TEXAS TECH UNIVERSIlY SCHOOL OF LAW HONORS DAY April 11, 1980 This year's Honors and Awards Program is presented partially in recognition of the members of the first graduating class of Texas Tech University School of Law. Class of 1969-70 Robin Morris Green Amarillo James G. Sanderson Nederland Troy Clinton Hurley Temple David Herman Segrest Dallas John Perry Abbott Arlington Scott H. Bush Dallas Ronald M. Jackson Bandera John Seymour College Station Charles William Adams Lubbock Clifton Rodger Byrd Fargo, North Dakota Ruth Kirby Austin William George Shaw Brownwood Leota Heil Alexander Lubbock Jack Barry Cowley Dallas Jefferson Don Lewis Abilene John L. Shepherd Seminole Jimmy Allen Ashby Mineral Wells J. Edgar Craighead, Jr. Dalhart Cornelius Bradford Marsh IV Edinburg Ben R. Smart Amarillo H. L. Barnes, Jr. Dallas Martin C. Cude, Jr. Dallas Wilfred Thomas Martin, Jr. Carlsbad, New Mexico Preston Varner Stevens Odessa Ralph E. Belter Washington, D. C. R. Tim Evans Fort Worth Richard Maxwell Lubbock Perry Aubrey Tanner, Jr. Livingston Barbara S. Benson Lubbock Ernest R. Finney, Jr. Amarillo Michael Burns McKinney Big Spring Buford Carl Terrell New Orleans, Louisiana Joan Blanscet Dallas Michael Leonard Fostel Kermit C. Gerald Miller Corpus Christi William C. Terry Bonham James Arnette Bobo Odessa Errol N. Friedman Texarkana Alan L. Murray Dallas John A. Weber Fort Worth Carey B. Boethel Giddings Dennis LaRue Fullingim Lubbock Ronald D. Nickum Amarillo James Richard Whittington Dallas J. David Bourland Baton Rouge, Louisiana R. Charles Gentry Washington, D. C. Cecil G. Puryear Lubbock Robert Alwyn Williams Houston Marwin Benjamin Brakebill Ralls Fred L. Glover Fort Worth Boyd Lynn Richie Graham LAW CAUCUS ACHIEVEMENT AWARD HONORS AND AWARDS PROGRAM GREETINGS Presented by the Law Caucus to a third year student who has best exemplified competency and professional excellence. Dean Frank W. Elliott LAW CAUCUS HUMANITARIAN AWARD ADDRESS Lauro F. Cavazos President Texas Tech University PHI ALPHA DELTA AWARDS Outstanding Professors of each of the First Year Sections. Outstanding Professor of an Advanced Course Outstanding Scholarship James R. Alexander Award to the Outstanding Active Member PHI DELTA PHI AWARDS Outstanding Graduating Student Scholarship Awards DELTA THETA PHI AWARDS Hance, Thompson & Thomas Award to the Outstanding Member Marion T. Key Award to the Outstanding Scholar Presented to a faculty member or a third year student for participation in law school or community programs in the area of human rights. STUDENT BAR ASSOCIATION LEADERSHIP AWARDS Certificates in recognition of outstanding service. Second Vice President President, first year Vice President, first year Student-Faculty Committee ABA/LSD Representative Alan Carmichael Charles Chambers Larry Holmes David Copeland Henry Garza STUDENT BAR ASSOCIATION SERVICE AWARD An award of $200 presented by the law firm McCleskey, Harriger, Brazill & Graf of Lubbock, to the student who has contributed outstanding service during the year to the Student Bar Association and the law school. LIDDELL, SAPP, ZIVLEY & BRO~~ SCHOLARSHIP AWARD A scholarship of $1,000 dedicated to the president of the Student Bar Association. HUGHES AND HILL MOCK TRIAL AWARDS BOARD OF BARRISTERS AWARDS Certificates in recognition of service in the Board of Barristers Program: Chairman Carol Crabtree Vice Chairman, Appellate Advocacy Rusty Thornton Vice Chairman, Trial Advocacy Awards in recognition of'3.chievement in the Fall Mock Trial Competition. An award of $50 to the fourth place team. Terri Board Angie Henson (tie) Gail Robertson Jerri Ward An award of $50 to the third place team. Fred Raschke Barc Hunter Bill Montgomery Vice Chairman, General Programs Tom Henry An award of $100 and certificates to the Secretary-Treasurer Terri Board OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARDS An award of law books presented by Foundation Press to students who have given outstanding service to the competition teams, the Board of Barristers, and the law school. JOHN LEE SMITH MEMORIAL AWARD Certificates in recognition of achievement to the second place team. Curry Cooksey and Marty Rowley second place team. Rocky Crocker John Dwyer Keitha Wilson An award of $200, certificates, and the inscription of their names on a plaque on permanent display in the law school to the first place team. Carol Crabtree Rick Wardroup OUTSTANDING TRIAL ADVOCATE OF THE FALL MOCK TRIAL COMPETITION An award of $50, certificates and the inscription of their names on a plaque permanently on display in the law