H E W © Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.

© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
1 9 8 7
UI [3
April 1987 Volume 38 • Number 4
4 Digital Signal Generator Combines Digital and Analog Worlds, by Uwe Neumann,
Michael Vogt, Friedhelm Brilhaus, and Frank Husfeld With an arbitrary waveform
generator option, it can generate synchronous digital and analog outputs.
1f\ User Interface and Software Architecture for a Data and Arbitrary Waveform
^ Generator, by Ulrich Hakenjos, Wolfgang Srok, and Rudiger Kreiser Timing diagrams
and arbitrary waveforms are easily created by means of a powerful graphic editor.
A Planning Solution for the Semiconductor Industry, by Edward L Wilson, Kelly A.
Sznaider, and Clemen Jue Semiconductor manufacturing, with no work orders, an in
verse tool. structure, and fluctuating yields, needs a special planning tool.
Research Reports
A Study George Panel Deflection of Partially Routed Printed Circuit Boards, by George
E. Barrett and John H. Lau Finite element analysis shows that the deflection will not ex
ceed the maximum allowable.
33 Deflections, Forces, and Moments of a Printed Circuit Board
/^ r- Drake Theory Applied to Software Testing, by H. Dean Drake and Duane E. Wo/tO O ing A for execution-time theory makes failure rates in testing useful for predicting
postrelease reliability.
39 Appendix: Derivation of the Software Reliability Model
In this Issue
What's Ahead
Reader Forum
Editor, Richard P. Dolan • Associate Editor, Business Manager, Kenneth A. Shaw • Assistant Editor, Nancy R. Teater • Art Director, Photographer, Arvid A Danieison
Support European Susan E. Wright • Administrative Services, Typography, Anne S. LoPresti • European Production Supervisor, Michael Zandwijken
C Hewlett-Packard Company 1987 Printed in Holland
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
In this Issue
Like more instruments, signal generators are getting more and more built-in
intelligence. One result is that some are beginning to offer more than the
usual waveform square, triangle, and pulse waveforms. Arbitrary waveform
generators that will reproduce whatever waveform you program into them
are now realistic, available. This means that testing can be more realistic,
using signals that simulate all of the conditions a device is likely to encounter
in normal operation. The HP 8175A Digital Signal Generator offers arbitrary
waveform generation as an optional capability of a digital data generator.
Depending on how you configure it, it can produce 24-channel parallel data
patterns or two-channel serial data for testing digital hardware, two arbitrary analog waveforms
for testing analog circuits, or a combination of digital and analog waveforms for testing such things
as analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters. Its outputs can be independent or syn
chronized. In the articles on pages 4 and 12, the HP 8175A's designers tell us how it works.
Noteworthy is their program-controlled looping scheme that makes a 1K-bit memory look much
deeper. make use variable timing to conserve data memory, and they've been careful to make
the arbitrary waveform generator easy to program — you can enter a series of levels or a mathe
matical formula, or point with a cursor on the display.
HP's approach Productivity Network (SPN) was an early approach to computer-integrated
manufacturing for the semiconductor manufacturing industry. SPN consists of several software
modules, each controlling or monitoring a particular aspect of the semiconductor manufacturing
process. Recently, HP decided to withdraw from this business, to support only the current SPN
users, allowed not to work on further enhancements. However, one development effort was allowed
to proceed, so that current SPN users could have a complete system. The final SPN module,
PL-1 0, is a master planning tool. In the article on page 21 , PL-1 0's designers describe its operation
and explain why semiconductor manufacturing needs a special planning system.
Small printed circuit boards are often manufactured several at a time on large boards called
subpanels. At a certain point in the manufacturing process, a router path is cut around each
board, leaving only small tabs holding the subpanel together. This, of course, reduces the rigidity
of the enough To see whether a partially routed panel would deflect enough during subsequent
handling finite affect the components and solder joints on it, HP Laboratories researchers used finite
element panel (cover photo). They report their results on page 29. Their conclusion? The panel
deflection will not exceed the maximum allowable, so costly modifications of the manufacturing
process are not needed.
Conventional reliability theory often describes hardware reliability in terms of a failure rate — the
percentage of the units in service that can be expected to fail in a given period of time. For
hardware, the rate is usually higher for very new or very old equipment, and lower in between.
Application of the failure rate concept to software is in its early stages. In the report on page 35,
two HP engineers tell how they have modified an existing software failure rate theory to include
the testing process, so that the failure rate observed at the end of testing can be used to predict
the in-service failure rate after release of the product.
-R. P. Dolan
What's Ahead
The development of ME Series 5/10, a mechanical engineering CAD product for HP's Design
Center short is the primary subject of the May issue. In addition, a short report discusses
the potential use of ac power lines for data communications in buildings.
The HP Journal Letters technical discussion of the topics presented in recent articles and will publish letters expected to be ol interest to our readers Letters must be brief and are subject
to editing 94304, should be addressed to: Editor, Hewlett-Packard Journal, 3200 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, U.S.A.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Digital Signal Generator Combines Digital
and Analog Worlds
This new generator provides 24 parallel or two serial data
channels, two arbitrary waveform analog channels, or a
combination of digital and analog outputs.
by Uwe Neumann, Michael Vogt, Friedhelm Brilhaus, and Frank Husfeld
1, is capable of providing up to three different types
of output stimuli depending on the selected config
uration. It can be configured by simple keystroke as either
a 24-channel parallel data generator, a two-channel serial
data generator, or a two-channel arbitrarily programmable
waveform generator. A combination of two types of output
stimuli is also possible. For instance, a digital data se
quence can be generated while the analog equivalent or a
different analog function is generated by the analog part
of the machine.
A large number of different applications can be sup
ported by this type of stimulus capability. The HP 81 75 A
can generate digital patterns for at-speed functional testing,
simulation, and stimulation of digital hardware, and analog
functions for medical applications (e.g., electrocardiographic and plethysmographic signals) and mechanical ap
plications (e.g., ignition-point measurements in the au
tomobile industry). Simultaneous generation of arbitrary
waveforms and digital patterns bridges the gap between
the analog and digital worlds, and is very useful for testing
digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters, because
the analog and the digital signals are available at different
outputs of the same source. Add a comparator, and a go/nogo test can be performed. Testing of mixed ICs or circuits
that include both analog and digital components is very
easy, since it is possible to generate independent synchro
nous analog and digital data streams. For example, to test
a programmable filter, the data patterns can control the
filter's Q factor and center or corner frequency, while the
analog output stimulates the 1C.
Fig. 2 shows the HP 81 75 A system. Fig. 3 is a block
diagram of the HP 81 75 A.
Parallel Data Generator
Data patterns can be generated on 24 channels, each IK
Fig. 1 . The HP 87 75/4 Digital Sig
nal Generator can be used as a
24-channel, 50-Mbit/s parallel
data generator, a two-channel,
100-Mbit/s serial data generator,
a two-channel arbitrarily program
mable waveform generator (dis
play shown), or a combination
data and waveform generator.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
bits deep, at 50 Mbits s. Two machines can work together
in a master slave configuration to generate up to 48 chan
nels. To overcome the depth limitation, two enhancements
help the customer minimize the number of memory loca
tions used. One is virtual memory expansion — a pattern
sequence that is to be used repeatedly needs to be stored
only once in the machine and can then be included in the
output data stream as often as required. The other is pro
grammable pattern duration — each pattern consists of data
and duration parameters, so sequences of fast bursts and
long steady-state signals can be generated by using only a
few memory locations.
Interaction with the device under test is facilitated by a
trigger input, which can indicate start, stop, continue cycl
ing, enable or disable outputs, or branch to other data cy
cles. Branching can be implemented, for example, when a
DUT requires initialization routines. The trigger pins can
be assigned to monitor logic states at various points of the
A fine-timing option provides a programmable delay on
four channels. The delay can range from 20 ns to 40 ns
with 100-ps resolution.
The HP 8175A Digital Signal Generator and an HP 163x
Logic Analyzer form a versatile stimulus-response system
for efficient digital testing.
Serial Data Generator
Internal serializing of eight parallel channels generates
a data stream with 8K-bit depth and a bit rate of 100 Mbits/s
on two channels, and a clock signal. The switch from paral
lel mode to serial configuration is done by a single key
stroke. The same interaction features are available as for
the parallel data generator.
Arbitrary Waveform Generator
If Option 002 is installed, the digital signal generator
acts as an analog stimulus. The HP 81 75 A delivers an
analog waveform on two fully synchronized channels with
10-bit amplitude resolution and up to 1024 data points.
Virtual memory expansion and programmable pattern du
ration are also available to save internal memory locations,
and the same DUT interaction capability is available as for
the parallel data generator. The two channels can also be
operated independently.
The maximum sample update rate of 50 MHz, the large
amplitude range of up to 16V into 50fi, and the minimum
resolution of 0.2 mV meet the needs of a wide range of
applications in electrical, medical, and mechanical envi
ronments. Other useful features include dc offset, settling
times less than 20 ns, and synchronized parallel data chan
nels if only one analog channel is used.
Different methods of entering the arbitrary waveform to
be generated are possible. Waveforms can be generated by
entry of a series of levels, by entry of a mathematical for
mula, or by pointing with the cursor on the CRT screen.
More information on entering waveforms is given in the
article on page 12.
Pods and Accessories
One trigger pod and three output pods are available to
serve all interconnections to the device under test. The
function of the HP 15461A ECL Pod, the HP 15462A TTL/
CMOS Pod, or the fixed-level HP 15464 A TTL Pod is to
translate the internal signals of the HP 8175A into signals
used by standard 1C families like 10K, 10KH, or 100K ECL,
54/74 TTL, or 4000 CMOS. Each pod provides 8 of the 24
channels of the HP 81 75 A. The eight outputs of a pod can
Fig. 2. The HP 81 75 A system in
cludes a trigger pod, three kinds
of data or flag pods (ECL, TTU
CMOS, TTL), cables, connectors,
and various probe accessories.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
be disabled, which for the TTL and TTL/CMOS pods means
the outputs have a high impedance (tri-state outputs) and
for the ECL pod means that the outputs are low to allow
wired-OR connections in the device under test. In the TTL/
CMOS pod the high level can be programmed by the HP
81 75 A from 2.4V to 9.9V. This provides flexibility for
CMOS ICs, which operate at nominal supply voltages from
2V in low-power circuits up to 10V. An additional feature
of the TTL/CMOS pod is direct control of the high level
by the device under test. This requires that the external
high-level control input of the pod be connected to the
desired high-level voltage (Fig. 4).
The outputs of a pod are connected by coaxial cables to
connectors of the type used on the HP 8182A Data
Analyzer.1 For this connector family a large number of
accessories like plug-ins, crimps, and BNC or SMB plugs
are available. The HP 81 75 A transmits its internal ECL
signals via twisted-pair cables in the differential mode to
the pods. Here, ECL differential line receivers amplify the
signal either to ECL levels for the ECL and TTL/CMOS pods
or to TTL levels for the fixed-level TTL pod. In the TTL
pod, special TTL line drivers amplify the signal before it
is connected to the outputs. In the TTL/CMOS pod, discrete
output amplifiers are used to get the desired pulse perfor
mance at the outputs. All pod inputs and outputs are pro
tected against electrostatic discharge (BSD), reverse voltage,
and short circuits.
One of the design objectives was to have the pod housing
as small as possible, because the space near the device
under test is normally limited. Therefore, two techniques
are used to miniaturize the pods. The ECL and TTL/CMOS
pods are fabricated using ceramic thick-film technology.
The fixed-level TTL pod, a low-cost version, is produced
using surface mounted device technology (Fig. 5).
User Interface
A major aspect of this project was the firmware develop
ment. A requirement was that the user interface be similar
to that of the HP 163x logic analyzer family so that a cus
tomer who needs a stimulus/response system will find it
easy to understand both machines.
A cursor-driven menu interface was selected. Any one
of six major pages (System, Control, Timing, Output, Data,
Program) can be selected by a single keystroke. The content
of the main pages and their subpages depends on the chosen
generator configuration, selected on the System page. The
possibility of choosing different configurations depends on
the hardware configuration.
The storage capability is also accessible via the System
page. The nonvolatile memory can save two complete
machine settings plus the current setup. Up to 255 different
setups can be supported without an additional controller
if an external disc drive is connected to the HP 8175A.
Hard-copy output of data or screen settings to an external
printer is also possible.
8-Bit Flag Out
Data and Timing
Fine Timing
(Optional) I
* (Optional) T
Device Bus
(TTL Levels)
and Supply Voltages 2
Out ±
Out B
Out A
Fig. 3. HP 8175A block diagram.
Signal Out
As shown in Fig. 3, the HP 8 175 A Data Generator consists
of a power supply, the microprocessor board, the clock
board, which processes the input trigger signals and creates
the clock signals for the whole machine, and the data board.
The data board stores the patterns and generates the parallel
data signals depending on the stored patterns, the pattern
duration, and the programmed data stream. A buffer board
drives the external pods, and if the fine timing option is
installed, contains the delay lines for four channels. Also
optional is the dual-channel arbitrary board, which pro
vides the arbitrary analog waveform generation capability.
