THE -GOVERNOR + required by Texas Civil Statutes. Article 6252-13a. 56, the &as Register publishes ex&utive ofders issued by the Governor of Texas. Appointments and proclamations are also published. Appointments are published in chronological order. Additional information on documents submitted for publication by the Governois Office can be obtained by calling (512) 463-1828. f. OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR THE STATE OF T&XAS BXBCUTlVB DEPARTMENT OFFEE OF shall be reimbufsed for their actual WHBRBAS, this effort w g be formally launched at the presidents' Summit b America's Future to be held in PUdelpbia. April 27th W g h April 29th, 1997, and WHBREAS, Gemd Colin L.Powell has been appointed to suve as the Chairman of the Summit and has artended an invitation to the Governor of Tars to lead a fiv~pusondelegation to tha Siunmit; TRD-9809578 Filed: June 15.1998 e~rpt~lses in .%wingi on the delegation. I TIB3 GOVERNOR-AUSTIN, TEXAS. EXECUTIVE ORDER GWB All agencb of the state are thueby directed to cooperate and assist 97-19 the delegation in the performance of its duties. R B L A T L N G T O T H B ~ B N T S ' S ~ P O R A M B R I C A ' S This Executive Order shall be effective. immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until m&e& ameaded, or rescinded by me. FUTURE WHEREAS. on Friday. January 24. 1997. Presidtat Clinton and IN TST'IMONY WHEREOF. I have herwrto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Texas to be Done at the former Pnsident Bush jointly announced plans for a nationwide mobilization- a campaign through the year 2000 and beyond- for Capitol in the City of Austiu this 11th day of March. 1997. .a new level of ccmuiment to meeting the chalkages facing our George W. Bush, Governor of Texas nation'schildnnandyau~and eid I l. WHEREAS. this adminimation has a sincere and firm commitment t o - h ; @ sof providing children with access to the five fundamatal reSources that caa help them lead healthy, Willing and productive lives: q , . ,ha ' -1: . -=ongOiqgomlationship with a caring adult- a mentor, tutor, coach; safe places a&l structuredactivitiw during non-school hours to learn and-grow;. -: . .ar&swz ' ,-..r" ' . edu& a .. +iiable . .,.. i+ -3 illthrough , *an~~&cbac~throughODmrnunityservia , \+,.;,<.\. irb&.~-rm;g:~ea~ w. Bush, a ,of~ ma State of Texas,under the awe vested in me, do hereby order that the State of Texas suppat 'a& participate in the new Iml of commitment to~gthethtgcafachgournation'schi]drenandyouth begiadng with the Prdients' Summit for AmeJica's Future. ,st < ,&X .I 4 D As the pressiug 0ie!d 75ih -lam Session demand my presence in Au& fhereb9 mate a five person delegation to represent me and the State of T k u at the Presidents' Summit fol America's Future. The delegation shall be led by F i Lady Laura Bush and shall attend the S u p i t and repQt to me on the details of the gods of the Summit and ncanmenda course of action to impluncm thoere goals. The members of the ddegation shall serve *ut salary or if state employees, without additional salary. The munbers of the delegation THE STATE OF TBXASBXBCUTIVB DEPARTMENT OPmCE OF THE GOvmNOR-AUSTIN, TEXAS. I3xxmnz ORDER GWB 97-20 RFlADJG TO THE CRLWION OF THE GOVERNOR'S TASK FORCE ON ILLFGAL.GAMBWG WHERBAS, Texas has a general public policy against gambling; WHERBAS, t& citizens of Texas have approved of bingo. charitable d e s , pari-muruel wagering. and the state lottuy as the only exceptions to the State's general public poky against gmbiiag; WHEREAS, the Governor has been advised by law enforcement &cials that ammt state law does not make the prosemtion of illegal gambling activities a priority; WHEREAS, the Gavemor belimes that a systematic, statewide evaluation of gambling in Taes is necessary; and WIlbFWS, the Governor believes that it is appropriate to evaluate w h e w law enfo&ials have the necessary took to enforce the State's public policy against gambling. NOW, THEREFORE, .I, George W. Bush. Governor of the Slate of Taras under the authority vested in me, do-hereby create and establish the Governor's Task Force on Illegal Gambling, which shall s a w in an advisory capacity to the Gavemor. This Task Force shall be composed of representatives from the Legisletwe, from the prosccutorial and law enforcement communities, from State agenciea charged with the enforcement of gambling laws. and from the public. The Task Faa shall accomplish the following objectives: (1) accumulate all available data on gambling in Texas, and ma&c it to formulate an aawatc picture of the cumnt status and tuture growth of illegal gambling in this State; (2) solicit input from petsons iddfled by the TasL Force, who can pmvide relevant information on illegal gambling in Texas; (3) review all Texas laws that address gambling and suggest ways to enhance enforcement of those laws through legislative or administrative action; (4) devise proposed legislation that will amend chapter 47 of the Texas Penal Code and enhance enforcement -of existing laws against the use of gambling devices; (5) suggest any other enhancements to the State's gambling laws that will advance Texas' general public policy against gambling; and (6) submit a written report to the Governor summarizing its' findings and recommendations on or before May 1. 