Experiences and Outcomes
I can discuss the environmental impact of human activity and suggest ways in which we can live in a more environmentally responsible way. SOC 2 -08 a
I can consider the advantages and disadvantages of a proposed land use development and discuss the impact this may have on the community.
SOC 2 -08 b
By considering the type of text I am creating, I can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in an appropriate way for my purpose and use suitable vocabulary for my audience. LIT 2-26a
Learning Statements
Describes and explains the impact of a local development or transport system on the environment and recognises the importance of sustainable development.
Compares and contrasts land use of a local environment with that of a contrasting environment.
Assesses a range of news stories and arguments about environmental issues or views about key turning points from the past and decides with reasons which one(s) they find most trustworthy.
Context of Learning: Research and report writing about flooding
The children researched the causes and effects of flooding in Scotland. They used the Internet to research a variety of news stories about flooding, including how the land use of a local environment can contribute to flooding. They wrote a report to share their findings.
Context of Learning: Public meeting to discuss a new hydro dam
The learners used role-play and debating skills to explore some of the potential pros and cons of a hypothetical new hydro dam in their area. They analysed what impact the dam would have on a variety of factors, including: jobs, environment, wildlife and renewable energy.
Prior lessons explained what happened with deforestation in the Rainforest.
I made a poster to advertise the proposal of a new hydro dam. I was given a choice of a yes or no vote. To help us make up our minds our teacher gave us some people we could pretend to be, and we discussed what we thought each person would prefer and why they would think like this. I pretended to be different characters and said what I thought they might say at a public meeting. There was quite a bit out shouting! Everyone came out in front of the class to say why it would be good or why it shouldn
’t go ahead. After listening to everyone, we had a class vote.
The learner demonstrated effective literacy skills in analysing and carefully selecting information for a written report that describes and explain cause and effect. The learner’s report was comprehensive, combining descriptive and factual reporting writing with map work.
The learner was successful in using a variety of sources and considering how trustworthy they were.
The learner successfully explored the pros and cons of the development by using role-play. They experienced both sides of the debate by effectively pretending to be different characters with different concerns or ambitions for the project.
The learner realised how complicated the debate was and demonstrated an understanding of how the
Scottish economy aims to meet a local community’s needs. They are beginning to recognise the potential conflict between the needs and wants of the economy and of the environment.
I wrote a report about the causes and effects of flooding in Scotland. I used the Internet and tried to find as many different sources as possible. It was difficult to know what to trust when different sources said different things.
Context of Learning: Improving the environment
The activity connected the children’s learning directly with the school’s Eco Award. The children surveyed the local community outside school, looking for areas and opportunities to improve their local environment. They also consulted a senior citizens group. As a result, they identified garden beds in the village and the local woods as areas they could help improve.
The children researched a range of news stories and arguments about environmental issues worldwide and focused individually on charities that work to protect the environment. Through careful research and debate of these charities the class then voted for one to support as part of their Enterprise fundraising activities.
I worked with the senior citizens group to identify areas of our village where we could help to improve the environment.
I researched different environmental charities that supported environmental issues. I wrote persuasive argument for my chosen charity and then the group voted for the best argument. The class chose one charity to support for the year. I hope that our fundraising activities help the charity and the elephants.
The learner went for a study walk in their local environment, looking for areas where they could help the community. Working with the community, the learner planted daffodils, litter picked in the woods and helped with traffic surveys outside the school. As an Enterprise activity they designed and sold reusable bags.
The learner also broadened their awareness about worldwide environmental issues. By researching the causes of environmental issues, the learner demonstrated the ability to present reasoned explanations and could confidently debate the merits of their chosen charity.