Application Guide and

Application Form
Access to Education Fund
Name of Local Authority:
Name of School/s:
Application completed by:
Please give details of any special
communication needs you may
(For example, typetalk or large
Deadline for Applications
Timescale for our Decision
Period of Fund
Level of Grants
Enter Local Authority
Enter school name – if cluster or group bid, all
schools must be named here
Enter name of person completing application
Enter any communication needs
Please make note of this. Applications sent after the
deadline will not be considered.
Please make note of timescales detailed in this
section. This will let you know when money has to be
spent by. There will be no option to extend this
Schools may only be named on one application. For
example, if School A is named on a cluster bid, it is
then ineligible to apply individually.
• Failure to meet the deadline may render your application invalid.
• You should assume that we have no knowledge about any previous funding you have
• If any sections are incomplete then this may impact on the assessment of your
• You only need to send in the completed application form. Supporting documents are
not required.
• Please ensure that you retain a copy of the application form for your own records.
Please complete this form in type in
the spaces provided and email
your application to:
This section must be completed with or by the Head of Establishment.
This will prevent duplicate bids and ensure Heads are aware of bids submitted.
Local Authority:
Please give the name and contact
details of the person within your
establishment/school/cluster/group of
schools who will deal with this
application, all correspondence relating
to it and the management of the Access
to Education Fund.
The person named here must be
authorised to answer all queries and to
sign all paperwork relating to this
application and be responsible for the
overall management and co-ordination
of the project. The named person should
also be the first point of contact for
Education Scotland.
Establishment/School/Cluster/Group of
Direct Telephone:
Please name your Local Authority
representative who has responsibility for
the Access to Education fund.
You should inform them about your
application as they will have the
responsibility for accepting and arranging
for your Director of Education to sign the
grant letter if you are successful.
The funding will be transferred to your
local authority and then downloaded to
your school.
This is how we will contact you to let you know
if you are successful. Please ensure it is
Local Authority representatives are nominated
by Directors of Education.
Details of Links can be found on our website
and will be updated.
Contact Number:
Proposal title
• What we are looking for:
o A clear and concise title
o An indication of the main theme of your proposal
All Aboard!
An innovative approach to raising attainment by increasing parental engagement
Aims of proposal:
Please note that your project should be targeting children and young people from
deprived backgrounds – for example, those from the 20% most deprived areas using the
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation, or you can use other indicators of
deprivation/disadvantage to explain your rationale.
• What we are looking for:
o A detailed summary of the demographic of the establishment
o Reference to Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), Free school Meals
Entitlement (FME), or other clear indicator of deprivation/disadvantage
o Clear rationale outlining the aims of your proposal – what you hope to do,
and how this will improve outcomes for learners
XX Primary has a varied catchment area, and one area served by the school, YYY, is
an area of urban regeneration. A large number of the pupil population are within
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation deciles 1&2, and there are many pupils
identified through Staged Intervention as having barriers to their learning, including
In addition to the pupils living in deciles 1 & 2 of SIMD a significant proportion of our
whole school population are living in poverty. This is evidenced through the high
level of pupils entitled to free schools meals, currently as follows
• Deciles 1 & 2 77% FME
• Deciles 3 & 4 34% FME
• Deciles 5 & 6 26% FME
Overall 42% of the school population receive free school meals
Having considered recent research around reading and closing the attainment gap
reading engagement is highlighted as a significant factor.
The 2009 PISA survey showed that increasing reading engagement could mitigate
30% of the attainment gap associated with socio-economic disadvantage. Children
from socioeconomically disadvantaged groups tend to have fewer books at home
and are less likely to be read to by their parents. By age ten, pupils living in poverty
are significantly less likely than their economically advantaged peers to report
reading for enjoyment in their own time.
With this in mind we are working as a school to reduce disadvantage by providing
children with increased opportunities to access a range of reading material in a
range of formats. This will ultimately lead to improvement in our attainment in
literacy and increased motivation for reading for enjoyment.
Why do you need additional funding to deliver the proposal?
What we are looking for:
o A clear statement outlining why this proposal cannot be delivered through
the school budget
o Clear rationale outlining why this particular aim is not covered through core
school business
o A summary of what else has been done to try to achieve the aims of the
proposal – for example: fundraising, donations, volunteers, training, sharing
XX High has consistently compared unfavourably with similar schools in XX (and
Scotland) in terms of levels of attainment. We are working with the whole school
community to raise expectations, aspirations and levels of support for raising the
attainment of our young people.
This session (2013/14) the number of pupils and staff and wanting to get involved in
study support increased to the extent that we were unable to fund all of the
supported study tutorials from the allocated budget. We were also not able to
provide study weekends as we had the previous session as the school fund was
unable to meet the funding required. We were able to run study days before SQA
Examinations this session by diverting money from the staff cover budget. (However
this may not be possible next session as a high level of staff absence would prevent
In session 2014/15 we will have two Higher and two National 5 (level 5) English
classes (for the first time) and a Higher Mathematics section of over 30 pupils (we
normally present 10-12 young people). We will also be presenting pupils in a range
of Advanced Higher, Higher and National 5 courses. We have identified over 20
pupils in S5 as potential 3+ Higher candidates (we typically get between 3% and 6%
3+ Level 6 in cohorts of 100 – 140). As a consequence we anticipate the demand
for additional tuition will be much greater than in 2013/14.
