding, below. Annual budgets must be completed and submitted to the Allocations Committee in the Office of Student Activities and Services not later than the fourth Friday last academic day of February. C. Limitations 1. Services, Where Acquired. Funds allocated by the Allocations Committee must be spent on services offered on the University campus whenever these services are available. 2. Honorarium. All recipients of an honorarium are required to complete a standard performance contract prior to payment. Groups must submit an and honorarium data information sheet with performance contract at least six weeks before the event to receive payment. 3. Spending Restrictions. Student funds allocated by the Allocations Committee may not be spent on any of the following items: a) Food. Food may not be purchased with student funds except unless such materials are to be used in an educational experiment. Prior approval from the Treasurer should be gained before an expenditure for this exception is made. b) Social Events. Student funds may not be spent on any materials pertaining to social functions, parties, or banquets, and may not be spentfor any materials in any project where such an event is part thereof except where the Allocations Committee finds a substantial academic benefit. c) Personal Materials. Student funds may not be spent on any personal materials, such as plaques, gifts, awards, flowers, name tags, engravings for specific individuals, photographs, or clothing. d) Payroll. Individuals must be paid wages by an Institutional Service and must be included on the payroll of the Institutional Service. Individuals must be employed by the university department to be included on the payroll of an Institutional Service. D. Unspent Funds 1. Unspent Funds Returned. All unspent funds allocated to an Institutional Service shall be returned to the Reserves for Contingencies Account no later than October 30 of the following fiscal year. 13-0106 Special Allocations A. Definitions 1. Special Allocation. Special Allocation shall be defined as any allocation related to travel or capital expenditures that is intended as a single, non recurring, event. 2. Travel. Travel shall be defined as a request for funds to pay expenses related to travel, lodging, and food. 3. Capital Expenditures. Capital Expenditures shall be defined as any request for funds over $500 related to the purchase of non-consumable goods that can be considered inventory items and have a useful life of more than one year. B. Request Requirements B-111 1. 2. 3. 13-0107 Travel. Any request for travel must include a statement of the purpose of the project, a statement concerning the educational value of the project to the university or an academic department, as well as detailed information as to the methods of travel, lodging, and other expenses. Travel shall be funded at the rate applicable to reimbursement for expenditures made by individuals traveling for the State of Kansas. Capital Expenditures. Any request for funds to purchase capital goods must be accompanied by a statement of the educational value of the purchase to the University or an academic department, a cost benefit analysis for the purchase indicating that beneficial nature of the goods, a statement of the need for the purchase, and a justified estimate of the cost of the goods at the lowest possible price for a reasonable degree of quality. Submission of Requests. Requests for special allocations by campus-wide organizations must be submitted to the SGA Treasurer at least four weeks prior to the planned date of the travel or the purchase of capital goods. Allocations A. Determination, General Method 1. The Allocations Committee shall develop suggested funding ranges for each category in 13-0 107 (A) (2), below; present them in bill form to Student Senate; and have them approved not later than the third Student Senate meeting of the fall semester. 2. The Allocations categories shall be: a. Promotions b. Rent of Space and Equipment c. Films d. Honoraria e. Travel B. Process 1. After a request form is delivered to the Allocations Committee, the Committee will initially consider the requested allocation. Each group of projects submitted by any one organization will be assigned to a member of the Allocations Committee. This committee member will be responsible for confirming cost estimates and retrieving any additional information the committee deems necessary for making a funding recommendation. The committee member will present the findings to the Allocations 2. Committee at the meeting following the one at which the project request was assigned. Based on the information provided, the Committee shall determine a reasonable level of funding for each category of the project and vote to approve this recommended allocation to the Student Senate. If the allocation is recommended for the University/Community Organization, the recommended amounts shall be pro-rated in accordance with the organizations percentage of student membership. After a recommended allocation is made, the Allocations Committee must then determine whether or not the project application qualifies for the Early Request Credit or the Complete Information Credit. a) The Advance Request Credit shall apply to any organization’s project funding request submitted to the Allocations Committee for the following fiscal year by the stated deadline. Projects which meet this criteria shall B-112 3. 4. receive an additional five percent (5%) over the Allocation Committee’s recommended funding level. b) The Complete Information Credit shall apply to any funding request submitted to the Allocations Committee that includes complete information, such information to include names for all speakers, location of events, location of rent of space, promotions to be held, films to be shown, equipment to be rented, and accurate estimates of each cost. Such information must be submitted in full with the original project funding request in order to qualify for the Complete Information Credit. Projects which meet this criteria shall receive an additional five percent (5%) over the Allocation Committee’s recommended funding level. Allocations bills submitted to the Student Senate shall include the categories of funding, the requested funding amounts, the recommended funding amounts, and any credits which the Allocations Committee determines is applicable to a specific project represented by the bill. Upon passage by the Student Senate and signature of the Student Body President, funds for a project shall be available to the organization sponsoring such project. C. Expenditure of Funds Lump Sum Funding. In accordance with the lump sum funding of an 1. organization’s project, the organization may spend the funds allocated for a project in any manner in which the organization sees fit, provided that such expenditures fall within the permissible expenditures as outlined in the Funding Statutes. a) Overruns. An organization may spend funds on materials in any category that exceeds the recommended amount for that category as determined by the Allocations Committee, provided that the total amount spent on a project does not exceed the total amount allocated for the project by the Student Senate. b) Limitation. Any recommended amount for an honorarium or travel must be spent only on an honorarium or travel, respectively. 13-0108 Administrative A. Workshops 1. Funding Workshops. The SGA Treasurer and the Coordinator of Student Activities, or designee, shall conduct no fewer than two funding workshops annually. Funding workshops shall be held during the second week of September and the second week of November. The time and place of these workshops will be at the discretion of the SGA Treasurer, and prior notice of the time and place of each workshop must be made two weeks before such workshops will be held. B. Organization Designations 1. The Allocations Committee shall classify all registered organizations as either a Student Organization or a University/Community Organization. 2. The Allocations Committee shall have the authority to determine and designate Institutional Services subject to the approval of Student Senate. C. Funding Sources 1. Respective Fee Allocation. Funding requests under the Funding Statutes may only be allocated from the respective funding percentage of the fee. B-113 2. Student Activity Fee, Only Source. Funding requests under the Funding Statutes may only receive funding from the Student Activity Fee. D. Financial Records Maintenance. Each organization shall be required to maintain reasonable 1. financial records detailing all income and expenditures by the organization. 2. Inspection. An organization’s financial records must be made available to the Allocations Committee at the written request of the SGA Treasurer. E. Violations 1. Consequences. The SGA Treasurer, with the consent of the Allocations Committee, may place a hold on funding for any project or projects associated with an organization is such organization deviates from University policy or the Funding Statutes in administering Student Activity Fee Funds. Serious violations, as determined by the Allocations Committee, shall be referred to the Student Senate, which shall have the authority to revoke funding provided to such an organization. Each organization shall be responsible for the proper handling of all Student Fee Funds. SECTION 2. This legislation shall take affect July 1, 2000. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 41-3-0 ON 3/30/00 B-114 BILL 99/00/92 BY: PRIVILEGE FEE REVIEW SCHEDULE Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY: This bill sets the review schedule of student privilege fees for the next three academic years. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Statute 15-03 be amended to read as follows: 15-030 1 Fees to be reviewed during the 2000-2001 Academic Year K-State Student Union Operations K-State Student Union Repair & Replacement Union Program Council Intercollegiate Athletic Council Bramlage Repair & Replacement Fees to be reviewed during the 2001-2002 Academic Year Office of Student Activities & Services Student Activity Fee Recreational Services Recreational Services Repair & Replacement KSDB Fees to be reviewed during the 2002-2003 Academic Year Student Health University Counseling Services Fine Arts Council University Bands Student Publications Operations/Equipment SECTION 2. A copy of this bill shall be sent to the Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance, the Director of Internal Auditing, and the Directors of each of the privilege fee agencies mentioned in Section 1. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/30/00 B-115 BILL 99/00/93 BY: INTERNAL AUDIT SCHEDULE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001 Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY : This bill outlines the internal auditing schedule for fiscal year 2001. The schedule represents those audits which were scheduled for fiscal year 2000 and not finishedand several additional audits already planned for fiscal year 2001. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following shall be the schedule and priority of Privilege Fee agencies to be audited during July 1,2000 and June 30, 2001: 1. Intercollegiate Athletics 2. Recreational Services 3. Recreational Services Repair and Replacement 4. K-State Student Union Operations 5. K-State Student Union Repair & Replacement 6. Union Program Council 7. University Bands SECTION 2. Upon completion of each audit, a copy of the final audit report shall be provided to the Privilege Fee Committee Chair. SECTION 3. The KSU SGA Statute 15-0401 through 15-0402 shall be amended accordingly. SECTION 4. A copy of this bill shall be sent to the Director of Internal Audit, the Vice President for Administration and Finance, the Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance, the Vice President for Institutional Advancement, and the directors of the agencies listed in section 1. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/30/00 B-116 Bill 99/00/94 BY: EMERGENCY ALLOCATION TO K-STATE STUDENT UNION Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY : This bill makes a one-time allocation of $49,133.00 to the K-State Student Union. This money is being used for to repair of the air conditioner in Forum Hall. WHEREAS K-State Student Union has requested emergency funding from the Privilege Fee Committee; and WHEREAS Senate Bill 99/00/68 permits special allocations from the Privilege Fee Debt Reduction and Emergency Allocation Account for emergency purposes. BE IN ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A special allocation of $49,133.00 be made to the K-State Student Union. SECTION 2. Upon completion of the Union renovation project, an analysis will be done to determine if there is funding available to reimburse the Privilege Fee Committee for this emergency allocation. If it is determined that funding is available for reimbursement, the funds will be transferred back into the Privilege Fee Reserves Account (FRS #4-804 14). SECTION 3. The funds be transferred from the Privilege Fee Reserves Account (FRS #4- 804 14) to the K-State Student Union Reserve Account (FRS #XXXXX). SECTION 4. The Director of the K-State Union shall provide within 60 days of the completion of this project a detailed reporting of the expenditures made with this emergency funding. Receipt of this report shall be required for the privilege fee agency to be considered for additional emergency allocations. SECTION 5. Any funds not expended for the repair of the Forum Hall air conditioner shall revert back to the Privilege Fee Debt Reduction and Emergency Allocation Account prior to the end of Fiscal Year 2000. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 44-0-0 ON 3/30/00 B-117 BILL 99/00/95 BY: ATHLETIC PRIVILEGE FEE REDUCTION AND AMENDMENT Privilege Fee Committee SUMMARY : This decreases the Athletic budget $48,079.00 for fiscal year 2001. WHEREAS the Intercollegiate Athletic Council has requested their fee be pulled out of cycle; and WHEREAS the Sports Club Council will now be included in the Student Activity Budget and will be allocated by the Student Senate Allocations Committee. BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 21-0101 is hereby amended to read: ATHLETIC FEE BUDGET AGREEMENT This agreement made this 1 7th day of March, 2000, between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE), and Kansas State University Intercollegiate Athletics (DEPARTMENT). 1. The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget of $405,695.00 (BUDGET) shall be funded for the following fiscal years: July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000. The BUDGET will be reviewed prior to year 2000-2001. 2. The Senate hereby acknowledge the following points of agreement with the Athletic Department: A. The price of student football per game general admission tickets will be $2.00 less and basketball per game general admission tickets will be $1 less than public general admission tickets. B. Non-Traditional students enrolled at K-State, who will be deemed eligible by the Athletic department, be allowed to purchase tickets under the basketball ticket Family plan at a reduced rate of $5 per ticket/game. “Non-traditional students” shall be defined as students who are 25 years of age or older or who have children or who are married. C. Student seating at Bramlage Coliseum and KSU Stadium will equal the amount requested by Athletic Ticket Sales Committee to an amount not less than 5,908 seats basketball and 7,500 seats football. D. The Intercollegiate Athletic Council pledges to match the fee through KSU Foundation fund raising efforts. If the fee is not matched by 2000, the fee will be discontinued. E. Administration of the Sports Club Council and its funds shall be under the control of Intercollegiate Athletic Council, unless the Intercollegiate Athletic Council is able to find a manner in which to transfer control of the Sports Club Council and its funding to Recreational Services or Bramlagc Coliseum. Bramlagc and Recreational Services, and Intercollegiate Athletic Services have to mutual agree on the transfer and jointly sign a memorandum of understanding regarding this issue a copy to the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Privilege Fee Committee. B-118 3. The DEPARTMENT shall allocate the funds from each year’s portion of the BUDGET as follows: Intercollegiate Athletic Council, with the exception of football and men’s basketball $405,695 Sports Club Council $48,079 4. This agreement supersedes any previous agreement made by Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas State University Student Governing Association with the Kansas State Intercollegiate Athletic Council regarding funding of budgets and use of such funding. 5. Any breach of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas State University Student Senate and such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any of its rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or in any other instance. 6. Within 60 days of the end of each fiscal year, the Director of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Senate body. 7. No construction of or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section 1105) 8. This agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the State of Kansas. 9. By signing this agreement, the representatives of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her party to execute this document on behalf of such party and that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. 10. Bill 99/00/95 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement by: the Privilege Fee Chair; the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Council; the Student Senate Chair; the Vice President for Institutional Advancement; and the Student Body President. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 45-0-0 ON 3/16/00 B-119 BILL 99/00/96 BY: STUDENT ACTIVITY PRIVILEGE FEE INCREASE AND AMENDMENT Privilege Fee Committee WHEREAS the SGA Treasurer requested the Student Activity Budget be pulled out of cycle; and WHEREAS the Sports Club Council will now be included in the Student Activity Budget and will be allocated by the Student Senate Allocations Committee, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 28-0101 is hereby amended to read: STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE BUDGET AGREEMENT This agreement made this 1 ‘7th day of March, 2000, between the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (SENATE), and the Kansas State University Student Activities (DEPARTMENT). 1. The annual DEPARTMENT privilege fee budget of $211,579.00 (BUDGET) shall be funded for the fiscal years: July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001; and July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002. The BUDGET will be reviewed prior to academic year 2002-2003. 2. The annual DEPARTMENT BUDGET shall be allocated as follows: Campus Organizations: $49,112.50 College Councils: $56,012.50 Academic Competition: $28,860.50 Institutional Services: $29,512.50 Sports Clubs: $48,079.00 3. This agreement supercedes any previous agreement made by Kansas State University Student Senate and/or Kansas State University Student Governing Association with the Kansas State Student Activities regarding funding of budgets and use of such funding. 4. Any breach of this agreement by the DEPARTMENT will result in automatic review by Kansas State University Student Senate and such review could result in decrease or termination of funding of the BUDGET. The failure of SENATE to exercise any of its rights in any instance shall not constitute a waiver of such rights in that instance or in any other instance. 5. Within 60 days of the end of the fiscal year, the Director of the DEPARTMENT shall submit a written summary of BUDGET expenditures to the Privilege Fee Chair for review by the entire Senate Body. 6. No construction of or renovation of a building or facility at KSU is permitted with privilege fees unless the fee was established by a binding referendum vote of the student body. (SGA Constitution Article V Section 510 Letter D and Article XI Section 1105) 7. The agreement shall be governed by and subject to the laws of the state of Kansas. B-120 8. By signing this agreement, the representatives of the respective parties hereby represent that each is duly authorized by his or her party to execute this document on behalf of such party and that the party agrees to be bound by the provisions of the agreement. 9. Bill 99/00/96 becomes effective upon execution of this agreement by: the Privilege Fee Committee Chair; the SGA Treasurer; the Student Senate Chair; the Student Body President; the Coordinator of Student Activities and Services; and the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. THIS BILL PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 47-0-0 ON 3/16/00 B-121 1999-2000 RESOLUTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Resolution Number and Title Page Res 99/00/01 Approval of Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee ...........................1 Res 99/00/02 Commendation to Jennyfer Owensby ..................................................................2 Res 99/00/03 Approval of Attorney General ..............................................................................3 Res 99/00/04 Approval of New Student Senator ........................................................................4 Res 99/00/05 Approval of New Student Senators ......................................................................5 Res 99/00/06 Approval of Student Senate Parliamentarian and Secretary .................................6 Res 99/00/07 Approval of Student Senate Standing Committee Chairs ....................................7 Res 99/00/08 Approval of Summer Treasurer ............................................................................8 Res 99/00/09 Approval of Student Body President’s Cabinet.....................................................9 Res 99/00/10 Approval of Judicial Branch Appointments .......................................................10 Res 99/00/11 Approval of New Student Senators .....................................................................11 Res 99/00/12 Approval of Judicial Council Appointment .......................................................12 Res 99/00/13 Approval of University Committee Appointments ............................................13 Res 99/00/14 Commendation to Soenghie Lee, Andrew Peppin and Mark Ward ...................14 Res 99/00/15 Approval of 1999-2000 Student Governing Association Goals .........................15 Res 99/00/16 1999-2000 Budget Resolution ............................................................................16 Res 99/00/17 Resolution Supporting the Reconsideration of Science Standards by the Kansas State Board of Education .................................................................17 Res 99/00/18 City/University Projects Fund Student Priority List ..........................................18 Res 99/00/19 Approval of New Student Senators ....................................................................20 Res 99/00/20 Approval of Student Senate Standing Committee Chair.................................... 21 Res 99/00/21 Approval of New Student Senator ......................................................................22 Res 99/00/22 Approval of Student Senate Interns ....................................................................23 Res 99/00/23 Approval of Special Committee to Research Privilege Fee Levels ...................24 Res 99/00/24 Approval of Student Body President’s Appointments .......................................25 Res 99/00/25 Support for Reconsideration of Proposed Roundabout at Kimball and North Manhattan Avenues ..................................................................................26 Res 99/00/26 Support for Reinstallation of Flashing Yellow Lights Along North Manhattan Avenue ...................................................................................27 Res 99/00/27 Approval of Elections Committee Chair ............................................................28 Res 99/00/28 Approval of New Student Senators ....................................................................29 Res 99/00/29 Creation of a Pause in the Pledge of Allegiance ................................................30 Res 99/00/30 Resolution Concerning Changes to the Fine Arts Council .................................31 Res 99/00/31 Support for Kansas State University Joining Campus Compact ........................32 Res 99/00/32 Amendment to Student Senate Standing Rules ..................................................33 Res 99/00/33 Commendation to Michael Springer ..................................................................34 Res 99/00/34 Commendation to Leslie Small ..........................................................................35 Res 99/00/35 Recommendation to Support Internet Voting .....................................................36 Res 99/00/36 Resolution Concerning the Fine Arts Council By-Laws and Funding Regulations ...........................................................................................37 Res 99/00/37 Approval of Cabinet Member .............................................................................38 Res 99/00/38 Support for Increase of Crosswalks and Lighting ..............................................39 Res 99/00/39 Support for Pedestrian Safety in Dismount Zones .............................................40 Res 99/00/40 Support for the Addition of Bicycle Racks ........................................................41 Res 99/00/41 Approval of Fine Arts Council Funding Guidelines Changes ............................42 Res 99/00/42 Approval of Fine Arts Council By-Laws Changes .............................................43 Res 99/00/43 Approval of New Student Senator ......................................................................45 Res 99/00/44 Support for Less Paper Use on Campus .............................................................46 Res 99/00/45 Res 99/00/46 Res 99/00/47 Res 99/00/48 Res 99/00/49 Res 99/00/50 Res 99/00/51 Res 99/00/52 Res 99/00/53 Res 99/00/54 Res 99/00/55 Res 99/00/56 Res 99/00/57 Res 99/00/58 Res 99/00/59 Res 99/00/60 Res 99/00/61 Res 99/00/62 Res 99/00/63 Res 99/00/64 Res 99/00/65 Res 99/00/66 Res 99/00/67 Res 99/00/68 Res 99/00/69 Res 99/00/70 Res 99/00/71 Res 99/00/72 Res 99/00/73 Res 99/00/74 Res 99/00/75 Res 99/00/76 Approval of Student Tribunal Chancellor ..........................................................47 Support for KSU SGA Transportation Proposal ................................................48 Support for Restructuring the Reimbursement Schedule for Dropping Classes ................................................................................................49 Support for No Examinations During the University Career Fair ......................50 Approval of Elections Committee ......................................................................51 Approval of New Student Senators ....................................................................52 Approval of Honor Council Representative .......................................................53 Support for a City-Wide Ordinance Prohibiting Smoking in Workplaces and Enclosed Public Places ............................................................54 Resolution Supporting the Actions Taken by the Administration Concerning Class Availability in the College of Business .................................55 Support for Using Tuition Increase Revenue to Supplement Base Budget Funds .............................................................................................56 Approval of Appointment to the Legal Services Advisory Board .....................57 Approval of Appointments to Elections Committee ..........................................58 Support for Easier Ability to Provide Non-Disclosure of Students’ Personal Information ..........................................................................................59 Support for Clarification of Faculty Handbook Wording Concerning Tests Given the Week Prior to Finals Week ................................................................60 Approval of New Student Senator ......................................................................61 Approval of Graduate Student Council Constitution .........................................62 Support to Transfer University Rivalry ..............................................................64 Support for the Creation of a Rule in the Faculty Handbook Regarding Exams Held Outside of Scheduled Course Instruction Time .........................................65 Approval of Student Health Advisory Committee By-Laws .............................66 Approval of Honor Council Appointments ........................................................68 Commendation to the College of Agriculture College Council .........................69 Approval of 2000 SGA Elections Results ..........................................................70 Official SGA Stance on Governance of a Possible Student Activity Center .....73 Approval of College of Agriculture College Council Constitution ....................74 Commendation to Attorney General ..................................................................79 Commendation to Student Body President and Student Body Vice President ..80 Commendation to Student Senate Chair and Student Senate Vice Chair ..........81 Commendation to Student Senate Standing Committee Chairs, Elections Committee Chair and Other Members of the Executive Committee ..................82 Commendation to Sarah Dillingham ..................................................................84 Approval of Honor Council Appointment ..........................................................85 Commendation to Gayle Spencer .......................................................................86 Commendation to 1999-2000 Student Senate and Student Senate Interns ........87 1999-2000 RESOLUTIONS INDEX Approval of Appointments Page Res 99/00/55 Approval of Appointment to the Legal Services Advisory Board .....................57 Res 99/00/56 Approval of Appointments to Elections Committee ..........................................58 Res 99/00/03 Approval of Attorney General ..............................................................................3 Res 99/00/01 Approval of Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee ...........................1 Res 99/00/37 Approval of Cabinet Member .............................................................................38 Res 99/00/49 Approval of Elections Committee ......................................................................51 Res 99/00/27 Approval of Elections Committee Chair ............................................................28 Res 99/00/42 Approval of Fine Arts Council By-Laws Changes .............................................48 Res 99/00/74 Approval of Honor Council Appointment ..........................................................85 Res 99/00/64 Approval of Honor Council Appointments ........................................................68 Res 99/00/51 Approval of Honor Council Representative .......................................................53 Res 99/00/10 Approval of Judicial Branch Appointments .......................................................10 Res 99/00/12 Approval of Judicial Council Appointment .......................................................12 Res 99/00/04 Approval of New Student Senator ........................................................................4 Res 99/00/21 Approval of New Student Senator ......................................................................22 Res 99/00/43 Approval of New Student Senator ......................................................................45 Res 99/00/59 Approval of New Student Senator ......................................................................61 Res 99/00/05 Approval of New Student Senators ......................................................................5 Res 99/00/11 Approval of New Student Senators ....................................................................11 Res 99/00/19 Approval of New Student Senators .....................................................................22 Res 99/00/28 Approval of New Student Senators ....................................................................29 Res 99/00/50 Approval of New Student Senators ....................................................................52 Res 99/00/23 Approval of Special Committee to Research Privilege Fee Levels ...................24 Res 99/00/24 Approval of Student Body President’s Appointments .......................................25 Res 99/00/09 Approval of Student Body President’s Cabinet ....................................................9 Res 99/00/22 Approval of Student Senate Interns ....................................................................23 Res 99/00/06 Approval of Student Senate Parliamentarian and Secretary .................................6 Res 99/00/20 Approval of Student Senate Standing Committee Chair ....................................21 Res 99/00/07 Approval of Student Senate Standing Committee Chairs ....................................7 Res 99/00/45 Approval of Student Tribunal Chancellor ..........................................................47 Res 99/00/08 Approval of Summer Treasurer ............................................................................8 Res 99/00/13 Approval of University Committee Appointments ............................................13 Approval of Regulations and Guidelines Res 99/00/32 Amendment to Student Senate Standing Rules ..................................................33 Res 99/00/15 Approval of 1999-2000 Student Governing Association Goals .........................15 Res 99/00/68 Approval of College of Agriculture College Council Constitution ....................74 Res 99/00/42 Approval of Fine Arts Council By-Laws Changes .............................................43 Res 99/00/41 Approval of Fine Arts Council Funding Guidelines Changes ............................42 Res 99/00/60 Approval of Graduate Student Council Constitution .........................................62 Res 99/00/63 Approval of Student Health Advisory Committee By-Laws .............................66 Res 99/00/30 Resolution Concerning Changes to the Fine Arts Council .................................31 Res 99/00/36 Resolution Concerning the Fine Arts Council By-Laws and Funding Regulations ...........................................................................................37 Commendations Res 99/00/76 Commendation to 1999-2000 Student Senate and Student Senate Interns ........87 Res 99/00/69 Commendation to Attorney General ..................................................................79 Res 99/00/65 Commendation to the College of Agriculture College Council .........................69 Res 99/00/75 Commendation to Gayle Spencer........................................................................86 Res 99/00/02 Commendation to Jennyfer Owensby ..................................................................2 Res 99/00/34 Commendation to Leslie Small ..........................................................................35 Res 99/00/33 Commendation to Michael Springer ..................................................................34 Res 99/00/73 Commendation to Sarah Dillingham ..................................................................84 Res 99/00/14 Commendation to Soenghie Lee, Andrew Peppin and Mark Ward ...................14 Res 99/00/70 Commendation to Student Body President and Student Body Vice President .....................................................................................................80 Res 99/00/71 Commendation to Student Senate Chair and Student Senate Vice Chair ...........................................................................................................81 Res 99/00/72 Commendation to Student Senate Standing Committee Chairs, Elections Committee Chair and Other Members of the Executive Committee .........................................................................................82 Resolutions Regarding State Government Res 99/00/17 Resolution Supporting the Reconsideration of Science Standards by the Kansas State Board of Education .................................................................17 Res 99/00/54 Support for Using Tuition Increase Revenue to Supplement Base Budget Funds .............................................................................................56 Resolution Regarding Local Goverment Res 99/00/18 City/University Projects Fund Student Priority List ..........................................18 Res 99/00/52 Support for a City-Wide Ordinance Prohibiting Smoking in Workplaces and Enclosed Public Places ............................................................54 Res 99/00/25 Support for Reconsideration of Proposed Roundabout at Kimball and North Manhattan Avenues ..................................................................................26 Res 99/00/26 