ANTHROPOLOGY | FALL 2016 ANTHROPOLOGY ANTHR 1 Introduction to Anthropology: Biological Surveys the basic principles of biological anthropology with an emphasis on the mechanisms of biological evolution, genetics and inheritance, comparative primate behavior, human evolution, adaptability and variation, and the meaning of race. Transfer Credit: Transfers to CSU; UC C-ID ANTH 110 Section DaysTimes 93027 Arr.Arr. Units Instructor Room 3.00 B.Roselyn OL 93034 Arr.Arr. 3.00 K.Soluri Section 93027 is an ONLINE course. For details, see instructor’s web page at go.cabrillo. edu/online. To receive laboratory credit, students should also enroll in ANTHR 1L. Section 93034 is an ONLINE course. For details, see instructor’s web page at go.cabrillo. edu/online. To receive laboratory credit, students should also enroll in ANTHR 1L. OL 93036 MW8:00AM-9:20AM 3.00 B.Roselyn 429 93028 MW9:30AM-10:50AM 3.00 B.Roselyn 429 To receive laboratory credit, students should also enroll in ANTHR 1L. To receive laboratory credit, students should also enroll in ANTHR 1L. 93029 TTH9:30AM-10:50AM3.00 B.Roselyn 429 930373.00 MW K.Wilson 429 93035 TTH 11:10AM-12:30PM3.00 K.Wilson 429 To receive laboratory credit, students should also enroll in ANTHR 1L. To receive laboratory credit, students should also enroll in ANTHR 1L. To receive laboratory credit, students should also enroll in ANTHR 1L. 93030 MW12:40PM-2:00PM 3.00 K.Wilson To receive laboratory credit, students should also enroll in ANTHR 1L. 93031 TTH12:40PM-2:00PM 3.00 K.Wilson To receive laboratory credit, students should also enroll in ANTHR 1L. ANTHR 1L Biological Anthropology Lab Presents a hands-on exploration of topics in biological anthropology. May be offered in a Distance-Learning Format. Hybrid Requisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ANTHR 1. Transfer Credit: Transfers to CSU;UC Section DaysTimes 93039 Arr.Arr. Units Instructor Room 1.00 B.Roselyn OL 93041 Arr.Arr. 1.00 B.Roselyn OL 93043 Arr.Arr. 1.00 D.Solomon OL 93048 Arr.Arr. 1.00 D.Solomon OL Section 93039 is an ONLINE course. For details, see instructor’s web page at go.cabrillo. edu/online. Section 93041 is an ONLINE course. For details, see instructor’s web page at go.cabrillo. edu/online. Section 93043 is an ONLINE course. For details, see instructor’s web page at go.cabrillo. edu/online. Section 93048 is an ONLINE course. For details, see instructor’s web page at go.cabrillo. edu/online. 93040 F 9:00AM-12:05PM1.00 S.Camacho 431 429 93046 W 12:40PM-3:45PM 1.00 C.Bundrick-Benejam431 93042 M 2:30PM-5:35PM 1.00 C.Bundrick-Benejam431 93047 T 2:30PM-5:35PM1.00D.Etler 431 93049 TH2:30PM-5:35PM 1.00 J.Funaro 431 93045 TH 6:30PM-9:35PM 1.00 R.MitchellWatA340 429 93032 M 6:30PM-9:35PM3.00 R.Mitchell 429 To receive laboratory credit, students should also enroll in ANTHR 1L. 93033 T 6:30PM-9:35PM 3.00 R.MitchellWatA340 To receive laboratory credit, students should also enroll in ANTHR 1L. ANTHR 2 Introduction to Anthropology: Cultural Presents a cross-cultural, comparative study of contemporary human behavior with emphasis on the effects of globalization on contemporary cultures. Transfer Credit: Transfers to CSU; UC C-ID ANTH 120 ANTHR 3 Introduction to Anthropology: Archaeology Introduces the basic theories and principles of contemporary scientific archaeology and the methods through which archaeologists recover and interpret the past. Transfer Credit: Transfers to CSU; UC C-ID ANTH 150 Section DaysTimes 93051 Arr.Arr. Units Instructor Room 3.00 H.Claussen OL Section DaysTimes Units Instructor Room 93058 TTH12:40PM-2:00PM 3.00 D.McKenzie 432 93054 Arr.Arr. 3.00 H.Claussen ANTHR 8 Anthropology of Religion Explores and analyzes, from an anthropological perspective, religious traditions in diverse cultural contexts with particular focus on the effects of globalization on religious beliefs and practices. Transfer Credit: Transfers to CSU;UC Section 93051 is an ONLINE course. For details, see instructor’s web page at go.cabrillo. edu/online. Section 93054 is an ONLINE course. For details, see instructor’s web page at go.cabrillo. edu/online. OL 93053 TTH8:00AM-9:20AM 3.00 D.McKenzie 432 93055 MW9:30AM-10:50AM 3.00 D.McKenzie 403 Section 93059 93056 MW12:40PM-2:00PM 3.00 D.McKenzie 403 93052 TTH9:30AM-10:50AM3.00 D.McKenzie 432 Days MW Times 9:30AM-10:50AM Units 3.00 Instructor Staff Before you enroll in courses numbered 1 - 199, you should be eligible for ENGL 100, READ 100 and ESL 100. Eligibility for these courses can be met through assessment or by successfully completing their prerequisites. Repeating a class may have academic and/or financial aid limitations; consult with your campus academic counselor or financial aid advisor. Room 510