We feel that as a school we are ready to make significant improvements in
attainment and make a real shift towards establishing an ethos of high
expectations. We feel that the aims outlined above will help us provide the
necessary support our young people (and their parents) require at National 5,
Higher and Advanced Higher. It would be impossible within current budgetary
constraints to provide all of the above.
We have on-going fundraising attempts, but due to the socio-economic deprivation
many of our families are living in, there is a limit to what we are able to ask for and
achieve using this means.
In what ways will the proposal reduce barriers to learning?
What we are looking for:
o A summary of the specific barriers you are looking to overcome
o A detailed explanation as to why your proposal will reduce these barriers
o An indication of how you will know if you have been successful
The project will help reduce barriers to learning in the following ways:
Promote Remote Digital Learning – through stage one of the project we will
demonstrate how video conference can be used for children in remote and / or
deprived areas to access expertise that is not always available face-to-face.
Embrace Intergenerational Learning – though stage two of the project we will
encourage intergenerational learning within the family unit though the use of
technology challenges.
Remove transition barriers – by using the project as a context for transition and
enhanced transition (for the most vulnerable) we will remove apprehension from
young people as they progress to High School. Apprehension can be a strong
barrier to learning. This will mainly be delivered during stage 3 of the project.
Create an Engaging Learning Environment – we believe that the MakerSpace at XX
High School will provide that wow factor that will make children want to attend
school and learn in a new and engaging way.
Develop a Self Organised Learning Environment (SOLE) – based on research the
SOLE that we will create will appeal to a certain type of learner who will want the
push the barriers of knowledge and discovery with their peers and independently.
Motivate learners to access new courses and new materials – by developing
motivation in new groups of students we will generate a need to develop new
courses and materials within a qualification structure that boosts attainment. We are
confident that this can be done by supporting pupils access distance learning
courses at the University of XX (XX College Campus)
Encourage Audience – by sharing students work online we will provide them with
authentic audience and increased confidence and motivation.
Challenge perceptions – The project will challenge the intergenerational
perceptions of learning in the XX High School Associated School Group
In what ways will the proposal raise attainment?
What other outcomes do you hope to achieve? For example, improving attendance,
reducing exclusions and wider achievements.
What we are looking for:
• Identification of specific, measureable outcomes
• Clear goal identified
• Means of capturing data and evaluating identified and detailed indication of
when, who and how
The proposal will raise attainment in a number of different ways, namely:
The librarian has started an S2 Reading Club which takes place at lunchtime.
Interest is also being shown by other year groups. To facilitate this group the
school needs to purchase multiple copies of approximately three text books
which can be used repeatedly over the next 4/5 years, to encourage a love
of reading and discussion of literature. Pupils should not be prevented from
attending due to the lack of funds to purchase a book.
Within the school there is a Paired Reading scheme whereby more able
senior pupils spend time helping less able junior pupils to read. This scheme
will raise attainment in both sets of pupils, with the less able pupils improving
their reading ability and the more able pupils achieving a wider experience
of coaching and mentoring. To facilitate this scheme and encourage less
able readers the school requires to purchase more “easy reads” and
differentiated curricular materials as this will allow access to literacy and
The Library does not possess any audio books or equipment which is required
for some less able readers as it again opens the door to literacy. It is the
librarian’s intention to purchase a number of audio books and create suitable
packs to encourage less able readers to become interested in books with the
aim of encouraging reading.
The librarian proposes to purchase texts which will stretch the more able pupil
and lead to better exam results through increased literacy. It is proposed to
purchase non-fiction material which would link to the school curriculum and
encourage teachers to bring classes to the library to use the resources and IT
With the introduction of CfE many of the existing study guides are no longer
relevant to the revised curriculum. The librarian proposes to purchase a range
of study materials to ensure that pupils can achieve their academic potential
as the ability to learn should be much more important than the ability to pay
for such books.
The librarian will seek to engage teenage boys to read, a notoriously difficult
task. It is proposed to purchase a number of graphic/manga novels as a way
of encouraging library use and as a stepping stone to enjoyment of other
The English, mathematics, science and art departments have expressed an
interest in using the library as part of the curriculum but at present the library
does not have suitable material to facilitate this use. Appropriate materials
require to be purchased to meet the needs of the pupils and staff.
Senior pupils will be trained as Library Assistants and will occupy a coaching
and mentoring role for younger pupils in the school.
Staff will also be able to use the library resources to conduct extra curriculum
teaching and supported study which will in turn raise attainment levels.
It is proposed to purchase a number of display shelves to make the library
more modern and attractive to its teenage audience.
We hope that:
o Literacy skills for both reading age and comprehension will improve thereby
improving attainment and more young people will benefit from the sheer joy
of reading!
Numeracy skills will improve through the use of the Numbershark program.
Pupils will become more confident within the classroom setting.
