! $# " 100VG-AnyLAN provides a 100-Mbit/s data rate with guaranteed bandwidth and maximum access delay for time-critical applications such as multimedia, using existing building wiring. It uses demand priority protocol. Developed by Hewlett-Packard and now supported by over 30 companies ranging from integrated circuit vendors to systems suppliers, demand priority is well on its way to becoming the IEEE 802.12 standard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thernet (IEEE 802.3). 8,)62)8 ;%7 ():)034)( -2 8,) 0%8) 7 %7 % A&-87 %27;)6 83 8,) 0-1-8%8-327 3* 8,) 8)0)A 4,32) 7=78)1 8 &)'%1) %2 78%2(%6( -2 00 23()7 ;)6) '322)'8)( 83 % 7-2+0) ')286%0 '3%< &97 ;,-', 463:)( 83 &) 731);,%8 -2*0)<-&0) %7 97)67 ',%2+) 03'%8-327 36 %6) %(()( 83 8,) 2)8;36/ 9+978 );0)88A%'/%6( 3962%0 ",) 8,)62)8 %'')77 430-'= -7 ! ;,-', 78%2(7 *36 '%66-)6 7)27) 1908-40) %'')77 ;-8, '300-7-32 ()8)'8-32 8 %003;7 %2= 23() 83 86%271-8 % 4%'/)8 ;-8, 94 83 &=8)7 3* (%8% %2=8-1) -8 ()8)'87 7-0)2') 23 7-+2%0 32 8,) 2)8A ;36/ ",-7 '%2 0)%( 83 4%'/)8 '300-7-327 -* 8;3 36 136) 23()7 2))( 83 86%271-8 %2( ()8)'8 7-0)2') %8 8,) 7%1) 8-1) %', -2:30:)( 23() -7 6)59-6)( 83 &%'/ 3** ')%7) 86%271-8A 8-2+ -11)(-%8)0= %*8)6 % '300-7-32 -7 ()8)'8)( &98 8-1) -7 '32791)( %2( 8,) %:%-0%&0) &%2(;-(8, -7 )**)'8-:)0= 6)(9')( (96-2+ ,-+,A86%**-' 4)6-3(7 ",) 46383'30 %073 6)59-6)7 )%', 23() 83 132-836 8,) 2)8A ;36/ 86%**-' %2( 83 ()'3() *-08)6 8,) ()78-2%8-32 %((6)77 3* )%', 4%'/)8 83 ()8)61-2) ;,)8,)6 -8 7,390( &) 6)')-:)( &= 8,) 23() %'/)87 ;-8, 8,) 23()7 -2(-:-(9%0 36 +6394 %(A (6)77 %6) '34-)( -283 1)136= %2( 4%'/)87 ;-8, 2321%8',A -2+ %((6)77)7 %6) -+236)( ",) %7)A" 78%6 834303+= ;%7 463437)( &= );0)88A %'/%6( -2 %2( &)'%1) 4%68 3* 8,) 78%2(%6( -2 ",) ')28)6 3* 8,) 78%6 -7 % 2)8;36/ '32')286%836 ,9& ;,-', -7 8=4-'%00= 03'%8)( -2 % ;-6-2+ '037)8 %', 23() -7 '32A 2)'8)( 83 8,) ,9& &= :3-')A+6%() 8;-78)(A4%-6 '%&0) %7)A" 6)8%-27 8,) &%7-' *)%896)7 %2( %'')77 430-'= 3* 8,) &97 2)8;36/ %2( %073 %((7 % 0):)0 3* *%908 830)6%2') -2/ *%9087 %8 -2(-:-(9%0 23()7 %6) -730%8)( &= 8,) ,9& %2( (3 238 8%/) (3;2 8,) )28-6) 2)8;36/ %7)A" ,%7 &)'31) 8,) 1378 '31132 2)8;36/ '32*-+96%8-32 Token Ring (IEEE 802.5). "3/)2 6-2+ ;%7 463437)( %7 % A&-87 73098-32 83 8,) 8,)62)8 '300-7-32 463&0)1 %2( &)'%1) %2 78%2(%6( -2 0%8) ",) 36-+-2%0 2)8;36/ 7869'896) -7 % 6-2+ %6392( ;,-', &38, 83/)27 %2( -2*361%8-32 4%'/)87 94 83 (%8% &=8)7 %6) 4%77)( ",) 2)8;36/ 1)(-91 -7 8=4) 7,-)0()( 8;-78)(A4%-6 !" '%&0) "3/)2 6-2+ 2)8;36/7 %6) %073 23; '311320= -278%00)( -2 78%6 '32*-+96%8-327 ",)@83/)2 6-2+ %'')77 430-'= -7 ()7-+2)( 83 &) &38, '300-7-32A *6)) %2( 46-36-8=A&%7)( 8 46):)287 %2= 23() 8,%8 (3)7 