Interconnection between boards is the function of a
motherboard, which provides the supply voltages, a TTL
control bus for data interchange between the micropro
cessor and the other boards, and an ECL high-speed bus,
which carries data and clock signals between the data board
and the clock, buffer, and arbitrary boards. For easy servic
ing, a connector that can accept any board is provided on
top of the motherboard. The internal self-test is capable of
detecting almost any fault on any board and displaying an
appropriate error code on the display. This helps minimize
troubleshooting time and keep service costs low.
Data Board
High-Speed Bus
(ECL Differential)
The data board (Fig. 6) stores the information for the 24
channels and generates the timing of the data stream for
the 24 channels. Behind each data channel is a high-speed
ECL memory that has IK-bit depth and a data access time
of 10 ns. The timing generated by the data board is depen
dent on the clock frequency. With the internal 100-MHz
clock, the shortest time interval is 20 ns and the longest is
9.99 s. The shortest increment is 10 ns. With an external
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
clock, the shortest interval is one clock period and the
longest is 1,000,000 clock periods. The external clock input
accepts clock frequencies from dc up to 100 MHz. For
efficient use of the data memories, two special techniques
are used to generate the data stream:
• Program-controlled looping of information
• Generation of variable timing.
In a data stream, certain patterns, synchronization infor
mation for example, are frequently repeated. The HP 8175A
allows the user to create 256 information modules, each
specifying a data pattern. The sequence in which these
modules are used is controlled by the program.
Three different programs are available. The one to be
used is selected by an external trigger event called the
vector points to one of three entrance points of different
programs (see Fig. 7). Another event called the CONT vector
causes a program to be repeated continuously in the autocycle mode.
A vector, the START vector for example, represents an
entrance point PO and an endpoint Pn of a program. PO
through Pn are program sequences, and there can be up to
256 such sequences in the HP 8175A (n=s255). Each pro
gram sequence refers to an entrance point DO and an endpoint Dm in the data memory, which is 1024 bits deep
By this technique of program-controlled looping, the IK
bits of physical memory depth is increased to a much larger
virtual memory depth.
Operation of the data board is as follows (see Fig. 6). The
vector memory is addressed by the START, JUMP A, JUMP B
or CONT vector received from the clock board. The program
memory address counter reads the start and stop informa
tion of the program out of the vector memory and addresses
the program memory, which contains the start and stop
information for the data and timing memories. This infor
mation is loaded into the data memory address counter,
which addresses the data and timing memories in parallel.
From the timing memory, the pattern duration is loaded
into the timing generator. At the end of each pattern, the
timing generator increments the data memory address
counter. The LATCH signal from the timing generator writes
the pattern information from the data memory via the fine
timing/buffer board to the outside world with precise tim
ing. The increment signal of the data memory address
counter fetches new data and timing information out of
the data and timing memories. When the endpoint in the
data memory address counter is reached, a new program
sequence will be addressed, because the last data memory
address counter increment also increments the program
memory address counter. In single-cycle mode, the data
stream stops when the last pattern of the last program se
quence is completed. In autocycle mode the CONT vector
will occur and start the program again.
Variable Timing
Because a normal data stream will rarely be a square
wave, fixed timing of a data steam is inefficient. For exam
ple, a traditional data generator needs 18 memory locations
for the data stream illustrated in Fig. 8. The HP 81 75 A,
which has variable timing, needs only 8 memory locations
for the same data stream. Fig. 9 is a diagram of the divider/
timing generator that implements variable timing. The HP
8175A system clock is connected to the divider-counter
blocks A and N. The divide-by-A counter has four constant
division ratios: 1, 100, 10,000, and 1,000,000. These result
External Tri-State
HP 8175A
ESD and Reverse
Voltage Protection
Fig. 4. Diagram of the TTUCMOS
pod. This pod provides lor control
of its output high level by the user
or by the device under test.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Fig. 5. The TTL pod (left) uses
surface mount technology. The
TTUCMOS pod (right) and the
ECL pod use ceramic thick-film
in clock periods of 10 ns, 1 ¿is, 100 ¿is, and 10 ms, respec
tively, if the internal 100-MHz clock is used. The divide-byN counter multiplies one of the basic periods by N, which
is programmed by the timing RAM. The smallest value of
N is 2 and the largest is 1023. The multiplexer, also con
trolled by the timing RAM, decides which basic period
(value of A) is in use. This technique allows the user to
program a 20-ns interval followed by a 9.99-s interval with
the same memory consumption for both.
Clock Board
The internal system clock is a 100-MHz oscillator that
has synchronous start/stop functions and an asynchronous
function: the oscillator can be controlled by a phase-locked
loop. Normally, if an oscillator is controlled by a phaselocked loop, it runs continously, and a start/stop signal can
only gate its output. In a data generator like the HP 81 75 A,
this could result in a timing deviation of up to one clock
period (10 ns) in the output data patterns. In some applica
tions when the generator must react to conditions in a DUT
this might be a problem, so a synchronous start/stop oscil
lator that can be started and stopped in real time is required.
In the HP 81 75 A the system clock can be switched between
phase-locked operation and synchronous start-stop opera
tion either from the front panel or via the HP-IB.
To ensure a high-performance start/stop oscillator we
decided on a delay-line oscillator with a defined delay line
and 100K ECL gates. The frequency of this oscillator type
depends on the length of the delay line (nearly 4 ns fixed)
and the propagation delay of the 100K ECL gate. This delay
is 0.5 ns to 1.3 ns, which means that different gates can
result in frequencies between 92.5 MHz and 108.5 MHz.
Investigations proved that this was the case, so we included
an adjustment circuit to provide an adjustment of - 9 MHz
to + 11 MHz. This adjustment is done by a variable resistor
at the input of the gate, as shown in Fig. 10.
Addition of the resistor influenced the time constant of
the feedback signal at the gate input. Now the problem was
that the oscillator could oscillate at its third harmonic (300
MHz in this case). To avoid this problem we decided on a
flip-flop circuit that shuts itself off for 4 ns. The timing
diagram and circuit in Fig. 11 show how it works. The
original 100K ECL gate is shown as gate 1 in Fig. 11. Low
signals at time to at inputs 3 and 4 of gate 2, which depend
on the output of gate 1, set the output of gate 2 to high.
This output is connected to input 2 of gate 1 and closes
this gate for a wrong oscillator edge, which can occur at
time tl at input 1 of gate 1.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Fig. 6. Data board block diagram.
Data Timing
3 Bits from
Timing Memory
10 Bits from
Timing Memory
N = 2 to 1023
Fig. 9. Variable timing is implemented by this divider/timing
a digital-to-analog converter. This provides the capability
of recalibrating the oscillator in the synchronous function
mode, when the phase-locked loop isn't locked.
Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Fig. 7. The START, JUMP A, JUMP B vector selects one of three
programs. Each program can have up to 256 sequences,
each of which occupies a section of the data memory, which
is 1024 bits deep. This arrangement gives a virtual memory
depth much greater than 1024 bits.
The next step was to develop a phase-locked loop circuit.
A standard phase-locked loop is used (Fig. 12), which
supplies a voltage proportional to the phase error between
the internal quartz reference (an external reference can also
be used) and the divided clock signal. This voltage is fed
to a varicap diode circuit (see Fig. 13) which influences
the slew rate of the falling edge by varying the capacitive
load of the gate output. It provides a controllable frequency
range of ±2.4 MHz.
The diode circuit can also be switched to the output of
The main function of the arbitrary board is the generation
of two independent analog signals — the arbitrary wave
forms. These are derived from the data and timing values
entered by the user. The values are stored on the data board.
Under control of the microprocessor, the arbitrary board
generates the output signals for channels A and B and the
two corresponding trigger outputs.
The arbitrary board consists of six functional areas, as
shown in Fig. 14:
• Device bus interface. This is the interface to the micro
processor-produced control signals.
• Vernier control circuitry. This produces the amplitude
range and offset control voltages.
• Trigger circuitry. This produces ECL or TTL trigger sig
nals as required.
• Output A. This provides digital-to-analog conversion
and power amplification. It buffers the channel A data
from the data board and feeds it to the fast DAC and the
Old Data Generators:
2 * 3 * 4 * 5
9 * 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8
HP 8175A Data Generator:
• • • • • • •
Fig. 8. A traditional data generator needs 18 memory loca
tions for the data stream illustrated. The HP 8175 A has vari
able timing and needs only eight.
Fig. 1 0. Delay-line oscillator has an adjustment for gate delay
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
4 ns
Fig. 13. A varicap diode circuit provides a controllable fre
quency range of ±2.4 MHz at 100 MHz.
Fig. 1 1 . Flip-flop circuit prevents third-harmonic oscillations.
power amplifier and attenuators for the channel A output.
• Output B. This provides the same functions as output
A, but for the channel B output.
• Calibration circuitry. This performs an autocalibration
of the amplitude and offset DACs each time the HP 81 75 A
is powered up.
Fig. 15 is a more detailed block diagram of the arbitrary
waveform generation circuitry. The binary data streams
from the data board, ten bits wide for each channel, go
through differential line receivers, which act as buffers,
and a set of ECL latches to the multiplying ECL DAC, a
Plessey SP9770B. The multiplying input of the DAC is used
for coarse and fine control of the output amplitude. The
amplitude factors are xl, x 0.8, x 0.5, and x 0.4. These
factors can be fine-tuned ±3.2%, ±4%, ±6.4%, and ±8%,
respectively, for calibration purposes.
The complementary outputs of the multiplying DAC can
be interchanged by a relay to perform the normal/comple
ment function, and are fed to a summing amplifier stage
to obtain a single-ended signal. This signal passes through
a switchable 1/5 attenuator to the power amplifier. The
amplifier delivers up to ±8V into a 50Ã1 load or ±16V into
an open circuit. Its design is derived from the HP 8116A
and HP 8111A power amplifier designs.2 A switchable 20dB attenuator follows the power amplifier.
The amplitude range and offset controls are generated
in four independent 12-bit AD7548 DACs. The amplitude
range controls influence the multiplying inputs of the high
speed ECL DACs. The offset control DACs generate the
voltages for the offset voltage inputs of the output power
All control signals for the normal/complement switches
and the various attenuator relays are delivered from the
device bus interface. Data for the amplitude range and offset
control DACs also comes from the microprocessor via this
interface. The DACs' control function requires two eight-bit
addresses for each DAC.
Two of the 24 data channels of the data board can be
programmed for trigger purposes. These two channels
bypass the bus buffers on the arbitrary board and go instead
through differential power amplifiers capable of delivering
ECL and TTL levels into a 50ÃÃ load. The trigger circuitry
(continued on page 12)
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Fig. 12. For phase-locked opera
tion, the delay-line oscillator is em
bedded in a standard phaselocked loop.
Data Buffer
Channel 0-23 i
Control .
D A Conversion
Channel A
Channel A
• Output A
D A Conversion
Channel B
Channel B
• Output B
Device Bus
Device Bus
Device Bus
Amplitude Range
Offset Control
+ 10V
+ 10V Reference
Fig. 14. Arbitrary board block diagram.
Trigger B
Fig. 15. Arbitrary waveform generator functional block diagram.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
(continued from page 10)
is controlled by the microprocessor through the device bus
The calibration circuitry consists essentially of an elec
trically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM). During the adjustment process, which takes place
only in production or field service, correction values for
each amplitude range and voltage range are measured for
50Ã1 and open-circuit loads. These values are stored in the
EEPROM. They are read under control of the micropro
cessor each time the board is powered up.
We want to thank Peter Aue and Georg Trappe, who
defined the instrument. Kurt Kuebler, Helmut Rossner,
Thomas Fischer, and Emmerich Mueller contributed to the
software, hardware, and mechanical design. Thanks also
to the HP 1 630 design team at the Colorado Springs Division
for their support.
1. D. Kible, et al, "High-Speed Data Analyzer Tests Threshold
and Timing Parameters," Hewlett-Packard Journal, Vol. 34, no. 7,
July 1983.
2. M. Fleischer, et al, "A New Family of Pulse and Pulse/Function
Generators," Hewlett-Packard /ournal, Vol. 34, no. 6, June 1983.
User Interface and Software Architecture
for a Data and Arbitrary Waveform
by Ulrich Hakenjos, Wolfgang Srok, and Rüdiger Kreiser
ment like the HP 81 75 A Data Generator requires a
human interface that is easy to learn and comfort
able to use. The HP 81 75 A human interface is based on a
cursor-driven menu concept similar to that of the HP 1630
Logic Analyzer.
A 9-inch CRT provides the user with all necessary infor
mation like status, parameters, etc. All instrument settings
(data, operation conditions, etc.) are distributed over six
main display pages, or menus (Fig. 1). Each main page
allows the user to make particular types of settings. To
enter or change a parameter, the cursor must be moved
into the highlighted field, where the current value is dis
played. Then the value or condition can be changed via
the keyboard.
A special feature of the HP 8175A is that the user can
preset changes of settings or conditions, such as data pat
terns or cycling conditions, while the HP 8 175 A is running.
The new conditions can then be transferred to the outputs
at some convenient time. A powerful new capability is the
creation of timing diagrams (data generator) and waveforms
(optional arbitrary waveform generator) by means of a
graphic editor that includes several interpolation capabil
ities, a pattern editor, or a calculator mode.