school, to the winning team in the First Year Mock Trial Competition, presented by Mark Smith and Associates. An award of $100 to the outstanding oral advocate of the Fall Mock Trial Competition, presented by Samuel Boyd ('77) and Don C. Dennis ('76). Rick Ward roup John Blanchard and Bradley Douglas J. HADLEY EDGAR TRIAL EXCELLENCE AWARD KEMP, SMITH, DUNCAN, WHITE & HAMMOND MOCK TRIAL AWARDS Awards in recognition of achievement in the Spring Mock Trial Competition. An award of $50 to the fourth place team. Tom Henry Ralph Ross An award of $100 to the third place team. Chris Carnohan Mike Payne An award of $150 and certificates to the second place team. Cathie Parsley Ron Morgan An award of $200, certificates, and the inscription of their names on a plaque on permanent display in the law school to the first place team. Rocky Crocker John Stone An award of $100 to the best advocate. Ron Morgan KEMP, SHITH, DUNCAN, WHITE & HAMMOND MOCK TRIAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD A scholarship award of $300 presented annually to the student who has performed outstanding service during the year to the Mock Trial programs. An annual award of $100 presented by Delilah and Sam Boyd ('77) to the mock trial competitor whose contribution best exemplifies the dedication, perseverance, and trial skills worthy of emulation by those desiring to develop as barristers of the highest quality and reputation. GRAMBLING, MOUNCE, SIMS, GALATZAN & HARRIS MOOT COURT AWARDS Awards in recognition of achievement in the First Year Moot Court Competition. An award of $50 to the fourth place team. Michael Hull Eugene Kirk (tie) Robert HaIlID.1er Robert Wright An award of $75 to the third place team. Nancy Koenig Dorothy Miller David Stewart An award of $125 and certificates to the second place team. Marian Holmes Carmen Nitchell George Young An award of $200 and certificates to the first place team. Timothy Henderson Katherine Mudge An award of $50 to the best oralist. Katherine Mudge UNDERWOOD, WILSON, SUTTON, BERRY, STEIN & JOHNSON MOOT COURT AWARDS Awards in recognition of achievement in the Fall Intraschool Moot Court Competition. An award of $50 to the fourth place team. Jay Goss John Rowley An award of $100 to the third place team. Tom Henry Bill Hicks An award of $200 and certificates to the GEARY, STAHL & SPENCER MOOT COURT AWARDS Awards in recognition of achievement in the Spring Moot Court Competition. An award of $50 to the third place team. An award of $100 and certificates to the second place team. An award of $200, certificates, and the inscription of their names on a plaque on permanent display in the law school to the first place team. second place team. Carolyn Johnsen Thomas Henry Wehrmann An award of $300, certificates, and the inscription of their names on a plaque on permanent display in the law school to the first place team. Fred Raschke Jeanette Robison David Weinstein An award of $100 to the student who presented the best oral argument. David Weinstein An award of $100 to the student who presented the best oral argument in the semi-final round. An award of $100 to the team having the best brief. GEARY, STAHL & SPENCER MOOT COURT SCHOLARSHIP AWARD A scholarship award of $300 awarded to a student who has distinguished himself and brought credit to the School of Law through participation in intercollegiate moot court competition. NATIONAL MOOT COURT TEAM BROWN AND BROWN AWARD An award of $225, certificates, and the inscription of their names on a plaque permanently on display in the law school, to the Client Counseling Team in recognition of their participation in the national competition. John Blakey Jerry Dixon Stancy Stribling Awards in recognition of their stellar performance have been presented to this team for having placed first in the nation among 162 schools in the 1979 National Moot Court Competition, sponsored by The Association of the Bar of the City of New York. RUSSELL J. COFFIN AWARD NATIONAL MOCK TRIAL TEAMS Certificates and the inscription of their names on a plaque on permanent display to members of the National Mock Trial Teams. Carol Crabtree Randy Leavitt Randal Mathis Fred D. Raschke R. Jeanette Robison David B. Weinstein Rick Wardroup Keitha Wilson Billy Wolfe A cash award of $500 donated by Mrs. Russell J. Coffin to further the skills of advocacy, and a permanent prize of a silver tray are presented annually through the Foundation of the American College of Trial Lawyers in memory of Russell J. Coffin, to the law school whose team wins the national competition. PHILIP C. JESSUP INTERNATIONAL