Learner Voice Teacher Voice We looked at the exterior of the nursery to help us think about how it could be improved. We started by asking the children to articulate why the nursery entrance was not as inviting as it could have been. Little kids like bright colours but the outside of the nursery was just plain and boring. You couldn’t guess it was a place where little children learn because the wall was lifeless and there was no colour on it. Design Brief: We have been asked to make the nursery entrance more welcoming. Our design must be colourful, cheerful and it should show that the nursery is a friendly place where young chi ldren enjoy coming to learn. Experiences and Outcomes: As I extend and enhance my knowledge of features of various types of software, including those which help find, organise, manage and access information, I can apply what I learn in different situations. TCH 1-03a I can access, retrieve and use information from electronic sources to support, enrich or extend learning in different contexts. TCH 1-03b I explore and experiment with the features and functions of computer technology and I can use what I learn to support and enhance my learning in different contexts. TCH 1-04a Learning Statements: Understand the uses of, and utilise, various types of search facilities and apply this to find, organise, and use information in different situations. Explore and use technologies, considering and discussing with others ways in which they help us. Our Woodland Walk: Our school is close to an area where there are lots of trees. Children enjoy playing there because there are lots of colours and interesting things to see. When we had our class discussion we decided that we would like to make the nursery entrance less boring by making it feel more like this interesting place. We decided to find out more about the woodland by going on a walk as a class. The learners were in charge when it came to deciding upon the theme for the nursery wall. During our class discussion they decided that certain environments made them more cheerful. Many of the pupils identified the woodland area as a place where they felt happy and free. When we had a discussion about why they enjoyed this particular place, they were able to identify aspects of nature such as plants and animals. Allowing the class to determine the theme of the design provided them with a sense of ownership and enhanced their desire to take the project forward. The outdoor research gave the learner inspiration, motivation and the basis for being creative. The learner used the woodland walk as a stimulus to engage in purposeful research in the classroom. I liked the different textures. The leaves which had fallen off the trees were crunchy, the petals from the flowers were smooth and the bark on the tree trunk was rough. The flowers were pretty colours and I saw a frog. I want to go back to the classroom and find out about frogs. The roots of the oak tree were curling into the ground. The trunk of the tree was straight and the leaves were ovals. I hadn’t really looked before. The learners were told that they would be using laptops in their next step of the project so that they could research a plant or animal which they would like to use as part of their special design for the nursery wall. This meant that they were looking very closely at everything around them so that they could choose what they wanted to research. When you go onto Google and look up “mouse” you get information about animals but also about the computer mouse. I realised that my results made more sense when I searched for “mouse animal”. ICT time helped me learn about frogs. Frogs live in swamps and ponds and if they dry up they will die. I had to decide which websites gave me information about frogs that I could trust. I am enjoying learning about squirrel facts and I want to learn more about squirrels’ enemies. I like using the electronic notebook because it was quicker than finding it in a book. I liked using the laptop because when you go to the school library to find information in a book it takes longer and sometimes it doesn’t have the book you are looking for. But you have to check who wrote the stuff on the internet because anyone can put things on there and they might not be true. When I search the internet I use Google but my friend uses Yahoo so we used both of them and the results we got were different. There are other search engines you can use too like KidRex which is for children, so the results you get aren’t so hard to understand. Through active learning, the learner developed the skills to make effective use of search engines to find information. Through discussion, the learner showed awareness that results are not always reliable and may not always be helpful. By engaging in research, the learner considered the following questions: Who wrote it? Who did they write it for? Can I trust it? As a result, the learner could give reasons for trusting a particular website or piece of information. Some of the websites were too hard so I went onto the National Geographic Kids site and found the facts I needed because they wrote that one for people my age. Working in pairs, the learner could articulate the advantages and limitations of on-line search facilities to a thinking partner. The learner enjoyed using the internet to find information in a new and unfamiliar context and applied their learning to create a bright, vibrant and welcoming nursery entrance.