K-State 2025 Strategic Action and Alignment Plan

K-State 2025 Strategic Action and Alignment Plan
College or Major Unit: Human Ecology
Department: Apparel, Textiles, and Interior Design
1. What are your Department’s mission and vision and how does your organization contribute to achieving the University’s and your
College’s/Major Unit’s vision for K-State 2025?
Mission: The Department of Apparel, Textiles, and Interior Design improves human well-being through education, scholarship, service, engagement and
outreach in the disciplines we represent.
Vision: The Department of Apparel, Textiles, and Interior Design aspires to change the world through a focus on the human ecological framework in our
teaching, scholarship, service, engagement, and outreach. We believe the human ecological framework drives us toward a shared concern for
sustainability. We hope that through our teaching and scholarship we will improve the human condition and be part of the solution to the social and
ecological problems we face. Our educational goal is to prepare students with the knowledge and skills needed to live and work in diverse societies,
improving the lives of individuals throughout the world. We value the potential of our students and commit our effort to enhancing their lives and the
quality of all human life.
2. What are your Department’s key strategic activities and outcomes?
3. Identify [in brackets] which of your Department’s strategic outcomes are directly linked to your College’s/Major Unit’s outcomes. (If your
Department or similar unit is not in a College or Major Unit, skip this question.) This plan includes links to both College outcomes (e.g., R-1)
and University metrics ([e.g., B1, T1-2, etc.]).
Short Term (2013 - 2015)
Intermediate (2016 - 2020)
Long Term (2021 - 2025)
Key Activities
Key Outcomes
Key Outcomes
Key Outcomes
What we plan to do…
R-1 Faculty will submit more funding
proposals and seek partnerships with
others to increase multi-disciplinary grant
R-3, R-4 Faculty will have some duties
shifted to a student services director so
that they have additional time to devote to
scholarship resulting in publications,
designs, etc.
U-3 Faculty will provide more
opportunities for UG students to
participate in research.
U-4 Faculty will encourage students to
submit their work to the KRF. (We can
adopt these goals if the number of KRF
participants selected goes up.)
U-5 The department will offer more
What we expect to happen…
R-1 There will be an increase in
external funding submissions to
support faculty research [B1, T1-2]
R-3 There will be an increase in the #
of peer reviewed faculty publications
R-4 There will be an increase in the #
of juried, adjudicated, or externally
vetted shows and designs [T1-3]
U-3 There will be an increase in the #
of students who have had the
opportunity to assist with facultysponsored research [B-8]
U-4 A minimum of one
undergraduate will participate in the
K-State Research Forum each year.
K-State 2025 Strategic Action and Alignment Plan for Apparel, Textiles, and Interior Design
June 2013
What we expect to happen…
R-1 There will be an increase in
external funding expenditures by
10% [B1, T1-2]
R-3 There will be a 10% increase in
the number of peer reviewed faculty
publications [T1-4]
R-4 There will be a 10% increase in
the # of juried, adjudicated, or
externally vetted shows and designs
U-3 There will be an increase of 10%
of ATID students who have had the
opportunity to assist with facultysponsored research [B-8]
U-4 A minimum of two
undergraduates will participate in the
K-State Research Forum each year.
What we expect to happen…
R-1 There will be an increase in
external funding and expenditures by
20% [B1, T1-2]
R-3 There will be a 20% increase in
the # of peer reviewed faculty
publications [T1-4]
R-4 There will be a 20% increase in
the # of juried, adjudicated, or
externally vetted shows and designs
U-3 There will be a 20% increase of
ATID students who have had the
opportunity to assist with facultysponsored research [B-8]
U-4 A minimum of three
undergraduates will participate in the
K-State Research Forum each year.
opportunities to take advantage of
international relationships in the
classroom, participate in study tours and
will encourage students to study abroad.
U The department will hire a full-time
academic advisor and student serviced
G-4 We will increase funding for doctoral
student support so that more students
choose to attend our program.
G-5 We will encourage more resident
master’s students to publish their theses
and other manuscripts.
E-1 Faculty will seek greater
opportunities to integrate
engagement/service learning in
F-1 Seek additional salary support from
the Dean and Provost to maintain
competitive salaries.
F-3 Seek additional funding/positions
through grants and contracts for
graduate students and from the Dean and
Provost for staff.
F-5 Seek additional funding/positions
from the Dean and Provost for faculty
positions to support ATID academic
programs so that they are on par with
peers related to faculty positions per
T6-A Seek funding from the university
and private sources to update existing
U-5 The # of graduating students
experiencing a meaningful
international experience will increase
Excellent, customized academic
advising and services available to all
ATID undergraduate students to
support their success and degree
completion [T-2A]
G-4 The # of Doctorates awarded will
increase [B-5, T3-6]
G-5 There will be an increase in the
number of graduate student journal
publications, peer reviewed creative
activities, and peer reviewed
conference presentations.
E-1 There will be an increased
number of students participating in
engagement/service learning [T4-2]
F-1 Total compensation and start-up
packages will increase in order to
recruit outstanding faculty who
support the mission of the
Department [T5-3]
F-3 Graduate student and/or staff
support for faculty will increase
F-5 Add one faculty position [T5-J]
U-5 The # of graduating students
experiencing a meaningful
international experience will increase
by 10% [T2-1
U-5The # of graduating students
experiencing a meaningful
international experience will increase
by 20% [T2-1]
G-4 The # of doctorates awarded will
increase by 10% [B-5, T3-6]
G-5 There will be a 5% increase in the
number of graduate student journal
publications, peer reviewed creative
activities, and peer reviewed
conference presentations.