LAW MOOT COURT TEAM JOHN B. KNOX AWARD Certificates and the inscription of their names on a plaque on permanent display in the law school. Tim Chovanec Cindy Nichols Janet Snell Denette Vaughn Possession of the Knox Award, a silver cup, is given for one year to the law school whose team is the winner of the 1979 national competition. Henry Wehrmann MARIAN AND BERNARD BOTEIN AWARD TEXAS YOUNG LAWYERS ASSOCIATION MOOT COURT TEAM Certificates and the inscription of their names on a plaque on permanent display in the law school. Jeanette Robison John Rowley David Weinstein Possession of a silver tray will be given for one year to the law school of the individual who best demonstrates the art of appellate advocacy in the final argument. David B. Weinstein BEST ORAL ARGUMENT-RUNNER UP BOOK AWARDS AMERICAN COLLEGE OF TRIAL LAWYERS AWARD A silver cup in memory of John W. Davis is awarded to the law school giving the best oral presentation in the final argument, to be held for one year. A permanent prize of a round silver tray is awarded to the oralist placing first. David B. Weinstein A permanent prize of a rectangular silver tray is awarded to the oralist placing second. The individual presenting the second best oral argument receives A set of Schweitzer, CYCLOPEDIA OF TRIAL PRACTICE, donated by the Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Company. A set of Frumer & Friedman, PRODUCTS LIABILITY, and a set of Cipes, RULES OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE (Federal), donated by Matthew Bender & Company. A set of Kanwit, FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, donated by Shepards Inc. R. Jeanette Robison R. Jeanette Robison BEST ORAL ARGUMENT BOOK AWARDS CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM BOOK AWARDS The individual presenting the best oral argument receives A complete set of AMERICAN JURISPRUDENCE 2d, donated by Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company. A set of BENDER'S FORMS OF DISCOVERY and a set of Larson, EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION, donated by Matthew Bender & Company. A set of O'Reilly, FEDERAL INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, donated by Shepards Inc. The championship team receives the following books to be divided among the members: CYCLOPEDIA OF FEDERAL PROCEDURE, donated by Callaghan & Company. Powell, LAW OF REAL PROPERTY, donated by Matthew Bender & Company. WIGMORE ON EVIDENCE, donated by Little, Brown & Company. Each member of the winning team receives A copy of Stephens, Maxfield & Lind, FEDERAL ESTATE AND GIFT TAXATION, donated by Warren, Gorham & Lamont. David B. Weinstein A copy of Fisch, Freed & Schachter, CHARITIES AND CHARITABLE FOUNDATIONS, donated by Lond Publications, plus the following books to be divided: Aker, Walsh & Beam, MENTAL CAPACITY, MEDICAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE AGING. Kraemer, SOLAR LAW, and STUDENT BAR ASSOCIATION AWARD Nahmod, CIVIL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, donated by Shepards Inc. The students have established the Hunt, Raschke, Robison. and Weinstein Loan Fund in honor of the team and their coach. ClWiPIONSHIP TEAM AWARD DENNIS & COMPANY AWARD A copy of Desmond, SHARP QUILLETS OF THE LAW to each member of the team. Individual plaques are presented to each member of the team by the Texas Tech School of Law. Fred D. Raschke R. Jeanette Robison David B. Weinstein QUARTERFINAL ROUND AWARDS RECOGNITION OF COACH Each member of the eight teams of the quarterfinal round receives the following lectures, sponsored by the Committee on Lectures and Continuing Education of The Association of the Bar of the City of New York: "Chilling Judicial Independence", by Irving R. Kaufman "The Philosophy of Regulations of the Banking System", by John G. Heimann "The Scope of Attempt to Monopolize", by Donald F. Turner "Taxing Unrealized Gains: The Nettle and the Flower", by James B. Lewis "Reforms-Long Overdue", by Lewis F. Powell, Jr. The students and faculty appreciate the contribution of Mr. Hunt's time and outstanding skills to the development of the school's oral advocacy programs. DONALD M. HUNT OUTSTANDING BARRISTER AWARD An award of $100 to an outstanding member of a moot court or mock trial competition team. The award, named for the coach of the law school competition teams, is presented annually by Delilah and Samuel Boyd ('77). ORDER OF BARRISTERS Trophies presented by the law firm Key, Carr, Evans & Fouts to those students who, having exhibited excellence and attained high honors through the