– 23 April 2013 – paper 4.1 CfE Management Board

CfE Management Board – 23 April 2013 – paper 4.1
CfE Management Board – April 2013
Update from Communications Group: January – March 2013
All milestones within the Communication Strategy were delivered in full and on
There has been a good response in the local media to the activity being
undertaken around Inspection Reports. Ministerial visits to schools and
nurseries have helped promote the achievements of the establishments.
The CfE Communications and Engagement Group are currently discussing
appropriate review and evaluation of communications activities to date.
Detailed report on activity by stakeholder group is attached.
Highlights of Activities Completed
The final tranche of Professional Focus Papers were published on the
Education Scotland website and in Glow. These now cover all subjects at
National 4 and National 5 levels.
A new area was launched on Glow to support the new National Qualification on
26 January.
An A5 flyer was developed to promote currently available and forthcoming
A double page advert appeared in GTCS magazine in March.
An introductory resource pack for Senior Phase Benchmarking was published
on the Education Scotland website.
Making Good Assessment Decisions poster has been distributed to schools and
further support material made available online.
Taking a Closer Look at the NAR materials has been published online and
printed packs made available to Local Authorities
NPFS have produced the first eight of the Nationals in a Nutshell.
NPFS have held the first two of three Qualifications Plus events for parents and
SQA published a range of materials including; Unit Assessment Support for
new Awards, feedback on the draft Unit Specifications for the new Advanced
Higher, the first release of Added Value assessments for National 4 and
Coursework Information for National 5, Specimen Question Papers for National
5 for all subjects . (Full details on all publications are detailed later in the report)
SQA released the second package of Unit Assessment Support materials for
the new National 2 to National 5 qualifications on the SQA secure website at the
end of February.
SQA hosted a range of events including 10 Curriculum Area Events , Subject
Implementation Events from October and have scheduled SQA Co-ordinator
events for June.
CfE Management Board – 23 April 2013 – paper 4.1
Activities planned for next period
Further web-based course materials will publish until April 2013.
Next issues of CfE Briefing series to be developed, drafted and published, the
next being one on Learning About Scotland.
A CfE Overview leaflet for parents will be developed at the request of the
Cabinet Secretary.
Evaluation of Effectiveness of CfE Communications will be developed.
SQA will publish further assessment support materials at the end of March and
the end of April including Added Value Unit assessment for National 4 and
Coursework Information for National 5
“Why CfE” leaflet for parents will be developed and distributed
SQA will publish Advanced Higher final documents at the end of April.
SQA’s CfE webpages and suite of information leaflets (school, college,
universities, parent/carer, learner and employers) will continue to be refreshed
SQA will continue to place advertorials in relevant professional journals, as
Actions Required by Curriculum for Excellence Management Board
Consider whether the key issues and actions are in line with where they see the main
communications priorities;
Discuss how Board members (and their organisations) can support the communications
activities, by providing feedback on current communication approaches and highlight
any areas where additional action is required.
For Management Board to consider how each member can share the current CfE
communications activities within their organisation.
Agree that the planned actions described should proceed as planned.
Denise Brock
Head of Communications
Education Scotland
CfE Management Board – 23 April 2013 – paper 4.1
Detailed communications activities by stakeholder group
Current focus for CfE communications and engagement activity with different
stakeholder groups
Key audiences for CfE communications work remain as parents/carers, practitioners,
head teachers, local authorities, education professional associations, the CLD sector,
employers, colleges and the HE sector, as well as learners themselves.
For Leaders/Managers/Practitioners within the system, the key communications
objectives are to support them in the following areas:
Current Activity
Education Scotland has now published a complete suite of Professional Focus
Papers. These materials now cover all subjects and have been designed to
assist those supporting learners as they work towards the new qualifications.
The papers highlight important features of learning in the new National 4 and 5
courses which are enhanced or different from the courses they replace. The
Professional Focus Papers are now available for download on the web-based
course materials site on Glow and the Education Scotland website.
Education Scotland launched a dedicated website on Glow which provides
quick, secure and easy access to the range of web-based course materials
being published to support the new National Qualifications. In addition, the site
also provides access to the Professional Focus Papers.
Education Scotland has been working very closely with ADES to co-ordinate the
development and publication of exemplar course materials across the full range
of National 4 and National 5 qualifications. Materials have been developed from
a variety of sources and many locally in schools and local authorities. These
are now being shared nationally as part of the creation of a nationwide “Virtual
Campus” which encourages the sharing of resources across all schools and
local authorities. Materials for all courses will be published by the end of April
Dr Bill Maxwell’s interview with GTCS magazine appeared in the January issue
of Teaching Scotland. This has resulted in very positive feedback.
A double page advert was prepared for GTCS magazine, providing a list of
currently available and forthcoming support materials. This appeared in the
March issue.
CfE Management Board – 23 April 2013 – paper 4.1
An A5 promotional flyer was developed providing a list of currently available
and forthcoming support materials. This will be distributed to establishments
and used at events.
A further two titles in the CfE Briefing Series were published. The first was for
Progression from the Broad General Education to the Senior Phase Part 3 and
focuses on Curriculum Planning in the Senior Phase. The second title was on
Learning About Scotland. These will be mailed to establishments after the
Easter break.
