!," $'*% $ $% $# (!'",## %$&&$%& With a combination of software and hardware optimizations, including the availability of PA-RISC multimedia instructions, a software video player running on a low-end workstation is able to play MPEG compressed video at 30 frames/s. + (+ $# $! 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In lossy compression, decompressed data is a good approximation of the original image data. Bandwidth (kbits/s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roduction and Broadcast Computer-Based Training, Analysis, and Monitoring MPEG-1 1,000 "-* A 85*(.+.(&9.43 ,4*8 *;*3 +:79-*7 9-&3 .3 &114<.3, 845-.89.(&9*) 9*(-3.6:*8 94 &(-.*;* -.,- +.)*1.9> <.9- +*<*7 '.98 3 &)).9.43 94 +47<&7) ).++*7*3(.3, A &114<8 '&(0<&7) ).++*7*3(.3, <-.(- 7*1.*8 43 .3+472&9.43 .3 & +:9:7* +7&2* &3) &;*7&,.3, 4+ .2&,* +7&,2*398 47<&7) &3) '&(0<&7) ).++*7*3(.3, &7* )*8(7.'*) .3 247* )*9&.1 .3 9-* 3*=9 8*(9.43 A &(-.*;*8 6:&1.9> (425&7&'1* 94 & 574+*88.43&11> 7*574):(*) $! ;.)*49&5* *;*3 &9 & 8.3,1*A 85**) A )&9& 7&9* '.988 A &184 85*(.+.*8 *3(4).3,8 +47 -.,-+.)*1.9> &:).4 8>3(-743.?*) <.99-* ;.)*4 Uses Motion JPEG 30,000 .2&,* 4+ &3 8*6:*3(* .8 +47 &11 57&(9.(&1 5:7548*8 & -.,-1> (4257*88*) 1488> .2&,* !:'8*6:*39 +7&2*8 &7* ':.19 +742 .2&,* +7&,2*398 '14(08 9-&9 &7* *.9-*7 A1.0* 47 &7* ).++*7*3(*8 +742 9-* .2&,* +7&,2*398 .3 57*;.4:8 +7&2*8 489 ;.)*4 8*6:*3(*8 -&;* -.,- +7&2*A94A+7&2* (4A -*7*3(* "-.8 .8 *85*(.&11> 97:* +47 ;.)*4 (43+*7*3(.3, *A (&:8* 9-* *3(4).3, 4+ 9-* 24;*2*39 4+ & 5.*(* 4+ &3 .2&,* 7*6:.7*8 1*88 )&9& 9-&3 &3 *6:.;&1*39 +7&,2*39 &(-.*;*8 -.,-*7 ;.8:&1 +.)*1.9> +47 & ,.;*3 '&3)<.)9- 9-&3 )4*8 249.43 !.3(* 9-* *3(4).3, 4+ 9-* ).++*7*3(*8 .8 &1<&>8 '&8*) 43 9-* 57*;.4:8 +7&2*8 9-* 9*(-3.6:* .8 (&11*) H.261 300 100 Conferencing and Video Mail 30 Ideal Format 10 Poor Adequate Good Very Good Visual Fidelity Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 Excellent Exceptional Fig. 2. 4257*88*) ;.)*4 '&3)A <.)9- ;*78:8 8:'/*(9.;* ;.8:&1 +.)*1.9> "-* .)*&1 +472&9 &(-.*;*8 *=(*59.43&1 ;.8:&1 +.)*1.9> &9 9-* 14<*89 '&3)<.)9- 57.1 *<1*99A&(0&7) 4:73&1 Forward Prediction I B B P B B P B B P B B P B B I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Bidirectional Prediction I = Intracoded Frame (Like JPEG) P = Predicted Frame B = Bidirectionally Predicted Frame )($(.,) !,' - , !/,.# , $0$ $(.) 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Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 )*(4257*88.43 7*;*78*8 9-* +:3(9.43&1 89*58 9&0*3 +47 (4257*88.43 #-*7* &7* 8.= '&8.( 89*58 .3;41;*) .3 )*(4257*88.43 #-* -*&)*7 .8 )*(4)*) #-.8 ,.;*8 .3+472&9.43 8:(&8 5.(9:7* 7&9* '.9 7&9* &3) .2&,* 8.?* <* +4:3) <&>8 94 7*):(* 9-* *=*(:9.43 9.2* 4+ 9-* 2489 +7*6:*39 45*7&9.43 8*6:*3(*8 #-* &551.(&9.43 4+ &1,47.9-2 *3-&3(*2*398 84+9<&7* 9:3.3, &3) 574/*(9*) -&7)<&7* *3-&3(*2*398 <&8 .9*7&9*) :39.1 <* &99&.3*) 4:7 ,4&1 4+ '*.3, &'1* 94 )*(4257*88 &9 & 7&9* ,7*&9*7 9-&3 +7&2*88 ;.& 84+9<&7* #-* ;.)*4 )&9& 897*&2 .8 :++2&3 47 *39745> )*(4)*) +742 ;&7.&'1*A1*3,9- (4)*8 .394 +.=*)A1*3,9- 3:2'*78 #-.8 89*5 .3(1:)*8 7:3A1*3,9- )*(4).3, 4+ ?*748 3 9*728 4+ ;.)*4 &1,47.9-28 <* .2574;*) 43 9-* :++2&3 )*(4)*7 9-* 249.43 (425*38&9.43 &3) 9-* .3;*78* ).8(7*9* (48.3* 97&38+472 +&89*7 :++2&3 )*(4)*7 '&8*) 43 & ->'7.) 4+ 9&'1* 1440:5 &3) 97**A'&8*) )*(4).3, .8 :8*) #-* 1440:5 9&'1* 8.?*8 <*7* (-48*3 94 7*):(* (&(-* 2.88*8 47 249.43 (425*38&9.43 <* 85*) :5 9-* 5.=*1 &;*7&,.3, 45*7&9.438 3;*78* 6:&39.?&9.43 .8 5*7+472*) 43 9-* 3:2'*78 94 7*8947* 9-*2 94 9-*.7 47.,.3&1 7&3,* 3 .3;*78* ).8(7*9* (48.3* 97&38+472 .8 5*7+472*) 43 9-* A'>A '14(08 .3 *&(- +7&2* #-.8 (43;*798 +742 9-* +7*6:*3(> )42&.3 '&(0 94 9-* 47.,.3&1 85&9.&1 )42&.3 #-.8 ,.;*8 9-* &(9:&1 5.=*1 ;&1:*8 +47 A'14(08 ':9 431> 9-* ).++*7*3(*8 +47 *&(- 5.=*1 +47 A'14(08 &3) A'14(08 49.43 (425*38&9.43 .8 5*7+472*) +47 A'14(08 &3) A '14(08 #-* ).++*7*3(*8 (&1(:1&9*) .3 89*5 &7* &))*) 94 9-* 5.=*18 .3 9-* 7*+*7*3(* '14(0 &8 )*9*72.3*) '> 9-* 249.43 ;*(947 +47 A'14(08 &3) 94 9-* &;*7&,* 4+ 9-* +47<&7) &3) '&(0<&7) 7*+*7*3(* '14(08 +47 A'14(08 #-* 5.