Dundee and Angus College – External review / AEV (20 June 2014) Excellent practice Rapid improvement events The college has made good use of rapid improvement events since its merger to bring about working solutions to integrating systems, processes and procedures from the legacy colleges. Both colleges had well tested and tried systems but they differed in many fundamental aspects of operation. The merger provided the opportunity to use the expertise and experience of staff from both legacy colleges to develop new business processes that would best meet the needs of learners and staff in the new multi-campus college. Staff developed the rapid improvement events in conjunction with colleagues from the University of St Andrews who had experience of implementing Lean techniques in business system improvements. For each rapid improvement event, relevant staff with the experience and expertise to examine the issue are released from their normal duties and spend a few days working out a solution to a particular issue. The team deconstruct existing systems and question how best learners can be served by alternative and more effective approaches. The event helps develop very good teamwork as members are open and non-protective about existing practices and problem solve to find the best solution for learners. Discussions often trigger a training needs agenda for staff who will implement the new approaches. At the end of the period together, the team present the new system to a broad range of senior managers and staff. Together they make the decision whether the new system can be implemented. Staff are very happy with this approach, preferring to use a system developed with their input. To date, the college has undertaken rapid improvement events in relation to: learner application and admissions; personal learning and support plans; learner funding and financial support; enrolment processes; and customer engagement. The next rapid improvement event will deal with reflection and self-evaluation. Customer service feedback from new learners completing the online admissions survey for the new admissions process indicates a 98% satisfaction rate.