Health and Wellbeing: Food and Health B0-32a Early Level Significant Aspect of Learning 1 Knowledge and understanding of a healthy diet and making informed decisions in order to improve mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing. Learning Statement(s) Select a snack independently. Taste and try a range of different foods. Experiences and Outcomes HWB 0-30a Together we enjoy handling, tasting, talking and learning about different foods, discovering ways in which eating and drinking may help us to grow and keep healthy. HWB 0-32a I know that people need different kinds of food to keep them healthy. HWB 0-19a In everyday activity and play, I explore and make choices to develop my learning and interests. I am encouraged to use and share my experiences. (Curriculum Area: Health and wellbeing > Food and health > ) Secondary Organisers LIT 0-02a/ENG0-03a As I listen and talk in different situations, I am learning to take turns and am developing my awareness of when to talk and when to listen. LIT 0-26a Within real and imaginary situations, I share experiences and feelings, ideas and information in a way that communicates my message. LIT 0-21b As I play and learn, I enjoy exploring interesting materials for writing and different ways of recording my experiences and feelings, ideas and information. “Fruit is good for you.” Researching and Understanding… Children vote to choose the next day’s snack by putting a photo of themselves beside one snack. Learning Statement(s) Select a snack independently. Learning Intentions Pupils will be able to choose a healthy snack independently. Pupils will be able to explain how the food they choose can keep them healthy. Success Criteria I can decide which snack I would like to eat and I understand how the food I choose can keep me healthy. I can independently choose a snack. Success Criteria I can decide which snack I would like to eat and understand how the food I choose can keep me healthy. The children vote to choose their daily snack menu, and can explain why they choose particular foods. In addition to this, children also vote to select which fruits they would like to eat at snack-time that week. The children are able to explain, in simple terms, how the choices they make links to their health. Through being actively involved in selecting snacks independently like this, the children are showing a developing knowledge and understanding of a healthy diet. The children are able to follow visual prompts to guide them through the key steps to independently selecting a snack (i.e. ensuring there is a space at the snack table; washing hands; selecting snack; doing dishes; brushing teeth; voting to select next day’s snack). Learning Intentions Pupils will be able to decide which snack they would like to eat and understand how the food they choose can keep them healthy. I can independently choose a snack. The children are able to follow visual instructions to independently select their daily snack, including following basic hygiene routines. The children are able to explain (verbally and in writing) why they have chosen their morning snacks. They provide clear explanations of why they enjoy the food and make links to how their choice affects their wellbeing. Researching and Understanding… Learning Statement(s) Taste and try a range of different foods. Learning Intentions Pupils will have the opportunity to taste and try a variety of foods. Knowledge & Understanding and Skills development: I can taste and try a range of different foods. When drinking milk every day, and eating their fruit in class three times a week, the children are given the opportunity to taste a range of different fruits and take part in discussions about what they enjoy and the health benefits of what they are eating. Food tasting linked to stories read in class, Handling, tasting and talking about a variety of foods. Learning about various foods and how what we eat may help us to grow and stay healthy. Songs and stories about food. Fruit and milk in class. Themed school lunches. Success Criteria I can taste and try a range of different foods. I can assess my own tastes by deciding which foods I like or dislike. I can describe food I have handled and tasted. I can taste and try different foods. Daily snack times provide an opportunity for the children to taste and try a variety of foods I can taste and try different foods. The children are able to explain some ways that fruit is good for them (“It is healthy” and “It helps your bones to grow”). They are then able to select some fruits to include in a smoothie and prepare the smoothie as a class. Dragon Fruit; Physalis; Sharon Fruit; Pomegranate; Passion Fruit. I can assess my own tastes by deciding which foods I like or dislike. After handling a range of fruits and preparing their smoothie, the children try the drink they have made. They are able to say whether or not they enjoyed the drink. The children complete a table to show which foods they enjoyed tasting and trying. A ‘fist of five’ self-assessment shows the children’s opinion of the food they have just tasted. After tasting things like chicken wraps made for them by the P7 and P6 children, and a range of more unusual fruits, the children can evaluate their own tastes and show their likes and dislikes through written and visual selfevaluations. its. One child didn’t want to try anything new but he managed to taste it using his lip ‘Banana and strawberry juicy.’ ‘I liked the Sharon Fruit because it was sweet.’ ‘I liked the dragon fruit because it was yummy.’ ‘Strawberry sweet.’ I can describe food I have handled and tasted. After tasting various fruits, the children show that they are aware of the differences between the foods and their own personal tastes by using adjectives to describe the tastes.