At HP’s Protocol Test Center, an automatic translator was developed to transform abstract test suites into executable test suites for HP IDACOM protocol analyzers. (% &1!,% 1%+!8 /1.3.#.+ )2 ! $!3! 31!-2&%1 /1.3.#.+ $%&)-%$ "8 3(% ,%1)#!- !3).-!+ 3!-$!1$2 -23)343% !-$ 3(% -3%1-!3).-!+ %+%#.,,4-)#!3).-2 -).- 3 )2 2),)+!1 3. 3(% -3%'1!3%$ %15)#%2 )')3!+ %36.1* 23!-$!1$ "43 )3 !224,%2 ! 1%+)!"+% 31!-2,)22).- ,%$)4, !-$ 3(%1%&.1% #.-3!)-2 5%18 +)33+% %11.1 1%#.5%18 &4-#3).-!+)38 2 ! 1%24+3 )3 )2 ,.1% 231!)'(3&.16!1$ !-$ $!3! 31!-2&%1 )2 ,.1% %&&)#)%-3 3 /1%2%-3 )3 )2 42%$ ,!)-+8 )- .13( ,%1)#! !-$ !/!- 38/): #!+ !//+)#!3).- )2 :3.: )-3%1#.--%#3).- (% &1!,% 1%+!8 /1.3.#.+ 23!-$!1$ +%!5%2 ,!-8 3()-'2 4-$%: &)-%$ !-$ 2. 3(% /1.3.#.+ )2 2%-2)3)5% 3. )224%2 .& ),/+%,%-3!: 3).- . %-241% 3(!3 $)&&%1%-3 ,!-4&!#341%12 ),/+%,%-3!3).-2 !1% 23!"+% !-$ )-3%1./%1!"+% 23!-$!1$)9%$ 3%23 2/%#)&)#!3).-2 (!5% "%%- $%5%+./%$ 3(!3 3(.1.4'(+8 3%23 3(% /1.3.#.+ &%!: 341%2 (% %7)23%-#% .& 24#( 6)$%+8 !5!)+!"+% #.-&.1,!-#% 3%23 2/%#)&)#!3).-2 '1%!3+8 "%-%&)32 3(% %-3)1% &1!,% 1%+!8 )-: $42318 !1+8 !5!)+!")+)38 .& &1!,% 1%+!8 #.-&.1,!-#% 3%23 2823%,2 "!2%$ .- 3(%2% 3%23 2/%#)&)#!3).-2 /1.5)$%2 ! #.,: ,.- 1%&%1%-#% /.)-3 &.1 -%36.1* ),/+%,%-3%12 %-241)-' 3(!3 ,)'1!3).- 3. &1!,% 1%+!8 3%#(-.+.'8 )2 !2 31.4"+%:&1%% !2 /.22)"+% %6+%33:!#*!1$ &1!,% 1%+!8 #.-&.1,!-#% 3%23 /1.$4#32 !$: $1%22 3(% -%%$2 .& &1!,% 1%+!8 -%36.1*2 !2 3(%8 %7)23 3.$!8 !-$ !2 3(%8 6)++ %7)23 )- 3(% -%!1 &4341% (%2% /1.$4#32 6)++ %5.+5% 3. #.,/+8 6)3( 3(% &)-!+ 23!-$!1$)9!3).- .& 3(% &1!,% 1%+!8 /1.3.#.+ 3(%1%"8 %-241)-' 3(!3 3.,.11.62 %04)/,%-3 6)++ "% #.,/!3)"+% 6)3( 3(% -%36.1*2 3(!3 !1% "4)+3 3.$!8 ()2 !13)#+% $)2#422%2 3(% $%5%+./,%-3 .& 3(%2% /1.$4#32 )123 6% /1%2%-3 3(% :1!,% %+!8 #.,,)33%% (%- 6% )-31.$4#% 3(% "!2)# #.-#%/32 .& 3%23 24)3% $%2)'- !-$ $%2#1)"% 3(% 3%23 ),/+%,%-3!3).- ,%3(.$.+.'8 % %-$ "8 /1%2%-3)-' 3(% #.-&.1,!-#% 3%23)-' %-5)1.-,%-3 !5!)+!"+% .- 3(% /1.3.#.+ 3%23%1 !-$ 3(% :1!,% %+!8 --%7 #.-&.1,!-#% 3%23 /1.$4#3 - 3(% 1!,% %+!8 2%12 .14, #1%!3%$ ! 3%23: )-' !-$ )-3%1./%1!")+)38 '1.4/ 32 ,!)- '.!+ 6!2 3. %-241% 3(% )-3%1./%1!")+)38 .& &1!,% 1%+!8 $%5)#%2 (% '1.4/ 6!2 &413(%1 $)5)$%$ )-3. 3(1%% 24"'1.4/2 1%2/.-2)"+% &.1 #..1$): -!3)-' 3(% $%5%+./,%-3 .& #.-&.1,!-#% 3%232 $%&)-)-' )-3%1: ./%1!")+)38 !-$ 6.1*)-' 6)3( 3%23 +!"2 3. $%5%+./ "!2%+)-% 3%232 (% #.-&.1,!-#% 24"'1.4/ $%#)$%$ 3. 42% 3(% %7/%1: 3)2% !5!)+!"+% )- 3(% !3).-!+ 2%12 .14, &.1 3(% 2/%#)&)#!3).- .& #.-&.1,!-#% 3%232 3 2%3 4/ ! &1!,% 1%+!8 '1.4/ 6)3()- 3(% &.1 3(!3 ,!33%1 ()2 '1.4/ 6!2 -!,%$ 3(% :1!,% %+!8 #.,,)33%% : (% :1!,% %+!8 #.,,)33%%2 ,!-$!3% )2 3. $%5%+./ !"231!#3 #.-&.1,!-#% 3%23 2/%#)&)#!3).-2 &.1 &1!,% 1%+!8 /1.$: 4#32 )- !##.1$!