#"' '!" " '"'" $ " Onboard calibration capability enables the HP E1413 to calibrate all 64 input channels in under 15 minutes, many times faster than the manual calibration techniques previously required in similar systems. & !" & !-* .8 & A(-&33*1 8(&33.3, &3&14,A94A).,.9&1 (43;*79*7 <.9- (43+.,:7&'1* 8.,3&1 (43).9.43.3, 51:,A43 (.7(:.98 !-* (42'.3*8 8.,3&1 (43).A 9.43.3, &3&14, 2:19.51*=.3, &3&14,A94A).,.9&1 (43;*78.43 &3) ).,.9&1 )&9& 574(*88.3, .3 43* .39*,7&9*) 8:'8>89*2 .2A .1&7 8:'8>89*28 &7* 2&)* :5 4+ 8*5&7&9* (42543*398 4+9*3 (42'.3*) '> 9-* *3) :8*7 3 8:(- 8>89*28 .9 .8 ).++.(:19 +47 9-* )*8.,3*7 4+ 43* (42543*39 94 574;.)* *3)A94A*3) (&1.A '7&9.43 &3) 8*1+A9*89 8.3(* 9-* )*8.,3*7 -&8 34 (439741 4;*7 9-* )*8.,3 4+ 842* (42543*398 .3&1 .39*,7&9.43 .8 4+9*3 1*+9 94 & 8>89*2 .39*,7&947 47 94 9-* *3) :8*7 <-4 2:89 9-*3 &)) -&7)<&7* &3) 84+9<&7* *3,.3**7.3, 94 2&0* 9-* 8>89*2 +:11> +:3(9.43&1 &1.'7&9.43 4+ -.,-A(-&33*1A(4:39 )&9& &(6:.A 8.9.43 8>89*28 4+ 9-.8 8479 2&> 9&0* 2&3> -4:78 47 *;*3 )&>8 <-.(- )7.;*8 :5 9-* (489 4+ 4<3*78-.5 $.9- )*8.,3 (439741 4+ &11 +4:7 2&/47 (42543*398 9-* )*8.,3 9*&2 <&8 &'1* 94 &)) (438.)*7&'1* ;&1:* '> .39*,7&9.3, 9-*8* (42543*398 &3) 9-*.7 .39*7&(9.43 ):7.3, (&1.'7&9.43 8*1+A9*89 &3) 2*&8:7*2*39 45*7&9.438 !-.8 .8 &((4251.8-*) :8.3, &)).9.43&1 (&1.'7&9.43 -&7)<&7* &3) 84+9A <&7* 9-&9 *3&'1* 89.2:1:8 &3) 2*&8:7*2*39 &((*88 94 &11 2&/47 (42543*398 4+ 9-* 2*&8:7*2*39 -&7)<&7* " '!" % !-7** 2&/47 -&7)<&7* (42543*398 <*7* &))*) 94 9-* 94 *3&'1* 8*1+ (&1.'7&9.43 &3) 9*89 43'4&7) ;419&,* &3) 7*8.89&3(* 7*+*7*3(* 84:7(*8 & (&1.'7&9.43 ':8 9-&9 (433*(98 84:7(*8 94 ;&7.4:8 54.398 .3 9-* (.7(:.9 &3) 2:19.51*=*78 &3) 7*1&>8 94 (439741 2*&8:7*2*39 &3) 84:7(* 8.,3&1 74:9.3, ., 8-4<8 & 8.251.+.*) ).&,7&2 4+ 9-* (&1.'7&9.43 -&7)<&7* !-* ;419&,* &3) 7*8.89&3(* 84:7(* 8*(9.43 574A ;.)*8 & 57*(.8.43 A4-2 7*8.8947 & 574,7&22&'1* ;419&,* 84:7(* &3) & 8-479 (.7(:.9 ?*74 ;419&,* 7*+*7*3(* !-* (&1.A '7&9.43 ':8 " (433*(98 9-* ;&7.4:8 84:7(*8 *.9-*7 94 9-* .35:9 4+ 9-* 8.,3&1 (43).9.43.3, 51:,A43 '4&7)8 47 94 &3 *=9*73&1 2:19.2*9*7 ;.& 9-* +7439A5&3*1 (433*(947 !-* (&1.'7&9.43 7*1&>8 8*7;* 9<4 5:7548*8 +.789 94 &114< (&1.'7&A 9.43 84:7(*8 94 *39*7 9-* 8.,3&1 (43).9.43.3, 4+ & (-&33*1 &3) 8*(43) 94 .841&9* 9-* .35:9 89&,*8 +742 9-* (:8942*7 <.7.3, <-*3 54<*7 .8 1489 47 <-*3 *=(*88.;* .35:9 ;419&,*8 &7* )*9*(9*) !-* 8*2.(43):(947 2:19.51*=*78 "% &3) "% &114< 9-* 7*+*7*3(* 84:7(*8 94 '* (433*(9*) 94 9-* (&1.'7&9.43 ':8 47 ).7*(91> .394 9-* .35:9 &251.+.*7 89&,* " &! " !-* 4'/*(9.;*8 4+ 9-* 8 ':.19A.3 (&1.'7&9.43 &7* 94 574;.)* -.,- 2*&8:7*2*39 &((:7&(> &3) 94 2&0* (&1.'7&9.43 8.251* &3) +&89 +47 (:8942*78 .3(1:).3, 2*&8:7*2*39 8>8A 9*28 <.9- 247* 9-&3 43* !-* (&1.'7&9.43 97** .3 ., 8-4<8 9-&9 9-*7* &7* 8*;*7&1 9>5*8 4+ (&1.'7&9.43 &;&.1A &'1* +47 9-* !