First Level Studies- What does it look like? Experiences & Outcomes

LI- Learning Intentions
SC- Success Criteria
First Level Studies- What does it look like?
Learning Statements
Represent objects with some reference to their characteristics, using imagination
and observation.
Select from a range of media and show some understanding of their properties
through the images and objects that are created and the techniques and
technology used.
Demonstrate understanding of most of the visual elements and more challenging
concepts such as symmetry
Significant Aspects of Learning – Creating
Demonstrate that they can be creative and express
themselves in different ways.
Will be able to express themselves, think innovatively, meet
challenges positively and find imaginative solutions to
Have opportunities to nurture and develop their expressive
arts interests and skills
Experiences & Outcomes
I can create and present work using the visual elements of line, shape, form, colour, tone, pattern
and texture.
EXA 1-03a
I can create a range of visual information through observing and recording from my experiences
across the curriculum.
EXA 0-04a / EXA 1-04a
Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings
through activities in art and design. EXA 1-05a
LI: We are learning to follow a process using a 2D plan
to create a 3D model.
LI: We are learning to use line expressively.
Learner’s Comments:
“Some lines are close together
and some are far apart to make
things stand out”
“Used lots of different lines”
SC: I can use at least three different types of line
to add detail and expression. I can discuss the
effect of the use of line in my own and others
LI: We are learning ways of
using/manipulating materials to create effect.
Teacher’s comments:
In this image the learner has achieved
First Level by choosing an image that
they feel best represents Shetland.
Having chosen a fishing boat they have
managed to capture the main
characteristics of the boat. Different
types of lines have been used to record
the shapes, details and add areas of
shading. The Learner has drawn wavy
lines giving the feeling of a rough sea,
zigzag lines to record the jagged cliffs
and cross hatched lines used to shade
the boat. By adding a background the
Learner has shown recognition of scale.
Learner’s Comments:
“Nice blending in the round flowers”
“There is texture where the flowers look
soft and the table rough”
SC: I can mix/blend media and apply these to create
different textures.
Teacher Voice
Pupil Voice
Teacher’s Comments:
This Learner who is achieving First
Level has chosen the sunflowers from a
selection of paintings by famous artists.
They have shown that they understand
the potential of the materials by mixing
all their own colours and applying them
in different ways to create effect The
background and vase have been
painted using large brushes and some
colours have been mixed on the page
giving a rough texture. Some of the
flowers have a slightly softer texture
with smooth painted petals and
blended colours to create the centres.
Outlines and details were then added
with a small brush.
Prior Learning
Learners have gained experience in observational
drawing which has further developed their ability to
“Look” at and record a range of different shapes.
Learners have also been introduced to many different
materials, techniques and processes. To build
confidence and develop control Learners have been
encouraged to select their own materials and combine
them for both 2 and 3 dimensional tasks.
Learners have had many opportunities to explore paint
and colour mixing over the past years developing their
understanding of primary and secondary colours.
Learners have previously used clay to make simple 3
dimensional models and been introduced to the
technique of joining clay together. During all clay
activities pupils have been allocated time to explore clay
freely before starting their final piece.
Teacher’s Comments:
The Learner has shown
First Level by researching
Fair Isle patterns and
drawing out their own
shapes and patterns to
create four different strips
of pattern. These designs
were then transferred
onto polystyrene strips
with the right amount of
pressure to achieve a clear
print. The Learner has
then demonstrated
understanding of hot and
complimentary colours
through their choice of
four printing inks and the
background paper. The
printing is controlled and
most patterns are clear.
The learner has used
control to build up a
repeated pattern and
capture the style of the
Fair Isle patterns.
“The Viking
stands up
by himself”
“There is a
lot of detail
on the
“It has been
“He’s got
Learner’s Comments:
“The colours look nice and hot”
“All the patterns stand out and are
LI: We are learning to use print making
techniques to include detail and create a
SC: I can use print making techniques, such as scoring
to create a template/transfer.
I can use the transfer to build up a repeating pattern.
Teacher’s Comments:
This Learner is achieving First
Level by designing and making
this 3 dimensional model using
clay. The learner has
manipulated and joined the clay
appropriately so the model
remains together and stands
freely. With reference to their
original drawing much time has
been spent molding, marking or
painting the characteristics and
details of a Viking.
Learner’s Comments:
“They’ve used all the crayons and
paper lots of different stuff like
crayons, tissue paper and chalk”
“I like how the eye really stands out
with the red, black, green and
Teacher’s Comments:
Here the Learner is achieving First
Level by firstly coming up with a
unique idea using their imagination.
They have then gone on to explore
the combination of crayons and
different papers to add detail and
colour. They have varied their use
of paper as a media with some bits
having been torn and others cut
depending on the areas being
covered. Pattern has also been
added on the eye and in the
background showing a developing
understanding of the visual
SC: I can sculpt a 3 dimensional model which
includes detail from an original 2D design.
LI: We are learning to explore different
materials to create an imaginative image.
SC: I can explore, combine and layer
materials to create an imaginative