CfE Management Board – 13 June 2012 – Paper 4.2 Update from Communications Group: April – May 2012 1. Summary 2. All milestones within the Communication Strategy were delivered in full and on schedule. The CfE Implementation Communications Group has established protocols for ensuring that information and intelligence is shared and there is a cohesive approach to communications across the CfE programme Frequent (weekly) conference calls have been established between the communications colleagues within Scottish Government, Education Scotland and SQA to coordinate media handling and ensure consistency of message. A new CfE E-bulletin has been developed on behalf of the Implementation Group. Varied coverage in media around CfE, much of it focusing on the Audit. Highlights of Activities Completed Much of the activity of the group in recent weeks has been around the launch of the new National Qualifications by SQA and the supporting advice and guidance from Education Scotland. The new approach to communications detailed in the Communications Strategy was put into practice to support the launch of the new NQS. The communications approaches were delivered jointly by SQA and Education Scotland and were based around strong stakeholder engagement and comprehensive briefing packs. The approaches included: Key Messages and Media Lines Communications Activity Plan Press Release Q&A Briefing Document Key Stakeholder Grid Letter to Director of Education Telephone Briefings for Key Stakeholders This was supported by standard marketing communications activity by each agency. This model worked well and the group will employ a similar model for other areas of work. There was positive feedback from stakeholders from the engagement and positive coverage within TESS. The CfE Progress Audit was published on the Education Scotland website and a communications campaign was developed to support this. CfE Management Board – 13 June 2012 – Paper 4.2 3. The CfE Implementation Plan 2012/13 was published on the Education Scotland website and sent electronically to all schools. CfE Briefing Series was launched with the first focusing on Broad General Education. These were published both digitally and in print. The first issue was well received with requests for additional copies. CfE In Action activity continued with limited progress due to local elections SSLN Survey results were communicated as were the learning and teaching points produced by Education Scotland Activities planned for next period 4. New CfE Implementation e bulletin to be launched Next issues of CfE Briefing series to be developed and the next briefing to be drafted and published. Parental version of the BGE Briefing to be published CfE in Action activity plan to continue to be pursued in partnership with Local Authorities Next in the series of the “Using NAR” user guides is being prepared. The focus this time is on Recognising Achievement, Profiling and Reporting. SQA will deliver one full set of printed versions of the final documents and a supply of four new leaflets to all schools and colleges. The next tranche of advice and guidance for the new NQs will be published on the Education Scotland website and a communication package is being developed to support this. Issues None 5. Actions Required by Curriculum for Excellence Management Board Consider whether the key issues and actions are in line with where they see the main communications priorities; Discuss how Board members (and their organisations) can support the communications activities, particularly through the assessment of progress and identification of further actions. Also, is there more which members can do to ensure their members provide an active champion role in delivering the key messages to stakeholders; and Agree that the planned actions described below should proceed as planned. Denise Brock Head of Communications Education Scotland CfE Management Board – 13 June 2012 – Paper 4.2 Detailed activities by stakeholder group 6. Current focus for CfE communications and engagement activity with different stakeholder groups Background Key audiences for CfE communications work remain as parents/carers, practitioners, head teachers, local authorities, education professional associations, the CLD sector, employers, colleges and the HE sector, as well as learners themselves. For Leaders/Managers/Practitioners within the system, the key communications objectives are to support them in the following areas: • Broad General Education – to enable practitioners to fully understand how the Broad General Education and the Senior Phase articulate with each other, supporting their pupils to achieve Third Level outcomes across the curriculum areas and moving to Fourth Level in line with principles of personalisation and choice. • Development of the new qualifications – improved confidence of the achievement of pupils of Third Level outcomes will enable practitioners to engage more confidently in the final phases of the consultation on the new qualifications. • Development of new qualifications – making clear the relationship between the Fourth Level outcomes, S3 and qualifications will improve confidence of practitioners in delivery of the new qualifications • Encourage all audience groups to give feedback on the new qualifications. • Development of assessment – achieving the embedding of Quality Assurance and Moderation in line with