-* 9-7** 2&.3 9>5*8 &7* (&1.'7&9.438 :8.3, &3 *=9*73&1 89&3)&7) 2:19.2*9*7 <470.3, (&1.'7&9.438 .3(1:).3, 9-48* )43* :8.3, 9-* 2:19.2*9*7 &3) .39*73&1 8*1+A (&1.'7&9.438 ., 8-4<8 9-* (42543*398 (&1.A '7&9*) '> 9-*8* ).++*7*39 (&1.'7&9.43 9>5*8 $470.3, (&1.'7&9.438 &3) .39*73&1 (&1.'7&9.438 &7* )*5.(9*) .3 ., &8 3*89*) '4=*8 '*(&:8* 9-*8* (&1.'7&9.438 &7* 7*1&9*) .3 & -.*7&7(-.(&1 2&33*7 :'8*98 4+ 9-*8* 2&/47 (&1.'7&9.438 &7* &((*88.'1* 94 9-* (:8942*7 '*(&:8* 9-*.7 85**) &3) (43A ;*3.*3(* 2&0* 9-*2 .3).;.):&11> :8*+:1 8** @ .*7&7(-> 4+ &1.'7&9.43 422&3)8 43 5&,* 47 '*89 7*8:198 .39*7A 3&1 8*1+A(&1.'7&9.438 &3) <470.3, (&1.'7&9.438 8-4:1) '* 5*7A +472*) .3 9-* <470.3, *3;.7432*39 !-.8 2*&38 9-* 8-4:1) '* <&72*) 94 3472&1 45*7&9.3, 9*2A 5*7&9:7* <.9- 3472&1 45*7&9.3, &.7+14< +742 9-* #%':8 (&7)(&,* !-*7* (&3 '* 8.,3.+.(&39 9*25*7&9:7* &3) &.7+14< ).++*7*3(*8 .38.)* & #%':8 2&.3+7&2* '*9<**3 & 89&3)&7)8 1&'47&947> *3;.7432*39 &3) 9-* <470.3, *3;.7432*39 )*A 5*3).3, 43 &2'.*39 9*25*7&9:7*8 &3) -4< 2&3> (&7)8 &7* 14&)*) .394 9-* #%':8 2&.3+7&2* 3 *=9*73&1 2:19.2*9*7 <.9- .98 -*&9*) 7*+*7*3(* &3) .39*73&11> (4397411*) &.7+14< (&3 -&3)1* 9-*8* *3;.7432*39 (-&3,*8 '*99*7 9-&3 &3 8 9-* +.789 89&,* 4+ (&1.'7&9.43 9-* *=9*73&1 97&38+*7 89&3)&7) ).,.9&1 2:19.2*9*7 8-4:1) '* (&1.'7&9*) .3 & 89&3)&7)8 1&'47&A 947> !-.8 2:19.2*9*7 8-4:1) '* & A).,.9 A'.9 47 '*99*7 2:19.2*9*7 8:(- &8 9-* 47 9-* ).,.9&1 2:19.2*9*78 !-* *=9*73&1 2:19.2*9*7 .8 9-*3 9&0*3 94 9-* 45*7&9.3, *3;.7432*39 <-*7* .9 (&3 '* :8*) 94 (&1.'7&9* 2:19.51* A'.9 8 !-.8 2&0*8 9-* 89&3)&7)8 1&'47&947>8 (&1.'7&9.43 *&8.*7 &3) &3 (&1.'7&9*) .3 .98 <470.3, *3;.7432*39 <.11 '* 247* &((:7&9* .3 9-&9 *3;.A 7432*39 3 842* 8>89*28 9-* ).,.9&1 2:19.2*9*7 .8 )*).(&9*) 94 9-* 9*89 8>89*2 &3) <.7*) 94 9-* (&1.'7&9.43 ':8 (433*(9478 &3) .8 431> 7*24;*) <-*3 9-* 2:19.2*9*7 7*6:.7*8 7*(&1.'7&9.43 (94'*7 *<1*99A&(0&7) 4:73&1 64 Differential Customer Inputs 64 Calibration Relays Operated Eight at a Time Eight Signal Conditioning Plug-Ons Channels 0-7 Bank 0 SCP Channels 8-15 Bank 1 SCP 64 High-Speed FETs Operated One at a Time Banks 0 and 1 Banks 2 and 3 Channels 16 to 47, Banks 2 to 5 Bank Selector Banks 4 and 5 Banks 6 and 7 Channels 48-55 Gain DAC Offset DAC (MUX A) Bank 6 SCP 16-Bit ADC CS5101 ADC Input Amplifier Voltage and Resistance Sources ADC Self-Test MUX (MUX E) MUX C Bank 7 SCP 7.5 k CAL_R Short Channels 56-64 Two Differential Outputs to External Multimeter for Calibration Calibration Bus SCP Calibration MUX (MUX D) OHM Relay OHM H&L (Multimeter Ohms Sense) V H&L (Multimeter Voltage Input = Ohms Current Source) I MUX B Calibration Voltage Source 15V Digital Test MUX (MUX F) Engineering Units Converter CALBUS Relay I_SOURCE Relay Current Source MUXes A, B, C, D, E, and F can only close one switch at a time. Normal Signal Paths