Profiling 3-18 Transforming lives through learning National context : • BTC 5 – a framework for assessment: recognising achievement, profiling and reporting • BTC 4- skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work • Profiling 3-18 • P7 Profiles - entitlement from June 2012 • S3 Profiles - entitlement from June 2013 • Profiling in the Senior Phase Transforming lives through learning Key points • learner ownership • opportunities for reflection and dialogue • local flexibility • focus on skills development • recognising wider achievement Transforming lives through learning RA, profiling and reporting Learner reflection and dialogue Tracking and storage systems Recognising Achievement Transforming lives through learning QA Evidence and of moderation learning Profiles Reporting to parents Recognising Achievement, Profiling, and Reporting ‘Reflection and dialogue, in which learners participate throughout all phases of their education 3 to 18, are central to practice in recognising achievement, profiling and reporting.’ (Building the Curriculum 5, Recognising Achievement, Profiling and Reporting, p. 3). Transforming lives through learning BTC 5, page 4 A profile of a learner’s best achievements will be produced at P7 and S3. Profiles may be produced at other points to meet the needs of a learner, as decided by the learner, school or education authority. There will be an on-going process of dialogue and reflection for all learners from 3 to 18. The information drawn together through this process will enable profiles to be produced whenever required to inform the next stages of learning Transforming lives through learning Profiling in the Senior Phase • Profiling can: provide a continuous link through learning and skills development to support transition to higher, further education and employment post school for all learners regardless of their achievements or aspirations • Profiling is: being increasingly recognised by partners and organisations as a method supporting and preparing young people for their post school destinations Transforming lives through learning Getting It Right For Every Child ‘The processes of recognising achievement and profiling and the processes involved in the GIRFEC practice model are mutually supportive.’ (Building the Curriculum: Recognising Achievement, Profiling and Reporting, p. 6) Transforming lives through learning Learner context : • is experiencing a Broad General Education / is in Senior Phase • is developing skills and attributes as well as knowledge and understanding • is becoming more aware of not just WHAT is being learned but WHY and HOW • is beginning to join up learning across and beyond the curriculum • is developing skills for learning, life and work • is developing the 4 capacities to become a successful learner, responsible citizen, effective contributor, confident individual • is aware that the focus is on achievement not just attainment • Is moving towards a positive destination Transforming lives through learning BTC 5, page 14 Children and young people achieve success in learning through planned activities in a range of settings and in their lives at home and in their local community. These activities may be provided by youth organisations , clubs and interest groups, in community provision or by activities organised by young people themselves. It is important that, through their involvement in such activities, learners build on progress in the skills and attributes that they are developing. Recognition of as much of their achievement as possible makes learning more relevant and motivating. Transforming lives through learning Full range of contexts for achievement Environment Citizenship Culture Sport and leisure Health Transforming lives through learning Learner reflection and dialogue Enterprise Voluntary Voluntary work Outdoor learning So.. • assessment needs to be more than the teacher writing a report about progress in learning and skill development. • learners are becoming better equipped to understand and reflect on their own progress in learning and skill development • dialogue about learning involves learners, teachers, key adults, partners, parents….. Transforming lives through learning The purposes of profiling and the profile Profiling Support learning Motivate learners Support reflection and dialogue Support transition Profile Reflective summary statement Transforming lives through learning Latest and best Recognise achievement including attainment What should the profile include? A good profile will include a learner statement, and is likely to include a reliable profile of achievement in literacy and numeracy, and information about progress in key aspects of health and wellbeing. As skills in profiling develop, profiles will reflect achievements across all curriculum areas. Transforming lives through learning Reported Impact • improved confidence in pupils • pupils getting to know themselves as learners • breaking down barriers of subjects and opening door to interdisciplinary practice • real conversations about learning between colleagues • self and peer evaluation of learning and skills • increasing motivation • reflection on a ‘wealth of skills’ • having their own say on what was achieved Transforming lives through learning Points to consider: • it’s about the process rather than the product • need to plan and support opportunities to reflect on learning • needs to be a focus on the development of skills • need to be opportunities for / recognition of wider achievement • need to involve parents / carers and partners in learning • the learner needs to have ownership of the profile • schools need to build on the P7 and S3 profiles Transforming lives through learning Profiling – key questions • • • • • How do we make it manageable? How do we make it reliable? How do we ensure learner ownership? How do we promote learner dialogue? How can profiling support transitions in the learner journey? • How do secondary schools build on the P7 / S3 profiles? • How can profiling support transition to a positive destination? Transforming lives through learning