Liturgical Year – Lent Third Level RERC Exemplar Context for learning Pupils were following a unit of work during the Liturgical Season of Lent that looks at the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. Pupils explored the events of Holy Week. During this exploration they focus on the trials of Jesus and evaluate whether they were fair and legitimate. They then consider the Salvation of all through Christ’s Passion and Death. Finally, in this section of the unit, pupils investigate the events and people surrounding the resurrection and make their own judgement as to whether the physical resurrection of Jesus took place. This unit is delivered through a pupil work book which outlines all learning intentions and success criteria. A PowerPoint presentation is used a resource for staff to accompany the unit. As well as the core classroom learning, pupils are also engaged in Lenten activities that reflect Faith Lived, Prayed and Celebrated. These include almsgiving for local and international charities, whole school liturgies and the opportunity to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. TIOF Core learning 3-04a REVEALED TRUTH OF GOD I have examined key events in the New Testament where God is revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I have considered how this affects my understanding of the nature of God • I am deepening my understanding of how the loving and saving nature of God is revealed by focussing on the Passion and Crucifixion of Jesus as described in Lk.22-23 & Mt 27:27-56 and I can describe my response to this learning. 3-05a SON OF GOD I know that Jesus is truly divine and truly human and I can acknowledge Him as our Saviour who brings the New Covenant • I am deepening my understanding that Jesus’ human and divine natures are inseparable through consideration of The Crucifixion (Lk 23: 33-49) • I can describe how learning of Jesus’ human and divine nature has developed my understanding of him as “Saviour who brings the New Covenant”. 3-07a SON OF GOD Having examined key events during the Ministry, Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus and the beginnings of the Church, I can describe how these events and the influence of the Holy Spirit affected: the early Christian communities’ understanding of Jesus’ nature; his continuing presence and identity; the development of the Church I am deepening my understanding of the unity of the Life, Ministry, Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus and that the mysteries of Christ’s life culminate in the paschal mysteries. Pupils focussed on the Paschal Mystery and, after interrogating scriptural texts, reflection and group work, they summarised their understanding of the meaning of Christ’s death. The examples below demonstrate that pupils have moved beyond simply restating what happened at the Crucifixion to being able to share the deeper implications of his sacrifice which is expected at third level. While this pupil has written a short answer, the knowledge and understanding of Jesus sacrifice demonstrated shows they have engaged with the learning and are able to summarise their learning in a meaningful answer. • We had to think more about WHY Jesus died than WHAT happened. This helped me see the point for today. • I hadn’t thought about all the parts Jesus life before. Now I can see the link between his teaching, his death and our forgiveness. • In groups we talked about what sacrifice really means. We spoke about what redemption means and whether that was possible for all people through one act. I have used the word Saviour before but now I understand it. Pupils used Scripture Passages, previous knowledge and a ‘suspect’ sheet to consider possible reasons for Jesus’ body being missing from the tomb. They were then asked to come to a conclusion about how this happened and explain their reasons. The teacher evaluation shows that, while the pupils completed the task well, the question they were asked and the information given needs to be improved, as many based their answer solely on the ‘suspect’ sheet It was good to be allowed to think for ourselves about what else could have been the explanations for a missing body but we decided nothing else was logical and no one could have kept it a secret this long. Pupils’ next steps in learning Pupils concluded this unit during Holy Week. On return from the Easter break learning continued by looking at the implications of the Paschal Mystery for the Early Church. In particular pupils focussed on the events of Pentecost and the ongoing impact this has had for the Disciples and the Church today.