art of appellate advocacy and mock trial competition, were selected as national members of the Order of Barristers. LAW REVIEW AWARD RECOGNITION CERTIFICATES Editor-in-Chief Thomas H. Walston Managing Editor Paul M. Johnston Fifth Circuit Symposium Editor Casenotes Editors Comments Editors Articles and Book Review Editor Benny D. Campbell Robert A. Black John R. Browning Russell N. Mullins Richard Bowersock Kathryn Johnston Clinton J. David Topics Editor and Business Manager Research Editor M. PENN L. AWARD An award of $50 for the best researched and summated law review article, presented annually by Myron Penn Laughlin, of St. Petersburg, Florida. JACKSON, WALKER, WINSTEAD, CANTWELL & MILLER LAW REVIEW AWARD An award of $100 to a staff member in recognition of exemplary dedication to the Law Review. The recipient's name is added to a permanent plaque on display in the School of Law. Steven A. Harr McWHORTER, COBB & JOHNSON LAW REVIEW SERVICE AWARD Garry Howe Associate Editors Dan Donovan David C. Bakutis Bill D. Fountain Robert E. Barnhill, III Michael Gray Billy W. Boone Randy T. Leavitt Jeffrey L. Bowman Richard P. McKeel Paula Jan Breland Craig E. Power Sealy H. Cavin, Jr. Steven J. Schultz George D. Cisneros Kathleen Shelton Don D. Crawford J. Michael Swanson Robert W. Dockery E. Lee Tarpley SCRIBES AWARD A two-year honorary membership in SCRIBES, THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF WRITERS ON LEGAL SUBJECTS, to the Law Review graduating senior who has demonstrated an ability to do outstanding legal writing and editing. An award of $100 presented by the named Lubbock law firm to the Law Review student who has contributed outstanding service during the year. LAW REVIEW ASSOCIATION SERVICE AWARD An award of $100 to an Associate Editor in recognition of outstanding service to the Law Review. The recipient's name is added to a permanent plaque on display in the School of Law. OUTSTANDING EDITOR AWARD An award of $250 to the Editor who has contributed outstanding service to the Law Review, presented by Marion T. Key. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARDS NAMAN, HOWELL, SMITH, LEE & MULDROW LEGAL WRITING AWARDS Awards of $200 to the author placing first and $100 to the author placing second in the Legal Writing Competition for papers written in the areas of tort, workmen's compensation, and insurance law. The competition is cosponsored by the Texas Tech Law Review and the Board of Barristers. KASMIR, WILLINGHAM & KRAGE AGRICULTURAL LAW AWARD An award of $250 to the student who prepares the best article or paper in the area of agricultural law. An award of a pen and pencil set to each of the six highest ranked students in the second year class, presented by Atlantic Richfield Company. Charles Caddell Roger Graham Thomas Wasilburn Bryan Quinn Kevin Cook Eldon Mahan U. S. LAW WEEK AWARD An award of one year's complimentary subscription to US LAW WEEK presented by the Bureau of National Affairs to the graduating student who has made the most satisfactory scholastic progress in his final year. C.J.S. AWARDS ESTATE PLANNING AWARD An annual award of $200 to a student who has distinguished himself in the area of estate planning, either by his performance in course work or by the preparation of an outstanding paper, presented by the firm Maddox, Maddox and Cox of Hobbs, New Mexico. Each year the West Publishing Company awards one selected title of Corpus Juris Secondum to the freshman, the junior and the senior law student who, in the opinion of the faculty, has made the most significant contribution toward overall legal scholarship. C.J.S.awards are not to be made on the basis of top grades in the class or in any particular course. WILLIAM R. MOSS TRIAL ADVOCACY AWARD THE ORDER OF THE COIF An award of $100 to each of two students who have demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in a trial advocacy course. INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF TRIAL LAWYERS AWARD A plaque to an individual in Trial Advocacy who has demonstrated outstanding achievement. TRIAL ADVOCACY AWARD An award of the three volume set of Goldstein, TRIAL TECHNIQUE, presented by Gerald C. Roop of Callaghan & Company, to the most outstanding student in Trial Advocacy. The Order of the Coif is the only national legal honor society in the United States. Members are elected annually from those students ranking in the highest ten percent of the graduating class whose character and activities in legal education indicate their worthiness for membership in the Order. The students selected