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'-5'8-75< %/62 *)%785)6 %1 -17)5)67-1+ 7)50-1%7-21 6',)0) ,-6 3->7)50-1%7-21 1)7:25. -6 ()6-+1)( 72 %3352;-0%7) 7,) 6%0) /2%( %6 27,)5 025) 75%(-7-21%/ 7)50-1%7-21 6',)0)6 2:> )9)5 -7 ,%6 7,) %(9%17%+) 2* 86-1+ =)52 6833/< '855)17 %1( *):)5 3%576 -+ 6,2:6 % '21')378%/ 5)35)6)17%7-21 2* ,2: 7,) '%',) -6 5287)( ,) '%',) /-1) -6 5287)( 72 0-1-0-=) '%',) %(> (5)66 (5-9) ()/%< ,-6 %55%1+)0)17 %/62 '876 (2:1 21 7,) 180&)5 2* 9-%6 %1( 0%-17%-16 %1 81&52.)1 +5281( 3/%1) ((5)66 /-1)6 %5) 5287)( *520 7,) ! 72 7,) *-567 9-% 63/-7 21 -11)5 /%<)56 :,)5) 7,) -03)(%1') -6 '/26) 72 ,%/* 7,%7 2* 7,) 287)5 /%<)56 ,-6 -6 72 &)77)5 0%7', 7,) -03)(%1') 2* 7,) 75%')6 21 7,) 7:2 287)5 /%<)56 :,-', %5) )66)17-%//< -1 3%5%/> /)/ EMC and EMI Control. 1 %((-7-21 72 025) 75%(-7-21%/ 0)7,2(6 2* %1( '21752/ 7,) 2()/ 6<67)0 &2%5( 86)6 *)%785)6 &8-/7 -172 7,) &/%1. 35-17)( '-5'8-7 &2%5( 72 0-0-' Receiving VLSI Buffer Oscillator 160 MHz MC10E151 CLK Q0 80 MHz Q0 D0 121 261 Qn Dn Qn To Other VLSI and Termination Networks 261 Termination Network ,) '/2'. '-5'8-7 86)( -1 7,) 2()/ 6<67)0 35-/ ):/)77>%'.%5( 2851%/ Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 PA 7100LC Processor SRAM SRAM SRAM SRAM Via Printed Circuit Board Via Via Termination SRAM SRAM SRAM SRAM A conceptual representation of the cache layout in the Model 712. the functionality of equivalent discrete designs. However, since they are built into the printed circuit board their benefits are essentially free. Small spark gaps are placed near many of the connectors to help control ESD. These spark gaps are simply very small trace segments separated at minimum geometries to provide a shunt path for ESD energy from signal to ground. To control RFI, the printed circuit board makes use of a number of buried capacitors. Buried capacitors are essenĆ tially small capacitors whose plates are all or part of the printed circuit board's signal or ground layers. The dielectric material of the printed circuit board serves to separate the plates of the capacitors. Each power plane is effectively byĆ passed to ground by placing a ground plane in close proxĆ imity to it. Furthermore, some signals are also bypassed to ground with small buried capacitors to shunt unwanted RFI energy to ground. By taking the approach of designing from the ground up, the Model 712 hardware designers have optimized each part of the design to work together to provide outstanding perĆ formance at very low cost. Designing the VLSI components as a set balanced performance and cost and also simplified the interfaces between the devices. By building in the feaĆ tures wanted by most customers and making less common features available only on lowĆcost option boards, the system cost is minimized for most customers. The Model 712 system performance is summarized in Table II. Table II Model 712 Performance Specification 712/60 712/80 58.1 84.3 SPECfp92 85.5 122.3 MFLOPS(DP) 12.8 30.6 AIM APR II 44.5 73.8 SPECint92 Hewlett-Packard Company 1995 This paper would not have been possible without the help of Rob Horning, Mike Diehl, Jeff Hargis, Paul Tucker, Steve Scheid, and Howell Felsenthal. The design of the Model 712 hardware was a team effort, and many people are to be thanked for its success. Special thanks to the firmware team including Jeff Kehoe and Doug Feller, whose innovations helped keep the hardware simple. Thanks to the R&D team in Fort Collins, Colorado including Jim McLucas and James Murphy. Thanks to the R&D team in Cupertino, California including Alan Wiemann, Wayne Ashby, Sharon Ebner, Maria Lines, Danny Lu, Rob Snyder, Steve La Mar, Robert Lin, Daniel Li, Rayka Mohebbi, Pat McGuire, Jean Lundeen, Jeff Swanson, and Paul Rogers. Thanks also to the teams who designed the VLSI chips that were crucial to the success of the project including the PA 7100LC design team, the LASI design team, and the graphics chip design team, led by Paul Martin. Thanks to Spence Ure's manufacturing team for their insights. Thanks to the marketing team of Barry Crume, Steve Johnson, and Evan James for providing focus. Finally, thanks to the guidance of Cliff Loeb and Joe Fucetola, and to the vision of Denny Georg. 1. Patrick Knebel, et al, HP's PA7100LC: A LowĆCost Superscalar PAĆRISC Processor," February 1993, pp. 441Ć447. 2. Steve Undy, et al, A LowĆCost Graphics and Multimedia WorkĆ station Chip Set," April 1994, pp. 10Ć22. 3. C. Dowdell and L. Thayer, Scalable Graphics Enhancements for PAĆRISC Workstations," February 1992, pp. 122Ć128. 4. Tom Spencer, et al, A Workstation I/O System on a Chip," February 1994. April 1995 HewlettĆPackard Journal