Calibration and Test Paths Calibrations Working Calibrations Calibrations Done in a Standards Lab Requiring External Connections Internal Self-Calibrations *CAL? (or CAL:SETup) CAL:ZERO? Removes ADC Offset Errors Does Everything a CAL:ZERO? Does Need External Short Removes High-Speed MUX Offset Errors Need External Multimeter CAL:TARE Removes SCP Offset Errors CAL:CONF:VOLT Calibrates ADC Gain Calibrates Out Customer Wiring Offset Errors Calibrates SCP Gains External Multimeter Calibrated CAL:CONF:RES Calibrates Internal Calibration Resistor Does Everything a *CAL? Does $&! &$ *&$ )!$ $&! ! & $#'$% '&, &$ &! %&% $&! & *& (' ! & "$%! $%%&!$ & , $&! !$% & ! & &! & & ! & *&$ '&&$ ! ! & ( %'$, & $ % ! & % $&! &% %% & ( '&% '% *&$ ! &$!$ % %#' ! %&'" %'$ ! % !$ %'$ & $ & !!) %'%%! & % %%' && & '&&$ % !$ !&$ ,&+" '&&$ &$ &+"% ! '&&$% + $#'$ $ & ! &! % Calibrations Done in a Standards Lab External Multimeter (HP 3458A, HP 34520, etc.) Working Calibrations HP E1413 CAL:TARE User’s System Wiring SCP Gains and Offsets 8 8 SCP Gains and Offsets 8 8 SCP Gains and Offsets 8 8 SCP Gains and Offsets 8 8 SCP Gains and Offsets 8 8 SCP Gains and Offsets 8 8 SCP Gains and Offsets 8 8 SCP Gains and Offsets 8 Internal Self Calibrations Multiplexer Offset CAL:ZERO? ADC Gain CAL:CONF:RES 8 CAL:CONF:VOLT *CAL? (or CAL:SETup) CAL_R $% ! & , & + & $ & $&! &+"% &!$ )&&,$ !'$ Calibration of the HP E1413 ADC module can be performed using only one external instrument, a digital multimeter. As implied in Fig. 2 in the accompanying article there is a hierarchy of calibration types in the HP E1413 that can be invoked by the calibration commands. At the highest level are calibration commands that evaluate the HP E1413 transferstandard components. These commands, which include CALibrate:CONFigure:VOLTage and CALibrate:CONFigure:RESistance, allow an external digital multimeter to make measurements to establish the value of key parameters in the HP E1413 circuitry. These key parameters are the ADC input amplifier gain on each of five ranges and the value of the precision resistor in the HP E1413. All other HP E1413 calibrations are based on these six parameters. Below these calibrations are the working calibrations,which include CAL:TARE, *CAL?, and CAL:ZERO?. These calibrations affect smaller and smaller parts of the HP E1413 and are shown in Fig. 2 as being entirely contained within the previous type of calibration. The innermost (smallest span) calibration is CALibrate:ZERO?. CAL:ZERO? is used only to correct the ADC for drift in voltage offset, which usually results from temperature change. This command is very fast (less than five seconds) and can be executed frequently to compensate for any changes in the temperature or flow rate of the air cooling the HP E1413. The *CAL? command is used to correct