Software Architecture
The system architecture can be described as a layered
model consisting of four layers, the first three software and
the last hardware (Fig. 2). The top layer contains the human
interface, which is the bridge between the outside world
and the instrument and contains the various menus and
the HP-IB interface. The next layer is a real-time multitask
ing operating system, which performs the internal system
control. The lowest software layer contains the drivers for
the hardware.
Each data field on the menus is assigned to a correspond
ing driver number. If a parameter has changed, the corre
sponding driver number will be stored in a FIFO buffer
called the driver queue. A specific task of the operating
system (the hardware task) is to read the content of this
queue periodically. If the queue contains a driver number,
the hardware task takes this number and calls the corre
sponding driver routine to change the hardware state.
The lowest layer, the hardware layer, consists of the mi
crocomputer, clock, data, fine-timing, and arbitrary boards.
Memory and I/O Allocation
The memory size exceeds the direct addressing capabil
ity of the microprocessor, a Motorola 6809. This micropro
cessor can address 64K bytes. To access the HP 8175A
system memory of 288K bytes, the addressing capabilities
of the microprocessor are extended by means of a memory
management unit (MMU). The MMU transforms a virtual
address into a physical address. The physical memory is
subdivided into 2K-byte segments. To allocate a physical
segment to a virtual segment, the system needs the virtual
page number and the physical address of the segment. The
operating system supplies these numbers and controls the
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Pattern Trigger
Fig. 1 . The user interface of the
HP 81 75 A Data Generator distrib
utes all instrument settings over
six main display pages, or menus.
- Main Menus -
operation of the MMU. Fig. 3 shows a typical memory
Editing Data
The HP 81 75 A provides comprehensive data editing sup
port. Data can be edited in several modes, using either the
pattern editor or the waveform editor. The arbitrary
waveform generator provides two additional modes: a
waveform calculator, which allows the creation of a
waveform using a mathematical expression, and several
interpolation functions, including linear interpolation and
natural and periodic spline interpolation.
The pattern editor allows the entry of data in different
formats including binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, and
level (arbitrary waveform generator option), and provides
a set of useful editor functions. An overview of the func
tions of the pattern editor is shown in Fig. 4.
A significant feature of the HP 81 75 A is its graphics
capability. Data set up using the pattern editing capabili
ties, the calculator, or the interpolation functions and
stored in tabular form can be displayed graphically. A
waveform displayed graphically is obviously far more
meaningful than several pages of data.
The HP 81 75 A has a bit-mapped graphic capability with
512 x 256-pixel resolution. There are two graphic displays:
one for the parallel/serial data generator configuration and
one for the arbitrary waveform generator (see Figs. 5 and
6). For either case, numerical and graphical editing are
On either graphic display, the values in the upper right
numerical part of the display (address, label, duration, etc.)
relate to the position of the currently active editing cursor.
A window in which a specific part of a waveform is dis
played can be defined (Fig. 6). The window can be scrolled.
The active cursor remains within the window, so if the
cursor tries to "escape" from the window, the window will
also move.
By means of the editor, columns (addresses) on the dis
play can be inserted or deleted.
Parallel/Serial Data Generator Graphics
The graphic display for the parallel/serial data generator
is generated by means of a hardware formatter, which con
verts the information stored in memory to a form suitable
Fig. 2. HP 8175A system archi
tecture has four layers, three soft
ware and one hardware.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Loe 2 Storage
Loe 1 Storage
Static RAM (32K)
Actual Storage
Internal Storage
10K+2K Header
Dynamic RAM (64K)
V a r i a b l e
8 K
Aux Overlay 4K
Menu Overlay 8K
Frame Buffer and
Operating System
Variable 6K
Virtual Address
Space (64K)
Operating System
ROM (192K)
Fig. 3. Typical HP 8175A internal memory allocations.
for the CRT.
The required large dynamic range for time intervals, from
0.01 /MS to 9.99 s for the internal clock and from 1 to 999,999
cycles pattern for an external clock, led to the following
implementation for the data generator graphic display. The
screen is horizontally divided into ten vertical sectors.
Time per division (or sector) can be set from 50 ns to 5 s
in nine steps (Fig. 5). A small value expands the display,
creating a small window. A large value compresses the
display, creating a large window.
The position and width of the window and the cursor
position within the window are displayed as bars on the
lowest pixel row.
Up to 16 channels can be chosen for simultaneous dis
Arbitrary Waveform Generator Graphics
For displaying arbitrary waveforms, 1024 addresses with
ten-bit resolution can be represented on a 512 x 256-pixel
CRT. To ensure that no information is lost when 1024 ad
dresses have to be accommodated in 512 pixel columns,
each pixel column has two memory locations available for
level information for an address pair.
The user can define a window as a subset of the full
range to increase the resolution (zooming). For this pur
pose, in the upper right corner of the display, the full range
of addresses and amplitudes is displayed. Within this full
range, the user can define a window with width selectable
from 100% down to 25% in three steps, and height select
able from 100% down to 3% in six steps (Fig. 6).
Two graphics cursors are available. Fast positioning of
the active cursor and/or the window is possible by:
• Cursor swap
• Label quick search
• Scrolling
• Directly entering numerical addresses.
The physical screen can be divided vertically into as
many as four logical screens (Fig. 7). The following modes
are available:
• Only one curve
• Curve and associated trigger
• Two curves
• Two analog curves and their associated digital triggers.
Editing is possible in all of the previously described
modes. However, the level increment depends on the cho
sen display mode. Other capabilities include voltage and
time measurements between the two graphics cursors, and
setting and deleting triggers.
Simulating Waveforms
In practice, it is not always possible or practical to de
scribe a waveform mathematically. Instead, many wave
forms need to be simulated (Fig. 8). Examples of such
waveforms are:
• Medicine: heartbeats, nerve responses
• Material/electromechanical testing: disc drives, switch
ing motors, relays
• Radar and sonar signals
• Waveforms for stimulating electrical/electronic compo
Waveforms are simulated with the HP 81 75 A by entering
characteristic points and interpolating between them.
Characteristic points can be graphically set and deleted in
either of two ways, and can be interpolated by means of
linear, normal, or periodic splines within any user-def ma
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Fig. 4. Overview of the functions of the pattern editor.
ble address range. Characteristic points can be deleted in
There are two principal methods of interpolating N
characteristic points: by polynomials or by splines.1
When polynomials are used, N characteristic points are
interpolated with a best-fit (N-l)th-order polynomial.
From the N characteristic points, N equations are derived,
from which the unknown coefficients of the polynomial
can be determined.
Since, normally, the matrix of this set of equations has
no zeros, the Gauss procedure can be used for solution.
However, the computation time is proportional to the
square of the number of unknown coefficients and can be
Data HUBBEHiHBil Setup.
Time/Di v is ion
Ed i t i n g Cursor
Editor Mode
De 1 ta o to x
D U *-Ã-fiddress
Duration 0.02 ps
0.000,010,84 s
F i g . 5 . G r a p h i c d i s p l a y f o r the
data generator configuration.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Jave f or m
Se t up D U Ã-ñ d dressLab el
Di sp lay Window
Ed 1 1 ing Cursor
Gr i d
fiBS LVL + B . 945 V
Duration 0.0 S MS
+ 1.115
RRB fi
Fig. 6. Graphic display for the
arbitrary waveform generator con
- 1.445
very long. It is also possible to use the Homer formula, for
which the computation time is linearly proportional to N.
However, in cases where a large number of characteristic
points are defined, this function oscillates at the interval
Because of these disadvantages of polynomial interpola
tion, the HP 8175A uses splines. The term spline can be
traced back to the early days of shipbuilding, and relates
to the way in which the hull curves were formed. With
splines, the time required to compute the coefficients of a
waveform is proportional to N, and the time required to
determine an interpolated value is constant.
In spline interpolation, between each two consecutive
Display Window
Editing Cursor
Gr i d
De 1 1 a o t o x
characteristic points, third-order polynomial interpolation
is done (Fig. 9). Thus, there are (N-l) sectors, and (N-l)
third-order polynomials to be computed.
To determine the coefficients, four conditions must be
satisfied. Two conditions are related to the requirement
that the two characteristic points at the ends of a sector
have to be elements of the resulting function. The other
two conditions are related to the requirement that the
slopes at the two margins of a sector must merge smoothly.
That is, the first and second derivatives at the sector mar
gins must be identical.
Additional conditions apply at the start and end of the
interval to be interpolated. For example, for a periodic
spline, the slopes at the start and the end of the interval
have to be identical.3'4
Use bHIFT to move Cursor fast
D U *-I
Hor. 100 Z fiddress
Vert. 100 Z Label
Duration 0.02 MS
Fig. 7. The physical screen can
be divided vertically into as many
as four logical screens.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Gr i d
De 1 1 a o t o x
- 2.555
Fig. 8. Waveforms that are im
practical to describe mathemati
cally can be simulated by entering
characteristic points.
- 2.56B
For spline interpolation, the matrix of the set of equations
is a cyclic tridiagonal matrix. Therefore, a simplified Gauss
procedure can be used. The computation time is linearly
proportional to N instead of N2.
The user can estimate the trend of a natural spline func
tion to be computed simply by imagining how a flexible
ruler would be bent if it were confined within or supported
by the characteristic points. There is no problem of oscil
lation at the sector margins.
The Calculator
The waveform calculator is a special capability of the
arbitrary waveform generator option that enables the user
to write and run programs to set up most complex mathe
matical waveforms by directly entering the formula in its
written form. This can be done using only the HP 81 75 A
keyboard; no separate computer is needed.
A comprehensive selection of standard statements and
mathematical functions is available via softkeys. It is not
necessary to type every character, so programs can be writ
ten very quickly.
The process that does the actual calculation and transfers
the new amplitude and timing values to memory includes
editing (setting up the function), setting the parameters,
and finally, running the module. The following example
shows how to set up and run a simple sinusoidal waveform.
Deriving the Mathematical Function
As already mentioned, using the calculator involves set
ting up the mathematical expression that represents the
waveform. In practice, the first step is to derive this for the
waveform. This is done as follows:
A sinusoidal waveform can be expressed as
maximum and minimum level values and the number of
data points used. We will use 1000 data points for one
cycle, which means that 1000 steps (level values] must be
calculated (1024 steps are available but 1000 is an easier
number to work with).
For a frequency of 10 kHz, the period is 100 /JLS. The
timing window (the duration that the waveform will be
calculated for) must be set to 100 /us and each incremental
step of Tx must therefore be 0.1 /as. Calculator functions
are set up as one or more modules, each of which consists
of a header and an algorithm part. In this example the
header defines the required time window of 100 /xs and
the incremental step duration of 0.1 ¿is. The algorithm part
is the expression for the waveform. The complete module
is shown in Fig. 10, where line 0 represents the header and
line 1 the algorithm.
Syntax, Restrictions, and Limitations
The module syntax is similar to normal computer pro
gram statements. Fig. 11 shows the syntax diagrams. All
Example: N 4 characteristic points
3 segments
2 sector margins
Sector Margin
y = sin (cot) = sin (2nft) = sin (2irfTx)
where Tx is the instantaneous time. Within any amplitude
range, waveform accuracy depends on the combination of
-S3- Sector
- Interval
Fig. 9. Third-order polynomial interpolation is done between
characteristic points.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
L Calculator
Use Main Display Keys.
Status: fluaiting Corn man d
Step fl 1 g o r i t h ni of the Waveform
0 FOR 100 US STEP 0.1 US i
1 <SIM< 2 * PI * 10800 * Tx
Fig. 10. To define a waveform
using the waveform calculator,
functions are set up as one or
more modules, each consisting of
a header (line 0 here) and an al
gorithm (line 1).
items enclosed by rounded envelopes are available directly
via a corresponding softkey. Words enclosed by a rectangu
lar box are names of items used in the statements.
The complete function can consist of 750 bytes. Each
ASCII character, including spaces, requires one byte.
Keywords such as FOR, STEP, etc. and standard functions
such as SIN, LOG, etc. also require only one byte each. The
step duration must be within the HP 8175A's timing (20
ns to 9.99 s) and resolution (10 ns to 0.01 s) capabilities.
All calculations are done by means of a floating-point li
brary with an internal 32-bit format. Therefore, the calcu
lation time for the sinusoidal waveform is about 7 seconds,
because most of the standard functions including SIN are
derived from truncated series. The maximum relative error
in these approximations is less than 0.00039% for the SIN
minimum data values calculated from the function.
The Calculate from Address is the address from which the
calculated data patterns will start.
The last step is to start the calculating process. The result
ing amplitude and timing values are transferred to the HP
8175A's memory.
Setting the Parameters and Running the Module
After the function has been edited, it is compiled au
tomatically by leaving the editor. If a syntax error is dis
covered, an appropriate error message will be displayed
and the location of the error within the function will be
indicated by the cursor. In such cases, any corrections re
quired must be made before it will be possible to end the
edit mode. If there is more than one error, another error
message will be displayed after the first error is corrected.
Only when all errors have been corrected is leaving the
edit mode possible.
The next step is to define the relation between the edited
function and the desired output voltage and arbitrary
waveform channel. In Fig. 12, the first field defines which
output channel the function is to be calculated for, and the
second defines how to consider the levels, either with or
without offset.