238 '966)280= ?3;2 8,) 83/)2 *631 86%271-88-2+ % (%8% 4%'/)8 %2( -8 463:-()7 )-+,8 46-36-8= 0):)07 83 %003; 731) '0%77)7 3* (%8% 83 8%/) 46)')()2') 3:)6 38,)6 '0%77)7 00 (%8% 4%'/)87 %2( 83/)27 '328%-2 %2 %'')77 '328630 *-)0( 8,%8 %003;7 8,) 79'')77-:) 23()7 32 8,) 2)8;36/ &38, 83 6)7)6:) 8,) 83/)2 %2( 83 -2(-'%8) 8,)-6 6)7)6:%8-32 46-36-8= 0):)0 #,) 23() 8,%8 '966)280= 3;27 8,) 83/)2 86%271-87 -87 (%8% 4%'/)8 ;-8, 8,) 6)7)6:%8-32 &-87 -2 8,) %'')77 '328630 *-)0( 7)8 83 1-2-191 46-36-8= %', 79'')77-:) 23() *36;%6(7 8,) 4%'/)8 %7 -8 -7 &)-2+ 6)')-:)( 8 %073 -28)663+%8)7 8,) ()78-2%8-32 %((6)77 *-)0( 83 ()8)61-2) ;,)8,)6 -8 7,390( '34= 8,) (%8% *6%1) %2( 8,) %'')77 '328630 *-)0( 83 ()8)6? 1-2) 8,) '966)28 6)7)6:%8-32 0):)0 * 8,) 23() 2))(7 83 7)2( % (%8% 4%'/)8 %2( 8,) 6)7)6:)( 46-36-8= 0):)0 -7 0)77 8,%2 8,) 23()7 0):)0 8,) 23() -2(-'%8)7 -87 2))( &= ',%2+-2+ 8,) :%09) 3* 8,) 6)7)6:%8-32 &-87 -2 8,) *36;%6()( 4%'/)8 #,) 7)2(-2+ 23() 6)13:)7 8,) 4%'/)8 *631 8,) 2)8;36/ %2( 86%271-87 % 2); 83/)2 ;-8, 8,) 46-36-8= &-87 3* 8,) %'')77 '328630 *-)0( 7)8 83 8,) 46-36-8= 0):)0 -2(-'%8)( -2 8,) 6)8962)( 4%'/)8 #,) 83/)2 8,)2 '-6'90%8)7 83 8,) 23() 8,%8 *-678 6)? 7)6:)( 8,%8 46-36-8= #,%8 23() 6)13:)7 8,) 83/)2 %2( 86%27? 1-87 % (%8% 4%'/)8 #,) 83/)2 '-6'90%8)7 '328-293970= %8 1-2-191 46-36-8= -2 %2 -(0) 2)8;36/ Category 4: 20-MHz bandwidth, used in 4-pair groups for each link. 28)62%8-32%0 %8% 36436%8-32 % 1%6/)8 6)7)%6', *-61 6)43687 8,%8 8,) ;360(;-() -278%00)( 8,)62)8 &%7) %8 8,) )2( 3* ;%7 23()7 94 *631 #,)= 46)(-'8 %2 -278%00)( &%7) 3* 3:)6 &= 8,) )2( 3* 46)(31-2%280= %7)?# #,) 83/)2 6-2+ ;360(;-() -278%00)( &%7) ;%7 %8 8,) )2( 3* 94 *631 46)(-'87 8,%8 8,) 83/)2 6-2+ -278%00)( &%7) ;-00 %4463%', &= 8,) )2( 3* Cables can be categorized in various ways: according to their physical structure, the material used for transmitting signals, and the uses for which they are suitable. Common types are listed below. UTP: Unshielded twisted-pair, 100-ohm balanced cable. The lack of shielding makes UTP cable very low-cost, but introduces problems of cross talk when the pairs are in close proximity. Category 3: Voice-grade cable, such as telephone wire, with 16-MHz bandwidth, used in 4-pair groups for each link. 25-pair bundles of Category 3 UTP are common in existing LANs. This is an important consideration when designing a network protocol. Category 5: Data-grade cable with 100-MHz bandwidth, used in 2-pair or 4-pair groups for each link. Optical-Fiber: Cable consisting of a minimum of two strands of optical fiber running parallel within a protective jacket. Each fiber is usually composed of glass 125 m in diameter, and has a 62.5-m core. Transmission is by light beam at 850-nm or 1330-nm wavelength. STP: 150-ohm balanced shielded twisted-pair cable. Usually used in 2-pair groups for each link. #,) 7-89%8-32 ;-00 6%4-(0= ;367)2 ;-8, 8,) %'')0)6%8)( ():)0? 