Shetland College Showcase for Excellence : Preparing learners for Scottish Vocational

Shetland College
Showcase for Excellence : Preparing learners for Scottish Vocational
Qualification (SVQ) level 2 in Health and Social Care
In partnership with Shetland Islands Council, teaching staff have recognised the
need to prepare employees within the care industry for mandatory registration as
social care workers. Teaching staff have developed a return to learn programme to
support employees who have not engaged with formal learning for many years. The
primary aim of the programme is to enable returning learners to develop their
confidence and progress to the SVQ level 2 in Health and Social Care in order to
achieve registration with the Scottish Social Services Council. The college has
developed a 10 week day-release programme which assists learners to develop their
communication and Information and Communications Technology skills,
contextualised within the care setting. Learners have the opportunity to gain
accreditation in communication at Intermediate 1 level.
The programme supports learners to develop reflective writing skills and use the
college e-portfolio assessment building software. These were identified as key skills
to support the transition and achievement of the SVQ level 2 in Health and Social
Care. The programme is delivered in partnership with SIC Adult Learning staff and
input from SVQ staff. Three intakes of up to 14 learners participate in the
programme annually. Learner evaluation of the programme has been very positive
with learners citing confidence building, and removal of the fear of returning to
learning. The majority of learners have progressed successfully to the SVQ level 2
programme and a few are undertaking SVQ level 3.