The amplitude range previously set on the output page,
5V for example, will be displayed. The required maximum
and minimum levels can now be set. These are the
amplitude values that are assigned to the maximum and
Fig. 11. Waveform calculator syntax diagrams.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
D a t a
C a l c u l a t o r
P a g e
U s e
H a m
D i s p l a y
ïter 5ei
fimpl itude Range: C 5 V 1
Max. Leve 1 :
Min . Leve 1 :
. + 2.555 V
(min. - 2.569 V
or Label
Calculate from ñddress
Lorn b i ne
Fig. 12. Defining output parame
ters for a waveform calculator
Local Overlaying
Crosstalk simulation often requires noise, spikes, or other
functions to be overlaid in a specific part of an existing
waveform. The HP 8175A's Combine feature makes this pos
sible and offers great flexibility. A function can be com
bined in a variety of ways with any part of an existing
waveform. This is useful in cases where, for example, a
waveform that is very difficult to describe mathematically
and has therefore been set up graphically or by spline in
terpolation needs to have noise added to it. The noise
waveform can be set up using the calculator and then com
bined (add, subtract, multiply, divide) with the original
waveform. The signals can be combined in any ratio be
tween + 60 dB and -60 dB. An example illustrating the
use of this capability is shown in Fig. 13.
For the sine wave example, the original sine wave mod
ule must be deleted and replaced with the noisy function.
The Combine field of the parameter setup page must be set
to On (Fig. 14). The Combine mode and the ratio of the two
signals can then be set.
After calculation is completed, the HP 8175A's memory
will contain the new waveform calculated from the old
pattern and the new function (Fig. 15).
SÃ- e p ñ Igor i t hm of the U a ve form
FOR 100 US STEP 0.1 US i
( RMD )
Fig. 13. Definition of a random
noise waveform to be added to a
sine function.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Data. Calculator Page
.Use ti a i n Di s p 1 a y (\ e u s .
Status: Parameter Setup.
fi m p 1 Ã- t u d e Range: C 5 V ]
(max. + 2.555 V )
(min. - 2.560 V )
Max. Leve 1 :
Min .Level :
M or Labe i
Comb Ã- n e
net u a '
F u n c 1 10 n
Funct. ion = IGH BE d B
Fig. 14. To combine functions,
the Combine field is set to On, and
the ratio of the two signals is
Ã-. F.B. Hildebrand, Methods of Applied Mathematics, PrenticeHall, 1965.
2. G. Alefeld and R.D. Grigorieff, Fundamentals of Numerical
Computation (Computer Oriented Numérica] Analysis), SpringerVerlag, 1980.
3. J.H. Ahlberg, E.N. Nilson, and J.L. Walsh, The Theory of Splines
and their Application, Academic Press, 1967.
4. C. Reinsch, "Smoothing by Spline Functions I/II," Numerische
Mathematik, Vol. 10 (1967), pp. 177-183.
Display Window
Editing Cursor
Gr i d
Delta, o to x
100 '/.
fid dress
Durat ion
+ £'.555
Fig. 15. The result of combining
noise and a sine wave.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
A Planning Solution for the Semiconductor
Semiconductor device manufacturing has several
situations that complicate normal production scheduling
and medium-range planning. PL-10, part of HP's
Semiconductor Productivity Network, was developed to
deal with these peculiarities.
by Edward L. Wilson, Kelly A. Sznaider, and Clemen Jue
by Hewlett-Packard for the semiconductor manufac
turing industry. It addresses the task of mediumrange production planning (up to 2 years) for a geographi
cally distributed semiconductor division or company.
PL-10 helps the planner develop master production
schedules for all major areas of a semiconductor company:
wafer fab, sort, assembly, and test. The planner enters basic
planning parameters — product demand forecasts, timephased WIP (work-in-process) availability, product yields,
and lead times — either manually or through batch files (see
Fig. 1). PL-10 works backward from product demand to
determine wafer requirements, which the planner can re
view and modify. It then projects forward from planned
wafer starts to expected shipments. The planner can review
rough-cut capacity use projections and associate compo
nent requirements with product demand. Repeated itera
tions of this process result in a workable companywide
production plan.
PL-10 is currently in use in several HP semiconductor
facilities and is being installed at several customer sites
inside and outside the U.S.A. The release of the product
unfortunately comes at a time when HP has decided to
withdraw from the semiconductor CIM business. Despite
this decision, development of PL-10 was deemed critical
enough to continue with release plans, but the product will
not be sold outside the current SPN user base and no further
enhancements will be funded.
the manufacturing process. A single integrated circuit, or
die, can be made into a variety of products depending on
the circuit layout, the type of package used, and the tests
administered. ROM chips have additional variations when
a generic ROM wafer is programmed by a customized inter
connection pattern defined in a final mask layer. This in
verse part structure — simple bills of material with thou
sands of end items made from a few basic components —
does not work well with traditional MRP. MRP helps plan
ners answer the question, "What must I order to build the
products I need?" The semiconductor planner must also
answer the question, "What can I make with the material
already in-process?"
Fluctuating yields. Semiconductor device yields can be
unpredictable, especially for new processes. Normal MRP
systems can handle the possibility of scrap, but may be
unable to deal with situations such as:
Semiconductor Manufacturing Planning
The semiconductor industry is a complex hybrid of batch
and process manufacturing. While the basic job of schedul
ing production is the same in any industry, there are prob
lems that make traditional MRP (material requirements
planning) solutions difficult to implement:
No work orders. Semiconductor wafers are processed in
lots which are sized according to the equipment they will
be processed on. Typically they are not tracked by specific
work order; rather, they are treated as a continuous flow
of material. This creates problems for MRP systems that
schedule work orders to meet end-item demand.
Inverse part structure. Semiconductor devices are grown
from simple raw materials. Assembly (placing the semicon
ductor die into a ceramic or plastic package) occurs late in
Fig. 1. Planning cycle.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
• Wafer-to-die conversion. The number of good parts (die)
on a wafer can vary widely. The planner must estimate
the number of wafers needed to make a required number
of parts. This is different from the standard MRP "Quan
tity Per" in which a truck, for example, always needs
four wheels and cannot be built unless those wheels are
• Yield improvements. While yields fluctuate, they tend
to improve over time. A planner who does not consider
this gradual improvement will risk scheduling too many
wafer starts in later periods.
• Binning. Not only does the yield of good material vary,
but the very output of the process is not completely
controlled. Finished circuits are subjected to a variety
of electrical and environmental tests to determine the
specifications under which they may be sold. The out
come of this binning process is subject to statistical dis
tribution but is also influenced by the desired outcome
of the process. That is, the set of tests done on the material
depends on which grades of product are in demand.
Material that fails a test may also be retested to a lessstringent specification (downgrading).
Worldwide planning. Nearly all semiconductor manufac
turers do assembly in the Far East. Any planning system
for the semiconductor industry must be able to schedule
multiple sites at once. This involves allocating production
between factories that have different delivery times and
work schedules. To be fully functional, the planning system
must be able to send and receive data to and from these
factories without manual rekeying.
The semiconductor industry has gone through a radical
shift in the last few years. When business was booming,
manufacturers could sell everything they made. Accord
ingly, the emphasis was on improving yields and process
throughput. With business currently declining, there is
an increased emphasis on production planning — building
the right product — and on matching capacity to uncertain
As mentioned earlier, PL-10 is the last of the Semicon
ductor Productivity Network (SPN, see Fig. 2) products to
be developed.1'2 The precursor to PL-10 was created at
HP's Corporate Manufacturing Information Systems (CMIS)
to be a standard scheduling system for internal HP divisions
that would eventually converge with HP's MM/3000 master
scheduling package.3 Instead, the software was used as the
starting point for PL-10, with much of the original code
and functionality carried over.
The first version of PL-10 was released in early 1985 to
HP's Northwest 1C Division and Loveland Technology
Center, and one outside customer. Based on the feedback
of these users, a substantial redesign was done. The second
version was completed in August 1986, and included major
changes to the data base, the production calendar, and the
MRP Explode logic. New interface programs and the Roll
Forward program were also added.
Integration with SPN
PL-10 extracts essential parametric and production data
from IC-10, the SPN lot tracking system. The systems are
loosely coupled by file interfaces.
Shop floor calendars, process yields, cycle times, part
numbers, and part information such as cost and probe
yields are examples of parametric data that can be extracted
from IC-10. PL-10 obtains WIP status from a standard IC-10
extract file containing a snapshot of production — ending
on-hand quantities for each process location. Using IC-10
process yields and cycle times, PL-10 forecasts these out
to finished goods inventory to determine expected outs
quantities and their expected due dates.
PL-10's Part Mapping function allows the planner to con
solidate several production parts, spanning several IC-10
WIP and stockroom areas, into one planning part. Consoli
dation can be done on the basis of similarities in the part
numbers; this is particularly useful for planning families
of parts. The goal is to reduce the number of items that the
planner has to forecast.
Since IC-10 and PL-10 are loosely coupled, either system
can be installed first. The interface allows any inventory
tracking system, such as MM/3000, to feed data into PL-10.
PL-10 can thus be used to do production planning and
scheduling for several tracking systems, either on the same
computer and/or at remote computer sites. This flexible
interface approach also applies to PL-10's customer order
and forecast interface, which allows any order processing
system to enter demand into PL-10. Forecasts can be up
loaded from spreadsheet programs using the same inter
Level 4:
• Production Planning
• Capacity Planning
• Master Schedule
• Materials Planning
Level 3:
• WIP Tracking
• Inventory Control
• On-Line Instructions
• Shop Floor
• Bill of Materials
• CA-10
• PL-10
• IC-10
• EN-10
• EA-10
Level 2:
• Equipment Control
• Alarms
• Recipe Control
• Tester Data
Order Management
Cost Accounting
Financial Accounting
Equipment Management
Engineering Data
Engineering Analysis
Rework Management
Non-Lot Data Collection
Workstation Analysis
Automatic Data
Facilities Monitoring
and Control
Safety Assurance
Level 1 :
• Facility Sensors
• Test Systems
• Processing Equipment
Fig. 2. HP's Semiconductor Productivity Network is a collec
tion of hardware and software products designed to aid micro
electronic product fabrication personnel in controlling,
monitoring, improving, and managing many of the levels of
the complex manufacturing process.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
PL-10 as a Manufacturing Tool
Editing the Plan. PL-10 allows the user to manipulate the
production plan on-line in real time, unlike most conven
tional MRP systems. The planner can perform simulations
or make last-minute changes to the plan depending on the
manufacturing environment. To plan more effectively, it
is very important to be able to assess various tentative plans
and schedules by varying some or all factors. This what-if
analysis is one of PL-10's capabilities, called Edit Plan.
The consequences of a proposed production plan can be
determined before finalizing and implementing it.
Edit Plan can suggest the optimal production plan based
on various factors, such as lead time, yield, work-in-pro
cess, inventory, and demand. One or all factors can be
varied to view how the changes will affect the production
plan. This provides flexibility for adjusting to the rapid
changes in the manufacturing environment. The planner
can be assured that the production plan is the best plan
possible under the current manufacturing conditions.
Since the planner needs to access a large variety of data
to create a reliable production plan, Edit Plan can access
the information by three different windows (see Fig. 3 for
one example). The windowing feature in Edit Plan is per
formed by using parent and child forms in VPLUS/3000.
The result is a planning spreadsheet that can be manipu
lated by adjusting individual period values or by applying
any of several preceded algorithms.
Edit Plan has another special feature called Fill Column.
The Fill Column function allows the planner to simulate
or modify arrays of data easily and quickly. This feature,
used throughout the system, gives the user functionality
similar to that provided by 1-2-3â„¢ from Lotus7." Fill Column
can set a range of period values to a constant, or adjust
1-2-3 and Lotus are U,S trademarks of Lotus Development Corp
them by a constant or a percent increase or decrease. Within
Fill Column is a feature called ramping, defined as adding
the quantity entered to the existing quantity and storing
the result in the next period on the horizon. This algorithm
continues until all the specified periods are filled.
Since the Fill Column function is used in multiple pro
grams, it was decided to include it as a Segmented Library
procedure. This provides for easy maintenance and more
quality in the PL-10 product.
Explode and Roll Forward. PL-10 has scheduling functions
known as the Explode and Roll Forward transactions.
Explode is similar to standard MRP explosion (with some
extras}. Roll Forward is a bottom-up MRP implosion.
The scheduling function is a process of maintaining the
production plan to satisfy the total demands. A finished
goods item, also referred to as the end item, is demanded
by customers. This end-item demand generates require
ments for intermediate parts. The intermediate parts gener
ate requirements for raw materials and so forth. Explode
in PL-10 calculates the total of each component in the bill
of material required to manufacture the planned quantities
of end items. Based on this, it will then suggest what will
be made by date and quantity for each part. These plans
are based on the part information, planning bill structure
information, demand already entered, current inventory,
and work-in-process.
Explode starts with the end item and works downward
(see Fig. 4). A schedule based on top-down demand alone
will not show when a schedule is impractical because
Explode does not know the lead-time requirements of com
ponent parts. For example, if a customer orders product A
to be shipped tomorrow, but it takes seven days to produce
component B of product A, the earliest Product A can be
shipped is one week from today. Explode would suggest
Fig. 3. Edit Plan screen display.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
the factory begin producing Product A today because it has
no way to adjust the parent's schedule for the component's
lead time.