BtC5 and the raising of standards consistently across the curriculum within primary schools. • Confidence talking about CfE and engaging with parents – for example, development needs of practitioners and consistency of messages. • Helping learners make sense of CfE and how it is having an impact on their learning. Current Activity • The first in the series of CfE Briefing documents was launched. It focused on Broad General Education and multiple copies were distributed to all schools. Other activity around this included an advert in TESS on 4th May, press release published on Education Scotland website, feature box on Education Scotland CfE Management Board – 13 June 2012 – Paper 4.2 homepage and a series of e-card to all schools. Response to this has been very positive with several requests for additional copies being received. • SQA published the final documents for the new National Qualifications on 30 April and Education Scotland published the advice and guidance. A full package of communications collateral was developed by the group and was supported by individual communications activity by each agency which included a press release, e-cards, targeted emails, use of social media, a suite of SQA leaflets, website banners and adverts. • The results of the CfE Audit were published on 23 May. These were made available via the Education Scotland website and a press release was issued. • The CfE Implementation Plan 2012/13 was published along with a letter from Bill Maxwell, Chair of the Implementation Group on 24 May. It was sent to all schools via email and was published on the Education Scotland website • New case studies were published online around Recognising Achievement, Profiling and Reporting in Early Years and a campaign to promote these was pushed out through various channels including e-cards to schools, use of social media channels and digital channels. • New case studies were published on innovative approaches to QA and Moderation and a campaign to promote these was pushed out through various channels including e-cards to schools, use of social media channels and digital channels. • Promotion of specific resources took place particularly STEM Central advertising on Facebook and Google and promotion of Marks on the Landscape Design Challenge. These promotions used various channels including e-cards to all schools, use of social media channels digital channels and direct communications to relevant stakeholders. • The SSLN Survey results were published at the end of March and throughout April these were promoted through various channels including e-cards to schools, use of social media channels and digital channels • Promotion of latest draft documents on the SQA website and information about the development process and feedback summaries – latest update issued on 30 March covering publication of Advanced Higher Course Rationales and Summaries. • SQA’s CfE Liaison team continuing to engage with practitioners in both state and independent sectors, parents and local authorities • Promotion of package of support available from SQA including 10 CfE Curriculum Area Events in May 2012 • In September 2012, SQA will host another 10 curriculum area events CfE Management Board – 13 June 2012 – Paper 4.2 • SQA have revised their teacher and parent leaflets and created leaflets for learners and employers. These are now available on the website – Guide for Teachers/Lecturers Guide for Parents/Carers Guide for Employers Guide for Learners • The Scottish Government has been working with a group of Headteachers (The Attainment Group), ADES and Education Scotland to look at how we could raise attainment and improve outcomes for all young people in Scotland, within the context of Curriculum for Excellence. As a result of this work, advice was produced and sent out to all teachers in Scotland at the end of March. Work on a wider package of activity is ongoing. A copy of the advice, along with additional support and resources can be found at: • The 'BeXcellent' web resource, developed on behalf of SG by Children in Scotland and the Scottish Youth Parliament, is now available to help support learners' awareness of the key aspects of CfE and how it's changing their learning and teaching. Communications to notify schools will continue in June. Position Required by June 2012 • Local Authorities report that S3 timetables for 2012-2013 reflect BtC principles and entitlements. These are endorsed by ES. • Teachers and parents are reporting increased confidence in the direction of their schools towards the senior phase. NPFS, Trade Unions/Representative organisations, together with local authorities and ES will be asked to evidence this. • Schools, teachers and others are clear about development of the new qualifications, following publication of final details on new National 2 to Higher courses. Parents and employers are aware that there are changes to the National Qualifications. CfE Management Board – 13 June 2012 – Paper 4.2 • Schools, teachers and others report increased confidence with assessment, including with reporting to parents. Every P7 pupil has a profile capturing their best learning and achievements. • All audience groups are aware of the publication of the documents for the new qualifications at National 2 to Higher. Planned Actions • A new CfE Implementation e-bulletin has been prepared and is being reviewed by the