CBA Faculty Research on Accounting Education, 2008-2014 JOURNAL ARTICLES Business

CBA Faculty Research on Accounting Education, 2008-2014
Bittner, J., Deines, D. (2009). The Initiative to Create an AP Accounting Course and Exam. Business
Education Forum, Volume 63 No. 3(February 2009), 13-16.
Crosson, S., Krull, G., Deines, D., Gold, P. (2008). Accounting and Financial Literacy: Developing Lessons
That Stick. To appear in Business Education Forum, 62(4), 16,17,34.
Deines, D., Bittner, J., Eichman, G. (2012). The Accounting Pilot and Bridge Project. Issues in Accounting
Education, Vol. 27, No.1.
Fisher, D., Hageman, A. M. (2012). Using Journal Entries to Teach Partnership Tax: An Illustrative Case.
Journal of Accounting Education, 30(1), 100-130.
Hageman, A. M., Fisher, D. (2013). Student and Professional Attitudes about the Use of the Internal
Revenue Code and Treasury Regulations in an Introductory Tax Class. Advances in Accounting
Education, 14, 213-236.
Honn, D., Ugrin, J. C. (2012). The Effects of Cognitive Misfit on Students' Accounting Task Performance.
Issues in Accounting Education, 27(4), 979-998.
Kidwell, L. A., Fisher, D., Braun, R. L., Swanson, D. (2013). Developing Learning Objectives for Accounting
Ethics Using Bloom's Taxonomy. Accounting Education: An International Journal, 21, 1-22.
Linville, M. (2010). Formal Academic Disciplinary Actions and Entry into the Accounting Profession.
Journal of Business and Leadership: Research, Practice, and Teaching., 5(1), 88-96.
Nelson, I. T., Vendrzyk, V. P., Quirin, J. D., Kovar, S. (2008). Trends in Accounting Student Characteristics;
Results from a 15-Year Longitudinal Study at FSA Schools. Issues in Accounting Education, 23(3), 373390.
Presley, T. F., Truman State University, A. P. (2009). Factors Influencing Student Acceptance and Use of
Academic Portals. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 21(3), 167-182.
Ugrin, J. C., Garcia, H., Honn, D., Ott, R. (2013). Exploring the Cognitive Effects of Persuasive Messaging
on Students’ Perceptions about Accounting. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 13(4).
Wood, K., Ugrin, J. C. (2013). A Practice Set For Use with the Cognitive Apprenticeship Approach to
Teaching Intorductory Accounting and Tests of its Effectiveness. Accounting Instructors Report.
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CBA Faculty Research on Accounting Education, 2008-2014
Ainsworth, P., Deines, D. (2008). Introduction to Accounting: An Integrated Approach (4th Edition ed.).
New York, New York: Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
Ainsworth, P., Deines, D. (2010). Introduction to Accounting: An Integrated Approach. New York, New
York: McGraw-Hill/ Irwin.
Charland, K. (in press). Intermediate Accounting, 1st edition, Wahlen, Jones, Pagach, Chapter 1 Revised
(1st ed.). South-Western/Cengage Learning.
Kidwell, L., Fisher, D., Braun, B., Swanson, D. (2011). In Diane L. Swanson and Dann G. Fisher (Ed.), Core
Knowledge Objectives for Accounting Ethics Education Based on Bloom's Taxonomy (6th in Book
Series ed., pp. 307-333). Charlotte North Carolina: Information Age Publishing.
Shaub, M., Fisher, D. (2008). In Diane Swanson and Dann Fisher (Ed.), Beyond Agency Theory: Common
Values for Accounting Ethics Education.. Information Age Publishing.
Charland, K. (2009). Accounting Information Systems by Hall (6th ed.). Southwestern/Cengage Learning.
Charland, K. (2009). Intermediate Accounting by Spiceland, Sepe, Nelson, Tomassini (5th ed.). McGraw
Charland, K. (2009). Intermediate Accounting. Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Charland, K. (2010). Intermediate Accounting by Stice and Stice (18th ed.). South-Western/Cengage.
Charland, K. (in press). Intermediate Accounting, Kieso. Wiley.
Charland, K. (in press). Taxation Course and Textbook Survey. South-Western/Cengage Learning.
Olibe, Kingsley (2014). Security Returns and Volume Responses Around International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) Earnings Announcements. Accepted for presentation at Sao Paulo, Brazil 17-19th of
July by The International Journal of Accounting (V.K. Zimmerman Center for International Education
& Research in Accounting. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).
Olibe, Kingsley (2014). An Empirical Assessment of the Effect of Corporate International Diversification on
Firm Debt and Value. Accepted for presented at the Second International Conference of the Journal
of International Accounting Research (JIAR) to be held at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Poly
U) on June 6-7, 2014.
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CBA Faculty Research on Accounting Education, 2008-2014
Ugrin, J. C., Honn, D. (2008). The Effect of Preferred Problem Solving Style and Problem Solving Approach
on Task Performance and Retention of Unstructured Problem Solvers in Accounting Educational
Programs. American Accounting Association - Annual Meeting.
Ugrin, J. C., Honn, D. (2010). The Effects of Cognitive Misfit on Accounting Student Performance.
American Accounting Association - Annual Meeting.
Ugrin, J. C., Odom, M., Pearson, J., Bahmanziari, T. (2010). Exploring the Effects of the Social Component
of Mentoring Relationships on Doctoral Students and New Faculty Members in Accounting. American
Accounting Association - Southwest Meeting.
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