This problem is solved by using Roll Forward, a bottomup approach, often referred as implosion (see Fig. 4). This
function in PL-10 begins with the requirements (from
Explode) for the lowest-level parts in the bill of material
and calculates when these parts should be produced and
how many. Once produced, they can be allocated to the
next higher-level part to arrive at the parent part's dates
and quantities. This continues until the dates and quan
tities are calculated for the end item. Roll Forward shows
how feasible the schedule is, based on both work-in-process
and planned starts (building the part from scratch).
Implosion logic quickly becomes unmanageable when
many components are assembled into one parent, which
is why standard MRP does not have this feature. Since
semiconductor bills are short and simple, PL-10 handles
Roll Forward for multiple components by having one part
act as the driver. In the example shown in Fig. 4, only the
die supply is rolled forward. Package requirements are cal
culated by Explode, but Roll Forward assumes that suffi
cient packages will always be available.
On the technical side, both of these programs use external
files that are loaded into memory at the beginning, then
read from and written to throughout the program. For the
Explode program, the files are requirement files. These files
state the demanded quantity and date. There is one require
ment file for each level in the bill of material. The Roll
Forward program reads the requirement files from Explode
and generates supply files for the parent parts . If the planner
is unsure of the results from either Explode or Roll Forward,
these files can be used to analyze the production plan.
By using Edit Plan, Explode, and Roll Forward, the plan
ner can make more intelligent decisions. Since the produc
tion plan is considered the company's game plan, it is very
important for the plans to be realistic and reliable.
Binning. A common process in the semiconductor industry
is binning: a part generates multiple byproduct parts based
on sorting or testing. This can create excess inventory.
When Explode processes a part that bins into byproducts,
the requirements are optimized by generating requirements
that satisfy demand while minimizing the excess inventory.
Part A (End Item)
Bin Requirement:
Fig. 5. Binning example.
For example, component Part A bins into two parts, Part
Al and Part A2, as shown in Fig. 5. If demand for Part Al
is 30 and demand for Part A2 is 50, then how much of Part
A should be produced?
The first consideration is the expected bin-out percen
tages for Part Al and Part A2. In this example, the bin
percentages are 60% and 40% respectively. A traditional
MRP system, using these percentages, would start 50 units
of Part A to build Part Al, plus 125 units of Part A to build
Part A2, for a total of 175 units started. At bin-out time,
this would result in 105 units of Part Al and 70 units of
Part A2, clearly a waste of material.
PL-10 optimizes the plan by considering all the by-prod
ucts of Part A together. In this example, 125 would be the
minimum quantity of Part A to satisfy the demand. How
ever, this still results in excess inventory of 45 units for
Part Al. True optimization occurs when the entire planning
horizon is considered. The excess inventory of one period
may be used to meet the demand in another period, thus
minimizing the need to produce more Part As than are
To illustrate this better, consider a planning horizon
(Table I) that is three periods long. The maximum require
ments come from Part A2 in periods 1 and 2 and Part Al
in period 3. Notice the excess inventory is kept to a
minimum and all demand is satisfied with this method.
In this example, the 125 units planned for Part A in
Period 1 satisfy the demand for both Part Al and A2. They
also create enough excess inventory (45 units of Al) to
satisfy demand for Al and A2 in Period 2 without addi
tional starts. In Period 3 the only demand is for 15 units
of Al not covered by inventory, so only 25 Part A units
are started.
Allocation Rules. Allocation of supply is performed by
Roll Forward in PL-10. Allocation is needed when several
parent parts (different package configurations, for example)
Part B (Untested)
Table I
Three-Period Planning Horizon for Binned Parts
Part C
Fig. 4. Explode and Roll Forward processes.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Part A 1
Part A
Part Priority:
Parent Parts:
Table III
Allocation with Different Priority
Component Part:
P a r t
0 10 10
P a r t P Z
15 20 30
Fig. 6. Allocation example for equal part priority.
can be made from a single component, such as a die. It
differs from binning in that the planner must decide how
to allocate the available dice. Roll Forward suggests a de
fault allocation using parameters set by the planner. The
transaction will not allocate more than the amount re
quested for any part. Any excess inventory will remain as
the part's inventory.
In the bill of material, many parent items can be struc
tured to a single component. Likewise, a single parent item
can be obtained from several sources of supply {compo
nents}. The planner can set parameters in PL-10 to allocate
these supplies effectively.
Each part contains a field called Priority. This signifies
that the supply should be allocated first to the highest
priority to meet all its demand. If priorities are the same,
then the supply is allocated based on demand. If there is
insufficient demand, the ratio of each part's demand to the
total demand will be calculated and the supply allocated
by that fraction. An example will illustrate this better. Fig.
6 and Table II show the results when the part priorities are
the same.
Consider the same example, but with different priorities
where Part Pi has a priority of 5 and Part P2 has a priority
of 7. The results are given in Table III. Notice that Part P2's
demand is satisfied before allocating to Part Pi.
The allocation shows if the production plan generated
by the explosion process is indeed workable. In the exam
ple above, the plan is considered impractical because of
insufficient supply.
Resource and Capacity Planning. Semiconductor facilities
are equipment and capital-intensive. Equipment is sophis
ticated and expensive, and capacity utilization is a very
important factor in increasing productivity and decreasing
costs and long cycle times. Equipment underutilization is
no better than equipment overutilization.
A major feature of PL-10 is a vehicle to report utilization
(over and/or under) of resources predicted by the produc
tion plan. Rough-estimate resource utilization reports show
the planner any periods where there are potential capacity
bottlenecks or excess idle time. With this information the
Table II
Allocation with Same Priority
Part Pi
P e r i o d :
1 2 3
D e m a n d : 1 0 2 0 1 0
Demand Ratio %: 33 50 25
Allocation: 5 15 10
Part P2
1 2 3
20 20 30
67 50 75
Part B
15 30 40
10 15 30
planner can adjust the schedule by pulling up or pushing
out production, or by reallocating resources.
Resources in PL-10 can be defined for any critical item
at a facility, such as overall process capacity, machine ca
pacity, or labor. Resources can be tied to a shop calendar
depicting the days the resource will or will not be available.
Resources have a certain amount of capacity and down
time, which are not usually evenly distributed across the
planning horizon. To accommodate this situation, the user
can adjust all planning parameters of a resource by time
The next step for the planner is to specify the production
parts that will use each resource. PL-10 lets the planner
map the following parameters to the part-resource pair:
1. Resource requirement for one unit of the part.
2. Resource lead time to define the number of working days
before the part's completion date when the resource is re
3. Resource yielding factor (%) to compensate for antici
pated yield loss between the number of units scheduled
and the number that will use the resource.
A part in a semiconductor device fabrication process can
return several times to the same equipment or process step,
such as the photomasking step for a wafer. To accommodate
this situation, PL-10 can assign a part to the same resource
for several steps in the manufacturing process.
PL-10 extracts production plan data and calculates the
required resource use given the factors listed above. A sum
mary report for a resource is given in Fig. 7.
Memory-Resident Shop Calendars. PL-10 makes intensive
use of date calculations. Because the system schedules
manufacturing areas having different work schedules, PL10's date calculations must take into consideration multi
ple shop calendar parameters. Production Starts, Outs, and
Supply are all associated with either a start date or a due
date. All dates are represented in year-month-day format.
Date calculations must cover the complete planning hori
zon (up to 26 months), and must take into account the
different calendars (up to 20) that can be defined by the
user, the workday and holiday configuration for each indi
vidual calendar, and the lead times and lead time adjusts
of the various planning parts and their associated part struc
tures. Again, all dates are represented in year-month-day
The problem posed to the PL-10 team was how to access
this massive calendar quickly and still keep batch run times
to a minimum. PL-10's predecessor, designed to schedule
only a single work area, stored the calendar in a flat file
and read it into memory. The representation of the file was
in year-month-day format where each digit was represented
by 4 bits. Thus each calendar day was represented by 24
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Capacity Utilization Report
Cycle Date 860706
Resource: BURN-IN
Desc rip t ion : OVEN
Period Period
Start Capacity
RUN: 31 JUL 1986 10:12
Unit of Measure: HR
e r i o d
C u m
Usage Deviation Deviation
Ut llized
Percent Utilization Histogram
5 0
1 0 0
1 5 0
. . | . . . . | .... | . . . | .... | .... | .
End of Resource Utilization by Resource Report
Fig. 7. Capacity utilization report.
bits or 3 bytes. In this configuration only workdays were
kept in the file. If a calendar year had 260 workdays, and
the planning horizon spanned two years, then 1560 bytes
(260X2X3) were needed to hold the table. If the user were
able to define 20 different shop floor calendars, then a total
of 31,200 bytes would have been needed to hold all the
calendars in memory.
In building the current version of PL-10, the memory
storage requirements for 20 different calendars using the
old scheme would have been impractical. Another ap
proach was taken to represent the calendars and still keep
them resident in memory. For each different shop floor
calendar, a Holiday/Workday mapping is kept for each
calendar day in the planning horizon. Hence, two tables
are needed, one for each calendar day in the planning hori
zon, and one for the Holiday/Workday indicator for the
various shop floor calendars. A calendar day is represented
Period 1
by 16 bits instead of 24 bits. The new year-month-day for
mat representation is: year — 7 bits, month — 4 bits, and
day — 5 bits.
With this new format, the memory requirement for 20
different shop floor calendars, each spanning 26 months,
is (considering that a planning month in PL-10 can have
up to six weeks or 42 days):
Calendar Table:
(26 months) x (42 days/month) x (2 bytes) = 2184 bytes.
Work Day Table:
(20 calendars) x (26 months) x (42 days)/(8 bits) = 2730 bytes.
Period 1
Weeks Table
Day Table
Calendar ID 2
ID 2
Period 1
ID 1
ID 1
Work Day Table
Period Table
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Fig. 8. Organization of memoryresident calendar tables.
Three other tables of smaller sizes are kept in memory
to provide quick date calculations for month or week plan
ning. The month and week tables have pointers into the
day table to locate the starting date of each calendar month
and week. The period table summarizes the workday
table — it shows the total days and work days in each plan
ning period. All five tables and their relationships are rep
resented in Fig. 8.
We would like to thank the following people whose con
tributions made PL-10 a reality: the MPS 1.5 group at
CMIS — Kevin Cooper, Andra Marynowski, Randall Fryer,
Mark Wunderman, and Preston Carter — the marketing
group — Julie Schoenfeld, Tom Coughlin, Monica Randall,
and Parti Herbst — and lab members Ken Yao. Jan Grady.
Scott Ingraham. and Pat Grever. Special thanks go to Mark
Kinsman of the lab for his insight and help with many of
the algorithms.
1 . \V.H. Higaki. "Remote Monitoring and Control of Semiconduc
tor Processing," Hewlett-Packard Journal, Vol. 36, no. 7, July 1985,
pp. 30-34.
2. R.I. White, "Automated Test Data Collection for 1C Manufactur
ing," Hewlett-Packard Journal, Vol. 36, no. 8, August 1985, pp.
3. N.C. Federman and R.M. Steiner, "An Interactive Material Plan
ning and Control System for Manufacturing Companies," HewlettPackard Journal, Vol. 32, no. 4, April 1981, pp. 3-12.
the HP 81 61 A Pulse Generator. His Diplom Ingenieur (FH) was awarded in 1 978 by the Engineer
ing School in Constance. Born in Zwickau, Uwe
now lives in GÃ ufelden. He and his wife have two
children. His leisure activities include walking,
cross-country skiing, and travel.
April 1987
Frank Husfeld
Data/Waveform Generator I
Uwe Neumann
A project manager at the
Bóblingen Instruments Di
vision, Uwe Neumann was
responsible for the HP
8175A Digital Signal Gen
erator and for the firmware
for the HP8116A Pulse/
Function Generator. When
he first came to HP in 1 978
he worked on firmware for
Frank Husfeld started at HP
in 1 978 as a microwave ap
plications engineer and
moved to the Bóblingen In
struments Division in 1983.
He designed the arbitrary
function generator option
for the HP 8175A Signal
Generator and is currently
working on a pulse
generator. His work on differential operational
amplifier drift has resulted in a patent application
and he has written a number of papers on scientific
calculators and microwave components. A native
of Hamburg, he received his master's degree in RF
engineering from the Technical University of
Darmstadt. He and his wife and two daughters live
in Ehningen. Frank keeps busy by working on the
restoration of his home, which was built in 1780.
He's also interested in amateur radio (DF7FT),
celestial navigation, and renewable energy
Michael Vogt
I With HP since 1982,
Michael Vogt worked on the
I data board and the HP
1 5464A TTL Pod for the HP
I 8175A Signal Generator.
He's now a production engineerintheWaldbronnDi\ vision. A native of Pforz
heim, Baden-Wurttemberg,
' he received his Diplom Ingenieur from the Technical University of Karlsruhe
in 1 982. Michael is a private pilot and flies his own
plane. He also enjoys swimming and working in his
Friedhelm Brilhaus
I An R&D hardware en
gineer, Friedhelm Brilhaus
has been with HP since
1983. His work on the HP
I 8175A includes designing
I the clock board, the ECL
pod, the fine timing board,
¡ and the arbitrary board. He
is also named inventor on
a patent for an impulse
generator. Friedhelm was born in Greven, Westfalen, and attended the Engineering School in Münster. His Diplom Ingenieur was awarded in 1982.
