EARLY LEVEL Evidence of Learning Significant Aspects of Learning • Write with increasing accuracy, making effective use of spelling, grammar and punctuation. • Create texts of increasing complexity using more sophisticated language. Writing 1 Experiences and Outcomes Learning Statements o I enjoy exploring events and characters in stories and other texts and I use what I learn to invent my own, sharing these with others in imaginative ways. LIT 0-09b / LIT 0-31a • Explores writing through a range of simulated and real opportunities. • Uses sounds and letters to construct words. o I explore sounds, letters and • Uses common words to create simple sentences. • Understands that writing conveys meaning. words, discovering how they work together, and I can use what I learn to help me as I read or write. ENG 0-12a / LIT 0-13a / LIT 021a say Learning Intention We are learning to write a story. make write Success Criteria: I can draw a detailed picture of a pirate. I can have a go at writing. Detailed picture showing a lots of characters in the story. Context for Learning This is an example of P1 story writing. The children have talked about pirates, acted out stories, told each other their stories, drawn a detailed illustration and had a go at writing a sentence by themselves. They have access to a wordbank. Learner Voice I wrote my story all by myself without any help, but I did get some of the words from the board. I am good at my sounding out. Teacher Voice The pupil had lots of ideas and added other characters to his story. He thought about what would happen when the pirate got to the island so he knows that a story needs different parts e.g. beginning, middle and end. A lot of the letters are formed correctly and there are spaces between all of the words. There is evidence of spelling Block 1 Common Words in context i.e. was, to, the. There is evidence of sounding out and writing words with Block 1 and some Block 2 sounds i.e. captin, looc, for do spacing Block 1 common words Evidence of Learning EARLY LEVEL say Writing 2 Learning Intention We are learning to write about a school trip. make • • • • Context of Learning write do Success Criteria: I can write about what I saw on my journey. I can use my sounds and common words that I know to help me spell words in my writing. I can put a capital letter at the start of my writing. I know that I put a full stop at the end of my writing. Detailed picture showing who was there and what they did. This is an example of P1 report writing. The children have been on a trip linked to their topic: In the Street. They have been to the Botanic Gardens with the rest of P1. They have talked about their trip, created a word bank and have written their news independently. Learner Voice I wrote this all by myself. I did my sounding out by myself and I remembered my common words. I am good a writing common words because I have been practising them for homework. Teacher Voice The pupil had a lot to say about the trip and could remember most of what had happened. They understood that this wasn’t a story and that he had to be true and therefore has not added anything made up. He has remembered to make the O big at the start to show that it is a capital letter and has put a full stop at the end of the piece of writing. Their next step would be to put a full stop within the body of the text i.e. after ‘Gardens’.He has used the wordbank to find Botanic Gardens, but has spelt the rest himself. There is evidence of spelling Block 1 and 2 Common Words in context i.e. to, the, we. There is evidence of sounding out and writing words with Block 1 and some Block 2 sounds i.e. went, with. common words Words that have been written using known sounds common word Pee 1 = P1 Full stop at the end of the piece of writing. Evidence of Learning EARLY LEVEL say Writing 3 Learning Intention We are learning to write a simple account. make • • • • • write do Success Criteria: I will write about myself. I will write what is true. I can use my sounds and common words that I know to help me spell words in my writing. I can put a capital letter at the start of my writing. I know that I put a full stop at the end of my writing. Context of Learning This is a P2 piece of work that has been completed at the start of the school year. As part of the assessment programme in the school each child writes about themselves for their new teacher. This piece of writing can then be used as good indicator as to where the child is at the start of the school year. The children are expected to include their age and one or two pieces of information e.g. an activity that they like to take part in. Learner Voice I think that my ‘All About Me’ sheet is good and show that I am good at my sounding out. I got some help with some of the words because I got them from the board; ‘years old’, ‘playing’ and ‘name’. I would like to be able to write more. Teacher Voice There is evidence of spelling Block 1 and 2 Common Words in context i.e. to, the, is and attempts at trickier words e.g. hav - have common word common word Can write own name with a capital letter He is making good attempts at spelling with Block 2 sounds; plai for play and has used igh accurately in fight. He clearly knows that writing conveys meaning as this is a very easy to understand piece of writing about himself. Words that have been written using known sounds Full stop at the end of the piece of writing. Evidence of Learning EARLY LEVEL say Writing 4 make • • • Learning Intention We are learning to write a personal account. • • write do Success Criteria: I can write about what I saw on my trip. I can write about how I felt on my trip. I can use my sounds and common words that I know to help me spell words in my writing. I can put a capital letter at the start of my writing. I know that I put a full stop at the end of my writing. Context for Learning As part of their ‘Under the Sea’ theme P1 went on a trip to Deep Sea World. This experience was used as a context for writing a simple personal account. The children drew what they had seen on their trip, the teacher modelled how to write a report and then the children worked independently on their account. Learner Voice This is my best writing in P1. I have done some good sounding out. I liked my trip. I know how to write fish because we learned ‘sh’ in Literacy. Teacher Voice There is a lot of evidence of spelling Block 1 and 2 Common Words in context i.e. to, the, be and attempts at trickier words e.g. haf have She is making good attempts at spelling with Block 2 sounds; fish and lunch spelt accurately. Love has been attempted: lud. She clearly knows that writing conveys meaning as this is a very easy to understand piece of writing about a trip with key facts. common word common words Words that have been written using known sounds