sequence and chronology. Second Level: Significant Aspect of Learning:

Second Level:
Social Studies
Significant Aspect of Learning: Becoming aware of change, cause and effect,
sequence and chronology.
Learner’s Voice = red
Experiences and Outcomes
Learning Statements
Having explored the ways journeys can be made, I
can consider the advantages and disadvantages of
different forms of transport, discussing their impact
on the environment. SOC 2 -09 a
Is developing and using mental maps of Scotland, Britain,
Europe and the world and relates these to print and online
Having explored my local area, I can present
information on different places to live, work and relax
and interesting places to visit. SOC 2 -10 a
Describes and explains the impact of a local development or
transport system on the environment and recognises the
importance of sustainable development.
I can create, capture and manipulate sounds, text
and images to communicate experiences, ideas and
information in creative and engaging ways.
TCH 2-04b
Context of Learning: Advantages and
disadvantages of new train station
The reopening of the local train station heralded
much interest and many questions from the children.
It provided the perfect opportunity to explore
transport systems with the children and discuss their
impact on the environment.
With the help of elderly local residents the children
found out about why the train station had originally
closed down.
The children discussed and debated the pros and
cons of the new station and wrote to local councillors
and train officials, inviting them into the classroom to
talk more about the plans.
Teacher’s Voice = blue
Our village station reopened and we wondered what it
would bring to our community. We needed to think of the
advantages and disadvantages for taking the train. I
shared my thoughts with my parents and with the senior
citizens in the lunch club. I think it’s a good idea but it is
more expensive than the bus and there aren’t many trains.
I will be writing to the local council and to the train operator
to see if they will talk to the class about the plans.
The learner engaged with the issue by researching
why the train station closed in the first place. From
discussions with senior citizens the learner was able
to describe the historical reasons behind the closing of
the station and the impact that had on the local
community at the time.
Through class debate and interviewing local people,
the learner collected evidence assessing the potential
impact the new station would have on the community
and also the environment.
The learner was able to reflect and show awareness
about the impact different types of transport have on
the environment. They identified that cost and
availability of trains were key points if the new train
service was to become sustainable.
Peer Assessment = green
Context of Learning: Context of Learning: Local tourism
and map work
The learners forecasted that the new train station could
potentially bring more tourists to the area.
In groups, the learners investigated and catalogued local
areas of interest for tourists. They used a variety of software
and ICT skills to create brochures. The groups set up
individual travel agencies and planned the cost of day trips in
the area. They created maps of their tourist routes and then
shared their tourist information with a school out with the
area, which peer assessed their plans for clarity and appeal.
The groups considered the environmental impact of
increased tourism and whether this was a sustainable
industry for the future.
Talking at home and using brochures and tourist
guides, I found out lots of interesting places to visit
on a day journey from our village.
In my group we made our own travel agencies and
tried to persuade another class to buy day trips to our
chosen destinations. I worked out travel and entry
costs too.
The learner achieved an impressive depth of
knowledge in their tourist brochure. These
showed distances, directions and
The learner demonstrated an improvement in
ICT skills; focusing on layout, editing and
graphic presentation.
I really enjoyed making the tourist map. I was able to put
down all the favourite things I like to do with my family. I
also learnt about some new places to visit too.
I used OS maps to help me get the shape right and
created a key for things like woods and picnic spots.
I noticed the other class didn’t read our information
properly. So I realised I have to make things very clear,
and improve our layout.
I liked the way that each brochure had something about
mountains, rivers and beaches. You could explain
better how long it takes to get to some of these places
not just in distance. I liked the use of the computers
because it made the brochures look professional.
The learner considered carefully what types of tourists they
wanted to attract and what activities they would be
interested in.
The learner calculated the importance of cost in planning
and packaging their tourist trails.
The learner also thought about the impact that increased
tourism would have on the local economy and environment.
This was reflected in the types of activities they planned for
The learner is developing a mental
awareness of the world around them.
Using OS maps of the local area, the
learner selected and transferred key
information to their own sketch maps.
The learner learnt how to create a
symbolic map key and how to annotate
the map clearly.