Implementation Group. This will be sent to all schools in June. A copy of this is attached as an annex to this paper and can be accessed via the following link • Development of the second in the series of CfE Briefings will be planned. • Continue with promotion of Support for New Qualifications – new tranche of advice and guidance will be promoted. • SQA will continue to promote the existence of the final documents for the new qualifications – National 2 to Higher/ This will include the delivery of one full set of the final documents and a supply of the four new leaflets to every school and college before the end of summer term. • In September 2012, SQA will host 10 curriculum area implementation events. • SQA will continue to promote and encourage feedback on the draft documents for the new Advanced Highers Parents Main Issues • Uneven awareness of/confidence in assessment approaches and information to help them understand their child’s progress. • Uneven involvement of Parent Councils in school planning and implementation of CfE. • Uncertainty about qualifications and about subject choice options for pupils. • Clarity around the entitlement to a broad general education and how this links to preparing learners for the senior phase, and what this means for their child in their school. • Patchy engagement by schools with parents, particularly with parents of the current S2 cohort. CfE Management Board – 13 June 2012 – Paper 4.2 • Many parents unaware of the key messages of CfE, and therefore unclear as to how the intended outcomes will benefit their children. • Parents unclear as to what they should be doing to support their child’s learning. Position Required by June 2012 • NPFS and other partners report parents more sure of the key messages and benefits of CfE. • Parent Councils are discussing CfE regularly at meetings. • Parents more aware of what's new/different around assessment and qualifications. • Parents aware of their school's plans for making subject choices and introducing the new qualifications. • Parents of current P7 children are clear on what to expect in S1-S3. • Parents confident that CfE and the new qualifications will be delivered on time and safely, in order that the benefits will in fact be realised, with a particular reassurance in place for the current S2 cohort. • Parents report increased confidence in CfE as a result of P7 profile and profiling activity within primary schools. Current Activity • The newsletter for parents was distributed on 18 May. SG/Education Scotland /SQA worked in partnership with NPFS to provide up to date and relevant information for parents and Parent Councils via their quarterly newsletter. • CfE in Action, a proactive local media campaign is continuing. Education Scotland is working closely with Local Authority teams to generate positive stories particularly in local media. • A member of NPFS will join the CfE Communications and Engagement Group on a quarterly basis to help inform our planning. • SG is working in partnership with NPFS rep on CfE Management Board to share information on key aspects/developments of the programme with parents/Parent Councils. Next letter due to issue from NPFS rep to all Parent Councils and schools with flier with key messages and signposting to further information for parents in May CfE Management Board – 13 June 2012 – Paper 4.2 • SG hosted an EA seminar on 8 May for EA parental involvement contacts to update them on key aspects of CfE programme in relation to parents and Parent Councils • Parentzone was updated with information on the new National Qualifications • Home /school partnership – Sharing information on progress and learning pages published on Parentzone ings/index.asp. • Questions were published on Parentzone as section in Curriculum for Excellence: Assessment - Frequently asked questions doc. to support Parent Councils. asp?strReferringChannel=parentzone&strReferringPageID=tcm:4-671150-64 • Questions and answers offering responses to some key issues around assessment, written in partnership with the national parent Forum, Scottish Government, the Scottish Qualification Authority and Education Scotland, published on Parentzone asp?strReferringChannel=parentzone&strReferringPageID=tcm:4-671150-64 Dr Allan has had regular meetings with NPFS reps to show appreciation for their support and to understand and show that we are willing to respond to parent concerns. Latest meeting was held on 25 April • SQA has updated and revised its CfE materials for parents, including its leaflet, video clips and content on the parents section of its website, - Guide for Parents/Carers • SQA’s CfE Liaison team have been attending school Parent’s Evenings regularly and SQA’s parent materials are widely available and discussed Planned Actions • An e-card is planned to go to all parent councils via schools providing links to the CfE Audit results and Implementation Plan. • Further update of Parentzone: Getting the most out of parents evenings, questions for parents, developed in partnership with NPFS and went live March 2012 • Further update of Parentzone: Frequently asked questions about assessment being developed, in partnership with Scottish Government, Education Scotland and SQA for Parentzone. Went live March 2012 CfE Management Board – 13 June 2012 – Paper 4.2 • Parents as partners in learning: Assessment and reporting event – March 24 2012. This event