-#% 6)3( 3(% 1%+%5!-3 23!-$!1$2 !-$ 3(% 1!,% %+!8 2%12 .14, ),/+%,%-3%12 !'1%%,%-32 (% /1),!18 '.!+ .& 3(% :1!,% %+!8 #.,,)33%% )2 3. 61)3% 3(% 3%23 2/%#)&)#!3).- &.1 "!2)# /%1,!-%-3 5)134!+ #.-: -%#3).- /1.3.#.+ ),/+%,%-3!3).- &.1 #423.,%1 /1%,)2% %04)/,%-3 3 !+2. )-3%-$2 3. !$$1%22 -%36.1*:3.:-%3: 6.1* )-3%1&!#% !-$ &)-!++8 26)3#( 5)134!+ #.--%#3). (% :1!,% %+!8 #.,,)33%% !+2. (!2 3(% ,!-$!3% 3. /4124% )-3%1-!3).-!+ 23!-$!1$)9!3).- "8 /1%2%-3)-' )32 6.1* 3. 3(% : 3(% 3%#(-)#!+ #.,,)33%% .& 3(% 6.1*)-' ./1.3.#.+ 23!-$!1$)9!3).- (!2 /+!8%$ !- !#3)5% 1.+% 2. &!1 )- 3()2 #.,,)33%% !-$ )- 3(% 2/%#)&)#!3).- .& 3(% : ATS: Abstract test suite, the test specification document. ACT-Frame Relay (ACT-FR): Frame relay conformance testing standardization committee that was set up by the Frame Relay Forum testing and interoperability group. CDL: Constraint Description Language, an ITL extension used to specify the coding of the messages exchanged in an abstract/executable test suite. CPE: Customer premise equipment; a piece of equipment with telecommunication functionality. ETS: Executable test suite, an implementation of the abstract test suite that runs on a given test platform. ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network. ITL: Interactive Test Language, the built-in language of the HP PT500 protocol analyzer. ITU: International Telecommunications Union PVC: Permanent virtual connection. SVC: Switch virtual connection. Test case: a test scenario of the abstract test suite. Each test has a narrow test purpose, and test cases with related test purposes are gathered into the same test group. TTCN: Tree and Tabular Combined Notation, the test specification language standardized within ISO and ITU. TTCN is part of the OSI conformance methodology and framework (ISO 9646). UNI: User-to-network interface. #3."%1 %6+%33:!#*!1$ .41-!+ $ 66-@ % =;-:C<7C6-<?7:3 16<-:.)+- )6, ! 66-@ % +76.7:5)6+- <-;<; +=::-6<4A 074,; <0-,1<7:;018 7. <0-;- <?7 <-;< ;8-+1.1+)<176; 6 )*;<:)+< <-;< ;=1<- $# 1; ) <-;< ;8-+1.1+)<176 ,7+=5-6< <0)< ,-;+:1*-; <-;<; <7 *- +)::1-, 7=< <7 -6;=:- <0)< ) 8):<1+=C 4): 1584-5-6<)<176 +76.7:5; <7 ) +-:<)16 ;8-+1.1+)<176 $0$# +76;1;<; 7. ) +744-+<176 7. <-;<; )6, <0- ,-.161<176 7. <0:-4)<-, +75876-6<; <0)< ):- =;-, .7: <0-1: ;8-+1.1+)<176 $0*);1; 7. ) <-;< 1; 1<; <-;< 8=:87;- )6, <0- );;7+1)<-, ,A6)51+ *-0)>17: $0- <-;< 8=:87;- ;8-+1.1-; 16 )6 16.7:5)4 4)6/=)/- <0- *-0)>17: 7. )6 1584-5-6<)<176 =6,-: <-;< .7: ) /1>-6 <-;< ;+-6):17 $0- ,A6)51+ *-0)>17: 8):< 7. ) <-;< ;8-+1.1-; <0-@)+< 7:,-:16/ 7. ->-6<; <0)< 5=;< *- )++75841;0-, <7 .