(9:7* .8 ).851&>*) '> )4.3, & (4147 (43;*78.43 +742 %'7 (447).3&9*8 94 ! (4147 (447).3&9*8 &3) <7.9.3, 94 9-* +7&2* ':++*7 :7 5-.14845-> <&8 94 .2574;* 9-* &1,47.9-28 &3) 9:3* 9-* 84+9<&7* +.789 7*8479.3, 94 -&7)<&7* 8:55479 431> .+ 3*(*8A 8&7> $* 8*9 & ,4&1 4+ 94 +7&2*88 +47 84+9<&7* ;.)*4 )*(4257*88.43 '*(&:8* 9-.8 .8 9-* 7&9* &9 <-.(- 24A 9.43 &55*&78 82449- 7&9-*7 9-&3 /*70> $* 89&79*) '> 2*&8:7.3, 9-* 5*7+472&3(* 4+ 9-* 84+9A <&7* <* -&) 5:7(-&8*) #-.8 84+9<&7* .3.9.&11> 9440 9<4 8*(43)8 94 )*(4)* 43* +7&2* +7&2*8 43 &3 41)*7 A? 4)*1 <47089&9.43 #-.8 )*(4).3, <&8 +47 ;.)*4 431> &3) ).) 349 .3(1:)* &:).4 74+.1.3, .3).(&9*) 9-&9 9-* .3;*78* ).8(7*9* (48.3* 97&38+472 89*5 9440 9-* 1&7,*89 (-:30 4+ 9-* *=*(:9.43 9.2* +4114<*) '> ).851&> 89*5 +4114<*) '> 249.43 (425*38&9.43 89*5 #-* )*(4).3, 4+ 9-* -*&)*78 <&8 .38.,3.+.(&39 $.9- 9-.8 )&9& <* 8*9 4:9 94 459.2.?* *;*7> 89*5 .3 9-* )*(4257*88.43 84+9<&7* +9*7 <* &551.*) &11 9-* &1A ,47.9-2 *3-&3(*2*398 &3) 84+9<&7* 9:3.3, <* 2*&8:7*) 9-* )*(4)* 84+9<&7* &,&.3 $-.1* <* -&) &(-.*;*) &3 47)*7 4+ 2&,3.9:)* .2574;*2*39 9-* 7&9* 4+ 94 +7&2*88 <&8 349 8:++.(.*39 94 2**9 4:7 ,4&1 47 9-* .3;*78* ).8(7*9* (48.3* 97&38+472 <* :8* & +&89*7 4:7.*7 97&38+472 <-.(- 8.,3.+.(&391> 7*):(*8 9-* 3:2'*7 4+ 2:19.51.*8 +47 *&(- 9<4A).2*38.43&1 A'>A .3;*78* ).8(7*9* (48.3* 97&38+472 3 &)).9.43 <* :8* 9-* +&(9 9-&9 9-* A'>A .3;*78* 97&38+472 2&97.(*8 &7* +7*6:*391> 85&78* 94 +:79-*7 7*):(* 9-* 2:19.51.*8 &3) 49-*7 45*7&9.438 7*6:.7*) #-* &:).4 )*(4257*88.43 .8 &184 )43* .3 84+9<&7* #-.8 &1,47.9-2 <&8 .2574;*) '> :8.3, & A54.39 ).8(7*9* (48.3* 97&38+472 94 85**) :5 9-* 8:''&3) +.19*7.3, 3 9*728 4+ 84+9<&7* 9:3.3, <* @+1&99*3*) 9-* (4)* 94 7*A ):(* 9-* 3:2'*7 4+ 574(*):7* (&118 &3) 7*9:738 &3) 9-* +7*6:*39 ':.1).3, :5 &3) 9*&7.3, )4<3 4+ (439*=98 57*8*39 .3 9-* 47.,.3&1 (4)* $* &184 ).) @897*3,9- 7*):(9.438 1.0* 7*):(.3, 2:19.51.(&9.438 94 8.251*7 45*7&9.438 8:(- &8 8-.+9 &3) &)) 47 9&'1* 1440:5 #-* 1&89 (41:23 4+ #&'1* 8-4<8 9-* 5*7(*39&,* 4+ *=*(:A 9.43 9.2* 85*39 .3 *&(- 4+ 9-* 8.= )*(4257*88.43 89*58 &+9*7 9-* &1,47.9-2 &3) 84+9<&7* 9:3.3, .2574;*2*398 <*7* 2&)* #-* +.789 9<4 (41:238 4+ #&'1* 8-4< 9-* 2.11.438 4+ .3897:(9.438 *=*(:9*) .3 *&(- 4+ 9-* 8.= )*(4257*88.43 89*58 &3) 9-* 5*7(*39 4+ 9-* 949&1 .3897:(9.438 *=*(:9*) 5&91*3,9- *&(- 89*5 7*57*8*398 #-* .35:9 ;.)*4 8*6:*3(* <&8 &3 A(4257*88*) (1.5 4+ & +449'&11 ,&2* #-* 949&1 9.2* 9&0*3 <&8 8*(43)8 43 &3 4)*1 A? A!" <47089&9.43 <.9- '>9*8 4+ .3897:(9.43 (&(-* &3) '>9*8 4+ )&9& (&(-* Table I Instructions and Time Spent in each MPEG Decompression Step on an HP 9000 Model 735 Millions of Instructions *3(* <* 1440*) &9 5488.'1* 2:19.2*).& *3-&3(*2*398 94 9-* '&8.( A!" 574(*8847 &3) 49-*7 8>89*2A1*;*1 *3-&3(*A 2*398 9-&9 <4:1) 349 431> 85**) :5 )*(4).3, ':9 &184 '* ,*3*7&11> :8*+:1 +47 .2574;.3, 5*7+472&3(* .3 49-*7 (425:9&9.438 3 &)).9.43 &3> (-.5 *3-&3(*2*398 <* &))*) (4:1) 349 &);*78*1> .25&(9 9-* )*8.,3 8(-*):1* (4251*=.9> (>(1* 9.2* &3) (-.5 8.?* 4+ 9-* A!" 574(*8847 <* <*7* 9&7,*9.3, 9-* <-.(- <&8 &17*&)> )**5 .394 .98 .251*2*39&9.43 5-&8* &9 9-* 9.2* #-* .8 )*A 8(7.'*) .3 )*9&.1 .3 9-* &79.(1* 43 5&,* *&)*7 )*(4)* $* &5574&(-*) 9-.8 574'1*2 '> 89:)>.3, 9-* ).897.':9.43 4+ 45*7&9.438 *=*(:9*) '> 9-* 84+9<&7* )*(4)*7 #-*3 Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 Path Length (%) Time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ultimedia Extensions 1.0. '$ 9 .0-"$11-0 "'(. "-,2 (,1 1-+$ (,1203"2(-,1 2' 2 -.$0 2$ (,#$9 .$,#$,2*7 ,# (, . 0 **$* -, 25- 9!(2 # 2 %($*#1 5(2'(, 9!(2 0$&(12$0 '$1$ -.$0 2(-,1 0$ (,#$.$,#$,2 (, 2' 2 !(21 " 00($# -0 1'(%2$# -32 -% -,$ -% 2'$ %($*#1 ,$4$0 %%$"21 2'$ 0$13*2 (, 2'$ -2'$0 %($*# '$1$ -.$0 2(-,1 -""30 (, . 0 **$* (, 2' 2 1(,&*$ (,1203"2(-, "-+.32$1 !-2' 9!(2 %($*#1 -% 2'$ 0$13*2 !