learning about how people live today and in the past.

Second Level:
Social Studies
Significant Aspect of Learning: Developing an understanding of the world by
learning about how people live today and in the past.
Learner’s Voice = red
Experiences and Outcomes
Learning Statements
I can compare and contrast a society in the past with
my own and contribute to a discussion of the
similarities and differences. SOC 2- 04 a
Provides informed accounts (with examples) of the
similarities and differences between life now and life in the
past or between life in Scotland and life in another area of the
I can discuss why people and events from a
particular time in the past were important, placing
them within a historical sequence. SOC 2 -06 a
I can gather and use information about forms of
discrimination against people in societies and
consider the impact this has on people’s lives.
SOC 2 -16 b
Teacher’s Voice = blue
Demonstrates how current events and events in the past can
have both immediate and long term consequences.
Context of Learning: Perform a play about Victorian
To demonstrate their understanding of the differences
between Victorian Scotland and the present day, the
learners scripted and performed a play to the school and
parents. An assembly about the lives of children in
Liberia allowed them to compare and analyse these
similarities and differences even further.
Describes major social or economic inequalities in Scotland.
Context of Learning: Victorian inventions
Using the internet and topic books, the children
researched famous Victorians. They then focused on
Victorian inventors and inventions. Invention timelines
were created so that the children could plot the great
changes in technology and design over the Victorian
The children made comparisons with modern day
inventions and then attempted to predict what
technological innovations there might be in the future.
The learner illustrated their research of Victorian
inventions by making timelines that revealed the
scale of time and speed of change of technological
Through in depth class discussions the learner
analysed and debated why these changes occur.
Through discussion, they could identify some long
term positive and negative consequences as to
why some inventions changed society.
The learner performed a play to parents about
Victorian life. Aspects in the play were used to
broaden their knowledge and understanding about
some major social inequalities in Scotland, such as
child poverty. Through discussion and internet
research, the learner was able to make comparisons
with living standards and expectations of other
societies in the world today.
The learner was able to demonstrate their knowledge
of some of the differences between their lives and
those of children from Liberia.
Context of Learning: Community past and present
The children learnt about how their local community had changed
over the years by studying models of the village, old photographs and
listening to accounts from older members of the community.
Context of Learning: WW2 evacuees and immigration
The learners had the opportunity to interview a local resident who
has been an evacuee during WW2. They used higher order
thinking skills to improve the questions they asked. Making
comparisons with modern immigration, they then compared the
evacuee experience by interviewing a staff member who had
moved to Scotland from Eastern Europe.
This activity gave the learner an
appreciation for how much and why
some things have changed in the
local community, like the different
shops and trades.
Through interaction with older
members of the community, the
learner demonstrated their capacity
as a responsible citizen.
The learner enjoyed the opportunity
to ask lots of questions and discover
new stories and insight into the
community where they live.
The learner improved their questioning skills from the first
interview to hot seat a member of staff who had moved from
Eastern Europe. The learner evaluated the information to
compare the challenges living as an evacuee away from
home with the challenges that are met by current
immigrants to the region. This inspired the learner to learn
some basic phrases in Polish.
The learner has extended their knowledge and
understanding of how Scottish society continues to change
and develop.