Summary of evaluation of the educational psychology service A report by HM Inspectorate of Education South Ayrshire Council 2 February 2010 Definition of terms used in this report. HM Inspectors use published criteria when making evaluations. They are published as quality indicators which relate evaluations to six levels. HMIE began using a six-point scale to make evaluations in August 2005. The table below shows how the six-point scale relates to the four-point scale that we used previously. Old level Very good Good New level Excellent Very good Good Fair Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Weak Unsatisfactory Description Outstanding, sector leading Major strengths Important strengths with some areas for improvement Strengths just outweigh weaknesses Important weaknesses Major weaknesses This report also uses the following words to describe numbers and proportions: almost all most majority less than half few over 90% 75-90% 50-74% 15-49% up to 15% Contents Page 1. The aims, nature and scope of the inspection 1 2. What key outcomes has the service achieved? 1 3. How well does the service meet the needs of its stakeholders? 2 4. How good is the service’s delivery of key processes? 3 5. How good is the service’s management? 3 6. How good is leadership? 4 Appendix 1 - Quality indicators 6 1. The aims, nature and scope of the inspection Recommendation 20 of the Review of Provision of Educational Psychology Services in Scotland (2002) charged HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE), on behalf of the Scottish Ministers, to provide an external evaluation of the effectiveness of the Educational Psychology Service (EPS) in improving the impact and outcomes for children, young people and families. The inspection of South Ayrshire educational psychology provision was undertaken on behalf of stakeholders. The evaluation of EPS was conducted within a framework of quality indicators which embody the Government’s policy on Best Value. The inspection team also included an associate assessor who was a principal educational psychologist (PEP) serving in another Scottish local authority. This web-based report should be read alongside other strategic inspections of South Ayrshire Council which sets out the wider context in which EPS are delivered. The Educational Psychology Service South Ayrshire psychological service was centrally located within Queen Margaret Academy in Ayr. The PEP was based in the Council headquarters with other members of the Children and Community Directorate. The staffing structure consisted of 6.5 full-time equivalents (FTE), one PEP, four senior educational psychologists (SEP) and two and a half main grade educational psychologists (EP). At the time of the inspection the service had 5.9 FTE psychologists and a full-time assistant psychologist. The service has had four PEP over the last six years. The authority has also experienced a number of reorganisations at senior levels over the last few years. 2. What key outcomes has the service achieved? The EPS had begun to show improvements at a strategic level within the Children and Community Directorate. They were able to show increased performance over the last two years in relation to targets set within the EPS improvement plan. For example, at a strategic level they had effectively supported the authority in the implementation of the The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 (ASL) and in developing a staged intervention model as outlined in the authority’s Inclusion Manual. More recently they had been involved in strategic working groups to develop the authority’s More Choices, More Chances (MCMC) Strategy and to improve outcomes for looked after children through the use of more effective transition arrangements. They had also assisted the authority in the production of updated guidance for dyslexia and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The service had also made positive contributions to the Council’s multi-agency strategy for crisis intervention resulting in the publication of Should Crisis Call. The dissemination of training in Solution Oriented Principles and Skills Training had begun to have an impact on how schools interacted and engaged with children and young people. At a service level they had successfully implemented the majority of the recommendations made in an external service review held in 2007. For example, they had developed strategies for better stakeholder engagement which had resulted in changes to service delivery. They had also 1 improved their delivery of service to stakeholders by increasing the range of services which they offer, and they had produced a service improvement plan which was better integrated with the authority plan. The EPS now needs to build on these outcomes to show continued and sustainable improvements over time set against national, local and service targets. The service effectively complied with all appropriate guidance and legislation. Greater consistency in the application of some guidance is required. Statutory requirements were embedded in individual practice and service documentation. 3. How well does the service meet the needs of its stakeholders? Most children and young people were happy with the service they received from the EPS and felt that it had made a difference. They were not always clear about the role of the EP, and the majority of schools did not feel that the involvement of the EP had improved outcomes for children and young people. Almost all parents reported positively about their involvement with the EPS. There were good examples of parents being effectively involved in planning to meet their children’s needs. For example, parents of pre-school and secondary-aged children with additional support needs (ASN) were fully involved in planning for their children in the context of the Early Years Forum and Joint Support Teams. Not all parents found it easy to access the EPS and a few would have liked more involvement by the service in training and supporting inclusion. The service was beginning to offer a more consistent service to schools which was starting to impact positively on stakeholders. The range of services delivered had also increased which was building capacity in a few schools. For example, there was an increased amount of training offered through the authority continuing professional development programme for teachers and a few other agencies. These courses had been evaluated very positively and were reported as having impacted on practice. Additionally, the research assistant under the supervision of the EP, had offered individual schools specific whole school and small group interventions. These had also been evaluated as high quality interventions by participants. The service now needs to provide greater consistency of service delivery and a wider range of support for all stakeholders. The service had begun to have a greater impact on the wider community. They were developing more innovative practice which they had recently shared with the profession nationally. For example, the PEP had presented at the national conference for EPs in Scotland on South Ayrshire’s approach to cluster-group consultation. For example, the PEP had presented at the national conference for EPs in Scotland on South Ayrshire’s approach to cluster consultation. The PEP and senior officers of the authority had worked hard to develop a more positive ethos within the service where staff felt valued. Evaluations of staff ethos demonstrated improvements in staff morale and confidence. All staff were now more involved in service planning and most had specific roles and responsibilities to ensure that targets were met. All staff were involved in regular annual performance reviews linked directly to professional development outcomes. There is now a need to develop increased opportunities for staff to work jointly at all levels of service delivery to increase professional competence. 