*$ 13++ 0(8$1 2'$1$ (,1203"2(-,1 Table II PA-RISC Multimedia Instructions in PA 7100LC ra contains a1; a2 rb contains b1; b2 rt contains t1; t2 Instruction Parallel Operation HADD ra,rb,rt t1 = (a1+b1) mod216; t2 = (a2+b2) mod216; HADD.ss ra,rb,rt t1 = IF (a1+b1) (215–1) THEN (215–1) ELSEIF (a1+b1) –215 THEN (–215) ELSE (a1+b1); t2 = IF (a2+b2) (215–1) THEN (215–1) ELSEIF (a2+b2) –215 THEN (–215) ELSE (a2+b2); HADD.us ra,rb,rt t1 = IF (a1+b1) (216–1) THEN (216–1) ELSEIF (a1+b1) 0 THEN 0 ELSE (a1+b1); t2 = IF (a2+b2) (216–1) THEN (216–1) ELSEIF (a2+b2) 0 THEN 0 ELSE (a2+b2); HSUB ra,rb,rt t1 = (a1–b1) mod216; t2 = (a2–b2) mod216; HSUB.ss ra,rb,rt t1 = IF (a1–b1) (215–1) THEN (215–1) ELSEIF (a1–b1) –215 THEN (–215) ELSE (a1–b1); t2 = IF (a2–b2) (215–1) THEN (215–1) ELSEIF (a2–b2) –215 THEN (–215) ELSE (a2–b2); HSUB.us ra,rb,rt t1 = IF (a1–b1) (216–1) THEN (216–1) ELSEIF (a1–b1) 0 THEN 0 ELSE (a1–b1); t2 = IF (a2–b2) (216–1) THEN (216–1) ELSEIF (a2–b2) 0 THEN 0 ELSE (a2–b2); HAVE ra,rb,rt t1 = (a1+b1)/2; t2 = (a2+b2)/2; HSLkADD ra,k,rb,rt t1 = (a1k) + b1; t2 = (a2k) + b2; (for k = 1, 2, or 3) HSRkADD ra,k,rb,rt t1 = (a1k) + b1; t2 = (a2k) + b2; (for k = 1, 2, or 3) HADD #-$1 25- . 0 **$* 9!(2 ##(2(-,1 -, 2'$ *$%2 ,# 2'$ 0(&'2 ' *4$1 -% 0$&(12$01 ra ,# rb .* "(,& 2'$ 25- 9!(2 0$9 13*21 (,2- 2'$ *$%2 ,# 0(&'2 ' *4$1 -% 0$&(12$0 rt HSUB #-$1 25- . 0 **$* 9!(2 13!20 "2(-,1 -, 2'$ *$%2 ,# 0(&'2 ' *4$1 -% 0$&(12$01 ra ,# rb .* "(,& 2'$ 25- 9!(2 0$9 13*21 (,2- 2'$ *$%2 ,# 0(&'2 ' *% -% 0$&(12$0 rt -2' HADD ,# HSUB .$0%-0+ +-#3*- 0(2'+$2(" +-#3*31 2' 2 (1 2'$ 0$13*2 50 .1 0-3,# %0-+ 2'$ * 0&$12 ,3+!$0 ! ") 2- 2'$ 1+ **$12 ,3+!$0 ,# 4("$ 4$01 '(1 (1 2'$ 313 * +-#$ -% -.$0 2(-, -% 25-1 "-+.*$+$,2 ##$01 5'$, -4$09 %*-5 (1 (&,-0$# HADD ,# HSUB *1- ' 4$ 25- 1 230 2(-, 0(2'+$2(" -.2(-,1 (2' 2'$ 1(&,$# 1 230 2(-, -.2(-, HADD.ss !-2' -.$0 ,#1 ,# 2'$ 0$13*2 0$ "-,1(#$0$# 1(&,$# 9!(2 (,2$&$01 % 2'$ 0$13*2 " ,,-2 !$ 0$.0$1$,2$# 1 1(&,$# 9!(2 (,2$&$0 (2 (1 "*(..$# 2- 2'$ * 0&$12 .-1(2(4$ 4 *3$ (% .-1(2(4$ -4$09 %*-5 -""301 -0 (2 (1 "*(..$# 2- 2'$ 1+ **$12 ,$& 2(4$ 4 *3$ (% ,$& 2(4$ -4$0%*-5 -""301 (2' 2'$ 3,1(&,$# 1 230 2(-, -.2(-, HADD.us 2'$ %(012 -.$0 ,# ra (1 "-,1(#$0$# , 3,1(&,$# 9!(2 (,2$&$0 2'$ 1$"-,# -.$0 ,# rb (1 "-,1(#$0$# 1(&,$# 9!(2 (,2$&$0 ,# 2'$ 0$13*2 (, rt (1 "-,1(#$0$# , 3,1(&,$# 9!(2 (,2$&$0 % 2'$ 0$13*2 " ,,-2 !$ 0$.0$1$,2$# 1 , 3,1(&,$# 9!(2 (,2$&$0 (2 (1 "*(..$# 2- 2'$ * 0&$12 3,1(&,$# 4 *3$ (% .-1(2(4$ -4$0%*-5 -""301 -0 (2 (1 "*(..$# 2- 2'$ 1+ **$12 3,1(&,$# 4 *3$ (% ,$& 2(4$ -4$0%*-5 -""301 '$ 1(&,$# 1 230 2(-, ,# 3,1(&,$# 1 230 2(-, -.2(-,1 %-0 . 0 **$* ' *%5-0# 13!20 "2(-, 0$ #$%(,$# 1(+(* 0*7 HAVE -0 ' *%5-0# 4$0 &$ &(4$1 2'$ 4$0 &$ -% $ "' . (0 -% ' *%5-0#1 (, ra ,# rb 2 2 )$1 2'$ 13+ -% . 0 **$* ' *%5-0#1 ,# #-$1 0(&'2 1'(%2 -% -,$ !(2 !$%-0$ 12-0(,& $ "' 9!(2 0$13*2 (,2- rt 30(,& 2'$ -,$9!(2 0(&'2 1'(%2 2'$ " 007 (1 .0(* $5*$229 ") 0# -30, * ss = signed saturation option us = unsigned saturation 1'(%2$# (, -, 2'$ *$%2 ,# 3,!( 1$# 0-3,#(,& (1 .$0%-0+$# -, 2'$ *$ 1291(&,(%(" ,2 !(2 -, 2'$ 0(&'2 $" 31$ 2'$ " 007 (1 1'(%2$# (, ,- -4$0%*-5 " , -""30 (, 2'$ HAVE (,1203"2(-, HSLkADD -0 ' *%5-0# 1'(%2 *$%2 ,# ## **-51 -,$ -.$0 ,# 2- !$ 1'(%2$# *$%2 !7 ) !(21 5'$0$ ) (1 -0 !$%-0$ !$(,& ##$# 2- 2'$ -2'$0 -.$0 ,# HSRkADD -0 ' *%5-0# 1'(%2 0(&'2 ,# ## **-51 -,$ -.$09 ,# 2- !$ 1'(%2$# 0(&'2 !7 ) !(21 5'$0$ ) (1 -0 !$9 %-0$ !$(,& ##$# 2- 2'$ -2'$0 -.$0 ,# -2' HSLKADD ,# HSRKADD 31$ 1(&,$# 1 230 2(-, * Unbiased rounding means that the net difference between the true averages and the averages obtained after unbiased rounding is zero if the results are equally distributed in the result range. Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 Saturation Arithmetic. In saturation arithmetic a result is said to have a positive overflow if it is larger than the largest value in the defined range of the result. It is said to have a negaĆ tive overflow if it is smaller than the smallest value in the defined range of the result. If the saturation option is used for the HADD and HSUB instructions, the result is clipped to the maximum value in its defined range if positive overflow occurs and to the minimum value in its defined range if negĆ ative overflow occurs. This further speeds up the processing because it replaces using about ten instructions