E-1 There will be a 5% increase in the
# of students participating in
engagement/service learning [T4-2]
F-1 Total compensation and start-up
packages will be at the average of
our peer institutions [T5-3]
G-4 The # of doctorates awarded will
increase by 20% [B-5, T3-6]
G-5 There will be a 10% increase in
the number of graduate student
journal publications, peer reviewed
creative activities, and peer reviewed
conference presentations.
E-1 There will be a 10% increase in
the # of students participating in
engagement/service learning [T4-2]
F-1 Total compensation and start-up
packages will be at the average of
our peers who are among the Top 50
public research institutions [T5-3]
F-3 Graduate student and/or staff
support for faculty will be in the top
half of our peer group
F-5 Add one faculty position [T5-J]
T6-A Update existing facilities to
meet current expectations of support
for teaching/learning, scholarship
and office work.
F-3 Graduate student and/or staff
support for faculty will be in the top
third of our peer group
F-5 Add one faculty position [T5-J]
4a. What resources and/or opportunities exist for your Department to achieve its vision and outcomes?
Highly productive faculty with strong scholarship agendas, good international relationships, and excellent teaching skills. We have strong
relationships with individuals and businesses in the apparel and textile industry and with interior designers, design firms, multi-disciplinary
design firms and furniture/interiors/building product manufacturers.
4b. What resources and/or opportunities are needed for your Department to achieve its vision and outcomes?
Additional faculty lines, funding for graduate students in the existing MS and PhD programs, funding for graduate students in the proposed
future master’s program in interior design, funding to support facilities improvements including additional space and improvements to existing
spaces, and funding for the Historic Costume and Textile Museum operations and staffing.
5. How do you propose to acquire the resources needed for your Department to accomplish its vision and outcomes?
Grants and contracts, additional university support, and sponsorships/gifts from individuals, corporations, and foundations.
K-State 2025 Strategic Action and Alignment Plan for Apparel, Textiles, and Interior Design
June 2013
6. How does your plan link to the K-State 2025 University Benchmark Metrics, Common Elements, and Thematic Goals, Outcomes, and Metrics?
(See below)
K-State 2025 Strategic Action and Alignment Plan for Apparel, Textiles, and Interior Design
June 2013
6. Departmental Links to K-State 2025 University Benchmark Metrics, Common Elements, and Thematic Goals, Outcomes, and Metrics
Links to Benchmark Metrics
B-1 - Total research and development expenditures
B-5 - Number of doctorates granted annually
B-8 - Percent of undergraduate students involved in research
Links to Common Elements
CE-6 - International
CE-7 - Sustainability
Links to University Thematic Goals, Outcomes, and Metrics
Links to 2025
Thematic Goals and Metrics
Links to Short Term Outcomes
(2011 – 2015)
T1 - Research, Scholarly and
Creative Activities, and Discovery
T1-C - Increased funding for
investigator-based research,
research centers, and graduate
training grants
Theme 1 Metrics:
T1-E - Competitive compensation
and support available to GRAs,
GTAs, and GAs
T1-2 - Total sponsored extramural
funding expenditures
T1-3 - # of juried, adjudicated, or
externally vetted performances,
shows and designs
T1-4 - # of refereed scholarly
publications per academic year and
allocated faculty member
T2 - Undergraduate Educational
Experience (UEE)
Theme 2 Metrics:
Links to Intermediate Outcomes
(2016 – 2020)
T1-M - Increased participation by
undergraduates in expanded
opportunities in research
T1-H - Enhanced visibility and
appreciation for research, discovery,
and scholarly and creative activities
T2-A - Excellent, customized
academic advising and services
available to all students to support
their success and degree completion
T2-1 - # and % of undergraduate
students participating in a meaningful
international experience
T3 - Graduate Scholarly Experience
T3-M - Increased number of
Doctorates Awarded
Theme 3 Metrics:
T3-6 - # of graduate terminal degrees
T4 - Engagement, Extension,
Outreach and Service
T4-A - Enhanced integration
between academics and student
service learning
K-State 2025 Strategic Action and Alignment Plan for Apparel, Textiles, and Interior Design
June 2013
Links to Long Term Outcomes
(2021 – 2025)
T1-Q - Competitive amongst our
peers in the percentage of
undergraduates involved in research
Links to University Thematic Goals, Outcomes, and Metrics
Links to 2025
Thematic Goals and Metrics
Links to Short Term Outcomes
(2011 – 2015)
Links to Intermediate Outcomes
(2016 – 2020)
Links to Long Term Outcomes
(2021 – 2025)
Theme 4 Metrics:
T4-2 - Total extramural-funded
expenditures for Engagement
initiatives at the local, state, national,
and international level
T5 - Faculty and Staff
Theme 5 Metrics:
T5-A - Total compensation
competitive with aspirant university
and regional employers for faculty
and staff in high priority areas
T5-3 - Competitive compensation
packages for faculty and staff
T6 - Facilities and Infrastructure
T6-A - Responsive, timely, and
strategic facilities services aligned
with campus operational needs as
well as future planning and
K-State 2025 Strategic Action and Alignment Plan for Apparel, Textiles, and Interior Design
June 2013
T5-E - Total compensation
competitive with aspirant university
and regional employers for all
T5-I - Stable funding available for
recruitment and retention of top level
faculty and staff