4th July: H(125) Birthday Sinéad Farrington and Bill Murray The Higgs Boson as a toddler • Three years ago today the discovery of the 125 GeV Higgs boson was announced • Simultaneously at CERN and at the major “International Conference of High Energy Physics” in Melbourne, Australia • So today is a special day for particle physicists as well as for Warwick! Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick 2 Higgs Boson a little older… • As a theoretical concept, the Higgs boson passed its own 50th birthday last year • 1964 saw Brout, Englert and, independently, Higgs formulate a relativistic description of spontaneous symmetry breaking in gauge theories • predicted the existence of a boson and provided a mechanism for massive mediators of the weak force (the W and Z bosons) • Thus began an almost half-century-long experimental search Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick 3 Where to look for the Higgs? • But the theory did not predict the Higgs Boson’s mass • Very different composition of PRODUCTION and DECAY mechanisms depending on mass PRODUCTION DECAY Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick Are (were) there any clues? …SPS, LEP, Tevatron, LHC Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick 5 Are (were) there any clues? • Most likely Higgs mass: 95+30-24 GeV (from indirect evidence) • Mass>115 GeV (direct searches) • Remember E=mc2, need high energy to produce a Higgs boson of these masses and a lot of data as Higgs production is RARE Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick Particle Collisions Two at very which high energy Newparticles particlescollide are produced we detect and study ? Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick 7 A Particle Detector “Onion shell” structure enables reconstruction of particles Use this capability to reconstruct particle interactions of special interest Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick 8 The ATLAS experiment Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick 9 The ATLAS experiment • ~3000 collaborators worldwide • Warwick became a collaborating institute in 2012 Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick 10 Recording the data • Collision rate is ~40MHz, but can only record ~1kHz • Trigger system selects interesting events • Thereafter, distributed computing is key • Use tens of thousands of computers around the world (the GRID) Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick 11 What does a Higgs decay look like? • Decay to two photons • Experimental signature • • 2 deposits in electromagnetic calorimeter and absence of matching charged particle trajectories Experimental challenges • • Calibration Background source: photons produced in other ways Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick Higgsγγ Results 1) Plot the invariant mass • M=E2-|p|2 Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick Higgsγγ Results 2) Evaluate probability for the “signal” to be a statistical fluke Most significant indication of signal is at 126.5 GeV: Gold standard of observation 5 σ • 7.4 σ (Corresponds to 1 in 2 million chance) Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick Hè ττ e+/µ+ H νντ e/µ + h- ντ h τ+ τ- h+ -/µe (K/π) νντ h- +νe/µ h τ h- (K/π) Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick 16 H ττ results • Observation at 4.5σ • Evidence that the Higgs boson decays to fermions and so can give them mass Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick What have we discovered? Compatible with Standard Model (but still large uncertainties)! Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick Future of Higgs Physics • LHC Run 2 has begun • Higher energy, higher collision rates • Key properties of this new boson (spin/CP) will take some time to ascertain • • This was always anticipated In fact we are fortuitous in nature’s choice for the Higgs mass – all decay modes are accessible at this point • Key to characterising this particle are • • Production and decay rates (to greater precision) Intrinsic quantum numbers • Switch from search mode to precision physics Sinead Farrington, University of Warwick Higgs at 3 years Warwick Physics 4th July 2015 There are therefore Agents in Nature able to make the Particles of Bodies stick together by very strong Attractions. And it is the business of experimental Philosophy to find them out. W.Murray Glasses by Siobhan Murray What does the Higgs mean? 1 The Standard Model ? W.Murray 2 The problem One problem was, the maths said all the particles should weigh nothing That is not true But it is hard to change the equations, add mass a mass term violates 'gauge symmetry' Peter Higgs, in 1964, had an idea..... W.Murray 3 Higgs' idea of mass Think of a fish tank: W.Murray 4 Empty the tank The fish will call this an empty tank but it still has water in it W.Murray 5 Higgs theory Maybe the same applies to us? What if empty space is actually full of stuff But stuff which acts in a special way It