to check for positive and negative overflows and performs the desired clipping of the result for a pair of operations in one instrucĆ tion. Other PA 7100LC processor enhancements streamline the memoryĆtoĆI/O path. By having the memory controller and the I/O interface controller integrated in the PA 7100LC chip, overhead in the memoryĆtoĆframeĆbuffer bandwidth is reĆ duced. Overhead in the processorĆtoĆgraphicsĆcontrollerĆchip path is also reduced for both control and data. Saturation arithmetic is highly desirable in dealing with pixel values, which often represent hues or color intensities. It is undesirable to perform the normal modulo arithmetic in which overflows wrap around from the largest value to the smallest value and vice versa. For example, in 8Ćbit pixels, if 0 represents black and 255 represents white, a result of 256 should not change a white pixel into a black one, as would occur with modulo arithmetic. In saturation arithmetic, a result of 256 would be clipped to 255. Table III Instructions and Time Spent in each MPEG Decompression Step on a Model 712 Workstation Since the PA 7100LC processor has two integer ALUs, we essentially have a parallelism of four halfword operations per cycle. This gives a speedup of four times, in places where the superscalar ALUs can be used in parallel. Because of the builtĆin saturation arithmetic option, speedup of cerĆ tain pieces of code is even greater. The second longest functional step (see Table I) in MPEG decompression was the display step. Here, we leveraged the graphics subsystem to implement the color conversion step together with the color recovery already being done in the graphics chip.7 Color conversion converts between color representations in the YCbCr color space and the RGB color space. Color recovery reproduces 24Ćbit RGB color that has been color compressed into 8 bits before being displayed. Color compression allows the use of 8Ćbit frame buffers in lowĆcost workstations to achieve almost the color dynamics of 24Ćbit frame buffers. This leveraging of lowĆlevel pixel manipulations close to the frame buffer between the graphĆ ics and video streams also contributed significantly to the attainment of realĆtime MPEG decompression. Color recovery and the graphics chip are described in the articles on pages 51 and 43, respectively. Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 Millions of Instructions Path Length (%) Time (%) Header decode 0.60 0.2 0.3 Huffman decode 55.0 16.1 14.5 8.9 2.6 4.5 138.5 40.6 34.4 Motion compensation 74.8 21.9 25.6 Display 63.0 18.5 20.7 340.8 100.0 100.0 Inverse quantization Inverse discrete cosine transform Total The Model 712 executes consistently fewer instructions than the Model 735 for the same MPEG decompression of the same video clip. It is also faster in MPEG decompression even though it operates at only 60% of the 99ĆMHz rate of the highĆend Model 735 and has only one eighth of the cache size. This shows the performance benefits from the path length reduction enabled by the PAĆRISC processor and system enhancements for multimedia acceleration. The performance of the PAĆRISC architectural enhancements and the leveraging of the graphics subsystem for video deĆ compression can be seen in Fig. 5. This data is for a 33.1 35 30 26 25 Frames/s Effect on MPEG Decoding. These parallel subword arithĆ metic operations significantly speed up several critical parts of the MPEG decoder program, especially in the inverse disĆ crete cosine transform and motion compensation steps. More than half of the instructions executed for the inverse transĆ form step are these parallel subword arithmetic instructions. Their implementation does not impact the processor's cycle time, and adds less than 0.2% of silicon area to the PA 7100LC processor chip. Actually, the area used was mostly empty space around the ALU, so that these multimedia enĆ hancements can be said to have contributed to more effiĆ cient area utilization, rather than adding incremental chip area. See Overview of the Implementation of the MultiĆ media Enhancements" on page 66. Table III shows the same information as Table I but for the lowĆend Model 712 workstation which uses the multimediaĆ enhanced PA 7100LC processor and the graphics chip mentioned above. 