• Consider the implications of purpose and audience for... • Read together a range of different examples of... Modelling skills at different stages of the writing process

Modelling skills at different stages of the writing process
Consider the implications of purpose and audience for the piece
Read together a range of different examples of writing created by published
writers, by the teacher and by other learners
Using examples of the type of writing that you want learners to attempt,
identify and “notice” with them specific features of the writing that they should
try to replicate
Use scaffolds or writing frames and collaborate to build upon the headings /
Work together to create mindmaps or use graphic organisers
Plan for the technical aspects of the piece such as vocabulary, connectives
and openers
Plan for the genre conventions of the piece, e.g. character, setting and plot for
a short story; arguments for and against and supporting evidence for an
argumentative piece etc.
Carry out same task as your learners and model how you review your own
Use videos/ commentaries of real writers talking about how they review their
As the piece is taking shape, learners can engage in regular teacher/peer
dialogue in which successes are highlighted and next steps discussed so that
the work is continuously improving
When the piece is completed, learners can review the overall shape of the
piece, focussing on the larger structural features such as the order of
paragraphs, parts of the work that are under-developed or over-developed
Use a visualiser or whiteboard to demonstrate the process of annotating,
crossing out, replacing and correcting different elements of the piece
Edit electronic documents together, demonstrating how to use features of
word processing packages such as spell check, grammar check, headings,
formatting etc
Share and apply the class/ school edit code and give learners green pens to
“mark” their own work or the work of their peers
• Plan for opportunities to work with a range of formats, including online formats
such as blogs or wikis
• Consider purpose and audience in order to select an appropriate format