Education Scotland published Taking a Closer Look at the National Assessment
Resource: A Professional Learning Resource. It provides an opportunity to
reflect on effective practice in learning, teaching and assessment, drawing on
the work published on the National Assessment Resource (NAR). The resource
is available to download from the Education Scotland website and NAR, in
addition a small number of printed copies have been sent to all education
authorities for staff development purposes.
Education Scotland, in partnership with SQA, published ‘Making Good
Assessment Decisions’, Professional Learning Resource. This resource
supports the posters, also entitled, ‘Making Good Assessment Decisions’ which
have distributed to schools. The Professional Learning Resource outlines the
continuity between the quality assurance procedures developed to support the
Broad General Education (BGE) and those for the senior phase, including the
new National Qualifications.
Education Scotland has been working with practitioners to develop guidance on
assessing progress and achievement for every curriculum area. Currently
available: Languages: Literacy and English, Languages: Gaelic (learners),
Modern languages, Social studies, Expressive arts, Health and wellbeing,
Languages: Literacy and Gàidhlig, Technologies, Sciences. Other areas will
follow, as will annotated exemplification of evidence of learners' work which
demonstrates achievement of a level.
The January, February and March issues of the CfE Implementation e-bulletin
were published and sent to all schools and colleges.
SQA issued monthly updates to its customers, partners and stakeholders
SQA hosted two Support Events for new Awards during January and February
SQA published Unit Assessment Support for new Awards at the end of January
SQA hosted their programme of Subject Implementation Events from October.
These continue until end of March 2013
SQA published the second package of Unit Assessment Support for National 2
to National 5 Courses at the end of February
SQA published feedback on the draft Unit Specifications for the new Advanced
Higher at the end of February
CfE Management Board – 23 April 2013 – paper 4.1
SQA published the first release of Added Value assessments for National 4 and
Coursework Information for National 5 at the end of February
SQA published Specimen Question Papers for National 5 at the end of
SQA refreshed and launched its CfE website and audience leaflets which are
now available online
SQA issued guidance on a number of policy and operational matters, helping
schools and colleges with the implementation of the new National Qualifications
SQA advertorials were published in a range of publications in this period –
TESS; Teaching Scotland; SecEd; Re:Source; Institute of Directors Scotland;
The Herald.
Planned Actions
New CfE Implementation e-bulletins will be prepared and send on a monthly
Further titles will publish in the CfE Briefing Series
Further web based course materials will publish and a communication activity
plan implemented to support this
Guidance on tracking progress in all curricular areas will publish from the end of
SQA will publish further assessment support materials at the end of March and
the end of April including Added Value Unit assessment for National 4 and
Coursework Information for National 5
SQA will publish Advanced Higher final documents at the end of April
SQA’s CfE webpages and suite of information leaflets (school, college,
universities, parent/carer, learner and employers) will continue to be refreshed
SQA will continue to place advertorials in relevant professional journals, as
Current Activity
NPFS have produced the first eight of the Nationals in a Nutshell. These are
the first in a series of summaries of the National 4 and National 5 qualifications
for parents and carers.
CfE Management Board – 23 April 2013 – paper 4.1
In response to feedback from their parent focus group in November 2012, the
NPFS have held the first two of three Qualifications Plus events for parents and
carers. These events were hosted in partnership with Education Scotland,
Scottish Government and SQA.
SQA continues to provide monthly updates to its customers, partners and
SQA attendance and participation at the NPFS events in March
Planned Actions
User testing will continue to take place to help inform the content and structure
of content provided on the Parentzone website.
A communication activity plan will be developed to support consistent national
messages being applied at a local level.
A CfE Briefing will be developed and distributed around Parental Involvement.
Education Scotland to work with NPFS to support delivery of their
communications activity.
Continue to work with the NPFS to fully understand parental attitudes and
progress, and provide Parent Councils with helpful and relevant information.
Identify and utilise all SG and partner channels (existing and new) that can be
used to reach more parents.
SQA will continue to inform parents and carers about the development and
delivery of the new National Qualifications.
SQA’s CfE webpages and suite of information leaflets (school, college,
universities, parent/carer, learner and employers) will continue to be refreshed
SQA will continue to place advertorials in relevant professional journals, as
Current Activity
CfE Employers' Group, hosted by SG and made up of all the main employer
organisations, meets twice per year to discuss the latest CfE developments
from an employers' perspective.
CfE Management Board – 23 April 2013 – paper 4.1
SQA proactively engaging with employers and business as part of their wider
engagement programme around development of the new qualifications.
Employers are directly involved in the development process.
SQA has a dedicated member of its CfE Liaison Team to engage with
employers and stakeholders.
SQA Advertorials continue to appear in the IoD Scotland magazine.
The SCQF Partnership and Skills Development Scotland are actively engaging
with employers to enhance their understanding of existing and new
qualifications and certification. New materials e.g. qualifications online readyreckoner, employer toolkit on comparing existing and new quals, the My World
of Work resource and the new Career Factsheets are all available on
www.employersandyoungpeople.org .
Planned Actions
Continue to work with employers' organisations directly around these issues via
6-monthly meetings and more regularly via updating the employers and young
people web site and sending email alerts around this.
Promote the new 'Developing Skills in Practice' interactive resource which will
support teachers to embed skills development within their day to day
professional practice.
SQA will continue to engage with employers and keep them informed about the
new qualifications, what skills they will help develop and how they are different
from the current system.
SQA’s CfE webpages and suite of information leaflets (school, college,
universities, parent/carer, learner and employers) will be refreshed
SQA will continue to place advertorials in relevant professional journals, as