K-State Salina-based student resources: General information: Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas (DVACK) DVACK provides the K-State Salina campus and community free, confidential, 24-hour assistance, advocacy, hotline services, and safe shelter for those who have experienced sexual or domestic violence. http://www.dvack.org/ 785-827-5862 Salina Counseling Services Counseling Services, provided for Salina K-State students by Veridian Behavioral Health, can be accessed by contacting the Salina campus staff at the Welcome Center and Student Life Center. http://www.salina.k-state.edu/studentservices/health_counseling/counseling.html 785-826-2640 Salina Regional Health Center Salina Regional Health Center provides the K-State Salina community with emergency services including a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program that can assist in the forensic evidence collection after a physical or sexual assault. http://www.srhc.com/clinical_services/sane_sart.php 785-452-7000 Veridian Behavioral Health Veridian's provides confidential psychological and psychiatric services geared toward individuals and families who are struggling with common life problems such as depression, anxiety, marital problems, parent-child conflicts, trauma or grief and loss. http://www.veridianbh.com/ 785-452-6113 For reporting: Office of Institutional Equity The Office of Institutional Equity (formerly known as the Office of Affirmative Action) is engaged in ensuring the university adheres to the laws, regulations, executive orders, and other applicable polices that uphold its guiding principles of respect and fairness through collaboration with students, faculty, and staff in hiring practices, training, and reporting. http://www.k-state.edu/affact/ 785-532-6220 Olathe Police Department The Olathe Police Department works to preserve a safe campus environment through reporting and safety services. http://www.olatheks.org/Police 911 or 913-782-0720 For sexual misconduct: Office of Institutional Equity The Office of Institutional Equity (formerly known as the Office of Affirmative Action) is engaged in ensuring the university adheres to the laws, regulations, executive orders, and other applicable polices that uphold its guiding principles of respect and fairness through collaboration with students, faculty, and staff in hiring practices, training, and reporting. http://www.k-state.edu/affact/ 785-532-6220 Office of Student Life The Office of Student Life provides all Kansas State students and their families direct support, referral services, and advocacy in a variety of settings. http://www.k-state.edu/studentlife/ 785-532-6432 Salina Police Department The Salina Police Department works to preserve a safe campus environment through reporting and safety services. http://www.salina-ks.gov/content/126/193/default.aspx 911 or 785-826-7210