18.72 20 15 10 9.91 5 0 Model 715 50 MHz Model 735 99 MHz Model 712 60 MHz Model 712 80 MHz Fig. 5. Maximum MPEG decode frame rates for different models of HP 9000 Series 700 workstations. These rates are for a 352ĆbyĆ240Ć pixel clip that was encoded at 30 frames/s. April 1995 HewlettĆPackard Journal One goal in adding the multimedia instructions was to minimize the amount of new circuits to be added to the existing ALUs and to minimize the impact on the rest of the CPU. This goal was accomplished. The only circuit changes to the CPU were in the ALU data path and decoder circuits. These instructions reuse most of the existing functionality and very small modifications and additions were required to implement them. All of the new instructions implemented require two 16-bit adds or subtracts to be done in parallel. The existing ALU adder was modified to provide this functionality. These instructions required that the existing 32-bit adder be conditionally split into two 16-bit halves without sacrificing the performance of the 32-bit add. Conceptually this is equivalent to blocking the carry from bit 16 to bit 15 in a ripple-carry adder. To accomplish this, we made the following modifications. The ALU adder is similar to a carry lookahead adder. The first stage of the adder calculates a carry generate and a carry propagate signal for each single bit in the adder. In this case, 32 single-bit generate and 32 single-bit propagate signals are calculated. These single-bit carry generate and carry propagate signals are used in subsequent stages of the carry chain to calculate carry generate and carry propagate signals for groups of bits. The 32-bit adder was divided into two 16-bit halves between bits 15 and 16 by providing alternate signals for the carry generate and carry propagate signals from bit 16 (Fig. 1). The new generate and propagate signals from bit 16 are created with a two-input multiplexer. When a 32-bit addition or subtraction is being performed, the multiplexer selects the original generate and propagate signals to be passed onto the next stage of the carry chain. When 16-bit addition or subtraction is being performed the multiplexer selects the value for generate and propagate from the second input which is false (logical 0) for additions and true (logical 1) for subtractions. Prop[31] Gen[31] Gen[30] Prop[30] Gen[29] Prop[29] Prop[16] Gen[16] Gen[15] Prop[15] Gen[1] Prop[1] Gen[0] Prop[0] Carry Lookahead Logic B[31] A[31] B[30] A[30] B[29] A[29] B[16] A[16] B[15] A[15] B[1] A[1] B[0] LSB A[0] MSB Carry Chain Inputs A[16] A[16] Old Gen[16] B[16] A[16] B[16] Old Prop[16] Old Gen[16] B[16] 16-Bit Carry-in (0 for Add, 1 for Subtract) A[16] B[16] 16-Bit Carry-in (0 for Add, 1 for Subtract) Before Halfword Modification to Block-Carry Propagation MUX Gen[16] Old Prop[16] MUX Prop[16] After Halfword Modification Fig. 1. Modifications to the carry lookahead adder to accommodate the halfword instructions. Normal Data 16 ALU and Preshifter Results Signed or Unsigned Positive and Negative Overflow Logic 16 Saturated Data 16 Force Low Force High 16 Normal Data 16 16 Saturated Data 16 Force Low Fig. 2. Saturation logic. There is one of the these circuits for each halfword. propagating from bit 16 to bit 15, even if this generate and propagate signal is not used directly to calculate the carry signal (as is the case in this adder). The generate and propagate signals can also be forced to be true for instructions requiring halfword subtraction. This will force a carry into the more significant halfword of the adder by generating a carry from bit 16 into bit 15. This technique is used along with the ones complement of the operand to be subtracted to perform subtraction as twos complement addition. The original carry generate and propagate signals from bit 16 are still