341)28 3* 8-1)?7)27-8-:) 1908-1)(-% %440-'%8-327 !)%0?8-1) %9(-3 %2( :-()3 *36 :-()3 '32*)6)2'-2+ %2( -28)6%'8-:) :-()3 6)59-6) 8,%8 4%'/)87 3* (%8% &) 86%27*)66)( '328-29? 3970= ;-8, 1-2-1%0 ()0%= #,)= '%2238 %**36( 83 ,%:) %2= 4%'/)8 ()0%=)( 36 (6344)( &)'%97) 3* % '300-7-32 36 '32+)7? 8-32 32 8,) 2)8;36/ #,) 0%78 8)2 =)%67 ,%7 7))2 % ,92(6)(*30( -2'6)%7) -2 8,) #,) 463&0)1 46)7)28)( 83 7 2)8;36/ ()7-+2 8)%1 '32? 74))( 3* '31498)67 %2( 8,) 7->) 3* *-0)7 '6)%8)( &= 734,-78-? 8%-2)( 7):)6%0 1%.36 +3%07 %2( '327-()6%8-327 '%8)( %440-'%8-327 )%2;,-0) 8,) (%8% 86%27*)6 6%8) 3* 1378 • "4))( #,) '966)28 2)8;36/7 %6) '0)%60= 833 703; 1%.36 2)8;36/7 ,%7 6)1%-2)( '3278%28 %8 &-877 83 &-877 -1463:)1)28 ;390( &) 83 -2'6)%7) 8,) 74))( 3* 8,) 2)8? ;36/ &-877 ;390( %003; 8)2 8-1)7 8,) %13928 3* #,) *-678 7-+27 3* 2)8;36/ 786%-2 %6) 97)67 '3140%-2-2+ 8,%8 86%**-' 4)6*361%2') -7 *%00-2+ 3** %2( 6)74327) 8-1)7 %6) 6-7-2+ #,) • 9%6%28))( '')77 $,-0) 1908-1)(-% %2( 38,)6 8-1)?7)27-? 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"31)8-1)7 2)8;36/ &3880)2)'/7 %6-7) *631 -2(-:-(9%0 %440-? 1)287 -2 8,) ;-6-2+ 7869'896) #,) 2); 2)8;36/ 7,390( &) '%8-327 )<'))(-2+ 8,) &%2(;-(8, 3* 8,) 2)8;36/ %8%?-28)2? %&0) 83 34)6%8) 3:)6 +)2)6-' 8;-78)(?4%-6 &9-0(-2+ ;-6-2+ 7-:) %440-'%8-327 79', %7 (%8%&%7) %'')77 -1%+) %2%0=7-7 -&)6?348-' '%&0-2+ 7,390( %073 &) %003;)( ()7/834 49&0-7,-2+ 2)8;36/ 46-28-2+ %2( 6)59-6) 8,%8 • #34303+= #3 &) '314%8-&0) ;-8, )<-78-2+ ;-6-2+ 8,) 2); :)6= 0%6+) %139287 3* -2*361%8-32 &) 86%27*)66)( -2 % 7-2+0) 2)8;36/ 1978 97) % 78%6 834303+= #,) %003;)( 2)8;36/ &9678 36 )<%140) % ()7/834 49&0-7,-2+ %440-'%8-32 1-+,8 (-%1)8)6 7,390( &) %8 0)%78 /1 ;-8, 8,6)) 36 136) 0):)07 6)59-6) 1)+%&=8)7 *36 % 7-2+0) 4%+) -2'36436%8-2+ 7):)6%0 3* ,9& '%7'%(-2+ 8=4)*%')7 % &-81%44)( 03+3 %2( *396?'3036 +6%4,-'7 2 % • "3*8;%6) 314%8-&-0-8= #,) 2)8;36/ 7,390( &) '314%8-&0) 8=4-'%0 8,)62)8 36 83/)2 6-2+ 2)8;36/ -8 '390( 8%/) %7 032+ ;-8, &38, 8,)62)8 %2( 83/)2 6-2+ *6%1) *361%87 %2( 7,390( %7 7)'32(7 83 6)86-):) 8,%8 32) 4%+) 1908-4%+) (3'9? 46)7)6:) )<-78-2+ -2:)781)287 -2 2)8;36/ %2( %440-'%8-327 1)28 '390( 8%/) % 1-298) 36 8;3 83 6)86-):) 73*8;%6) 9+978 );0)88? %'/%6( 3962%0 Level-1 (Root) Hub Cascade Port Local Ports Node Level-2 Hub Level-3 Hub Level-2 Hub Level-3 Hub ,*;,*-.- ;<*: 6.<?7:3 • ::7: %=;,.8<2+242<A *6- .<.,<276 &1. 2584.5.6<*<276 ;17=4- 1*>. * 81A;2,*4 4*A.: +2< .::7: :*<. 