Support for Reinstallation of Flashing Yellow Lights Along North Manhattan Avenue ..............................................................................................27 Resolution Regarding University Actions Res 99/00/53 Resolution Supporting the Actions Taken by the Administration Concerning Class Availability in the College of Business .................................55 Res 99/00/58 Support for Clarification of Faculty Handbook Wording Concerning Tests Given the Week Prior to Finals Week ...................................60 Res 99/00/57 Support for Easier Ability to Provide Non-Disclosure of Students’ Personal Information ..........................................................................................59 Res 99/00/38 Support for Increase of Crosswalks and Lighting ..............................................39 Res 99/00/31 Support for Kansas State University Joining Campus Compact ........................32 Res 99/00/46 Support for KSU SGA Transportation Proposal ................................................48 Res 99/00/44 Support for Less Paper Use on Campus .............................................................46 Res 99/00/39 Support for Pedestrian Safety in Dismount Zones .............................................40 Res 99/00/48 Support for No Examinations During the University Career Fair ......................50 Res 99/00/47 Support for Restructuring the Reimbursement Schedule for Dropping Classes ................................................................................................49 Res 99/00/40 Support for the Addition of Bicycle Racks ........................................................41 Res 99/00/62 Support for the Creation of a Rule in the Faculty Handbook Regarding Exams Held Outside of Scheduled Course Instruction Time .............................65 Miscellaneous Res 99/00/16 1999-2000 Budget Resolution ............................................................................16 Res 99/00/29 Creation of a Pause in the Pledge of Allegiance ................................................30 Res 99/00/67 Official SGA Stance on Governance of a Possible Student Activity Center ...................................................................................................73 Res 99/00/35 Recommendation to Support Internet Voting .....................................................36 Res 99/00/61 Support to Transfer University Rivalry ..............................................................64 RESOLUTION 99/00/01 BY: APPROVAL OF ATTORNEY GENERAL NOMINEE INTERVIEW COMMITTEE Gabe Eckert and Kelly Dickson WHEREAS Article V, Section 8 of the KSU SGA By-Laws provides for the creation of the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee; and WHEREAS The current Attorney General is the Chairperson of the Committee; and WHEREAS The Chairperson of Student Senate shall appoint five Student Senators to the Committee, subject to Student Senate approval; and WHEREAS The Attorney General shall appoint two judicial branch members to the Committee, subject to Student Senate approval; and WHEREAS The Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee appointments must be considered at the first meeting of Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following Student Senators be approved as members of the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee: Jaleen M. Brady Ted T. Conrad Jeremy D. Lutz Sarah E. Nixon Lance M. Stafford SECTION 2. The following Judicial Branch members be approved as members of the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee: Brian M. Glick Ashley R. Malson THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 4/1/99 R-1 RESOLUTION 99/00/02 BY: COMMENDATION TO JENNYFER OWENSBY Canton Getz, Kimberly Peschka, Erica Guries, Gabe Eckert, Phil Anderson, Mary Bosco, Sarah Botkin, Jaleen Brady, Lacy Brittingham, Kyle Brownback, Josh Brueggemann, Lucas Bud, Crystal Campbell, Ted Conrad, Danny Cooper, Erica Courtright, Sarah Dillingham, John Donley, Dean Draper, Courtney Dunbar, Katie Ellefson, Peter Erschen, Christian Freberg, Lindsey Gardner, Kari Gorrell, Steve Hall, Samira Hasan, Kami Hawks, Jason Heinrich, Ryan Hoskinson, Tara Hull, Julie Karrer, Amie Kershner, Robert Kramer, Nick Krier, Cory Lafferty, John Lahman, Jennifer Lucke, Jayson Lusk, Jeremy Lutz, Naomi McHugh, Stacy Meredith, Amy Metzinger, Nicole Meyer, Lisa Morris, Bill Muir, Sarah Nixon, Brandon Oberling, Kevin Oehme, Aubrie Ohide, Joe Pacey, Cory Powell, Jessica Raile, Carrie Reinert, Jared Rose, Sam Sackett, Leslie Small, Lance Stafford, Jonas Stewart, Jill Szynskie, Anita Teague, Ryan Walker, John Welch, Jake Worcester WHEREAS Jennyfer Owensby has held the position of SGA Accounting Specialist for nearly two and one-half years; and WHEREAS during her tenure in the position, Jennyfer has brought the Student Governing Association’s accounts from a state of disrepair to become one of the most respected financially managed departments in the University; and WHEREAS during her time with SGA, Jennyfer Owensby assisted two SGA Treasurers in fulfilling the daily tasks required in overseeing allocation and expenditure of student fee funds from the Student Activity, Office of Student Activities and Services, an Fine Arts accounts; and WHEREAS Jennyfer has been instrumental in providing insight into the workings of student groups and the financial process outside of SGA, helping to develop revisions to the Funding Statute and simplifying the process of allocations for student groups; and WHEREAS Jennyfer Owensby recently accepted a substantial promotion to a position in the Controller’s Office at Kansas State University and will soon be leaving her duties with the Student Governing Association, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Jennyfer Owensby is hereby recognized by the members of the Student Governing Association for her hard work and dedication to the Student Governing Association and each of the many contributions she has made in improving the allocations process. SECTION 2. Upon passage of this resolution by the Student Senate, a copy of this commendation shall be presented to Jennyfer Owensby by the acting SGA Treasurer. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 4/1/99 R-2 RESOLUTION 99/00/03 BY: APPROVAL OF ATTORNEY GENERAL Jason Heinrich and Gabe Eckert WHEREAS the Attorney General is the head of the Judicial Branch of the KSU SGA; and WHEREAS the position of Attorney General was sufficiently advertised; and WHEREAS the KSU SGA By-Laws provide that the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee be composed of the current Attorney General, five student senators appointed by the current Student Senate Chair, and two judicial members appointed by the current Attorney General; and WHEREAS the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee was appointed by Student Senate Chair Gabe Eckert and Attorney General Kelly Dickson and was approved by Senate Resolution 99/00/01; and WHEREAS the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee met on April 8, 1999 and recommended individuals to the Student Body President for appointment as Attorney General, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Amie Kershner be approved as Attorney General for the 1999-2000 term of office. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 4/8/99 R-3 RESOLUTION 99/00/04 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATOR Jake Worcester, Mary Bosco WHEREAS There is a vacancy of a Student Senator seat for the College of Agriculture; and WHEREAS Matt Wolters received the next highest vote total of non-elected College of Agriculture Senatorial Candidates, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Matt Wolters be approved as a Student Senator from the College of Agriculture. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 4/8/99 R-4 RESOLUTION 99/00/05 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATORS Jake Worcester and Mary Bosco WHEREAS There are vacancies for the office of Student Senator in the Graduate School; and WHEREAS Drew Brown and Ken Wells received the next highest vote totals among Graduate School Senatorial Candidates, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Drew Brown be approved as a Student Senator from the Graduate School. SECTION 2. Ken Wells be approved as a Student Senator from the Graduate School. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 4/15/99 R-5 RESOLUTION 99/00/06 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT SENATE PARLIAMENTARIAN AND SECRETARY Jake Worcester and Mary Bosco WHEREAS There are openings for the positions of Student Senate Secretary and Student Senate Parliamentarian; and WHEREAS The positions were sufficiently advertised in the Collegian; and WHEREAS Applications and interviews were made available to all students who showed interest in the KSU Student Governing Association, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Bill Harlan be approved as Student Senate Parliamentarian for the 1999-2000 term. SECTION 2. Bobby Allison-Gallimore be approved as Student Senate Secretary for the 19992000 term. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 4/22/99 R-6 RESOLUTION 99/00/07 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS Jake Worcester and Mary Bosco WHEREAS The Student Senate Chair must appoint and the Student Senate must approve the chairs of the Student Senate standing committees; and WHEREAS The position of Student Senate standing committee chairs was adequately advertised in the Collegian; and WHEREAS Applications and interviews were made available to all student who showed interest in the KSU Student Governing Association, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as standing committee chairs for their respective offices for the 1999-2000 Student Senate term: Academic Affairs & University Relations Committee Sarah Geiger Allocations Committee Carlton Getz Communications Committee Julie Karrer Governmental Relations Committee Travis Lenkner Privilege Fee Committee Ryan Walker Senate Operations Committee Dustin Petrik Student Affairs & Social Services Committee Crystal Campbell THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 4/22/99 R-7 RESOLUTION 99/00/08 BY: APPROVAL OF SUMMER TREASURER Jake Worcester, Mary Bosco, and Canton Getz WHEREAS the SGA Treasurer/Allocations Chair will not be at KSU during the entire summer; and WHEREAS the KSU SGA Constitution allows for the appointment of a Summer Treasurer in this circumstance, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kimberly Peschka be approved as the Summer Treasurer for the summer 1999 semester. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 4/29/99 R-8 RESOLUTION 99/00/09 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT’S CABINET Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS positions for the Student Body President’s Cabinet were sufficiently advertised; and WHEREAS the following individuals proved to be best qualified for their respective positions, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as members of the Student Body President’s Cabinet for the 1999-2000 term: Chief of Staff, Emily Emerson Academic Affairs Director, Brooke Thompson Adult Student Services Coordinator, Thomas Hardie Campus Development Director, Melissa Vopat College Council Coordinator, Elijah Keever Environmental Awareness and Community Service Director, Jodi Mason Executive Assistant to the President, Phil Stein Governmental Relations Director, Travis Morgan Multicultural and International Affairs Director, Brinda Govindarajan Off-Campus Housing and Transportation Director, Jacob Musick On-Campus Housing Coordinator, Nick Lander Public Relations Director, Robben Roesler Technology Coordinator, Jonas Heinrich THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 4/29/99 R-9 RESOLUTION 99/00/10 BY: APPROVAL OF JUDICIAL BRANCH APPOINTMENTS Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert, Jake Worcester, and Arnie Kershner WHEREAS the positions for the Judicial Board were sufficiently advertised; and WHEREAS it is necessary for Student Senate to approve the appointments of Judicial Board members; and WHEREAS the selection process was conducted in accordance with the KSU SGA Constitution, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Senate approves the following individuals as Judicial Board members for the 1999-2000 term: Judicial Council Tara Hull — Student Senator Mike Goodpasture — Greek Amanda Helten — At-Large Lisa Dethloff — Off-Campus Student Tribunal Jimmy Hodges — Chancellor, At-Large Dahomey Abanishe — Greek Cade Keenan — At-Large Lisa Slagle — Residence Hall Ashley Malson — Off-Campus Student Review Board Patrick Sail — Chairperson, At-Large John Graham — At-Large Dan Arthur — Greek Deah Robinson — Residence Hall Ghidah Assalimy — Off-Campus THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 4/29/99 R-10 RESOLUTION 99/00/11 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATORS Jake Worcester and Mary Bosco WHEREAS There are vacancies of Student Senator seats for the College of Arts and Sciences; and WHEREAS Dustin Petrik and Nick Oberst received the next highest vote totals of non-elected College of Arts and Sciences Senatorial Candidates, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Dustin Petrik be approved as a Student Senator from the College of Arts and Sciences. SECTION 2. Nick Oberst be approved as a Student Senator from the College of Arts and Sciences. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 8/26/99 R-11 RESOLUTION 99/00/12 BY: APPROVAL OF JUDICIAL COUNCIL APPOINTMENT Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS a representative appointed to Judicial Council has resigned; and WHEREAS this appointment is subject to approval by Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individual be approved to serve on Judicial Council for the 19992000 term: Elizabeth Griswold THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 8/26/99 R-12 RESOLUTION 99/00/13 BY: APPROVAL OF UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the following people have been selected by the Student Body President to serve on university-wide committees during the 1999-2000 term; and WHEREAS these appointments are subject to approval by Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved to serve on their respective committees for the 1999-2000 term: 7170 Computer and Information Technology Advisory Committee Jonas Heinrich Jeff Meder 8000 Strategic Planning Committee Jason Heinrich Jake Worcester 8020 University Committee on Governmental Issues Jason Heinrich Gabe Eckert Travis Morgan Jake Worcester Mary Bosco Travis Lenkner 8034 Information Resource Management Council Jonas Heinrich 8038 Campus Recycling Committee Jodi Mason Stacey Meredith 8040 Advisory Committee on Campus Development Melissa Vopat 8050 Campus Environmental Health and Safety Committee Jodi Mason THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 8/26/99 R-13 RESOLUTION 99/00/14 BY: COMMENDATION TO SOENGHIE LEE, ANDREW PEPPIN AND MARK WARD Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert, Emily Emerson and Jake Worcester WHEREAS Soenghie Lee, Andrew Peppin and Mark Ward are Kansas State University interior architecture students; and WHEREAS they designed a customer service center for a utility company in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, for the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers annual design contest; and WHEREAS they invested more than 1,000 hours in the project, which included drawings and computer graphics; and WHEREAS their project was judged on originality, presentation, meeting and project requirements; and WHEREAS their project won first place in the national American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers annual design contest; and WHEREAS Soenghie Lee, Andrew Peppin and Mark Ward have brought honor, distinction and recognition to themselves, the College of Architecture, Planning and Design, and Kansas State University, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kansas State University Student Governing Association commends and congratulates Soenghie Lee, Andrew Peppin and Mark Ward for winning the national American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers annual design contest. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be sent to Soenghie Lee; Andrew Peppin; Mark Ward; their parents; Dean of the College of Architecture, Planning and Design Dennis Law; and President Jon Wefald. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 9/9/99 R-14 RESOLUTION 99/00/15 BY: APPROVAL OF 1999-2000 STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION GOALS Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert, Jake Worcester, and Mary Bosco WHEREAS setting goals is vital in providing direction for Student Governing Associaiton throughout the year; and WHEREAS goals written and approved in resolution form allow the entire student body to know what Student Governing Association is doing; and WHEREAS the goals listed below were compiled from feedback received during the Student Governing Association Retreat; and WHEREAS the passage of these goals only gives direction for what to consider and does not bind Student Governing Association to any specific action in the future. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The goals of the 1999-2000 Student Governing Association be established as, but not limited to, the following: A. Increase cooperation between SGA branches and committees B. Increase awareness of social services on campus C. Conduct community services programs that SGA participates in D. Increase communication between SGA and the student body E. Better educate the student body about privilege fees F. Complete the restructuring of the SGA web page G. Research changes to the residence hall meal plan H. Establish on-line voting and increase technology services for students I. Research splitting finals week over a weekend J. Adjust the tuition-reimbursement schedule K. Research the need of a city-wide or campus transportation system L. Strengthen relationship with K-State Salina students M. Increase awareness of diversity on campus THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 9/9/99 R-15 RESOLUTION 98/99/16 BY: 1999-2000 BUDGET RESOLUTION Privilege Fee Committee WHEREAS the Student Government Association will review privilege fees this year; and WHEREAS these fees are KSDB 91.9, Student Health, University Bands, Fine Arts Council, Student Publications and Operations, and University Counseling Services; and WHEREAS the Kansas Board of Regents has raised tuition to account for inflation; and WHEREAS it is vital that the Student Governing Association help ensure access to higher education for all current and future students; BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. During the review of student fees, Student Senate will justify to the student body each fee in order to help ensure financial access to all students. SECTION 2. The Privilege Fee Committee requests reports from the following: KSDB Director, Lafene Health Center Director, Fine Arts Council Chairman, Board of Student Publications, University Counseling Services Director and University Band Director. This report shall include: (1) a justification of its fee and the benefits to the student body, (2) the request and justification for the level of its fee beginning in academic year 1999-2000, (3) alternative methods of increasing revenue, which would maintain current services and cover a possible 5% reduction in the privilege fee, and (4) any additional information requested by the Privilege Fee Committee. These reports shall address a three-tiered funding strategy. Tier 1 is a 5% funding increase, and should delineate additional services or service enhancements that would be provided for this increased funding level. Tier 2 is a continuance of funding, and should specify its effects on current operations and services offered. Tier 3 is a 5% funding reduction, and should delineate impacts on current services and operations. This report shall also include a copy of the agency’s annual report for the previous year. SECTION 3. A copy of this resolution be sent to individuals mentioned in Section 2; Gayle Spencer, Coordinator of Student Activities and Services; Bob Krause, Vice President for Institutional Advancement; Tom Rawson, Vice President for Administration and Finance; and Tom Schellhardt, Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY VOICE VOTE ON 9/2/99 R-16 RESOLUTION 99/00/17 BY: RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE RECONSIDERATION OF SCIENCE STANDARDS BY THE KANSAS STATE BOARD OF EDUCAITON Dustin Petrik WHEREAS the August 11, 1999, decision of the Kansas State Board of Education to deemphasize the teaching of evolution in public schools has caused a controversy that has attracted nationwide attention; and WHEREAS this decision will eliminate the theory of evolution from state standardized tests and allow local school districts to determine the curriculum on the subjects of evolution and creationism; and WHEREAS by allowing each of the 304 local school boards to determine how evolution should be taught, this decision creates the potential for statewide discrepancy in education standards; and WHEREAS this decision also makes local school board elections a likely site for partisan politics; and WHEREAS national standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT, will still contain questions relating to the theory of evolution, leaving Kansas high-school students unprepared for these exams; and WHEREAS this decision will affect the recruitment of students and faculty to Kansas State University and other institutions of higher learning in the state of Kansas, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association strongly urges the Kansas State Board of Education to reconsider its decision to de-emphasize the teaching of evolution in public schools and to eliminate the theory of evolution from state standardized tests. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be sent to the Kansas State Board of Education, Governor Bill Graves, President Jon Wefald, and Assistant to the President Sue Peterson upon passage. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 43-11-0 ON 9/9/99 R-17 RESOLUTION 99/00/18 BY: CITY/UNIVERSITY PROJECTS FUND STUDENT PRIORITY LIST Governmental Relations Committee WHEREAS the 1993-1994 Student Senate supported the annexation of the Kansas State University campus by the city of Manhattan; and WHEREAS Student Senate is responsible for the allocation of students’ monies; and WHEREAS the City/University Projects Fund is comprised of sales taxes collected by the city from sales on the K-State campus; and WHEREAS students should continue to have an active voice in the destination of all group funds derived from their sales tax dollars; and WHEREAS President Jon Wefald has requested Student Senate submit a priority list of projects for the City/University Projects Fund; and WHEREAS the priority list submitted by Student Senate represents the voice of the student body and this list includes those projects that would be of greatest benefit to the students of Kansas State University; and WHEREAS Student Senate’s priority list typically has been closely reviewed as part of the framework for the president’s recommendation to the city of Manhattan; and WHEREAS Governmental Relations Committee has reviewed the options and determined the following projects to be of the most benefit to the students of Kansas State University in 2001. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Funding for ongoing programs, such as the University Gardens Project, Pilot Recycling Project and the K-State Libraries/Manhattan Public Library Project, be continued throughout the projects’ anticipated completion. SECTION 2. The following items be considered to be the priorities of the Kansas State University student body and the KSU Student Governing Association: 1. Improvements to sidewalks: a. Completion of a sidewalk along the north side of Claflin Road between College Avenue and Sunset Avenue. b. Completion of a sidewalk along the east side of North Manhattan Avenue between Bluemont Avenue and Claflin Road. c. Completion of a sidewalk along the east side of Sunset Avenue between Claflin Road and Platt Street. 2. Improvements to crosswalk lighting and signage at the following locations: a. at Claflin Road and Moore Hall. b. at Claflin Road and Haymaker Hall. R-18 c. throughout the North Manhattan Avenue corridor. 3. A northbound turning arrow for eastbound traffic at the intersection of Claflin Road and Denison Avenue. 4. Improvements to campus lighting and student safety at the following locations: a. between Ahearn Field House and Memorial Stadium. b. between West and King Halls. c. in the B2 parking lot north and east of Weber Hall. 5. Improvements to the Memorial Stadium field and jogging track. SECTION 3. The placement of a traffic signal at Denison Avenue and Jardine Drive be removed from the list of projects for 2001. SECTION 4. The KSU SGA encourages city officials to find alternative sources of funding for the proposed information center at Interstate 70 and Kansas Highway 177. SECTION 5. A copy of this resolution be given to President Jon Wefald, City Manager Gary Greer, members of the City/University Projects Fund Committee and members of the Manhattan City Commission. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 9/9/99 R-19 RESOLUTION 99/00/19 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATORS Jake Worcester and Mary Bosco WHEREAS there are vacancies of Student Senator seats for the College of Human Ecology and the College of Veterinary Medicine; and WHEREAS Chad Miller received the next highest vote totals of non-elected College of Human Ecology Senatorial Candidates; and WHEREAS Todd Anderson was approved by the College of Veterinary Medicine to represent the college, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Chad Miller be approved as a Student Senator from the College of Human Ecology. SECTION 2. Todd Anderson be approved as a Student Senator from the College of Veterinary Medicine. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 9/2/99 R-20 RESOLUTION 99/00/20 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIR Jake Worcester and Mary Bosco WHEREAS The Student Senate Chair must appoint and the Student Senate must approve the chairs of the Student Senate standing committees; and WHEREAS There was a vacancy for the office of Academic Affairs and University Relations Standing Committee Chair; and WHEREAS Applications and interviews were made available to all student who showed interest in the KSU Student Governing Association, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Steve Hall be approved as Academic Affairs and University Relations Standing Committee Chair. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 9/16/99 R-21 RESOLUTION 99/00/2 1 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATOR Jake Worcester and Mary Bosco WHEREAS there is a vacancy of a Student Senator seat for the College of Engineering; and WHEREAS Jon Nelson received the next highest vote totals of non-elected College of Engineering Senatorial Candidates, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Jon Nelson be approved as a Student Senator from the College of Engineering. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 9/23/99 R-22 RESOLUTION 99/00/22 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT SENATE INTERNS Naomi McHugh, Mary Bosco, Dustin Petrik WHEREAS the position of Student Senate Intern was sufficiently advertised; and WHEREAS eighty-three applications for Student Senate Intern positions were received and forty-six applicants were interviewed; and WHEREAS the selection process was conducted in accordance with the Kansas State University Student Governing Association Constitution and By-Laws, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as Student Senate Interns for the 19992000 Student Senate term: James McCallie Missy McVicker Luke Oplinger Shanna Pederson Leslie Perrin Elizabeth Richardson Aaron Schlagel Erica Smith Sarah Sourk Layne Stafford Jeremy Stohs Phil Wagner Shelly Anderson Amber Blake Tiffany Blake Molly Caton Heidi Durflinger Josh Habiger Ben Harder Andrew Hayhurst Ben Hemmen Bret Heskett Tina Hoobler Stacy Krueger Marshal Zabel THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 9/23/99 R-23 RESOLUTION 99/00/23 BY: APPROVAL OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO RESEARCH PRIVILEGE FEE LEVELS Jason Heinrich and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the SGA Special Committee to Research Privilege Fee Levels was created by the 1998-1999 Student Governing Association; and WHEREAS this committee has the responsibility of researching current fee structures at Kansas State University and other institutions; and WHEREAS this committee shall submit a report to the Student Governing Association regarding what courses of action should be taken; and WHEREAS appointments by the student body president are subject to Student Senate approval, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved as members of the Special Committee to Research Privilege Fee Levels: Sam Sackett Chair Barbara Dethloff At-Large Elijah Keever At-Large Mellissa Vopat Cabinet Lance Stafford Senator THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 9/23/99 R-24 RESOLUTION 99/00/24 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT’S APPOINTMENTS Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert, Emily Emerson, and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the following students have been appointed to serve on university-wide committees; and WHEREAS these appointments are subject to the approval of student senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved to serve on their respective committees for the 1999-2000 term: Advisory Committee on Campus Development and Planning Policy, Mellisa Vopat Subcommittee on Building Project Review, Mellissa Vopat Subcommittee on Open Space and Land Use Project Review, Renee Fischer Subcommittee on Circulation, Parking and Transportation Parking Review, Jacob Musik Subcommittee on Utilities, Technology and Infrastructure Projects, Jonas Heinrich Campus Environmental Health and Safety Committee, Jodi Mason Campus Recycling Advisory Committee, Jodi Mason and Stacy Meredith Council on Parking Operations, Zac Cook, Renee Fischer and Jacob Musik Council on Police Activities and Campus Safety, Zac Cook, student-at-large, and Thomas Hardie, non-traditional student Wildcat Walk Board of Directors, Jason Pechar Educational Opportunity Fund, Craig Meinhardt, Patty Duncan, Ben Hemmen, and Angela Kistner Honor Council, Carlos Etter, College of Business Administration Legal Services Advisory Board, Jon Nelson, undergraduate student, Pete Erschen, graduate student, and Forrest Buhler, attorney Recreational Services Council, Nicole Dautel and Jason Sorell THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 9/30/99 R-25 RESOLUTION 99/00/25 BY: SUPPORT FOR RECONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ROUNDABOUT AT KIMBALL AND NORTH MANHATTAN AVENUES Governmental Relations Committee WHEREAS the intersection at North Manhattan and Kimball avenues is dangerous, with 68 accidents, 34 injuries and one fatality there since 1991, and the Kansas Department of Transportation has offered to fund construction of a roundabout at that location; and WHEREAS North Manhattan and Kimball avenues are often used by students to travel to and from campus, and Kimball Avenue is the main link to the KSU sports complex; and WHEREAS a roundabout would clog traffic at the intersection, especially before and after events at the sports complex, which draw thousands of visitors to the city each year; and WHEREAS a roundabout would be a poor choice for the North Manhattan and Kimball intersection, which is at the top of a hill; and WHEREAS a roundabout would be an obstacle to Manhattan’s fire and police personnel, who have already voiced their opposition to the project; and WHEREAS a roundabout would drastically slow traffic on one of Manhattan’s arterial streets, as defined by the recent comprehensive transportation study. This would go against the study, which showed Kimball to be an important, high-traffic street running east and west through the city; and WHEREAS the Manhattan City Commission, by accepting the KDOT proposal, has approved a project that will have a negative affect on the intersection and the city of Manhattan, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association asks the Manhattan City Commission and KDOT to reconsider and review the proposed roundabout and explore alternative solutions to traffic at this intersection. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be given to City Manager Gary Greer, Public Works Director Jerry Petty, members of the Manhattan City Commission, Secretary of Transportation Dean Carlson, Vice President of Administration and Finance Tom Rawson, and President Jon Wefald. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A VOICE VOTE ON 10/14/99 R-26 RESOLUTION 99/00/26 BY: SUPPORT FOR REINSTALLATION OF FLASHING YELLOW LIGHTS ALONG NORTH MANHATTAN AVENUE Governmental Relations Committee WHEREAS North Manhattan Avenue between Claim Road and Bluemont Avenue has a high amount of pedestrian traffic and is often crossed by students going to and from campus; and WHEREAS flashing yellow lights that alerted motorists to crosswalks in that corridor were removed when crews began construction on the street but have not been replaced; and WHEREAS pedestrians crossing North Manhattan Avenue remain a safety concern to the student body; and WHEREAS the recent enhancements to North Manhattan Avenue do not decrease danger to pedestrians who wish to cross the street; and WHEREAS yellow lights boost awareness of crosswalks and pedestrian traffic; and WHEREAS failure to reinstall the lights has not been justified by city staff; and WHEREAS the city still has the yellow lights, which could be reinstalled without much replacement cost; and WHEREAS the city should make every effort to promote safety through this dangerous corridor; and WHEREAS city staff members say they wish more time to study traffic patterns after construction on North Manhattan and Anderson avenues is complete, but the flashing lights are a separate safety issue and should be replaced as soon as possible, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association strongly urges the city of Manhattan to reinstall the flashing crosswalk lights along North Manhattan Avenue between Claim Road and Bluemont Avenue. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be given to: City Manager Gary Greer, Public Works Director Jerry Petty, members of the Manhattan City Commission, Vice President of Administration and Finance Tom Rawson, and President Jon Wefald. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 10/7/99 R-27 RESOLUTION 99/00/27 BY: APPROVAL OF ELECTIONS COMMITTEE CHAIR Jason Heinrich and Jake Worcester WHEREAS The Elections Committee Chair is jointly appointed by the Student Body President and the Student Senate Chair; and WHEREAS the appointment is subject to approval by Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves Travis Morgan as Elections Committee Chair for the 1999-2000 SGA term. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 10/14/99 R-28 RESOLUTION 99/00/28 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATORS Jake Worcester and Mary Bosco WHEREAS there are vacancies for the office of student senator in the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Education; and WHEREAS Jenny Perkins received the next-highest vote total of non-elected College of Arts and Sciences senatorial candidates; and WHEREAS Casey Jackson received the next-highest vote total of non-elected College of Education senatorial candidates, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Jenny Perkins be approved as a senator for the College of Arts and Sciences. SECTION 2. Casey Jackson be approved as a senator for the College of Education. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 10/14/99 R-29 RESOLUTION 99/00/29 BY: CREATION OF A PAUSE IN THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Samira Hasan and Travis Lenkner WHEREAS the Pledge of Allegiance is recited at the beginning of each Student Senate meeting; and WHEREAS it would sound better if everyone said the pledge in unison, without confusion; and WHEREAS there is not a comma between “one nation” and “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance (according to United States Code), but there should be because it would sound better; and WHEREAS many senators learned the pledge as small children and were taught to pause between “one nation” and “under God”; and WHEREAS the recitation of the pledge without the pause goes against what many senators were taught by their parents and grandparents; and WHEREAS who are we to do that?; and WHEREAS most senators would be more comfortable if they were able to pause between “one nation” and “under God”, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association encourages Americans to pause between “one nation” and “under God” as they recite the Pledge of Allegiance. SECTION 2. Student senators shall encourage the use of a pause by pausing as they recite the Pledge of Allegiance before each Student Senate meeting. SECTION 3. A copy of this resolution be given to Student Senate Chair Jake Worcester, Student Senate Secretary Bobby Allison-Gallimore, and Student Senate Parliamentarian Bill Harlan. AUTHORSHIP OF THIS RESOLUTION WAS PULLED 10/28/99 R-30 RESOLUTION 99/00/30 BY: RESOLUTION CONCERNING CHANGES TO THE FINE ARTS COUNCIL Allocations Committee WHEREAS the Allocations Committee held a regularly scheduled meeting to which members of the Fine Arts Council were invited to discuss the concerns of the Student Governing Association relative to the Fine Arts Council; and WHEREAS at the aforementioned meeting, the members of the Fine Arts Council indicated the Fine Arts Council itself would likely be willing to make changes to the structure and operations of the Council from within in working with the Student Governing Association to address concerns; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee has determined that the best immediate course of action is to allow the Fine Arts Council the opportunity to make such changes, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Governing Association of Kansas State University recommends the following changes in the Fine Arts Council Bylaws and procedures: 1. Only student members of the Fine Arts Council should have the power to vote. 2. The membership of the Fine Arts Council should be adjusted such that the ratio of student members to faculty members is not less than 3:1. 3. The SGA Treasurer should be notified of all allocations from any reserve account containing Fine Arts Fee funds. 4. Fine Arts Student Organization budget request forms may be submitted to the Fine Arts Council via the SGA Treasurer. 5. The reserve accounts of individual departments should be consolidated into a single reserve account which shall be limited to not more than 10% of the total fee. 6. Semesterly allocations of the Fine Arts Council to student organizations should be subject to the review and approval of the Allocations Committee. SECTION 2. The Allocations Committee shall review any changes made by the Fine Arts Council to determine whether or not the changes address and resolve the concerns of the Student Governing Association not later than Sunday, November 21, 1999. AUTHORSHIP OF THIS RESOLUTION WAS PULLED 12/2/99 R-31 RESOLUTION 99/00/31 BY: SUPPORT FOR KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY JOININGCAMPUS COMPACT Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert, Travis Lenkner, Emily Emerson, Jonas Stewart, Stacy Meredith, and Jake Worcester WHEREAS Kansas State University is a land-grant institution that supports a mission of public service; and WHEREAS Campus Compact is a national organization of college and university presidents committed to helping students develop the values and skills of civic participation through involvement in public service; and WHEREAS membership in this organization will give K-State students, faculty and staff greater access to technical assistance, training, benchmarks, leadership, advocacy for service learning, research grants, scholarships, and fellowships; and WHEREAS Campus Compact will provide resources and opportunities that will enhance the “total student experience” and contribute to enhancing the level of education at this university; and WHEREAS the eventual creation of a statewide Campus Compact will help our students and our universities become better leaders and more responsible future citizens by reinvigorating the mission of higher education in the state of Kansas, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Student Governing Association recommends that Kansas State University join Campus Compact and the network of campuses in order to have greater access to resources and to become more engaged in the most pressing social, civic, and ethical issues to our students, our schools and our cities. SECTION 2. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association cordially asks President Wefald to take the lead for the entire state of Kansas and establish a statewide Campus Compact that would include at the minimum all Regents Institutions and would be hosted at this university. SECTION 3. A copy of this resolution be sent to President Jon Wefald; Provost Jim Coffman; Dr. Susan Scott, Director of Leadership Studies and Programs; Dr. Carol Peak, Director of the Kansas Center for Rural Initiatives; Dr. Marion Gray, Faculty Senate President; and Dr. Juanita McGowan, Director of American Ethnic Studies and Chairwoman of the KSU Tilford Group. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 10/28/99 R-32 RESOLUTION 99/00/32 BY: AMENDMENT TO STUDENT SENATE STANDING RULES Travis Lenkner, Mary Bosco, Crystal Campbell, Carlton Getz, Steve Hall, Dustin Petrik, and Jake Worcester WHEREAS Student Senate makes decisions that affect every Kansas State University student, and senators are charged with representing those students; and WHEREAS Open Period is a valuable part of the Student Senate agenda that allows student and others without speaking privileges to express views that senators might not hear otherwise; and WHEREAS students and their representatives gain from the opportunity to discuss issues and ideas during Open Period; and WHEREAS the Student Senate agenda often includes several important pieces of legislation that take considerable time to present and debate; and WHEREAS Open Period, while important, often grows lengthy and takes away from other important aspects of Student Senate meetings; and WHEREAS it is not unreasonable to ask Open Period speakers to present their remarks in a timely fashion and to follow a generous time limit; and WHEREAS senators and the students they serve would benefit from such a limit, which would allow important ideas to be exchanged but would also promote efficient meetings that make good use of everyone’s time, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Senate Standing Rules be amended to read as follows: 42-1303. Open Periods A. Each regular meeting of Student Senate shall begin with an Open Period, during which any individual without speaking privileges may address Student Senate. Each individual shall be allowed ten minutes unless extended by majority vote. Such Open Period shall last not more than thirty minutes unless extended by majority vote. After an Open Period speaker has concluded his/her presentation, those with speaking privileges may ask questions. Debate with the speaker will not be allowed. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY VOICE VOTE ON 11/4/99 R-33 RESOLUTION 99/00/33 BY: COMMENDATION TO MICHAEL SPRINGER Jake Worcester, Gabe Eckert, Jason Heinrich, Emily Emerson, Mary Bosco, and Bill Harlan WHEREAS Michael Springer is a student in the College of Agriculture at Kansas State University; and WHEREAS Michael Springer was chosen as the Star Farmer of America by the National FFA Organization on October 28, 1999; and WHEREAS the Star Farmer of America is selected as having the best Supervised Agricultural Experience Program from the over 450,000 members of the National FFA Organization; and WHEREAS Michael Springer is the fifth Star Farmer of America from Kansas in the seventy— two year history of the National FFA Organization; and WHEREAS the Star Farmer of America is the top award given by the National FFA Organization; and WHEREAS Michael Springer has brought recognition to the state of Kansas, Kansas State University, and the College of Agriculture, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association commends and congratulates Michael Springer on his selection as the National FFA Organization Star Farmer of America. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be given to Michael Springer, University President Jon Wefald, Dean of the College of Agriculture Marc Johnson, Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture Larry Erpelding, and Kansas FFA Executive Secretary Mary Kane. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 11/4/99 R-34 RESOLUTION 99/00/34 BY: COMMENDATION TO LESLIE SMALL Lance Stafford, Matt Wolters, Jake Worcester, Gabe Eckert, Jason Heinrich, Emily Emerson, Mary Bosco, and Bill Harlan WHEREAS Leslie Small is a student in the College of Agriculture at Kansas State University; and WHEREAS Leslie Small was elected as the Central Region Vice President of the National FFA Organization on October 30, 1999; and WHEREAS Leslie Small is one of six national officers representing over 450,000 members of the National FFA Organization; and WHEREAS Leslie Small will travel over 100,000 miles representing the National FFA Organization in the coming year; and WHEREAS Leslie Small will meet with thousands of students, business partners, and community members during her year of service; and WHEREAS Leslie Small will take a year hiatus from Kansas State University to fulfill her commitment; and WHEREAS Leslie Small has brought recognition to the state of Kansas, Kansas State University, and the College of Agriculture, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association commends and congratulates Leslie Small on her election as the National FFA Central Region Vice President. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be given to Leslie Small, University President Jon Wefald, Dean of the College of Agriculture Marc Johnson, Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture Larry Erpelding, and Kansas FFA Executive Secretary Mary Kane. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 11/4/99 R-35 RESOLUTION 99/00/35 BY: RECOMMENDATION TO SUPPORT INTERNET VOTING Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert, Emily Emerson, and Jake Worcester WHEREAS The Kansas State University Student Governing Association has identified Internet voting as a major goal for this year; and WHEREAS the ability to vote online will increase voter participation, raise the importance of candidate’s issues, and encourage candidates to reach out to all constituencies; and WHEREAS passage of this resolution will allow the Executive Branch, Elections Committee, and those involved with revising the election regulations to go forth with the implementation of this system so that the project will be completed by the next election, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Student Governing Association recommends that the necessary steps should be taken at this time to implement an Internet voting system while the election regulations are being modified to accommodate this new system of voting. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 11/11/99 R-36 RESOLUTION 99/00/36 BY: RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE FINE ARTS COUNCIL BY-LAWS AND FUNDING REGULATIONS Ted Conrad, Gabe Eckert, Jake Worcester, Jason Heinrich, and Mary Bosco WHEREAS concerns have been expressed through legislation and by members of Student Senate concerning the procedures for voting and student group allocations made by the Fine Arts Council; and WHEREAS the Fine Arts Council and Student Senate have had individual and joint meetings to discuss these concerns; and WHEREAS it is within the authority of Student Senate to suggest changes to groups and organizations that were created by Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following amendments to the Fine Arts Council by-laws and funding regulations are suggested by Student Senate: 1. The removal of faculty votes on student group allocations. Student Senate feels as though the opinion of faculty is quite relevant on all matters, but the right to vote on allocations of student monies should be a student matter. 2. The restructuring of student membership on the Fine Arts Council to increase student leadership, yet keep the total numbers the same. Elected student positions should be reduced to two (with staggered two-year terms), while three elected student senators should be appointed by the Student Senate chair (subject to the approval of Student Senate) to make up the difference. The student body president should appoint four students, subject to the approval of Student Senate. The chair of FAC should continue to be elected at the first meeting of the newly-constituted council from among the student members. 3. The 15% carry-forward allowance for each intity supported by the Fine Arts Fee should remain unchanged, but carry-forwards in excess of 15% should revert back to the general privilege fee reserve account. “Emergency allocations” may be obtained through the Privilege Fee Committee. The current balance of the FAC reserve account would remain unchanged, but the account would not be added to. 40 SECTION 2. The Fine Arts Council should consider and pass these recommended amendments to the Fine Arts Council by-laws and funding regulations before December 1, 1999. If not, Student Senate will consider passage of legislation to enact these amendments. AUTHORSHIP OF THIS RESOLUTION WAS PULLED 11/18/99 R-37 RESOLUTION 99/00/37 BY: APPROVAL OF CABINET MEMBER Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the Student Body President’s Governmental Relations director has been appointed to the office of SGA elections chair; and WHEREAS the following individual proved to be best qualified as a replacement for the position, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Brenden Wirth be approved as the new Governmental Relations Director for the remainder of the 1999-2000 term. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 12/2/99 R-38 RESOLUTION 99/00/38 BY: SUPPORT FOR INCREASE OF CROSSWALKS AND LIGHTING Student Affairs and Social services Committee WHEREAS it is the duty of the KSU SGA to provide for the safety of its constituents; and WHEREAS an investigation into the pedestrian flow on campus has shown a need for added crosswalks; and WHEREAS crosswalks need to be safe in both the daytime and the nighttime; and WHEREAS it is difficult for drivers to see pedestrians on certain streets on campus, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association requests that a crosswalk be added on Lovers Lane between the creek area and Boyd Hall. SECTION 2. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association requests that a crosswalk be added on Petticoat Lane between the creek area and Boyd Hall. SECTION 3. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association requests that lighting be added to the area of Petticoat Lane between the creek area and Boyd Hall. SECTION 4. A copy of this resolution be sent to President Jon Wefald, Vice President for Administration and Finance Tom Rawson, and Assistant Vice President for Facilities Ed Rice. AUTHORSHIP OF THIS RESOLUTION WAS PULLED ON 1/20/00 R-39 RESOLUTION 99/00/39 BY: SUPPORT FOR PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IN DISMOUNT ZONES Student Affairs and Social Services Committee WHEREAS it is the duty of the KSU SGA to be concerned with the safety of Kansas State University student; and WHEREAS dismount zone signs have already been painted on sidewalks to mark where dismount zones are; and WHEREAS dismount zones are blatantly disregarded, especially in the area stretching from Nichols Hall to Fairchild Hall and Calvin Hall to McCain Auditorium; and WHEREAS decreasing the number of dismount zone violations would decrease the number of pedestrian/bicycle collisions, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA calls for an increase of enforcement and ticketing on all dismount zones, but focusing on the area stretching from Nichols Hall to Fairchild Hall and Calvin Hall to McCain Auditorium. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be sent to President Jon Wefald, Vice President for Administration and Finance Tom Rawson, and Assistant Vice President for Facilities Ed Rice. AUTHORSHIP OF THIS RESOLUTION WAS PULLED ON 1/20/00 R-40 RESOLUTION 99/00/40 BY: SUPPORT FOR THE ADDITION OF BICYCLE RACKS Student Affairs and Social Services Committee WHEREAS many Kansas State University student ride bicycle; and WHEREAS a lack of space on bicycle racks forces many students to use rails rather than racks to lock their bicycles; and WHEREAS locking bicycles to rails can be damaging to the rails; and WHEREAS pedestrians are unable to use the rails when the bicycles are locked to them; and WHEREAS rails have fallen in the past because bicycles were locked to them, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA asks for an increase of the number of bicycle racks in front of Durland Hall, by the circle drive in front of Nichols Hall, by All Faiths Chapel, in front of Cardwell Hall, and between Kedzie Hall and Calvin Hall. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be sent to President Jon Wefald, Vice President for Administration and Finance Tom Rawson, and Assistant Vice President for Facilities Ed Rice. AUTHORSHIP OF THIS RESOLUTION WAS PULLED ON 1/20/00 R-41 RESOLUTION 99/00/41 BY: APPROVAL OF FINE ARTS COUNCIL FUNDING GUIDELINES CHANGES Ted Conrad WHEREAS the Fine Arts Council agrees with Student Senate that there are structural changes that can be made to increase efficiency, student leadership, and consistency; and WHEREAS the Fine Arts Council voted unanimously to adopt these changes; and WHEREAS amendments to the Fine Arts Council funding guidelines are subject to the approval of Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following sections of the Fine Arts Council Funding Regulations are hereby amended to read: Article II, Section IV.C. of the FAC Funding Regulations is hereby amended to read as follows: 3. All allocated money must be spent during the semester for which it is allocated. Any unspent monies from student groups shall revert back to the FAC rc3crvcs account general campus privilege fee reserve account automatically each year. Special allocations may be made for unforeseen one time expenditures from the existing FAC reserves account. Article III, Section II. E. of the FAC Funding Regulations is amended to read as follows: E. At the end of the Fiscal Year, all unencumbered funds remaining over 15% of the departments’ yearly allocation will revert back to the FAC RESERVES Account general campus privilege fee reserve account. Article III of the FAC Funding Regulations is amended by the addition of a of a new sub-section G. to read as follows: G. Emergency allocations for unforseen expenses can be obtained through a special emergency funding proposal to the Student Senate Privilege Fee Committee. The request will be submitted to the Privilege Fee Committee via the Fine Arts Council. Article IV, section I.C. of the FAC Funding Regulations is amended to read as follows: C. Any money remaining in this account at the end of the Fiscal Year will revert back to the FAC Reserves Account general campus Privilege Fee reserve account. SECTION 2. These amendments shall take effect upon approval by Student Senate. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 12/2/99 R-42 RESOLUTION 99/00/42 APPROVAL OF FINE ARTS COUNCIL BY-LAWS CHANGES BY: Ted Conrad WHEREAS the Fine Arts Council agrees with Student Senate that there are structural changes that can be made to increase efficiency, student leadership, and consistency; and WHEREAS the Fine Arts Council voted unanimously to adopt these changes; and WHEREAS amendments to the Fine Arts Council By-Laws are subject to the approval of Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Article III, Section I. of the Fine Arts Council By-Laws is hereby amended to read as follows: Section I. Membership: Fine Arts Council (FAC) shall consist of 3cvcntccn (17) nineteen (19) voting members drawn from the following fields and with the following voting privileges: A. Nine (9) Ten (10) voting members will be students: 1. Five (5) Two (2) students will be elected at large by the student body. Three (3) will be elected to staggered, two-year terms, two (2) to one-year terms. These elections shall be held in conjunction with SGA elections. 2. Two (2) Studcnts will be appointed by the Student Senate Chair to scc one-year terms. One (1) student will elected at large by the student body to serve a one-year term. This election shall be held in conjunction with SGA elections. 3. Two (2) students will be appointed to one-year terms by the Student Body Preesident. Four (4) at-large students will be appointed by the Student Body President, subject to the approval of Student Senate, to serve one- year terms. 4. Three (3) Student Senators will be appointed by the Student Senate Chair, subject to the approval of Student Senate, to serve one-year terms. B. One (1) faculty member shall be appointed from each of the following eight nine recognized Fine Arts units (referred to from here on herein as “departments”) These members shall receive one-half (1/i) vote each (for a total of four votes): 1. College of Architecture, Planning and Design 2. Art Department 3. English Department 4. International Student Center 5. McCain Auditorium 6. Office of Diversity and Dual Career Development 7. Music Department 8. Speech, Communication, Theater and Dance Department (to includc Ebony Theater) 9. Ebony Theater C. Each of the student members shall have one (1) vote (except when voting a proxy) in all matters, except the Chair shall only vote in the case of a tie. Each of the faculty R-43 members shall have one half(’4) vote (except when voting a proxy) in all matters, except votes on student group allocation matters in which case they shall have no vote. D. The Coordinator of Student Activities, or designee, shall serve as a non-voting, exofficio member of FAC. The College of Arts and Sciences shall have one designee who shall serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member of FAC. E. A quorum is met when at least shall be five six students and feittrfive faculty members are present at any meeting, the Chair included. A quorum must be met for any voting action to take place. SECTION 2. These amendments shall take effect upon approval by Student Senate, except that the amendments to Article III, Section I. A. shall take effect beginning with the 2000 General Election. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A VOICE VOTE ON 12/2/99 R-44 RESOLUTION 99/00/43 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATOR Jake Worcester and Mary Bosco WHEREAS there is a vacancy for the office of student senator for the College of Agriculture; and WHEREAS Ben Hopper received the next highest vote total of non-elected College of Agriculture Senatorial Candidates, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Ben Hopper be approved as a Student Senator from the College of Agriculture. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 12/2/99 R-45 RESOLUTION 99/00/44 BY: SUPPORT FOR LESS PAPER USE ON CAMPUS Jodi Mason, Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert, Emily Emerson, and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the Kansas State University Student Governing Association is continually striving to improve the quality of life; and WHEREAS Kansas State University is an environmentally friendly campus and a leader among many campuses; and WHEREAS costs of operating our University is continually rising, as is waste produced; and WHEREAS by cutting paper use we would reduce overall cost and compliment our campus recycling program; and WHEREAS many syllabi, handouts, and worksheets could easily be double-sided when copied; and WHEREAS currently, many handouts are not fully used and are often thrown away; and WHEREAS this would cut down on waste as well as protect our natural resources; and WHEREAS it would occur no additional cost to the faculty, students, or staff when comparing one double-sided page or two single-sided pages, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association requests that syllabi, handouts, and worksheets copied at University Copy Centers, Colleges and offices are done so in a double-sided manner. SECTION 2. A copy of this legislation be sent to Faculty Senate President Marion Gray, Faculty Senate Committee on Planning Chair Cia Verschelden, and members of the Faculty Senate Committee on Planning. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 2/10/00 R-46 RESOLUTION 99/00/45 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT TRIBUNAL CHANCELLOR Jason Heinrich and Judicial Council WHEREAS there is a vacancy at the position of Chancellor of Student Tribunal; and WHEREAS the candidate has met the necessary criteria for holding this position, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Patrick Sall be appointed Chancellor of Student Tribunal. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 1/20/00 R-47 RESOLUTION 99/00/46 BY: SUPPORT FOR KSU SGA TRANSPORTATION PROPOSAL Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert, Jake Worcester, Travis Lenkner, Emily Emerson, Crystal Campbell and Erica Guries WHEREAS Kansas State University has identified the need to address issues relating to congestion, parking, and access; and WHEREAS the University Campus Development Committee, Student Government and other constituencies have acknowledged the need for a campus shuttle system; and WHEREAS this proposal, more than any other current alternative, addresses issues including, but not limited to, cost, flexibility, efficiency, accessability, and incentives; and WHEREAS this resolution endorses this conceptual plan as a “first step” in implementing a small-scale transportation system that can eventually be reduced, increased, or modified in any way to accommodate the changing needs of the university and community; and WHEREAS passage of this resolution means the KSU Student Governing Association supports this proposal with the understanding that the financing of the plan is negotiable and could include a tiered pricing structure, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Student Governing Association recommends that Kansas State University take the necessary steps to begin the implementation of a small-scale campus shuttle system in order to move beyond years of discussion and engage the transportation needs of this community. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution along with the SGA Transportation Proposal be sent to President Jon Wefald, Provost Jim Coffman, Vice President Tom Rawson, Director of Parking Services Darwin Abbot, Mayor Roger Reitz, Director of Public Works Jerry Petty, Interim City Manager Ron Fehr, and Faculty Senate President Marion Gray. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 1/27/00 R-48 RESOLUTION 99/00/47 BY: SUPPORT FOR RESTRUCTURING THE REIMBURSEMENT SCHEDULE FOR DROPPING CLASSES Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert, Jake Worcester and Academic Affairs Committee WHEREAS part of the mission of Student Governing Association is to improve the educational environment for students; and WHEREAS students currently only have a one-week period to receive a 100% refund for dropping a class; and WHEREAS extending the 100% refund period to a two week period would allow students a longer period of time to ensure classes they enroll in match their learning style; and WHEREAS Student Governing Association has researched this issue with university administration; and WHEREAS restructuring the reimbursement schedule was set as a goal of Student Governing Association for the 1999-2000 term, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU SGA supports restructuring the university’s reimbursement schedule for dropping classes to the following: two weeks of 100% refunds, followed by one week of 90% refunds, followed by one week of 50% refunds. SECTION 2. The KSU SGA supports implementing the proposed changes for the fall 2000 semester. SECTION 3. Upon passage, copy of this resolution shall be sent to President Jon Wefald, Provost Jim Coffman, Registrar Don Foster, and Controller Keith Ratzloff. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 1/27/00 R-49 RESOLUTION 99/00/48 BY: SUPPORT FOR NO EXAMINATIONS DURING THE UNIVERSITY CAREER FAIR Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert, Emily Emerson, and Jake Worcester WHEREAS Kansas State University is responsible for helping students prepare for a successful career; and WHEREAS the University Career Fair is a vital tool in helping students find internships and full-time jobs; and WHEREAS each year many students cannot participate in the University Career Fair because of examinations, quizzes, mandatory class attendance, or other in-class projects; and WHEREAS students should be given flexibility from their instructors to miss class to attend the University Career Fair if they notify their instructor in advance; and WHEREAS this issue has been researched fully with faculty, administration, and students, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association encourages faculty not to schedule examinations, quizzes, or other mandatory in-class projects during the annual University Career Fair. SECTION 2. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association encourages faculty to work with students who tell them in advance they need to miss class in order to attend the University Career Fair. SECTION 3. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association requests the Provost send a letter to all department heads at the beginning of each fall semester informing them of the requests listed above. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association requests this start with the fall 2000 semester. SECTION 4. Upon passage, a copy of this resolution shall be sent to President Jon Wefald, Provost Jim Coffman, Faculty Senate President Buddy Gray, and Career and Employment Services Director Tracey Fraser. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 2/3/00 R-50 RESOLUTION 99/00/49 BY: APPROVAL OF ELECTIONS COMMITTEE Travis Morgan, Jason Heinrich and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the following individuals have been appointed to the Elections Committee and need to be approved by Student Senate, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as members of the Elections Committee for the 1999-2000 Student Senate term: Jeff Meder Chris McKinney Jon Watkins Kim Watson THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 1/27/00 R-51 RESOLUTION 99/00/50 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATORS Jake Worcester and Mary Bosco WHEREAS there are vacancies for the office of Student Senator in the College of Human Ecology and the College of Veterinary Medicine; and WHEREAS there were no other senatorial candidates receiving votes in the 1999 general election in either college; and WHEREAS Kelly Goebel was appointed by the College of Human Ecology College Council; and WHEREAS Philip Martin was appointed by the Kansas State University Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kelly Goebel be approved as a student senator from the College of Human Ecology. SECTION 2. Philip Martin be approved as a student senator from the College of Veterinary Medicine. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 2/3/00 R-52 RESOLUTION 99/00/51 BY: APPROVAL OF HONOR COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the following student has been appointed to serve on the university-wide Academic Honor Council as a representative from K-State Sauna; and WHEREAS this appointment is subject to approval by Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Josh Greenwood be approved to serve on the KSU Honor Council for the 20002001 term. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 2/3/00 R-53 RESOLUTION 99/00/52 BY: SUPPORT FOR A CITY-WIDE ORDINANCE PROHIBITING SMOKING IN WORKPLACES AND ENCLOSED PUBLIC PLACES Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert, Emily Emerson, Jake Worcester, Travis Lenkner, Stacy Meredith, Dustin Petrik, Bill Harlan, Ryan Walker, Canton Getz, Bobby AllisonGallimore, Jodi Mason, Samira Hasan, Mary Bosco, Julie Karrer, Chad Miller, Sarah Nixon, Kari Gorrell, Cory Powell, Kelly Goebel, Jeremy Lutz, Amy Metzinger, Lindsey Gardner, Lisa Morris, Kami Hawks, Travis Morgan, Amber Blake, Tiffany Blake, Elizabeth Richardson, Benjamin Harder, Heidi Durflinger and Jill Szynskie WHEREAS numerous studies have found that tobacco smoke is a major contributor to indoor air pollution, and that breathing secondhand smoke is a cause of disease, including lung cancer, in nonsmokers. At special risk are children, elderly people, individuals with cardiovascular disease, and individuals with impaired respiratory function, including asthmatics and those with obstructive airway disease; and WHEREAS health hazards induced by breathing secondhand smoke include lung cancer, heart disease, respiratory infection, and decreased respiratory function, including bronchoconstriction and broncho-spasm; and WHEREAS the Kansas State University Student Governing Association finds and declares that the purposes of a city-wide ordinance would be (1) to protect students, workers, the public health and welfare by prohibiting smoking in public places and places of employment; and (2) to guarantee the right of nonsmokers to breathe smoke-free air, and to recognize that the need to breathe smoke-free air shall have priority over the desire to smoke, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association recommends that the Manhattan City Commission take steps to protect the public health and adopt a city-wide ordinance eliminating smoking in all workplaces and enclosed public buildings. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be sent to University President Jon Wefald; Mayor Roger Reitz; City Commissioners Carol Peak, Bruce Snead, Ed Klimek, and Karen McCulloh; Faculty Senate President Marion Gray; Public Health Director Chuck Murphy; Lafene Director Lannie Zweimiller; and Community Health Council Director Gayle Urban. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A ROLL CALL VOTE OF 34-14-2 ON 2/10/00 R-54 RESOLUTION 99/00/53 BY: RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE ADMINISTRATION CONCERNING CLASS AVAILABILITY IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Academic Affairs and University Relations Committee WHEREAS the number of students wishing to enroll in certain accounting and finance classes far exceeds the number of available seats; and WHEREAS the classes ACCTG 231 and ACCTG 241 showed larger numbers of students on waiting lists than any other classes at Kansas State University; and WHEREAS these classes are required by majors other than those in the College of Business and act as prerequisites for other classes; and WHEREAS the number of students currently enrolled in these classes many times exceeds the optimum and even maximum numbers established by the department; and WHEREAS the administration of Kansas State University has taken steps to resolve these problems by working to open more sections of these classes while working within the accreditation guidelines established for our University and its Colleges, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association supports the efforts made by the administration, including Provost James Coffman, Dean Yar Ebadi of the College of Business, and Head of the Department of Accounting Dr. Finley Graves working toward the development of more sections of high demand classes in order to meet the needs of students. SECTION 2. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association recommends similar tactics be implemented to resolve class availability problems in other departments and colleges. SECTION 3. A copy of this resolution be sent to President Jon Wefald, Provost James Coffman, Dean Yar Ebadi, and Dr. Finley Graves. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 2/17/00 R-55 RESOLUTION 99/00/54 BY: SUPPORT FOR USING TUITION INCREASE REVENUE TO SUPPLEMENT BASE BUDGET FUNDS Travis Lenkner, Jason Heinrich and Jake Worcester WHEREAS in December, the Kansas Board of Regents approved a second tuition increase for FY 2001 to offset a proposed state budget recission; and WHEREAS students feel the increase was hastily proposed and approved without their input, but understand the necessity of the increase in light of the state’s difficult financial times; and WHEREAS the revenue generated by the increase in fiscal year 2001 is slated for use as part of the university’s base budget; and WHEREAS some legislators and students at other universities have proposed earmarking some of the additional tuition revenue for need-based financial aid; and WHEREAS such an appropriation would result in a net decrease in the university’s base budget for fiscal year 2001; and WHEREAS that decrease would result in a lack of resources that would adversely affect academic quality, class size, and course offerings for students in the 2000-2001 academic year; and WHEREAS an increase in financial aid support coupled with a decrease in the base budget would result in K-State’s record enrollment continuing without providing funds to support the costs associated with the additional students. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association opposes any proposal that would use tuition increase revenue to pay for need-based financial aid or other supplemental programs in fiscal year 2001. SECTION 2. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association will continue to advocate for additional need-based aid from other state funding sources. SECTION 3. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association supports the Kansas Board of Regents’ creation of a financial aid task force to study the state financial aid system and generate proposals to improve access to higher education in Kansas. SECTION 4. A copy of this resolution shall be sent to House Majority Leader Kent Glasscock, Rep. Jeff Peterson, Sen. Lana Oleen, the House Appropriations Committee, Rep. Mike Farmer, members of the Kansas Board of Regents, members of Students Advisory Council, Regents Executive Director Kim Wilcox, President Jon Wefald, and Vice President of Administration and Finance Tom Rawson upon passage. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 2/10/00 R-56 RESOLUTION 99/00/55 BY: APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENT TO THE LEGAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD Jason Heinrich and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the following student has been appointed to serve on the Legal Services Advisory Board to replace a student who has resigned; and WHEREAS this appointment is subject to the approval of Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Gabe Eckert by approved to serve on the Legal Services Advisory Board for the 1999-2000 term. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 2/17/00 R-57 RESOLUTION 99/00/56 BY: APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS TO ELECTIONS COMMITTEE Jason Heinrich, Travis Morgan and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the following students have been appointed to the Elections Committee; and WHEREAS these appointments are subject to the approval of Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved to serve on the Elections Committee for the 1999-2000 term: Ashkea Heron Paris Rossiter THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 2/17/00 R-58 RESOLUTION 99/00/57 BY: SUPPORT FOR EASIER ABILITY TO PROVIDE NON-DISCLOSURE OF STUDENTS’ PERSONAL INFORMATION Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert, Emily Emerson and Jake Worcester WHEREAS students should have the ability to request non-disclosure of their personal information through the KATS sytem; and WHEREAS throughout the year, several students have brought this issue to the attention of Student Governing Association; and WHEREAS this issue has been discussed and researched with university administration, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association encourages the university to provide the ability for students to request non-disclosure of their personal information through the KATS system. SECTION 2. Upon passage, a copy of this legislation be sent to Dr. Elizabeth Unger, vice provost; and Harvard Townsend, Computer and Network Services director. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 2/24/00 R-59 RESOLUTION 99/00/58 BY: SUPPORT FOR CLARIFICATION OF FACULTY HANDBOOK WORDING CONCERNING TESTS GIVEN THE WEEK PRIOR TO FINALS WEEK Academic Affairs and University Relations Committee WHEREAS Section F70 of the Faculty Handbook sets guidelines which define when tests may and may not be given the week prior to finals week; and WHEREAS the wording of Section F70 describes that “no examinations other than those listed above may be given during the last five calendar days before final examinations”; and WHEREAS this wording does not mention when final examinations actually begin and allows exams to be given on the Monday and Tuesday of the week prior to finals week; and WHEREAS the effect of Section F70 of the Faculty Handbook should be to keep the week prior to final examinations week test free, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association supports clarification of Section F70 of the Faculty Handbook by changing it so that it reads: “no examinations other than those listed above may be given during the last five seven calendar days before final cxamination the first day offinal examinations as defined in the Kansas State University Calendar.” SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be sent to Provost James Coffman, Faculty Senate President Marion Gray, and Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee Chair John Selfridge. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 3/2/00 R-60 RESOLUTION 99/00/59 BY: APPROVAL OF NEW STUDENT SENATOR Jake Worcester and Mary Bosco WHEREAS there is a vacancy for the office of Student Senator in the College of Human Ecology; and WHEREAS Elisa Lowman was appointed by the College of Human Ecology College Council, BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Elisa Lowman be approved as a Student Senator from the College of Human Ecology. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 3/2/00 R-61 RESOLUTION 99/00/60 BY: APPROVAL OF GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL CONSTITUTION Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS the Graduate Student Council has approved changes to its constitution; and WHEREAS these amendments are subject to ratification by Student Senate, in accordance to Article VII, Section 705 of the KSU SGA Constitution, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kansas State University Student Senate hereby approves the Graduate Student Council Constitution as follows: KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL CONSTITUTION Revised October 1999 Preamble We, the graduate students of Kansas State University, in an effort to further excellence in higher education, do hereby adopt this constitution and by-laws. Article I: Name and Purpose Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the Graduate Student Council. For the remainder of this constitution and by-laws, Graduate Student Council shall be referred to as the Council. Section 2: The Council is chartered under the Constitution for the Kansas State Student Governing Association. Section 3: The Council shall not take any action that is in violation of the constitution or by-laws of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association. Section 4: The purpose, duties, and power of the Council shall be: (A) To serve as an organized representative body for the formulation of policies concerning graduate students. (B) To serve as an official medium of communication between graduate students and the graduate faculty and administration. (C) To serve as the advisory board of graduate students to the graduate faculty and administration. (D) To nominate students for positions reserved for graduate students on official University committees. (E) To allocate funds to individual graduate students and graduate student organizations in accordance with the by-laws. (F) To consider any amendments to the SGA Constitution. 68 (G) To select replacement Graduate Senators when requested by Student Senate. (H) To handle any legislative or executive duties not reserved by the SGA Constitution and By-Laws for Student Senate and the Student Body President. R-62 Article II: Membership Section 1: The Council shall consist of the presidents or appointed representatives of every graduate student group in good standing in accordance of Article II of the by-laws. Section 2: The Dean of the Graduate School or designee shall be an ex-officio, nonvoting member of the Council. Section 3: There shall be four elected officers of the Council: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Section 4: The duties, terms of office, eligibility, and election of all Council officers shall be specified in the by-laws. Section 5: Any officer may be removed from the Council for conduct deemed inappropriate or irresponsible by a two-thirds (2/3’s) vote of members present at any meeting. The vacancy will be filled as soon as possible by a simple majority vote of the Council. Article III: Amendments Section 1: The articles of this constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3s) vote of all Council members selected and qualified at a regularly scheduled Council meeting. Ratification shall be by majority approval of the total membership of the Student Senate of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association. Section 2: The by-laws of the Council may be passed and/or amended by a two-thirds (2/3 s) vote of all Council members selected and qualified at a regularly scheduled Council meeting. SECTION 2. KSU SGA Statutes 06-0701 through 06-0706 shall be amended accordingly. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 3/9/00 R-63 RESOLUTION 99/00/61 BY: SUPPORT TO TRANSFER UNIVERSITY RIVALRY Allocations Committee WHEREAS a Jayhawk is a silly, ugly, fictitious, weak, little animal that doesn’t exist in nature; and WHEREAS University of Kansas has consistently lost every football game in our rivalry since it mattered; and WHEREAS Carlton Getz is our hero; and WHEREAS in basketball, let’s just not talk about it; and WHEREAS Hell froze over November 14, 1998; and WHEREAS in the last two years we are 1-1 in football with the Nebraska Cornhuskers (What the *&!$ kind of mascot is that anyway?), BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kansas State University Student Governing Association no longer recognizes the University of Kansas as a primary rival. SECTION 2. Kansas State University Student Governing Association officially recognizes the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as our redheaded stepchild. SECTION 3. A copy of this resolution be sent to the Student Body Presidents at the University of Kansas and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Canton Getz. THIS RESOLUTION DIED IN COMMITTEE R-64 RESOLUTION 99/00/62 BY: SUPPORT FOR THE CREATION OF A RULE IN THE FACULTY HANDBOOK REGARDING EXAMS HELD OUTSIDE OF SCHEDULED COURSE INSTRUCTION TIME Samira Hasan, Travis Lenkner, Crystal Campbell and Academic Affairs Committee WHEREAS several classes on campus for which there is only one available time to enroll require students to take exams outside of scheduled course instruction time; and WHEREAS these classes do not have the same potential for academic dishonesty as classes with multiple sections; and WHEREAS multiple versions of exams can be created easily, reducing the potential for academic dishonesty; and WHEREAS instructors should honor scheduled instruction time, and should conduct exams during this time in order to decrease conflict with campus activities and student employment; and WHEREAS students should be tested on course material during the course’s scheduled class instruction time rather than outside of such time; and WHEREAS holding exams outside of scheduled class instruction time lengthens class time and unfairly skews the time commitment required for a given course, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association supports the addition of wording to the KSU Faculty Handbook prohibiting conducting exams outside of scheduled class instruction time in classes for which there is only one available time to enroll. SECTION 2. This added wording should highlight the fact that instructors must first gain consent from the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures before giving exams outside of scheduled class time. SECTION 3. Upon passage, a copy of this resolution shall be sent to Faculty Senate President Marion Gray, Provost Jim Coffman, and Chairman of the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures Ronnie Elmore. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY A VOICE VOTE ON 3/17/00 R-65 RESOLUTION 99/00/63 BY: APPROVAL OF STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE BY-LAWS Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS the Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) has amended its By-Laws; and WHEREAS these amendments are subject to the approval of Student Senate according to Article VII, Section 3 of the SHAC By-Laws, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. KSU SGA Statute 07-0304 is hereby amended to read: Section 1. Adequate health care should be provided for the students of Kansas State University during their enrollment at the university. The purpose of the Committee is: A. To advise the Student Health Center Director and the University Counseling Services Director about student health care needs and assist the Directors in setting priorities that have the interest of the student in mind; B. To support the staff of the Student Health Center and the Univeristy Counseling Services in their development of adequate health services for the feepaying clientele; C. To review annually the budgets of Lafene Health Center and the University Counseling Services; D. To observe those health services provided with respect to fees assessed and financial limitations; E. To evaluate, recommend, and endorse a health insurance planfor students, F. To promote health care and the services offered by the Student Health Center and the University Counseling Services. G. To communicate and work cooperatively with the Student Governing Association regarding campus health care issues. SECTION 2. KSU SGA Statute 07-0306 is hereby amended to read: Section 1. The Committee is to work closely with the Director of the Student Health Center and the Director of University Counseling Services. This may involve: A. Reviewing the budgets of both entities; B. Evaluating the level of privilege fees and user fees paid by the students; C. Determining the most advantageous type of health insurance coverage to be endorsed by the University. SECTION 3. KSU SGA Statute 07-0309A is hereby amended to read: Section 1. The Student Health Advisory Committee shall consist of sixteen (16) voting members and three (3) non-voting staff members. A. Fourteen (14) students at-large with two (2) year staggered terms with full voting and speaking privileges; R-66 SECTION 4. KSU SGA Statute 07-03 10 Al is hereby amended to read: Section 2. Student committee members shall fill the following offices with their accompanying responsibilities: A. Committee Chairperson 1. The Committee Chairperson shall be elected annually at the meeting of the Committee immediately after new appointments have been made, following the student body general elections. SECTION 5. KSU SGA Statute 07-0322 is hereby amended to read: Section 4. A total of three unexcused absences from Committee and/or Subcommittee meetings during a Committee term shall cause the Committee to vote on a request of resignation from the member. If the Committee votes to request the member to resign, the Committee Chairperson shall draft a letter to the member requesting a voluntary resignation within 10 days of receipt of the letter. If a voluntary resignation is not submitted, the Committee Chairperson shall request the Student Body President to remove the absent member. If the member is the Student Senate Liaison, the Student Senate Chairperson shall be asked to remove the member. If the member is the Faculty Representative, the Faculty Senate President shall be asked to remove the member. The Student Body President shall be notUied of the removal of a Student Senate Liaison or Faculty Representative. It the Student Senate Chair or the Faculty Senate President does not comply with the request to remove a Student Senate Liaison or Faculty Representative, the Student Body President shall be asked to remove the absent member. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 3/16/00 R-67 RESOLUTION 99/00/64 BY: APPROVAL OF HONOR COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the following students have been appointed to serve on the university-wide Academic Honor Council; and WHEREAS these appointments are subject to approval by Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved to serve their respective terms: Brice Ebert, College of Agriculture, 1999-2000 and 2000-2002 terms Monica Olteanu, College of Arts & Sciences, 1999-2001 term Marsha McDade, College of Arts & Sciences, 1999-2001 term Daniel Tokar, College of Business Administration, 1999-2001 term Kevin Oehme, College of Education, 2000-2002 term Jon Kurche, College of Arts & Sciences, 2000-2002 term Carlos Etter, College of Business Administration, 2000-2002 term Molly Caton, College of Human Ecology, 2000-2002 term THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 3/9/00 R-68 RESOLUTION 99/00/65 BY: COMMENDATION TO THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE COLLEGE COUNCIL Allocations Committee WHEREAS the SGA Treasurer works regularly with college councils in managing funding for college council organizations; and WHEREAS the SGA Treasurer appreciates the common problems faced by the various college councils in managing their funds; and WHEREAS throughout the past two years, the Agriculture College Council, with the direction of Dr. Kevin Donnelly, has exemplified itself as a model for managing college council funds, and has proven a capable and organized body; and WHEREAS the Allocations Committee firmly believes that such organizations, when performing to standards well above the reasonable expectation of the Allocations Committee and the SGA Treasurer, should be duly recognized for the efforts and energy invested in their success, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association recognizes the Agriculture College Council and their advisor, Dr. Kevin Donnelly, for their exceptional service and performance over the past year. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution shall be presented to the Agriculture College Council and Dr. Kevin Donnelly. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 2/17/00 R-69 RESOLUTION 99/00/66 BY: APPROVAL OF 2000 SGA ELECTIONS RESULTS Senate Operations Committee and Elections Committee WHEREAS The Student Governing Association General Election on March 6, 7 and 80, 2000 and the Run-Off Election on March 13, 2000, were both run in fair and equitable manner by the rules set forth in the KSU SGA By-Laws, Statutes and 2000 Election Campaign Regulations; and WHEREAS Student Senate has the authority to approve election results, BE IT RESOLVED: SECTION 1. Student Senate approves the results of the 2000 SGA Elections and the election of the following: STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT and STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT Jake Worcester and Dana Pracht UNION GOVERNING BOARD (One-Year Term)(2 Positions) Ben Hopper Brian Larson UNION GOVERNING BOARD (Two-Year Term)(3 Positions) Scott Bennington Ben Hemmen Bobby Allison-Gallimore BOARD Of STUDENT PUBLICATIONS (One-Year Term)(3 Positions) Ben Hodge Curtis Summers James Norton BOARD OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS (Two-Year Term)(1 Position) Clint Stephens FINE ARTS COUNCIL (One-Year Term)(1 Position) Amy Dix FINE ARTS COUNCIL (Two-Year Term)(1 Position) Scott Guggisberg COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE STUDENT SENATORS (6 Positions) Matt Wolters Matt Kerr Ben Hopper Zeb Larson Cody Stuber Aaron Dunbar R-70 COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING & DESIGN STUDENT SENATORS (2 Positions) Greg Spaw Lindsay Gardener COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES STUDENT SENATORS (18 Positions) Heidi Durflinger Tara Hull Sarah Nixon Erica Courtright Sarah Sourk Jonas Stewart Aubrie Ohlde Kari Gorrell Sarah Bailey Anna Marie Bauman Jill Szynskie Richard Smith Jeremy Stohs Melissa Valadez Shane Luedke Marshall Zabel Andrew Hayhurst John Nelson COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION STUDENT SENATORS (8 Positions) Erica Guries Amber Blake Tiffany Blake Ben Porter Ben Harder Brian Larson Ashley Adams Lucas Bud COLLEGE OF EDUCATION STUDENT SENATORS (5 Positions) Lance Stafford Layne Stafford David Woodruff Josh Morris Korri Hall COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING STUDENT SENATORS (8 Positions) Eve Jacobs Joe Pacey Justin Hendrix Crystal Campbell Megan Robinson Cory Powell Kara Davis R-71 Katie Ellefson COLLEGE OF HUMAN ECOLOGY STUDENT SENATORS (4 Positions) Ryan Walker Amy Jones Missy McVicker Nicole Meyer COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE STUDENT SENATOR (1 Position) [Vacant] GRADUATE SCHOOL STUDENT SENATORS (8 Positions) Patty Duncan Casey Wright Charlie Harriman Ryan Evans Gayle Spencer Jason Knackstedt Heather Van Dyke Louis Johnson SECTION 2. Vacancies in office shall be filled by the person receiving the next highest number of votes. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 3/30/00 R-72 RESOLUTION 99/00/67 BY: OFFICIAL SGA STANCE ON GOVERNANCE OF A POSSIBLE STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTER Student Activities Board WHEREAS during this term, SGA has conducted considerable research into the concept of a student activity center; and WHEREAS a feasibility student for the center is currently being conducted by the K-State Student Union; and WHEREAS it is advantageous to all parties effected by a student activity center to determine how the proposed center would be governed, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The official stance of Student Governing Association regarding the governance of a possible student activity is as follows: If a student activity center is built at Kansas State University, the Student Activities Board assume the responsibility for governance of the facility and determination of its policies and procedures. SECTION 2. Upon passage, a copy of this resolution be sent to Pat Bosco, dean of student life; Carla Jones, assistant dean of student life; and Bernard Pitts, K-State Student Union director. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 3/30/00 R-73 RESOLUTION 99/00/68 BY: APPROVAL OF COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE COLLEGE COUNCIL CONSTITUTION Senate Operations Committee WHEREAS the Agricultural Student Council has approved changes to its constitution; and WHEREAS these amendments are subject to ratification by Student Senate, in accordance to Article VII, Section 705 of the KSU SGA Constitution, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kansas State University Student Senate hereby approves the Agricultural Student Council Constitution as follows: THE AGRICULTURAL STUDENT COUNCIL OF KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY (Revised February 17, 2000) PREAMBLE We, the undergraduate students of the College of Agriculture of Kansas State University, in order to further the best interests of the College of Agriculture, to unite and strengthen the efforts of the students of the College of Agriculture, to maintain and support all student activities of the College of Agriculture, to provide improved relationships between students and agricultural faculty and administration, and to conduct such business as may come before the agricultural student body, do hereby organize the Agricultural Student Council of Kansas State University. Article I. NAME AND PURPOSE Section 1. The name of this organization shall be “The Agricultural Student Council of Kansas State University” (hereinafter referred to as “Council”). Section 2. The purpose of this organization shall be: A. To serve the best interests of all students in the College of Agriculture and all agricultural student organizations, sponsor and support student activities and programs, communicate with and unite agricultural student organizations, and foster positive relationships between students, faculty, and administration. B. To consider any amendments to the Kansas State University Student Governing Association (KSU SGA) Constitution C. To select replacements to Student Senate when requested D. To allocate Student Activity Fee funds to agricultural student organizations E. To handle any legislative or executive duties not reserved by the SGA Constitution and By-Laws for Student Senate and the Student Body President. Article II. GOVERNMENT R-74 Section 1. The total membership of Council shall be composed of the elected officers, appointed officers, the ag student senators, one faculty advisor appointed by the Associate Dean of Academic Programs of the College of Agriculture, one faculty advisor selected by Council, one representative of each agricultural student organization, and all persons in positions appointed by the Executive Committee. Council members shall be currently enrolled in baccalaureate degree programs of the College of Agriculture. Section 2. Voting members of Council shall include the elected officers, appointed officers, and each elected representative from the agricultural student organizations. The President shall be entitled to vote in the event of a tie. All other members of Council shall serve in ex-officio roles. Section 3. Elected officers of Council shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Activities Director and Public Relations Director. These officers shall make up the Executive Committee of Council, which will meet as deemed necessary by the President. Faculty advisors shall serve as ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. Appointed officers of Council shall be the Coordinators of major council activities (Watermelon Feed, Ag Fest, Ag Telefund, Ag Open House, and Student/Faculty Recognition Program). Candidates for these officers will be recommended by the Executive Committee following a review of applications, and the appointed officers will then be approved by a majority vote of the Council at a regular meeting. Section 4. Council shall meet as often as deemed necessary by Council or as called by the President. The necessary quorum present for the conduct of business shall be defined as greater than 50 percent of the voting members. Section 5. Each organizational representative to Council or a proxy shall be required to attend all meetings. For any absence to be excused, an explanation must be given to the Secretary or President before the meeting. After two unexcused absences by a member or proxy, that member and the group that person represents shall be notified by the Secretary of the absences. After the third unexcused absence, expulsion shall be automatic. The Secretary will contact the organization concerned, and a new representative shall be appointed by that group. Article III. DUTIES OF ELECTED OFFICERS Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of Council, sign Council documents drawn by the Secretary or other Council members, call special meetings of Council, and call meetings of and preside at Executive Committee. In addition, the President shall be a representative to the Ag Alumni Association Board of Directors and the Deans Ag Council and perform other duties that are necessary as a representative of the College and/or the functioning of Council. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assume the duties of the President in the absence of or at the request of the President. The Vice President R-75 shall be responsible for the conduct of Council elections, Ag Awards Assembly, and planning Council Retreat. Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the minutes of Council, to make minutes of Council available to students in the College of Agriculture and others deemed necessary, to notify Council members of unexcused absences, and perform other such duties as the office of Secretary might require or are assigned. Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to handle all finances of Council, to be chairperson of the Allocations Committee, and oversee the preparation of the annual Council budget. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for presenting financial reports at each meeting. Section 5. It shall be the responsibility of the Activities Director and appointed officers to oversee the Watermelon Feed, Ag Fest, Telefund, Ag Open House, Student Faculty Recognition Program, and all other activities that Ag Council votes to participate in or organize. Section 6. It shall be the responsibility of the Public Relations Director to inform the campus of upcoming events and activities sponsored by and involving Council. A biweekly newsletter, Pickups, shall be the primary tool used for the information transfer. The Director and appointed assistant(s) shall be responsible for gathering and editing news for Pickups. This person shall monitor posting of materials for Council elections and handle any other matters delegated by Council. The Director also shall be a member of the Ag Student Publications Board, which oversees publication of the Agriculturist. Article IV. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Section 1. Elected positions shall include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Director, and Activities Director. Section 2. Students eligible for candidacy for Council office shall be enrolled in the College of Agriculture in a minimum of twelve hours and have a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average. Candidates shall have at least one full academic year of school remaining at Kansas State following the semester in which they are elected. Section 3. All students interested in filing for an office in Council shall complete an application form listing the office desired and the applicant’s qualifications. The application shall be submitted to the Associate Dean of Academic Programs Office before the deadline set by the Executive Committee each year. All candidates are subject to the provisions of the KSU SGA Elections Regulations Code. Section 4. Officer candidates shall attend a mandatory candidates’ meeting planned by the Executive Committee following the application deadline. A written excuse from this meeting must be received by the Associate Dean of Academic Programs Office if an absence is necessary. Candidates for elected R-76 Council positions must recognize and follow the spending guidelines and other campaign regulations outlined by the Student Governing Association. Section 5. Election of members shall be held in conjunction with the KSU SGA General Elections and administered by the SGA Elections Committee. Voting and counting of ballots shall be in accordance with the rules and requirements issued by KSU SGA. Write-in votes shall be counted. Section 6. Candidates receiving a plurality vote shall be deemed winners of the elections. The office of Vice President shall be filled by the candidate receiving the second-highest number of votes for President. In case of a tie for a Council office, Council will determine the winner by vote at the next scheduled meeting. Section 7. If a winning candidate is found in violation of campaign regulations by the SGA Elections Committee, that candidate shall be passed on to Council for approval. Council must decide by a two-thirds vote of all voting members the approval of such a candidate. If approval is not gained, the candidate with the next-highest number of votes shall be deemed the winner of the election. That candidate shall be subject to the same approval process in the event of a campaign violation. If no one receiving votes for an office gains approval, it shall be declared vacant and filled in accordance with the procedure outlined in Section 9 of this Article. Section 8. Officers shall be elected to a one-year term beginning at the time of officer installation. The newly elected officers shall serve as assistants to the present officers until officially installed. This installation shall occur within the last four weeks of the spring semester. Section 9. If any office becomes vacant, Council shall accept applications for a replacement. Council shall elect one individual from these applicants to serve the remainder of the term. Replacements must qualify according to provisions of this Constitution. Section 10. Elected officers or persons in positions appointed by the Executive Committee may be removed from Council for obvious failure to perform the duties of their offices or appointments, conviction of a felony or like violations of the law, or gross negligence in serving as an officer or appointee. A motion for removal must be approved by three-fourths of all voting members provided due cause shall have been properly presented at the previous meeting of Council. Vacancies created through removal from office shall be filled in accordance with the procedure outlined in Section 9 of this Article. Article V. REPRESENTATIVES TO COUNCIL Section 1. It shall be the duty of all elected representatives to Council to present input from their particular organizations, help conduct Council business, fulfill responsibilities of Council, and communicate the actions of Council back to their respective organizations. R-77 Section 2. Representatives to Council from student organizations shall be students that are elected by their clubs. Section 3. Ag student senators shall keep Council current on student senate decisions that affect the College of Agriculture. Section 4. Council student representatives on College of Agriculture faculty committees shall regularly report to Council on the activities of their committees. Section 5. Council committee chairpersons shall regularly report to Council on their committee activities. Section 6. Organizational Membership. Organizations desiring membership on Council must: A. Consist of students (rather than faculty) B. Have an agricultural-related purpose C. Be registered through the Office of Student Activities and Services D. Be classified by Senate Allocations Committee as a part of Ag Council for SGA funding purposes E. Present an organization-approved constitution and letter of intent to the President. Membership shall be contingent upon two-thirds approval of Council membership voting. Once approved, a representative to Council from the organization shall be seated and the organization will request SGA funding through Ag Council. Article VI. AMENDMENT Section 1. This Constitution may be amended and ratified by a three-fourths vote of the total voting membership of Council provided that such amendments shall have been properly presented at the previous meeting of Council. Section 2. Amendments must be submitted to Student Senate for approval and shall take affect when ratified by majority vote of Student Senate. SECTION 2. KSU SGA Statutes 06-0101 through 06-0139 shall be amended accordingly. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 3/30/00 R-78 RESOLUTION 99/00/69 BY: COMMENDATION TO ATTORNEY GENERAL President Jason Heinrich, Vice President Gabe Eckert, Chair Jake Worcester, Vice Chair Mary Bosco, Phil Anderson, Bill Muir, Sarah Botkin, Jaleen Brady, Lacy Brittingham, Drew Brown, Kyle Brownback, Josh Brueggemann, Lucas Bud, Crystal Campbell, Ted Conrad, Danny Cooper, Erica Courtright, Sarah Dillingham, John Donley, Dean Draper, Katie Ellefson, Emily Emerson, Lindsey Gardner, Kelly Goebel, Carlton Getz, Kari Gorrell, Erica Guries, Steve Hall, Samira Hasan, Kami Hawks, Ben Hopper, Ryan Hoskinson, Tara Hull, Julie Karrer, Nick Krier, Cory Lafferty, John Lahman, Elisa Lowrnan, Jennifer Lucke, Jeremy Lutz, Stacy Meredith, Amy Metzinger, Nicole Meyer, Chad Miller, Lisa Morris, Sarah Nixon, Brandon Oberling, Nick Oberst, Kevin Oehme, Aubrie Ohide, Joe Pacey, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jared Rose, Sam Sackett, Lance Stafford, Jonas Stewart, Jill Szynskie, Ryan Walker, Matt Wolters WHEREAS the Attorney General is the non-partisan head of the Judicial Branch of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association--a position of trust and responsibility over a multi-faceted and broad-based group of boards, council and judicial officers; and WHEREAS Amie L. Kershner served as SGA Attorney General during the 1999-2000 term; and WHEREAS Amie L. Kershner has served with distinction and devotion and as a role model for all student leaders during her term in office; and WHEREAS the Student Body of Kansas State University has benefitted from the selfless devotion of Amie Kershner to her office, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association commends Arnie L. Kershner for her commitrnent of time and service to Kansas State University, and expresses its thanks and gratitude for her outstanding leadership and performance as SGA Attorney General. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be given to Amie L. Kershner and her parents upon passage. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 3/30/00 R-79 RESOLUTION 99/00/70 BY: COMMENDATION TO STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT AND STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT Chair Jake Worcester, Vice Chair Mary Bosco, Phil Anderson, Bill Muir, Sarah Botkin, Jaleen Brady, Lacy Brittingham, Drew Brown, Kyle Brownback, Josh Brueggemann, Lucas Bud, Crystal Campbell, Ted Conrad, Danny Cooper, Erica Courtright, Sarah Dillingham, John Donley, Dean Draper, Katie Ellefson, Emily Emerson, Lindsey Gardner, Kelly Goebel, Carlton Getz, Kari Gorrell, Erica Guries, Steve Hall, Samira Hasan, Kami Hawks, Ben Hopper, Ryan Hoskinson, Tara Hull, Julie Karrer, Amie Kershner, Nick Krier, Cory Lafferty, John Lahman, Elisa Lowman, Jennifer Lucke, Jeremy Lutz, Stacy Meredith, Amy Metzinger, Nicole Meyer, Chad Miller, Lisa Morris, Sarah Nixon, Brandon Oberling, Nick Oberst, Kevin Oehme, Aubrie Ohlde, Joe Pacey, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jared Rose, Sam Sackett, Lance Stafford, Jonas Stewart, Jill Szynskie, Ryan Walker, Matt Wolters WHEREAS Jason J. Heinrich and Gabriel P. Eckert were elected Student Body President and Student Body Vice President on March 15, 1999 and sworn in on April 1, 1999; and WHEREAS Jason Heinrich and Gabe Eckert have continually worked for the enhancement of Kansas State University, its students, faculty and staff; and WHEREAS Jason Heinrich and Gabe Eckert have selflessly devoted time and energy to their offices during their term of office; and WHEREAS Jason Heinrich and Gabe Eckert have superbly represented the Kansas State University Student Governing Association before the President of the University, the State Board of Regents and the Kansas Legislature; and WHEREAS Jason Heinrich and Gabe Eckert have actively worked for student issues; and WHEREAS Jason Heinrich and Gabe Eckert have been effective and responsible student leaders, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kansas State University Student Governing Association commends Student Body President Jason J. Heinrich and Student Body Vice President Gabriel P. Eckert for their commitment of time and service to Kansas State University, and expresses its thanks and gratitude for their outstanding leadership and performance in office. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be given to Jason Heinrich and Gabe Eckert and their parents upon passage. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 3/30/00 R-80 RESOLUTION 99/00/71 BY: COMMENDATION TO STUDENT SENATE CHAIR AND STUDENT SENATE VICE CHAIR President Jason Heinrich, Vice President Gabe Eckert, Phil Anderson, Bill Muir, Sarah Botkin, Jaleen Brady, Lacy Brittingham, Drew Brown, Kyle Brownback, Josh Brueggemann, Lucas Bud, Crystal Campbell, Ted Conrad, Danny Cooper, Erica Courtright, Sarah Dillingham, John Donley, Dean Draper, Katie Ellefson, Emily Emerson, Lindsey Gardner, Kelly Goebel, Canton Getz, Kari Gorrell, Erica Guries, Steve Hall, Samira Hasan, Kami Hawks, Ben Hopper, Ryan Hoskinson, Tara Hull, Julie Karrer, Arnie Kershner, Nick Krier, Cory Lafferty, John Lahman, Elisa Lowman, Jennifer Lucke, Jeremy Lutz, Stacy Meredith, Amy Metzinger, Nicole Meyer, Chad Miller, Lisa Morris, Sarah Nixon, Brandon Oberling, Nick Oberst, Kevin Oehme, Aubrie Ohide, Joe Pacey, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jared Rose, Sam Sackett, Lance Stafford, Jonas Stewart, Jill Szynskie, Ryan Walker, Matt Wolters WHEREAS Jake D. Worcester and Mary C. Bosco have served the 1999-2000 Student Senate with distinction as Student Senate Chair and Student Senate Vice Chair, respectively; and WHEREAS Jake Worcester and Mary Bosco have been and are continuing to be involved in numerous aspects of student government; and WHEREAS Jake Worcester and Mary Bosco have devoted long hours of care and concern for the students of Kansas State University; and WHEREAS Jake Worcester and Mary Bosco have been trusted friends and comrades of all members of Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association commends Student Senate Chair Jake D. Worcester and Student Senate Vice Chair Mary C. Bosco for their commitment of time and service to Kansas State University, and expresses its thanks and gratitude for their outstanding leadership and performance in office. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be given to Jake Worcester and Mary Bosco and their parents upon passage. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 3/30/00 R-81 RESOLUTION 99/00/72 BY: COMMENDATION TO STUDENT SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS, ELECTIONS COMMITTEE CHAIR AND OTHER MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Jason Heinrich, Vice President Gabe Eckert, Chair Jake Worcester, Vice Chair Mary Bosco, Phil Anderson, Bill Muir, Sarah Botkin, Jaleen Brady, Lacy Brittingham, Drew Brown, Kyle Brownback, Josh Brueggemann, Lucas Bud, Ted Conrad, Danny Cooper, Erica Courtright, Sarah Dillingham, John Donley, Dean Draper, Katie Ellefson, Emily Emerson, Lindsey Gardner, Kelly Goebel, Kari Gorrell, Erica Guries, Sarnira Hasan, Kami Hawks, Ben Hopper, Ryan Hoskinson, Tara Hull, Arnie Kershner, Nick Krier, Cory Lafferty, John Lahman, Elisa Lowman, Jennifer Lucke, Stacy Meredith, Nicole Meyer, Chad Miller, Lisa Morris, Sarah Nixon, Brandon Oberling, Nick Oberst, Kevin Oehrne, Aubrie Ohide, Joe Pacey, Cory Powell, Jared Rose, Sam Sackett, Lance Stafford, Jonas Stewart, Jill Szynskie, Matt Wolters WHEREAS the Constitution and By-Laws of the Kansas State University Student Governing Association specify that Student Senate shall be organized into Standing Committees, and that the Elections Committee shall be responsible for carrying out the KSU SGA elections; and WHEREAS the Constitution and By-Laws provide for the selection of a Student Senate Intern Coordinator, a Student Senate Representative to Faculty Senate, a Student Senate Parliamentarian and a Student Senate Secretary; and WHEREAS the Allocations Standing Committee, the Privilege Fee Standing Committee, the Senate Operations Standing Committee, the Academic Affairs and University Relations Standing Committee, the Student Affairs and Social Services Standing Committee, the Government Relations Standing Committee and the Communications Standing Committee are specified in the KSU SGA By-Laws as the seven Standing Committees of Student Senate; and the Elections Committee is specified in the KSU SGA By-Laws as the SGA committee responsible for SGA Elections; and WHEREAS these members of the Student Senate Executive Committee and the Chair of the Elections Committee have provided leadership, guidance and direction to the respective Standing Committee or Election Committee and the Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following members of the Student Senate Executive Committee of the Kansas State University Student Senate and the Elections Committee are hereby commended and congratulated for their service and dedication to the Kansas State University Student Governing Association: Carlton A. Getz Ryan K. Walker Dustin T. Petrik Allocations Committee Privilege Fee Committee Senate Operations Committee R-82 Steven S. Hall Crystal L. Campbell Travis D. Lenkner Julie E. Karrer Travis R. Morgan Amy S. Metzinger and Naomi R. McHugh Jeremy D. Lutz William L. Harlan Bobby Allison-Gallimore Academic Affairs & University Relations Committee Student Affairs and Social Services Committee Governmental Relations Committee Communications Committee Elections Committee Student Senate Intern Coordinator Student Senate Representative to Faculty Senate Student Senate Parliamentarian Student Senate Secretary SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be given to each Student Senate Executive Committee member and the Elections Committee Chair and their parents upon passage. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 3/30/00 R-83 RESOLUTION 99/00/73 BY: COMMENDATION TO SARAH DILLINGHAM President Jason Heinrich, Vice President Gabe Eckert, Chair Jake Worcester, Vice Chair Mary Bosco, Phil Anderson, Bill Muir, Sarah Botkin, Jaleen Brady, Lacy Brittingham, Drew Brown, Kyle Brownback, Josh Brueggemann, Lucas Bud, Crystal Campbell, Ted Conrad, Danny Cooper, Erica Courtright, John Donley, Dean Draper, Katie Ellefson, Emily Emerson, Lindsey Gardner, Kelly Goebel, Canton Getz, Kari Gorrell, Erica Guries, Steve Hall, Samira Hasan, Karni Hawks, Ben Hopper, Ryan Hoskinson, Tara Hull, Julie Karrer, Arnie Kershner, Nick Knier, Cory Lafferty, John Lahman, Elisa Lowrnan, Jennifer Lucke, Jeremy Lutz, Stacy Meredith, Amy Metzinger, Nicole Meyer, Chad Miller, Lisa Morris, Sarah Nixon, Brandon Oberling, Nick Oberst, Kevin Oehme, Aubrie Ohide, Joe Pacey, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jared Rose, Sam Sackett, Lance Stafford, Jonas Stewart, Jill Szynskie, Ryan Walker, Matt Wolters WHEREAS Sarah Dillingham has served the Kansas State University Student Governing Association for two years as the Office of Student Activities and Services graduate assistant, Graduate Student Council president, and as an advisor to Student Senate committees; and WHEREAS throughout that time she has dedicated herself to serving and advising others; and WHEREAS she has become a trusted friend to many within Student Governing Association; and WHEREAS she graduates in May and will be leaving Kansas State University to accept a job at the University of California at Santa Barbara, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association hereby commends and sincerely thanks Sarah Dillingharn for her commitment of time and service to Kansas State University, and expresses its gratitude for her excellent leadership and advising. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution shall be given to Sarah Dillingham and her parents upon passage. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 3/30/00 R-84 RESOLUTION 99/00/74 BY: APPROVAL OF HONOR COUNCIL APPOINTMENT Jason Heinrich, Gabe Eckert and Jake Worcester WHEREAS the following student has been appointed to serve on the university-wide Academic Honor Council; and WHEREAS this appointment is subject to approval by Student Senate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Brad Dilts be approved to serve on the honor Council for the College of Engineering for the 2000-2002 term. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 3/30/00 R-85 RESOLUTION 99/00/75 BY: COMMENDATION TO GAYLE SPENCER President Jason Heinrich, Vice President Gabe Eckert, Chair Jake Worcester, Vice Chair Mary Bosco, Phil Anderson, Bill Muir, Sarah Botkin, Jaleen Brady, Lacy Brittingharn, Drew Brown, Kyle Brownback, Josh Brueggemann, Lucas Bud, Crystal Campbell, Ted Conrad, Danny Cooper, Erica Courtright, John Donley, Dean Draper, Katie Ellefson, Emily Emerson, Lindsey Gardner, Kelly Goebel, Canton Getz, Kari Gorrell, Erica Guries, Steve Hall, Samira Hasan, Kami Hawks, Ben Hopper, Ryan Hoskinson, Tara Hull, Julie Karrer, Arnie Kershner, Nick Krier, Cory Lafferty, John Lahman, Elisa Lowman, Jennifer Lucke, Jeremy Lutz, Stacy Meredith, Amy Metzinger, Nicole Meyer, Chad Miller, Lisa Morris, Sarah Nixon, Brandon Oberling, Nick Oberst, Kevin Oehme, Aubrie Ohide, Joe Pacey, Dustin Petrik, Cory Powell, Jared Rose, Sam Sackett, Lance Stafford, Jonas Stewart, Jill Szynskie, Ryan Walker, Matt Wolters WHEREAS Gayle Spencer has served the Kansas State University Student Governing Association as the Coordinator of Student Activities and Services since July, 1997; and WHEREAS throughout that time she has effectively served as an advisor, mentor, friend and role model; and WHEREAS her care and concern for helping students can be witnessed in everything she does; and WHEREAS by a mandate of the students at Kansas State University, she has been elected to serve as a graduate student senator; and WHEREAS her excellent advising and national reputation has been proclaimed on Manhattan’s widely viewed cable television station; and WHEREAS since coming to Kansas, her wardrobe and heart have seen a color change from red to purple; and WHEREAS the above mentioned change is substantiated by her saying on March 29, 2000, the following surprising words: “I love Manhattan,” BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association hereby commends and sincerely thanks Gayle Spencer for her commitment of time and service to Kansas State University, and expresses its gratitude for her excellent leadership and advising. SECTION 2. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association looks forward to enjoying future years of continued service from Gayle Spencer. SECTION 3. A copy of this resolution shall be given to Gayle Spencer and her mother upon passage. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 3/30/00 R-86 RESOLUTION 99/00/76 BY: COMMENDATION TO 1999-2000 STUDENT SENATE AND STUDENT SENATE INTERNS President Jason Heinrich, Vice President Gabe Eckert, Chair Jake Worcester, Vice Chair Mary Bosco, Phil Anderson, and Bill Muir WHEREAS The 1999-2000 Student Senate was elected on March 10, 1999, was sworn into office on April 1, 1999, and will adjourn sine die on March 30, 2000; and WHEREAS 96 Bills and 76 Resolutions were considered by the 1999-2000 Student Senate, with 91 Bills passed into law (95% enactment rate, including 1 bill enacted without the signature of the Student Body President) and 69 Resolutions adopted (91% adoption rate); and WHEREAS The 1999-2000 Student Senate and Student Senate Interns labored for over 64 hours during its 28 meetings in the 7 school months of existence for the benefit of the Kansas State University Student Body (an average of more than 9 hours per month and of 2.9 hours per meeting); and WHEREAS The service of the elected Student Senators and Student Senate Interns has been exemplary, benefitting both students and the University; and WHEREAS The Faculty Representatives to Student Senate and the Student Body President and Student Body Vice President have valued and treasured their time with the members of the 1999-2000 Student Senate and Student Senate Interns, and feel that appropriate recognition of their service is in order and necessary, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Governing Association commends and congratulates the 1999-2000 Student Senate and Student Senate Interns and expresses its thanks and gratitude for their outstanding performance in office. SECTION 2. A copy of this resolution be given to each member of the 1999-2000 Student Senate and Student Senate Intern upon passage. THIS RESOLUTION PASSED STUDENT SENATE BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT ON 3/30/00 R-87 1999-2000 Student Senate Minutes Date Page April 2, 1999 ....................................................................................................................................1 April 8, 1999 ....................................................................................................................................2 April 15, 1999 ..................................................................................................................................4 April 22, 1999 ..................................................................................................................................6 April 29, 1999 ..................................................................................................................................8 September 2, 1999 .........................................................................................................................11 September 9, 1999 .........................................................................................................................14 September 16, 1999 .......................................................................................................................17 September 23, 1999 .......................................................................................................................19 September 30, 1999 .......................................................................................................................22 October 7, 1999..............................................................................................................................25 October 14, 1999............................................................................................................................27 October 21, 1999............................................................................................................................31 October 28, 1999............................................................................................................................34 November 4, 1999..........................................................................................................................37 November 11, 1999........................................................................................................................41 December 2, 1999 ..........................................................................................................................43 January 20, 2000 ............................................................................................................................46 January 27, 2000 ............................................................................................................................49 February 3, 2000 ............................................................................................................................53 February 10, 2000 ..........................................................................................................................56 February 17, 2000 ..........................................................................................................................59 February 24, 2000 ..........................................................................................................................62 March 2, 2000 ................................................................................................................................65 March 9, 2000 ................................................................................................................................67 March 16, 2000 ..............................................................................................................................70 March 30, 2000 ..............................................................................................................................75 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM April 2, 1999 12:24 a.m. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eckert called the 1999-2000 Senate to order at 12:24 a.m. on April 2, 1999. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the body in the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL 50 senators answered roll call. OPEN PERIOD Chairman Ashley addressed the new Student Senate DIRECTORS REPORTS Attorney General Dickson invited questions concerning the Judicial Branch Vice Chairman Worcester announced that applications are available for Committee Chairs and Cabinet. SWEARING IN OF NEW STUDENT SENATORS Chairman Eckert swore in the new senators SWEARING IN OF NEW STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT President Mann swore in Jason Heinrich, the new Student Body President. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 99/00/0] Approval of Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee Attorney General Dickson read the resolution and answered quesitons. Vice Chairman Worcester moved unanimous consent Res 99/00/01 was adopted by unanimous consent NOMINATIONS FOR STUDENT SENATE CHAIR Chairwoman Bosco nominated Vice Chairman Worcester Senator Campbell nominated Chairman Getz OPEN PERIOD Senator Muir spoke about the senator’s responsibilities ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 a.m. M-1 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM April 8, 1999 7:45 p.m. CALL TO ORDER. Chairman Eckert called the meeting to order at 7:48 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Eckert led the body in the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL There were 54 senators present. OPEN PERIOD Curt Frasier, Amy Button Renz, Brad Sidener, and Karen Shafer, were present and discussed the progress of the Alumni center. Faculty Senate Representative Wetta spoke concerning his position. Editor-in-Chief Lenkner spoke on behalf of the Collegian. ANNOUNCEMENTS Proxies: Meredith for Stewart Metzinger for Small Lutz for Stafford Chairman Eckert discussed random papers floating around the room. Reminded senators attending training to return evaluations. COMMITTEE REPORTS Senator Raile reported on Bridges to Asia. Chairwoman Bosco reminded senators of a year end social next Tuesday. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS General Dixon discussed the recommendation of the committee to select the new Attorney General. President Heinrich announced cabinet applications due on next Friday. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 98/99/03 Approval of Attorney General President Heinrich read the bill and answered questions. VC Worcester moved unanimous consent, Motion passed Arnie Kershner was sworn in by Attorney General Dickson GENERAL ORDERS ELECTION OF STUDENT SENATE CHAIR Jake Worcester and Canton Getz were nominated the previous week. The candidates were given 5 minutes to speak and answer questions. Debate: Worcester: Meredith, Brownback, Lutz, Brueggemann, McHugh Getz: Guries, Campbell, Pacey Jake Worcester was elected as Student Senate Chair Chairman Eckert swore in Chairman Worcester. M-2 Vice President Macklin swore in Vice President Eckert. A five minute recess was then taken. NOMINATIONS FOR STUDENT SENATE VICE CHAIR Senator Bosco and Senator Peschka were nominated for V-chair ELECTION OF STUDENT SENATE VICE CHAIR The candidates were given 5 minutes to speak and answer questions. Debate: Bosco: Kershner, Hail, Szynskie, Pacey Peschka: Conrad, Getz, Keever (Powell), McHugh Mary Bosco was elected as Student Senate Vice Chair Chairman Worcester swore in Vice Chairwoman Bosco. NOMINATION FOR STUDENT SENATE FACULTY SENATE REPRESENTATIVE Jeremy Lutz was nominated for Student Senate Faculty Senate Representative. ELECTION OF STUDENT SENATE FACULTY SENATE REPRESENTATIVE Jeremy Lutz was elected as Student Senate Faculty Senate Representative by unanimous consent. Chairman Worcester swore in Faculty Senate Representative Lutz. NOMINATIONS FOR STUDENT SENATE INTERN COORDINATOR Senator McHugh was nominated for Intern Coordinator ELECTION OF STUDENT SENATE INTERN COORDINATOR Naomi McHugh was elected as Student Senate Intern Coordinator by unanimous consent. Chairman Worcester swore in Intern Coordinator McHugh. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/02 Commendation to Jennyfer Owensby Treasurer Getz read the resolution and answered questions. Res 99/00/02 was moved special orders. Res 99/00/02 was adopted by unanimous consent ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS Attorney General Dickson announced Article 601, Section E. of the Constitution Senator Muir announced Article II, Section 201 of the Constitution OPEN PERIOD Intern Coordinator McHugh discussed plans for the upcoming intern program. Coordinator Spencer reminded the body of applications available. Senator Stewart discussed actions by the City of Manhattan on property inspection. Senator Hoskinson gave views on the upcoming year. Senator Raile congratulated the interest shown by new senators during the first open period. Senator Szynskie spoke about the upcoming year. Faculty Senate Representative Lutz discussed ideas for Faculty Senate Chairman Worcester announced applications will be due April 15, and that training will be held next week at 7:00 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 7:45 p.m. He also spoke about the upcoming year and the responsibility and challenges that will be faced. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. M-3 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM April 15, 1999 7:45 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Worcester called the meeting to order at 7:58 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Worcester led the body in the pledge of allegiance ROLL CALL There were 49 senators present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes will be approved at next week’s meeting OPEN PERIOD Dean of Student Life Bosco addressed the body about the commitment KSU has made to student leaders as well as the commitment of student leaders to KSU. ANNOUNCEMENTS Proxies: Bud for Lafferty Rose for Pacey Szynskie for Brownback Metzinger for Small Peschka for Welch Meredith for Stewart Campbell for Hoskinson Courtright for Powell GA Dillingham asked for volunteers to help with the March of Dimes on April 24. Committee preference sheets are available, as well as Chair, Senate Officer, Cabinet, and Judicial applications. Due Friday by 5:00. COMMITTEE REPORTS DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Vice President Eckert announced the SGA Retreat will be on August 28th morning and afternoon. General Dickson yielded to Senator Kershner to discuss the senate appointment to Judicial Branch. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 99/00/04 Approval of New Student Senator Chair Worcester read the bill and answered questions. Senator Peschka moved unanimous consent. Res 99/00/04 passed by unanimous consent. Matt Wolters was sworn in as a new Agriculture Senator INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION M-4 Bill 99/00/01 Allocation to the Apostolic Campus Ministry for Spring 1999 Senator Peschka read the bill and answered questions. Senator Peschka moved special orders. Motion passed Positive: Peschka Bill 99/00/01 passed on a roll call vote of 57-0-0 Bill 9 9/0 0/02 Extending Voting Privileges for Student Body President and Student Body Vice President to Students at KSU-Salina President Heinrich read the bill and answered questions. Bill 99/00/02 was held for referral. Bill 99/00/03 Constitutional Amendment Concerning the Composition and Appointment of the Attorney General Nominee Interview Committee Senator Kershner read the bill and answered questions. Bill 99/00/03 was held for referral. OPEN PERIOD Intern McHugh thanked everyone for their help with Open House and announced that 252 students have responded about the intern program next year. Senator Campbell announced information for a Foundation Scholarship, applications available in OSAS. Senator Kershner discussed Open House from the previous weekend and thanked Senator McHugh and Elijah Keever for their help. Senator Szynskie wished Senator Hasan a happy 21st birthday. Senator Hasan discussed the dunk tank. Senator Szynskie commented that former Intern Meinhardt was in the hospital. Senator Ohlde congratulated Senator Stafford for throwing the ball that hit former Intern Meinhardt. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Bill 99/00/02 was referred to the Senate Chair Bill 99/00/03 was referred to the Senate Chair ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS AMENDMENTS ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. M-5 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM Aril 22, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Chair Worcester called the meeting to order at 7:02 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Worcester led the body in the pledge of allegiance ROLL CALL There were 48 senators present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved without addition or correction. OPEN PERIOD Senator Peschka read a letter announcing her resignation from Student Senate. Abra Ungeheuer spoke about teacher evaluations. Tom Swenson, Mark Taussig, Darwin Abbott, Bruce Snead, and Rita Newell spoke about parking issues. Jamie Snitcker spoke about a resolution to change the name of the Parking Council to the “Transportation Council.” Mary Tool spoke about scholarships at the university and changing the scholarship web page. She asked for $600 to fund this project. Paul English spoke about Men Against Rape Society. Ken Ip spoke about tuition rates for out-of-state and foreign students. ANNOUNCEMENTS Proxies: Hoskinson for Campbell Hall for Wolters Hall for Stewart Bruegemann for Meredith Hasan for Reinert Small for Stafford Bosco for Hawks Chairman Worcester announced that committee preference sheets are due tomorrow. Other positions also need to be filled by senators. COMMITTEE REPORTS DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Chairman Getz gave a financial report for Student Publications, Inc. President Watkins introduced himself and gave his phone number and e-mail address: jpw0302@ksu.edu. Chair Worcester passed the gavel to Vice-Chair Bosco. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 99/00/05 Approval of New Student Senators Chair Worcester read the bill and answered questions. Senator Kershner moved unanimous consent. M-6 Res 99/00/05 passed by unanimous consent. Drew Brown and Ken Wells were sworn in as new Graduate Senators. Res 99/0 0/0 6 Approval of Student Senate Parliamentarian and Secretary Chair Worcester read the bill and answered questions. Senator Kershner moved unanimous consent. Res 99/00/06 passed by unanimous consent. Bill Harlan was sworn in as Parliamentarian and Bobby Allison-Gallimore was sworn in as Secretary. Res 99/00/07 Approval of Student Senate Standing Committee Chairs Chair Worcester read the bill and answered questions. Senator Courtwright moved unanimous consent. Res 99/00/07 passed by unanimous consent. The new committee chairs were sworn in. Vice-Chair Bosco passed the gavel back to Chair Worcester. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION OPEN PERIOD Chairman Getz spoke about DRIP programs. Coordinator McHugh asked for 30 seconds of silence for the high school students in Littleton, Colorado. 30 seconds of silence was observed. Chairwoman Campbell spoke about scholarship applications in OSAS. Chair Worcester reminded Senators to turn in their committee preference sheets. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Bill 99/00/02 was held and referred to Senate Operations Committee. Bill 99/00/03 was held and referred to Senate Operations Committee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS AMENDMENTS ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm. M-7 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM April 29, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:02. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 46 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Carla Jones, Assistant Dean of Student Life, introduced herself and spoke about the Office of Student Life and its services. Jon Kurche and Lea Stueve spoke about the Honor Council and honor system. David Wichman spoke about increasing protection for pedestrians from bicyclists on campus. Daryl Lenzrath spoke about the SafeRide program and encouraged Senate to develop a SafeRide program. Lucy Schwietzerman spoke about a flat rate tuition proposal. Katie Schultz spoke about opening new polling places to increase voter turnout for student elections. John Stouse spoke about parking at Chester Peters Recreation Complex. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senator Conrad announced that he would be working on the SGA web page over the summer and asked for suggestions. Chair Worcester announced that this would be the last Senate meeting of the semester. Retreat will be August 28th and the first meeting next year will be on August 25th. Proxies: Wolters for Oberling Nixon for Gorrell Kershner for Hall Hall for Donley Meredith for Stewart Metzinger for Small Walker for Welch COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Petrik reported on Senate Ops action on Bills 99/00/02 and 99/00/03 and explained the reasoning behind holding Bill 99/00/03 until next year. Chairman Getz announced that Allocations would meet at 7:00 on May 6th DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Coordinator Spencer announced that Peggy Lind is the new accounting specialist in OSAS. M-8 Attorney General Dickson thanked everyone for a good year and announced that Judicial Council and Senator Kershner were pulling authorship on Bill 99/00/03. Travis Lenkner was sworn in as the new Governmental Relations chairman. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 99/00/08 Approval of Summer Treasurer Chairman Getz read the bill. Senator Kershner moved unanimous consent. Res 99/00/08 passed by unanimous consent. Res 9 9/0 0/09 Approval of Student Body President’s Cabinet President Heinrich read the bill and answered questions. Senator Courtwright moved unanimous consent. Res 99/00/09 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/00/10 Approval of Judicial Branch Appointments Vice President Eckert read the bill and answered questions. Senator Muir moved unanimous consent. Res 99/00/10 passed by unanimous consent. FINAL ACTION Bill 9900/02 Constitutional Amendment Extending Voting Privileges for Student Body President and Student Body Vice President to Students at KSU-Salina President Watkins announced there were no changes. Positive: President Watkins yielded his time to former KSU-Salina President Matt Wagner. Positive: Senator Muir. Positive: Senator Guries yielded her time to Joey Bahr. Positive: Senator Anderson. Vice Chair Bosco moved the previous question. Motion passed. Bill 98/99/02 passed on a roll call vote of 5 1-2. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Bill 99/00/04 By-laws Amendment Concerning Membership of Senate Operations Committee Chairman Petrik read the bill and answered questions. Vice Chair Bosco moved special orders. Motion passed. Final Action: No questions. Positive: Chairman Petrik. Bill 99/00/04 passed on a roll call vote of 45-5. Bill 99/0 0/0 5 By-laws Amendment Concerning Bridge to Asia Chairwoman Geiger read the bill and answered questions. Bill 9 9/0 0/06 Statutes Amendment Concerning Bridge to Asia Chairwoman Geiger read the bill and answered questions. OPEN PERIOD Intern Coordinator McHugh reported that 310 incoming students asked for information about the intern program. Senator Kershner announced she was resigning her Senate seat. M-9 Faculty Senate Representative Lutz announced that Senate is searching for a UGB representative. Chairwoman Campbell asked for new SASS members to meet briefly after the meeting. Chair Worcester announced that there are still vacancies needing Senators to fill them, reminded Senators of their committee assignments, and wished everyone a good summer. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Bill 99/00/05 was referred to Senate Operations Committee. Bill 99/00/06 was referred to Senate Operations Committee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m. SENATE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Bill 99/00/03 was held in committee. M-10 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM September 2, 1999 7:00P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 52 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Union director Bernard Pitts and the Union food service director spoke about the new food services at the Union. Director Pitts spoke about the Union renovation schedule. Dave Woodruff, president of ARH, introduced himself. Jon Kurche spoke about the new undergraduate honor system and encouraged senators to demonstrate support for the system. Honor Council representatives will be visiting various classes to further explain the system in the next few weeks. Phil Anderson continued the presentation on the honor system. Privilege Fee committee chairman Ryan Walker made a presentation on the privilege fee process. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Worcester announced the addition of an Approval of Appointments to the agenda. He asked those without nameplates to let him know. He also reiterated the absence policy for student senate. Proxies: none. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Campbell reported on last Monday’s SASS committee meeting. Intern Coordinator McHugh and Senator Small gave reports on SASS sub-committees. SASS will not be meeting on Labor Day, but will meet the following Monday. Chairman Lenkner reported on the Governmental Relations committee meeting and announced that GR will be having a short meeting following the Senate meeting. Chairwoman Karrer reported on the Communications committee meeting. She announced that the first visitation will be due October 28 and explained the visitation process. Signup sheet for visitations, activities fair, and service hours was passed around. Chairman Walker reported on the Privilege Fee committee meeting. He encouraged everyone to familiarize themselves with the Lafene audit. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS President Heinrich thanked the ARH representatives for attending tonight’s meeting. Intern Coordinator McHugh reported that 25 applications have been received for the intern program. M-11 Applications are due on September 8. Coordinator Spencer reported that she will be late for some meetings due to Union Governing Board meetings. Vice-Chair Bosco reported on the SGA retreat last Saturday. Attorney General Kershner reported that judicial training will be on September 12. She encouraged Senators to attend. Chair Worcester turned the chair over to Vice-Chair Bosco. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 99/0 0/1 9 Approval of New Student Senators Chair Worcester read the bill. Senator Courtwright moved unanimous consent. Res 99/00/19 passed by unanimous consent. Chair Worcester resumed the chair. FINAL ACTION Bill 9 9/0 0/05 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Bridge to Asia No questions. Positive debate: Chairwoman Campbell. Bill 99/00/05 passed by a roll call vote of 52-0-0. Bill 9 9/00/06 Statutes Amendment Concerning Bridge to Asia. No questions. Positive debate: Chairwoman Campbell. Bill 99/00/06 passed by a roll call vote of 52-0-0. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/1 4 Commendation to Soenghie Lee, Andrew Peppin, and Mark Ward Vice President Eckert read the bill. Res 99/0 0/1 5 Approval of 1999-2000 Student Governing Association Goals Vice President Eckert read the bill. Res 99/0 0/1 6 1999-2000 Budget Resolution Senator Brownback read the bill and answered questions. Chairman Walker moved special orders. Positive debate: Chairman Walker. Motion for Special Orders passed. Final Action Positive debate: Senator Brownback. Res 99/00/16 passed by voice vote. Res 99/00/17 Resolution Supporting the Reconsideration of Science Standards by the Kansas State Board of Education. Chairman Petrik read the bill and answered questions. Res 99/00/1 8 City/University Projects Fund Student Priority List Chairman Lenkner read the bill and answered questions. OPEN PERIOD Senator Guries asked everyone to sing happy birthday to Senator Bud. M-12 Senator Bud announced that there will be a birthday party tomorrow night. Senator Muir reported on the Joint Committee on Officer Compensation’s efforts to achieve recognition for students involved in student government. Chairman Petrik asked those who want to add their names as authors of Res 99/00/17 to see him after the meeting. Senator Hall advised Senators to consider carefully before adding their name as an author of Res 99/00/17. Senator Metzinger made comments about the meeting. Attorney General Kershner reported that a Collegian/SGA volleyball match is under consderation. Chairwoman Karrer asked that her committee sign-up sheets be returned to her. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/14 was referred to SASS. Res 99/00/15 was referred to Senate Operations. Res 99/00/17 and 99/00/18 were referred to Governmental Relations. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m. M-13 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM September 9, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 52 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Dan Colantone spoke about a new Flint Hills interpretive center Dr. John Stayer spoke about the State Board of Education’s recent Science Standards decision and answered questions. Dr. Gary Conrad spoke about the Department of Biology and the potential impact of the State Board of Education’s recent Science Standards decision. Dr. Chris Smith spoke about the knowledge that he has gained through the knowledge of evolutionary theory. John Nelson from the Black Student Union introduced several members and officials from BSU and invited Senators to attend BSU executive board meetings. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senator Guries asked for donations for the Silver Key homeless sleepout. Chair Worcester announced that a locator list is being passed around and asked for information to be corrected. Senator Szynskie announced pians for the SGA/Collegian volleyball game. Proxies: none. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Lenkner announced that the correct committee vote total for Res 99/00/17 was 5-2 with no recommendation and the total for Res 99/00/18 was 7-0. GR will meet Monday at 8:00 pm. He explained the vote total on Res 99/00/17 and encouraged senators to remain rational tonight. Chairman Walker announced that the next Priv Fee meeting will be on Tuesday at 5:45 pm. Chairwoman Karrer announced that service hours begin next week. Help is still needed for the Activities Fair next Sunday. Visitation info will be in mailboxes soon. Chairman Petrik announced that Res 99/00/15 passed out of Senate Ops favorably 7-0 with the amendment of “N. Educate Student Body about Honor Code.” Chairwoman Campbell announced that SASS will be discussing a community service project at their next meeting on Monday at 9:00 pm. Chairman Getz announced that the next Allocations meeting will be at Dairy Queen. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Coordinator McHugh reported that 83 applications for the intern program have been received. M-14 Director Roesler reported on the SGA radio show on Monday nights at 7:00 pm. Vice-President Eckert talked about the new SGA radio show and asked for ideas for topics that should be discussed during the program. Attorney General Kershner announced that Housing Council training will be this Sunday in Union 212 from ito 5 pm. FINAL ACTION Res 99/00/14 Commendation to Soenghie Lee, Andrew Peppin, and Mark Ward No questions. Positive debate: Vice-President Eckert. Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/14 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/00/15 Approval of 1999-2000 Student Governing Association Goals Vice-President Eckert addressed changes and answered questions. Positive debate: Vice-President Eckert. Senator Brownback moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/15 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/00/17 Resolution Supporting the Reconsideration of Science Standards by the Kansas State Board of Education Chairman Petrik addressed changes. Chair Worcester reiterated the rules for debate. Positive Debate: Petrik, Negative Debate: Senator Sackett moved that the resolution be postponed indefinitely. Motion was seconded. Positive Debate: Sackett, Conrad, Hoskinson. Negative Debate: Kershner, Petrik, Lenkner. Chairman Lenkner moved the previous question. Motion passed. Senator Muir moved a roll call vote be taken. Motion passed. Positive Debate: Lenkner, Anderson, Szynskie, Negative Debate: Lahman, Hall, Stafford moved to postpone definitely until after Christmas break. Intern Coordinator McHugh friendlied to change “Christmas break” to “the first meeting of the spring semester.” Positive debate: Stafford, Lahman, Bud. Negative debate: Petrik, Wohiters, Lenkner moved the previous question. Motion passed. Motion to postpone definitely failed by voice vote. Positive Debate: Hull yielded to Amy Dix, McHugh moved the previous question. Negative Debate: Sackett Senator Muir moved a roll call vote be taken. Res 99/00/17 passed by a roll call vote of 43-11. Res 99/00/18 City/University Projects Fund Student Priority List Chairman Lenkner addressed changes and questions. Amendment A by McHugh and Campbell: Section 2.3.o: strike out “addition of pedestrian-activation devices for blinking yellow lights” and replace with “placement of a pedestrian-activated cross-walk stop light at Bertrand and Manhattan Avenue.” Positive debate: McHugh, McHugh yielded to Crowder. Negative debate: Lenkner, Brueggeman, Anderson moved the previous question. Motion passed. M-15 Amendment A failed. Positive: Lenkner Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/18 passed by unanimous consent. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION OPEN PERIOD Vice-President Eckert commented on the open-period speakers. Senator Muir said goodbye to Senator P. Anderson as Senator Anderson left the room. He then commented on the SGA mode of representation and encouraged Senate to take a stand on pertinent issues to the university and the student body. Senator Hall reported on the Academic Affairs committee. It was announced that Senator Hall is now the chair of Acadmic Affairs. Chairman Lenkner reminded everyone of the governing conference. Coordinator McHugh spoke about the mentors for the intern program. Senator Szynskie asked for the volleyball sign-up sheet. Vice-Chair Bosco yielded to John Nelson who reminded everyone of the BSU executive meetings. Chair Worcester commented favorably on the debate that took place throughout the meeting tonight. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. M-16 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM September 16, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:05 by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 48 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD There were no speakers for open period. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Worcester announced that he needs senators for various university committees. Proxies: Hall for Wolters COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Walker announced that representatives from the band are here tonight to speak about the band privilege fee. Chairwoman Campbell announced that SASS will be meeting Monday at 9:00. She asked Senators to contribute to the Memory Walk project. Chairwoman Karrer announced that service hours have begun. Chairman Petrik announced that Senate Operations will not meet next week. Chairman Hall announced that Academic Affairs will be meeting at 8:30 pm on Monday. Chairman Lenkner announced that Governmental Relations had a good meeting. The planning for the October 1st conference is going well. He reported on the Board of Regents meeting. Chairman Getz announced that Allocations will not be meeting at Dairy Queen on Sunday. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Intern Coordinator McHugh announced that the interviews for interns have been completed and selections are now being made.. Coordinator Lander that work is beginning on the residence hail meal plans. Vice-President Eckert reminded everyone of the SGA radio show. He spoke about the role and future of the Fine Arts Council. Director Mason announced that she is working on a proposal to make professors use twosided copies. She asked for senators to let her or Vice-President Eckert know what they think of the proposal. Chairman Walker moved to move Bill 99/00/09 before Approval of Appointments on the agenda. Positive Debate: Walker. Motion passed. Bill 99/00/09 Increase of the University Band Programs Privilege Fee M-17 Vice-Chair Bosco read the bill and she, Chairman Walker, and Band Director Tracz answered questions. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Chair Worcester turned the gavel over to Vice-Chair Bosco. Res 9 9/0 0/2 0 Approval of Student Senate Standing Committee Chair Chair Worcester read the bill. Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Res 99/00/20 passed by unanimous consent. Senator Hall was sworn in as Academic Affairs and University Relations Committee Chair. Chairman Worcester resumed the chair. FINAL ACTION None. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Senator Guries moved to place Bill 99/00/08 ahead of 99/00/07 on the agenda. Bill 9/00/08 Allocations Guidelines Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions. Bill 99/00/07 Allocation to Campus Crusade for Christ Senator Morris read the bill and answered questions. OPEN PERIOD Senator P. Anderson announced that the first Lou Douglas lecture is coming up soon and gave information about the speaker. Chair Worcester asked for feedback about how senate is going so far this year. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Bill 99/00/07 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/08 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/09 was referred to Privilege Fee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m. M-18 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM September 23, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 47 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Intern Coordinator McHugh resigned her positions as Intern Coordinator and as Arts and Sciences Senator. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Worcester announced that he would like to have feedback forms filled out so he can hear how Senate is going so far this year. Next week we will be taking nominations for and electing a new Intern Coordinator. Proxies: Muir for Anderson Lahman for Brown Hall for Wohiters COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Lenkner reported that the student leadership conference will be on October 1 from 10 am to 2 pm. Chairwoman Campbell reported on the Memory Walk on October 2. She thanked everyone for their donations. Chairman Hall reported that Academic Affairs is beginning to plan their projects. Chairwoman Karrer announced that visitations have begun. Chairman Walker spoke about the Special Committee to Research Privilege Fees. Chairman Getz announced that 241 le Woodway Drive will be the location of the next Allocations Committee meeting. He pitched the committee to the new interns. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS None. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Chair Worcester turned the gavel over to Vice-Chair Bosco. Res 9 9/0 0/2 1 Approval of New Student Senator Chair Worcester read the bill. Chairman Walker moved unanimous consent. Res 99/00/2 1 passed by unanimous consent. M-19 Jon Nelson was sworn in as an Engineering Senator. Chair Worcester resumed the chair. Res 99/00/22 Approval of Student Senate Interns Vice-Chair Bosco read the bill. Senator Brownback moved unanimous consent. Res 99/00/22 passed by unanimous consent. The new interns were sworn in. Chair Worcester turned the gavel over to Vice-Chair Bosco. Res 9 9/0 0/23 Approval of Special Committee to Research Privilege Fee Levels Chair Worcester read the bill. Senator Courtwright moved unanimous consent. Res 99/00/23 passed by unanimous consent. Chair Worcester resumed the chair. FINAL ACTION Bill 99/00/08 Allocations Guidelines Chairman Getz addressed changes Positive debate: Chairman Getz Bill 99/00/08 passed by a roll call vote of 48-0. Bill 99/0 0/07 Allocation to Campus Crusade for Christ Senator Morris addressed changes. Positive debate: Senator Morris. Bill 99/00/07 passed by a roll call vote of 51-0 INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Bill 99/00/10 Closing ofAccounts for Spring 1999 Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions. Bill 99/00/11 Allocation to KSU Chapter of the Wildflfe Society Senator Morris read the bill and answered questions. Bill 9 9/0 0/12 Allocation to Lutheran Campus Ministry Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions. Bill 99/0 0/13 Allocation to KSU Association of Residence Halls Senator Guries read the bill and answered questions. Bill 99/0 0/14 By-Laws Amendment Regarding the Responsibilities of the Academic Affairs and University Relations Standing Committee Chairman Hall read the bill and answered questions. OPEN PERIOD President Watkins announced that Salina SGA is having an event on October 30 to which KSU SGA members are invited. Chairwoman Karrer announced that there are comment cards for visitations. M-20 Chairman Getz advised those with stocks to “not run with the crowd.” Chair Worcester reminded everyone of the feedback forms. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Bill 99/00/10 was referred to Allocations Bill 99/00/11 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/12 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/13 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/14 was referred to Senate Operations. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m. M-21 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM September 30, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 52 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD None. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Worcester announced changes to the agenda. Proxies: Powell for Petrik. Metzinger for Small. Conrad for Lutz. Brueggeman for Ohme. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Lenkner spoke about the student leadership conference to be held tomorrow. Senator Hasan announced that Senate Ops will meet at 6:30 pm on Monday. Chairman Walker reported on Privilege Fee business. Chairman Hall reported on the bill to restructure the Academic Affairs committee. Chairwoman Campbell reported that the Memory Walk is this Saturday and that 7 senators will be participating. Chairwoman Karrer reported that visitations are due October 28th• She also reported on plans for an SGA newsletter. Chairman Getz reported that Allocations will be meeting at the 12th Street Pub next week. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS President Heinrich reported on executive branch activities, including transportation activities and the radio show. Vice-president Eckert spoke about the restructuring of Fine Arts Council. Coordinator Lander spoke about Bill 99/00/13. GENERAL ORDERS Chair Worcester announced the procedure for the election for the position of Intern Coordinator. Senator Metzinger and Aisha Henry were nominated for Intern Coordinator. They gave presentations and debate took place. Amy Metzinger was elected as the new Intern Coordinator and was sworn in by Chair Worcester. M-22 APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 99/0 0/2 4 Approval of Student Body President’s Appointments President Heinrich read the bill. Senator Brownback moved unanimous consent. Res 99/00/24 passed by unanimous consent. FINAL ACTION Bill 99/00/09 Increase of the University Band Programs Privilege Fee Senator Conrad addressed changes and questions Positive debate: Senator Conrad Bill 99/00/09 passed by a roll call vote of 53-0-0. Bill 99/00/10 Closing ofAccounts for Spring 1999 No questions. Positive debate: Chairman Getz. Senator Muir moved to hold Bills 10, 11, 12, and 13 for a bulk roll call vote. Bill 99/00/10 passed by a roll call vote of 51-0-1. Bill 99/00/11 Allocation to KSU Chapter of the Wildlife Society Senator Gardner answered questions. Positive debate: Senator Gardner. Bill 99/00/11 passed by a roll call vote of 52-0. Bill 99/00/12 Allocation to Lutheran Campus Ministry Chairman Getz addressed changes and questions. Positive debate:Chairman Getz. Bill 99/00/12 passed by a roll call vote of 50-2. Bill 99/00/1 3 Allocation to KSUAssociation of Residence Halls There were no questions. Positive debate: Senator Guries. Bill 99/00/13 passed by a roll call vote of 52-0. Bill 99/0 0/14 By-Laws Amendment Regarding the Responsibilities of the Academic Affairs and University Relations Standing Committee Chairman Hall addressed changes and questions. Amendment A: by Pacey, Ohide, Rose, and Karrer. Positive: Pacey. Amendment A passed by voice vote. Bill 99/00/14 passed by a roll call vote of 52-0. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 99/0 0/25 Support for Reconsideration of Proposed Roundabout at Kimball and North Manhattan Avenues Chairman Lenkner read the bill. Res 99/0 0/26 Support for Re installation of Flashing Yellow Lights along North Manhattan Avenue Chairman Lenkner read the bill. M-23 Bill 99/00/15 Creation ofKSULibraries Student Advisory Committee Vice-President Eckert read the bill and answered questions. Bill 99/00/16 Repeal of Legislation Senator Hasan read the bill and answered questions. Bill 99/00/17 Allocation to Hispanic American Leadershzp Organization Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions. Senator Gardner moved Special Orders. Positive debate: Gardner. Motion passed. Final Action on Bill 99/00/17 Chairman Getz answered questions. Positive debate: Chairman Getz. Bill 99/00/17 passed by a roll call vote of 50-0. Bill 99/0 0/18 Allocation to Latter Day Saints Student Association Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions. Senator Gardner moved Special Orders. Positive debate: Gardner. Motion Passed Final Action on Bill 99/00/18 Chairman Getz answered questions. Positive debate: Chairman Getz. Bill 99/00/18 passed by a roll call vote of 50-0. OPEN PERIOD Coordinator Lander told Senators that the residence hail diversity and educational issues program will still be going on following the Senate meeting. Senator Brownback introduced his sister. Attorney General Kershner asked for help with a College Success seminar and spoke about BSU. Chairwoman Campbell reminded everyone f Memory Walk. Senator Szynskie spoke about the SGA/Collegian volleyball game, to be held on October 12. Coordinator Lander asked who would attend the Residence Hall program following the meeting. Chairwoman Karrer announced that her interesting facts sign-up sheet would be in the computer room. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/25 was referred to Governmental Relations. Res 99/00/26 was referred to Governmental Relations. Bill 99/00/15 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/16 was referred to Senate Operations. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:57 p.m. M-24 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM October 7, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 45 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Joey Bahr spoke about Bill 99/00/22. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Worcester spoke about Leadership Recognition Day. Proxies: Petrik for Bosco. Campbell for Oberling. Anderson for Muir. Lahman for Brown. Brueggeman for Cooper COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Campbell reported that Memory Walk was a success. Chairwoman Karrer announced that a survey is being passed around for info for the newsletter. Chairman Petrik announced that Senate Operations will be meeting at 6:30 pm on Monday. Chairman Lenkner reported that the conference last Saturday was a success. Chairman Walker spoke about the Lafene privilege fee. Chairman Getz announced that Allocations will meet at Java next week. Chairman Hall reported on Academic Affairs. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Vice-President Eckert reported that President Heinrich is out of town. He spoke about the Educational Opportunity Fund and gave a brief overview of the Fund and the committee. Attorney General Kershner reported that the ColIegian/KSU volleyball game will be held on the 1 0th There will be pizza afterwards. Director Lander reported on progress on Residence Hall meal plans. FINAL ACTION Res. 99/00/25 Support for Reconsideration of Proposed Roundabout at Kimball and North Manhattan Avenues Chairman Lenkner answered questions. Senator Hoskinson moved to refer the bill back to committee. Positive debate: Hoskinson, Senator P. Anderson M-25 Negative debate: Chairman Lenkner. Motion to refer passed 27-23. Resolution was referred back to Governmental Relations. Res. 99/00/26 Support for Re installation of Flashing Yellow Lights along North Manhattan Avenue. No questions. Positive debate: Chairman Lenkner. Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res. 99/00/26 passed by unanimous consent. Bill 99/00/15 Creation of KSU Libraries Student Advisory Committee Vice-President Eckert answered questions. Positive debate: Vice-President Eckert, Senator P. Anderson. Bill 99/00/15 passed by a roll call vote of 49-0. Bill 99/00/16 Repeal of Legislation Chairman Petrik addressed changes and questions. Positive debate:Chairman Petrik. Bill 99/00/16 passed by a roll call vote of 48-0-1. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Bill 99/00/19 Allocation to Vietnamese Students Association Senator Morris read the bill and answered questions. Bill 99/00/20 Amendment to Bill 98/99/12 7 Chairman Getz read the bill and answered questions. Bill 99/00/21 Allocation to Racial Ethnic Harmony Week Chairman Getz read the bill. Bill 99/0 0/22 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the Fine Arts Allocations Process. VicePresident Eckert read the bill and answered questions. OPEN PERIOD Chairwoman Campbell asked for a football ticket for next weekend. Senator Szynskie spoke about the volleyball game. Chairman Lenkner announced that this month’s Board of Regents meeting is at KU next week. Senator Nelson announced that BSU will be meeting at 6:00 on Tuesday night. He also announced plans for spring break in Jamaica, which was met with a warm round of applause. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/25 was referred to Governmental Relations. Bill 99/00/19 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/20 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/21 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/22 was referred to Senate Operations. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m. M-26 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM October 14, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 42 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Jason Lance and other members of the Student Health Advisory Committee spoke about SHAC and the Lafene privilege fee. Greg Littrell spoke about the proposed roundabout at Kimball and N. Manhattan. Senator Muir moved to extend open period 20 minutes. Motion passed. Cory Hall spoke about the BSU Jamaican spring break trip. Charles Griffin, chair of the Speech, Communications, Theater and Dance Department spoke about Bill 99/00/22. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Worcester announced that Bills 26 and 27 are available at the front since they are not with the agenda. New signs were printed this week and should be here tonight. Proxies: Muir for Anderson Metzinger for Rose. Bud for Lafferty Hull for Stewart. Cooper for Krier. Conrad for Sackett Ohide for Pacey. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Karrer reported on visitations. She announced that the OSAS will be open this weekend for tours. Chairman Lenkner reported that Governmental Relations will be meeting at 8:30 instead of 8:00 this week. He reported on the Board of Regents meeting. Chairman Petrik announced that Senate Ops will meet at 7:00 pm next Monday. He spoke briefly about Bill 99/00/22. Chairman Hall reported that Academic Affairs will not be meeting for a couple of weeks. Chairman Walker reported on the Lafene Y2K allocation. Chairwoman Campbell reported on a Cats for Can competition. Chairman Getz spoke briefly about Fine Arts Council and Bill 99/00/22. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS M-27 President Heinrich reported on the Board of Regents meeting. Vice-President Eckert spoke about the Educational Opportunity Fund. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 99/00/27 Approval of Elections Committee Chair President Heinrich read the resolution. Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Res 99/00/27 passed by unanimous consent. Travis Morgan was sworn in as Elections Committee Chair. Chair Worcester turned the gavel over to Vice-Chair Bosco. Res 99/00/28 Approval of New Student Senators Chair Worcester read the resolution. Chairwoman Campbell moved unanimous consent. Res 99/00/28 passed by unanimous consent. FINAL ACTION Res 99/00/25 Support for Reconsideration of Proposed Roundabout at Kimball and North Manhattan Avenues. No questions. Positive debate: Chairman Lenkner. Res 99/00/25 passed by voice vote.. Chair Worcester resumed the chair. Senator Guries moved to amend the agenda by moving final action on Bill 99/00/22 ahead of Bill 99/00/19. Motion passed. Additional proxies: Oberling for Cooper. Brueggeman for Krier. Bill 99/00/22 By-Laws Amendment Restructuring the Fine Arts Allocations Process Vice-President Eckert addressed changes. Positive debate: Vice-President Eckert, Conrad, Intern Stafford, Petrik. Negative debate: Nelson, Wells, Szynskie. Petrik moved the previous question. Motion passed. Bill 99/00/22 failed on a roll call vote of 32-19-1. Chairman Petrik moved to reconsider Bill 99/00/22. Positive debate: Petrik, Walker. Negative debate: Wells, Szynskie, Lahman. Motion to reconsider passed. Chairman Petrik moved to refer Bill 99/00/22 back to Senate Operations Committee. Positive Debate: Chairman Petrik, Bud, Muir. Negative Debate: Wells, Szynskie, Lahman. Motion passed. Chairman Petrik moved a five-minute recess. Motion passed. A five-minute recess was taken. M-28 Chair Worcester called the meeting back to order at 10:40 pm. Bill 99/0 0/1 9 Allocation to Vietnamese Students Association Senator Morris addressed changes and questions. Positive debate: Morris. Senator Muir moved to hold the bill for a bulk roll call vote with Bill 99/00/21. Bill 99/00/19 passed by a roll call vote of 49-0. Bill 99/00/2 1 Allocation to Racial Ethnic Harmony Week Chairman Getz addressed questions. Positive debate: Chairman Getz. Bill 99/00/2 1 passed by a roll call vote of 49-0. Senator Brownback moved to suspend first readings. Positive debate: Brownback Negative debate: Lahman, Wells. Motion was amended to suspend first readings on Res 99/00/29 and Bills 99/00/23, 99/00/24, 99/00/25. Amendment passed. Motion to suspend first readings as amended passed. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/29 Creation of a Pause in the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Lenkner answered questions. Bill 9 9/0 0/23 Allocation to India Students Association Senator Gardner answered questions. Bill 99/00/24 Allocation to Individuals for Freethought Senator Morris addressed changes and answered questions. Bill 99/00/25 By-Laws Amendment Regarding Joint Committee on Diversity Vice-Chair Bosco answered questions. Bill 99/00/26 Educational Opportunity Fund Allocations Vice-President Eckert read the bill and answered questions. Bill 99/0 0/2 7 Emergency Allocation to Lafene Health Center Senator Brownback read the bill and answered questions. OPEN PERIOD Senator Nelson spoke about the next BSU meeting on November 2. On November 9, BSU will be having a “rap session” to discuss campus issues. Senator Lahman proposed a fee of 50 cents for freshman senators to pay for coffee. Senator Szynskie thanked those who came to the SGA/Collegian volleyball game. Chairman Lenkner announced that he is thinking of going back to the Collegian due to the result of the volleyball game. Senator Brueggeman told everyone to wait for the basketball game. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION M-29 Res 99/00/29 was referred to Senate Ops. Bill 99/00/22 was referred to Senate Ops. Bill 99/00/23 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/24 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/25 was reffered to Senate Ops. Bill 99/00/26 was referred to the EOF committee. Bill 99/00/27 was referred to Privilege Fee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:12 p.m. M-30 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM October 21, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 44 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD The following 4 speakers expressed their wishes that the Educational Opportunity Fund would fund, or continue to fund, their programs. Liz Sheppman with the KState Community Service program spoke about the impact of EOF on various programs, including international teams, tutoring, and Kansas teams. Thurkil Howard spoke about the Minority Engineering Program, which supports approximately 200 traditionally underrepresented students of various ethnic backgrounds with tutoring and other services. Ann Allison spoke about KSU Child Development Center Childship Funding, and its services for students with families. Kathy Green spoke about the McNair Scholars Program and preparation for underrepresented students taking the GRE. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Worcester will be leaving as of Wednesday, please inform him of proxies or other important facts (including working at the Ambassador Election Booth) before that time. Otherwise, please discuss them with Vice Chair Bosco. Proxies: Powell for Courtright Hall for Wolters Stewart for Meredith Campbell for Oberst Metzinger for Small COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Karrer: reported on visitations. These are due next Thursday. If you are a mentor, please bring your person. Also they are working on something that I didn’t type at the time and can’t really remember. Sorry- I guess that you should probably ask her if you have questions. Chairwoman Campbell: Children’s Carnival, also Punt, Pass, and Kick Competition sign ups are available. Cats for Cans sign up will be available soon. This committee is discussing parking/transportation issues. Chairman Walker: Bill 22 held in committee. Chairman Petrik: Fine arts bill held in committee for further review M-31 Chairman Walker: reported on the Lafene Y2K allocation and other allocations. Chairman Leikner: committee will not meet Mon Nov 1, however it will meet next Monday. Chairman Getz: spoke about his committee’s upcoming meeting and something else. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Vice-President Eckert: spoke about electronic voting, trying to secure this for the next election. A resolution of support will probably be brought before Senate next week. Also, if anyone has suggestions regarding refining the election regulations, please let him know. SGA usually works the Ambassador elections booths- a sign up will be passed around. President Heinrich is out of town, working to help K-State. The Phone Crisis Center use has declined over the past years, and the survey shows that students are no longer interested in this form of crisis management. This follows the national trend. A meeting was held today to begin looking into alternatives. Chairman Campbell will be in charge of this program now. There are other Crisis Management outlets for K-State students. Any questions? Ask Vice President Eckert or Chairman Campbell. Vice Chairwoman Bosco spoke about an SGA conference that she as well as another attended, and regarding her cool T-Shirt. FINAL ACTION A motion to move Bill 99/00/26 to the top of the schedule carried... Bill 99/00/26. Educational Opportunity Fund Allocations Vice President Eckert addressed changes. Positive debate: Vice President Eckert. Bill 99/00/26 Passed on a roll call vote of 49-0. Chair Worcester turned the gavel over to Vice Chair Bosco. Bill 99/00/23: Allocations to India Students Organization. No changes. Positive debate: Senator Gardner. Bill 99/00/24: Allocation to Individuals for Freethought Positive debate: Senator Morris. Bills 99/00/23 and 99/00/24 were passed in a bulk roll call vote 50-0. Bill 99/00/25: By-Laws Amendment Regarding Joint Committee on Diversity Chair Worcester spoke about wording changes. Positive debate: Chair Worcester. Senator Muir moved unanimous consent to amend Section 14. The motion carried. Bill 99/00/2 5 passed on a roll call vote of 49-0. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Bill 99/00/28 Allocation to Project Management Institute Chairman Getz presented the legislation. Bill 99/00/29 Statutes Amendment Regarding Informal Guidelines for the Educational Opportunity Fund. Chairman Petrik addressed changes and answered questions. M-32 OPEN PERIOD Senator Campbell addressed her signup sheet and asked about the availability of football tickets for the Baylor game. Chair Worcester spoke about his tour of Colbert Hills Golf Club, if you would like a tour, talk to him. He will be leaving on Wednesday, so please tell him about proxies before this time or address these issues with Vice Chair Bosco. Senator Nelson discussed the upcoming BSU meeting next week, as well as the Big 12 conference, and encouraged the attendance of SGA members at these events. He also discussed climbing large rocks and the fact that KSU debate is ranked 2nd in the nation. Free food/drink passes for Jamaica are due soon. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Bill 99/00/28 was referred to Allocations. Res 99/00/29 was referred to Senate Ops. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm. M-33 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM October 28, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Vice-Chair Bosco. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Vice-Chair Bosco. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 43 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Fred Newton, director of counseling services, spoke about biofeedback. President Heinrich introduced Tom Shellhardt, Associate Vice-President of Administration and Finance, who spoke about the vending machine contracts. Coordinator Spencer read a communication from Susan Scott regarding campus compact. ANNOUNCEMENTS Vice-Chair Bosco announced a Fine Arts Council informational meeting in the Big 12 Room next Monday night at 5:00. Proxies: Szynskie for Metzinger. Conrad for Stafford. Hall for Wolters. Brueggeman for Oehme. Walker for Brownback. Krier for Cooper. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Karrer reported that visitations are due tonight and the newsletter is coming out next Tuesday. Chairman Petrik reported on last Monday’s Senate Ops meeting. Chairman Hall reported on the next Academic Affairs meeting. Chairman Lenkner reported on a letter being prepared regarding a listserv for student leaders across Kansas. He explained State Education Day. February 16 will be the date of Cats in the Capitol, a reception for legislators. Chairman Walker reported on the two Allocations bills being introduced tonight. Allocations has decided that a survey for Lafene will not be necessary at this point. Chairman Getz gave a presentation on the Student Publications Privilege Fee. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS President Heinrich reported on a proposed plan to build a parking lot behind the Vet-Med complex that was supported by a Faculty Senate cub-committee. Alternate plans are currently under consideration and should be finalized by next week. There will be a forum regarding this and other issues on November 29 at 3:00 pm in the Big 12 Room. M-34 Chairman Walker moved to place the introduction of Bill 99/00/32 ahead of Final Action. Motion passed. INTRODUCTION OF BILL 99/00/32 Bill 99/00/32 Emergency Allocation to University Counseling Services Intern Krueger read the bill. FINAL ACTION Bill 99/00/28 Allocation to Project Management Institute No questions. Positive debate: Chairman Getz. Bill 99/00/28 passed by a roll call vote of 48-0.. Bill 99/00/29 Statutes Amendment Regarding Informal Guidelines for the Educational Opportunity Fund Chairman Petrik addressed changes. Positive debate: Chairman Petrik. Bill 99/00/29 passed by a roll call vote of 50-0. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 99/0 0/30 Resolution Concerning Changes to Fine Arts Council Chairman Getz read the resolution and answered questions. Res 99/0 0/31 Support for Kansas State University Joining Campus Compact President Heinrich read the bill. Senator Meredith moved special orders. Motion passed. Final Action Positive debate: President Heinrich. Senator Stewart moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/31 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/00/32 Amendment to Student Senate Standing Rules Chairman Lenkner read the resolution and answered questions. Bill 99/00/30 Allocation to Chinese Student and Scholar Association Senator Gardner read the bill. Bill 99/00/31 Allocation to KSU India Students Association Senator Morris read the bill and answered questions. Bill 99/0 0/33 Increase in Student Publications Privilege Fee Chairman Walker read the bill and addressed changes. OPEN PERIOD Senator Campbell reminded everyone of the SASS meeting. Senator Lenkner warned everyone of the new chairs in the back row. Senator Szynskie reminded the interns of an intern meeting next week. Chairman Walker reminded everyone of the Fine Arts forum on Monday. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION M-35 Res 99/00/30 was referred to Senate Ops. Res 99/00/31 was referred to Senate Ops. Bill 99/00/30 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/31 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/32 was refered to Privilege Fee. Bill 99/00/33 was referred to Privilege Fee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m. M-36 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM November 4, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:31 pm in the Big 12 Room by Chairperson Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 49 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes were not posted from last week, and as such, there were none to approve. OPEN PERIOD Heath Schroeder spoke about the importance of filling out the Leadership Surveys that are in your mailboxes, or fill one out tonight. Sasha Anderson spoke about the need for confidentiality of personal information. Charlie Bennett spoke regarding the same topic. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senator Muir spoke about the availability of the press release regarding the “Soda Wars.” Proxies: Szynskie for Metzinger Hall for Wolters COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairperson Karrer reported that visitations are due tonight and the newsletter is coming out next Tuesday. Chairperson Petrik reported on last Monday’s Senate Ops meeting. Chairperson Hall reported on the next Academic Affairs meeting. Chairperson Lenkner reported on a letter being prepared regarding a listserv for student leaders across Kansas. He explained State Education Day. February 16 will be the date of Cats in the Capitol, a reception for legislators. Chairperson Walker reported on the two Allocations bills being introduced tonight. Allocations has decided that a survey for Lafene will not be necessary at this point. Chairperson Getz gave a presentation on the Student Publications Privilege Fee. Chairperson Cambell reported that the box for placing donated cans is now available. Also, the student services committee will meet. Chairperson Hall: The Academic Affairs committee will not meet next week, but the week after. Chairperson Leikner: GR will meet next Monday at 8:00. The November Regents meeting is on the 17th and 18th State Education Day will be planned at that time. If you are interested in going, please email or inform Chairperson Leikner. Feb 16 from 2:00-4:30 is Cats in the Capitol. Chairperson Walker: Privilege fee is holding the Lafene Y2K. Chairperson Morgan: next week Wed. 1:30 in OSAS will meet regarding election regulations, and internet voting. Questions? Email him prm0048@ksu.edu Chairperson Carr: Communications did not meet, however the newsletter was distributed. Next visitations are due Dec. 9. Complete list will be available next week. This committee will meet Wed. 9:00. M-37 Chairperson Getz: Committee will meet at some scheduled time in the future, however the acting secretary was unable to recall at what time this meeting will take place, so please refer questions to Chairperson Getz regarding the matter. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Coordinator Spencer spoke about the permanent advising structure that she currently holds at an interim level., i.e. Activities Center... Research was done regarding the composition of other Senates around the Big 12, as well as student services and organizations. She will be out of town next Week. Vice President Eckert: reported on Student Activities Center that could be built onto the Union, as well as regarding the permanent advising structure for student government and other student activities/organizations. Vice Chairperson Bosco: spoke about student activities and the removal of the late fee for new organizations. Salina President Watkins: Spoke about the importance of integration with the Salina campus. Extended invitation to attend the Salina Campus’ senate meetings, Wednesdays at 8:00pm. Email him at: jpw0302(ksu.edu President Heinrich reported that President Wefald agreed to join Campus Compact, and answered questions regarding the university’s contract with Pepsi. FINAL ACTION Res 99/0 0/32 Amendment to Student Senate Standing Rules Chairperson Lenkner addressed changes in the wording of the bill. Positive debate: Chairperson Lenkner. Negative debate: Chairperson Walker Bill 99/00/32 passed by a voice vote. Bill 99/00/20 Amendment to Bill 98/99/12 7 Chairperson Getz addressed changes in the bill. Positive Debate: Chairperson Getz. Held for bulk roll call with Bill 99/00/30 Bill 99/00/3 0 Allocation to Chinese Student and Scholar Association Positive debate: Senator Carter. Held for bulk roll call with 99/00/31 Bill 99/00/31 Allocation to the KSU India Students Association Chairperson Getz addressed changes. Positive debate: Chairperson Getz. Bills 99/00/20, 99/00/30, and 99/00/31 were passed on a bulk roll call vote of 51-0. Bill 99/0 0/32 Emergency Alloction to University Counseling Services Positive debate: Senator Brownback Bill 99/00/32 was passed on a roll call vote of 51-0. Bill 99/0 0/33 Increase in Student Publications Privilege Fee Chairperson Walker addressed changes to the bill. Positive debate: Chairperson Walker. Bill 99/00/33 was passed on a roll call vote of 50-0-1. M-38 Chairperson Worcester passed the chair to Vice Chairperson Bosco. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/33 Commendation to Michael Springer Chairperson Worcester read the resolution and answered questions. Special Orders was moved and seconded. Positive debate: Chairperson Worcester Res 99/00/33 was passed by unanimous consent. Vice Chairperson Bosco returned the chair to Chairperson Worcester. Res 99/00/34 Commendation to Leslie Small Senator Stafford read the resolution Positive debate: Senator Stafford. Special Orders was moved and seconded. Positive debate: Senator Brownback. Res 99/00/34 was passed by unanimous consent. Res 9 9/0 0/35 Recommendation to support Internet Voting President Heinrich read the resolution and answered questions. Res 99/0 0/36 Resolution Concerning the Fine Arts Council By-laws and Funding Regulations Vice President Eckert read the resolution and answered questions. Special orders was moved and seconded. Positive debate: Senator Conrad Negative debate: Senator Wells Special orders failed. OPEN PERIOD Senator Nelson spoke about the upcoming BSU Big 12 Conference on the day of the Nebraska game. (Don’t worry, a television will be present.). Please attend. Also, if you have time on the weekends, please talk with Senator Nelson about becoming involved with Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Senator Synzskie pointed out that the Collegian representative will be here to talk with Interns on Monday and Tuesday at 8:00pm, outside the Big 12 room. Please attend one night and be aware there will be a photographer. Attorney General Kershner announced the substance free afterhours at the DU house following the Colorado game. $3. Everyone is invited, please attend. Chairperson Hall. No pause in the Pledge of Allegiance, please... Senator Gardner has a Colorado GA ticket available, please see her after the meeting. Chairperson Leikner: the consensus revenue estimating group met in Topeka yesterday, and predict about the same or slightly worse budget cuts in the spring. The governor’s office has been told that the state budget will need to be cut 4%. This could significantly impact Kstate students. GR will be discussing these issues at its upcoming meetings (Mon 8:00). Also, if you are interested in joining Chairperson Leikner in the crusade against bad radio, please do so... Senator Muir requested that Senator Guiries be congratulated on her selection as a Kstate ambassador. Vicechairperson Bosco and Chairperson Leikner led the Senate in song for the birthdays of a senator and the attorney general. M-39 Chairperson Getz spoke about the relationship between SGA and the Board of Student Publications, and thanked SGA for working in harmony with Student Publications on the most recent funding issue regarding student publications. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION 99/00/35 and 99/00/3 6 were referred to Senate Operations. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS Article VI, Section 1. R. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm. M-40 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM November 11, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 43 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Bernard Pitts spoke about the Union enhancement schedule. Heath Schroeder spoke about his survey from last week. Jason Lucas spoke about bacterial meningitis. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senator Muir spoke about the City/University Fund requests. Chair Worcester announced that there are only two scheduled meetings remaining in the semester. Proxies: Metzinger for Szynskie. Rose for Pacey. Hall for Wolters. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Hall announced that the Academic Affairs meeting at is 9:00 pm on Monday. Chairman Walker reported on the Privilege Fee meeting. Chairwoman Campbell thanked those who had brought canned goods. Chairman Lenkner reported on the next Governmental Relations and Board of Regents meetings. Chairman Getz reported that Allocations will be meeting at 1 2th Street Pub. Chairwoman Karrer reported that visitation are due December 9. Chairman Petrik reported on the Senate Ops meeting and complimented the committee on having very efficient meetings. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS President Heinrich reported on executive branch projects, including an aquatic center and transportation issues. Attorney General Kershner reported that a judicial council executive meeting will be held on Monday. Fine Arts Council Chairman Conrad reported on today’s Fine Arts Council meeting. FINAL ACTION Res 99/00/3 5 Recommendation to Support Internet Voting M-41 President Heinrich answered questions. Positive debate: President Heinrich. Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/35 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/00/3 6 Resolution Concerning the Fine Arts Council By-Laws and Funding Regulations Authorship was pulled. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Bill 99/00/34 Allocation to American Ethnic Studies Student Association Senator Guries read the bill and answered questions. Bill 99/00/35 Allocation to KSU Muslim Student Association Senator Miller read the bill and answered questions. Bill 9 9/0 0/36 Statutes Amendment Regarding the Registration of Student Organizations Vice-Chair Bosco read the bill and answered questions. OPEN PERIOD Senator Nelson announced that next Friday and Saturday are the dates for the City of Angels production. This Saturday will be the Big XII Council Meeting. Chairman Lenkner announced that Congressman Ryun will be in Manhattan on December 6 at the Holidome on 11:30 am. He apologized for Secretary AllisonGallimore’s e-mail to the listserv and announced that he has a print copy available. Chairman Petrik reported on his attendance at today’s Fine Arts Council meeting. Chairman Getz asked for a flow chart program. Chair Worcester asked everyone to sing happy birthday to Senator Meredith. Senator Muir remarked on the Chair’s apparently receding hairline. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Bill 99/00/34 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/3 5 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/36 was referred to Senate Operations. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. M-42 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM December 2, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 43 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Holly Johnson spoke about adding more sections of ACCTG 231 and ACCTG 241. Aaron Simons spoke about parking tickets in Aggieville. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Worcester announced that there is an amendment to the agenda. Res. 99/00/44 will be at the top of introduction to legislation. Proxies: Stewart for Hull. Cooper for Krier. Brueggeman for Oehme. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Karrer spoke about visitations and excuses. Chairman Morgan apologized for not making election committee appointments. Chairman Lenkner reminded Senate that February 16 is Cats in the Capitol. State Education Day is February 23. Chairman Petrik reported on the Senate Operations Committee meeting. Chairman Hall reported that Academic Affairs is finished for the semester. Chairman Getz reported that Allocations Committee will be meeting on December 9. Chairwoman Campbell reported that the SASS resolutions are being held in committee. She also thanked all those who contributed to the Cats for Cans drive. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS President Heinrich reported on the executive branch transportation proposal. Vice-President Eckert reported on efforts to realign the reimbursement schedule. He also spoke about a student activity center proposal. UGB Chairman Lutz reported on Union improvements. President Watkins thanked Chairmen Getz, Walker, and Lenkner for visiting the Sauna Senate. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 99/00/37 Approval of Cabinet Member Vice-President Eckert read the resolution. M-43 Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Res. 99/00/37 passed by unanimous consent. Chair Worcester turned the chair over to Vice-Chair Bosco. Res 99/00/43 Approval of New Student Senator Chair Worcester read the resolution. Senator Courtwright moved unanimous consent. Res. 99/00/43 passed by unanimous consent. Vice-Chair Bosco turned the chair over to Chair Worcester. FINAL ACTION Res 99/00/41 Approval of Fine Arts Council Funding Guidelines Changes Senator Conrad addressed changes. Positive debate: Conrad Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Res 99/00/41 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/00/42 Approval of Fine Arts Council By-Laws Changes Senator Conrad addressed changes. Positive debate: Conrad Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Senator Stewart objected. Res 99/00/42 passed by voice vote. Bill 99/00/38 Increase in KSDB Privilege Fee Chairman Walker addressed changes. Positive debate: Walker Negative debate: Bill 99/00/38 passed by a roll call vote of 48-0-2. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 9 9/00/44 Support for Less Paper Use on Campus Director Mason read the resolution and answered questions. Bill 9 9/0 0/39 Allocation to the KSU 1/4-Scale Tractor Team Senator Guries read the bill and answered questions. Senator Courtwright moved special orders. Final Action Senator Guries answered questions. Positive: Guries, Hoskinson, Muir, Pacey. Bill 99/00/39 passed by a roll call vote of 47-0. Bill 99/00/40 Allocation to KSU Newman Club Senator Morris read the bill and answered questions. Senator Courtwright moved special orders. Final Action Positive: Morris. Bill 99/00/40 passed by a roll call vote of 47-0. OPEN PERIOD M-44 Chairman Getz spoke about the academic competition teams. Chairman Petrik spoke about final exam administration. Senator Muir made some remarks about the beginning of the next millenium. Chairman Lenkner spoke about the McCullough recall election. Vice-President Eckert thanked Senate for working with him and the President. Chairwoman Campbell introduced her sister. Chair Worcester thanked everyone for a good semester and reminded everyone that there are only ten senate meetings remaining in this term. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/44 was referred to SASS. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. M-45 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM January 20, 2000 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 48 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Korri Hall, president of BSU and other members and officers of BSU gave a presentation on Black History Month and their planned activities during this celebration. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Worcester announced changes to the agenda. Vice-Chair Bosco announced plans for a Habitat for Humanity project next fall. Proxies: Muir for Anderson. Lahman for Brown. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Lenkner gave a report on tuition increases and the Board of Regents. He also reported on the upcoming Cats in the Capital and State Education Day. Chairman Hall announced that Academic Affairs will meet immediately following Senate. Chairman Petrik announced that Senate Operations will meet next Monday. Chairwoman Karrer announced that visitations not completed last semester will be due February 17. Communications meetings are now on Mondays at 4:30 pm. Another SGA newsletter will be forthcoming. Chairwoman Campbell announced that SASS will meet Monday at 9:00 pm. Chairman Getz announced that the next Allocations meeting will be on Sunday at 6:00 pm at 12th Street Pub. Chairman Hall reviewed the schedule for the Privilege Fee committee for the upcoming semester. Chairman Morgan announced that the elections timeline has been set and will be available next week. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS President Heinrich gave a presentation on transportation plans. Attorney General Kershner announced that this year is a judicial revisions year. She also spoke about Leadership Studies’ “Girls 2000” program. Intern Coordinator Metzinger announced the interns’ plans for their high school leadership experience program. M-46 Vice-President Eckert spoke about plans for the Student Activity Center. He also spoke about arrangements to provide legal services to students at KSU-Salina. The reimbursement schedule resolution was also discussed. Vice-Chair Bosco announced that the Joint Committee on Diversity will meet on Tuesday at 6:30 pm. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 9 9/0 0/45 Approval of Student Tribunal Chancellor Attorney General Kershner read the resolution and answered questions. Positive: Kershner. Senator Courtwright moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/45 passed by unanimous consent. FINAL ACTION INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Senator Guries moved to amend the agenda. Motion passed. Bill 99/00/42 Closing ofAccounts Chairman Getz read the bill and addressed changes. Bill 9 9/0 0/41 Allocation to Black Student Union Senator Guries read the bill and answered questions. Res 9 9/00/46 Support for KSU SGA Transportation Proposal President Heinrich read the bill and addressed changes and questions. Res 99/00/47 Support for Restructuring the Reimbursement Schedule for Dropping Classes Vice-President Eckert read the bill and answered questions. Chair Worcester passed the gavel to Vice-Chair Bosco. Bill 9 9/0 0/43 Allocation to KSU Union for Student Activity Center Feasibility Study Chair Worcester read the bill and addressed changes and questions. Chair Worcester resumed the chair. Bill 9 9/0 0/44 Changes in the KSU Elections Regulations Code Chairman Petrik read the bill and answered questions. Bill 99/00/45 Continuance of the Fine Arts Privilege Fee Intern Oplinger read the bill and answered questions. Senator Bud moved special orders on Bill 99/00/41. Positive: Bud. Negative: Petrik. Motion failed. OPEN PERIOD Senator Guries asked College of Business senators to remain for pictures following the meeting. M-47 Senator Brueggemann congratulated Chairman Morgan on his engagement and spoke about senior honoraries. Chair Worcester congratulated Senator Brueggeman on his engagement. Senator Sackett reminded everyone of the lunar eclipse. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Bill 99/00/42 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/4 1 was referred to Allocations. Res 99/00/46 was referred to Senate Operations. Res 99/00/47 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/43 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/44 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/45 was referred to Privilege Fee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. M-48 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM January 27, 2000 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 43 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Heath Schroeder gave a presentation on the findings of his SGA survey and his plan for making Senate and SGA more representative of the student body. Many questions followed. Intern Coordinator Metzinger had the interns introduce their guests. President Heinrich spoke about the transportation proposal. Josh Miles spoke about the transportation proposal. Jon Nelson spoke about Bill 99/00/41. Attorney General Kershner announced that she will be speaking to the interns next week. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Worcester announced changes to the agenda. Proxies: Szynskie for Hasan. Meredith for Stewart. Ohide for Pacey. Hall for Wolters. Courtwright for Stafford. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Karrer announced that service hours will be completed next week. Visitations are due February 15. Chairman Morgan reported on the elections guidelines. Chairman Petrik reported on Monday’s Senate Operations meeting. Chairman Lenkner reported on Kansas state legislative higher education committee meetings. Chairman Hall reported on the Academic Affairs committee meeting. The new AA meetings will be Sunday evenings at 8:00 pm. Chairman Walker reported Privilege Fee votes on tonight’s legislation up for final action. Chairwoman Campbell reported on SASS projects, including Bowl for Kids’ Sake, SASS legislation, and brochures about Student Services. Chairman Getz reported on the Allocations committee meeting on Sunday. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Vice-Chair Bosco reported on Tuesday’s Joint Committee on Diversity meeting. M-49 APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 99/0 0/4 9 Approval of Elections Committee Travis Morgan read the resolution. Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. No objections. Res 99/00/49 passed by unanimous consent. FINAL ACTION Res 99/0 0/46 Support for KSU SGA Transportation Proposal Vice-President Eckert answered questions. Positive: Eckert Res 99/00/46 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/00/47 Support for Restructuring the Reimbursement Schedule for Dropping Classes Vice-President Eckert addressed changes. Positive: Eckert. Res 99/00/47 passed by unanimous consent. Bill 99/00/41 Allocation to Black Student Union (BSU) Senator Guries addressed questions. Amendment A was moved. Chairman Lenkner read the amendment. Amendment A, by Lenkner, Petrik, Sackett, and Walker: “Change from ‘Honorarium Req. $6,500 Recommendation $6,500’ to ‘Honorarium Req. $6,500 Recommendation $4,000.” Positive: Lenkner, Petrik, Sackett, Brueggeman called the question. Negative: Sourk yielded to Korri Hall and Jon Nelson, Muir, Getz, Hoskinson. Roll call vote was moved. Motion passed. Amendment A failed by a roll call vote of 8-40-1. Positive: Guries. Amendment B was moved. Chairman Petrik read the amendment. Amendment B, by Petrik, Walker, and Lenkner: “Add Section 2: ‘All students attending Project 1 Honoraria who are from other colleges or universities other than K-State shall be charged a $5 admission fee to cover the costs of this event..” Positive: Petrik, Lenkner, Walker. Negative: Hall, Miller yielded to Korri Hall, Brueggeman called the question. Amendment B failed by voice vote. Bill 99/00/41 passed by a roll call vote of 46-0-3. Bill 99/00/42 Closing ofAccounts Chairman Getz addressed changes. Positive: Getz. Bill 99/00/42 passed by a roll call vote of 47-0. Bill 99/00/43 Allocation to KSU Union for Student Activity Center Feasibility Study Chair Worcester addressed changes. Positive: Chair Worcester. Bill 99/00/43 passed by a roll call vote of 47-0. Res 99/00/44 Changes in the KSU Elections Regulations Code M-50 Chairman Petrik addressed changes and questions. Amendment A was moved. Chairman Petrik read the amendment. Amendment A, by Petrik, Morgan, Eckert, and Heinrich: “New Section 9: ‘Section 9. KSU SGA Statute 4 1-0134 a. is hereby amended to read: ‘a. Distance Requirement. No person may actively campaign inside of the Student Union or University Computing Labs or within twenty (20) feet of the doors of the Student Union or University Comuting Labs.” Old Section 9 becomes Section 10. Positive: Petrik. Amendment A passed by voice vote. Positive: Petrik. Bill 99/00/44 passed by a roll call vote of 46-0. Bill 99/00/45 Continuance of the Fine Arts Privilege Fee Chairman Walker addressed changes. Positive: Walker. Bill 99/00/45 passed by a roll call vote of INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Chairman Hall moved to suspend first readings on all legislation but Res 99/00/48 and Bills 99/00/5 1, 99/00/55. Motion passed. Res 9 9/0 0/48 Support for No Examinations During the University Career Fair Vice-President Eckert read the bill and addressed questions. Bill 99/00/46 Allocation to KSU African Student Union No questions. Bill 99/00/47 Allocation to Vietnamese Student Association Intern Harder answered questions. Bill 99/00/48 Allocation to Chinese Student and Scholar Association No questions. Bill 99/00/49 Allocation to the Navigators No questions. Bill 99/00/50 Allocation to KSUAikido Club No questions. Bill 99/00/5 1 Statutes Amendment Restructuring and Redefining Legal Services Advisory Board Chairwoman Campbell read the bill and answered questions. Bill 99/00/52 College Council Closing of Accounts No questions. Bill 99/0 0/53 Institutional Services Closing of Accounts No questions. Bill 99/0 0/54 Academic Competition Team Closing of Accounts Chairman Getz answered questions. M-51 Bill 99/00/55 Emergency Allocation to University Band and Programs Chairman Walker read the bill and answered questions. Senator Guries moved special orders on Bill 99/00/50. Motion passed. Final Action on Bill 99/0 0/5 0 Intern Harder answered questions. Positive: Harder, Getz. Bill 99/00/50 passed on a roll call vote of 45-0. OPEN PERIOD Senator Muir apologized for his conduct during debate. He also addressed the remarks of the open period speaker regarding SGA. Senator Brueggeman spoke about the Student Health Advisory Committee. Chairman Walker spoke regarding Lafene Health Center’s financial status. Coordinator Spencer let Senate know that she gave the open period speaker regarding SGA the “hard time” to which he referred. Chairman Getz apologized for moving the Aikido bill special orders tonight. Senator Szynskie spoke about Phil Anderson’s Public Speaking II class’ forum and encouraged senators to attend the forum in the future. Senator Brueggeman clarified that he was not making any attacks on the 1994-1995 Senate in his previous remarks regarding SHAC and Lafene. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/48 was referred to Academic Affairs. Bill 99/00/46 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/47 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/48 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/49 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/51 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/52 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/53 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/54 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/55 was referred to Privilege Fee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. M-52 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM February 3, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 33 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Shane Holt spoke about QSA and its relationship with SGA. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Worcester announced that legislation needs to be in on time. Proxies: Conrad for Brownback Nixon for Gorrell Hall for Hopper. Gardner for Brittingham. Campbell for Guries. Ellefson for Draper. Lafferty for Bud. Pacey for Ohide Bosco for Petrik. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Petrik reported on the Senate Operations meeting. Chairman Hall gave the date and time for the next Academic Affairs meeting. Chairman Lenkner reported on the next Governmental Relations meetings and the legislative schedule. Chairwoman Karrer reported on visitations and announced that the SGA banquet will be held on April 6. Chairman Walker reported on the emergency band allocation request. Chairwoman Campbell reported that some student services are now linked from the OSAS web page. SASS will also be participating in a bowl for kids fundraiser. Chairman Getz announced that Allocations will be meeting Sunday at 7:00 pm at Baskin Robbins. He also explained the Allocations timeline. Chairman Morgan announced that election packets are online and also that there is an e-mail address available for the elections committee this year. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS President Watkins introduced his guests from KSU-Salina. M-53 President Heinrich spoke about online voting, transportation planning, and the non-smoking proposal. Director Lander announced that the ARH passed a resolution to have all residence halls smoke free by Fall 2003. He also spoke about progress on the residence hall meal plan. Chairman Sackett announced that the Special Committee to Research Privilege Fee Levels has completed its investigation and report. Vice-President Eckert announced that KSU received recognition for the Honor Council. He also spoke about disclosure of student information on the web directory. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Chair Worcester passed the gavel to Vice-Chair Bosco. Res 99/00/50 Approval of New Student Senators Chair Worcester read the resolution. Senator Courtwright moved unanimous consent. No objections. Res 99/00/50 passed by unanimous consent. Kelly Goebel was sworn in as a Human Ecology Senator. Vice-Chair Bosco passed the gavel to Chair Worcester Chairman Walker moved to amend the agenda by moving final action on Res 99/00/48 and introduction of Res 99/00/52 above Res 99/00/51. Motion passed. Final Action on Res 99/00/48 Support for No Examinations During the University Career Fair No questions. Positive: Eckert. Chairman Walker moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/48 passed by unanimous consent. Introduction of Res 99/00/52 Support for a City-Wide Ordinance Prohibiting Smoking in Workplaces and Enclosed Public Places President Heinrich read the bill and answered questions. Res 99/00/51 Approval of Honor Council Representative President Heinrich read the resolution and answered questions. Senator Courtwright moved unanimous consent. Motion carried. Res 99/00/51 passed by unanimous consent. FINAL ACTION Bill 99/00/46 Allocation to KSU African Student Union No changes. Positive: Miller. Bill 99/00/46 passed by roll call vote of 48-0. Bill 99/00/47Allocation to Vietnamese Student Association No changes. Positive: Intern Harder. Bill 99/00/47 passed by roll call vote of 48-0. Bill 99/00/48 Allocation to Chinese Student and Scholar Association No changes. M-54 Positive: Harder. Bill 99/00/48 passed by a roll call vote of 48-0. Bill 99/00/49 Allocation to the Navigators No changes. Positive: Harder. Bill 99/00/4 9 passed by a roll call vote of 48-0. Bill 99/00/5l Statutes Amendment Concerning Legal Services Advisory Board No changes. Positive: Chairwoman Campbell. Bill 99/00/5 1 passed by a roll call vote of 48-0. Bill 99/00/52 College Council Closing ofAccounts No changes. Positive: Chairman Getz. Bill 99/00/52 passed by a roll call vote of 46-0. Bill 99/00/53 Institutional Services Closing OfAccounts No changes. Positive: Gardner. Bill 99/00/53 passed by a roll call vote of Bill 99/00/54 Academic Competition Team Closing ofAccounts No changes. Positive: Getz. Bill 99/00/54 passed by a roll call vote of 48-0. Bill 99/00/55 Emergency Allocation to University Band and Programs This bill held in committee. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Bill 99/00/56 Allocation to KSU Newman Club Senator Morris read the bill and answered questions. OPEN PERIOD Chairman Lenkner announced that 90 people attended the speaker for which an allocation was made at last week’s senate meeting. He advised senators to more carefully examine publicity and other factors involving allocations in the future. Chairman Getz spoke regarding the allocation mentioned by the previous speaker. Senator Szynskie announced that the speaker mentioned is still speaking, should anyone want to hear her after the meeting. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/52 was referred to Governmental Relations. Bill 99/00/56 was referred to Allocations. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m. M-55 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM February 10, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 44 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Erin Kennedy and Katie Kuhn from Manhattan High School spoke in support of Res 99/00/52. John Pepperdine from the American Cancer Society spoke in support of Res 99/00/52. Dr. Fred Newton from University Counseling Services gave a presentation on UCS. Rick Wooten, bartender, spoke against Res 99/00/52. SHAPE spoke about Lafene and SHAPE programs. Jenell Spencer spoke in support of Res 99/00/52. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Worcester announced the addition of Res 99/00/5 4 to introduction of legislation. Proxies: Muir for Anderson Campbell for Oberling Hall for Donley Stewart for Meredith Szynskie for Brady. Rose for Brownback. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Hall reported on Academic Affairs’ legislation and next meeting. Chairman Lenkner reported on Governmental Relations’ legislation, Cats in the Capitol, and State Education Day. Chairman Morgan reminded Senate of the filing deadline for SGA elections. Chairman Petrik reported on Senate Operations’ findings regarding the structure of Big XII student governments and equal representation in KSU student government. Chairwoman Karrer reminded Senators of the visitation due date. A newsletter will be coming out next week. Chairman Walker reported on UCS privilege fee and on efforts to define “emergency allocation.” Chairwoman Campbell reported on “Bowl for Kids’ Sake.” She encouraged senators and committees to participate in it. SASS will not be meeting on February 14. Chairman Getz reported on the next Allocations meeting and on Allocations legislation. Chairman Lenkner reported on Governmental Relations action on Res 99/00/52. M-56 Chairman Petrik reported that Senate Operations will not meet next week. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS None. FINAL ACTION Res 99/0 0/46 Support for Less Paper Use on Campus Director Mason addressed questions and changes. Positive: Mason. Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Motion carried. Res 99/00/46 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/00/52 Support for Less Paper Use on Campus President Heinrich addressed changes. Positive: Heinrich. Amendment A was moved. Senator Rose read the amendment. Positive: Rose. Amendment authors pulled authorship. Positive: Heinrich. Amendment B was moved. Senator Rose read the amendment. Positive: Rose, Wolters, Cooper, Pacey, Pacey moved the previous question. Motion passed. Negative: Eckert, Lenkner, Heinrich. Amendment B failed by a roll call vote of 12-38. Positive: Eckert, Petrik. Negative: Rose. Chairman Petrik moved a roll call vote be taken. Agreement by 15 senators. Res 99/00/52 passed by roll call vote of 34-14-2. Proxy: Hawks for Karrer. Bill 99/00/56 Allocation to KSUNewman Club No changes. Positive: Morris. Bill 99/00/56 passed by a roll call vote of 46-0. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/53 Resolution Supporting the Actions Taken by the Administration Concerning Class Availability in the College of Business Senator Hoskinson read the resolution. Res 99/0 0/5 4 Support for Using Tuition Increase Revenue to Supplement Base Budget Funds Chairman Lenkner read the resolution and answered questions. Chairman Petrik moved special orders. Positive: Petrik. Motion carried. Final Action on Res 99/00/54 Positive: Lenkner. Chairman Walker moved unanimous consent. Motion carried. Res 99/00/54 passed by unanimous consent. M-57 Bill 99/00/57 Allocation to QSA Chairman Getz read the bill. Senator Miller moved special orders. Positive: Petrik, Getz. Motion carried. Final Action on Res 99/00/54 Chairman Getz answered questions. Positive: Getz. Bill 99/00/5 7 passed by a roll call vote of 45-0-3. Bill 9 9/0 0/58 Allocation to Asian American Student Union Senator Gardner read the bill and addressed changes and questions. Bill 99/00/59 Allocation to Hispanic American Leadership Organization Senator Morris read the bill. Senator Gardner moved special orders. Positive: Gardner. Motion carried. Final Action on Bill 99/00/59 Senator Gardner addressed questions. Positive: Gardner. Bill 99/00/59 passed by a roll call vote of 47-0. Senator Muir moved to dispense with readings on the remaining bills under introduction of legislation. Motion carried. Bill 99/00/60 Closing of NULEOA Account Chairman Getz answered questions. Bill 99/00/61 Amendment of Bill 98/99/75. Closing ofAccounts for Fall 1998 Chairman Getz addressed changes and questions. Bill 99/00/10 Amendment of Bill 99/00/10: Closing ofAccounts for Spring 1999 Chairman Getz addressed questions. OPEN PERIOD Senator Hoskinson spoke about Res 99/00/53. Chairwoman Campbell reminded everyone to “get your bowling shoes on.” Chair Worcester announced that proposed legislation should be in Chairman Petrik’s mailbox by Monday evening. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/53 was referred to Academic Affairs. Bill 99/00/58 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/60 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/6 1 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/62 was referred to Allocations. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS Chairman Getz: Article V, Section 9, Part F. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m. M-58 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM February 17, 1999 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 39 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Joe Hurla challenged SGA to a Collegian/SGA basketball game on March 4. Bill Muir made an announcement about his handouts. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Worcester announced changes to the agenda. He also addressed Senate decorum and his role as Senate chair. Proxies: Sackett for Conrad Ohlde for Pacey Meredith for Stewert COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Morgan reported that the filing deadline is tomorrow. Chairwoman Karrer announced that visitations are due today. The SGA banquet is March 30. Chairwoman Campbell made an announcement about “Bowl for Kids Sake.” Chairman Getz reported that Allocations will meet at Little Apple Brewery on Sunday. He reported on College Council allocations. Chairman Lenkner announced that Cats in the Capitol is next Tuesday and State Education Day is next Wednesday. Chairman Walker reported on progress with UCS and Lafene. Chairman Hall reported on Academic Affairs’ last meeting. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Attorney General Kershner introduced tonight’s guests. She also spoke about judicial legislation. President Heinrich spoke about Faculty Senate views on the transportation plan. He also reported that more applicants are needed for the Honor Council. Vice-President Eckert spoke about Res 99/00/5 7 and the Student Activities Center APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 99/00/55 Approval ofAn Appointment to the Legal Services Advisory Board President Heinrich read the bill. Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. M-59 Res 99/00/55 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/0 0/56 Approval of Appointments to Elections Committee Chairman Morgan read the bill. Senator Courtwright moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/56 passed by unanimous consent. FINAL ACTION Res 99/0 0/5 3 Resolution Supporting the Actions Taken by the Administration Concerning Class Availability in the College of Business Senator Hoskinson addressed changes and questions Positive: Hoskinson. Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/53 passed by unanimous consent. Bill 99/0 0/5 8 Allocation to Asian American Student Union Senator Gardner addressed changes. Positive: Gardner. Chairman Petrik moved to bulk roll call Bills 99/00/58, 99/00/60, 99/00/61, and 99/00/62. Bill 99/00/58 passed by roll call vote of 47-0. Bill 99/00/60 Closing of NULEOA Account No changes. Positive: Getz. Bill 99/00/60 passed by a roll call vote of 47-0. Bill 99/00/61 Amendment of Bill 98/99/75: Closing of Accounts for Fall 1998 No changes. Positive: Getz. Bill 99/00/61 passed by a roll call vote of 47-0. Bill 99/00/62 Amendment of Bill 99/00/10: Closing of Accounts for Spring 1999 No changes. Positive: Getz. Bill 99/00/62 passed by roll call vote of 47-0. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/5 7 Support for Easier Ability to Provide Non-Disclosure of Students ‘ Personal Information Vice-President Eckert read the resolution and answered questions. Bill 9 9/0 0/63 Allocation to the African American Student Union Chairman Getz read the bill. Bill 99/00/64 Allocation to Amnesty International Senator Gardner read the bill. OPEN PERIOD Chairman Hall reminded everyone of the attendance policy. Senator Morris armounced that students can earn $25 by helping with experiments in environmental studies. M-60 Attorney General Kershner shared a story about Lafene Health Center. Senator Hoskinson needs an MU/KSU ticket. Chairwoman Campbell reminded everyone to bowl. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/57 was referred to Academic Affairs. Bill 99/00/63 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/64 was referred to Allocations. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. M-61 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM February 24, 2000 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 34 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD KSU Akido Club presentation Lanny Zwiemiller with Lafene gave the Lafene Financial Report. Dave Woodruff from Association of Residence Halls gave a report. ANNOUNCEMENT Vice-chair Bosco announced the new Dance-a-Thon would be April14. Proxies: Sackett for Conrad Ohlde for Pacey Meredith for Stewert Gardner for Brittingham Genes for Campbell COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Hall reported where their next meeting was. Chairman Morgan reported on the online election write-ins and answered questions. Chairman Lenkner addressed the new census. He reported that Cats in the Capital went well. Chairman Petrick announced what was going on in their committee. Chairman Walker reported on user fees and answered questions dealing them. Chairman Getz reported on allocations with overheads. DIRECTORS’ REPORT Attorney General Kershner introduced tonight’s guests. She also spoke about judicial legislation President Heinrich spoke about Faculty Senate views on the transportation plan. He also reported that more applicants are needed for the Honor Council. Vice-President Eckert spoke about Res 99/00/5 7 and the Student Activities Center APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 99/00/55 Approval ofAn Appointment to the Legal Services Advisory Board President Heinrich read the bill. Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/55 passed by unanimous consent. M-62 Res 99/00/56 Approval of Appointments to Elections Committee Chairman Morgan read the bill. Senator Courtwright moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/56 passed by unanimous consent. FINAL ACTION Res 99/00/5 7 Resolution Support for Easier Ability to Provide Non-Disclosure of Students ‘ Personal Info. Senator Hoskinson addressed changes and questions Positive: Hoskinson. Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/57 passed by unanimous consent. Bill 99/00/58 Allocation to Asian American Student Union Senator Gardner addressed changes. Positive: Gardner. Chairman Petrik moved to bulk roll call Bills 99/00/58, 99/00/60, 99/00/61, and 99/00/62. Bill 99/00/58 passed by roll call vote of 47-0. Bill 9 9/0 0/60 Closing of NULEOA Account No changes. Positive: Getz. Bill 99/00/60 passed by a roll call vote of 47-0. Bill 99/00/61 Amendment of Bill 98/99/75. Closing ofAccounts for Fall 1998 No changes. Positive: Getz. Bill 99/00/6 1 passed by a roll call vote of 4 7-0. Bill 99/00/62 Amendment of Bill 99/00/10: Closing ofAccounts for Spring 1999 No changes. Positive: Getz. Bill 99/00/62 passed by roll call vote of 47-0. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 99/0 0/5 7 Support for Easier Ability to Provide Non-Disclosure of Students ‘ Personal Information Vice-President Eckert read the resolution and answered questions. Bill 99/00/63 Allocation to the African American Student Union Chairman Getz read the bill. Bill 99/00/64 Allocation to Amnesty International Senator Gardner read the bill. OPEN PERIOD Chairman Hall reminded everyone of the attendance policy. Senator Morris announced that students can earn $25 by helping with experiments in environmental studies. M-63 Attorney General Kershner shared a story about Lafene Health Center. Senator Hoskinson needs an MU/KSU ticket. Chairwoman Campbell reminded everyone to bowl. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/57 was referred to Academic Affairs. Bill 99/00/63 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/64 was referred to Allocations. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. M-64 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM March 2, 2000 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 31 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Dr. Fred Newton spoke about the University Counseling Services privilege fee. ANNOUNCEMENTS Senator Courtwright announced that the SGA/Collegian basketball game will be held at a later date. Senator Muir announced that tuition figures are out. Chair Worcester announced changes to the agenda. Proxies: Nixon for Gorrell Muir for Anderson. Campbell for Guries. Wolters for Hopper. Oehme for Brueggeman. Hall for Donley. Lutz for Sackett. Krier for Cooper. Meredith for Hull. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Hall reported on Academic Affairs. Chairman Lenkner reported on Governmental Relations and on the Kansas Senate Ways and Means committee action. GA Dillingham reported on Election Committee matters. Voting is next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Results will be announced on the university cable channel. Chairwoman Karrer reported that she needs award nomination forms returned to her mailbox. The banquet is March 30. Chairman Petrik reported that Senate Operations will be meeting at 6:00 pm on Tuesday at Aggieville Pizza Hut. Chairman Walker reported on the bills passed out of the Privilege Fee committee. Chairwoman Campbell thanked everyone for “Bowling for Kids’ Sake.” DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Vice-President Eckert reported on progress of the non-disclosure of student information. M-65 President Watkins thanked the interns who toured KSU-Salina. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 99/00/59 Approval of New Student Senator Vice-Chair Bosco read the bill. Senator Wolters moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/59 passed by unanimous consent. Chairman Walker moved to amend the agenda by moving Bill 99/00/69 above Final Action. Motion passed. Introduction of Bill 99/00/69 Increase of the University Counseling Services Privilege Fee Chairman Walker read the bill. FINAL ACTION Res 99/00/58 Support for Clarification of Faculty Handbook Wording Concerning Tests Given the Week Prior to Finals Week Chairman Hall addressed changes. Positive: Hall. Chairman Hall moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/58 passed by unanimous consent. Bill 99/0 0/6 7 Office of Student Activities and Services Budget Agreement and Increase Chairman Walker addressed changes and questions. Positive: Walker. Bill 99/00/67 passed by roll call vote of 45-0. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Chairman Petrik moved to dispense of first readings of Res 99/00/06 . No objections. Res 99/00/60 Approval of Graduate Student Council Constitution Chairman Petrik answered questions. Bill 99/00/68 Amendment to Spending Regulations on Campus Privilege Fee Accounts Chairman Walker addressed changes and read the bill. OPEN PERIOD Senator Hoskinson asked about the effects of increasing privilege fees. Chairwoman Karrer asked senators to return the nomination forms. Invitations to the banquet will be out Monday. Chairman Lenkner reported on an article from the Chronicle of Higher Education regarding Beaver College. He also reported on the health status of Phil Stein and Danny Cooper. Chairman Walker reported on the status of the authorship of bill 99/00/68. Coordinator Spencer reported on her experience in jail. Senator Szynskie congratulated those who made Blue Key and Mortar Board. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/60 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/68 was referred to Privilege Fee. Bill 99/00/69 was referred to Privilege Fee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:59 p.m. M-66 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM March 9, 2000 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 44 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Vice-Provost Beth Unger asked for a resolution from Student Senate regarding responsible use of the Internet at Kansas State University. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mary Bosco and other senators gave a presentation on the Dance-A-Thon. Chair Worcester announced additions to the agenda. Proxies: Stewart for Meredith. Lucke for Hawks. Brady for Metzinger. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairwoman Karrer reminded everyone of the SGA banquet. RSVP by next Friday. Chairman Morgan reported on election results. Chair Worcester passed the gavel to Vice-Chair Bosco. Chairman Petrik reported that Senate Operations will be meeting at 6:00 pm next Tuesday due to the runoff election. Chainnan Walker reported on the UCS fee and the Lafene fee. Chairman Lenkner reported that GR will be meeting Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Attorney-General Kershner reported that judicial branch applications are out. Chairman Hall reported on Academic Affairs. Chairman Lenkner reported on a Kansas legislature bifi that would provide a special tuition rate for out-of-state students whose parents attended K-State. Chairwoman Campbell reported that SASS will not be meeting Monday. Chairman Getz reported that Allocations wifi be meeting at 7:00 pm on Sunday in the OSAS large conference room. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS President Heinrich reported on the transportation issue, the smoking issue, the fmals week split, and LeaderShape. Vice-Chair Bosco reported on the Student Activities Board meeting. Vice-Chair Bosco turned the gavel over to Chair Worcester. M-67 APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 99/00/64 Approval of Honor Council Appointments President Heinrich read the bill. Chainnan Petrik moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/64 passed by unanimous consent. Chairman Walker moved to amend the agenda by moving Bill 99/00/69 to the top of Final Action. Motion passed. FINAL ACTION Bill 99/00/69 Increase of the University Jounseling Services Privilege Fee Chairman Walker addressed changes. Positive: Walker. Bill 99/00/69 passed by a roll call vote of. Res 99/00/60 Approval of Graduate Student Council constitution No changes. Positive: Petrik. Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/60 passed by unanimous consent. Bill 99/00/68 Amendment to Spending Regulations on Campus Privilege Fee Accounts Chairman Walker addressed changes and questions. Positive: Walker. Bill 99/00/68 passed by a roll call vote of 49-0. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/61 Support to Transfer University Rivalry Intern Harder and Senator Gardner read the resolution and answered questions. Res 99/00/62 Support for the Creation of a Rule in the Faculty Handbook Regarding Night Exams Senator Hasan read the resolution and answered questions. Res 99/00/63 Approval of Student Health Advisory Committee By-Laws Senator Petrik read the resolution and answered questions. Chairman Hall moved to suspend first readings on all remaining items under Introduction of Legislation. Motion passed. Bill 99/00/70 Allocation to UFM Community Learning Center Senator Gardner addressed changes and questions. Bill 99/00/71 Allocation to Latter Day Saints Student Association Chairman Getz addressed changes and questions. Bill 99/00/72 Allocation to Muslim Student Association No changes or questions. Bill 99/00/73 AmendedAllocation to KSU Queer Straight Alliance Chairman Getz addressed questions. M-68 Bill 99/00/74 Allocation to Apostolic Campus Ministry No changes or questions. Bill 99/00/75 Transfer of Funds from Amnesty International No changes or questions. Senator Wolters moved to suspend first readings on Bill 99/00/76. Motion passed. Bill 99/00/76 Revisions to the Legal Services Advisory Board Charter Chairwoman Campbell addressed changes and questions. Bill 99/00/77 Increase in the Student Health Privilege Fee Chairman Walker read the bifi and answered questions. OPEN PERIOD Senator Muir congratulated all those involved in this year’s elections. He encouraged everyone to vote in the runoff election. Chairman Petrik reported on Senate Operations elections results. Chairman Getz asked Chairman Petrik if he was graduating. Chair Worcester announced that there are only two senate meetings left in this term. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/61 was referred to Senate Operations. Res 99/00/62 was referred to Academic Affairs. Res 99/00/63 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/70 was referred to Allocations. Bifi 99/00/71 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/72 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/73 was referred to Allocations. Bifi 99/00/74 was referred to Allocations. Bifi 99/00/75 was referred to Allocations. Bifi 99/00/76 was referred to Senate Operations. Bifi 99/00/77 was referred to Privilege Fee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. M-69 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM March 16, 2000 7:00P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 40 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Jason Lantz from Student Health Advisory Committee spoke about Bifi 99/00/77. Gretchen Holden, director of Students with Disabilities, spoke about Bifi 99/00/77. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Worcester announced additions to the agenda. Proxies: Ohlde for Pacey. Stewart for Meredith. Hoskinson for Metzinger. Szynskie for Hasan. Gardner for Brittingham. Bosco for Hull. Hall for Wolters. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Morgan reported on the run-off election and election legislation. Chairman Hall reported on the test structure resolution coming out of Academic Affairs. Chairman Karrer reminded everyone to RSVP to OSAS for the SGA banquet. Chairman Petrik spoke about the bills coming out of Senate Operations. Chairman Campbell announced that SASS’s last meeting wifi be the Monday after spring break. Chairman Walker spoke about the bills coming out of Allocations. Chairman Lenkner reported that Governmental Relations wifi not meet the Monday after spring break. He reported on legislation in the Kansas legislature and on the Board of Regents meeting. DIRECTORS’ REPORTS Vice-President Eckert reported on progress on the transportation proposal and the clean-air ordinance. Senator Lutz moved to amend the agenda by moving introduction of Bill 99/00/94 above final action. No objections. Introduction of Bill 99/00/94 Emergency Allocation to the K-State Student Union Chairman Walker read the bill and answered questions. FINAL ACTION M-70 Res 99/00/62 Support for the Creation of a Rule in the Faculty Handbook Regardning Exams Held Outside of Scheduled Course Instruction Time Chairman Hall addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Hall. Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Motion failed. Bill 99/00/69 passed by unanimous voice vote. Res 99/00/63 Approval of Student Health Advisory Committee By-Laws Chairman Petrik addressed changes and answered questions. Positive: Petrik. Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/63 passed by unanimous consent. Vice-Chair Bosco moved to amend the agenda by moving introduction of Bill 99/00/80 before final action on Bill 99/00/65. Motion passed. Introduction of Bill 99/00/80 Allocation to Ordinary Women Senator Gardner read the bifi and answered questions. FINAL ACTION Bill 99/00/65 Constitutional Amendment Concerning Appointment of Judicial Branch Attorney-General Kershner addressed changes and questions. Positive: Kershner, Szynskie, Brueggeman. Negative: Eckert, Wolters, Heinrich, Petrik moved the previous question. Motion passed. Bill 99/00/68 failed by a roll call vote of 22-23-3. Chairman Petrik moved to bulk roll call Bills 99/00/70-99/00/75. Motion passed. Bill 99/00/70 Allocation to UFM Community Learning Center Senator Gardner addressed changes. Positive: Gardner Bill 99/00/70 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Bill 99/00/71 Allocation to Latter Day Saints Student Association Bill 99/00/71 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Bill 99/00/72 Allocation to Muslim Students Association Intern Harder addressed changes and questions. Positive: Harder. Bill 99/00/72 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Bill 99/00/73 AmendedAllocation to KSU Queer Straight Alliance Senator Guries addressed changes and questions. Positive: Guries. Bill 99/00/73 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Bill 99/00/74 Allocation to Apostolic Campus Ministry Senator Guries addressed changes and questions. Positive: Guries. Bill 99/00/74 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. M-71 Bill 99/00/75 Transfer of Funds from Amnesty International Senator Guries addressed changes and questions. Positive: Guries. Bill 99/00/75 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Bill 99/00/76 Revisions to the Legal Services Advisory Board Charter Chairman Campbell addressed changes. Positive: Campbell. Bill 99/00/76 passed by a roll call vote of 43-0. Bill 99/00/77 Increase in the Student Health Privilege Fee Chairman Walker addressed changes. Positive: Walker deferred for the amendment. Amendment A, by Oberst, Campbell, Guries, Brueggeman, Gardner, Kershner, Oehme, Szynskie, Nixon, Gorrel, Hoskinson, and Rose was moved. Senator Oberst read the amendment and answered questions. Positive: Oberst/Oberst yielded to Lantz, Hoskinson, Hall/Hall yielded to Lantz, Brueggeman/Brueggeman yielded to Lantz. Negative: Walker, Eckert, Heinrich, Conrad moved the previous question. Motion passed. Amendment A passed by a counted vote of 31-13. Negative: Eckert. Amendment B, by Walker, Lutz, Heinrich, Sackett, and Conrad was moved. Senator Conrad read the amendment and answered questions. Positive: Conrad, Lenkner, Walker moved the previous question. Motion passed. Negative: Oberst yielded to Lantz, Brueggeman, Campbell. Amendment B failed by a counted vote of 14-30. Positive: Brueggeman, Anderson, Rose moved the previous question. Motion failed. Negative: Petrilc, Walker yielded to Lenkner. Chairman Hall moved for a five-minute recess. Motion passed. Senate was recessed at 11:47 pm. Chair Worcester called the meeting back to order at 11:52 pm. Amendment C, by Conrad, Walker, Hethrich, and Brownback was moved. Senator Conrad read the amendment. Positive: Conrad. Negative: Brueggeman. Senator Anderson moved to suspend questions during debate. Motion passed. Positive: Heinrich, Petrik moved the previous question. Motion passed. Negative: Gardner, Rose. Amendment C failed by a counted vote of 17-26. Positive: Muir, Hall, Nixon yielded to Lantz, Brueggeman moved the previous question. Motion carried. Negative: Walker, Bosco, Eckert. Bill 99/00/77 failed on a roll call vote of 34-12-1. Senator Muir moved to reconsider Bifi 99/00/77. Positive: Muir, Brueggeman, Lenkner. M-72 Motion carried. Senator Muir moved to lay Bill 99/00/77 on the table. Motion carried. Senator Muir moved to consider all bills under Introduction of Legislation as introduced. Motion carried. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/65 Commendation to the College of Agriculture College Council Senator Guries read the resolution. Senator Petrik moved to suspend first readings on Res 99/00/66. Motion failed. Res 99/00/66 Approval of 2000 SGA Elections Results Senator Muir read the resolution and answered questions. Res 99/00/67 Official SGA Stance on Governance of a Possible Student Activity Center Senator Petrik read the resolution. Senator Conrad moved special orders on Bill 99/00/95. Positive: Conrad, Guries. Motion carried. Final Action on Bill 99/00/95 Athletic Privilege Fee Reduction and Amendment Positive: Walker, Petrik, Hoskinson. Bill 99/00/95 passed by a roll call vote of 45-0. Chairman Walker moved special orders on Bill 99/00/96. Positive: Walker. Motion carried. Final Action on Bill 99/00/96 Student Activity Privilege Fee Increase and Amendment Positive: Walker. Motion carried. Bill 99/00/96 passed on a roll call vote of 47-0. OPEN PERIOD Chairman Hall moved to take a five-minute recess. Motion passed. Meeting was recessed at 12:56 am. Chair Worcester called the meeting back to order at 12:04 am. Chairman Petrik moved to take Bill 99/00/77 from the table. Positive: Petrik. Motion carried. Final Action on Bill 99/00/77 Increase in the Student Health Privilege Fee Positive: Rose.. Amendment D by Conrad, Walker, Heinrich, Brownback, Sackett, and Lutz was moved. Senator Conrad read the amendment. Positive: Conrad. Negative: Brueggeman. Amendment D failed by a counted vote of 13-34. M-73 Positive: Bosco, Brueggeman, Oberst yielded to Detloff. Negative: Sackett, Stafford, Miller, Brownback moved the previous question. Motion carried. Bill 99/00/77 failed on a vote of 37-12. OPEN PERIOD Chair Worcester addressed tonight’s actions. Senator Rose addressed tonight’s actions. Senator Szynskie wished everyone a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day and addressed tonight’s actions. Chairman Hall addressed tonight’s actions. Chairman Lenkner addressed tonight’s actions. Chairman Walker addressed tonight’s actions. Chairwoman Campbell addressed tonight’s actions. Senator Hoskinson addressed tonight’s actions. Parliamentarian Harlan turned the gavel over to Chair Worcester. REFERENCE OF LEGISLATION Res 99/00/65 was referred to Senate Operations. Res 99/00/66 was referred to Senate Operations. Res 99/00/67 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/7 8 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/79 was referred to Allocations. Bill 99/00/81 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/82 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/83 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/84 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/85 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/86 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/87 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/88 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/89 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/90 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/91 was referred to Senate Operations. Bill 99/00/92 was referred to Privilege Fee. Bill 99/00/93 was referred to Privilege Fee. Bill 99/00/94 was referred to Privilege Fee. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL AND/OR BY-LAWS REVISIONS ADJOURNMENT Chairman Petrik moved to adjourn. Motion failed. Senator Miller moved to reconsider Bill 99/00/77. Positive: Mifier, Campbell. Negative: Petrik. Motion carried. Final Action on Bill 99/00/77 Increase in the Student Health Privilege Fee Chairman Petrik moved the previous question. Motion passed. Bill 99/00/77 passed on a roll call vote of 38-10-1. Meeting adjourned at 2:00 am. M-74 STUDENT SENATE MEETING BIG TWELVE ROOM March 30, 2000 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Chair Worcester. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge was led by Chair Worcester. ROLL CALL Roll call was answered by 41 senators. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were approved as posted. OPEN PERIOD Dean Hobrock spoke about student concerns regarding university libraries and strategic planning. Joslyn Crum spoke about tuition charges. ANNOUNCEMENTS Proxies: Szynskie for Hasan. COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Petrik discussed the bills coming out of Senate Operations. Chairman Walker discussed the bills coming out of Privilege Fees and the fees recommendations to the Regents. Chairman Lenkner discussed the next Regents meeting. Chairwoman Karrer announced that plaques need to be returned to the office. Chairman Getz introduced Peggy Lind from OSAS. DIRECTORS REPORTS President Watkins thanked everyone and the new KSU-Salina President and Vice-President were introduced. Attorney General Kershner made announcements about the judicial legislation and gave a farewell address. President Hejnrjch thanked the KSU-Salina administration for their attendance at Senate meetings. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Res 99/00/74 Approval of Honor Council Appointment President Heinrich read the bill and answered questions. Senator Courtwright moved unanimous consent. Res 99/00/74 passed by unanimous consent. Chairman Walker moved to amend the agenda by moving Bil 99/00/94 to the top of final action. Motion passed. M-75 FINAL ACTION Bill 99/00/94 Emergency Allocation to the K-State Student Union Positive: Walker. Bill 99/00/94 passed on a roll call vote of 44-0. Res 99/00/65 Commendation to the College ofAgriculture College Council Positive: Getz. Chairwoman Campbell moved unanimous consent. No objections. Res 99/00/65 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/0 0/66 Approval of2000 SGA Elections Results No changes. Positive: Morgan. Senator Wolters moved unanimous consent. Motion passed. Res 99/00/66 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/00/67 Official SGA Stance on Governance of a Possible Student Activity Center Vice-Chair Bosco addressed changes. Positive: Bosco, Petrik. Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. No objections. Res 99/00/67 passed by a roll call vote of 49-0. Senator Guries moved to amend the agenda by moving Bill 99/00/91 above Bill 99/00/78. Motion passed. Bill 99/00/91 Statutes Amendment Regarding SGA Funding Regulations Chairman Getz addressed changes and questions. Positive: Getz. Amendment A, by Petrik, Lenkner, Powell and Courtwright, was introduced. Chairman Petrik read the amendment. Positive: Petrik, Lenkner. Negative: Getz, Wolters. Senator Petrik moved for a roll call vote on Amendment A. Motion failed. Amendment A failed by voice vote. Bill 99/00/91 passed by a roll call vote of 41-3. Chairman Petrik moved to hold bills 78, 79, and 80 for a bulk roll call vote. Motion passed. Bill 99/00/78 Allocation to Men Against Rape Society (MARS) Positive: Morris. Bill 99/00/78 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Bill 99/00/79 Allocation to Native American Student Body Intern Harder addressed changes. Positive: Harder. Bill 99/00/79 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Bill 99/00/80 Allocation to Ordinary Women Intern Harder addressed questions. Positive: Harder. Bill 99/00/80 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. M-76 Bill 99/00/81 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions Attorney General Kershner addressed changes. Positive: Kershner. Bill 99/00/81 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Bill 99/00/82 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions Attorney General Kershner addressed changes. Positive: Kershner. Bill 99/00/82 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Bill 9 9/00/8 4 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions Positive: Kershner. Bill 99/00/84 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Bill 99/00/85 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions Positive: Kershner. Bill 99/00/85 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Bill 99/0 0/8 6 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Branch Definitions Positive: Kershner. Bill 99/00/86 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Bill 99/00/8 7 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Judicial Code Positive: Kershner. Bill 99/00/87 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Bill 99/00/88 By-Laws Amendment Concerning Allocations Committee Chairman Getz addressed changes and questions. Positive: Getz. Bill 99/00/88 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Bill 99/00/89 Statutes Amendment Regarding Registration of Student Organizations Positive: Bosco. Bill 99/00/89 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Senator Muir moved to bulk bills 89 and 90 for roll call vote. Motion passed. Bill 99/0 0/9 0 Statutes Amendment Regarding Runoff Elections Chairman Petrik addressed changes. Positive: Petrik. Bill 99/00/90 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Chairman Walker moved to bulk roll call bills 92 and 93. Motion carried. Bill 99/00/92 Privilege Fee Review Schedule Positive: Walker. Bill 99/00/92 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. Bill 99/00/93 Internal Audit Schedule for Fiscal Year 2001 Positive: Walker. Bill 99/00/93 passed by a roll call vote of 44-0. M-77 INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Chairman Petrik moved to dispense with first readings of Res 99/00/68. No objections. Res 9 9/00/68 Approval of College of Agriculture College Council Constitution Chairman Petrik addressed changes. Senator Courtwright moved special orders. No objections. Final Action Positive: Petrik. Chairman Petrik moved unanimous consent. No objections. Res 99/00/68 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/00/69 Commendation to Attorney General President Heinrich read the resolution. Senator Courtwright moved special orders. No objections. Final Action Positive: Heinrich Senator Rose moved unanimous consent. No objections. Res 99/00/69 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/00/70 Commendation to Student Body President and Vice President. Chair Worcester read the resolution and answered questions. Senator Courtwright moved special orders. No objection. Final Action Senator Brueggeman moved unanimous consent. No objections. Res 99/00/70 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/00/71 Commendation to Student Senate Chair and Student Senate Vice Chair. Vice-President Eckert read the resolution. Senator Courtwright moved special orders. No objections. Final Action Senator Courtwright moved unanimous consent. No objections. Res 99/00/71 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/00/72 Commendation to Student Senate Standing Committee Chairs, Elections Committee Chair, and other members of the Executive Committee Senator Muir read the resolution. Senator Courtwright moved special orders. No objections. Final Action Senator Muir moved unanimous consent. No objections. Res 99/00/72 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/00/73 Commendation to Sarah Dillingham President Heinrich and Vice-President Eckert read the bill. Senator Courtwright moved special orders. No objections. Final Action Positive: Heinrich, Eckert, Morgan. Senator Hoskinson moved unanimous consent. Motion carried. Res 99/00/73 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/00/75 Commendation to Gayle Spencer M-78 President Heinrich and Vice-President Eckert read the bill. Senator Courtwright moved special orders. No objections. Final Action Chairman Walker moved unanimous consent. No objections. Res 99/00/75 passed by unanimous consent. Res 99/00/76 Commendation to 1999-2000 Student Senate and Student Senate Interns Senator Muir read the bill and addressed changes. Senator Courtwright moved special orders. Final Action Senator Brueggeman moved unanimous consent. No objections. Res 99/00/76 passed by unanimous consent. OPEN PERIOD Senator Brownback read his censored resolution. Senator Muir commented on what a pleasure spending Thursday nights in Senate has been. Chairman Petrik commended Senators Anderson and Muir for their contributions to Senate. Chairman Walker thanked Senate, Privilege Fee committee, Vice-President Eckert, and Senator Conrad. Chairman Lenkner thanked everyone for his recognition as Outstanding Contributor. He thanked Senators for their contributions to Senate. Chairman Getz thanked Senate for its recognition of himself and the Allocations committee. Chairwoman Campbell thanked Senate for its recognition of herself and the Student Affairs and Social Service committee. Senator Miller announced that there will be an auction this Sunday for another organization in which he is involved. Senator Wolters thanked the committee chairman and the Senate leaders for their contribution to Senate. GA Dillingham thanked everyone for the past two years. Senator Conrad thanked everyone on Senate for their work. ADJOURNMENT SINE DIE The meeting and 1999-2000 KSU Student Senate was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. M-79