generated to calculate overflows from the less significant halfword addition. This overflow is used by the saturation logic, which can be invoked by some of these instructions. Saturation requires groups of bits of the result to be forced to states of true or false, or passed unchanged. This is accomplished with an AND-OR gate (Fig. 2). The AND function can force the output of the gate to be false and the OR function can force the output of the gate to be true. Thus, the output is either forced high, forced low, or forced neither high nor low. It is never simultaneously forced high and low. The key is to determine when to force the result to a saturated value. The saturation circuit is added at the end of the ALU’s data path after the result selection multiplexer selects one of the results from the adder after it performs additions, subtractions, or logical operations such as bitwise AND, OR, or XOR (Fig. 3). The saturation circuit does not impact the critical speed paths of the ALU because it is downstream from the point where the cache data address is driven from the adder and where the test condition logic (i.e., logic for conditional branch instructions) obtains the results from which to calculate a test condition. C[29] C[30] C[31] C[0] C[1] C[2] C[15] Carry Chain Outputs C[16] The new generate and propagate signals can be forced to be false for instructions requiring halfword addition. This stops the carry from being generated by bit 16 or Force High 16 If signed saturation is selected, the ALU will force any 16-bit result that is larger than 0x7fff to 0x7fff (215–1) and any 16-bit result that is smaller than 0x8000 to 0x8000 (–215). These conditions represent positive and negative overflow of signed numbers. Positive and negative overflow can be detected by examining the sign bit (the MSB) of each operand and the result of the add. If both operands are positive and the result is negative then a positive overflow has occurred and the result in this case is saturated by forcing the most-significant bit to a logical 0 and the rest of the bits to a logical 1. If both operands are negative and the result is positive then a negative overflow has occurred and the result in this case is saturated by forcing the most significant bit to a logical 1 and the rest of the bits to a logical 0. Unsigned saturation is implemented in a similar way. The average instruction, HAVE, requires manipulating the result after the addition is finished. Before the implementation of the halfword instructions the ALU selected between the results of a bitwise AND, a bitwise OR, a bitwise XOR, or the sum of the two input operands. The halfword average instruction adds an additional choice. The average result is the sum of the two input operands shifted right one bit position with a carry out of the most-significant bit (MSB) becoming the MSB of the result. To perform rounding of the result, the least-significant bit (LSB) of the result is replaced by an OR of the two least-significant bits before shifting right one bit. The shift right and add and the shift left and add functions were added by modifying the x-bus preshifter in the operand selection logic of the ALU. The original ALU was capable of shifting 32-bit inputs left by zero, one, two, or three bits. To implement the 16-bit shift left and add instructions, the left-shift circuits had to be broken at Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 General Register General Berkeley Software without Hardware and Software Enhancements Register 30 25 Preshifter Overflow Frames/s Operand 1 Selection and One’s Complement Operand 1 Selection and Preshifter 32-Bit Partitioned Adder 16-Bit Adder + 16-Bit Adder + 20 HP Decoder with Software Enhancements, but without Hardware Enhancements 15 10 9.7 10.9 Model 720 50 MHz Adder Overflow Saturation Logic General Register Fig. 3. Flow of halfword instructions showing the location of the saturation logic in relation to the ALU. the halfword boundary. This was done by ANDing the bits shifted from the leastsignificant