2 4. How good is the service’s delivery of key processes? Over the last two years the service had begun to extend and develop the range of services delivered to schools and other stakeholders at individual, establishment and authority levels. Consultation had been a key focus of work and the service had made very good progress in piloting a consultation approach to working with schools and individuals. This was supported by authority training to schools in solution oriented approaches. Assessment was delivered well at an individual casework level and a full range of assessment tools were used. The service had also provided assessment advice for schools on dyslexia and followed national guidance on appropriate assessment approaches. The EPS approach to assessment needs to be disseminated more widely to stakeholders and EPs need to develop more consistent approaches to the delivery of assessment services. Interventions at individual, family and school levels were good with an appropriate range of psychological approaches used. For example, integrated play was being developed to support ASD pupils, precision teaching had been advised for individual children and as a cluster approach to teaching. Professional development and training was a growing area of development within the service and this had been recognised by schools. The PEP and a few EPs had provided high quality training at an authority level through the authority’s continuous professional development (CPD) calendar. For example, Solution Oriented Principles and Skills Training, Cooperative Learning, Circle of Friends, and phonological awareness training. Further training had also been provided by the link EP and research assistant at school and cluster levels on topics such as, anger management strategies, emotional literacy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and positive behaviour management. The service now needs to deliver training to impact directly on school’s and other stakeholder’s improvement targets. Research and development was still at the beginning stages of development with the focus on evaluating service delivery to inform improvement planning and in evaluating intervention strategies delivered to schools. For example, the evaluation of Circle of Friends, anger management; emotional literacy; and Friends for Life. The EPS had also evaluated the impact of authority interventions such as the Alpha Plus programme and the Additional Teachers Project. Individual members of staff were also involved in strategic development for the authority such as the ASN monitoring group, the Pupil Support and Inclusion strategy group, the Alpha Plus and MCMC steering groups and the Accessibility strategy group. Many of these groups were beginning to impact on policy development. The service now needs to build on its strengths to develop a wider portfolio of services in each of the five core areas of service delivery at each of the three levels. This needs to be delivered by all EPs in a coordinated and planned way to ensure consistent practice and equality of access. 5. How good is the service’s management? The service had a comprehensive range of policies and practice guidance covering most aspects of service operation. The inclusion of these in the service handbook ensured that they were readily accessible to staff. However, psychologists indicated that many of the policies were still to be fully embedded in service operation. The service should now ensure engagement by relevant stakeholders in the process of evaluating, reviewing and updating policies. This year’s service improvement plan 3 linked clearly with local and national priorities. The plan was informed by evidence from stakeholder surveys and contained elements carried forward from previous plans. There was now a clear planning cycle with a well-written Standards and Quality report resulting from the review of the 2007-2008 improvement plan. Joint planning with partner agencies was not yet in evidence and should be developed. Targets were confused with actions. Fewer and more clearly focused targets will help to provide greater clarity. A more systematic approach to involve stakeholders in service development had been made in the past two years. A wide range of questionnaires and some focus groups had been used to evaluate the service. These now need to become embedded into routine service delivery and to involve a larger range of stakeholders, such as health professionals, social workers and other agencies. 6. How good is leadership? The PEP provided very strong leadership. Together with senior officers from the authority, a clear vision and direction for the service had been established. Working closely with senior officers she had successfully integrated the EPS into authority planning and strategic development. She played significant strategic and operational roles within the service and had been particularly successful in giving clear direction to EPs about how EPS should be delivered within South Ayrshire. Most staff now felt that they could share in the vision and that they had support from the authority in developing a strong service. Creativity and innovation was encouraged and very well supported, however it was not yet having a significant impact on service delivery. Sound management systems and processes to ensure continuous improvement had been well established and now needed to be consolidated. The service had a strong capacity for improvement with the current leadership and staffing. 4 Key strengths The service had: • demonstrated very effective leadership by the PEP supported by senior officers; • provided an effective service to individual families/carers of children and young people with ASN which was highly valued; and • aligned their planning objectives to those of the Council resulting in a more integrated approach to service planning and delivery. Main points for action The service should: • build on existing processes to engage more stakeholders and partners in the development of policy and practice; • develop more effective ways of monitoring performance and outcomes to support continuous improvement; • continue to develop partnership working at both strategic and operational levels; • improve the range and quality of psychological services to achieve greater impact and outcomes for all stakeholders; and • continue to improve equality and access to services. There are some important improvements needed, but because EPS have a good understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement, and are performing well we have ended the inspection process at this stage. We will monitor progress through our regular contact with the education authority. Dr Laura-Ann Currie HM Inspector Directorate 5 February 2010 5 Appendix 1 Quality Indicator Improvements in performance Fulfilment of statutory duties Impact on children and young people Impact on parents, carers and families Impact on staff Impact on the local community Impact on the wider community Consultation and advice Assessment Intervention Provision of professional development and training for other groups including parents, teachers and health professionals Research and strategic development Inclusion, equality and fairness Policy development and review Participation of stakeholders Operational planning Partnership working Leadership and direction Leadership of change and improvement Evaluation satisfactory good satisfactory good satisfactory satisfactory good satisfactory satisfactory good good satisfactory good good satisfactory good satisfactory very good good 6 If you would like to find out more about our inspections or get an electronic copy of this report, please go to Please contact us if you want to know how to get the report in a different format, for example, in a translation, or if you wish to comment about any aspect of our inspections. 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