from the Class of 1979 were: Lynn Alexander Robert Barbee Katherine Campbell Morris Gore Ed Huddleston Thomas Koniuszy William Lester Kenneth McAlister John MeNey Allen Price Joel Ross Larry Sherman Elizabeth Sisco Garland Woodward The School of Law acknowledges with appreciation donors of the following awards which will be presented at a later date. JUDGE KEN G. SPENCER AWARD C. L. "CHARLIE" ADAMS, SR. PROPERTY AWARD Each year the faculty selects a student to receive an award presented by Judge Ken G. Spencer of Crane. This award, in memory of Bertha and George Whipple, is made to that student whose propensity to survive in law school by dogged persistence or agility to adapt to adversity, ability or disability, or sheer force of personality or charisma, appeals to the admiration of the faculty. An award of $400 to the student who obtains the highest combined grade average in Real Property Finance and Texas Land Titles. The award is presented annually in honor of Mr. Adams by his son, Charles Adams ('69), and his grandson, J. Collier Adams, to promote interest and proficiency in the real property field. CHIEF JUSTICE JAMES P. ALEXANDER AWARD JUDGE MEADE F. GRIFFIN AWARD An award of $200 from Judge Griffin's former briefing attorneys presented annually to the graduating law student who, through industry, perseverance, integrity, and character, has best utilized the law school experience to improve and prepare for service to the profession and to mankind. GEORGE W. AND SARAH H. DUPREE AWARD An award of $100 presented to the member of the graduating class who, in the opinion of his or her colleagues, best exemplifies the ability desired in one soon to join the legal profession. The recipient's name is added to a plaque on permanent display in the School of Law. An award of a set of McDonald, TEXAS CIVIL PRACTICE, presented by Dean Frank Elliott and Callaghan & Company, to the outstanding student in Texas Procedure. The award is in honor of former Chief Justice James P. Alexander, the father of procedural reform in Texas. WILLIAM B. BOHLING AWARD An award of $100 to a student who has exhibited high academic achievement and exemplary classroom performance in Business Torts and Antitrust. Delilah and Samuel Boyd ('77) have presented this award in honor of his former professor. OUTSTANDING STUDENT IN TAXATION AWARD An award of a set of FEDERAL TAX GUIDE, by Prentice-Hall to the student who achieved the best cumulative weighted grade in Federal Income Tax and Estate and Gift Tax. PRODUCTS LIABILITY AWARD An award of $250 to the student who has ex- hibited high academic achievement in the area of products liability, presented in honor of their former professor, J. Hadley Edgar, by Phil Brown ('75) and John Judge ('75). HIGHEST CUMULATIVE SCHOLASTIC AVERAGE AWARD A certificate evidencing that the recipient has accumulated the highest scholastic average during his entire law school attendance among the students in the graduating class. BOARD OF BARRISTERS RECOGNITION AWARDS Certificates in recognition of service: Members of the Board of Barristers Clint David Jay Goss Steve Harr Bill Hicks Barcus Hunter Randal Mathis Bill Montgomery Gail Robertson John Rowley Pat Swindell Lee Tarpley Carolyn Johnson Thomas Jerri Ward Rick Wardroup Billy Wolfe PUTTING HUBBY (OR HONEY) THROUGH DEGREES Certificates awarding the honorary degree of P.H.T. to those who, having provided for, supported, encouraged, and otherwise faithfully assisted their spouses through the Texas Tech University School of Law. ALVIN R. ALLISON SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship grant of $250 established by Mr. Allison, attorney from Levelland, former member of the Board of Directors of Texas Tech and guiding force behind the creation of the School of law, awarded annually to a deserving entering or advanced student. ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP One or more scholarships, to be awarded annually to deserving students, made possible through gifts by alumni of the School of Law to the Participating Scholarship Donor Program of the Foundation. DURWOOD H.BRADLEY SCHOLARSHIP Mrs. Durwood H. Bradley and friends and relatives have endowed these scholarships in memory of Mr. Bradley, who was a prominent Lubbock attorney for many years. The scholarships are awarded to deserving students. C. H. AND JANET RILEY BROCKETT SCHOLARSHIP An annual scholarship of $500 to be awarded to a deserving first year student in need of financial assistance. Members of the Honors and Awards Committee 1979-80: Professors Baker, Marple and Wood, and