Social Studies – First

Social Studies – First
SOC 1-01a I understand that evidence
varies in the extent to which it can be
trusted and can use this in learning about
the past.
The learner will be able to:
understand that evidence varies in
the extent to which it can be trusted
and use this in learning about the
The learner can:
 explain that places, buildings and
artefacts help us understand the
 discuss how the past can be
interpreted in different ways.
 explain that evidence may not
always be honest.
 make simple judgements about the
reliability of evidence
People, past events and societies
SOC 1-02a By exploring places,
SOC 1-03a I can use evidence to
investigating artefacts and locating them in recreate the story of a place or
time, I have developed an awareness of
individual of local historical interest.
the ways we remember and preserve
Scotland’s history.
The learner be able to:
The learner will be able to:
 use evidence to recreate the
 make a personal link to the past by
story of a place or individual of
exploring items or images connected
local historical interest
with important individuals or special
events in my life.
The learner can:
 find evidence relating to a
The learner can:
specific person / place
 sequence important people and
 identify and understand who the
events in my life.
person / place was.
 explain that items and pictures
 understand why they are
represent the past.
 use my knowledge and
imagination to recreate a scene
from the past.
SOC 1-04a I can compare aspects of
people’s daily lives in the past with my
own by using historical evidence or the
experience of recreating an historical
The learner will be able to:
 use historical evidence or the
experience of recreating an
historical setting to compare
aspects of people’s daily lives in
the past with their own
The learner can:
 select appropriate sources of
 show empathy towards people in
the past.
 use the expressive arts to
recreate a historical period.
 give examples of how the way
we lived in the past is different
from how we live today.
 identify reasons why we live
differently now.
Social Studies – First
People, past events and societies
SOC 1-06a
Having selected a significant individual
from the past, I can contribute to a
discussion on the influence of their actions,
then and since.
The learner will be able to:
 select a significant individual from
the past and contribute to a
discussion on the influence of their
actions, then and since
SOC 1-07a I can describe and recreate
the characteristics of my local
environment by exploring the features of
the landscape.
The learner will be able to:
describe and recreate the
characteristics of my local
environment by exploring the
features of the landscape
The learner can:
The learner can:
 explore the local landscape
 identify an important person from the
 describe physical features of their
local environment i.e. sea / river /
 explain the ways their actions
hill / mountain.
influenced society.
 recreate an aspect of my local
 give reasons for events taking place
and why they were important then
and today.
People, place and environment
SOC 1-08a I can consider ways of
looking after my school or community
and can encourage others to care for
their environment.
The learner will be able to:
consider ways of looking after their
school or community
encourage others to care for their
The learner can:
 discuss ways they could look
after their school or community.
 communicate a simple
environmental message to
 talk about current environmental
issues in their school and
SOC 1-09a Having explored the variety
of foods produced in Scotland, I can
discuss the importance of different types
of agriculture in the production of these
The learner will be able to:
 explore the variety of foods
produced in Scotland.
 discuss the importance of
different types of agriculture in
the production of these foods
The learner can:
 identify a variety of foods
produced in Scotland.
 explain what is needed to
produce these foods.
 distinguish differences between
arable and stock farms and the
work involved in each
Social Studies – First
People, past events and societies
People, place and environment
SOC 1-11a By exploring my community
and the groups within it, I can identify and
consider different types of housing and
how they meet needs.
SOC 1-12a By using a range of
instruments, I can measure and record the
weather and can discuss how weather
affects my life.
SOC 1-12b By exploring climate zones
around the world, I can compare and
describe how climate affects living
SOC 1-13a Having explored the
landscape of my local area, I can
describe the various ways in which land
has been used.
The learner will be able to:
 identify and consider different types
of housing and how they meet needs.
The learner will be able to:
 measure and record the weather
using a range of instruments.
 discuss how weather affects their
The learner will be able to:
 explore climate zones around the
 compare and describe how climate
affects living things.
The learner will be able to:
 describe the various ways in which
land has been used in their local
The learner can:
 identify different types of housing.
 explain the housing needs within the
local community.
 explain how these needs are met.
The learner can:
 measure weather with a variety of
 record information in an
appropriate manner.
 talk about the effect of weather
on their life
The learner can:
 describe main features of climate
zones. (Main ones being desert,
tropical, polar, coastal also
equatorial, Mediterranean,
 explain some differences between
climate zones.
 compare the effects of climates on
living things.
