Context of learning:

Context of learning:
The learner uses different types of software - Comic Life, Microsoft Word and Adobe – to create a variety of texts .The learner also makes use of QR codes to share
their learning with others.
Experiences and Outcomes:
As I extend and enhance my knowledge of features of various types of software, including those which help find, organise, manage and access information, I
can apply what I learn in different situations. TCH 2-03a
Throughout all my learning, I can use search facilities of electronic sources to access and retrieve information, recognising the importance this has in my
place of learning, at home and in the workplace. TCH 2-03b
I explore and experiment with the features and functions of computer technology and I can use what I learn to support and enhance my learning in different
contexts. TCH 2-04a
I can create, capture and manipulate sounds, text and images to communicate experiences, ideas and information in creative and engaging ways. TCH 204b
Learning Statements:
Recognise the benefits of using various types of search facilities and apply this to find, organise, manage and use information in different situations.
Identify and use appropriate technologies and discuss the links to technological developments.
Investigate and experiment with the features and functions of computer technology that support and enhance learning, at home and in the workplace.
Recognise the benefits of using various types of search facilities and apply this to find, organise, manage and use information in
different situations.
Learner Voice
I had to think about the reliability of the information
that is found on the internet. A source is not always
objective if it has commercial interests and so when
you use a search engine you have to be able to
organise the results of your search so you can find
what you’re looking for.
Teacher Voice
The learner has demonstrated how to find information
by using a variety of search engines effectively
including Yahoo, Google and Bing etc.
The learner could select the most relevant
information and use this to evaluate a website in
terms of accuracy, authority, objectivity, timeliness
and coverage.
Identify and use appropriate technologies and discuss the links to technological developments.
The learner researched format, font and content on-line
to ascertain the key features of a report. The learner
made use of a variety of tools within given software to
create a realistic and meaningful newspaper article.
Teacher Voice
It was much faster to create my report using the
computer. It was harder to correct mistakes on the
written version. It was easier to print out plenty of
copies of my report and it also looked more
Learner Voice
Identify and use appropriate technologies and discuss the links to technological developments.
Investigate and experiment with the features and functions of computer technology that support and enhance learning, at home and in
the workplace
Teacher Voice:
(i) Adobe Yearbook Page
(ii) HWB Evaluation
using Comic Life
(iii) QR Code to direct
reader to piece of
music created by
The learner used a variety or software in a wide range of
activities. The focused activity here is the use of ‘Comic
Life’ and Microsoft Word which children have rated as
some of the best types of software to present work on.
The learner used a variety of search facilities and learned
how to use these effectively. In addition to this, the learner
made effective use of an evaluation tool to analyse web
resources in terms of accuracy, authority, objectivity,
timeliness, and coverage. The learner developed an
understanding that consideration of these factors will weed
out many of the inaccurate or trivial sites they may
encounter. The learner transferred their knowledge to a
‘Webbies’ book which advised their peers on how to use
the internet to its full potential. The learner used ICT to
assist their learning across the curriculum. Through this
the learner can confidently use a variety of software and
current technological developments to present and
enhance their learning (Comic Life, Microsoft Office,
Adobe, QR Codes etc.)
Learner Voice:
Using Software and search facilities:
When we created the newspaper reports I couldn’t believe how well
mine turned out. It really looks like it is from World War II. I really had
to think about the font I would use and did research to make sure it
looked realistic. There were some excellent sources on the National
History website and through the ‘BBC History’ App. where we could
read articles. My favourite piece of learning was formatting as I didn’t
know how to align and send pictures behind text. I actually designed
my Christmas cards on Word using some of what we had learned in
Finding, managing, organising and using information in different
‘We all filmed our musical inventions using the flip cam. Everyone
wanted to show their parents so we learned about QR codes and how
they can improve accessibility. We uploaded our videos to Glow and
created one using a QR creator website. All we had to do was take a
screen shot (if you were using a tablet) or copy and paste (laptops). I
loved doing this, I think I’m going to suggest doing it for loads; and
then everyone can SEE my learning!
Learner explores and researches newspaper
Learner selects software to present and edit newspaper article
Learner uses tools from Microsoft Office to write a realistic and meaningful newspaper article detailing the beginnings of WW2…
Learner uses a variety of formatting tools to manage, format and organise
information ...
Learner evaluates how effective web sources are...