=4.144 <0- <-;< 8=:87;- >-6<; +)6 *- +4);;1.1-, 16 .7=: 5)27: +)<-C /7:1-; ;-6,16/ 5-;;)/-; :-+-1>16/ 5-;;)/-; );;1/65-6<; )6, <15-: 78-:)<176; 6 $# 1; ;)1, <7 *- )*;<:)+< *-+)=;- 1< 5=;< 5)3- )6 )*C ;<:)+<176 7. <0- <-;< 84)<.7:5 76 ?01+0 <0- <-;<; ?144 *- -@-C +=<-, ); ?-44 ); <0- 01/0-: )6, 47?-: 8:7<7+74 4)A-:; <0)< ):- =;-, *A <0- 8:7<7+74 4)A-:; <7 *- <-;<-, 7;< 7. <7,)A; 8:7<7+74 ;8-+1.1+)<176; ):- ;<)<-C5)+016,:1>-6 <-;< ,-;1/6-: ?144 7.<-6 =;- <0- ;<)<- <)*4- 7: # #8-+1.1+)<176 )6, -;+:18<176 )6/=)/- $$ ( ,1)C /:)5; ); ) *);1; .7: ,-.1616/ ) ;-< 7. <-;<; .7: ;=+0 8:7<7+74; $0- $# ;07=4, <-;< <7 <0- -@<-6< 8:)+<1+)4 <0- ,1..-:-6< ;1<=)<176; <0)< )6 1584-5-6<)<176 51/0< -6+7=6<-: $0- $# ;07=4, +7>-: )44 5)6,)<7:A )6, 78<176)4 .-)<=:-; 7. <0- 15C 84-5-6<)<176 < ;07=4, )4;7 <-;< ) /77, ;)584- 7. <0- 87;C ;1*4- 167887:<=6- )6, -::76-7=; ->-6<; $-;< +);-; *);-, 76 ) ;<)<- 5)<:1@ ):- ;8-+1.1-, 16 ) ;<:)1/0<C .7:?):, 5)66-: 44 <0- <-;< ,-;1/6-: 6--,; <7 ,7 16 ;=+0 +);-; 1; <7 +)44 ) 8:-)5*4- <7 /-< <0- 1584-5-6<)<176 =6,-: <-;< <7 <0- ;<):<16/ ;<)<- <0-6 )884A ) +-:<)16 *-0)>17: <7 <01584-5-6<)<176 )6, .16)44A +)44 ) 87;<)5*4- ?01+0 >-:1.1-; <0)< <0- 1584-5-6<)<176 0); 2=58-, 16<7 <0- 8:78-: ;<)<)6, 78<176)44A *:16/; <0- 1584-5-6<)<176 16<7 ) ;<)*4- 367?6 ;<)<- 6 $$ <0- <-;< ;8-+1.1+)<176 4)6/=)/- ;<)6,):,1B-, ?1<016 <0- # )6, <0- $% ;75- ;+-6):17; ):- 57:- ,1..1+=4< <7 ;8-+1.A 7: 16;<)6+- 1< ?7=4, *- 6-):4A 1587;;1*4- <7 ;8-+C 1.A 16 $$ <0- -@)+< ->-6<; <0)< ?7=4, *- 6--,-, <7 <-;< <0- *-0)>17: 7. )6 1584-5-6<)<176 =6,-: 0-)>A 47),; 6 <01; +);- <0- <-;< 8=:87;- 51/0< *- <0- 764A <016/ <0)< ) <-;< ,-;1/6-: +)6 ;8-+1.A 6+- )6 )*;<:)+< <-;< ;=1<- *-+75-; )>)14)*4- 1< 5=;< *+76>-:<-, 16<7 )6 -@-+=<)*4- .7:5 <0)< ?144 :=6 76 ) ;8-+1.1+ <-;< 84)<.7:5 7: )44 7. 1<; ' # )6, .:)5- :-4)A +76C .7:5)6+- <-;<16/ 8:7,=+<; <0- :7<7+74 $-;< -6<-: =;-; <0- $& 8:7<7+74 )6)4AB-:; 5)6=.)+<=:-, *A <0- C 8-:)<176 7. -?4-<<C )+3):, $0- ;<:-6/<0 7. <0-;8:7<7+74 )6)4AB-:; 41-; 16 <0-1: .4-@1*4- 8:7/:)5516/ )6, +76.7:5)6+- <-;<16/ -6>1:765-6<; 44 7. <0- -@-+=<)*4- <-;< ;=1<-; <0)< ?-:- 1584-5-6<-, *A *-.7:- <0- +:-)<176 7. <0- :7<7+74 $-;< -6<-: ):- ?:1<<-6 16 <0- 6<-:)+<1>- $-;< )6/=)/- $ $ 1; <0- *=14<C16 4)6/=)/- )>)14)*4- 76 8:7<7+74 +<7*-: -?4-<<C )+3):, 7=:6)4 )6)4AB-:; < 1; ) 7:<0C*);-, 4)6/=)/- ?1<0 ;<)<-C5)+016+76;<:=+<; <0)< )447? 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(? ' ;9+89 +7;/63+4: MM:SS:ssss Source DLCI C/R FECN BECN DE Info 18:40.2420 H1 TX 0 0 0 0 0 UI PD = T1.617 1001–––– ––––0––– –––––101 1 00000001 2 00000001 3 00000000 1 00000011 2 00000010 3 00001000 4 00010111 1 00000111 2 00000011 3 0––––––– –0–––––– ––000001 3A 1––––––– –0000––– –––––000 4 1––––––– –000–––– ––––0––– –––––0–– ––––––1– –––––––0 1 00000111 2 00000011 3 0––––––– –0–––––– ––000001 3A 1––––––– –0001––– –––––000 4 