students Holly Cappleman, Rocky Crocker, Mike Henry and Rick Wardroup. The School of Law acknowledges with appreciation the generous gifts of donors which have made possible the annual presentation of the following scholarships and loan funds. KENNETH H. BURNS SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship endowment established by members of the Victor H. Lindsey Senate of Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity to honor their outstanding alumnus of Houston. Scholarships will be awarded to students who are members of the national organization, in good academic standing, and actively involved in the local Senate. R. GUY CARTER SCHOLARSHIP EL PASO BAR AUXILIARY SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship grant of $500 donated annually by R. Guy Carter of the Dallas firm of Carter, Jones, Magee, Rudberg, Moss & Mayes to an outstanding entering law student. WILLIAM C. CLARK SCHOLARSHIPS Mrs. J. C. Clark and David G. Clark have endowed these scholarships in memory of their son and brother, a Lubbock attorney and a member of the Class of 1942 of Texas Tech. The scholarships are awarded to deserving second or third year students. CRENSHAW, DUPREE & MILAM SCHOLARSHIP An annual scholarship of $500 contributed by the firm of Crenshaw, Dupree & Milam of Lubbock, to be awarded to a worthy recipient in any class. A scholarship grant from the Auxiliary to aid a deserving law student from El Paso. FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship provided annually to a deserving student by the faculty of the School of Law. CAM FANNIN INSURANCE SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship grant of $300 presented annually by Cam Fannin, Sr., Cam. L. Fannin, Jr. ('70) and Richard L. Fannin ('78) to be awarded to a deserving student. FULBRIGHT & JAWORSKI SCHOLARSHIPS SANDRA ALLISON DAVIS SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship grant of $250 in honor of Mrs. Davis, a Levelland attorney, awarded annually to a deserving student in the second or third year class. Three annual scholarships of $150 each by the named Houston law firm to the student selected as editor of the Texas Tech Law Review and to the students who have made the highest scholastic average in the first and second year classes. J. J. DILLARD SCHOLARSHIPS Bryan B. Dillard, a Lubbock attorney, has established two $500 scholarships in memory of his father, J. J. Dillard, who became a Lubbock resident near the turn of the century and practiced law here for a number of years. They are awarded to deserving students. JOHN M. ECONOMIDY SCHOLARSHIP An annual scholarship of $400 presented by Major Economidy ('73), to a student who is either in active military service or who has been honorably discharged from the United States armed forces. GIBSON, OCHSNER & ADKINS SCHOLARSHIP An annual scholarship of $500 by the named Amarillo law firm to an outstanding student in need of financial assistance. LAWRENCE F. GREEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship grant of $200 established in memory of the late Lubbock attorney by John F. Maner of Lubbock, to a deserving second or third year student. FRANK K. HARRELL, JR. SCHOLARSHIP An annual scholarship of $300 established by Gary Harrell ('73) in memory of his father to be awarded to a student in need of financial assistance. JOE H. NAGY SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship grant of $400, established to honor Lubbock attorney Joe H. Nagy by his wife and children, to be awarded annually to a deserving student in need of financial assistance. JOHN V. HAYSLIP SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship of $300 given by John V. Hayslip, Texas City and Galveston attorney who is an alumnus ('74) of the law school, to be awarded to a deserving student. J. L. AND VIRGINIA IRISH SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship of $500, established by J. Michael Irish ('72) in honor of his parents, to be awarded to a deserving first year law student. JUDGE E. E. JORDAN SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship grant of $250 to honor Judge Jordan by an Amarillo donor who wishes to remain anonymous. G. HOBERT AND AILEEN HACKNEY NELSON SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship grant endowed by the children of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson to honor their parents, longtime Lubbock residents. It is awarded annually to a deserving second or third year student. W. R. QUILLIAM SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship grant of $300 established