slows you down moving through it And we feel that drag as mass If we could get outside then we would be massless But we cannot. How do we know if its true? If we kick the 'water' (or Higgs field) we should make it ripple The ripple is called the Higgs boson But how do we kick the Higgs field? Build the LHC! Volunteer W.Murray 6 Higgs production Gluon fusion Associated VBF The most important 3 processes Gluon fusion dominates rate – Top loop Vector boson fusion/associated – Extra 'tags' to identify process – Comparing rates is informative W.Murray gluon fusion VBF WH ZH ttH Higgs Production fractions 7 Higgs decay modes H→ZZ – ZZ→llll: Golden mode – ZZ→llνν: Good High mass – ZZ→llbb: Also high-mass H→WW – WW→lνlν: First sensitive – WW→lνqq: highest rate H→γγ – Rare, best for low mass H→ττ – Uses VBF, low mass H→bb – ttH, WH, ZH common but hard W.Murray bb ττ cc gg γγ WW ZZ 8 What do we know? Experimentally study production*decay There are six with significance over 2 i.e. error below 50% Total of 11 with error below 100% They will improve with more data We are learning a lot about this new particle! W.Murray 9 Interpreting the decays Lets compare Higgs decays to ZZ and γγ The γγ is about 2 per mille The ZZ is 2.6%, ten times bigger Once you remember we only see 6%2 of the ZZ But this is very strange bb ττ cc gg γγ WW ZZ The Z weighs 91 GeV normally The Higgs wegths 125 GeV So when a Higgs decays to ZZ: one has mass ~ 91 GeV, But the other has maybe 30 – far less than a Z should QM allows this, but only rarely Once you allow for that you find the Higgs interaction with the Z is 107 times stronger than with the photon W.Murray 10 Strong Higgs-Z coupling Why does the Z interact strongly with this new particle? Z is the force particle for the weak nuclear force As the photon is for electromagnetism. A photon interacts with charged particles And a Z interacts proportional to the 'Weak charge' So if the Z interacts strongly with the Higgs, it must carry weak charge. So the decay on the right happens fast But hold on! The Z is neutral (no weak charge) Just like the photon has no EM charge So where does the Higgs charge go? W.Murray 11 The Higgs field is the answer The answer is the diagram I gave you is wrong The Higgs does not decay to 2 Zs Its emits two Zs (we saw them!) But the Higgs itself slips off into the sea of Higgs field surrounding us. We have now measured the production of a Higgs from colliding two Ws or Zs And its decay into them Both of these rely on the field to provide or absorb thhe Higgs boson The field IS all around us W.Murray 12 Implications This discovery is a triumph of human ingenuity It confirms that the the universe obeys mathematical laws That is not obvious For the first time in the history of physics we have a consistent description of the fundamental constituents of matter and ther interactions that can be extrapolated up to very high energy The equations of the SM accurately describe the matter we are made from e.g. the magnetic field of an electron But no explanation of: Dark matter The matter matter asymmetry We do not understand what the Universe is made of W.Murray 13 What about the Higgs field? Central to the Higgs mechanism is the field filling space It filled the Universe about 10-10 s after the Big Bang Unlike light, you turn it off and it is still there More like water filling the sea The density of this field is eaily ruled out by cosmology It is 120 orders of magnitude larger than dark energy – and the opposite sign But remember: we don't have a quantum theory of gravity I explained the best evidence we have So do we really expect you to believe its there? We should measure the self-coupling of the Higgs This is what generates the field. We might learn something from studying events with two Higgs bosons But that will be a very hard road to follow...decades W.Murray 14 What does mH teach us? The SM mH=94+29-24GeV from SM Agrees with 125.09±0.21GeV we measured pretty well This assumed no unknown particles The SM is doomed The Universe appears to be unstable At Ultra-high energies the Higgs field will implode Wait long enough (> Universe lifetime) and this will happen The SM is incredibly fine tuned Quantum corrections add 1016GeV to the Higgs mass But we measure 125GeV Did it really start as -1016? It would need to be 'just right' This suggests something is missing with a mass near the Higgs boson mass Could it be dark matter? W.Murray 15 What comes next? We have found a Higgs boson This confirms a 'Higgs Field' filling space Unlike light, you turn it off and it is still there More like water filling the sea But it is much denser than lead... 1964 This is something radically new It is not like matter, not like a force Extending Newtons vision It is a Higgs field, something completely new. Now we need to understand it LHC started up again this year At 13TeV and higher collision rate To learn more about the the Higgs boson And maybe we will find something else too! W.Murray 2012 16