The learner can:
 describe their landscape in their
local area.
 discuss how the land is used in their
local area e.g. farming, housing,
Social Studies – First
SOC 1-13b By exploring a natural
environment different from my own, I can
discover how the physical features
influence the variety of living things.
People, place and environment
SOC 1-14a Through activities in my local
SOC 1-15a I understand that evidence
area, I have developed my mental map
varies in the extent to which it can be
and sense of place. I can create and use
trusted and can use this in learning
maps of the area.
about current issues in society.
The learner will be able to:
 discover how the physical features
influence the variety of living things in
an environment different to their own.
The Learner will be able to:
 Develop a mental map and sense of
place trough activities in their local
SOC 1-16a I can contribute to a
discussion of the difference between my
needs and wants and those of others
around me.
The Learner will be able to:
 Create and use maps of their local
The learner can:
 identify features of a natural
environment other than their own.
The Learner can:
 describe some of the living things that
 Describe some places I would see in
would be found in this environment.
my local area.
 make the link between environment and living
 Give directions to get to some of
things found there.
those places
 Use a simple map or street plan
 Identify physical features i.e.
sea/river/ hill/ mountain
 Identify important places i.e. school/
Use 4 points of the compass
Use simple local plans or maps to
colour - code land use for housing,
leisure, shopping, farming, industry
Describe some different landscapes
using the language of maps
Make a simple map of my local area
Recognise map symbols
Contribute to discussion about the
difference between wants and
needs for themselves and others
The Learner can :
 Describe that needs are those
items necessary for survival.
 Describe that wants are things I
would like but do not need to
 Describe that in the world some
children do not have their needs
 Describe the restraints under
which some people have to live
 Show an appreciation towards the
lifestyle we have in this country
Social Studies – First
SOC 1-17a By exploring the ways in which
we use and need rules, I can consider the
meaning of rights and responsibilities and
discuss those relevant to me.
The learner will be able to:
 Explore the ways in which we use
and need rules
 Consider the meaning of rights and
 Discuss the rules, rights and
responsibilities that are relevant to
The learner can:
 Describe some rules and why they
are necessary ( in games, behaviour
in school, behaviour in town etc)
Describe what is meant by a right
and what some of my rights are both
as a pupil and as a child
Explain how along with rights also
comes responsibilities
Describe some laws which
are in place to protect
People in society, economy and business
SOC 1-18a I have participated in decision making and have considered the different
options available in order to make decisions.
The learner will be able to:
 Participate in decision making
Make decisions based on different options that are available
The learner can:
 take part in making decisions about aspects of classwork, enterprise, whole
school activities
 make an informed choice when I am given options to choose from and explain
why I made that decision
SOC 1-20a I have developed an
understanding of the importance of local
organisations in providing for the needs
of my local community.
The learner will be able to:
 Understand the importance of local
organisations in providing for the
needs of my local community
The learner can:
 Tell what and who makes up my
 Describe what people who live
here need
 Tell what local organisations are
available (Cubs, Brownies,
religious buildings etc)
 Describe the different types of
housing in my community and who
lives there
 describe my own community and
things that are in it (people,
buildings, clubs etc)
 tell why we need clubs etc
 describe if my local community has
all it needs
Social Studies – First
SOC 1-21a
I can work out the amount of money I need
to buy items, understanding that I may not
always be able to afford the items I want.
SOC 1-22a I have experienced the
different jobs involved in running a
business enterprise and understand the
role each one plays in its success.
The learner will be able to:
 Work out the amount of money they
need to buy items and understand
that they may not always be able to
afford the items they want
The learner will be able to:
 Take different jobs when
experiencing the running of a
business enterprise
 Understand the role each one plays
in its success
The learner can:
 Tell what is meant by the terms
budget, afford and savings
 Describe how money needs to be
earned by my family or myself in
order to have it to spend (including
pocket money)
 Explain that sometimes I have to
choose the most important thing I
want when I can’t have everything
 understand that working out what I
have to spend and what I need to
buy things is part of everyday life
 show some understanding of the
difficult choices parents may need
to make
 make considered decisions about
what to spend money on
The learner can:
 Describe how a business is made
up of different people who do
different jobs requiring different
skills and explain its value to the
 Describe what role I played in our
 Describe how a business is
normally set up to make money
 Calculate : sales minus costs =
work co-operatively with others in a
appreciate that someone else will
depend on me doing my task to
make the business a success
listen to others view points