in memory of the late South Texas attorneygeologist by his widow, of Beaumont, and son, of the faculty. It is awarded annually to a deserving student in any class in need of financial assistance. LUBBOCK ATTORNEYS' MOOT COURT SCHOLARSHIPS One or more scholarship grants made possible annually by gifts from Lubbock attorneys. Early contributors to this scholarship program are Walters and Associates and George E. Gilkerson. J. W. SANDERS SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship grant of $250 established to honor the Amarillo attorney by his partner, E. R. Finney, to a deserving second or third year student. LUBBOCK BP,R AUXILIARY SCHOLARSHIP SCOGGIN-DICKEY SCHOLARSHIPS A scholarship grant of $200 to a married student in need of financial assistance. JACK P. MARTIN SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship of $400 to be awarded to an advanced student in need of financial assistance. Two scholarships in the amount of $500 each to graduates of Texas Tech University, presented annually by the Scoggin-Dickey Buick Company of Lubbock through the Texas Tech Ex-Student's Association. CURT F. STEIB, JR., MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship in memory of Curt Steib, Jr., a member of the Class of 1977, endowed by his family, classmates, and friends. It is awarded annually to a student in financial need. W. D. WILSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship grant endowed through the ExStudents Association by the children of former Lubbock attorney W. D. Wilson, to be awarded annually to a deserving student in any class. TEXAS TECH LAW PARTNERS SCHOLARSHIP LOAN FUNDS A scholarship of $130 awarded to a law student in need of financial assistance. JOHN E. THOMASON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship grant of $250 established to honor the late Midland attorney by his family and friends. It is to be awarded annually to a deserving second or third year student. THOMPSON & KNIGHT SCHOLARSHIP A scholarship grant of $1,000 by the named Dallas law firm to be awarded to a deserving student member or candidate of the Texas Tech Law Review in need of financial assistance. W. B. FOUNDATION, INC., SCHOLARSHIPS Grants in varying amounts established by the named Foundation to be awarded to deserving students. ALVIN R. AND ALETHA FAYE ALLISON LOAN FUND Mr. and Mrs. Allison of Levelland have endowed this fund to provide short-term loans to students in need of financial assistance while pursuing the study of law. JUDGE DAN BLAIR LOAN FID'JD Judge Blair served as District Judge for Lubbock, Hockley, Cochran, and Crosby counties, 1936-51. These funds are available to students for short-term loans. CHILDRESS COUNTY FUND Attorneys from Childress County have established this fund to aid students from their county. The fund is composed of sums received by the attorneys for their services in representing indigents in the courts of the county. HERB AND MARY WILLS ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP HUNT, RASCHKE, ROBISON AND WEINSTEIN LOAN FUND A scholarship in the amount of $300 established by Donald V. W. Wills ('74) in honor of his parents, to be awarded to a deserving second year student in the upper ten percent of his class. The Student Bar Association established this fund in honor of the winning team and their coach of the 1979 National Moot Ccurt Competi tiona JUDGE MARVIN JONES LOAN FUND The late Judge Jones, a leader in the establishment of Texas Tech, a former Congressman from West Texas, and former Senior Judge on the U. S. Court of Claims, made funds available for short-term loans to law students . JUDGE E. E. JORDAN LOAN FUND Judge Jordan, retired from the 47th District Court in Amarillo, has provided a fund for law students who find themselves in unanticipated, short-term financial difficulties. VICTOR H. LINDSEY MEMORIAL FUND At the suggestion of Mrs. Victor H. Lindsey of Lubbock, widow of Judge Victor H. Lindsey, of the 72nd District Court, the Lubbock County Bar Association and friends of the late Judge Lindsey have created this fund for loans and other financial assistance to law students in need. DREW SIMPSON MEMORIAL FUND A fund established by the family , colleagues, and friends of Drew Simpson ('74) upon his death in February, 1972. Its purpose is to aid students in financial difficulty. E. WAYNE THODE MEMORIAL LOAN FUND A fund established by students, colleagues, and friends of E. Wayne Thode, a visiting professor during Fall 1979 from the University of Utah, for his contribution to and interest in quality legal education .