He lives in Gartringen, Württemberg, is married,
and has one child. His outside interests include
soccer and astrophysics.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Data/Waveform Generator Software
Wolfgang Srok
Wolfgang Srok was born in
Stuttgart and received his
Diplom Ingenieur in elec
tronic engineering and
computer science from the
University of Stuttgart. He
has been with HP since
1984 and has contributed
to the design of the disc
driver and graphics forthe
HP 81 75A and to the MATE option for the HP 81 61 A
Pulse Generator. Outside of work Wolfgang enjoys
swimming and jogging.
Rüdiger «reiser
Rüdiger Kreiser studied
computer science at the
Engineering School in Con
stance, from which he re
ceived his Diplom Informatiker (FH) in 1984. He
has been with HP since
1985 and has contributed
to the dual arbitrary
I waveform generator (Opt.
002) for the HP 81 75A. He has also worked on the
MATE option for the HP 81 60A and HP 81 61 A Pulse
Generators. Rüdigerwas born in Singen and now
lives in Gartringen. His leisure activities include
skiing, soccer, and squash.
Ulrich Hakenjos
A project leader at the Bòbi lingen Instruments Divi
sion, Ulrich Hakenjos has
been with HP since 1983.
He was project leader for
the arbitrary waveform
^f I mgf generator firmware for the
ÉL C I Hp8i75AandisnowPr°J-
•k ^fe/jAà I ect leader for a function
••V .4HHI generator product. Before
coming to HP he developed software for a consult
ing company. A native of Baden-Württemberg, he
was born in Schwenningen and received his Dip
lom Ingenieur (FH) from the Engineering School in
Furtwangen. He lives in Herrenberg and likes out
door sports, natural history, and travel.
21 = 1C Manufacturing Planning:
Clemen Jue
Born in Ventura, California,
Clemen Jue studied com
puter science at California
Polytechnic State Univer
sity at San Luis Obispo (BS
1 973) and at the University
of California at Los Angeles
(MS 1974). He developed
software for real-time data
acquisition systems at GTE
Sylvania before coming to HP in 1977. He has
worked on a number of software systems for 1C de
sign and manufacturing, including HP PL-10 and
HP IC-1 0 and has also written HP QDM/1 000 soft
ware. Married with three children, Clemen lives in
Los Altos Hills, California. His outside interests in
clude tennis, Softball, and table tennis.
Edward L. Wilson
With HP since 1979, Ed
Wilson has contributed to
the development of several
planning and management
software modules. In addi
tion to his work on the HP
PL-10 planning module for
the Semiconductor Pro
ductivity Network, he has
worked on two order man
agement systems, currently for HP Materials Man
agement/3000. A California native, he was born in
San Francisco and attended the Massachusetts In
stitute of Technology. His SB degree in humanities
and sciences was awarded in 1970. After working
for the Prudential Insurance Company he con
tinued his education at the Wharton School, com
pleting work for his MBA in 1979. EdlivesinFelton,
California and enjoys running, swimming, and play
ing guitar.
Kelly A. Sznaider
I With HP since 1982, Kelly
Sznaider is a software en
gineer at the Manufacturing
Productivity Division. In ad
dition to herworkon HPPL10, she has developed soft
ware for manufacturing and
management information
systems. Kelly was born in
I Wabash, Indiana and re
ceived her BA degree in computer science, ac
counting, and management from Anderson Col
lege in 1982. Now a resident of San Jose, Califor
nia, she's married and likes jogging and Softball.
29 _ Panel Deflection :
John H. Lau
With HP Laboratories since
1984, John Lau is a me
chanical engineer who is
working to improve sur
face-mount reliability. He
holds a 1977 PhD degree
in theoretical and applied
^^^^^ mechanics from the Univer^H[ sity of Illinois and before
.tlfck.~ coming to HP worked as a
civil and nuclear engineer. He's a registered pro
fessional engineer in California and New York. John
and his wife and daughter are residents of Palo
Alto, California, and his wife also works for HP
Laboratories. He and his family enjoy walking and
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
George E. Barrett
•••••••••^•B A graduate of San Jose
I State University (BSME
Hj^^^l I 1982), George Barrett
I came to HP in 1 981 . He has
Hp-^ -v â„¢ I been a process engineer
•wfl and is now a manufacturing
• engineer at the Sunnyvale
^•L J^B Personal Computer Opera•V y'^^l tion. He worked on the ¡n••••V^MB^HB stallation of the production
line for the HP 1 50 Computer and is now working
on equipment for a surface-mount assembly line.
He also served for six years in the U.S. Navy. When
he takes time out from renovating his home in Santa
Clara, California, George enjoys art and outdoor
35 — Software Testing :
Duane E. Wolting
Duane Wolting is a special
ist in reliability, pattern recu gp ognition, and multivariate
• I methods who worked at HP
HP from 1 978 to 1 986. Born in
^Bi Long Beach, California, he
1 1 attended Purdue University
#;i*l[ (BS aeronautical engineerJH I ing 1972) and the UniverJHHH sity of California at Davis
(MS statistics 1 986). He also worked at Hughes Air
craft Company as an R&D engineer for communi
cation satellites. A member of the IEEE and the
American Statistical Association, he has published
three papers on statistical methods in engineering.
Duane and his wife and two children live in Roseville, California in a home he and his wife designed
and built. He likes backpacking, bicycling, and
most outdoor sports.
H. Dean Drake
Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma,
Dean Drake grew up in
f*"% California and earned his
| i BSEEdegreefromtheUniSlK*' • versity of California at Davis
§' in 1969. After serving as a
'- lieutenant in the U.S. Army,
J^B*^k - he worked on an auto
mated missile testing sysI tern for the U.S. Navy. His
assignments have been varied since he first came
to HP in 1 973. He developed diagnostic programs
and extended memory array firmware for HP 21 MX
Computers and wrote a portion of the RTE Micro
programming Package for HP 1000 Computers.
More recently he has been a quality assu ranee engineer for a number of terminals at the Roseville
Terminals Division. He left HP in 1979 to work on
a data acquisition and monitoring system for Bently
Nevada Corporation and rejoined the company in
1984. He also completed work for an MS in com
puter science from California State University at
Chico in 1983. Dean lives in Rocklin, California,
is married, and has one son. He's active in youth
soccer and enjoys jogging and backpacking.
A Study of Panel Deflection of Partially
Routed Printed Circuit Boards
Finite element analysis was used to show that the stress
and deflection of partially routed boards during handling
will be within allowable limits.
by George E. Barrett and John H. Lau
ufacture and assembly of printed circuit boards,
small circuit boards are processed in subpanel form.
A subpanel consists of one or more finished boards still
attached to a supportive frame. To facilitate separation of
the boards after assembly, a partial router path is cut around
the perimeter of each board, so that the boards are held in
place by connecting tabs.
While partial routing simplifies depanelization (the sep
aration of boards in a subpanel), it also reduces panel rigid
ity, so that a panel supported on the sides, such as during
board transport between processes, will bow more than an
unrouted panel. When assembling surface mount boards,
board deflection must not exceed 0.7% of the board length,
since deflections greater than this will affect component
planarity and the quality of solder joints (see Fig. 1).
Since the elimination of partial routing would require
the development of a more sophisticated and costly de
panelization process, a finite element analysis was used to
determine the impact of routing paths on panel rigidity.
Surface Mount Component
Panel deflection does not affect
component planarity
Too much panel deflection
Fig. 1 . Panel deflection and component planarity.
0 . 1 0 '
0 . 1 5 '
0 . 1 0 '
0 . ! 5 '
Fig. 2. Model of a partially routed
printed circuit board panel with a
uniform load.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
The primary objective of this analysis was to characterize
the deflection of a printed circuit board that had been par
tially routed (Fig. 2), and to compare panel deflection with
the specification for panel flatness. Induced stresses were
also characterized, to verify that material failure did not
Why Use Finite Element Analysis?
The finite element method was selected as a tool for this
study because no closed-form solution for the partially
routed panel was available. In addition, available software
allowed flexibility in modeling and provided high-resolu
tion output both graphically and in tabular form. To verify
the accuracy of the finite element method, a finite element
analysis was used to solve for the deflection of an unrouted
panel. The results of this analysis were compared to the
closed-form solution (see box, page 33), and the two were
found to be in excellent agreement.
Fig. 4. 'Finite element model for the partially muted panel.
Elements A, B, and C refer to Figs. 8 and 9.
Acceptance Criteria
Noting the properties of the material to be used and in
dustry standards for the assembly of surface mount boards,
the following acceptance criteria were established for the
partially routed panel under study:
• Maximum allowable deflection of each board is less than
0.7% of the length.
• Maximum strength in tension equals 35 to 80 ksi (1 ksi =
1000 psi).1
• Maximum strength in compression equals 35 to 85 ksi.1
• Maximum strength in shear equals 14 to 25 ksi.1
Application and Problem Definition
The surface mount assembly line, being developed
jointly by the Hewlett-Packard Personal Office Computer
Division, Manufacturing Research Center, and Entry Sys
tems Operation, will incorporate stations for solder-paste
application, component loading, solder reflow, wave solX = Free to Move
Y = No Displacement
Z = Free to Move
Rx = No Rotation
Ry = Free to Rotate
R2 = No Rotation
der, board cleaning, inspection, and depanelization. Panels
will be transferred from station to station by a board han
dling system. While boards are being assembled in each of
the process steps they will be supported from the bottom
so they will not deflect. However, while boards are being
transferred by the board handling system they are sup
ported only along two opposite edges. As a result, boards
will bow and components may dislodge or skew in the
unhardened solder paste.
Since board deflection will only occur during board
transport, the displacement boundary conditions are set to
simulate this process. As can be seen in Fig. 3, displacement
boundary conditions are set along the leading edge (stressfree boundary), the axis of symmetry in the X direction,
the axis of symmetry in the Y direction, and one of the
supported edges. The displacement boundary conditions
for each edge are as shown in Fig. 3.
Simply Supported
X = No Displacement
Y = Free to Move
Z = Free to Move
R, = Free to Rotate
Ry = No Rotation
Rz = No Rotation
Stress Free Boundary
Simply Supported
X = No Displacement
Y = Free to Move
Z = No Displacement
R, = Free to Rotate
Ry = No Rotation
Rz = No Rotation
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Fig. 3. Displacement boundary
( b )
N v
Fig. 5. Forces and moments act
ing on a thick-shell element.
Q y
The boundary value problem is further defined by noting
the load density (w = 0.013 psi) and material properties
(Young's modulus = 1 ,600,000 psi, Poisson's ratio = 0.028).
The load density was established by measuring the load
density of an assembled board currently being manufac
tured, and applying the same load density to the model.
Material properties were taken from reference 2.
Structure Description
A partially routed panel was created for this study, and
four different connecting tab dimensions were considered.
These dimensions were set to present a worst-case scenario,
while still adhering to current manufacturing practices and
projected product design. Fig. 2 gives the dimensions of
the design. It can be noted that this design has one tab
connecting adjoining boards and the cross-sectional area
connecting adjoining boards is identical. Since the struc
ture is symmetric about the X and Y axes, a finite element
model was created for only one quarter of the panel (shaded
area in Fig. 3). Fig. 4 shows the model. When creating the
finite element model a thick shell element was used. The
shell element was used because a thick plate element was
not available on the software used, and because a shell will
assume the form of a flat plate as the radii go to infinity.
A thick element was used instead of a thin one to capture
the effects of transverse shear through the thickness.
The thick shell element is shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 5a shows
the incremental cross-sectional area and the radii of curva
ture in the X and Y planes. Fig. 5b shows the tensile (or
compressive) stresses as well as the in-plane and transverse
shear. Fig. 5c gives the bending and twisting moments in
each plane.
for the boards in the subpanel were significantly less and
within the allowed limits (as measured across each board
separately). This is seen in the deflection plot shown in
Fig. 6. In Fig. 6, the undeformed mesh is shown in the
background and the deformed mesh in the foreground.
While the deformed mesh shows significant subpanel dis
placement, it also shows a discontinuity in the slope of
the subpanel. This discontinuity occurs where the connect
ing tabs hold the boards together. The curvature of the
boards on either side of the connecting tabs appears to be
insignificant. Noting that the acceptance criteria are for
board deflection rather than subpanel deflection, this de
sign meets the criteria for deflection.
The stress contours are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. These
are the distribution of the Von Mises stresses in the panel.
(The Von Mises stresses are used because they take into
consideration all the stresses.) The contours show that
The analysis showed that the maximum deflection for
the entire subpanel was between 0.61 inch and 0.42 inch
depending on the tab width used. While these values ex
ceeded the allowable limit, individual deflection profiles
Fig. 6. Deflection of the panel.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Fig. 7. Von Mises stress distribu
tion in the panel.
stresses reach a maximum at the connecting tabs. This is
reasonable since the connecting tabs must support the same
load as portions of the board having a larger cross-sectional
The stresses for the tabs are given in Fig. 9. In this table,
A represents the tab width for that iteration of the analysis,
(7X and cry are the tensile/compressive stresses, and T repre
sents the in-plane shear. Elements are listed to correspond
with the respective element plots, Fig. 4. A review of Fig.
