NRES Course Information Form

NRES Course Information Form
To KSU Faculty: Please submit the following information to the NRES Director for consideration
by the NRES Governing Board for approval as a block elective course.
Return to: Dr. Shawn Hutchinson, NRES Director, 118 Seaton Hall, Campus
Date: ______________________
Department: ______________________________________________
Instructor: _________________________________ Phone: ________________ E-Mail: _______________
Course No. _______________
Course Name: ____________________________________________
Catalog Description:
Semester last taught: ____________
Semester next taught: ____________
Enrollment: ____________
This course is most appropriate as a block elective course in the area of:
____ Natural Science
____ Applied Science&Technology
____ Social Science/Humanities
If the class is a tagged K-State 8 course, please indicate the tag (s) it carries: _________________________
Please provide the most recent course syllabus showing a list of topics covered and the time devoted to each
topic. Note: The Governing Board will evaluate whether the course has more than 50% of its content directly related to the quality,
management, and sustainability of soil, air, water, mineral, biological, and energy resources. Any statements you can provide to
assist this evaluation will be appreciated. You may be asked to meet with the Governing Board when your course is being considered
for approval. This assists us in getting the most appropriate information and making the most informed decision. You will be notified
if this is necessary.
NRES Board Action Summary:
Date considered: ______________________
______ Disapproved (indicate reason below)
course_approval.doc 05/12
______ Approved