for any voltage offset caused by the SCPs or the 64-channel multiplexer, and for any gain errors in the SCPs. For example, if channel 1 of a SCP has a nominal gain of eight but an actual gain of 7.998, the *CAL? command will correct for the difference by adjusting the ADC input amplifier gain upward by a factor of 1.00025 whenever channel 1 is being measured. Every channel containing an input SCP is calibrated this way during the execution of the *CAL? command. Since up to 64 channels are calibrated, the *CAL? command can be time-consuming, usually requiring 5 minutes or more to complete. The onboard current source and any current or voltage sources on the SCPs are also calibrated during *CAL?. Fig. 3 in the accompanying article shows that CAL:ZERO? is also performed by *CAL?. The outermost layer of calibration is CAL:TARE which adjusts all measurement channels for any voltage induced by customer wiring. To understand the tare calibration, consider an analogy from weight measurement. A customer wishing to buy rice by weight places the rice into a plastic container on the scale. The customer does not wish to pay for the weight of the plastic container in addition to the rice. So the container is first weighed alone (this is the tare weight), then its weight is subtracted from the total weight of the container and rice. In some measurement systems, the wiring between the HP E1413 and the transducer may cause some small voltage to be added to the actual transducer output voltage. Any measurement of transducer voltage will include this small additional voltage caused by the wiring. Therefore, the wiring is short circuited at the transducer, and the tare voltage is measured for each channel. This value is used during *CAL? to adjust calibration so that the tare voltage is subtracted from all future measurements on that channel. Again, as Fig. 3 shows, *CAL? and CAL:ZERO? calibrations are performed by CAL:TARE. ; ;/, :;(9; 6- ;/, *(30)9(;065 ;/, 0: *644(5+,+ ;6 7<; 6<; ( =63;(., -964 0;: =63;(., :6<9*, ;6 ;/, ,?;,95(3 *(30B )9(;065 *655,*;69 *655,*;065 7(;/ *(30)9(;065 :6<9*, ;6 $& ;6 ;/, $" 9,3(@ ;6 % ;6 ;/, 4<3;04,;,9 =63;(., 057<;† ,?; ;/, 4<3;04,;,9 9,(+: ;/, =63;(., (5+ 7(::,: ;/, 9,(+05. )(*2 ;6 ;/, #/, *(30)9(;065 -094>(9, 56> *655,*;: ;/, :6<9*, ;6 ;/, *655,*;065 7(;/ *(30)9(;065 :6<9*, ;6 $& ;6 ;/, 057<; (4730B -0,9 ;6 ;/, (5+ (+1<:;: ;/, 057<; (4730-0,9: .(05 ;6 4(;*/ ;/, =(3<, 6- ;/, 9,(+05. -964 ;/, ,?;,95(3 =63;4,;,9 #/, .(05 6- ;/, *(5 653@ ), *(30)9(;,+ 05 ;/0: † Refer to Fig. 1 for the components given in these calibration connections. *;6),9 ,>3,;;B (*2(9+ 6<95(3 4(55,9 :6 ;/, :;()030;@ 6- ;/0: .(05 0: 04769;(5; ;6 4,(:<9,B 4,5; (**<9(*@ #/, 79,*0:065 9,:0:;69 0: (3:6 4,(:<9,+ )@ (5 4<3;04,;,9 <:05. 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