9 shows that as the tab width is increased the induced
stresses are reduced. It can also be seen that the induced
stresses are less than the maximum allowable.
1. Modern Plastics Encyclopedia, Vol. 56, no. 10A, McGraw-Hill,
2. P.M. Hall, "Forces, Moments, and Displacements During Ther
mal Chamber Cycling of Leadless Ceramic Chip Carriers Soldered
to Printed Boards," IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids,
and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. CHMT-7, no. 4, December
Conclusions and Summary
The results of the finite element analysis indicated that
subpanels with the prescribed dimensions could be par
tially routed without causing mechanical failure or com
promising solder joint quality. It also showed that while
partial routing will increase overall panel deflection,
boards within the subpanel will not be deformed beyond
the allowable limit.
Since the designs used in this study represented a worstcase scenario, partial routing of surface mount boards was
declared a safe practice. As a result, the need to develop
a sophisticated depanelization workcell was eliminated.
Benefits included savings of one hundred fifty thousand
to two hundred fifty thousand U.S. dollars for capital equip
ment, and reduced process development time by approxi
mately six engineer months.
The authors would like to thank Ron Lloyd and Don Rice
for their support and comments on this work. They are
particularly indebted to Chao Chung-Huei for his effective
Fig. 8. Von Mises stress distribution at point B of the panel.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Element A
Element C
Element B
Compressive strength1 = 35-80 kpsi
Tensile strength1 = 35-85 kpsi
Shear strength1 = 14-25 kpsi
Fig. 9. Maximum stresses at ele
ments A, B, and C of the panel
(see Fig. 4).
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Fig. 3. Deflections of the panel at various locations (see Fig.
Fig. 2. Finite element model for a quarter of the printed circuit
B, n
c ~
i r
^ x x y
D -
12(1 -v2)
+ Bm
n i r y m i r y
— i- sinh — 'a
m T r y m i r y \ ~ \ m i r x
+ — *- sinh — "- ) sin
â € ¢ ^ P r . m i r y â € ž / , m i r y
£ m2 Amsinh -— i- +Bm ( sinh -— i.
m = 1,3,5,...
m i r y , m i r v \ ~ \ r r n r x
+ —-±- cosh —~- I cos ^- —
- S
T > 3
4 j
cosh Ü-V
+ A m c o s h
T /
mTTV rriTTy ~\ mTrx
B m ^ s i n h ^ L J c o s ^
\ ~ | m i r x
- ) J S l n â a€ ”
2 cosh
m i r y m i r y \ ~ |
_JL s,nh — JJcos
m = 1,3,5,... L
dyyx =
y. m2 | Amcosh — — + m2Bm ( 2 cosh
Amsmh __i.
-51 2 r 4
d x x x
I " A m s i n h ^ + m 2 B ,i m ( 3 s i n h
m i r y . m i r y \1 , mirx
+ __I cosh -ji
i r ) J s i n â € ”
A = ( 3 + v ) ( 1 - v ) s i n h a m C O S h c < m - ( 1 - v ) 2 a ,e,,.
'xy .
4 v(1 -v)sinhotm
The numerical results of the deflections at locations 1 through
6 of the panel (Fig. 2) are shown in Fig. 3. The bending and
twisting moments and transverse shear forces at location 1 are
given in Fig. 4. These results were obtained by summing the
above series up to m = 15.
Finite Element Solutions
Because of double symmetries (see Fig. 1b), only a quarter
of the panel (shaded area in Fig. 1b) is modeled, as shown in
Fig. 2. It consists of 54 doubly curved shell elements. Each ele
ment has 8 nodal points. Each nodal point has six degrees of
freedom. The displacement boundary conditions are exactly the
same as those shown in Fig. 3 on page 30. Finite element results
for the deflections, bending and twisting moments, and trans
verse shear forces are summarized in Figs. 3 and 4. It can be
seen that they are in excellent agreement with the closed-form
CF=Closed-Form Solution
FE=Finite Element Solution
Fig. location 1. moments, twisting moment, and shear forces at location 1.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Reliability Theory Applied to Software
The execution-time theory of software reliability is extended
to the software testing process by introduction of an
accelerating factor. It is shown that the accelerating factor
can be determined from repair data and used to make
prerelease estimates of software reliability for similar
by H. Dean Drake and Duane E. Wolting
ware is in its early stages. The marketplace, however,
demands that the reliability of software in new prod
ucts be improved and that this key quality attribute some
how be quantified. An observation by three British mathe
maticians in 1952 underscores early recognition of the
problem, but provides little insight as to its definition or
how to measure software reliability:
Those who regularly code for fast electronic computers
will have learned from bitter experience that a large frac
tion of the time spent in preparing calculations for the
machine is taken up in removing the blunders that have
been made in drawing up the programme.1
Today's reliability engineer certainly has better methods
and models to help understand software reliability than in
1952, yet a practical way to conceive of software reliability
still eludes the industry. Even simple discussion of soft
ware reliability gives rise to terms such as "system crash"
and "bug" that are foreign-sounding to those who routinely
apply reliability theory to hardware.
While software reliability does differ from hardware in
some aspects, it can be conceived of and applied using a
model based on conventional reliability theory. Measure
ment of software reliability in terms of failure rate (span
ning of prerelease and postrelease periods), treatment of
software testing as a form of accelerated life cycle testing,
and use of a contemporary reliability model for software
all form a basis for reliability analysis of software.
covered, the number of potential failures is reduced when
the defects are fixed, and the rate at which new failures
occur is also reduced.
Musa calls his model the execution-time theory of soft
ware reliability because the failure rate curve shown for
software in Fig. 1 is actually a function of execution time
instead of calendar time. Execution time is the time spent
executing the program being analyzed. It excludes idle
time, which a model using calendar time would include.
For hardware, it is self-evident not to count the time the
unit is not operational when taking data. The actual time
a program spends executing, on the other hand, is often
obscured by various factors such as time allocated to an
application in a multitasking system environment.
The execution-time model predicts that the instantaneous
failure rate for software can be described by (see Appendix):
h(x) = h0e-(h°/N°)x
where h0 and N0 are fixed parameters that are characteristic
of a given program and x is execution time.
If the assumptions are made that time spent explicitly
testing a software product is synonymous with execution
time and the testing environment is more stressful than
the normal user environment, then the model can be ex
tended to the software testing process. Consideration of
test time and execution time as being equivalent is straight-
Theoretical Model
Conventional reliability theory2 often describes hard
ware reliability in terms of an instantaneous failure rate
such as shown in Fig. 1. Based on this model, reliability
analysis proceeds by assuming a distributional form for
the time to failure, obtaining observations on this random
variable, and then using the data to arrive at a statistical
estimate of the failure rate.
The software characteristic, also shown in Fig. 1, is de
rived from a theoretical model proposed by Musa,3'4 which
can be classed as a reliability growth model. The model
reflects a basic intuitive supposition: software generally
improves with age. As a program matures, defects are dis
Fig. 1 . Characteristic failure rate curves.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
forward. Time spent testing an interactive application or
compiling test modules for a new language is obviously
time spent executing the software. Software doesn't wear
out as hardware systems characteristically do; however, it
does have an aging mechanism. As a given software product
is exercised through use, more and more untried, discrete
input cases are executed from the total possible input space
of the product and previously undiscovered defects are
found when particular cases result in failures. Since soft
ware testers are trying to cause failures, they create an
environment for the software in which input cases occur
with greater frequency than they would with normal use
and therefore failures occur at a higher rate.
This higher failure rate in testing is accounted for by
modifying Musa's basic model to include an accelerating
factor C such that the failure rate in testing is:
ha(x) = Ch(x) = Ch0e-(h°/N°)x
where ha(x) is the software failure rate in testing with re
spect to test time (or execution time), and C is a constant
greater than or equal to one. Introduction of the constant
C implies that the ratio of the failure rate h(x) to the accel
erated failure rate in testing ha(x) is constant for all values
of x.
Application of the Software Reliability Model
The process used to test terminal firmware at the HP
Roseville Terminals Division has been designed with the
software reliability model in mind. Testing is performed
by teams of engineers responsible for various features of
the firmware. They test on a part-time basis (as opposed
to one or two engineers testing features sequentially on a
full-time basis). This ensures that test cases are applied
concurrently across all of the firmware's functional areas
and helps to keep the occurrence of a failure independent
from other failures and test coverage congruent with use
coverage (see assumption 3 in Appendix). Time spent test
ing is logged to provide failure data as a function of test
time (execution time) instead of calendar time.
Test data is then compiled in the context of the software
reliability model. When defects are found, a report is gen
erated by the testing engineer. These reports are counted
each test day and divided by the day's test hours to deter
mine a test day failure rate. A failure rate graph is then
constructed by plotting successive average failure rates
against cumulative test time.
Such a plot for the HP 2393A and HP 2397 A Terminals
is shown in Fig. 2 (both terminals contain the same
firmware). Also shown is a curve that is a fitted regression
model of the form AeBx. By fitting the exponential curve
to the data, it is assumed that the underlying trend is the
general form of the decaying exponential predicted by the
software reliability model in equation 2 without actually
knowing the parameters C, h0, or N0.
Although the model shows failure rate as a continuous
function in Fig. 1, it predicts actual rates to be constant
between revisions (see Appendix). Given this attribute, the
ending failure rate of the terminal's firmware at release is
the value of the regression function at the end of testing,
labeled xRelease in Fig. 2. This is determined by evaluating
the regression function at the final test time value of 647
test hours. This terminal's initial reliability is therefore a
regression function of the form AeBx, where the parameter
estimates from the test data and regression analysis5 are A
= 83.9 and B = -0.00162. Thus ha(x) = 83.9e~°-00162x,
and the accelerated failure rate at xRe[ease is ha(647) = 29.4%
failures/test hour, that is, 29.4% of the terminals would be
expected to fail per test hour if the test were continued.
This is the expected failure rate for the firmware's initial
release, and until the firmware is revised, it should remain
constant. This failure rate must, however, be converted to
an equivalent rate in a user environment. It must also be
expressed as a function of calendar time to reflect the cus
tomer's perspective. For terminals, the relationship be
tween execution time and calendar time is assumed to be
linear because their firmware is exercised whenever cus
tomers use their terminals. Experience has shown that cus
tomers operate HP terminals an average of 2000 hours out
of 8760 per year, so the calendar-time equivalent failure
rate becomes:
h(t) = (l/4.38)h(x)
where t is calendar time. From equations 1, 2, and 3, the
calendar-time failure rate in terms of accelerated executiontime failure rate is
h(t) = (l/4.38)(l/C)ha(x)
or on an annual basis,
h(t) = (l/4.38)(l/C)(8760)ha(x) = 2000(l/C)ha(x) (4)
Using the released failure rate for this terminal, the calen
dar-time failure rate for that version of the firmware then
h(t) = 2000(l/C)ha(647) = (1/Q58800 % failures/year (5)
Computing Accelerating Factor
At this point a prerelease estimate of the reliability of
this firmware could be made if the accelerating factor C
were known. Since h(t) is expected to be constant for the
duration of the initial revision, a measured failure rate for
that period of time can be equated to equation 5 to solve
for the accelerating factor.
100 :-
t <
600 xRele
Cumulative Test Time (Hours)
(Equivalent to Execution Time x)
Fig. 2. HP 2393A and HP 2397 A prerelease failure rate.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
But how can such a failure rate be determined for
firmware? There is no warranty to cause failure data to be
gathered, nor is the industry in the habit of taking data of
this nature. An answer lies in the fact that firmware (or
software) can only be repaired by revising the customer's
product. Those repairs can be tabulated in much the same
fashion as hardware failure rate data is tabulated from war
ranty repair data. By assuming that a unit's firmware is
repaired when its firmware is revised, and further, that a
failure occurs on the same date as the repair, a failure rate
can be computed based on unit revisions.
The initial revision of the HP 2393A/7A firmware was
produced in all units from September 1985 to June 1986.
If the sum of the individual unit revisions is divided by
the sum of the monthly shipments over that period and
multiplied times 100, the half-year average failure rate is
found to be 0.615%. It is the half-year rate because only
repairs to a unit that occur in the first six months from its
date of shipment are reported and can be tabulated. If this
rate of failure for a six-month window from shipment date
is assumed to be constant, then the annualized failure rate
is twice the six-month rate. Therefore, the overall average
annualized failure rate for the version of this firmware that
resulted from the testing process for the HP 2393A/7A is
1.23% failures/year.
Rearranging equation 5, substituting the average an
nualized failure rate, and solving for C yields:
! = 58800/h(t) = 58800/1.23 = 47805.
Ct is the accelerating factor for the HP 2393A/7A testing
A second terminal, the HP 2394A, was subsequently
developed and its firmware tested similarly to the HP
2393A/7A's. The test-time failure rate data for this terminal
is shown in Fig. 3. Following the same steps as above, its
final failure rate from testing is determined by evaluating
an exponential function fitted to the data at the final
cumulative test time. The calendar-time equivalent failure
rate from equations 4 and 5 is:
h(t) = 2000(l/C2)ha(384) = 67200/C2 % failures/year (7)
As before, this is the failure rate for this terminal's initial
firmware release given some accelerating factor resulting
from the testing process.