halfword to the most-significant halfword with a control signal that indicates when a 32-bit shift is being done. The 16-bit shift right and add instructions were implemented by adding the ability to shift one, two, or three bits right. This shift is always broken at the halfword boundary. One challenging aspect of implementing the 16-bit shift left and add instructions was detecting when the results of shifting an operand left by one, two, or three bits causes a positive or negative overflow. A positive overflow occurs when the unshifted operand is positive and a logical one is shifted out of the left, or when the result of the shift is negative. A negative overflow occurs when the unshifted operand is negative and a logical zero bit is shifted out of the left, or when the result of the shift is positive. These overflow conditions are combined with the overflows calculated by the adder and used to saturate the final result. The final result is saturated if either the left shift or the adder causes an overflow. The result of selecting instructions that can provide the most useful functionality while costing the least to implement was a relatively small increase in the area of the ALU. About 15% of the ALU’s area is devoted to halfword instructions. Since the ALU’s circuits were the only ones modified on the processor chip, only about 0.2% of the total processor’s chip area is devoted to halfword instructions. 5)$%. #+)/ 3(!3 6!2 #.,/1%22%$ !3 &1!,%22 (% .$%+ !-$ .$%+ !1% "!2%$ .- 3(% /1.#%22.1 (% .$%+ )2 "!2%$ .- 3(% /1.#%22.1 6()#( )2 ! $%1)5!3)5% .& 3(% (% #.-3!)-2 3(% ,4+3): ,%$)! %-(!-#%,%-32 !-$ 2823%, )-3%'1!3).- &%!341%2 !-$ )2 $%2#1)"%$ )- 3(% !13)#+% .- /!'% (% .+$%1 ()'(:%-$ .$%+ 14--)-' !3 9 !#()%5%2 &1!,%22 6()+% 3(% -%6%1 %-318:+%5%+ .$%+ !#()%5%2 &1!,%22 !3 9 !-$ &1!,%22 !3 9 (%2% &1!,% $%#.,/1%2: 2).- 1!3%2 !1% 04.3%$ &.1 5)$%. .-+8 -. !4$). 6)3( Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 11.1 5 Berkeley Result Selection MUX 26.2 HP Decoder with Software and Hardware Enhancements 0 Cache Address Adder Overflow Berkeley Software Model 712 60 MHz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rames/s 25 10 5 0 ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ 22.5 20 15 ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ 29.8 30 18.2 15.1 Model 715 60 MHz Stereo 27.3 24.2 Model 712 80 MHz Mono with 1/2 Decimation ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ ÎÎ 29.3 30.0 27.4 Model 715 100 MHz No Audio Fig. 7. Performance when MPEG video and MPEG audio are deĆ coded in software. 100 MHz even with the highestĆfidelity 44.1ĆkHz stereo 16Ćbit linear audio format with no decimation. With further enhancements of audio decoding and audioĆvideo synchroĆ nization, we should be able to do even better. We wanted a software approach to MPEG decoding because we felt that if video is to be useful it has to be pervasive, and to be pervasive, it should exist at the lowest incremental cost on all platforms. With a software video decoder, there is essentially no additional cost. In addition, the evolving stanĆ dards and improving algorithms pointed to a flexible soluĆ tion, like software running on a generalĆpurpose processor. Using specialĆpurpose chips designed for MPEG decoding, or even for JPEG, MPEG, and H.261 compression and deĆ compression, would not allow one to take advantage of imĆ proved algorithms and adapt to evolving standards without buying and installing new hardware. Furthermore, since the performance of generalĆpurpose microprocessors continues to improve with each new genĆ eration, we wanted to be able to leverage these improveĆ ments for multimedia computations such as video decomĆ pression. This approach also allows us to focus hardware design efforts on improving the performance of the generalĆ purpose processor and system without having to replicate performance efforts in each specialĆpurpose subsystem, such as the graphics and video subsystems. The PAĆRISC multimeĆ dia instructions are also useful for graphics, image, and audio