1––––––– –000–––– ––––0––– –––––0–– ––––––0– –––––––0 1 00000111 2 00000011 3 0––––––– –0–––––– ––000001 3A 1––––––– –0010––– –––––000 4 1––––––– –000–––– ––––1––– –––––0–– ––––––1– –––––––0 18:40.2422 1 Dummy Call Reference INFORMATION ELEMENT Shift type Codeset ident. INFORMATION ELEMENT IE length Report Type INFORMATION ELEMENT IE length Send Seq Number Rcvd Seq Number INFORMATION ELEMENT IE length Extension bit Spare PVC DLCI Extension bit PVC DLCI Spare Extension bit Spare PVC Status Spare PVC Active Spare INFORMATION ELEMENT IE length Extension bit Spare PVC DLCI Extension bit PVC DLCI Spare Extension bit Spare PVC Status Spare PVC Active Spare INFORMATION ELEMENT IE length Extension bit Spare PVC DLCI Extension bit PVC DLCI Spare Extension bit Spare PVC Status Spare PVC Active Spare Field P=0 STATUS : SHIFT : locking : national use IE : REPORT TYPE : 1 octet : full status message : LINK INTegrity VERification : 2 octets : 8 : 23 : PVC STATUS : 3 octets : continued : don’t care : partial value : not continued : 16 : don’t care : not continued : don’t care : PVC is already present : don’t care : PVC is active : don’t care : PVC STATUS : 3 octets : continued : don’t care : partial value : not continued : 17 : don’t care : not continued : don’t care : PVC is already present : don’t care : PVC is inactive : don’t care : PVC STATUS : 3 octets : continued : don’t care : partial value : not continued : 18 : don’t care : not continued : don’t care : PVC is new : don’t care : PVC is active : don’t care Trace display of a STATUS message using the complete format. The general subgroup gathers the test cases related to valid events. In these test cases, the tester simulates a normal exĆ change of messages. The error subgroup contains test cases that simulate network equipment that does not conform to the standard and verifies that the implementation reacts acĆ cording to the specification. In these test cases, the tester sends messages with content error, and verifies that the imĆ plementation under test rejects either the whole message or the erroneous part. The system subgroup contains system tests and tests that verify the system parameters of the implementation under test. It is worth noting that often part of a standard is too vague. How should the equipment react under such circumstances? An ATS can sometimes provide additional guidelines on these points, and the ACTĆFR T1.617 Annex D ATS is a good exĆ ample. The implementation behavior under certain error conditions is not specified in the standard. The ACTĆFR comĆ mittee has worked jointly with the T1S1.2 working group to fill in the holes in the standard. The ATS was specified acĆ cording to the results of this process. The