More pupils will be able to access subject textbooks and worksheets at an
appropriate level for their age group.
Exam success will increase as pupils will be more literate and numerate and
more able to answer extended questions in unit tests and exams.
Improved marks for assignments and projects will indicate that pupils are
skilled in using the learning centre to complete their research.
It has been widely documented that access to books and an enjoyment of reading
is strongly linked to academic achievement. All of the above proposals will be
implemented at XX High School with a view to realising this overall aim. When pupils
are supported and achieving in class, attendance levels improve and poor
behaviour decreases. The important part which the library could play in improving
academic attainment is strongly linked to the quality of resources it has to offer.
How will you ensure the proposal is sustainable and builds capacity beyond the funding
What we are looking for:
• Clear links to other aspects of learning and development
• A strategic overview of the proposal
• Consideration given to how funding will impact beyond funding period
This project is sustainable as it is a major action in the school improvement plan for
2014-15. By linking in with the commonwealth games legacy and the Year of Food
and Drink next year the project is current and interdisciplinary. Alongside the
growing of food and cooking of food in classes. Teachers will be encouraged to
participate in CLPL related to Food Education. Over the next year the project will
build capacity and confidence and therefore have an impact on learning and
Children and families from the nursery who will be involved in the project will
hopefully continue to be involved as they progress onto our school. Early
intervention in engaging families will have an impact on parental involvement too
and hopefully we will continue to see these parents involved in their children’s
learning in the future.
We have excellent links with our local TESCO store which can provide us with
vouchers to purchase seeds and bulbs as well as support our teaching and learning
through the ‘Farm to Fork‘ project. This project is continuing and we plan to send all
classes to TESCO in 2014-15.
In the future we plan to have a “farmers market” in the community using our own
produce. At the moment we grow leeks, potatoes, pumpkins, strawberries, runner
beans and peas. With a poly tunnel our capacity for growing a wider range of
produce all year round and on a larger scale will enable us to develop the project
further and increase the capacity for the project to run in future years.
How do you plan to measure outcomes and evaluate the proposed?
What we are looking for:
o Desired outcomes explicitly stated
o Detail of means of recording and monitoring outcomes
o Long-term plan with dates identified for the gathering of data
XX High School operates the SPYDUS library management system. (Spydus is a webcentric, automated information management solution for academic, public,
government and corporate libraries.) Information from this source and from library
booking forms will allow the school to determine statistics on an annual basis and
identify increases/decreases and trends :
The total number of pupils using the library resources.
The age range of the pupils using the library resources.
The sex of the pupils using the library resources.
The number of teachers using the library resources and type of subjects
taught, year on year analysis linked to available resources.
The most popular books/authors/genre etc borrowed by age and sex of
Numbers participating in Paired Reading programmes, Reading Clubs etc
Academic achievement levels starting with 2014 S1 pupils who will have had
access to literary resources from the start of their secondary education.
Numbers of pupils using the library to study out with school core time.
Tracking the literacy and numeracy levels of pupils.
We will also use Insight Benchmarking to gauge how our literacy and numeracy
levels improve each year with an emphasis on children in the lowest deciles. This
approach will also be used to look at overall attainment and also individual pupils
who recognise that their literacy and numeracy skills currently restrict their ability to
achieve in various aspects of course work. They will also be tracked using our school
tracking system to see if they are benefiting from the combined approach of being
involved in literacy groups and also having access to the learning centre.
Questionnaires will be issued to staff and pupils at the beginning of the project and
after a 6 month period to obtain subjective information which will be incorporated
in the evaluation of the project.
How do you plan to share your experiences of the planned proposal with other schools?
What we are looking for:
• Innovative means of sharing practice
• Links to local, national and international forums where possible
• Clear drive and enthusiasm to promote success in establishments
Sharing the experiences of our programme will take various forms, including:
o Showcase practice within school through In-Service Learning together CPD
sessions – we would be keen to hold open afternoons and/or twilights to
share our story with colleagues
o Share at Pastoral Team meetings and relevant SMT meetings
o Opportunities to discuss with XX Council through the Employment and Skills
Partnership team through informal and more formal CPD
o Sharing with the XX Learning Community through information sessions and
cluster events
o Next year, after the evaluation stage, apply to showcase ideas in a workshop
at the Scottish Learning Festival in 2015
Please give brief details about how you plan to spend
the funding if successful.
• What we are looking for:
• Outline of what funding will be used for
• Sufficient detail to allow for a broad
• 2 man tent - £50.00
• Ground mat - £15.00
• Sleeping bag - £30.00
• Rucksack - £30.00
• Hiking boots - £40.00
• Waterproof jacket - £40.00
• Base fleece - £20.00
• Waterproof trousers - £25.00
Total cost per full camping kit =
X 10 full sets = £2,500
Additional cooking kit (stove + equipment - Trangia 25-6
Non Stick Cookset with Kettle + cutlery) - £80.00
X 10 £800.00
2 day lowland leader training - £150.00
DoE Expedition Supervisor training - £55.00
Training for 2 members of staff =
Total Expenditure
Additional camping equipment
(minus clothing)
X 10 @ £125.00 = £1250.00