1998. The Task Force shall have no i k a l action authority and shall serve only in an advisory capacity. The Gwernor shall designate the Chair and vice Chair of the Task Force, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. Members of the Task Force shall stme without salary or, if state emp1oyee-s. without additional salary. The members of the Task Face shall be reimbursed for their actual expenses incurred, pursuant to the limits allowed under the Texas General Appropriations Act of 1997, but shall not receive any monetary compensation or per diem for theit work. The Task Force shall meet upon call of the Chair. and the first meeting shall occur as soon as practicable after the date upon which this Executive Order becomes effective. All agencies of the state are hueby directed to cooperate and assist the Task Force in the puformance of its duties. This Executive Order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modSed. amended, or rescinded by me. IN TESTIMONY WHEFtEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Texas to be af6xed, Done at the Capitol in the City of Austin this 25th day of September. 1997. George W. Bush. Govemor of T&S TRD-9809578 Filed: June 15, 1998 The Governor shall designate the Chair and Vice Chair of the Task Force. who shall suve at the pleasure of the Governor. Members of the Task Force shall serve without salary or. if state employees. without additional srJary. The members of the Task Force shall be reimbursed for their actual expenses incurred pursuant to the limits alloweded under'the Texas General Appropriations Act of 1997, but shall not receive any monetary compensation or pet diem for their wok. * , The Task Force shall meet upon call of the Chair; apd the h t meeting shall-occur,assoon as practicable after the date%pon,which this Executive Order becomes effective. All agencies of the state are hereby directed to cooperate and assist the Task Force in the performance of its duties. This Amendment to Exixutive Order GARB 97-20 shall be effective immediately and remain in full force and effect until modified, amended or rescinded by me. IN TBSTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hemiate set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Texas to be afbed, Dm at the Capitol in the City of Austin this 30th day of March. 1998. George W. Bush. Governor of Texas T~D-9809578 Filed: June 15, 1998 THE STATE OF TEXASEXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR-AUSTIN, TEXAS, EXECUTIVE ORDER GWB 95-1OA RELATJNG TO CONTINUING THE GOVERNOR'S COMMISSION FOR WOMEN WHEREAS, more than half the population. of. wr. .nation and this state are women; .. WHEREAS, it is imperative that the potential of all citizens be utilized to the fullest extent without regard: to sex. race, religion. national origin, marital or parental status; WHEREAS, this administration has a sincere and h n commitment to the goals of achieving equal legal, economic, polit&, educational. and social opportunity and advancement of ,women; WHEREAS, the achievement of these goals can best be accomplished by continuing and redirecting the Gavemor's Commission for Women; NOW. THEFtEFORE. I, George W. Bush. Gavemor of the State of TLxas, under the authority vested in me. db hereby order that the Governor~sCommission for Women, heredm refyed-to as the Commission. is contihued'without interruption. The Commission will consist of no more than twenty-four (24) members appointed by the Governortfor a two-year term. Members shall serve at the pleasure of the k m o r . The Governor shall designate a Chair and Ge-Chair from the membership who.shall hold such designations at tlre pleasure of the Governor: The Governor shall appoint an executive director who shall assist the Commission as it adopts rules and pro&urea and develops and implun@ts activities consistent with the provisions of this uecutive order. , The Commission shall.have as its principal charge the adkvment of the following: (a) Aid thc Governor in 5nding and xummending qualified women . 5~12 for appointive o m ' a THE STME OF TEXAS EXECUTZVE DEPARTMENT OWICE OF THE GOVERNOR-AUSTIN. TEXAS. EXECUTlVE ORDER GWB 97-20A RELMlNd TO AMENDING THE ORDER.CREATING THE GOVERNOR'S TASK FORCE ON ILLEGAL GAMBLING WHEREAS,the Governor has established a Governor's Task Force on Illegal Gambling; and WHEREAS, the Texas Attorney General has opined that statutory wrcepti9ns to the Texas Penal Code provisions on gambling are ullconslitutional; and WHJ9&U, as a result of the Attorney General's Opinion and the *sition to gambling by Executive and Legislative ofilcers. numerous suits have been brought, both to enforce and to restrain the enforcement of Taas law regarding gambling; and WHEREAS. it is appropriate to include in the Task Force's report to the Governor and the legislature the nature, extent and results of this litigation. NOW, THEREFORE. 5 George W. Bush. Governor of the State of Texas, under the authority vested in me, do haeby extend the date for submitting a written report m the Goyemor summarizing its findings and recommendations from on or before May 1.1998. to on or before September 30.1998. All other provisions of Executive Order GWB 97-20 shall remain in force. 23 TexReg 6668 June 26,1998 Texas Register