T1S1.2 group plans to update the standard accordingly, but in the meantime only the ACTĆFR ATS provides the intended interpretation of the standard. The ACTĆFR T1.617 Annex D ETS for the HP PT502 can be used for different purposes. It is an excellent tool for frame relay equipment implementers for pretesting and preaccepĆ tance purposes. The implementer can use the ETS at differĆ ent stages of developmentĊfor instance, to test features incrementally as they are implemented. The ETS can also be used for regression testing, to ensure that changes or the addition of new features to the frame relay equipment have not introduced deficiencies in the implementation. The ETS tests most aspects of the specification. The test suite can also be used by carriers to test frame relay equipment before it is hooked to a network (acceptance testing). In this way, the carriers can ensure a certain degree of interoperability among the different instruments of their network. Finally, along with other analysis packages available on the HP PT502, the ETS can be used for troubleshooting by network managers. ACTĆFR is now ready to tackle its next assignments, namely, development of additional procedures for permanent virtual connection (networkĆtoĆnetwork interface), switch virtual connection data link layer (LAPF), and switch virtual connecĆ tion signaling. HewlettĆPackard intends to continue its role in the ACTĆFR committee and to release an ETS for each ATS approved therein. Use of conformance testing in the early steps of the product development life cycle speeds overall timeĆtoĆmarket of communicating devices. It also increases the probability of interoperability between products from different vendors. In the past, conformance test software was coded manually. The process was repetitive and errorĆprone. In today's comĆ petitive market, these methods are not good enough to proĆ vide customers in a timely fashion with conformance test software to be used inĆhouse for pretesting. The HP Protocol Test Center R&D team has implemented a set of productivity tools to automate the implementation of executable test suites. These tools have dramatically reduced the R&D efforts needed to produce executable test suites. They have also enhanced the quality of the software and conĆ tributed to the detection of problems in the test specifications by underlining inconsistencies. The ACTĆFrame Relay committee has adopted the test speciĆ fications for the additional procedures for permanent virtual connections (userĆtoĆnetwork interface). With the help of the TTCN translator, HewlettĆPackard was the first company to offer a product for those test specifications. October 1994 HewlettĆPackard Journal