was be attended by a few parents and practitioners and was well received • A twilight session took place in Aberdeen, 29 March. Anne Jardine, Director of Learning and Community, Norman Emerson, Programme Director and Irene Russell, Development Officer Parental Involvement joined representatives from Aberdeen City Council, SQA and Scottish Government on a Q & A panel. NPFS Aberdeen rep has asked for further answers to parent questions which were not addressed on the night – Education Scotland is following this up. • Education Scotland to work with NPFS to ensure that their annual conference reflects key messages and supports parental involvement in CfE • Continue to promote the CfE Action Plan 2011/12 and monitor its implementation. Of particular relevance here is the section on engaging with parents at all levels, which covers providing more information and clarification on assessment, profiling, qualifications and reporting progress to parents and ensuring that schools are communicating their plans for the current S2 cohort to their parent communities. • Continue to work with the NPFS to fully understand parental attitudes and progress, and provide Parent Councils with helpful and relevant information. • Use the new films on the impact and benefits of CfE, which were launched on 17 February, and the BeXcellent web resource for young people to help clarify key messages and the USPs of the CfE programme • Develop new School Handbook legislation and Guidance to reflect the importance of schools providing relevant and helpful information to parents on Curriculum for Excellence. • Currently exploring with the SG Digital Team the creation of a CfE web app, containing all the factfiles and other useful material for parents and others. • Continue the Minister's engagement with Parent Council chairs, including weekly phone calls from the Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland’s Languages. • Identify and utilise all SG and partner channels (existing and new) that can be used to reach more parents. • Education Scotland to work with Local Authorities to ensure that schools and other establishments have a coherent action plan for their communications with parents, including a focus on tracking progress and impact. • Supplies of SQA’s updated leaflet for parents/carers will be included in the despatch to schools and colleges in June. Schools and colleges will be asked to share these with their parent groups. CfE Management Board – 13 June 2012 – Paper 4.2 Employers Main Issues • Lack of awareness and understanding of how the learning in the Broad General Education supports the Senior Phase achievements and qualifications. • Lack of awareness around development of the new qualifications including the potential for bypass of levels and the links to the four capacities. • Lack of awareness around how the new qualifications relates to the current system, and potential assumptions being made re levels and quality of the new qualifications (linked to a lack of awareness re SCQF). • Concerns around how work ready young people are when they are leaving education. Actions to Address the Issues • CfE Employers' Group, hosted by SG and made up of all the main employer organisations, meets twice per year (first meeting took place in February 2012, next meeting planned for September 2012) to discuss the latest CfE developments from an employers' perspective. • SQA proactively engaging with employers and business as part of their wider engagement programme around development of the new qualifications. Employers are directly involved in the development process. • SQA has developed new promotional materials for employers and young people. These are now available on our website and have been disseminated through various channels including the employers and young people and employers' group members’ web sites. Guide for Employers and Guide for Learners - • Advertorial introducing the final qualifications scheduled for the summer edition of IoD magazine. • The SCQF Partnership and Skills Development Scotland are actively engaging with employers to enhance their understanding of existing and new qualifications and certification. New materials e.g. qualifications online readyreckoner, employer toolkit on comparing existing and new quals, the My World of Work resource and the new Career Factsheets are all available on . Position Required by June 2012 • Better awareness around development of the new qualifications, how they are reported and how they relate to the current system. CfE Management Board – 13 June 2012 – Paper 4.2 • More confidence that CfE is addressing young people's enterprise, employability and entrepreneurial skills. • More confidence that we are joining up the CfE learning with the Post 16 education landscape outside of the school environment. Planned Actions • Continue to work with employers' organisations directly around these issues via 6-monthly meetings and more regularly via updating the employers and young people web site and sending email alerts around this. • Promote the new 'Developing Skills in Practice' interactive resource which will support teachers to embed skills development within their day to day professional practice. • SQA will continue to engage with employers and keep them informed about the new qualifications, what skills they will help develop and how they are different from the current system.