7/ 4.;; <1*6 *6- * ,7-260 ;,1.5. <1*< ?244 0=*:*6<.. -.<.,<276 7/ .::7:; 26 *6A <1:.. +2<; ?2<126 <1. -*<* /:*5. ?2<17=< ,75C 8:752;260 <1. ,A,42, :.-=6-*6,A ,1.,3 $ -./26.- /7: <1. *6- /:*5. /7:5*<; • #:2>*,A 7<1 <1.:6.< *6- <73.6 :260 8:7>2-. *--:.;; /24<.:C 260 *< <1. 67-. 4.>.4 .//.,<2>.4A *447?260 *6A 67-. <7 ,78A *6A -*<* 8*,3.< ;.6< 76 <1. 6.<?7:3 &7 .61*6,. <1. 8:2C >*,A 7/ -*<* ,755=62,*<276; *--:.;; /24<.:260 7/ 26-2>2-=C *44A *--:.;;.- 8*,3.<; ;17=4- +. 8:7>2-.- *; *6 78<276 ?2<126 <1. 1=+ • $7+=;< "8.:*<276 76<26=7=; 78.:*<276 7/ <1. 6.<?7:3 2; :.9=2:.- #1A;2,*4 ,766.,<276; ;17=4- +. <.;<.- +./7:. *4C 47?260 67-.; <7 .6<.: <1. 6.<?7:3 *6- 8:7>2;276 ;17=4- +. 5*-. <7 *447? <1. 2-.6<2/2,*<276 *6- :.57>*4 7/ -2;:=8<2>. 67-.; • !.<?7:3 *6*0.5.6< 6 78<276*4 6.<?7:3 5*6*0.5.6< ,*8*+242<A ;17=4- +. 8:7>2-.- <7 5762<7: 6.<?7:3 8.:/7:C 5*6,. 2;74*<. /*=4<; *6- ,76<:74 6.<?7:3 ,76/20=:*<276 ! 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(-.9*(9:7&1 24)*1 .8 9-* 1&>*7 2&3&,*2*39 *39.9> 94 8*3) & 5&(0*9 )*9*72.3*8 <-*7* 9-* 7*(*.;*) 5&(0*9 <.11 • &3:&7> "-* )7&+9 89&3)&7) <&8 8:'? '* 8*39 574;.)*8 14(&1 (439741 4+ 5&(0*9 7*(*59.43 &3) 7*? 2.99*) 94 9-* !9&3)&7)8 422.99** +47 8543847 97&382.88.43 &3) 243.9478 *&(- (433*(9*) 1.30 +47 5745*7 '&1149 45*7&9.43 "-* .3.9.&9*8 4:9,4.3, (439741 7*6:*898 &3) • &7(- !543847 '&1149 <&8 8:((*88+:11> (4251*9*) &(98 43 7*(*.;*) (439741 .3).(&9.438 "-*7* .8 34 8:'? • &> "-* )7&+9 89&3)&7) <&8 8:'? 1&>*7 .3 & -:' 2.99*) 94 9-* *;.*< 422.99** 4+ 9-* !9&3)&7)8 4&7) 9 .8 &39.(.5&9*) 9-&9 9-* *;.*< 422.99** &3) 9-* "-* +:3(9.438 4+ 9-* 5->8.(&1 1&>*7 4+ 9-* ! 24)*1 &7* &184 !9&3)&7)8 4&7) <.11 ;49* 43 &5574;.3, .3 :3* 574;.)*) '> 9<4 8:'1&>*78 9-* &3) 8:'1&>*78 "-* 5->8.(&1 2*).:2 .3)*5*3)*39 8:'1&>*7 57*8*398 9-* 8 9-* '&8* 1 89&3)&7) &5574&(-*8 (4251*9.43 8&2* 14,.(&1 .39*7+&(* 94 '49- 9-* .3 & 34)* &3) 9-* 9-* %470.3, 74:5 .8 .3;*89.,&9.3, +:9:7* *3-&3(*? .3 & -:' 9 574;.)*8 9-* +:3(9.438 9-&9 &7* (42243 2*398 9 9-* &7(- 2**9.3, 89:)> ,74:58 <*7* 94 &11 1.30 2*).& (.5-*7.3, &3) *3(4).3, )&9& &3) .38*79.3, +472*) 94 .3;*89.,&9* -.,-*7?85**) 45*7&9.43 94 ,.,&? 897*&2 -*&)*78 &3) 97&.1*78 '*+47* 97&382.88.43 &3) 7*24;? 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Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) networks run at a standard 100-Mbit/s transfer rate using multimode optical-fiber cabling. The purchase cost is high, partly because it necessitates new cabling for existing networks. FDDI is also available as a high-speed backbone network connecting LANs. A twisted-pair version, TP-PMD (twisted-pair physical medium dependent) FDDI, is under development, using Category 5 UTP and STP copper cables. This version is sometimes called Copper Distributed Data Interface (CDDI). ATM. Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) is a new network technology particularly suitable for wide area networks and campus backbones. It is intended to allow seamless integration of campus LAN backbones into the wide area network. Ethernet and Token Ring Switching. Switching is also being introduced into Ethernet and token ring networks. To increase overall throughput, LANs are segmented. Hubs switch packets dynamically between connected segments allowing simultaneous transmissions among pairs of network segments. This increases bandwidth by two or more times that of individual segments. 100Base-T. 100Base-T is a scaling of CSMA/CD to 100 Mbits/s. There is no migration path or accommodation for existing token ring users. The technique cannot emulate 10Base-T topologies since the maximum topology is two repeaters. Table II System Comparisons ATM uses cell switching (53 bytes per cell) similar to high-speed telephone switching over existing UTP or optical-fiber cabling. It runs at 25 to 622 Mbits/s. FDDI ATM 100Base-T Demand Priority Yes Yes No Yes Node management is expensive Segmentation or reassembly of frames is expensive Low Low Ethernet 802.3 networks can be upgraded without software changes? No No Yes Yes Token ring 802.5 networks can be upgraded without software changes? No No No Yes Supports multimedia with guaranteed delay and bandwidth? Table I Cabling and Topological Comparisons FDDI ATM 100Base-T Demand Priority 100-Mbit/s Category 3 cable supported? No 50 Mbits/s with complex coding Yes Yes Bundled cables supported? No No No Yes Multiple cascades supported without bridging or routing? Yes Yes No Yes Cost High High Medium Low End-node adapter card complexity • ! 4&-&$5"#-& "/% "%"15&34 "/% "3& "%"15&3 $"3%4 8*5) 0/& < $0//&$503 '03 <#*54 "4&< "/% "/05)&3 '03 <#*54 !</: )& "%"15&34 "650."5*$"--: 4&/4& 8)*$) /&5803, 5)&: "3& $0//&$5&% 50 "/% 4&-&$5 5)& $033&$5 .0%& 0' 01&3"5*0/ • !</: "3& "%"15< &34 '03 &3*&4 803,45"5*0/4 )&: 4611035 $0//&$5*0/ 50 &*5)&3 <#*54 "4&< 03 <#*54 !</: )& "%"15&34 "650."5*$"--: 4&/4& 8)*$) /&5803, 5)&: "3& $0//&$5&% 50 "/% 4&-&$5 5)& $033&$5 .0%& 0' 01&3"5*0/ • !</: %&7&-01.&/5 4:45&. *4 " %&7&-01.&/5 4:45&. 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Information TechnologyĊTelecommunications and Information Exchange between SystemsĊLocal and Metropolitan Area NetĆ worksĊLAN/MAN Specific RequirementsĊPart 5: Token Ring Access Method and Physical Layer Specifications ? Local Area NetworksĊAnalysis of the Intelligent Hub Market 28)6? 2%8-32%0 %8% 36436%8-32 %=