100 -3 — .
o d)
Since this terminal has a predecessor for which an esti
mate of the accelerating effect of the testing process is avail
able, a prerelease reliability estimate can be made. Substitu
tion of C} for C2 in equation 7 gives a prerelease estimate
of the HP 2394A's reliability to be 1.41% failures per year.
once released and in use by customers. Of course, this
assumes that the accelerating effect of the second testing
process is the same as that of the first, but it does provide
an estimate of the reliability of the firmware before release
and a potential measure to help decide when software or
firmware is ready to release. As other projects are measured
in this fashion, a history of computed accelerating factors
will be built up, and a statistically more precise accelerating
factor can be derived to estimate prerelease reliability.
The HP 2394A's initial revision of firmware was pro
duced in all units from June 1985 to January 1986. Using
the same technique as above for determination of a postrelease failure rate based on number of firmware revisions,
this terminal's overall average failure rate was 1.58% for
the first revision of the firmware. Rearranging equation 7
and solving for the accelerating factor gives C2 = 45532.
The failure rate after release compares favorably with that
predicted before release, and the closeness of the accelerat
ing factors (47805 to 45532) indicates that the testing pro
cess was fairly consistent in both cases.
Implications for the Testing Process
Several issues have arisen out of the application of the
execution-time model to software. Use of an accelerating
factor to describe the effect the testing process has on soft
ware reliability also raises questions about the variability
of the testing process and the reliability improvement that
results from it. Test coverage in the testing process is a
critical aspect. How good a fit is required to conclude the
model's applicability and what to do if the data from testing
doesn't fit the model are other issues that merit discussion.
Examination of the testing process reveals a system that
does more than verify reliable operation of the software.
In a broader context, the failure data can be thought of as
a measure of the performance of the reliability improve
ment process. Using principles of statistical process con
trol, this data provides insight into ways to improve the
process. A control chart facilitates the interpretation of
such data. It also provides statistical evidence of improve
ment when reliability growth occurs. Fig. 4 is an example
of a "u" control chart constructed from data for the HP
2394A. The chart is based on the Poisson probability dis
tribution.6 It is constructed from n successive paired obser
vations on the number of failures detected and the corre
sponding number of test hours required. For each of the
paired observations, the sample failure rate, u(i), is com
Cumulative Test Time (Hours)
(Equivalent to Execution Time x)
Fig. 3. HP 2394A prerelease failure rate.
where w(i) = number of errors detected or failures (detec
tion of an error for software also causes a failure) in the
ith sample and t(i) = number of test hours required to
detect the w(i) errors. The central line for the chart, 0, is
simply the weighted average sample failure rate:
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
The control limits depend on the number of test hours
recorded for each observation. The upper control limit,
UCL(i), for the ith observation is:
UCL(i) = ü +
The chart is constructed by plotting u(i), u, and UCL(i)
versus cumulative test time. For practical purposes in this
instance, the lower control limit is zero.
In this example, the process is "out of control" at x =
53 and at x = 124 hours. Logbook entries indicate that
these times correspond to the addition of new features to
the base software. This was confirmed as the assignable
cause of the variations leading to the failure rate spikes.
This observation highlighted segments of code that were
unusually prone to error and suggested where engineering
effort should be focused. The process also shows signs of
statistically significant change after 272 hours. Beyond this
point, 9 of 13 consecutive points lie below the centerline,
a signal that the underlying failure rate has decreased. This
provides additional statistical evidence that the reliability
of the software has grown or been improved as a result of
the testing process.
Coverage in testing must meet a basic assumption of the
model (see assumption 3 in Appendix) to produce unbiased
failure rate estimates. If coverage is not representative of
the use space of customers, failure rates from testing will
not correlate with actual use of a product. To ensure that
estimates of the failure rate are unbiased, it is necessary to
cover all of the features in the testing process . It is especially
important that no untested features are released to produc
tion. This minimizes the risk of significantly overestimat
ing the reliability perceived by the customer.
The fitted curves shown in Figs. 2 and 3 were obtained
using the method of least-squares applied to log-trans
formed failure rate data. Statistical tests indicated that the
respective models are reasonably good fits to the observed
trends. In both cases the strength of the exponential trend
was significant compared with the residual variation or
"noise." Further, the fitted curves accounted for most of
the observed variability in failure rate. Other sources of
systematic variability were not apparent.
What if the failure rate data doesn't fit the decaying ex
ponential form very well? If the data is not described by
some form of monotonically decreasing function, it may
signal the presence of a reliability problem. With hardware,
early wearout mechanisms detected in life testing are likely
to cause the product to be sent back for major redesign.
The same applies to the development of software. If the
reliability is not growing (i.e., the failure rate is increasing),
the design may have a fundamental problem that will re
quire redesign. If, on the other hand, the failure rate is
decreasing but not exponentially, a reliability growth
model that incorporates another functional form can be
Software reliability can be quantified through the appli
cation of a reliability growth model to test data. Simple
structuring of the testing process provides the data neces
sary and the use of an empirically derived accelerating
factor offers a way to make prerelease estimates of a soft
ware product's reliability. Combined with correlation of
postrelease failure data over a history of products, these
estimates can be made with increasing statistical precision.
These techniques can be implemented easily without major
modification of existing processes and can be of immediate
4.0 +
Cumulative Test Time (Hours)
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Fig. 4. HP 2394 A testing process
control chart.
use to help understand and improve this important quality
1. R.A. Brooker. S. Gill and D.J. Wheeler. "The Adventures of a
Blunder." Mathematical Tables and Other Aids to Computation.
Vol. 6, no. 38, 1952, pp. 112-113.
2. J. Freund and I. Miller, Probability and Statistics for Engineers,
Prentice-Hall, 1985.
3. J. Musa, "A Theory of Software Reliability and Its Application."
IEEE Sep on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-1, no. 3, Sep
tember 1975.
4. f. Musa. "Validin- of Execution-Time Theory of Software Relia
bility." IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. R-28, no. 3, August
5. Statistics Library forthe 200 Series Computers, product number
98820A, Hewlett-Packard Company. 1982.
6. E.L. Grant and R.S. Leavenworth, Statistical Quality Control,
Fifth Edition. McGraw-Hill, 1980.
7. R.E. Barlow and F. Proschan. Statistical Theory of Reliability
and Life Testing Probability Models, Holt, Reinhart and Winston,
Derivation of the Software Reliability Model
The reliability function defines the unconditional probability that the time to failure
exceeds will Often, however, it is necessary to know the probability that the system will
fail at any particular moment, given that it has not failed up to that time. The conditional
probability of failure in a finite interval {t, t + At) given that failure has not occurred up
to time t, is:
Development of the Theoretical Model
Musa3'4 showed that these concepts can be used to describe the reliability of software.
In his approach, the stress variable is the actual CPU time used in execution. The
model model is known as the execution-time model, of which the present model is
a modified version. The key assumptions are:
1 . Failures of the software system are caused by defects in the system. Any such
defects are independent of each other and are distributed at any time with a constant
average or rate (per instruction) throughout the code between failures or
2. Types of instructions are well-mixed. Execution time between failures is large com
pared to average execution time per instruction.
3. Test repre are applied across the breadth of the product's features. Testing repre
sents the environment in which the software will be used.
4. The set of inputs for each run of the software, whether during test or during customer
use, is selected randomly.
5. All failures that occur are detected.
6. The defect causing each failure is removed without introducing new defects. The
defect counted. removed before execution resumes or its rediscovery is not counted.
Under the assumptions, the instantaneous failure rate is piecewise constant, and is
proportional to the residual number of errors in the system:
Pr[t<T<(t + At)|T>t] - [F(t + At) - F(t)]/R(t)
h(x) = k(N0 - n)
The approach taken in this paper uses a statistical model to characterize the reliability
of software. The model is founded in theory that is routinely applied to diverse problems
in the theory sciences, economics, and hardware engineering. Although this theory has
been used extensively in the past, its application to software testing is a comparatively
recent development.
Derivation of the model begins with a probabilistic definition of reliability.7 Here, T is
a continuous random variable that denotes the elapsed time {or more generally the
stress) of failure for a system under consideration. Let f(t) be the probability density of
T and let F(t) denote the associated cumulative distribution function. The reliability of
the system at time T -- t is simply the probability that the elapsed time to failure exceeds
t. This function, of this probability with time is described by the reliability function, R(t),
which is the complement of the cumulative distribution function:
R(t) = 1 - F(t)
The instantaneous failure rate at lime t, h(t), is obtained by first dividing this conditional
probability by At, then taking the limit as At approaches zero. This reduces to:
h(t) = f(t)/R(t)
where N0 is the number of inherent errors in the program before testing begins, n is
the number of errors corrected by (cumulative) execution time x, and k is a proportionality
The instantaneous rate at which errors are being removed is identically equal to the
instantaneous failure rate:
The function h(t) is also known as the hazard rate. It can be shown that the reliability
function of the system can be obtained directly from the hazard rate alone. In general:
R(t) = expl- f h ( u ) d u ]
dn/dx - h(x)
Equations V and VI, when combined, lead to a differential equation in n and x. Its
solution is:
n ( x )
where u is a variable of integration.
The hazard rate is a particularly useful concept for two reasons: 1) It is a readily
interpretable quantity that describes the tendency to fail as a function of elapsed (failurefree) including and 2) all salient functions of T can be derived from it, including the probability
density and reliability functions. In this context, knowledge of the hazard rate is sufficient
to describe completely the reliability of the system under consideration. It also plays a
central role in the development of the software reliability model.
N 0 [ 1
â € ¢ " ]
( V I I )
Using equation V, the instantaneous failure rale as a function of time becomes:
h(x) = h0.
where h0 = kN0 is the failure rate at the onset of testing. Equation VIII provides the
theoretical basis for fitting an exponential curve to the empirical failure rate data and
is an example of a reliability growth model, the decreasing failure rate representing
"growth" of the software's reliability.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Reader Forum
The HP Journal encourages technical discussion of the topics presented
in recent articles and will publish letters expected
to be of interest to our readers.
Letters must be brief and are subject to editing.
Letters should be addressed to:
Editor, Hewlett-Packard Journal, 3200 Hillview Avenue,
Palo Alto, CA 94304, U.S.A.
I was fascinated by the description of HP Precision Architec
ture in the August 1986 issue of the HP Journal ("Hewlett-Pack
ard Precision Architecture: The Processor," p. 4). While the
architecture is interesting, there is no publicly available data
that sense that RISCs are economically beneficial, in the sense
that and really reduce software costs in the design, coding and
maintenance phases. I am researching this issue in a graduate
course on software engineering economics.
HP has a unique position as a leader of RISC technology, but
at the same time needs to solve the problem of compatibility.
I assume that HP has assessed this issue and has data to shed
light on it. I would be very grateful if you could provide me
with such data.
While the purpose of this research is purely academic, please
be advised that most graduate students in this course, myself
included, are also employed by engineering companies.
Yoav Talgam
University of Texas at Austin
You ask a question of great importance to alJ users of com
puters: What impact does RISC-styJe processor architecture
have upon the cost of software?
The characteristics of processor architecture that most affect
software costs are those that are directly reflected to higherlevel language programmers. For example, if a small address
space "shows through" the compilers to the users of a language,
requiring them to separate their code and data into unnatural
H E W L E T T - P A C K A R D
fragments, then there is clearly an incremental cost in design,
coding, and maintenance of such software. On the other hand,
if the compilers "mask" such characteristics from program
mers, then no additional software costs are incurred (though
run-time performance may suffer). The HP Precision Architec
ture imposes fewer addressing constraints than most. Because
at least 48-bit virtual addresses are supported, this is not a
cause for worry.
A simpler instruction set is not, in itself, a burden, because
the compilers and optimizer take care of the mapping from
higher-level languages to the machine. If a programmer re
quests an integer division from Fortran, for example, the com
pilers arrange for the division to be done by the most expedi
tious means — with or without a DIVIDE instruction.
To first order, Precision Architecture machines are neutral
with respect to software costs. This is so because we success
fully impor our objective of efficiently supporting all impor
tant languages and their data types. As a result, there is no
increase in the complexity or volume of user software, and
hence in user software costs. (You might wonder about the
cost of our compilers, because they are more complex than
nonoptimizing compilers, but this is compensated by simpler
hardware and the absence of microcode.]
The second-order effects of reduced-complexity machines
are positive, improving the cost/performance of computer sys
tems permits a greater emphasis on software productivity,
which is frequently compromised by the need to conserve pre
cious processor cycles. For example, the HP 9000 Model 840
Computer has an integrated symbolic debugging capability for
C, Pascal, and Fortran 77. This represents a use of the greater
addressability and speed of the machine to deliver improved
software productivity. The ALLBASE relational/network data
base system is another example of using additional raw power
to provide greater application ease and flexibility.
Any task involving the coordinated storage, retrieval, and
management of information can be improved by the appro
priate application of computer power, and the production of
reliable, effective software is no exception. You should expect
to see a new generation of computer-aided software engineering
tools emerge, aided by the availability of powerful, low-cost
programming workstations. The cost/performance advantage
of HP Precision Architecture machines will play an important
role in bringing about such integrated software development
Michael J. Mahon
Computer Language Laboratory
Volume 38 • Number <
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