computations, or any computations requiring arithmeĆ tic on a lot of numbers with precision less than 16 bits. The net result is that we achieve realĆtime MPEG decoding of video streams at 30 frames/s with a software decoder. This was achieved by a synergistic combination of algorithm enhancements, software tuning, PAĆRISC processor multimeĆ dia enhancements, combining video and graphics support for color conversions and color compression, and system tuning. The PAĆRISC multimedia enhancements allow parallel processing of pixels in the standard integer data path at an insignificant addition to the silicon area. The total area used is less than 0.2% of the PA 7100LC processor chip with no impact on the cycle time or the control complexity. The realĆtime software MPEG decoding rate of the final video player product exceeds our original goal of 10 to 15 April 1995 HewlettĆPackard Journal frames/s for a softwareĆbased MPEG video decoder. It is also significant that MPEG video decoding at 30 frames/s is achieved by an entryĆlevel rather than a highĆend workĆ station. This is in the context of a fullĆfunction video player on the HP MPower 2.0 product. With MPEG audio decoding (also done by software), the frame rate is usually above 15 frames/s, even for the lowĆend Model 712/60 workstation, and around 24 frames/s for the Model 712/80 workstation. We expect to see continuous improvement in the MPEG decoding rate as the performance of the generalĆpurpose processors increases. With PAĆRISC processors, there has been roughly a doubling of performance every 18 to 24 months. This would imply that larger frames sizes, multiple video streams, or MPEG-2 streams may be decoded in the future by such multimediaĆenhanced generalĆpurpose processors. The success of the MPEG software decoder performance tuning depended on close, interdivisional teamwork distribĆ uted across four HP sites at Chelmsford, Cupertino, Palo Alto, and Fort Collins. We would like to thank all the other memĆ bers of the multimedia architecture team, especially Vasudev Bhaskaran, Peter Kaczowka, Behzad Razban, Pat McElhatton, Larry Thayer, Konstantine Konstantinides, and Larry McMaĆ han. We would also like to thank the HP MPower team, the PAĆRISC extensions team, especially Michael Mahon, the PA 7100LC team, especially Mark Forsyth and Charlie Kohlhardt, the Model 712 team, the performance lab, especially the late Tian Wang, and the compiler lab, especially Pat Kwan, for their support. 1. HewlettĆPackard Journal, Vol. 45, no. 2, April 1994. 2. R. Lee, Precision Architecture," IEEE Computer, Vol. 22 no. 1, January 1989, pp. 78Ć91. 3. R. Lee, M. Mahon, and D. Morris, Pathlength Reduction Features in the PAĆRISC Architecture," Proceedings of IEEE Compcon, February 1992, pp. 129Ć135. 4. L. McMahan and R. Lee, Pathlengths of SPEC Benchmarks for PAĆRISC, MIPS and SPARC," Proceedings of IEEE Compcon, February 1993, pp. 481Ć490. 5. Digital Compression and Coding of ContinuousĆTone Still Images, CCIT REC. T.81 0918Ć1, July 1992. 6. P. Knebel, et al, HP's PA7100LC: A LowĆCost Superscalar PAĆRISC Processor," Proceedings of IEEE Compcon, February 1993, pp. 441Ć447. 7. S. Undy, et al, A VLSI ChipĆSet for Graphics and Multimedia Workstations," IEEE Micro, Vol. 14, no. 2, April 1994, pp. 10Ć22. 8. L. Gwennap, New PAĆRISC Processor Decodes MPEG Video," Microprocessor Report, Vol. 8, no. 1, January 1994, pp . 16Ć17. 9. Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio for Digital StorĆ age Media up to 1.5 Mbit/s, ISO/IEC JTCI CD 11172, 1991. 10. K. Patel, B. Smith, and L. Rowe, Performance of a Software MPEG Video Decoder," Proceedings of First ACM International ConĆ ference on Multimedia, August 1993, pp. 75Ć82. 11. D. LeGall, MPEG - A Video Compression Standard for MultiĆ media Applications," Communications of the ACM, April 1991, Vol. 34 no. 4, pp 46Ć58. 12. K. Konstantinides, Fast Subband Filtering in MPEG Audio CodĆ ing," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 1, no. 2, February 1994, pp. 26Ć28. Hewlett-Packard Company 1995