Document 12971285

CfE Implementation e-bulletin
April 2013
Welcome to the April edition of the CfE
Implementation e-bulletin. In this issue we are
delighted to announce the launch of several
new resources to support teachers and schools
in their preparations for the new qualifications.
These include web-based course materials,
Added Value Unit support and assessment,
coursework information and other additional
support materials.
Each month we aim to provide you with support around some of the significant
issues and questions currently being addressed. We want to provide you with
the right level of information and would like to welcome any ideas or
suggestions you may have to help inform future publications. Simply email your
thoughts to
Bill Maxwell
Chair of the CfE Implementation Group
Course materials across the full range of National 4 and National 5 qualifications
have now been published on the dedicated area in Glow.
Education Scotland has been working very closely with ADES in co-ordinating
the development and publication of these materials to encourage sharing of
resources at a national level. The course materials, which have been developed
over the past few months, started publishing in December of last year and are
already being used by professionals across the country. All of the materials
have been developed by teachers for teachers. They are exemplars which
teachers may find helpful to adapt to their own circumstances.
Teachers are encouraged to draw on these materials, and existing materials, to
develop their own programmes of learning which are appropriate to the needs
of learners within their own context.
The course materials area on Glow provides quick, secure and easy access to
the range of web-based course materials available and will be built on as time
progresses and further materials are shared. This is part of a package of
support which includes advice and guidance and professional focus papers.
This new approach to sharing resources and expertise is designed to support
practitioners as part of a national professional learning community. It is
intended to support teachers and schools in their preparations for the new
National 4 Added Value Unit assessment
SQA has now published all three releases of Unit assessments for National 4
Added Value Units. National 4 Added Value Unit assessments are held securely
and teachers/lecturers can arrange access to these documents through their
SQA Co-ordinator.
To find out more about National 4 Added Value Unit assessment, please visit the
subject pages of SQA’s website.
National 5 coursework information
SQA has published all three releases of coursework information for National 5
Courses. Each release has been published in two parts: general assessment
information and coursework assessment tasks.
General assessment information for National 5 Courses is available on the
subject pages of SQA’s website.
Coursework assessment tasks are held securely and teachers/lecturers can
arrange access to these by contacting their SQA Co-ordinator.
Unit Assessment Support for National 2 to National 5
SQA has published the third of its Unit Assessment Support packs for National 2
to National 5. All three packages of Unit Assessment Support are held securely
and teachers/lecturers can arrange access to them through their SQA Coordinators.
Further information on Unit Assessment Support can be found on each of the
subject pages of SQA’s website.
Nationals in a Nutshell
This series of documents from The National Parent Forum for Scotland provides
parents/carers with useful summaries of the new National Qualifications. You
can now find 25 summaries online with a further titles to follow for National 4
and National 5 combinations.
These are available on the National Parent Forum of Scotland website.
The Curriculum for Excellence Learner Journey
National Parent Forum of Scotland has developed a simple visual graph to help
guide parents and carers through the CfE Learner Journey including a step by
step guide of the five curriculum levels of the Broad General Education and into
the Senior Phase including the National Qualifications. This is now available on
the National Parent Forum of Scotland website.
Advanced Higher documents
SQA has now finalised and published documents for the new Advanced Higher
Courses commencing in August 2015. To access these documents, please visit
the subject pages of SQA’s website.
New CfE Briefing: The Role of Community Learning and Development
and Partnership Working
A new title in this popular series has published on the Education Scotland
website. The briefing focuses on The Role of Community Learning and
Development (CLD) and Partnership working. It explores the important
contribution that CLD is making to CfE outcomes for learners through
partnership working in educational establishments and communities.
This is the 10th title in the series and all other titles are available to download
from the Education Scotland website.
The report on the national performance in literacy in Scottish schools was
published on 24 April. The findings of the Scottish Survey of Literacy and
Numeracy can be found on the Scottish Government website.
To coincide with the publication of the report, Education Scotland has provided
a set of professional learning resources to help practitioners develop the literacy
skills of their pupils. The support materials are available on the Education
Scotland website. Further literacy resources based on an in depth analysis of
the survey results will be made available in September 2013.
Curriculum for Excellence and Higher Education
Curriculum for Excellence is ambitious for all young people and aligns with
universities’ aspirations for young people to demonstrate a range of personal
qualities, skills and knowledge. We have been engaging positively with
universities to promote understanding of how teaching and learning is being
transformed in Scotland's schools. Scottish universities have been developing
statements on entrance requirements that reflect Curriculum for Excellence.
Many universities have now placed information about their general admissions
policies online and several more statements are expected shortly. For entry to
Scottish universities, Highers will remain the key entry qualifications. University
leaders across Scotland have affirmed that they are committed to fair
admissions policies and equal consideration of candidates who demonstrate the
necessary knowledge and skills base for their chosen course, taking into
account that they may well follow different routes through the senior phase
National guidance makes clear that each school and its education authority
should ensure that every young person who is able has the opportunity to meet
the relevant university entrance requirements. You can find more information
about universities and Curriculum for Excellence on the Education Scotland
Individual University Statements:
University of St. Andrews
University of Aberdeen
University of Abertay Dundee
Robert Gordon University
University of Glasgow
Glasgow Caledonian University
University of Edinburgh
Scottish Studies Award
SQA has finalised and published documents for the new Scottish Studies Award.
The Award Specifications and Project Unit Specifications will support teachers
and lecturers by helping them to prepare for teaching the new Scottish Studies
Award from August 2013 onwards. To find out more, visit the Scottish Studies
Award page of SQA’s website.
SCQF interactive ready reckoner
SQA’s online interactive ready reckoner has recently been updated to show
when the new National Qualifications will be introduced and where they fit on
the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). To access the ready
reckoner, visit
SQA Co-ordinator Conferences
SQA will hold six events across Scotland in June 2013 for school SQA Coordinators and other relevant representatives. These events will offer SQA Coordinators the opportunity to attend information sessions and training
workshops to help support them in any changes to delivery processes that are
associated with the new qualifications and the 2014 exams.
Find out more at